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Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

You are on watch at night and you stop the main engines. What changes would you make to your navigational lights?

Switch the steaming lights off

Switch on three vertical red lights

Switch on two vertical Switch on two vertical red lights and switch red lights and switch off all other off steaming lights. navigational lights.

If another ship does not appear to be taking sufficient action to avoid a collision, what should you do according to the Collision Regulations?

Alter course.

Sound 5 short and rapid blasts on the whistle.

Call it up on VHF.

Stand On.

A fishing vessel is showing a basket and a single cone apex upwards? In which direction do the nets lie?



From the basket towards the cone.

From the cone towards the basket.

How often should the magnetic compass error be checked ?

Once a day.

Once a watch and after a major course Twice a day. alteration.

Why should the largest scale chart available be used for Because it uses larger navigational purposes? symbols.

After each major alteration of course.

Because it uses better colour.

Because it shows more Because the brightest accurate information. lights are shown.

Which is the more accurate means of position fixing?

A radar range and bearing.

Two radar bearings.

Two visual bearings.

You are heading west and observe a north cardinal buoy dead ahead. What action do you take?

Alter course to port.

Alter course to starboard.

Wait until you can see Wait until you can see a port hand buoy. a starboard hand buoy.

You expect to sight land at 2100. By 2120 no land has been sighted, the visibility is good. What action would Keep looking out. you take?

Call the master.

Stop engines.

Alter course.

Over what length of time should a diesel powered vessel be slowed down from full sea-speed to manoeuvring speed?

20 minutes.

1 hour.

4 hours.

A vessel is under pilotage approaching a European port. Who is responsible for the safe navigation of the The pilot. vessel?

The master and duty officers.

The traffic controller.

The pilot and the master together.

Where would you find information about a vessel reporting system for a port which you are about to enter?

Mariner's Handbook.

International Code of Signals.

Admiralty List of Radio Signals.

Ocean Passages for the World.

What time is used for the ship's course recorder?

Local time

Ship's time


Company head office time

If necessary, reduce speed or stop.

Sound one short blast and alter course to starboard.

Keep her course and speed and carefully watch the compass bearing of 'B'.

10 minutes.

Reduce speed and Power-driven vessel 'A' sees power-driven vessel 'B' as monitor the compass shown here at 3 miles range. What must vessel 'A' do? bearing of 'B'.

Page 1

A visual bearing and a radar range.


QUESTION What kind of vessel may sound a fog signal consisting of four short blasts?

Answer 1 A vessel being towed.

Answer 2 A vessel engaged on pilotage duty.

Answer 3 A vessel constrained by her draught.

Show a square flag and Direct a search light in What could a vessel do to highlight a danger to another a black ball in a Sound three short the direction of the vessel, especially at night ? vertical line one over blasts on the whistle. danger. the other.

Answer 4 A fishing vessel.. Fire a rocket throwing red stars.

A rapid ringing of the bell and three separate and distinct strokes on the bell immediately before and after ringing of the bell.

What could be the fog signal of a vessel aground in a channel?

Four strokes on the bell, sounded in the same manner as 'four bells' to indicate time.

Which of the following is a vessel "not under command"?

A vessel engaged in A tug engaged in a underwater operations. towing operation.

A sailing vessel becalmed.

You see a vessel displaying a black cylinder on her starboard yardarm. At night, what lights would the same vessel be showing, in addition to those for a power-driven vessel underway?

Three all-round lights in a vertical line, the Two all-round red upper and lower red lights in a vertical line. and the middle one white.

Two all-round lights in a vertical line, the Three all-round red upper one red and the lights in a vertical line. lower one white.

Referring to Annex II of the Collision Regulations; additional signals for fishing vessels in close proximity. I am shooting nets. What does the signal "one white light over one red light" mean?

A blast of from three to Three distinct blasts five seconds on the followed by a rapid whistle. ringing of the bell.

A power driven vessel with main engine failure.

I am hauling nets.

My nets are fast on an obstruction.

I am engaged in pair trawling.

Any vessel propelled by an internal combustion engine.

Any vessel propelled by machinery.

Any vessel other than a vessel propelled by sails.

What is a power-driven vessel?

Any vessel which is self-propelled.

If a vessel is being towed alongside on the starboard side of the towing vessel, what lights should it show?

Starboard sidelight and Sidelights and sternlight. sternlight.

Sidelights only.

Starboard sidelight only.

What is the duration of a "'short blast" on the whistle?

One second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds.

Four seconds.

Tugs and their tows.

Pilot vessels and vessels requiring pilots.

All of the other options.

In the Collision Regulations, the Government of any State can make provision for special rules allowing the Warships and vessels use of additional whistle signals between which sailing under convoy. vessels?

Page 2



Answer 1

Vessels not under Which of the following vessels may use inshore traffic command and vessels zones in all circumstances? restricted in their ability to manoeuvre. When should a sailing vessel keep out of the way of a power driven vessel?

Answer 2 Vessels less than 20 metres in length and sailing vessels.

Answer 3 Vessels towing which are severely restricted in their ability to manoeuvre.

When both vessels are When the power driven When the sailing crossing. vessel is overtaking.. vessel is overtaking.

Answer 4

All of the other options.

When both vessels are meeting end on.

A stern light.

A white light in the direction of an approaching vessel.

You sight a vessel bearing 3 points abaft the starboard beam. Sometime later, it is bearing 3 points forward of Two vessels with the Two power-driven the starboard beam. Which of the following same speed and course. vessels meeting. circumstances apply?

A vessel overtaking situation.

Two power-driven vessels crossing with no risk of collision.

What is the duration of a prolonged blast?

6-8 seconds

more than 8 seconds

2-4 seconds

When proceeding in a narrow channel, you hear a vessel astern sound two prolonged blasts followed by two short blasts. What does this signal indicate?

The other vessel The other vessel The other vessel intends to overtake you intends to overtake you intends to follow you on your starboard side. on your port side. to port.

When is a vessel " UNDERWAY "?

When she is not at When she is moving anchor or made fast to through the water the shore

At night you notice, in addition to other lights, two yellow lights in a vertical line which flash alternately every second. What does this indicate?

A fishing vessel A dredger showing the A towing vessel's light An air cushion vehicle hampered by her purse side on which a vessel seen from abaft the operating in the nonseine gear.. can pass. beam. displacement mode.

At night, in addition to her sidelights, what else must a A white light. sailing vessel show?

Red over green masthead lights.

4-6 seconds

When the main engine When she is aground is running

You have another vessel on your port bow in clear Observation of the visibility, but with a moderate sea and swell. Which of Observation of the Observation of the compass bearing over a the following would normally give greatest accuracy in radar bearing and range radar range period of time determining if risk of collision exists? When should a vessel not under command display the sternlight?

When another vessel is When making way overtaking through the water

At sea during the day, you see a vessel displaying two black cones with their points together. What does this indicate?

A vessel engaged in fishing

Observation of the radar bearing

When unable to get out of the way of other When underway vessels

A vessel engaged in a A vessel of less than towing operation 50 metres in length at which is unable to anchor deviate from her course

Page 3

The other vessel wishes to attract your attention.

A vessel aground



Answer 1

When two whistles are fitted on a vessel and are placed The forward whistle more than 100m apart, what is the usual arrangement shall sound before the for giving manoeuvring and warning signals ? after whistle

Which of the following options would be considered "good seamanship"?

Using radar when proceeding at full speed in fog.

Your power-driven vessel is fitted with radar and is Sea speed if there are underway in poor visibility. At what speed should you no targets showing on proceed? the radar

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

The after whistle shall They are sounded sound before the simultaneously forward whistle

Only one of the whistles is sounded

Using deck and Sounding a fog signal accommodation lights when in clear weather, to indicate the presence but approaching a fog of your ship in poor bank. visibility.

Proceeding on the port side of a narrow channel to take advantage of a favourable current.

Sea speed only if in open waters

Sea speed with the engines on standby, keeping a close radar watch

A safe speed

All of the other options

To which traffic separation schemes does Rule 10 apply?

Those adopted by the Those set up by local International Maritime authorities Organization

Those defined on navigational charts

How should a vessel cross a traffic separation lane?

At a speed and heading that will cause the least encounters with vessels within the lane

On heading so that her On a HEADING as TRACK will be as nearly as practical at nearly as practicable at right angles to the right angles to the direction of traffic flow direction of traffic flow

What do these lights indicate?

A power-driven vessel A pushing vessel and a A power-driven vessel underway when towing vessel pushed ahead as A vessel being towed.. underway. and the length of the a composite unit. tow exceeds 200m.

In what situation would you expect a vessel to show these lights?

When on pilotage duty

What do these lights indicate?

A power-driven vessel A vessel engaged in engaged in towing A vessel engaged in trawling using pelagic unable to deviate from minesweeping. gear. her course.

A vessel engaged in underwater operations not making way through the water or at anchor.

At sea you sight a tug displaying this signal. What should you do?

Keep well clear as the Keep well clear as she tug is restricted in her is towing a dracone. ability to manoeuvre.

Keep well clear as she is escorting a submersible vessel.

On a heading that will cause her to spend the LEAST TIME in the lane

When unable to manoeuvre

Page 4

When towing

Give assistance as the tug is in distress.

When not under command



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

What do these lights indicate?

A power driven vessel A pilot vessel at underway. anchor.

What is the fog signal of this vessel?

One prolonged blast followed by two short blast on the whistle.

You are underway on a tanker and observe the lights illustrated on a steady bearing and at decreasing range on the PORT bow. What do you do?

Maintain course and Alter course to Alter course to PORT speed keeping a careful STARBOARD and and sound two short watch on the bearing of sound ONE short blast. blasts. the other vessel.

Does this signal indicate that the vessel is......

at anchor.


underway and making underway, but stopped. way through the water.

What type of vessel is this?

Any type of fishing vessel.

A trawler.

A vessel at anchor.

The white light shown must be so fixed as to show an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon. What is the size of this arc?

135 deg. (12 points of the compass)

112 1/2 deg. (10 points 360 deg. (32 points of of the compass) the compass)

What do these lights indicate?

A vessel towing a barge

A dredger indicating A power-driven vessel A power-driven vessel the clear side free from of over 50m in length of under 50m obstructions

What sort of vessel would display this day signal?

A vessel which is in A vessel which is distress and requesting aground. assistance.

Four strokes on the bell, sounded in the same manner as 'four bells' to indicate time.

A fishing vessel at anchor.

A fishing vessel stopped in the water.

A rapid ringing of the bell for about 5 seconds repeated every minute.

A rapid ringing of the bell and also one short, one long and one short blast in succession.

A fishing vessel with gear fast to a rock and at anchor.

Stand on to see if the other vessel takes any action.

A vessel not under command. 225 deg. (20 points of the compass)

A vessel engaged in underwater demolition work.

Both vessels should alter course to Power-driven vessels 'A' and 'B' are in sight of one starboard. No whistles another. Which of the following statements is correct? signals need be sounded.

'A' and 'B' should alter course to starboard, 'A' should blow one each sounding one blast and alter course short blast on the to starboard. whistle.

'A' and 'B' should blow one blast and wait for a response before altering course.

Which is the correct day signal for a vessel engaged in hydrographic surveying?

Day signal A.

Day signal B.

Day signal C.

Day signal D.

The lights shown indicate a vessel......

towing another vessel astern, length of tow exceeding 200m.

towing a vessel made fast alongside.

towing more than one vessel astern.

towing, tow of less than 200m in length, unable to deviate from her course.

Page 5



What do these lights show?

Answer 1

A vessel over 50 metres in length engaged in trawling.

Answer 2 A vessel engaged in trawling with her outlying gear extending more than 150 metres into the seaway.

Answer 3

A vessel under 50 metres in length engaged in trawling.

Answer 4

A vessel engaged in trawling and at anchor.

At night, you are power-driven vessel 'A' approaching Both are equally This is a case of Vessel 'B' must keep power-driven vessel 'B' as shown. Occasionally you see I ( vessel 'A' ) must responsible for keeping special circumstances clear of you ( vessel 'A' both white masthead lights and the green side light of keep clear of vessel 'B'. clear. and I would contact 'B'. ). vessel 'B'. Which of the following is true?

