Automated Ticket Resolution [PDF]

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Recommending resolutions of ITIL services tickets using Deep Neural Network Durga Prasad Muni1 , Suman Roy1 , Yeung Tack Yan John John Lew Chiang1 , Antoine Jean-Marie Viallet∗2 and Navin Budhiraja1 1

Infosys Ltd., #44 Electronic City, Hosur Road, Bangalore 560100, India 2

SUPELEC engineering school, Gif-sur-Yvette, France

{Durgaprasad Muni,Suman Roy,Yeung Chiang,Navin.Budhiraja},[email protected]

ABSTRACT Application development and maintenance is a good example of Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) services in which a sizable volume of tickets are raised everyday for different issues to be resolved in order to deliver uninterrupted service. An issue is captured as summary on the ticket and once a ticket is resolved, the solution is also noted down on the ticket as resolution. It will be beneficial to automatically extract information from the description of tickets to improve operations like identifying critical and frequent issues, grouping of tickets based on textual content, suggesting remedial measures for them etc. In particular, the maintenance people can save a lot of effort and time if they have access to past remedial actions for similar kind of tickets raised earlier based on history data. In this work we propose an automated method based on deep neural networks for recommending resolutions for incoming tickets. We use ideas from deep structured semantic models (DSSM) for web search for such resolution recovery. We project a small subset of existing tickets in pairs and an incoming ticket to a low dimensional feature space, following which we compute the similarity of an existing ticket with the new ticket. We select the pair of tickets which has the maximum similarity with the incoming ticket and publish both of its resolutions as the suggested resolutions for the latter ticket. The experiment of our data sets shows that we are able to achieve a promising similarity match of about 70% - 90% between the suggestions and the actual resolution.

Keywords Deep Learning; Neural Network; Deep Neural Network; Ticket; ∗ This work was done when Antoine was an intern at Infosys Ltd during July-Sept, 2016

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected]. IKDD CODS 2017, March 9-11 2017, Chennai, India Copyright 2017 ACM 978-1-4503-2776-3/14/02 . . . $15.00. DOI: 10.1145/3041823.3041831

Resolution; Resolution Recovery



Ticketing system is used as one of the inputs for Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) services such as problem management and configuration management. Specifically, in production support related application development and maintenance projects, the incident data in the form of tickets are used for different purposes such as SLA calculation, forecasting, optimum resource level checking, quick metrics computation etc. A huge number of tickets are raised by the user on the ticketing system for the purpose of resolving their problems while using different support systems. A ticketing system tries to minimize the business impact of incidents by addressing the concerns of the raised tickets. Any prior knowledge which can be obtained by mining ticket data can help in quick redressal of the problem. The incident tickets record symptom description of issues, as well as details on the incident resolution using a range of structured fields such as date, resolver, affected servers and services and a couple of free-form entries outlining the description/summary of issues, note by users/administrators etc. The issues are captured as summaries on the tickets and once a ticket is resolved, the solution is also noted down on the ticket as resolution. The maintenance people can save a lot of effort and time if they have access to previous remedial actions for similar kind of tickets based on past history. In this work we propose a method based on deep learning for suggesting resolutions for new tickets. Deep learning allows computational models that are composed of multiple processing layers to learn representations of data with multiple levels of abstraction [11], - these are called deep neural networks. Deep neural networks (DNN) are becoming popular these days for providing efficient solutions for many problems related to language and information retrieval [1, 3, 6, 22, 24, 21]. In this work we use a framework of deep learning network for resolution recovery by lifting ideas from similar deep structured semantic models (DSSM) for web search [9, 8, 7]. In those papers the authors use DNN to rank a set of documents against a given query in the following steps. First, the DNN carries out a non-linear projection to map the query and the documents to a common semantic space in which the relevance of each

Figure 1: A schematic diagram of our Approach document for the query is computed in that semantic space. Then the neural networks are learned using the clickthrough data by maximizing the conditional likelihood of the clicked document given the query. Motivated by this we propose a method for recommending resolution for incoming tickets in ITIL services using similar approach. We treat existing tickets (or historical tickets) as a set of documents while an incoming ticket resembles a query. The tickets are represented using features consisting of words from their summaries after lemmatization and removal of stop words. We map an incoming ticket and a small subset of existing tickets to a low dimension feature space. This is done by feeding feature vectors for existing tickets and the incoming ticket to a deep neural network (DNN) and thus obtaining the semantic representation of the feature vectors in a very low dimensional space. Then we compute the similarity between the low-dimensional feature vector of the new ticket and the existing tickets to find the most similar ticket with respect to the new ticket. Subsequently, we publish the resolutions of the most similar (existing) ticket pair as the recommended solutions for the fresh ticket. A schematic diagram of our method is shown in Figure 1. The paper is organized as follows. In the section 2 we describe the schema of our data set and the steps for feature extraction from a ticket. We introduce our deep neural network and its training and validation steps in Section 3. Experiments of our company data set are discussed in Section 4. We state related work in Section 5 before concluding in Section 6.



