Basic Survival Instincts: A Guide To Self Sufficiency [PDF]

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Acknowledgement To the Creator of all in existence I humbly bow and submit myself. All glory and honor to thee. To those that wish to survive, you must research, study, and most of all apply the knowledge in which is reveal unto you for wisdom is the fruit of “applied” knowledge. To those that work iniquity against humanity, never forget, there is always a reaction to all actions Sarim Ibn Salahadhin, the Sage

TABLE OF CONTENTS Basic Instincts 101 page 1 Communication page 27 Basic Land Navigation/Map Reading page 33 Six Basic Knots page 41 Edible Plants page 48 Basic Emergency Medical Treatment page 71

Basic Instincts 101 The advances in the development of outdoor clothing, equipment, emergency food and techniques have been growing rapidly in recent years. For those beginners interested in using the outdoors there is unlimited information on wilderness survival skills and equipment available. However, experience is the best teacher in any outdoor situation and your reaction in a wilderness survival situation depends on your education. Always keep in mind that it can happen to you. Those who are mentally and physically prepared to survive are more likely to do so. To deal with an emergency situation one must be able to make decisions, improvise and remain calm.

Fear - For anyone faced with a wilderness emergency survival situation, fear is a normal reaction. Unless an emergency situation has been anticipated, fear is generally followed by panic then pain, cold, thirst, hunger, fatigue, boredom and loneliness. It is extremely important to calmly assess the situation and not allow these seven enemies to interfere with your survival.


Pain - Pain may often be ignored in a panic situation. Remember to deal with injuries immediately before they become even more serious.

Cold - Cold lowers the ability to think, numbing the body and reducing the will to survive. Never allow you to stop moving or to fall asleep unless adequately sheltered.

Thirst - Dehydration is a common enemy in an emergency situation and must not be ignored. It can dull your mind, causing you to overlook important survival information.

Hunger - Hunger is dangerous but seldom deadly. It may reduce your ability to think logically and increase your susceptibility to the effects of cold, pain and fear.

Fatigue - Fatigue is unavoidable in any situation so it is best to keep in mind that it can and will lower your mental ability. Remember that in an emergency situation this is often the body’s way of escaping a difficult situation.

Boredom & Loneliness - These enemies are quite often unanticipated and may lower the mind's ability to deal with the situation. Page | 2

HOW TO Build a Fire Building a fire is the most important task when dealing with survival in the wilderness. Be sure to build yours in a sandy or rocky area or near a supply of sand and water as to avoid forest fires.

The most common mistakes made by those attempting to build a fire are: choosing poor tinder, failing to shield precious matches from the wind and smothering the flames with too large pieces of fuel. The four most important factors when starting a fire are 





The most common ways to create sparks are: 1. Waterproof, strike-anywhere matches are your best bet. Matches may be waterproofed by dipping them in nail polish. Store your matches in a waterproof container. 2. A cigarette lighter is also a good way to produce a spark, with or without fuel. 3|Page

3. The flint and steel method is one of the oldest and most reliable methods in fire starting. Aim the sparks at a pile of dry tinder to produce a fire. 4. The electric spark produced from a battery will ignite a gasoline dampened rag. 5. Remove half of the powder from a bullet and pour it into the tinder. Next place a rag in the cartridge case of the gun and fire. The rag should ignite and then may be placed into the tinder. 6. Allow the sun’s rays to pass through a magnifying glass onto the tinder. Dry grass, paper or cloth lint, gasoline-soaked rags and dry bark are all forms of tinder. Place your tinder in a small pile resembling a tepee with the driest pieces at the bottom. Use a fire starter or strip of pitch if it is available. It is important to keep in mind that smaller pieces of kindling such as, twigs, bark, shavings and gasoline, are necessary when trying to ignite larger pieces of fuel.

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Gather fuel before attempting to start your fire. Obviously dry wood burns better and wet or pitchy wood will create more smoke. Dense, dry wood will burn slow and hot. A well ventilated fire will burn best.

Build a Shelter A small shelter which is insulated from the bottom, protected from wind and snow and contains a fire is extremely important in wilderness survival. Before building your shelter be sure that the surrounding area provides the materials needed to build a good fire, a good water source and shelter from the wind. Wilderness shelters may include: 1. Natural shelters such as caves and overhanging cliffs. When exploring a possible shelter tie a piece of string to the outer mouth of the cave to ensure you will be able to find your way out. Keep in mind that these caves may already be occupied. If you do use a cave for shelter, build your fire near its mouth to prevent animals from entering.

2. Enlarge the natural pit under a fallen tree and line it with bark or tree boughs.


3. Near a rocky coastal area, build a rock shelter in the shape of a U, covering the roof with driftwood and a tarp or even seaweed for protection.

4. A lean-to made with poles or fallen trees and a covering of plastic, boughs, thick grasses or bark is effective to shelter you from wind, rain and snow. 5. A wigwam may be constructed using three long poles. Tie the tops of the poles together and upright them in an appropriate spot. Cover the sides with a tarp, boughs, raingear or other suitable materials. Build a fire in the center of the wigwam, making a draft channel in the wall and a small hole in the top to allow smoke to escape. 6. If you find yourself in open terrain, a snow cave will provide good shelter. Find a drift and burrow a tunnel into the side for about 60 cm (24 in) then build your chamber. The entrance of the tunnel should lead to the lowest level of you chamber where the cooking and storage of equipment will be. A minimum of two ventilating holes are necessary, preferably one in the roof and one in the door.

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CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT Clothing Clothing must provide warmth and offer protection from the elements. Layers of light, natural fibers are best. Hats are a must, as they offer protection from both the heat and cold. Water proof outer layers are necessary.

Equipment Equipment must be easily manageable and promote survival in any situation. Items to carry in your pockets may include a fire starter, waterproof matches and/or lighter, a pocket knife, goggles, compass, small first-aid kit and some sort of trail food.

Survival Kit Items for your survival kit should be packed in a waterproof container that can double as a cooking pot and water receptacle and be attached to your belt.

Backpack In addition to a survival kit, a good, comfortable backpack is mandatory. Loads of about 18 kg (40 lb.) are average. Items to include are; solar flashlight, extra jacket, socks and gloves, a foldable shovel , pocket saw, first aid kit, emergency food, and a tent and net.


CHECK LIST Here is a list of items that you may wish to include in your bag: 1. A map and compass. (A current US Road Atlas) 2. A large, bright plastic bag will be useful as a shelter, signaling device or in lieu of raingear. 3. A flashlight with extra batteries. 4. Extra water and food. 5. Clothing such as raingear, a toque and gloves, a sweater and pants. 6. A hat and long sleeved clothing. 7. A sharp pocket knife. 8. Candles and fire starter. 9. A first aid kit. 10. A whistle, flares, a tarp.

Wilderness Survival: Travel In the Woods If you do become lost, stay where you are. Build a fire and carefully assess the situation. Do not use precious energy by wandering aimlessly. During the winter month seek out wildlife trails which will help you avoid walking in the deep snow. Frozen streams and rivers are also easy to follow but watch for weak ice.

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MEASURING DISTANCE When measuring distance the most effective method is the tally and pace system: 1 pace = 75 cm (29.25 in) 1 double pace = 150 cm or 1.5 m (58.5 in) 66 double paces = 99 m (107.9 yards) = 1 tally (tie a knot in a string for each tally) 10 tallies = 1000 m or 1 km (0.62 mi)

FINDING DIRECTION Using a Compass A magnetic-Sylva type compass is a lost hiker's best friend. First, decide which direction you want to follow then aim over the center of your compass to the bearing you want to follow and find a landmark on this sighting. After arriving at this landmark repeat the process. Using this pattern you will follow a relatively straight line.

Using the Stars For those unfortunate enough to not have a compass, using the pole star for direction will suffice. Simply located the pole star and you will be facing north. To find this star use the Big Dipper constellation. The pole star will be located off of the top of the "dipper", on the opposite side of the handle. 9|Page

METHODS OF NAVIGATION The Three Common Methods of Navigation 1. Map reading is a common method used, particularly in developed areas. Maps and aerial photos may be used when landmarks are clear. 2. Using a compass in conjunction with maps and aerial photos is wise in areas without good landmarks. 3. Navigation by dead reckoning is common in areas where landmarks are nonexistent or inadequate. This method combines plotting and recording of a series of courses, measured by distance and direction from a starting point.

* It is to the extreme upmost importance to stay alert and observe all unusual landmarks.

Difficulties in Navigation WHEN YOU'RE LOST IN THE WOODS The most important thing to remember if you find yourself in this situation is not to panic. First, treat any injuries within your party. Next, establish that your basic needs are met. These include heat, shelter, water and food. Then consult your map and compass and try to recognize or remember landmarks you may have passed.

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To determine how many hours of daylight are left, face the sun and extend your arm towards it. Bend your wrist inwards and place your fingers just below the sun. Disregarding your thumb, count how many fingers separate the sun from the horizon. Each finger will represent fifteen minutes. If it is nearing dark, build a shelter and fire that is on high ground and out of the wind. Have a snack and a hot drink and get some rest. Don't waste precious energy by trying to find your way in the dark. During daylight hours it is important to find a way to signal to others. A fire is best. Be sure to find a means with which to carry water. If you must move be sure to leave markers that searchers can follow.

SIGNALS A fire is the safest method to use when signaling for help. The smoke is easily spotted during the day and the flames by night. Three signal fires laid 30 m (98 feet) apart and lit when a aircraft passes is a good way to indicate your distress. The Morse Code Emergency Signal is S...O...S... and may be sent with a flashlight and consists of three dots followed by three dashes followed by three dots. The dashes should be twice as long as the dots. Messages or signal letters may be drawn in the snow. A signal mirror is also a very effective method used. Flash the mirror along the horizon regardless of whether a plane is in view. 11 | P a g e


Survival: Food & Water

FINDING FOOD & WATER In a wilderness survival situation, it is possible to live for extended periods of time on little or no food. Research shows that a healthy individual can survive on 4/500 calories a day with no side effects and with plenty of water and a comfortable resting place can live approximately three weeks without food. During cold weather or periods of heightened activity more food is required to maintain a normal body temperature. Water is much more important. Two to three cups of water are required each day to stay healthy. It is wise to conserve the water in your body by reducing activities that may promote water loss. Finding water during the summer months is quite easy. Running water such as springs or streams in isolated areas is generally safe for consumption but be aware that water in stagnant areas such as sloughs and ponds may carry disease and should either be boiled for a minimum of three minutes, or iodine (nine drops per quart) or halazone tablets added. It is wise to carry a water purification pump with you. This allows the hiker to make use of stagnant water in any situation and it is not necessary to carry water with you.

