Bogdan Henrik - Kenneth Grant A Bibliography - 2015 [PDF]

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Kenneth Grant, circa 1944.

Kenneth Grant A Bibliography

HENRIK BOGDAN Preface by Steffi Grant Foreword by Martin P. Starr


Published at the Winter Solstice, 2015 by Starfire Publishing Ltd., BCM Starfire, London WC1N 3XX, U.K. Published in an edition of 750, of which the first 93 copies comprise a limited, deluxe edition, signed by Henrik Bogdan and Steffi Grant, each copy bound in quarter-leather and paper, slipcased, and hand-numbered. Standard: ISBN 978-1-906073-30-5 Deluxe: ISBN 978-1-906073-31-2 Both formats © Starfire Publishing Ltd., 2015 Text © Henrik Bogdan, 2015 Cover designed by Steffi Grant © Steffi Grant, 2015 The publishers wish to acknowledge with thanks the generosity of Robert Ansell in providing many of the images used throughout this book.

All rights reserved. The reproduction of any portion of this book, other than for review purposes, is strictly forbidden, without the prior written consent of the publishers and the copyright holder. Designed and produced by Starfire Publishing Ltd. Setting of text and images by Stephen Pochin Printed by CPI Antony Rowe Limited, Chippenham, Wilts. Deluxe edition bound by Ludlow Bookbinders Ltd., Ludlow, Shropshire admin@ starfirepublishing. со. uk

Contents Preface by Steffi. Grant ix Foreword by Martin P. Starr xi Introduction by Henrik Bogdan 1 PART ONE: MAJOR WORKS A. Non-Fiction 1 Carfax Monographs 15 2 The Magical Revival 22 3 Aleister Crowley & The Hidden God 25 4 Images & Oracles of Austin Osman Spare 27 5 Cults of the Shadow 29 6 Nightside of Eden 31 7 Outside the Circles of Time 33 8 Remembering Aleister Crowley 34 9 Hecate’s Fountain 35 10 Outer Gateways 36 11 Zos Speaks! 36 12 Beyond the Mauve Zone 37 13 The Ninth Arch 31 14 At the Feet of the Guru 38 B.

Poetry 1 Black to Black and other poems 39 2 The Gull’s Beak and other poems 40 3 Convolvulus and other poems 40


Fiction 1 Against the Light 41 2 Snakewand & The Darker Strain 42 3 Gamaliel, the Diary of a Vampire & Dance, Doll, Dance! 42 4 The Other Child and other tales 43 5 Grist to Whose Mill? 44 6 Monolith 44

PART TWO: MINOR WORKS D. Articles 49 E. Contributions to Encyclopedias 57 F. Manifestos, etc. 63 G. Works edited, with Introductions, Forewords, Prefaces & other Articles 67 H. Excerpts and Short Works 87 I. Miscellanea 91 J. Ephemera 95

Illustrations Frontispiece: Kenneth Grant, circa 1944. Selected Illustrations from the works, and some previously unpublished items: 1

Kenneth Grant, 1983.


Kenneth Grant, circa 1949.


Untitled by Steffi Grant.

4 5

Baphomet, Aleister Crowley by Steffi Grant. The magical seals of Crowley’s occult organizations, as drawn by Steffi Grant.


Kenneth Grant, circa 1948.


Desmodus by Kenneth Grant.


Black Eagle by Austin Osman Spare.


The Magical Stele of Zos vel Thanatos by Austin Osman Spare.


Portrait of Lam by Aleister Crowley.


Altar of Lam by Steffi Grant.


Tree of Eternity by Steffi Grant.


Frater Achad’s Cosmic Snowflake by Steffi Grant.


The Mystic Eye by Steffi Grant.


Kenneth Grant, September 1957 by Steffi Grant.

16 Pen and Ink Profile of the Author by Steffi Grant. 17 Aleister Crowley in 1910. Drawn from memory in 1953 by Austin Osman Spare. 18

Zos vel Thanatos, Austin O. Spare by Steffi Grant.


The Vampires are Coming by Austin Osman Spare.


Priestess of the Fire Snake by Steffi Grant.


The Dance of Kali by Steffi Grant.


Austin Osman Spare with cats, 1952.


Kenneth Grant, November 2009.


Aossic by Steffi Grant.

Illustrations of a selection of the works:

25-27 О. T.O. Manifesto, London, 1952. 28-29 From the Manifesto of New Isis Lodge О. T. O., 1955. 30

At the Feet of the Guru, 2006.


The Carfax Monographs, individual and collected.

32-33 Flyer for The Carfax Monographs and Black to Black, circa 1963. 34

Poetry Collections.


Flyer for The Magical Revival, circa 1972.

36 Works on Crowley. 37 A selection of works by Crowley, edited by John Symonds and Kenneth Grant. 38-39 Two pages from a promotional flyer, circa 1975. 40-41 A selection of works about Spare. 42-43 Two pages from a promotional flyer, circa 1977. 44

The Typhonian Trilogies.


Some translations of The Typhonian Trilogies.

46-47 Two pages from a promotional flyer, circa 1980. 48 The Nightside Narratives.

in memoriam

Kenneth Grant (1924-2011)


KENNETH GRANT’S books speak for themselves. His writings

epitomise the magical and literary trends of the twentieth century. From early youth he had been engrossed in the Eastern tradition and its Buddhist and yogic practices. As a boy he also came across Aleister Crowley’s Magick in Theory and Practice, at Zwemmers, in the 1930s a seminal bookshop in Charing Cross Road mainly devoted to artists like Dali and to the Surrealist movement, then a new, potent intellectual force. About the same time, Michael Houghton of the Atlantis Bookshop in Museum Street introduced him to Austin Osman Spare’s The Book of Pleasure. Kenneth Grant was to meet both Crowley and Spare. He stayed with Crowley in Hastings — one so old, one so young, but both equally devoted to the occult. ‘Shine on, Harvest Moon’ was playing on the radio at the Bell Inn, Aston Clinton, when they first shook hands. When Crowley appointed John Symonds as his biographer, Grant was able to copy — and thus to retrieve during the next few years — much of the archive left at Crowley’s death. One copy he gave to Gerald Yorke, who had originally published Magick in Theory and Practice. Kenneth Grant also edited many of Crowley’s writings together with John Symonds. He had meetings with Austin Osman Spare soon after the war, which had wrecked Spare’s studio, in the derelict cottage


Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography

in Brixton filled with Spare’s wonderful drawings and pastels, which are only now beginning to be appreciated worldwide. A lifelong devotee of Thelema, of Eastern practices such as the I Ching, and of the teachings of the Buddha, of Ramana Maharshi, of Anandamayi Ma, Kenneth Grant read me their writings, and their biographies by devotees, as well as those of many other sadhus. Over the decades he also read me the whole of Proust, of James Joyce, of Henry Miller; the magical novels of Dion Fortune and others, of Lovecraft, of Arthur Machen, whose love of Wales he shared, and of many seeing the world through the prism of the Mysteries, such as Bram Stoker’s vampire legend Dracula, given life by Bela Lugosi; he played me Count Basie’s magic rhythms. He had always been drawn to all those — like Allan Bennett of the Golden Dawn — who fused the wisdom of the East with that of the West. It was a theme that he developed throughout his work. Steffi Grant London, 2015

Foreword to the First Edition

BOOKS SUCH AS the works of Kenneth Grant are fashioned out of the

stuff of dreams. The neat and orderly appearance on the shelves of the Typhonian Trilogies gives no hint of the eldritch worlds they contain. One opens each volume with a sense of wonder, and one finishes them with the material for nightmares and visions of worlds yet unborn. His work is a challenging melange of history, mythic studies, Magick, Qabalah and Tantra, fused with the apocalyptic voids of H.P. Lovecraft and his kin. And guarding the Pandoras box of humanity is the smiling visage of Aleister Crowley, Prophet of the New Aeon, in form a timeless Mandarin peering out of the background of every text. Austin Osman Spare is there as well, paint brush in hand, ready to record the moment when the sable curtain is pulled back and the awful revelation is made to the reader: we are living in the Kali Yuga. Grant’s work, read aright, is an aesthetic guidebook to its perilous and uncontrolled outcroppings. His compositions, wonderfully augmented by the art of Steffi Grant and others, remind me of the sculptures of Louise Nevelson, massive assemblages of ‘found objects’ pointing the way to a new reality. I believe one has to read the whole of Grant’s major works to get a sense of his purpose as a systematic philosopher. Like his nineteenth century counterpart, Gerald Massey, the discarded wisdom of the ages, both east and west, is again put to use; Grant recycles ideas and refits them to his real science of the universe,


Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography

which is unconstrained by the limits of academic knowledge. As his longtime colleague, the Rev. Michael P. Bertiaux, has observed, his philosophical principles derived from cultic mysticism are validated by the contemporary experiences of hysteria, the artistic insights of Surrealism, automatic writing, scientific intuition, the records of magicians of various stripes and the deepest humanitarianism. All this comes at a price. Studying Grant is not a sweatless egalitarian journey for all and sundry. If we don’t apply ourselves to understand his work, we have only ourselves to blame if we cannot perceive his vision. After more than fifty years of writing and publishing, a bibliography is a welcome guide. I would hope that it will stimulate readers to get a fuller understanding of the scope of Grant’s contribution to modern thought. Some of the books were published in small editions that now command high prices; others are still in print and easily obtained. Bibliophiles, who commonly don’t feel obliged to read the books they collect, will appreciate the wealth of detail Henrik Bogdan has gathered about the objects of their desire. Students of Grant’s work, which continues to be translated into a number of languages, will be empowered in their quest for truth. May all prosper and enjoy his legacy. Martin P. Starr Chicago, 2003


KENNETH GRANT (1924-2011) stands out as one of the most original

and prolific esoteric authors of the second half of the twentieth century and the early twenty-first century. Apart from his work in promoting and publishing the works of the occultist Aleister Crowley (1875—1947) and the artist Austin Osman Spare (1886— 1956), Grant is known as the creator of a particular current in contemporary occultism usually referred to as the Typhonian Tradition. The Typhonian Tradition is set down in Grant’s three Typhonian Trilogies, which commenced with the publication of The Magical Revival in 1972, and were completed thirty years later with the appearance of The Ninth Arch in 2002. The system that emerges in his trilogies can be described as a bricolage of occultism, NeoVedanta, Hindu tantra, Western sexual magic, Surrealism, ufology and Lovecraftian gnosis, framed in the new religious tradition of Thelema. Although his own occult organisations have remained small in terms of members, the Typhonian Tradition is an important influence on other contemporary occultist currents such as the socalled Left-Hand Path, especially Michael A. Aquino (b. 1946) and the Temple of Set, and the Swedish organisation Dragon Rouge; neo-Gnostic groups associated with occultists such as Michael Bertiaux (b. 1935) and David Beth (b. 1974), and certain strands of modern witchcraft referred to as the Cultus Sahhati as promoted by Andrew Chumbley (1967—2004) and others.


Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography

Although this is a bibliography and not a biography, it might be of use to state the bare facts of Kenneth Grant’s life as they are to a large extent reflected in his published works. Grant, who had encountered the writings of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831— 1891) and other occultists in his early teens, got in contact with Aleister Crowley after he had chanced upon a copy of Crowley’s Magick in Theory and Practice in Charing Cross Road. After a brief correspondence Grant, then at the age of twenty, met Crowley in 1944 at the Bell Inn, in Buckinghamshire, and shortly thereafter became his secretary for a short period in 1945 when Crowley had relocated to Netherwood, a lodging house on a hill overlooking Hastings. As a result of having worked closely with Crowley — and having been intensively trained by him in esoteric techniques such as astral travel — Grant relates in his books that he was admitted to the O.T.O., an initiatory order headed by Crowley that not only promoted his religious and magical system of Thelema but also claimed to possess the secret of sexual magic. On 5 October 1948, almost a year after Crowley’s death, Grant was formally acknowledged as a ninth degree member by Karl J. Germer (18851962), who had succeeded Crowley as the international head of the O.T.O. On 5 March 1951, Germer issued a charter to Grant to open a Camp of the Order in London, and Grant duly proceeded to issue a Manifesto of the British Branch of the Ordo Templi Orientis, which was printed with the help of Cecil Williamson (1909-1999), the founder of the Museum of Witchcraft at Castletown on the Isle of Man. 1 It appears that in the four years between receiving the charter from Germer in 1951 and the subsequent founding of New Isis Lodge in 1955, Grant set about restructuring the system of the O.T.O., which basically consisted of the augmentation of its grade structure with elements of that of another of Crowley’s orders, the A.\A.\. According to Grant himself, however, this failed, and his plans were soon overshadowed by other practicalities involved in founding and running the New Isis Lodge.2

1 See the letters from Kenneth Grant to Cecil Williamson, dated 25 June 1951, 31 July 1951 and 14 March 1952. The Museum of Witchcraft, Boscastle, Cornwall. 2 Kenneth Grant to Henrik Bogdan, 24 August 2004.



Grant, who by virtue of his charter from Germer considered himself the head of the ‘Order in Britain’, 3 formally announced the establishing of the New Isis Lodge in the spring of 1955 by issuing an eight-page pamphlet entitled Manifesto of New Isis Lodge O.T.O. The most conspicuous aspect of this manifesto is the claim that ‘a new and compelling influence is enveloping the earth’ and that ‘its rays proceed from a source as yet unexplored by those who are not at one with it in essence and in spirit and it finds its present focus in the outer universe in the transplutonic planet Isis’. 4 This alleged planet is, according to the manifesto, to be linked to the goddess Nuit, and thereby to the first chapter of Crowley’s The Book of the Law, and it was the special task of the New Isis Lodge to channel the power and energy that emanates from the planet. 5 Germer objected strongly to the manifesto and on 20 July 1955 he formally revoked the charter and expelled Grant from the O.T.O. Grant thought little of Germer’s letter of expulsion and continued to operate the New Isis Lodge until 1962 on the basis of‘inner Plane’ powers. The group had, according to Grant, around thirty active members, who met every seventh Friday at the lodge premises in London, which at least for a while were located in the basement of a furrier’s shop at 7a Melcombe Street, just off Baker Street. 6 The experiences drawn from the ritual workings of the New Isis Lodge seem to have had a profound effect upon Kenneth Grant, and he frequently returns to this lodge in his later published works, especially in Hecate’s Fountain (1992), one of his most popular

3 Kenneth Grant to Austin Osman Spare, 18 April 1952, in Kenneth and Steffi Grant, Zos Speaks! (London: Fulgur, 1998), p. 79. 4 Kenneth Grant, Manifesto of New Isis Lodge (1955), p. 1. 5 On 23 May 1856, the English astronomer Sir Norman Robert Pogson KBE (18291891) discovered the ‘planet’ Isis. The planet was subsequently reclassified as a large main-belt asteroid. I am indebted to Michael Staley for this information. 6 Kenneth Grant to John Symonds, 9 March 1966. Private collection. The furrier’s shop on 7a Melcombe Street belonged to David Curwen (1893-1984). For a discussion on Curwen’s relationship with Kenneth Grant, see the ‘Editor’s Introduction’ to Brother Curwen, Brother Crowley: A Correspondence by Aleister Crowley and David Curwen, edited by Henrik Bogdan (York Beach, Maine: Teitan Press, 2010).


Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography

books. The 1950s were also marked by Grant’s close collaboration with Austin Osman Spare. Spare, who by then was an all but forgotten artist living in abject poverty in the south of London, seems to have gone through an artistic renaissance towards the end of his life, which to all intents and purposes was facilitated by the interest of Kenneth and Steffi Grant in his work. Although Grant discusses aspects of Spare’s magical system in the Typhonian Trilogies, as well as including many examples of his paintings and drawings, the clearest and most systematic exposition of Spare’s esoteric system is found in Grant’s influential work Images & Oracles of Austin Osman Spare. Although first published in 1975, Grant began to work on this book perhaps as early as the late 1950s, and its publication was first announced for 1967 by the Trigram Press Ltd., in a limited edition of 500 copies printed on Basingwerk Parchment and fully bound in art buckram, although the book failed to go to press at a very late stage.7 Kenneth and Steffi Grant’s involvement with Spare is further discussed in great detail in Zos Speaks! Encounters with Austin Osman Spare, published by Fulgur Limited in 1998. Around the same time, from the early 1950s and onwards, Grant immersed himself in the teachings of Eastern mystics such as Lord Kusuma Haranath (1865-1927) and Ramana Maharshi (1879— 1950), and subsequently he published numerous articles on Eastern mysticism and Advaita in journals published in India, as well as in the influential 1970s encyclopedia series Man, Myth & Magic, edited by Richard Cavendish (b. 1930). The majority of the articles published in India appeared in the monthly magazine The Call Divine, which was launched in 1952 by the editors Swami Rajeswarananda and Swami Chinmayananda. The Indian articles

7 The Trigram Press Ltd. was a London-based publishing house co-founded and managed by the poet Asa Benveniste (1925—1990), which operated between 1965 and 1969. Correspondence between Kenneth Grant and Benveniste regarding the abortive edition of Images & Oracles of Austin Osman Spare is kept in The Trigram Press Archive (MSS 155), University Libraries, Washington University in St. Louis, Department of Special Collections, Olin Library.



that specifically dealt with Haranath were published in The Vision (1960), The Lord Supreme (1961, 1984), Sri Haranath Jayanthi Magazine (1990) and Jnana Lekhari (2005). Kenneth Grant is also credited with encouraging and helping to bring out the three-volume work Lord Haranath: A Biography (1970—73) by Akella Ramakrishna Sastri.8 Most of these articles were collected into one volume and published as At the Feet of the Guru by Starfire Publishing Ltd in 2006. Apart from the articles on Eastern mysticism and a small number of documents related to Grant’s initiatory societies, the only major publications of the 1950s and 1960s were the Carfax Monographs, privately published in 1959—1963, and a slim volume of poetry, again published privately, in 1963. The latter, Black to Black and other poems, was produced in a limited edition under the imprint of Carfax, and was later republished — together with Grant’s second volume of poetry The GulTs Beak and other poems, issued by James Stevens Cox’s (1910—1997) small but influential publishing house The Toucan Press in 1970 — in the collection Convolvulus and other poems by Star fire in 2006. The Carfax Monographs consist of ten large-format folders issued over four years, each limited to 100 copies. Nine included original artwork by Steffi Grant, while one included a photograph of a stele drawn by Austin Osman Spare. The monographs were collected in one volume as Hidden Lore by Skoob Books Publishing in 1989, and again in a second, heavily expanded edition — the so-called Isis edition — in 2006 by Fulgur Limited. The Carfax Monographs were a collaboration between Kenneth and Steffi Grant, one that would continue throughout his literary output, with Steffi Grant often illustrating the dust-jackets and providing illustrative materials in the form of drawings and paintings for Kenneth Grant’s major works. Despite the comparatively small number of works published before the 1970s, Grant wrote a large number of novels and novellas in the 1950s and early 1960s which were finally published between

8 Kenneth Grant is mentioned, and a letter from Grant to the author is quoted, in volume 2 of Akella Ramakrishna Sastri’s Lord Haranath: A Biography (Rajahmundry: Girija Shankar Ghar and the author, 1970-73).


Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography

1997 and 2012 by Starfire Publishing. It is somehow only fitting that Grant’s last major work to be published, Grist to Whose Mill? (2012), was his first major work to be completed, written sixty years earlier, in 1952. The year 1969 marked the beginning of a new, highly productive phase in Grant’s published work through the editing (often with John Symonds) of a number of Aleister Crowley’s books, including The Confessions of Aleister Crowley (1969), The Magical Record of the Beast 666 (1972), The Diary of a Drug Fiend (1972), Moonchild (1972), Magick (1973), Magical and Philosophical Commentaries on The Book of the Law (1974) and The Complete Astrological Writings (1974), and by writing an introduction to The Heart of the Master (1973). These publications became instrumental in the revival of interest in Crowley, but Grant was equally instrumental in the renewed interest in Austin Osman Spare, writing new introductions to The Anathema of Zos (1973) and, more importantly, to The Book of Pleasure (1975). The early 1970s also saw the commencement of what is usually referred to as the Typhonian O.T.O. under the leadership of Grant, with its first official announcement published around 1973. While the degree system was basically the same as the one used by Crowley, Grant discarded the use of rituals of initiation and instead conferred degrees according to the personal development of its members. The development was checked by Grant himself, and it was expected that the members should regularly send him the records or diaries covering their magical practices. Most of these edited works were published by large commercial publishers like Jonathan Cape, Routledge & Kegan Paul, Duckworth and Arkana. In 1972 the first volume of the three Typhonian Trilogies, The Magical Revival, was published by Frederick Muller Limited, a large publishing house based in London that had already issued a book on Crowley in 1958, John Symonds’s The Magic of Aleister Crowley. Grant would remain with the publisher throughout the 1970s, and published six books through Frederick Muller: The Magical Revival (1972), Aleister Crowley & The Hidden God (1973), Images & Oracles of Austin Osman Spare (1975), Cults of the Shadow (1975), Nightside of Eden (1977) and



Outside the Circles of Time (1980). By 1984 Frederick Muller had merged with Blond and Briggs, and by 1985 had become Muller, Blond & White. Eventually the firm was folded into Hutchinson, now part of Random House. In 1985 the publishing rights to his titles reverted to Grant,9 and apart from a few translations, nothing new was published by him in the 1980s after Outside the Circles of Time (1980). Four of Grant’s works published by Frederick Muller were licensed to Samuel Weiser, then based in New York, for the North American market: The Magical Revival (1973), Aleister Crowley & The Hidden God (1974), Images & Oracles of Austin Osman Spare (1975) and Cults of the Shadow (1976). In the early to mid-eighties Samuel Weiser worked on publishing Grant’s Hecates Fountain, but the project was cancelled and the book was later published by Skoob Books.10 In 1989 Grant began to cooperate with a new publisher, Skoob Books Limited, and in only five years a total of nine books by him were published: Hidden Lore (1989), Remembering Aleister Crowley (1991), The Magical Revival (reprint, 1991), Aleister Crowley & The Hidden God (reprint, 1992), Hecates Fountain (1992), Cults of the Shadow (reprint, 1994), Nightside of Eden (reprint, 1994) and Outer Gateways (1994). The esoteric focus of the publisher was under the direction of Caroline Wise and Chris Johnson, and it was the former who had identified in 1989 (as she walked into the second-hand bookshop Skoob Books, which was then situated at 19 Bury Place, Bloomsbury, London) some ‘strange and wonderful pamphlets’ as the Carfax Monographs. Shortly after this serendipitous encounter, she was offered a job at Skoob and her brief was to make the focus of the shop ‘esoteric’ and to develop an esoteric publishing line, together with Chris Johnson, and they

9 Jean Rose, Library Manager, Random House Group Archive & Library, to Henrik Bogdan, 9 December 2011. 10 See James Wasserman, In the Center of the Fire: A Memoir of the Occult 19661989 (Lake Worth, Florida: Ibis Press, 2012), pp. 196-197, for an account of the events surrounding the aborted publication by Weiser.


Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography

proceeded to publish Hidden Lore (1989). 11 Following the publication of Hecates Fountain, there was pressure over its distribution in the United States concerning the use of the O.T.O. lamen on the spine and dust-jacket; in consequence, the U.S. distributors were obliged to place stickers on the shrink wraps maintaining that Kenneth Grant did not represent the O.T.O. 12 All subsequent publications carried his Aossic seal on the spine and jacket. After Frederick Muller in the 1970s and Skoob Books in the early 1990s, Grant’s next major publishers were Fulgur Limited and Starfire Publishing, who in 1996 agreed to share the role of publishing his work: Starfire taking responsibility for the trilogies and novellas, and Fulgur the Austin Osman Spare material and more technically complex works. Fulgur Limited was originally founded in 1992 by Robert Ansell, Gavin W. Semple and Hayley Tong, and later directed by Ansell. After the departure of Chris Johnson (1944—1996) and the closure of Skoob’s esoteric publishing division, in January 1996 Robert Ansell approached Kenneth Grant enquiring after the destiny of Zos Speaks!. Shortly thereafter a contract was signed for this title, and for Poems of Love and the Other Darkness (published later as Convolvulus and other poems by Starfire Publishing), that called for both books to be offered in deluxe and standard formats. The first book by Grant published by Fulgur, Zos Speaks! (1998), described as ‘A lavish quarto with production costs reaching nearly £22k’, was the first of several technically complex works, followed by Images & Oracles of Austin Osman Spare (2003), Hidden Lore, Hermetic Glyphs (2006) and Dearest Vera (2010). These books stand apart in Grant’s bibliography as the most advanced and costly productions, and they are often considered to be among the finest talismanic books published in our days.13

11 Caroline Wise to Henrik Bogdan, 2 September 2012. 12 The full text of the sticker is reprinted in Michael Staley’s article ‘It’s an 111 Wind That Bloweth’ (Starfire, Volume I, No. 5, London, 1994). 13 For a discussion of these works from the publisher’s point of view, see [Robert Ansell], Under the Eye: Twenty Years of Magical Books



In 1997, Starfire Publishing released Grant’s novel Against the Light, and subsequently published many works for the first time, as well as republishing earlier works. Starfire was formed in 1986 and is closely connected with Grant’s Typhonian O.T.O. (now renamed the Typhonian Order). For several years Starfire published a Thelemic journal entitled Starfire: A fournal of the New Aeon, but from 1997 onwards it has focused on publishing the works of Kenneth Grant: Against the Light (1997), Beyond the Mauve Zone (1999), Snakewand & The Darker Strain (2000), The Ninth Arch (2002), Gamaliel: The Diary of a Vampire & Dance, Doll, Dance! (2003), The Other Child and other tales (2003), Convolvulus and other poems (2005), At the Feet of the Guru (2006), Outside the Circles of Time (second edition, 2008), The Magical Revival (second edition, 2010), Grist to Whose Mill? A Novel of Nemesis (2012), Aleister Crowley and the Hidden God (second edition, 2013), Cults of the Shadow (second edition, 2013), Nightside of Eden (second edition, 2014), and Hecates Fountain (second edition, 2014). Starfire is considered to be the official publisher of Kenneth Grant’s work, and has embarked upon an ambitious plan to republish all of his major works and thus ensure the legacy of Kenneth Grant as an author. The first translation of Grant’s work appeared in Italian in 1973 with II Risveglio della Magia, published by Astrolabio-Ubaldini in Rome. It has been followed by translations (of books or articles) in no fewer than eight languages, including Czech, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian and Serbo-Croat. Kenneth Grant’s first published work was a short ‘appreciation’ of Austin Osman Spare’s art, which was included in a catalogue for an exhibition of paintings by Spare held at the Temple Bar, London, in 1949. Grant’s published work not only stretches over a vast period of more than sixty years, but also covers an astoundingly wide range of subjects, genres and formats. Once, asked if there was anything else he wanted to publish, Kenneth Grant replied that he considered himself to be lucky as an author in that he had published

from Fulgur Limited (2012).


Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography

everything that he wanted to say. In that sense we, as readers, find ourselves in the unusual position of having a complete oeuvre in front of us. Kenneth Grant’s writings — from poetry, articles on occultism and Eastern mysticism, manifestos and introductions, to the Typhonian Trilogies — can be seen as the various building blocks that together make up the whole, a magical universe open for each reader to explore. I hope that this bibliography will be of assistance not only for the collector and the scholar, but also for the explorer of Grant’s magical universe. The first edition of the Kenneth Grant bibliography was published in 2003, by Academia Esoterica Press. This second edition is heavily revised and corrected, and a quick comparison between the two editions will reveal that the numbering of the listed items has been changed, and it is therefore recommended that the numbering of the first edition should no longer be used. The main difference between the first and the second editions is — apart from a large number of additions and corrections — that the full bibliographical details of the title pages for each of the major works written by Kenneth Grant, as well as of the translations of the major works, have been provided in conformity with standard bibliographic practice. Secondary items such as works introduced or edited by Grant are not presented with full title-page descriptions, but with reduced bibliographic information as was the practice in the first edition. The bibliography is divided into two main sections, further divided into ten parts: Section One, Major Works, consists of ‘Non-Fiction’ (Al—A14), ‘Poetry’ (Bl—B3) and ‘Fiction’ (C1C6). Section Two, Minor Works, consists of ‘Articles’ (Dl—D30), ‘Contributions to Encyclopedias’ (El—E18), ‘Manifestos’ (F1-F13), ‘Works edited, with Introductions, Forewords, Prefaces & other Articles’ (Gl—G23), ‘Excerpts and Short Works’ (HI—H13), ‘Miscellanea’ (II—HO), and finally ‘Ephemera’ (Jl-J3). It should be noted that whereas the bibliography is entitled Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography, it has seemed natural to include works written by Steffi Grant since these were often published together with Kenneth Grant, and given the fact that much of their oeuvre is a collaborative work.



I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who have assisted me over the years with corrections, additions and material, many of whom already helped me with the first edition. In particular I’d like to mention Robert Ansell, who helped with the present structure of the Bibliography, and Michael Staley, who has provided me with valuable information and suggestions. I am also grateful to Clive Harper, Roberto Migliussi, Keith Richmond, and Martin P. Starr. My most sincere gratitude goes to Steffi and Kenneth Grant, who have unfailingly supported the work on the bibliography ever since I first embarked upon this project. Thank you. Henrik Bogdan Gothenburg, 2015


Major Works



CARFAX MONOGRAPHS 1959-1963 a. First edition, issued in 10 Parts I. The Tree of Life, 1959 THE TREE OF LIFE | A Coloured Delineation by | Steffi Grant with a Short | Note on the Modifications | of the One Consciousness | Folder limited to One Hundred Copies | Price Fifteen Shillings [London]: privately printed, [1959]. DESCRIPTION: Large single sheet of thick light olive- grey printed card, folded to give four 20 * 33 cm pages. Page [1] serves as the title page, page [2] contains text, page [3] contains an original coloured pen and ink drawing by Steffi Grant, page [4] is blank. Limited edition of 100 numbered copies. Signed by Steffi Grant.


Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography

II. The Golden Dawn, 1959 THE GOLDEN DAWN | A Brief Note on | the Hermetic Order | of the G.\ D.\ with a | Coloured Delineation | of the Complete Symbol | of the Rose and Cross | by Steffi Grant | No. [numbered by hand] | of One Hundred Copies | Price One Guinea | Copyright [London]: privately printed, [1959]. DESCRIPTION: Large single sheet of thick light orange printed card, folded to give four 20 x 33 cm pages. Page [1] serves as the title page, page [2] contains text, page [3] contains an original coloured pen and ink drawing by Steffi Grant, page [4] contains text. Limited edition of 100 numbered copies. Signed by Steffi Grant. III. Aleister Crowley, 1960 CARFAX MONOGRAPHS | III | ALEISTER CROWLEY | An illustrated essay concerning | the magical phases of his life | by Steffi Grant | No. [numbered by hand] | of One Hundred Copies | Price Twenty-five Shillings | Copyright


[London]: privately printed, [1960]. DESCRIPTION: Large single sheet of thick light green printed card, folded to give four 20 * 33 cm pages. Page [1] serves as the title page, page [2] contains text, page [3] contains an original coloured pen and ink drawing by Steffi Grant, page [4] is blank. Limited edition of 100 numbered copies. Signed by Steffi Grant. [See HI la] Austin Osman Spare, 1960 CARFAX MONOGRAPHS | IV | AUSTIN OSMAN SPARE



| An introduction to his | psycho-magical philosophy | by Kenneth Grant | illustrated by a formula from | the гоёйс grimoire of Zos | No. [numbered by hand] | of One Hundred Copies | Price Thirty Shillings | © Kenneth Grant, 1961 [London]: privately printed, [1960]. DESCRIPTION: Large single sheet of thick rust-red printed card, folded to give four 20 x 33 cm pages. Page [1] serves as the title page, page [2] contains text, page [3] contains a black and white photograph, page [4] contains text. Limited edition of 100 numbered copies. Signed by Kenneth Grant. [See H6a] V.

Vinum Sabbati, 1961 CARFAX MONOGRAPHS | V | VINUM SABBATI | Magical zoomorphisms of | the Witches’ Sabbath | interpreted in the light | of ancient symbols | by Kenneth Grant | No. [numbered by hand] | of One Hundred Copies | Price Thirty Shillings | Copyright

[London]: privately printed, [1961]. DESCRIPTION: Large single sheet of thick green printed card, folded to give four 20 * 33 cm pages. Page [1] serves as the title page, page [2] contains text, page [3] contains an original coloured pen and ink drawing by Steffi Grant, page [4] contains text. Limited edition of 100 numbered copies. Signed by Kenneth Grant. [See H8a] VI. Mage and Image, 1961 CARFAX MONOGRAPHS | VI | MAGE AND IMAGE | An essay on hermetic mutation | with coloured reconstructions | of G.'.D.*. wands and sceptres | by Steffi Grant | No. [numbered by hand] | of One Hundred Copies | Price Thirty Shillings | Copyright


Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography

[London]: privately printed, [1961]. DESCRIPTION: Large single sheet of thick grey printed card, folded to give four 20 x 33 cm pages. Page [1] serves as the title page, page [2] contains text, page [3] contains an original coloured pen and ink drawing by Steffi Grant, page [4] lists the first seven Carfax Monographs. Limited edition of 100 numbered copies. Signed by Steffi Grant. VII. Hidden Lore, 1962 CARFAX MONOGRAPHS | VII | HIDDEN LORE | A survey of recent imaginative writing, | with figures from Hermean zodiac, | and the Elemental seals of Dr. Dee. | By Kenneth Grant | No. [numbered by hand] | of One Hundred Copies | Price Thirty Shillings | Copyright [London]: privately printed, [1962]. DESCRIPTION: Large single sheet of thick orange printed card, folded to give four 20 x 33 cm pages. Page [1] serves as the title page, page [2] contains text, page [3] contains an original coloured pen and ink drawing by Steffi Grant, page [4] contains text. Limited edition of 100 numbered copies. Signed by Steffi Grant. [See H9a] VIII. Yetzirah, 1962 CARFAX MONOGRAPHS | VIII | YETZIRAH | Spectral structure and manifest form | with a variant of | Frater Achad’s Cosmic Snowflake | By Stefli Grant | No. [numbered by hand] | of One Hundred Copies | Price Thirty Shillings | Copyright [London]: privately printed, [1962]. DESCRIPTION: Large single sheet of thick beige printed card, folded to give four 20 * 33 cm pages. Page [1] serves as the title page, page



[2] contains text, page [3] contains an original coloured pen and ink drawing by Stefli Grant, page [4] contains text. Limited edition of 100 numbered copies. Signed by Stefli Grant. [See HlOa] IX.

Magical Creation, 1963 CARFAX MONOGRAPHS | IX | MAGICAL CREATION | Aspects of astral perichoresis, | with three telesmatic images | constructed on GD | principles | By Kenneth Grant | No. [numbered by hand] | of One Hundred Copies | Price Thirty Shillings | Copyright

[London]: privately printed, [1963]. DESCRIPTION: Large single sheet of thick light green printed card, folded to give four 20 x 33 cm pages. Page [1] serves as the title page, page [2] contains text, page [3] contains an original coloured pen and ink drawing by Stefli Grant, page [4] contains text. Limited edition of 100 numbered copies. Signed by Kenneth Grant. [See H7a] X. Vault of the Adepts, 1963 CARFAX MONOGRAPHS | X | VAULT OF THE ADEPTS | The seven-pointed figure | of its ceiling and floor | with a study of doctrines | enshrined in its symbols | By Kenneth Grant | No. [numbered by hand] | of One Hundred Copies | Price Thirty Shillings | Copyright [London]: privately printed, [1963]. DESCRIPTION: Large single sheet of thick salmon pink printed card, folded to give four 20 * 33 cm pages. Page [1] serves as the title page, page [2] contains text, page [3] contains an original coloured pen and ink drawing by Steffi Grant, page [4] contains text. Limited edition of 100 numbered copies.


Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography

Signed by Kenneth Grant. b. First Collected edition HIDDEN | LORE | The Carfax Monographs | By KENNETH & | STEFFI GRANT | [logo] | SKOOB BOOKS PUBLISHING | LONDON London: Skoob Books, 1989 DESCRIPTION: 55 pp. 4to. Illustrated. Bound in dark blue boards, with gold stamping, design by Steffi Grant. Numbered and limited edition of 1000 copies. [See А11-А1Х].

1 Kenneth Grant, 1983.

2 Kenneth Grant, circa 1949.

3 Untitled by Steffi Grant.

4 Baphomet, Aleister Crowley by Steffi Grant.

5 The magical seals of Crowley’s occult organizations, as drawn by Steffi Grant. Centre is the invoking hexagram of the Beast 666.

6 Kenneth Grant, circa 1948.

10 Portrait of Lam by Aleister Crowley. Altar with magical manikins and sigils of the Great Old Ones, showing the Magic Dagger used by Crowley in his evocation of Choronzon in 1909.

11 Altar of Lam by Steffi Grant.

13 Frater Achad’s Cosmic Snowflake by Steffi Grant.


12 Tree of Eternity by Steffi Grant.

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13 Frater Achad’s Cosmic Snowflake by Steffi Grant.


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12 Tree of Eternity by Steffi Grant.

14 The Mystic Eye by Steffi Grant.

15 Kenneth Grant, September 1957 by Steffi Grant.

17 Aleister Crowley in 1910. Drawn from memory in 1953 by Austin Osman Spare.

18 Zos vel Thanatos, Austin O. Spare by Steffi Grant.


The Vampires are Coming by Austin Osman Spare.


Priestess of the Fire Snake by Steffi



The Dance of Kali by Steffi Grant.

