Audit Checklist/Report: I. Company Profile [PDF]

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AU I. Company Profile Company/Product(s) Audited: Plant Name: # of Employees: Audit Address: Plant Registration #: Referred By: Date of Audit: Scope of Audit:

If excluded, state justification.

Please enter the contact information of the company representatives. Commercial Representative Name: Email: Technical Representative Name: Email: Please enter liability insurance information. Insurance Carrier Name: Insurance Policy #: Please enter the contact information of the auditor. Auditor Name: Email: List sr. mgmt. present at audit:

III. Checklist

Completed? PART 1

Section 1

Section 2


SITE OWNER AND SENIOR MANAGEMENT COMMITMENT TO THE BEVEG VE certification to the BeVeg Vegan program. This can be in the form of hard copy, PD readilywith available. 0 is charged the responsibility and authority of managing the BeVeg certification pr 0 integrity. Clear Commitment to BeVeg Confirm Purposethat there are supervisors overseeing vegan manuals, and job descriptions. staff are properly following the guidelines. 0 label agreements, and other required legal documents to cement commitment to Be and mission. 0 standard The list shall be less than 1 year old. AVL must be updated when Vegan products d BeVeg Vegan trademark. 0 the AVLglobal list accuracy. Guarantee that employees only have access to the most current 0 Vegan Program. Check for dates on the documents to ensure the latest revision is Site performance be measured. Annual siteannually performance trend 0 facilitate continualshall improvement. Target levelsreview will beensures assessed to continua 0 related KPIs are reached, with full understanding of the underlying reasons. Codex System equivalent) effectiveAlimentarius in preventingHACCP or reducing to an(or acceptable level, any risk to BeVeg Vegan 0 requirements.

Kosher, GF, Organic, Food Safety, HARPC, etc.). List other certifications held as w on packaging. allergens handled on site. controlled, and written. Cross reference the current li 0 List explicitly identified, assessed, ensure these are included in theintegrity scope of theidentity HACCP (or be its equivalent) system. 0 contamination or loss of vegan and must identified. Appropriate to ensure the integrity of the BeVeg vegan product claims. 0 established authorities such as the Tobacco and Trade Bureau (TTB), must be disclosed for Be 0 approval. changes that may impact the integrity of 0 the BeVeg product claim. Vegan & Quality Management to allowSafety consistent application, facilitate System training, and adequately protect the integrit objectives. 0 claim The site’s document control policies and procedures shall include the management of the BeVeg Standard. 0 part The site must haveVegan an effective method of communicating BeVeg documentation an 0 staff. to the BeVeg Vegan Standard shall be reviewed at least once a year. Note any reco along with proofshall of improvement. 0 Internal audits be carried out by appropriately trained, competent auditors. Au (e.g. not auditactions, their own work). 0 independent Corrective and preventive and timescales for their implementation, shall be verified. 0 completion internal program must consider animal materials, BeVeg approved materials, packa 0 products. Management Ingredients, Materials, Components, & Packaging Ensure that noof animal testing has been done on final products as well as ingredient 0 made

Section 3

Section 4

0 Check

that the Plant has maintained shipping records and batch records to ensure testing procedure and for the pro approval and monitoring. 0 supplier • following a product recall or withdrawal, where a specific BeVeg raw material has • At least every 3 years. 0 Risk assessment should identify risks and mitigate those risks regarding primary pa 0 potential animal-derived material contamination from the use of inappropriate mater formal to contract between the company shall confirm and validate 0A whether approve the supplier. Review and and BeVeg approval must be performed onlythis by ar competent BeVeg trained auditor. 0 demonstrably Approved supplier questionnaires must be reissued at least every 3 years. The site demonstrate an auditor the monitoring review it has in place. 0 reviewing theto assessment whenever thereand is aongoing significant change (e.g., new supplie packaging). 0 ingredients/materials/primary ingredients intended for BeVeg Vegan products and their ongoing ability to source i the requirements of the Standard (e.g., material free from animal origin). 0 to The approved supplier list BeVeg shall include identification of suppliers of ingredients inte The information shall be readily available to relevant staff (e.g., at receipt 0 products. The list shall be available at the points where goods are taken in and be accessible needs it, including purchasing where this activity carried outsourced on site.from (i.e. Do y 0 In the case of alcohol, please disclose where the is grapes are Do you purchase grapes from related parties (i.e. Open Grapes)? 0 grapes? product free from potential animal material contamination. In suchMarket circumstance theI based on risk assessment and full approval granted if packag require 0 performance The site shallshall havebe a procedure for accepting ingredients/materials/primary are received. procedure shall be based upon the ris 0 certififed does not products occur untilasallthey criteria have beenThis completed successfully and authorized by auditor/representative. 0 reject nonconforming ones, and outline the action to be taken. This should also nam to placewhen BeVeg ingredients thatingredients must be kept hold” testing pending further testin 0 control timely manner BeVeg approved that“on require and positively are received. 0 production suppliers involved in the certified product must be immediately communicated with 0 representative. components of animal origin. A competent BeVeg representative shall be responsib 0 the questionnaire. Specification Control Procedures Specifications for BeVeg approved raw materials and primary packaging shall be ad ensure formal evidence of compliance withdefine relevant claim integri 0 and BeVeg Vegan Standard. Specifications should andBeVeg detail vegan who has control to operating procedures to ensure ongoing compliance with the BeVeg Vega 0 standard Specifications for ingredients intended for use in a BeVeg certified product shall be and accurate that and the shall demonstrate that the ingredients materials are free from 0 demonstrate product is free from ingredients andand materials of animal origin either be in the form of a printed or electronic document or part of an online sp 0 may be adequate and accurate to ensure it is manufactured in compliance to the BeVeg product certification. 0 for Where no known changes have occurred, the BeVeg standard specifications must annually to ensureofcompliance is up to date and 0 must be informed any updates or changes to aaccurate. certified BeVeg product, if change 0 certification interim period. to origin and no cross-contamination. 0 products raw materials / primary packaging acceptance and

Section 5

Ensure that the Plant has specific protocol regarding contaminated products that ha for dealing with contamination or su 0 product contamination incidentally created. Traceability Control Procedure from its suppliers through all stages of processing and dispatch to its customers an processess andfinished vendors.products and materials pending investigation 0 subcontracted products, part-used materials, 0 ensure The sitetraceability. shall maintain purchasing records, traceability of ingredient usage, and fina 0 Packing records to substantiate the BeVeg Vegan claim. 0 Traceability test shall include an annual quantity check/mass balance. Complaint Handling procedure Customer BeVeg related complaints shall be handled effectively, and information u levels. 0 complaint All BeVeg certified product related complaints data shall be reported to the BeVeg s 0 authorized Certification Body. Crisis Management, Product Withdrawal & Recall Control Procedure andBeVeg is educated on as relevant local, regional, national requ 0 Company and recall ensures of relevant products required. Ensure that and/or the Plant has record 0 as corrective actions taken in response to these trials. product recalls the last to 12identify months.underlying reason for failure shall be applie 0 List manner. Root causeinanalysis 0 recurrence of specific incident(s). Product Vegan Claims the Procedure Systems Authenticity shall be in place to minimize risk of purchasing fraudulent or adulterate and to ensure that the BeVeg Vegan accurate andgovernment verified. 0 materials BeVeg horizon scanning / supplier alert system,claim tradeisassociations, so 0 centres. purchase of fraudulent ingredients / associated animal cruelty, that could be used in 0 products. 0 It shall be formallyto reviewed least annually. testing processes mitigateatthe identified risk(s) applicable in order to protect the B 0 claim integrity. Product Defense Control. (Protection of BeVeg Vegan Claim integrity) 0 Threat Systems shall protect BeVeg products fromby malicious whileapplicab under t assessment plan shall certified be formally reviewed HACCP actions team (when 0 representatives/trained competent industry experts and auditors. 0 Where prevention is not sufficient or possible, systems shall be in place to identify a New Product Development Procedure changes to product, packaging or manufacturing processes to ensure that BeVeg p 0 The integrity maintained whenguidelines produced.on the restriction of animal-derived materials site is shall provide clear 0 development. 0 This approval shall be granted products areinintroduced into the factoryofenvir labels. This must include a labelbefore approval process the case of re-approval prod 0 modifications to existing product formulations. Allergen Control The site shall haveProcedure a system for the management of allergenic materials which min 0 contamination of BeVeg certified products legalan requirements for would labellini (Unexpected animal materials handled on aand sitemeets that pose allergenic risk 0 and Mollusc, Crustaceans, Down, Dyes, Chemicals, etc.). Recipe Control Product Formulation Procedure to ensure that the&correct ingredient/material is added to the correct BeVeg certified 0 Staff the agreed product specification. must be trained in these BeVeg product specific work instructions relevant to t 0 certified product work instructions musttobe to staff at thethe point of u Where applicable, procedures related thereadily use ofavailable rework shall prevent introdu 0 animal originshall into ensure BeVeg the certified products Procedures correct identification and labelling of ingredients/mater 0 used in BeVeg certified products during recipe collation, product formulation, and w Storageproducts Control Procedure finished shall be suitable for preventing potential BeVeg material cross-co 0 identity. Check that there are procedures regarding the auditing of storage areas and shippi 0 vegan productions. Look for auditing. Documented and trained outdocumented storage control procedures shall be in place to preven 0 bottling, risks during recipe preparation. warehousing, and aging locations. If you crush your own grapes, explain yo 0 capacity. If you outsource crushing, include this in the list of identified third-party pro order to avoid unintended release.procedures 0 in Confirm that the Plant has effective