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In areas where no surface water is available, dig into damp soil and allow this muddy water to settle and become clear. Water may also be found on the dew of plants, by collecting rainwater or in fish juices. During the winter months it is wise to look for water under ice. Melting ice as opposed to snow is more fuel efficient. Remember that hard-packed snow will yield more water than light, fluffy snow. Do not eat snow as it tends to dehydrate the body.

Finding food in the wilderness may prove slightly more difficult but by no means impossible. Try and sustain with natural foods before using your emergency survival kit rations. If water is not readily available try to limit your food consumption to carbohydrates, as proteins use more water to digest. Keep in mind that all fur-bearing animals and grass seeds are edible and that there is more food value in the roots of plants than the greens. Extra care should be taken when consuming seafood. Try to avoid mussels during the summer months as they contain certain toxins which are not present during the winter. Sea urchins, a prickly purple or green sea creature, may be consumed by breaking them open and eating the red or yellow eggs inside. Steam snails, clams and limpets. Frogs, snakes, lizards and birds are also edible. Remove the head, the entrails and skin before adding them to the pot. 13 | P a g e

POISONOUS PLANTS Care should be taken when consuming any unknown plant in the wilderness. Avoid red and white berries, and plants resembling beans, melons and cucumber as they are often poisonous. There are a large variety of mushroom species, most are edible but some are extremely dangerous and should be avoided unless you can positively identify them. Water hemlock is a particularly poisonous plant which is found in swampy areas of British Columbia. It grows up to two meters, with hollow roots and small white flowers. The dangerous baneberry plant grows up to one meter tall and produces small white flowers and white or red berries.

FISHING & HUNTING Setting snares, traps, nets and set lines will assist you in finding food to help with your survival. Wildlife trails are excellent places to set snares. Animal tracks offer information pertaining to the type of animal, its size and the direction it was headed. Following these tracks will often lead to water-holes and feeding grounds where you may use your traps or snares.

Wilderness Survival: First Aid & Health Shock | Breathing | Bleeding | Fractures | Dislocation | Sprains | Concussions | Heat Exhaustion | Sun Stroke | Cramps | Burns | Snow Blindness | Frostbite | Blisters | Headaches | Snakebites | Bee Stings | Hypothermia | Hyperthermia Page | 14

When journeying into the wilderness it is important to carry a complete first aid kit and book. It is also wise to take a first aid course. A good diet, cleanliness and appropriate clothing will lower the risk of harmful situations. Disease, infection and often, insect bites can be avoided when maintaining a proper diet. It is important to bathe daily but if this is not possible be sure to wash your hands frequently. Soap can be made using ashes and animal fat or by boiling the inner bark of a pine tree. Construct a toothbrush by mashing the end of a green twig. When setting out for your journey remember to pack a wide range of clothing and extra footwear.

FIRST AID If an accident occurs in the wilderness it will be your responsibility to deal with the situation. The specific sequence of actions when dealing with this situation is: 1. Remain calm, providing your patient with quiet, efficient first aid treatment. 2. Keep the patient warm and lying down. Do not move this injured person until you have discovered the extent of the injuries. 3. Start mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration immediately if the injured person is not breathing. 4. Stop any bleeding.

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5. Give your patient reassurance. Watch carefully for any signs of shock. 6. Check for cuts, fractures, breaks and injuries to the head, neck or spine. 7. Do not allow people to crowd the injured person. 8. Do not remove clothing unless it is imperative. 9. Decide if your patient can be moved to a proper medical facility. If this is not possible, prepare a suitable living area in which shelter, heat and food are provided.

SHOCK Shock is a depression of all of the body processes and may follow any injury regardless of how minor. Factors such as hemorrhage, cold and pain will intensify shock. When experiencing shock the patient will feel weak and may faint. The skin becomes cold and clammy and the pulse, weak and rapid. Shock can be more serious than the injury itself.

Use the following method to prevent and control shock: 1. When treating injuries: 

restore breathing

stop bleeding

treat breaks and fractures

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2. If there are no head or chest injuries place the patient on his/her back with the head and chest lower than the legs. This will help the blood circulate to the brain, heart, lungs and other major organs. 3. If severe head and chest injuries are present elevate the upper body. If chest injuries are present, elevate the injured side to assist in the functioning of the uninjured lung. 4. If the injured person becomes unconscious, place him/her in a face down position to prevent choking on blood, vomit or the tongue. 5. Keep your patient warm and under shelter.

STOPPED BREATHING If breathing has stopped, begin mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Place the patient on his/her back and follow these steps: 1. To open the airway lift the patient's neck and tilt the head back. 2. Keeping the neck elevated, pinch the nostrils to prevent air leakage. 3. Place your mouth completely around the victim's mouth and blow, watching for chest expansion. 4. After removing your mouth, listen for air leaving the patient's lungs and watch for the chest to fall. Check for an airway blockage if the chest does not rise. Repeat these steps approximately 12 to 15 times per minute. If treating a child, cover the nose and mouth with you mouth. Use 17 | P a g e

smaller puffs of air and repeat this method 20 to 25 times per minute.

BLEEDING To control bleeding, elevate the wounded area above the heart and apply pressure using either gauze, clean cloth, dried seaweed or sphagnum moss. Use pressure at the pulse point between the injured area and the heart if bleeding fails to stop. If bleeding still persists, use a tourniquet between the injury and the heart.

This method should only be used in extreme situations.


bleeding has been controlled, wash the wounded area with disinfectant and apply a dressing and bandages.

FRACTURES A fracture is classified as either a simple (closed) or compound (open). Signs that a fracture is present include: 1. Pain at the affected area. 2. The area may or may not be deformed. 3. The victim is unable to place weight on the area without experiencing pain. 4. A grating sensation or sound may be present during any motion of the injured area.

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Treatment is as follows: 1. If in doubt, treat the injury as a fracture. 2. Splint the joints above and below the fracture. 3. If the fracture may penetrate the skin, it could be necessary to apply traction to straighten the deformity. 4. Be sure to pad your splints. 5. Check the splint ties frequently to be sure they do not hinder circulation. 6. Cover all open wound with a clean dressing before splinting.

DISLOCATION Dislocation happens when the ligaments near a joint tear, allowing the movement of the bone from its socket. It is unwise to treat a dislocation unless you are a trained professional as permanent damage may occur. The affected extremity should be supported using a sling or other device and pain controlled with aspirin or other suitable drugs.

SPRAINS Treat sprains by applying cold to the area for the first 24 hours then once the swelling has subsided, let the sprain sit for a day. Apply heat the following day to aid in the healing process. The sprain should be splinted and rendered immobile until the pain has completely disappeared. 19 | P a g e

CONCUSSIONS Concussions or other head injuries are often accompanied by a leakage of watery blood from the nose or ears. Other symptoms may include convulsions, an unresponsiveness of the pupils or headache and vomiting. Keep the injured party warm, dispense a pain killer regularly and allow time for the body to rest and repair.

HEAT EXHAUSTION Heat exhaustion is not uncommon when water is not sufficient. The body becomes dehydrated and salt-depleted, resulting in nausea, faintness, a weak, rapid pulse and/or cold and clammy skin. Treatment includes plenty of rest, liquid and salt tablets.

SUNSTROKE Sunstroke may occur when the body is exposed to excessive sun. The body becomes overheated and provides too much blood to the circulatory system resulting in a flushed, hot face, rapid pulse, headache and/or dizziness. Treat sunstroke by resting in a cool area and applying and consuming cold liquid. Prevent sunstroke by wearing proper headgear. Page | 20

MUSCLE CRAMPS Muscle cramps occur when the muscle accumulates excessive lactid acid or a loss of salt through perspiration. Treatment includes resting, deep breathing and stretching. Restore the salt balance immediately.

BURNS Burns are most commonly followed by shock. Administer a pain reliever immediately, apply gauze covered in Vaseline to the affected area and bandage. The patient should consume more water than usual.

SNOWBLINDNESS Symptoms of snow blindness include scratchy or burning eyes, excessive tearing, sensitivity to light, headache, halos around light and temporary loss of vision. Bandage the victim's eyes and use cold compresses and a painkiller to control the pain. Vision will generally be restored after 18 hours without the help of a doctor. Always wear snow goggles or sunglasses in snowy areas to prevent snow blindness.

FROSTBITE Frostbite occurs when the tissue of an area, most commonly the toes, fingers or face, is frozen either from direct exposure to the elements or high wind. First degree frostbite turns the area cold, white and numb. When heated the area becomes red and can be compared to a 21 | P a g e

first degree burn. A blister will form after warming with second degree frostbite. Dark skin, gangrene, and a loss of some skin and tissues is common in third degree. Fourth degree frostbite causes irreparable damage. The affected area will remain cold and lifeless and generally a part of the area is lost. With adequate clothing frostbite can easily be avoided. Superficial frostbite may be treated by cupping one's hands and blowing on the affected area, warming from another warm hand or, with fingers, placing them in your armpits. For more severe cases, medical aid should be sought.

BLISTERS Blisters are the painful, and common, result of ill-fitting footwear. At the first sign of discomfort, remove boots and socks and place a piece of adhesive tape over the affected area. If it is absolutely necessary, open a blister by first washing the area thoroughly then inserting a sterilized needle into the side of the blister. Apply disinfectant and a bandage.

HEADACHES Headaches are often experienced in the mountains due to inadequate eye protection, tension in the lower neck, constipation, a swelling of the brain tissue which happens when the hiker has sweated excessively over a period of days and consumed large quantities of water without

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taking salt tablets. Aspirin may be used to alleviate the pain but one should find the source of headache to prevent further discomfort.

SNAKE BITES One species of venomous snake, a rattlesnake is found in the dry belt of the southern interior. If you come across a snake slowly ease back. A snake bite rarely causes death; victims may be left untreated for up to eight hours. After an attack occurs: 1. Keep the person calm, reassuring them that bites can be effectively treated in an emergency room. Restrict movement, and keep the affected area just below heart level to reduce the flow of venom. 2. Remove any rings or constricting items because the affected area may swell. Create a loose splint to help restrict movement of the area. 3. If the area of the bite begins to swell and change color, the snake was probably poisonous. 4. Monitor the person’s vital signs -- temperature, pulse, rate of breathing, blood pressure. If there are signs of shock (such as paleness), lay the victim flat, raise the feet about a foot, and cover the victim with a blanket. 5. Get medical help immediately. 23 | P a g e

BEE STINGS Bee stings are common and harmless unless you are allergic. Remove the stinger then apply disinfectant and cold water to reduce the swelling. A change of diet, dirty cooking utensils or the consumption of tainted water may result in diarrhea which in turn will cause a loss of nutrients and precious body fluids. Take extra care in cleanliness and boil water for an additional three to five minutes to avoid diarrhea.