What light or lights must be carried by a group of three Red and green barges in a line being pushed ahead of a tug as shown sidelights on each here? barge.

Red and green sidelights at the forward end of the leading barge and white all-round light on each barge.

Sound one short blast In open waters, you see the lights ( shown in the picture and alter course to ) right ahead at medium range. What do you do? starboard.

Sound two short blasts Reduce speed or stop Keep out of the way of and alter course to and wait for the other the other vessel. port. vessel to pass.

Which of the following is NOT a vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre?

A vessel servicing a navigation buoy.

A tanker underway refueling a warship.

A minesweeper engaged in minesweeping operations.

A loaded VLCC navigating in a fairway.

What colour are the ship's mast lights? What colour is the ship's port or left hand sidelight? What colour is the ship's starboard or right hand sidelight? When on bridge lookout duty, what is your first responsibility?

White Red

Mixed White

Red Green

Red and white Yellow





Seek shelter

Be alert, watch and listen

Serve coffee to the captain

Clean the bridge

Light to starboard

Light 4 points to starboard

Light in middle to starboard

Light sharp to starboard

Light two points abaft Light behind on port the port beam side

Light astern

Light four points abaft the port beam









When on bridge lookout duty, how would you report a light sighted at mid-way between the bow and the starboard beam? When on bridge lookout duty, how would you report a light 22.5 degrees aft of midships on the port side? When a vessel is approaching "END ON", how many side lights would you see? When a vessel is crossing from port to starboard, what colour sidelight would you see?

Page 6

Red and green A white all-round light sidelights at the at the forward end of forward end of the the barge. leading barge.


QUESTION When a vessel is crossing from starboard to port, what colour sidelight would you see? When your vessel is overtaking another, what is the colour of the first light you would see? How many degrees are there on the rose of a magnetic or gyro compass? How many points of the compass are there? How many degrees are there in each point of the compass?

Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4





















What is the arc (angle) of visibility of a masthead light? 225 degrees

180 degrees

210 degrees

270 degrees

What is the arc (angle) of visibility of a sternlight?

150 degrees At night and in poor visibility

135 degrees

120 degrees

270 degrees

All day

At night only

In poor visibility only

When told to rig a pilot ladder, which side do you choose?

The weather side

Close to the stern

The lee side

Either side

What is the meaning of the light signal being shown?

A vessel may only proceed when given a specific order.

EMERGENCY - All A vessel may proceed. vessels to stop or divert Vessel may proceed. TWO WAY according to ONE WAY TRAFFIC. TRAFFIC. instructions.

What is the meaning of the light signal being shown?

Vessel shall NOT proceed.

A vessel may only EMERGENCY - All proceed when given a A vessel may only vessels to stop or divert specific order, except if proceed when given a according to navigating outside the specific order. instructions. main channel.

What is the meaning of the light signal being shown?

Vessel may proceed. TWO WAY TRAFFIC.

Vessel may proceed. Vessel shall NOT ONE WAY TRAFFIC. proceed.

Vessel shall NOT proceed.

Vessel shall NOT proceed except if navigating outside the main channel.

When must a vessel place a bridge lookout on duty?

What is the meaning of the light signal being shown?

Page 7

Vessel shall NOT proceed except if navigating outside the main channel.

A vessel may only proceed when given a Vessel may proceed. specific order, except ONE WAY TRAFFIC. those navigating outside the main channel.



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

What is the duty of a pilot?

To be responsible for the vessel's navigation To assist in planning as long as he is on the sea voyage board

When two ships are on reciprocal courses, what is meant by the "approaching vessel's relative speed"?

The sum of the speed of the two vessels

Which of the listed tasks have priority over the other?

Maintaining the track Navigating comes comes before collision before controlling the avoidance vessel's track

Collision avoidance The master decides comes before which task has maintaining course and preference track

Two ships approach each other on reciprocal courses, one with a speed of 22 knots, the other with 15 knots. What is their relative speed?

22 knots

7 knots

An OOW, on duty in coastal waters, notices that he becomes too busy to be able to take a fix. What should Slow down the vessel he do? If two vessels approach each other on a collision course, what is meant by "the critical period"?

The period when action to prevent a collision has to be taken

To have an engine When out of sight of land, what is the principal threat to breakdown which the ship? requires assistance Why is it important for the OOW to move around the bridge?

To direct the navigation of the ship in a certain area

To relieve the OOW of his duty to monitor the navigation of the ship

The difference in speed The speed of the faster The speed of the between the two vessel slower vessel vessels

15 knots

37 knots

Ask the lookout to Call the master to Leave the fix until later check for other vessels assist him while he takes a fix The period before collision takes place

The period after which The period when it is too late to avoid a neither vessel has collision noticed the other

To have a collision with another ship

To end up on the wrong course and, as a To be late due to bad result, consuming to weather much fuel

To be able to view all To be able to check the To be able to obtain a To be able to see what the instruments on the fire alarm system clear view of the the lookout is doing bridge frequently surrounding area

When at anchor, what should the OOW do if the vessel Ask the chief engineer Ask the bosun to check Any of the other Call the master at once appears to be dragging her anchor? to start the engine the anchor options How should the anchor be positioned when a ship is due to anchor in a river with a strong current?

It should be properly secured to prevent damage..

It should be ready to It should be lowered to It should be lowered to drop at any time from just below the water just above the water it's normal secured level. level. position.

Apart from ensuring navigational safety at anchorage, what should the OOW do?

Have all bridge equipment cleaned.

Check that the Monitor the VHF for engineer on watch is in orders for the vessel. the engine room. Page 8

Direct the lookout to do maintenance work.



Answer 1

Answer 2 Monitor the radar display and post a lookout.

What is the best way to monitor the risk of collision in poor visibility?

Post an extra lookout.

The International Regulations for Prevention of Collision at Sea includes......

instructions for the use instructions for of the radio in fog. keeping the radar log.

Answer 3 Take more satellite fixes..

Answer 4 Arrange for hand steering.

instructions on action rules for the proper use to take while plotting a of navigational aids. ship by radar.

a succession of small When taking action to avoid collision under Rule 8, you stopping or reversing any reduction in speed. alterations of speed or should avoid..... engines. course.

making an alteration of course or speed too early.

International Regulations for Prevention of Collisions at Sea

Radar Manual Vol. 2

during night-time hours

when the background when the radio is lights obscure visibility unserviceable

whenever it may help

A vessel fitted with an operational radar must use it under Rule 6 to....

assess the course and speed of other vessels

identify itself to approaching vessels

ensure compliance with traffic separation schemes

help determine safe speed in prevailing conditions

Under Rule 7, proper use of radar to determine risk of collision includes....

use of true motion to determine target movement

correct use of anticlutter controls

short range scanning for small targets

radar plotting or equivalent systematic observation

In restricted visibility, risk of collision can best be assessed by....

posting additional lookouts

establishing radio watching the target's communication with radar bearing and range the target

listening for the target's sound signals

If you hear a fog signal forward of the beam, Rule 19 states that you must...... Rule 19 says that, if you detect another vessel by radar alone, you must....

make a substantial course alteration. determine if risk of collision exists

reply with your own fog signal. switch to manual steering

reduce to minimum steerage way. continue to observe the other vessel

attempt to make radio contact. maintain a steady course and speed

post a forward lookout

navigate with caution activate a second radar, until danger of if fitted collision is over

The requirements for using radar for collision avoidance are described in....

Admiralty List of Marine Orders Part 21 Radio Signals

Under Rule 5; the radar should be used for keeping a proper lookout....

Under Rule 19, if you get into a close quarters situation reverse your engine with a vessel forward of the beam in restricted until all way is lost visibility, you must.... There is a risk of collision with another vessel if....

her bearing is steady and the range is increasing

The alteration of own ship's course or speed required to give a desired Closest Point of Approach (CPA) can be radar tables obtained from the....

her bearing is changing her bearing is steady and the range is and the range is increasing decreasing

her bearing is changing and the range is decreasing

collision rules

radar plot

Page 9

ship's data book



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Positions obtain by radar....

should only be used in should be checked by restricted visibility other available means

should be used cannot be relied on for independently of other navigation aids

Radar navigational techniques should....

be practised in clear visibility

only be used at night

The use of radar ranges in preference to radar bearings for position fixing is because....

they are more accurate they are quicker to take they are easier to take

suitable targets are easier to find

The best land target to use for radar ranging is....

an edge of land

a small rock

a low-lying point

a cliff face

The best land target to use for a radar bearing is....

a sloping foreshore

a large headland

a small isolated feature a coastal indentation

When choosing objects for position fixing by radar ranges you should, if possible, avoid....

sloping land features

large prominent features

steep faced features

small isolated features

A radar presentation feature which can often be used to beamwidth distortion advantage for position fixing is....

relative motion

an off-centred display

an unstabilised presentation

Edges of land should be avoided if possible when position fixing by radar because of....

the effect of pulse length

their poor definition

the difficulty of the identification

the effect of vertical beamwidth

The technique used in radar pilotage for continuously monitoring a vessel's position is called....

cross indexing

presentation stabilization

parallel indexing

presentation unstabilisation

true motion

relative motion

fixed play centre

obtain the most accurate fix

avoid radar interference

allow for beamwidth distortion

radar shadow sector determination avoid radar shadow effect

A radar presentation feature which is useful in radar pilotage is.... When using the radar for coastal position fixing the main concern is to....

not be used in bad weather

only be used in poor visibility

On a radar display, the return from a racon....

gives a distinctive echo is transmitted on the display continuously

cannot be seen in a clutter area

cannot be seen during hours of darkness

The signal from a racon....

enables the beacon to be identified

does not provide identification

only provides range data

only provides bearing data

When two power driven vessels are meeting on reciprocal courses ......

each shall alter course to starboard.

each shall alter course to port.

one shall alter course to starboard.

one shall alter course to port and the other to starboard.

the vessel which has the other on her own starboard side.

the vessel which has the other on her own port side.

both vessels altering course to port.

When two power-driven vessels, in sight of each other, both vessels altering are crossing so as to involve risk of collision, avoiding course to starboard. action must be taken by ......

Page 10



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

A power driven vessel observes the stern light of another power-driven vessel on a steady bearing and reducing range on the port bow. Which vessel must give way?

The observing vessel

The observed vessel

Looking straight ahead at night you observe the masthead lights and both side lights of another vessel. What action should be taken?

Each ship shall alter course to port.

One ship shall alter Each ship shall alter course to starboard and course to starboard. the other to port.

You stand on as the other ship will alter course.

This vessel is on a steady bearing, the range is 2 miles and reducing. What action should you take?

Two short blasts and alter course to port.

One short blast and alter course to starboard.

Five short and rapid blasts and stand on with caution.

Make a substantial reduction of speed.

You observe this vessel - range 4 miles. What action should you take?

Sound one short blast and alter course to starboard..

Take a series of compass bearings.

Maintain course and speed.

Sound two short blasts and alter course to port.

At range 2 miles and steady bearing, you sounded 5 short blasts: it is apparent that the other vessel is not taking appropriate action. What should you do?

Make a substantial reduction of speed.

Sound one short blast and alter to starboard.

Sound five short and Sound two short and rapid blasts again and rapid blasts and stand stand on with caution.. on with caution.

The range is 7 miles and constant. The bearing is steady. What action would you take?

Take a series of compass bearings.

Sound one short blast and alter course to starboard.

Sound two short blasts Maintain course and and alter to port. speed.

You observe this vessel on a steady bearing at range 3 miles. What action should you take?

Sound one short blast Sound two short blasts and alter course to and alter to port. starboard.

Sound five short and rapid blasts and stand on with caution.

Make a substantial reduction of speed.

On nearing a bend in a narrow channel and the way ahead is obscured, you hear a prolonged blast. What should be your response?

One short blast.

Two short blasts.

One prolonged blast.

Two prolonged blasts.

Is anchoring permitted in a narrow channel?


Yes, but only near the It should be avoided if outer limit of the at all possible fairway to starboard.

