B 2 - Speaking Part 2 TOPIC - UPDATED [PDF]

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SPEAKING PART 2 I. Cách trình bày (1) Giới thiệu tình huống: My situation is that …………….. (đổi ngôi: your => my, you => I) (2) Lựa chọn (1) + Lý do: Among the three options, I think phương án 1 is the best choice because of some reasons. First/ The first reason is that …………………………………………………..; For example ………………… Second/ The second reason is that ……………………….………….For instance …………………………………………………………………………………… Finally/ Third/(The third reason is that ………………………………………… To be specific ………………………………………………………………………. (3) Không chọn phương án 2 + Lý do: I don’t think that phương án 2….. is suitable because………….. For instance ………………………………… (4) Không chọn (3) + Lý do: Although phương án 3 is a good idea, I don’t choose it because ….. ………………………………..for example… ………………………………………………………………………………… Kết luận: To sum up, if I were in the case, I would choose (1) … phương án 1…….because of the reasons I have mentioned.

1. You are going to a prom. There are three options for you to choose. Who do you go with? 1. Darling 2. Best friend 3. Alone My situation is that I am going to a prom .There are 3 options for me to choose such as going with my darling, going with my best friend and going alone. Among the three options, I think that going with my best friend is the best choice because of some reasons. The first reason is that I want to introduce my best friend with my class mates. The second reason is that my best friend is outgoing, so she /



he can talk with everybody at the party. Finally, I feel confident when I go with him/ her. I don’t think that going with my darling is a good idea because it is not suitable for a saying –goodbye - friend party. Although going alone is a good idea, I don’t choose it because I feel lonely if I don’t talk with anyone….. To sum up, if I were in the case, I would choose to go with my best friend because of the reasons I have mentioned. 2. Organize a ten-year high school class reunion. - Visit old school & teachers ·

take long time while people are too busy working.

- Organize a party ·

Arrange a fixed day so everyone can join.

· Book a party at the restaurant so we don’t worry about prepare food and service. ·

We will meet many people and spend time talking together.

- Hold a one-day trip ·

It takes long time for everybody prepare clothes, food for a trip.

My situation is that we will organize a ten - year high school class reunion. There are 3 options for me to choose: visit old school & teachers, organize a party, hold a one - day trip. Among the three options, I think organizing a party is the best choice because of some reasons. The first reason is that I can arrange a fixed day so everyone can join. The second reason is that we can meet many people at the same place at the same time , so people can spend time talking together. Finally, booking a party at the restaurant is more convenient, so we don’t worry about preparing food and service. I don’t think that visiting old school & teachers is suitable because it takes long time while people are too busy working. VSTEP SPEAKING PART 2 –B2


Although holding a one- day trip is a good idea, I don’t choose it because it takes long time for everybody to prepare clothes, food for a trip. To sum up, if I were in the case, I would choose to organize a party because of the reasons I have mentioned. 3. You are going to make a presentation on a new product. There are three options : using power point slides, a poster and a video . What is the best choice? - powerpoint slides + show as many images as I can + draw attention from viewers + easy to prepare - a poster / not good at designing a poster, take more time to prepare. - a video / take time to shoot, proceed the sound tracks , edit images and captions. My situation is that I am going to make a presentation on a new product. There are 3 options for me to choose: powerpoint slides, a poster and a video. Among the three options, I think making power point slides is the best choice because of some reasons. Firstly/ The first reason is that it is easy to show as many images as I can. Secondly/ The second reason is that it will draw more attention from viewers. Finally/ The third reason is that it is easy to prepare. I don’t think that making a poster is not suitable because I am not good at designing a poster ,so it will take more time . Although preparing a video is a good idea, I don’t choose it because it takes time to shoot, proceed the sound track, edit images, and write captions. To sum up, if I were in the case, I would choose to make power point slides because of the reasons I have mentioned. 4. Organize an activity to raise money to help poor students. - A school concert



- second hand market - A marathon My situation is that we will organize an activity to raise money to help poor students. There are 3 options for me to choose: a school concert, a second hand market and a marathon. Among the three options, I think organizing a second hand market is the best choice because of some reasons. Firstly/ The first reason is that we can sell used items for people in need at the reasonable price to get money. The second reason is that we can make the house become tidier. Finally, we cannot waste the items that can be used. For example, we can sell old books or old handbags. I don’t think that a school concert is suitable because we don’t have enough money to invite singers. Although a marathon is a good idea, I don’t choose it because it is too complicated. For example, we must need many people to participate in the event, look for sponsors and professional organizers. To sum up, if I were in the case, I would choose to organize a second hand market because of the reasons I have mentioned.

5. A foreign friend is planning to visit your country and wondering about the best time to go there. - Spring   

The weather is cool and beautiful. There is Tet festival , see many interesting activities such as making banh chung, visit flower streets Attend the cultural events.

- Autumn / it rains a lot. Streets are flooded./ it is difficult to travel around - Summer/ the weather is too hot. My situation is that a foreign friend is planning to visit my country and wondering about the best time to go there. There are 3 options for her to choose: spring, autumn, and summer. Among the 3 options, I think visiting my country in spring is the best choice because of some reasons. The first reason is that the weather is cool and beautiful. The second reason is that Tet festival have many interesting such as



making banh chung, visit flower street and so on .Finally, tourists can attend the cultural events. I don’t think that autumn is suitable because it rains a lot, so streets are flooded and it is difficult to travel around. Although summer is a good idea, I don’t choose it because it is too hot . For example, the temperature is 39 0 C( thirty nine degrees celsius) To sum up, if I were in the case, I would recommend my friend to visit my country in spring because of the reasons I have mentioned. 6. Your volunteer group is organizing a trip to help children in remote areas. What is the best present? - Books - Clothes - Money My situation is that my volunteer group is organizing a trip to help children in a remote area. There are three options for me to choose such as books, clothes and money. Among the three options, I think buying books is the best choice because of some reasons. Firstly, books are necessary. The students live far from the city, they do not have a lot of money, so they don’t often buy new books. Schools in remote areas have few books for students to learn. Secondly, books are useful because students can learn a lot from books. Finally, reading books can make students feel relaxed. I don’t think that clothes are suitable because other volunteer groups can give clothes to them, so they may not need more clothes. Although money is a good idea. I don’t choose it because it is not suitable.



To sum up, if I were in the case, I would choose books because of the reasons I have mentioned. 7. What will you do in a three - month- summer holiday? - Take a long course 


doing some volunteer work 


Take time and money

I usually do some volunteer work in my community during the year.

Travelling 

Travelling helps me to relax after hard-working school year.

Travelling helps me to learn more new culture and people from other places.

Travelling makes the family connection closer/ knitting.

