Binary Options Made Simple [PDF]

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Table Of Contents Table of Contents About Mr Binary Option......................................................................................................3 Introduction to Binary Options...........................................................................................4 What Are Binary Options?........................................................................................................5 What Are Binary Signals?.........................................................................................................6 Candlestick Charts...................................................................................................................7

Capital Management............................................................................................................8 Choosing A Broker..............................................................................................................9 Trading Autonomously......................................................................................................10 Trading with binary signals..............................................................................................12 Types of Binary Option......................................................................................................13

High / Low.............................................................................................................................. 13 One Touch / No Touch............................................................................................................ 14 60 Second Options................................................................................................................. 15 Long Term Options................................................................................................................. 16 Boundary / Range.................................................................................................................. 17 Ladder Trades........................................................................................................................ 18

Binary Options Trading Strategies For Success............................................................19

Trading Trend Lines................................................................................................................ 19 Trading the breakout............................................................................................................... 22 Trading Retracements............................................................................................................ 24 The Straddle Strategy............................................................................................................. 26 The Double Up....................................................................................................................... 28 The Gap Strategy................................................................................................................... 30


Second Edition (June 2017)


About Mr Binary Option Hello! Welcome to the Binary Options Made Simple eBook by Mr Binary Option. I am thrilled that you took the time to download and read this book. Many new traders will dive straight into the deep end with brokers, signals and robots without enough knowledge and come away with a negative experience. The true key to success with Binary Options is making the right choices - whether that is your choice of broker, automated trading robot, or a call / put. I run the website which is, as you might have already guessed, all about Binary Options! We review the latest and greatest brokers,

binary options robots and more. As always, reviews are thorough and unbiased. Only the best brokers and systems gain our coveted seal of approval, so always check the site before opening an account! Second Edition (June 2017)


This book and its contents are Copyright 2017 All Rights Reserved Trading binary options can carry risk. View our risk information on the website

Second Edition (June 2017)


Introduction to Binary Options If you have a basic knowledge of Binary Options, then you may want to skip to the next chapter! New to the world of Binary Options? It can be daunting, but do not worry as it really is a lot simpler than you might first think. In this chapter, we will cover the basics of Binary Options, how they work and the various terms and systems we will be using later. It is important that you know the following information fully before you start trading. Knowledge is power and power is the key success to making healthy profits! The experienced traders who enjoy their six-figure incomes all started off as inexperienced newcomers to the market. You will learn and develop your skills as you progress, but make sure you get a head start with some of the essential information we are discussing in this chapter.

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What Are Binary Options? Let’s start right at the basics - what is a binary option exactly? Put simply, a binary option is a type of trade where you have two choices. The term “binary” comes from the fact the trade has just two choices - Call or Put. If you think the asset price will increase, you buy a Call option. Similarly, if you think the asset price will decrease you buy a Put option. Assets can be stocks, currencies, commodities and indices. All options have an expiry time, so if your prediction was correct at the expiry time you win the trade. Expiry times can vary from anything from 60 seconds to several weeks. Most brokers will provide you with plenty of choice.

Let’s look at an example. The price of gold (the asset) is currently $500. You place a Call option with an expiry time of 5 minutes at a price of $100 with a payout of 90%

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After 5 minutes, the price of gold is now $510. You correctly predicted that the price of gold would increase. The broker gives you $190 - netting you a $90 profit ($100 buy in returned + 90%). It’s that simple!

What Are Binary Signals? Moving on from the basics of trading, we will now take a look at Binary Signals. What are they? Well, simply they are akin to a tipoff as to where the market is headed next. Usually Binary Signals are created by experienced traders in the industry and you receive them by way of an alert - sms, email, etc. You can then act based on these signals to increase your chance of a successful trade. Often these signals occur by way of mirror trading - following trades of a top trader in the field. Signals can however also be generated by sophisticated software algorithms. There are ways of acting on these signals automatically without any intervention. To accomplish this we use a binary options robot - we will discuss this later on in the book!

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Candlestick Charts First off, let’s check out the most common type of chart used by the brokers - the candlestick chart. The graph is made up of candlesticks which are used to describe price movements.

They are like a combination of a line-chart and a bar-chart. Each bar represents all four important pieces of information for the period of time they represent - the open, the close, the high and the low. Being densely packed with information, they tend to represent trading patterns over short periods of time.