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Section 7

Segregation and Disposal of Obsolete and Waste Materials Procedure BeVeg certified product packaging shall be appropriate for the intended use and sh 0 conditions to prevent animal material contamination. Ensure that the Plant has effective methods for dealing with waste materials, conta 0 •and purge materials. that there is proper of any actions invo Labels (refers to anyEnsure pre-printed packaging thatdocumentation bears a list of ingredients) 0 • Ingredients and work in progress used in certified / intended BeVeg finished produ BeVeg Claim Awareness Training Procedure training,Vegan work experience or qualification. There must be proper documentation reco 0 evaluations, and competencies. with public interaction, must be able to answer questions regarding the certified pro 0 personnel, Review records of staff and contractor evaluation.engineers/maintenance, temporary s including sitetraining & external 0 shall have received general BeVeg Vegan best practice training. appropriately trained in generic or specific BeVeg relatedawareness activities, prior to commen 0 adequately supervised throughout their tenure. review and provide relevant training. This may be in the form of official annual traini 0 coaching, mentoring or on-the-job experience. Material Testing Laboratory The company shall& undertake or Analysis subcontract inspection and analyses, as required t 0 certified vegan claim integrity conforms to appropriate procedures and published st Surveillance samples may be collected during production to test the product for BeV 0 any time. compliance. The significance of results shall be understood and acted upon accord 0 shall be implemented promptly to address anyprinciples, out of specification BeVeg related ju re methods must be in line with ISO/IEC 17025 otherwise a documented 0 available where accredited methods are not undertaken. 0 Procedures shall be to in place to ensure reliability of of results. laboratory competent and able interpret the significance I.e.results. Compliance to BeVe 0 appropriate corrective actions. 0 If the product is tested a third-party laboratory, confirm that the laboratory ISO corrective actions to beattaken (e.g. product hold and retesting; notification to is BeVeg 0 recall depending on the significance of the test result). Ensure action plan can be im THE FACTORY AUDIT - CROSS-CONTAMINATION CONTROLS Regular maintenance schedule and procedures. all Look forand written instructions including cleaning procedures as well as evid

0 access the the protocol. Make sure Plant has a risk assessment diagram or document addressing poten 0 Ensure that the Plant has addressed each potential risk factor. Ingredients contamination with animal material that may be in a shared facility/site. Refer to wo 0 numbers. has procedures for the approval of vendors and materials including a record of all th 0 should a procedure for maintaining detailed purchasing bottled include stock (labeled and unlabeled) must be disclosed. Types documents. of products (still win 0 brandy) must also be disclosed and readily available. Restricted Access facility controls and procedures drafted to preserve and maintain vegan integrity sh 0 auditor and drafted into standard operating procedures before final BeVeg certificat Cleaning Equipment facility controls and procedures drafted to preserve and maintain vegan integrity sh 0 auditor and drafted into standard operating procedures before final BeVeg certificat Maintenance facility controlsEquipment and procedures drafted to preserve and maintain vegan integrity sh 0 auditor and drafted into standard operating procedures before final BeVeg certificat Time facilitySegregation controls and procedures drafted to preserve and maintain vegan integrity sh 0 auditor and drafted into standard operating procedures before final BeVeg certificat Dedicated / Physical drafted to preserve andSegregation maintain vegan integrity shall be presented to the auditor a 0 operating procedures before final BeVeg certification. Validated Cleaning packaging Methods and final certified products handled on site shall be approved materials, 0 approved. These cleaning methods shall be fully validated in line with best practices, to ensure 0 in activities shall be must performed on a risk-assessed frequency. place. Policies be accessible to employees at all times. Look for evidence th 0 following the requirements. Protective Clothing / PPE changing gloves when switching between handling of B based on risk. This includes 0 materials and materials that may be of animal origin.

0 *Correcting Section 9 Section 10


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Section 2 Section 3 Section 4

defective, failed, or non-conforming items during or after inspection. Air Flow & Water Safety Check forControl regular water analysis by a third party or local town/government, looking 0 analysis reports. Labeling and Pack Controls the packing area ensures that only the correct BeVeg packaging materials needed at the packing machines. 0 available packaging, and product/materials/ingredients have been removed before vegan line 0 begin. Ensure clear labeling system is in place to prevent materials and products from bein policies mislabeled or mispackaged products. 0 The site regarding shall establish and implement procedures in the event of a failure in the on 0 equipment (e.g. a documented and trained manual checking procedure).

AUDIT PROCESS & TECHNIQUES proving written procedures are regularly discussed and updated, as well as easily a personnel). 0 all Conduct an opening meeting to ensure all relevant staff are on-site and available. D 0 purpose of the visit before the factory tour/audit. The Factory Audit Assessment the lists held by BeVeg. All products, ingredients, and suppliers must be the same. lists and notify BeVeg and the company of the certified nonconformities immediately. 0 production process to achieve the final BeVeg vegan product. This also inc 0 there is no animal testing on site or contracted out to an independent third party. 0 Interview staff to ensure familiarity with BeVeg audit. Soft interview skills are recom 0 Conclude audit with a closing meetinng of sufficient duration. Product and Changeover Witness supervise product changeover between Product A (Animal materials) a 0 approved vegan materials only). Traceability Test Exercise potentially affected raw materials and finished product(s) can be identified and acco 0 product recall. Label Checks During traceability test exercise process controls and trace records must be verified requirements. 0 certification Examine thestandard labels and packaging. Ensure that the BeVeg vegan symbol is only us 0 the vegan certification contract. Ensure that the Brand Owner is following the Logo

AUDITOR NOTES & NON-CONFORMITIES: - Please make any relevant notes regarding the company being audited, the plant, non-conformities, further informa - Please discuss finished vegan product safety rationale and facility risks. - Identify products in production at the time of audit.




0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Major changes since last BeVeg audit: # of Non-Conformities:


Critical Major Minor Good evidence of GMP/ control systems. Documentation accepted for approval.