My situation is that what I will do in a three months summer holiday. There are 3 options for me to choose such as taking a long course, doing some volunteer work and travelling. Among the three options, I think travelling is the best choice because of some reasons. The first reason is that travelling helps me to relax after hard-working school year. The second reason is that travelling helps me to learn more new culture and people from other countries. The third reason is that travelling makes the family connection knitting. I don’t think that taking a long course is suitable because it will take time and money. Although doing some volunteer work is a good idea, I don’t choose it because I usually do some volunteer work in the community during the year. To sum up, if I were in the case, I would choose travel because of the reasons I have mentioned.



8. You are going to choose a Primary school for your children. There are three options for you to choose. 1. A school with highly focus on personality development 

Limit to develop life skills.

2. A school with highly focus on academic development 

Make my children to study hard and lack physical activities and life skills

3. A school with relaxing atmosphere 

Don’t want my children to suffer studying pressure.

Relaxing atmosphere makes my children happy to study.

My children can feel comfortable to develop mentally and physically.

My situation is that I am going to choose a Primary school for my children. There are 3 options for me to choose: a school with highly focus on personality development, a school with highly focus on academic development, and a school with relaxing atmosphere. Among the three options, I think choosing a school with relaxing atmosphere is the best choice because of some reasons. Firstly, I don’t want my children to suffer studying pressure. Secondly, relaxing atmosphere makes my children happy to study. Finally, my children can feel comfortable to develop mentally and physically. I don’t think that a school with highly focus on personality development is suitable because it will limit to develop life skills. Although a school with highly focus on academic development is a good idea, I don’t choose it because it can make my children study hard and lack physical activities and life skills. To sum up, if I were in the case, I will choose a Primary school with relaxing atmosphere for my children because of the reasons I have mentioned.



9. Your sister is spoken ill on facebook. There are three option for you to choose.  Deactivate her facebook account  talk to the teacher  having a talk with those friends My situation is that my sister is spoken ill on facebook. There are three options for me to choose such as deactivating her facebook account; talking to the teacher and talking to those friends. Among the three options, I think deactivating her facebook account is the best choice because of the following reasons. The first reason is that when her facebook account is deactivated, nobody can give negative comments. Therefore, she will not feel hurt any more. The second reason is that closing her facebook account can let the situation cool down .The third reason is that my sister will have time to consider her problems. I don’t think that talking to the teacher is suitable because the teacher cannot solve her personal problem. Although talking to those friends is a good idea, I don’t choose it because they can comment to and from, which is not good thing on social networking site. To sum up, if I were in the case, I would choose to deactivate her facebook account because of the reasons I have mentioned. 10. If you found a student cheating on exam. What would you do? There are three options to choose  subtract 50%  delete test paper  prohibit his/ her taking exam.



My situation is that if I found a student cheating on exam, what I would do. There are three options for me to choose such as subtracting 50%, deleting test paper, and prohibiting her taking exam. Among the three options, I think subtracting 50% is the best choice because of the following reasons. The first reason is that I want to deter her for the - first -timeviolation. The second reason is that I don’t want her to fall behind. The third reason is that this is a lesson for her. So she must correct her mistake. I don’t think that deleting test paper is suitable because she can fail the exam, which can affect her performance later. Although prohibiting her taking exam is a good idea I don’t choose it because it can affect her learning process and her grades at the end of the term. To sum up, if I were in the case, I would choose to subtract 50% because of the reasons I have mentioned. 11. The manager of an English center wants to advertise it. There are three suggested media: TV, internet and radio. What is your best choice? My situation is that the manager of an English center wants to advertise it. There are three suggested media for me to choose: TV, internet and radio. Among the three options, I think the internet is the best choice because of the following reasons. The first reason is that nowadays the internet is very popular with everyone. So people can approach the center quickly. The second reason is that the internet is easy to use for everyone. Therefore, potential learners can sign up online. The third reason is that the internet advertising costs less than advertising on other media. I don’t think that advertising on radio is suitable because not many people listen to it. Although advertising on TV is a good idea, I don’t choose it because TV advertising costs more money. To sum up, if I were in the case, I would choose to advertise the English center on the internet because of the reasons I have mentioned.



12. A group of students are raising money for charity. There are 3 options: from companies, from schools and from individuals. What is your choice? My situation is that a group of students are raising money for charity. There are 3 options to choose such as from companies, from schools and from individuals. Among the three options, I think raising money from companies is the best choice for the following reasons. Firstly, companies are the places where they often have potential finance. Therefore, they are easy to donate a sum of money for good purposes. Secondly, the big companies often contribute to the development of community, which is considered to appreciate for the support them to do business. Thirdly, when the companies donate money to help poor people, they show their responsibilities to society. I don’t think raising money from school is suitable. Simply because, I don’t think this measure is effective. Students might not have enough extra money to share with the difficult plights. Although the population of students is large, they financially depend on their parents for school fees and daily expenses. Although collecting money from individuals is a good idea, I don’t choose it. Simply because it takes too much time. Students have to arrange time to put the money box in public places like, school gates, supermarket or on the streets, which is time consuming. To sum up, if I were in the case, I would choose to raise money from companies because of the reasons I have mentioned.

I don’t think raising money from school is a good idea. However, I don’t think this measure is effective. Simply because, students might not have enough extra money to share with the difficult plights. Although, the population of students is large, they financially dependent on their parents for school fees and daily expenses. Although collecting money from individuals take too much time. Simply because, students have to arrange time to put the money box in public places like, school gates, supermarkets or on the streets. Alternatively, they can collect door-to door from each household, which is really time –consuming. To sum up, raising money from companies is the best choice because they can donate big money, show their appreciation and responsibility to society.



13. A youth club is inviting a speaker to talk about life experience. There are 3 persons suggested: a famous singer, a company president, an excellent student. What is the best choice? My situation is that a youth club is inviting a speaker to talk about life experience. There are 3 persons suggested: famous singer, a company president, an excellent student. Among the three options, I think the best option is a company president for the following reasons. First, a company president must have experienced many different jobs and many positions. For example, Mr. Dang Le Nguyen Vu. He used to be a coffee vendor. Then, he became a dealer, opened his own plant. Next, he expanded his business into entrepreneur which specialized in coffee products. Obviously, he must have many experience of life and business management skills, which inspire for young people who want to be successful in future career. I don’t think inviting a famous singe is suitable. Simply because I am not sure that a singer has more experience than a company president. Also, a singer is good at performing on the stage. Although inviting an excellent student is a good idea, I don’t choose it. I think an excellent student should share the experience of studying method, not life experience. Simply because, he is too young to expose to working environment and have a fewer chance of reality. To sum up, if I were in the case, I would choose to invite a company president for the reasons I have mentioned.