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Check out the image below, the top and bottom shadows represent the high

and lows, whilst the body shows the difference between the open and close of the time period. The colour represents whether the opening price was higher or lower than the closing price (also known as bullish or bearish).

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Capital Management Another key to success when trading is to have a good money management strategy. If you are winning lots of trades, it is easy to think you should put even more money into your following trades. However, you always need to consider that regardless of your strategy you will never win 100% of trades not even a binary option robot can do this for you! For example, if you are achieving a roughly 80% success rate on your trades, then 20 out of 100 trades will lose. You can still walk away with a profit here, but what if you hit those 20 losses in a row? Consecutive losses are the primary reason why many traders will fall at the first hurdle - this is why it is important to keep to a money management strategy! If you open an account and deposit $1000, it is easy to think that $100 trades give you plenty of room for the occasional loss - but it doesn’t! If you lose multiple trades in a row then your capital soon shrinks. When that happens traders often reduce their trade amounts, but then their returns are too small to make up the deficit and it is a vicious circle. So how do you prevent this from happing? Simple, invest a fixed percentage of your capital, not a fixed amount, per trade. The percentage you choose should depend on how risky your strategy is, but a good place to start is around 4-5%. Using this method will ensure that you are able to survive losing streaks and yet recover from them quickly. Remember, if you do not manage your capital then even the best binary options strategy will not help you achieve success!

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Choosing A Broker Ok, so we have discussed strategies and money / capital management at length and no doubt you are eager to put these into play! How do you go about trading binary options? You use a broker. A broker provides your trading platform and handles your withdrawals, so it is imperative you choose a well known broker which is regulated and approved. There are, unfortunately, plenty of scam brokers out there so always be vigilant. At Mr Binary Option we aim to review as many brokers as possible to sniff out the scams. Always choose a broker that has our seal of approval! We have listed our top three verified brokers below

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Trading Autonomously So you want to get into binary options for the profit, but don’t want the hassle of sitting at the computer all day and trading by hand? Luckily for you there are binary option robots! A robot is a software program that will execute trades for you. They analyse the market and assets by employing sophisticated software algorithms to make predictions. They are extremely accurate and can react much faster than humans. Additionally, most robots will learn over time meaning their success rate increases. All you need to do is set the robot going, sit back and watch your profits grow.

To summarise, the benefits of an automated trading robot are: 1. Adhering to a strategy - Robots have clearly defined strategies and rules which they must abide by before placing a trade. Unlike manual options, this prevents human emotions coming into play. It is all to easy to get annoyed that you lost a trade then place an uninformed large trade which you also lose. 2. Diversify - Most robots will make use of multiple broker accounts at the same time. This spreads the risk as well as allowing the use of varying parallel strategies. Second Edition (June 2017)


3. Consistency - As noted before, robots are entirely consistent. They stick to their rules and are not influenced by external factors. 4. Maximum profits - With all this in mind, this gives you the best way to maximise your profits whilst also running the systems on autopilot. So what is the catch I hear you asking. Well, as with brokers, there are unfortunately some scam systems out there designed to just take your money. This is why it is crucial you use an approved and verified system. Our website has reviews of all the top systems in this sector so please check them out before signing up. All reviews are independent and we verify the claims made by the creators. We are always up to date with the latest brokers and robots in the binary options industry, so you can be confident the information we write is accurate. Here are a few of our recommendations to get you started.

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Trading with binary signals Perhaps you don't want to place your trust in a totally automated system, but you do not want to stare are charts all day waiting to kickstart your trading strategy. Well, the good news is that there is a happy medium in the form of binary signals. Binary signals are created by experienced traders and are similar to tip offs. Basically the traders are monitoring market assets and working out which asset you should place a trade on and which way you should go. Sometimes binary signals can be generated by sophisticated software algorithms- these are usually tied in to a binary robot for automated trading. When using a binary signal service, the signals come through to you by way of alerts, either sms, email, etc. After you receiving the signal, place the trade and watch the outcome! Some signals are set up in a way that they will mirror trades made by the top traders. This is great as it increases the trust in the validity of the signal as the trader wants to profit from it too. Various brokers have these systems in place, so have a look around their website before opening an account.

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Types of Binary Option In the world of Binary Options, there are a few different types of options. This not only gives you a choice, but it also allows you to mix up your strategy for the best returns. Each type of option has its own advantages, and disadvantages, so it is good practice to become acquainted with them. Even if you are looking at using an automated system, it is a good idea to at least skim through the following chapter so you can get a broad understanding of what is happening with your investments!

