Bilbao Attacking Phase [PDF]

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Bilbao Attacking Phase



Marcelo Bielsa was appointed as A. Bilbao’s manager in summer 2011. Despite finishing at the tenth place of thePrimera Division’s table in season 2011-12, Bilbao reached the Europa League cup final after eliminating from the competition teams like Manchester United Schalke and Sporting Lisbon. Bilbao also reached the Copa del Rey final.Bielsa managed to build an attractive side made up of home grown players who played attacking football based on high tempo, fluidity and a lot of off the ball movement, in order to create and exploit the free space. These elements are some of Bielsa’s trademarks and they can be clearly observed both in the national team of Argentina as well as in that of Chile’s, two of Bielsa’s previous teams. His innovative coaching ideas both during attacking and defending are admired by many other coaches such as Guardiola and it is broadly said thatBielsa is one of the best coaches in the world.

Key Diagram


A. Bilbao used the 4-3-3 formation (diagram 1.0). Bielsa chose players who could carry out the playing style of his preference. So all the players, except for the youngster Muniain (a short but very fast and talented player) were very athletic and capable in winning duels. The attacking midfielder Herrera was placed lower in the field than De Marcos.


On diagram 3.0 are presented the target areas during Bilbao’s build-up play. The team sought to move the ball either outside the box (A area) in order to make the final pass (assist) or a shot on goal, or near the flanks (B area) mainly by using diagonal runs behind the opposition’s fullbacks. These runs ended with a high or a low cross into the box or a pass just outside of it. A. Bilbao used to attack against the opposition with six players (only the defensive midfielder and the two central defenders stayed back). In some cases all six took up positions into the opposition’s box.


A. Bilbao was a very fluid team. Its players moved a lot in order to created and exploit the free space. In the diagrams below there are several diagrams which indicate the players’ movements according to the position of the ball and how these movements helped the team to retain its balance. It must be mentioned that Bielsa is an attacking minded coach. So there were times that both the attacking midfielders were placed above the line of the ball and between the two lines (defensive and midfield line) of the opposition. This positioning helped them to attack the free space which was created by the wingers on the flanks or to exploit the space created by the centre forward in the central zone. Furthermore in many cases the attacking midfielders’ positioning behind the opposition’s midfielders enabled them to receive the ball unmarked and to turn towards the opposition’s goal.

On diagram 3.0 Iturraspe moves forward to provide a passing option to Iraola. Herrera drops back into a defensive midfielder’s position to keep the team balanced.

On diagram 3.0 Herrera moves forward while Muniain drops back a few meters in order to provide balance.

On diagram 4.0 Susaeta and de Marcos switch positions.

On diagram 4.1 Susaeta drops into a deep position while Iraola takes advantage of the free space on the flank. Iraolacan move in an advanced position as Susaeta provides cover to him.

On diagram 5.0 Llorente moves towards the side line to exploit the space Muniain created by dropping back. Herrera attacks the space Llorente created.

On diagram 6.0 Muniain drops back and Herrera moves towards the side line.

On diagram 7.0 Aurtenetxe takes advantage of the free space Muniain created and moves forward. Muniain’spositioning provides cover to him.

Iraola moves forward and exploits the free space created by Susaeta on the right.

Iturraspe drops back towards the left to form a defensive line of three men. Muniain drops in a deep position andAuretenetxe moves forward towards the created space.

On diagram 10.0 Iturraspe this time drops back towards the right. Susaeta moves towards the centre while Iraolaexploits the free space on the right.

Iturraspe is placed in the centre of the field. As De Marcos makes a movement towards the side line to provide a passing option, Susaeta moves towards the centre to receive a potential pass as well.

On diagram 11.1 as de Marcos is in an advanced position, Susaeta drops back. Both of them take up positions which enable them to receive a potential pass from the man in possession.


In order to make things clear, it must be mentioned that Bielsa sought to have always one spare man at the back. So if the opposition used a formation with two forwards such as 4-4-2, the defensive midfielder Iturraspedropped back and took over the marking of the one forward (diagram 12.0). By this action one of the two Bilbao’scentral defenders was free and could provide cover whenever was necessary. If the opposing team used a formation with one forward (e.g. 4-2-3-1) Iturraspe took over the marking of the opposition’s attacking midfielder as there was already a 2v1 situation in favour of Bilbao at the back (diagram 12.1). During the negative transition, Bielsa wanted also to have superiority in numbers at the back. So he always kept three players at the back (the defensive midfielder together with the two central defenders) to defend against two opposition’s forwards or one forward and the attacking midfielder. At the same time the two fullbacks sought to retain balanced positions against the opposition’s wingers in order to maintain the numerical superiority.

In case the central defender J. Martinez (who was more comfortable with the ball than Amorebieta) moved forward,Iturraspe dropped back in order to provide cover (diagram 13.0).

As it was mentioned previously there were times that both the attacking midfielders were in advanced positions above the line of the ball and between the opposition’s two lines (defensive and midfield line). So the only players below the line of the ball were the defensive midfielder together with the two central defenders. This positioning is very attacking minded and risky in case the two fullbacks don’t maintain balanced positions against the opposition’s wingers. On diagram 13.1 Both Iraola and Aurtenetxe retain balanced positions against their direct opponents.

As soon as the possession is lost both fullbacks get back quickly into defensive positions and prevent the opposition from creating a numbers up situation. By this quick response the team retains its balance and maintains the numerical advantage at the back.

However there were times that the fullbacks could move further up front. This situation took place either when the winger (on 13.3 diagram’s situation it is Susaeta) or the attacking midfielder (on 13.3 diagram’s situation it is Herrera) dropped or were already in covering positions.

Diagram 13.4 shows how diagram’s 13.3 situation progresses and how Bilbao reacted after the loss of possession in midfield in order to retain its balance and to maintain the numerical advantage at the back.


A. Bilbao was a team that sought to build up from the back. The team used a mixed way of building up by using either short passes or long balls. Having a target player like Llorente who was very capable in winning aerial duels, the long balls which were directed to him were more than fifty-fifty balls. Llorente could win most of them and pass the ball back or forward to his teammates. So in cases that the team was under the opposition’s pressure and a short pass would be a risky pass, Bilbao’s defenders didn’t hesitate to use long balls.

On diagram 14.0 the two central defenders take up wide positions near the side lines. This positioning pushed the fullbacks higher up the field. Furthermore the wingers dropped back towards the inside in order to create space for them (fullbacks) as well as to provide a passing option for the central defender in possession.

Specifically on diagram 14.1, as Amorebieta receives the ball, Muniain and Iturraspe provide passing options. If the opposition’s No.2 doesn’t follow Muniain and stays in his zone of responsibility to defend the space, Muniain can receive and turn towards the opposition’s goal. Iturraspe makes also sure that he is placed towards a passing lane, between No.10 and No.9.

On diagram 15.0, Amorebieta receives the ball and both Muniain and Aurtenetxe are tightly marked as No.2 followsMuniain and No.7 drops back to deny the space to Aurtenetxe.

As a result of this situation Amorebieta makes a long ball towards the centre forward Llorente. Both Herrera andMuniain move to provide passing options to him.

