CABook of Programs [PDF]

C ATA LY S T AT H L E T I C S %RRN RI 3URJUDPV Greg Everett 1 Copyright 2012 Greg Everett Published by Catalyst Ath

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CABook of Programs [PDF]

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Greg Everett


Copyright 2012 Greg Everett Published by Catalyst Athletics, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without prior written consent from the publisher. Catalyst Athletics, Inc Catalyst Athletics, Inc and Greg Everett advise that the exercises and techniques described in this book can be strenuous and may not be appropriate for all individuals, and do not make any claim to the safety of said exercises and techniques. It is strongly recommended that the reader consult a physician before engaging in any of the activities or practices illustrated or described herein. Catalyst Athletics, Inc and Greg Everett disclaim any and all liability for any injury sustained or condition arising from the performance of any of the exercises or training programs described in this book.

table of contents 5


225 Classic Cycle 2


Starter Program

233 Classic/Position Cycle


2-Phase Cycle

259 Classic Squat Wave Cycle

37 3-Phase Cycle 71

4- Block Cycle

279 General Cycle 295 Quick and Classic

103 4-Block Cycle 2

303 Russian Squat Cycle

133 4-Block Cycle 3

315 Strength by Feel Cycle

165 10x3 Squat Cycle

331 Strength Cycle

183 Advanced 2-Phase Cycle

343 Strength Cycle 2

203 Block and Pull Cycle

355 Strength Development Cycle

215 Classic Cycle

Greg Everett


book of programs IntroductIon The training program I write for the Catalyst Athletics website is intended to help individuals improve their Olympic weightlifting as well as strength, power and speed generally. The program is primarily weightlifting focused, but does include a small amount of conditioning work 2-3 days/week for those who want to maintain a base level of conditioning. This conditioning work is optional—the weightlifting workouts are complete on their own. Getting Started If you don’t have experience with regular weightlifting training, I suggest you use the starter program to transition into it more safely and effectively. These programs are demanding, and may not be appropriate or possible immediately for everyone. Individuals unaccustomed to this type of training may experience joint pain during the first cycle until they become conditioned to such training. During such a time, the athlete is encouraged to reduce the number of sets to prevent injury and to regularly ice the knees, elbows and wrists. Combining it with... I’m often asked if these programs can be combined with other programs. The answer of course is that you can do whatever you want, but these are complete programs and intended to be used as-is. My suggestion is that you either do it or you don’t—trying to create hybrids because you can’t stand the thought of not doing a certain something for 8 weeks is a pretty reliable formula for poor results if not a complete meltdown from overtraining. You can of course make modifications to address your individual weaknesses, but these are minor changes and shouldn’t significantly change the program in terms of volume, intensity, frequency or intent.

Greg Everett


Weight Prescriptions Most of the following programs use percentages to prescribe weights for each working set. These weights may need to be adjusted for certain individuals for a number of possible reasons. A perfect example of this is snatch and clean pulls or deadlift variations. For athletes with less developed classic lift technique, often pull and deadlift weight prescriptions will be too light, because they’re based on the 1RM snatch or clean. In such cases, the athlete will need to take the weight up based on feel and then follow the programs weight progressions based on that new starting weight. In all cases, the prescribed percentages are not set in stone—there will be times when it’s appropriate to stray from them. Unfortunately you’ll be on your own to make those judgment calls. The Exercises In addition to some well-known exercises, these workouts occasionally use some less-well-known exercises, particularly weightlifting movements. Descriptions and video demonstrations can be found here. Loading/Set/Rep Prescriptions Weightlifting prescriptions will be notated with the exercise, the intensity (loading), reps and sets. For example: Snatch – 75% x 2 x 5 This would indicate snatching 75% of the athlete’s 1RM snatch weight for 5 sets of 2 reps. If a load is not specified, notation for sets and reps will be in the reverse order. For example: Pull-ups – 5 x 10 This would indicate 5 sets of 10 reps. For exercise complexes, notation will usually include reps for each exercise performed in the set. This would look, for example, like: Power Clean + Power Jerk - 75% x 2+1 x 4


Catalyst Athletics Book of Programs

This would mean each set is 2 power cleans followed by 1 power jerk at 75%. Power Snatch + Snatch Balance - 75% x 2(1+1) x 5 This would indicate that each set is 1 power snatch, then 1 snatch balance, then 1 power snatch, then 1 snatch balance for 4 total reps per set. Prescribed percentages are of the exercise they accompany unless noted otherwise. A notable exception is snatch or clean pulls or deadlifts: percentages of these exercises are calculated from the 1RM of the snatch or clean (this is usually noted in the workout for clarity). Often exercises will have other types of loading prescriptions, including heavy single and max or max for day. Heavy single indicates taking the exercise to the heaviest weight for a single rep that can be managed in that training session. This is determined simply by gradually increasing the weight until that criterion is met without any failed attempts. If an attempt does fail, but the reason for failure is obviously technical in nature, the athlete can make another attempt. Otherwise the loading increase should stop when the athlete completes a rep he or she is confident is approximately the best possible at that time. Max or max for day, on the other hand, is a genuine test of a maximal effort. In this case, the athlete can give him- or herself up to 3 attempts at a given weight. If after 3 attempts the athlete is still unsuccessful, he or she is done with that exercise. An exception would be an athlete who is missing based on minor and known technical errors, and who is able to continue making attempts that are at least as close or better than previous attempts at that weight. In such cases, continued attempts are recommended until this trend reverses. Similar to the heavy single would be multiple reps with the “heavy” notation, e.g. heavy 3. This simply means taking the exercise up to the heaviest set of 3 reps you feel you’re able to do that day. RM stands for “rep max” and means you’ll take the exercise up to a maximum weight for the prescribed reps, e.g. 3RM, 5RM, 1RM. If percentages follow an RM prescription, they are of that day’s RM, not of the athlete’s current 1RM. For example: 3RM, 90% x 3 x 2 This would mean taking the exercise up to a max weight for 3 reps, then doing 2 more sets of 3 at 90% of that maximum weight. If a loading prescription is absent for a particular exercise, the athlete should choose the loading to approximate the heaviest possible for the prescribed

Greg Everett


sets and reps unless some other quality is prescribed. For conditioning workouts, attempt to select weights that allow you to perform the prescribed reps consecutively in at least the first set. Rest Periods Rest as needed between sets. Generally 2-3 minutes is a good starting point. For extremely tough work like heavy, high volume squats, 4-5 minutes rest can be taken if needed. Tempo Prescriptions Certain exercises will be accompanied by a 4-digit number that prescribes a speed at which the lift should be executed. The first digit refers to the eccentric portion (lowering); the second to the time between the finish of the eccentric and concentric portions; the third the concentric (lifting/raising); and the fourth the time between the completion of the concentric and beginning of the following eccentric portion. An “X” indicates performing the portion of the movement as quicky as possible. For example, the a good morning with the tempo 3020 would mean that the athlete would take 3 seconds flex the hip into the bottom positions, not pause, take 2 seconds to extend the hip back to the standing position, and not pause at the top before beginning the next rep Conditioning Workouts Conditioning workouts will be prescribed as a list of exercises following a set count with prescribed rest intervals if any. For example: 3 sets - no rest: 10 Sandbag cleans to shoulder – 50% BW 20 ball slams 50 m sprint This would indicate the workout is to be completed in superset fashion with no planned rest between exercises; that is, the total amount of work is to be completed in as little time as possible with correct movement execution. In other cases, conditioning workouts may involve programmed rest periods within an otherwise straight-through workout. An example might be:


Catalyst Athletics Book of Programs

3 sets: 10 Sandbag cleans to shoulder – 50% BW; no rest 20 ball slams; no rest 50 m sprint; 1 min rest or 3 sets: 10 Sandbag cleans to shoulder – 50% BW 20 ball slams 50 m sprint 1 min rest This would prescribe completing all reps of each exercise with no rest between, followed by a 1 minute rest before returning to the first exercise. There is no need to time these workouts; however, the goal is to complete them as quickly as possible with the emphasis on quality execution rather than speed. Supplemental Work In addition to basic weightlifting work, there will occasionally be supplemental work such as ab training and the like. These will be prescribed with set and rep counts, and are NOT meant to be completed like conditioning workouts; that is, they should be paced naturally, unless tempo and rest prescriptions are made. In many cases, this work will be done in compound sets; that is, the athlete will alternate between or among the exercises rather than completing all sets of each exercise before moving to the next. Such sets will be prescribed with letters and numbers associating exercises in each compound set. For example:

3 sets: A1. Pull-ups x 10 A2. Weighted sit-ups If there were “B” exercises following these, all 3 sets of A1 and A2 would be completed before the B sets were started. If ab work is not prescribed during a certain cycle, it is expected that you do it on your own at least 3 days/week, and ideally every training day.