22 Austin Osman Spare with cats, 1952.

23 Kenneth Grant, November 2009.

24 Aossic by Steffi Grant.

22 Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography c. Second Collected edition, revised and expanded Hidden Lore | HERMETIC GLYPHS | [illustration] | WITH ESSAYS BY | KENNETH AND STEFFI GRANT

London: Fulgur Limited, 2006 (Isis edition) description: 88 pp. 4to. Printed in six colours. Dust-jacket. Index, variants: (i) Private issue, 11 copies hors commerce. Signed and numbered by Kenneth and Steffi Grant. Bound in grey full morocco, upper cover stamped centre in silver foil with the sigil of Aossic, handmade Japanese endpapers with silver flecks on dark grey field, top edge silver, endbands, grey cloth covered slipcase. Loosely inserted a 1 page printed sheet titled ‘The Carfax Monographs: A Note on their Genesis’, by Steffi Grant, (ii) Private issue, 31 copies hors commerce. Signed and numbered by Kenneth and Steffi Grant. Bound in grey cloth, upper cover stamped centre in silver foil with the sigil of Aossic, handmade Japanese endpapers with silver flecks on dark grey field, top edge silver, endbands, grey cloth covered slipcase. Loosely inserted a 1 page printed sheet titled ‘The Carfax Monographs: A Note on their Genesis’, by Steffi Grant, (iii) Deluxe issue, 91 copies. Signed and numbered by Kenneth and Steffi Grant. Bound in quarter morocco, upper cover stamped centre in bronze foil with the sigil of Aossic, handmade Japanese endpapers with silver flecks on light grey field, top edge silver, endbands, grey cloth covered slipcase. Loosely inserted a 1 page printed sheet titled ‘The Carfax Monographs: A Note on their Genesis’, by Steffi Grant. (iv) Standard issue, 777 copies numbered by hand. Bound in blue cloth, upper cover stamped centre in bronze foil with the sigil of Aossic,



textured grey endpapers, grey card slipcase. n.b. nos. 1—31 were sold at the launch with a slipcase of 270gsm card. Later copies were issued with an upgraded specification of 540gsm. A2 The Magical Revival 1972 a. First edition THE | MAGICAL | REVIVAL | Kenneth Grant | FREDERICK MULLER LIMITED London: Frederick Muller, 1972 DESCRIPTION: 244 pp. 8vo. Illustrated. Pictorial dust-jacket designed by Steffi Grant. Glossary, Bibliography and Index. VARIANTS: (i) Bound in black faux leather, stamped in silver on spine, (ii) Black textured papered boards. b. US edition THE | MAGICAL | REVIVAL | Kenneth Grant | SAMUEL WEISER | New York | 1973 New York: Samuel Weiser, 1973 DESCRIPTION: 244 pp. 8vo. Illustrated. Bound in black cloth, stamped in silver on spine. Pictorial dust-jacket designed by Steffi Grant. Glossary, Bibliography, Index. c. Italian translation KENNETH GRANT | IL RISVEGLIO | della | MAGIA | [logo] | ROMA | ASTROLABIO | MCMLXXIII Rome: Astrolabio-Ubaldini, 1973 DESCRIPTION: 199 pp. 8vo. Illustrated. Softbound, orange covers with the Mark of the Beast in black. Glossary. Translated by Maria Chiara Celletti. d .Japanese translation [ШШЮШШ'- Majutsu No Fukkou] Tokyo: Kokusho-Kankohkai, 1983

24 Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography DESCRIPTION: 269,

[9] pp. 8vo. Illustrated. Bound in buckram with gilt design inlay and slipcase. With a loose red printed paper band wrap around the slipcase. Glossary, Bibliography, Index. Translated by Yasuo Uematsu. e. Reprint, corrected THE | MAGICAL | REVIVAL | Kenneth Grant | [logo] | SKOOB BOOKS PUBLISHING | LONDON London: Skoob Books, 1991 DESCRIPTION: 244 pp. 8vo. Illustrated. Bound in black cloth, stamped in silver on spine. Pictorial dust-jacket designed by Steffi Grant. Glossary, Bibliography, Index, 1 p. of errata. f. Serbo-Croat translation MAGIJSKI | PREPOROD | Kenet Grant | Prevod s engleskog: | Mila Matijasevic | Redaktura prevoda | Zivorad MihajlovicSlavinski | ESOTHERIA | [logo] Belgrade: Esotheria, 1997 DESCRIPTION: 234 pp. 8vo. Illustrated. Softbound, illustrated covers. Glossary, two pages of book adverts. Translated by Zivorad Mihajlovic Slavinski. g. German translation WIEDERBELEBUNG DER | MAGICK | CROWLEY, SPARE, FORTUNE U.A. | VON | KENNETH GRANT | Edition yotia Berlin: Verlag Rita Ruther, 1997 DESCRIPTION: 253 pp. 8vo. Illustrated. Softbound, illustrated covers. With a new Foreword by Kenneth Grant for the German edition, dated 1995. Glossary, Bibliography. h. Portuguese translation Kenneth Grant | О Renascer | da Magia | Tradugao: | Claudio Breslauer | [logo] | MADRAS Sao Paulo: Madras Editora Ltda, 1999 DESCRIPTION: 247 pp. 8vo. Illustrated. Softbound, illustrated covers. With a new Preface by Kenneth Grant for the Portuguese translation. Glossary, Editorial Notes. Translated by Charles Brealatier.



i. Second Italian edition Kenneth Grant \ IL RISVEGLIO \ della | MAGIA | SECONDA EDIZIONE | [logo] | ROMA | ASTROLABIO | MMIV Rome: Astrolabio-Ubaldini, 2004 DESCRIPTION: 180 pp. 8vo. Illustrated. Softbound, illustrated covers. Includes a new Foreword written by Kenneth Grant. Glossary. Translated by Maria Chiara Celletti. j. Second English edition THE | MAGICAL | REVIVAL | KENNETH GRANT | [logo] | Starfire Publishing Ltd | LONDON MMX e.v. An. 105 London: Starfire Publishing, 2010 DESCRIPTION: 274 pp. 8vo, with a new frontispiece, a section of seventeen plates (many in colour, some new) and illustrated endpapers, with full-colour dust-jacket designed by Steffi Grant. Glossary, Bibliography, Index, VARIANTS: (i) Deluxe issue, 118 hand-numbered copies. Signed by Kenneth and Steffi Grant. Bound in black quarter morocco, paper-covered boards, endbands, slipcase. (ii) Standard issue, 1382 copies bound in black cloth. k. Czech translation Kenneth Grant | MAGICKE | OBROZENI | [logo] | Vladimir Kvasnicka | Nakladatelstvi Vodar | Praha 2014 Prague: Nakladatelstvi Vodnar, 2014 DESCRIPTION: 200 pp. 8vo. With a frontispiece, a twenty- page section of colour and halftone plates, and illustrated endpapers. Glossary, Bibliography and Index. Bound in black cloth, stamped in gold on spine, with illustrated dust-jacket. Translated by Frater Eirixion. A3

Aleister Crowley & The Hidden God 1973

a. First edition Aleister Crowley \ & The \ Hidden God | [rule] | KENNETH

26 Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography GRANT | FREDERICK MULLER LIMITED London: Frederick Muller, 1973 DESCRIPTION: 245 pp. 8vo. Illustrated. Bound in black cloth, stamped in gold on spine. Pictorial dust-jacket designed by Steffi Grant. Glossary, Index. b. US edition Aleister Crowley | & The \ Hidden God | [rule] | KENNETH GRANT | SAMUEL WEISER | New York | 1974 New York: Samuel Weiser, 1974 DESCRIPTION: 245 pp. 8vo. Illustrated. Bound in blue cloth, stamped in gold on spine. Pictorial dust-jacket. Glossary, Index. c. Italian translation Kenneth Grant | ALEISTER CROWLEY | E IL DIO | OCCULTO | [logo] | ROMA | ASTROLABIO | MCMLXXV Rome: Astrolabio-Ubaldini, 1975 DESCRIPTION: 201 pp. 8vo. Illustrated. Softbound, illustrated covers. Glossary, one page of book adverts. Translated by Paolo Valli. d .Japanese translation У? □ ^ 'J —

: Kurouri — To Yomigaeru Hishin]

Tokyo: Kokusho-Kankohkai, 1987 DESCRIPTION: 291 pp. 8vo. Illustrated. Hardbound in paper with dust-jacket, slipcase with design by H. R. Giger, with a loose green printed paper band wrapped around the slipcase. Illustrated endpapers. Includes a black and white photograph of Kenneth Grant not included in other editions. Glossary, Index, four pages of book adverts. Translated by Yasuo Uematsu. e. Reprint



Aleister Crowley \ & The \ Hidden God | [rule] | Kenneth Grant | [logo] | SKOOB BOOKS PUBLISHING | LONDON London: Skoob Books, 1992 DESCRIPTION: 245 pp. 8vo. Illustrated. Bound in black cloth, stamped in gold on spine. Pictorial dust-jacket designed by Steffi Grant. Glossary, Index. 1 p. of errata. f. Serbo-Croat translation ALISTER KROULI11 SKRIVENI BOG | Kenet Grant \ Prevod sengleskog: | Liljana Janicic | Redaktura prevoda \ Zivorad Mihajlovic- Slavinski \ ESOTHERIA | [logo] Belgrade: Esotheria, 1997 DESCRIPTION: 344 pp. 8vo. Illustrated. Softbound, covers illustrated with picture of Aleister Crowley. Glossay, three pages of book adverts. Translated by Zivorad Mihajlovic Slavinski. g. Second Italian edition Kenneth Grant \ ALEISTER | CROWLEY | e il | DIO \ OCCULTO | SECONDA EDIZIONE | [logo] | ROMA | ASTROLABIO | MMII Rome: Astrolabio-Ubaldini, 2002 DESCRIPTION: 201 pp. 8vo. Illustrated. Softbound, illustrated covers. Includes a new Foreword written by Kenneth Grant. Glossary. Translated by Paolo Valli. h. German translation Kenneth Grant | Aleister Crowley & | der verborgene Gott | [illustration] | [logo] Rudolstadt: Edition Roter Drache, 2010 DESCRIPTION: 272 pp. 8vo. Illustrated. Bound in laminated illustrated boards. Glossary, Index, one page author presentation, two pages of book adverts. Translated by Wolf Kaminski. i. Second English edition Aleister Crowley | and the | Hidden God | Kenneth Grant | [logo] | Starfire Publishing Ltd. | MMXIII An 109

28 Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography London: Starfire Publishing, 2013 DESCRIPTION: 254 pp. 8vo. Illustrated. Full-colour dust- jacket designed by Steffi Grant. 20-page section of plates (many in colour, some new) and illustrated endpapers. Glossary, Bibliography, Index, and Afterword by Michael Staley, VARIANTS: (i) Private issue, 5 numbered copies. Signed by Steffi Grant. Bound in full leather, with slipcase. (ii) Deluxe issue, 111 numbered copies. Signed by Steffi Grant. Quarter black morocco, paper-covered boards, finished with top and tail bands, enclosed in a slip-case, (iii) Standard Issue, 1389 copies. Bound in black cloth, stamped in gold on spine.

Images & Oracles of Austin Osman Spare 1975


a. First edition images & oracles \ of | AUSTIN | OSMAN | SPARE | [rule] | KENNETH GRANT | FREDERICK MULLER LIMITED London: Frederick Muller, 1975 DESCRIPTION: 96 pp. Oblong quarto. Illustrated. Bound in oatmeal cloth, gilt titling. Pictorial dust-jacket collage by Steffi Grant. Limited edition of 1000 copies. b. US edition images & oracles \ of | AUSTIN | OSMAN | SPARE | [rule] | KENNETH GRANT | SAMUEL WEISER INC. NEW YORK New York: Samuel Weiser, 1975 DESCRIPTION: 96 pp. Oblong quarto. Illustrated. Bound in oatmeal cloth, gilt titling. Pictorial dust-jacket collage by Steffi Grant. Limited edition of 1000 copies. c. Unauthorised edition images & oracles \ of | AUSTIN | OSMAN | SPARE | [photo of Spare] | Austin Osman Spare as the author knew him, | around 1950 [Brighton, Sussex: Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth (?), circa



1989] DESCRIPTION: Illustrated.

Photocopied pages with a simple slidebinder, red paper cover. 46 A4-sized sheets, copied on both sides. Includes at the end a reprint of ‘Time Mirrors’ by Genesis P-Orridge, which was originally published in Austin Osman Spare 1886—1956: The Divine Draughtsman, a catalogue for the Spare exhibition at The Morley Gallery, London, September 1987. ‘Owing to the appearance in 1989 of a mutilated and pirated version of this book, it is necessary to state that the only authentic publication of it, to date, is that of Frederick Muller, 1975.’ Outer Gateways [AlOa] p. 29, note 46. d. Second edition images & oracles \ of | AUSTIN OSMAN SPARE | [rule] | KENNETH GRANT | FULGUR LIMITED London: Fulgur Limited, 2003 DESCRIPTION: 104 pp. Landscape 4to. Illustrated. Pictorial dustjacket with collage by Steffi Grant. Index, VARIANTS: (i) Private edition, 9 copies hors commerce. Signed and numbered by Kenneth and Steffi Grant. Bound in two-tone red and black full morocco, top edge silver, black and red endbands, black clothcovered slipcase. (ii) Special ‘Black’ edition, 31 copies hors commerce. Signed and numbered by Kenneth and Steffi Grant. Bound in black cloth, spine stamped in silver, top edge silver, black and red endbands, black paper-covered slipcase. (iii) Deluxe edition, 93 copies. Signed and numbered by Kenneth and Steffi Grant. Bound in red quarter morocco and black cloth boards, top edge black, black and red endbands, black papercovered slipcase. и Hardbound edition, 500 numbered copies. Bound in brown flecked cloth, endbands. (v) Softbound edition, 1000 copies. In French wrappers. Website noted as on front flap. First issue, (vi) Softbound edition, 500 copies. In French wrappers. Website noted as on front flap. Second issue. e. Italian translation KENNETH GRANT | IMMAGINI E ORACOLI | DI | AUSTIN OSMAN SPARE

30 Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography Pontedera: Edizione privata, 2005 DESCRIPTION: 93 pp. 8vo. Softbound, illustrated covers. One page of book adverts, and three short list of publications by Austin Osman Spare, Kenneth Grant, and Fulgur Press, respectively. Translated by Roberto Migliussi. Limited edition of 300 numbered copies. A5

Cults of the Shadow 1975

a. First edition Cults of the Shadow | [rule] | Kenneth Grant | FREDERICK MULLER LIMITED London: Frederick Muller, 1975 DESCRIPTION: 244 pp. 8vo. Illustrated. Bound in black cloth, stamped in silver on spine. Pictorial dust-jacket designed by Steffi Grant. Glossary, Bibliography, Index.



b. US edition Cults of the Shadow | [rule] | Kenneth Grant | SAMUEL WEISER | New York | 1976 New York: Samuel Weiser, 1976 DESCRIPTION: 244 pp. 8vo. Illustrated. Bound in black cloth, stamped in silver on spine. Pictorial dust-jacket. Glossary, Bibliography, Index. c. Reprint, corrected Cults of the Shadow | [rule] | Kenneth Grant | [logo] | SKOOB BOOKS PUBLISHING | LONDON London: Skoob Books, 1994 DESCRIPTION: 244 pp. 8vo. Illustrated. Bound in black cloth, stamped in silver on spine. Pictorial dust-jacket designed by Steffi Grant. Errata page. Glossary, Bibliography, Index. d. Serbo-Croat translation KULTOVI | SENKE | Kenet Grant | Prevod s engleskog \ Momir Miric | ESOTHERIA | [logo] Belgrade: Esotheria, 1998 DESCRIPTION: 265 pp. 8vo. Illustrated. Softbound, illustrated covers. Glossary, Bibliography, four pages of book adverts. Translated by Momir Miric. e. Italian translation Kenneth Grant | I CULTI | dell’ | OMBRA | [logo] | ROMA | ASTROLABIO | MMV Rome: Astrolabio-Ubaldini, 2005 DESCRIPTION: 216 pp. 8vo. Illustrated. Softbound, illustrated covers. Glossary, Bibliography, Index. Separate announcement in colour for Borough Satyr, ed. Robert Ansell (London: Fulgur Limited, 2005), glued in at the front. Translated by Roberto Migliussi. f. German translation Kenneth Grant | Schattenkulte | [illustration] | [logo] Rudolstadt: Edition Roter Drache, 2010 DESCRIPTION: 304 pp.

32 Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography

8vo. Illustrated. Bound in laminated illustrated boards. Glossary, Bibliography, Index, four pages of book adverts. Translated by Wolf Kaminski. g. Second English edition, corrected Cults of the Shadow | Kenneth Grant | [logo] | Starfire Publishing Ltd. | MMXIII An 110 London: Starfire Publishing, 2013 DESCRIPTION: 251 pp. 8vo. 20-page section of plates (many in colour, some new) and illustrated endpapers. Full-colour dustjacket designed by Steffi Grant. Glossary, Bibliography, Index, VARIANTS: (i) Private issue, 5 numbered copies. Signed by Steffi Grant. Bound in full leather, with slipcase. (ii) Deluxe issue, 111 numbered copies. Signed by Steffi Grant. Bound in paper, with a further quarter-binding of black morocco, finished with top and tail bands, enclosed in a slipcase. (iii) Standard issue, 1389 copies. Bound in black cloth. A6



a. First edition Nightside of Eden | [rule] | Kenneth Grant | FREDERICK MULLER LIMITED London: Frederick Muller, 1977 DESCRIPTION: 318 pp. 8vo. Illustrated, 18 plates. Bound in black cloth, stamped in silver on spine. Pictorial dust-jacket designed by Steffi Grant. Glossary, Bibliography, Index. An unknown number of copies have the O.T.O. lamen on the spine of the dust-jacket printed upside down.



b. Reprint, corrected Nightside of Eden | [rule] | Kenneth Grant | [logo] | SKOOB BOOKS PUBLISHING | LONDON London: Skoob Books, 1994 DESCRIPTION: 318 pp. 8vo. Illustrated. Bound in black cloth, stamped in silver on spine. Pictorial dust-jacket designed by Steffi Grant. Errata page. Glossary, Bibliography, Index. c. German translation Kenneth Grant | Die Nachtseite | von Eden | Die 22 Tunnel Seth’s I [logo] Rudolstadt: Edition Roter Drache, 2008 DESCRIPTION: 352 pp. 8vo. Illustrated. Bound in laminated illustrated boards. With an introduction by Jan Fries. Issued with a black and white poster of the Tree of Death loosely inserted. Glossary, Bibliography, Index, three pages of book adverts. Translated by Wolf Kaminski. d. Second English edition, corrected Nightside of Eden | Kenneth Grant | [logo] | Starfire Publishing Ltd. | London | MMXIV An 110 London: Starfire Publishing, 2014 DESCRIPTION: 320 pp. 8vo. Illustrated. Full-colour dust-jacket designed by Steffi Grant. With a frontispiece, a twenty- page section of colour and half-tone plates, and illustrated endpapers. Glossary, Bibliography and Index, VARIANTS: (i) Private issue, 6 numbered copies. Signed by Steffi Grant. Bound in full leather, with slipcase. (ii) Deluxe issue, 111 numbered copies. Signed by Steffi Grant. Quarter black morocco, paper-covered boards, finished with top and tail bands, enclosed in a slip-case, (iii) Standard issue, 1389 copies. Bound in black cloth, stamped in gold on spine. A7

Outside the Circles of Time 1980

34 Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography a. First edition Outside the Circles \ of Time | Kenneth Grant | Frederick Muller Limited | London London: Frederick Muller, 1980 DESCRIPTION: xii, 316 pp. 8vo. Illustrated. Bound in black cloth, stamped in gold on spine. Pictorial dust-jacket designed by Steffi Grant. Appendix, Glossary, Bibliography, Index. b. Second edition OUTSIDE THE | CIRCLES OF TIME | KENNETH GRANT | [logo] | Starfire Publishing Ltd | LONDON MMVIII e. v. An. 103 London: Starfire Publishing, 2008 DESCRIPTION: 332 pp. 8vo. A section of 26 plates, illustrated endpapers. Full colour dust-jacket designed by Steffi Grant. Appendix, Glossary, Bibliography, Index. With errata sheet issued as a PDF. A variant, printed, errata sheet was issued by the bookseller JD Holmes for the books distributed in the United States, VARIANTS: (i) Deluxe issue, 111 numbered copies. Signed by Kenneth and Steffi Grant. Boards bound in hand-finished paper, quarter-binding of black morocco, finished with top and tail bands, enclosed in a slipcase. (ii) Standard issue, 1389 copies. Bound in black cloth. c. German translation Kenneth Grant | Jenseits der | Zeitkreise | [logo] Rudolstadt: Edition Roter Drache, 2012 DESCRIPTION: 368 pp. 8vo. Illustrated. Bound in laminated illustrated boards. Illustrated endpapers. Glossary, Bibliography, Index, one page author presentation, seven pages of book adverts. Translated by Wolf Kaminski.