HYPOTHERMIA When the temperature of your body falls to a level at which your vital organs can no longer function you are experiencing hypothermia or exposure sickness. Hypothermia will develop rapidly and is caused by cold, wet and/or windy weather that chills the body at a speed faster than it can produce heat. A lack of energy producing food and proper clothing will heighten the speed at which hypothermia will affect you. Always remember to bring extra clothing. It is important to hike at the speed of the slowest member of your party. Take frequent breaks and keep a close watch for members experiencing signs of fatigue. Exposure sickness generally occurs in temperatures of less than 10 C (50 F). Page | 24

Symptoms are easily recognizable: 1. Feeling cold and constantly exercising to keep warm. 2. Uncontrollable shivering and numbness. 3. Violent shivers. Your mind becomes slow and starts to wander. 4. Violent shivering ceases and muscles begin to stiffen and become un-coordinated. Exposed skin becomes blue and thoughts are foggy. Victim usually lacks the capability of realizing how serious the situation is. 5. Pulse and respiration slows. 6. Victim will not respond and becomes unconscious. 7. The section of the brain controlling the heart and lungs ceases functioning. Treatment must be quick and efficient: 1. Move the victim to a sheltered area, out of the elements. 2. Remove wet clothing and replace with dry clothes and if possible, a sleeping bag. 3. Wrap warm rocks and place them near the patient. 4. Do not let the victim fall unconscious. 5. Give the victim a warm, non-alcoholic drink. 6. Allow another person in the sleeping bag to share body heat. 7. Exhale warm air near the vicinity of the patient’s mouth and nose.

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HYPERTHERMIA Hyperthermia is a result of the body being overheated due to increased air temperature, solar or reflected radiation, poorly ventilated clothing, a low fitness level or excess bulk. Symptoms include: 1. Heat cramps may occur and should be treated by moving the victim to a shady area and supplying water and salt tablets. 2. Heat exhaustion is a mild form of hyperthermia and includes symptoms such as headache, dizziness, fainting, clammy skin, blurred vision, nausea and vomiting. Treatment is the same as heat cramps. 3. Heat stroke is the most serious degree of hyperthermia. The victim will have little or no perspiration, a hot and flushed face, full pulse, and become either apathetic or aggressive. Cool the victim as quickly as possible paying extra attention to the head, neck and chest. If the body’s temperature continues to rise, unconsciousness, delirium, convulsions and ultimately death may occur. To avoid hyperthermia, avoid strenuous activity on hot days, wear loose clothing and a hat, drink plenty of fluids and take salt tablets.

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COMMUNICATION So, in the advent of a crisis situation, have you sat and pondered on how are you going communicate with your family and friends, or get help if communications go down? I mean honestly, if you found yourself in the middle of a wide-scale disaster such as a hurricane or other catastrophe and there is no one coming to help for a while, or possibly not at all, how would you communicate with your family or others? What would you do if the entire power grid went down? One thing is certain, you won’t be able to rely on your cell phone. Okay, while you’re pondering on that, let's go over some basic emergency survival and communication methods that we need to know. Short-term emergencies have shown the limitations of using cell phones to coordinate with each other. Even if the towers are operational, they cannot handle the added traffic of millions of people trying to get a hold of their folks – or help. Ever had trouble calling your family on the morning of celebration days? During many recent events, the cell phone services weren’t an option for many for days. The system became seriously overloaded on September 11, so calls wouldn’t go through, 75% of the towers went down during Hurricane Katrina and were down for days, and most areas affected still haven’t adequately improved across the US. These won’t be isolated events. Don’t think that because you live in a large metropolitan area, or because you feel you ducked off on a farm away from the city, that you and folks will be safer. A quick look at some of the things that went on during Hurricane Sandy in NY, as well as other past catastrophes, will show that the government has a lot to deal with in addition to just trying to get your cell phone service back up, the grid back working or the satellites back online, so 27 | P a g e

even though the situations were eventually somewhat taken care of, there still were a lot of problems where communication was at zero. Here, lets list some of the issues that would affect us not being able to pull out our computers, iPhones, iPads, and cellphones to call up people: Cell phone communication has a lot of vulnerabilities that make it a poor solution for widespread or long-term emergencies. Heavy winds or flooding can disrupt the cables between towers. Cell towers require AC power to operate so if they don’t have an automatic backup system, they stop. Keep in mind that a lot of towers are just glorified antennas on the tops of buildings or mountains and backup power, such as an emergency generator, is a very short-term solution, but here we are also considering the fact that there is no power what so ever, which is highly likely to occur. Even still, generators require fuel and that fuel has to be replenished quite often. In a lot of cases, the only backup power available is a bank of batteries that stop charging when the main power system stops. Backhaul systems (essentially the system that connects and/or allows overflow from outer systems to the core, often including other carriers) aren’t always reliable. Most cell phones will only stay charged for a day or three. So if you don’t have local power to keep it up, when the system does come back up, you won’t be able to talk to it. Cell phones require satellites, which are vulnerable to hackers, physical attack, or solar storms.

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Now don’t get me wrong, for day-to-day emergencies, such as getting a flat tire, a cell phone usually works pretty well. It’s just a crappy solution for big emergencies. Like everything shutting off. They’ll be pretty useless if the national grid goes down due to a cyber-attack, EMP or CME, which is more likely to happen than you think. Look at Haiti, Kenya, Nigeria, Paris, or the Charleston church murders, or the many colleges and high schools massacres throughout the United States. Zero to one hundred. So if you can’t use your cell phone, what are you going to do? Panicking is a no-no. What are some other means of communications besides the social media, broadcast, and your dead cell phone? CB Radio Frequencies. Let’s list a few…. Here is a list of emergency radio frequencies that you should keep in mind when both looking for radios and coming up with your emergency communications plan. Just to pacify all the know-it-alls who keep telling me this list is crap because you can’t transmit on them – keep in mind that they’re useful to monitor in emergencies even if you can’t send anything out. 34.90:

Used nationwide by the National Guard during emergencies.


Used for inter-department emergency communications by

local and state police forces. 29 | P a g e

47.42: Used across the United States by the Red Cross for relief operations. 52.525: Calling frequency used by ham radio operators in FM on their six-meter band. 121.50: International aeronautical emergency frequency. 138.225: Disaster relief operations channel used by the Federal Emergency Management Agency; it is active during earthquakes, hurricanes, 146.52:

floods, Used


by ham



radio operators




communications on the two-meter band; it is very busy in many parts of the country. 151.625: Used by “itinerant” businesses, or those that travel about the country. Circuses, exhibitions, trade shows, and sports teams are some of the users you can hear. Other widely used itinerant channels are 154.57 and 154.60. 154.28: Used for inter-department emergency communications by local fire departments; 154.265 and 154.295 also used. 155.160: Used for inter-department emergency communications by local and state agencies during search and rescue operations. 155.475: Used for inter-department emergency communications by local and state police forces. 156.75: Used internationally for broadcasts of maritime weather alerts. 156.80: International maritime distress, calling, and safety channel. Page | 30

All ships must monitor this frequency while at sea. It is also heavily used on rivers, lakes, etc. 162.40: NOAA weather broadcasts and bulletins. 162.425: NOAA weather broadcasts and bulletins. 162.45: NOAA weather broadcasts and bulletins. 162.475: NOAA weather broadcasts and bulletins. 162.50: NOAA weather broadcasts and bulletins. 162.525: NOAA weather broadcasts and bulletins. 162.55:

NOAA weather broadcasts and bulletins.

163.275: NOAA weather broadcasts and bulletins. 163.4875: Used



the National



emergencies. 163.5125: The national disaster preparedness frequency used jointly by the armed forces. 164.50: National communications channel for the Department of Housing and Urban Development. 168.55: National channel used by civilian agencies of the federal government for communications during emergencies and disasters. 243.00: Used during military aviation emergencies. 259.70: Used by the Space Shuttle during re-entry and landing. 296.80: Used by the Space Shuttle during re-entry and landing. 311.00: Flight channel used by the U.S. Air Force. 317.70: Used by U.S. Coast Guard aviation. 31 | P a g e

317.80: Used by U.S. Coast Guard aviation. 319.40: Used by the U.S. Air Force. 340.20: Used by U.S. Navy aviators. 409.20: National communications channel for the Interstate Commerce Commission. 409.625: National communications channel for the Department of State. 462.675: Used for emergency




assistance in the General Mobile Radio Service.

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Basic Land Navigation Map Reading In this modern world of satellites, cellphones, computers, GPS navigation, etc., where you can simply type in or plug in a set of coordinates and go where the little gadgets tells you to, the basic land navigation skills has been put on the back burner in many cases. But what if the power is cut off? What if the government takes the satellite system off line?

It has happened in the past, and the way things are heading towards now, with the world’s problems we are faced with, it looks like it’s probably going to happen again in the future. What if they decide to put a 100 meter offset back on the system for civilian GPS receivers again? Do you have the basic skills necessary to read a map? Are you able to move from point A to point B using a compass and map? Find your location, to your family and friends and help them to safety if need be, with only a map and compass? Let’s take a look at the basics of map reading….. 33 | P a g e

Step 1: Tools of the Trade

Basic land navigation only requires three (3) "tools". A topographic map, a compass and a dry erase marker (if your map is laminated or sealed in plactic) or pencil.

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Step 2: Finding your Grid Coordinates

All topo maps have grid numbers listed on the top, bottom, and both sides. To find your grid coordinates you simply find the numbered line to the RIGHT of the grid you are square in. Then you find the nubered line on the BOTTOM of the grid square you are in and you 35 | P a g e

can get the four (4) digit grid coordinate which will give you the 1km square area you are in. Remember you read the map RIGHT AND UP.

To get a more exact fix on your location you first break the the two (2) sides (from right to left and bottom to top) into ten (10) equal parts each. To get the next set of numbers for your coordinates you first go from the right and figure out which of the ten (10) parts you are in, then do the same from the bottom up. This will give you a six (6) digit grid coordinate, which will give you your location within 100 meters. To get your coordinates within ten (10) meters of your location you divide each of those ten (10) square you mentally created in half, you would use either five (5) for half way between those lines or zero (0) for directly on a line. It takes practice, lots of practice to “eyeball” an eight (8) digit grid coordinates but it can be done. If can find a protractors, it will make map reading much easier.