We consider incident tickets with similar schema which are frequent in ITIL. These tickets usually consist of two fields [10, 14], fixed and free form. Fixed-fields are customized and inserted in a menu-driven fashion. Example of such items are the ticket’s identifier, the time the ticket is raised or closed on the system or, if a ticket is of incident or request in nature. Various other information are captured through these fixed fields such as category of a ticket, employee number of the user raising the ticket etc, and also maintenance team performance parameters like response time, resolution time of the ticket etc. But, fixed fields do not convey much information about the incident itself. There is no standard value for free-form fields. The concern/issue for raising a ticket is captured as “call description” or “summary” as free-formed texts, - it can be a just a sentence that summarizes the problem reported in it, or it may contain a detailed description of the incident. By using freely generated part of tickets, administrators can get to know about unforeseen network incidents and can also ob-

Figure 2: Snapshot of relevant parts of incident ticket data tain a much richer classification. A small note is recorded as resolution taken for each ticket. A small part of ticket data is shown in Figure 2.


Feature vector creation from Ticket Data

We assume a free field of ticket to contain a succinct problem description associated with a ticket in the form of a summary (or call description). We consider the collection of summary of tickets for extracting the feature vector corresponding to a ticket. We use light natural language processing for feature vector generation. As a pre-processing we remove the tickets which do not contain either a summary or a resolution or both. In the beginning we perform lemmatization of the words in the the summary of tickets. Then we use Stanford NLP tool [4] to parse the useful contents in the summary of the tickets and tag them as tokens. Next we set up some rules for removing tokens which are stop words. We compute document frequency (DF)1 of each lemmatized word. We discard the words whose DF is smaller than 3. Ticket summary may contain some very rare words like name of a person (user who raised the ticket) and some noise words. By removing words with DF < 3, we can remove these very rare words which do not contribute to the content of ticket summary. In this way, the feature vector size could be reduced significantly. We can model a ticket as a vector T (., . . . , .), where each element T (xi ) represents the importance or the weight of a word w with respect to the ticket. One needs to choose a suitable weighing scheme to best describe these tickets. We shall use TF*IDF [20] of a word as its weight2 . Finally, a profile of a ticket is given as T = (x1 , . . . , xn ) = ~ x, where x1 , . . . , xn are the appropriate weights for the chosen words w1 , . . . , wn respectively from the summary of T . As ticket summaries are short, most of the words may appear only once. If we take TF (term frequency) to represent the weight of an element in the feature vector then most of the entries in the feature vector will be 1 which do not convey much meaningful information. So, we have considered TF*IDF values as weights for feature vector representation.


Relational schema on fixed elements

The fixed field entries of a ticket can be represented using 1 Document frequency of a word is the number of tickets (ticket summaries) containing the word in the data set (corpus) [12] 2 TF*IDF is a popular metric in the data mining literature [12]

a relational schema. For that we shall consider only a limited number of fixed fields of a ticket for choosing attributes that reflect its main characteristics (the domain experts’ comments play an important role in choosing the fixed fields), for example the attributes can be, - application name, category and sub-category. They can be represented as a tuple: Ticket(application name, category and sub-category). Each of the tuples corresponding to entries in the fixed fields in the ticket can be thought of an instantiation of the schema. Examples of rows of such schema can be, (AS400 - Legacy Manufacturing, Software, Application Errors), (AS400 Legacy Retail, Software, Application Functionality Issue) etc. The relation key can vary from 1 to number of distinct tuples in the schema. One such key can hold several Incident IDs, that is, it can contain several tickets with different IDs.



Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) or Neural Networks (NNs) are networks inspired by biological neural networks. These are made up of interconnected processing units. These are used for tasks such as estimation, function approximation and pattern recognition. We use feed forward Deep Neural Networks(DNNs) that have multiple hidden layers. Each layer in a feed forward Neural Network adds its own level of non-linearity that can solve more complex problems. Our DNN model processes input vectors in two stages. First, the DNN maps highdimensional sparse text features of a document layer by layer into low-dimensional feature vector. In the next stage, the low dimensional feature vectors are passed through cosine similarity function computation gate. The architecture of deep neural network DNN [9] that we use to recommend resolution for a new ticket is given in Fig 3. The objective of the DNN model is to find the ticket from the existing tickets with the summary that is the most similar wrt a new ticket. To achieve this goal, we can train the DNN with a set of ticket summaries coupled with their respective similar and dissimilar ticket summaries. These similar and dissimilar tickets are obtained through multiple stages of processing. At first, we assume that tickets with the chosen combination of fixed fields or tuple (application name, category and sub-category combination) are similar to some extent. Alternatively, we assume that tickets from different tuples are dissimilar to each other. To obtain similar tickets for a given ticket, we randomly pick a subset of tickets from same tuple as that of the given ticket. However, we cannot definitely say that tickets from same tuple are always similar. The combination of fixed fields, application name, category and sub-category (or a subcombination) broadly bucket the tickets into same group, but there may be difference among tickets within the same tuple. Moreover, since a user chooses attributes of these fixed fields (application name, category and sub-category) for a ticket in a menu-driven fashion, there is always a chance that the user may have chosen wrong entries for such menudriven options. To avoid this issue, we follow two steps to obtain better similar and dissimilar tickets which lead to better training of the model. Firstly, for choosing similar (dissimilar) tickets, we pick the tickets from same (different) tuple for a given ticket, and then we use the approach based on semantic sim-

Figure 3: Structure of Deep Neural Network ilarity to choose more similar (dissimilar) tickets out of those and filter out those tickets which are not that much similar (dissimilar) wrt the given ticket. The semantic similarity approach is discussed in the Subsection 3.1. Secondly, we have designed the DNN in such a way that it will consider the tickets in pairs. By considering a pair of chosen similar (dissimilar) tickets, we ensure there is higher chance that they are more similar (dissimilar) as a combination. It is like a committee of classifiers that improve the performance over a single classifier model [15]. We may consider multiple (≥ 2) chosen tickets for better similarity (dissimilarity) by which the mismatch (match) will be balanced out. In this paper, however we consider only pairs of similar (dissimilar) tickets for training for ease of computation.


