Cargo Lift User Manual [PDF]

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Cargo Lift User Manual


接入动力电、检测电压 Power connection and voltage detecting  待设备整体固定完成后,接入动力电(3L+1PE)进入总控箱;每根线径不低于 4mm, 材质为铜线。 After the lift is completely fixed, connect power (3L+1PE) into the main control box; each wire diameter no less than 4mm, made of copper wire.  使用万用表检测输入电压是否正常,输入电压不能超出或低于标准电压 10%; Using a multimeter to check if the input voltage is normal; the input voltage can not exceed or lower than the standard voltage of 10%;  电控箱接地需引入地下 1m 以下。 The grounding wire of control box should be 1m underground.  以上完成后,打开电控箱空气开关,观察电压检测显示是否正常,如果数字跳动,则表 示错相,或缺相。 错相解决方案:将输入的三相线中的任意两根互换即可解决。 缺相解决方案:检测三相线是否有一到两根线没有接入。 备注:如没有其他问题,且电控箱正面的电源指示灯为亮起状态,则接线正常,可以使用。 After completing the above steps, turn on the air switch in the electric control box and observe whether the voltage detection displays normal. If the digital jumps, it means there is Mis-phase, or Default phase . Mis-phase solution: exchange position any two of the 3phase wires for input power line. Default phase solution: check and see if there is one or two of the wires not connected to 3phase line. Note: if there is not other problems and the power indicator in front of the electric control box is on, then the wiring is normal for use.

U,V,W for 3 phase power supply

multimeter to check if the input voltage is normal


Air switch

总控箱及按钮盒使用说明 Main control box and control panel operation method  电控箱 Main control box  电源指示:通电后亮起 Power light: light on when connect power  蜂鸣器:故障报警 Buzzer: failure warning  运行指示:设备运行时亮起 Operation indicator: lights on when lift is in operation  手/自动切换:手动时,使用电控箱电动;自动时,使用按钮盒,到层停止。 Manual/Auto operation switch: use control box for manual operation, press and hold mode; use control panel for auto operation, press button and release, lift stops at supposed floor.  上升:可点动控制升降机上升 Up: control lift up by press and hold control  下降:可点动控制升降机下降 Down: control lift up by press and hold control  急停:在设备运行或停止状态中,按下后,设备将不能操作。 E-stop: press this button during lift is in operation or stop, the lift will not work.

如下图所示: As the following pictures show:


 按钮盒 Control panel on floor  急停:在设备运行或停止状态中,按下后,设备将不能操作。 E-stop: press this button during lift is in operation or stop, the lift will not work. Close: close the electromagnetic lock  数字按钮:按下后,升\降到对应的楼层 Number button 1/2: lift goes to corresponding floor after being pressed.


电控箱内部元器件介绍 Electric parts introduction inside control box

 空气开关:打开后,接通设备所有电源。 Air switch: turn on air switch, connect power to the equipment.  电压检测:检测电压是否正常,相序是否正确。 Voltage detection: Check whether the voltage is normal and whether the phase sequence is correct.  开关电源:将交流电转换成直流 24v 安全电压,用于设备的控制部分。 Switching power supply: converts AC power into DC 24V safety voltage for the control part of the equipment.  PLC:可编程控制器,内部加载设备运行程序,为电气部分的中央控制器。 PLC: Programmable controller, internally loaded device running program, it is the central controller of the electrical part.  中间继电器:控制电路中传递中间信号 Intermediate Relay: Passing Intermediate Signals in the Control Circuit


手动测试电机转向 Manual test of motor rotation direction  检查完以上事项后,在电控箱面板处,将运行模式切换到手动状态下,按上\下按钮, 使升降机点动运行,检测运行方向和按钮是否相符,如果上、下颠倒,将电机动力线中 的任意两根,相互调换。 After checking the above items, switch the operation mode to the manual operation on the control box and press the up/down button, lift operated in press and hold mode. Check if the running direction matches the buttons. If the direction is upside down,exchange any two of the three lines for motor power line.


自动运行 Test run and put into use  以上全部功能及问题学习后,即可使用自动运行操作设备。 在电控箱面板处,切换自动模式,使用按钮盒,按动楼层按键,设备将总动运转到相应 的楼层后停止。 After learning all the above functions and notices, you can switch the lift into auto-run operation and put it into use. On the panel of the electric control box, switch to automatic mode, use the control panels on each floor, press the floor button, and the lift will be stopped after running to the corresponding floor.