Greg Everett


Splitting up the Workouts On days for which there are two distinct workouts, e.g. a weightlifting workout and conditioning workout, the two can be performed at different times of the day. Ideally separate the sessions by a minimum of 4 hours. They can also be performed in the written order in the same training session. Modifying the Workouts Individuals may find these workouts too demanding, at least initially. In these cases, the workouts can be modified as needed to accommodate the athlete’s recovery ability. Reduce the number of work sets while keeping the weight the same to reduce volume as needed. If this is inadequate, weights can be lowered slightly. For individuals who are not yet technically proficient with the Olympic lifts, the prescribed percentages will not elicit the desired physiological effect. Because these individuals’ 1RMs are limited by technique rather strength and power, the percentages will be too light and occasionally obviously unchallenging. Athletes will need to use their best judgment in determining how much heavier to take the lift by using the original percentage as a guideline—for example, if the prescribed loading is 95%, the athlete should be very challenged by the chosen weight; if it’s 65%, the loading should be relatively easy. Warming Up Standard Catalyst Athletics Warm-up If cold, begin the warm-up with some type of monostructural activity; rowing is the preferred activity because it uses such a large amount of muscle mass in a great range of functional motion and doesn’t introduce any impact to joints not yet warm. Running, cycling, jumping rope and the like can substitute in the absence of a rowing machine. After a 2-3 minutes of this initial warm-up, proceed to foam rolling and then some basic Dynamic Range of Motion (DROM) exercises. After this, move on to a specific warm-up with the barbell appropriate for the workout of the day. Don’t overdo it—this is a warm-up, not a workout. If you have specific items you want to work on that are not included in the workout, save them for the end so you don’t inadvertently tire yourself out for the actual training.


Catalyst Athletics Book of Programs

starter program for catalyst athletIcs onlIne Workouts The following is a 4-week training program that can be used to get started with the training program posted on this website. This is a good cycle to start with if you have not previously been doing the Olympic lifts frequently in your training. Ab work should be done every training day, along with any supplemental work, e.g. back extensions, upper body beach work, etc that you want to do. If you plan to do the conditioning portion of the program, add brief conditioning workouts 2 times per week after the workouts below. Keep them to about 5 minutes or less and generally stay away from leg-intensive exercises.

Week 1 Choose weights by feel. Use a single weight for all prescribed sets. Weights should be challenging this week, but comfortably below max efforts.

Monday • Clean & Jerk – 5 x 2+1 • Clean Pull – 3 x 3 • Back Squat – 3 x 5

Greg Everett


Wednesday • Snatch – 5 x 2 • Snatch Pull – 3 x 3 • Front Squat – 3 x 3 Thursday • Power Snatch – 5 x 2 • Power Clean & Power Jerk – 5 x 2(1+1) • Overhead Squat – 3 x 3 Saturday • Snatch – heavy single • Clean & Jerk – heavy single • Front Squat – heavy single


Catalyst Athletics Book of Programs

Week 2 Use same or similar weights as week 1 with this increased volume.

Monday • Clean & Jerk – 5 x 3+1 • Clean Pull – 4 x 3 • Back Squat – 5 x 5 Wednesday • Snatch – 5 x 3 • Snatch Pull – 4 x 3 • Front Squat – 5 x 3 Thursday • Power Snatch – 5 x 3 • Power Clean & Power Jerk – 5 x 3(1+1) • Overhead Squat – 5 x 3 Saturday • Snatch – 6 x 1 • Clean & Jerk – 6 x 1 • Front Squat – 3 x 1

Greg Everett


Week 3 Up the weights from last week as you’re able to.

Monday • Clean & Jerk – 5 x 1 • Clean Pull – 3 x 3 • Back Squat – 5 x 3 Tuesday • Power Snatch – 5 x 3 • Hang Clean – 5 x 2 Wednesday • Snatch – 5 x 1 • Snatch Pull – 3 x 3 • Front Squat – 5 x 2 Thursday • Hang Snatch – 5 x 3 • Power Clean & Power Jerk – 5 x 1+1 • Overhead Squat – 5 x 1 Saturday • Snatch – heavy single • Clean & Jerk – heavy single • Front Squat – heavy single


Catalyst Athletics Book of Programs

Week 4 Up the weights from last week as you’re able to.

Monday • Clean & Jerk – 5 x 1 • Clean Pull – 3 x 2 • Back Squat – 5 x 2 Tuesday • Power Snatch – 5 x 2 • Power Clean – 5 x 2 Wednesday • Snatch – 5 x 1 • Snatch Pull – 3 x 2 • Front Squat – 3 x 2 Thursday • Hang Snatch – 5 x 2 • Power Clean & Power Jerk – 4 x 1+1 • Overhead Squat – 3 x 1 Saturday • Snatch – heavy single • Clean & Jerk – heavy single • Front Squat – heavy single

Greg Everett


2-phase cycle 10 week cycle starting with more strength emphasis and moving into more classic lift emphasis

Week 1 Monday • Snatch - 70% x 2 x 3 • Snatch pull - 90% (of snatch) x 3 x 3 • Snatch deadlift - 90% (of snatch) x 3 x 3 • Front squat - 75% x 3 x 5 • Weighted GHD sit-ups - 3 x 8 Tuesday • Muscle snatch + 2 snatch balance - take to heaviest MS possible • Overhead squat - 80% x 1; 65% x 2 x 2 • Power clean + push jerk - 80% (of PC) x 1 x 4 3 rounds for time of:

10 sandbag Turkish get-ups (bag on shoulder) - 30% BW 20 kipping pull-ups Wednesday • Clean & jerk - 70% x 2 x 3 • Clean pull - 90% (of clean) x 3 x 3 • Clean deadlift - 100% (of clean) x 3 x 3 • Back squat - 75% x 3 x 5 • Hanging leg raise - 3 x 10 • KB sidebend - 3 x 10 Greg Everett


Thursday • Jerk - heavy single; 80% of that x 1 x 3 • 2-position snatch (floor, mid-thigh) - 60% x 3 sets • 2-position clean (floor, mid-thigh) - 60% x 3 sets 4 rounds for time of:

300 m row 5 push press - 75% Friday Rest Saturday • Snatch - heavy single • Clean & jerk - heavy single • Front squat - heavy single

25-20-15-10 reps for time:

Kipping pull-ups Knees to elbows Sunday Rest


Catalyst Athletics Book of Programs

Week 2 Monday • Snatch - 75% x 1 x 4 • Snatch pull - 95% x 3 x 3 • Snatch deadlift - 103% x 3 x 3 • Front squat - 78% x 3 x 5 • Windmill - 3 x 5/side Tuesday • Overhead squat - heavy single • Muscle snatch - heavy single • Power snatch - 80% x 1 x 4 3 rounds for time of:

100 m sprint 10 broad jumps 20 kipping pull-ups Wednesday • Clean & jerk - 75% x 1 x 4 • Clean pull - 95% (of clean) x 3 x 3 • Clean deadlift - 103% (of clean) x 3 x 3 • Back squat - 78% x 3 x 5 • Hanging leg raise - 3 x 15 Thursday • Hang muscle snatch - 75% x 3 x 3 • Snatch - 60% x 3 x 3 • Clean & jerk - 60% x 2 x 3 3 rounds for time:

10 sandbag Zercher cleans - 50% BW 50 m farmers walk - 40% BW/side 10 Turkish get-ups - 25% BW sandbag on shoulder

Greg Everett


Friday Rest Saturday • Snatch - heavy single • Clean & jerk - heavy single • Back squat - heavy single • Stiff-legged deadlift - 3 x 5 heavy

3 rounds for time:

10 burpees 10 kipping pull-ups Sunday Rest


Catalyst Athletics Book of Programs

Week 3 Monday • Clean & jerk - 75% x 1 x 3 • Snatch pull - 97% x 3 x 3 • Snatch deadlift - 105% x 3 x 3 • Front squat - 81% x 3 x 5 • Stiff-legged DL - 3 x 5 Tuesday • Muscle snatch - heavy single • Snatch balance - heavy single 3 rounds for time of:

8 DB push press - 30% BW each 12 kipping pull-ups 16 KB swings - 40% BW Wednesday • Back squat - 81% x 3 x 5 • Power snatch + snatch - 50% x 2 sets; 55% x 2 sets; 60% x 3 sets • Clean pull - 97% x 3 x 3 • Clean deadlift - 105% x 3 x 3 • Weighted GHD sit-ups - 3 x 10 Thursday • Jerk - 80% x 2 x 2; 85% x 2 x 2 • Jerk dip squat - 90% (of jerk) x 3; 95% x 3; 100% x 3 • Snatch push press - 70% (of snatch) x 5; 75% x 5; 80% x 5 x 2 7 rounds for time:

5 kipping pull-ups 5 box jumps Friday Rest

Greg Everett


Saturday • Snatch - heavy single • Clean & jerk - heavy single • Back squat - heavy single 40-30-20 reps for time of:

Push ball Jumping ring pull-ups Sit-ups Sunday Rest


Catalyst Athletics Book of Programs

Week 4 Monday • Snatch - 75% x 1 x 3 • Clean & jerk - 70% x 1 x 3 • Snatch pull of 3" riser - 90% (of snatch) x 3 x 3 • Front squat - 84% x 2 x 4 • Stiff-legged deadlift - 3 x 5 (add weight from last Mon) • Hanging leg raise - 3 x 15 Tuesday • Mid-hang muscle snatch - 75% x 3 x 3 • Snatch balance + 2 overhead squats - 75% (of snatch) x 3 sets For time: 500 m row 5 (1 Sandbag shoulder + 2 walking lunges) 2 rope climbs 10 sandbag power cleans 2 rope climbs 500 m row

Wednesday Power snatch - 75% x 1 x 3 • • Power clean & push jerk - 75% x 1 x 3 • Clean pull off 3 riser - 90% (of clean) x 3 x 3 • Back squat - 84% x 2 x 3 - follow each set immediately with 3 box jumps • Turkish get-up sit-up - 3 x 5/side Thursday • Jerk - 75% x 3 x 3 • Push press - 82% x 4 x 4 • Jumping squat - 90% (of back squat) x 3; 95% x 3; 100% x 3 5 rounds for time:

5 KB swings - 40% BW 10 sit-ups 50 m sprint 30 sec rest Greg Everett


Friday Rest Saturday • Snatch - heavy single • Clean & jerk - heavy single • Front squat - heavy single If your heavy single for your snatch or CJ is 85% or less of your best, drop to 90% of that single for 1, then 80% for 3 more singles. 3 rounds for time:

kipping pull-ups (as many as you can perform uninterrupted) 10 box jumps - mid-thigh + Sunday Rest


Catalyst Athletics Book of Programs

Week 5 Monday • Snatch - 80% x 1 x 3 • Clean & jerk - 70% x 1 x 3 • Snatch pull - 100% (of snatch) x 2 x 3 • Front squat - 87% x 1 x 5 • Weighted GHD sit-ups - 3 x 10 Tuesday • Jerk - heavy single; 90% x 1; 80% x 1 x 2 • Push press - 84% x 3 x 3 • Muscle snatch - heavy single 3 rounds for time of:

20 kipping pull-ups 10 overhead sandbag throws Sandbag throws: Start with a heavy sandbag on the ground between your feet. Lift and swing as if performing a KB swing, but throw the back behind yourself at the top of the swing.

Wednesday • Clean & jerk - 80% x 1 x 3 • Snatch - 70% x 1 x 3 • Clean deadlift - 109% (of clean) x 2 x 3 • Back squat - 87% x 1 x 5; follow each set with 3 box jumps • Knees to elbows - 3 x 15 • KB sidebend - 3 x 10/side

Greg Everett


Thursday • Snatch balance - heavy single • Jerk - 70% x 3 x 3 • Muscle snatch - 75% x 2 x 3 • Mid-hang snatch - 60% x 3 x 2; 65% x 2 x 2 3 rounds for time of:

300 m row 10 Turkish get-ups (5/side) - 30% BW Friday Rest Saturday • Snatch - heavy single • Clean & jerk - heavy single • Front squat - heavy single 5 rounds for time of:

50 m sprint 8 kipping pull-ups Sunday Rest


Catalyst Athletics Book of Programs

Week 6 Monday • Snatch - 70% x 1 x 3 • Clean & jerk - 70% x 1 x 3 • Back squat - 80% x 2 x 2 • Turkish get-up - 3 x 5/side Tuesday • Power snatch - heavy single • Power clean & jerk - heavy single (if jerk fails first, keep going up to a heavy single power clean)

4 rounds for time: 5 box jumps 10 kipping pull-ups 30 sec rest Wednesday • Snatch - 65% x 2 x 4 • Clean & jerk - 65% x 2 x 3 • Snatch push press + overhead squat - 65% (of snatch) x 3 + 3 x 4 • Ab wheel - 3 x 15 Thursday • Snatch - 70% x 1 x 3 • Clean & jerk - 70% x 1 x 3 3 rounds for time:

8 Sandbag power clean & push press - 40% BW 100 m sprint Friday Rest

Greg Everett


Saturday • Snatch - heavy single • Clean & jerk - heavy single • Front squat - heavy single • Pull-ups - 3 x max OR rope climb - 5 total Sunday Rest


Catalyst Athletics Book of Programs

Week 7 Monday • Snatch - heavy single; 85% of that x 1 x 5 • Clean & jerk - heavy single; 85% of that x 1 x 4 • Front squat - clean heavy single wt x 2 x 3 • Plate twists - 3 x 30 • Ab roll-outs - 3 x 15 Tuesday • Power snatch - 75% x 1 x 5 • Power clean & jerk - 75% x 1 x 5 3 rounds for time:

10 (2 walking lunge + 1 broad jump) 15 kipping pull-ups Wednesday Snatch - heavy single; 90% of that x 1 x 4 • • Clean & jerk - heavy single; 90% of that x 1 x 3 • Back squat - clean single wt x 3 x 3 • GHD sit-ups - 3 x 15 (weight if needed) Thursday • Muscle snatch - 80% x 1 x 3 • Snatch - 75% of Wed heavy single x 1 x 5 • Clean & jerk - 75% of Wed heavy single x 1 x 4 For time:

50 m sprint 15 kipping pull-ups 30 sec rest 100 m sprint 10 kipping pull-ups 30 sec rest 200 m sprint 5 kipping pull-ups 30 sec rest 50 m sprint 10 kipping pull-ups Greg Everett