In a similar to the previous situation, No.7 doesn’t move back to track Aurtenetxe’s forward run. So the last one attacks the created space and receives the ball on the flank (diagram 15.2).

In cases that the ball was directed on the right, Martinez was more capable in moving forward with the ball thanAmorebieta. Susaeta drops back to provide a passing option and Iraola attacks the created space.

Martinez makes a pass towards the free space on the flank.

On diagram 16.2 is presented another option for Martinez who makes the long ball for De Marcos towards the created space behind No.3’s back.

In cases that the ball was on Iraizoz’s possession and there was an available passing lane towards the centre,Iturraspe moved towards it in order to receive and turn, if he was left without marking.

As soon as Bilbao’s defensive midfielder turned his face towards the opposition’s goal the players in front of him tried to move towards the available passing options. Furthermore the fullbacks attacked the created space on the flanks. In this situation both Bilbao’s wingers drop back to provide passing options while the attacking midfielders stay up the filed behind the opposition’s midfielders.

On diagram 18.0 Iturraspe receives again and turns towards the opposition’s goal. This time it is the attacking midfielders that drop back towards the available passing lanes, while

the wingres move towards the inside of the field. As there is still available space on the flanks, the fullbacks move forward.

Iturraspe has two available options, a pass towards De Marcos and a pass towards Llorente. Susaeta and Muniainseek to move towards the centre to take up positions in potential passing lanes as well as to create more space for the fullbacks.

On diagram 19.0 after Iturraspe receives and turns there is one winger and one attacking midfielder who drop back towards the available passing lanes.

As the pressure to Iturraspe is being put by the right defensive midfielder, Iturraspe can pass either to Susaeta or to De Marcos. Iraola attacks the free space.

On diagram 20.0 the pressure is being put directly to the goalkeeper by No.9. This action leaves Martinez without marking. Iturraspe moves towards the passing lane either to receive and

turn, if he is free of marking, or to direct the ball to the free man Martinez. As Iturraspe is being under No.8’s pressure when receiving, he directs the ball to the free man Martinez. By this way Bilbao manages to deal successfully with the opposition’s pressing.

On diagram 20.1 as No.9 puts pressure on the goalkeeper, No.8 marks tightly Iturraspe and prevents him from receiving. So Iraizoz makes a long ball towards Bilbao’s left fullback who moves in an advanced position as Herrera is already in a covering position.




for Iraizoz is




towards Llorente.




and Muniain move to provide passing options to Bilbao’s centre forward (diagram 20.2).

On diagram 20.3, in a similar to the previous situation, No.9 puts pressure on Iraizoz and Itturraspe is being closely marked by No.6. So De Marcos drops back into a deep position to be the link player who will direct the ball to the free player Martinez.

The same can happen after Susaeta’s moving into a deeper position in the field instead of De Marcos (diagram 20.4).

In case both midfielders are under the opponents’ close marking the goalkeeper targets Llorente with a long ball (diagram 20.5). In most cases the wingers (Susaeta and Muniain) moved towards the centre in order to provide passing options to Llorente.

A similar to the previous situation is presented on diagram 20.6. This time Herrera is the attacking midfielder who drops back together with Iturraspe. However both of them are tightly marked and Iraizoz is forced to make a long ball towards Llorente. Muniain moves towards the centre and so does De Marcos to provide support to Bilbao’s centre forward.

Finally on diagram 20.7 Iturraspe moves towards the side line forms a line of three defenders and creates a numbers up situation on the right. Susaeta drops back to provide a passing option and at the same time he creates space forIraola. The last one moves forward to take advantage of the created space. Herrera drops also back in order to provide a passing option for a potential switch of play towards the left.


The width is created by the fullback When Martinez was the man in possession on the right, a rhombus shape was created by Iturraspe and Iraola on the sides, Susaeta on the top and the man in possession at the base (diagram 21.0). This shape provided to the ball carrier three available passing options. Furthermore Herrera and De Marcos could move near to the ball zone to create a numbers up situation. Iraola is the player who provides width.

On diagram 21.01 as Martinez moves forward with the ball, Susaeta drops back on the top of the rhombus to provide a passing option. This movement creates space on the flank. As soon as Martinez passes the ball to Iraola De Marcos moves to take advantage of it and receives the ball from Bilbao’s fullback.

On diagram 21.1 is presented how Bilbao utilized the previous combination in a match situation. Susaeta drops back and as No.3 follows his movement, in order not to let him to receive and turn, space is created on the flank. As soonsas Martinez passes to Iraola, De Marcos makes a movement towards the created space.

Iraola passes to De Marcos who moves forward with the ball and gets either a cross into the box or a pass just outside the penalty area for Susaeta.

On diagram 22.0 Susaeta again drops back to provide a passing option for Martinez. However the last one passes toIraola. As De Marcos is far from taking advantage the created space on the flank, Susaeta makes a sudden change in direction, in order to attack the space which has been created by him. So he moves forward and receives the pass fromIraola.






how Susaeta attacks






him. Martinez moves forward with the ball. Susaeta drops back to provide a passing option while No.3 follows him. However the man in possession passes to Iraola. As No.3 marks Susaeta aggressively from the outside to intercept a potential pass directed to his feet,Bilbao’s winger moves suddenly behind No.3’s back towards the created space.

Iraola makes a pass and the new man in possession moves forward and gets either a cross into the box targetingLlorente and Muniain or a pass towards the penalty spot for De Marcos.

On diagram 23.0 the similar combination takes place on the right. The only difference is that Susaeta makes a change in direction in front of his marker.

Specifically in diagram 23.1 No.3 marks Susaeta from the inside. So due to the fact that De Marcos is still far from attacking the created space on the flank, Susaeta makes a sudden move in front of No.3 towards the flank in order to receive.

Susaeta receives, moves forward with the ball and gets either a cross or a pass towards the penalty spot.

On diagram 24.0 Susaeta and on Susaeta’s possession.









As Martinez moves forward, Susaeta moves towards the available space. This time No.3 doesn’t follow his move in order not to leave space for De Marcos. In this situation a direct pass

towards Susaeta who is paced behind the opposition’s midfielders would be the best choice. However No.11 and No.8 move to restrict the available passing lane. So the pass is made towards Iraola.

The new man in possession takes advantage of the available time and space, due to No.11’s positioning towards the inside of the field, and moves forward before the opposition’s winger manages to close him down. Susaeta receives the pass and he has three available passing options, a pass towards de Marcos on the right, a diagonal pass towardsMuniain, who enters the box and a one – two combination with Llorente.

The same situation could progress in another way. This time No.3 shifts towards the inside to protect the central zone.Susaeta passes on the right to De Marcos who moves forward and gets a cross into the box.

On diagram 25.0 De Marcos receives the pass from Iraola on the right flank and Susaeta makes another one movement towards the flank to outnumber the opposition.

On diagram 25.1 Susaeta drops back as Martinez moves forward with the ball. No.3 follows him but not very deep in the field. De Marcos shifts towards the side line. Due to the fact that the passing lane is narrow and it is likely that a pass towards Susaeta will be intercepted, the man in possession passes to Iraola.