14. Your family is discussing how your nephew spends his summer holiday.   

Joining a summer camp Doing military training Staying with his grandparents.

My situation is that my family is discussing how my nephew spends his summer holiday. There are three options for me to choose such as joining a summer camp, doing military training and staying with his grandparents. Among the three options, I think staying with his grandparents is the best choice because of the following reasons. The first reason is that he is going to spend his VSTEP SPEAKING PART 2 –B2


time with his parents to tie the relationship. The second reason is that he is going to have chance to live in the countryside, breathe fresh air and go swimming in the river, which is really exciting for children. Finally, I hope he can learn some soft skills like doing housework or cooking. Although joining a summer camp is a good idea, but I don’t choose it. Simply because his grandparents are old, so they need to have grandson to talk. I don’t choose doing military training because it is not suitable .maybe he is too young to attend this course. To sum up, if I were in the case, I would choose to send him to his grandparents because of the reason I have mentioned. 15. Your volunteer group is organizing a trip to help children in a remote area. There are THREE options for you to choose:  Books  Clothes  Movies Explain the option you have chosen. MY situation is that my volunteer group is organizing a trip to help children in a remote area. There are three options for me to choose such as books, clothes and movies. Among the three options, I think buying books is the best choice because of some reasons. Firstly/ The first reason is that books are necessary. The students live far from the city, they do not have a lot of money, so they don’t often buy new books. Schools in remote areas have few books for students to learn. Secondly/ The second reason is that books are useful because students learn a lot from books .For example, reading books helps students broaden their minds, and improve their knowledge. Thirdly/The third reason is that reading books can make students feel relaxed. I don’t think that buying clothes are suitable because other volunteer groups can give clothes to them, so they may not need more clothes.



Although watching movies is a good idea, I don’t choose it because many families have TV so they can watch movies at home, which is cheaper and more convenient. To sum up, if I were in the case, I would choose to buy books because of the reasons I have mentioned. 16. A group of people is planning a trip from Danang to Hanoi. Three means of transport are suggested:  by train  by plane  by coach (xe khách). Which means of transport do you think is the best choice? My situation is that a group of people is organizing a trip from DN to HN. There are three options for me to choose such as by train, by plane and by coach. Among the three options, I think going by train is the best choice because of some reasons. The first reason is that I can look at the beautiful scenery through the window. The second reason is that the fare is cheaper. The third reason is that going by train helps me avoid a jet lag. I don’t think that going by plane is suitable. Simply because the air fare is expensive. Although going by coach is a good idea, I don’t choose it because I can’t stand the stuffy space and unpleasant smell. To sum up, if I were in the case, I would choose to go by train because of the reasons I have mentioned. 17. You are thinking about the way to congratulate on your close friend’s birthday. There are three ways: 

posting on facebook

making a phone call

sending a card.

What is your best choice? My situation is that I am thinking the way to congratulate on my close friend’s birthday. There are three options for me to choose such as posting on facebook, making a phone call, and sending a card.



Among the three options, I think making a phone call is the best choice because of some reasons. The first reason is that I want to make her surprised. The second reason is that my friends doesn’t like social networking sites. The third reason is that I respect his privacy. I don’t think that posting on face book is a good idea because my friend is timid and don’t want to draw attention from others. Although sending him a birthday card is a good idea, I don’t choose it. Simply because I don’t have time to choose a suitable card and write good words. To sum up, if I were in the case, I would choose to make a phone call to congratulate him because of the reasons I have mentioned. 18. You are planning to have a Sunday evening out. There are 3 options to choose: 

seeing a movie + I am fond of seeing movie + seeing a movie makes me relaxed + enjoy the atmosphere of the cinema and fresh smell of popcorn

going shopping

+ will spend more money

singing Karaoke + don’t like noise and stuffy air

What is the best choice? My situation is that I am planning to have a Sunday evening out. There are three options for me to choose such as seeing a movie, going shopping and singing Karaoke. Among the three options, I think seeing a movie is the best choice because of some reasons. The first reason is that I am fond of seeing movies, but I have never been at the cinema for long time. The second reason is that seeing a movie helps me to relax after hard-working days. Finally, I really enjoy the atmosphere of the cinema and fresh smell of popcorn. I don’t think that going shopping is suitable because I will spend a lot of money. Although singing karaoke is a good idea, I don’t choose it because I don’t like noise, and stuffy air. To sum up, if I were in the case, I would choose to see a movie because of the reasons I have mentioned.



19. Younger sister told lies many times. What are you going to do? There are three options for you to choose 

having a talk with her

+ she is mature enough to understand her mistakes + she and I are like friends, so we can talk easily + I need to help her stop telling lies 

informing your parents

+ my parents are too busy earning for a living. 

letting her continue telling lies.

+ it is very harmful for her. She will lose her credit with others What is your choice? My situation is that my sister told lies many times. There are three options for me to choose such as having a talk with her, informing my parents and letting her continue telling lies. Among the three options, I think talking to her is the best choice for the following reasons. Firstly, she is mature enough to understand her mistakes. Secondly, she and I are like friends, so we can talk easily. Finally, I need to help her stop telling lies. I don’t choose to let her continue telling lies because it is very harmful for her. She will lose her credit with others. Although informing my parents is a good idea, I don’t choose it because my parents are too busy earning for a living. To sum up, if I were in the case, I would choose to talk with her directly for the reasons I have mentioned. 20. You are studying economics and need daily update on economic news. There are three options: 

Internet + some sources of news need to be verified.

Tv + the news covered on TV is always censored. + the source of news is objective. + the news is more reliable




+ I don’t like to listen to the radio. What is the best choice? My situation is that I am studying economics and need daily update on economic news. There are three options for me to choose such as on the Internet, TV, and radio. Among the three options, I think watching the news on TV is the best choice for the following reasons. Firstly, the news covered on TV is always censored. Secondly, the source of news is objective. Finally, the news is more reliable. I don’t choose to update the news on the internet because some sources of news need to be verified. Although updating the news on radio is a good idea, I don’t choose it because I don’t like to listen to the radio. To sum up, I think updating the news on TV is the best choice for the reasons I have mentioned. 21. The government is asking for citizens’s opinion on how to deal with smoking in public areas. 

