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Second part : basis of astro-trading A. FIRST APPROACH TO ASTRO-TRADING .................................................................................................. 3 1. WHAT IS ASTRO?............................................................................................................................................... 3 2. A POSSIBILITY OF AN INNOVATIVE APPROACH? ........................................................................................... 5 B. BASICS OF MUNDANE ASTROLOGY .......................................................................................................... 7 1. MUNDANE ASTROLOGY.................................................................................................................................... 7 2. THE SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC............................................................................................................................... 7 3. THE PLANETS .................................................................................................................................................. 10 4. THE PLANETS IN THEIR SIGNS ....................................................................................................................... 11 5. PLANETS MOVEMENTS ................................................................................................................................... 11 6. CO-ORDINATES ................................................................................................................................................ 13 7. DAILY MECHANICS .......................................................................................................................................... 14 8. THE BASIS OF INTERPRETATIONS................................................................................................................. 15 C. THE SUN ................................................................................................................................................ 18 1. A LONG CYCLE: SUNSPOTS ............................................................................................................................. 18 2. ANNUAL CYCLES............................................................................................................................................................... 20 2. THE SOLAR DECLINATION CYCLE .................................................................................................................. 22 3. THE ZODIACAL CYCLE ..................................................................................................................................... 26 4. SOLAR STORMS: AN EXPLANATION? ............................................................................................................ 27 D. THE MOON ............................................................................................................................................ 30 1. 1. BASIC CONCEPTS......................................................................................................................................... 30 2. THE SOLI-LUNAR CYCLE: LUNATIONS .......................................................................................................... 32 3. THE CYCLE OF LUNAR NODES ....................................................................................................................... 35 4. LUNAR FORCE OF ATTRACTION..................................................................................................................... 37 5. THE MOON AND THE INTRADAY ................................................................................................................................... 38 E. THE ECLIPSES ........................................................................................................................................ 39 1. WHAT IS AN ECLIPSE? .................................................................................................................................... 39 2. THE INFLUENCE OF ECLIPSES ........................................................................................................................ 42 3. ECLIPSES AND MARKETS ................................................................................................................................................ 42 4. ECLIPSES AND SENSITIVE POINTS ................................................................................................................................. 46 3. OCCULTATIONS................................................................................................................................................ 49 4. COMBUSTION ................................................................................................................................................... 52 F. THE PLANETS ........................................................................................................................................ 54 1. TABLE OF ASPECTS .......................................................................................................................................................... 54 1. SLOW PLANETS (JUPITER, SATURN, URANUS, NEPTUNE, PLUTO) ......................................................... 56 G. ANGLES OF REPETITION ....................................................................................................................... 59 1. ANGLES OF SOLAR REPETITIONS .................................................................................................................. 59 2. SIMPLE PLANETARY ANGLES ......................................................................................................................... 65 3. COMPOUND PLANETARY ANGLES ................................................................................................................. 72 H. PLANETARY LINES ................................................................................................................................ 76 1. CONSTRUCTION OF PLANETARY LINES ........................................................................................................ 76 2. HOW TO USE PLANETARY LINES? ................................................................................................................. 79 I. SENSITIVE ZODIAC POINTS ................................................................................................................... 81 1. THE UNITED STATES AND GEMINI............................................................................................................... 81 2. THE GALACTIC CENTER .................................................................................................................................. 82 3. THE INGRESS .................................................................................................................................................... 83 4. THE PLANETARY NODES ................................................................................................................................ 83 J. DECLINATIONS, VELOCITIES, RETROGRADE MOVEMENTS ................................................................. 86 1. DECLINATIONS ................................................................................................................................................ 86 2. PARALLELS AND COUNTER-PARALLELS ...................................................................................................... 92 3. SPEED OF THE PLANETS ................................................................................................................................. 94 4. RETROGRADE MOVEMENT, DIRECT MOVEMENT ........................................................................................ 98

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A. First approach to astro-trading If you're only looking for practical recipes, this chapter is not critical • There are proven correlations between cosmic phenomena and markets. • Their study is a source of information independent on prices, which can be projected sufficiently in advance. • Combined with other techniques, especially newly-discovered strategies from digital analysis, this method can increase your chances of success significantly. The idea of possibly using cosmic phenomena to predict market trends is not new: it could possibly date back to cereal crop prospects in Mesopotamia. However, the recent development in computer’s calculating abilities can now add to the reliability of the method. This has changed everything. Till a recent date, traditional techniques were used simply because they were supposed to work and that the ancients had said they would. Today it is possible to test, verify, cross-reference statistics, as well as have an empirical and rational approach. This undermines many traditional dogmas! The purpose of this book is, for those who are willing to open their minds to awareness, to provide tools which will help take advantage of the developed use of ‘astro’ for market analysis, primarily for swing trading approaches. Some of these techniques can also be applied to intraday.


What is astro?

Astro? You said astro? What’s astro? In fact, we first mean astronomy. Specific physical phenomena can affect human mass behaviour; they affect the markets as well. Some simple examples: A full moon effectively fills maternity and hospital emergency services. Also, solar flares cause high electromagnetic interference, which affects air transport and satellite communications. If we dig a little deeper, we will highlight finer phenomena. Although, it’s less known, one can intuitively think that they may influence behaviour. For example, when the Moon is at its closest point to Earth (perigee), the gravitational force it exerts is at its maximum. Or Jupiter, the giant planet, associated with Venus, causes solar tides by the combining of attractive forces, which in turn generates solar storms. All of this comes under astronomy: indisputable facts about cosmic objects. Today, there are some scientific studies trying to analyse the impact of these phenomena on mass behaviour, and consequently on the markets. It is safer to say that the cause and effect relationship has not been established, although there is evidence that it exists. However, if the mechanism itself is poorly known, it is perfectly possible to look for correlations: we do not know if the cosmic phenomenon induced a given mass behavior, but

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we find that these two events occur simultaneously in 75% of cases. This is largely what we are going to use. So, we will study possible correlations between astronomical phenomena and the markets behaviour, with the assumption that some cosmic perturbations influence mass behaviour, or more specifically the traders community, which are highly correlated to market variations. As an example, it is interesting to compare long term market moves to slow planets, like Saturn:

If we go any further, astrology then takes over and we begin to enter a more irrational method of thought. Talking about astrology immediately evokes images of crystal balls, horoscopes of popular magazines, and stirs scepticism. But do not forget that astrology is based on over 4000 years of observations and reflections, since the Chaldean scholars began studying the sky, passing the baton to the Egyptians and Greeks, not to mention what could happen in India, China and Maya in more recent times. These centuries of observations have led to a science or an art, if you prefer, connecting the celestial observation and its supposed influence on man. We have not ruled out this more subjective approach because it is based on a large body of observations and reflections. But there is a difference: experience shows that the traditional astrological approach does not quite work for market analysis, or at least not as one might expect. It is therefore necessary to look critically. While this thinking is not going to lead us as friends, it is clear to experience the limits of the traditional approach for several reasons: - Astrological cycles are not stable over time: what worked twenty years may ago well not work today; - Different markets are governed by different laws: gold will not be affected by the same astrological phenomena that determine movement on the wheat market; - Traditional astrology mechanisms do not work in the same direction: for when we could expect a drop in prices, the market may well go upwards. Finally, for a given pair of planets, certain aspects work and others do not.

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As traditional astrology occasionally gives good results, some beautiful curves, which allow you to say: “ look, a Jupiter-Saturn opposition indicates a drop in the market, I told you so ...” And they were not wrong , it can work, but mostly to explain the past. The Anglo-Saxon world has understood and has developed many thoughts about this issue. In this book we rely on such research that has opened new ways, increasingly pragmatic each time. In this area, like in others, the computer has made a revolutionary contribution. This is what has allowed us to rely on Timing Solution and its statistical analysis module, which instantly measures the correlation between astrological events and markets. We can immediately check hypotheses with figures.