Iraola passes to De Marcos who has little space available. However Susaeta makes a movement towards the available space behind No.3’s back, receives the ball and gets a cross for Llorente and Muniain or makes a pass to De Marcos just outside the box.





three Bilbao players








right. Llorente moves towards the strong side and creates space for Susaeta. The last one receives the ball from Iraola.

Specifically on diagram 26.1, Susaeta drops back, while at the same time De Marcos moves towards the side line andLlorente drops back into De Marcos’ starting position.

Iraola has enough time on the ball before No.11 manages to close him down. As No.4 follows Llorente’s move deep in the field, space is created behind his back. Susaeta attacks this space and receives the pass from Bilbao’s right fullback.

Diagram 26.3 presents another way that the previous situation can progress. This time the pass is directed to Llorentewho used to be Bilbao’s target player. Llorente touches the ball in order to change its direction. Susaeta receives towards the created space.

On diagram 27.0 Susaeta drops in a deeper position in order to receive and help the team overcome the opposition’s pressure near the side line. The man in possession can either pass to Susaeta or to Iraola who moves in an advanced position.

On diagram 27.1 Susaeta observes the narrow passing lane and drops in a deeper position to receive and help the team move the ball towards the centre.

The previous situation can progress also by another way. As Susaeta moves into a deep position which provides cover to Iraola, Bilbao’s right field. Martinez makes a pass towards him.







As No.3 moves to close Iraola down space is created behind his back. De Marcos takes advantage of it and receives the ball. He finally gets a cross into the box targeting Llorente and Muniain.



28.0 Susaeta drops









inside. Llorente and De Marcos move to provide passing options.

Susaeta drops back, receives free of marking (No.3 doesn’t follow his move) and drives the ball towards the inside of the field.

De Marcos and Llorente provide passing options. Susaeta passes to Bilbao’s target man and the last one makes a pass either to Muniain or to De Marcos (third man’s run).

On diagram 29.0 Martinez passes directly to De Marcos who exploits the free space behind Susaeta’s back.

As Martinez moves forward with the ball, Susaeta drops back to receive at his feet. No.3 follows his movement. De Marcos attacks the free space created on the right flank and receives the long ball from Martinez.

The new man in possession, after moving forward with the for Llorente and Muniain or makes a pass outside the box for Susaeta.





On diagram 30.0 De Marcos is far away from the right side. So Llorente shifts towards the right side to provide one more passing option. After receiving the long ball from Martinez he has three available passing options.

Specifically in diagram 30.1 No.3 follows Susaeta’s movement deep in the field. Llorente moves towards the created space behind No.3 and receives the long ball from Martinez. At the same De Marcos moves to exploit the spaceLlorente created and Iraola attacks the space Susaeta created on the flank. Llorente has three available passing options.

On diagram 31.0 Martinez passes to Iturraspe towards the centre of the field. The new ball carrier has three available passing options.

Iturraspe takes up a position towards a passing lane between No.9 and No.10 and receives the ball from Martinez.

Muniain and De Marcos seek to take up positions towards the available passing lanes, while the fullbacks Aurtenetxeand Iraola take advantage of the free space on the flanks and move forward. Herrera remains in a covering forAurtenetxe position, but at the same time provides another one passing option for the man in possession.

The width is created both by the fullback and the winger

In cases that both the fullback Iraola and the side forward Susaeta took up positions near the side line, De Marcos moved on the top of the rhombus shape (diagram 32.0).

On diagram 32.01 de Marcos attacks the available space on the flank and receives the pass from Susaeta.

On diagram 32.1 Martinez passes the ball to Iraola.

As No.3 is away from Susaeta, Bilbao’s winger stays near the side line and receives the ball from Iraola. As soon as No.3 moves to close Susaeta down, De Marcos attacks the available

space behind No.3’s back. He receives, moves forward with the ball and gets a cross into the box or makes a pass just outside of it.

On diagram 33.0 Iraola receives the pass from Martinez. Susaeta drops back and receives the ball.

On diagram 33.1 Iraola receives the ball from Martinez. As No.3 marks Susaeta from close distance, Bilbao’s winger drops back to get free of marking or to create space for his team mates.

As No.3 chooses to defend the space instead of following Bilbao’s winger away from his zone of responsibility,Susaeta receives the ball unmarked into a deep position and switches the play towards the left.

On diagram 34.0 due to the fact that space is created on the right, De Marcos moves to exploit it.

Martinez passes to Iraola on the right. Susaeta is again marked tightly by No.3. So he chooses to drop back again. This time No.3 follows him. De Marcos moves to exploit the created space.

Iraola passes towards the created space on the right. De Marcos receives, moves forward and gets a cross into the box.

On diagram 35.0 Iraola once again receives the pass from Martinez. Iturraspe moves forward to provide a passing option and balance. Iturraspe receives the ball.








Iraola receives and has enough time on the ball before No.11 closes him down. Iturraspe observes the available space between the opposition’s two lines and moves towards it. The pass from Iraola is directed to him.

Iturraspe has four available passing options.

On diagram 36.0 De Marcos drops back, receives and turns towards the opposition’s goal.

De Marcos drops back and receives the vertical pass from Martinez. As No.4 doesn’t follow him, he has enough time to turn towards the opposition’s goal.

After moving forward, the new man in possession has three available passing options.

On diagram’s 37.0 situation, both the attacking midfielders have moved towards the strong side in order to create a numbers up situation. Muniain drops deeper to maintain the balance in midfield. De Marcos receives and turns with the ball. Herrera attacks the available space.

On diagram 37.1 De Marcos moves in front of Llorente on top of the rhombus shape to receive the ball. This situation enables Bilbao’s No.10 to receive unmarked and turn, due to the fact that No.4 marks already Llorente and cannot move forward to put pressure on De Marcos.

De Marcos takes advantage of this situation receives and turns. Herrera attacks the space behind No.4 receives the vertical pass and has two available passing options into the box.

On diagram 38.0 Martinez moves higher up the field and Iturraspe moves back in a covering position. De Marcos drops back again and Herrera exploits the created space by De Marcos. Muniain moves a few meters back.

On diagram 38.1 Martinez moves forward with the ball. De Marcos drops back to receive between the two lines. As No.4 follows his movement, space is created behind him. Herrera attacks this space, receives the long ball and gets a low cross into the box.

On diagram 39.0 Martinez moves forward with the ball. Iturraspe moves back to provide cover and retain the team’s balance at the back. De Marcos drops back receives the ball and passes to Herrera who attacks the available space.

De Marcos drops back and receives the pass from Martinez. At the same time Herrera moves towards the strong side to take advantage of the available space behind the opposition’s midfielders. He finally receives the pass from De Marcos.

The new man in possession has enough time on the ball to make a successful final pass or even a shot on goal.

On diagram 40.0 Martinez again moves forward in an advanced position and Iturraspe drops back to retain the balance at the back. Herrera shifts once again towards the strong side to create a numbers up situation and to attack the free space De Marcos created. He finally receives the pass from Susaeta.

On diagram 40.1 after two consecutive passes the ball ends up at Susaeta’s feet.

De Marcos makes a movement behind No.3’s back. No.4 follows him and space is created in the centre of the field. Herrera attacks the created space, receives the pass from Susaeta and makes a shot on goal.

On diagram 41.0 Llorente is placed on the strong side and drops back to receive. De Marcos seeks to exploit the created space behind Bilbao’s centre forward.