Friday Rest Saturday • Snatch - heavy single; 85% of that x 1 x 4 • Clean & jerk - heavy single; 85% of that x 1 x 3 • Front squat - heavy single 3 rounds for time:

300 m row 7 burpees Sunday Rest


Catalyst Athletics Book of Programs

Week 8 Monday • Snatch - heavy single; 90% of that x 1 x 4 • Clean & jerk - heavy single; 90% of that x 1 x 3 • Back squat - today’s clean max x 3 x 3 • Weighted GHD sit-ups - 3 x 15 Tuesday • Power snatch - 75% of Monday’s snatch x 1 x 5 • Power clean & jerk - 75% of Monday’s clean & jerk x 1 x 5 3 rounds for time:

15 KB swing - 40% BW 15 DB push press - 25% BW each Wednesday • Snatch - heavy single; 85% of that x 1 x 4 • Clean & jerk - heavy single; 85% of that x 1 x 4 • Front squat - heaviest clean weight x 2 x 3 • Knees to elbows - 3 x 15 • KB sidebends - 3 x 10 Thursday • Snatch - 75% of Wed. snatch x 1 x 5 • Clean & jerk - 75% of Wed. CJ x 1 x 5

3 rounds for time:

10 clapping pull-ups 10 clapping push-ups Friday Rest

Greg Everett


Saturday • Snatch - heavy single; 90% of that x 1 x 4 • Clean & jerk - heavy single; 90% of that x 1 x 3 • Back squat - heavy single clean weight x 3 x 3 6 intervals of:

100 m row sprint 200 m row cruise - Ab work of choice Sunday Rest


Catalyst Athletics Book of Programs

Week 9 Monday • Snatch - heavy single; 90% of that x 1 x 3 • Clean & jerk - heavy single; 90% of that x 1 x 3 • Front squat - clean single wt x 2 x 2 • Ab wheel - 3 x 15 Tuesday • Power snatch - 75% of Mon snatch (no more than 80% of best pwr sn) x 1 x 5 • Power clean & jerk - 75% of Mon CJ (no more than 80% of best pwr CJ) x 1 x 5 3 rounds for time:

15 kipping pull-ups 7 box jumps - mid-thigh+ Wednesday • Snatch - heavy single; 85% of that x 1 x 3 • Clean & jerk - heavy single; 85% of that x 1 x 3 • Back squat - clean single wt x 2 x 2 • Hanging leg raise - 3 x 15 Thursday • Snatch balance - 65% (of snatch) x 3 x 3 • Hanging leg raise - 3 x 15 Thursday • Snatch balance - 65% (of snatch) x 3 x 3 • Mid-hang snatch - 60% x 2 x 3 • Mid-hang clean & power jerk - 60% (of clean) x 2 x 3 3 rounds for time:

20 push ball - 15% BW 20 KB snatch (10/arm) - 25% BW Friday Rest

Greg Everett


Saturday • Snatch - heavy single; 90% of that x 1 x 3 • Clean & jerk - heavy single; 90% of that x 1 x 3 • Front squat - clean single wt x 2 x 2 • Weighted ab-mat sit-up - 3 x 10 Sunday Rest


Catalyst Athletics Book of Programs

Week 10 Monday • Snatch - 80% of last week’s best x 1 x 6 • Clean & jerk - 80% of last week’s best x 1 x 5 • Front squat - 80% x 1 x 3 • Ab wheel - 3 x 15 Tuesday • Power snatch - 80% of Mon x 1 x 6 • Power clean & jerk - 80% of Mon x 1 x 4 3 rounds for time:

8 sandbag power clean & push press - 50% BW 100 m sprint Wednesday • Snatch - same as Monday • Clean & jerk - same as Monday • Back squat - 80% x 1 x 3 • Weighted GHD sit-ups - 3 x 10 Thursday • Power snatch - same as Tuesday • Power clean & jerk - same as Tuesday 3 rounds for time:

300 m row 5 box jumps - mid-thigh+ 15 kipping pull-ups Friday Rest

Greg Everett


Saturday • Snatch - 80% of last week’s best x 1 x 6 • Clean & jerk - 80% of last week’s best x 1 x 5 • Front squat - heavy single 3 rounds for time: 200 m sprint 20 kipping pull-ups Sunday Rest


Catalyst Athletics Book of Programs

3-phase cycle This is an 18-week program that runs through 3 distinct phases: the first emphasizes squatting and pushing strength; the second emphasizes pulling strength; and the final emphasizes classic lift performance, finishing with a peak for max snatch and clean and jerk attempts. This week, you will need to feel out the top weights for each exercise (heavy X reps). These should not be maximal efforts, but challenging. The percentages that follow are of that heaviest set. Throw in ab work at least 3 times during the week.

Week 1 Monday • Jerk behind the neck - heavy 5; 95% x 5, 90% x 5 • Push Press - heavy 8; 95% x 8, 90% x 8 • Back Squat - heavy 8; 95% x 8, 90% x 8 • Jerk dip squat - heavy 8, 95% x 8, 90% x 8 Tuesday • Power Clean - heavy 5, 95% x 5, 90% x 5 • Heaving snatch balance - heavy 5; 95% x 5, 90% x 5 • Clean Pull - heavy 8; 95% x 8, 90% x 8 3 sets: no rest:

15 KB swings 15 pull-ups

Greg Everett


Wednesday • Pause Jerk - heavy 5, 95% x 5, 90% x 5 • OHS + snatch push press - heavy 4+4, 95% x 4+4, 90% x 4+4 • Back squat - 100% of Mon’s heavy BS set x 5 x 3 • Pause back squat - 80% of today’s BS wt x 3 x 3 Pause jerk: pause in the bottom of the dip for 2 sec before driving and finishing the jerk.

Thursday • Power Snatch - heavy 5; 95% x 5, 90% x 5 • Snatch pull - heavy 8, 95% x 8, 90% x 8 • Hang muscle snatch - heavy 5; 95% x 5, 90% x 5 3 sets; no rest:

10 sandbag power cleans 10 sandbag push press Friday Rest Day Saturday • Snatch - heavy 3; 90% x 3 • Clean & Jerk - heavy 3+1; 90% x 3+1 • Front squat - heavy 5; 95% x 5, 90% x 5 • Good morning - heavy 8; 95% x 8, 90% x 8 Sunday Rest Day


Catalyst Athletics Book of Programs

Week 2 This week your top weights should be maximal efforts for the prescribed number of reps. Avoid failed reps as much as possible. On postural exercises, e.g. jerk dip squats, pulls, etc., push the weights, but not past reasonably correct positioning.

Monday • Jerk behind the neck - 5RM; 95% x 5, 90% x 5 • Push Press - 8RM; 95% x 8, 90% x 8 • Back Squat - 8RM; 95% x 8, 90% x 8 • Jerk dip squat - 8RM, 95% x 8, 90% x 8 Tuesday • Power Clean - 5RM, 95% x 5, 90% x 5 • Heaving snatch balance - 5RM; 95% x 5, 90% x 5 • Clean Pull - 8RM; 95% x 8, 90% x 8 5 sets; no rest: 10 push ball (6-8# ball max - quick cycle time) 5 pull-ups Wednesday • Pause Jerk - 5RM, 95% x 5, 90% x 5 • OHS + snatch push press - 4+4 RM, 95% x 4+4, 90% x 4+4 • Back squat - 100% of Mon’s heavy BS set x 5 x 3 • Pause back squat - 80% of today’s BS wt x 3 x 3 Thursday • Power Snatch - 5RM; 95% x 5, 90% x 5 • Snatch pull - 8RM, 95% x 8, 90% x 8 • Hang muscle snatch - 5RM; 95% x 5, 90% x 5 3 sets; no rest: 15 sprawl ball 10 DB chainsaw rows/arm