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Step 3: Orienting your map

To orient your map first lay your map on as level a surface as you can then find the North Declination line, usually located in or near the maps legend. Lay your compass on the map and line the edge of your compass up with the MAGNETIC NORTH LINE. Then simply turn your map until the North seeking arrow is pointing in the same direction as the Magnetic North Line on the map. You can now use the compass to find a bearing to any terrain feature, road, building, grid coordinates, etc on the map.

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Step 4: Where Are You?

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When you aren't sure of your location on the map a simple, quick way to find out exactly where you are is called Resection. First orient your map and look for a prominent terrain feature you can see to the LEFT of your location. Then find that terrain feature on your map. Place your compass on the map, with the edge of the compass running through the center of the terrain feature and draw a line back towards your vantage point. Next find another terrain feature you can see to the RIGHT of your location. Find that terrain feature on the map, place your compass on the map with the edge running through the center of that terrain feature and draw another line backwards towards your vantage point. Where the two line cross is your location. You can now get the grid coordinates to your location.

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SIX BASIC KNOTS Knot making is a simple mechanical skill, a skill that you will never forget, but it takes practice, repetition in other words so the skills become natural. In stressful situations you want skills that come to you without thinking, where your hands and muscles know what to do without thought. Even if you do not expect to be mountain climbing you may need rope to haul gear up or to lower gear down an incline. You may need to use a rope for a safer decent for yourself as well. Traditional mountain climbing is not the only time you would need rope to help you navigate through a wilderness area, so you need to know how to fashion a knot that will hold you and your gear secure. You should know how to make a knot that will splice pieces of rope together to create longer pieces. You will need to lash shelter poles together, splice fishing line and know how to lash down tarps over your supplies so they stay in place in windy conditions. You will need to know how to secure your gear to a pack and to tie down tarps for shelter. You may also have to restrain others in some extreme cases, and even secure food overhead to keep predators from dining on your food.

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Figure Eight The ideal knot to keep the free end of a line from running out of a block or fairlead. 1.Make an underhand loop, bringing the free end around and over the standing end. 2.Pass the free end under, then up through the loop. 3.Draw up tight

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Anchor Bend Used to secure a line to a ring on a buoy or anchor rode. A strong, chafe-resistant knot. 1.Pass the free end through the ring twice, forming two loops. 2.Pass the free end over the standing end. 3.Pass the free end through the two loops. 4.Complete with a half hitch below the two loops and draw up tight. The free end should be seized or whipped to the standing end if the knot is to be permanent.

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Bowline Known as the “King of Knots,” it forms a fixed loop that won’t slip, but is easy to untie. 1.Make a small overhand loop across the top of the standing end, leaving enough free end to make a loop of the desired size. Pass the free end up through the small loop in the standing end. 2.Pass the free end behind the standing end and down through the small loop. 3.Draw up tight.

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Two Half Hitches Reliable, quickly tied and the hitch most often used in mooring. 1.Pass the free end of the line around a post or other object. 2.Wrap the free end under and over the standing end, passing the free end through the loop, forming the first half hitch. 3.Repeat around the standing end below the first half hitch and draw up tight.

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Clove Hitch The general purpose hitch, used wherever you need a quick, simple way of securing a line around a post, railing, spar or cleat. 1.Make a turn with the free end of the line around the object, then cross over the standing end. 2.Take a second turn around the object. 3.Pull the free end under the second turn so it is between the line and the object. Draw up tight by pulling on both ends.

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Square Knot Used at sea for reefing and furling sails. 1.Pass the left end over and under the right end. 2.Curve the two ends back toward each other. Cross what is now the right end over and then under the left end. 3.Draw up tight. The finished knot must be symmetrical.

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EDIBLE PLANTS Imagine this….Let’s say that you’re stranded in the middle of the woods. You done ate all your food up in your backpack a day ago, and now you sitting looking stupid. Starving. The city is days away, and you need to keep your strength. The trees and plants around you starting to look very inviting to say the least. So…what are you going to do? Some of those trees and plants out there are full of the essentials vitamins and minerals that you need and they can keep you alive? But some of them could make you sick, or even worse…kill you. Which of course makes proper identification absolutely critical. Below are some of the most common edible plants that grow in the wild. Hopefully, you will study them and remember them because we live in a world that things can go from zero to a hundred at any given moment, and you just may find yourself off in the bushes trying to survive. There are many other sources that can go further with many more edible wildlife. Like any concerned soldier or parent, some things we all need to be mindful of. Knowing how to survive in the wild is one of them….

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Plants You Should Stay Away From: First off, if you can’t tell what kind of plant it is, then done mess with it. Better to be safe than pay for it afterwards.

Stay away from a

plant if it has: 

Milky or discolored sap

Spines, fine hairs, or thorns

Beans, bulbs, or seeds inside pods

Bitter or soapy taste

Dill, carrot, parsnip, or parsley-like foliage

“Almond” scent in the woody parts and leaves

Grain heads with pink, purplish, or black spurs

Three-leaved growth pattern

Many toxic plants will exhibit one or more of the above characteristics. Bear in mind that some of the plants that are suggested below have some of these attributes, yet they’re still edible. So again, pay close attention, study, and commit these to memory. These are just a few guidelines for when you’re not confident about what you’re dealing with.

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Almond Prunus amygdalus

The almond tree looks like a peach tree. The fresh almond fruit resembles a gnarled, unripe peach and grows in clusters. The stone (the almond itself) is covered with a thick, dry, woolly skin.

The mature almond fruit splits open lengthwise down the side, exposing the ripe almond nut. You can easily get the dry kernel by simply cracking open the stone. Almond meats are rich in food value, like all nuts. Gather them in large quantities and shell them for further use as survival food. You could live solely on almonds for rather long periods. When you boil them, the kernel's outer covering comes off and only the white meat remains.

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Arrowroot Maranta and Sagittaria Species

Arrowroot is an aquatic plant with arrow-shaped leaves and potato like tubers in the mud.

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Amaranth Amaranthus retroflexus

Native to the Americas but found on most continents, amaranth is an edible weed. You can eat all parts of the plant, but be on the lookout for spines that appear on some of the leaves. While not poisonous, amaranth leaves do contain oxalic acid and may contain large amounts of nitrates if grown in nitrate-rich soil. It’s recommended that you boil the leaves to remove the oxalic acid and nitrates. Don’t drink the water after you boil the plant. With that said, you can eat the plant raw if worse comes to worst.

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Asparagus Asparagus officinalis

The vegetable that makes your pee smell funny grows in the wild in most of Europe and parts of North Africa, West Asia, and North America. Wild asparagus has a much thinner stalk than the grocerystore variety. It’s a great source of source of vitamin C, thiamine, potassium, and vitamin B6. Eat it raw or boil it like you would your asparagus at home.

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Burdock Arctium lappa

Medium to large-sized plant with big leaves and purplish thistle-like flower heads. The plant is native to the temperate areas of the Eastern Hemisphere; however, it has been naturalized in parts of the Western Hemisphere as well. Burdock is actually a popular food in Japan. You can eat the leaves and the peeled stalks of the plant either raw or boiled. The leaves have a bitter taste, so boiling them twice before eating is recommended to remove the bitterness. The root of the plant can also be peeled, boiled, and eaten.

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Cattail Typha

Known as cattails or punks in North America and bullrush and reedmace in England, the typha genus of plants is usually found near the edges of freshwater wetlands. Cattails were a staple in the diet of many Native American tribes. Most of a cattail is edible. You can boil or eat raw the rootstock, or rhizomes, of the plant. The rootstock is usually found underground. Make sure to wash off all the mud. The best part of the stem is near the bottom where the plant is mainly white. Either boil or eat the stem raw. Boil the leaves like you would spinach. The corn dog-looking female flower spike can be broken off and eaten like corn on the cob in the early summer when the plant is first developing. It actually has a corn-like taste to it.

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Clovers Trifolium

Clovers are actually edible.

They’re found just about everywhere

there’s an open grassy area. You can spot them by their distinctive trefoil leaflets. You can eat clovers raw, but they taste better boiled.

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Chicory Cichorium intybus

You’ll find chicory growing in Europe, North America, and Australia. It’s a bushy plant with small blue, lavender, and white flowers. You can eat the entire plant. Pluck off the young leaves and eat them raw or boil them. The chicory’s roots will become tasty after boiling. And you can pop the flowers in your mouth for a quick snack.

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Chickweed Stellaria media

You’ll find this herb in temperate and arctic zones. The leaves are pretty hefty, and you’ll often find small white flowers on the plant. They usually appear between May and July. You can eat the leaves raw or boiled. They’re high in vitamins and minerals.

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Curled Dock Rumex crispus

You can find curled dock in Europe, North America, South America, and Australia. It’s distinguished by a long, bright red stalk that can reach heights of three feet. You can eat the stalk raw or boiled. Just peel off the outer layers first. It’s recommended that you boil the leaves with several changes of water in order to remove its naturally bitter taste.

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Dandelion Taraxacum officinale

Sure, it’s an obnoxious weed on your perfectly mowed lawn, but when you’re out in the wild this little plant can save your life. The entire plant is edible — roots, leaves, and flower. Eat the leaves while they’re still young; mature leaves taste bitter. If you do decide to eat the mature leaves, boil them first to remove their bitter taste. Boil the roots before eating as well. You can drink the water you boiled the roots in as a tea and use the flower as a garnish for your dandelion salad.

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Field Pennycress Thalspi vulgaris

Field pennycress is a weed found in most parts of the world. Its growing season is early spring to late winter. You can eat the seeds and leaves of field pennycress raw or boiled. The only caveat with field pennycress is not to eat it if it’s growing in contaminated soil. Pennycress is a hyper accumulator of minerals, meaning it sucks up any and all minerals around it. General rule is don’t eat pennycress if it’s growing by the side of the road or is near a Superfund site.

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Fireweed Epilobium angustifolium

This plant is found primarily in the Northern Hemisphere. You can identify fireweed by its purple flower and the unique structure of the leaves’ veins; the veins are circular rather than terminating on the edges of the leaves. Several Native American tribes included fireweed in their diet. It’s best eaten young when the leaves are tender. Mature fireweed plants have tough and bitter tasting leaves. You can eat the stalk of the plant as well. The flowers and seeds have a peppery taste. Fireweed is a great source of vitamins A and C.