Finding semantic similar tickets for training

For training DNNs we need to find out similar tickets corresponding to a given ticket. Towards that we use a technique based on descriptive features for computing the similarity of summaries of two tickets [13]. In this approach (SS), a sentence is a sequence of words each of which carries useful information. A joint word set is formed dynamically using all the distinct words in a pair of sentences. A raw semantic vector is carved out of each sentence with the help of a lexical database which is augmented with information content for words. Finally we calculate the semantic similarity for two tickets Ti and Tj using the cosine distance between these two semantic vectors, denoted as sem-sim(Ti , Tj ). This semantic similarity of two tickets is different from the similarity of two tickets in probabilistic IR models in Section A in Appendix. Moreover, we say a ticket Ti is semantically similar (or simply similar) to a ticket Tj if sem-sim(Ti , Tj ) > 0.5. Otherwise, Ti is dissimilar with Tj . For training the DNN we need to choose tickets which are semantically similar to the ticket Ti belonging to the same tuple τ . Given a ticket Ti having tuple τ one needs to pick tickets at random and check if they are similar to Ti . Similarly we need to randomly pick up tickets having tuples other than τ which are dissimilar with Ti . However, we would like to restrict the number of draws in such a way that the probability of choosing similar/dissimilar tickets is maximized. It is possible to find out the probability of choosing tickets which are similar to a ticket belonging to the same tuple and also those which are dissimilar. Suppose there are Nτ tickets which have the same tuple τ . Further assume that there are Nτi number of tickets having tuple τ which are similar to ticket Ti . Then the probability of choosing a ticket


similar to ticket Ti is p = Nττ . Also the probability of failure, that is, choosing a ticket which is dissimilar to ticket Ti is, q = 1 − p. As we are required to pick a pair of tickets we need to decide on the number of draws of tickets from the collection in which there is a maximum chance of choosing at least 2 tickets which are similar to the ticket Ti . Based on the computation in Section B in Appendix we decide to draw 5 tickets and choose two tickets which has got higher semantic similarity values with the given ticket Ti . Next we find an optimal number of draws in which exactly 2 number of dissimilar tickets are chosen. Recall that we pick up dissimilar tickets from the set of tickets having a tuple other than τ (to which the given ticket Ti belongs). We argue that it is enough to draw 2 tickets from the collection of tickets with non-τ tuples and select the tickets having less similarity with Ti . To see this observe that in this case the success corresponds to the event of selecting tickets which are dissimilar with Ti . Drawing dissimilar tickets from a collection of tickets having tuples other than τ can be seen as independent events. Using the argument in Section C in the Appendix we choose to draw 2 tickets randomly from the collection of tickets having non-τ tuple.


Structure of the DNN

The structure of the DNN for recommending resolution for a new ticket is given in Fig 3. The network finds similarity between the new ticket summary and a subset of existing ticket summaries. Prior to computing similarity, the DNN reduces the high dimensional feature vectors representing ticket summaries into low-dimensional vectors. For that, it uses DNNR that reduces dimension. This is a multilayer feed-forward deep neural network. The structure of our DNNR is given in Fig 4. The input layer of DNNR consists of n number of nodes where n is the size of the feature vector of ticket summary. We assume there are N − 1 number of hidden layers. Let ~ x be the input feature vector, y as output vector. Let hi , i = 1, 2, . . . , N be the intermediate hidden layers, Wi be the ith weight matrix and bi be the ith bias term. We have h1 = W1 ~x hi = f (Wi hi−1 + bi ), i = 2, 3, . . . , N − 1.


Figure 4: DNNR: Part of DNN that reduces the dimension ing the method as mentioned earlier. These four pairs of similar and dissimilar tickets are represented by a set Tm . The given ticket Tm and each of the pairs of similar and dissimilar tickets are fed to the DNNR one by one. Let ym be the output feature vector for Tm and yi and yj be the output feature vectors for Ti and Tj respectively. The cosine similarity between one output ym and another output yi are computed using Eqn 3. Then this cosine similarity of two tickets (Ti , Tj ) wrt the ticket Tm are combined to generate R(Tm , T(i,j) ) in Eqn 4. Same equations are used for computing the cosine metric and R-value for dissimilar pairs.

cosine(ym , yi ) =

R(Tm , T(i,j) ) =

f (z) = tanh(z) =

m P (T(i,j) |Tm ) = P

1 − e−2z 1 + e2z


The output of DNNR is passed through a cosine similarity function as shown in Fig 3. As we consider pair of tickets, the output of two cosine similarity function nodes are combined.