Remembering Aleister Crowley 1991

a. First edition [Mark of the Beast] REMEMBERING | ALEISTER CROWLEY |


Non-Fiction [O.T.O. lamen] | BY | KENNETH GRANT | [A.*.A.*, seal] | [logo] | SKOOB BOOKS PUBLISHING | LONDON

London: Skoob Books, 1991 DESCRIPTION: 66 pp. 4to. Illustrated. Pictorial dust-jacket collage by Steffi Grant. Includes letters from Aleister Crowley. VARIANTS: (i) Bound in black cloth, stamped in silver on spine, (ii) see A8b. b. Special issue London: Skoob Books/Fulgur Limited, 1991/2004 DESCRIPTION: Bound in black cloth, stamped in silver on spine. Pictorial dustjacket collage by Steffi Grant. In cloth slipcase blocked with the ‘Mark of the Beast.’ With a gold blocked label printed on cream card, noting the issue was ‘prepared by Fulgur Limited on April 10th 2004 to commemorate the centenary of the reception of The Book of the Law.’ Label numbered by Steffi Grant and signed by Kenneth Grant, affixed to the front freeendpaper, verso. Tissue guard. Loosely inserted at the end are a rare photograph of Crowley, printed in sepia and mounted on dark grey embossed card (22 * 15.6 cm); a facsimile of Crowley’s Chinese visiting card, on gold-flecked rice-paper, coloured by hand with orange ink, and stamped in ink with Chinese characters (24.7 x 10.6 cm); and a descriptive slip on white antiqued paper, noting the contents (15 x Ю.5 cm). Limited to 93 copies. A9

Hecate’s Fountain


a. First edition HECATE’S | FOUNTAIN | Kenneth Grant | [logo] | SKOOB BOOKS PUBLISHING | LONDON London: Skoob Books, 1992 DESCRIPTION: 288 pp. 8vo. Illustrated. Bound in black cloth, stamped in silver on spine. Pictorial dust-jacket designed by Steffi Grant. Glossary, Bibliography, Index.

36 Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography b. German translation [illustration] | Kenneth Grant | Hekates Brunnen | [illustrations & logo] Rudolstadt: Edition Roter Drache, 2013 DESCRIPTION: 352 pp. 8vo. Illustrated. Bound in laminated illustrated boards. Translated by Wolf Kaminski. Limited edition of 500 copies. c. Second English edition, corrected Hecate’s Fountain | Kenneth Grant | [logo] | Starfire Publishing Ltd. | London | MMXIV An 111 London: Starfire Publishing, 2014 DESCRIPTION: 318 pp. 8vo. Illustrated. Full-colour dust-jacket designed by Steffi Grant. With a frontispiece, a twenty- page section of colour and half-tone plates, and illustrated endpapers. Glossary, Bibliography and Index, VARIANTS: (i) Private issue, 5 numbered copies. Signed by Steffi Grant. Bound in full leather, with slipcase. (ii) Deluxe issue, 111 numbered copies. Signed by Steffi Grant. Quarter black morocco, paper-covered boards, finished with top and tail bands, enclosed in a slip-case, (iii) Standard issue, 1389 copies. Bound in black cloth, stamped in gold on spine. A10

Outer Gateways


a. First edition OUTER | GATEWAYS | Kenneth Grant | [logo] | SKOOB BOOKS PUBLISHING | LONDON London: Skoob Books, 1994 DESCRIPTION: 264 pp. 8vo. Illustrated. Bound in black cloth, stamped in silver on spine. Pictorial dust-jacket designed by Steffi Grant. Glossary, Bibliography, Index. All a. First edition

Zos Speaks!




ZOS SPEAKS! I ENCOUNTERS WITH | AUSTIN OSMAN SPARE | [three sigils and photograph of Spare] | KENNETH & STEFFI GRANT London: Fulgur Limited, 1998 [vere 1999]. With Steffi Grant. DESCRIPTION: 296 pp. 4to. Illustrated. Pictorial dust-jacket with collage by Steffi Grant. Select Bibliography, Index. VARIANTS: (i) Private issue, 9 copies hors commerce. Numbered and signed by Kenneth and Steffi Grant. Bound in black full morocco, upper cover blocked in silver with the seal of the Zos Kia Cultus, and black paper-covered slipcase. A talisman for the Zos Kia Cultus loosely inserted, (ii) Private issue, 31 copies hors commerce. Numbered and signed by Kenneth and Steffi Grant. Bound in black cloth, upper cover blocked in silver with the seal of the Zos Kia Cultus, and black paper- covered slipcase. A talisman for the Zos Kia Cultus loosely inserted, (iv) Deluxe issue, 93 copies. Numbered and signed by Kenneth and Steffi Grant. Bound in black quarter morocco, black cloth boards, upper cover blocked in silver with the seal of the Zos Kia Cultus, top edge silver, purple endbands, black papercovered slipcase. A talisman for the Zos Kia Cultus loosely inserted, (v) First standard issue, 98 copies. Bound in black cloth, upper cover blocked in silver with the seal of the Zos Kia Cultus, purple endbands. Early copies sold directly to subscribers also included the talisman for the Zos Kia Cultus, the title label on the upper cover stating ‘Subscription edition’ and dated 1999. (vi) Second standard issue, [1752 copies]. Bound in black cloth, upper cover blocked in silver with the seal of the Zos Kia Cultus, purple endbands. N.B. 1017 copies were exported for wholesale to the United States. A12

Beyond the Mauve Zone 1999

a. First edition Beyond the | Mauve Zone | [illustration] | KENNETH GRANT| [logo] | Starfire Publishing Ltd | LONDON MCMXCIX e.v. An.

38 Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography 95 London: Starfire Publishing, 1999 DESCRIPTION: 367 pp. 8vo. Illustrated. Includes photo facsimile of ms. Liber Ренте Praenumbra by Nema. Pictorial dust-jacket designed by Steffi Grant. Two Appendices, Glossary, Bibliography, Index, VARIANTS: (i) Private issue, 7 copies designated by Hebrew letters. Numbered and signed by Kenneth and Steffi Grant. Bound in quarter goatskin, handmade paper boards, (ii) Deluxe issue, 71 copies. Numbered and signed by Kenneth and Steffi Grant. Bound in quarter goatskin, handmade paper boards, (iii) Standard issue, 929 copies. Bound in black cloth, stamped in gold on spine. A13

The Ninth Arch


a. First edition The | Ninth Arch | KENNETH GRANT | [logo] | Starfire Publishing Ltd | LONDON MMII e.v. An. 98 London: Starfire Publishing, 2002 DESCRIPTION: 640 pp. (xxxvii + 603). 8vo. Illustrated. With a colour frontispiece, black-andwhite plates, a ‘tailpiece’ colour plate of the covers of all nine volumes of the Typhonian Trilogies, and four diagrams. Pictorial dust-jacket designed by Steffi Grant. Three Appendices, Glossary, Bibliography, Index, VARIANTS: (i) Deluxe issue, 97 copies. Numbered and signed by Kenneth and Steffi Grant. Bound in handmade paper, quarter bound in goatskin, with coloured endpapers, (ii) Standard issue, 903 copies. Bound in black cloth, stamped in gold on spine. A14

At the Feet of the Guru


a. First edition [Aum symbol] at the feet of the guru | Twenty-Five Essays | kenneth grant | [logo] | Starfire Publishing Ltd | LONDON MMVI e.v. An. 102 London: Starfire Publishing, 2006 DESCRIPTION: 132 pp. 8vo. Fourteen black-and-white plates.



Pictorial dust-jacket designed by Steffi Grant. Glossary, Bibliography, VARIANTS: (i) Ex-series copies of the deluxe edition, 3 copies. Lettered Alpha, Beta and Gamma, and signed by Kenneth and Steffi Grant, (ii) Deluxe issue, 97 copies. Numbered and signed by Kenneth and Steffi Grant. Bound in Himalayan handmade paper, with cloth quarterbinding of black Japanese silk, coloured endpapers, and top and tail bands, (iii) Standard issue, 903 copies. Bound in black Wibalin, stamped in gold on spine. [See Dla—D16a, D22a, D27a, D28a, Ela, E5a, E9a, Ella, E12a and E17a]



Black to Black and other poems 1963

a. First edition BLACK | TO | BLACK | AND OTHER POEMS BY | KENNETH GRANT | CARFAX London: Carfax, 1963 DESCRIPTION: 31 pp. 8vo. Bound in black cloth, lettered in gilt on the spine, with dust-jacket. Advert for the Carfax Monographs etc. Includes the following statement: ‘Limited edition of which the first hundred copies are numbered and signed’. Most copies are not, however, numbered and signed. b. Unauthorised edition

[Black to Black and other poems] No place: Skull-dug’ger-y Press, no date DESCRIPTION: 21 pp. Booklet, blue wraps (stapled), xeroxed.

40 Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography B2

The Gull’s Beak and other poems 1970

a. First edition THE | GULL’S BEAK | And other Poems | by | Kenneth Grant | with a frontispiece | by Steffi Grant | [logo] | Published by J. Stevens Cox | The Toucan Press, Mount Durand, St. Peter Port, Guernsey, C.I., via Britain | 1970 Mount Durand, St. Peter Port, Guernsey: The Toucan Press, 1970 DESCRIPTION: 30 pp. 12.2 * 18 cm. Softbound, illustrated covers. Frontispiece by Steffi Grant. b. Unauthorised edition

[The Gull’s Beak and other Poems]

No place: Skull-dug’ger-y Press, no date DESCRIPTION: 26 pp. Booklet, blue wraps (stapled), xeroxed. B3

Convolvulus and other poems 2005

a. First edition Convolvulus | BLACK TO BLACK | THE GULL’S BEAK | POEMS OF LOVE AND THE OTHER DARKNESS | KENNETH GRANT | With Drawings By | AUSTIN OSMAN SPARE | [Illustration] | [logo] | Starfire Publishing Ltd | LONDON MMV e.v. An. 101 London: Starfire Publishing, 2005 DESCRIPTION: 188 pp. 8vo. Pictorial dust-jacket designed by Steffi Grant. With drawings by Austin Osman Spare. VARIANTS: (i) Ex-series copies of the deluxe issue, 6 copies designated by Hebrew letters, (ii) Deluxe issue, 75 copies. Signed and numbered by Kenneth and Steffi Grant. Bound in quarter goatskin and handmade paper boards, (iii) Standard issue, 675

41 Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography copies. Bound in black cloth, stamped in gold on spine.



Against the Light


a. First edition AGAINST THE LIGHT | A Nightside Narrative | Kenneth Grant | [logo] | Starfire Publishing Ltd | LONDON MCMXCVII e.v. An. 93 London: Starfire Publishing, 1997 DESCRIPTION: 120 pp. 8vo. Pictorial dust-jacket collage by Steffi Grant incorporating a water colour by Aleister Crowley. VARIANTS: (i) Deluxe issue, 50 copies. Numbered and signed by Kenneth and Steffi Grant. Bound in quarter morocco and handfinished paper, (ii) Standard issue, [950 copies]. Bound in black cloth, stamped in gold on spine. b. Russian translation Кеннет Грант | ПРОТИВ СВЕТА | Потустороннее повествование | Moscow: Kolonna Publications, 2004 DESCRIPTION: 155

pp. Small format. Hardbound, front cover reproducing a painting by H. R. Giger. Translated by Dmitri Volchek.

42 Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography C2

Snakewand & The Darker Strain 2000

a. First edition SNAKEWAND | & | THE DARKER STRAIN | KENNETH GRANT | [logo] | Starfire Publishing Ltd | LONDON MM e.v. An. 96 London: Starfire Publishing, 2000 DESCRIPTION: 168 pp. 8vo. Frontispiece by Austin Osman Spare. Pictorial dust-jacket of painted carving by Steffi Grant. VARIANTS: (i) Deluxe issue, 55 copies. Numbered and signed by Kenneth and Steffi Grant. Bound in quarter goatskin, and handmade paper boards, (ii) Standard issue, 945 copies. Bound in black cloth, stamped in gold on spine. C3


Gamaliel: The Diary of a 2003

& Dance, Doll, Dance! a. First edition GAMALIEL | The Diary of a Vampire | & | DANCE, DOLL, DANCE! | KENNETH GRANT | [logo] | Starfire Publishing Ltd | LONDON MMIII e.v. An. 98 London: Starfire Publishing, 2003 DESCRIPTION: 158 pp. 8vo. Pictorial dust-jacket designed by Steffi Grant, featuring Self-Portrait by Hamsa. Frontispiece Altar of Lam by Steffi Grant, VARIANTS: (i) Deluxe issue, 81 copies. Signed and numbered by Kenneth and Steffi Grant. Bound in quarter goatskin and handmade paper boards, (ii) Standard issue, 919 copies. Bound in black cloth, stamped in gold on spine. b. Italian translation KENNETH GRANT | GAMILIEL | DIARIO DI UN VAMPIRO |


Fiction MMXI | - Edizione Privata -

[Livorno]: Edizione Privata, 2011 DESCRIPTION: 95 pp. 8vo. Softbound, illustrated covers. One page of book adverts. [Does not include ‘Dance, Doll, Dance!’.] Translated by Roberto Migliussi and Irene Zanier. Limited edition of 300 numbered copies. c. Italian translation KENNETH GRANT | DANZA | BAMBOLA, | DANZA! | MMXV I [logo] [Livorno]: Media Print Editore, 2014 DESCRIPTION: 75 pp. 8vo. Softbound, illustrated covers. One page of book adverts. Translation of ‘Dance, Doll, Dance!’. Translated by Roberto Migliussi. Limited edition of 200 numbered copies. C4

The Other Child and other tales 2003

a. First edition THE | OTHER | CHILD | and other tales | KENNETH GRANT | [logo] | Starfire Publishing Ltd | LONDON MMIII e.v. An. 99 London: Starfire Publishing, 2003 DESCRIPTION: 216 pp. 8vo. Frontispiece The Stellar Lode by Steffi Grant. Pictorial dust-jacket featuring As Above, So Below by Steffi Grant, VARIANTS: (i) Deluxe issue, 94 copies. Signed and numbered by Kenneth and Steffi Grant. Bound in quarter goatskin and handmade paper boards, (ii) Standard issue, 906 copies. Bound in black cloth, stamped in gold on spine. b. Italian translation KENNETH GRANT | RACCONTI BREVI | MXII | - Edizione Privata [Livorno]: Edizione Privata, 2012

44 Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography DESCRIPTION: 40

pp. Softbound, illustrated covers. One page of book adverts. Translation of ‘The Amazement of Mandel’, ‘As Long as the Flesh Remains’, ‘Necromancy’, and ‘The Talisman’. Translated by Roberto Migliussi. Limited edition of 200 numbered copies.

Grist to Whose Mill? A Novel of Nemesis 2012


a. First edition GRIST | TO | WHOSE MILL? | A Novel of Nemesis | by | KENNETH GRANT | [logo] | Starfire Publishing Ltd | LONDON MMXII e.v. An. 108 London: Starfire Publishing, 2012 DESCRIPTION: 233 pp. 8vo. Colour frontispiece, illustrated endpapers, with pictorial dust-jacket designed by Steffi Grant, VARIANTS: (i) Private issue, 5 numbered copies. Signed by Steffi Grant. Bound in full leather, with slipcase. (ii) Deluxe issue, 111 numbered copies. Signed by Steffi Grant. Bound in handmade paper and quarter goatskin, with slipcase. (iii) Standard issue, 889 copies. Bound in black cloth, stamped in gold on spine. C6

Monolith: A Further Nightside Narrative n.d.

An unpublished manuscript in draft form. Listed as forthcoming in The Magical Revival [A2j]; Outside the Circles of Time [A7b]; At the Feet of the Guru [A14a]; and Convolvulus and Other Poems [ВЗа].


Minor Works


D1 a. First appearance ‘Arunachala Siva, the Void Nature of the Self’ - in The Call Divine, Vol. I No. 9. Bombay: May 1953 [See А14]. Pp. 402-405. b. Italian translation ‘Arunachala Siva La Natura Vuota del Se’ - in Primordia, No. XXXVII. Milan: September 2010. Pp. 35—37. Translation by Roberto Migliussi. D2 a. First appearance ‘The Cult of the Hill* -in The Call Divine, Vol. I No. 11. Bombay: July 1953 [See А14]. Pp. 508-511. b. Reprint ‘The Cult of the Hill* -in The Mountain Path, Vol. 20 No. 2. Tiruvannamalai: April 1983. Pp. 97-98. c. Italian translation ‘II Culto della Collina’ - in Primordia, No. XXXVII. Milan: September 2010.

Pp. 44—45. Translation by Roberto Migliussi.

50 Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography D3 a. First appearance ‘The Bodiless Presence’ — in The Call Divine, Vol. II No. 1. Bombay: September 1953 [See А14]. Pp. 10-13. b. Italian translation ‘La Presenza Incorporea’ — in Primordia, No. XXXVIII. Milan: March 2011. Pp. 42—44. Translation by Roberto Migliussi. D4

a. First appearance

‘The Great Solvent’ — in The Call Divine, Vol. II No. 3. Bombay: November 1953 [See А14]. Pp. 93-96. b. Italian translation ‘II Grande Solvente’ — in Primordia, No. XXXVIII. Milan: March 2011. Pp. 4—6. Translation by Roberto Migliussi. D5

a. First appearance

‘The Message Enshrined in Silence’ — in The Call Divine, Vol. II No. 5. Bombay: January 1954 [See А14]. Pp. 231-235. b. Polish translation Przekaz zawarty w milczeniu. Gdynia-London: LAShTAL Press, 2006. 10 pp. Pamphlet with dust-jacket. Limited edition of 100 numbered copies. Translation by Krzysztof Azarewicz. c. Italian translation ‘II Messaggio Custodito nel Silenzio’ — in Primordia, No. XXXIX. Milan: September 2011. Pp. 4—7. Translation by Roberto Migliussi. D6 a. First appearance



‘A Dream’ (by Steffi Grant) -in The Call Divine, Vol. II No. 8. Bombay: April 1954 [See А14]. Pp. 406-408. D7

a. First appearance

‘The Adamantine Way’ - in The Call Divine, Vol. II No. 9. Bombay: May 1954 [See А14]. Pp. 433-437. b. Italian translation ‘La Via Adamantina’ - in Primordia, No. XXXIII. Milan: September 2008. Pp. 30—33. Translation by Roberto Migliussi. D8

a. First appearance

‘One and the Same’ -in The Call Divine, Vol. II No. 11. Bombay: July 1954 [See A14].Pp. 533-537. b. Italian translation ‘Uno e lo Stesso: una nota sull’Albero della Vita’ - in Primordia, No. XXXIII. Milan: September 2008. Pp. 45—48. Translation by Roberto Migliussi. D9

a. First appearance

‘Nothing Manifests Itself in Any Form’ -in The Call Divine, Vol. Ill No. 1. Bombay: September 1954 [See А14]. Pp. 32-36. b. Italian translation ‘II nulla si manifesta in qualsiasi forma’ - in Primordia, No. XXXVI. Milan: March 2010. Pp. 4—7. Translation by Roberto Migliussi. DIO a. First appearance

52 Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography ‘Mother’s Home is the Heart’ — in Ananda Varta, Vol. II No. 3. Banaras: November 1954 [See А14]. Pp. 273-275. Dll a. First appearance ‘I Am Always I: A Note on Reincarnation’ [‘Bhagavan Sri Ramana as I knew him: Part VIII’] — in The Call Divine, Vol. Ill No. 5. Bombay: January 1955 [See А14]. Pp. 192-195. b. Italian translation ‘Io sono sempre Io’ — in Primordia, No. XXXII. Milan: March 2008. Pp. 4— 6. Translation by Roberto Migliussi. D12 a. First appearance ‘Quicksand’ — in The Call Divine, Vol. Ill No. 12. Bombay: August 1955 [See А14]. Pp. 612-615. D13 a. First appearance ‘Resignation’ — in The Call Divine, Vol. IV No. 1. Bombay: September 1955 [See А14]. Pp. 19-22. D14 a. First appearance ‘The All-Pervading Presence of the Mother’ — in Ananda Varta, Vol. Ill No. 3. Banares: November 1955 [See А14]. Pp. 219-220. D15

a. First appearance



‘Thakur Haranath: The Prem Avatar of Sri Krishna’ — in The Vision, Vol. XXVIII No. 3. Kanhangad: December 1960 [See А14]. Pp. 108—116.