Fining smokers at least 500.000VND

Asking smokers to do community service

Sending smokers to prison

My situation is that the government is asking for citizens’s opinion on how to deal with smoking in public areas. There are three options for me to choose such as fining smokers at least 500.000VND, asking smokers to do community service, and sending smokers to prison. Among the three options, I think asking smokers to do community service is the best choice for the following reasons. The first reason is that smokers can do something useful for the community. For example, they can clean up the public places. Secondly, this punishment can deter smokers so that they can quit smoking. I don’t choose sending smokers to prison because it is not suitable. Although fining smokers at least 500.000VND is a good idea, I don’t choose it because it is heavy punishment for smokers. To sum up, if I were in the case, I would choose to ask smokers to do community service for the reasons I have mentioned. 22. Your brother is a university student who likes travelling. Give him a birthday gift. There are three options.



A selfie stick

A camera

A 3 - day- holiday tour

My situation is that my brother is a university student who likes travelling. I am going to give him a birthday gift. There are three option for me to choose such as a selfie stick, a camera, and a 3-day holiday tour. Among the three options, I think giving him a camera is the best choice for the following reasons. The first reason is that he really loves taking picture. He can take pictures everywhere. The second reason is that he can bring it anywhere he likes. Finally, he is going to take a photography course. I don’t think a selfie stick is suitable for him. Simply because, he is a boy and he doesn’t like selfieing. Although a three-day-tour is a good idea, I don’t choose it. Simply because, he is preparing for his first term exams. Therefore, he has to stay at home to study. To sum up, if I were in the case, I would choose to give him a camera for the reasons I have mentioned. 23. If you won the lottery 1 million dollars, what would you like to do with this amount of money? There are THREE options for you to choose: 

Buying a new house + my house has been in bad condition + my children are growing up and need their private rooms +

I want to have a larger area to live.

Opening a restaurant ( I am not good at managing)

Depositing the money in the bank ( the interst rate is low)

Explain the option you have choose. My situation is that if I won the lottery of 1 million USD, What I would do with this amount of money. There are three options such as buying a new house, starting a business and depositing the money in the bank. Among the three options, I think buying a new house is the best choice because of the following reasons. The first reason is that my house has been in bad condition. Whenever it rains, my house



is flooded. The second reason is that my children are growing up and need their private rooms. Finally, I want to have a larger area to live. I don’t think opening a restaurant is suitable because I am not good at managing. Although depositing the money in the bank is a good idea, I don’t choose it. Simply because the interst rate is low. To sum up, if I were in the case, I would choose to buy a new house because of the reasons I have mentioned.

24. Your friend feel stressed with her busy, but boring life. Which of the following activities do you think she should do to refresh herself. 

Taking up a sport.


She needs to refresh her energy


Playing sports makes her fit and stronger.


Playing sports reduce stress.

Learning a new skill.


She is too busy to learn something new.

Doing volunteer work.


She is timid and shy

My situation is that my friend feels stressed with her busy but boring life. There are three options for her to choose such as taking up a sport, learning a new skill and doing volunteer work. Among the three options, I think taking up a sport is the best choice for the following reasons. Firstly, she needs to refresh her energy after hard working days. Secondly, playing sports can help her to reduce stress. For example, she can do yoga. I don’t suggest her to learn a new skill. Simply because she is too busy to learn something new. Although doing volunteer work is a good idea, I don’t choose it. Simply because, she is too timid and shy. To sum up, if I were in the case, I would advise her to take up a new sport for the reason I have mentioned. 25. Your father is going to retired next week. What should you buy for him? 

A bottle of champagne


He can drink a bottle of champagne one time, there is nothing meaningful.



A puppy


A puppy can be a friend of my dad.


My father can play with a puppy when he stays at home.


My father doesn’t feel lonely.

A tie


My dad has too many ties.

My situation is that my father is going to retired next week. I am going to give him a present. There are three options for me to choose such as a bottle of champagne, a puppy and a tie. Among the three options, I think a puppy is the best choice because of the following reasons. The first reason is that a puppy can be a friend of my dad. The second reason is that my father can play with a puppy when he stays at home. Finally, my father doesn’t feel lonely. I don’t think a bottle of champagne is suitable. Simply because, he can drink it one time, there is nothing meaningful. Although giving him a tie is a good idea, I don’t choose it because he has got too many ties. To sum up, if I were in the case, I would choose to give him a puppy for the reasons I have mentioned. 26. Do you want to buy some clothes? Where should you buy? 

A shop


the quality is good.


I can try them on


I can exchange them during a week.

An open -air market ( I have to make bargain)

An online shop ( I cannot try them on)

My situation is that I want to buy some clothes. There are three options for me to choose such as buying at a shop, buying at an open-air market and buying on line shop. Among the three options, I think buying clothes at a shop is the best choice for the following reasons. Firstly, the quality of clothes is usually good. Secondly, I can try them on. Finally, I can exchange the clothes when they are faulty. I don’t think buying clothes at an open air market is suitable. Simply because I have to make bargain.



Although buying clothes on line is a good idea, I don’t choose it. Simply because I cannot try them on. To sum up, if I were in the case, I would choose to buy clothes at a shop for the reasons I have mentioned. 27. A foreign friend is going to visit a city in Vietnam in August for 3 days. Where should you recommend for her to visit? There are three options 

Ha Noi


Hanoi is a capital of Vietnam.


There are many tourist attractions such as Uncle Ho ‘s tomb, The temple of Literature, Sword lake, Old town, The Huc bridge


The weather is cool and beautiful.


Hanoi is famous for traditional Vietnamese dishes such as Bun cha, La Vong fish pies, young sticky rice ,…..

Ho Chi Minh city


It is overcrowded and there are many construction sites.


The weather is hot and dusty.



The weather is rainy and flooding in August.

My situation is that a foreign friend is going to visit a city in Vietnam in August for 3 days. There are three options for me to choose Ha Noi, Ho Chi Minh city and Hue. Among the three options, I think Hanoi is the best choice for the following reasons. The first reason is that Hanoi is a capital of Vietnam. There are many tourist attractions such as Uncle Ho ‘s tomb, The temple of Literature, Sword lake, old town, and The Huc bridge. The second reason is that the weather is cool and beautiful. Finally, Hanoi is famous for traditional Vietnamese food such as, Bun cha, La Vong fish pies, young sticky rice . I don’t think HCM city is suitable. Simply because , Ho Chi Minh city is overcrowded and there are many construction sites. Also, the weather is hot and dusty. Although Hue is a good idea, I don’t choose it because the weather is rainy and flooding in August. To sum up, if I were in the case, I would choose to visit Hanoi for the reasons I have mentioned. 28. You have some weak students in class. You want to help them. There are 3 options:



a teacher

a tutor

an excellent class mate.