Approval Status: Moderate evidence of GMP/control systems, (BRC / GFSI equivalent / SQF / some improvement needed, further verification Approved audit / Pending non- required. conformance reports / Insufficient evidence of GMP/ controls systems Unsatisfactory) in place. Not suitable for certification. AUDIT RESULT


Auditor Signature: Auditee Signature: Signature of BeVeg Representative: Audit Duration:

includes all products and raw materials with the assurance that they meet the BeVeg Vegan Program requirements. This Lookdocument for provides current legal evidence of the Organogram legal that defines commitment of correctly: site owner / - All BeVeg Director Vegan Program (Company responsible directors Directors,are # of Plants: responsible for Senior the managers and management of Supervisors on their the site and, companies. where Re-Audit Date: They must act applicable, honestly and to relationships promote the the company of the Date:success head office business and roles. It is critical to benefit its -formally The chart is shareholders. expected to confirm Phone: They also have show both a between both responsibilities Demonstrates position and Insurance Policy parties that the to the commitment to Limits: the named AVL represents company’s BeVeg person what is audited employees, its Standard and occupying that Effective so that the trading provides easy position. Where supervisor list of Date:resulting partners). work instruction the chart shop floor BeVeg Vegan A BeVeg to BeVeg shows job titles representation certified specific Organogram is responsible Phone: only, other is vital to products listed HACCP plan a formal Management documents maintain Vegan The on the resulting (or itsprocess document and staff when must indicate Claim integrity. flow diagram certification equivalent) will provides a needed to the person Lines of are Task used within the certificate ensure that the quick and easy maintain oreach occupying communication HACCP (or its accurate and site has access to develop position. betweenThis Senior equivalent) correct. considered allis identifying key AGEMENT COMMITMENT TO THE BEVEG VEGAN STANDARD REQUIREMENTS -relevant Look for job Management process may essential for ogram. This can be in the form of hard copy, PDF, or online version that risks of their staff and systems. descriptions and shop floor be used as the the integrity of contamination, lines of Ensures most authority of managing the BeVeg certification process and program with that define staff basis for the scheme vegan reporting up-to-date BeVeg responsible for demonstrating claims. Addition materials, structure of BeVeg standard pose vegan product irm that there are supervisors overseeing vegan production to ensure compliance, or removal and ofas packaging those Standard responsibilities, production elines. the products from d legal documents to cement commitment to BeVeg vegan certification products with responsible requirements authorization, cannot be for requirement BeVeg materials of BeVeg vegan . AVL must be updated when Vegan products display or wish to display, are adopted expected effective may already be certification animal origin. certification and readily competencies, mployees only have access to the most current version of the BeVeg without covered within scheme must Using Codex program. Thus available by reporting lines the documents to ensure the latest revision is used. adequate the HACCP or be clearly principles itand allows for the site. of component d. Annual siteannually performance trends improve. other detected and rget levelsreview will beensures assessed to continually improve and ensure means the immediate communication supervisor food/vegan updated in a nderstanding of the underlying reasons. vegan safety review to between Job shop floor industry safety timely manner em equivalent) plan is if identify o an(or acceptable level, any risk to BeVeg Vegan claim integrity holder, representation. plan. with a clear recognized organizational applicable Supervisor The site must communication internationally, structure is fully senior &as Junior resource and identify a method in as it is parallel committed tolist Management respective or on the place, allowing to existing the values,food and competency process flow, a central live safety controls aims and Supervisors. can be audited potential areas (current) in place. requirements of -where Documented in a focused mixing reference the BeVeg



HARPC, etc.). List other certifications held as well as uncertified claims

olled, and written. Cross reference the current list of AVL products to ope of theidentity HACCP (or be its equivalent) system. controls shall be grity and must identified. Appropriate f the BeVeg vegan product claims. d Trade Bureau (TTB), must be disclosed for BeVeg Vegan Certification ty of

ent System tate training, and adequately protect the integrity of the BeVeg Vegan and procedures shall include the management of documents that form hod of communicating BeVeg documentation and record changes to be reviewed at least once a year. Note any records of corrective actions y appropriately trained, competent auditors. Auditors shall be nnd work). timescales for their implementation, shall be agreed and mal materials, BeVeg approved materials, packaging and finished

rials, Components, & Packaging een done on final products as well as ingredients used in the product. d shipping records and batch records to ensure traceability of all amination. and testing procedure and for the processes adopted for cceptance awal, where a specific BeVeg raw material has been implicated ks and mitigate those risks regarding primary packaging materials due to ntamination from the use of inappropriate materials. pany shall confirm and validate requirement. view and and BeVeg approval must be performed onlythis by an authorised, ned auditor. ust be reissued at least every 3 years. The site must be able to review it has in place. roring thereand is aongoing significant change (e.g., new suppliers or new ging). an products and their ongoing ability to source ingredients that conform andard (e.g., material free from animal origin). ude identification of suppliers of ingredients intended for BeVeg vegan eadily available to relevant staff (e.g., at receipt nts where goods are taken in and be accessible of to goods). anyone who esethis activity carried outsourced on site.from (i.e. Do you grow your own where the is grapes are om related parties (i.e. In Open Grapes)? so, list). delivery material contamination. suchMarket circumstance theIf supplier assessment and full approval granted if packaging requirements are met. accepting ingredients/materials/primary intended for BeVeg ved. This procedure shall be based upon the risk assessment. been completed successfully and authorized by a trained BeVeg

ine the action to be taken. This should also name who has authority and hat must be kept hold” testing pending further testing or investigation. ed ingredients that“on require and positively releasing into oduct must be immediately communicated with BeVeg or its authorized petent BeVeg representative shall be responsible for the verification of

aw materials and primary packaging shall be adequate and accurate pliance withdefine relevant claim integrity requirements. ons should andBeVeg detail vegan who has control to amend and approve nsure ongoing compliance with the BeVeg Vegan Standard. ed for use in a BeVeg certified product shall be adequate that the ingredients materials are free from These animalspecifications origin. from ingredients andand materials of animal origin. d or electronic document or part of an online specification system. e it is manufactured in compliance to the BeVeg standard as published

urred, the BeVeg standard specifications must be reviewed at least to date and changes to aaccurate. certified BeVeg product, if changes occur during the

covered within scheme must Using Codex program. Thus reporting lines adequate the HACCP or be clearly principles itcomponent allows of other detected and means the immediate communication supervisor food/vegan updated in a vegan safety review to between Job shop floor industry safety timely manner plan is if identify holder, representation. plan. with a clear recognized organizational applicable Supervisor The site must communication internationally, structure is fully senior &as Junior resource and identify atolist method in as it is parallel committed Management respective or on the place, allowing to existing food the values, and competency process flow, a central live safety controls aims and Supervisors. can be audited potential (current) in place. areasof requirements -where Documented in a focused mixing reference the BeVeg evidence ofto robust manner of products or review tool The current standard. annual job therefore. loss of identity ensure AVL list BeVeg of appraisals may occur. Certified BeVeg As an be in should Procedures products areofup products Accredited place and working or to date, on means that an the Vegan based on changes in on-going basis. basis of certification agreed process the site'sflow Program it is job description must be follow systems necessary to competencies introduced to Codex legally agree using reduce the risk Alimentarius between S.M.A.R.T. Key of mistakes products that standard owner performance and, therefore, then reflected and site indicator false BeVeg to in protecting commitment measurements certified the integrity of meet theclaims to maintain from being the BeVeg requirements of competencies made. Claim. the standard. and identify Job opportunities descriptions for ensure improvement. responsibility and authorization necessary to prove competency, which makes standard requirements legally binding. Job reviews provide opportunities to support and improve upon standard representative competencies on an ongoing basis. This enhances vegan safety culture through education and on the job training, which improves awareness and commitment to vegan integrity, ensuring no crosscontamination

rotocol regarding contaminated products that have not been shipped out . procedures for dealing with contamination or suspected animal byreated.

of processing and dispatch to its customers and vice versa. List dors. ed products and materials pending investigation shall be adequate to ecords, traceability of ingredient usage, and final product BeVeg Vegan claim. nual quantity check/mass balance.