A possibility of an innovative approach?

Our approach tries to be different, with the idea of applying external elements to the markets, providing opportunities for independent price forecasts. While traditional technical analysis gives significant importance to prices, we focus on time, even if in the end the two variables are considered inseparable and must be considered simultaneously. Our whole approach has one objective: to improve the likelihood of our trades. However, do not go thinking you will find a Holy Grail here that will give you certainty. We have not found that ourselves and we believe that it does not exist. The practice of astro-trading can improve your chances in trades significantly, giving you a better understanding of the environment and global influences, but in any case you will not have certainties. The big advantage of this method is that you have the forecasts in advance, which no other approach does, and you can prepare accordingly. Yes, we see that the New Moon general influences the chance of a rise in some markets, but we would not recommend taking a position on the rise only because of the New Moon next week. The results of this approach are to be considered in combination with many other elements, such as the geometric structure. We are not talking about an exact science. Predictions can succeed and fail, and the reflections originate mainly from the Anglo-Saxon world. We have quoted forums and sites where it is possible to find other sources of information throughout this book. Although we present the basic techniques, it is possible to go much further and the approach itself is constantly changing. We will now begin by recalling some notions of mundane astrology, far from useless for beginners, but that experienced astrologers may skip.

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Throughout the pages that follow, we will use a Timing Solution Efficiency Test, with graphs like the following, which measures the correlation between the DAX and a maximum solar declination:

How to read it? Look: the event occurred in x% of cases (here: 79.2%), against y% (58.3%) for a control sample. When it is a good result, a confidence indicator (Khi square) appears. Here, an excellent value of 8.2 (above 3 is considered good). For more details:

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B. Basics of mundane astrology 1.

Mundane Astrology

Mundane astrology is the part of astrology describing collective and historical phenomena. It includes as well forms of financial astrology. Its approach is significantly different to that of the personal astrology. Reading our book will be aided by knowledge, however slight, of astrological codes and symbols. For those who want to go further, and make your own predictions, it will be really necessary to learn. It is like acquiring the basics of a language. It will also be essential, for those who have decided to dive in, to have the ability of using astrological calculation software. There are many such programs, some are free. If you want a truly comprehensive tool, we recommend Timing Solution the most, which we do not stop singing the praises of (we are not on commission for saying this). Solar Fire Gold, much cheaper, is nevertheless very complete for pure astronomical and astrological ephemeris calculations. There is also free simple software which can be used initially (Astrolog for example). And now some very basic notions, knowing that astrology has very many nuances and subtleties, and some spend their lives remembering them all to no avail.


The signs of the zodiac

From the Earth, the sky appears as a backdrop, which turns in 24 hours. Planets move in front of the screen on a sort of imaginary band called the zodiac, which takes place around the ecliptic plane defined by the Earth's orbit. When adopting the point of view of an observer on the Earth - we say in this case that we have a geocentric approach - as opposed to the heliocentric approach whereby the observer is located on the Sun. The zodiac is therefore 360°. It is divided into 12 signs of 30°, the first being Aries, which follow one another in an anticlockwise direction, which everyone has more or less heard of, all of which have special characteristics. The following table combines a few key words for each sign (a sign is characterised by both positive elements here in blue and negative elements in grey). If you want to go further, it will also be necessary to remember the icons associated with them:

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When you announce that you are born under the sign of Libra, for example, it simply means that the Sun was in this sign on the day of your birth. As you could see, these signs are also grouped according to the four alchemical elements, from which we get common characteristics (there are other classifications, but they are not relevant for this). On a sky map, these sign groups form equilateral triangles. - Fire signs : Aries, Leo and Sagittarius – impulsivity and force:


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Earth signs : Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn – practical, effectiveness:



Air signs : Gemini, Libra and Aquarius – sociability:


Water signs : Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces – receptivity, emotions, sensibility:

One can observe that signs which are opposite each other, also oppose in complementary pairs in their deeper meaning: methodical Virgo opposes dreamy Pisces, emotional Cancer to Capricorn strategist, etc.

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A second division is to identify the location of a sign in relation to the season it is. This plays an important role in the energy point of view. Some consider that the beginning of the season is characterized by a high energy (eg. The sap flows in early spring), which continues to stabilise and then eventually declines. The signs of the beginning of season are called ‘cardinal signs’. Then there are signs of stability, called ‘fixed signs,’ and finally energy signs of decline, the ‘mutable signs.’ Cardinal signs : Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn Fixed signs : Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius Mutable signs : Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces The astrologer also cuts the sky into 12 ‘houses’, each with has a special significance and are really useful in personal astrology. However, due to the nature of this introductory course, we will not go into that detail.


The Planets

There are five planets visible to the naked eye (assuming good eyesight) which had been detected since ancient times: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, plus two luminaries, the Sun and the Moon, as called planets in astrology, even if they are not technically planets at all. This is what has long been the basis of classical astrology. Uranus was discovered later, in 1781, Neptune was discovered in 1846 and Pluto was discovered in 1930. The sky can be seen from two points of view: - Geocentrically, the observer is on the earth and the sun is regarded by astrologers as a planet - Heliocentrically, the observer is on the sun and the Earth is a planet. Astrology distinguishes fast or inner planets (Mercury, Venus) located between the Sun and the Earth, of the outer planets, Mars (whose status is somewhat hybrid), the gas giants Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto that astronomers seem to consider again as a planet. Each planet has very specific characteristics (see e.g. L. Jensen "Astro-Cycles and Speculative Markets"). Fast planets ☿ Mercury: communications, travel, media, commerce, intellectual, ♀ Venus: beauty, art, architecture, fashion, world "beneficial", emotional, Slow planets ♂ Mars: manly strength, aggression, army, action, war, steel, engineering, energy, activity ♃ Jupiter: expansion, banks, justice, finance and money, beneficial to the world ♄ Saturn: contraction, structuring, restriction, mines, markets, evil world ♅ Uranus: radical changes, aviation, inventions, electronics, alarm clock, ♆ Neptune: illusions, fantasies, hospitals, favourable: creativity, unfavourable: drugs ♇ Pluto - Unfavourable: dictatorships, crimes - favorable: Cooperation, atomic energy, mining. In a heliocentric approach, when the observer looks from the point of view of the Sun, we also add the Earth, which must be studied with other celestial bodies. Now we have to add the Sun (masculine planet, energy, action) and the Moon (female planet, emotions).

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The planets in their signs

Planets form a complex system with the signs of the zodiac, finding a specific agreement in some of them (master, exaltation), or a disagreement (detriment, fall): Master Detriment Exaltation Fall Leo Aries Libra Sun Cancer Capricorn Taurus Scorpio Moon Sagittarius Gemini Virgo Pisces Leo Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto


Taurus Libra Aries (Scorpio) Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries (Scorpio)

Scorpio Aries



Libra Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo

Capricorn Cancer Libra Scorpio Cancer

Cancer Capricorn Aries Taurus Capricorn




Planets movements (time taken to orbit the Sun) : Days Earth years Mercury 87,9 0,24 Venus 224,7 0,62 Earth 365,25 1,00 Mars 686,98 1,88 Jupiter 4 330 11,85 Saturn 10 753 29,44 Uranus 30 664 83,95 Neptune 60 148 164,68 Pluto 90 411 247,53

These figures are consistent with each other. We will return to them later when we discuss the study of aspects. Planets move against each other along so-called synodic cycles. From a geocentric perspective, the planets have the appearance of irregular movements when they have reached the end of their apparent motion relative to the observer on Earth, where they naturally continue their race around the sun. They appear, however, to be going backwards relative to the stars in the background, it is said that they become ‘retrograde’, which is an important concept in astrology. Here is how it works for Mercury and Venus, and how they are seen from Earth and in relation to the constellations of the zodiac. This pattern applies because their orbits are less than that of the Earth (the principle is more or less analogous to the outer planets). 19 V9


Direct motion

Retrograde then direct motion

A retrograde planet is supposed to exert diminished influence. The direct to retrograde passage, and vice-versa, is often a date to watch, especially for the planet Mercury. In the zodiacal circle, the planets move counter clockwise. Consider the following map of October 30, 2014. We have included only three stars to simplify matters.

