Bài KT 2 K Năng TH 6 B2 [PDF]

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Bài KT 2 Kỹ năng TH 6 B2


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22/12/2020 5:10:09 AM


22/12/2020 6:03:25 AM

Câu 1: 1. In addition to his regular hours he’s working a lot of _________ to earn extra money. 2. Mary’s on _________ leave at the moment because she’s just had a baby. 3. If you wear a _________ , it means you don’t have to buy smart suits for work. 4. My last job was very _________ paid so I looked for another one with a better salary. 5. I hate writing letters and reports but you can’t escape doing _________ in this job. 6. John surprised everyone by handing in his _________ last week. 7. To get results in this job, you have to work as part of a _________ . 8. Employees who aren’t happy with their working conditions sometimes go on _________ . 9. Some people enjoy doing _________ work but I prefer regular hours every day. 10. Who is in _________ of this department now that Mandy has left? Trả lời: 1. overtime 2. maternity 3. uniform 4. poorly 5. paperwork 6. notice 7. team 8. strike 9. shift 10. charge Câu 3: Imagine you have seen an advert for a two-week course for adventure sports. Write a letter to apply for a place on the course. Use the writing guide to help you. Paragraph 1: Say why you are writing. Paragraph 2: Give details about yourself.

Paragraph 3: Say why you want to go on the course. Paragraph 4: Ask some questions about the course. Trả lời: Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing this letter to get enroll in the course which I have seen in an advertisement published online a few days ago, where it shows that your sports center is offering a two-week course for adventure sports in California. I am Richard Green, 23 years old. Currently, I am looking for a job, so I can arrange the timing to take part in the course. I love adventure sports, especially rock climbing. Although it is dangerous and people may get injured or even die, rock climbing is an activity that engages nearly all major muscle groups in a body. I know some people who can climb up to some of the highest cliffs after joining your course. They feel satisfied and highly recommend me. I would appreciate it if you could tell me the refund policy in case I do not complete the whole course. I also would like to know if your center provides accommodation and meals for the whole course. Finally, I would request you to email the document checklists to join the course. Thank you in advance. A prompt response would be highly appreciated. Yours faithfully, Richard Green Câu 2: How far would you go? Several science-fiction films and series have become so popular that they have achieved cult status. Their influence continues to grow and followers and fans remain steadfastly loyal to their imagined heroes. There are conventions, books, magazines and websites all dedicated to these stars, their exploits and their lives. One of the most influential TV sci-fi series of all time was Star Trek, an American series which followed the adventures of the Starship Enterprise across galaxies for many, many years. The characters of Captain Kirk, Doctor Spock and Engineer Scottie, to name just a few members of the valiant crew, captured our imaginations. Feature films brought the adventures to the big screen but even when the series and films had finished and the ageing crew long retired loyal fans keep the memories alive. There are regular Star Trek conventions all over the world where fans meet to buy memorabilia, listen to talks and of course dress up as their favourite aliens. And as with other cult shows, Star Trek also has its fair share of eccentrics who take interest that one step further – into obsession. One such person, Tony Adams, lives in Leicestershire, England and is so fond of the series that he spent several years and many thousands of pounds decorating and changing his flat into the bridge of the Starship Enterprise. It contains replicas of all the machines and screens and even has a transporter room fitted with special beams of light. The flat is perfect but it still functions as a living area. The owner has ingeniously disguised essential appliances such as microwaves and sinks, and normal entertainment equipment like TV, radio and DVD systems are carefully hidden behind wall panels. The whole flat is bathed in an eerie blue light and you can really imagine looking out of one of the porthole windows and seeing stars and planets speeding past. Perhaps the owner’s next step will be to learn Klingon, the language spoken by one

of the alien species that Kirk and friends encounter on their travels. In a quite remarkable feat, a whole new language has been created and it is possible to attend the Klingon Language Institute in Pennsylvania, founded by Lawrence M Schoen. You can actually gain a qualification in Klingon. And when you have learned the language you will be able to read Shakespeare’s Hamlet which has already been translated! For more interesting Star Trek obsessives, look on their website or even better, go to one of their conventions. It will be quite an experience! Choose the correct answers. 1. The fans of science fiction series and films A. live in an imaginary world. B. are members of a cult. C. support their idols. 2. At a Star Trek convention you can A. meet the actors. B. buy things from the series. C. see replicas of the starships. 3. Tony’s flat A. has the latest technology. B. lacks basic facilities. C. is not what it seems. 4. Which adjective best describes Tony? A. curious B. wealthy C. passionate 5. People can practise Klingon A. by reading a play. B. by visiting the country. C. by studying online. Trả lời: 1. C 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. A