When proceeding along a narrow channel a vessel should......

keep to the outer limit which lies on her port side.

keep to the outer limit which lies on her starboard side.

For which types of vessel should a fishing vessel not impede the passage in a narrow channel or fairway?

Vessels greater than 20m. in length.

A vessel which can Sailing vessels and safely navigate only vessels greater than within such a channel. 20m. in length.

Page 11

No risk of collision exists

Both masters decide

Yes, but only for a vessel which can safely navigate within such a channel.

keep to the side which keep to the side which lies on her starboard lies on her port side. side. Any other vessels navigating within the narrow channel or fairway.



A vessel which can only safely navigate within a narrow channel or fairway shall not be impeded by......

Answer 1

Answer 2

sailing vessels, fishing vessels, or vessels of crossing vessels. less than 20 metres.

What signal shall a vessel sound when nearing a bend or an area of narrow channels or fairway where other Two short blasts. vessels may be obscured by an intervening obstruction?

Answer 3

Answer 4

sailing vessels, fishing sailing vessels or vessels, vessels less vessels of less than 20 than 20m. or crossing metres. vessels.

One prolonged blast.

At least five short and rapid blasts.

Two prolonged blasts followed by two short blasts.

This vessel is on a steady bearing and the range is reducing. What action would you take?

Sound five short and rapid blasts and stand on with caution.

Make a substantial reduction of speed.

Sound one short blast and alter course to starboard.

Sound two short blasts and alter course to port.

This vessel is on a steady bearing, the range is 2 miles and reducing slowly. What action would you take?

Sound five short and rapid blasts and stand on with caution.

Make a substantial reduction of speed.

Sound one short blast and alter course to starboard.

Sound two short blasts and alter course to port.

The bearing is steady. The range is 5 miles, reducing slowly. What action would you take?

Sound one short blast and alter course to starboard.

Make a substantial reduction of speed.

Sound five short and rapid blasts and stand on with caution.

Sound two short blasts and alter course to port.

You observe this vessel on a steady bearing, range 3 miles. What action would you take?

Make a substantial reduction of speed.

Sound one short blast and alter course to starboard.

Sound two short blasts Sound five short and and alter course to rapid blasts and stand port. on with caution.

This vessel is on a steady bearing, range 3 miles. What Make a substantial action would you take? reduction of speed.

Sound five short and rapid blasts and stand on with caution.

Sound two short blasts Sound one short blast and alter course to and alter course to port. starboard.

A vessel shall, so far as is practicable, avoid crossing traffic separation lanes. But if obliged to do so shall cross the general direction of traffic flow .....

at as small an angle as avoiding other traffic practicable. using the scheme.

A sailing vessel, Which of the following shall not impede the passage of fishing vessel or a any vessel following a traffic lane in a traffic separation vessel of less than 20 scheme? metres. In a traffic separation scheme a vessel engaged in fishing shall not impede the passage of......

A vessel engaged in fishing.

on a heading as nearly making good a course as practicable at right as nearly as practicable angles. at right angles.

A crossing vessel.

a vessel crossing the any vessel following a a power driven vessel traffic separation traffic lane. following a traffic lane. scheme.

In a traffic separation scheme a vessel of less than 20m. a vessel crossing the any vessel following a a power driven vessel in length or a sailing vessel shall not impede the safe traffic separation traffic lane. following a traffic lane. passage of...... scheme.

Page 12

A sailing vessel or a vessel of less than 20 metres. a vessel of 20 metres or more following a traffic lane. a vessel of 20m. or more following a traffic lane.



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

avoid impeding the keep clear of the traffic avoid vessels crossing safe passage of other separation line or the scheme. vessels following the separation zone. lane.

A vessel using a traffic separation scheme shall so far as practicable....

keep to the starboard side of the lane.

Inshore traffic zones shall not be used by which of the following vessels?

One en route to or One that can safely use One that can safely use from a place situated the adjacent lane the appropriate lane within the inshore within the T.S.S. within the T.S.S. traffic zone.

Sailing vessels and vessels of less than 20m. in length.

Vessels as far as possible should avoid anchoring......

in a traffic separation in a traffic separation scheme or in areas near scheme. it's terminations.

in a traffic separation zone.

near the terminations of a traffic separation scheme.

A vessel joining the general direction of traffic flow in a traffic separation scheme from either side shall do so......

at as small an angle as avoiding traffic using practicable. the scheme.

making a course as on a heading as nearly nearly as practicable at as practicable at right right angles. angles.

A vessel not using the traffic separation scheme shall......

only use it to avoid immediate danger.

if practicable only use the inshore traffic zone.

not impede the passage avoid it by as wide a of any vessel following margin as possible. a traffic flow.

You observe this vessel at a range of 9 miles. What action would you take?

Make a substantial reduction of speed.

Stand on but continue to monitor.

Take a series of compass bearings and radar plot.

Stand on with caution.

You observe this vessel at a range of 9 miles. What action would you take?

Make a substantial alteration of course to starboard.

Make a substantial reduction of speed.

Make a substantial alteration of course to port.

Stand on - with caution. The other vessel should give way.

You observe this vessel at a range of 9 miles. What action would you take?

Stand on with caution. Make a substantial The other vessel reduction of speed. should give way.

Make a substantial alteration of course to port.

Take a series of compass bearings and radar plot.

You observe this vessel at a range of 9 miles. What action would you take?

Make a substantial reduction of speed.

Stand on with caution The other vessel should give way.

Take a series of compass bearings and radar plot.

You observe this vessel at a range of 9 miles. What action would you take?

Alter course to parallel Stand on - no risk of the other vessel's collision - continue to course. monitor.

Make a substantial reduction of speed.

Stand on with caution. The other vessel should give way.

You observe this vessel at a range of 9 miles. What action would you take?

Make a substantial reduction of speed.

Take a series of compass bearing and radar plot.

Alter course parallel to other vessel's course.

Make a substantial alteration of course to port.

Stand on - no risk of collision - continue to monitor.

Page 13



Answer 1

Answer 2 Stand on - no risk of collision - continue to monitor.

Answer 3

Answer 4

Stand on with caution. Make a substantial The other vessel alteration of course to should give way. port.

You observe this vessel at a range of 9 miles. What action would you take?

Make a substantial reduction of speed.

You observe this vessel at a range of 9 miles. What action would you take?

Take a series of Alter course parallel to compass bearings and other vessel's course. radar plot.

Stand on - no risk of collision - continue to monitor.

Make a substantial reduction of speed.

You observe this vessel at a range of 9 miles. What action would you take?

Stand on with caution. Make a substantial The other vessel alteration of course to should give way. port.

Stand on - no risk of collision - continue to monitor.

Take a series of compass bearings and radar plot.

You observe this vessel at a range of 9 miles. What action would you take?

Stand on - no risk of collision - continue to monitor.

Take a series of Alter course parallel to compass bearings and other vessel's course. radar plot.

Stand on with caution. The other vessel should give way.

You observe this vessel at a range of 9 miles. What action would you take?

Make a substantial reduction of speed.

Stand on with caution. Alter course parallel to Take a series of The other vessel the other vessel's compass bearings and should give way. course. radar plot.

You observe this vessel at a range of 9 miles. What action would you take?

Make a substantial alteration of course to port.

Take a series of compass bearings and radar plot.

Stand on - no risk of collision - continue to monitor.

Stand on with caution. The other vessel should give way.

You observe this vessel at a range of 9 miles. What action would you take?

Make a substantial reduction of speed.

Make a substantial alteration of course to port.

Take a series of compass bearings and radar plot.

Make a substantial alteration of course to starboard.

You observe this vessel at a range of 9 miles. What action would you take?

Take a series of compass bearings and radar plot.

Make a substantial alteration of course to port.

Stand on with caution The other vessel should give way.

Stand on - no risk of collision - continue to monitor.

A vessel's sidelights should be positioned above the Three-quarters the Half the height of the hull, but according to the Collision Regulations what is height of the forward forward masthead light the maximum height they can be placed? masthead light You observe this vessel at a range of 9 miles. What action would you take?

Stand on - no risk of collision - continue to monitor.

One quarter the height Any height below the of the forward forward masthead light masthead light

Alter course parallel to Take a series of the other vessel's compass bearings and course. radar plot.

Stand on with caution. The other vessel should give way.

When a vessel of length 20m or more is required by the rules to carry two or three lights in a vertical line, what At least 1.5 metres. spacing is required between the lights?

Not less than 4.5 metres.

Not less than 2 metres. Not less than 4 metres.

For a power driven vessel of 110 metres in length and 20metres beam, what is the maximum height above the 5 metres hull that the forward masthead light can be carried?

6 metres

12 metres

Page 14

9 metres



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

For a power driven vessel less than 30 metres in length and 5 metres beam, at what height above the hull Not less than 6 metres Not less than 12 metres Not less than 20 metres Not less than 9 metres should the mastlight be carried? If a vessel of length 20metres or more is required by the rules to carry two or three lights in a vertical line, at So it can be seen at a Not less than 4 metres what height above the hull (except where a towing light distance of 1000m is required) must the lowest of these be placed?

Not less than 4.5 metres

A vessel is at anchor and displaying two anchor lights. What is the minimum vertical distance between the forward anchor light and the after anchor light?

Not less than 4.5 metres.

Not less than 4 metres. Not less than 2 metres.

6 metres.

5 metres.

9 metres.

A power driven vessel engaged in towing is displaying the required lights on her aftermast. How much higher Not less than 4.5 Not less than 4 metres. must the lowest after masthead light be above the metres. forward masthead light?

Not less than 2 metres.

Not less than 1.5 metres.

What is the minimum vertical separation of the mastlights on power driven vessels such that, in all normal conditions of trim, the afterlight will be seen over and separate from the forward light?

6 metres.

5 metres.

9 metres.

At what height above the hull should the forward anchor light be placed on a vessel of 50 metres or more 20 metres. in length?

5 metres.

6 metres.

So it can be seen at 1000 metres from the stern at sea level.

What type of vessel is shown here?

A power driven vessel.

A vessel not under command.

A vessel constrained by draught.

A vessel engaged in towing.

What is the length of the vessel shown here?

Less than 12 metres in There is no indication length. of length.

May be any length but Greater than 100 probably 50 metres or metres in length. more in length.

What type of vessel is shown here?

A vessel restricted in A power driven vessel. her ability to manoeuvre.

A vessel engaged in towing.

At least 1.5 metres.

At what minimum height above the hull should the mastlight on a power driven vessel of length 60 metres 20 metres. and beam 9 m be carried?

So it can be seen at 1000 metres from the stem at sea level.

What is the arc of visibility of the mastlights shown by All round this vessel?

From right ahead to 22.5 degrees forward of the beam on each side Page 15

At least 1.5 metres

A pilot vessel.

From right aft to 22.5 From right ahead to degrees abaft the beam 22.5 degrees abaft the on each side beam on each side



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

What type of vessel is shown here?

A trawler.

A vessel not under command.

A vessel engaged in fishing other than a trawler.

A vessel constrained by draught.

What is the range of the mastlight being displayed by this ship?

6 miles

3 miles

2 miles

5 miles

What is the arc of visibility of the sidelight shown by this vessel?

From right aft to 22.5 degrees abaft the beam All round. on each side.

From right ahead to 22.5 degrees abaft the beam on each side.

From right ahead to 22.5 degrees abaft the beam on the starboard side.

What is the range of visibility of the sidelights shown by this ship?

6 miles

3 miles

2 miles

5 miles

What do these three red lights indicate?

A vessel engaged in towing.

A vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre.

A power driven vessel.

A vessel constrained by draught.

What is the length of the vessel shown here?

Less than 50 metres in No indication of length. length.

May be any length but Less than 20 metres in probably 50 metres or length. more in length.

What is the arc of visibility of the 3 red lights shown here?

From right aft to 22.5 degrees abaft the beam All round. on each side.

From right ahead to 22.5 degrees abaft the beam on each side.

What is the length of the vessel shown here?

Less than 20 metres in Less than 12 metres in Less than 50 metres in Greater than 100 length. length. length. metres in length.