Llorente drops back in order to receive. No.4 follows his movement and space is created behind him. De Marcos attacks this space receives the long ball and gets a cross for Muniain.

On diagram 42.0 Herrera shifts towards the strong side to outnumber the opposition near the ball zone and to provide an extra passing option for the man in possession.

On diagram 42.1 Martinez passes to Iraola. Iturraspe takes up a position towards an available passing lane between No.9 and No.10 and Herrera shifts towards an available passing lane between No.8 and No.10.

The midfielders’ positioning provides to Iraola two available passing options. These passing options can easily lead to a switch of play towards the opposition’s weak side, in case the passing options towards the front players (Susaetaand De Marcos are restricted).

On diagram 43.0 De Marcos shifts towards the right on the top of the rhombus shape in front of Llorente. As it was mentioned on diagram 37.1, whenever De Marcos took up a position behind the opposition’s midfielders and in front ofLlorente, in most of the cases he had enough time to receive and turn with the ball.

De Marcos moves behind the opposition’s midfielders and in front of Llorente. As No.4 has already a player to mark, De Marcos receives unmarked and turns with the ball.

The new man in possession has four available passing options.

In a similar to the previous situation, De Marcos receives and turns towards the inside of the field.

He has again four available passing options.


The width is created by the fullback

When Bilbao sought to build-up on the left, the rhombus shape was created by Aurtenetxe and Iturraspe on the sides,Muniain on the top and Amorebieta (the man in possession) at the base (diagram 44.0).

On diagram 44.01 Amorebieta moves forward with the ball. Muniain drops back on the top of the rhombus shape to provide a passing option. However the man in possession passes to Aurtenetxe on the left and the last one passes to Herrera who attacks the created space on the flank.

Specifically on diagram 44.1 No.2 follows Muniain’s movement deep in the field to provide a passing option to the man in possession. Amorebieta passes the ball to Aurtenetxe and the last one passes to Herrera who moves towards the created space on the flank.

The new ball carrier moves forward and gets a cross into the Marcos, Llorente and Susaeta or makes a pass just outside of it for Muniain.




On diagram 45.0 Llorente is the player who attacks the created space on the left flank, while Herrera seeks to exploit the space created by Bilbao’s centre forward.

On diagram 45.1 Muniain again drops back and No.2 (the opposition’s right fullback) follows him. This time it’sLlorente the player who is closer to the left flank where the free space is created. So he moves to take advantage of it.

However Llorente’s movement towards the side line creates space in the central zone too. Herrera tries to exploit this space. Bilbao’s attacking midfielder finally receives the pass from Llorente and makes the final pass towards De Marcos and Muniain into the opposition’s box.

Diagram 45.3 presents another way that the previous situation can progress. Particularly when Llorente receives the pass from Aurtenetxe near the side line, No.5 prevents him from turning towards the white team’s goal. HoweverMuniain makes a forward run towards the

available space and receives the back pass from Bilbao’s centre forward.Muniain drives the ball towards the inside and can either pass to De Marcos and Susaeta or try a shot on goal.

On diagram 46.0 Muniain after dropping back receives the ball and moves towards the inside. He has two available passing options.

On diagram 46.1 Muniain drops back and receives the pass from Amorebieta, completely free of marking, as No.2 chose to defend the space instead of following him deeper into the field. Muniain drives the ball towards the available space behind the opposition’s midfielders.

After driving the ball a few meters, Bilbao’s winger has four available passing options outside the opposition’s box.

Diagram 46.3 shows another way that the previous situation can progress. Muniain passes to Llorente who makes a wall pass to him. Muniain gets a low cross for De Marcos and Susaeta.

On diagram 47.0 Muniain drops back, receives and passes to Llorente who acts as a target player. Both De Marcos and Herrera make forward runs to receive towards the available space (third man’s run).

On diagram 47.1 Muniain drops back, receives and moves towards the inside, despite No.2’s marking. Herrera attacks the free space on the left.

The man in possession passes to Llorente who using one touch directs the ball towards Herrera on the left. Bilbao’s attacking midfielder moves forward and gets the cross for De Marcos and Susaeta.

Diagram 47.3 presents another way that the previous situation can progress. Muniain this time can pass the ball to De Marcos through Llorente or make a direct pass towards the first one. He can also pass to Susaeta.

On diagram 48.0 Amorebieta makes a long pass towards the target player Llorente. The last one can pass either to Herrera or Muniain who move to provide passing options.

On diagram 48.1 Muniain drops back to provide a passing option to Amorebieta and at the same time Herrera exploits the created space on the left flank. No.7 and No.6 move to restrict the available passing lane towards Muniain.

Amorebieta makes a long ball to Llorente. The last one passes to Herrera on the left. Herrera moves forward and gets a cross for De Marcos and Susaeta.

On diagram 48.3 in a similar to the previous situation, Llorente passes back to Muniain who provides immediately a passing option to Bilbao’s centre forward. Muniain moves forward and has three available options.

On diagram 49.0 Amorebieta again makes the long pass to Llorente. Muniain and Herrera move to provide passing options.

Specifically on diagram 49.1 Muniain drops back and creates space on the left flank. As Herrera is far from attacking the space Muniain created, as soon as Amorebieta passes to Llorente, Bilbao’s left forward makes a sudden change in direction towards the left flank. Herrera moves to provide support to Llorente.

On diagram 49.2 the pass from Llorente is directed to Muniain who makes a forward run with the ball and gets a cross into the box.

On diagram 49.3 Llorente’s pass is directed to Herrera who moves forward and makes a shot on goal or a pass towards De Marcos.

Both the fullback and the winger provide width

When both Aurtenetxe and Muniain were placed near the side line, the rhombus shape was created by Iturraspe andAurtenetxe on the sides, Herrera on the top and Amorebieta at the base (diagram 50.0).

On diagram 50.01 Muniain drops back to provide a passing option towards the inside while at the same time creates space on the flank. Herrera moves to take advantage of it.

On diagram 50.1 as Aurtenetxe moves forward with the ball, Muniain is being closely marked by No.2. So he drops back to get free of his marker and receive the ball.

As No.2 follows Muniain’s movement, space is created down the flank. Herrera makes a move to exploit it and receivesAurtenetxe’s pass. He moves forward with the ball and gets a cross into the box.

On diagram 51.0 Llorente makes a move towards the created space on the left flank. According to the situation rising on the field he can either pass forward to Herrera or make a back pass to Muniain.

On diagram 51.1 it is Llorente the player who attacks the created space on the left.

Llorente receives the pass from Aurtenetxe. No.5 puts pressure on Llorente and prevents him from turning and passing to Herrera. The last one moves towards the space, behind No.5’s back. However Muniain provides support by moving towards the available space.

Muniain receives the pass and has three available options.

On diagram 51.4 Llorente manages to turn and pass to Herrera. The last one gets a low cross into the box.

On diagram 52.0 Muniain receives the ball from Aurtenetxe in a deep position. He passes to Llorente while Herrera and De Marcos move to receive towards the available spaces (third man’s run).

Particularly on diagram 52.1 Muniain drops back and receives completely free of marking. He then drives the ball towards the inside.