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Green Seaweed Ulva lactuca

If you’re ever shipwrecked on a deserted island, fish the waters near the beach for some green seaweed. This stuff is found in oceans all over the world. After you pull green seaweed from the water, rinse with fresh water if available and let it dry. You can eat it raw or include it in a soup. Or if you’re particularly enterprising, catch a fish with your homemade spear and use the seaweed to make sushi rolls, sans rice.

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Kelp Alaria esculenta

Kelp is another form of seaweed. You can find it in most parts of the world. Eat it raw or include it in a soup. Kelp is a great source of folate, vitamin K, and lignans.

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Plantain Plantago

Found in all parts of the world, the plantain plant (not to be confused with the banana-like plantain) has been used for millennia by humans as a food and herbal remedy for all sorts of maladies. You can usually find plantains in wet areas like marshes and bogs, but they’ll also sprout up in alpine areas. The oval, ribbed, short-stemmed leaves tend to hug the ground. The leaves may grow up to about 6″ long and 4″ wide. It’s best to eat the leaves when they’re young. Like most plants, the leaves tend to get bitter tasting as they mature. Plantain is very high in vitamin A and calcium. It also provides a bit of vitamin C.

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Prickly Pear Cactus Opuntia

Found in the deserts of North America, the prickly pear cactus is a very tasty and nutritional plant that can help you survive the next time you’re stranded in the desert. The fruit of the prickly pear cactus looks like a red or purplish pear. Hence the name. Before eating the plant, carefully remove the small spines on the outer skin or else it will feel like you’re swallowing a porcupine. You can also eat the young stem of the prickly pear cactus. It’s best to boil the stems before eating.

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Purslane Portulaca oleracea

While considered an obnoxious weed in the United States, purslane can provide much needed vitamins and minerals in a wilderness survival situation. Ghandi actually numbered purslane among his favorite foods. It’s a small plant with smooth fat leaves that have a refreshingly sour taste. Purslane grows from the beginning of summer to the start of fall. You can eat purslane raw or boiled. If you’d like to remove the sour taste, boil the leaves before eating.

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Sheep Sorrel Rumex acetosella

Sheep sorrel is native to Europe and Asia but has been naturalized in North America. It’s a common weed in fields, grasslands, and woodlands. It flourishes in highly acidic soil. Sheep sorrel has a tall, reddish stem and can reach heights of 18 inches. Sheep sorrel contains oxalates and shouldn’t be eaten in large quantities. You can eat the leaves raw. They have a nice tart, almost lemony flavor.

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White Mustard Synapsis alba

White mustard is found in the wild in many parts of the world. It blooms between February and March. You can eat all parts of the plant — seeds, flowers, and leaves.

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Wood Sorrel Oxalis

You’ll find wood sorrel in all parts of the world; species diversity is particularly rich in South America. Humans have used wood sorrel for food and medicine for millennia. The Kiowa Indians chewed on wood sorrel to alleviate thirst, and the Cherokee ate the plant to cure mouth sores. The leaves are a great source of vitamin C. The roots of the wood sorrel can be boiled. They’re starchy and taste a bit like a potato.

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BASIC SURVIVAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL TREATMENT To survive, you need water and food. You must also have and apply high personal hygiene standards.

Water Your body loses water through normal body processes (sweating, urinating, and defecating). During average daily exertion when the atmospheric temperature is 20 degrees Celsius (C) (68 degrees Fahrenheit), the average adult loses and therefore requires 2 to 3 liters of water daily. Other factors, such as heat exposure, cold exposure, intense activity, high altitude, burns, or illness, can cause your body to lose more water. You must replace this water. Dehydration results from inadequate replacement of lost body fluids. It decreases your efficiency and, if injured, increases your susceptibility to severe shock. Consider the following results of body fluid loss: 

A 5 percent loss of body fluids results in thirst, irritability, nausea, and weakness.

A 10 percent loss results in dizziness, headache, inability to walk, and a tingling sensation in the limbs.

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A 15 percent loss results in dim vision, painful urination, swollen tongue, deafness, and a numb feeling in the skin.

A loss greater than 15 percent of body fluids may result in death.

The most common signs and symptoms of dehydration are: 

Dark urine with a very strong odor.

Low urine output.

Dark, sunken eyes.


Emotional instability

Loss of skin elasticity.

Delayed capillary refill in fingernail beds.

Trench line down center of tongue.

Thirst Last on the list because you are already 2 percent dehydrated by the time you crave fluids. You replace the water as you lose it. Trying to make up a deficit is difficult in a survival situation, and thirst is not a sign of how much water you need.

Most people cannot comfortably drink more than 1 liter of water at a time. So, even when not thirsty, drink small amounts of water at regular intervals each hour to prevent dehydration. If you are under Page | 72

physical and mental stress or subject to severe conditions, increase your water intake. Drink enough liquids to maintain a urine output of at least 0.5 liter every 24 hours. In any situation where food intake is low, drink 6 to 8 liters of water per day. In an extreme climate, especially an arid one, the average person can lose 2.5 to 3.5 liters of water per hour. In this type of climate, you should drink 14 to 30 liters of water per day. With the loss of water there is also a loss of electrolytes (body salts). The average diet can usually keep up with these losses but in an extreme situation or illness, additional sources need to be provided. A mixture of 0.25 teaspoon of salt to 1 liter of water will provide a concentration that the body tissues can readily absorb.

Of all the physical problems encountered in a survival situation, the loss of water is the most preventable. The following are basic guidelines for the prevention of dehydration: 

Always drink water when eating. Water is used and consumed as a part of the digestion process and can lead to dehydration.

Acclimatize. The body performs more efficiently in extreme conditions when acclimatized.

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Conserve sweat not water. Limit sweat-producing activities but drink water.

Ration water. Until you find a suitable source, ration your water sensibly. A daily intake of 500 cubic centimeter (0.5 liter) of a 4-3 sugar-water mixture (2 teaspoons per liter) will suffice to prevent severe dehydration for at least a week, provided you keep water losses to a minimum by limiting activity and heat gain or loss.

You can estimate fluid loss by several means. A standard field dressing holds about 0.25 liter (one-fourth canteen) of blood. A soaked Tshirt holds 0.5 to 0.75 liter. You can also use the pulse and breathing rate to estimate fluid loss. Use the following as a guide: 

With a 0.75 liter loss the wrist pulse rate will be under 100 beats per minute and the breathing rate 12 to 20 breaths per minute.

With a 0.75 to 1.5 liter loss the pulse rate will be 100 to 120 beats per minute and 20 to 30 breaths per minute.

With a 1.5 to 2 liter loss the pulse rate will be 120 to 140 beats per minute and 30 to 40 breaths per minute. Vital signs above these rates require more advanced care. Page | 74

Food Although you can live several weeks without food, you need an adequate amount to stay healthy. Without food your mental and physical capabilities will deteriorate rapidly, and you will become weak. Food replenishes the substances that your body burns and provides energy. It provides vitamins, minerals, salts, and other elements essential to good health. Possibly more important, it helps morale. The two basic sources of food are plants and animals (including fish). In varying degrees both provide the calories, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins needed for normal daily body function.

Calories are a

measure of heat and potential energy. The average person needs 2,000 calories per day to function at a minimum level. An adequate amount of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins without an adequate caloric intake will lead to starvation and cannibalism of the body’s own tissue for energy.

Plant Foods These foods provide carbohydrates—the main source of energy. Many plants provide enough protein to keep the body at normal efficiency. Although plants may not provide a balanced diet, they will sustain you even in the arctic, where meat’s heat-producing qualities are normally essential. Many plant foods such as nuts and seeds will 75 | P a g e

give you enough protein and oils for normal efficiency. Roots, green vegetables, and plant food containing natural sugar will provide calories and carbohydrates that give the body natural energy. The food value of plants becomes more and more important if you are eluding the enemy or if you are in an area where wildlife is scarce. For instance—You can dry plants by wind, air, sun, or fire. This retards spoilage so that you can store or carry the plant food with you to use when needed. You can obtain plants more easily and more quietly than meat. This is extremely important when the enemy is near.

Animal Foods Meat is more nourishing than plant food. In fact, it may even be more readily available in some places. However, to get meat, you need to know the habits of, and how to capture, the various wildlife.

To satisfy your immediate food needs, first seek the more abundant and more easily obtained wildlife, such as insects, crustaceans, mollusks, fish, and reptiles. These can satisfy your immediate hunger while you are preparing traps and snares for larger game.

Personal Hygiene In any situation, cleanliness is an important factor in preventing infection and disease. It becomes even more important in a survival situation. Poor hygiene can reduce your chances of survival. A daily Page | 76

shower with hot water and soap is ideal, but you can stay clean without this luxury. Use a cloth and soapy water to wash yourself. Pay special attention to the feet, armpits, crotch, hands, and hair as these are prime areas for infestation and infection. If water is scarce, take an “air” bath. Remove as much of your clothing as practical and expose your body to the sun and air for at least 1 hour. Be careful not to sunburn. If you don’t have soap, use ashes or sand, or make soap from animal fat and wood ashes, if your situation allows.

To make soap: Extract grease from animal fat by cutting the fat into small pieces and cooking them in a pot. Add enough water to the pot to keep the fat from sticking as it cooks. Cook the fat slowly, stirring frequently. After the fat is rendered, pour the grease into a container to harden. Place ashes in a container with a spout near the bottom. Pour water over the ashes and collect the liquid that drips out of the spout in a separate container. This liquid is the potash or lye. Another way to get the lye is to pour the slurry (the mixture of ashes and water) through a straining cloth.

In a cooking pot, mix two parts grease to one part potash. Place this mixture over a fire and boil it until it thickens. After the mixture, the soap—cools, you can use it in the semiliquid state directly from the 77 | P a g e

pot. You can also pour it into a pan, allow it to harden, and cut it into bars for later use. Keep Your Hands Clean Germs on your hands can infect food and wounds. Wash your hands after handling any material that is likely to carry germs, after visiting the latrine, after caring for the sick, and before handling any food, food utensils, or drinking water. Keep your fingernails closely rimmed and clean, and keep your fingers out of your mouth. Keep Your Hair Clean Your hair can become a haven for bacteria or fleas, lice, and other parasites. Keeping your hair clean, combed, and trimmed helps you avoid this danger. Keep Your Clothing Clean Keep your clothing and bedding as clean as possible to reduce the chance of skin infection as well as to decrease the danger of parasitic infestation. Clean your outer clothing whenever it becomes soiled. Wear clean underclothing and socks each day. If water is scarce, “air” clean your clothing by shaking, airing, and sunning it for 2 hours. If you are using a sleeping bag, turn it inside out after each use, fluff it, and air it.

