B0010961 - en - Pcu User Manual CU Pellet Mill V02 [PDF]

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User Manual Pellet Mill type CU CU Basic, CU Dynamic and CU Dynamic Plus

V02 11-2016

IMPORTANT: Operating and technical personnel must be completely familiar with the contents of this manual!

IMPORTANT: Spare parts can only be ordered with the order form (Chapter 9). Copy the ‘FB. no’ from the identification plate on your machine to the order form.

Copyright © 2016 Van Aarsen International B.V., the Netherlands All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior permission of the publisher. Van Aarsens’ policy is one of continuous product improvement and the right is reserved to amend or modify the construction and/or model of our products at any time whatsoever without prior notice and without any obligation to modify any previously supplied products accordingly. Whilst reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that at the time of publishing this user manual is correct, the descriptions and illustrations appearing are not binding.


CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 5 1.1. General ............................................................................................................................................ 5 1.2. CU pellet mill types .......................................................................................................................... 5 1.2.1. Manual .............................................................................................................................................. 5 1.2.2. Warranty ........................................................................................................................................... 6 1.2.3. Conventions....................................................................................................................................... 6 1.3. Conditions of use.............................................................................................................................. 6 1.3.1. Intended use ..................................................................................................................................... 6 1.3.2. Professional knowledge ....................................................................................................................... 6 1.3.3. Sound pressure .................................................................................................................................. 6 1.4. Environment..................................................................................................................................... 6 1.5. Guarantee ........................................................................................................................................ 6 2. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS .......................................................................................................................... 7 2.1. Signs on the machine ....................................................................................................................... 7 2.2. Location on the machine. ................................................................................................................ 8 2.3. Identification plate ........................................................................................................................... 8 2.3.1. Appearance of the identification plate .................................................................................................... 9 2.3.2. Location on the machine...................................................................................................................... 9 2.4. Declaration of Conformity .............................................................................................................. 10 3. DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................................................................... 11 3.1. Machine overview .......................................................................................................................... 11 3.2. Pellet mill doors (B1&B2) ............................................................................................................... 12 3.3. The die holder with conical seating (Q) .......................................................................................... 12 3.4. The die (N) ..................................................................................................................................... 13 3.5. The pressure rollers (O) ................................................................................................................. 13 3.6. The drive (D) ................................................................................................................................. 13 3.7. Break pin protection ....................................................................................................................... 14 3.8. Die clamping with Quick-Fit system ............................................................................................... 14 3.9. Roller adjustment system............................................................................................................... 15 3.9.1. Hand operated (CU Basic).................................................................................................................. 15 3.9.2. Positioning of the pressure rollers for the disassembly of the pressure rollers and/or die (Figure 3.9) ........... 15 3.9.3. Automatic operated (Figure 3.11) (CU Dynamic and CU Dynamic Plus) .................................................... 16 3.10. Automatic lubrication system ......................................................................................................... 16 3.10.1. Grease (Figure 3.12) (CU basic and CU Dynamic) ................................................................................. 16 3.10.2. Oil (Figure 3.13) (CU Dynamic Plus) ................................................................................................... 17 3.10.3. Temperature measurement of the rollers (only for oil lubrication) ........................................................... 17 3.11. Integrated hoisting carriage (Figure 3.14: AK) .............................................................................. 17 3.12. Slow turning device (Figure 3.15: AL).............................................................................................. 18 3.13. Electrical components .................................................................................................................... 18 3.13.1. Main access door – locking system (Figure 3.16: AM) ........................................................................... 18 4. INSTALLATION...................................................................................................................................... 19 4.1. Transportation ............................................................................................................................... 19 4.2. Hoisting and lifting ......................................................................................................................... 19 4.3. Machine foundation ........................................................................................................................ 19 4.4. Connection conditions .................................................................................................................... 19 4.4.1. EU countries .................................................................................................................................... 19 4.4.2. Other countries ................................................................................................................................ 20 4.5. Instruction for die and roller exchange for pellet mills with manual roll adjustment...................... 20 4.6. Connection electrical installation ................................................................................................... 20 4.7. Check safety devices ...................................................................................................................... 20 5. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................................................. 21 5.1. Before start up the pellet mill......................................................................................................... 21 5.2. Start the production ....................................................................................................................... 22 5.2.1. Starting sequence and operation pelleting line ...................................................................................... 22 5.2.2. Starting conditions pelleting line ......................................................................................................... 22 5.2.3. Take actions on the operating panel at the pellet mill ............................................................................ 22 5.2.4. Start up the pellet mill ...................................................................................................................... 22 5.3. Stop the production........................................................................................................................ 23 5.3.1. Quick stop ...................................................................................................................................... 23 5.4. Slow turning device ........................................................................................................................ 23


6. MAINTENANCE ...................................................................................................................................... 25 6.1. Maintenance schedule operator (Table 6.1) ................................................................................... 25 6.2. Maintenance by technical personnel (Table 6.1) ............................................................................ 25 6.3. Lubrication ..................................................................................................................................... 29 6.3.1. Lubrication conditions ....................................................................................................................... 29 6.4. Lubrication prescription ................................................................................................................. 29 6.4.1. Approved oils for CU Dynamic Plus ...................................................................................................... 29 6.4.2. Approved greases for CU Basic and Dynamic ........................................................................................ 29 6.5. Lubrication main bearings and roller bearings CU Dynamic Plus .................................................... 31 6.5.1. Oil lubrication system........................................................................................................................ 31 6.5.2. Flow chart ....................................................................................................................................... 32 6.5.3. Operation ........................................................................................................................................ 32 6.5.4. HMI interface oil heating timer ........................................................................................................... 33 6.5.5. HMI interface lubrication system ......................................................................................................... 34 6.5.6. Life cycle oil ..................................................................................................................................... 34 6.5.7. Maintenance requirement .................................................................................................................. 35 6.5.8. Factory settings lubrication CU Dynamic Plus ........................................................................................ 35 6.5.9. Lubrication for sealing ring main shaft ................................................................................................ 37 6.6. Lubrication main bearings and roller bearings CU Basic and CU Dynamic ....................................... 37 6.6.1. Grease lubrication system.................................................................................................................. 37 6.6.2. Flow chart ....................................................................................................................................... 38 6.6.3. Operation ........................................................................................................................................ 38 6.6.4. HMI interface ................................................................................................................................... 39 6.6.5. Maintenance requirement .................................................................................................................. 39 6.7. Lubrication bearings of the intermediate shaft ............................................................................... 40 6.8. Lubrication bearings of the main motor ......................................................................................... 40 6.9. Lubrication main shaft bearing bushes ........................................................................................... 41 6.9.1. Disassembly of the geared belt .......................................................................................................... 42 6.9.2. Assembly of the geared belt ............................................................................................................... 43 6.9.3. Fit a new break pin (see figure 6.20) ................................................................................................... 44 6.10. Servicing and exchanging wear parts ............................................................................................. 44 6.10.1. Tensioning the v-belts ....................................................................................................................... 44 6.10.2. Exchanging the v-belts ...................................................................................................................... 45 6.10.3. Adjusting the geared belt .................................................................................................................. 45 6.10.4. Exchanging or tensioning the geared belt............................................................................................. 46 6.10.5. Checking the main bearings (Figure 6.21) ............................................................................................ 46 6.10.6. Exchanging or cleaning the grease filter (CUG) ..................................................................................... 46 6.10.7. Exchanging the oil filter (CUO). Figure 6.23. ........................................................................................ 47 6.10.8. Adjusting the seal in the door (after die exchange). Figure 6.24.............................................................. 47 6.10.9. Exchanging the scrapers of the groove (when worn to the wear-indicator nodge). Figure 6.25 / 6.26 ........... 47 6.10.10. Exchanging the infeed blades ........................................................................................................... 48 6.10.11. Adjusting the pellet knives (after each time the main door is opened). Figure 6.26. ................................. 48 6.10.12. Exchanging the pellet knives. Figure 6.27. ......................................................................................... 48 7. TROUBLESHOOTING .............................................................................................................................. 49 8. PARTS LIST ........................................................................................................................................... 50 9. ORDER FORM FOR SPARE PARTS ........................................................................................................... 51




1.1. General Van Aarsen CU-type pellet mills are ‘ring die pellet mills’ (Figure 1.1). Pelleting is the compaction of (conditioned) meal by pressing it through a pre-determined forming die. The process of pelleting involves forcing the soft feed through round holes in a metal ring-shaped die (A). In the mill the meal flows into the rotating die, partly via the feeder blades (C), where it is pressed outwards by pressure rollers (B). Feed is forced through the radial die holes in increments so that a finished pellet consists of tight layers of feed mixture. The obtained pellets (D) are cut to length by a stripper. These pellets are then taken to the cooler through the outlet in the door. The die is driven by a motor and the rolls turn only as feed between rolls and die develops traction. Reasons to pelletize feed: • Compound mixed recipe into edible granule to prevent selective eating by livestock • Reduce (cross) contamination by significantly reduced dust formation • Increase feed intake due to reduced waste on farms • Improve transport efficiency due to increased bulk density


Figure 1.1 1.2.