Greg Everett


Friday Rest Day Saturday • Snatch - 3RM; 90% x 3 • Clean & Jerk - 3+1 RM; 90% x 3+1 • Front squat - 5RM; 95% x 5, 90% x 5 • Good morning - 8RM; 95% x 8, 90% x 8 Sunday Rest Day


Catalyst Athletics Book of Programs

Week 3 Monday • Jerk behind the neck - heavy 3; 95% x 3, 90% x 3 • Push Press - heavy 6, 95% x 6, 90% x 6 • Back squat - heavy 6, 95% x 6, 90% x 6 • Jerk dip squat - heavy 6, 95% x 6, 90% x 6 Tuesday • Power clean - heavy 4, 95% x 4, 90% x 4 • Snatch balance - heavy 3, 95% x 3, 90% x 3 • Clean Pull - heavy 6, 95% x 6, 90% x 6 3 sets; no rest:

15 KB swings 10 hang DB muscle snatch Wednesday Jerk dip squat + jerk - heavy 3+1, 95% x 3+1, 90% x 3+1 • • 1 1/4 OHS + snatch push press - heavy 2+4, 95% x 2+4, 90% x 2+4 • Back squat - 95% of Mon x 4 x 3 • Front squat - 80% of today’s BS x 3 x 3 1 1/4 OHS + snatch push press: With the bar overhead, squat to the bottom, rise to just above the sticking point of your squat, return to the bottom, then stand completely; this is one of the 2 OHS reps. After the second, lower the bar to your back and perform 4 snatch push presses. This series is one set.

Thursday • Power snatch - heavy 4, 95% x 4, 90% x 4 • Snatch pull - heavy 6, 95% x 6, 90% x 6 • Jerk split squat - heavy 6, 95% x 6, 90% x 6 4 sets; no rest:

12 pull-ups 12 dips

Greg Everett


Jerk split squat: Rack the bar on your back as you would for a back squat and step into your jerk split receiving position. Squat from approximately straight knees to the depth at which you would receive a heavy jerk - not to a full depth lunge position. Repeat on your nonjerk-leg side as well for balance.

Friday Rest Day Saturday • Snatch - heavy double; 90% x 2 • Clean & Jerk - heavy 2+1; 90% x 2+1 • Front squat - heavy 3, 95% x 3, 90% x 3 • SLDL - heavy 6, 95% x 6, 90% x 6 Sunday Rest Day


Catalyst Athletics Book of Programs

Week 4 Monday • Jerk behind the neck - 3RM; 95% x 3, 90% x 3 • Push Press - 6RM, 95% x 6, 90% x 6 • Back squat - 6RM, 95% x 6, 90% x 6 • Jerk dip squat - 6RM, 95% x 6, 90% x 6 Tuesday • Power clean - 4RM, 95% x 4, 90% x 4 • Snatch balance - 3RM, 95% x 3, 90% x 3 • Clean Pull - 6RM, 95% x 6, 90% x 6 3 sets; no rest:

10 KB snatch/arm 15 DB chainsaw rows/arm Wednesday • Jerk dip squat + jerk - 3+1 RM, 95% x 3+1, 90% x 3+1 • 1 1/4 OHS + snatch push press - 2+4 RM, 95% x 2+4, 90% x 2+4 • Back squat - 95% of Mon x 4 x 3 • Front squat - 80% of today’s BS x 3 x 3 Thursday • Power snatch - 4RM, 95% x 4, 90% x 4 • Snatch pull - 6RM, 95% x 6, 90% x 6 • Jerk split squat - 6RM, 95% x 6, 90% x 6 5 sets; no rest:

10 chin-ups 5 box jumps (mid-thigh height +) On box jumps, as has been said before on this site, we’re interested in the actual jump - no need to stand up once on the box. Also, these are not depth jumps - get back down to the ground smoothly and safely and reset for your next jump.

Greg Everett


Friday Rest Day Saturday • Snatch - 2RM; 90% x 2 • Clean & Jerk - 2+1 RM; 90% x 2+1 • Front squat - 3RM, 95% x 3, 90% x 3 • SLDL - 6RM, 95% x 6, 90% x 6 Sunday Rest Day


Catalyst Athletics Book of Programs

Week 5 Monday • Jerk behind the neck - heavy single; 80% of that x 2 x 3 • Push Press - heavy 4; 95% x 4, 90% x 4 • Back squat - heavy 4, 95% x 4, 90% x 4 • Jerk dip squat - heavy 4, 95% x 4, 90% x 4 Tuesday • Snatch balance - heavy single; 80% of that x 2 x 2 • Power clean - heavy 3, 95% x 3, 90% x 3 • Clean Pull - heavy 4, 95% x 4, 90% x 4 4 sets; no rest:

10 topside halfmoons w/ plate 10 DB hang high-pulls Wednesday Jerk - heavy single; 80% of that x 2 x 3 • • Overhead squat - heavy single; 80% x 2 x 3 • 1 1/4 Back squat - 80% of Mon squat x 3 x 3 Thursday • Power snatch - heavy 3, 95% x 3, 90% x 3 • Snatch pull - heavy 4, 95% x 4, 90% x 4 4 sets; no rest:

max consecutive push-ups (no failure) Walking suitcase lunge - 6 steps/leg Friday Rest Day

Greg Everett


Saturday • Snatch - heavy single • Clean & Jerk - heavy single • ront squat - heavy double; 90% of that x 2 x 2 • SLDL - heavy 5, 95% x 5, 90% x 5 Sunday Rest Day


Catalyst Athletics Book of Programs

Week 6 Monday • Jerk behind the neck - 1RM; 80% of that x 2 x 3 • Push Press - 4RM; 95% x 4, 90% x 4 • Back squat - 4RM, 95% x 4, 90% x 4 • Jerk dip squat - 4RM, 95% x 4, 90% x 4 Tuesday • Snatch balance - 1RM; 80% of that x 2 x 2 • Power clean - 3RM, 95% x 3, 90% x 3 • Clean Pull - 4RM, 95% x 4, 90% x 4 4 sets; no rest:

15 sandbag bent rows* 15 KB push-press * sandbag starts on floor each time; use a heavy bag and plenty of body English Wednesday • Jerk - heavy single; 80% of that x 2 x 3 • Overhead squat - heavy single; 80% x 2 x 3 • 1 1/4 Back squat - 80% of Mon squat x 3 x 3 Thursday • Power snatch - 3RM, 95% x 3, 90% x 3 • Snatch pull - 4RM, 95% x 4, 90% x 4 3 sets; no rest:

12 pull-ups 20 push ball Push ball: Remember, this is intended to be a very quick cycling exercise; use a 6-8 lb ball and aim for banging out 20 reps as fast as possible rhythmically. Friday Rest Day

Greg Everett


Saturday • Snatch - heavy single • Clean & Jerk - heavy single • Front squat - 2RM; 90% of that x 2 x 2 • SLDL - 5RM, 95% x 5, 90% x 5 Sunday Rest Day


Catalyst Athletics Book of Programs

Week 7 Monday • Snatch - 85% x 1 x 3; 50% x 1 x 5 OTM • Clean & Jerk - 80% x 1 x 3 • Clean Pull - 90% x 2, 95% x 2, 100% x 2 • Front squat - 85% x 1 x 2 This week will taper for maxes on Saturday.