My situation is that I have some weak students in class. I want to help them. There are 3 options for me to choose such as a teacher, a tutor and an excellent classmates. Among the three options, I think choosing an excellent classmates is the best choice for the following reason. The first reason is that an excellent classmate is the same age with weak students, so they are not shy and don’t feel stressed. The second reason is that an excellent student can spend more time playing with weak students, so they are easy to get along well. I don’t think a tutor is suitable. Simply because, weak students can feel pressured to study with strangers. Although inviting a teacher is a good idea, I don’t choose it. Simply because, I cannot afford the tuition for her. To sum up, if I were in the case, I would choose to an excellent student for the reason I have mentioned. 29. Your sisters’ wedding is coming next month. You and your parents are thinking of giving them a great present There are THREE options for you to choose:   

A three- day- tour A new car A new house

Explain the option you have chosen. My situation is that my sisters’ wedding is coming next month. My parents and I are thinking of giving them a great present .There are THREE options for me to choose: a three- day-tour, a new car and a new house. Among the three options, I think a three – day – tour is the best choice for the following reasons. The first reason is that my sister has always dreamed about a vacation in dalat. This is a chance to make her dream come true. The second reason is that I believe her vacation will be wonderful with her newly married husband. Finally, my parents and I can afford for this gift. I don’t choose to give her a new car. Simply because, my brother -in –law has his own car, so she can share driving with him.



Although giving a new house is a good idea, I don’t choose it. Simply because the house is too expensive. To sum up, if I were in the case, I would choose to give her a three-day tour for the reasons I have mentioned. 30. You are a director of an English center. You are going to advertise your English center through media. There are THREE options for you to choose: 



Social networks

Explain the option you have chosen My situation is that I am a director of an English center. I am going to advertise my English center through media. There are three options for me to choose such as television, radio , and social networks. Among the three options, I think choosing social networks to advertise my English center is the best choice for the following reasons. The first reason is that the social media is part of our life. Thousands of people log in this social media to read and exchange the news, so they can become potential learners for my center. The second reason is that the social networks is highly interactive and updated every time, which is very convenient for target learners to catch the information of my center. Finally, the cost to run the advertisement is not expensive. I don’t think advertising on TV is suitable. Simply because most of people who watch TV nowadays are the elderly and children, so they cannot be the potential learners. Although advertising on the radio is a good idea, I don’t choose it. Simply because a few people like to listen to advertisement on the radio today. To sum up, if I were in the case, I would choose to advertise it on social media because of the reasons I have mentioned. 31. Your mother has just given you 5 million VND as your birthday gift. You are going to buy something for your birthday. There are THREE options for you to choose: •

A new laptop

New clothes and shoes

Books and school bag



Explain the option you have chosen. My situation is that my mother has just given me 5 million VND as my birthday gift. I am going to buy something for my birthday. There are THREE options for me to choose: A new laptop, new clothes and shoes, and books and a school bag. Among the three options, I think a new laptop is the best choice for me for the following reasons. First, I am a student, so I need a laptop to study. For example, I can use the lap top to do word process, make power point presentation, or search the information on the internet to do my assignments. Second, I can use my laptop to entertain. For instance, I can use it to watch films, listen to music. I don’t think I need new clothes and shoes because I have had them already. If I bought more, I would waste my money. Although buying books and a school bag is a good idea, but I don’t think they are necessary for me. Simply because, I bought enough books for me at the beginning of school year. Also, my school bag is good enough to use. To sum up, if I were in the case, I would choose to buy a new lap top for the reasons I have mentioned. 32. You are going to organize a High School Reunion and you have to create an event to make your reunion be successful. There are THREE options for you to choose:   

Raising money. Choosing a location, date and time. Designing a theme and color.

Explain the option you have chosen. My situation is that I am going to organize a High School Reunion and I have to create an event to make my reunion be successful. There are three options for me to choose such as raising money, choosing a location, date and time, and designing a theme and color. Among the three options, I think designing a theme and color is the best choice for me. Simply because, I am good at graphic designing, so I can design a backdrop and choose the theme and color for the event. I can do these things very easily. Raising money is a good idea, I suppose this choice is not good for me because I am not good at managing money. Although choosing location and time is good choice. I think the option is really difficult for me. Simply because, I am not a professional event planner, so I can’t know exactly where the site is good. Also, I think it takes time to find out the suitable venue for the event.



To sum up, if I were in the case I would choose to design a theme and color for this event for the reasons I have mentioned. 33. You’re going to buy a gift for a friend who is going to do military service. Which gift would you like to choose? There are THREE options for you to choose:   

A watch A book A diary

Explain the option you have chosen. My situation is that I am going to buy a gift for a friend who is going to do military service. There are three options for me to choose such as a watch, a book, and a diary. Among the three options, I think giving a book is the best choice for the following reasons. The first reason is that I know my friend is a bookworm, so the book is suitable for him. The second reason is that he can read it when he has free time. Finally, he can share the book with his teammates. I think a watch is a good idea, but because he is a soldier, he is busy practicing or working something. Therefore, wearing a watch is not convenient for him. Although a diary is a good gift for him, I don’t choose it because my friend is the person who is lazy to write what happens to him. So, I don’t think he will use the diary. To sum up, if I were in the case, I would choose to give him a book for the reasons I have mentioned. 34. Your brother has just graduated from university. Here are the up - coming plan for him. Which one you would like to choose for your brother? There are THREE options for you to choose:   

Go straight to work Study Master degree Travelling

Explain the option you have chosen. My situation is that my brother has just graduated from university. I have the up -coming plan for him such as going straight to work, studying Master degree, and travelling. Among the three options, going straight to work is the best choice for him because of the following reasons. The first reason is that he has just graduated from university, so he needs to apply what he has learned at university. The second reason is that he has to experience the real



working environment in order to train himself. Finally, working helps him to become independent financially and more mature. I don’t think studying Master degree is suitable. Simply because he cannot continue his advance study without experience, finance, and support himself. Although travelling is a good idea, I don’t choose it .Simply because, he is still young and has a lot of time to explore the world. He can travel where he likes when he has time and his own money later. To sum up, if I were in the case, I would choose to let him go straight to work for the reasons I have mentioned. 35. You are a manager of an English center. You are going to advertise your English center through printed paper. There are THREE options for you to choose:   

Brochures Leaflets Newspaper

Explain the option you have chosen. My situation is that I am going to advertise my English center through printed paper. I have THREE options to choose: Brochures, Leaflets and Newspaper. Among the three options, I think running the advertisement on newspaper is the best choice for the following reasons. Firstly, advertising on newspaper is always the most effective due to more readers, especially the popular ones such as Tuoi tre, Mua ban. Secondly, I think, potential learners who are in demand to improve their English skills or get required certificates read more than young people. Finally, the cost to run a piece of advertisement on newspaper is cheaper than brochures or leaflets. I don’t think using brochure to advertise for my center is suitable. Simply because I have to pay more for printing and hire staff to deliver. In addition, I cannot reach potential learners because of massive delivery on the street. Although using leaflet is a good idea, I don’t choose it because it is not suitable. One more thing, I have to pay for staff to deliver it everywhere, usually on the street, which contributes to littering in public. To sum up, if I were in the case, I would choose to run advertisement on the newspaper for the reasons I have mentioned. 36. You are searching to write your graduate thesis. There are THREE sources for you to choose:  

Free online books Journals in your university.