CU pellet mill types Grease lubrication

CU Basic


CU Dynamic


CU Dynamic Plus

Oil lubrication

Hand operated roller adjustment

Automatic operated roller adjustment



Van Aarsen must be consulted if you wish to press other products or product groups than those that were considered during the configuration of the pelleting line lay-out. Van Aarsen will then examine whether the product can be pressed with the pellet line and/or if possible adaptations are required to make pressing possible. Van Aarsen strongly advises you against experimenting yourself with unknown products, as this can damage (parts of) the machines or the machines may regularly display faults! 1.2.1. Manual This manual is intended for operating and technical maintenance personnel.


1.2.2. Warranty Van Aarsen guarantees the product only for the purpose for which it is intended. Any misuse or alteration invalidates the warranty. • Read this manual carefully before operating the product; • Only use Van Aarsen spare parts. 1.2.3. Conventions The following signs are used in this manual:

Warning or caution: Risk of personal injury, loss of life or a risk of damage to the machine.

Risk of electric shock.

Additional information.

Risk of fire


Conditions of use

1.3.1. Intended use The Pellet mill is a machine intended for building into a larger system. This larger entity may be a compound animal feed factory or a so-called ‘pelleting line’. Only after the pellet mill has been built into the entity, it becomes a complete machine. The pellet mill is a machine that functions with local operation, it merely has to be switched on and it starts operating after a fill command is given. When the machine is not built into a larger system and the inlet and/or outlet are not shielded off, the user is responsible for application of safety measurements. NEN-EN 681, NEN-EN 620. The machine must be lubricated according to the lubrication and maintenance conditions (refer to Chapter 6). All technical checks and inspections must be done by qualified technical personnel. If the assembly conditions are followed the machine will operate in a maintenance-friendly manner. 1.3.2. Professional knowledge To mechanically install and electrically connect the machine professional knowledge is required. The training level required for technical personnel (fitter) is the equivalent of a secondary technical education or knowledge and experience gained equivalent to this. For operating personnel the training requirements of the employer will do. 1.3.3. Sound pressure The machine is intended for building into a complex installation, and this machine may not be brought into use until it conforms to the fundamental requirements of the machine directive. Persons who have responsibility for the entire installation must take sufficient measures against the sound pressure emitted when required. 1.4. Environment At the end of its working life dispose the machine in conformation with the regulations in your country. 1.5. Guarantee Van Aarsen guarantees the delivered equipment for a period of 1 year after putting into operation/commissioning, based on working days of 8 hours, but no longer than 18 months after shipment from Panheel, the Netherlands. There is under no circumstance, guarantee provided for defects caused entirely or partly due the following: • • • • • 6

Non-compliance with the operation and maintenance instructions or with normal usage; Normal wearing; Assembly/installation or repair being carried out by a third party or by Buyer; Application of non-original parts; Materials, operating procedures and constructions being altered under explicit instruction from the Buyer.



The machine is provided with a number of safety devices: • Pictograms; • CE-prescribed main switch for the complete unit. Never circumvent the safety protection in order to prevent serious injury! CAUTION • Always use Van Aarsen spare parts. • Do not cover signs or other markings on the machine and make sure that they remain readable. • Always obey the safety regulations that apply in your country to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock and personal injury. • Keep the work area clean. • To prevent dust explosion, all machines must be kept clean. Never let more than 5 mm dust accumulate on the machines! • Make sure that the work place is safe. • Guard against electric shock. • Do a regular check for damaged parts. • Always wear protective headwear, ear protectors, footwear and gloves suitable for safe operation of the machine. The protective clothing must not interfere with safe operation of the machine or restrict the ability to communicate with co-workers. • To protect your respiratory system against irritation and/or infections you must wear a fine-dust mask during maintenance and cleaning activities. • During cleaning activities and in the neighborhood of running machines, eye protection is mandatory. • Always work with at least one colleague. • It is strictly forbidden to put hands or other body parts in the press chamber of the pellet mill during the pressing process and the slowing down period of the machine! This can cause severe injuries to these body parts! • Never disable or deliberately switch off built-in safety devices, as this can cause serious personal accidents! When a safety device unexpectedly doesn’t work or doesn’t work properly, it must be suitably repaired or replaced immediately.

2.1. Signs on the machine Safety, warning, and information signs are attached to the machine to provide general and safety information. 1

Caution: hot surface.


Wear safety goggles


Risk of being injured by rotating parts


Wear ear protection


Risk of being injured by rotating parts


Wear protective gloves


Risk of being injured by moving parts


Risk of electric shock


Read manual first


Instruction timing belt transmission


Wear protective shoes


Identification plate (Figure 2.2 / 2.3)


Wear a helmet


2.2. Location on the machine. The signs are placed on the machine as shown in Figure 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3. If one of these pictograms is not present, you must report this to the appropriate person at your company as soon as possible. When a pictogram has disappeared in the course of time, it must be replaced as soon as possible.

13 11



11 1 1

5 3

Figure 2.1

Figure 2.1

Figure 2.2

2 12



3 Figure 2.3 2.3. Identification plate The identification plate is provided with specific information: • Type: Machine type. In case of a pellet mill, ‘CU900 / CU750’ is filled in. • FB. No: Production order number • Date: Year of production



2.3.1. Appearance of the identification plate The CE marking and the ATEX marking (when applicable) are printed on this plate.

Figure 2.2: Identification plate CE marking

Figure 2.3: Identification plate CE and ATEX marking

2.3.2. Location on the machine The identification plate is located as indicated in Figure 2.1: 13.



Declaration of Conformity

Declaration of Conformity

Originally written in English and in compliance with EN-EN-ISO 17050-1:2010

Manufacturer: Van Aarsen International B.V. Heelderweg 11 6097 EW Panheel The Netherlands Tel: Fax: Web: E-mail:

+31 (0) 475 579444 +31 (0) 475 579223 www.aarsen.com [email protected]

Description of product: Pellet Mill CU-type Van Aarsen pellet mills CU-type are designed for pelleting feed; the compaction of (conditioned) meal by pressing it through a pre-determined forming die. We declare that the pellet mill complies with the essential requirements of the following directives: 2006/42/EG 2006/95/EG 2004/108/EG 2014/34/EU

Machinery Directive Low Voltage Directive Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive Atex 114 (if applicable and shown on identification plate)

Additional information: • The pellet mill may only be installed by professional assemblers who are familiar with the requirements for safety and Electromagnetic Compatibility. • It must not be put into service until the relevant production line into which it is to be incorporated has been declared in conformity with the provisions of the Machinery Directive. Panheel, December 9, 2015

Van Aarsen International bv Director of Technology Ir. H. Vissers





Machine overview













Figure 3.1




A. Integrated hoist carriage B1 Main door / B2 Side door C. Toothed belt D. Motor E. Main bearings F. Magnet G. Infeed flange H. Bypass I. Infeed chute J. Roller adjustment (manual or automatic) K. Infeed blade L. Die cover M. Dump chute N. Die R O. Rollers P. Die clamping Q. Die holder R. V belt S. Break pin T. Automatic lubrication system (grease or oil) U. Main shaft V. Sleeve bearings AA. Pellet knife AB. Slow turning device












Figure 3.2 D















Figure 3.3



Figure 3.4 11


Pellet mill doors (B1&B2)

Door protection main door (optional): The pellet mill main door (B1) is protected to prevent opening while the mill is in operation. The protection is linked to a standstill monitoring, that is set in such a way that the door can be opened after the slowing down time has elapsed. The pellet mill cannot be switched on while the door is open. CAUTION Never disable this protection device, to avoid serious personal accidents! Door protection side door: The door on the side of the housing (B2) is secured by means of a bolted connection and can only be opened deliberately, with the appropriate tools. CAUTION The side door (B2) in the pellet mill is protected by a bolted connection. This means it can only be opened deliberately, for adjustment activities. Always close this side door again, after maintenance activities! This door may only be opened when the pellet mill is NOT operating! Always close this door again, after adjustment activities!







Figure 3.5

G. I. L. N. O. Q. U. W.

Infeed flange Infeed chute Die cover Die Rollers Die holder Main shaft Distance plate

3.3. The die holder with conical seating (Q) The die holder is attached to the robust forged steel main shaft by means of heavy bearings. The die holder is provided with a conical seating. The die is drawn into the die holes without play, by means of a hydraulic system, and then fixed with bolts. This construction prevents die impairment and ensures proper seating and alignment and prevents die breakage.