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Keep Your Teeth Clean Thoroughly clean your mouth and teeth with a toothbrush at least once each day. If you don’t have a toothbrush, make a chewing stick. Find a twig about 20 centimeters long and 1 centimeter wide. Chew one end of the stick to separate the fibers. Now brush your teeth thoroughly. Another way is to wrap a clean strip of cloth around your fingers and rub your teeth with it to wipe away food particles. You can also brush your teeth with small amounts of sand, baking soda, salt, or soap. Then rinse your mouth with water, salt water, or willow bark tea. Also, flossing your teeth with string or fiber helps oral hygiene. If you have cavities, you can make temporary fillings by placing candle wax, tobacco, aspirin, hot pepper, tooth paste or powder, or portions of a ginger root into the cavity. Make sure you clean the cavity by rinsing or picking the particles out of the cavity before placing a filling in the cavity. Take Care of Your Feet To prevent serious foot problems, break in your shoes before wearing them on any mission. Wash and massage your feet daily. Trim your toenails straight across. Wear an insole and the proper size of dry socks. Powder and check your feet daily for blisters. If you get a small blister, do not open it. An intact blister is safe from infection. Apply a padding material around the blister to relieve 79 | P a g e

pressure and reduce friction. If the blister bursts, treat it as an open wound. Clean and dress it daily and pad around it. Leave large blisters intact. To avoid having the blister burst or tear under pressure and cause a painful and open sore, do the following: Obtain a sewing-type needle and a clean or sterilized thread. Run the needle and thread through the blister after cleaning the blister. Detach the needle and leave both ends of the thread hanging out of the blister. The thread will absorb the liquid inside. This reduces the size of the hole and ensures that the hole does not close up. Pad around the blister. Get Sufficient Rest You need a certain amount of rest to keep going. Plan for regular rest periods of at least 10 minutes per hour during your daily activities. Learn to make yourself comfortable under less than ideal conditions. A change from mental to physical activity or vice versa can be refreshing when time or situation does not permit total relaxation. Keep Camp Site Clean Do not soil the ground in the camp site area with urine or feces. Use latrines, if available. When latrines are not available, dig “cat holes” and cover the waste. Collect drinking water upstream from the camp site. Purify all water. Page | 80

MEDICAL EMERGENCIES Medical problems and emergencies you may be faced with include breathing problems, severe bleeding, and shock. Breathing Problems Any one of the following can cause airway obstruction, resulting in stopped breathing foreign matter in mouth of throat that obstructs the opening to the trachea.

Face or neck injuries. Inflammation and swelling of mouth and throat caused by inhaling smoke, flames, and irritating vapors or by an allergic reaction. “Kink” in the throat (caused by the neck bent forward so that the chin rests upon the chest) may block the passage of air. Tongue blocks passage of air to the lungs upon unconsciousness. When an individual is unconscious, the muscles of the lower jaw and tongue relax as the neck drops forward, causing the lower jaw to sag and the tongue to drop back and block the passage of air.

Severe Bleeding Severe bleeding from any major blood vessel in the body is extremely dangerous. The loss of 1 liter of blood will produce moderate symptoms of shock. The loss of 2 liters will produce a severe state of

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shock that places the body in extreme danger. The loss of 3 liters is usually fatal. Shock Shock (acute stress reaction) is not a disease in itself. It is a clinical condition characterized by symptoms that arise when cardiac output is insufficient to fill the arteries with blood under enough pressure to provide an adequate blood supply to the organs and tissues.

LIFESAVING STEPS Control panic, both your own and the victim’s. Reassure him and try to keep him quiet. Perform a rapid physical exam. Look for the cause of the injury and follow the ABCs of first aid, starting with the airway and breathing, but be discerning. A person may die from arterial bleeding more quickly than from an airway obstruction in some cases. Open Airway and Maintain You can open an airway and maintain it by using the following steps. Step 1. Check if the victim has a partial or complete airway obstruction.

If he can cough or speak, allow him to clear the

obstruction naturally. Stand by, reassure the victim, and be ready to clear his airway and perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation should Page | 82

he become unconscious. If his airway is completely obstructed, administer abdominal thrusts until the obstruction is cleared. Step 2. Using a finger, quickly sweep the victim’s mouth clear of any foreign objects, broken teeth, dentures, sand. Step 3. Using the jaw thrust method, grasp the angles of the victim’s lower jaw and lift with both hands, one on each side, moving the jaw forward. For stability, rest your elbows on the surface on which the victim is lying. If his lips are closed, gently open the lower lip with your thumb. Step 4. With the victim’s airway open, pinch his nose closed with your thumb and forefinger and blow two complete breaths into his lungs. Allow the lungs to deflate after the second inflation and perform the following:

Look for his chest to rise and fall. Listen for escaping air during exhalation. Feel for flow of air on your cheek. Step 5. If the forced breaths do not stimulate spontaneous breathing, maintain the victim’s breathing by performing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

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Step 6. There is danger of the victim vomiting during mouth-tomouth resuscitation. Check the victim’s mouth periodically for vomit and clear as needed. Note: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) may be necessary after cleaning the airway, but only after major bleeding is under control.

Control Bleeding In a survival situation, you must control serious bleeding immediately because replacement fluids normally are not available and the victim can die within a matter of minutes. External bleeding falls into the following classifications (according to its source):

Arterial. Blood vessels called arteries carry blood away from the heart and through the body. A cut artery issues bright red blood from the wound in distinct spurts or pulses that correspond to the rhythm of the heartbeat. Because the blood in the arteries is under high pressure, an individual can lose a large volume of blood in a short period when damage to an artery of significant size occurs. Therefore, arterial bleeding is the most serious type of bleeding. If not controlled promptly, it can be fatal. Venous. Venous blood is blood that is returning to the heart through blood vessels called veins. A steady flow of dark red, maroon, or

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blood characterizes bleeding from a vein. You can usually control venous bleeding more easily than arterial bleeding. Capillary. The capillaries are the extremely small vessels that connect the arteries with the veins. Capillary bleeding most commonly occurs in minor cuts and scrapes. This type of bleeding is not difficult to control. You can control external bleeding by direct pressure, indirect (pressure points) pressure, elevation, digital ligation, or tourniquet. Direct Pressure

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The most effective way to control external bleeding is by applying pressure directly over the wound. This pressure must not only be firm enough to stop the bleeding, but it must also be maintained long enough to “seal off” the damaged surface. If bleeding continues after having applied direct pressure for 30 minutes, apply a pressure dressing. This dressing consists of a thick dressing of gauze or other suitable material applied directly over the wound and held in place with a tightly wrapped bandage. It should be tighter than an ordinary compression bandage but not so tight that it impairs circulation to the rest of the limb. Once you apply the dressing, do not remove it, even when the dressing becomes blood soaked. Leave the pressure dressing in place for 1 or 2 days, after which you can remove and replace it with a smaller dressing. In the long-term survival environment, make fresh, daily dressing changes and inspect for signs of infection. Elevation Raising an injured extremity as high as possible above the heart’s level slows blood loss by aiding the return of blood to the heart and lowering the blood pressure at the wound. However, elevation alone

will not control bleeding entirely; you must also apply direct pressure over the wound. When treating a snakebite, however, keep the extremity lower than the heart. Page | 86

Pressure Points A pressure point is a location where the main artery to the wound lies near the surface of the skin or where the artery passes directly over a bony prominence . You can use digital pressure on a pressure point to slow arterial bleeding until the application of a pressure dressing. Pressure point control is not as effective for controlling bleeding as direct pressure exerted on the wound. It is rare when a single major compressible artery supplies a damaged vessel.

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If you cannot remember the exact location of the pressure points, follow this rule: Apply pressure at the end of the joint just above the injured area. On hands, feet, and head, this will be the wrist, ankle, and neck, respectively. Maintain pressure points by placing a round stick in the joint, bending the joint over the stick, and then keeping it tightly bent by lashing. By using this method to maintain pressure, it frees your hands to work in other areas.

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Digital Ligation You can stop major bleeding immediately or slow it down by applying pressure with a finger or two on the bleeding end of the vein or artery. Maintain the pressure until the bleeding stops or slows down enough to apply a pressure bandage, elevation, and so forth. 89 | P a g e

Tourniquet Use a tourniquet only when direct pressure over the bleeding point and all other methods did not control the bleeding. If you leave a tourniquet in place too long, the damage to the tissues can progress to gangrene, with a loss of the limb later. An improperly applied tourniquet can also cause permanent damage to nerves and other tissues at the site of the constriction. If you must use a tourniquet, place it around the extremity, between the wound and the heart, 5 to 10 centimeters above the wound site. Never place it directly over the wound or a fracture. Use a stick as a handle to tighten the tourniquet and tighten it only enough to stop blood flow. When you have tightened the tourniquet, bind the free end of the stick to the limb to prevent unwinding. After you secure the tourniquet, clean and bandage the wound. A lone survivor does not remove or release an applied tourniquet. In a buddy system, however, the buddy can release the tourniquet pressure every 10 to 15 minutes for 1 or 2 minutes to let blood flow to the rest of the extremity to prevent limb loss. Prevent and Treat Shock Anticipate shock in all injured personnel. Treat all injured persons as follows, regardless of what symptoms appear.

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If the victim is conscious, place him on a level surface with the lower extremities elevated 15 to 20 centimeters.

If the victim is unconscious, place him on his side or abdomen with his head turned to one side to prevent choking on vomit, blood, or other fluids.

If you are unsure of the best position, place the victim perfectly flat. Once the victim is in a shock position, do not move him. Maintain body heat by insulating the victim from the surroundings and, in some instances, applying external heat.

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replace with dry clothing. Improvise a shelter to insulate the victim from the weather. Use warm liquids or foods, a pre-warmed sleeping bag, another person, warmed water in canteens, hot rocks wrapped in clothing, or fires on either side of the victim to provide external warmth. 

If the victim is conscious, slowly administer small doses of a warm salt or sugar solution, if available.

If the victim is unconscious or has abdominal wounds, do not give fluids by mouth. Have the victim rest for at least 24 hours.

If you are a lone survivor, lie in a depression in the ground, behind a tree, or any other place out of the weather, with your head lower than your feet.

If you are with a buddy, reassess your patient constantly.

BONE AND JOINT INJURY You could face bone and joint injuries that include fractures, dislocations, and sprains.