From right ahead to What is the arc of visibility of the 3 white lights shown 22.5 degrees abaft the here? beam on the starboard side.

From right ahead to 22.5 degrees abaft the beam on each side.

From right ahead to 22.5 degrees abaft the beam on the starboard side.

From right aft to 22.5 degrees abaft the beam All round. on each side.

Greater than 100 metres in length.

Less than 50 metres in Less than 20 metres in No indication of length. length. length.

What is the arc of visibility of the red lights shown here?

All round.

From right ahead to 22.5 degrees abaft the beam on each side.

What is the length of the vessel shown here?

Less than 12 metres in Greater than 100 length. metres in length.

Less than 50 metres in 7 metres or less in length. length.

What type of vessel is shown here?

A vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre.

A trawler.

What is the length of the vessel shown here?

A pilot vessel.

Page 16

From right ahead to 22.5 degrees abaft the beam on the starboard side.

From right aft to 22.5 degrees abaft the beam on each side.

A vessel engaged in fishing other than a trawler.



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

What type of vessel is shown here?

A vessel engaged in fishing other than a trawler.

What type of vessel is shown here?

A vessel engaged in dredging or underwater A sailing vessel. operations.

What is the fog signal of this vessel?

Rapid ringing of the bell for 5 seconds every 1 minute.

One ( if making way ) or two ( if stopped ) Four short blasts at 2 prolonged blasts at minute intervals. intervals of 2 minutes.

Bell 5 seconds followed by gong 5 seconds every 1 minute.

What type of vessel is shown here?

A vessel engaged in fishing other than a trawler.

A vessel constrained by draught.

A vessel engaged in towing.

A vessel not under command.

What is the length of the vessel shown here?

No indication of length.

Less than 50 metres.

Less than 20 metres.

May be any length but probably 50 metres or more.

What is this vessel's fog signal?

Ringing of the bell for Rapid ringing of the 5 seconds followed by bell for 5 seconds at the gong for 5 seconds intervals not exceeding at intervals not one minute. exceeding one minute.

One prolonged blast followed by 2 short blasts at intervals not exceeding two minutes.

As for the type of vessel shown followed by 4 short blasts.

What type of vessel is shown here?

A vessel not under command.

A vessel engaged in towing.

A power driven vessel.

A vessel constrained by draught.

What type of vessel is shown here?

A trawler.

A vessel engaged in towing.

A vessel engaged in fishing other than a trawler.

A vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre.

What is the length of the vessel shown here?

No indication of length.

Less than 50 metres.

May be of any length Greater than 100 but probably 50 metres metres. or more.

What information is given about the tow shown here?

The tow is 200 metres The tow is less than or more. 200 metres.

What is the length of the vessel shown here?

10 metres or less.

A vessel constrained by draught.

No indication of length.

Page 17

A vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre.

A pilot vessel.

A vessel at anchor.

A vessel engaged in mine clearance.

The vessel is hampered The vessel is hampered by tow - tow less than by tow - tow more than 200 metres. 200 metres. Less than 12 metres.

Less than 50 metres.



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

What type of vessel is shown here?

A vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre.

What information is given about the tow shown here?

A vessel hampered by The tow is less than her tow - tow less than 200 metres. 200 metres

What is the fog signal of this vessel?

One prolonged blasts followed by two short blasts at intervals less than or equal to 2 minutes.

Ringing of bell for 5 Rapid ringing of the seconds followed by bell for 5 seconds. the gong for 5 seconds.

As for the type of vessel shown followed by 4 short blasts.

What type of vessel is shown here?

A trawler.

A power driven vessel. A pilot vessel.

A vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre.

What is the length of the vessel shown here?

No indication of length.

Greater than 100 metres.

Less than 12 metres.

May be of any length but probably 50 metres or more.

What is the fog signal of this vessel?

One ( if making way ) or two ( if stopped ) prolonged blasts at intervals less than or equal to 2 minutes.

One prolonged blast followed by two short blasts.

Rapid ringing of the bell for 5 secondsat intervals less than or equal to 2 minutes.

As for the type of vessel shown followed by 4 short blasts.

What type of vessel is shown here?

A vessel constrained by draught.

A vessel not under command.

A pilot vessel.

A trawler.

What type of vessel is shown here?

A vessel engaged in dredging or underwater A sailing vessel. operations.

A vessel constrained by draught.

A vessel at anchor.

What type of vessel is shown here?

A vessel engaged in fishing.

A vessel engaged in mine clearance operations.

A vessel engaged in towing.

A vessel constrained by draught.

What type of vessel is shown here?

A vessel engaged in mine clearance operations.

A vessel which is aground.

A vessel engaged in A vessel engaged in dredging or underwater towing. operations.

What does this shape indicate?

A vessel at anchor.

A vessel aground.

A vessel engaged in fishing.

A power driven vessel.

Page 18

A vessel constrained by draught.

A pilot vessel.

A vessel hampered by The tow is 200 metres tow - tow more than or more. 200 metres.

A vessel engaged in mine clearance operations.



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

The observed vessel sounds three short blasts. What does this mean?

I am altering my course to starboard.

I am altering my course to port.

I do not understand your intentions / actions.

I am operating stern propulsion.

Whilst proceeding along a narrow channel the vessel astern sounds two prolonged blasts followed by one short blast. What does this mean?

I intend to overtake you on your starboard side.

I intend to overtake you on your port side.

I am operating stern propulsion.

I am altering my course to port.

This vessel is signaling two flashes at intervals. What is the meaning of this signal?

I am altering my course to port.

I intend to overtake you on your starboard side.

I intend to overtake you on your port side.

I do not understand your intentions / actions.

Whilst proceeding along a narrow channel, the vessel astern sounds two prolonged blasts followed by two short blasts. What does this mean?

I am altering my course to starboard.

I am altering my course to port.

I intend to overtake you on your port side.

I intend to overtake you on your starboard side.

You intend overtaking a vessel in a narrow channel and I am operating stern signal your intentions. The vessel ahead sounds 5 short propulsion. and rapid blasts. What does this mean? This vessel sounds one short blast. What does this mean? When must a passage plan be prepared?

What should a passage plan include?

I do not understand I am altering my your intentions/actions. course to starboard.

I am altering my course to port.

I intend to overtake you on your port side. Gradually during a sea voyage

I am operating stern propulsion. Before the voyage commences

I am altering my course to starboard. Whenever requested by a pilot

I am altering my course to port. Any of the other options

The plan should include the first 72 hours of the sea voyage.

The plan should include the entire voyage from berth to berth.

The plan should cover The OOW decides the first half of the sea what to include in the voyage. passage plan.

The Master can At the commencement of a sea voyage the Master, a designate either the Pilot, the OOW and 2 ratings are present on the bridge. Always the Master Pilot or the OOW to be Who is in charge? in charge

Always the Pilot whenever he is on board

Either the Pilot or the Master in accordance with the owner's instructions

The captain of a vessel has 2 years of experience as a captain and the pilot directing the navigation has 20 years of experience. Who is in charge ?

The Pilot

The Master

Depends on Port Authority's decision

The pilot is in control of the vessel so he cannot question the action of the pilot

Ask the pilot to clarify the reason for the order. If still in doubt Keep quiet in order not he should consult the to disturb the pilot master and take action if the master is not present

Always the officer with the longest sea experience

The pilot gives the helmsman an order which the OOW Record it in the log believe to be incorrect. What should he do? book

Page 19


QUESTION What is a pilot boarding card?

Answer 1 A card certifying that the pilot is licensed

Should the OOW, who is escorting the pilot to the pilot ladder, be equipped with a walkie-talkie for It's not necessary communication with the bridge?

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

A card that the pilot should sign to record his presence onboard

A list of the vessel's essential particulars which is given to the pilot

A card given by the Port Authorities to the pilot

Yes, but only if visibility is restricted

It's up to the pilot to decide


Who has the responsibility for the watch during a sea voyage if the master comes on to the bridge?

The master can only The master take over the watch automatically assumes responsibility if he tells the responsibility for the OOW that he is the watch taking over

The master and the OOW will share the The two persons shall responsibility consult each other as whenever the master is required on the bridge

How often should a position fix be taken during a sea voyage if the ship is in open coastal waters?

Just before the change Twice a watch of watch

At least every 30 minutes

What chart should be used when navigating?

The largest scale chart onboard for the area which is properly corrected

Only when the visibility drops

Any chart which shows The largest scale chart The chart which covers the area which the on board for the the largest part of the vessel is passing concerned area passage through

When the weather changes

So that the vessel cannot be set into danger if the last two fixes were incorrect

What is a safe interval between position fixes?

Before the vessel is due to alter course

How do you respond to an order "steer 270 degrees"?

Repeat the order, then alter course and steady Turn the wheel until the vessel on the new course is altered by heading and report 270 degrees. "steady on 270 degrees, Sir."

How would you respond to an order "starboard ten"?

By repeating the order, turning the wheel to By turning the wheel to starboard until 10 starboard until 10 By repeating the order degrees is shown on degrees is shown on and then executing it. the rudder indicator, the rudder indicator. then reporting "ten degrees starboard, Sir."

Page 20

So that the vessel cannot be set appreciably off course, or into danger by the effects of wind, tide or current

Repeat the order then Just alter course to new alter course to new heading of 270 heading of 270 degrees. degrees.

By turning the wheel to the left until 10 degrees is shown on the rudder indicator.



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Turn the wheel to port until the new course Repeat the order then appears on the turn the wheel 10 compass, then steady degrees to port ship.

Answer 4 Repeat the order, turn the wheel to port and once the bow starts swinging ease the wheel steadying the vessel on new course and then report the course.

How do you respond to an order "steer 10 degrees to port"?

Repeat the order and turn the wheel to port until 10 degrees is shown on the rudder indicator.

How do you respond to an order "hard a port"?

Repeat the order then turn the wheel as far as Turn the wheel as far it will go to port, then as it will go to the report "wheel hard a right. port, Sir."

When steering by gyro compass, what must a helmsman periodically do?

Check the gyro Alter course Adjust the speed and Allow for the rolling of compass course against occasionally to ensure latitude settings on the the ship. the magnetic compass it is working properly. gyro each watch. course.

What is a gyro compass?

A type of magnetic compass.

A compass powered by A special compass for electricity. emergencies.

What are the cardinal points of a compass?

North and South.

East and West.

North East, North North, South, East and West, South East & West. South West.

What is the part marked with the square called?

A lifeboat fall.

A lifeboat painter.

A lifeboat davit.

What is the hand lead line used for ?

Taking soundings Taking soundings around the vessel when before the vessel in shallow waters. anchors.

Taking soundings Measuring the vessel's when approaching port speed through the in fog. water.

How many shackles of cable is indicated here?

4 shackles.

1 shackle.

How would you respond to an order "midships" ?

Repeat the order, then Repeat the order and Turn the wheel 10 Turn the wheel 10 bring the wheel to leave the wheel where degrees to the right and degrees to the left and midships position and it is. then return it midships. then return it midships. report "wheel amidships, Sir."

What kind of joining shackle is shown here?

A kenter shackle.

A lugged shackle.

A quick release shackle.

A senhouse shackle.

If ordered to steer "east", how many degrees on the compass is it?

270 degrees

180 degrees

045 degrees

090 degrees

3 shackles.

Page 21

Repeat the order then turn wheel to port until 20 degrees shown on the rudder indicator.

Turn the wheel as far as it will go to port, then bring the wheel back to midships.

A compass that measures wind direction.

A lifeboat catcher.

2 shackles.



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

What is the main duty of the lookout?

To assist as required with maintenance work.

To call the master if the officer on watch collapses.

To keep alert and To assist the officer of report anything seen or the watch in his duties. heard to the officer of the watch.

Is the lookout allowed to leave his post without being relieved?

Yes, it is OK.

It depends on the situation

No, it is not OK.

Keep watch on the bridge using radar and Ring the anchor bell When the vessel is at anchor in fog, what is the lookout Make hot drinks for the inform the officer of rapidly every 5 required to do? officer of the watch. the watch if any vessel minutes. appears to be too close. Lash windlass to rails Tighten brakes - secure remove brake handles cables with wires - take switch on power to windlass out of gear. windlass.