3.4. The die (N) The product is pressed radially through the bore holes of a ring-formed die by means of pressure rollers running along the inside of the die. The composition of the feed and the diameter of the pellet determine the length and form of the bore holes. The jointless rolled dies are specially hardened to provide a high wear-resistance. The die is enclosed by the main door (B1) that gives fast access to the die. Pellet knives (AA) are fitted onto the door, around the circumference of the die that cuts the pellets to size. 3.5. The pressure rollers (O) The pressure rollers press the supplied material through the die. Around the circumference the pressure rollers are provided with grooves or dimples. This ensures a good grip on the product to be pressed and reduces the chance of slipping. The pressure rollers are, depending on the material to be pressed, placed against or at a certain distance from the die.





Figure 3.6

C. D. Q. R. Y. X.

Toothed belt Motor Die holder V-belts Bearing blocks Intermediate shaft


The drive (D)

Figure 3.6 The machine is driven by one electric motor via a primary V belt transmission and a secondary geared belt transmission. As secondary transmission a compact and slip-free geared belt transmission is used. Checking of the geared belt tension is not necessary. The moving and dangerous parts of the drive are screened off by a fixed cover. The removal of a part of the fixed cover is only permitted for technical personnel. The pictogram on the door indicates that moving parts can be found behind the fixed cover (see Chapter 2.1 Signs on the machine).





Figure 3.7 3.7.

Break pin protection

Figure 3.7 The pellet mill is protected against overloading by a break pin protection. This break pin (S) breaks off if the mill is blocked for some reason. The main shaft with the pressure rollers and the mounting flange then move along with the die. All components are connected with rotary couplings, resulting in no damage to wiring or piping when the break pin breaks. The safety switch (Z) fitted against the rear side of the foundation will interrupt the power of the main motor of the mill. Serious damage to the pellet mill, such as die breakage will be prevented.

Figure 3.8 3.8.

Die clamping with Quick-Fit system

Figure 3.8 Easy accessible through the side door (Figure 3.4: B2). The Quick-Fit system enables fast exchange of the die. The die mounting is self-centering, reducing machine vibration. Min. 125.5 mm / Max. 131 mm. These measurements should be equal at each of the three or four measuring points, with a tolerance of 0.2 mm. Torque die nuts 450-500 Nm. Instructions for this procedure can be found, in all languages, at the inside of door B2 (Figure 3.1). If the instruction is missing, contact the Van Aarsen Service department and request for the instruction card, article number AR837.



Roller adjustment system


Hand operated (CU Basic)

When adjusting the rollers the mill door needs to be opened. Make sure there is no product in the die and that the mill cannot be started. Figure 3.9 The pressure rollers must be adjusted in such a way that they touch the die. If the mill is in operation and product is lead into the die, a distance between the die and the roller occurs so there is no longer any metal contact between the die and the roller. This adjustment takes place by turning the eccentric pressure roller shafts with the levers (1) counterclockwise. Depending on the composition of the product, the diameter of the pellets, and on the basis of experience, the distance between the pressure rollers and the die can be increased up to 2 mm; although, this is not advised for hand operated adjustment. With the adjustment of the pressure rollers, the bolts (2) must always be tightened against both sides of the lever (1). After the adjustment of the pressure rollers: 1. Tighten bolts (2) against the lever (1). 2. Lock these bolts by tightening the nuts (3). IMPORTANT Always adjust the rollers counterclockwise against the die! 3.9.2. Positioning of the pressure rollers for the disassembly of the pressure rollers and/or die (Figure 3.9) If the pressure rollers or the die must be removed, the pressure rollers must be moved as far away from the die as possible. Set the pressure rollers to the maximum distance (see Figure 3.10), by turning them clockwise. CAUTION Always close the mill door again after the adjustment activities!


3 2

Figure 3.9

Figure 3.10 15

3.9.3. Automatic operated (Figure 3.11) (CU Dynamic and CU Dynamic Plus) This means automatic adjustment of the roller distance (manual setting on the touch screen of the roller gap or recipe based roller gap, from the recipe database). Active slip prevention prevents a blocked pellet mill. It measures each roller speed and adjusts the roller distance when a certain level of slip is exceeded. This will increase uptime and provide extra safety for critical recipe’s or when experimenting with roller distance. Increased die and roller lifetime due to less empty running on the die. The system is pneumo-mechanical, with mechanical actuators driven by a single pneumatic motor, mounted in the main shaft. Sensors for slip detection are mounted inside the main shaft, with wireless signal transmission.






AC Figure 3.11 AC Actuator

AE Drive shaft

AD Coupling shaft



Air motor

Automatic lubrication system

3.10.1. Grease (Figure 3.12) (CU basic and CU Dynamic) • Pneumatic grease pump with air pressure control panel • Lubrication unit with all functions integrated: ◦ Shut-off valve to prevent backflow of grease ◦ Grease filter, easy to clean and re-use ◦ Passive distributor supplying the main bearings and each individual roller with the correct amount of grease ◦ Pulse-counter to detect actual grease flow ◦ Mounted on vibration dampers and connected with flexible hoses for optimal reliability • Foodgrade or Non-Foodgrade grease on customer demand Figure 3.12a • AG: Grease lubrication main bearings (in through rotational coupling rear and out through laminated ring seal to the die) • AH: Grease lubrication rollers (in through rotational coupling rear and out through piston seal in side roller)


AH Figure 3.12 16

Figure 3.12a

3.10.2. Oil (Figure 3.13) (CU Dynamic Plus) • A closed-loop system ◦ No contamination of the feed with lubricant ◦ Low operational costs due to low lubricant consumption ◦ Excellent bearing life due to optimal lubrication ◦ Integrated leak-detection system • Stand-alone lubrication unit connected with hoses ◦ Oil filter with pollution detection ◦ Overpressure safety ◦ Flow to each roller and main bearings controlled and continuously checked ◦ Oil moisture content monitoring optimizing lubrication ◦ Heating element for quick start-up ◦ Optional bypass cooling circuit Figure 3.13a • AI: Oil lubrication main bearings (in through rotational coupling rear and out through rotational coupling rear) • AJ: Oil lubrication rollers (in through rotational coupling rear and out through rotational coupling rear)


Figure 3.13

AJ Figure 3.13a

3.10.3. Temperature measurement of the rollers (only for oil lubrication) Temperature measurement of the oil coming directly out of the rollers. Sensors for temperature measurement mounted inside the main shaft, with wireless signal transmission.

AK 3.11. Integrated hoisting carriage (Figure 3.14: AK) Hoisting carriage complete with all required hoisting hooks and tools for a fast exchange of the die and rollers is standard • For CU900 standard equipped with motor operated hoist • For CU750 standard equipped with hand operated winch, and optional equipped with motor operated hoist


3.12. Slow turning device (Figure 3.15: AL) Reduces the downtime for changing the die to a minimum. Used to position the die holder for alignment with the die, enabling easy and fast mounting of the die. IMPORTANT Never use the slow turning device to turn the die when it is blocked!


Figure 3.15

3.13. Electrical components The pellet mill contains several (electrical) components. • • • • • •

door lock main door the mill stops when opening the side door break pin protection pictograms CE-prescribed operating switch Several electrical components, such as sensors and switches.

3.13.1. Main access door – locking system (Figure 3.16: AM) Pneumatic locking system to prevent opening while the pellet mill is running. Additional door closing detection.


The pellet mill is protected by an electrical switch. If the door is opened a switch switches off the pellet mill or, if the door is open, the mill cannot be started. CAUTION The pellet mill can still be running when the door is opened, because it takes a short while for the pellet mill to come to a stop! Never disable this protection device, to avoid serious personal accidents!! Figure 3.16







Weight* (kg)


± 6900


± 10000

* Total weight = including complete drive, excluding product. 4.2. Use Use Use Use

Hoisting and lifting suitable hoisting and lifting equipment to hoist or lift the machine. hoisting belts or chains to lift the machine. the lifting points (A) on the supplied hoisting beams to lift it. Refer to Figure 4.1. the lifting point on the filter unit to lift it for placing on the unit. Refer to the filter manual!


Figure 4.1 4.3.




Machine foundation The machine is placed on a steel frame. A rubber strip is fitted between the machine and the floor. It must cover the whole length of the frame. The length of the rubber strip depends on the type of pellet mill.

4.4. Connection conditions 4.4.1. EU countries For countries which have to comply with the CE requirements. The electrical installation of the machine must be effected in accordance with the legally prescribed national standards NEN-EN 60204-1:2006. Each machine must be provided with devices to remove power sources, according to international standard NEN-EN 1037:1996+A1:2008. These devices have to be clearly visible. They must be able to be locked to prevent reconnection if it could cause danger to exposed persons.


4.4.2. Other countries The electrical installation of the machine must be effected in accordance with the legally prescribed national standards NEN 1010. 4.5.

Instruction for die and roller exchange for pellet mills with manual roll adjustment

Refer to the separate user & installation manual. 4.6.