We see two planets with direct motion (the Moon and Mars) and a retrograde planet (Neptune's trident), recognizable by the small symbol Rx.

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On the map below, a week later, the Moon has moved close to 90°, while Mars has moved only 6° and Neptune, a slow planet, has moved 3' in the opposite direction (retrograde).

On 25th November, the Moon has already overtaken Mars and the Rx symbol has disappeared. Neptune resumed direct motion as well.



The position of the planets is expressed by coordinates in two different systems depending on the chosen reference (longitude / latitude or right ascension / declination). Longitudes, the most frequently cited dimensions, can be expressed in relation to the signs in which they are located (in our last example, the Moon is at 18° Capricorn, Mars and Neptune are at 23 ° to 4° where Pisces is found). This notation is called ‘zodiacal’. Most of the time, the coordinates are not accurate. In this case, one starts by quoting the longitude, the sign and then the number of minutes. So, in the example, Neptune is found at 4°49’. The localisation of a planet in a sign is often of great importance. The zodiacal longitudes can be converted to decimal longitudes, that is to say, they indicate the number of degrees from the origin (Aries 0°). In our example, Moon at 18° Capricorn

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becomes 278°, Mars at Capricorn 23° becomes 293°, and Neptune at Pisces 4°, becomes 334°. All these data can be found in presentations called ephemeris, which are advantageously replaced today by softwares that save you from having to do long tedious calculations. Declinations of the planets are significant variables monitored by the astrologer. Declination is the distance of a planet from the plane of the celestial equator (intuitively, its height). This position may be above or below (north-south) of the map. In particular, people often study the extreme positions of the variations, their passage to zero. It also compares the variations of each with the other planets; their effect is reinforced when these variations are equal in value: - Parallel (Antis) - if the planets are on the same side of the celestial equator, - Not parallel (Contrantis) - if they are from two different sides.


Daily mechanics

We saw the movements of the planets relative to the stars because of the supposed animation of the sky being caused by the rotation of the Earth. On the chart, which is presented below, you may notice a large vertical arrow (sometimes slightly oblique). It shows what is called the ‘midst of heaven’MC. It is important for those trying to use astrology in intraday and corresponds to the highest point of the Sun in the day. You also see a horizontal line. The point is to the left is called ascendant. It also plays an important role in the intraday. As the name suggests, it is the point in the sky that is rising up on the horizon at a given time. This is Aries in our example. As the zodiac wheel completes a full rotation in 24 hours (since it is in fact a rotation of the earth) and there are 12 signs, each of which goes to the ascendant for two hours. That is why, in personal astrology, you are asked to know your birth time accurately, because your ascendant changes every two hours. The zodiac will move one degree in 4 minutes (of course this is the earth rotation speed). The wheel rotates clockwise over the ascendant, as shown below, with the first chart frozen at 16:21, Aries is located at 0 degrees and the Moon is slightly on the left side of the sky…

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... And the same chart two hours later, in which we see that the bottom has passed to the next sign, Taurus, and the Moon is now at the Midheaven:


The basis of interpretations

In personal astrology, we always ask you to give your date of birth, so as to draw your chart. The principle is that somehow your personality was decided as you were born and the resulting characteristics, especially in the relationship between signs and planets, will follow you all your life. To find your horoscope, somebody will compare the future positions of heaven to those of your natal sky. In mundane astrology, this question is more controversial. Some believe that we must keep the same approach and will draw up a horoscope for a market value based on its IPO date or date of incorporation. We can still follow an index or a commodity, according to the opening of the stock exchange on which they are listed, like the New York Stock Exchange on May 17th, 1792 at 8:52 am.

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Everyone does not follow this approach, other analysts merely analyse the positions of the stars without referring to any starting point. In classical astrology, the basis of interpretations is the analysis of the relative positions of the planets, that is to say the angle between them. Certain specific values of this angle are considered as remarkable and called “aspects”. The signs in which the are located is also of great importance. The angle between two planets (with some degree of tolerance +/- 4/6 °, what is called the orb, depending on the aspect under study), can be seen this way: - Favorable aspects (divisors of 360° by 3 or multiples of 3): 30 °, 60 ° (sextile), 120 ° (trine) - Unfavorable aspects (divisors of 360° by 2 or multiples of 2): 180 ° (opposition, denoted ☍), 90 (square figures), 45 °, 135 ° (45° x 3) - A very strong aspect, usually favourable but sometimes negative, depending on the planets involved, the conjunction (noted ☌), is when the planets are in the same place or very close; the combination will be strengthened in the rare case where the planets will be parallel at the same time (their declinations are equal). There are other aspects but these are of lesser importance. Aspects are stronger when the planets come together and culminate when the aspect is exact. See the diagram on the next page. If it is the Earth that is at the centre of the device (Blue Planet), then we have a geocentric configuration. If this is the Sun, there is a heliocentric configuration. The corresponding configurations appear on star charts below. In fact, experience shows that using the classical approach in financial astrology with these traditional aspects, which date back to Ptolemy (Greek mathematician and astronomer who lived in Alexandria in the second century AD), may well give disappointing results. They often help to explain the past, but are much less able to predict the future. Thus, major negative aspects, supposed to cause disasters or depress markets, particularly in 2013-2014, did not prevent exceptional growth phases. Financial astrology sometimes uses these tools, but not systematically. References : Luther Jensen – Astro-cycles & Speculative Markets Larry Pesavento – Astro Cycles : The Trader’s Viewpoint An excellent Australian site offering financial astrology courses at a charge, but also has free videos of great interest, led by Olga Morales:

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C. The Sun * There are solar cycles directly usable for swing trading. * There are annual cycles, but also internal cycles which correspond to the position of the Sun in each sign and cycles of solar declinations. It’s obvious, but we must be aware of what it entails: the Sun is the largest object in the sky. So how can we analyse its influence? Many traders have their eyes on the markets, and during this time, the Sun lives life on a cosmic scale, with very long cycles at first.


A long cycle: sunspots

You can observe that there are small formations of activity on the Sun called ‘sunspots’. These regions are darker than the rest of the Sun, and they are characterised by their temperatures being below their environment and having high magnetic intensity. Sunspots have been observed since ancient times in China and Greece, and they were listed and studied in Europe since the seventeenth century. The astronomer William Herschel had studied their impact on wheat prices in England at the time, which showed high prices during period with few sunspots. Sunspots, measured according to their number on the surface of the Sun, evolve in cycles of about 11 years. Correlations were established between markets and solar tasks, showing economic activity and higher prices at the peaks of solar cycles, and highlighting stock market crises (1929 and 2008), linked to a trough on sunspots:

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Source: Serguey Tarassov – Timing Solution More precise long-term correlations have been established in commodity markets, joining early studies by William Hershel. This is the case for livestock markets:

Source: Sergey Tarasov - Timing Solution These cycles are associated with solar "tides" caused by planets in the solar system. There would be: - a very long cycle of 179 years, linked to the gas giants Jupiter and Saturn (interesting but not really applicable for the trader), - an 11-year (or 22-year) cycle identified in several studies, the latest published in 2007 by NASA's Ching-Cheh Hung, highlighting a joint action of the Venus-Earth-Jupiter planets, which provoke solar disturbances when aligned (conjunct or opposite in heliocentric mode). This cycle joins that of solar spots and the concept works in accordance with the conception of traditional astrology.