1 (cosine(ym , yi ) + cosine(ym , yj )) 2

Training of the DNN model

For the training of the DNN, we take a set of M ticket summaries (Tm , m = 1, 2, . . . , M ). The summary of each ticket m+ Tm is coupled with one pair of similar tickets T(i,j) and three m− pairs of dissimilar tickets T(i0 ,j 0 ) . We use the abridged notam+ tion T(i,j) for the chosen similar tickets Ti , Tj corresponding to the ticket Tm . Similarly, we use the notation T(im− 0 ,j 0 ) for the chosen dissimilar tickets Ti0 , Tj 0 corresponding to the ticket Tm . These similar (dissimilar) tickets are chosen us-



These R-values of pairs of similar and dissimilar tickets wrt Tm are fed to the Softmax function as shown in Fig 3. The Softmax function computes posterior probabilities [9]. m The posterior probability for R(Tm , T(i,j) )3 is given in Eqn 5 as below.

y = f (WN hN −1 + bN ) We use tanh as the activation function at the output layer and at the hidden layers. Recall the tanh function is defined as

ym T yi ||ym ||||yi ||

T m0

m )) exp(γR(Tm , T(i,j) , exp(γR(T , T(im0 ,j 0 ) )) m ∈Tm


(i ,j 0 )

where γ is the smoothing parameter in the Softmax function. As our objective is to find the most similar ticket (pairs) for a given ticket Tm , we maximize the posterior probability for the similar (or positive) pairs. Alternatively, we minimize the following loss function Y m+ L(Ω) = −log P (T(i,j) |Tm ) (6) m+ (Tm ,T(i,j) )

where Ω denotes the set of parameters {Wi , bi : i = 1, 2, . . . , N } of the neural networks. L(Ω) is differentiable wrt Ω as it is continuous and its (partial) derivatives are also continuous. So, the DNN can be trained using gradient-based numerical optimization algorithm. The detailed derivation is given in Section D of Appendix. 3

this posterior probability resembles the probabilistic IR model similarity in Section A in Appendix for ranking tickets


Validation of the DNN model

The resolution for a new ticket T is recommended as follows. At first we seek the tuple τ corresponding to T . Then the existing tickets belonging to τ are fed to DNN. We assume that a ticket having the tuple τ is relevant, at least partially to the tickets belonging to the same τ in terms of resolution. To find the most relevant resolution corresponding to those tickets, we use the DNN to find the most similar ticket summary wrt new ticket summary. The feature vector of the new ticket T and those of the existing tickets {Tk , 1 ≤ k ≤ K} from the tuple τ are fed to DNNR one by one. Let y be the output of DNNR for T and yk be the output of DNNR for Tk . We find the cosine similarity between y and yk for each ticket Tk having tuple τ . Then we pair two cosine similarity outputs and ob- tain the R-value (Eqn 4) for each pair. There will be K 2 possible pairs. However, we take only K/2 distinct pairs of combinations. If K is odd then we consider the cosine similarity of the remaining ticket summary Tk wrt T with one of the randomly chosen tickets in τ -tuple and then compute the R-value. Note we are computing the cosine similarity of each ticket in tuple τ with the new ticket, we do not leave out any ticket in the tuple. The ticket pairs are ranked based on the R values. Higher the value of R, more similar the ticket pair wrt the new ticket T . Out of these K/2 (or dK/2e) pairs, suppose the (Tu , Tv )-pair obtain the maximum R-value. Then this pair collectively is the closest pair wrt T . Then the corresponding resolutions of these two summaries are published as the recommended resolutions for the new ticket if R-value of this pair is greater than a threshold value θ. If more than one pair have same maximum R-value (> θ) or almost same maximum R-value (within 1% variation) then we publish all the corresponding resolutions of these tickets pairs. In our experiment, we have considered θ = 0.8.



In this section we report on our experiments. We implement our deep neural network using Java. We perform our experiment using our internal data set. Our approach facilitates for various architectures of the DNN with many hidden layers, and each layer in turn, contains different number of nodes. However in this paper, we have considered one single architecture with two hidden layers. So, in our experiments, we have taken N = 2 + 1 = 3. The first and second hidden layers consists of 200 nodes and 100 nodes respectively. The output layer has only 50 nodes.


Internal ticket data

We have used data sets from different domains in ITIL services in our company to validate our methodology, these domain are AMD and Retail. The data from AMD domain portrays information on application maintenance. It consists of 10653 tickets. As mentioned earlier, the ticket summaries are preprocessed and are represented by TF*IDF feature vectors. The dimension of a feature vector that represents a ticket summary is 1253. The Retail data includes 14379 tickets which contains data related to services to customers. Each ticket summary in this domain is represented by a 491-dimensional feature vector. The details of these two data sets are given in Table 1.


Data Partition


Total tickets

AMD Retail

10653 14379

No of tuples 270 150

Input feature vector dimension 1253 491

Table 1: Ticket data from different domains Domain

AMD Retail

Total test tickets

#Recommended tickets

Average Similarity

Average Similarity

(SS evaluator)

(manual evaluation)

816 1384

369 618

0.71 0.67

0.92 0.70

Table 2: The performance of DNN on recommending resolutions

We randomly pick 10% of each data set (tickets) as the test set and 20% of the data set as the training set. These 20% of the data set as the training set constitute M number of tickets for training. For each ticket of the training set (Tm , m = 1, 2, . . . , M ), we take one pair of similar tickets and three pairs of dissimilar tickets from the remaining 70% of the data set (with repetition).