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Fractures There are basically two types of fractures: open and closed. With an open (or compound) fracture, the bone protrudes through the skin and complicates the actual fracture with an open wound. After setting the fracture, treat the wound as any other open wound. The closed fracture







immobilization, and set and splint the fracture.



The signs and

symptoms of a fracture are pain, tenderness, discoloration, swelling deformity, loss of function, and grating (a sound or feeling that occurs when broken bone ends rub together). The dangers with a fracture are the severing or the compression of a nerve or blood vessel at the site of fracture. For this reason minimum Manipulation should be done, and only very cautiously. If you notice the area below the break becoming numb, swollen, cool to the touch, or turning pale, and the victim shows signs of shock, a major vessel may have been severed. You must control this internal bleeding. Rest the victim for shock, and replace lost fluids.

Often you must

maintain traction during the splinting and healing process.

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You can effectively pull smaller bones such as the arm or lower leg by hand. You can create traction by wedging a hand or foot in the Vnotch of a tree and pushing against the tree with the other extremity. You can then splint the break. Very strong muscles hold a broken thighbone (femur) in place making it difficult to maintain traction during healing. You can make an improvised traction splint using natural material as follows:

Get two forked branches or saplings at least 5 centimeters in diameter. Measure one from the patient’s armpit to 20 to 30 centimeters past his unbroken leg. Measure the other from the groin to 20 to 30 centimeters past the unbroken leg. Ensure that both extend an equal distance beyond the end of the leg.

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Pad the two splints. Notch the ends without forks and lash a 20- to 30-centimeter cross member made from a 5-centimeter diameter branch between them.

Using available material (vines, cloth,

rawhide), tie the splint around the upper portion of the body and down the length of the broken leg. Follow the splinting guidelines. With available material, fashion a wrap that will extend around the ankle, with the two free ends tied to he cross member. Place a 10- by 2.5-centimeter stick in the middle of the free ends of the ankle wrap between the cross member and the 97 | P a g e

foot. Using the stick, twist the material to make the traction easier. Continue twisting until the broken leg is as long or slightly longer than the unbroken leg. Lash the stick to maintain traction.

Note: Over time you may lose traction because the material weakened. Check the traction periodically. If you must change or repair the splint, maintain the traction manually for a short time. Dislocations Dislocations are the separations of bone joints causing the bones to go out of proper alignment. These misalignments can be extremely painful and can cause an impairment of nerve or circulatory function below the area affected. You must place these joints back into alignment as quickly as possible. Signs and symptoms of dislocations are joint pain, tenderness, swelling, discoloration, limited range of motion, and deformity of the joint. You treat dislocations by reduction, immobilization, and rehabilitation. Reduction or “setting” is placing the bones back into their proper alignment. You can use several methods, but manual traction or the use of weights to pull the bones are the safest and easiest. Once performed, reduction decreases the victim’s pain and allows for normal function and circulation. Without an X ray, you

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can judge proper alignment by the look and feel of the joint and by comparing it to the joint on the opposite side. Immobilization is nothing more than splinting the dislocation after reduction. You can use any field-expedient material for a splint or you can splint an extremity to the body. The basic guidelines for splinting are— Splint above and below the fracture site. Pad splints to reduce discomfort. Check circulation below the fracture after making each tie on the splint. To rehabilitate the dislocation, remove the splints after 7 to 14 days. Gradually use the injured joint until fully healed.

Sprains The accidental overstretching of a tendon or ligament causes sprains. The signs and symptoms are pain, swelling, tenderness, and discoloration (black and blue). When treating sprains, think RICE— R - Rest injured area. I - Ice for 24 hours, then heat after that. C - Compression-wrapping and/or splinting to help stabilize. If possible, leave the boot on a sprained ankle unless circulation is compromised. E - Elevation of the affected area. 99 | P a g e

BITES AND STINGS Insects and related pests are hazards in a survival situation. They not only cause irritations, but they are often carriers of diseases that cause severe allergic reactions in some individuals. In many parts of the world you will be exposed to serious, even fatal, diseases not encountered in the United States. Ticks can carry and transmit diseases, such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever common in many parts of the United States. Ticks also transmit the Lyme disease. Mosquitoes may carry malaria, dengue, and many other diseases. Flies can spread disease from contact with infectious sources. They are causes of sleeping sickness, typhoid, cholera, and dysentery. Fleas can transmit plague. Lice can transmit typhus and relapsing fever. The best way to avoid the complications of insect bites and stings is to keep immunizations (including booster shots) up-to-date, avoid insect infested areas, use netting and insect repellent, and wear all clothing properly. If you get bitten or stung, do not scratch the bite or sting, it might become infected. Inspect your body at least once a day to ensure there are no insects attached to you. If you find ticks attached to your body, cover them with a substance, such as Vaseline, heavy oil, Page | 100

or tree sap that will cut off their air supply. Without air, the tick releases its hold, and you can remove it. Take care to remove the whole tick. Use tweezers if you have them. Grasp the tick where the mouth parts are attached to the skin. Do not squeeze the tick’s body. Wash your hands after touching the tick. Clean the tick wound daily until healed. Treatment It is impossible to list the treatment of all the different types of bites and stings. Threat bites and stings as follows: If antibiotics are available for your use, become familiar with them before deployment and use them. Predeployment immunizations can prevent most of the common diseases carried by mosquitoes and some carried by flies. The common fly-borne diseases are usually treatable with penicillin or erythromycin. Most tick-, flea-, louse-, and mite-borne diseases are treatable with tetracycline. Most antibiotics come in 250 milligram (mg) or 500 mg tablets. If you cannot remember the exact dose rate to treat a disease, 2 tablets, 4 times a day for 10 to 14 days will usually kill any bacteria. Bee and Wasp Stings If stung by a bee, immediately remove the stinger and venom sac, if attached, by scraping with a fingernail or a knife blade. Do not squeeze or grasp the stinger or venom sac, as squeezing will force 101 | P a g e

more venom into the wound. Wash the sting site thoroughly with soap and water to lessen the chance of a secondary infection. If you know or suspect that you are allergic to insect stings, always carry an insect sting kit with you. Relieve the itching and discomfort caused by insect bites by applying—cold compresses. 

A cooling paste of mud and ashes.

Sap from dandelions.

Coconut meat.

Crushed cloves of garlic.


Spider Bites and Scorpion Stings The black widow spider is identified by a red hourglass on its abdomen. Only the female bites, and it has a neurotoxic venom. The initial pain is not severe, but severe local pain rapidly develops. The pain gradually spreads over the entire body and settles in the abdomen and legs. Abdominal cramps and progressive nausea, vomiting, and a rash may occur. Weakness, tremors, sweating, and salivation may occur. Anaphylactic reactions can occur. Symptoms begin to regress after several hours and are usually gone in a few days. Threat for shock. Be ready to perform CPR. Clean and dress the bite area to reduce the risk of infection. An antivenin is available.

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The funnel web spider is a large brown or gray spider found in Australia. The symptoms and the treatment for its bite are as for the black widow spider. The brown house spider or brown recluse spider is a small, light brown spider identified by a dark brown violin on its back. There is no pain, or so little pain, that usually a victim is not aware of the bite. Within a few hours a painful red area with a mottled cyanotic center appears. Necrosis does not occur in all bites, but usually in 3 to 4 days, a starshaped, firm area of deep purple discoloration appears at the bite site. The area turns dark and mummified in a week or two. The margins separate and the scab falls off, leaving an open ulcer. Secondary infection and regional swollen lymph glands usually become visible at this stage. The outstanding characteristic of the brown recluse bite is an ulcer that does not heal but persists for weeks or months. In addition to the ulcer, there is often a systemic reaction that is serious and may lead to death.

Reactions (fever, chills, joint pain, vomiting, and a

generalized rash) occur chiefly in children or debilitated persons. Tarantulas are large, hairy spiders found mainly in the tropics. Most do not inject venom, but some South American species do. They have large fangs. If bitten, pain and bleeding are certain, and infection is likely. Treat a tarantula bite as for any open wound, and try to 103 | P a g e

prevent infection. If symptoms of poisoning appear, treat as for the bite of the black widow spider.

Scorpions are all poisonous to a greater or lesser degree. There are two different reactions, depending on the species: 

Severe local reaction only, with pain and swelling around the area of the sting. Possible prickly sensation around the mouth and a thick feeling tongue.

Severe systemic reaction, with little or no visible local reaction. Local pain may be present. Systemic reaction includes respiratory difficulties, thick-feeling tongue, body spasms, drooling,






involuntary rapid movement of the eyeballs, involuntary urination and defecation, and heart failure. Death is rare, occurring mainly in children and adults with high blood pressure or illnesses.

Treat scorpion stings as you would a black widow bite. Snakebites The chance of a snakebite in a survival situation is rather small, if you are familiar with the various types of snakes and their habitats. However, it could happen and you should know how to treat a snakebite. Page | 104

Deaths from snakebites are rare. More than one-half of the snakebite victims have little or no poisoning, and only about one-quarter develop serious systemic poisoning. However, the chance of a snakebite in a survival situation can affect morale, and failure to take preventive measures or failure to treat a snakebite properly can result in needless tragedy. The primary concern in the treatment of snakebite is to limit the amount of eventual tissue destruction around the bite area. A bite wound, regardless of the type of animal that inflicted it, can become infected from bacteria in the animal’s mouth. With nonpoisonous as well as poisonous snakebites, this local infection is responsible for a large part of the residual damage that results. Snake venoms not only contain poisons that attack the victim’s central nervous system (neurotoxins) and blood circulation (hemotoxins), but also digestive enzymes (cytotoxins) to aid in digesting their prey. These poisons can cause a very large area of tissue death, leaving a large open wound. This condition could lead to the need for eventual amputation if not treated. Shock and panic in a person bitten by a snake can also affect the person’s recovery. Excitement, hysteria, and panic can speed up the circulation, causing the body to absorb the toxin quickly. Signs of shock occur within the first 30 minutes after the bite. 105 | P a g e

Before you start treating a snakebite, determine whether the snake was poisonous or nonpoisonous. Bites from a nonpoisonous snake will show rows of teeth. Bites from a poisonous snake may have rows of teeth showing, but will have one or more distinctive puncture marks caused by fang penetration. Symptoms of a poisonous bite may be spontaneous bleeding from the nose and anus, blood in the urine, pain at the site of the bite, and swelling at the site of the bite within a few minutes or up to 2 hours later. Breathing difficulty, paralysis, weakness, twitching, and numbness are also signs of neurotoxic venoms. These signs usually appear 1.5 to 2 hours after the bite. If you determine that a poisonous snake bit an individual, take the following steps: 

Reassure the victim and keep him still.