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It is particularly interesting to know that scientific measurements have established that the force of attraction on solar tides was approximately twice as large for Venus and Jupiter as for Earth and Mercury (source: CC Hung - NASA study). This is where science brings an important precision to astrology. There is little or no scientific proof of the direct influence of planetary positions on the markets, but if on the one hand we observe measurable correlations and on the other, we know that there is a physical quantifiable phenomenon as well, we really have strong arguments for our hypothesis. An interesting site providing short term solar storm and geomagnetic forecasts:

2. Annual cycles The Earth rotates around the Sun in 365.25 days, following an elliptical orbit, which means that the distance from Earth to the Sun is variable with maxima (aphelion) and minima (perihelion), the speed of the Earth being also variable (faster when the Earth is closest to the Sun, January 4th and slower at the aphelion on July 4th). From this comes the cycle of the seasons, a basic astronomical cycle, each of which starts with the entrance of the Sun into what is called a cardinal sign: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn:

What appears on this diagram as a circle is actually an ellipse. The analysis of the annual cycle defined by the sun reveals recurring rhythms in certain markets and according to the signs of the zodiac, which are in fact only a division by 12 of the annual cycle and which do not have much to see with the constellations themselves.

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Correlations can be sought between this annual solar cycle and market prices. An analysis of the Dow Jones since 1885 shows the following average annual moves:

It is recommended to neophytes who do not yet know the zodiacal symbols and who want to get acquainted with the concepts of astrology to refer to the chapter "Basic notions of world astrology". The graph presented above reflects market changes measured over several reference periods. It sticks to the zodiac and starts with (1) the sign of Aries, that is to say broadly the month of April, which is translated statistically by a month of growth (dividend period), followed in (2) a period of decline until the end of June (hence the adage "Sell in May and go away"). This phase of growth of the solar cycle was interpreted by a famous astrologer named Louise Mc Whirter, as the arrival of the Sun on a very particular point of the zodiac located at 9 ° of Aries and which corresponds to the Midheaven of the natal sky of the New York Stock Exchange. According to her, this is the explanation for this price growth. Summer begins with a new growth phase in (3) - with a relatively low correlation - followed by a marked and repetitive decline in autumn (4) from early September to late October. It should be remembered that this period witnessed numerous crashes, still present in all memories (1929 - 1987 - 2002 – 2008 – 2019?). The end of the year is traditionally bullish, it is the "Christmas Rally" (5), with sometimes a small decline at the end of December and a recovery in January. A simulation using automatic trades was performed on this model, in a slightly simplified version. From 1961 to 2011, on the basis of 4 trades per year, we obtain the following chart, which shows the Dow's prices with the triangles simulating the entry and exit positions, as

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well as a curve illustrating the cumulative results of the trades. This diagram confirms the idea that such a strategy is winning over the long term, without major drawdowns:


The solar declination cycle

The declination of the Sun is the angle between the Sun and the Earth’s equator. It varies depending on the time of year and reaches its maximum of 23.5° at the summer solstice and its minimum during the winter solstice. Its curve forms a somewhat irregular sine curve, the one phrase being a few days longer than the other. So we have an almost regular annual cycle, passing through a maximum, minimum and two zero degree points (Cancer and Libra). The declination of a planet is one of the variables monitored by astrologers and astro-traders. Some markets are highly correlated with this variable. Over three years, you can observe the following correlations from the DAX:

When the declination of the ‘planet’ Sun passes through its maximum (shown by the vertical blue lines), we see that the CAC experiences a turning point:

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The statistical analysis carried out over time gives a slightly positive result: 3-4 days after the maximum point of declination, we have a 66.9% rise, compared to the rise in the control sample of 55.9%.

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The same approach is conducted on minimum solar declinations produces a better result, although it is visually unconvincing:

The same approach to the gold market using solar declination minimums is visually interesting:

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On the S & P, it is even more significant, at least statistically:

The probability of increase here is 89.2% with a confidence index of 5.5, which is high (the S & P sample in recent years was mostly bullish).

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The zodiacal cycle

On an astrological plan, the sun crosses the 12 zodiac signs in 365.25 days, which means it spends 30.44 days in each sign. Traditional astrology believes that the Sun is the ruler of Leo, which is to say that its influence is particularly strong when it passes through this sign between 23rd July and 23rd August. It may be appropriate to investigate the existence of average cycles during the zodiacal periods and those that are seen all year round. For example, correlation research on the EURUSD market showed a 60% success rate from 50 trials (2010-2014). The graph on the left shows the average result in a sign, a rise at the beginning of the sign, followed by a fairly sharp drop to 20° of the sign. The red area in the bottom band indicates the strength of the correlation. This is, of course, an average result, to be taken as a background element. The correlation was weaker on the most recent cycles, which puts this result into perspective, since we have said that astrological cycles are not stable and may gradually disappear. The positive results match the red stripes in the table on the right.

This is a visualisation of the cycle to the beginning of 2012. The blue curve shows the solar cycle into the future.

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The same analysis on the CAC40 is quite positive in recent months. The red bars indicate the strength of correlation.


Solar storms: an explanation?

We believe that these are mostly electromagnetic bombardments of our planet and geomagnetic variations caused by solar winds that influence markets by modulating mass human behaviour. Studying the modulations helps us better understand these behaviours, which are particularly visible in the stock markets, and of course anticipate them. Have you ever contemplated the magnificent spectacle of solar storms? Faced with their power, billions of tons of burnt gas and ionised particles that strike the planet at phenomenal speed, we understand how insignificant we really are. Magnetic belts around our planet protect us from much of this radiation, although communications, GPS and power systems may experience disruptions. Solar winds arrive

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accompanied by a huge magnetic field that may oppose the magnetic field of the Earth and lead to large geomagnetic storms as well as the fantastically beautiful Northern Lights.

Photo : Nasa/SDO It is important to know that geomagnetic storms are relatively correlated with sunspot cycles. In this sense, the analysis of the sunspot cycle is an interesting context source of information, despite its lack of precision. Geomagnetic storms are predicted 2-3 days in advance. Their frequency is estimated to be about 35 times a year, tending to happen more between the months of March to April and September to October. We do now know precisely how people are sensitive to changes caused by these storms. However, there are studies, mostly conducted in Russia, which establish a direct link between these disturbances and human health, as well as the increase in hospitalisations and cardiovascular diseases. The power of solar storms is such that the New York Post, quoting NASA, could write ‘July 23rd 2012, the land was nearly hit by a solar storm, or the massive ejection of the Sun’s corona, in the largest storm for 150 years’. According to a study by the National Academy of Sciences, on impact, the cost would exceed $20 trillion, 20 times more than for Hurricane 19 V9


Katrina. These are only ideas about what the impact would be of solar storms in our lives. If it can create such effects, do you not think that their normal, daily changes may affect you? Similarly, we can only note the existence of specific collective behaviour in connection with these disturbances and increases pessimism due to an increase in geomagnetic activity. In 2003, the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta commissioned a scientific study into the effect of geomagnetic storms on the stock markets. It concluded that geomagnetic storms affect human behaviour, including attitude towards risk. Very interestingly, this study reveals that certain behaviours and emotions are distorted by geomagnetic storms. Negative attitudes are attributed to the economic environment, when in fact they are simply caused by the geomagnetic factor. These collective behaviours lead to transfers of investments towards less risky assets, causing a distortion in the price trend. The study finally proved through simulations that a particularly intense geomagnetic activity guided trading down during a week following its occurrence. References: Solar storms and geomagnetism: Geomagnetic activity forecasts: Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta study: Study: « Apparent Relations Between Solar Activity and Solar Tides Caused by the Planets » Ching-Cheh Hung / NASA/ Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio: SILSO (Sunspot Index and Long-Term Solar Observations (Royal Observatory of Belgium): Article by Serguey Tarassov. Solar activity data.

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D. The Moon • Lunations (Full Moon, New Moon) are to watch. Not all markets are sensitive to it. • The Moon can be used intraday • The Lunar Node can offer interesting long term trading opportunities.