Tuesday • Snatch - 50-60% x 1 x 8 • Clean & Jerk - 50-60% x 1 x 6 • Box jump - 4 x 3 Wednesday • Snatch - 80% x 1 x 3; 50% x 1 x 5 OTM • Snatch Pull - 90% x 2, 95% x 2, 100% x 2 • Clean & Jerk - 60% x 1 x 5 Thursday • Snatch - 50% x 1 x 8 • Clean & Jerk - 50% x 1 x 6 • Box jump - 4 x 2 Friday Rest Day Saturday Snatch - max • • Clean & Jerk - max • Front squat - max Sunday Rest Day

Greg Everett


Week 8 Monday • Block Clean (mid-thigh) - heavy 3, 95% x 3, 90% x 3 • Floating Clean Pull - heavy 5, 95% x 5, 90% x 5 • Clean Segment Deadlift (1", knee / 2 sec pause) - heavy 4, 95% x 4, 90% x 4 4 sets; no rest:

5 box jumps (mid-thigh+) 10 chin-ups Tuesday • Push Press + Power Jerk + Jerk - heavy 1+1+1, 95% x 1+1+1, 90% X 1+1+1 • Mid-Hang Power Snatch - 3 x 5 at med wt • Block Snatch High-Pull (mid-thigh) - 3 x 8 at med wt • Front Squat - heavy 3, 95% x 3, 90% x 3 Power snatch and snatch high-pull weights should be challenging but allow quality reps. Power snatches should be snappy and locked out completely; high-pulls should be to maximum elbow height. Wednesday Block Snatch (mid-thigh) - heavy 3, 95% x 3, 90% x 3 • • Floating Snatch Pull - heavy 5, 95% x 5, 90% x 5 • Snatch Segment Deadlift (1", knee / 2 sec pause) - heavy 4, 95% x 4, 90% x 4 With 30 sec rest after each couplet:

30 KB swings / 30 DB push press 20 KB swings / 20 DB push press 10 KB swings / 10 DB push press


Catalyst Athletics Book of Programs

Thursday • Jerk behind the neck + jerk - heavy 1+1, 95% x 1+1, 90% x 1+1 • Mid-hang Power Clean - heavy 5, 95% x 5, 90% x 5 • Snatch Balance - heavy 3, 95% x 3, 90% x 3 • Back Squat - 90% (of Tues FS) x 5 x 3 Friday Rest Day Saturday • Snatch Pull + Snatch - heavy 1+1, 95% x 1+1, 90% x 1 +1 • Clean Pull + Clean + Jerk - heavy 1+1+1, 95% x 1+1+1, 90% x 1+1+1 • Front Squat - heavy double, 95% x 2, 90% x 2 Sunday Rest Day

Greg Everett


Week 9 Monday • Block Clean (mid-thigh) - 3RM, 95% x 3, 90% x 3 • Floating Clean Pull - 5RM, 95% x 5, 90% x 5 • Clean Segment Deadlift (1", knee / 2 sec pause) - 4RM, 95% x 4, 90% x 4 4 sets; no rest:

10 KB cross-chops/side 10 KB snatch/arm Tuesday • Push Press + Power Jerk + Jerk - Max 1+1+1, 95% x 1+1+1, 90% X 1+1+1 • Mid-Hang Power Snatch - 3 x 5 w heavier wt than last wk • Block Snatch High-Pull (mid-thigh) - 3 x 8 w heavier wt than last wk • Front Squat - 3RM, 95% x 3, 90% x 3 Wednesday • Block Snatch (mid-thigh) - 3RM, 95% x 3, 90% x 3 • Floating Snatch Pull - 5RM, 95% x 5, 90% x 5 • Snatch Segment Deadlift (1", knee / 2 sec pause) - 4RM, 95% x 4, 90% x 4 3 sets; no rest:

15 Chinese DB rows/arm 10 DB muscle snatch Thursday • Jerk behind the neck + jerk - Max 1+1, 95% x 1+1, 90% x 1+1 • Mid-hang Power Clean - 5RM, 95% x 5, 90% x 5 • Snatch Balance - 3RM, 95% x 3, 90% x 3 • Back Squat - 90% (of Tues FS) x 5 x 3 Friday Rest Day


Catalyst Athletics Book of Programs

Saturday • Snatch Pull + Snatch - Max 1+1, 95% x 1+1, 90% x 1 +1 • Clean Pull + Clean + Jerk - Max 1+1+1, 95% x 1+1+1, 90% x 1+1+1 • Front Squat - 2RM, 95% x 2, 90% x 2 Sunday Rest Day

Greg Everett


Week 10 Monday • Block clean (knee) - heavy 3; 95% x 3, 90% x 3 • Clean pull on riser - heavy 4, 95% x 4, 90% x 4 • Halting clean deadlift (upper thigh) - heavy 3, 95% x 3, 90% x 3 3 sets; no rest:

15 KB swings 15 pull-ups Tuesday • Power jerk + jerk - heavy 1+1, 95% x 1+1, 90% x 1+1 • Mid-hang power snatch - heavy 3, 95% x 3, 90% x 3 • Mid-hang snatch high-pull (flat-footed) - 3 x 6 • Front squat - heavy double, 95% x 2, 90% x 2 Keep the snatch high-pulls at a weight that allows you to get the elbows elevated maximally on all reps; the top position is more important than the weight.

Wednesday • Block snatch (knee) - heavy 3, 95% x 3, 90% x 3 • Snatch pull on riser - heavy 4, 95% x 4, 90% x 4 • Halting snatch deadlift (hip) - heavy 3, 95% x 3, 90% x 3 For 5 minutes:

5 KB clean + 5 KB push press/arm 10 topside halfmoons Thursday • Pause jerk + jerk - heavy 1+1, 95% x 1+1, 90% x 1+1 • Mid-hang power clean - heavy 3, 95% x 3, 90% x 3 • Snatch balance - heavy double; 95% x 2, 90% x 2 • Mid-hang clean high-pull (flat-footed) - 3 x 6 • Back squat - 90% (of Tues FS wt) x 3 x 3


Catalyst Athletics Book of Programs

Friday Rest Day Saturday • Snatch - heavy double; 95% x 2, 90% x 2 • Clean & Jerk - heavy double, 95% x 2, 90% x 2 • Front squat - heavy double; 95% x 2, 90% x 2 4 sets; no rest:

10 sandbag bent rows 10 sandbag power clean & push press Sunday Rest Day

Greg Everett


Week 11 Monday • Block clean (knee) - 3RM; 95% x 3, 90% x 3 • Clean pull on riser - 4RM, 95% x 4, 90% x 4 • Halting clean deadlift (upper thigh) - 3RM, 95% x 3, 90% x 3 4 sets; no rest:

5 sandbag shoulder/side 15 DB chainsaw row/arm Tuesday • Power jerk + jerk - max 1+1, 95% x 1+1, 90% x 1+1 • Mid-hang power snatch - 3RM, 95% x 3, 90% x 3 • Mid-hang snatch high-pull (flat-footed) - 3 x 6; add weight from last wk • Front squat - 2RM, 95% x 2, 90% x 2 Wednesday • Block snatch (knee) - 3RM, 95% x 3, 90% x 3 • Snatch pull on riser - 4RM, 95% x 4, 90% x 4 • Halting snatch deadlift (hip) - 3RM, 95% x 3, 90% x 3 3 sets; no rest:

15 DB power clean + push press 15 pull-ups Thursday • Pause jerk + jerk - max 1+1, 95% x 1+1, 90% x 1+1 • Mid-hang power clean - 3RM, 95% x 3, 90% x 3 • Snatch balance - 2RM; 95% x 2, 90% x 2 • Mid-hang clean high-pull (flat-footed) - 3 x 6; add weight from last wk • Back squat - 90% (of Tues FS wt) x 3 x 3 Friday Rest Day


Catalyst Athletics Book of Programs

Saturday • Snatch - 2RM; 95% x 2, 90% x 2 • Clean & Jerk - 2RM, 95% x 2, 90% x 2 • Front squat - 2RM; 95% x 2, 90% x 2 Sunday Rest Day