shall be handled effectively, and information used to reduce recurring omplaints data shall be reported to the BeVeg standard owner or

drawal & Recall Control Procedure on relevant local, regional, national requirements. ts as required. Ensure that and/or the Plant has record of mock recalls as well nse to these trials. nths.underlying reason for failure shall be applied to ensure prevention of ntify

ms Procedure ze the risk of purchasing fraudulent or adulterated BeVeg approved raw Veg Vegan accurate andgovernment verified. lert system,claim tradeisassociations, sources, private resource

associated animal cruelty, that could be used in any BeVeg certified

annually. ntified risk(s) applicable in order to protect the BeVeg Vegan standard

tion of BeVeg Vegan Claim integrity) ed products fromby malicious whileapplicable)/BeVeg under the control of the site. mally reviewed HACCP actions team (when ndustry experts and auditors. possible, systems shall be in place to identify any tampering. dure anufacturing processes to ensure that BeVeg products Vegan claim ed.on the restriction of animal-derived materials in BeVeg Vegan product es

e products areinintroduced into the factoryofenvironment. proval process the case of re-approval product labels following mulations.

management of allergenic materials which minimizes the risk of allergen oducts legalan requirements for would labelling in the -country of sale. ed on aand sitemeets that pose allergenic risk include: Milk, Egg, Fish, yes, Chemicals, etc.). ation Procedure /material is added to the correct BeVeg certified product as indicated in

g product specific work instructions relevant to their role. Current BeVeg usttobe to staff at thethe point of use. of materials of ed thereadily use ofavailable rework shall prevent introduction oducts identification and labelling of ingredients/materials and work in progress ring recipe collation, product formulation, and weighing activities.

or preventing potential BeVeg material cross-contamination or loss of garding the auditing of storage areas and shipping modules used for ented auditing. e control procedures shall be in place to prevent the cross-contamination ations. If you crush your own grapes, explain your crush storage include this in the list of identified third-party production facilities.

vegan safety culture through education and on the job training, which improves awareness and commitment to vegan integrity, ensuring no crosscontamination with animal materials. The company must ensure that all staff involved in BeVeg certification activities, including temporary staff, agencysupplied staff and contractors, receive BeVeg vegan claim awareness training to a level commensurate with their responsibility and the type of work they carry out. The following training options Staff may be responsible considered: for related BeVeg • Induction operations training for all should be staff, covering assessed using BeVeg one-to-one awareness and appraisals, specific team standard performance requirements monitoring by where line managers, applicable. review of thea • Obtaining results of in qualification internal audits, basic BeVeg or review of vegan claim records). awareness Where training.the need is in • Training identified areas that(e.g. when job role impactaBeVeg changes; vegan claim

monitoring by where line managers, applicable. review of thea • Obtaining results of in qualification internal audits, basic BeVeg or review of vegan claim olete and Waste Materials Procedure records). hall be appropriate for the intended use and shall be stored under awareness Where al contamination. training.the methods for dealing with waste materials, contaminated raw materials, need is in • Training ere is proper of any actions involving these materials. ackaging thatdocumentation bears a list of ingredients) identified areas that(e.g. sed in certified / intended BeVeg finished products. when job role impactaBeVeg raining Procedure ation. There must be proper documentation recording training, changes; vegan claim following integrity, such to answer questions regarding the certified products(s) and veganism. performance as cleaning, evaluation.engineers/maintenance, temporary staff, and contractors, contractor issues; machineor when Vegan BeVeg best practice training. pecific relatedawareness activities, prior to commencing work, and there are and operation, heir tenure. . This may be in the form of official annual training, refresher training, changes quality in xperience. operating inspections. procedures alysis bcontract inspection and analyses, as required to confirm BeVeg such as a All personnel ms during to appropriate procedures and published standards. ted production to test the product for BeVeg vegan certification at change must bein the ults shall be understood and acted upon accordingly. Appropriate actions requirements adequately ddress anyprinciples, out of specification BeVeg related justification results. C 17025 otherwise a documented shall be for BeVeg supervised are not undertaken. standard), throughout the there must be working period. ure reliability of of results. laboratory significance I.e.results. Compliance to BeVeg specification or require appropriate Particular refresher attention ty laboratory, confirm that the laboratory ISO approved andproduct using the approved testing methods. Ensure that the plant has pr product hold and retesting; notification to is BeVeg; or possibly training should be paid of the test result). Ensure action plan can be immediately invoked. (supplied to identifying internally the needsorof ONTAMINATION CONTROLS externally), temporary/seas schedule and procedures. s including cleaning procedures as well as evidence that employees can coaching, onal workers ssment diagram or document addressing potential contamination. mentoring or and d each potential risk factor. on-the-job contractors. experience to Good hat may be in a shared facility/site. Refer to work orders and batch/lot improve skills practice is for vendors and materials including a record of all that are approved. This and new starters to taining detailed purchasing ) must be disclosed. Types documents. of products (still wine, sparkling wine, understanding. have additional readily available. supervision for ted to preserve and maintain vegan integrity shall be presented to the a defined erating procedures before final BeVeg certification. period of time. This additional ted to preserve and maintain vegan integrity shall be presented to the supervision can erating procedures before final BeVeg certification. be reduced or At opening ted to preserve and maintain vegan integrity shall be presented to the removed at the meeting, erating procedures before final BeVeg certification. end of the identify probationary ted to preserve and maintain vegan integrity shall be presented to the supervisors period, erating procedures before final BeVeg certification. responsible for dependent on a key points of gan integrity shall be presented to the auditor and drafted into standard review of the attention where eVeg certification. employee’s Vegan competency to final certified products handled on site shall be established and materials and carry out the ly validated in line with best practices, to ensure efficacy. Validation products role frequency. located are ek-assessed to employees at all times. Look for evidence that employees are unsupervised. handled on site. ng gloves when switching between handling of BeVeg approved of animal origin. Identify relevant supervisors prior to factory tour assessment.

materials and products located are handled on site.

Identify relevant supervisors a third party or local town/government, looking for record of water During factory prior tour to factory tour assessment he correct BeVeg packaging materials needed for immediate use is assessment. relevant gredients have been removed before vegan line start up is authorized to Allow site Supervisors supervisors ace to prevent materials and products from being confused. Check for must be and shop floor packaged products. ent procedures in the event of a failure in the online verification interviewed operators to to trained manual checking procedure). and allowed prepare for demonstratean efficient audit. S their authority Ensure enough larly discussed and updated, as well as easily accessible (i.e. posted for in effectively time is ure all relevant staff are on-site and available. Define the scope and managing shop allocated y tour/audit. floor staff to auditor handlingin , ingredients, and suppliers must be the same. Note any changes to the correct activities that anyBeVeg of the certified nonconformities immediately. locations of nal vegan product. This also includes assurance that demonstrates factory relevant contracted out to an independent third party. awareness to vegan with BeVeg audit. Soft interview skills are recommended. culture of the material and importance nng of sufficient duration. product to prevent ngeover between Product A (Animal materials) and Product B (BeVeg handling areas cross that directly contamination impact d finished product(s) can be identified and accounted for in the event of with meat / compliance to animal the BeVeg materials cess controls and trace records must be verified as compliant to BeVeg vegan throughout Ensure that the BeVeg vegan symbol is only used on products listed on certification operations. ure that the Brand Owner is following the Logo Use Guidelines. standard. This saves time, allows audit to ited, the plant, non-conformities, further information relating to non-conformities, etc. be more risks. focused on what is relevant to Vegan production.

conforming items during or after inspection.

CORRECTIVE ACTIONS: - Identify all non-conformities, corrections, and proposed preventative actions (based on root-cause analysis). Docu - Document evidence submitted (i.e. photographs, other) to substantiate audit determination.