1. Basic concepts

The moon has an elliptical orbit around the earth, which it travels in 27.3 days, if we refer to the position of the stars: it is its sidereal period. This means that the Moon travels the 12 signs of the zodiac in 27.3 days, or 2.28 days per sign, or a progression of 13 ° per day. During this time, the Earth has shifted relative to the Sun or, from the point of view of the earthly observer, it is the Sun that has moved, so if we take the Sun as a landmark, the moon must catch up with it after 27.3 days. The period of the Moon, so-called synodic period, is therefore slightly longer, ie 29.53 days. The plane of the lunar orbit is inclined 5.14 ° to the ecliptic. Since the axis of the earth itself is inclined at 23.45 °, the inclination of the lunar plane will be at most 28.72 °. The lunar orbit is not circular but elliptical. This means that its distance to the earth is variable, passing through a maximum (apogee) and a minimum (perigee), and that its speed is also variable. The cycle from one perigee to the next is called anomalistic cycle.

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When the lunar orbit crosses the plane of the ecliptic, it intersects it at two points called lunar nodes (Node up, Node down - North Node - South Node in English). These points play an important role since this is where eclipses occur. In fact, they are immaterial points in space, but their role is such that they are considered celestial objects as well as planets. All the planets have Nodes, built on the same principle, since the planets revolve around the sun in different planes. The intersection of their orbital plane and the ecliptic defines their Nodes. These are also very interesting points in relation to the markets. The cycle by which the Moon returns to the same Node after a complete rotation is called the dragon cycle, by reference to the dragon living in the Nodes and "devouring the Moon or the Sun during eclipses". The Nodes are also called the head and the tail of the dragon in Indian astrology (Rahu and Ketu) and also play a particularly important role in Chinese astrology.

Lunar Nodes move along the zodiac in a cycle of 18.6 years, called the Saros cycle. In other words, they go through each sign in 566 days.

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The soli-lunar cycle: lunations

The lunations result from the combination of the movements of the Moon and the Sun. These are fundamental cycles that have punctuated human activity since always:

On an astrological chart, at the Full Moon, the Moon will appear in opposition to the Sun, like this:

For the New Moon, on the contrary, both are in conjunction:

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Lunations follow a long-term cycle of 6,940 days, or 19 years, called the metonic cycle. In other words, the same lunation will occur in the same place of the zodiac every 19 years. The duration of a lunation remains a key variable, in a way, a basic brick. An American researcher, Christopher Carolan has developed a particularly interesting theory in his book "The Spiral Calender", showing that the intervals of time between significant ups and downs can be expressed as a function of the duration of lunations, 29.5 days and numbers derived from the sequence of Fibonacci (in fact successive square roots of the numbers composing it, either for the numbers 2, 3, 5 ... the square roots 1.41 1.73 2.24 etc.). The influence of lunations on the markets is controversial and uneven. It would be dangerous to practice a practice such as "I buy at the Full Moon and I sell at the New Moon". In addition, some writers make a distinction between lunations in growing markets and lunations in declining markets. Similarly, one can watch the New Moon of April when it is in conjunction with the Midheaven of the New York Stock Exchange (9 ° Aries) or September, when in opposition with it (9 ° Libra). The presence of other planets in aspects with the Sun-Moon couple can accentuate the effects of the lunation in one or the other direction. Likewise, it is possible to search for Full Moons occurring when the Moon is as close as possible to the Earth (the "Supermoon" effect). Correlation is not automatic for all markets. The combination of these two criteria defines a 4-year cycle. Our analysis of the DAX, which was mediocre for normal lunations, becomes much more interesting:

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A simulation was performed on a simplified model derived from the analysis of lunations. The idea was to issue a buy order when the Sun-Moon angle was 138 degrees and sell when it reached 33 degrees, which was like saying "buy 3 days before the Full Moon" and then "sell 3 days after the New Moon. The 10-year result was 59% of winning trades:

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The cycle of Lunar Nodes

As we have seen above, the cycle of lunar Nodes or Saros cycle lasts 18.6 years. It is therefore a long-term cycle, quite far from the trader's concerns. The Node nonetheless plays a vital role in financial astrology. For example, it can be used as follows: - Observation of the "ingress", that is to say the entry of the Nodes in a new sign of the zodiac (there are two Nodes diametrically opposed, the entry of the one in a sign mechanically drives the entry of the other in the opposite sign), - Distribution of the period of presence in a zodiac sign according to a Fibonacci sequence (see works by M.G. Bucholtz). - For the S & P, it highlights a high probability of increase (for 0.5%) 9 days after the event:

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- A Fibonacci distribution of the transit in a sign (See MG Buchholz) also seems relevant to determine a change of trend. In any case, like all the other criteria we are talking about here, it creates an alert with a good probability:

When the Node arrives in the last few months of its passage in a zodiac sign, which lasts about a year and a half, this period is frequently accompanied by significant declines, as we see below (which does not mean that all decreases necessarily occur at this time). This is the example of the Dow Jones. The colored rectangles correspond to the passage of the Node in different signs (signs of fire: yellow - earth, brown - air, light blue and water, dark blue, but the elements in question do not play any specific role in our example). The arrows indicate the market declines that occurred in the last months of the sign:

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Several of the most eminent authors (Gann with his famous financial table presented before, Louise Mc Whirter) link the general economic atmosphere with the presence of the North Node in this or that sign of the zodiac, which allows them to define cycles. economic. However, this analysis, which was relevant at the time of their study of the markets, was not confirmed by the observation of the past 20 years.


Lunar force of attraction

This variable, which reflects the Moon's pulling force, is visually correlated to CITs. Its direct use by the trader is however in our opinion risky.

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In the same way, we worked on the lunar declinations as well as on its speed, without observing real result worthy of interest.

5. The Moon and the Intraday The Moon moves on the zodiacal circle of 13 ° per day. This relative speed of the Moon leads some to use it in intraday trading. Indeed, during its displacement, it will be in aspect with other slower planets and some consider that it plays at that specific time a role of trigger.

References : The Spiral Calender - Christopher Carolan - New Classics Library The Lunar Code - Ken Ring Louise Mc Whirter - Astrology and Stockmarket forecasting (1938) The Lost Science - M. Bucholtz

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E. The eclipses

• The eclipses (4 per year) provide a good predictability of market movements. • They can be taken into account to trade both when they occur and on the sensitive points they generate.


What is an eclipse?

Eclipses occur when the Earth, the Moon and the Sun are aligned in space. However, since the Moon's orbit is in a 5 ° 09 'inclined plane to that of the ecliptic, the three objects may be out of sync at Full Moons and New Moons, which explains why they do not systematically produce eclipses. You have an eclipse only when these configurations occur at the moment of the transit of the Moon on its Node, because it is necessary that the three objects are aligned in the space. There are two kinds of eclipses, lunar eclipses and solar eclipses: - The lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth is between the Moon and the Sun and the shadow of the Earth is projected onto the Moon. This occurs during the Full Moon, with a conjunction with the Lunar Node; it therefore takes place at night.

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- On a chart, the lunar eclipse appears as follows:

- A solar eclipse is caused by the passage of the Moon between the Earth and the Sun, the Moon masking partially and exceptionally in totality the Sun. It occurs therefore during the day.