Connection electrical installation

For more information refer to the ‘Functional Description (automation)’ of the Pellet Mill (available on request at the Van Aarsen Service department). WARNING • Do not connect the machine electrically without professional knowledge. Only authorized technical personnel is allowed to connect the machine. • The connection of the electrical components has to be done by a certified electronic installer. • Do not install the machine until you made sure the main switch is set to OFF (position 0). • The main switch is not located on the machine. The location can vary per situation, depending on who provided the machine’s automation; Van Aarsen or a third party. • Always make sure all personnel knows where and how the machine can be switched off. 4.7.

Check safety devices • Do not connect the machine electrically without professional knowledge. Only authorized technical personnel is allowed to connect the machine. • Before putting the pellet mill into operation, check the functioning of the safety devices. • Make sure all safety devices function properly. If a safety device does not function (correctly), ask a certified electronic installer to repair or replace the device.

Safety Device


Door lock protection

• First time start-up: try to start the machine when the door is open. The door does not have to be fully open! The machine should not start. • Switch on the pellet mill with the door closed, then try to open the door; this should not be possible! • Before starting up the pellet mill, check all door protection devices. Check if the correct components are disconnected through the safety relay IE11 and SRB301. A contact of the SRB301 must be included in the control of the main motor.

Protection of the service door

• Make sure the service door is locked with the nut. • Check functioning of the door sensor. • Before starting up the pellet mill, check all door protection devices. Check if the correct components are disconnected through the safety relay IE11 and SRB301. A contact of the SRB301 must be included in the control of the main motor.

Break pin protection

• With the machine switched on remove the limit switch from the break pin safety device. The machine must switch off immediately. • A contact of the break pin protection must be included in the control of the main motor.

The slip protection of the V-belt drive

• Check the slip protection with the setting of the speed monitor. • Check whether the speed monitor is positioned at the correct distance from the signaling bolt. This distance may be a maximum of 5 mm.

The overload protection of the inlet funnel (optional)

• Switch on the pellet mill. • Check the limit switch by opening the inlet slide from the operating panel. • The dosing screw must now stop.

Protection against overloading the main motor

• Switch on the pellet mill. • Test the overload. • The supply screw must stop now and the discharge valve in the inlet funnel must open.




WARNING: WARNING • Always use the prescribed protective resources mentioned in ‘Chapter 2: SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS’. • Warn all concerning personnel. • Only technical personnel are qualified to do the first start-up. • There is a risk that you and your colleagues come into contact with moving parts of the machine. Work with the greatest care! • Always work with at least one colleague.


Before start up the pellet mill

Before startup, make sure that: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


the drive rotates in the correct direction; If the drive rotates in the wrong direction, ask an electrician to change the rotation direction. Make sure that the operating switch for the machine is turned to position 0 and that a padlock is placed on the switch, so that the electrician can carry out his work safely. all protective covers have been fitted correctly; the die and pressure rollers are mounted correctly. the bolts must be screwed tight. the pressure rollers are set to the maximum distance in position ‘1’ (Figure 5.1). The mill is lubricated according to the requirements. For the lubrication of main bearings and pressure rollers see the maintenance and lubrication section (Chapter 6). The belts are well tightened. The steam mixer and the supply funnel are clean and empty. The discharge flap in the input funnel (option) must close properly and at the correct speed. The setting of the speed is done with the valve attached to the foundation next to the mill door. The flap may not close too quickly, this prevents the product supplied from arriving in the die chamber all at the same time. The die chamber is empty.

Check: 10. Check the machine’s safety devices (Chapter 4.8).

Figure 5.1



Start the production

5.2.1. Starting sequence and operation pelleting line After a start of the pelleting line the equipment starts up as follows: • Valve boxes move to appropriate positions (if applicable), with the exception of valve box 451. • Close cooler air regulating valve • Start cooler aspiration (dust seal and fan) • Open/close clam shell valve if applicable: - oil spray: close clam shell valve - no oil spray: open clam shell valve • Start cooler (standby) • Start cooler spreader if applicable • Start rotary valve below pellet mill • Start pellet mill • Start LTV/LTC (if applicable) • Start steam mixer • Valve box 451 moves to “fines return” position after the purging procedure has been finished completely. • Start pellet mill feeder (provided that there is product present in the intermediate bin above) NOTE: Simultaneously with this starting sequence the intermediate bin above the pellet mill feeder is filled with meal. 5.2.2. Starting conditions pelleting line • Operator chooses source pellet meal bin • Operator chooses an available destination bin of finished storage (if not already chosen at production start) • The recipe settings belonging to the selected pellet meal bin are loaded • Cooler fire valve is open (if applicable). • Steam boiler is on and steam pressure is OK (10 bar before the reducing group - dry steam, 2-3 bar overpressure on the manometer before entering the steam mixer). • Ensure that there is product supply in the pressed meal bin. • If there are no alarms then the pelleting line can be started 5.2.3. Take actions on the operating panel at the pellet mill • Switch on the main switch for the pellet mill, steam mixer and dosing screw. • Switch off steam supply. • If automatic load regulation is used, set the load regulator to hand-operation and set ampere set points. • Set speed of the dosing screw to 10-25 %. • If a steam regulator is used: set it to 10-30 °C under the required operating temperature (steam mixer). 5.2.4. Start up the pellet mill 1. Check the correct functioning of the removal conveyor on the operating panel. 2. Switch on the drive motor of the unloaded pellet mill. 3. Switch on the drive motor of the unloaded steam mixer. 4. If a discharge valve is used in the inlet funnel: close the valve. 5. Start the dosing screw at its lowest speed. 6. Increase the speed of the screw until the motor amperage of the mill main motor has increased to ± 50% of the maximum load. 7. Switch on steam supply and manually regulate until the conditioned meal meets the requirements. If automatic steam regulation is used: set this to automatic. 8. During regulation always check the conditioned meal by taking samples from the inlet funnel. If the result is not satisfactory see troubleshooting (Chapter 7). 9. The speed of the dosing screw and the steam supply can be regularly increased until the maximum load has been reached. 10. If an automatic load regulator is used: • Regulator in hand-operation setting must be set in such a way that the difference between the required and actual consumed current is minimal. • Then select set point 2 and set regulator to automatic. • Now increase the amperage set point to the required maximum load (in intervals), whereby the mill operates sufficiently stable. These increases must take place at intervals of 3-10 minutes. 11. If a steam regulator is used: The required temperature is increased to the usual operating temperature at the same time as the increasing of the load. This increasing takes place at stages of 5-10 °C. 12. Set the required values for temperature and amperage. This is receipt and machine dependent. 13. As soon as the load becomes 4-10 sec. above the maximum or under the minimum contact, the discharge valve will open and the dosing screw will stop.


14. The removal conveyor and cooler will start when the level indicator in the conveyor switches on. NOTE With a new die, initially press without steam and molasses until the die is running correctly. This can be checked by: • Opening the cover and look to see if pressing is taking place across the full width of the die. • Take a sample and establish the pellet quality. When the die has been pressing for a while steam and molasses can gradually be added in the steam mixer. 5.3. Stop the production • Decrease the speed of the dosing screw to the lowest position. If automatic load regulator is used, this takes place by switching the regulator to the lowest amperage set point. • After several minutes switch off amperage protection. • Reduce steam and switch off the molasses. • Switch off dosing screw. • Allow conditioner to run empty. • Switch off conditioner. • Switch off steam. • Allow mill to run empty until no more pellets are formed. • To reduce the caking of the product in the die it is recommended to throw a quantity of oats or fat-containing product in the mill chamber through the inlet funnel. • Switch off the pellet mill; turn the operating switch on the electrical cabinet to position 0. Only switch off the machine when there is no product left in the machine. This prevents product from caking in the machine. • Open the door with the inlet funnel so that no condensation takes place in the mill. • To ease starting up one can best clean the inlet funnel and the inside of the die after pressing. Molassed meal becomes hard after a while and sometimes cakes on the inlet funnel and the die. • Clean temperature sensor or thermometer in the supply chute of the mill. 5.3.1. Quick stop Depends on factory settings (setup). • Open discharge valve. • This switches off the dosing screw (with operating panel). • The steam is switched off (with automatic steam supply regulation). • The conditioner runs empty via the discharge valve. • Switch off conditioner when this has run completely empty. • When the mill has run empty switch off the mill.

IMPORTANT • Tighten all fastening bolts of the die and the die cover after operating for 8 hours. • To avoid caking of the product in the die-holes, throw a quantity (approximately 5-10 kg) of oats or fat-containing product in the mill after pressing. • Always clean the inlet funnel and the inside of the die after pressing, to ease starting up. 5.4.

Slow turning device

If a Release signal is received from the Pellet mill controller (the Pellet mill motor is switched off), the unit can be operated with the hand control. The Slow turning Device (STD) is a motor connected to a cylinder. Via a toothed bar at the end of the housing you can drive the die. The purpose of the STD is to turn the Die slowly to the left or right to reach the bolts in case of maintenance. You can operate the STD with a hand control unit. First connect the main power to the device. Check that the orientation of the drive is correct. If not chance the polarity of the supply power.