The man in possession passes to Llorente who using one touch directs the ball either to Herrera or to De Marcos.

On diagram 53.0 Muniain receives and passes immediately to Herrera.

On diagram 53.1 Muniain drops back and receives the pass from Aurtenetxe.

Muniain passes immediately to Herrera who moves behind the opposition’s midfielders. After reaching outside the penalty area he has four available options.

On diagrams 54.0 there is a passing combination between Aurtenetxe, Muniain, Herrera and Llorente. Muniain drops back and receives, while Herrera moves towards the side line. Bilbao’s left forward after driving the ball towards the inside has two passing options. He can make a direct pass to Herrera or a pass towards Llorente. At the same timeAurtenetxe moves in an advanced position and provides a passing option to Llorente (third man’s run).

On diagram 54.1 Aurtenetxe passes to Muniain and moves forward to outnumber the opposition, while at the same time Herrera makes a movement towards the side line.

Muniain passes to Llorente who using one touch directs the ball to Bilbao’s left fullback (third man’s run). The last one enters the opposition’s box and gets a low cross.

On diagram 54.3 the same situation progresses in another way. Specifically as soon as Aurtenetxe makes the forward run, the opposition’s No.2 shifts towards the centre to prevent him from receiving. However this creates more space available for Herrera on the flank, who receives, drives the ball and gets a cross into the box.

On diagram 55.0 Herrera moves towards the left, receives and drives the ball towards the side line. Muniain makes the first move and creates space on the flank. Llorente moves to take advantage of it. At the same time he creates space for Muniain. The man in possession has two available passing options.

On diagram 55.1 Herrera receives the pass from Aurtenetxe and moves towards the available space. Muniainconverges and creates space on the flank. At the same time Llorente moves towards the side line to take advantage of it.

Finally Herrera passes to Muniain who moves towards the space created by Llorente.

On diagram 55.3, No.5 observes Muniain’s movement and stays close to the centre to prevent him from receiving. This time Herrera passes to Llorente on the left who has more available space to move forward and to get a cross into the box.

On diagram 56.0 the pass is directed on Herrera again. Muniain converges towards the inside and Aurtenetxe attacks the created space on the left.

Aurtenetxe passes to Herrera. The last one drives the ball towards the available space. At the same time Muniainmoves towards the centre and as No.2 follows him, space is created on the left.

Herrera passes to Aurtenetxe who took advantage of the created space. He moves forward and gets a cross into the box.

On diagram 57.0, Herrera moves forward to provide a passing option in front of the man in possession (Aurtenetxe). This movement creates space for Iturraspe who takes advantage of it and receives the pass. The new ball carrier passes to Llorente who has two available passing options (third man’s run).

Specifically on diagram 57.1, Itarraspe moves towards the space Herrera created and receives the pass.

As both the attacking midfielders move forward, Bilbao manages to outnumber the opposition near the ball zone.Iturraspe passes to Llorente who has two available passing options. A pass towards Herrera and a pass towards De Marcos (third man’s run).

On diagram 58.0 Aurtenetxe passes to Muniain and the last one passes to Herrera who moves in an advanced position.

On diagram’s 58.1 situation, Aurtenetxe moves forward with the ball. Herrera makes a forward run and takes up a position between the two lines of the opposition.

As no one of the opposition’s midfielders tracks Herrera’s run, Bilbao’s attacking midfielder receives the ball unmarked and moves forward. Finally he gets a cross into the box.

On diagram 59.0 both De Marcos and Llorente take up a position towards the left side in order to create a numbers up situation. As Muniain drops back to receive, space is created on the flank and De Marcos moves to take advantage of it.Amorebieta makes a long ball towards him.

On diagram 59.1 Muniain creates the space and De Marcos moves to exploit it. Susaeta moves towards the centre to keep the team balanced and Iraola makes a forward run towards the free space on the right.

Bilbao’s No.10 receives the ball, moves forward and gets a cross into the box.

On diagram 60.0 the ball is in Aurtenetxe’s possession. Muniain again drops back and De Marcos attacks the created space on the left.

On diagram 60.1 De Marcos takes up a position towards the left. His positioning creates a numbers up situation forBilbao near the ball zone. De Marcos attacks the free space on the left.

Aurtenetxe passes the ball towards the created space and De Marcos gets a cross into the box or makes a pass just outside of it. The width is created by the winger

In cases that the left fullback was the player in possession and took up a position towards the inside of the field, the rhombus shape was created by Aurtenetxe and Iturraspe on the sides, Herrera on the top and Aurtenetxe at the base (diagram 61.0).

On diagram 61.01 after two consecutive passes the ball ends up on Herrera’s possession down the flank.

Aurtenetxe passes to Muniain who has enough time on the ball as No.2 is away from him.

When No.2 moves to close Muniain down, space is created behind him. Herrera moves to take advantage of it. He receives the ball from Bilbao’s left forward and gets a cross into the box.

On diagram 62.0 Aurtenetxe after passing the ball to Muniain, makes an overlapping run. After the combination between him and Muniain the ball ends up on Herrera’s possession, who has moved in an advanced position.

On diagram 62.1 Aurtenetxe passes to Muniain and makes an overlapping run.

Both No.7 and No.2 move towards the ball zone in order to avoid a 2v1 situation in favour of A. Bilbao. However as soon as the two white players approach Muniain and Aurtenetxe, Herrera attacks the available space behind No.2 and receives the pass from Aurtenetxe. Finally he gets a cross into the box.

On diagram 62.0 Aurtenetxe after passing the ball to Muniain, makes an overlapping run. After the combination between him and Muniain the ball

ends up on Herrera’s possession, who has moved in an advanced position.

On diagram 62.1 Aurtenetxe passes overlapping run.

to Muniain and



Both No.7 and No.2 move towards the ball zone in order to avoid a 2v1 situation in favour of A. Bilbao. However as soon as the two white

players approach Muniain and Aurtenetxe, Herrera attacks the available space behind No.2 and receives the pass from Aurtenetxe. Finally he gets a cross into the box.

On diagram 63.0 Aurtenetxe makes a long pass towards Llorente. Muniain makes a run towards the inside in order to provide support. Llorente can either pass to Muniain or to De Marcos who makes a supporting run too.

On diagram 63.1 Llorente receives the long ball from Aurtenetxe and passes immediately to De Marcos, who moves towards the created space between the two central defenders.

On diagram 63.2 Llorente passes this time to Muniain. The last one moves forward with the ball and has three available passing options. Bilbao during attacking through the centre

When Iturraspe was the player in possession and took up a position in the centre of the field, the rhombus shape which provided several passing options to the ball carrier was created by Herrera and Susaeta on the sides, Muniainon the top and Iturraspe at the base (diagram 64.0).

On diagram 64.01 Muniain converges, receives the ball and drives it towards the inside. De Marcos makes a diagonal movement and receives the pass from Bilbao’s left forward.

On diagram 64.1 Iturraspe receives the pass from Martinez and moves forward with the ball. Muniain drops back in order to take up a position towards an available passing lane. Susaeta does the same, while Herrera moves towards the side line and adjusts his body shape to receive a potential pass. Aurtenetxe moves in an advanced position to exploit the free space, as Herrera is in a covering position.