There are three types of lunar eclipses: total, partial and annular eclipses. The objects must be aligned, including with the Node, which appears as a double conjunction on a geocentric astrological map (seen from Earth): 19 V9


There are four eclipses a year, two lunar eclipses and two solar eclipses. They are grouped, succeeding each other two weeks apart, the time required for the moon to complete a halforbit around the earth and move from a position of conjunction to a position of opposition or vice versa. They occur at variable zodiac points, which depend on the displacement of the Lunar Node, which makes the complete turn of the zodiac in a little over 18 years (Saros cycle). It is important to note that these eclipses are visible from limited geographic areas on Earth, and that they are supposed to exert their influence accordingly, that is, the more eclipses are visible and the more active they can be. This is the reason why American astrologers were having a blast with the approach of the eclipse of August 21, 2017:

Here are the dates of the eclipses from 2019 to 2022 (Source : Timing Solution):

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The influence of eclipses

Eclipses have stimulated the imagination of men since the earliest antiquity (see in particular what the famous English astrologer Sepharial was saying about thatin the late nineteenth century). They are mentioned in the oldest texts of humanity. Eclipses have never had a good reputation. They are associated with the production of largescale natural disasters (earthquakes, etc.). Thus, at a more recent date, some American authors associated the disastrous San Francisco earthquake of April 18th, 1906 with an eclipse that occurred in February of the same year. According to the same Sepharial, eclipses occurring in fixed signs (Taurus - Lion - Scorpio Sagittarius) would be particularly damaging. Solar eclipses are often viewed as a partial blockage of the Sun's energy through the lunar transit, resulting in its negative influence on the Earth. Similarly, with regard to lunar eclipses, it is the Sun's energy, usually reflected by the Moon, which is blocked by the obstacle of the Earth's mass.

3. Eclipses and markets The connection between eclipses and markets is not simple. At a first level, which we will discuss below, the eclipse can have a direct impact on the markets. But more advanced astrologers then work on sensitive points defined by the eclipse that can be traversed and activated later by other planets. WD Gann actively used eclipses, as evidenced by the many dates that can be found in his

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books (see on this subject Mikula's analysis of Gann's book "How to make Profits trading in Commodities" in his book. book: "Gann's scientific methods unveiled"). In general, the two forms of eclipses are correlated with changes in trends in certain markets, without this being of an automatic nature. However, on the one hand, their influence depends on their intensity, the total solar eclipses, then annular, seeming to be the most intense, and on the other hand we must be cautious: all the markets do not react in the same way. The first step is therefore to analyze the reactions of our market to eclipses of the past. When certain eclipses have been identified, it will be necessary to look at whether other astrological elements are recurrent (positions of certain planets, etc.). In addition, as we have seen, eclipses occur in conjunction with the Lunar Node. The latter follows the cycle of Saros 18 years, the cycle, at the end of which it is found at its initial point. Some think that two eclipses occurring on the same Saros, so with an interval of 18 years, are correlated. As an illustration, let's examine the reactions of the EURUSD during recent solar eclipses (materialized by the vertical blue lines):

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Relatively strong correlations therefore appear, highlighting a 72.2% probability of a EURUSD rise about ten days after the solar eclipse. Lunar eclipses and EURUSD:

We can see on this screeshot many CITs during eclipses, which is confirmed by the statistical analysis:

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On the CAC, we also see a fairly good correlation, which has resulted in a rise at the time of solar eclipses:

Lunar eclipses do not show interesting results for the CAC.

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On the DAX, eclipses have fairly good probabilities of rise, especially for solar eclipses:

On gold, the results are quite average for solar eclipses, despite the traditional link that is assumed between this metal and the Sun.

4. Eclipses and sensitive points There is a theory that an eclipse creates hot spots on the zodiac, sometimes for many years: - the transit of a planet by these points of eclipse will be a trigger for a change of trend - the transit of planets having occupied a remarkable position during the eclipse by their points of aspects will also be a trigger (suppose that Jupiter entered a sign at the time of the eclipse, it will be necessary to analyze what will happen when he will arrive at the square of this position, that is to say exactly 3 years later or at the trine, 8 years later!). This subject is very complex. For those who wish to dig into it, we recommend the reading of P. Mikula (a book of great clarity). Let's look at the sensitive points defined by eclipses for the gold market. These conjunctions are not very frequent, but they are effective. The passages of Mars by the sensitive point defined by the eclipse have resulted in a rise in the price of gold with a fairly good probability:

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The Venus and Jupiter transits are also well correlated with price increases, although for Jupiter, the data is naturally less numerous (and therefore statistically insignificant), given its orbital duration:

According to P. Mikula, Gann reportedly transmitted his eclipse method by decoding two successive wheat price declines according to an eclipse in 1941, the first one occurring one day after the total solar eclipse of 21 September 1941, and the second when the Moon completed a complete revolution and found itself at the exact point that it occupied the day of the solar eclipse. The Moon would be only one of the elements of the puzzle, the rest of the map of the sky must also be taken into consideration (aspects, ingress, retrograde movements). Finally, we note that for some markets eclipses occurring in fixed signs produce better results. Illustration on the S & P:

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In the same way that the Moon hides the Sun on the occasion of an eclipse, it can be placed between the earth and one or the other of the planets and with observable results on the markets (with good probabilities), which we illustrate with a study of the CAC moves at occultation times with Mercury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter :

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In the gold market, the conjunction of several occultations at the same time clearly coincides with turning points. Note that here also the occultation of Venus has a fairly good probability of influence on this market:

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On the EURUSD, the occultation of Venus gives an exceptionally good statistical result:

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"Combustion" is a special astronomical phenomenon: it is the passage of Mercury or Venus between the Earth and the Sun, and only of these two planets since they have shorter orbits than the Earth. Opinions are controversial about what is happening at this moment, some thinking that these planets are "burned" by the sun, others, like André Barbault that their effect is magnified, as if there was a kind of revival planetary ( By stopping or attracting some of the electromagnetic radiation from the Sun, the two planets that rotate in shorter orbits than ours, Mercury and Venus can exert a moderate influence on the markets. For the DAX we get visually a good correlation for Venus combust with turning points, and the statistical analysis confirms these results:

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References The astro charts were realized with Solar Fire Gold and the statistical tests with Timing Solution Sepharial – Cosmic Symbolism Sepharial – Eclipses Astronomically and Astrological Considered and Explained Daniel Ferrera - P. Mikula - « Gann’s scientific methods unveiled » and internet site: W.D. Gann « How to make Profits trading in Commodities » Myles Walker Wilson – “Profitable Forecasting”

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F. The planets • Very good correlations for Jupiter-Saturn, Jupiter-Uranus Mars-Saturn and VenusMars aspects • Large differences between markets • No automatic application of the classical astrology criteria

1. Table of aspects In classical astrology the question of aspects, that is to say angles between two planets, is fundamental. It is just as much in financial astrology, except that the statistical means available today make it possible to get rid of automatism "such angle is favorable, such other unfavorable". In reality, we obtain very different results (or no interesting results at all) and this market by market. As an illustration, we present on the following page a table of synthesis, which allows to obtain a reference at a glance on the influence of this or that aspect. This table has been prepared in relation to the index markets, especially the S & P. It is not necessarily valid for other markets. We deliberately selected only those aspects with a good probability of occurrence (in this case, the aspects for which the probability difference from the control sample is at least 15 points, or for which there is a confirmation by a good level of Khi-square). We have reviewed all the boxes in this table and have deliberately discarded the average results (eg an indication of increasing trend, but with a difference of only 10 points compared to the control group). In other words, what's left is what really has the best chance of "working". This approach allows several observations: - the aspects that "work" are limited in number - the traditional "favorable / unfavorable" rule does not work as expected - the effect of the aspects is sometimes off by several days, which means that when a fast planet is at the culmination of the aspect, the effect does not happen immediately but with a few degrees of offset . We only considered the aspect criterion. If we add a second variable, declination for example, the results will be quite different. We began by examining separately the influence of the cycles of each planet on the markets, then we combined them with those of the Sun and finally we combined these cycles two by two, distinguishing the case of the slow planets of the fast planets. The table on the next page summarizes our observations. It is better to consider it in two steps. Consider first that for each color there is a perceptible signal, and then that in the past the indicated move has been dominant. To consider only as an indication.

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Slow planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto)

Slow planets, taken in pairs, obey long-term cycles, which define rhythms correlated with each other. Two planets are to be observed in a particular way, because they oppose by their effects on the markets: Jupiter (expansion - cycle of 12 years) and Saturn (contraction - cycle of 30 years). These planets are in conjunction every 20 years, which Gann retains as one of the fundamental cycles.