IMPORTANT Never use the Slow Turning Device to turn the die when it is blocked!

“To right” “To left” (button 23S2) Remark: The STD rotates when it is lowered, to optimize the grip on the tooths of the die holder.

Figure 5.2

Figure 5.3

Figure 5.2 and 5.3 Button 23S2 (to the Left) can be used to lower the motor. As soon as the sensors B110 and B111 are not sensing the cylinders upper position, the motor will start (while the button 23S2 is still pressed). As soon as the cylinder is fully lowered (B109), you may also use the drive in the right direction. If B109 is not reached within time (approx. 5 sec), or if B109 is reached and the drive is not used for approx. 12 sec the drive is moved upwards again. If the cylinder is fully upwards, and B110 and B111 are set , the system is enabling external use of the pelletmill again via a polarity free contact of relay 24K1 Timing diagram

Start left

Move down

Sensor “cylinder = up” Motor runs

Sensor Cylinder down” Coil 22Y1: moves cylinder down Figure 5.4 Remark The motor can only be operated, to turn the die to the left, from upper position. As soon as the drive is fully lowered, the die may also be operated to the right. This is done to avoid damage to the tooth! Check that the orientation is correct; otherwise change the power to the control box. 24


MAINTENANCE WARNING: • Always use the prescribed protective resources mentioned in ‘Chapter 2: SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS’. • Warn operating personnel when the machine is undergoing maintenance. Only technical personnel are qualified to bring the machine back into use after a repair or inspection. • Never make adjustments when the machine is powered up, to prevent personal injuries. • The testing of a complete installation and/or factory may only be carried out by Van Aarsen technical personnel.

The Van Aarsen Pellet Mill has been designed to operate over a long period of time with a minimum of maintenance. Continuous operation depends upon proper machine care and regular cleaning and lubrication. If the mill is not used for a prolonged period of time, the die should be rotated ¼ of a rotation every 2 weeks. This is necessary regarding the standing time of the bearings. 6.1.

Maintenance schedule operator (Table 6.1) The check frequency depends on the raw material/product/recipe that is used.


Maintenance by technical personnel (Table 6.1)

Maintenance that includes removal of fixed screens or covers, or the opening of locked doors may only be carried out by technically competent personnel, because of the risk of accidents. WARNING: • The machine is now undergoing maintenance. • Inform operating personnel. • Turn the operating switch to position 0 and fit a padlock, to prevent the machine from inadvertently being switched on. • If it is necessary for the machine to operate during the maintenance activities, remember that you and your colleagues can come into contact with exposed moving parts of the machine. Work with the greatest care! • Always work with at least one colleague. • Close air supply and deaerate.





Main power supply switch

Main door safety locking / switch-off

Side door safety switch-off

Electrical connections and cables

Pneumatic connections and tubes


V-belts (wear, tension)

Bolts protectionhood v-belts

Geared belt (alignment, wear, tension)

Bearings intermediate shaft

Main bearings (play groove when hoisting die holder)


Progressive flow splitter

Grease piping





Grease flow to main bearings

Shut-off valve


Grease flow to rollers



Level in barrel


Air supply unit and pressure

Central lubrication system grease (CUG)



Motor connection bolts

Motorseat bolts


Bearingbushes frame / main shaft (nipples on side)

Motor bearings



Main drive



















































































5000 h

1250 h

425 h

2500 h

3 months 6 months 1 year

1 month

Safety covers mounted


Service interval




























10000 h

2 years

This table shows a preventive maintenance schedule for the CU-type pellet mills. The check frequency depends on the recipe that is used.

Preventive maintenance schedule




























25000 h

5 years










max 4 bar

max 2 mm

See manual

See sticker

40 Nm

See sticker

400 Nm

See manual

400 Nm

See manual

Upon every use

According to local regulations

According to local regulations

According to local regulations

According to local regulations

According to local regulations

According to local regulations

Upon every use

Value / remark

Maintenance crew

Maintenance crew

Maintenance crew

Maintenance crew

Maintenance crew






Maintenance crew

Maintenance crew

Maintenance crew

Maintenance crew

Maintenance crew

Maintenance crew

Maintenance crew

Maintenance crew



Maintenance crew

Maintenance crew

Maintenance crew

Maintenance crew

Maintenance crew

Maintenance crew





Oil condition (check via sightglass)

Oil temperature (automatic warning)

Oil moisture content (automatic warning)

Oil pressure at service temperature


Pump operation / noise

Oil filter (automatic warning when to replace)

Heating element operation

Temperature sensors rollers operation

T -

Die clamping bolts

Clamping cylinders (retracting, leaks)

Hydraulic piping


T -

Die cover (distance to die)

Die cover mounting bolts

Felt-seal between die holder and frame



Infeed blades


Wearbushes rollers (in main shaft)

Scrapers groove front

I -

Seal between door and infeedflange


Die (wear, damages)

Rollers (wear, damages)


Check for foreign objects

Pelleting chamber


Wearring (distance to die)

Die clamping system (QuickFit)

I -

Oil flow return total


Oil flow per channel (automatic warning)

(60-70 °C)



















































































5000 h

1250 h

425 h

2500 h

3 months 6 months 1 year

1 month

Oil level (check via sightglass)

Central lubrication system oil (CUO

Service interval




























10000 h

2 years




























25000 h

5 years


450 Nm

40,5-45 mm


Cover groove


< 0,5mm wear

After each die change

Upon every use

Upon every use

Upon every use




450 Nm

125,5-131 mm





3,2 - 4 l/m

OK (green)

2-4 bar

max 30%rel

max 100 °C

Clear brown


Value / remark

Maintenance crew











Maintenance crew

Maintenance crew

Maintenance crew



Maintenance crew

Maintenance crew

Maintenance crew

Maintenance crew










I -

Sleeve bearings distance plate

I I -

Lever position / actuator position

Actuators condition / operation

Sleeve bearings distance plate

Bearing bushes actuator joints

Coupling shafts joints

Air motor operation

Transmission gears motor

Driveshaft bearings

Operation valve(s)


Winch / motor


Adusting rings shafts fixation

Cylinder operation (sensors)

















































































10000 h

2 years





















25000 h

5 years

For example: The v-belts need to be inspected every 6 months, tensioned every year, and replaced every 5 years.

I = Inspect and replace if necessary T = Tighten or tension R = Replace G = Grease

Table 6.1


Connection bolt toothed wheel


Connectionbolts frame

Slow turning device


Hoisting belt condition

Hoisting carriage

I -


Infeed hopper


Roller distance

Roller adjustment (automatic)


Lever adjustment bolts

5000 h

1250 h

425 h

2500 h

3 months 6 months 1 year

1 month

Roller distance

Roller adjustment (manual)

Service interval






Upon every use






See manual

See manual



See manual





Value / remark

Maintenance crew

Maintenance crew

Maintenance crew

Maintenance crew

Maintenance crew


Maintenance crew


Maintenance crew

Maintenance crew

Maintenance crew












Lubrication Based on tests and long term experience, it is strongly recommended to use lubricant, grease of the brands described in Chapter 6.3.2, for all lubrication points of the pellet mill. WARNING: In a number of cases, where types of grease of seemingly comparable properties were used, damage to bearings and other components occurred after relatively short periods of operation!

6.3.1. Lubrication conditions • Lubricate the bearings according to the lubricating instructions as found in Chapter 6.5. • Dust the electro motor regularly. This is necessary to maintain efficient cooling (see separate motor instructions). • Check the grease volume in the grease tank and the operation of the grease pump every week when greasing automatically. Always ensure correct and in time lubrication to obtain the longest possible service life of the pellet mill.


Lubrication prescription


Approved oils for CU Dynamic Plus

The roller bearings and main bearings of the Van Aarsen pellet mills are standard filled with one of the following oils: Klüber Klubersynth UH1 6-220 (Foodgrade) Oil type


Upper service temperature



Viscosity (20ºC)

DIN 51562 p01 [cSt]


Viscosity (40ºC)

DIN 51562 p01 [cSt]


Viscosity (100ºC)

DIN 51562 p01 [cSt]



ISO 7120 A

no rust

Worked penetration

ISO 2137 [0,1 mm]

280 - 310

Terms of warranty Only the use of the lubrication oils in this prescription is supported by Van Aarsen. The use of any other oils for these purposes leads to immediate ending of the warranty. Disclaimer Van Aarsen is not responsible for possible poor performance of the oils in this prescription, and therefore is not responsible for any other damage caused by the used grease. The properties of the oils in this prescription are taken over from the datasheets of the manufacturers of the oils, at the time the prescription was made. Printing and typesetting errors reserved. 6.4.2.