Only for short periods to go to the toilet. Check the anchor cable at frequent intervals for any sign that the ship may be dragging.

With approaching heavy weather, name three things that must be done with the windlass?

Open brakes - put windlass in gear cover windlass with canvas.

What is a standard compass?

A compass for A compass that A gyro compass indicating wind A magnetic compass in automatically steers the powered by electricity. direction found on the a binnacle. ship. mast.

With approaching heavy weather, name 3 things that must be done on the main deck?

Turn ventilators into wind - switch on power to winches - remove sounding caps.

When is a vessel required to maintain a lookout?

From sunset to sunrise. All the time at sea.

What is the patent log used for?

Indicating ship's time.

With approaching heavy weather, what precautions must be taken with lifeboats ?

Lower boats to Remove all covers and Check and tighten all embarkation deck level secure the plug. lashings. and secure.

Place onboard additional provisions and rig the painters.

What signals must a vessel at anchor display?

A black ball hoisted at A large black square Code flag 'A' by day the bow by day and all by day and a flashing and a red light at night. round white lights at white light at night. night.

Code flag 'B' by day and a red light at night.

Check: all hatches/tank Plug scuppers - throw tops are properly anything loose on deck secured - all scuppers overboard - close are clear - ventilation watertight doors. pipes closed

Indicating distance travelled through the water.

Page 22

When decided by the Captain.

Tighten brakes - cover windlass with canvas switch on power to windlass

Switch on deck lighting - switch on power to cranes check all doors are closed and secured. At night and when visibility is reduced.

Writing an official Indicating wind speed. record of events on board.



Answer 1

Answer 2

In preparing for a long passage, what must be done with Secure in place on bow Store on open deck in all the mooring ropes? and poop deck. sheltered place.

Answer 3

Answer 4

Move to the Remove from working accommodation and areas, store and secure secure in the central in lockers. stores.

When the inboard end of a gangway is resting on the bulwark, what else must be provided?


A bulwark ladder properly secured and fenced.

A life buoy with self igniting light.

A large wooden crate pushed against the bulwark.

In addition to bow and stern lines, what other lines are used when mooring?

Towing springs.

Back springs.

Midship lines.


When boarding a pilot at night, what else must the vessel provide ?

A searchlight or cluster light rigged in such a A strong flashlight A flare or intermittent manner to clearly with beam directed on flashing light. illuminate the ship side the pilot ladder. and pilot ladder.

All of the other options

Once the ship is tied up, what must be put on all mooring lines?

Self tension winches.

Warning notices.

Extra lashings.

Rat guards.

Make two round turns Leave the stoppers In securing nylon or polyproplene ropes, what must you Secure in the same Lash the top turns after on the nearest bitt secured to the mooring do? manner as fibre ropes. securing. before making figure ropes. of eights. How do you secure a fibre rope to bitts?

By round turns.

By a figure eight.

By a combination of round turns and figure By a bowline knot. of eights.

In preparing for sea, what must be done with all deck storerooms?

Check with the chief mate or bosun for instructions.

Lock the doors.

Make sure all contents Lock the doors and are properly stowed post warning notices. and secured.

Your vessel is at anchor. What daytime signal must the A red and yellow flag. A black cylinder. vessel display? As an additional winch What is the primary function of the ship's windlass? Mooring the ship. when required. When preparing an anchor, what will the bosun do before the vessel arrives at an anchorage?

Remove the wire lashings and the cement covers to the chain lockers.

Hoist the anchoring ball.

A black ball.

A basket.

Heaving the anchor cable.

Securing the ship to a tug using the chain.

Put power to the Take the windlass out windlass and walk the of gear and hold the anchor back to just anchor on the brake. above the water.

That the pilot ladder is In relation to weather and sea state, what must a vessel That the vessel is head That the pilot ladder is That the anchor is rigged on the weather provide when embarking a pilot? on to sea. rigged on the leeside. ready to let go. side.

Page 23



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Where is the best place onboard to rig a pilot ladder?

On deck and as close to midships as possible.

From the boat deck.

How would you respond to an order of "steer 045 degrees" from the pilot?

Repeat the order, then alter course until 045 degrees is shown on the compass, then report "steady on 045 degrees, pilot".

Turn the wheel until Alter course to new the course is altered by heading of 045 045 degrees. degrees.

Repeat the order then alter course to a new heading of 045 degrees.

How would you respond to an order of "hard a starboard" from the pilot?

Repeat the order, then turn the wheel as far as it will go to left and report.

Repeat the order, then Repeat the order, then turn the wheel to turn the wheel as far as starboard until 25 it will go to starboard degrees rudder is and report. shown.

Turn the wheel as far as it will go to starboard, then bring the wheel back to midships.

Repeat the order, note the compass course How would the helmsman respond to an order "steady" and steady vessel on from the pilot? that course, then report steady on course.

Repeat order, then apply sufficient wheel Repeat order and just to arrest any swing and leave wheel as it is. advise pilot of new course.

Repeat order and put wheel to midships.

How would you know when 3 shackles of cable have been paid out?

By counting the links.

By locating seizing wire on the link on either side of the joining shackle.

By asking the chief mate.

How should a pilot ladder "hang" on the ship's side?

Flat against ship's side Flat against ship's side with lower end of Flat against ship's side At an angle of about 45 and down to the water's sufficient height above and down just below degrees towards the edge. water to allow easy the waterline. stern. access.

Who must supervise the rigging of the pilot ladder and the embarkation/disembarkation of the pilot?

The bosun.

In relation to the quayside, where should the outboard end of the gangway rest?

Clear of cargo working areas and clear of all Right on the edge. suspended loads.

Straight out from the In front of the ship's ship's side across crane after back spring. tracks.

Which of the following is not required when a pilot is boarding?

A lifebuoy with light.

A lifeboat swung out on standby.

The AB on watch.

A heaving line.

Page 24

Near the stern.

By locating metal tags.

The officer of the watch.

Near the bow.

The captain.

A bulwark ladder.



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

For putting over deck cargo to allow access To allow safe access to from the the vessel accommodation to the forecastle.

What is a gangway used for?

Loading cargo.

Getting into the vessel's lifeboats or liferafts.

Which of these would not need to be done prior to arrival at a berth?

Bring mooring lines out from storage to suitable positions on deck.

Prepare heaving lines, rope stoppers, chain stoppers, cork or rope fender and ratguards.

Request power on deck, ensure windlass Rig the gangway and out of gear with brakes lower it to about 15cms on, run windlass and above the waterline. mooring winch slowly and oil working parts.

What is the length of 1 shackle of anchor cable?

15 fathoms or 27.5 metres.

20 fathoms or 36.5 metres.

10 fathoms or 18.5 metres.

When ordered by the pilot to "meet her or check her", how should the helmsman respond?

By repeating the order By repeating the order and turning the wheel and turning the wheel hard over in the to midships. opposite direction to arrest swing.

By repeating the order, then turn the wheel not By repeating the order more than 10 degrees and calling out the against the swing of ship's heading. the ship.

After putting the windlass in gear, what must you do next?

Start the windlass

Open the brake

Ring the anchor bell

When would you use a fid?

When splicing a mooring line

When mixing paint

When securing hatch covers

When using a buoy as an aid to navigation, which of the following should always be considered?

If the light is showing The buoy may not be its correct in its charted position. characteristic it is in its right position.

One tenth of a nautical mile.

Start the electrical convertor When chipping paint on deck

If no radio navigation warning has been issued concerning the buoy, it can be assumed to be in its correct position.

The buoy is nearly always well anchored and can be considered to be in its charted position.


SOPEP Manual

In which publication can information on ship reporting ALRS be found?

Ship Routeing

Which of the following is not a requirement for the Navigation light distribution board?

Double pole switch.

Always supplied from Audible and visual batteries lamp failure alarm

If you have a main engine failure, what shapes would you exhibit?

Two black balls in a vertical line

Location on the Bridge

A cylinder Ball- diamond- ball

Page 25

Single diamond



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Seek clarification from the Pilot , notify the Avoid taking any master and take action corrective action

Ask the Pilot to leave the bridge

Call the master and wait for him to take action

all deck officers

all ratings

all ratings

all crewmembers






compass error.

Annually magnetic compass error.

Range of tides

Height of tide

Highest astronomical tide

The best position fix is obtained when the bearings of two objects are......

90 degrees apart.

45 degrees apart.

180 degrees apart.

135 degrees apart.

What are sailing directions also known as?

Pilot books

Guide to port entry

Routeing charts

Passage planning charts

When selecting the maximum distance at which a landfall light would be visible, which of the following should be selected?

lesser of the two (geographical & nominal range)

If the OOW is in doubt as to the Pilot's actions or intentions, what must he do? Procedures in the event of an emergency should be understood by.... How often are chart corrections published? The angle between the magnetic north and the true north is ...... What is the vertical distance on a given day between the water surface at high and low water called?

Lowest astronomical tide

greater of the two (geographical & nominal range)

geographical range

nominal range

Who is responsible for the safety of the vessel when the The Master pilot is on board?

The pilot


When two masthead lights are fitted what is the required relationship between them?

Both must be at the same level.

Frd must be at least 4.5 Frd must be at least 2 Aft must be at least 4.5 metres higher than the metres higher than the metres higher than the aft. aft. frd.

Where is the title of the navigation chart printed?

In some convenient, conspicuous place, where it does not hinder navigation or the use of it.

Always at the center of Where the sea areas are Always at the bottom the chart. located. left hand margin.

If a helmsman is given an order "starboard 10" , what must he do?

He must repeat the order before putting the wheel on stbd 10

He must repeat the He must put the wheel order , wait for a All of the other options on stbd 10 and then reconfirmation from are appropriate report the OOW and then put the wheel on stbd 10

Page 26

The port authorities



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Whether the ship is fitted with automatic steering.

The weather conditions, visibility and whether there is daylight or darkness.

The proximity of navigational hazards, which may make it necessary for the officer in charge to carry out additional navigational duties.



Lt vessel

East cardinal buoy

North cardinal buoy

South cardinal buoy

the estuary.

the high-tide line.

the mean high water line.




Testing of engine Which of the following would not be included as part Testing of ship's cranes telegraph and it's auto of control testing by the deck OOW, prior to departure? recorder

Synchronising clocks

Checking communication between Bridge and Engine control room

Regarding performance standards for navigational radar, what should be the bearing accuracy?

Plus or minus 2 deg

Plus or minus 1/ 2 deg

Plus or minus 2 1/2 deg

When using great circle sailing the saving in distance is the course is E-W, the most when...... nearer to the poles.

at the equator.

the course is N-S.

the course is one of the inter-cardinal headings.

How often should the auto pilot be tested in manual mode?

At least once a day

At least once in a passage

Centre of Flotation

Transfer Point

Heading Point


compass error.

none of the other answers.

Which of these factors must be taken into account when All of the other deciding the composition of a navigational watch? options.

Which of these gives only a bearing and not a range? What does this figure indicate on a navigation chart?

Ramark West cardinal buoy

The normal base line for measuring the extent of the territorial area along the coast, as marked on large scale the low-water line. charts officially recognised by the coastal State is..........

On a navigational chart, what does this figure indicate?

In the diagram of a ship's turning circle, what is point C known as?


Plus or minus 1deg

At least once a watch

Pivot Point

To convert a compass course to a magnetic course, it is deviation. necessary to apply.....

Page 27

Prior to arrival and departure only


QUESTION When may the OOW on the bridge manoeuvre the engines? On a navigational chart, how is the probable direction of the predominant direction of sea surface current indicated? On which side of this buoy should you pass?

Answer 1

In which publication can information on VTS be found?

Answer 3

Answer 4

Whenever he needs to

Only on orders from the master

Only after informing the master

When approaching port

Letter a

Letter b

Letter c

Letter d




Soft mud


Small scale



Tide Tables

Routeing Charts

Chart Catalogues

Chart 5022

Chart catalogue

Notices to mariners


Under soundings marked on the chart, the nature of the sea bottom is also indicated. What does Sh indicate? Shells

What charts are used for coasting, pilotage waters and plotting waypoints?