Saturn-Uranus (45 years old) = (+/-) 2 x Jupiter-Saturn (2 x 20 = 40 years) = 3 x Jupiter-Uranus either (3 x 14 = 42 years old) = 6 zodiac signs for Uranus (84/12 x 3 = 42 years = 180 °). As an example, next is the evolution of the DAX over 20 years on which we have included the important aspects of Jupiter-Uranus:

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Here is the Jupiter-Saturn cycle back on the Dow Jones:

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And again the cycles of Saturn (in blue) or Saturn Uranus (in red) on the Dow Jones (serious moves planned for 2020 ...):

Mars, which is the fastest outer planet, is often considered an activator and it is interesting to examine the correlation of its aspects with slower planets such as Jupiter or Saturn in some markets, like here the DAX:

While studying these phenomena, we can not forget to refer to the American researcher Cowan, who has published many remarkable works on the subject (

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G. Angles of repetition * From a first turning point, we can determine future points with a good probability by applying a repetition angle to a given planet.


Angles of solar repetitions

With this module, we begin to break out of the classic astrological approach. The techniques that we present are effective, but empirical and it is necessary to put some of it to find the most suitable indicator. But, it works pretty well ... By looking for the possibilities of cycles, one can note the existence of the recurring rhythms on the indices, based on the solar cycles: one notes that a particularly significant high or a low corresponds to a point of the zodiac and that other sensitive points of the active concerned appear when the sun passes through points of the zodiac located at regular distances from the starting point, the rhythms of 15 ° and 30 ° playing a particular role. For example, in 1987, the S & P crossed a low point when the sun was 29 ° 45 'from Taurus. If we add 30 °, then 60 °, then 90 °, etc. we will highlight new hot spots. We will try to test this idea during periods of crises that have affected the markets (S & P 500 analysis). The idea is to take as a starting point a particularly significant low and to analyze what happens at regular solar intervals (when the sun has moved by X degrees). After various attempts, the analysis revealed a rhythm based on solar intervals of 30 °. Let's take a look at what happened during the 1987 crisis:

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We note that every 30 °, we come across a summit, more or less significant and that this is repeated during the next crisis, nevertheless less spectacular, of 1990. We took here as a starting point, the shot of warning that had taken place in a bullish sky:

Same findings in 2001-2002. The points are generally quite good, with a margin of error of one or two days, making their use tricky in terms of trading. This leads us to consider this tool as usable, but only in combination with other analysis tools :

In 2007-2008, we have a little less accurate results. This time we used 60 ° solar intervals, which worked better than the 15 ° or 30 °. We believe that this tool generally gives good indications, but that it takes a certain amount of pragmatism in its use, in particular to find the optimal rhythm.

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Let's take a look at what's happening in 2011-2012, first in a global way:

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Now we will zoom in, so that we have a more detailed view. Remember that each of the vertical lines has been planned well in advance, which no conventional technique gives you. Imagine that you are in position on the first segment of each angle drawn on the solar turning points and that you know, you and those who use this technique, that a point is approaching. Is not this an interesting warning signal?

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The tool is not perfect, but it brings additional information outside the market. It indicates minor reversals, not necessarily the big reversals of the market. The signal is sometimes disturbed by the weekends. It is more interesting in a fluctuating environment than in a context of regular growth (curve of the previous page for example).

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For the purpose of optimization, it is also useful to vary the starting point, checking on the past if the pair (starting point, repetition angle) is valid or not:

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When this method indicates the arrival of a turning point, it is necessary to modulate the forecast with some nuances: - We do not know what will be the extent of the retracement. We see it on the graphs, it is sometimes minimal and sometimes major. - We do not know in which direction (at this point). - If the point is distant, we can not exclude that there is a reversal inbetween. That is to say that the different cases below are possible (DAX - at the end, it is the case N ° 4 which happened):


Simple planetary angles

When using this technique with planets other than the Sun, we can choose a geocentric approach or a heliocentric approach. The first one will see phases where the concerned planet arrives to a certain degree then goes to the retrograde phase, and passes a third time by the same angle after returning in direct mode, the whole thing on a rather short period if the concerned planet is fast, like Mercury or Venus. Take for example the case of gold and its possible relationship with Mercury. Twice, on this

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graph, Mercury becomes retrograde, then direct, and thus passes three times by the same point, generating irregular intervals in time:

If we had taken the same parameters, but with Heliocentric Mercury, the results would have been completely different, but also interesting:

Experience shows that fairly good results are obtained using a pitch of 105 ° with Mercury.

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For gold, here are the results :

For crude oil, the same method gives interesting results, but a little irregular:

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A step of 62 ° gives better results:

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The other planets can be used in the same way, so Venus on the EURUSD:

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Heliocentric Mars gives better results:

... and provides projected dates of CITs:

... that we find in the reality of prices, on this graph taken several months after the first one:

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A 15 ° repetition angle for Jupiter on the Dow provides very interesting results:


Compound planetary angles

So far we have used planets taken in isolation. It is also possible to combine the action of several planets, that is to say to change their angular distance, in the same way, at regular intervals. The advantage of this approach is to consider at the same time two planets which are supposed to be related to a particular asset.

As an example, here is the use of a combination Mercury-Sun on gold:

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There are traditional pairs of planets whose relationships are to be considered in a privileged way in the observation of an asset, such as Venus-Mars (money and energy in classical approach), Venus-Jupiter (money and expansion), Venus-Uranus (money and quick changes) or Mars-Saturn (controlled energy or depression). Let's try to analyze the interest of their use on a given asset, for example the DAX, which shows a good reaction against the basic planetary pair Venus-Mars :

The Mars-Saturn pair, two planets traditionally considered rather "evil", also gives interesting results (still on the DAX), with a correct prediction of most significant turning points of the

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Finally, the Venus-Jupiter pair, two "beneficial" planets, is among the candidates to examine. We can risk here a hypothesis: Venus and Jupiter are the two astronomically most influential planets on the formation and magnitude of solar tides by their gravitational influence. Their combination should therefore be significant on many assets. On the DAX, the results are quite good, but it never works in 100% of cases, which makes us repeat that we must always reason in terms of probabilities:

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H. Planetary lines • The planetary movements make it possible to build lines of supports and resistances framing the prices. • They can be combined with the use of the square of 9, which highlights particularly effective price levels.


Construction of planetary lines

WD Gann had developed the idea of converting planetary degrees into prices so that prices and "planetary lines" could be included on the same graph. While we have focused so far on time, this approach provides indications on prices: it allows to define very interesting lines of supports and resistances. These techniques were subsequently developed and refined by other researchers (among others: Jeanne Long, Patrick Mikula, Daniele Prandelli, the Italian researcher Fabio Oreste who links them to quantum physics, etc.). On the archival document below written by Gann's own hand (May soybeans 1947 futures), we can see the sketches of the planetary lines of Mars and Jupiter, with the presence in particular of the small symbol of Jupiter to the left of the image, which attests - if need be the idea that he used this technique well:

What is the principle of this technique? We have basically a conversion hypothesis, stipulating for example that 1 ° of solar longitude is equal to 1 $. We take the longitude of a planet and convert it into a price on the basis of this hypothesis, knowing that it may be necessary to add several zodiac turns to arrive in the price area concerned. This makes it possible to define a first line of points, each of them being equal to an integer number of times 360 to which is added the fraction corresponding to the position of the planet chosen on the chosen date.