о. т. о.

Manifesto of the British Branch of the ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS

25 O.T.O. Manifesto, London, 1952 [Fla]. Front cover.

The O.T.O. is a body of Initiates and the general nature of its * aims and constitution is laid down in the official Manifesto of the Order published in Equinox Vol. 3. No. 1 (Detroit 1919) and in The Constitution of the Order itself. The O.T.O. consists of 10 principal degrees, the higher of which contain the magical formulae which are the supreme and practical secrets of Magick and Mysticism which have formed the inmost and esoteric sources of all the great religions of antiquity. In the lower degrees the Candidate is led by a system of Symbolism and Ritual to the preparation of his entire being for the eventual understanding of the Secret of Supreme Worth that is taught him in the Sovereign Sanctuary of the Gnosis (Ninth Degree.) His own efforts and powers of understanding and assimilation; his own right conduct, right action and right aspiration leading him anon to the portals of that Inner Temple, the central Mystery of which is today in the West only expounded fully and practically by the O.T.O. In the O.T.O. are promulgated the essential teachings of the Draconian Tradition of Ancient Egypt; the teachings of the Indian Shakta Tantra Shastra; the teachings of the pre- Christian Gnosis; the Initiated Western Tradition as enshrined in the mysteries of the Holy Qabalah, and the Alchemical Mystical and Magical Formulae of the Arcane Schools of the agelong past, as well as the mode of applying practically the essential principles underlying the Spagyric or Hermetic Sciences, the Orphic Mysteries and the use of the Ophidian Current. The above brief description of the type of knowledge to be acquired by the Candidate to the higher degrees of the O.T.O. will give some indication of the work which must necessarily be accomplished before a full study of the higher teachings may be attempted. The Officers of the O.T.O. are charged strictly with the work of seeing that each student is familiar in a general way with the theory of these Teachings, before he is permitted to proceed to the practical application of what he has learnt. We do not canvas for students: we reject those unfit, or incapable of, the hard and arduous work demanded of them. The fruits go to those who win them, and they are fruits beyond all the power of mere words to describe. In Nuit’s words: “I give unimaginable joys on earth” ................................ “Also I have a secret glory for them that love me”; or, in the words

26 & 27 O.T.O. Manifesto, London, 1952 [Fla]. Pages 2 (above) and 3 (right).

of Liber Tzaddi:‘T offer you the certain consciousness of bliss. I offer it at once, on earth; before an hour hath struck upon the bell, ye shall be with Me in the Abodes that are beyond decay.” “...follow out the ordeals of my knowledge! seek me only! Then the joys of my love will redeem ye from all pain. This is so: 1 swear it by the vault of my body; by my sacred heart and tongue; by all 1 can give, by all I desire of ye all.” (Liber Legis.) And, when the student wins to Adeptship the sign is unmistake- able; and it is, in Nuit’s own words: “And the sign shall be my ecstasy, the consciousness of the continuity of existence, the omnipresence of my body.” On applying for admission to the O.T.O., the candidate is expected (a) to be able to use his mental machinery and to show some capacity for persistence in the serious study of the books or other matter he is instructed to consult, (b) to state clearly and in detail and emphatically the nature of his aims and the reason why he seeks admission to the Order, (c) to take the Vow of Holy Obedience to the Superior set over him as his guide and protector, for in this manner only may true advancement be achieved. As it is written: “Thus bind thyself and be forever free” (Liber Jugorum.) Six months after admission to the O.T.O. the student will be tested in the various matters to which he has devoted his study, and advanced in the Order according to his understanding and grasp of the essentials underlying such study. He is also charged with introducing some one of his acquaintance to the Work with the aim of making that other see the necessity of uniting with a Body of Initiates whose Will in the Outer is to destroy tyranny in all its forms, and to establish individual liberty in the widest sense by making possible the total adherence in every individual case to the

precepts: “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.” and “love is the law, love under will,” the which two precepts form the basis of the Work of our whole Order. Love is the law, love under will. Kenneth Grant IX0 O.T.O.

For further information apply to:

It. Grant Esq., 11a Fawley Road, Hampstead, N.W.6.


28 & 29 Manifesto of New Isis Lodge O.T.O., London, 1955 [F5a]. Front cover (above) and page 1 (right).

М А N IF Е S ТО о/


A new and compelling influence is enveloping tine earth and as yet there are few individuals who are open to the influx of the subtle vibrations of this influence. Its rays proceed from a source as yet unexplored by those who are not at one with it in essence and in spirit and it finds its present focus in the outer universe in the transplutonic planet Isis. In the inner being of man, also, this influence has a centre which will slowly begin to stir in mankind as a whole as the influence strengthens and flowers. As it is at the beginning of its course in relation to man, however, many ages will pass before he may avail himself fully of the great powers and energies which this influence is silently and continually bestowing on all who know how to identify the inner core of their being with its deep and inscrutable heart.

New Isis Lodge, which is a Lodge of the Secret and Magical Brotherhood known in the West as the ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS (O.T.O.), comprises a body of doctrine concentrated in 10 Principal Degrees (O0—IX°). These Degrees have been designed with the purpose of disseminating the Teachings concerning New Isis and how each individual may best enter into the stream of its power and harness the subtle vibrations which it is forever dispensing. As may be seen from a study of the Table appearing at the end of this Manifesto, these 10 Degrees are divided into two sets of four and one set of three degrees, having the Ninth Degree as their crown and summit. The Tenth Degree is of an administrative nature and its esoteric and inner character is known only to the Governing Body of the ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS (O.T.O.).


30 At the Feet of the Guru, 2006 [A14a].

Also shown are some of the magazines in which the collected articles were first published [clockwise, Dla, DlOa, D16a, & D15a].

31 The Carfax Monographs, individual and collected.


Above: monographs I, 1959, and III, 1960 [Ala]. Below: first, 1989 [Alb] and second, 2006 [Ale] collected editions.


The main purpose of the Monographs is to reconstruct and elucidate the hidden lore of the West according to canons preserved in various esoteric orders and movements of recent times. This has been achieved by a careful presentation of symbolic designs, many of which have not hitherto been published with proper regard to colour, proportion, attribution and accuracy of technical detail. The Monographs are not merely a repository of historic interest, but embody information which makes of the series a veritable grimoire for those who are able to apply the formulas contained in them. They show the influence and trend of magical cults in contemporary art and life, and furnish a vehicle for studying Western lore as it emerges today, proclaiming again various truths which science declares to be new. It is inevitable that in the process of development these Monographs have come to concern themselves also with ideas of a distinctly oriental appearance. These are aligned with their occidental counterparts and are revealed not as the originals of the Western concepts but as borne upon a parallel current which proceeds initially from an identifiably common and primordial home of humanity.

Titles so far available: 1 The Tree of Life A coloured diagram of the Qaba- listic Tree with planetary, zodiacal, elemental and alphabetic attributions, accompanied by a note on the modifications of the One Consciousness. (Remaining copies available with set only).

32 & 33 Flyer for The Carfax Monographs and Black to Black, circa 1963 [Jlc].


The Golden Dawn


Aleister Crowley


Austin Osman Spare


Vinum Sabbati


Mage and Image


Hidden Lore

A brief note on the Hermetic Order of the G D .*. with a coloured delineation of the Complete Symbol of the Rose and Cross. Eight sigils and an essay concerning the magical phases of his life. An introduction to his psychomagical philosophy, illustrated by a formula from the zoetic grimoire of Zos. Magical zoomorphisms of the Witches’ Sabbath interpreted in the light of ancient symbols, with a picture-glyph embodying a stage of the Great Work. An essay on hermetic mutation with coloured reconstructions of G D wands and sceptres. A survey of recent imaginative writing with figures from the Her- mean zodiac, and the Elemental seals of Dr. Dee.

VIII Yetzirah

Spectral structure and manifest form, with a variant of Frater Achad’s Cosmic Snowflake.


Magical Creation


Vault of the Adepts

Aspects of astral perichoresis, with three telesmatic images constructed on G .*. D .*. principles. The seven-pointed figure of its ceiling and floor with a study of doctrines enshrined in its symbols.

Price Thirty Shillings Each Each monograph is limited to one hundred numbered and signed copies, and consists of a 13" x 8" folder containing a multi-coloured pen and ink drawing, except No. IV, which is illustrated by the photograph of a stele in ink on wood by A.O.S. in the possession of the authors.


A Volume of Poems by Kenneth Grant.

Price Eighteen Shillings


THE GULL’S BEAK And other Poems by Kenneth Grant with a frontispiece by Steffi Grant




Published by I. Steven. Cm The Toucan Pres*. Mount Durand, St. Peter Port, Guernsey, C.I., vi* Britain 197»

34 Poetry Collections. Above, Black to Black, 1963 [Bla] and The Gulfs Beak, 1970 [B2a].

Below, Convolvulus, 2005 [ВЗа].

THE MAGICAL REVIVAL by KENNETH GRANT The Magical Revival (Muller 1972) contains a penetrating analysis of ancient occult traditions which survived Christian anathema and persecution and reappeared in the modem age with unimpaired dynamism. The continuity of this magical current as reflected in the work of Aleister Crowley, Austin Osman Spare, Dion Fortune and others, is here traced through, the Tan trie Tradition of the Far East, the Sumerian Cult of Shaitan and the Draconian, Ophidian, or Typhonian rites of the “dark” dynasties of ancient Egypt. Sexual magick and mysterious rites have been practised from time immemorial ; drugs and other intoxicants have always been used to facilitate traffic with the denizens of other worlds or planes of consciousness, but an initiated rationale of the processes such as presented in The Magical Revival has been rarely forthcoming. The secret magical tradition as revived by Adepts Шее Crowley is here related to its ancient sources and brought into line with phases of contemporary occultism that are slowly evolving a new Gnosis. Among many aspects of the occult, this work reveals for the first time the Mysteries of the Cult of ShaitanAiwass, the “Devil-God” of Sumer.; the psychosexual dynamics of its rites are described, analysed and compared with formulae so ancient and so secret that scant information concerning them has filtered through the centuries. A valuable contribution to occult lore, The Magical Revival is an extensive suivey of the more obscure phases of occultism and will be much sought after as a standard source book in its special field. Kenneth Grant was initiated into the esoteric mysteries of Thelemic Magick by Aleister Crowley. He took over the Ordo Temfili Orimtis (O.T.O.), being Crowley's eventual successor as its World Head. Together with John Symonds, Crowley’s literary executor, Grant has edited and annotated The Confessions of AleislerCrowtey (Jonathan Cape 1969); The Magical Record of tike Beast

666 (Duckworth 1972), and Magick, comprising Book Four, Parts I, II and HI (Koutledge and Kegan Paul 1972); also Crowley’s two magical novels, Moomhild and The Diary of a Drug Fiend (Sphere Boob 1972). In collaboration with Steffi Grant, he is the author of ten short monographs (the Carfax Monographs}, nine of which contain an original drawing in foil colour. They are now collectors’ items. Grant is currently preparing for publication an exhaustive study of magick—Aleister Crowley and the Hidden GW—-with special reference to The Book of the Law, which contains the major occult formulae of the New Aeon.

35 Flyer for The Magical Revival, circa 1972 [Jle].

36 Works on Crowley. Clockwise: Remembering Aleister Crowley, 1991 [A8a]; Carfax Monographs III, 1960 [Ala]; article The Golden Dawn from the International Times, 1968 [D17a]; (


Scarlet Woman

by Chakra, 1975 [15a].

A selection of works by Crowley, edited by John Symonds and Kenneth Grant. 37

Above: The Confessions of Aleister Crowley, 1969 [G4a], and The Magical Record of the Beast 666, 1972 [G5a]. Centre: The Heart of the Master, 1973 [G8a]. Below: The Complete Astrological Writings, 1974 [G13a], and

Magical and Philosophical Commentaries on the Book of the Law,

1974 [G12a].


Kenneth Grant The name of Austin Osman Spare has been coupled with that of his contemporary, Aleister Crowley; both have been described as English satanic occultists.Spare’s contact with the Witch Cult at a very early age, through his meeting with a descendant of a Salem witch, certainly led him into the more obscure byways of occultism. This first major book ever to appear on Spare is written by his literary executor who has drawn on private conversations, unpublished letters, and the unfinished Grimoire of Zos which Spare was in the process of writing at the time of his death in 1956. Austin Osman Spare was a graphic artist whose work has been compared with that of Aubrey Beardsley and Sidney Sime. His predilection for fantastic themes was the result of a life-long absorption in the mysteries of occultism. Such was his knowledge and ability that Aleister Crowley claimed him as a disciple. But Spare was not bom to follow anyone. He turned his back on worldly ambition, the “ inferno of the normal ” as he called it, and devoted his remarkable gifts to trafficking with denizens of other worlds. Spare’s highly individualistic system of sorcery is applicable to daily life. His magical use of art and sex in the service of selfrealisation may surprise or mystify, but for those who test his methods they will prove certain means to self-knowledge and consciousness-expansion, doors opening on worlds of strange beauty. Here is a selection of Spare’s finest work.Many of the drawings,hitherto unpublished,were to have formed part of thcgrimoire which he planned along lines which Steffi Grant has followed in her design of this book. FREDERICK MULLER LTD., 1975

38 & 39 Two pages from a promotional flyer, circa 1975 [Jlh].

CULTS OF THE SHADOW KENNETH GRANT Cults of the Shadow explores obscure aspects of occultism that have been frequently and mistakenly associated with the negative and sensational phenomena of so-calledc black-magic’. Much has been written about the doctrines and techniques of the Right Hand Path, but this is the first time that a serious study of the equally valid and legitimate techniques of the Left Hand Path has been made generally available. As a Way of Spiritual Attainment the Left Hand Path has a more ancient history than its better known counterpart, for it stems from primeval phases of consciousness that manifested in historic times through the Ophidian Traditions of Africa, the Draconian Cults of ancient Egypt, and the Tantric Systems of India and the Far East. The evolution of these Mysteries is here traced through these, its earliest manifestations, right down to the present time. The Left Hand Path has been shunned and kept out of sight because it involves the use of the sexual energies as a means of awakening the Serpent Power or Fire Snake, the key to cosmic consciousness, and also of controlling and directing the occult forces of the subconscious mind, the reservoir of infinite knowledge. The generally more enlightened approach to these matters in the present post-Christian age has made possible the publication of thesec occult secrets * which, for nearly 2000 years have been anathematized on account of their psycho-sexual nature. Present day exponents of these Mysteries have formed their own cults for the revival and promulgation of this Secret Gnosis. Amcrg them are Aleister Crowley, with his Cult of the Beast and the Scarlet Woman; Charles Stansfeld Jones with his curious qabalistic researches; Austin Osman Spare, the artist who evolved his own system of sexual sorcery based upon ancient secrets of Witchcraft; and Michael Bertiaux, with his Cult of the Black Snake. FREDERICK MULLER LTD., 1975 Kenneth Grant is the international head of the Ordo Templi Orientis (О. T.O.), a body of Initiates whose aim in the Outer is the establishment of the Law of Thelema.

In Preparation; Nightside of Eden

by Kenneth Grant.


40 & 41 A selection of works about Spare. Clockwise: Carfax Monographs IV, 1960 [Ala]; Flyer for projected edition of

The Images & Oracles of Austin Osman Spare, circa 1966 [Jld]; article from Man, Myth & Magic no.50, 1970-71 [E6a]; Dearest Vera, 2010

[G23a]; 1998 [Alla]; Images & Oracles of Austin Osman Spare,, 2003 [A4d]. Centre: launch invitation for Zos Speaks!, 1999 [I9a].

Zos Speaks!,

The Directors of Fulgur Limited request the pleasure of your company to celebrate the publication of

Zos Speaks! Encounters with Austin Osman Spare by Kenneth and Steffi Grant

in the Upstairs Bar at The Princess Louisa, High Hoibont on Wednesday I Oth March 1999, at 8.00pm

A TYPHONI AN TRILOGY KENNETH GRANT The Magical Revival. Muller, 1972; Weiser, NY, 1973; Astrolabio, Rome, 1973. Illustrated.

The indispensable introduction to the occult scene today with its blend of Western magic and Eastern mysticism. An initiated exposition of Tantric rites here traced to primal Africa, that achieved their apotheosis in the Typhonian dynasties of ancient Egypt, and revived in the much misunderstood mysteries of Voodoo and Obeah. The tantric theme is fully developed in the Trilogy as the vital current which inspires genuine contemporary occult Orders such as the Ordo Templi Orientis and other secret societies re-emerging after many centuries.

Aleister Crowley & the Hidden God. Muller, 1973; Weiser, NY, 1974; Astrolabio, Rome, 1975. Illustrated. An exhaustive and critical study of Crowley’s system of sexual magick and the strange rites that he practised and advocated for the purpose of promoting the Law of Thelema, with its formula of ‘love under will*. The book reveals the occult workings of the Fire Snake, the subjective cosmic power in man represented objectively by the Scarlet Woman; she who awakens the secret power-zones in the body of man and invokes the Hidden God.

Cults of the Shadow. Muller, 1975; Weiser, NY, 1976. Illustrated. An exploration of obscure aspects of occultism erroneously associated with so-called ‘black magic’. The Left-Hand Path has been shunned because it involves the use of the sexual energies as a means of achieving cosmic consciousness, and of controlling and directing the occult forces of the subconscious mind. Introduces present day exponents of these Mysteries who have formed their own cults for the promulgation of this Secret Gnosis.

Kenneth Grant is the International Head of the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.), a body of Initiates whose aim in the Outer is the establishment of the Law of Thelema. In Preparation:

Outside the Circles of Time by Kenneth Grant.

Printed by RICHARD MADLEY LTD., 6A Elthome Road, London N19 AAG

42 & 43 Two pages from a promotional flyer, circa 1977 [Jli].