日常维护 Routine maintenance 1. Examine and maintain the lift weekly or once a month according to the operating frequencies lift. 1) To check the platform connection pin nuts no loose, and falls off. 2) To check the hydraulic tubing no rupture, connectors no leakage and loose. 3) To check the electrical lines no linking, bare. 4) To check all joint of controlling box no loose, the light is working properly. 5) To check the electrical, hydraulic valves block, the control handle, the button operating flexible. 6) To check the switch of the lower and higher limit position no loose, damaged. 7) To check the lubrication state of strut and cylinder pin, handling into enough oil. 8) To maintain the glide path often in lubrication, wheel and the slide no dry friction. 2. Maintain the pit clean, do not have the water and other impurities.


Motor instruction

01 hydraulic cylinder 02 bleed hole 03 o-ring 04 filler hole 05 M6 bolt 06 oil filter 07 oil suction pipe 08 gear pump 09 gear pump bolt 10 gear pump seals 11 hydraulic cylinder seals 12 oil return pipe 13 integration valve block 14 coupling 15 no-return valve 16 no-return valve seals 17 normally closed valve 17a normally closed valve spool 17b normally closed valve coil 17c normally closed valve nut 17d coil pin of normally closed valve 18 sealing washer of normally closed valve 19 emergency bolt 20 emergency bolt gasket 21 pressure regulating valve 22 sealing washer of pressure regulating valve 23 flow speed control valve 24 sealing washer of flow speed control valve 26 washer of M8 bolt

25 electrical machine 27 M8 bolt


Regular Failure and Failure Elimination of Platform and Pump Station Failures



Pump Station

1 Power of electrical machine (25) is abnormal (virtual

1 Connect the motor power correctly or regulate

Doesn't Give

connection or inversion).


Oil, so that

2 There is no oil or no enough oil in the cylinder.

2 Infuse the hydraulic oil.


3 Oil filter(06) is blocking.

3 Clean the oil filter or replace the hydraulic oil.

Cannot lift up.

4 Normally closed valve(17) is dirty.

4 Tear down the normally closed valve and wash it

5 Normally closed valve(17) and motor(25) is on power-up

with cleaning agent or paraffin.

state together.

5 Connect the lines correctly. When motor(25)

6 Stated pressure of pressure regulating valve(21) is not

electrify, the normally closed valve(17) should be


interrupt power.

7 Gear pump(08) is aged or damaged.

6 Adjust pressure regulating valve(21).

8 Hydraulic oil is going aged or bad.

7 Replace the gear pump(08).

9 Emergency bolt(19) becomes less crowded.

8 Change hydraulic oil.

10The joint between oil suction pipe(07) and gear pump(08)

9 Screw the emergency bolt(19).

becomes less crowded and air leakage.

10 Screw the oil suction pipe(07).


1 Power of normally closed valve(17) is not connected or there

1 Connect the lines correctly and check the voltage.


is too little electricity.


2 The voltage and voltage type of normally closed valve

2 Check the voltage and its type(AC or DC). Supply the

Return Oil.

coil(17b) is different from that of power.

same voltage as the normally closed valve coil(17b).


3 The normally closed valve coil(17b) is damaged.

3 Replace normally closed valve coil(17b).

Cannot drop

4 The normally closed valve nut(17c) loosens.

4 Screw normally closed valve nut(17c).


5 The flow speed control valve(23) is put off.

5 Put on flow speed control valve(23).

6 The normally closed valve(17) is jammed.

6 Tear down the normally closed valve(17) and wash it.

1 Normally closed valve(17) or no-return valve(15) is dirty.

1 Wash or replace the normally closed valve(17) and

2 Emergency bolt(19) loosens.

no-return valve(15).

3 Hosepipe is oil leak or oil cylinder is inside leak.

2 Screw the emergency bolt(19).

Platform Declines.

3 Check hosepipe and oil cylinder. It is swaying when

1 Normally closed valve(17) is dirty.

1 Wash the normally closed valve(17).

the lift is lifting or

2 Oil filter(06) is blocking or oil suction pipe(07) loosens.

2 Wash oil filter(06) or tighten oil suction pipe(07).

3 Hydraulic oil is going bad or it is not enough.

3 Replace hydraulic oil or fill up hydraulic oil.

4 Power line is too long.

4 Shorten power line.

5 Emergency bolt(19) loosens.

5 Screw emergency bolt(19).

6 The dropping speed is too slow or too quick.

6 Adjust flow speed control valve(23).

7 Oil pipeline becomes air leakage so that the oil cylinder is

7 Check and repair the oil pipeline.


8 Change oil cylinder or seal kit.


8 Cylinder is out of shape or seal kit is too tight so that the oil cylinder is crawling.