High / Low This is where it all began, also called Up / Down and Call / Put. It was the first type of binary option to be offered by brokers when the market emerged and is, undoubtedly, still the most popular today. A High / Low option can be summarized as follows: Will the asset price be higher or lower than the current price at the expiry time?

Simply, if you think the asset will be trading at a higher price after the expiry time, you choose High (or Up / Call). Similarly, if you think the asset will be trading at a lower price you choose Low (or Down / Put). Most good brokers will give you a choice of expiry times. In general, these range from 5 to 15 minutes.

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When the expiry time is up, if your predication is correct then you win! There is usually a fixed payout percentage for these types of options, typicall in the region of 80-90%. For example, if you place a $100 option and predict correctly and the payout is 85%, the broker will give you $185. Now you can clearly see why Binary Options is a popular money making tool!

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One Touch / No Touch A Touch option works slightly differently to the standard High / Low option, but it is really easy to understand. You are still looking at a certain asset price, but the qualifying conditions are a bit different. Will the asset price reach the trigger price by the expiry time?

The payout depends on the trigger price (or trigger point) – this can be anywhere on the trading chart. In general, the further away the trigger point, the higher the payout as the chances of it hitting the trigger decrease as you move further away from the current trend. The difference to High / Low options is that a One Touch option just needs to touch the trigger point once before the expiry time. The associated payouts for One Touch binary options tend to be a lot higher, especially if you are moving further away from the current price. Returns can reach up to 300% with some brokers! No Touch options are a variant on One Touch options and work in the opposite way. You set the trigger point and are predicting that the price will fail to reach that point. The payout works inversely to One Touch trades in that the closer the trigger is to the current price the higher the payout percentage. Touch trading is a great way to accumulate profits faster, but it also carries more risk so it is important to stick to a money management strategy when working with these.

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60 Second Options These types of trades, also called turbo trades, have become extremely popular with traders in recent years. Practically every broker offers some form of turbo trade now! They work much the same as standard High / Low trades, but the expiry time is just 60 seconds. This is great for seeing instant results. Look for trends in a small time frame, such as the past few minutes. These trends will be short-term and may not be following the trend lines which outline long term trends. You can profit here by spotting these small variations and using a turbo option to quickly place a trade. There are an abundance of opportunities when working with turbo options and you can be more flexible with your strategy. If you are looking to make as much profit as you can in the shortest amount of time, then turbo options is exactly what you are looking for. It is important to note that not all brokers offer turbo options, so check out our top picks below. Turbo options may not suit every trader, so give them a try with a demo account before investing.

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Long Term Options In contrast to 60 second options, Long Term options have expiry times which span over days, weeks and even as long as months. You might instantly be thinking “Why would I want to invest in a long term option when I can generate profit in just 60 seconds?”. This is a common question among new traders who want to see instant profits. The truth is that maybe new traders who start straight with turbo options will find they lose their capital quickly due to being inexperienced. This is exactly the same on the stock market and is why many traders will keep hold of their assets for several days. Trading with turbo options can be a volatile experience as slight variations in the asset price can be difficult to predict. With a long term option, you can analyze the long term trends to find the direction in which you should place your trade. This data tends to be far more reliable as it is gathered over a longer period of time. In the end, long term trading comes down to the trader as it is a style that may only suit a few.

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Boundary / Range This type of trade is essentially the same as placing a double No Touch trade. What you are looking for is a range in which the price fluctuates – the upper and lower limits of this are determined by support and resistance. There are basically two trigger points, an upper and a lower, and your trade focuses on the price not exceeding either of those two points. The price must stay within the range during the countdown to the expiry time. If it surpasses either trigger, then you will lose the trade. This is ideal if you are looking at an asset with a stable price, or even a flat trading history, as you can still make a profit. Most binary options rely on price movements, but a Boundary trade is working on the opposite. Not all brokers provide these types of trades, so check out our recommendations below:

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Ladder Trades Ladder trades are one of the more complicated types of binary options on the market today and perhaps one of the most recent. Essentially, there is an interval time and a series of strike prices – both of which you can choose yourself. What you are looking for is that the asset price will progress along the ladder and meet the strike prices at each interval. Every time you hit the strike price at the time of the expiry, you receive a partial payout. In the end, if you hit all stages of the ladder you will have a payout which, in general, exceeds 100%. It is essentially like setting up a series of small High / Low options in a series with the advantage of being able to receive a partial payout even if you do not hit all stages of the ladder. This kind of option is great for an asset that may be fairly volatile as receiving partial payouts means you do not lose all of your investment in one go. This is fairly complicated to set up and would require some good background experience with binary options. Definitely not for the new traders, but there is some good profit to be had with the right ladder and choice of asset.

