BUS 1101 Written Assignment Unit 2  [PDF]

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BUS 1101: Principles of Business Management Written Assignment Unit 2

University of the People BUS 1101: Principles of Business Management Written Assignment Unit 2 Instructor: Sandra Sheppard 03 February 2021

BUS 1101: Principles of Business Management Written Assignment Unit 2 Written Assignment Unit 2 SAS is using the four important factors of employee management, which are planning, organizing, leading and controlling (P-O-L-C) and actually “has perfected the art of employee management.” (Carpenter, Bauer & Erdogan, p. 67) through these various factors and innovative ideas and approaches. SAS gives their employees a very clear vision and mission statement which is not just words but actually a fundamental part of their entire culture and operations. The goal that they are constantly striving towards is to be and stay the number one company globally in terms of software development and analytics. Furthermore, SAS trusts their employees and empowers them. Every employee has a role to play that has a tremendous impact on the business. They have over 10000 employees worldwide to create software which is not only innovative, but it is used by customers, users and companies around the globe. All of the above describes the planning aspect of the P-O-L-C framework.

Going forward to the organizing part of P-O-L-C, SAS has a big focus on organizational design and their company culture. SAS gives their employees job guarantees and makes them feel safe. For SAS, the employees are the most important assets in the organization. Even in 2009 when organizations were cutting costs and laying off workforce, SAS stood by their guns and did not fire any employees because they knew this would destroy trust otherwise and they would need their employees once the market recovered again. The fact that SAS is so invested in their employees would make anyone want to do their best and perform at their best. Positive work attitudes is a given when the company can make promises that they intend to keep and when employees feel wanted.

BUS 1101: Principles of Business Management Written Assignment Unit 2 “Open communication, respect from fellow employees, transparency into career-paths, and being treated as a human being.” (C. Crowley, 2013) are important characteristics of the leading aspect in the P-O-L-C management framework. Low performance isn’t an issue with a turnover of 4%. With their regular employee satisfaction surveys its no wonder this company is so successful. “The firm gives employees tremendous freedom on the hours they work and when they use any of the campus services. It’s not uncommon to see people in the gym long after the traditional lunch hour.” (C. Crowley, 2013) With such freedom, I would doubt that any employee would need to take time off or be absent from work for any reason. Many business’s today frown upon those employees who take time off when they are sick or when they have family emergencies. It is so refreshing to know that SAS stands behind their employees and has flexible working hours. SAS also invests in their employee’s health by providing them with a gym. In conclusion, I must say that SAS is a role-model for modern organizations and those who want to transform to a modern organization as well. Freedom, trust, a clear vision and acting as they say are important factors in today’s organizational landscape and definitely a business that I would like to be apart of.

BUS 1101: Principles of Business Management Written Assignment Unit 2 References Crowley, C. (2013). How SAS Became the World’s Best Place to Work. Retrieved from https://www.fastcompany.com/3004953/how-sas-became-worlds-best-place-work Carpenter, M., Bauer, T., & Erdogan, B. (2010). Management principles, v. 1.1.  https://2012books.lardbucket.org/books/management-principles-v1.1/index.html.