Greg Everett


Week 12 Monday • Block Clean (knee) - heavy 2, 95% x x 2, 90% x 2 • Clean Pull - heavy 3, 95% x 3, 90% x 3 • Clean deadlift - heavy 2, 95% x 2, 90% x 2 • Clean block pull (knee) - heavy 4, 95% x 4, 90% x 4 Tuesday • Jerk - heavy 2, 95% x 2, 90% x 2 • Mid-hang power snatch - heavy 2, 95% x 2, 90% x 2 • Front squat - heavy single, 95% x 1, 90% x 1 4 sets; no rest:

8 DB muscle snatch (2-arm) 12 (1 push-up + 2 kick-up) Wednesday • Block snatch (knee) - heavy 2, 95% x 2, 90% x 2 • Snatch pull - heavy 3, 95% x 3, 90% x 3 • Snatch deadlift - heavy 2, 95% x 2, 90% x 2 • Snatch block pull - heavy 4, 95% x 4, 90% x 4 Thursday • Jerk - heavy single, 80% x 2 x 2 • Mid-hang power clean - heavy 2, 95% x 2, 90% x 2 • Snatch balance - heavy single, 80% x 2 x 2 • Back squat - 85% (of Tues FS) x 2 x 3

3 sets; 30 sec rest:

20 KB swings 10 KB snatch/arm 10 KB clean + push press/arm Friday Rest Day


Catalyst Athletics Book of Programs

Saturday • Snatch - heavy single, 80% x 1 x 3 • Clean & jerk - heavy single, 80% x 1 x 3 • Front squat - heavy single, 80% x 2 x 2 • SLDL - 3 x 4 Sunday Rest Day

Greg Everett


Week 13 Monday • Block Clean (knee) - 2RM, 95% x x 2, 90% x 2 • Clean Pull - 3RM, 95% x 3, 90% x 3 • Clean deadlift - 2RM, 95% x 2, 90% x 2 • Clean block pull (knee) - 4RM, 95% x 4, 90% x 4 Tuesday • Jerk - 2RM, 95% x 2, 90% x 2 • Mid-hang power snatch -  2RM, 95% x 2, 90% x 2 • Front squat - 1RM, 95% x 1, 90% x 1 4 sets; 1 min rest:

20 KB swings 10 1-arm KB push press/arm Wednesday • Block snatch (knee) - 2RM, 95% x 2, 90% x 2 • Snatch pull - 3RM, 95% x 3, 90% x 3 • Snatch deadlift - 2RM, 95% x 2, 90% x 2 • Snatch block pull - 4RM, 95% x 4, 90% x 4 Thursday • Jerk - 1RM, 80% x 2 x 2 • Mid-hang power clean - 2RM, 95% x 2, 90% x 2 • Snatch balance - 1RM, 80% x 2 x 2 • Back squat - 85% (of Tues FS) x 2 x 3 3 sets; no rest:

300 m row 15 chin-ups Friday Rest Day


Catalyst Athletics Book of Programs

Saturday • Snatch - 1RM, 80% x 1 x 3 • Clean & jerk - 1RM, 80% x 1 x 3 • Front squat - 1RM, 80% x 2 x 2 • SLDL - 3 x 4 Sunday Rest Day

Greg Everett


Week 14 Monday • Snatch - 80%x1; 60%x 1 x 5 OTM • Clean & jerk - 80% x 1; 60% x 1 x 5 OTM • Back squat - 70%x2, 75%x2, 80%x1 • Box jump - 3 x 3 3 sets:

300 m row 1 min rest Tuesday • Snatch - 60% x 1 x 5 • Clean & Jerk - 60% x 1 x 5 • Clean Pull - 100% x 2 x 3 Wednesday • Snatch - 70% x 1 x 3; 50% x 1 x 3 OTM • Clean & Jerk - 70% x 1 x3; 50% x 1 x 3 OTM • Front squat - 70% x 2 x 3 3 sets; no rest:

10 pull-ups 10 DB push press

Thursday • Power snatch - 70% x 1 x 5 • Power clean & jerk - 70% x 1 x 5 • Box jump - 3 x 2 Friday Rest Day


Catalyst Athletics Book of Programs

Saturday • Snatch - max • Clean & Jerk - max • Deadlift - max Sunday Rest Day

Greg Everett


Week 15 Monday • Snatch - heavy single; 70% x 2 x 3 • Clean & Jerk - heavy single; 70% x 2 x 3 • Clean Pull - 3RM, 95% x 3, 90% x 3 • Front squat - heavy single; 80% x 2 x 3 Tuesday • Snatch - 80% of Monday’s HS x 1 x 5 • Clean & Jerk - 80% of Monday’s HS x 1 x 5 • SLDL - 3 x 5 mod. wt • Box jump - 3 x 5 Wednesday • Clean & Jerk - heavy single; 70% x 2 x 3 • Snatch - heavy single; 70% x 2 x 3 • Snatch pull - 3RMl 95% x 3, 90% x 3 • Front squat - heavy single; 80% x 2 x 3 Thursday • Snatch - 80% of Wed. HS x 1 x 5 • Clean & Jerk - 80% of Wed. HS x 1 x 5 • Good morning - 3 x 5 mod. wt • Box jump - 3 x 5 Friday Rest Day Saturday • Snatch - heavy single; 75% x 1 x 5 OTM • Clean & Jerk - heavy single; 75% x 1 x 5 OTM • Back squat - heavy single; 80% x 2 x 3 • Good morning - heavy 5, 95% x 5, 90% x 5 Sunday Rest Day 64

Catalyst Athletics Book of Programs

Week 16 Monday • Snatch - heavy single; 75% x 1 x 5 OTM • Clean & Jerk - heavy single; 75% x 1 x 5 OTM • Clean Pull - 3RM, 95% x 3 • Front squat - heavy single; 85% x 2 x 2 Tuesday • Snatch - 80% of Mon’s HS x 1 x 5 • Clean & Jerk - 80% of Mon’s HS x 1 x 5 • SLDL - mod. wt 3 x 5 3 sets; no rest:

20 KB swings 5 box jumps Wednesday Clean & Jerk - heavy single; 75% x 1 x 5 OTM • • Snatch - heavy single; 75% x 1 x 5 OTM • Snatch pull - 3RM, 95% x 3 • Front squat - heavy single; 85% x 2 x 2 • Thursday • Snatch - 80% of Wed’s HS x 1 x 5 • Clean & Jerk - 80% of Wed’s HS x 1 x 5

4 sets; no rest:

10 pull-ups 4 broad jumps Friday Rest Day

Greg Everett


Saturday • Snatch - heavy single; 80% x 1 x 3 OTM • Clean & Jerk - heavy single; 80% x 1 x 3 OTM • Back squat - heavy single; 85% x 2 x 2 Sunday Rest Day


Catalyst Athletics Book of Programs

Week 17 Monday • Snatch - heavy single; 80% x 1 x 3 OTM • Clean & Jerk - heavy single; 80% x 1 x 3 OTM • Clean Pull - 2RM, 95% x 2 • Front squat - heavy single; 90% x 1 x 2 Tuesday • Snatch - 80% of Mon HS x 1 x 5 • Clean & Jerk - 80% of Mon HS x 1 x 5 4 sets; no rest:

15 KB swings 10 pull-ups Wednesday • Clean & Jerk - heavy single; 80% x 1 x 3 • Snatch - heavy single; 80% x 1 x 3 • Snatch pull - 2RM, 95% x 2 • Front squat - heavy single; 90% x 1 x 2 Thursday • Snatch - 80% of Wed HS x 1 x 5 • Clean & Jerk - 80% of Wed HS x 1 x 5 3 sets; no rest:

12 DB muscle snatch 12 sandbag push press 5 box jumps Friday Rest Day

Greg Everett


Saturday • Snatch - heavy single, 85% x 1 • Clean & Jerk - heavy single, 85% x 1 • Back squat - 90% x 1 • Good morning - mod wt. 3 x 5 Sunday Rest Day


Catalyst Athletics Book of Programs

Week 18 Monday • Snatch - 85% x 1 x3 • Clean & Jerk - 85% x 1 x 2 • Clean pull - 85% x 2, 90% x 2 x 2 • Front squat - 85% x 1 Tuesday • Snatch - 70% x 1 x 5 • Clean & jerk - 70% x 1 x 5 • Box jump - 3 x 5 Wednesday • Snatch - 80% x 1 x 3 • Clean & jerk - 80% x 1 x 2 • Snatch pull - 85% x 2, 90% x 2 x 2 • Front squat - 80% x 1 Thursday • Snatch - 60% x 1 x 5 • Clean & jerk - 60% x 1 x 5 • Box jump - 3 x 3 Friday Rest Day Saturday • Snatch - max • Clean & jerk - max • Front or back squat - max Rest 10-15 minutes between exercises, but stay warm.