NIGHTSIDE OF EDEN KENNETH GRANT There exists a шар of consciousness, with its light and dark byways, in the form of a qabalistic glyph known as the Tree of Life, It has its roots in the primal earth of Eden, but its branches extend into extra-terrestrial dimensions. This Tree, which is a familiar concept to mystics and magicians alike, has another side, a nightside which receives but passing mention in contemporary manuals of occultism; as if the ancient writings of the Arabs and Jews contained allusions to mere figures of speech and monstrous fancies.

Nightside of Eden interprets the symbolism of the Tree of Death, the ‘other* side of the Tree of Life which forms the basis of the Western Occult Tradition. Kenneth Grant, whose Typhonian Trilogy has infused new life and meaning into ancient and forgotten mysteries, here provides an exhaustive survey of the other side of the Tree haunted by dark forces that are today seeping insidiously into human consciousness and threatening it with violent disruption. The creative magical current represented by Aleister Crowley, Charles Stansfeld Jones, Austin Osman Spare, and in our day by Michael Bertiaux, Margaret Cook, and others, is here traced to its source in the formless voids beyond the threshold of mentation.

Nightside of Eden is an explication of the Cult of Choronzon and an initiated exposition of the Mysteries of the Left-Hand Path in relation to Western Occultism. Here, for the first time, the head of a genuine Magical Organization—the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.)—reveals the esoteric doctrines of the ‘black* magic of the Left-Hand Path, as well as the practical application of psycho-sexual formulae of which very little is generally known. The book is illustrated not only with the demonic sigils of the ‘other side’, which make of it a grimoire of the Dark Doctrine, but also by curious works of siderealism, or stellar art, sprung from the New Aeon consciousness which permeates the O.T.O., and other occult Orders working in harmony with the Typhonian Tradition.











44 The Typhonian Trilogies. From right to left, top to bottom: The Magical Revival, 2010 [A2j]; Aleister Crowley and the Hidden God, 2013 [A3i]; Cults of the Shadow, 2013 [A5g]; Nightside of Eden, 2014 [A6d]; Outside the Circles of Time, 2008 [A7b]; Hecates Fountain, 2014 [A9c]; Outer Gateways, 1994 [A10a]; Beyond the Mauve Zone, 1999, [A12a]; The Ninth Arch, 2002 [A13a].

45 Some translations of The Typhonian Trilogies. From left to right, top to bottom: Magijski Preporod, 1997 [A2f]; Majutsu No Fukkou, 1983 [A2d]; Aleister Crowley e il Dio Occulto, 2002 [A3g]; Kurouri To Yomigaeru Hishin, 1987 [A3d]; I Culti delV Ombra, 2005 [A5e]; Kultovi Senke, 1998 [A5d]; Die Nachtseite von Eden, 2008 [A6c]; Jenseits der Zeitkreise, 2012 [A7c]; Hekates Brunnen, 2013 [A9b].

OUTSIDE THE CIRCLES OF TIME KENNETH GRANT FREDERICK MULLER LTD., LONDON NW2 6LE, 1980 Aleister Crowley was the first modem occultist to demonstrate the existence of non-human entities possessed of intelligence superior to man’s. However, it was not until after his death in 1947, that a massive interest in extra-terrestrial phenomena made it possible to re-evaluate his work in a light undistorted by misconceptions; these had previously obscured his researches which demonstrated that consciousness can and does exist independently of cerebral structure. The pattern that has emerged shows a far more complex network of ideas than might have been suspected. Sinister forces lurking at the rim of the universe (a theme developed in fiction by H. P. Lovecraft and others) are here revealed, not as fictions, but as probabilities which science is now beginning to investigate. The latter part of the present century has seen the rise of some occult movements which are channelling vibrations from aeons usually assumed to exist in times yet to come. It has been suggested that these vibrations are our own energies beamed back at us from a remote future in which certain members of the human race are now living, veiled from their fellows but known to their kind. This book explores the roots and branches of these ideas, from Crowley’s Book of the Law, Achad’s post-Thelemic researches and Lovecraft’s Necro- nomicon, to the new and stimulating work of Andahadna, a contemporary priestess of Maat—the Goddess whose Dark Aeon is spinning ever closer to our own time and space. This penultimate volume of Kenneth Grant’s second trilogy (which together with the first, is known in occult circles as Grant*s Grimoire) paves the way for Hecate’s Fountain, in which hitherto unpublished rituals of New Isis Lodge are described with special reference to the Great Old Ones and the alien entities of which the Grimoire treats.

^ewpli фл.

Illustration by Steffi Grant; from Cults of the Shadow Images and Oracles of Austin Osman Spare.— Muller, 1975; Weiser, NY, Kenneth Grant is the International Head of the Ordo Tern pits

Ortentis (O.T.O.), a body of Initiates whose aim in the Outer is the establishment of the Law of Thelema. In Preparation: Hecate’s Fountain, by Kenneth Grant. 46 & 47 Two pages from a promotional flyer, circa 1980 [Jlj].


Limited Edition printed throughout in black and red. The most remarkable magical artist of his day, Austin Osman Spare delineated the shapes of ancient sorcery through the sinuosities of Art Nouveau. 'Kenneth Grant has made Spare into something of a minor cult hero through his several books. Spare is acclaimed as a witch-taught sex-magician, a genuinelevel artist comparable at least to Beardsley, and a


Kenneth Grant: The Stellar Lode Colin Wilson: Tentacles across Time Conquest: Metaphor, Media, Magick & the Buried Crowley George Hay: All that Flies THE OCCULT REVIEW I»«*i FACSIMILE



GAMALIEL The Diary of a Vampire &

and other tales







48 The Nightside Narratives. From left to right, top to bottom: The Stellar Lode, 1995 [H4b]; Against the Light, 1997

[C la]; Snakewand & The Darker Strain, 2000 [C2a]; Gamaliel: The Diary of a Vampire & Dance, Doll, Dance!, 2003 [C3a]; The Other Child and other tales, 2003 [C4a]; Grist to Whose Mill?, 2012 [C5a].



D16 a. First appearance ‘The Lila in the Lotus of the Heart’ — in The Lord Supreme, Vol. I No. 2. Sonamukhi: March 1961 [See А14]. Pp. 16-20. D17 a. First appearance ‘The Golden Dawn: A Note on Aleister Crowley’ — in International Times, No. 33. London: June 1968. N.p. b. Italian translation ‘La Golden Dawn’ — in Primordia, No. XXL Milan: September 2002. Pp. 3—8. Translation by Roberto Migliussi. D18 a. First appearance ‘Love Under Will’ — in International Times, No. 49. London: Jan./Feb. 1969. P. 18. b. Italian translation ‘L’amore sotto il dominio della volunta’ — in Primordia, No. VIII. Milan: March 1996. Pp. 39— 42. Translation by Roberto Migliussi. D19 a. First appearance ‘Space Marks Banishing’ — in Mandragore: The Magazine of the Grove of the Star and the Snake, Vol. Ill No. 4. New York, NY, 1981. P. 137. Article credited to Aossic Aiwass [Kenneth Grant] and Andahadna [Margaret Ingalls]. Limited edition of 555 numbered copies. D20 a. First appearance

54 Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography ‘The Heart of the Matter’ — in The Divine Pen, Vol. 24 No. 2. Hyderabad: Feb., March 1984. Pp. 11-14. D21 a. First appearance ‘Sonamukhi Speaking’ — in The Lord Supreme, Special anniversary issue. Sonamukhi: July 1984. Pp. 7—10. D22 a. First appearance ‘The Radiant Name’ — in Sri Haranath Jayanthi Magazine. Umreth, Dt. Gujurat: 1990 [See А14]. Pp. 16—18. D23 a. First appearance ‘Aleister Crowley a Cefalu’ — in A.A.V.V., Speciale Aleister Crowley. Milano: Edizioni Primordia, November 1998. P. 47. Softbound, illustrated covers. A4 format. 70 pp. Translation by Roberto Migliussi. Limited edition of 150 copies. D24 a. First appearance “‘Snakewand & The Darker Strain, and ‘Against the Light’” — in The Watkins Review, No. 1. London: 2001. P. 23. Article discussing C2a and Cla. D25 a. First appearance ‘The Ninth Arch’ — in The Watkins Review, No. 5. London: Spring/ Summer 2003. P. 49. Article discussing A13a. D26 a. First appearance ‘Convolvulus and Other Poems’



— in The Watkins Review, No. 11. London: Summer 2005. P. 24. Article discussing B3a. D27 a. First appearance ‘Anusaya Devi, the Mother of All’ — in Matrusri Magazine. Jillellamudi: no date [See А14]. D28 a. First appearance ‘Kusuma Haranath’ — in Jnana Lekhani, Haranath Sonamukhi: 2005 [See А14].


D29 a. First appearance ‘At the Feet of the Guru’ — in The Watkins Review, No. 14. London: Summer 2006. P. 27. Article discussing A14. D30 a. First appearance ‘Looking Forward!’ — in Starjire: Journal of the New Aeon, Vol. II No 3. London: 2008. Pp. 131—132. 189 pp. Large 8vo. Illustrated, VARIANTS: (i) Limited hardbound issue, 131 copies. Individually numbered and signed by the editor and publisher, Michael Staley, (ii) Standard softbound issue.

Contributions to Encyclopedias


a. First appearance

‘Anandamayi Ma’ — in Man Myth & Magic, No. 3. London: Purnell-BPC, 1970-71 [See А14]. P. 83. b. Italian translation ‘Anandamayi Ma’ — in Primordia, No. XXX. Milan: March 2007. Pp. 35—37. Translation by Roberto Migliussi. E2

a. First appearance

‘Atavism’ — in Man Myth & Magic, No. 6. London: Purnell-BPC, 1970-71. P. 163. b. Italian translation ‘Atavismo’ — in Primordia, No. IX. Milan: September 1996. Pp. 18—19. Translation by Roberto Migliussi. c. German translation ‘Atavistische Magie’ — in Saturnische Lektionen, No. 10. N.p.: Ordo Saturni, [n.d.]. Pp. 21—25. Translation by Br. Belenestrol.

58 Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography E3

a. First appearance

‘Breath and the Element of the Soul’ — in Man Myth & Magic, No. 12. London: PurnellBPC, 1970-71. P. 133. b. Italian translation ‘II respiro elemonto do vita e spirito’ — in Primordia, No. IX. Milan: September 1996. Pp. 50—53. Translation by Roberto Migliussi. E4

a. First appearance

‘Dion Fortune’ — in Man Myth & Magic, No. 36. London: PurnellBPC, 1970-71. P. 1021. b. Italian translation ‘Dion Fortune’ — in Primordia, No. XII. Milan: March 1998. Pp. 45— 47. Translation by Roberto Migliussi. E5

a. First appearance

‘Haranath’ — in Man Myth & Magic, No. 43. London: PurnellBPC, 1970-71 [See No А14]. P. 1208. E6

a. First appearance

‘The Nightmare World of Austin Spare’ — in Man Myth & Magic, No. 50. London: PurnellBPC, 1970—71. Back cover. b. Italian translation ‘111 Mondo di incubi di Austin Osman Spare’

Contributions to Encyclopedias 59 — in Primordia, No. XIX. Milan: September 2001. Pp. 19—23. Translation by Roberto Migliussi. E7 a. First appearance ‘Jewels’ — in Man Myth & Magic, No. 54. London: PurnellBPC, 1970-71. P. 1510. b. Italian translation ‘Gioielli’ — in Primordia, No. XI. Milan: September 1997. Pp. 3—11. Italian translation by Roberto Migliussi. E8

a. First appearance

‘Water Witch’ — in Man Myth & Magic, No. 65. London: PurnellBPC, 1970—71. Back cover. b. Reprint ‘Water Witch’ — in Encyclopedia of Witchcraft & Demonology. London: Octopus Books-BPC, 1974. P. 124. c. Italian translation ‘La Strega Acquatica’ — in Primordia, No. X. Milan: March 1997. Pp. 31— 33. Translation by Roberto Migliussi. E9

a. First appearance

‘Ramakrishna’ — in Man Myth & Magic, No. 83. London: PurnellBPC, 1970-71 [See А14]. P. 2335. E10 a. First appearance ‘Ramana Maharshi’ — in Man Myth & Magic, No. 83. London: PurnellBPC, 1970-71 [See А14]. P. 2336.

60 Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography b. Italian translation ‘Ramana Maharshi’ — in Primordia, No. XXXII. Milan: March 2008. Pp. 33—35. Translated by Roberto Migliussi. Ell a. First appearance ‘Dreaming Out of Space’ (On H.P. Lovecraft) — in Man Myth & Magic, No. 84. London: Purnell- BPC, 1970—71. Back cover. b. Reprint ‘Dreaming Out of Space’ (On H.P. Lovecraft) — in Fragments, No. 2, 1991. Pp. 35—37. c. Italian translation ‘Sognando al di la dello spazio’ — in Primordia, No. XI. Milan: September 1997. Pp. 33—37. Translation by Roberto Migliussi. El2 a. First appearance ‘Sai Baba (of Shirdi)’ — in Man Myth & Magic, No. 88. London: Purnell- BPC, 1970-71 [See А14]. P. 2459. b. Italian translation ‘Sai Baba’ — in Primordia, No. XXVII. Milan: March 2005. Pp. 32—34. Translation by Roberto Migliussi. E13 a. First appearance ‘Sivananda’ — in Man Myth & Magic, No. 92. London: Purnell- BPC, 1970-71 [See А14]. P. 2591. b. Italian

translation ‘Sivananda’

Contributions to Encyclopedias 61 — in Primordia, No. XXVII. Milan: September 2005. Pp. 4—6. Translation by Roberto Migliussi. E14 a. First appearance ‘Aleister Crowley’ — in Encyclopedia of the Unexplained. London: RKP, 1974. P. 70. b. Italian translation ‘Aleister Crowley (1875—1947)’ — in A.A.V.V., Speciale Aleister Crowley Milan: Edizioni Primordia, 1998. Pp. 5-10. Paperback, A4 format. 70 pp. Translated by Roberto Migliussi. Limited edition of 150 copies. El5

a. First appearance

‘Dion Fortune’ — in Encyclopedia of the Unexplained. London: RKP, 1974. P. 88. E16

a. First appearance

‘Austin Osman Spare’ — in Encyclopedia of the Unexplained. London: RKP, 1974. P. 224. b. Italian translation ‘Una nota su Austin Osman Spare’ — in Anatema di Zos, discorso agli ipocriti by Austin O. Spare. Rome: Coniglio Editore, 2008. Pp. 11—13. Translation by Roberto Migliussi. E17

a. First appearanсe

‘Spirits and Forces’ — in Encyclopedia of the Unexplained. London: RKP,

62 Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography 1974. P. 227. b. Italian translation ‘Forze e Spiriti nella Teoria Occulta’ — in Primordia, No. XII. Milan: March 1998. Pp. 11— 19. Translation by Roberto Migliussi. E18 Dreaming Out of Space & Other Essays no date a.

Unauthorised edition DREAMING | OUT OF SPACE | AND OTHER ESSAYS | [illustration] | KENNETH GRANT No place: privately issued, no date [1970s]. DESCRIPTION: 19 pp. A4 size. Xeroxed. Reprint of five articles from Man, Myth & Magic: ‘Dreaming Out of Space’ [ElOa], ‘Breath and the Element of the Soul’ [E3a], ‘Jewels’ [E7a], ‘Atavism’ [E2a] and ‘Water Witch’ [E8a]. Has detail of Spare’s pastel ‘The Vampires are Coming’ on the cover, in black and white.

Manifestos, etc.

Fla Manifesto of the British Branch of the Ordo Templi

Orientis (O.T.O.) [London: privately printed, 1952] DESCRIPTION: Small

single sheet of thin white paper, printed in light green on cover, folded to give four 13.5 x 18.8 cm pages. Page [1] serves as the title page, pages [2—3] contains the text, page [4] is blank. Fib ‘Manifest des Geheim-Ordens O.T.O., Orient Britannia’ — in Blatter fur Angewandte Okkulte Lehenskunst Heft 61 ed. Gregor A. Gregorius, Meister der Loge Fraternitatis Saturni Orient Berlin. Berlin: April 1955. Pp. 1—3. German translation. F2a[l] Certificate of Membership of O.T.O. (Outer


— [London: privately printed, no date.] 1 p. F2a[2] Certificate of Membership of O.T.O. (Sovereign


— [London: privately printed, no date.] 1 p. F3a Key to the Pyramid

— [London: privately printed, 1952, Vernal Equinox.] DESCRIPTION: 8 pp.

Typed description of system

64 Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography of degrees of O.T.O. together with large format (41.5 x 25 cm) foldout (printed) decorated diagram of the system by Steffi Grant. See Hecate s Fountain [A9a], p. 37. F4a

Manifesto of I.B.A.

— [London: privately printed, 1952.] Circulated among selected members of New Isis Lodge. Cover design by Steffi Grant. See Hecate’s Fountain [A9a], pi. 1. F5a

Manifesto of New Isis Lodge. O.T.O.

— [London: privately printed, 1955.] DESCRIPTION: 8 pp.

Pamphlet. Includes a diagram of ‘O.T.O. System of Grades of New Isis Lodge’. F6a[l] Rules & Regulations of New Isis Lodge, Ordo

Templi Orientis — [London: privately printed, circa 1955.] 1 p. F6a[2] Enrolment Form of New Isis Lodge, Ordo Templi

Orientis — [London: privately printed, circa 1955.] 1 p. F6a[3] General Pledge Form of New Isis Lodge, Ordo

Templi Orientis — [London: privately printed, circa 1955.] 1 p. F7a

Brief Synopsis of Degrees of the O.T.O. Leading up to the S.‘. S.'.

Manifestos, etc.


— [London: privately printed, circa 1973.] 1 p. Description of requirements, attributions, and duties of the First through Sixth degrees of the O.T.O. F8a[l] General Pledge Form of Ordo Templi Orientis — [London: privately printed, circa 1973.] 1 p. Pledge form / Certificate for of the First through Sixth degrees of the O.T.O. F8a[2] Pledge Form of Ordo Templi Orientis for the

degrees of the Sovereign Sanctuary — [London: privately printed, circa 1973.] 1 p. Pledge form / Certificate for the Seventh, Eight and Ninth degrees of the O.T.O. F8a[3] Cessation From Ordo Templi Orientis Form — [London: privately printed, circa 1975.] 1 p. Two such forms, for Linda and Peter MacFarlane respectively, were published in Sothis Vol. I No. V. St. Albans, Herts: 1975. P. 139. F9a ‘Notice to Members [of] O.T.O.’ — in Cincinnati Journal of Ceremonial Magick, Vol. I Issue 3. Cincinnati, Ohio: 1978. P. 67. Issued by Order of the Sovereign Sanctuary of the Gnosis and under the Seal of the O.H.O. of the O.T.O., 718 v FlOa A Preliminary Statement Concerning Conditions of

Membership of the Ordo Templi Orientis — [London: privately printed, between 1977 and 1980.]

66 Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography DESCRIPTION: One

page printed on both sides, folded. Includes a list of books by Kenneth Grant. Issued by Order of the Sovereign Sanctuary of the Gnosis and under the Seal of the O.H.O. of the O.T.O., 718 Y FlOb Ordo Templi Orientis: A Preliminary Statement Concerning Conditions of Membership [Expanded version] — [London: privately printed, between 1994 and 1998.] DESCRIPTION: One

page printed on both sides, folded. Includes a list of books by Kenneth Grant. Issued by Order of the Sovereign Sanctuary of the Gnosis and under the Seal of the O.H.O. of the O.T.O., 718 Y FI la ‘Ordo Templi Orientis: A Brief History’ -in Starfire, Vol. I No. 1. London: 1986. Pp. 6-7. FI2a

‘A Statement of the O.T.O.. Concerning the Cult of Lam: The Dikpala of the Way of Silence’ — in Starfire, Vol. I No. 3. London: 1989. Pp. 9—13.