Notes Notes


Notes Final Notes

Date: Date: Date: Next Scheduled Audit:

ncludes all products and raw materials with the assurance that they meet the BeVeg Vegan Program requirements. This Lookdocument for provides current legal evidence of the Organogram egal that defines commitment of correctly: site owner / - All BeVeg Director Vegan Program (Company responsible directors Directors,are responsible for Senior the managers and management of Supervisors on their the site and, companies. where They must act applicable, honestly and to relationships promote the the company success of the head office business and roles. It is critical to benefit its -formally The chart is shareholders. expected to confirm They also have show both a between both responsibilities Demonstrates position and parties that the to the commitment to the named AVL represents company’s BeVeg person what is audited employees, its Standard and occupying that Effective so that the trading provides easy position. Where supervisor resulting list of partners). work instruction the chart shop floor BeVeg Vegan A BeVeg to BeVeg shows job titles representation certified specific Organogram is responsible only, other s vital to products listed HACCP plan a formal Management documents maintain Vegan The on the resulting (or itsprocess document and staff when must indicate Claim integrity. flow diagram certification equivalent) will provides a needed to the person Lines of are used within the certificate ensure that the quick and easy maintain oreach occupying communication HACCP (or its accurate and site has access to develop position. betweenThis Senior equivalent) correct. considered allis dentifying key MENTS -relevant Look for job Management process may essential for risks of their staff and systems. descriptions and shop floor be used as the the integrity of contamination, ines of Ensures most that define staff basis for the scheme vegan reporting up-to-date BeVeg responsible for demonstrating claims. Addition materials, structure of BeVeg standard vegan product compliance, or removal and ofas packaging those Standard responsibilities, production the products from products with responsible requirements authorization, cannot be for requirement BeVeg materials of BeVeg vegan are adopted expected effective may already be certification animal origin. certification and readily competencies, without covered within scheme must Using Codex program. Thus available by reporting lines adequate the HACCP or be clearly principles tof allows and for the site. component other detected and means the mmediate communication supervisor food/vegan updated in a vegan safety review to between Job shop floor ndustry safety timely manner plan is if dentify holder, representation. plan. with a clear recognized organizational applicable Supervisor The site must communication nternationally, structure is fully senior &as Junior resource and dentify a method in as it is parallel committed tolist Management respective or on the place, allowing to existing the values,food and competency process flow, a central live safety controls aims and Supervisors. can be audited potential areas (current) nDocumented place. requirements of -where n a focused mixing reference the BeVeg


Conformity/Non-Conformity Notes

covered within scheme must Using Codex program. Thus reporting lines adequate the HACCP or be clearly principles t allows of component other detected and means the mmediate communication supervisor food/vegan updated in a vegan safety review to between Job shop floor ndustry safety timely manner plan is if dentify holder, representation. plan. with a clear recognized organizational applicable Supervisor The site must communication nternationally, structure is fully senior &as Junior resource and dentify atolist method in as it is parallel committed Management respective or on the place, allowing to existing food the values, and competency process flow, a central live safety controls aims and Supervisors. can be audited potential (current) nDocumented place. areasof requirements -where n a focused mixing reference the BeVeg evidence ofto robust manner of products or review tool The current standard. annual job therefore. oss of identity ensure AVL list BeVeg of appraisals may occur. Certified BeVeg As an be in should Procedures products areofup products Accredited place and working or to date, on means that an the Vegan based on changes in on-going basis. basis of certification agreed process the site'sflow Program it is ob description must be follow systems necessary to competencies ntroduced to Codex egally agree using reduce the risk Alimentarius between S.M.A.R.T. Key of mistakes products that standard owner performance and, therefore, then reflected and site ndicator false BeVeg to n protecting commitment measurements certified the integrity of meet theclaims to maintain from being the BeVeg requirements of competencies made. Claim. the standard. and identify Job opportunities descriptions for ensure mprovement. responsibility and authorization necessary to prove competency, which makes standard requirements egally binding.

Job reviews provide opportunities to support and mprove upon standard representative competencies on an ongoing basis. This enhances vegan safety culture through education and on the job training, which mproves awareness and commitment to vegan integrity, ensuring no crosscontamination

vegan safety culture through education and on the job training, which mproves awareness and commitment to vegan integrity, ensuring no crosscontamination with animal materials.

The company must ensure that all staff nvolved in BeVeg certification activities, ncluding temporary staff, agencysupplied staff and contractors, receive BeVeg vegan claim awareness training to a evel commensurate with their responsibility and the type of work they carry out. The following training options Staff may be responsible considered: for related BeVeg • Induction operations training for all should be staff, covering assessed using BeVeg one-to-one awareness and appraisals, specific team standard performance requirements monitoring by where ine managers, applicable. review of thea • Obtaining results of in qualification nternal audits, basic BeVeg or review of vegan claim records). awareness Where training.the need is in • Training dentified areas that(e.g. when job role mpactaBeVeg changes; vegan claim

monitoring by where ine managers, applicable. review of thea • Obtaining results of in qualification nternal audits, basic BeVeg or review of vegan claim records). awareness Where training.the need is in • Training dentified areas that(e.g. when job role mpactaBeVeg changes; vegan claim following ntegrity, such performance as cleaning, ssues; or when machine there are and operation, changes quality in operating nspections. procedures such as a All personnel change must bein the requirements adequately for BeVeg supervised standard), throughout the there must be working period. appropriate Particular refresher attention training should be paid (supplied to identifying nternally the needsorof externally), temporary/seas coaching, onal workers mentoring or and on-the-job contractors. experience to Good mprove is skills practice for and new starters to understanding. have additional supervision for a defined period of time. This additional supervision can be reduced or At opening removed at the meeting, end of the dentify probationary supervisors period, responsible for dependent on a key points of review of the attention where employee’s Vegan competency to materials and carry out the products role ocated are unsupervised. handled on site.

Identify relevant supervisors prior to factory tour assessment.

materials and products ocated are handled on site.

Identify relevant supervisors During factory prior tour to factory tour assessment assessment. relevant Allow site Supervisors supervisors must be and shop floor nterviewed operators to to and allowed prepare for demonstratean efficient audit. their authority Ensure enough n effectively time is managing shop allocated floor staff to auditor handlingin correct activities that ocations of demonstrates factory relevant awareness to vegan culture of the material and mportance product to prevent handling areas cross that directly contamination mpact with meat / compliance to animal the BeVeg materials vegan throughout certification operations. standard. This saves time, allows audit to es, etc. be more focused on what is relevant to Vegan production.

tive actions (based on root-cause analysis). Document if the non-conformity is critical, major, or minor. antiate audit determination.

representative must have appropriate knowledge and training, and have completed in the BeVeg Standard Training program, to ensure competency to oversee the standard. Representative shall ensure formal understanding, acceptance of nonconformance and agreed actions during the audit process. Effectively Managing staff and operational logistics is necessary to meet the audit process requirements. This is only possible with a suitably competent and authorized standard/site representative who is readily available during the whole audit process.

REST I. Company Profile Company/Product(s) Audited: Plant Name: # of Employees: Audit Address: Plant Registration #: Referred By: Date of Audit: Scope of Audit:

If excluded, state justification.

Please enter the contact information of the company representatives. Commercial Representative Name: Email: Technical Representative Name: Email: Please enter liability insurance information. Insurance Carrier Name: Insurance Policy #: Please enter the contact information of the auditor. Auditor Name: Email: List sr. mgmt. present at audit:

III. Checklist

Completed? PART 1

Section 1

Section 2


SITE OWNER AND SENIOR MANAGEMENT COMMITMENT TO THE BEVEG VE certification to the BeVeg Vegan program. This can be in the form of hard copy, PD readilywith available. 0 is charged the responsibility and authority of managing the BeVeg certification pr 0 integrity. Clear Commitment to BeVeg Confirm Purposethat there are supervisors overseeing vegan manuals, and job descriptions. staff are properly following the guidelines. 0 label agreements, and other required legal documents to cement commitment to Be and mission. 0 standard The list shall be less than 1 year old. AVL must be updated when Vegan products d BeVeg Vegan trademark. 0 the AVLglobal list accuracy. Guarantee that employees only have access to the most current 0 Vegan Program. Check for dates on the documents to ensure the latest revision is Site performance be measured. Annual siteannually performance trend 0 facilitate continualshall improvement. Target levelsreview will beensures assessed to continua 0 related KPIs are reached, with full understanding of the underlying reasons. Codex System equivalent) effectiveAlimentarius in preventingHACCP or reducing to an(or acceptable level, any risk to BeVeg Vegan 0 requirements.