Approved greases for CU Basic and Dynamic

The roller bearings and main bearings of the Van Aarsen pellet mills are standard filled with one of the following greases:


Total XM460 (Non-foodgrade) Base oil

Synthetic oil


Calcium sulfonate

Operating temperature


-25 - 180

Dropping point

ISO 2476 [ºC]

> 300

Viscosity (40ºC)

ISO 3104 [cSt]


Viscosity (100ºC)

ISO 3104 [cSt]


Worked penetration

ISO 2137 [0,1 mm]

290 - 320

Corrosion protection

ISO 11007


Klüber Kluberfood NH1 94-402 (Foodgrade) Base oil

Synthetic oil


Calcium complex

Operating temperature


-30 - 140

Dropping point

ISO 2476 [ºC]

> 250

Viscosity (40ºC)

ISO 3104 [cSt]


Viscosity (100ºC)

ISO 3104 [cSt]


Worked penetration

ISO 2137 [0,1 mm]

280 - 310

Corrosion protection

ISO 11007


Viscosity (40ºC)

ISO 3104 [cSt]


Viscosity (100ºC)

ISO 3104 [cSt]


Worked penetration

ISO 2137 [0,1 mm]

310 - 340

Corrosion protection

ISO 11007


Fuchs Lubritech Cassida GTX2 (Foodgrade) Base oil

Synthetic oil


Calcium sulfonate

Operating temperature


-30 - 140

Dropping point

ISO 2476 [ºC]

> 260

Viscosity (40ºC)

ISO 3104 [cSt]


Viscosity (100ºC)

ISO 3104 [cSt]


Worked penetration

ISO 2137 [0,1 mm]

265 - 295

Corrosion protection

ISO 11007



Fuchs Lubritech FM Grease HD2 (Foodgrade) Base oil

Mineral oil


Aluminium complex

Operating temperature


-10 - 140

Dropping point

ISO 2476 [ºC]

> 240

Viscosity (40ºC)

ISO 3104 [cSt]


Viscosity (100ºC)

ISO 3104 [cSt]


Worked penetration

ISO 2137 [0,1 mm]

265 - 295

Corrosion protection

ISO 11007


Fuchs Lubritech FM Grease HD1.5 (Foodgrade) Base oil

Mineral oil


Aluminium complex

Operating temperature


-10 - 140

Dropping point

ISO 2476 [ºC]

> 240

Viscosity (40ºC)

ISO 3104 [cSt]


Viscosity (100ºC)

ISO 3104 [cSt]


Worked penetration

ISO 2137 [0,1 mm]

300 - 320

Corrosion protection

ISO 11007


Terms of warranty Only the use of the lubrication greases in this prescription is supported by Van Aarsen. The use of any other grease for these purposes leads to immediate ending of the warranty. Disclaimer Van Aarsen is not responsible for possible poor performance of the greases in this prescription, and therefore is not responsible for any other damage caused by the used grease. The properties of the greases in this prescription are taken over from the datasheets of the manufacturers of the greases, at the time the prescription was made. Printing and typesetting errors reserved. 6.5.

Lubrication main bearings and roller bearings CU Dynamic Plus

The pellet mills of the CUO-Type, also known as the CU Plus and CU Dynamic Plus are fitted with an automated closed oil lubrication system to supply the main bearings and roller bearings with the correct amount of oil. 6.5.1.

Oil lubrication system

The oil lubrication unit supplies oil to the lubrication points, and is a stand-alone unit (Figure 6.1). The pellet mill is connected by hoses. The oils suitable for use in this system can be found in Chapter 6.4. The unit is preferably installed on the same floor of the pellet mill. If however installation on the same floor isn’t possible, the unit may be installed on a lower floor, with a maximum difference in ground level of 2.5m.

Figure 6.1 31


Flow chart

Figure 6.2 6.5.3.


The main bearings are situated inside the die holder, and are supplied with oil through a channel in the main shaft. The oil is pumped through both the main bearings and then exits the pellet mills through a shared return.

Figure 6.3: Main bearings lubrication 32

The roller bearings are situated inside the rollers, and are also supplied with oil through a channel in the main shaft. Every roller has a separate oil supply channel. The oil is pumped in between the roller bearings, and exits the rollers again, returning to the reservoir though the shared return.

Figure 6.4: Roller bearings lubrication 6.5.4.

HMI interface oil heating timer

The oil in the reservoir has to have a certain predetermined temperature before the oil pump can start. For this reason, the reservoir is fitted with a heating element. To save energy by not continuously having to heat the oil, but still enable a quick start-up after a longer period of standstill, the software has the option to set a heating timer. In this menu, the operator can select at which time the heating element has to start, in order to have the oil at the correct temperature for starting the pump. Setting the timer 3 hours before the pellet mill has to start is sufficient.

Figure 6.5: HMI interface heating timer The operator can choose which day the heater should start. The operator can furthermore set a different time for each day, on which the heating element is started. The setpoint for the heater is a fixed factory setting, as well as the temperature on which the pump can start. The heater shuts itself of when the temperature is reached and starts again when the temperature drops again. The timer for the heating is stopped when the pump is started.



HMI interface lubrication system

The lubrication is started and stopped from the pellet mill automation. The pump can only start if the oil temperature has reached a minimum starting temperature. Figure 6.6 shows the HMI-interface of the oil lubrication in the pellet mill automation.










4 3 9

Figure 6.6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.



Display temperature roller 1 (optional) Display temperature roller 2 (optional) Display oil level reservoir Display relative moisture content in the oil Display system pressure Display flow tp lubrication pint [green = good, red = no flow] Display filter pollution [red = replace filter] Display pump motor status and speed [green = active] Display oil reservoir heating [green = active] Display flow measurement [green = active] Display process value [PV] and setpoint [SP] oil flow (factory setting) Display process value [PV] and setpoint [SP] oil heating (factory setting) Tab for timer settings oil heater Display operational hours pump Maintenance interval pump


Life cycle oil

The oil in the system has a life expectancy of at least 1 year or 7500 hours. Therefore, the oil should be replaced after 1 year or 7500 hours depending on which limit is reached first. The oil should also be replaced when the pollution detection of the filter indicates that the filter is clogged. Additional to exchanging the oil, the filter then also has to be replaced. Furthermore, the oil should be replaced is the moisture content exceeds 30%rel.


Oil replacement criteria

Also replace

7500 operational hours of service 1 year since last replacement Oil filter polluted

Oil filter

Relative moisture content exceeds 30% Table 6.2 Before replacing the oil, ensure the pump is stopped. The oil can be drained through the drain tap on the side of the reservoir. The last bit of oil that remains can be drained by removing the drain plug in the bottom center of the reservoir. When the reservoir is fully drained, check the bottom of the reservoir for residue or sediment. Clean the reservoir if necessary. Please dispose of the oil in an environmental friendly way. 6.5.7.

Maintenance requirement

Maintenance on the oil lubrication system is required as shown in the Table 6.3. Maintenance description

Required interval

Service pump

Not required

Replace oil filter

When filter pollution is detected

Service filter pollution sensor

When filter pollution is detected

Replace tank breather

When granulate is dark blue/green

Service overpressure valve

Not required

Service flow limiters

Not required

Service level sensor

Not required

Service temperature/moisture sensor

Not required

Service heating element

Not required

Service flow sensor

Not required

Table 6.3 6.5.8.

Factory settings lubrication CU Dynamic Plus

Commands lubrication




PM interface





Start lubrication

Main screen




Stop lubrication

Main screen



Start lubrication manual mode

Main screen



Timer function tank heating

Main screen



Trigger temperature tank heating

Main screen



Erase running hours pump motor

Main screen




This table is continued on the next page


Parameters lubrication - flow control








Flow pulses per liter

Client settings LUB1




Requested liters per minute

Client settings LUB1




Pressure controller proportional gain [P]

Client settings LUB1




Pressure controller intergral time [I]

Client settings LUB1




Flow controller proportional gain [P]

Client settings LUB1




Flow controller intergral time [I]

Client settings LUB1




Delay feedback pump

Client settings LUB1




Minimum speed pump

Client settings LUB1




Maximum speed pump

Client settings LUB1




Maximum liters per minute

Client settings LUB1




Delay time flow [Warning]

Client settings LUB1




Delay time flow [Alarm]

Client settings LUB1




Parameters lubrication - oil pressure








Maximum oil pressure scale analog

Client settings LUB2




Minimum pressure

Client settings LUB2




Maximum pressure

Client settings LUB2




Delay time pressure fault

Client settings LUB2




Startup control pressure

Client settings LUB2




Parameters lubrication - oil tank








Maximum concentration of moisture

Client settings LUB2




Low level [Warning]

Client settings LUB2




Empty level [Alarm]