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Binary Options Trading Strategies For Success In general, binary options are just short term trades so timing is crucial to succeeding. Before you start trading manually, it is always wise to have a strategy in mind so you have a clear focus and end goal. Placing the trade at the correct time is essential, so check out the following strategies for ideas.

Trading Trend Lines Trend Lines, are a very important tool when it comes to technical analysis. These lines, connect a starting point, with another price point before extending into the future. At this point, the line becomes a prediction of what you believe the price will do next. Depending on whether you’re trading a bullish (demand) or bearish market (excessive supply), these lines act as a support to the price or a resistance. An Uptrend Line (Bullish Market) During a period of demand, a trend hill will flow upwards (a positive slope) with the second low in the period occurring higher than the start point. This means even though the price is rising, demand is keeping up with that price, driving it higher still. Once market prices continue above the trend line, the market is considered “solid and intact”. In most markets, there will come a time when the trend line stops supporting the price anymore. This is usually a good indication that demand is slowing and the trend is about to change. Second Edition (June 2017)


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A Downtrend Line (Bearish Market) If an uptrend line is pointing towards a strong demand with plenty of buyers, it’s downtrend cousin shows the exact opposite. Downtrend lines don’t act as a support to the price anymore, they define a resistance to the price going higher. Downtrend lines will always flow downwards (a negative slope) and in this case the second low in the period will have a lower price than the start. Just as with an uptrend line, downtrend lines can stop being a good predictor once the price starts to break its resistance line. This often means that demand is catching up with the falling price and a change is imminent. How Do I Know When the Price Movement Will End? This is the question all traders spend their days trying to figure out! These are difficult things to predict, even for the most experienced of traders. However, if you think about the market price as that of an individual asset. The only real factor that affects the value of the asset is how many people want to purchase it. This is known as “supply and demand” and is an important part of business. If many people want to buy an asset, demand will always be high. In trading, this would be called a bullish (uptrend) market as many people want to buy the same thing, pushing its price up. Eventually, everyone who wanted to purchase the asset at its current price has done so. Slowly but surely, new buyers will dry up and the price will have Second Edition (June 2017)


to fall so it may attract new demand. This is the point at which a bullish market now starts to become a bearish one.

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Once the price enters a downward trend, the price will keep falling until it becomes enticing to more and more people. At this point the price will begin to be supported more and more, until finally demand catches up with supply. At this point the bearish market will begin to turn around again. Validation & Getting Your Lines Correct It takes at least two or more points to create a trend line and with each extra line you’ll add more validity to the trend. However, sometimes it’s hard just to find two points to construct your trend line with. Even experienced traders will accept that you can’t always draw a trend line on every graph. Sometimes the price point just doesn’t match up properly and this is perfectly fine. During these periods, it’s always better to wait until you have different price points that are more favourable.

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Trading the breakout Every trader should know how to trade the breakout. It is an essential strategy that is profitable and a good way to enter binary options trading. The first thing to know here is how support and resistance levels work. Remember the candlestick charts from the last chapter? What you are looking for is several candlesticks that show the low points for that asset - the low points are identified if the price rebounded right after reaching them. Usually we look for about 3 of the lowest points over a period of time. Now, imagine

you draw a line though those points, you can almost call it a floor as the asset price does not seem to go below this value.- this is the support level.

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Resistance are effectively the same as a support level, but works as a ceiling from which the asset price can fall from. This gives you a trading range - this keeps the trading price within this range until the price breaks out. It is important to spot these patterns when you are trading binary options! What is a breakout? A breakout is when the price of the asset “breaks out” and closes either above the resistance level or below the support level. Once a breakout occurs, there will be a strong price movement due to a surge in trades. So, to trade the breakout, you can either place a trade in anticipation of a breakout occurring (when the price is reaching the support or resistance level), or place a trade in reaction to the breakout (just as the support or resistance levels are surpassed). It is down to personal preference which option you choose here, but the latter is a safer option if you time it just right! It is best to trial a strategy with a demo account first before investing significant capital. The following brokers have demo accounts available at no charge:

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Trading Retracements This is the second strategy we are going to look at, but firstly we need a bit of background. What exactly are retracements? Retracements are short term price corrections during an overall larger upward trend (bullish) or downward trend (bearish). Although the asset price may be following a trend, it moves in a straight line. In a trend, the price is always moving from a high to a low - the move against the main direction of the trend is called the retracement. Finding these retracements and trading based on them is great for utilising short term trades. The key benefit to this method is being able to enter a trade in the direction of the original trend at a better price. So why do these occur? Let’s take an example. A large number of traders start to buy as they believe the market price is starting to increase. This in turn pushes the market price higher and as more traders notice this, they start buying as well. When the increase has gained traction, a portion of the traders will close their positions resulting in a small sell off, halting the upward trend and starting a pullback - the price decreases slightly . Once the price has gone down, traders will resume their activity until the trend has run its full course and reverses. How do you use retracements to time your trade? First, find an asset that has a strong, clearly defined, upward or downward trend. If you are looking at an upward trend, enter the market right after a pullback (the temporary decrease in asset price) has finished. If you are looking at a downward trend, enter the market right after a rally (the temporary increase in asset price) has finished. Second Edition (June 2017)


The key now is to know when the market will pull back. To do this, we use fibonacci retracements. To apply fibonacci retracement levels to the chart, you need to first identify the swing high and swing low points of a trend. Swing high means the highest point displayed on a chart which represent a given time period. Swing low is the same, but for the lowest point. Most decent brokers will provide a fibonacci tool and in essence what you do is draw a line in the direction of the trend, joining the swing high and swing low points. The horizontal lines that are drawn by the tool are the fibonannci retracement levels which are automatically calculated by the tool. The most popular levels are 38.2%, 50% and 61.8%. Most traders that rely on technical analysis of the markets observe that most retracements occur around the fibonacci levels - normally around the 50% level. In an upward trend, the price will go down a certain percentage of upward movement, whereas in a downward trend, the price will go up a certain percentage of the downward movement. If the price moves beyond the 50% level, as shown by the horizontal fibonacci lines, this may be an indication that a retracement is about to happen and this can provide you with the opportunity to set your next trade in the main trend direction.

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The Straddle Strategy In normal trading, the straddle is used to counter the effects of an assets price moving both higher and lower. To do this, you a Call and Put option, both with the same price and expiration date. When is this Useful? Generally, the straddle is used when a trader expects fluctuation in the price of an asset, yet they don’t quite know how this will occur. A great example of this is when a company releases its financial report or quarterly figures. Although market analysts might expect certain things to happen (good sales figures, healthy balance sheet), nobody knows exactly what the details are until they’re revealed. Second Edition (June 2017)


By adding both a call and put option, a trader can take advantage of whatever fluctuations happen in the price. Of course, if the price stays steady, then the trader won’t earn money, yet they should be able to break even. Unfortunately, with a binary option this doesn’t work that well. With a standard straddle, the percentage gain is often between 70% – 90% and given the nature of the straddle trade and probability, you’ll win about 50% of your trades. What this means, is that whilst you’ll earn 190%, you can divide that by 2, meaning a win of about 95%. 95% is 5% less than you invested, you’ll lose money on your trades. For the straddle to work in binary options, we need to tweak the straddle to suit our needs.

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How to Employ the Straddle in Binary Options To make the straddle work, we need to avoid the trap of earning 95%, and push it over 100% so we can make consistent profits. The easiest way to do this, is by purchasing a boundary option. This means that you speculate your asset will fluctuate, yet stay within a pre-determined range over the time of your trade. For example, we might believe that a certain stock with trade between $7 and $9 over the next 3 months. If we set our boundary strike prices at between $7 and $9 and prices close between these values, your trade with generate a gain; however, if the price begins to move out of this range then the trade will become “out of the money”. You don’t have to set your boundaries within a certain range either. Using the example above, we could set a boundary option to say that a price will trade above $9, below $7 and not in-between. Once again, if the price finishes outside of the $7 - $9 level, your trade will generate gains; however, if it closes in-between those price ranges you’ll find yourself “out of the money” again. Boundary trading is a technique in binary options that’s been slowly gaining popularity over the years. It allows you to employ a technique similar to the straddle, yet allowing you to gain over 100% and get your trades in consistent profit. One word of warning though, the straddle and boundary trade is only useful in times of price volatility. If you’re looking at a steady asset price with low volatility you’re best to look at other trade options. Second Edition (June 2017)