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For example, on August 11th, 2014, Jupiter was 21 ° Lion (141 °), while the Dow was US $ 15,529. The calculation will be: 360 X 43 rounds (approximated) +141 = $ 15,621 This will give a point considered as the 0 ° of Jupiter. By doing the same calculation for successive dates, it is possible to draw a first line. By incrementing it by 360 °, we define parallel lines separated by $ 360, based on our conversion hypothesis:

These intervals can be further modulated by adding harmonics, which in fact correspond to points in appearance with Jupiter. Indeed, if we add 90 ° and not 360 °, we will have a line of squares to Jupiter. These planetary lines draw supports and resistances with respect to prices, more or less appropriately. This is why it is necessary to do many tests before finding the planet that best combines with the asset studied, as well as the degrees / price conversion ratio. The planets can also be chosen either in a geocentric approach or in a heliocentric approach, which will smoothen the lines, since it will not have negative variations in longitudes as in the geocentric approach. The lines corresponding to the planet at 0 ° (the one in our previous example goes through $ 15,621) are supposed to be stronger than its harmonics. Some people advocate observing the behavior of prices in relation to the lines and to see on which harmonics there are stops (0 °, 90 °, 120 °?), which can be useful to predict the future prices behavior. On the previous chart, the Sun was following straight lines, but the choice of another planet, for example Geocentric Mercury, which therefore naturally presents retrograde movements at intervals, will give quite different results:

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According to P. Mikula, it seems that WD Gann used essentially the geocentric movement of the planets. There is nothing to make a single planet appear on a graph, quite the contrary: the crossing of two sets of planetary lines can be instructive, especially if it is based on significant planetary cycles for a particular asset. Taking our example from the Dow, we previously identified two planetary cycles corresponding very well to this asset (among others, because they are associated with other non-planetary cycles), and that we can visualize on the graph below: - a 742-day cycle very close to heliocentric Mars-Saturn (blue curve), - a 148-day cycle very close to Heliocentric Mercury-Venus (red curve).

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Given their affinity with the asset considered, in this case the Dow, these two cycles will produce particularly relevant planetary lines, as can be seen in the graph below (we have added in the form of vertical lines basic aspects for Mars-Saturn):

This tool is extremely interesting and can help to anticipate the arrival on a support or a resistance that would not have been identified by conventional methods. With a slight nuance: we mentioned a debate about the existence of a certain lack of stability of the planetary cycles in the long term. They appear and then disappear after a while. On the basis of this idea, some people think that we find the same instability with the planetary lines.


How to use planetary lines?

Once identified the planetary cycles relating to a particular asset, it is possible to use them to build the corresponding planetary lines, possibly by looking for what can happen on remarkable aspects (on the previous chart, we have included the Mars -Saturne angles of 0 °, 90 °, 180 °). We notice how the Mars-Saturn lines form interesting channels in which prices are imprisoned. In combination with other indicators, these lines can be used for entering in the market, in the same way as conventional supports and resistances, when they they reject the prices. Note that this is not always the case, as in the other conventional approaches based on supports and resistances: it happens that the lines are crossed by a powerful movement.

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I. Sensitive zodiac points • It is important to review the main points of the zodiac when working on a market forecast, including the Galactic Center, the 7-9 ° Gemini (US assets) There are particularly sensitive points on the zodiac, which have been determined in various ways or advocated by reputable writers. We have selected a couple of them. There are others.


The United States and Gemini

According to Luther Jensen, the United States is supposed to have a particular sensitivity to Gemini 7 °- 9 ° (thus, the lunar Node was at 11 ° Gemini, in the orb of this point, when on October 10th, 2002, a panic seized the financial markets).

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How does the Dow react when planets cross this point? In general, with quite a good correlation, except for the Moon. This justifies a particular search for any market in connection with the United States (there are many ...).


The galactic center

The galaxy center is the point around which our galaxy turns. There are tens of thousands of stars forming a cloud of extreme density and a gigantic black hole. Because of this colossal source of magnetic energy, which some people do not hesitate to consider as a second Sun, we have here a sensitive point of the zodiac.

The Galactic Center is located at 266 ° i.e. Sagittarius 26 ° (however this point is moving and will be 27Sag13 in 2025). We tested the S & P with respect to the passage of different planets, which brings out good results for the Sun and for Mercury.

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The ingress

The ingress are the entry points of a planet into a zodiac sign. The analysis of the markets behavior at the time of this event shows that we can get good results with Venus, depending on the markets. The Sun entering a new sign simultaneously to another planet (entering any other sign), is supposed to produce a signal for the commodity markets, which we have not observed.


The planetary Nodes

Like the Moon, whose orbit intersects the ecliptic at the level of the lunar Node, a sensitive point whose importance is undisputed, the planets also have Nodes built according to the same model. The transit of planets by their Node depends on the orbital duration of the latter and occurs twice per cycle (so for Jupiter every 6 years, for example). The examples below taken on the DAX show strong correlations and fast movements for each of the Nodes of Venus.

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When the orbit of the planets becomes longer, you have less and less transit through the Nodes. Thus Mars can present very good correlations, but infrequent.

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J. Declinations, velocities, retrograde movements • Planets declinations provide good quality indicators, especially for indices. • The passage of planets from direct to retrograde movements also has high probabilities of success.



A reminder: the declination of a planet is the angle it makes with the celestial equator. It is a variable widely recognized among analysts and found in ephemeris with no problem. It is measured in degrees, positive or negative depending on whether you are on one side or the other of the celestial equator. It goes through maxima and minima (for example for the Sun 23 ° 27 'at the summer solstice) and by a zero point. The passage of the planets by retrograde movements gives an irregular character to the curves of their declinations. These are, however, perfectly predictable. Now, it is necessary to appreciate to what extent these declinations are influential. The following tests were performed on the DAX. Different results can be observed in other markets. In general, we can note that the variations of the declination of Mercury have a fairly good correlation with the Dax, especially when it is to zero:

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For the DAX, the Venus declination can also be used:

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Same observation for Mars, Jupiter and Saturn:

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Another example: for Gold, we obtain interesting results with the Mercury declination:

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By zooming a bit, here are the extreme points of the Mercury declination:

It is not perfect, so we can not say "the declination reaches a peak, so we plan a turnaround", but we know that the probability exists on this point.


Parallels and counter-parallels

Declinations can be assessed for one planet but also for pairs, or even groups of planets. It is a question of seeing if their declinations are equal (parallel) or equal in absolute values but opposed by the sign (counter-parallels). When two planets are both conjunct and parallel, they are in a very powerful position. The number of combinations being high, we only indicate some interesting configurations that we have identified, specifically for the DAX:

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There are tools to visualize the planets declinations and their possible crossings (parallelism) on the price chart. The lines correspond to the planets declinations, whose symbol appears on the right. When they meet, there is parallelism.

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See for example how this indicator is interesting for the gold market:


Speed of the planets

The speed of the planets is a variable to examine more closely, since it appears that it is quite variable. Mercury speed: visually, on the example of the EURUSD, quite close to turning points, with fairly good statistical results:

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Venus Speed: Let us now turn to the example of gold with the Venus speed, with quite good results, whether we consider the maximum speed or the speed equal to zero.

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Mars speed: Excellent results for maximum speed (but few signals):

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Retrograde movement, direct movement

We explain in detail this specific movement in the chapter "Basic notions". In general, it appears that the passage of a planet from direct to retrograde and vice versa is accompanied by movements on prices, with nuances depending on the markets. Mercury retrograde: Mercury has the interest of frequent changes of direction, which makes it interesting for the trader. And indeed, we observe usable correlations, on indices, certain commodities, gold or here the EURUSD:

Venus retrograde: For Venus, we chose the example of the DAX, with quite good results

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Unlike Mercury, the passage of Venus retrograde gives a good result for soybeans

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Mars : Excellent results for the DAX, when Mars becomes retrograde:

Mars goes from direct to retrograde, then vice versa, on the Dow Jones

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Mars goes from direct to retrograde, then vice versa, on the coffee:

Mars goes from direct to retrograde, then vice versa, on soybeans:

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Jupiter: what happens on the DAX when Jupiter goes retrograde

Jupiter goes from direct to retrograde, then vice versa, on the Dow:

Jupiter goes from direct to retrograde, then vice versa, on the coffee:

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Saturne : what happens on the DAX when Saturn goes retrograde

Saturn goes from retrograde to live on soybeans, with a good correlation:

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