Muniain drives the ball and makes a pass towards De Marcos who moves diagonally behind No.4.

If the pass towards De Marcos is not possible due to the fact that the opposition’s defenders have shielded the central zone, Muniain directs the ball towards the side line where Iraola has made a forward run. The last one gets a cross into the box.

On diagram 64.4 No.6 blocks the potential pass to Muniain, so Iturraspe makes a pass to Susaeta. Susaeta passes to De Marcos who drops deep and as Bilbao creates a numbers up situation on the right side of the field (3v2), No.3 doesn’t make a move to close De Marcos down as he is already between two opposition’s players.

De Marcos passes to Iraola on the right and the last one gets a cross into the box.

On diagram 65.0 Llorente is the player who moves on the top of the rhombus shape and receives the ball fromIturraspe. De Marcos and Muniain move to provide passing options.

Martinez passes to Iturraspe towards the centre. Bilbao’s defensive midfielder moves forward with the ball, whileSusaeta, Muniain and Llorente seek to take up positions towards the available passing options.

As the pass towards Muniain is blocked, Llorente receives the pass from Iturraspe and passes back to Muniain.

Muniain drives the ball towards the inside and has three available passing options.

As soon as Iturraspe receives and moves forward with the ball, Llorente drops back to receive. De Marcos attacks the free space behind him and receives the long ball.

On diagram 66.1 Iturraspe receives and moves forward. The players in front of the man in possession seek to take up positions towards the available passing lanes.

Due to the fact that the pass towards Muniain is blocked by No.6, Llorente drops back to provide a passing option. No.4 follows his move and space is created behind him. De Marcos attacks this space and receives the long ball fromBilbao’s defensive midfielder.

On diagram 67.0 the rhombus shape is created this time by Susaeta on the top.

On diagram 67.01 Iturraspe passes to Susaeta. Bilbao’s right forward drives the ball towards the inside and has two available passing options.

Martinez passes to Iturraspe. Susaeta moves towards the available passing option in front of the man in possession. Herrera and De Marcos move towards the side lines retaining at the same time the correct body shape in order to provide passing options. As both the wingers are

placed in advanced positions the attacking midfielder’s positioning enables the team to maintain its balanced.

Susaeta drives the ball towards the inside and has three available passing options.

On diagram 67.3 Iturraspe directs the ball to Herrera and Bilbao’s attacking midfielder passes immediately to Muniain,

while Aurtenetxe takes advantage of the free space on the left. This players’ positioning enables Bilbao to outnumber the opposition on the left as there is a 3v2 situation.

As No.2 cannot move forward to contest Muniain, the youngster turns and passes to Aurtenetxe on the flank. The last one gets a cross into the box.

On diagram 67.5 No.2 decides to follow Muniain’s movement deep in the field. This action creates space on the flank for Aurtenetxe who receives, moves forward and gets a cross.

On diagram 68.0 Llorente drops back and Muniain takes advantage of the space created in the central zone.

On diagram 68.1 as soon as Iturraspe receives the pass from Martinez, both Susaeta and Llorente move towards the available passing lanes.

Due to the fact that No.5 follows Llorente’s movement, space is created behind him. Muniain exploits this space and receives the long pass from Iturraspe.

On diagram 68.3, in a similar to the previous situation, No.2 shifts towards the centre to restrict the available space forMuniain. Iturraspe chooses to direct the ball towards Aurtenetxe on the left. Aurtenetxe receives and moves forward with the ball.

He finally gets a cross into the box targeting Muniain Susaeta and Iraola.

On diagram 69.0 the rhombus shape is created by De Marcos on the top.

Susaeta receives the ball and drives the ball towards the centre. He has three available passing options.

On diagram 69.1 Iturraspe receives from Martinez. The players in front of the man in possession move towards the available passing options.

Iturraspe passes to Susaeta and the last one drives the ball towards the inside.

On diagram 69.3 Susaeta after moving forward with the ball has three available passing options.

On diagram 70.0 is presented a combination that usually took place when Iturraspe dropped back towards the side line and formed a three man defence. In these cases if Bilbao’s defensive midfielder couldn’t pass the ball to the players in front of him, there was usually a switch of play towards the opposition’s weak side. In this specific situation the long ball is directed to Martinez who moves in an advanced position.

On diagram 70.1 the white team tries to defend successfully on their right side. Iturraspe decides to pass the ball towards Martinez on the right.

Martinez moves forward and passes to Iraola who is placed near the side line. De Marcos together with Iraola andSusaeta seek to outnumber the opposition on the right. The ball ends up on De Marcos’ possession. The new man in possession gets the cross into the box.

On diagram 70.3 it is De Marcos this time who drops back and receives Iturraspe’s pass.

De Marcos passes to Herrera who passes to Susaeta and moves to exploit the available space behind No.3. Susaetahas two available passing options.

On diagram 70.5 Susaeta drops back and receives the pass, while at the same time De Marcos makes a movement towards the side line.

De Marcos receives the pass and passes to Iraola who has already made an overlapping run. Iraola moves forward and gets a cross into the box.

On diagram 71.0 Iturraspe drops back towards the right. In situations similar to this one, due to the fact that Amorebietawasn’t equally comfortable with the ball to Martinez, Herrera was usually the player who dropped back to receive the pass from Iturraspe.

On diagram 71.1 Herrera drops back and receives the pass from Iturraspe.

Herrera passes to Muniain who converges towards the centre and receives unmarked as No.2 doesn’t follow him. He has two available passing options.

On diagram 71.3, in a similar to the previous situation, No.2 follows Muniain. The pass is directed to Aurtenetxe who takes advantage of the free space on the left. Bilbao’s left fullback moves forward and gets a cross into the box.



Key Diagram


Measurement: 40 X 50m Players: 12 + GK Description: The drill starts with the goalkeeper in possession. The coach calls the name of the player of the white team who is going to put pressure on the goalkeeper (on diagrams 1 and 2 he calls ‘B’). As a result of this movement one of the central defenders (No.5 or No.24) is left without marking. As the central passing lane is free the ball is directed towards the defensive midfielder No.8, who after getting free of marking, he passes towards the free man No.24. The winger No.14 drops back either to get free of marking and receive, or to create space for the fullback down the flank. No.24 directs the ball towards No.14 (diagram 1) or towards No.15 (diagram 2) and after a combination between the players the ball ends up on one of the neutral players’ possession. The last one makes a long pass towards the goalkeeper and the drill starts again. On diagrams 3 and 4 the goalkeeper after being under the opponent’s pressure he passes the ball towards the sides, as the central passing lane is blocked. On diagram 3 the pass from No.24 is directed towards No.14 while in diagram 4 it is directed towards the centre forward. No.24 can also choose to direct the ball to No.15 as it is shown in diagram 2. After the passing combination the neutral player makes a long ball to the goalkeeper. The players can either stay in the same positions in order to work more specifically or they can move one position forward in order to work more generally. Objectives: 

Attacking from the back

Synchronized movements

Coaching points: 

Quality passing

Timing runs


Measurement: Half of the field Players: 13 + GK Description: 7 + GK v 6. The SSG starts with the goalkeeper in possession. The black team tries to move the ball beyond the half way line by starting the build-up from the goalkeeper. The white team tries to defend successfully, win the ball and score a goal against the black team. Objectives: 