Obtain a digital or physical copy showing proof of other audit certifications complete with materials of anim written. 0 explicitly contamination or loss of vegan integrity and identity must be identified. Appropriate establishedsuch to ensure integrity of Trade the BeVeg vegan product 0 authorities as thethe Tobacco and Bureau (TTB), mustclaims. be disclosed for Be 0 approval. changes that may impact the integrity of 0 the BeVeg product claim. Vegan & Quality Management to allowSafety consistent application, facilitate system training, and adequately protect the integrit claimsite’s objectives. 0 The document control policies and procedures shall include the management of the BeVeg Standard. 0 part The site must haveVegan an effective method of communicating BeVeg documentation an 0 staff. to the BeVeg Vegan Standard shall be reviewed at least once a year. Note any reco with proofshall of improvement. 0 along Internal audits be carried out by appropriately trained, competent auditors. Au independent (e.g. not auditactions, their own work). 0 Corrective and preventive and timescales for their implementation, shall be verified. 0 completion internal program must consider animal materials, BeVeg approved materials, packa 0 products. Management Ingredients, Materials, Components, & Packaging Ensure that noof animal testing has been done on final products as well as ingredient Organic, Food Safety, HARPC, etc.) 0 Kosher, certified GF, applicable products and their potential contamination

Section 3

Section 4

0 Check

that the Plant has maintained shipping records and batch records to ensure testing procedure and for the pro approval and monitoring. 0 supplier • following a product recall or withdrawal, where a specific BeVeg raw material has At least every 3 years. 0 •Risk assessment should identify risks and mitigate those risks regarding primary pa 0 potential animal-derived material contamination from the use of inappropriate mater formal to contract between the company shall confirm and validate 0A whether approve the supplier. Review and and BeVeg approval must be performed onlythis by ar competent BeVeg trained auditor. 0 demonstrably Approved supplier questionnaires must be reissued at least every 3 years. The site to an auditor the monitoring and review it has in place. 0 demonstrate reviewing the assessment whenever there is aongoing significant change (e.g., new supplie ingredients/materials/primary packaging). 0 ingredients intended for BeVeg Vegan products and their ongoing ability to source i the requirements of the Standard (e.g., material free from animal origin). 0 to The approved supplier list BeVeg shall include identification of suppliers of ingredients inte The information shall be readily available to relevant staff (e.g., at receipt 0 products. The list shall be available at the points where goods are taken in and be accessible it, including purchasing where this is carried outfrom on site. 0 needs manufacturer, packer or consolidator. Thisactivity shall be obtained the agent/broker directly from the supplier. be conducted by competent BeVeg represe 0 product free from potentialReview animal shall material contamination. In such circumstance the shall be based on risk assessment and full approval granted if require 0 performance The site shall have a procedure for accepting ingredients/materials/primary packag are received. procedure shall be based upon the ris 0 certififed does not products occur untilasallthey criteria have beenThis completed successfully and authorized by 0 auditor/representative. reject nonconforming ones, and outline the action to be taken. This should also nam controlmanner to placewhen BeVeg ingredients thatingredients must be kept hold” testing pending further testin 0 timely BeVeg approved that“on require and positively are received. 0 production suppliers involved in the certified product must be immediately communicated with 0 representative. components of animal origin. A competent BeVeg representative shall be responsib 0 the questionnaire. Specification for Control Procedures Specifications BeVeg approved raw materials and primary packaging shall be ad ensure formal evidence of compliance withdefine relevant claim integri 0 and BeVeg Vegan Standard. Specifications should andBeVeg detail vegan who has control to operating procedures to ensure ongoing compliance with the BeVeg Vega 0 standard Specifications for ingredients intended for use in a BeVeg certified product shall be accurate that and the shall demonstrate that the ingredients materials are free from 0 and demonstrate product is free from ingredients andand materials of animal origin mayadequate either beand in the form oftoaensure printeditoriselectronic document or part oftoanthe online sp 0 be accurate manufactured in compliance BeVeg product certification. 0 for Where no known changes have occurred, the BeVeg standard specifications must to ensureofcompliance is up to date and 0 annually must be informed any updates or changes to aaccurate. certified BeVeg product, if change certification period. 0 Ensure that interim the Plant has specific protocol regarding contaminated products that ha 0 in order to avoid unintended release. to origin and no cross-contamination. 0 products raw materials / primary packaging acceptance and

Section 5

Confirm that the Plant has effective procedures for dealing with contamination or su contamination incidentally created. Traceability The site shallControl be able Procedure to trace all BeVeg approved raw material product lots (includi from its suppliers through all stages of processing and dispatchpending to its customers an 0 products, part-used materials, finished products and materials investigation traceability. 0 ensure The site shall maintain purchasing records, traceability of ingredient usage, and fina 0 Packing records to substantiate the BeVeg Vegan claim. 0 Traceability test shall include an annual quantity check/mass balance. ComplaintBeVeg Handling procedure Customer related complaints shall be handled effectively, and information u levels. 0 complaint All BeVeg certified product related complaints data shall be reported to the BeVeg s 0 authorized Certification Body. Crisis Management, Product Withdrawal & Recall Control Procedure Company andBeVeg is educated on as relevant local, regional, national requ 0 and recall ensures of relevant products required. Ensure that and/or the Plant has record corrective actions taken in response to these trials. 0 as manner. Root cause analysis to identify underlying reason for failure shall be applie 0 recurrence of specific incident(s). Product Vegan Claims the Procedure Systems Authenticity shall be in place to minimize risk of purchasing fraudulent or adulterate materials and toscanning ensure that the BeVeg accurate andgovernment verified. 0 BeVeg horizon / supplier alert Vegan system,claim tradeisassociations, so 0 centres. purchase of fraudulent ingredients / associated animal cruelty, that could be used in 0 products. 0 It shall be formallyto reviewed least annually. testing processes mitigateatthe identified risk(s) applicable in order to protect the B 0 claim integrity. Product Defense Control. (Protection of BeVeg Vegan Claim integrity) 0 Systems shall protect BeVeg products fromby malicious whileapplicab under t Threat assessment plan shall certified be formally reviewed HACCP actions team (when 0 representatives/trained competent industry experts and auditors. 0 Where prevention is not sufficient or possible, systems shall be in place to identify a New Product Development Procedure changes to product, packaging or manufacturing processes to ensure that BeVeg p 0 integrity is maintained when produced. The site shall provide clear guidelines on the restriction of animal-derived materials 0 development. 0 labels. This approval shall be granted products areinintroduced into the factoryofenvir This must include a labelbefore approval process the case of re-approval prod 0 modifications to existing product formulations. Allergen Control The site shall haveProcedure a system for the management of allergenic materials which min 0 contamination of BeVeg certified products legalan requirements for would labellini (Unexpected animal materials handled on aand sitemeets that pose allergenic risk 0 and Mollusc, Crustaceans, Down, Dyes, Chemicals, etc.). Recipe Control Product Formulation Procedure to ensure that the&correct ingredient/material is added to the correct BeVeg certified 0 the agreed product specification. Staff must be trained in these BeVeg product specific work instructions relevant to t 0 certified product work instructions musttobe to staff at thethe point of u Where applicable, procedures related thereadily use ofavailable rework shall prevent introdu 0 Procedures animal originshall into ensure BeVeg the certified products correct identification and labelling of ingredients/mater 0 used in BeVeg certified products during recipe collation, product formulation, and w Storage Control Procedure finished products shall be suitable for preventing potential BeVeg material cross-co 0 identity. Check that there are procedures regarding the auditing of storage areas and shippi 0 Documented vegan productions. Look for auditing. and trained outdocumented storage control procedures shall be in place to preven 0 risks during recipe preparation. Segregation and Disposal of Obsolete and Waste Materials Procedure BeVeg certified product packaging shall be appropriate for the intended use and sh 0 Ensure conditions prevent material contamination. thattothe Plant animal has effective methods for dealing with waste materials, conta 0 and purge materials. Ensure that there is proper documentation of any actions invo 0 product