Recovering resolutions for new tickets

We train the DNN with 50 epochs or iterations. We attempt training of the model with few values of learning rate parameter t (Eqn 7). The learning rate t is uniform across the iterations. Out of these trained models using different values of learning rate, we consider the model for which the learning curve (by minimizing loss function) was steadily decreasing. After obtaining the trained model, we validated the model using test set. For each ticket of test set, our DNN model recommends two or more resolutions if the R-value of winning (best) pair(s) is greater than a threshold value θ. In our experiment, we have considered θ = 0.8. We compared the actual resolution of each test ticket with the recommended resolution pair using semantic similarity score ranging between 0 to 1. Then we computed the average semantic similarity score over all recommended cases. The total number of test tickets, the number of test tickets for which the model recommended the resolutions with θ = 0.8, and the average semantic similarity are given for both data sets in Table 2. Along with semantic similarity approach (SS)-based evaluation we have also manually evaluated the similarity between two tickets. Towards this we inspected the actual resolution of each ticket and the corresponding recommended resolutions for evaluation purposes. We use three similarity scores of 0, 0.5 and 1. If the meaning of a pair of actual resolution and recommended language appear to be the same (using meta language oriented informal semantics) then we assign a similarity score of 1 to this pair. If we find that the meaning of the elements of this pair are not exactly same, but there is some match then we provide a score of 0.5 to this pair. Otherwise (in case the resolutions completely differ in their meaning) we score this pair 0. As before we calculate the average manual similarity score over all test tickets. The effectiveness of our DNN approach to find similar

Domain AMD Retail

Average similarity (SS evaluator) 0.93 0.83

Average Similarity (manual evaluation) 0.98 0.90

Table 3: The performance of DNN on finding similar ticket summaries Tuple Name Report Masks Administration Separation Request AS400 Legacy - Direct Response Software Application Errors AS400 Legacy - Manufacturing/Packaging Administration Configuration AS400 Legacy - Purchasing Software Application Functionality Issue AS400 Legacy - Manufacturing/Packaging Software Application Functionality Issue

No. of test tickets

No. of matches

% of matches
















Table 4: The performance of DNN in top 5 tuples ticket summaries (comparison between actual test summary and summaries of recommended tickets) is given in Table 3. It shows that our DNN approach could successfully find similar ticket summaries for a given new ticket summary. Lower similarity values for recommending resolutions (Table 2) is primarily due to the variations in resolutions as documented by different maintenance personnel for even the same ticket summary. The performance of the DNN for top (maximum tickets) 5 tuples in test set is given in Table 4 for AMD domain. In this result, we count a match if the semantic similarity score using SS approach between actual resolution and recommended resolution is greater than 0.5. We have given the name of tuples in the order of application name, category and sub-category. We have also conducted experiment without employing semantic similarity approach (SS) during training. In this case we pick up 2 tickets randomly from the same tuple as of the original ticket and compute their cosine similarity wrt the latter. The results are shown in Table 5. It highlights the fact that our DNN approach does not depend much on the SS approach to select similar/dissimilar tickets during training.


Comparison with other methods

We now compare our method with two approaches, one based on cosine similarity (approach 2) of feature vector of tickets and another related to clustering and kNN-search (approach 3). Both approaches are described below. Approach 2: Cosine-based similarity of tickets: In Domain

AMD Retail

Total test tickets 822 1384

#Recommended tickets 363 583

Average Similarity (manual evaluation)

0.89 0.68

Table 5: The performance of DNN on recommending resolutions without using SS approach during training


AMD Retail

Total test tickets 816 1384

#Recommended tickets 442 988

Average Similarity (SS evaluator)

0.56 0.60

Table 6: The performance of simple cosine similarity approach on resolution recommendation Tuple Name Report Masks Administration Separation Request AS400 Legacy - Direct Response Software Application Errors AS400 Legacy - Manufacturing/Packaging Administration Configuration AS400 Legacy - Purchasing Software Application Functionality Issue AS400 Legacy - Manufacturing/Packaging Software Application Functionality Issue

No. of test tickets

No. of matches

% of matches
















Table 7: The performance of simple cosine similarity in top 5 tuples this approach we consider the TF*IDF vector representation of ticket summaries (input to the DNN) and compute the similarity of a new ticket with other tickets in the same tuple to find out the most similar ticket for resolution recovery. In this approach the feature vector of a ticket T is represented as (x1 , . . . , xn ) using n terms/keyphrases, where xi denotes the TF*IDF weight of the ith term in ticket T . Given two tickets T and T 0 with their feature vector representations (x1 , . . . , xn ) and (y1 , . . . , yn ) respectively, their Cosine-based Σn xi yi √ n 2 . similarity [12] is given by simC (T, T 0 ) = √ n i=1 2 (

Σi=1 xi )(

Σi=1 yi )

Once a new ticket T 0 arrives, we find the tuple associated with it. Then we compute the similarity of T 0 with each ticket T in the same tuple. Then we pick out the ticket having the maximum similarity (tickets having similarity with a tolerance 0.05) and publish its resolution as the recommended resolution for the new ticket. The performance of the simple cosine similarity (approach 2) is given in Table 6. Note that, the performance using simple cosine similarity approach is lower than the DNN approach. For this simple cosine similarity approach, we have also provided performance in top 5 tuples in test set for AMD domain in Table 7. Approach 3: Clustering and kNN-search: In this approach we consider tickets as bag of items for grouping them into clusters and place the new ticket in the appropriate cluster to find its k nearest neighbors for recovering its resolution [18]. In this case we consider both the fixed field entries and free field (summary) for finding the feature vector of the tickets. That is, a profile of a ticket is given as T = (x1 , . . . , xk , xk+1 , . . . , xn ), where x1 , . . . , xk are the proper representation (categorical or bucket) of feature elements corresponding to fixed field entries of T and xk+1 , . . . , xn are the appropriate weights (we use TF*IDF [20] in this case also) for the chosen keywords/keyphrases from the free form entries of T . For more details see [17]. Also we consider a hybrid approach for computing the distance metric. We use Jacaard metric to compute the distance on fixed el-