Attacking from the back

Synchronized movements

Coaching points: 

Quality passing

Timing runs


Measurement: 2/3 of the field Players: 20 + 2 GK Description: 11 v 11 in the 2/3 of the field. The only restriction is that the black team always starts to build-up from the goalkeeper. The black team tries to use the movements that were used in the previous drill (attacking from the back 1) in order to create and exploit space as well as to create numbers up situations in certain areas of the field. As soon as the white players win possession, they try to score. Objectives: 

Attacking from the back

Synchronized movements

Coaching points: 

Quality passing

Timing runs

Of the ball movement

Quick and accurate finishing


Measurement: About the 2/3 of the field with two yellow and two blue marked areas) Players: 9 + GK. As the drill progresses three white players are added. Description: There are 9 players in positions indicated by the red cones. The coach directs the ball to one of the four defenders. The new ball carrier moves forward with the ball, while the winger of the strong side moves from the yellow marked area to the blue one in order to create space in the yellow area. The created space is exploited by one of the attacking midfielders (diagrams 1, 2, 4 and 5) or the centre forward (diagram 3). There is only one target man in the box (usually No.9 except for diagram’s 3 situation) in order for the crosses to be accurate. The players can either stay in the same positions in order to work more specifically or they can move one position forward in order to work more generally. Progression: 

The wingers as well as the centre forward are being marked by defenders (diagram 6). The defenders mark their direct opponents in a passive way in order to create a more realistic situation.

Objectives: 

To create and exploit the free space

Synchronized movements

Coaching points:

Quality passing

Timing runs

Accurate crossing

Quick and accurate finishing


Measurement: About the 2/3 of the field with two yellow areas on the flanks and one blue area lower on the field) Players: 13 + GK Description: 5 + 4 v 4 + GK. There are 1 v 1 situations on the flanks and a 3 v 2 situation in the central zone (diagram 1). The four defenders pass the ball to each other. When one of them decides to move forward with the ball the winger makes a movement to create space (diagram 2 and 4), or to get free of marking (diagram 3) receive and turn. In the second case (diagram 3) a 4 v 3 situation is created on the field. The fullbacks are told to react in a different way (to follow the winger or to defend the space) in order for the attackers and the midfielders to learn to adapt in the situation rising on the field. Restrictions: 

The weak side’s players (fullback and winger) don’t take part in the attacking maneuver.

The central defenders of the opposition cannot move into the yellow areas.

The fullbacks can move in all three areas, however if they decide to follow the winger deeper into the blue area, they cannot get back into the yellow or the central one.

During the crosses only No.9, No.10 and No.21 can move into the box against the two opposition’s central defenders.

Objectives: 

To create and exploit the free space on the flanks

To get free of marking and attack through the middle

Synchronized movements

Coaching points: 

Quality passing

Timing runs

Accurate crossing

Quick and accurate finishing


Measurement: The 2/3 of the field with two yellow areas on the flanks and a line which divides the filed into a high and a low area.

Players: 21 + 2 GK Description: 10 + GK v 9 + GK. There is a 5 + GK v 5 situation in the low area of the field and a 5 v 4 + GK situation in the high area. The drill starts with the goalkeeper of the black team in possession. The 5 players of the black team try to retain possession, while the wingers of the same team should make a well timed run and move into the low area in order to create space on the flank. In this first stage the fullbacks should always follow them deeper in the field. The winger who drops back should receive and pass the ball to one of his team mates (diagram 2 and 4) in order for his team to have the right to direct the ball towards the created space on the flank. The attacking midfielder or the centre forward should make a well timed run in order to receive towards the free space, move forward and get a cross into the box (diagram 3 and 5). If after the winger’s pass the new ball carrier cannot direct the pass towards the created space (diagram 6), the black team’s players seek to retain possession until they find the right time to pass the ball to a dropping deep winger (diagram 7 and 8). The winger who dropped deep at the first place gets back in the yellow area. In case the white team wins possession they try to score without any restriction. Progression: 

After the first 10 or 15 minutes the fullbacks can decide whether they will follow the wingers deeper in the field or defend the space. In this case the wingers can receive (if they are free of marking) and move directly into the central area without passing the ball to one of their team mates in order to attack through the middle (diagram 9).

Restrictions: 

The central defenders of the opposition cannot move into the yellow areas

Only the wingers of the black team can drop back into the low area but not both of them at the same time

Objectives: 

To create and exploit the free space on the flanks

To get free of marking and attack through the middle

Synchronized movements

Coaching points: 

Quality passing

Timing runs

Accurate crossing

Quick and accurate finishing


Measurement: 40 X 50m. There is an area divided into four smaller areas in the centre of the playing field, two high areas and two low ones. Players: 8 and as the drill progresses there are 2 more players Description: As the ball is passed between the four defenders, the centre forward takes up a position either in the left or in the right high area. No.19 and No.10 take up positions which are indicated by the red cones. When No.8 receives the ball and the centre forward is in the left high area, he works in collaboration with No.19. In case No.9 is in the right high area he works in collaboration with No.10. On diagram 2, No.8 receives and turns. The centre forward drops back into the left low area and No.19 exploits the space created in the high left area. The last one receives the ball from No.8 and makes an accurate shot towards the small goal on the right side. As the drill progresses two white players are added in order to follow the centre forward’s movement lower in the field. On diagram 3, No.9 is in the right high area. As soon as No.8 receives and turns No.9 drops back and the white central defender follows his movement. No.10 exploits the free space, receives and makes a shot towards the left small goal. Objectives: 

Creating and exploiting space in the middle

Synchronized movements

Coaching points: 

Quality passing

Timing runs

Of the ball movement

Quick and accurate finishing


Measurement: About the 2/3 of the field. There is an area just outside the box divided into four smaller areas (two high areas and two low ones). There is also an area of 20 X 50m below the half way line. Players: 16 + GK Description: There is a 5 v 3 situation in the area below the half way line. The coach passes the ball to one of the black players. The black players after completing at least two consecutive passes they have the right to move out of the marked area either by the defensive midfielder No.8 or by one of the central defenders (No.5 or No.24). As soon as this action takes place, the centre forward drops back, either to create space in the middle (diagram 2) or to get free of marking and receive (diagram 3). In the first case (diagram 2) the player who exploits the space can receive and make a shot on goal, while in the second one (diagram 3) No.9 receives, turns and tries to pass to one of his team mates as there is a 4 v 4 situation. Restrictions: The white team’s central defenders cannot move from the left high area to the right one and the opposite. The fullbacks cannot enter the two central high areas. The white team’s defenders cannot track the attackers beyond the white line which is drawn a few meters outside the box. The black player who moves outside of the area below the half way line, after making the pass to one of his team mates cannot further take part in the attack. Objectives: 

Creating and exploiting space in the middle

Synchronized movements

Coaching points: 