Client settings LUB2




Level difference for leak detection

Client settings LUB2




Trigger time leak detection

Client settings LUB2




Trigger time filter polluted detection

Client settings LUB2




Hysterese speed leak detection

Client settings LUB2




Pump speed for leak detection

Client settings LUB2

% / l/m



Time pump speed for leak detection

Client settings LUB2




Parameters lubrication - temperature control








Use pre-heating tank

Client settings LUB3




Minimum oil temperature analog scale [4mA]

Client settings LUB3




Maximum oil temperature analog scale [20mA]

Client settings LUB3




Minimum temperature tank to start pump

Client settings LUB3




Maximum negative offset temperature

Client settings LUB3




Time xx temperature increased when heating

Client settings LUB3




Temperature deviation within xx time when heating

Client settings LUB3




Stop delay preheating

Client settings LUB3




Desired oil temperature for heating

Client settings LUB3




Table 6.4



Lubrication for sealing ring main shaft

To prevent the ingress of pressmeal between the die holder and main shaft, a laminated ring seal is applied. This seal keeps out most of the meal, but to prevent ingress over time, it is advised to add 2 cartridges of 400 gram every 2 weeks behind the laminated ring, while the pellet mill is slowly turning. Do this by adding the grease via the grease nipple shown in Figure 6.7. CAUTION: • Pumping grease into the grease chamber with a too high a pressure may damage the rotary shaft seal of the main bearings. • Only use a hand pump, and not a pneumatic (motor) driven grease pump. • Do not exceed the advised amount of grease to be added.

Figure 6.7: Location grease nipple for sealing ring This sealing should be greased with: • Klüberfood NH1 94-402 Warning. If the laminated ring isn’t lubricated according to this advice, pressmeal build-up between the die holder and main shaft. If then is tried to push out this meal by applying to much grease pressure, the oil seal of the die holder can be damaged resulting in leakage of the oil system through this seal.


Lubrication main bearings and roller bearings CU Basic and CU Dynamic

The pellet mills of the CU Basic and CU Dynamic are fitted with an automated grease lubrication system to supply the main bearings and roller bearings with the correct amount of grease 6.6.1.

Grease lubrication system

The grease lubrication unit divides the grease supplied by a pneumatic grease pump in order to supply the main bearings and roller bearings with the correct amount of grease. The unit is connected to the pump and to the pellet mill with high pressure hoses. The greases suitable for use in this system can be found in Chapter 6.4. The grease lubrication unit is installed on the auxiliary components mounting plate on the back of the pellet mill.

Figure 6.8: Grease lubrication unit 37


Flow chart

Figure 6.9 6.6.3.


The main bearings are situated inside the die holder, and are supplied with grease through a grease channel in the main shaft. The grease is pumped through both the main bearings and then comes out at the front of the pellet mill.

Figure 6.10: Main bearings lubrication The roller bearings are situated inside the rollers, and are also supplied with grease through a channel in the main shaft. Every roller has a separate grease channel. The grease is pumped in between the roller bearings, and comes out through the seals on the sides of the rollers.

Figure 6.11: Main bearings lubrication


After changing the rollers, before starting the production, grease must be pumped in until the grease is coming out of the seals of the rollers while the pellet mill is running. After changing of the main bearings, grease must be pumped in while the pellet mill is running, with no die and rollers mounted, until the grease is coming out of the seal in the front plate of the pellet mill. The automatic lubrication supplies the main bearings and roller bearings with grease. The grease is supplied by a pneumatic grease pump which feeds a flow distributor. De distributor divides the grease, sending 20% to the main bearings and 40% to each of the roller bearings. To ensure that there actually is a flow of grease, the distributor is equipped with a pulse counter, of which each pulse corresponds with one completed cycle of the distributor. If one of the greasing channels is blocked, the distributor is not able to compete its cycle. One cycle • 0,15cc • 0,30cc • 0,30cc • 0,15cc • 0,30cc • 0,30cc

corresponds with: to the main bearings to roller 1 to roller 2 to the main bearings to roller 1 to roller 2

Total amount of supplied grease is 1,5cc. Furthermore, to detect if the grease is supplied to the pellet mill in a sufficient amount, a maximum cycle time is programmed. Within this time, a certain amount of pulses must be counted, if not, the operator will be warned as this might be the result of a blocked channel or empty grease barrel. After the cycle time is elapsed, a new cycle will start immediately. Pelletmill type

Pulses per cycle

Amount per cycle

Cycle time

Total amount per hour





CU Basic/Dynamic 750





CU Basic/Dynamic 900





Table 6.5 6.6.4.

HMI interface

Figure 6.12 6.6.5.

Maintenance requirement

Maintenance on the grease lubrication system is required as shown in the table below. Maintenance description

Required interval

Service pump

Not required

Clean grease filter

1 year / 7500 hours

Service valve

Not required

Service flow distributor

When blocked

Service flow sensor

Not required

Table 6.6 39


Lubrication bearings of the intermediate shaft

The bearings of the intermediate shaft are filled with a certain amount of grease, and no extra grease may be applied. The design of the seals prevents the grease from exiting the bearing block, and dirt from entering. Extra applied grease cannot be pushed out. If extra grease is applied, the bearing block gets overfilled, which results in a reduce of lifetime. A overfilled bearing block can be recognized by a high temperature. These bearing block are not fitted with grease nipples to prevent overfilling.

Figure 6.13 All of the grease in these bearing blocks should be replaced after 5000 hours of service or each year, depending on which limit is reached first. These bearing blocks should be greased with: • Total Ceran XM220 To replace the grease of these bearing blocks Figure 6.13: remove bolts and take off the top half of the bearing block). Now, the intermediate shaft can be taken out off the bearing blocks, which gives access to the bottom half of the bearing blocks. The grease should be removed totally from both halves of the bearing blocks. Now, fresh grease can be applied. The bearing blocks may only be filled for 30% - 50% with grease to prevent overfilling. When remounting the halves of the bearing blocks, use sealant in between the halves. Ensure the halves are bolted together with the correct torque. See Table 6.7 for the amount of grease needed when replacing the grease in the bearing blocks of the intermediate shaft can be found. Also, the tightening torque of the cap bolts of the bearing blocks in given. Type


Grease amount [grams]

Torque [Nm]

CU Basic / Dynamic / Dynamic plus 750




CU Basic / Dynamic / Dynamic plus 900




Table 6.7 When everything is mounted correctly again, the pellet mill can be started. It is advised to check the bearing block temperature to check if the amount of applied grease is not too much. The temperature may not exceed 75ºC. When the temperature is too high, a small amount of grease should be taken out of the bearing block.


Lubrication bearings of the main motor

The main motors are standard fitted with grease nipples. On the identification plate of the motor, all information regarding regreasing of the bearings can be found: • Lubrication interval in hours of service • Amount of grease in grams • Type of grease to be used Lubricate the main motor according to this prescription to ensure correct lubrication of the motor bearings. 40


Lubrication main shaft bearing bushes

The main shaft is mounted in bearing bushes to enable the main shaft to turn with the die when the safety pin breaks. These bearing bushes should be regreased every 3 months and after breakage of the safety pin, with 150 grams of grease, type: • Total Ceran XM220 The bearing bushes can be regreased through grease nipples on the inside of the frame, in the tube where the main shaft is mounted in. The grease nipples can be accessed by opening the side door. Do not open the side door while the pellet mill is running.

Figure 6.14: Grease nipples bearing bushes When a slow turning device is used, the grease nipples can be found on the side of the frame, underneath the electrics box.



Disassembly of the geared belt IMPORTANT Only van Aarsen technicians are allowed to perform these maintenance actions!

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Remove pellet mill door (Figure 6.15: 1) Remove hinge support door (Figure 6.15: 2) Remove front sealing plate (Figure 6.16) Remove protective hood (Figure 6.17: 3) that covers the small pully Release tension from the v-belts by lowering the motor position Remove the first filling-plate (Figure 6.17: 4) under the bearing of the intermediate shaft and fasten the bearing block to the frame Do not adjust the position of the bolts under and above the bearing blocks. These are used to aligning the intermediate shaft Remove the side plate of the small pulley Remove the geared belt from the die-holder and the small pulley

2 1

Figure 6.15



Figure 6.17 42

Figure 6.16

6.9.2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Assembly of the geared belt

Mount the geared belt on the die holder and the small pulley Mount the first filling-plate under the bearing of the intermediate shaft Tension v-belts to drive motor Mount the side plate of the small pulley Turn the motor of the pellet mill on CAUTION Be very careful, because all the protection hoods/systems are dismounted/ disabled!


The belt should be aligned with the left hand side of the small pulley IMPORTANT Do not align against the side plate of the small pulley


For the correct tension of the belt refer to Figure 6.18 and the table underneath: Type


F new belt (N)

F used belt (N)

X (mm)


























Table 6.8

Figure 6.18 8.

If the alignment is not according to the above, align the geared belt, using underneath instructions: • Align the belt with the adjusting bolts under the right hand side bearing blocks. • Turn the left and right hand side adjusting bolts simultaneously to tension the belt.