Answer 2


Large scale


Where can you find the symbols and abbreviations used Chart 5011 on the Admiralty charts? Who publishes the chart catalogue?

Hydrographer to the Navy




A navigational position line is a part of a ......

position circle

small circle.


All of the other options.

Heading lights

Direction lights

All of the other options

On a navigational chart, what does this figure indicate?

Sector lights

Which of the four bearings shown provides positive location?





To convert a magnetic course to a true course, it is necessary to apply ....



compass error.

none of the other options.

Tactical Diameter


Radius of the turn

Diameter of the turn



In the diagram of a ship's turning circle, what is the distance B known as?

What is the meaning of the symbol Cl on a navigational Clay chart?


Page 28



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Where will you find a comprehensive list of navigation Chart catalogue charts with the title and number for various parts of the world?

Chart 5011

Chart folio

Sailing directions

The direction towards which a tidal stream runs is called ......







If Var= 8W and Dev =4W, What is the compass error?

set 12 W

In what direction does the axis of the gyro-compass wheel point?

True North

Magnetic North

North Relative

Compass North

Your ship is on a course of 240° True. A person has fallen overboard on the port side and, after letting go smoke and light floats, in order to carry out a Williamson Turn would you.....

go hard to port until you are heading 180° True, then hard to starboard until you are on 060° True.

go hard to port until you are heading 195° True, then hard to starboard until you are on 060° True.

go hard to starboard until you are heading 300° True, then hard to port until you are on 060° True.

go hard to starboard to 285° True, then hard to port until you are on 060° True.

Which of the following is a requirement for the Navigation lighting distribution board?

Fuse located on the main switchboard.

Alarm must sound in the engine room.

An alternate supply must be available.

Indicator lamps must be in series with the navigation light.

How often is a chart catalogue published?



Twice a year




magnetic bearing.

If the true transit bearing of two leading lights is read off the chart and the compass bearing of the two lights, compass error when in transit, is taken, then the difference between the two bearings so obtained is the ......

When obtaining a fix , which is more accurate?

The correct order to follow when planning a passage is ......

The intersection of the A fix obtained by cross arcs obtained using the A fix obtained by bearings ranges from the objects bearing and range. as radii appraise, plan, monitor, execute

All of the other options are equally accurate.

plan, appraise, monitor, execute

plan, monitor, appraise, execute

plan, monitor, execute, appraise.

In the method of datum dimensioning (sometimes Makes machining known as parallel dimensioning), what is the advantage easier. over conventional dimensioning?

Improves positional accuracy.

Reduces the marking out time.

Ignores conventions.

When visibility is 1km or less, it is known as ......



none of the other options.


Page 29



Answer 1

At the end of the When may positions marked on the navigation chart be voyage erased? What charts are used for plotting Great Circle courses? In the diagram of a ship's turning circle, what is the distance A known as?

Gnomonic Advance

Answer 2 Once the vessel is on the next chart Instructional

Answer 3 After the day has elapsed Routeing

Answer 4 Once the vessel is on the next course Passage planning Transfer

Tactical Diameter

Stopping Distance




Multiple error

Velocity error

False bottom echoes

Magnetic compass - Var = 7W ; Dev = 12E ; What is the compass error?


Which error in the echo sounder is illustrated in the diagram?


Which of the following should not used for collision avoidance?

VHF Radio

Manual Radar potting


Sound/Light Signalling

Distance on a chart is measured using ......

latitude scale

longitude scale.

any uniform scale.

none of the given options.

If ship's head by compass was 045 ( C ), What is the true course if the variation is 5W and the deviation is 9.5 W?

030.5 ( T )

054.5 ( T )

059.5 ( T )

050 ( T )

The relationship between the distance on the earth and the length by which that distance is shown on the navigation chart is called the ......

natural scale.

actual scale.

calculated scale.

variable scale.




Which of the following statements is not correct?

A coastal State has Ships must respect jurisdiction over established sea-lanes installations and and Traffic Separation structures within its Schemes economic zone.

An archipelagos State may designate sea lanes through its waters.

The exclusive economic zone is the sea area within the 12 mile territorial sea.

What does this chart symbol mean?

Direction of Prevailing Direction of Traffic Wind Lane

Direction of Tidal Stream

Direction of Buoyage

What additional lights does a vessel constrained by its draught have to show?

Red and white lights in Red, white, red lights a vertical line. in a vertical line.

Three red lights in a vertical line.

Two red lights in a vertical line.

Magnetic Compass - If var =6E ; dev =3W, What is the 3 E compass error?

Page 30



Answer 1

Answer 2

What type of boat is in this picture?

An open freefall lifeboat.

Where can ships' officers find information about the ship's fire protection arrangements, fire detection and extinguishing equipment?

In a special instruction In permanently folder at all fire control exhibited muster lists. stations.

100 % of the gas can According to SOLAS - for carbon dioxide fire-fighting be discharged into the systems in machinery spaces the fixed piping system space within two shall be such that .... minutes.

A fast rescue boat.

Answer 3

Answer 4

A liferaft.

A totally enclosed lifeboat.

In permanently exhibited fire plans.

In the wheel house.

85 % of the gas can be 100 % of the gas can 70 % of the gas can be discharged into the be discharged into the discharged into the space within two space within 3 minutes. space within 2 minutes. minutes.

According to SOLAS - sanitary, ballast, bilge or general service pumps may be used as fire pumps provided ....

they are ready for use they are not normally as a fire pump at any used for pumping oils. time.

they are fitted with an they can be started automatic start from a position outside connected to the fire the engine room. alarm.

Fuel flowing in a pipe is prone to which of the following ignition sources?

Chemical reaction.

Static electricity.

If you were at the entrance to an enclosed space and you lost communication with a crewmember inside, what should you do?

Wait for a few minutes Put on a BA set and in case the enter the enclosed crewmember is busy. space.

Holding your breath, Raise the alarm with enter the enclosed the bridge or other space to see if you can officers in the area. spot the crewman.

What is the most common cause of death following a shipwreck?




In a distress situation, how many times or for how long 3 times. should the emergency alarm signal be sounded?

3 minutes.

Until all crew members and passengers have Until the emergency is reported to their over. respective muster stations.

Where can shore side personnel find necessary information on ship's fire control systems in an emergency situation ?

From the duty officer.

A copy of the fire control plan is permanently posted in prominently marked locations onboard ships.

A copy of the fire control plans/folders is stored in a watertight and prominently marked container outside the deckhouse or accommodation.

Which of these has to be included in an abandon ship drill according to SOLAS regulations?

Starting and operating Checking that lifeLaunching & recovery radio life-saving jackets are correctly of a survival craft. appliances. donned.


Page 31

High pressure action.


Information is to be given by the owners through the nearest rescue centre.

Manoeuvering the lifeboat in the water.



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Keeps the doors at In addition to reducing drift, what other things does the Keeps the doors right angles to the sea anchor on a liferaft do? pointing into the wind. wind.

Allows the EPIRB to send a distress message.

Releases an orange dye marker into the water.

Approximately, what is the temperature of a cigarette's 35 degrees C. burning tip?

100 degrees C.

500 degrees C.

5,000 degrees C

What should be done before throwing the liferaft overboard, after securing the painter to a strong point?

Inflate the liferaft.

Check that there is nothing in the sea below.

Untie the painter from the strong point.

When a fire spreads because of the hot gases rising and heating other fuel sources, the fire has been spread conduction. by .....




Which of the following conducts heat well?



Styrofoam (Polystyrene).


too lean.

too rich.


Propane. Go to your cabin and gather your belongings.


Open the fiberglass case.


In a mixture of flammable vapour and air, if there is too much vapour and not enough air to support combustion, over concentrated. we say the mixture is ..... Which of these gases would carry this sign? Hydrogen. What action should be taken first when discovering a fire on board?

Activate a fire alarm.

Look for the nearest fire extinguisher.

What should you do when you hear the ship's emergency signal?

Put on warm clothes and your lifejacket.

Ignore the signal unless you have been told there will be a drill.

Telephone the bridge for advice.

Report to your muster station.

Some cargoes, such as certain types of coal, can heat themselves up to a temperature where they can automatically ignite. What is this process called?

Biological heating.

Spontaneous combustion.

Nuclear fission.

Biomass conduction.

What is the international signal for "man overboard"?

Three short blasts on the whistle.

Three long blasts on the whistle.

Three long blasts Repeated raising and followed by three short lowering of arms. blasts on the whistle.

When is the risk of fire greatest?

When the vessel is in When the vessel is at port, particularly drysea in stormy weather. dock.

Which of these fire extinguishing media is preferred to fight a fire in an electrical installation (eg. the main Foam. switchboard)?


Page 32

Go to your emergency muster station.

When the vessel is in hot, dry climates.

When the vessel is in dense traffic situations.

Water fog.




Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Which of these fire extinguishing media is most effective against an open oil fire?


Which of the following does not need to be done right after a fire drill?

Note any defects in the Return all the equipment for repair or equipment to its replacement. correct place.

Which of these requirements, regarding the launching and recovery arrangements for survival craft, corresponds to the SOLAS regulations?

Means shall be available to prevent any discharge of water on to survival craft during abandonment.

Each lifeboat shall be provided with separate appliances that are capable of launching and recovering the lifeboat.

Launching and recovery arrangements shall be such that the operator at all times can observe the survival craft and life boat.

What is meant by the term "self ignition temperature (S.I.T.)?

The lowest temperature where enough vapours are given off that they will ignite and then go out if an external ignition source is applied.

The lowest temperature where enough vapours are given off that they will ignite and keep burning if an external ignition source is applied.

The lowest temperature where the vapours given off will The lowest temperature automatically ignite that a liquid will start without the presence of giving off vapours. an external ignition source.

Jump into the water After throwing a liferaft into the water, what should be and swim to the done next? container, then hold onto it.




Recharge extinguishers Have a debriefing with and compressed air all members of the bottles. safety committee.

Different type of launching and recovery arrangements shall be used for similar survival craft on board the ship.

Pull the painter all the Throw a lifebuoy into Climb down the way out and give it a the water as near to the embarkation ladder and tug to inflate the liferaft as possible. board the liferaft. liferaft.

Why is it advisable to board a liferaft without getting wet if possible?

Getting wet will increase the loss of body heat.

You might drink sea You could be attacked Getting wet will water which will make by sharks whilst in the increase the body's you more thirsty. water. insulation against cold.

If it is necessary to enter the water, how should you jump from the ship?

Dive head first with your arms pointing over your head.

Look straight ahead, legs together, jump feet first with arms crossed over your chest.

Look down, jump feet first with legs extended and arms out at right angles to your body.

Fall forwards in order to land on the water chest first with arms straight by your sides.

Less then 1 minute.

About 5 minutes.

About an hour.

About 5 hours.





If you are in water at a temperature 10 degrees C, wearing only shorts, approximately how long would you be able to survive? What percentage of air is made up by oxygen?

Page 33



Answer 1

Answer 2

If you are in a survival craft, after clearing the sinking Use the paddles or Stream the sea anchor. ship, what should be done to minimise the rate of drift? oars.

Answer 3

Answer 4

Tie the painter to a piece of floating wreckage.

One survivor should get into the sea and hold on to the grab lines.

Is it advisable to jump onto the canopy of the raft?

Yes, as long as from not too great a height as it will save time.

Yes, as long as you land on the top of the liferaft.

No, as you might injure yourself or someone under the canopy.

No, as if you fall through the opening you might go through the floor of the raft.

For fire to occur, which of the following sets of elements must be combined?

Air, earth, and water.

Air, fuel and oxygen.

Conduction, convection & radiation.

Heat, fuel and oxygen.

At 21%

Above 8%

Below 4%

At 100%

The introduction of fuel.

The introduction of oxygen.

The introduction of air.

The introduction of heat.













Which of the following fuels has the lowest flash point? Diesel fuel


Candle wax


Under ISO standard 3941 (used mostly in Europe), a fire involving a flammable solid fuel would be classed as which of the following?

Class A.