‘An Official Statement Concerning Ordo Templi Orientis.’ — in Starfire, Vol. II No. 2. London: 1998. Pp. 9—13.

Works edited with Introductions, Forewords, Prefaces & other Articles

a. First edition ‘Appreciation: The Temple Bar, London S.E.17’ — London: privately printed, 1949 DESCRIPTION: Catalogue article for exhibition of paintings by Austin Osman Spare. 16 pp. Pamphlet. The ‘Appreciation’ is printed on pp. 13—14. b. Reprint ‘Appreciation: The Temple Bar, London S.E.17’ — in From the Inferno to Zos: The Writings and Images of Austin Osman Spare. Edited and compiled by A. R. Naylor. Seattle: First Impressions, 1993 DESCRIPTION: Vol. 1. [356 pp.] Large folio. Illustrated. ‘Appreciation’ is printed on p. [342]. VARIANTS: (i) Bound in full leather, 4 numbered copies (1—4). (ii) Bound in quarter leather, 100 numbered copies (5—104). (iii) Trade hard cover edition (iv) Bound in white soft covers, 6 numbered copies [pre-production proofs].

68 Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography c. Reprint ‘Appreciation: The Temple Bar, London S.E.17’ — in The Exhibition Catalogues of Austin Osman Spare. Edited and compiled by Robert Ansell. London: Fulgur Limited, 2012 DESCRIPTION: 320 pp. 8vo. More than 80 illustrations, custom endpapers. The ‘Appreciation’ is printed on pp. 153—154. VARIANTS: (i) Deluxe issue, 96 hand- numbered copies, signed by the editor. Bound in crushed black full morocco, blocked in silver, top edge silver, dust-jacket, slipcase. (ii) Standard issue, 700 copies. Bound in blocked black cloth. G2 a. First edition ‘Appreciation: The Mansion House Tavern’ — London: privately printed, 1952 Catalogue article for exhibition of paintings by Austin Osman Spare. 4 pp. Pamphlet. The ‘Appreciation’ by Kenneth Grant appears on p. 3. G3

a. First edition

‘Appreciation: Archer Gallery, London W.ll’ — London: privately printed, 1955 Catalogue article for exhibition of paintings by Austin Osman Spare. 7 pp. Pamphlet. The ‘Appreciation’ by Kenneth Grant appears on pp. 6—7. b. Reprint ‘Appreciation: Archer Gallery, London W.ll’ — in From the Inferno to Zos: The Writings and Images of Austin Osman Spare. Edited and compiled by A. R. Naylor. Seattle: First Impressions, 1993 DESCRIPTION: Vol. 1. [356 pp.] Large folio. Illustrated. ‘Appreciation’ is printed on p. [350]. VARIANTS: (i) Bound in full leather,

Works edited


4 numbered copies (1—4). (ii) Bound in quarter leather, 100 numbered copies (5— 104). (iii) Trade hard cover edition (iv) Bound in white soft covers, 6 numbered copies [pre-production proofs]. c. Reprint ‘Appreciation: Archer Gallery, London W.ll’ — in Borough Satyr: The Life and Art of Austin Osman Spare. Edited by Robert Ansell. London: Fulgur Limited, 2005 DESCRIPTION: 104 pp. Landscape 4to. 74 colour illustrations. The ‘Appreciation’ is printed on pp. 60—63. Also, Steffi Grant’s Introduction to Zos Speaks! [All] appears on pp. 72—86. VARIANTS: (i) Hors commerce issue, 11 copies. Numbered and signed by Kenneth and Steffi Grant. Bound in black full morocco, stamped in blind, black endpapers, top edge gilt, endbands, black cloth covered slipcase. (ii) Private issue, 65 copies. Numbered and signed by Kenneth and Steffi Grant. Bound in black cloth, stamped in blind, black endpapers, top edge gilt, endbands, black cloth covered slipcase. (iii) Deluxe issue, 93 copies. Numbered and signed by Kenneth and Steffi Grant. Bound in black quarter morocco, black cloth boards, stamped in blind, black endpapers, top edge gilt, endbands, black cloth covered slipcase. (iv) Hardback issue, 500 numbered copies. Bound in black cloth stamped in blind, black endpapers, endbands. (v) Paperback issue, 961 hand-numbered copies. 288 copies were exported for wholesale to the United States. d. Reprint ‘Appreciation: Archer Gallery, London W.ll’ — in Austin Osman Spare: Black Magician, Oswell Blakeston. Thame: I-H-O Books, 2007

70 Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography DESCRIPTION: 162

pp. Card wraps, opaque glassine jacket with title. Foreword and introductory notes by Clive Harper. Limited edition of 125 numbered copies. The ‘Appreciation’ is printed on pp. 97—103.

e. Reprint ‘Appreciation: Archer Gallery, London W. 11’ — in The Exhibition Catalogues of Austin Osman Spare. Edited and compiled by Robert Ansell. London: Fulgur Limited, 2012 DESCRIPTION: 320 pp. 8vo. More than 80 illustrations, custom endpapers. The ‘Appreciation’ is printed on pp. 181—182. VARIANTS: (i) Deluxe issue, 96 hand- numbered copies, signed by the editor. Bound in crushed black full morocco, blocked in silver, top edge silver, dust-jacket, slipcase. (ii) Standard issue, 700 copies. Bound in blocked black cloth. G4 a. First edition Preliminary Statement — to The Confessions of Aleister Crowley. Edited and annotated by Kenneth Grant & John Symonds. London: Jonathan Cape, 1969 DESCRIPTION: 960 pp. Large 8vo. Illustrated. Bound in quarter black cloth with grey papered boards, gilt title, etc to spine, dust-jacket. The ‘Preliminary Statement’ is on p. [и]. b. US edition Preliminary Statement — to The Confessions of Aleister Crowley. Edited and annotated by Kenneth Grant & John Symonds. New York: Hill & Wang, 1970 DESCRIPTION: 960 pp. Illustrated. Large 8vo. Black cloth stamped to front (Crowley’s portrait) and to

Works edited


spine (gilt lettering). Pictorial dust-jacket. Editors’ Notes, Index. The ‘Preliminary Statement’ is on p. [27]. c. Reprint Preliminary Statement — to The Confessions of Aleister Crowley. Edited and annotated by Kenneth Grant & John Symonds. New York Sc London: Bantam, 1971 DESCRIPTION: xxvii + 1058 pp. 32 pages of photos. Paperback, illustrated covers. Editors’ Notes, Index. The ‘Preliminary Statement’ [‘Aleister Crowley and the Law of Thelema’] appears on p. xxvii. d. Reprint, Corrected edition Preface Sc Preliminary Statement — to The Confessions of Aleister Crowley. Edited and annotated by Kenneth Grant & John Symonds. London: Routledge Sc Kegan Paul, 1979 DESCRIPTION: 960 pp. Large 8vo. Illustrated. Bound in black cloth with dust-jacket. Editors’ Notes, Index. The ‘Preface’ is printed on pp. 9—10, and the ‘Preliminary Statement’ [‘Aleister Crowley and the Law of Thelema’] on p. 12. e. Reprint Preface Sc Preliminary Statement — to The Confessions of Aleister Crowley. Edited and annotated by Kenneth Grant & John Symonds. London: Arkana, 1989 DESCRIPTION: 960 pp. Large 8vo. Illustrated. Paperback, illustrated covers. Editors’ Notes, Index. The ‘Preface’ is printed on pp. 9—10, and the ‘Preliminary Statement’ [‘Aleister Crowley and the Law of Thelema’] on p. 12. f. Italian translation

72 Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography Prefazione alle Confessioni di Aleister Crowley — in Primordia, No. XVI. Milan: March 2000. Pp. 46— 47. Translation by Roberto Migliussi. G5 a. First edition Introduction — to The Magical Record of the Beast 666: The Diaries of Aleister Crowley, 1914—1920 by Aleister Crowley. Edited and annotated by Kenneth Grant & John Symonds. London: Duckworth, 1972, 1983, 1993 DESCRIPTION: XV, 326 pp. 8vo. Acknowledgments, Index. Includes Rex de Arte Regia, The Magical Record of the Beast, Liber AL vel Legis. Kenneth Grant’s introduction appears onpp. xi-xiii. VARIANTS: (i) Special issue, 250 numbered copies. Signed by Kenneth Grant and John Symonds. Special binding in green cloth with slipcase, gilt signature on cover, marbled endpapers. Frontispiece of 3 page photographic holograph extracts from The Magical Record. The following statement is included: ‘250 numbered copies of this limited edition containing as frontispiece three holograph pages from Rex De Arte Regia and signed by the editors have been printed. This is copy number’ [followed by the handwritten number and the editors’ signatures], (ii) Bound in red cloth, gilt on spine, with dust-jacket designed by Steffi Grant, (iii) Softbound, illustrated covers. Cover design by Steffi Grant. b. US edition Introduction — to The Magical Record of the Beast 666: The Diaries of Aleister Crowley, 1914—1920 by Aleister Crowley. Edited and annotated by Kenneth Grant & John Symonds. Montreal: Next Step Publications, 1972 DESCRIPTION: XV, 326 pp. 8vo. Acknowledgments, Index. Includes Rex de Arte Regia, The Magical Record of the Beast, Liber AL vel Legis. Kenneth Grant’s introduction appears on pp. xi-xiii. VARIANTS: (i) Special issue, 250

Works edited


copies. Signed by Kenneth Grant and John Symonds. Special binding in green cloth with slipcase, special endpapers and an additional section tipped in at the front. The following statement is included: ‘250 numbered copies of this limited edition containing as frontispiece three holograph pages from Rex De Arte Regia and signed by the editors have been printed. This is copy number’ [followed by the handwritten number and the editors’ signatures], (ii) Standard issue. Bound in red cloth, gilt on spine, with dustjacket. c. Italian translation Introduzione a II Diario Magico della Bestia 666 di Aleister Crowley. — in Primordia, No. XVII. Milan: September 2000. Pp. 22—24. Italian translation by Roberto Migliussi. a. First edition

The Diary of a Drug Fiend by Aleister Crowley. Edited and annotated by Kenneth Grant &John Symonds. London: Sphere, 1972, 1974 DESCRIPTION: 382 pp. Paperback. b. Reprint The Diary of a Drug Fiend by Aleister Crowley. Edited and annotated by Kenneth Grant & John Symonds. London: Abacus, 1979 DESCRIPTION: 382 pp. Paperback. G7 a. First edition Introduction — to Moonchild by Aleister Crowley. Edited and annotated by Kenneth Grant & John Symonds. London: Sphere, 1972

74 Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography pp. Paperback. The ‘Introduction’ is printed on pp. 11—17. DESCRIPTION: 301

b. Reprint Introduction — to Moonchild by Aleister Crowley. Edited and annotated by Kenneth Grant & John Symonds. London: Sphere, 1974 DESCRIPTION: 301 pp. Paperback. Vol. Three in the ‘Dennis Wheatley Library of the Occult’.Includes an extra introduction by Dennis Wheatley. The ‘Introduction’ by Grant is printed on pp. 11—17. c. Reprint Introduction — to Moonchild by Aleister Crowley. Edited and annotated by Kenneth Grant & John Symonds. London: Sphere, 1979 DESCRIPTION: 301 pp. Includes the extra 1974 introduction by Dennis Wheatley. The ‘Introduction’ by Grant is printed on pp. 11—17. Title page of this reprint wrongly attributes Introduction to John Symonds. d. Italian translation Introduzione a Figlia della Luna di Aleister Crowley. — in Primordia, No. XV. Milan: September 1999. Pp. 25—30. Translation by Roberto Migliussi. e. German translation Einfuhrung Moonchild von Aleister Crowley — in Witchcraft: Im Jahr der Schlange, No. 2/3 [1977?]. Pp. 2—6. German translation. G8 a. First edition Introduction — to The Heart of the Master by Aleister Crowley. Montreal: 93 Publishing, 1973 DESCRIPTION: 44 pp.

Works edited


Small format. Bound in white cloth with O.T.O. Seal of Baphomet in red. A.‘.A.*. Seal stamped on front endpaper. The ‘Introduction’ is printed on pp. [1—4]. b. Italian translation Introduzione a II Cuore del Maestro di Aleister Crowley. — in Primordia, No. XVIII. Milan: March 2001. Pp. 21— 23. Translation by Roberto Migliussi. c. Polish translation Introduction to Serce Mistrza by Aleister Crowley Gdynia/Londyn: LAShTAL Press, 2006 DESCRIPTION: 83 pp., followed by to a blank, then unnumbered page giving O.T.O. information, then an unnumbered page giving A.*.A.‘.information. 14.5 x 22.7 cm. Black cloth, letter in gold on spine, with eye in triangle design on front board. The introduction is printed on pp. 75— 76. Translation by Krzysztof Azarewicz. G9 a. First edition Introduction, with John Symonds — to Magick by Aleister Crowley. Edited and annotated by Kenneth Grant & John Symonds.

Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1973, 1977 DESCRIPTION: xxiv, 511pp. Large 8vo. Hardbound with dust-jacket designed by Steffi Grant. Appendices, Index. Includes the complete text of ‘Book 4’ and ‘Magick in Theory and Practice’. [The 1973 edition has the O.T.O. lamen printed upside down on the dustjacket.] The introduction is printed on pp. xv-xviii. b. US edition Introduction, with John Symonds — to Magick by Aleister Crowley. Edited and annotated by Kenneth Grant & John Symonds. New York: Samuel Weiser, 1974, 1976 DESCRIPTION: xxiv, 535pp. Large 8vo. Hardbound with dust-jacket. Appendices, Index. Top edge dyed. Includes the complete text of ‘Book 4’ and ‘Magick in Theory and Practice’. The introduction is printed on pp. xv-xviii. c. Italian translation Introduzione dei curatori, with John Symonds — to Magick by Aleister Crowley. Rome: Astrolabio, 1976 DESCRIPTION: 615 pp. 8vo. Softbound. The ‘Introduzione dei curatori’ appears on pp. 5—9. d. Reprint Introduction, with John Symonds — to Magick by Aleister Crowley. Edited and annotated by Kenneth Grant & John Symonds. London: The Guild Publishing, 1986, 1987 DESCRIPTION: xxiv, 509 pp. Large 8vo. Hardbound with dust-jacket. Appendices, Index. Includes the complete text of ‘Book 4’ and ‘Magick in Theory

Works edited


and Practice’. [The edition was supplied to book clubs.] The introduction is printed on pp. xv-xviii. e. Reprint Introduction, with John Symonds — to Magick by Aleister Crowley. Edited and annotated by Kenneth Grant & John Symonds. London: Penguin, 1988, 1989 DESCRIPTION: xxiv, 511 pp. Large 8vo. Illustrated. Cloth with gilt lettering to spine. Pictorial dust-jacket design by Steffi Grant. Appendices, Index. Includes the complete text of ‘Book 4’ and ‘Magick in Theory and Practice’. The introduction is printed on pp. xv-xviii. f. Serbian translation Introduction, with John Symonds — to Magika by Aleister Crowley. Beograd: Esotheria, 1995, 1998 DESCRIPTION: 615 pp. 8vo. Trade paperback. Illustrated. The introduction is printed on pp. 13—16. Translated by Ljiljana Janicic and Mila Matijasevic. G10 a. First edition Introduction — to Sothis: A Magazine of the New Aeon, Vol. I No. 1. London: 1973. P. 1. Gil a. First edition Introduction to Anathema of Zos by Austin Osman Spare — in Agape: The Occult Review, Vol. 1 No. 4. Nr. Bath, Somerset: 1973. Supplement. P. [23]. b. Italian translation Prefazione a Anathema di Zos, un Sermone agli

Ipocriti, Una scriitura automatica di Austin Osman Spare

78 Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography Livorno, Italy: Privately printed, 2001 DESCRIPTION: 109 pp. 15 * 21 cm. Buff card wraps. Illustrated. 200 numbered copies. The ‘Prefazione’ by Kenneth Grant appears on pp. 11—13. Translation by Roberto Migliussi. G12 a. First edition Introduction — to Magical and Philosophical Commentaries on The Book of the Law by Aleister Crowley. Edited and annotated by Kenneth Grant & John Symonds. Montreal: 93 Publishing, 1974 DESCRIPTION: xvii, 346 pp. Printed in red and black. Blue cloth with gold embossed outline of Stele front and back. Index, Liher OZ, two pages of book adverts. Contains copy of holograph of Liber AL, the ‘New Comment’ and the ‘Djeridensis Comment’. Colour reproduction of Stele of Revealing and colour illustrations by Linda Macfarlane. The ‘Introduction’ by Kenneth Grant is printed on pp. xiii-xvii. b. Italian translation Introduzione ai Commenti Magici e Filosofici al Libro della Legge di Aleister Crowley — in Primordia, No. XV. Milan: September 1999. Pp. 34—39. Translation by Roberto Migliussi. G13 a. First edition Introduction, with John Symonds — to The Complete Astrological Writings by Aleister Crowley. Edited and annotated by Kenneth Grant & John Symonds. London: Duckworth, 1974, 1979, 1988

Works edited



224 pp. 8vo. Index. Contains ‘Treatise on Astrology, Liber 536’, ‘How Horoscopes are Faked’ and ‘Batrachophrenoboocosmomacliia’. The ‘Editors’ Introduction’ is printed on pp. vii-ix. VARIANTS: (i) Hardbound in black cloth with dust- jacket design by Steffi Grant, (ii) Softbound, cover design by Steffi Grant. b. Reprint Introduction, with John Symonds — to The Complete Astrological Writings by Aleister Crowley. Edited and annotated by Kenneth Grant & John Symonds. London: Tandem, 1976 DESCRIPTION: XV, 235 pp. Trade paperback. Index. Contains ‘Treatise on Astrology, Liber 536’, ‘How Horoscopes are Faked’ and ‘Batrachophrenoboocosmomacliia’. The ‘Editors’ Introduction’ is printed on pp. 7—9. c. Reprint Introduction, with John Symonds — to The Complete Astrological Writings by Aleister Crowley. Edited and annotated by Kenneth Grant & John Symonds. London: Star Books, 1987 DESCRIPTION: XV, 235 pp. Trade paperback, new cover design. Index. Contains ‘Treatise on Astrology, Liber 536’, ‘How Horoscopes are Faked’ and ‘Batrachophrenoboocosmomachia’. The ‘Editors’ Introduction’ is printed on pp. 7—9. d. Italian translation Introduction, with John Symonds — to Trattato di astrologia magica by Aleister Crowley.

