Cartography [PDF]

1. What are the four ways to manipulate a map projection? 1. coordinate manipulation, spheroid simplification, aspect, g

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Cartography [PDF]

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1. What are the four ways to manipulate a map projection? 1. coordinate manipulation, spheroid simplification, aspect, geometric form 2. aspect, case, light source, geometric form 3. gravity, light source, spheroid simplification 4. none of the above 2. When preparing maps that record land records and parcels, map projections are preferred that have the following properties? 1. equidistant 2. conformal 3. equivalent 4. azimuthal 5. equal area 6. orthomorphic 7. constant scale 8. zenithal 3. The following features are found on virtually all maps: 1. distance or scale 2. direction 3. locator map 4. legend 5. neatlines 4. Maps are valuable for which of the following reasons:

1. they provide a method for recording and storing information 2. they are a means of analyzing spatial data 3. they help us recognize non-spatial data 4. they are a method for presenting information and communicating findings 5. Cartographers may use a number of visual recources such as: 1. size and shape 2. texture or pattern 3. orientation 4. 1 and 2 only 5. 1, 2, and 3 6. none of the above 6. The term "nominal data" refers to: 1. a level of measurement 2. the quantitative grouping of data 3. the qualitative grouping of data 4. none of the above 5. 1 and 3 only 7. Ordinal data is grouped by: 1. rank 2. uses quantitative measurements 3. cannot be effectively grouped

4. 1 and 2 only 5. none of the above 8. Automated systems are capable of displaying and printing many different fonts on a map. An advantage of sans serif fonts are: 1. more rapid display 2. ease of character recognition by optical scanners 3. reading retention is generally better 4. none of the above 5. 2 is the best answer 9. Cartographer use the term "cutpoint" to: 1. to refer to the neatline on a map 2. to refer to category boundaries 3. the are that will be trimmed in a bound volume 4. a method for displaying equal distribution of data 10.In cartography the term "less is more" refers to: 1. using fewer maps to explain a physical phenomena 2. simple and legible map design that effectively communicates the desired information 3. limiting your map design to one page 4. eliminating non-essential information on a map

Which kind of cartography map shows how many people live in a place?

Population density




Maps do what with relation to cartography? 

Help people know where to go

Let people know someone else has been there first

Create a lot of questions

Determine who owns what

Which Greek mathematician came up with a set of equations that are still used today in cartography, map making? 





Who wrote about maps, cartography, as early as 7,000 B.C.E.? 





What do we have to thank for today’s precision map making of cartography today? 

Satellite images and GPS

Advanced equations



Cave drawings, a type of cartography of thousands of years ago, represented what? 

Hunting territories

Paths to the next village

From where the cave dwellers had come

Fishing holes

What else is shown on a physical cartography map? 

Land elevation and sea level

Where people live

Roads and highways

Historical landmarks

An equation is what with respect to cartography? 

Mathematical problem and solution

List of details

Instructions to solve a problem

A way to make things equal

What is a cartographer who studies cartography? 

Someone who makes maps

Someone who moves things from place to place

Someone responsible for loading a cart

Someone who designs carts and wagons

Which cartography maps show the oceans and continents of the world? 



Population density


The cartographic technique by which points on the sphere of the Earth are transferred to points on the plane surface of a map is ... A. trajection B. projection C. intersection D. interpolation E. approximation b One of the distinctive features of a topographic map is that it shows ... A. roads B. latitudes C. elevations D. scale of distances E. man-made structures C Two cities that are 2 1/2 inches apart on a map are actually 750 miles apart. Therefore, one inch on the map is equal to how many miles?

A. 250 B. 300 C. 350 D. 400 E. 450 b A compass indicates direction by detecting ... A. pressure differences B. variations in gravity C. solar wind directions D. magnetic lines of force E. differences in temperature D Which country shares a line of latitude with Mexico? A. Libya B. Denmark C. Mozambique D. North Korea E. New Zealand A A compass bearing of 165 degrees describes a ... A. northerly direction B. northwesterly direction C. southeasterly direction D. southwesterly direction E. northeasterly direction

C The junction of the prime meridian and the equator is closest to ... A. Asia B. Africa C. Europe D. Australia E. North America B What is the total number of degrees of longitude in one hemisphere of the Earth? A. 45 B. 90 C. 180 D. 270 E. 360 C The contour interval on a topographic map is 40 feet. There are 132 contour lines between your base camp and a mountain peak 1 mile away. The slope of the mountain is about ... A. 20 degrees B. 32 degrees C. 45 degrees D. 54 degrees E. 68 degrees C One degree of latitude equals about how many miles? A. 43 B. 56

C. 69 D. 87 E. 98 C A cartographer would use the fewest number of contour lines when drawing a topographic map of which state? A. Iowa B. Idaho C. Alaska D. Montana E. Pennsylvania A On Tuesday morning, Superman steps out of a convenient phone booth in Peking, China and flies eastward at the speed of Mach 3. He lands on the Golden Gate Bridge. What day is it? A. Friday B. Sunday C. Monday D. Tuesday E. Wednesday C Lines of longitude are most closely spaced in the northern part of ... A. China B. Russia C. Turkey D. Brazil E. Australia

B The most enduring and elusive challenge to navigators was accurately determining ... A. latitude B. longitude C. elevation D. true north E. magnetic north B The Mercator projection is actually which type of projection? A. conical B. gnomonic C. zenithal D. conformal E. cylindrical E On a cartogram in which the area of each country is adjusted to correspond with its population, which country is largest? A. India B. France C. Ethiopia D. Argentina E. United States A

Question 1

What map won the “Best in Show” award at the annual Cartography and Geographic Information Society competition? a map that covers an entire football field a map created by the world’s biggest supercomputer a map drawn by one man a map drawn using artificial intelligence

Question 2 On the Chicago close-up of the Imus map, which of the following is an innovation that doesn’t appear on the National Geographic map?

water depths in Lake Michigan points of interest in Gary, Indiana the dividing line between time zones the stateline tourist office at Kenosha

Question 3 If the city walls of Constantinople of AD 340 are superimposed over Washington, DC, they would fit between the Korean War Memorial and K Street. they would fit within the National Mall. they would stretch from the Potomac to 3rd Street. they would enclose all of the capital city and several suburbs.

Question 4 Scroll down on the Big Think page to find which type of electrical socket you will find if you travel to Argentina. the American model

the antipodean model the imperial model the European model

Question 5 Based on the Worldmapper site’s land area to population animation, in which regions or countries has population expanded the most? India and China South America Eastern Europe Australia and New Zealand