Class B.

Class C.

Class D.

Anti Fire Frothing Foam. Oxygen Breathing Apparatus.

Aqueous Film Forming Foam. Atmospheric Breathing Apparatus.

Active Fire Finishing Foam. Gas Mask type Breathing Apparatus.

Aqueous Fire Fighting Foam Compressed Air Breathing Apparatus.

Dry Chemical.




What fixed and portable fire extinguishers are often found on gas tankers, because they are considered to be CO2 most effective with burning gas?



Dry Powder - Dry Chemical.

On fires involving burning liquids, which of these extinguishers is considered most effective?

Dry Powder.



At what percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere is it possible to have a fire? Which side of the fire triangle most commonly causes a fire? If heat is removed from the fire triangle, what is this called? If fuel is removed from the fire triangle, what is this called? Which of these is an example of a Class D fuel?

What does A.F.F.F. stand for in relation to fire fighting? Which of the following types of breathing apparatus are most likely to be found onboard a modern ship? Which of these extinguishers would not be very effective against a Class A fire?


Page 34



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Which of these portable fire extinguishers are found on the Bridge, in the Radio Room and in the Engine Carbon Dioxide (CO2). Foam. Control Room, because they are extremely effective with fires involving live electrical and electronic equipment?


Dry Chemical - Dry Powder.

Which of these extinguishing agents is it best to use on Carbon dioxide (CO2). Dry Powder - Dry a fire involving a burning cabin that had been Chemical. electrically isolated ?



What setting are these firefighters use on their nozzle?




If you abandoned ship by jumping into the sea wearing Swim in the direction a lifejacket, what should you do then? of the nearest land.

Hold on to part of the ship.

Swim vigorously to help maintain body temperature.

After getting clear of the ship, float as still as possible.

If oxygen is removed from the fire triangle, what is this Cooling. called?




It contains more equipment then the throw overboard type.

It allows the occupants to board without getting wet.


What is the main advantage of a davit launched liferaft It is stronger then the It is quicker to launch. compared to the throw-over type? throw overboard type. How is a throw-over liferaft usually secured on deck?

With a hydrostatic release unit.

What would you do if someone's clothes catch fire?

Smother the flames Go and find a fire hose. with a blanket or jacket.

How do you direct a fire nozzle under full water pressure?

Direct the nozzle horizontally.

What is a Class B fire?

With an atmospheric release.

Direct the nozzle slightly upwards. A fire involving liquids A fire involving gases. or liquefied solids.

With a heavy object as With a steel wire strop. an anchor. Telephone the bridge.

Shout for help while getting the first aid kit.

Direct the nozzle slightly downwards. A fire involving solid materials.

Direct the nozzle vertically. A fire involving metals.

What action should the watch officer take on being notified of man overboard?

Alter course 180 degrees and sound the alarm.

Release the bridge wing buoy, notify the master and start slowing down to manoeuvering speed.

Alter course hard over on the side the man fell Call for a lookout. in and inform the engine room.

In terms of flashpoint, what defines if a container carrying a flammable liquid must carry this sign?

Required for a flashpoint of 55 degrees C or below.

Required for a flashpoint of 100 degrees C or above.

Required for any flammable liquid regardless of the flashpoint.

Required for a flashpoint of 80 degrees F and above.

The Hart Imco stretcher.

The Neil Robertson stretcher.

What is the name of the type of stretcher often found on The canvas pole The SOLAS stretcher. board? stretcher. Page 35



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Which of these is a Thermal Protective Aid?

A portable electric heater.

A large plastic bag big Special clothes that enough to put a man prevent a survivor inside. from losing heat.

A chemical compound which, when mixed, produces light and heat.

Which of these items of clothing would be best at preventing loss of body heat?

Thick woollen socks.

Short pants.

A vest.

A woollen hat.

What is an immersion suit?

Special clothing to Special clothing that protect the wearer from allows the wearer to the effects of being in a get close to a fire. cold sea.

A type of life jacket.

Special clothing that is worn by the lookout whilst on watch.

Wear as many layers of Drink a large cup of warm clothing as hot coffee or hot tea. possible.

Keep all your belongings packed in a bag.

Carry your important If you had to board your lifeboat which of the following documents such as do you think is most important? passport and seaman's book.

Until the heart starts beating or the rescuer is unable to continue because of fatigue.

When the casualty When the casualty shows no response to turns pale and starts to the CPR after 20 go cold CPR can be minutes, it is useless to stopped continue.

In the absence of a Doctor, how long should artificial respiration and heart compression be continued?

When the casualty has had fixed and dilated pupils for 15 minutes you should stop CPR.

What signal is used to mean "ABANDON SHIP"?

7 short & 1 long blasts 3 short blasts on the on the ship's whistle. ship's whistle.

1 short blast - abandon A verbal command ship to starboard; 2 given by the master or short blasts - abandon officer in charge. ship to port.

Which one of the following statements regarding lifebuoys does not correspond to present SOLAS regulations?

All lifebuoys shall be placed in a holder with a quick release arrangement.

Not less than half the total number of lifebuoys shall be fitted with a buoyant light.


A piece of wood put A securing device on through the painter the lifeboat gripes that allowing it to be untied allows them to be even when there is easily unfastened. weight on the rope.

At least one lifebuoy on each side of ship shall be fitted with a buoyant lifeline.

Page 36

At least one lifebuoy shall be placed within the vicinity of the stern.

A cone-like device that A device that allows an is thrown into the sea inflatable liferaft to be to keep the lifeboat's deployed automatically bow pointing into the if a ship sinks. wind



Answer 1

Raise the affected Which of these is best when you suspect that a casualty portion of the body has fractured a bone? above the level of the casualty's head. What should you do first if you see a man fall overboard?

Answer 2 Massage the affected area to prevent stiffness.

Release the nearest Inform the officer of lifebuoy on the side he the watch. has fallen.

The ship's training manual must contain instructions Correct use of Correct use of onand information on the life-saving appliances carried navigational equipment board communication onboard. Which of these duties must also be included? for survival craft. equipment.

Each lifeboat shall be launched with its assigned crew, and manoeuvered in the water at least once every three months.

Answer 3

Answer 4

Rinse the area with cold water.

Immobilise the affected area.

Alert other crewmembers and try to keep him or the lifebuoy in sight.

Dive into the sea after him to attempt a rescue.

Correct use of oars and Correct use of survival other propulsion craft facilities in order equipment for survival to survive. craft. For ships on short international voyages, each lifeboat shall be All lifeboats shall be launched and lowered during drills. manoeuvered in water at least every six months.

Which of these requirements regarding abandon ship drills corresponds to the SOLAS regulations?

Drills shall be conducted when the ship is in harbour.

Which of these requirements regarding lifebuoys corresponds to the SOLAS regulations?

If fitted with light or smoke signal, it must It must have a mass have a mass less than 4 greater than 2.5 kgs. kgs.

It must be constructed of inherently buoyant material.

What is a "Rescue Sub-Centre" (R.S.C.)?

A national search and rescue centre A centre for subordinate to an underwater search and international search rescue operation. and rescue coordinating centre.

A centre established to A unit subordinate to a assist the main national rescue co-ordinating rescue centre. centre.

Where would you find details of your tasks and duties in case of an emergency?

In the muster list.

On posters at the lifeboat station.

What is a "Rescue Unit" (RU)?

A unit composed of trained personnel suitably equipped for expeditious search and rescue.

A unit ready for search A unit specializing in and rescue operations A permanently manned search and rescue at sea at any time of rescue vessel. operations at sea. the day.

Page 37

It must have sufficient air.

In notices posted in In notices posted in the messrooms, recreation crew's cabins. rooms, etc.



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

The ship's training manual must contain instructions Correct use of Correct use of surface Correct use of ship's and information on the life-saving appliances carried navigational equipment to air visual signals by line throwing onboard. Which of these duties must also be included? for survival craft. survivors. apparatus.

Correct use of escape routes and other escape methods.

The ship's training manual must contain instructions Correct use of and information on the life-saving appliances carried communication onboard. Which of these duties must also be included? equipment.

Correct use of oars and sails for survival craft.

Correct donning of life-jackets.

Correct donning of protective clothing.

Correct boarding, The ship's training manual must contain instructions Correct donning of fire Correct use of oars and launching and clearing Correct method of and information on the life-saving appliances carried protective clothing. sails for survival craft. of survival craft and revival of casualties. onboard. Which of these duties must also be included? rescue craft. Correct method of The ship's training manual must contain instructions release of survival craft Correct donning of fire and information on the life-saving appliances carried from launching protective clothing. onboard. Which of these duties must also be included? appliances.

Correct method for use of the on-board Correct use of oars in communication survival craft. system.

The duties of each crew member in case of fire

The locations of various fire fighting appliances and equipment.

The signal used on the ship to indicate there is a fire.

The release mechanism Which of these requirements regarding the launching shall be of an and recovery arrangements for rescue boats corresponds automatic type to the SOLAS regulations? approved by the Flag State Administration.

Rapid recovery shall be possible with the boat's full complement of persons and equipment.

Embarkation and launching arrangements shall be such that the rescue boat can be boarded and launched in less than 5 minutes.

Launching shall be possible with a headway speed of up to 5 knots in heavy weather.

What type of release is allowed for fixed gas fire extinguishing installations onboard?

A manually operated release only.

An automatic release system activated by fire detectors.

An automatic release system activated by fire alarms.

Any automatic release system.

In which order should we place the priorities of survival, from highest to lowest?

Protection from the Food, water, location, environment, location, protection from the water, food. environment.

What information is found on a ship's fire plan?

The action to take if you heard the fire alarm.

Which of these would NOT be a good thing to do after Collect all the survival Activate the EPIRB abandoning ship? craft together. and SART.

Page 38

Location, protection Water, protection from from the environment, the environment, food, water, food. location. Sail away from the Stay in the area that the area of the sinking ship ship sank in. in the direction of the nearest land.



Answer 1

What is the part of the lifeboat indicated by the arrows? The fall.

What item of safety equipment is shown here?

Answer 2 The gripe.

An emergency position indicating radio beacon An inflatable liferaft. (EPIRB).

Answer 3

Answer 4

The on-load release.

The bowsing in tackle.

A lifebuoy.

A float.

The ship's training manual must contain instructions Correct use of onCorrect donning of fire and information on the life-saving appliances carried board communication protective clothing. onboard. Which of these duties must also be included? equipment.

Correct use of oars and other propulsion Correct use of seaequipment for survival anchors (drogues). craft.

What item of fire extinguishing equipment, usually found in the galley, is particularly effective on fires involving hot cooking oil?

A fire blanket.

A bucket of water.

A water filled extinguisher.

A fire hose.

Which fixed fire extinguishing medium is most commonly found in machinery spaces like the engine room?

Water sprinkler system.

Carbon Dioxide (CO2).

Dry powder.

High expansion foam.

You are night duty officer on a ship under way when a fire in the crew accommodation is reported. What is the Call the captain. first action you would take?

Send the duty seaman down to inspect and report the situation.

Sound the fire / general Run to the scene and alarm signal. fight the fire.

Which fire fighting system is the most efficient and The central foam with least side effects in the event of a fire in the engine extinguishing system. room?

The sprinkler extinguishing system.

The central CO2 extinguishing system.

The powder extinguishing system.

What is the maximum allowed suction head for the fire 4.5 metres. pump?

1.5 metres.

3 metres.

9 metres.

Which of these are attached to a lifejacket?

A radar transponder.

Red light and orange smoke distress flares.

A light & a whistle.

A dye marker & shark repellant.

Cargo pump rooms shall be provided with a fixed fire extinguishing system. Which of the following systems is not in accordance with the present SOLAS regulations?

Fixed gas fire extinguishing system.

Fixed powder fire extinguishing system.

High expansion foam extinguishing system.

Water spraying extinguishing system.

When should doors, side scuttles, gangway doors, cargo Before entering open ports and other openings which are to be kept waters. watertight at sea be closed at the start of the voyage?

Before leaving the port.

Before leaving the pilot station.

Before encountering heavy weather.