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The Double Up The double up, is a great strategy when you place a trade that’s looking very good. It’s a brilliant way to double your gains when your position within a market is rock solid. How the Double Up Works Let’s say that you place a trade on GBP vs EUR at 1.25130 and you predict that the price will close at a higher level. After an hour, the price is gaining traction and comes out at 1.25500. At this point, you’re feeling confident about this trade, it’s going to net you a solid gain. The double up, allows you to alter your trade and double the investment you’ve made. This means that instead of your trade being a decent gain, it could net you double the amount of the initial trade. This is a useful tool for traders who unexpectedly find themselves in a trade that’s performing better than they had expected. It’s also handy for those who predicted a trade to become very profitable, yet wanted to hold back for whatever reason. When the Double Up Becomes Nasty Of course, as with any trading strategy, there are pitfalls to be aware of. The double up is only useful if you find yourself in a very strong market position. It won’t help you at all if you’re already losing on a trade. Second Edition (June 2017)


Another issue is that not all binary option brokers offer the double up. In this respect, it’s not a strategy as such but a nice feature that some brokers employ. If you think it’s something that you’ll want to make use of then you’ll need to discover a broker that offers it. Another, rather obvious feature of the double up is that you cannot employ it in the final few minutes of a trade. Generally, it’s something that takes place halfway through a trade. This is to stop traders literally “doubling up” on every trade they make that turns good. Finally, and perhaps the most important thing to consider; never use the double up on a trade you don’t have a solid position on. If you double up and win, you’ll gain double the money. If you double up and lose, then the inverse is true. But hold on! It gets even worse! Most brokers charge a fee for using the double up feature. So, by losing a double up trade, you’ll lose double your money plus a fee for using the service. That sounds like a bad day at the office for anyone! As with any broker feature or trading strategy, use the double up wisely and only at the times appropriate for it. If you follow that golden rule the it can be a great way to make bigger profits when you can.

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The Gap Strategy This rather novel strategy, is great for newcomers to binary trading that’s easier to understand and easier to employ. It’s often one of the first strategies that new traders learn. How it Works Often, an assets price can jump dramatically, especially after a large news event or sometimes in the run up to a pause in trading, say overnight or during a weekend. A great example of this is when a stock closes at say $8, before opening the next day at $10. That’s a rather large gain of $2 overnight. This is also true of stocks during volatile news periods, such as bad news for the company. A recent example would be the news that a passenger was thrown violently off a US Airlines plane, lowering the stock markedly for a short period. As with all things supply and demand related, a large jump or indeed lowering of a stock will leave a gap in trading. Purchasers will either stop buying at the current value or indeed increase purchasing in the case of a lowered stock. Generally, supply and demand dictates that the price will come back around to its previous normal level. How to Trade the Gap Once a gap begins to open, whether that be news related or simply a gap in trading, the trader can look at the chart and begin to predict which way the price will move. Then, the trader will purchase an option for the asset price to move in that direction, generating a gain. Second Edition (June 2017)


The first way to so this, is to purchase a 1 minute option in the opposite direction that the price had previously been moving. As with many aspects of trading, the timing of the trade is hugely important and is something most traders learn over time. Another way to trade a gap, is to use a touch option. This means that you’re predicting the price will “touch” a price point during the timeframe of your trade. In the case of a gap price you expect to fall, you’ll make a prediction that the price will begin to fall back in line, touching your chosen price before rising again. As you can imagine, gap trading happens very fast. The old saying that “todays newspapers are tomorrows waste” holds very true with gap trading. Any form of gap trade should have an expiration date of 1 day only as that’s how quickly a gap can appear, before being corrected by the market. One to Try on a Demo Account Trading gaps is something of an artform, part of the reason it’s beginner friendly; however, it’s not something you should jump straight into. If you like the idea of trading gaps, then try it out on a demo account first to get a feel for how supply and demand pushes a gap price back into parity. The following brokers have demo accounts available at no charge:

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Summary Remember, before you start trading online, make sure you open an account with a verified broker. Do not fall into a scam or you might as well throw money down the drain. If you are looking at automated robots, again be sure to always use only verified systems. We conduct constant research to expose these scams and make sure our reads only get the best of the best. Finally, please be aware that trading binary options is not risk free, but the profit potential is huge if you use these techniques to minimise the risk. This concludes our ebook - Thank you for reading and happy trading! ~ Mr Binary Option

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