Domain AMD Retail

Average semantic similarity 0.38 0.50

Table 8: The performance of clustering and kNNsearch method ement entries of feature space and Cosine distance metric for keyphrases. Then we take a convex combination of these distances to formulate our metric [18, 17]. Given the set of tickets and a hybrid distance metric on it we group the tickets into different clusters. Once a new ticket arrives we perform natural language parsing on its summary to identify keywords, and thus generate the feature vector for it based on these keywords (keyphrases). Then we compute the distance of this ticket from all other clusters and place the ticket in the particular cluster to which it is the closest. Further we shortlist a group of tickets based on the tuple of the new ticket. Using a KNN-based approach we choose a ticket in this shortlist which are nearer to the new ticket using the distant metric and publish the corresponding resolution as the recovered resolutions for the new ticket. The performance of the third approach (clustering and kNN search) is given in Table 8. Our DNN approach performed better than both cosine similarity approach and clustering and kNN search method.



There are some pieces of works which deal with recommendation of resolution for incoming tickets. Notable among them is [26] where the authors proposed a kNN (k-nearest neighbor)-based method to recommend resolution for event tickets using a similarity metric between events and past resolutions of other events. The method proposed therein heavily depended on the underlying similarity measure in kNN. In a similar work [23] an analysis of the historical event tickets from a large service provider was carried out. Two resolution-recommendation algorithms for event tickets were proposed on historical tickets by considering false positive tickets which would often be generated by monitoring systems. The authors built on the work of kNN-based algorithms for recommending resolutions in [25] where they used SCL (structural corresponding learning) based feature adaptation to uncover feature mapping in different time intervals as ticket descriptions differ in case of change of servers’ environments over a period of time during which resolutions remained unchanged. Further they applied this algorithm on tickets grouped by different time interval granularities to account for the periodic regularities present in ticket datasets. All the methods proposed above for recommending resolution exploited the underlying similarity measure in kNNbased search. In [18], Roy et al. proposed a method meant to be applied to a more general setting. In this approach it was possible to identify tickets similar to a new ticket by suitably clustering the tickets using a Cosine metric. In particular, the authors put forth an automated method based on unsupervised learning for recovering resolutions for incoming tickets using the traditional kNN search by which they were able to achieve a promising similarity match of about 48% between the suggestions and the actual resolution.

The idea of using deep learning in our work originates from work on learning deep structured latent models for web search [7, 8, 9]. Latent semantic models [5, 2] have been used to bridge the gap between Web documents and search queries by mapping query to its relevant documents at the semantic level and grouping different terms appearing in similar context into the same semantic cluster. There have been further extensions of these approaches. New models for clickthrough data like Bi-lingual Topic Models (BLTMs) and linear Discriminative Projection Models (DPMs) [7, 8], (which consist of queries and their clicked document) have been used to plug the gap between search queries and web documents. In another approach, the authors in [19] have extracted a hierarchical semantic structure embedded in the query and the document via deep learning. Combining both the approaches, Huang et al. have proposed a series of deep structured semantic models for ranking a set of documents for a given query in the following manner [9]. They projected the query and the documents to a common semantic space, following which the relevance of each document wrt the given query was judged using the cosine similarity between their vectors in the common semantic space. By maximizing the conditional likelihood of the clicked document given the query they trained their neural network models. Motivated by these ideas we use deep structured models to recommend resolutions for tickets in ITIL services. We project existing tickets and a new ticket to a common low dimensional space and then compute the similarity of the new ticket with other tickets. We select the ticket which has highest similarity with the new ticket and pick the resolution of the former as the recommended resolution for the new ticket. For training purposes we maximize the posterior probability of the new ticket with similar tickets. However, we do not need to hash the input ticket vectors because tickets are short text data and hasing increases the dimension of feature vectors instead of reducing them.



In this work we have proposed deep learning based recommendation algorithm for recovering resolutions for incoming tickets in ITIL services. Our learning algorithm provides some advantages over the traditional resolution recommendation techniques. The methods for recommending resolutions in [26, 23, 25] use similarity measures to compute the k nearest neighbors for the incoming ticket to suggest resolutions for the latter. For improving the similarity measure used in KNN the authors therein utilize both the event and resolution information in historical tickets via a topic-level feature extraction using the LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation) model. In our deep learning based technique we use a high dimensional input vector for tickets which does not require much natural language processing. Further we do not need to compare the similarity of each ticket in the repository with the new ticket. Clustering-based recommendation algorithm [18] alleviates the comparison of the new ticket with each existing ticket, however proper clustering of tickets is challenging as they have short text content. Also, in our method we use deep structured models for ranking the tickets against the new ticket in the same tuple. Thus by mapping high-dimensional input vector of tickets to lowdimensional vectors we avoid the “curse of dimensionality” phenomenon.