Figure 6.19 A: Move downwards (belt goes to the right) turn with small steps (10°) and with some time between each step B: By unloaded turning (belt on the left side) not against the side plate of the pulley


9. 10. 11. 12.

Mount Mount Mount Mount

the the the the

protective hood over small pulley front sealing plate hinge support c900 door pellet mill door

Figure 6.19 43

6.9.3. Fit a new break pin (see figure 6.20) • Establish the failure and remedy it • Remove the front half of the break pin (pos. 1) from the break pin bush (pos. 4) • Turn the main shaft with the fastening flange (pos. 2) by inserting the torn pipe supplied in the fastening flange until the two break pin bushes (pos. 4) are facing each other • Place a new break pin, the piece of the old shear pin is hit through with the new pin • Lubricate the bearing bushes (pos. 5) with the two grease nipples (pos. 3)



4 1 2

Figure 6.20 6.10.

Servicing and exchanging wear parts

6.10.1. Tensioning the v-belts • • • • • • •

Stop the pellet mill and turn off the main power supply Open the inspection hatch for the v-belts Measure the tension of the v-belts Move the motorseat up to tension the v-belts. Check the tension according the sticker on the protection hood Secure the tensioning rods of the motorseat into place Turn the power supply back on Run the pellet mill (without product) and check for noises □ ‘Crunching’ sound: Belts tightened too much and motor bearings damaged □ ‘Whistling’ sound: Belts not tightened enough causing the belt(s) to slip □ ‘Squeaking’ sound: Belts not tightened enough, causing the motor bearing rollers to slip

Figure 6.21 44

6.10.2. Exchanging the v-belts • • • • • • • • • •

Stop the pellet mill and turn off the main power supply Remove the front cover of the v-belt protection hood Lower the motorseat to un-tension the v-belts Remove the old v-belts Install the new v-belts according to the sticker on the protection hood. Move the motorseat back up to tension the v-belts again. Check the tension according the sticker on the protection hood Secure the tensioning rods of the motorseat into place Remount the cover of the protection hood. Tighten the bolts with 40 Nm Turn the power supply back on Run the pellet mill (without product) and check for noises □ Crunching sound: Belts tightened too much and motor bearings damaged □ Whistling sound: Belts not tightened enough causing the belt(s) to slip □ Squeaking sound: Belts not tightened enough causing the motor bearing rollers to slip

Figure 6.21

6.10.3. Adjusting the geared belt • This action should only be performed by Van Aarsen technicians. Please contact Van Aarsen Technical Service when replacing or adjusting the geared belt is required.


6.10.4. Exchanging or tensioning the geared belt This action should only be performed by Van Aarsen technicians. Please contact Van Aarsen Technical Service when replacing or adjusting the geared belt is required. E-mail: [email protected] / Telephone: 0031 475 579 444. 6.10.5. Checking the main bearings (Figure 6.21) • • • • • •

Stop the pellet mill and turn off the main power supply. Adjust the rollers to the maximum distance. Attach the hook for lifting (C) the die cover to the die cover. Measure the groove (A) between the die holder and the frame in relaxed position. Hoist, lifting the die holder up, and measure the groove again. If the play exceeds 2 mm, contact Van Aarsen Technical Service for further instructions. E-mail: [email protected] / Telephone: 0031 475 579 444. Excessive bearing play might also be causing the toothed belt to run against the side of the pulley, which may lead to breakage.





Figure 6.21


6.10.6. Exchanging or cleaning the grease filter (CUG) • Stop the pellet mill and the lubrication system. • Take out the grease filter by screwing it out. • Clean the filter with degreaser, or replace the filter entirely.

Figure 6.22 46

6.10.7. Exchanging the oil filter (CUO). Figure 6.23. • Stop the pellet mill and the lubrication system. • Unscrew the filter housing and pull out the filter. WARNING: Warning, the oil might be hot! • Replace the filter entirely. • Screw the housing back into place firmly

6.10.8. Adjusting the seal in the door (after die exchange). Figure 6.24.

Figure 6.23

• • • •

Stop the pellet mill and turn off the main power supply Open the main door to access the seal. Warning, the pellet mill might be hot ! Thoroughly clean the infeed flange front face Loosen the bolt holding the sealing strip into place, so that the strip can move freely without falling out, and move the strip as far out as possible. • Close the main door, the strip will now move against the front face of the infeed flange. • Open the door again, and secure the sealing strip into this position by tightening the screws firmly. • Close the main door again and check if it closes without more effort.

Figure 6.24 6.10.9. Exchanging the scrapers of the groove (when worn to the wear-indicator nodge). Figure 6.25 / 6.26 • Stop the pellet mill and turn off the main power supply • Open the main door to access the scrapers. WARNING: Warning, the pellet mill might be hot! • Loosen the bolts that hold the scraper and remove the scraper. • Install a new scraper. Tighten the bolts with 75 Nm.

Figure 6.25

Figure 6.26 47

6.10.10. Exchanging the infeed blades • • • •

Stop the pellet mill and turn off the main power supply. Open the main door to access the blades. Warning, the pellet mill might be hot! Loosen the bolts and remove the old infeed blades. Check if the new blades fit nicely in the infeed flange. If not, grind the blades until the infeed flange can make a full rotation without touching the blades. • Mount the blades and firmly tighten the screws with 40 Nm.

Blade bottom

Figure 6.25 Blade top

6.10.11. Adjusting the pellet knives (after each time the main door is opened). Figure 6.26. • Ensure the pellet mill is not in operation and not running. • Loosen the knobs and push the knife against the outside of the die. Then move it slightly back to ensure is never touches the die. • Tighten the knobs firmly.

Figure 6.26

6.10.12. Exchanging the pellet knives. Figure 6.27. • Stop the pellet mill and turn off the main power supply. • Open the main door to access the knives.

WARNING: Warning, the pellet mill might be hot! • Loosen the bolts and remove the old knives. • Mount the new knives and firmly tighten the screws with 40 Nm. • Re-adjust the distance of the knives to the die. Figure 6.27 48



Only technical personnel is allowed to perform troubleshooting. WARNING: • The machine is now undergoing maintenance. • Inform operating personnel. • Turn the operating switch to position 0 and fit a padlock, to prevent the machine from inadvertently being switched on. • If it is necessary for the machine to operate during the maintenance activities, remember that you and your colleagues can come into contact with exposed moving parts of the machine. Work with the greatest care! • Always work with at least one colleague. Symptom



The machine does not start or stops during operation

Machines in the removal line after the pellet mill are switched on or have failed

Switch on machines or establish the failure with the machine concerned and remedy it

A thermal protection device on one of the motors has switched it off

Reset the thermal protection device Also check whether the load of the machine is set too high Check and remedy the possible causes: • Close the doors

The machine’s safety devices

• Tension the V-belt • Reset the slip protection device • Replace the shear pin; also check whether foreign objects have gotten into the mill and remove them

Insufficient production

The distance between roller and die is not correct

Set the distance between roller and die correctly

The die is rolled shut

Drill out the holes of the die and regalvanise

Not enough infeed

Check the material infeed, remedy a faltering infeed

The recipe is changed Problematic automatic grease Dirty grease filters lubrication Grease pressure is not correct Grease container is empty

Check and clean the filters Check the grease pressure. This must be ± 150 bar • Check the content of the grease container • Replace when empty

Problematic oil lubrication

• Check flow and pressure (... bar?) • Check the oil level

Insufficient pellet quality

Worn die

Check the wear of the die; replace when necessary.

The die does not have the correct specifications

In case of wrong die specifications, fit a die with the correct specifications on the pellet mill

Problematic grinding, conditioning, steam addition

Check all these processes and remedy or tune a faltering or not correct operating machine

The recipe is changed The drive motor is thermally switched off

The electro-motor is burnt out

Replace it




Contact Technical Sales Service for a custom made spare parts list. FAX NUMBER: +31 (0)475 579 223 E-MAIL: [email protected] Please provide Technical Sales Service with the project number, so they can send you a separate, personalised spare parts document. Use the order form in Chapter 9 to order your spare parts.




TO :


ATTN. : TECHNICAL SALES SERVICE FAX NUMBER +31 (0)475 579 223 E-MAIL [email protected]

CUSTOMER NUMBER: ................................................... NAME

: .................................................................................................


: .................................................................................................


: .................................................................................................


: .................................................................................................

TELEPHONE NR. : ................................................................................................. FAX NR.

: .................................................................................................

FB NR.: .......................... (see identification plate on your machine)

We request delivery of the following articles: ............





























































: .....-.....- .....


: ...............................................................................


Van Aarsen International B.V. Heelderweg 11 6097 EW Panheel The Netherlands Phone +31 (0)475 579 444 Fax +31 (0)475 579 223 [email protected] [email protected] www.aarsen.com