Journals of your major with payment

Explain the option you have chosen My situation is that I am searching to write my graduate thesis. I have three options to choose such as free online books, journals in my university and journals of my major with payment. Among the three options, I think searching information in journals in my university is the best choice for the following reasons. Firstly, most of journals in my university are written by wellqualified and experienced professors. Secondly, these journals were verified and approved by the scientific community. Therefore, the data is accurate and reliable. Finally, journals are available in university library so it is convenient for me whenever I need to access. I don’t think searching information on free online books is a good idea. Although on –line books are free of charge and easily accessible, the information is not reliable and not verified. If I used this source, I would spend more time comparing and doubling check. Although searching information in journals of my major with payment is a good idea, I don’t choose it because the payment for these journals is out of my budget. To sum up, if I were in the case, I would choose to use journals in my university for the reasons I have mentioned. 37. Your friend is a foreigner and he has an assignment about Vietnam history. He asked you how can find the material. There are THREE options for you to choose:   

Visit the museum Watch documentary film Read articles and books.

Explain the option you have chosen. My situation is that my friend is a foreigner and he has an assignment about Vietnam history. He asked me how he can find the materials. There are THREE options for me to choose such as visit the museum, watch documentary film and read articles and books. Among the three option, I think visiting the museum is the best choice for the following reasons. Firstly, he can see the real exhibition in the museum. Secondly, he can listen to the explanation from the curator. Finally, he can explore everything about Vietnamese history in once time at one place. I don’t think watching documentary films is suitable .Simply because, he must find the place to borrow the films and have film projector to see it, which takes much time. Although reading article and books is a good idea, I don’t choose it. Simply because most of these materials are written in Vietnamese, so it might difficult for him to understand. To sum up, if I were in the case, I would choose to visit a museum for the reasons I have mentioned.



38. You are looking for the best place to study for the upcoming exam. There are some places you are thinking about. There are THREE options for you to choose:   

At library At home At coffee shop ( crowded, noisy)

Explain the option you have chosen. My situation is that I am looking for the best place to study for the upcoming exam. There are THREE options for me to choose such as at library, at home, and at a coffee shop Among the three options, I think studying at library is the best choice for the following reasons. First, the library is quiet and peaceful, so I can concentrate on my studying. Secondly, I can borrow the materials in the library at any time. Finally, the atmosphere is clean in the library. I don’t think learning at home is suitable .Simply because, I am easily distracted by the noise from the neighborhood. Although studying at the coffee is a good idea, I don’t think I choose it. Simply because there are many people moving up and down. Also, the music played at the coffee can make me not concentrate. To sum up, if I were in the case, I would choose to learn at the library for the reasons I mentioned. 39. Your brother is in a romantic relationship. What would you do? There are THREE options for you to choose:  Tell your parents  Accept this relationship but under your control  Let him do anything he want. Explain the option you have chosen. My situation is that my brother is in a romantic relationship. There are THREE options for me to choose: tell my parents; accept this relationship but under your control; let him do anything he wants. Among the three options, I think letting him do anything he wants is the best choice for the following reasons. Firstly, my brother are mature enough, so I think I should respect his privacy. Secondly, I think romantic relationship is not bad for young people. It is nature of human being. Finally, love teaches him how to be responsible with the one he loves.



I don’t thing telling my parents is suitable. Simply because, my brother is grown up and I don’t want my parents worry about it. Although accepting the relationship but under my control is a good idea, I don’t choose it. Simply because it is too sensitive. To sum up, I would choose to let him do what he wants for the reason I have mentioned. 40. You are going to move out and you have to choose your new accommodation. There are THREE options for you to choose:   

Dormitory Apartment Stay with friends

Explain the option you have chosen. My situation is that I am going to move out and I have to choose my new accommodation. There are THREE options for me to choose: dormitory; apartment and stay with friends. I think staying with friends is my best choice because of the following reasons. First, staying with friend is money - saving. I can share the rent with my friends. Secondly, we can share with the housework. Finally, we can talk together so that I will not feel homesick or alone. I don’t choose to live in an apartment because it is not suitable. Simply because the rent is too expensive and I am afraid of living alone. Although living in a dormitory is a good idea, I don’t choose it .Simply because it is more crowded and noisy. I can’t stand this annoyance. In addition, I am not allowed to cook for myself. To sum up, if I were in the case, I would choose to live with my friends for the reasons I have mentioned. 41. It is getting hotter and your family is planning a trip. Three places are suggested:   

A sea side resort A lakeside hotel A countryside cottage

Explain the option you have chosen. My situation is that it is getting hotter and my family is planning a trip. There are three options for me to choose such as a seaside resort, a lakeside hotel, and a countryside cottage.



Among the three options, I think a seaside resort is the best choice because of the following reasons. The first reason is that staying at a seaside resort is very convenient. For example, my family can go swimming at any time. The second reason is that I can look at the beauty of the nature. For instance, I can look at the sunrise in early morning or sunset in the afternoon. Finally, staying at the seaside resort is very comfortable. To illustrate, I can order the room service at any time and enjoy good hotel facilities like spa, massage. I don’t think that staying at the lakeside hotel is suitable because I don’t like quiet atmosphere. I like something exciting and noisy. Although staying in the country cottage is a good idea, I don’t choose it because there are not enough interesting activities I can do during the holidays. To sum up, if I were in the case, I would choose to stay in the seaside resort because of the reasons I have mentioned. 42. You are getting fat and you decide to lose weight. Which weigh loss method would you like to choose? There are THREE options for you to choose:   

Going to the gym Taking weigh loss drugs Going on a diet.

Explain the option you have chosen. My situation is that I am getting fat and I decide to lose my weight. There are 3 options for me to choose such as going to the gym, taking weigh loss drugs and going on a diet. Among the three options, I think the best choice is going to the gym for the following reasons. First, when going to the gym, I work out many exercise to lose my weight with a physical teacher. Secondly, there are many different kinds of equipment like tread mill, stationary bike, rowing machine which helps me to burn out extra fat. Finally, I feel motivated when I meet people who have good shapes. I don’t think taking weigh loss drug is suitable. Simply because it is really dangerous for my health and might have side effects. Although going on a diet is a good idea, it is not good for my health because it is not sufficient nutrition and vitamins. To sum up, if I were in the case, I would choose to go to the gym because of the reasons I have mentioned.