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In this model the historical tickets are ranked according to the probability of being relevant to a new ticket. By this one can compute the semantic similarity of an incoming ticket T 0 with an existing ticket T in the repository using a similarity function based on conditional probability, sim(T 0 , T ) = P (T 0 |T ). Applying Bayes’ rule [16], we can 0 )P (T 0 ) . rewrite the above as P (T 0 |T ) = P (T |T P (T ) For a given class of new tickets, we can take P (T ) to be constant and can further assume that all tickets have the same probability. Therefore in the presence of historical tickets such as T , any incoming ticket T 0 can be ranked 0 )P (T 0 ) = P (T |T 0 ). We using, sim(T 0 , T ) = P (T 0 |T ) = P (T |T P (T ) shall use similar probabilistic IR model for ranking tickets.



We seek to find the probability of choosing tickets which are similar to a ticket belonging to the same tuple. Suppose there are Nτ tickets which are in the same tuple τ . Further assume that there are Nτi number of tickets having tuple τ which are similar to ticket Ti with the same tuple τ . Then the probability of choosing a ticket similar to ticket Ti is Ni p = Nττ . Then the probability of failure, that is choosing a ticket which is dissimilar to ticket Ti is q = 1 − p. As we are required to pick a pair of tickets we decide on the number of draws of tickets from the collection in which there is a maximum chance of choosing at least 2 tickets which are similar to the ticket Ti . Suppose we are allowed m number of draws of tickets from a collection of tickets in tuple τ . We need to determine the probability of picking at least 2 tickets similar to the given ticket Ti . Each such draw of ticket from the collection can be seen as a Bernoulli trial with the probability of success p and the probability of failure q. Let X be a random variable which takes the value of the number of similar tickets to Ti drawn from the collection of tickets with tuple τ . Then X follows a binomial distribution with the number of draws being m and the probability of success p. We need to determine P (X ≥ 2). We find out the probability of the complementary event P (X < 2) and then compute 1 − P (X < 2).  k m−k ·p q we have P (X < 2) = Now P (X = k) = m k   m m 0 m 1 m−1 ·p q + ·p q and P (X > 2) = 1−q m +mpq m−1 . 0 1 For different values of q we plot P (X > 2) against m. The resulting graph asymtotically approaches 1. For different values of q being less than 0.5 we observe that the curve begins to approach 1 when m is close to 5. In view of the above we choose the number of draw to be 5. That is to say, we randomly pick 5 tickets from the collection of tickets with tuple τ and select two tickets which have higher semantic similarity with the given ticket Ti .



Now we need to find an optimal number of draws in which exactly 2 number of dissimilar tickets are chosen. Recall that we pick up dissimilar tickets from the set of tickets having a tuple other than τ (the given ticket Ti belongs to this tuple). We argue that it is enough to draw 3 tickets from the collection of tickets with non-τ tuples and select the tickets having less similarity with Ti because it will have high probability of containing two dissimilar tickets. To see this observe that the success will correspond to the event of selecting tickets which are dissimilar with T . Drawing dissimilar tickets from a collection of tickets having tuples other than τ can be seen as independent events. Suppose we keep on picking up tickets from collection of tickets having non-τ tuples until r dissimilar tickets are picked. If X denote the number of trials required (note X follows binomial distribution), then P (X = m) =  negative m−1 r (m−r) q (1−q) . In this case r = 2. Hence P (X = m) = r−1 (m − 1)q 2 (1 − q)m−2 . For m = 2 this value becomes q 2 . For picking dissimilar tickets from non-τ tuples we can take a higher value of q = 0.7, then q 2 ≈ 0.5. As q 2 (1 − q)m−2 is monotonically decreasing function for m (having fixed q) the

above probability value always decreases. Thus we draw 2 tickets randomly from the set of tickets having tuples other than τ .



The DNN can be trained using gradient-based numerical optimization algorithms [9] because L(Ω) is differentiable wrt Ω. The parameters in (Ω) are updated as Ωt = Ωt−1 − t

∂L(Ω) | , ∂Ω Ω=Ωt−1


where t is the learning rate at the tth iteration, Ωt and Ωt−1 are the model parameters at the tth and (t − 1)th iteration, respectively. Let M be the number of the ticket summaries (Tm ), We consider the combination of a pair of similar (positive) ticket + summaries T(i,j) and three pairs of dissimilar (negative) ticket summaries T(i+0 ,j 0 ) : 1 ≤ i0 , j 0 ≤ 3 for training the DNN. Then m+ we can denote each m-th combination as (Tm , T(i,j) ). Then we can write L(Ω) = L1 (Ω) + L2 (Ω) + · · · + Lm (Ω) + · · · + LM (Ω), (8) m+ where Lm (Ω) = − log P (T(i,j) |Tm ), 1 ≤ m ≤ M


M X ∂L(Ω) ∂Lm (Ω) = ∂Ω ∂Ω m=1

(9) (10)

Lm (Ω) m+ |Tm ) = − log P (T(i,j)   m+ )) exp(γR(Tm , T(i,j)  = − log  P m T m0 0 ∈Tm exp(γR(Tm , T(i0 ,j 0 ) )) (i ,j ) P  m T m0 0 ∈Tm exp(γR(Tm , T(i0 ,j 0 ) )) (i ,j )  = log  m+ exp(γR(Tm , T(i,j) ))   P m− m+ exp(γR(Tm , T 0 0 )) (i ,j ) T m− ∈Tm \T(i,j) (i0 ,j 0 )  = log 1 + m+ exp(γR(Tm , T(i,j) ))     X   m+ = log 1 + exp γR(Tm , T(im− 0 ,j 0 ) ) − γR(Tm , T(i,j) )  T m− 0 0

