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BUS 1101 Learning Journal Unit 3 The five building blocks for learning organization are 1. Systematic problem solving: the company must have a consistent method for solving problems, using data and statistical tools rather than assumptions. 2. Experimentations: Experiments are a way to test ideas in small steps. Experiments let companies hunt for and test new knowledge, such as new ways of recycling waste or of structuring an incentive program. 3. Learning from past experience: Its essential for companies to review projects and products to learn what worked and what didn’t. Boeing, for example, systematically gathered hundreds of lessons “lesson learned” from previous airplane models such as 737 and 747, which it applied to 757s and 767s, making those he most successful, errorfree launches in Boeing’s life. 4. Learn from others: Recognizing that good ideas come from everywhere, not just from the company, learning organizations network with other companies in a continual search for good ideas to adapt and adopt. 5. Transferring knowledge: sharing knowledge quickly throughout the organization is the way to make everyone a smart, contributing member.

The Top 5 Challenge Trend 1. Increasing Concern for the Environment 2. Great Personalization and Customization 3. Fast Pace of Innovation 4. Increasing Complexity 5. Increasing Competition for Talent

Top 5 Solution Trend 1. Becoming More Connected 2. Becoming More Global 3. Becoming More Mobile 4. Rise of the Creative Class 5. Increasing Collaborations

Increasing Concern for the Environment We have all seemed to believe that the weather has been getting weirder than ever in the recent decades, and analysis by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) suggests that there has been more catastrophic weather events in recent years than 10-20 years ago. Retrieved October 7, 2008, from http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/.

People have seen the growing threat of global warming which has become a major contributing factor leading to falling crop produce, rising sea levels, shortages of drinking water, and increasing death tolls from disease outbreaks such as Malaria and dengue fever. 175 countries signed the Kyoto Protocol on climate change and pledged to begin the long process of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. According to McKinsey’s Global Survey of Business Executives, executives across the world believe that businesses play a wider role in the society and has the responsibility to address issues such as environmental concerns beyond just following the letter of the law to minimize pollution. More and more companies now watch the “triple bottom line,” the benchmark of how they benefit, not only just profits but also employees and the environment as a whole. Companies have realized they have a very big role to play to minimize their carbon footprints, create environmentally friendly products, and manage the company for more than just the profits they accumulate.

Greater Personalization and Customization We are no longer happy with cookie-cutter products. Consumers are demanding for more personalized products and services. One size may no longer fit all and that means tailoring products and services to meet specific customer preferences. And as companies sell their products globally, the tailoring has to meet the vast different needs, cultural sensitivities, and income levels. Even something simple like Tide laundry detergent can come in many potential variants in terms of formulations. It can be from powders, to liquids, to tablets and bars, with different additives like whiteners, softeners, enzymes, Fragrances like unscented, mountain fresh, floral and also in different package sizes like single-load laundromat to massive (family/economic). Customization and the growing number of different products mean managing more services and more services and more products. For example, for just $4.99 plus shipping, you can create your own Kleenex oval tissue box.

Reference Globalization is an Emerging Force in Business Today, https://www.chegg.com/homeworkhelp/questions-and-answers/globalization-emerging-force-business-today-read-case-studyglobalization-coca-cola-compan-q68271301 Brainly, https://brainly.in/question/13956340