80 Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography Edited and annotated by Kenneth Grant and John Symonds. Genova: Edizioni Culturali Internazionali Genova, 1993 DESCRIPTION: 250 pp. 8vo. Softbound. Four pages of book adverts. The ‘Editors’ Introduction’ is printed on pp. 9—11. G14 a. First edition Introduction — to The Book of Pleasure by Austin Osman Spare Montreal: 93 Publishing, 1975 DESCRIPTION: [xii], 60 pp. Folio. Illustrated. Bound in black cloth, white title, etc, to spine and front cover, white dust-jacket. Limited edition of 1000 numbered copies. Reprint of the 1913 first edition. The introduction is printed on pp. [v-viii]. b. Italian translation Introduzione al Lihro del Piacere di Austin Osman Spare — in Primordia, No. XIII. Milan: September 1998. Pp. 9—14. Translation by Roberto Migliussi. c. Reprint Introduction — to The Book of Pleasure by Austin Osman Spare London: Jerusalem Press Ltd., 2012 DESCRIPTION: 100 pp. Folio. Illustrated. The ‘Introduction’ is printed on pp. xxiv-xxvii. VARIANTS: (i) Private issue, 4 copies lettered A—D. Bound in full leather morocco (featuring foil block design) with black moired silk sides. Head and tail spine bands, silk ribbon bookmark, dust-jacket with illustrated wrap and black cloth

Works edited


slipcase. Signed by Alan Moore and Michael Staley, (ii) Deluxe issue, 100 copies. Bound in quarter morocco (with chevron on front board featuring foil block design) with black moired silk sides. Head and tail spine bands, silk ribbon bookmark, dust-jacket with illustrated wrap and black cloth slipcase. Includes a large, numbered letterpress ex-libris, designed and produced by Joseph Uccello. Bibliographical list ‘The Books of Pleasure’, by Clive Harper (signed and numbered). Limited edition 100 numbered copies. Signed by Alan Moore and Michael Staley, (iii) Standard issue, 900 numbered copies. Bound in cloth with dust-jacket. Includes a small, numbered letterpress ex-libris, designed and produced by Joseph Uccello. G15 a. First edition Foreword — to Sothis: A Magazine of the New Aeon, Vol. II No. 1. London: 1976. Pp. 1—2. G16 a. First edition Foreword — to The Goddess Sekhmet by Robert Masters St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1990 DESCRIPTION: xxix, 230 pp. 8vo. Illustrated. The ‘Foreword’ appears onp. xv. VARIANTS: (i) Hardbound with dust-jacket, (ii) Soft Covers. b. Reprint Foreword

82 Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography — to The Goddess Sekhmet by Robert Masters Ashland, Or: White Cloud Press, 2002 DESCRIPTION: xxviii, 230 pp. 8vo. Illustrated. The ‘Foreword’ is printed on p. [xv]. VARIANTS: (i) Hardbound with dustjacket, (ii) Softbound. G17 a. First edition Foreword — to Dark Doorway of the Beast by Gareth HewitsonMay Doncaster: New World Publishing, 1992 DESCRIPTION: 224 pp., 9 unnumbered preliminaries and 36 unnumbered pp. of notes and index. 8vo. Illustrated. Leatherlike binding. O.T.O. lamen gilt stamped on spine, with glossy dust-jacket printed in red and black. The ‘Foreword’ is in the unnumbered prelims. G18 a. First edition The Witches’ Sabbath and Axiomata by Austin Osman Spare [edited by Kenneth Grant] London, Fulgur Limited, 1992 DESCRIPTION: 64 pp. 4to, 29.6 * 21 cm. 32 full-page illustrations, 2 tipped-in coloured frontispieces. VARIANTS: (i) Deluxe issue, 26 alphabetically named copies. Signed by Kenneth and Steffi Grant. Full black vellum, dust-jacket, linedslipcase. (ii) Deluxe issue, 91 copies. Signed by Kenneth and Steffi Grant. Quarter black vellum, dustjacket, lined-slipcase. (iii) Standard issue, 837 numbered copies, of which only about 400 survived. [502 copies were intended for U.K. distribution, and 335 copies for overseas distribution.] Original black cloth, stamped in gilt, dustjacket stamped in gilt, (iv) Deluxe issue, 91 numbered

Works edited


copies. Signed by Kenneth and Steffi Grant. Black quarter morocco, dust-jacket, lined- slipcase. This issue was made from the final unbound sheets remaining from the first edition. It was issued by Fulgur with a new title page on 12 October 2007. G19 a. First edition Foreword — to Quest for Dion Fortune by Janice Chapman York Beach, Me: Samuel Weiser, 1993 DESCRIPTION: xix, 190 pp. 8vo. Illustrated. Softbound, illustrated covers. The ‘Foreword’ is printed on pp. ix-xi. G20 a. First edition Introduction — to Maat Magick: A Guide to Self Initiation by Nema York Beach, Me: Samuel Weiser, 1995 DESCRIPTION: xviii, 237 pp. 8vo. Illustrated. Softbound, illustrated covers. The introduction is printed on pp. ix-xi. b. Portuguese

translation Introduction — to Magia Thelemica de Maat: Amor sob Vontade by Nema Sao Paolo: Madras Editora Ltda, 1999 DESCRIPTION: 254 pp. 8vo. Softbound, illustrated covers. The introduction is printed on pp. 9—11. c. German

translation Einfuhrung — to Maat Magick: Fin Leitfaden zur SelbstInitiation by Nema

84 Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography Rudolstadt: Edition Roter Drache, 2010. DESCRIPTION: 304 pp. 8vo. Bound in laminated illustrated boards. The ‘Einfuhrung’ appears on pp. 7—9. Translation by Wolf Kaminski.

Works edited



a. First edition Introduction — to Nameless Aeons by Peter Smith Mexborough: Logos Press, 1999 DESCRIPTION: 70 pp. A5 sized booklet, with printed card covers. The introduction by Kenneth Grant is on pp. v-vii.


a. First edition ‘Prefazione’ — to Zos Kia, Un saggio introduttivo alVarte e la magia di Austin Osman Spare, di Gavin W. Semple Pontedere: Edizione Privata, 2003 DESCRIPTION: 90 pp. Illustrated. Buff card wraps. Front cover reproducing a painting by Austin Osman Spare. 300 numbered copies. Kenneth Grant’s preface is translated by Carol Saito, and it is printed on pp. [2-3]. b. Spanish

translation ‘Prefacio’ — to Zos-Kia, Ensayo Introductorio Sohre el Arte у Brujeria de Austin Osman Spare, por Gavin W. Semple Palma de Mallorca: Editorial Noctiluca, 2004 DESCRIPTION: 84 pp. 8vo. Softbound, illustrated covers. The introduction is printed on pp. 5-6. Translation by Batolome Sastre Sureda. c. German

translation Einfuhrung

86 Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography — to Austin Osman Spare, Kunst and Magie, by Gavin W. Semple Rudolstadt: Edition Roter Drache, 2011

Works edited



8vo. Hardback, illustrated. The introduction is printed on pp. 13-14. Translation by Jan Fries and Astrid Bauer. G23 a. First edition Foreword, with Steffi Grant — to Dearest Vera: A Kaleidoscope of Facsimile

Holograph Letters to his friend the Poet & Painter Vera Wainwright by Austin Osman Spare. Assembled by Kenneth and Steffi Grant. London: Fulgur Limited, 2010. DESCRIPTION: 176 pp, 4to, including 10 colour plates. The ‘Foreword’ is printed on pp. 9—10. VARIANTS: (i) Private issue, 7 copies hors commerce. Signed by Kenneth and Steffi Grant. Bound in purple full morocco, upper cover blocked in blind with satyr mask by AOS, purple endbands, purple cloth covered slipcase. dust-jacket, (ii) Deluxe issue, 93 copies. Signed by Kenneth and Steffi Grant. Bound in purple quarter morocco, purple cloth boards, purple endbands, purple cloth covered slip case, dust-jacket, (iii) Standard issue, 600 copies. Bound in purple cloth, purple endbands, dust-jacket. '

88 Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography


Works edited


Excerpts and Short Works HI a. First edition Excerpt from chapter 5 of Aleister Crowley & The Hidden God — in Liber AL vel Legis Ithaca, NY: Soror Tanith and Frater OTz PTN, 1976 DESCRIPTION: 32 pp. Small 8vo. Softcover. Stapled wrappers, printed in red. Published by Soror Tanith (Janice Ayers) and Frater OTz PTN (Bill Siebert). The short ‘Introduction, made up of passages from Aleister Crowley & The Hidden God [A3a], appears on pp. 2-3. H2 a. First edition ‘Cults of the Shadow’ — in Kundalini: Evolution and Enlightenment. Ed. by John White. New York: Anchor Books, 1979 DESCRIPTION: 482 pp. 8vo. Softbound. Excerpt from Cults of the Shadow [A5a]. The excerpt appears on pp. 395-398. b. Revised edition ‘Cults of the Shadow’

88 Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography — in Kundalini: Evolution and Enlightenment. Ed. by John White. New York: Paragon House, 1990 DESCRIPTION: 482 pp. 8vo. Softbound. Excerpt from Cults of the Shadow [A5a]. The excerpt appears on pp. 399-402. H3

a. First edition ‘Noctua’ [poem] — in Mandragore: The Magazine of the Grove of the Star and the Snake, Vol. Ill, No. 4. New York, NY: 1981. P. 153. [Eds. Engeleit and Blum.] Limited edition of 555 copies. The poem was later published in Convolvulus and other poems [B3a], pp. 98—99.


a. First edition ‘The Stellar Lode’, [First four chapters only.] — in Skooh Occult Review, No. 5. London: 1991. Pp. 34—45. b. Reprint ‘The Stellar Lode’ — in Skooh Esoterica Anthology London: Skoob Books, 1995 DESCRIPTION: N.p. 8vo. Softbound, with illustrated cover. ‘The Stellar Lode’ is printed on pp. 17—73 [sic]. c. Italian

translation II Gloho Stellare Calcinaia: Edizione privata, 2001 DESCRIPTION: 79 pp.

Excerpts and Short Works


8vo. Buff card wraps. Front cover reproducing a painting by Steffi Grant. Translation by Roberto Migliussi. 100 numbered copies. H5

a. Polish translation ‘Austin Osman Spare i Zos Kia Culms’ — in Okultura, issue 0. Warsawa-Gdansk: 1998. Pp. 18— 33. Chapter 11 of The Magical Revival [A2a]. Translation by Dariusz Misiuna.


a. Italian translation [Carfax Monograph IV] KENNETH GRANT | AUSTIN OSMAN SPARE | Una introduzione alia sua filosofia psico-magica | Illustrata da una formula dal grimorio гоёйсо di Zos 11961 | La presente edizione, publicata privatemente da | Roberto Migliussi e Stefano Landi, e stata autorizzata | dall’autore. | Publicato per la prima volta in ‘Carfax Monographs’, | Londra, 1959—1963, e successivamente in “Hidden Lore”, | Skoob Two, Londra, 1989. | Copia n. /200 | Stampato in Livorno | 1999 Livorno: privately printed, 2000. DESCRIPTION: A4 folder with 6 loose pages. Illustration in colour on photographic paper of the ‘Formula of Zos vel Thanatos’ by Austin Osman Spare. Limited edition of 100 numbered copies. Translated by Roberto Migliussi.

H7 a. Italian translation [Carfax Monograph IX] ‘Creazione magica’ — in Primordia, No. XX. Milan: March 2002. Pp. 30— 36. With postcard wrongly attributed to Kenneth instead of Steffi Grant. Translation by Roberto Migliussi. H8 a. Italian translation [Carfax Monograph V] ‘Vinum Sabbati’ — in Primordia, No. XXII. Milan: March 2003.

90 Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography Pp. 4—7. Translated by Roberto Migliussi. H9 a. Italian translation [Carfax Monograph VII] ‘Sapere Occulto’ — in Primordia, No. XXIII. Milan: September 2003. Pp. 4—8. Translated by Roberto Migliussi. H10 a. Italian translation [Carfax Monograph VIII] ‘Yetzirah’ — in Primordia, No. XXIV. Milan: March 2004. Pp. 6— 11. Translated by Roberto Migliussi. Hll a. Italian translation [Carfax Monograph III] ‘Aleister Crowley’ — in Primordia, No. XXVII. Milan: March 2005. Pp. 15—17. Translated by Roberto Migliussi. HI2 a. German translation ‘Das Licht das nicht ist’ — in Shekinah:

Schriftenreihe fur Schamanismus, Okkultismus, Parapsychologie, Magie, Issue 4, 2008. Pp. 22—33. Excerpt from Die Nachtseite von Eden [A6c]. H13 a. German translation ‘Andahadna und die Mysterien der Maat’ — in Shekinah: Schriftenreihe

fur Schamanismus, Okkultismus, Parapsychologie, Magie, Issue 10, 2010. Pp. 41—51. Excerpt from Jenseits der Zeitkreise [A7c].


I la Poster announcing The Confessions of Aleister Crowley [G4a]. London: Jonathan Cape, 1969. 51 cm. Square. I2a

‘Beardsley’ - in Times Literary Supplement (21 January 1972). Short note by Steffi Grant. Mentions Austin Osman Spare.

I3a Guida internazionale delV eta delV Acquario. Ed. Edoardo Bresci Torino: Bresci editore, 1975. DESCRIPTION: 318 pp. 8vo. Illustrated. Softbound in gold coloured cover. An international directory for the Age of the Aquarius. On p. 116 the contact details for ‘Ordo Templi Orientis’ are given, with the address of Kenneth and Steffi Grant. On p. 117 there is a short entry for Kenneth Grant. In addition to this, there is a collage on p. 11 which incorporates a drawing, ‘The Sign of the Enterer (Horus)’, by Steffi Grant which is included in

Cults of the Shadow [A5a], plate 5.

92 Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography 14 a

‘Excerpt from a letter to the editor’ — in Cincinnati Journal of Ceremonial Magick, Vol. I Issue 3. Cincinnati, Ohio: 1978. P. 65.

I5a ‘Scarlet Woman’ by Chakra [i.e. Kenneth Grant, Janice Ayers and Mike Magee]. A song invocation of the Scarlet Woman on the reverse side of a 7 inch with Aleister Crowley reading ‘Pentagram’ and ‘La Gitana’. Produced by the Forum Group Agency, 133 Deans Lane, Edgware, Middlesex, England. [Music by Boh Ponton, lyrics by Mike Magee.] Marabo label, 1975. DESCRIPTION: Issued in a red stiff paper sleeve, one side drawn by Steffi Grant, the other by Jan Bailey. ‘This Rock Invocation of the Goddess has been made by modern devotees of the magical Current first initiated by Crowley in 1904, when he received The Book of the Law via an extra-terrestrial intelligence called Aiwass. This strange document proclaims the Law of Life, Light, Liberty, and Love, and influenced Crowley’s entire life, forming the basis of the modern cult of ‘Do what thou wilt’.’ A one page advertisement, headed ‘The Unique and Mysterious Voice of Aleister Crowley reading two of his most famous poems’, was enclosed with the records. I6a Poster announcing item I5a. ‘La Gitana and Pentagram spoken by Aleister Crowley. A sound recording made by Crowley of his two famous poems ‘La Gitana’ and ‘Pentagram’, two characteristically Crowleian invocations. Scarlet Woman by Chakra. A Rock Invocation of the 93 Current by Devotees of Thelema.’ 1975. Design by Jan Bailey. A3 Format. I7a A letter to the editor — in Formaos: A Periodical of the Occult Arts, Vol. 1,



No. 2. Great Witchingham, Norfolk: 1984. Pp. 68—69. I8a

‘Kenneth Grant Talks to Skoob: Interview with Kenneth Grant.’ — in Skooh Occult Review, Issue 3. London, 1990. Pp. 57


‘Interview with Kenneth Grant: Reprinted from SKOOB Magazine’ — in Primal Chaos, Issue 3. San Francisco, CA: 1992. Pp. 2-6.

I8c ‘Interview with Magician and Author Kenneth Grant’ — in Best of Primal Chaos. San Francisco, CA: 1992. Pp. 10-12. I9a Invitation to celebrate the publication of Zos Speaks! London: Fulgur Limited, [1999]. Printed Card. I10a ‘Formula of Zos vel Thanatos’ by Austin Osman Spare. London, Fulgur Limited, 2005 DESCRIPTION: Giclee print on Hahnemiihle 310gsm German etching, coated mould-made acid-free paper. The printed image is 42 * 28 cm. Strictly limited edition of93 examples, blind-stamped with theFulgur eyebolt motif. Signed and numbered by Kenneth and Steffi Grant.


Ephemera Promotional Flyers



Jlc Jld Jle Jlf

For Carfax Monographs 4 & 5, circa 1961 [Includes the

Jig Jib

announcement of ‘Incubi and Succubi’, described as “Concerning various spectral manifestations of the Marriage Mystical. Illustrated”. This monograph was not produced.] For Carfax Monographs 1—7, circa 1962. For Carfax Monographs 1—10 & for Black to Black, circa 1963. For an early proposed version of The Images & Oracles of Austin Osman Spare, circa 1967. For The Magical Revival (white, cerise & olive), circa 1972. For Aleister Crowley & The Hidden God (blue), circa 1973. For Magical and Philosophical Commentaries on The Book of the Law, circa 1974. For Images & Oracles of Austin Osman Spare (green, yellow), circa 1975. For Nightside of Eden (green), circa 1977. For Outside the Circles of Time (orange), circa 1980. For Against the Light, circa 1997. For Zos Speaks!, circa 1998. For Beyond the Mauve Zone, circa 2000.

For Images and Oracles of Austin Osman Spare, circa 2003. For Remembering Aleister Crowley, circa 2004. For Die Nachtseite von Eden, circa 2008.

96 Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography

A series of picture postcards, listing publications by Kenneth Grant London, Carfax, 1989— ... and others. J2a Illustration from Hidden Lore: ‘Magical Creation’ (for Italian translation in Primordia) [see H7a]. J2b Postcard announcing Images & Oracles of Austin Osman Spare [see A4d]. J2c Illustration from Images & Oracles of Austin Osman Spare: ‘The New Eden’ [see A4d]. J2d Reproduction of cover for Cults of the Shadow [see A5c]. J2e Illustration from Hidden Lore: ‘Vinum Sabbati’ [see Alb]. J2f Illustration from Hidden Lore: ‘Hidden Lore’ [see Alb]. J2g Illustration from Hidden Lore: ‘The Tree of Life’ [see Alb]. J2h Reproduction of cover for Hidden Lore, Hermetic Glyphs [see Ale]. J2i Illustration from Hidden Lore, Hermetic Glyphs: ‘The Tree of Eternity’ [see Ale]. J2j Illustration from Hidden Lore, Hermetic Glyphs: ‘The Tree of Life’ [see Ale]. J2k Illustration from Hidden Lore, Hermetic Glyphs: ‘Formula of Zos vel Thanatos’ [see Ale]. J2l Reproduction of cover for Zos Speaks! [see A12a]. J2m Illustration from Zos Speaks! ‘The Vampires are Coming’ [see Alla]. J2n Reproduction of cover for At the Feet of the Guru [see A14a]. J2o Reproduction of cover for Convolvulus [see ВЗа].



J2p Reproduction of cover for Snakewand [see C2a].

A series of picture postcards, announcing publications edited by Kenneth Grant, London, Jonathan Cape, 1969 & New York, Hill & Wang, 1970. J3a Postcard announcing the publication of The Confessions of Aleister Crowley. Collage of five photographs of Aleister Crowley, golden background. Jonathan Cape, 1969 [see G4a]. J3b Postcard announcing the publication of The Confessions of Aleister Crowley. Collage of magical seals connected to Aleister Crowley. Jonathan Cape [see G4a]. J3c Postcard announcing the publication of The Confessions of Aleister Crowley. As J3a, but with purple background. Hill & Wang, 1970 [see G4b].


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The Other Child and other tales

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