43. Next week is your best friend’s birthday. You are going to give her a great birthday present. There are THREE options for you to choose:   

A book A scarf A handbag

Explain the option you have chosen. My situation is that my best friend ’s birthday is next week, I am going to give her a great birthday present .There are 3 options for me to choose such as a book, a scarf, and a handbag. Among the three options, I think a book is the best choice for me because of the following reasons. Firstly, my friend is a bookworm. She really likes reading, so the book is an ideal present for her. Secondly, I know she is a member of a book club; therefore, she can share the book with others in the club when she finishes it. I don’t choose a scarf because she has just bought a new one. So, I don’t think she will need one more. Although a handbag is a good outfit for a young lady. However, my best friend is very keen on designer’s like Channel or Dior, which is too expensive for me. To sum up. If I were in the case, I would choose to give her a book because the reasons I have mentioned. 44. You are going to have a birthday party. You are thinking about the place to celebrate

your birthday party. There are THREE options for you to choose: 

In a restaurant.

At home.

At work.

My situation is that I am going to have a birthday party. I am thinking about the place to celebrate your birthday party. There are THREE options for you to choose: in a restaurant, at home, and at work. Among the three options, I think the best choice is celebrating at home for the following reasons. Firstly, celebrating a party at home is money-saving. My mom will cook the dishes I like such as fried chicken, beef steak and chips. Secondly, my sister will make a birthday cake for me. Finally, my friends and I can decorate with colourful balloons and flowers.



I don’t choose to celebrate my birthday at a restaurant because it is very expensive. Simply because I have to pay for the food, service and tips for staff, which is out of my budget. Although celebrating party at work is a good idea, I don’t think it is suitable. Simply because I will not have enough time to have a party, the break time is one hour. To sum up, if were in the case I would choose to celebrate my birthday at home because of the reasons I have mentioned. 45. You are going to visit your friend in England next year. You are thinking a special gift

which you can give to your foreign friend. There are THREE options for you to choose: 

Vietnamese coffee.

A conical hat.

A silk handkerchief.

Explain the option you have chosen. My situation is that I am going to visit my friend in England next year. I am thinking a special gift which I can give to my foreign friends. There are THREE options for me to choose: Vietnamese coffee, a conical hat, a silk handkerchief. Among the three options, Vietnamese coffee is the best choice for the following reasons. First, Vietnamese coffee has special taste. For example, I will give them some boxes of Trung Nguyen Coffee. Second, I think this is a good chance to publicize Vietnamese products to foreigners. Finally, it is convenient for me to carry some boxes of coffee. I think giving them some conical hats is a good idea. However, these hats are bulky to bring along and occupy too much space, so I wouldn’t choose it. Although a silk handkerchief is a good gift, I don’t think people will use it because now people tend to use tissues. To sum up, if I were in the case, I would choose Vietnamese coffee because of the reasons I have mentioned. 46. Your university offers free courses for graduate students. Which would like to you choose? There are THREE options for you to choose:   

A swimming course A time-management course A public speaking course

Explain the option you have chosen. VSTEP SPEAKING PART 2 –B2


My situation is that my university offers free courses for graduate students. There are three options for me to choose such as swimming course, a time management course and a public speaking course. Among the three options I think I would like to choose a public speaking course for the following reasons. First, I am not a good conversationalist, so I think this is a good chance for me to study techniques to speak in public. Secondly, I think this course helps me to build confidence to express my ideas through using appropriate language and communicate more effectively. Finally, public speaking is a vital skill for anyone to work in professional and multi- culture environment. It is useful for my future job because it relates to negotiate and exchange information. I don’t choose to take a swimming course because I learned how to swim when I was five, so I don’t need to study any more. Although learning time management skill is a good idea, I don’t choose it. Simply because I attended this course already last summer. To sum up, if I were in this case, I would choose to take a public speaking course because of the reason I have mentioned. 47. You are going to have an oral presentation about Hanoi capital. You are thinking about a nice place to introduce. There are THREE options for you to choose:   

Hoan Kiem Lake ( Sword lake) Temple of Literature Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum

Explain the option you have chosen. Well, my situation is that I am going to have an oral presentation about Hanoi capital. I am thinking about a nice place to introduce such as Hoan Kiem Lake, Temple of Literature and Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum. Among the three options, I think the Temple of Literature is the best choice for the following reasons. The first reason is that it is the first university in Vietnam, which was built over 1000 years ago. It is the historical site including a pond, gardens, a temple and many honoured stones with the name of famous scholars, who took the first places in national competitions. Secondly, it is symbolized for Vietnamese cultural landmark. I don’t choose Hoan Kiem Lake because I don’t think there are not many things to talk about. Although Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum is a historical site where the late president was buried, I don’t choose it. Simply because I cannot have enough visual materials to make a presentation.



If I were in the case, I would choose to talk about the Temple of Literature for the reason I have mentioned. 48. Your sister’s class allow her to choose her seat and she is not short -sighted. There are three options for her to choose   

A front seat A middle seat A back seat.

My situation is that my sister’s class allow her to choose her seat. There are 3 options for me to choose such as a front seat, a middle seat and a back seat. Among the three options, I think a middle seat is the best choice for the following reasons. The first reason is that my sister is not short-sighted, so sitting in the middle is good for her. The second reason is that she is a little shy, so she feel confident when she sits in the middle. I don’t think a front seat is suitable because the front seat is for students who are short - sighted. Although a back seat is a good idea, I don’t choose it because my sister is quite short. If she sits in the back, she cannot see the blackboard clearly. To sum up. If she was in the case, she would choose to sit in the middle for the reasons I have mentioned. 49. There

are some weak students in your class. You are thinking of finding way to

help them:  a teacher, (well –qualified , experienced, knowledgeable, teaching method)  an academic tutor ( don’t have enough experience)  an excellent classmate ( don’t know how to explain the lesson) My situation is that there are some weak students in my class. I am thinking of

finding way to help them .There are three options such as a teacher, an academic tutor and an excellent classmate. Among the three options, I think an excellent classmate is the best choice because of some reasons. First/ Firstly/ The first reason is that the classmate is the same age with them, so they are not shy. Second/Secondly/ The second reason is that they don’t feel pressured when studying with friends. Finally, they easily understand and sympathize with each other.



I don’t think that inviting an academic tutor is suitable because he doesn’t have enough experience. Although inviting a teacher is a good idea, I don’t choose it. Simply because I have to pay tuition fees To sum up, if I were in the case, I would choose to invite an excellent classmate because of / for the reasons I have mentioned.