Section 6

Section 7

Section 8

Section 9

Section 10

Section 11

Section 12

Section 13

Section 14

Section 15

Section 16

Section 17


Section 1

Section 2 Section 3a Section 3b Section 4 Section 5

Section 6

Section 7

Section 9

• Labels (refers to any pre-printed packaging that bears a list of ingredients) 0 • Ingredients and work in progress used in certified / intended BeVeg finished produ BeVeg Claim Awareness Training Procedure training,Vegan work experience or qualification. There must be proper documentation reco 0 with evaluations, and competencies. public interaction, must be able to answer questions regarding the certified pro 0 Review records of staff and contractor evaluation.engineers/maintenance, temporary s personnel, including sitetraining & external 0 shall have received BeVeg Vegan BeVeg best practice training. appropriately trainedgeneral in generic or specific relatedawareness activities, prior to commen 0 adequately supervised throughout their tenure. training, which must be offered annually. This may be in the form of official training, 0 coaching, mentoring or on-the-job experience. Material Testing Laboratory The company shall& undertake or Analysis subcontract inspection and analyses, as required t 0 certified vegan claim integrity conforms to appropriate procedures and published st Surveillance samples may be collected during production to test the product for BeV 0 any time. compliance. The significance of results shall be understood and acted upon accord 0 methods shall be implemented promptly to address anyprinciples, out of specification BeVeg related ju re must be in line with ISO/IEC 17025 otherwise a documented 0 available where accredited methods are not undertaken. 0 Procedures shall be to in place to ensure reliability of of results. laboratory competent and able interpret the significance I.e.results. Compliance to BeVe 0 appropriate corrective actions. 0 corrective If the product is tested a third-party laboratory, confirm that the laboratory ISO actions to beattaken (e.g. product hold and retesting; notification to is BeVeg 0 recall depending on the significance of the test result). Ensure action plan can be im THE FACTORY AUDIT - CROSS-CONTAMINATION CONTROLS Regular maintenance schedule and procedures. all Look forand written instructions including cleaning procedures as well as evid

0 Make accesssure the the protocol. Plant has a risk assessment diagram or document addressing poten 0 Ensure that the Plant has addressed each potential risk factor. Ingredients contamination with animal material that may be in a shared facility/site. Refer to wo 0 numbers. has procedures for the approval of vendors and materials including a record of all th 0 should include a procedure for maintaining detailed purchasing documents. Restricted Access facility controls and procedures drafted to preserve and maintain vegan integrity sh 0 auditor and drafted into standard operating procedures before final BeVeg certificat Cleaning Equipment facility controls and procedures drafted to preserve and maintain vegan integrity sh 0 auditor and drafted into standard operating procedures before final BeVeg certificat Maintenance facility controlsEquipment and procedures drafted to preserve and maintain vegan integrity sh 0 auditor and drafted into standard operating procedures before final BeVeg certificat Time facilitySegregation controls and procedures drafted to preserve and maintain vegan integrity sh 0 auditor and drafted into standard operating procedures before final BeVeg certificat Dedicated /drafted Physical Segregation procedures to preserve and maintain vegan integrity shall be presented to t 0 into standard operating procedures before final BeVeg certification. items to ensure there is no cross-contamination including grills, fryers, ovens, stove 0 refrigerators, other cooking applicances, cutlery, prep surfaces, etc.designated vega meat and dairy products are kept outside the facility or outside the 0 that employees do not borrow the cutlery, silverware, and dishes to eat anyhting ex Validatedmaterials, Cleaning packaging Methods and final certified products handled on site shall be approved 0 approved. These cleaning methods shall be fully validated in line with best practices, to ensure 0 activities shall be must performed on a risk-assessed frequency. in place. Policies be accessible to employees at all times. Look for evidence th 0 following the requirements. Protective Clothing / PPE changing gloves when switching between handling of B based on risk. This includes 0 materials and materials that may be of animal origin. 0 *Correcting defective, failed, or non-conforming items during or after inspection. Air Flow Control & Water Safety

Check for regular water analysis by a third party or local town/government, looking reports. Labeling and Pack Controls the packing area ensures that only the correct BeVeg packaging materials needed available at and the packing machines. 0 packaging, product/materials/ingredients have been removed before vegan line 0 begin. Ensure clear labeling system is in place to prevent materials and products from bein mislabeled or mispackaged products. 0 policies The site regarding shall establish and implement procedures in the event of a failure in the on 0 equipment (e.g. a documented and trained manual checking procedure). 0 analysis

Section 10


Section 1

Section 2 Section 3 Section 4

AUDIT PROCESS & TECHNIQUES proving written procedures are regularly discussed and updated, as well as easily a personnel). 0 all Conduct an opening meeting to ensure all relevant staff are on-site and available. D 0 purpose of the visit before the factory tour/audit. The Factory Audit Assessment the lists held by BeVeg. All products, ingredients, and suppliers must be the same. and notify BeVeg and the company of the certified nonconformities immediately. 0 lists production process to achieve the final BeVeg vegan product. This also inc 0 there is no animal testing on site or contracted out to an independent third party. 0 Interview staff to ensure familiarity with BeVeg audit. Soft interview skills are recom 0 Conclude audit with a closing meetinng of sufficient duration. Product Changeover Witness and supervise product changeover between Product A (Animal materials) a 0 approved vegan materials only). Traceability Test Exercise potentially affected raw materials and finished product(s) can be identified and acco 0 product recall. Label DuringChecks traceability test exercise process controls and trace records must be verified requirements. 0 certification Examine thestandard labels and packaging. Ensure that the BeVeg vegan symbol is only us 0 that the Brand Owner is following the Logo Use Guidelines.

AUDITOR NOTES & NON-CONFORMITIES: - Please make any relevant notes regarding the company being audited, the plant, non-conformities, further informa - Please discuss finished vegan product safety rationale and facility risks. - Identify products in production at the time of audit.


DATE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Major changes since last BeVeg audit: # of Non-Conformities: AUDIT RESULT (Pass/Fail): Auditor Signature: Auditee Signature: Signature of BeVeg Representative: Audit Duration:


Critical Major Minor



# of Plants:

Re-Audit Date:


Phone: Insurance Policy Limits:

Date: Phone:


AGEMENT COMMITMENT TO THE BEVEG VEGAN STANDARD REQUIREMENTS ogram. This can be in the form of hard copy, PDF, or online version that authority of managing the BeVeg certification process and program with

pose irm that there are supervisors overseeing vegan production to ensure elines. d legal documents to cement commitment to BeVeg vegan certification