Quality passing

Timing runs

Of the ball movement

Quick and accurate finishing


Measurement: 2/3 of the field. There is an area just outside the box divided into four smaller areas (two high areas and two low ones). There is also a neutral

area of 5 X 50m below the half way line which divides the field into a low and a high area. Players: 20 + 2 GK Description: There is a 5 v 4 situation in favour of the black team in the low area and a 6 v 5 in favour of the white team in the high one. As the SSG progresses this situation becomes 6 v 6. The black team players after completing three consecutive passes in the low area have the right to pass the ball to No.21 towards the left or No.14 towards the right, as No.10 and No.19 take up advanced positions in order to exploit the created space in the middle. No.8 can move out of the low area and receive the back pass in order to create equality in numbers (diagram 2). As soon as No.8 moves out of the low area, No.9 drops back. According to the white central defenders’ reaction the black team players move to exploit the created space (diagram 3) or to receive the centre forward’s potential pass (diagram 4). No.8 can take part in the attack this time. If the attack cannot progress at the first place the black players can maintain possession and have a second chance. Restrictions:  The white team’s central defenders cannot move from the left high area to the right one and the opposite.  The white team’s fullbacks cannot enter the two central high areas.  The white team’s defenders cannot track the attackers beyond the white line which is drawn a few meters outside the box.  When the white team wins possession there are no restrictions and both team’s players can move into or out of every marked area. When the black team regains possession they should pass back to their goalkeeper in order for the SSGto start again. Objectives: 

Creating and exploiting space in the middle

Synchronized movements

Coaching points: 

Quality passing

Timing runs

Of the ball movement

Quick and accurate finishing


Measurement: About the half of the field Players: 8 Description: There are 8 players in positions indicated by the red cones, three mannequins and two small sized goals for the players to score. The two central defenders pass the ball to each other until the coach shouts one number (e.g. number 21, diagram 2). No.21 gets free of marking and receives a pass. The new man in possession turns and passes to the centre forward, while No.19 and No.10 move forward to receive a pass and score in one of the two goals. One of the players, runs towards the available space on the left, while the other on the right according to the centre forward’s position (diagrams 3, 4, 5 and 7). Two players must be available in order to receive a back pass in case No.9’s forward passes are not possible to be made. In this last case (diagram 6), the players who made the forward runs must stop and move towards the side lines to avoid being caught in an offside position. The new ball carrier (No.10, diagram 6) can make a long pass towards the flanks in order for the team to have a second chance to attack. Objectives: 

Use of forward synchronized runs (third man’s runs)

Coaching points: 

Quality passing

Timing runs

Accurate finishing


Measurement: About the 2/3 of the field with two yellow areas, one high and one low.

Players: 12 + GK Description: The players play 2 + 1 v 1 in the low area while in the high area there is a 1 v 1 situation. The players inside the low area must complete three passes before they pass the ball to one of the wingers who drop back in a deeper position. The fullbacks of the white team should follow the wingers’ movement (diagram 2). The new man in possession passes the ball back to the defensive midfielder No.8 who moves forward with the ball and passes to the centre forward (diagrams 3 and 4). The rest of the attacking players must recognize the available spaces and move towards them in order to receive the pass from No.9. On diagrams 3 and 4 are presented two different situations. The player who receives No.9’s pass, makes a shot on goal. Restrictions: 

The central defender in the high yellow area marks No.9 in a passive way.

The fullbacks should always follow the wingers deep in the field

Objectives: 

Use of forward synchronized runs (third man’s runs)

Find and exploit the free space

Always have players available to receive the back pass in order for the team to have a second chance

Coaching points: 

Quality passing

Timing runs

Accurate finishing


Measurement: The 2/3 of the field with a neutral white zone which divides the field into two playing fields.

Players: 20 + 2 GK Description: There is a 5 + GK v 4 situation in the low area and a 5 v 6 situation in favour of the white team in the high one. The SSG begins with the black team’s GK in possession. The black players inside the low area must complete four passes before someone of them moves into the high area and creates a 6 v 6 situation. The first pass in the high zone is directed to the centre forward and the rest of the attacking players move to receive a pass from him. The centre forward either passes forward or back. Restrictions: 

The central defenders of the white team should not prevent the centre forward from receiving the ball.

Objectives: 

Use of forward synchronized runs (third man’s runs)

Find and exploit the free space

Always have players available to receive the back pass in order for the team to have a second chance

Coaching points: 

Quality passing

Timing runs

Accurate finishing


Measurement: About the 1/4 of the field Players: 11 Description: This is a similar to the previous drill with the only difference that it takes place on the right. The two central defenders start the drill again. No.5 passes to No.24. No.21 is placed in a position indicated by the red cone and makes a movement according to the other players’ movements. Diagrams 1 up to 11 present several combinations which can be used in order for the team to exploit the numerical advantage. After the final pass is made, the new man in possession passes to player C. Player C passes to B and B makes a long ball towards No.5 and the drill starts again. No.21 takes up player’s C position. Player B moves into player’s A position and player A takes over No.21’s role. Restrictions: 

The white team’s players mark their direct opponents in a passive way. Furthermore either they follow their opponents or they defend the space.

Objectives: 

To exploit the numerical superiority on the left flank

Synchronized movements

Coaching points: 

Quality passing

Timing runs



Measurement: Half of the field divided into two areas (playing fields) Players: 20 + 2 GK Description: There are two playing fields, one yellow and one blue. There is a 5 + 1 (attacking team) v 4 (defending team) situation in each field. The players with the blue shirts are the attacking midfielders and the extra players for the attacking team. The SSG starts with the neutral players in possession. The players of the black team try to exploit the numerical advantage by using movements of the ball like the ones shown in the previous drills, aiming to score a goal. The white team seeks to defend successfully, win the ball and complete 8 passes with the help of the neutral player who creates this time a 4 + 1 v 5 situation this time. Restrictions: 

The white team’s players can’t follow their opponents if the last manage to receive beyond the line at the edge of the penalty area or run beyond it with the ball. So a 1 v 1 situation is created between the man in possession (attacker) and the goalkeeper.

Objectives: 

To exploit the numerical superiority on the left flank

Synchronized movements

Coaching points: 

Quality passing

Timing runs

Quick and accurate finishing


Measurement: About the 2/3 of the field. Players: 20 + 2 GK Description: The SSG starts with the goalkeeper of the black team in possession. As soon as the ball is passed towards the left or the right side of the field, the attacking midfielder of the weak side moves towards the strong side in order to create a numbers up situation (6 v 5). The black team tries to exploit the numerical advantage and score a goal. When the white team wins possession there is no restriction for either team (the players can move from side to side). The white team tries to score while the black one seeks to win the ball back. When they manage to do it, they pass the ball back to the goalkeeper so that the players have enough time to take up their staring positions (towards the right or the left half of the field). The goalkeeper then starts a new attackingmaneuver. Restrictions: 

The white team’s players can’t follow their opponents if the last manage to receive beyond the line at the edge of the penalty area or run beyond it with the ball. So a 1 v 1 situation is created between the

man in possession (attacker) and the goalkeeper. However if the attack progresses on the flanks one more attacking player can also enter the box in order to receive the potential cross.

The players of the weak side cannot enter the other half of the field (strong side).

The two players who can move from side to side, in order to create a numbers up situation (6 v 5), are the two attacking midfielders, No.10 and No.21.

Objectives: 

To exploit the numerical superiority on the flanks

Synchronized movements

Coaching points: 

Quality passing

Timing runs

Quick and accurate finishing