50. You have two weeks before final exams. Would you stay home to revise (ôn tập) for the test; go on holiday with family; and join friends for parties? What is your best choice? 

Stay at home to revise for the test ( the final exam is very important / I need to pass to graduate from university/ I need to find a good job)

Go on holiday with family ( I will have many chances to go on holiday with my family)

Join friends for a party.( I think I have many other times ,now I need time to prepare for the final exam)

51. Your friend is going to study abroad next month. What will you give them? 

A favorite book ( he loves reading because he is a book worm, he can read

it at any time; the book is small , so he can put it in the case easily) 

A photo album ( he doesn’t like taking photos)

A handmade scarf ( I am not good at weaving )

My situation is that my friend is going to study abroad next month. I will give him a present. There are three options for me to choose such as a favorite book, a photo album and a handmade scarf. Among the three options, I think giving him a favorite book is the best choice for the following reasons. The first reason is that he loves reading because he is a book worm. The second reason is that he can read it at any time. Finally, the book is small, so he can put it in the case easily. I don’t think a photo album is suitable because he doesn’t like taking photos. Although giving him a handmade scarf is a good idea, I don’t choose it. Simply because I am not good at weaving. To sum up, If I were in the case, I would choose to give him a favorite book for the reasons I have mentioned.



52. You are going to help mountainous children. There are three options for you to choose 


+ I am not rich enough to give money for them. 

Old clothes

Children can use second hand clothes from their siblings 

Notebooks and pencils

+ ( children likes drawing and write something +they can use them in a long time. + notebooks and pencils are necessary for every children.

53. Teachers at your child’s primary school are asking you about how to assess students. There are three options are suggested: 

marks only ( students cannot know their errors/mistake on their performance )

comments only ( students cannot be assessed their ability exactly)

both marks and comments ( students can know their ability/ giving comments to encourage them study better/ students can know feedback to make more effort.

Which do you think is the best choice? 54. You are writing am email to a foreign friend suggesting the place for her to stay in Ha Noi 

a student hostel + the rent is affordable + to socialize with her peers at university + learn more about culture and practice.

a homestay (he is not good at Vietnamese so he will be difficult in communicating.

and a guest house. He will feel lonely.

55. Your niece is 12 next week. You want to buy her a gift. There are three options: 

a dress (She has too many dresses that her parents bought)

An English book + she can learn English + she is a book worm, so she loves reading



+ I want her to keep this book as a memorable gift. 

a bouquet of flowers. She is too young, so she might not like flowers.

56. Your class wants to find a place to take photos to celebrate the end of the school year. Three places are suggested: 

a park

There are too many people walking up and down, so taking photos is more difficult.

a flower garden + the scenery is beautiful. + the park is large and green , so taking picture is more beautiful. + the atmosphere in a garden is fresher, which makes us feel energetic.

a zoo. It is crowded and smelly.

57.Your family has won a lottery of 10 million. There are three options to use that amount of money :  buy a new TV ( my present tV is still used well)  deposit money in a bank ( the amount of money is too small , so the interest rate is low)  spending a short holiday. + spend time with family + a chance to restore my energy. + family member need to relax after social distancing. What is the best choice?



58. Your group is going to organize a sport competition. Which do you think you would organize a sport competition. Which do you think you would organize :  a table tennis game There are fewer people can play this sport  a marathon there are too many participants , so the organization will be difficult.  or a football match? + many people can participate esp people in my living area. + I can find sponsors from the company and local businesses +This game is really exciting , so family member can support for their teams. 59. Your brother is asking for your advice about organizing an activities to celebrate the Western Digital in his class. Which option do you think is the best one?  A class picnic ( He has to prepare many things such as food, tents , games)  A miss contest ( only ladies can participate)  a party at karaoke bar? + everybody can participate because they love singing + I need to book the time and do not worry about facilities. + we can order food and drink at the site. 60. Your foreign teacher is coming back to her hometown next month. You and your classmates want to buy her a gift. There are three options:



 a package of coffee (my teacher can drink coffee and nothing is left.  conical hat ( it is a little bulky, so it is difficult for her to bring along.  and a broidered picture. + it is a good souvenir, every time she looks at the picture she can remember Vietnamese students. + my teacher can hang it in the living room. + it is small enough , so it is very convenient to carry. 61. Your English teacher is going to retire next month. You and your friends are planning to hold a farewell party. There are three options:  your classroom (it is not convenient because there are not enough facilities)  your teacher ‘s house . (It is private ,his house is not big enough to hold a party )  a restaurant near your school. + it is convenient for people to attend the party + we can book food and drink + we do not need to clean up after the party. 62. Your school is investing money in improving the quality of education. These areas are suggested:  investing in teachers + when teachers are trained by participating workshops or seminars , they will be more qualified and innovative. +when teachers improve their teaching methods, students can get benefit from what they have learned.



+ well qualified teachers can produce good students.  investing in the students ( students are too crowded)  in the facilities. (if the facilities are good . but there are not enough good teaching staff who can manage them, it will waste money.)  What is the best choice? My situation is that my school is investing money in improving the quality of education. There are three options such as investing in teachers, in students and in facilities. Among the three options, I think investing in teachers is the best choice because of some reasons. The first reason is that when teachers are trained by participating workshops or seminars, they will be more qualified and innovative. The second reason is that when teachers improve their teaching methods, students can get benefit from what they have learned. Finally, well - qualified teachers can produce good students. I don’t think that investing in the students is suitable because students are too crowded. Although investing in the facilities is a good idea, I don’t choose it. Simply because if the facilities are good, but there are not enough good teaching staff who can manage them, it will waste money. To sum up, if I were in the case, I would choose to invest in teachers because of the reasons I have mentioned. 63. You work 10 km away from home. You are considering the means of transportation to go to work every day. There are 3 options:  Taxi ( I cannot afford it because the fare is expensive



 Motorbike + it easy for me to travel around + riding a motorbike is flexible than taking a bus or a taxi. + I can take my children to school and pick them up after school  bus. +Bus is run as schedules, so it is not convenient for me. My situation is that I work 10 km away from home. I am considering the means of transportation to go to work every day. There are three options such as taxi, motorbike and bus. Among the three options, I think riding a motorbike is the best choice because of some reasons. The first reason is that it is easy for me to travel around. The second reason is that riding a motorbike is flexible than taking a bus or a taxi. Finally, I can take my children to school and pick them up after school I don’t think that taking a taxi is suitable because I cannot afford it because the fare is expensive. Although taking a bus is a good idea, I don’t choose it. Simply because there is no bus routes in my living area. To sum up, if I were in the case, I would choose to ride a motorbike because of the reasons I have mentioned.