BLS سكريبت 2 لتعبئة استمارة الموعيد (auto remplissage formulaire rdv) [PDF]

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// ==UserScript== // @name Spanish visa application // @namespace // @version 0.12 // @description 。|This is a script to help you apply for a visa in Spain, he can quickly fill in the visa page information. // @author [email protected] // @require // @include // @grant none // @run-at document-end // @downloadURL none // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; console.log("Code start"); //Preset information /* /* |Preset infomation VisaType: 207=Tourism 29=Business 30=Family Visit 31=Property Owner 32=Student 33=Sports Cultural Artistic Scientific 34=Mission 35=Medical Visit 36=Transit 37=Residence Permit 38=Eu Citizens Family Reunification 39=Family Reunification 40=Student 41=Work Permit (Own Account) 42=Work Permit (Third Party) passportType: Ordinary passport = 01 Collective passport = 02 Protection passport = 03 Diplomatic passport = 04 Service passport = 05 Government official on duty =06 Special passport = 07 Passport of foreigners = 08 National laissez-passer = 10 UN laissez-passer = 11 Refugee Travel Document (Geneva Convention) = 12 D. Viaje Apatridas C. New York = 13 Official passport = 14 Seaman’s book = 16 */

//************************************** //↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓|Please fill in the information↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ var AppointmentTime = "08:30 - 08:45", VisaType = "29", first_name = "taib", last_name = "consulting", dateOfBirth = "1989-02-21", passportType = "01", passport_no = "199258753", pptIssueDate = "2017-12-07", pptExpiryDate = "2027-12-06", PassportIssuePlace = "ALGER"; //↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑**************************************↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ var timer = setInterval(aaa, 1000); var datas = setInterval(bbb, 100); function bbb() { $("#app_date").trigger("focus"); } //|Determine whether a date has been selected function aaa() { if($('#app_date').val() == "") { clearInterval(datas); //|Determine if there is an optional date if($(".datepicker-days .day.activeClass").length > 0) { //|select date 1 $(".datepicker-days .day.activeClass")[1].click(); } else { console.log("|No available date"); } } else { //|The date has been booked console.log("|I have made an appointment and started filling in the information"); $('#app_time').val(AppointmentTime); $('#VisaTypeId').val(VisaType); $('#first_name').val(first_name); $('#last_name').val(last_name); $('#dateOfBirth').val(dateOfBirth); $('#passportType').val(passportType); $('#passport_no').val(passport_no); $('#pptIssueDate').val(pptIssueDate); $('#pptExpiryDate').val(pptExpiryDate); $('#pptIssuePalace').val(PassportIssuePlace); console.log("|Information completed"); clearInterval(timer); clearInterval(datas); $(".datepicker.datepicker-dropdown.dropdown-menu.datepickerorient-left.datepicker-orient-top").hide(); } } })();

console.log("End of code run");