. AVL must be updated when Vegan products display or wish to display, mployees only have access to the most current version of the BeVeg the documents to ensure the latest revision is used. d. Annual siteannually performance trends improve. rget levelsreview will beensures assessed to continually improve and ensure nderstanding of the underlying reasons. em equivalent) o an(or acceptable level, any risk to BeVeg Vegan claim integrity


wing proof of other audit certifications completed (HACCP, BRC HARPC, etc.) ir potential contamination with materials of animal origin must be grity and identity must be identified. Appropriate controls shall be the BeVeg vegan product df Trade Bureau (TTB), mustclaims. be disclosed for BeVeg Vegan Certification ty of

ent system tate training, and adequately protect the integrity of the BeVeg Vegan and procedures shall include the management of documents that form hod of communicating BeVeg documentation and record changes to be reviewed at least once a year. Note any records of corrective actions y appropriately trained, competent auditors. Auditors shall be nnd work). timescales for their implementation, shall be agreed and mal materials, BeVeg approved materials, packaging and finished

rials, Components, & Packaging een done on final products as well as ingredients used in the product. d shipping records and batch records to ensure traceability of all amination. and testing procedure and for the processes adopted for cceptance awal, where a specific BeVeg raw material has been implicated ks and mitigate those risks regarding primary packaging materials due to ntamination from the use of inappropriate materials. pany shall confirm and validate requirement. view and and BeVeg approval must be performed onlythis by an authorised, ned auditor. ust be reissued at least every 3 years. The site must be able to oring review it has in place. r thereand is aongoing significant change (e.g., new suppliers or new ging). an products and their ongoing ability to source ingredients that conform andard (e.g., material free from animal origin). ude identification of suppliers of ingredients intended for BeVeg vegan eadily available to relevant staff (e.g., at receipt nts where goods are taken in and be accessible of to goods). anyone who er.this activity is carried out on site. This shall be obtained from the agent/broker or if more effective, hall be conducted by competent BeVeg representative. material contamination. In such circumstance the supplier delivery assessment and full approval granted if requirements are met. accepting ingredients/materials/primary packaging intended for BeVeg ved. This procedure shall be based upon the risk assessment. been completed successfully and authorized by a trained BeVeg

ine the action to be taken. This should also name who has authority and hatingredients must be kept hold” testing pending further testing or investigation. ed that“on require and positively releasing into oduct must be immediately communicated with BeVeg or its authorized petent BeVeg representative shall be responsible for the verification of

aw materials and primary packaging shall be adequate and accurate pliance withdefine relevant claim integrity requirements. ons should andBeVeg detail vegan who has control to amend and approve nsure ongoing compliance with the BeVeg Vegan Standard. ed for use in a BeVeg certified product shall be adequate that the ingredients materials are free from These animalspecifications origin. from ingredients andand materials of animal origin. document or part oftoanthe online specification system. editoriselectronic manufactured in compliance BeVeg standard as published

urred, the BeVeg standard specifications must be reviewed at least to date and changes to aaccurate. certified BeVeg product, if changes occur during the rotocol regarding contaminated products that have not been shipped out .

procedures for dealing with contamination or suspected animal byreated.

Veg approved raw material product lots (including primary packaging) of processing and dispatchpending to its customers and shall vice versa. ed products and materials investigation be adequate to

ecords, traceability of ingredient usage, and final product BeVeg Vegan claim. nual quantity check/mass balance.

shall be handled effectively, and information used to reduce recurring omplaints data shall be reported to the BeVeg standard owner or

drawal & Recall Control Procedure on relevant local, regional, national requirements. ts as required. Ensure that and/or the Plant has record of mock recalls as well nse to these trials. ntify underlying reason for failure shall be applied to ensure prevention of

ms Procedure ze the risk of purchasing fraudulent or adulterated BeVeg approved raw Veg accurate andgovernment verified. lert Vegan system,claim tradeisassociations, sources, private resource

associated animal cruelty, that could be used in any BeVeg certified

annually. ntified risk(s) applicable in order to protect the BeVeg Vegan standard

tion of BeVeg Vegan Claim integrity) ed products fromby malicious whileapplicable)/BeVeg under the control of the site. mally reviewed HACCP actions team (when ndustry experts and auditors. possible, systems shall be in place to identify any tampering. dure anufacturing processes to ensure that BeVeg products Vegan claim ed. es on the restriction of animal-derived materials in BeVeg Vegan product

e products areinintroduced into the factoryofenvironment. proval process the case of re-approval product labels following mulations.

management of allergenic materials which minimizes the risk of allergen oducts legalan requirements for would labelling in the -country of sale. ed on aand sitemeets that pose allergenic risk include: Milk, Egg, Fish, yes, Chemicals, etc.). ation Procedure /material is added to the correct BeVeg certified product as indicated in

g product specific work instructions relevant to their role. Current BeVeg usttobe to staff at thethe point of use. of materials of ed thereadily use ofavailable rework shall prevent introduction oducts identification and labelling of ingredients/materials and work in progress ring recipe collation, product formulation, and weighing activities.

or preventing potential BeVeg material cross-contamination or loss of garding the auditing of storage areas and shipping modules used for ented auditing. e control procedures shall be in place to prevent the cross-contamination

olete and Waste Materials Procedure hall be appropriate for the intended use and shall be stored under al contamination. methods for dealing with waste materials, contaminated raw materials, ere is proper documentation of any actions involving these materials.

ackaging that bears a list of ingredients) sed in certified / intended BeVeg finished products. raining Procedure ation. There must be proper documentation recording training,

to answer questions regarding the certified products(s) and veganism. evaluation. contractor engineers/maintenance, temporary staff, and contractors, Vegan best practice training. pecific BeVeg relatedawareness activities, prior to commencing work, and heir tenure. ually. This may be in the form of official training, refresher training, xperience. alysis bcontract inspection and analyses, as required to confirm BeVeg ms during to appropriate procedures and published standards. ted production to test the product for BeVeg vegan certification at

ults shall be understood and acted upon accordingly. Appropriate actions ddress anyprinciples, out of specification BeVeg related justification results. C 17025 otherwise a documented shall be are not undertaken. ure reliability of of results. laboratory significance I.e.results. Compliance to BeVeg specification or require

ty laboratory, confirm that the laboratory ISO approved andproduct using the approved testing methods. Ensure that the plant has pr product hold and retesting; notification to is BeVeg; or possibly of the test result). Ensure action plan can be immediately invoked. ONTAMINATION CONTROLS schedule and procedures. s including cleaning procedures as well as evidence that employees can

ssment diagram or document addressing potential contamination. d each potential risk factor.

hat may be in a shared facility/site. Refer to work orders and batch/lot vendors and materials including a record of all that are approved. This taining detailed purchasing documents.

ted to preserve and maintain vegan integrity shall be presented to the erating procedures before final BeVeg certification.

ted to preserve and maintain vegan integrity shall be presented to the erating procedures before final BeVeg certification.

ted to preserve and maintain vegan integrity shall be presented to the erating procedures before final BeVeg certification.

ted to preserve and maintain vegan integrity shall be presented to the erating procedures before final BeVeg certification.

maintain vegan integrity shall be presented to the auditor and drafted before final BeVeg certification. ntamination including grills, fryers, ovens, stoves, microwaves, ces, cutlery, prep surfaces, etc.designated vegan production area, and utside the facility or outside the utlery, silverware, and dishes to eat anyhting except the vegan food.

final certified products handled on site shall be established and ly validated in line with best practices, to ensure efficacy. Validation frequency. ek-assessed to employees at all times. Look for evidence that employees are

ng gloves when switching between handling of BeVeg approved of animal origin. conforming items during or after inspection.

a third party or local town/government, looking for record of water

he correct BeVeg packaging materials needed for immediate use is gredients have been removed before vegan line start up is authorized to ace to prevent materials and products from being confused. Check for packaged products. ent procedures in the event of a failure in the online verification trained manual checking procedure).

S larly discussed and updated, as well as easily accessible (i.e. posted for ure all relevant staff are on-site and available. Define the scope and y tour/audit.

, ingredients, and suppliers must be the same. Note any changes to the anyBeVeg of the certified nonconformities immediately. nal vegan product. This also includes assurance that contracted out to an independent third party. with BeVeg audit. Soft interview skills are recommended. nng of sufficient duration.

ngeover between Product A (Animal materials) and Product B (BeVeg

d finished product(s) can be identified and accounted for in the event of

cess controls and trace records must be verified as compliant to BeVeg Ensure that the BeVeg vegan symbol is only used as authorized. Ensure e Logo Use Guidelines.

ited, the plant, non-conformities, further information relating to non-conformities, etc. risks.

CORRECTIVE ACTIONS: - Identify all non-conformities, corrections, and proposed preventative actions (based on root-cause analysis). Docu - Document evidence submitted (i.e. photographs, other) to substantiate audit determination.

Date: Date: Date: Next Scheduled Audit:



Conformity/Non-Conformity Notes

es, etc.

tive actions (based on root-cause analysis). Document if the non-conformity is critical, major, or minor. antiate audit determination.