(i ,j )

 X

 = log 1 +

 i  h  m+ ) − R(Tm , T(im− exp −γ R(Tm , T(i,j) 0 ,j 0 ) ) 

T m− 0 0

(i ,j )

 X

 = log 1 +

 exp −γ∆m (i0 ,j 0 ) 

T m− 0 0

(i ,j )


∆m (i0 ,j 0 )

m+ = R(Tm , T(i,j) ) − R(Tm , T(im− 0 ,j 0 ) )

  Therefore, Lm (Ω) = log 1 +

 X

 exp −γ∆m (i0 ,j 0 ) 

T m− 0 0

(i ,j )

(11) The gradient of the loss function w.r.t the N-th weight ma-

trix WN is

The gradient of the loss function w.r.t the intermediate weight matrix, Wl , l = 2, 3, . . . , N − 1, can be computed as

∂∆m (i0 ,j 0 )

X m ∂Lm (Ω) = α(i0 ,j 0 ) ∂WN ∂WN m−


X m ∂∆m ∂Lm (Ω) (i0 ,j 0 ) = α(i0 ,j 0 ) ∂Wl ∂W l m−

T 0 0 (i ,j )


T 0 0 (i ,j )

where m+ ∂R(Tm , T(i,j) ) ∂R(Tm , T(im− ∂∆m 0 ,j 0 ) ) (i0 ,j 0 ) = − ∂WN ∂WN ∂WN

where (13)

and m 0 ,j 0 ) α(i





Let ym , yi and yj be the outputs of DNNR with Tm , Ti and Tj ticket summaries.    m T T ∂R(Tm , T(i,j) ) 1 ∂ ym yi ym yj = + ∂WN ∂WN 2 ||ym ||||yi || ||ym ||||yj || 1 (Tm ,Ti ) T (Tm ,Ti ) T = (δym hN −1,Tm + δyi hN −1,Ti 2 (T ,T ) +δymm j hTN −1,Tm


(T ,T ) δyj m j hTN −1,Tj )

(15) where, δy(Tmm ,Ti ) = (1 − ym ) ◦ (1 + ym ) ◦ (bc1 yi − a1 c1 b3 ym ) δy(Ti m ,Ti ) = (1 − yi ) ◦ (1 + yi ) ◦ (bc1 ym − a1 bc31 yi ) (T


,Tj )


δyj m

= (1 − ym ) ◦ (1 + ym ) ◦ (bc2 yj − a2 c2 b3 ym )

,Tj )

= (1 − yj ) ◦ (1 + yj ) ◦ (bc2 ym − a2 bc32 yj ) T T a1 = ym yi , a 2 = ym yj


1 1 1 , c1 = , c2 = ||ym || ||yi || ||yj ||

The operator ‘◦’ denotes the element-wise multiplication. For hidden layers, we also need to calculate δ for each ∆m (i0 ,j 0 ) . We calculate each δ in the hidden layer l through back propagation as (T

,Ti )

T m i = (1 + hl,Tm ) ◦ (1 − hl,Tm ) ◦ Wl+1 δl+1,T m


,Tj )

m j T = (1 + hl,Tm ) ◦ (1 − hl,Tm ) ◦ Wl+1 δl+1,T m

δl,Tm m δl,Tm m


δl,Tm i

,Ti )

(T ,Tj ) δl,Tm j


,T )


,T )


,T )

T m i = (1 + hl,Ti ) ◦ (1 − hl,Ti ) ◦ Wl+1 δl+1,T i

= (1 + hl,Tj ) ◦ (1 − hl,Tj ) ◦

(Tm ,Tj ) T Wl+1 δl+1,T j

with (T

,T )


,Ti )


,T )


,Tj )


,Tj )


,Tj )

m j m i δN,T = δy(Tmm ,Ti ) , δN,T = δymm m m m δN,T i

m = δy(Ti m ,Ti ) , δN,T j

= δyj m



(Tm ,Tim+ ) T hl−1,Tm


−γ exp(−γ∆m (i0 ,j 0 ) ) P exp(−γ∆m (i00 ,j 00 ) ) T m− 00 00 (i ,j

∂∆m 1 (i0 ,j 0 ) = ∂Wl 2

(Tm ,Tim+ ) T hl−1,T m+ l,T m+ i


 (Tm ,T m+ ) + δl,Tm hTl−1,Tm + δ m+j hTl−1,T m+ l,Tj j   m− (Tm ,T 0 ) T (Tm ,T m− ) T 0 i i − δl,Tm hl−1,Tm + δ m− hl−1,T m− l,T 0 i0 i  # (Tm ,Tjm+ )

(Tm ,T m− ) 0

− δl,Tm


hTl−1,Tm + δ

(Tm ,T m− ) 0 j

l,T m− 0 j

hTl−1,T m− j0

(18) This derivation is based on the derivation given in [9]. We modify the derivation in taking into account pairs of tickets (documents) instead of a single ticket (document) while considering positive (similar) and negative (dissimilar) tickets (documents).