Sunday Rest Day

Greg Everett


4-block cycle This is the second training cycle I posted on the website. It follows the basic alternating 4-week block plan I had intended to keep long term but later decided was too restrictive. The first and third blocks are focused more on basic strength work. e.g. squatting, pulling and pressing, and the second and fourth blocks are focused on heavy snatches and clean & jerks. This cycle probably has more conditioning work included than any of the later cycles.

Week 1 Monday • Back squat 78% x 2 x 5 • Snatch deadlift heavy single • Push press 5 x 3 • Pull-ups 3 x max (weighted for 3 x 8 if you can do 3 x 15 unweighted) • Glute-ham sit-ups 3 x 15 Tuesday • Power clean + push jerk + jerk 80% of best power clean x 4 sets • Tall snatch 5 x 2 - med weight; work speed 3 rounds for time of:

8 1-arm DB snatch - 20% BW 5 ball slams - 15% BW 1 min rest 3 rounds for time of:

5 box jumps (high as possible) 12 KB cross-chops - 25% BW

Greg Everett


Wednesday • Front squat 75% x 2 x 5 • Clean pull heavy single • Rack jerk behind the neck heavy single 3 rounds for time of:

13 KB swings 30% BW 18 Jumping ring dips 23 kipping pull-ups Thursday Rest Day Friday • Power snatch + OHS + snatch balance 80% of best power snatch x 4 sets • Tall clean 5 x 2 7 rounds for time of:

200 m row 5 burpees Saturday • Snatch heavy single • Clean & jerk heavy single • Back squat heavy single Rest 10-15 minutes between each exercise

Sunday Rest Day


Catalyst Athletics Book of Programs

Week 2 Monday • Front squat 81% x 2 x 5 • Clean deadlift heavy single • Push press 5 x 3 • Pull-ups 3 x max (weighted for 3 x 8 if you can do 3 x 15 unweighted) • Glute-ham sit-ups 3 x 15 Tuesday • Power snatch + overhead squat + mid-hang snatch med weight x 5 sets • Mid-hang clean + push press + jerk med weight x 5 sets Rounds in 10 minutes of:

5 kipping pull-ups 5 sit-ups 5 jumping squats 5 clapping push-ups Wednesday • Back squat 78% x 2 x 5 • Snatch pull heavy single • Rack jerk heavy single • Turkish Get-up sit-ups 30% BW x 8 x 3 3 rounds for time of:

100 m sprint 10 sand bag power clean + push press - 35% BW 10 KB deadlift high pulls – 30% BW Thursday Rest Day

Greg Everett


Friday • Power clean + front squat + mid-hang clean - 5 med-weight sets • Overhead squat heavy single 3 rounds for time of:

500 m row 15 push-up + 3 kick-backs Push-up + kick backs: Perform a push-up and jump both feet forward to the hands and immediately back into push-up position 3 times. This constitutes one of the 15 reps.

Saturday • Snatch heavy single • Clean & Jerk heavy single • Front squat heavy single Rest 10-15 minutes between each exercise.

Sunday Rest Day


Catalyst Athletics Book of Programs

Week 3 Monday • Back squat 84% x 2 x 5 • Snatch deadlift heavy single • Push press 5 x 3 – try to add weight from last wk • Pull-ups 3 x max (weighted for 3 x 8 if you can do 3 x 15 unweighted) • Turkish get-up sit-ups heaviest for 3 x 8 Tuesday • Muscle snatch heavy single • Snatch 65% x 2 x 8 • Clean & Jerk 65% x 8 sets (2 reps of the weaker lift per set, e.g. 1 cln + 2 jrk) 3 rounds for time of:

200 m sprint 15 wall ball 10% BW Wednesday • Front squat 78% x 2 x 5 • Clean pull heavy single • Rack jerk behind the neck heavy single 3 rounds for time of:

16 1-arm DB split snatches 15% BW 20 KB cross-chops 25 kipping pull-ups Thursday Rest Day

Greg Everett


Friday • Muscle snatch 80% of Tues x 2 x 3 • Power snatch 60% (of best snatch) x 2 x 4 • Power clean + jerk 60% (of best CJ) x 1 x 4 5 rounds for time of:

5 box jumps 20-30 5 ball slams 10% BW 5 Oh-Susies 5 kipping pull-ups Saturday • Snatch 90% x 1 • Clean & jerk 90% x 1 • Back squat 90% x 1 • Core work of choice Sunday Rest Day


Catalyst Athletics Book of Programs

Week 4 Monday • Front squat - 84% x 2 x 5 • Clean pull - work up to 100% x 2 • Push press - 5 x 1 heavy • Pull-ups - 3 x max (weighted for 3 x 8 if you can do 3 x 15 unweighted) • DB overhead sit-ups - 15%/DB x 8 x 3 This is week 4 of the current mesocycle. We’ll be tapering slightly in order to attempt records on Saturday.

Tuesday • Muscle snatch - take to a tough but manageable double for 3 sets • Power snatch + snatch - 60% x 3 sets • Clean + push jerk + jerk - 60% x 3 sets 3 rounds for time of:

10 sandbag power clean + 2 lunge - 30% BW 30 sit-ups 10 KB swings - 25% BW Wednesday Snatch 75% x 1 x 3 • • Clean & jerk 75% x 1 x 3 • Back squat 85% x 1 x 1 For time:

Tabata row (8 rounds - 20 sec sprint/10 sec rest) 50 double-unders Half Tabata row (4 rounds) 25 double-unders

Greg Everett


Thursday Rest Day Optional Workout - If feeling fully recovered • Snatch - 60% x 1 x 2 • Clean & jerk - 60% x 1 x 2 • Light ab work of choice

Friday • Snatch 50% x 1 x 5 • Clean & jerk 50% x 1 x 5 Focus on speed and precision with each lift.

Saturday • Snatch max for the day • Clean & Jerk - max for the day • Front squat max for the day Allow a maximum of 3 missed attempts for each lift before moving on. Give yourself 10-15 minutes rest between each exercise.

Sunday Rest day Tomorrow is the start of a new 4-week mesocycle with more emphasis on the classic lifts... heavy.


Catalyst Athletics Book of Programs

Week 5 Monday • Snatch - Take to a heavy single; drop 10% x 1, drop another 10% x 1 x 3 • Clean & Jerk - same as snatch • Front squat - heavy single; drop 10% for a double • Pull-ups - 3 x max Tuesday • Muscle snatch 3 x 2 • Power snatch + 3 overhead squat 60% (of snatch) x 4 sets • Power clean + push jerk + jerk 60% (of clean) x 4 sets 4 rounds for time of:

100 m sprint 10 Turkish get-ups 25% BW 1 min rest Wednesday • Snatch heavy single • Clean & Jerk heavy single • Back squat heavy single Rounds in 10 minutes:

20 kipping pull-ups 20