Set up for shock and force fluids or give an intravenous (IV). Remove watches, rings, bracelets, or other constricting items. Clean the bite area.

Maintain an airway (especially if bitten near the face or neck) and be prepared to administer mouth-to-mouth resuscitation or CPR.

Use a constricting band between the wound and the heart. Page | 106

Immobilize the site.

Remove the poison as soon as possible by using a mechanical suction device or by squeezing.

Do not– Give the victim alcoholic beverages or tobacco products.

Give morphine or other central nervous system (CNS) depressors. Make any deep cuts at the bite site. Cutting opens capillaries that in turn open a direct route into the blood stream for venom and infection.

Note: If medical treatment is over one hour away, make an incision (no longer than 6 millimeters and no deeper than 3 millimeter) over each puncture, cutting just deep enough to enlarge the fang opening, but only through the first or second layer of skin. Place a suction cup over the bite so that you have a good vacuum seal. Suction the bite site 3 to 4 times. Use mouth suction only as a last resort and only if you do not have open sores in your mouth. Spit the envenomed blood out and rinse your mouth with water. This method will draw out 25 to 30 percent of the venom. Put your hands on your face or rub your eyes, as venom may be on your hands. Venom may cause blindness. Break open the large blisters

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that form around the bite site. After caring for the victim as described above, take the following actions to minimize local effects: 

If infection appears, keep the wound open and clean.

Use heat after 24 to 48 hours to help prevent the spread of local infection. Heat also helps to draw out an infection.

Keep the wound covered with a dry, sterile dressing.

Have the victim drink large amounts of fluids until the infection is gone.

WOUNDS An interruption of the skin’s integrity characterizes wounds. These wounds could be open wounds, skin diseases, frostbite, trench foot, and burns. Open Wounds Open wounds are serious in a survival situation, not only because of tissue damage and blood loss, but also because they may become infected.

Bacteria on the object that made the wound, on the

individual’s skin and clothing, or on other foreign material or dirt that touches the wound may cause infection. By taking proper care of the wound you can reduce further contamination and promote healing. Clean the wound as soon as possible after it occurs by— Removing or cutting clothing away from the wound.

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Always looking for an exit wound if a sharp object, gun shot, or projectile caused a wound. Thoroughly cleaning the skin around the wound. Rinsing (not scrubbing) the wound with large amounts of water under pressure. You can use fresh urine if water is not available. The “open treatment” method is the safest way to manage wounds in survival situations. Do not try to close any wound by suturing or similar procedures. Leave the wound open to allow the drainage of any pus resulting from infection. As long as the wound can drain, it generally will not become life-threatening, regardless of how unpleasant it looks or smells. Cover the wound with a clean dressing. Place a bandage on the dressing to hold it in place. Change the dressing daily to check for infection. If a wound is gaping, you can bring the edges together with adhesive tape cut in the form of a “butterfly” or “dumbbell”. In a survival situation, some degree of wound infection is almost inevitable. Pain, swelling, and redness around the wound, increased temperature, and pus in the wound or on the dressing indicate infection is present. To treat an infected wound: Place a warm, moist compress directly on the infected wound. Change the compress when it cools, keeping a warm compress on the wound 109 | P a g e

for a total of 30 minutes. Apply the compresses three or four times daily. Drain the wound. Open and gently probe the infected wound with a sterile instrument. Dress and bandage the wound. Drink a lot of water. Continue this treatment daily until all signs of infection have disappeared. If you do not have antibiotics and the wound has become severely infected, does not heal, and ordinary debridement is impossible, consider maggot therapy, despite its hazards: Expose the wound to flies for one day and then cover it. Check daily for maggots. Once maggots develop, keep wound covered but check daily. Remove all maggots when they have cleaned out all dead tissue and before they start on healthy tissue. Increased pain and bright red blood in the wound indicate that the maggots have reached healthy tissue. Flush the wound repeatedly with sterile water or fresh urine to remove the maggots. Check the wound every four hours for several days to ensure all maggots have been removed. Bandage the wound and treat it as any other wound. It should heal normally. Skin Diseases and Ailments Although boils, fungal infections, and rashes rarely develop into a serious health problem, they cause discomfort and you should treat them. Page | 110

Boils Apply warm compresses to bring the boil to a head. Then open the boil using a sterile knife, wire, needle, or similar item. Thoroughly clean out the pus using soap and water. Cover the boil site, checking it periodically to ensure no further infection develops. Fungal Infections Keep the skin clean and dry, and expose the infected area to as much sunlight as possible. Do not scratch the affected area. During the Southeast Asian conflict, soldiers used antifungal powders, lye soap, chlorine bleach, alcohol, vinegar, concentrated salt water, and iodine to treat fungal infections with varying degrees of success. As with any

“unorthodox” method of treatment, use it with caution. Rashes To treat a skin rash effectively, first determine what is causing it. This determination may be difficult even in the best of situations. Observe the following rules to treat rashes: 

If it is moist, keep it dry.

If it is dry, keep it moist.

Do not scratch it.

Use a compress of vinegar or tannic acid derived from tea or from boiling acorns or the bark of a hardwood tree to dry

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weeping rashes. Keep dry rashes moist by rubbing a small amount of rendered animal fat or grease on the affected area. Remember, treat rashes as open wounds and clean and dress them daily. There are many substances available to survivors in the wild or in captivity for use as antiseptics to treat wound:

Iodine tablets. Use 5 to 15 tablets in a liter of water to produce a good rinse for wounds during healing.

Garlic. Rub it on a wound or boil it to extract the oils and use the water to rinse the affected area.

Salt water. Use 2 to 3 tablespoons per liter of water to kill bacteria. Bee honey. Use it straight or dissolved in water. Sphagnum moss. Found in boggy areas worldwide, it is a natural source of iodine. Use as a dressing.

Again, use noncommercial prepared materials with caution. Frostbite This injury results from frozen tissues. Light frostbite involves only the skin that takes on a dull, whitish pallor. Deep frostbite extends to a depth below the skin. The tissues become solid and immovable. Your feet, hands, and exposed facial areas are particularly vulnerable to frostbite. When with others, prevent frostbite by using the buddy system. Check your buddy’s face often and make sure that he checks yours. If you are alone, periodically cover your nose and lower part of your face with your mittens. Do not try to thaw the affected areas by Page | 112

placing them close to an open flame. Gently rub them in lukewarm water. Dry the part and place it next to your skin to warm it at body temperature.

Trench Foot This condition results from many hours or days of exposure to wet or damp conditions at a temperature just above freezing. The nerves and muscles sustain the main damage, but gangrene can occur. In extreme cases the flesh dies and it may become necessary to have the foot or leg amputated. The best prevention is to keep your feet dry. Carry extra socks with you in a waterproof packet. Dry wet socks against your body. Wash your feet daily and put on dry socks. Burns The following field treatment for burns relieves the pain somewhat, seems to help speed healing, and offers some protection against infection: First, stop the burning process. Put out the fire by removing clothing, dousing with water or sand, or by rolling on the ground. Cool the burning skin with ice or water. For burns caused by white phosphorous, pick out the white phosphorous with tweezers; do not douse with water.

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Soak dressings or clean rags for 10 minutes in a boiling tannic acid solution (obtained from tea, inner bark of hardwood trees, or acorns boiled in water).

Cool the dressings or clean rags and apply over burns.

Rest as an open wound.

Replace fluid loss.

Maintain airway.

Treat for shock.

Consider using morphine, unless the burns are near the face.

ENVIRONMENTAL INJURIES Heatstroke, hypothermia, diarrhea, and intestinal parasites are environmental injuries you could face. Heatstroke 

The breakdown of the body’s heat regulatory system (body temperature more than 40.5 degrees C [105 degrees F]) causes a heatstroke. Other heat injuries, such as cramps or dehydration, do not always precede a heatstroke. Signs and symptoms of heatstroke are—

Swollen, beet-red face.

Reddened whites of eyes.

Victim not sweating.

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Unconsciousness or delirium, which can cause pallor, a bluish color to lips and nail beds (cyanosis), and cool skin.

Note: By this time the victim is in severe shock. Cool the victim as rapidly as possible. Cool him by dipping him in a cool stream. If one is not available, douse the victim with urine, water, or at the very least, apply cool wet compresses to all the joints, especially the neck, armpits, and crotch. Be sure to wet the victim’s head. Heat loss through the scalp is great. Administer IVs and provide drinking fluids. You may fan the individual. Expect, during cooling: 






Prolonged unconsciousness.

Rebound heatstroke within 48 hours.

Cardiac arrest; be ready to perform CPR.

Note: Treat for dehydration with lightly salted water. Intestinal Parasites You can usually avoid worm infestations and other intestinal parasites if you take preventive measures. For example, never go barefoot. The most effective way to prevent intestinal parasites is to avoid uncooked 115 | P a g e

meat and raw vegetables contaminated by raw sewage or human waste used as a fertilizer.

However, should you become infested and lack proper medicine, you can use home remedies. Keep in mind that these home remedies work on the principle of changing the environment of the gastrointestinal tract. The following are home remedies you could use:

Salt water. Dissolve 4 tablespoons of salt in 1 liter of water and drink. Do not repeat this treatment.

Tobacco. Eat 1 to 1.5 cigarettes. The nicotine in the cigarette will kill or stun the worms long enough for your system to pass them. If the infestation is severe, repeat the treatment in 24 to 48 hours, but no

sooner. Kerosene. Drink 2 tablespoons of kerosene but no more. If necessary, you can repeat this treatment in 24 to 48 hours. Be careful not to inhale the fumes. They may cause lung irritation.

Hot peppers. Peppers are effective only if they are a steady part of your diet. You can eat them raw or put them in soups or rice and meat dishes. They create an environment that is prohibitive to parasitic attachment. HERBAL MEDICINES Our modern wonder drugs, laboratories, and equipment have obscured more primitive types of medicine involving determination, Page | 116

common sense, and a few simple treatments. In many areas of the world, however, the people still depend on local “witch doctors” or healers to cure their ailments. Many of the herbs (plants) and treatments they use are as effective as the most modern medications available. In fact, many modern medications come from refined

herbs. (See Edible Plants)

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I truly hope that this book was educational to say the least and proves you with fundamentally applicable knowledge that you can apply with results. We live in trying times and often these times cause for drastic measures. May the Creator of the Universe give you peace…… ~ Sarim Ibn Salahadhin

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