At least how often should rescue boats be launched with their assigned crew aboard and manoeuvered in the water?

Every month.

Every two weeks.

Every three months.

Every week.

Page 39



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

What should be done before throwing the liferaft overboard?

Open the fiberglass cover.

Which of these statements is true?

We should bring We should only important documents If the ship is on fire we abandon ship when and personal have to abandon ship. told to by the master or belongings with us in officer in charge. the liferaft.

What type of fire hose nozzles must be available on board?

Jet type.

Spray type.

Dual purpose ( jet/spray type ).

According to SOLAS - the number and position of hydrants shall be such that.....

at least three jets of water not emanating from the same hydrant, one of which from a single length of hose may reach any part of the ship .

at least two jets of water not emanating from the same hydrant, one of which, from a single length of hose, may reach any part of the ship.

at least one jet of water shall reach any part of at least two jets of the ship that is water shall reach any normally accessible by part of the ship. the crew.

What alarm signal is sounded by the ship's alarm bells in the event of fire onboard?

A series of 5 long rings.

A series of 5 short rings.

One long ring followed Continuous ringing of by seven short rings. the bell.

What should first be done before the central gas extinguishing system is used on a fire in the engine room or cargo holds?

Stop all fans and engines.

Close down boilers.

Make sure that the compartment has been Close all openings. evacuated.

What manoeuvre should be carry out in the event of a fire onboard?

Continue on course and speed.

Reduce speed and if possible, keep the fire Keep the stem up zone to the leeward of against the wind. the ship.

Let the ship follow the wind.

A GMDSS receiver.

A radar transponder beacon.

An Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB).

What life saving appliance would be found near this sign? What does this sign mean? What does this sign mean? What does this sign mean? What does this sign mean?

Lower lifeboat to water. Flammable. Release brake.

Secure the painter to a Pull the painter all the strong point. way out.

Answer 4

Automatic release.

Explosive. Start engine. Emergency Position Survival craft portable Indicating Radio radio. Beacon (EPIRB).

Page 40

A lifeboat radio. Lifeboat embarkation point. Radioactive. Lower lifeboat. Radar transponder beacon.

Activate the EPIRB. If the emergency alarm is ringing we have to go to the bridge. Dual purpose ( jet/spray ) type incorporating shutoff.

Release gripes. Dangerous gas. Alter course. Walkie talkie.



Answer 1

Answer 2

What does this sign mean?

Keep your hands in the Heavy objects. boat.

What is attached to the lifebuoy in the sign?

A light and die marker. A light and E.P.I.R.B.

Answer 3 Keep warm.

Answer 4 Secure hatches.

A smoke float and E.P.I.R.B. Life jackets are located Proceed to Put on your lifejacket. to the left. embarkation station.

A smoke float and light.

Read all posted notices/regulations carefully. A lifeboat.

Locate his working Be familiar with safety area and working procedures. clothes. A rescue boat. A liferaft.

Report to the master for signing on the ship's articles. A lifejacket.

What does this sign mean?

A heliograph.

A radar transponder beacon.

An Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB).

Which deckhands are not permitted to work aloft?

All ordinary seamen.

Those under 18 years Cadets or apprentices. who have less than 1 year experience.

All of the other options

What does this sign mean?

Parachute flares.

Rocket line throwing apparatus.

Emergency distress aids.

Red star-shells.

What does this sign mean?

Thermal protective aid. Wear warm clothing.

Immersion suit.

Rescue boat crew.

What does this sign mean?




Dangerous when wet.

When the substance What do the words "spontaneously combustible" mean? burns it becomes very hot.

The substance is very difficult to set alight, even when it is very hot.

The substance can catch fire by itself without an external source of heat or ignition.

When this substance burns it burns completely and does not leave any residue or ash.

What does this sign mean?

An oxidizing agent.

Contains oxygen.

A surface burning fuel.

Dangerous when exposed to air.


Marine pollutant.



The gripes.

The brake. Non flammable compressed gas. Rocket line throwing apparatus.

The fall block.

The bowsing tackle. Highly flammable compressed gas.

What does this sign mean? Under STCW regulations, what must each new crew member do before commencing assigned duties? What life saving appliance is pictured here?

A container with this warning sign would contain which type of hazard? What part is shown by letter D? What does this sign mean?

Compressed air.

What does this sign mean?

Survival craft pyrotechnics.

Page 41

An emergency transceiver.

LPG. Rocket parachute flares.

Children's lifejacket.

Emergency signals.



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

When working over the ship's side on staging, what other equipment besides a safety harness should be worn?

No other equipment is Box type or wrap necessary. around goggles.

A life jacket.

Waterproof overalls.

When must you wear breathing apparatus?

When entering a space When required to go suspected to be under water. deficient in oxygen.

When cleaning holds after a grain cargo.

When spray painting or grit blasting.

When must you wear a safety harness?

When working in the lower hold.

When working aloft or When at mooring over the side of the stations. ship.

What protective equipment must be issued to each deckhand for everyday use?

Breathing apparatus, resuscitators.

Safety harness, lifeline.

Safety hat, work gloves, safety shoes.

Chemical resistant, fire resistant jacket.

What is the minimum rest period needed to maintain health and avoid fatigue?

Not less than six hours Not less than ten hours Not less than twelve in any 24 hour period. in any 24 hour period. (12) hours a day.

Not less than 4 hours a day but not every day of the week.

What types of drugs are permissible to take without permission?

Over the counter drugs providing instructions Antibiotics. are followed.

Sleeping pills.

No drugs (even aspirin) should be taken without permission from the captain or authorised officer.

When is it OK to take alcohol to excess?

At weekends if a day worker.

At no time.

Alone in your cabin after watch.

If you noticed that a piece of equipment is broken, what Try to fix it yourself. should you do?

What is a permit to work?

What does this sign indicate? What does this sign mean? What does this sign mean? When acting as a watcher or lookout at a cargo hold and men below show signs of distress, what must you do? What would you expect to find near this sign?

Work orders from the senior officers.

At birthday celebrations.

When opening hatches.

Pretend that you have Get another AB to help Report it to the officer not noticed that you fix it. on watch. anything is broken. A complete check on preparedness prior to start of work.

The recommendations A notification that you of the ship's safety are qualified to carry committee. out the work.

A lifeboat embarkation A muster station. point. Radio direction finder Stream sea anchor. is operating. Release gripes. Release falls.

A passenger holding area. Food rations are located here. Let go lifeboat.

Try to rescue them yourself.

Lower additional breathing equipment.

Raise the alarm immediately.

Don a B.A. set and enter the space.

Embarkation ladders.


Emergency radio.

Escape shute.

Page 42

A crew messroom. Start air supply. Secure painter.



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3 A davit launched liferaft.

Answer 4

What kind of liferaft is shown in this sign?

A rigid liferaft.

A disposable liferaft.

What does this sign mean?

Embarkation ladder.

This way to emergency This way down. exit.

Escape shute.

What distress signal would be located near this sign?

Star shell rockets.

Hand flares.

Parachute flares.

The fall block on a lifeboat is capable of on-load release, what does this mean?

The lifeboat can only be released from the falls when it is in the water.

There is a safety device built into the block that The lifeboat will does not let it release automatically float free until after the other if the ship sinks. block has been released.

What does this sign mean?

Liferaft ahead.

Emergency muster station.

Lower liferaft to water. Abandon ship.

Which of the following maintenance features does not apply to deck cranes?

Overhauling the gooseneck.

Checking and topping up the oil level in the gearbox.

Greasing with a grease- Regularly checking for gun. brake wear.

Smoke floats.

A liferaft at the bow.

The lifeboat can be released from the falls before it enters the water.

Removing any air from Occasionally checking Draining water from Which of the following does not have to be carried out Checking the integrity the system before it is for corrosion of the the lines in cold on steam powered deck machinery? of the lagging. use. pipework. weather. Dangerously protruding objects should be highlighted by which of the following colour combinations?

Red and white.

Yellow and black.

Orange and white.

Blue and green.

A fail-safe brake.

Two different speeds.

A reverse gear.

compressed air.



Compressed air lines on deck usually suffer from which Corrosion of pipework. Vibration. problem more than the others?

Water in the pipelines causing rusting of the machinery.

Couplings blowing apart causing loss of air pressure.

Liferafts are sent for re-packing and checking every ..... 5 years.

10 years.



lifting blocks.

Cargo winches need which of the following that are A slipping clutch. NOT fitted to mooring winches? The most common source of power for deck machinery steam. on modern ships is .....

Yellow and black stripes are the colours for .... Which of these maintenance tasks, carried out on winches is considered the most important? Which of the following need not be tested weekly?

6 months.

dangerously protruding deck machinery objects. starting levers. Oiling


Lifeboat engines.

Engine intake flaps.

Page 43

Checking brake lining Greasing. wear. Watertight doors. Liferafts.



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

the cross wedges not being removed.

the pulling chains being of unequal length.

Valve handle missing. Not greased.

No hydrant cap fitted.


Dismantling completely.

Greasing all over its surface.

Replacing every 10 years.

Testing, painting and greasing.

Every day.




Liferafts are designed so that only which of the following need be carried out by ship's staff?

Re-packing every 5 years.

Testing for correct A visual check of the operation every 6 container for cracking. months.

Which of the following is NOT true of watertight doors?

The bottom of the doors should be kept clear of obstruction.

Any leaks in the Doors should be tested The oil in the system hydraulic system for operation every may have to be topped should be repaired day. up from time to time. promptly.

6 months.

12 months.

24 months.

60 months.

The compressible jointing strips.

The eccentric rollers.

The locking cleats.

The cross wedges

A bilge.

A drain tank.

A deep tank.

A cofferdam.

Starboard side

Port side

Left side

Right side

Emergency lighting.

Low voltage systems such as telephones.

Emergency generator starting.

The powering of hand torches.

At least four sets.

At least three sets.

At least two sets.

At least one set.

It damages electrical equipment.

It is harmful to the ozone layer.

Occasionally a MacGregor hatch may pull from side to the eccentric rollers not the locking cleats side. This could be due to..... being in place. seizing. Which of the following faults would you consider less serious on a fire hydrant? What does the maintenance of lifeboat davits consist of? How frequently should the operation of lifeboat davits be tested?

The watertight integrity of a hatch should be tested with a frequency of .... Which of the following does NOT contribute to the watertight integrity of the hatch? Which of the following is the correct name for a void space between two tanks carrying different liquids ? To which side of the tanker is the bunkering barge moored? Which of the following duties would NOT be served by primary batteries ? How many fireman's outfits are required to be carried on tankers? Why is Halon not used much fire extinguishers on board vessels? What is the general requirement for the closing mechanism of ventilators on a ship other than one carrying more than 36 passengers?

It is not effective on oil It is too expensive. fires. To be remotely controlled from the central fire control panel.

There are various methods available to extinguish a fire by removing one of the elements of the fire triangle. cooling Removal of potential fuel is called....

Checking that the water and rations have not deteriorated.

Closing must be Only a manual closing Automatic closure of possible from outside mechanism is allowed. ventilators is required. the space being ventilated. flame inhibition

Page 44

fuel starvation




Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

The ship's fire fighting installation should provide sufficient power for water jets to reach any part of the vessel normally accessible to the crew. How many jets should it cope with?



What is the heliograph used for when you are in a lifeboat or liferaft?

To check the outside temperature

As a means of To warm the As a first aid burns signalling by reflecting emergency food rations dressing the light of the sun

Personal escape sets are to be provided for....

all crewmembers

all cabins

What must evacuees do just before boarding an inflatable liferaft?

Have a meal to sustain Call the bridge and ask them during difficult Make sure that the raft Remove their permission to board. conditions onboard the is inflated. footwear. raft.

When would you fire the pyrotechnics after launching the boats and rafts?

Once every hour immediately after launching

An adult lifejacket must be constructed so that the wearer can jump into the water without injury and without damaging or dislodging the lifejacket, from a height of at least....

What is the purpose of the control position on an enclosed lifeboat?

How often should emergency steering drills be carried out?

2.5 metres

It is for sending out distress messages giving the ship's last known position At least every 3 months

Immersion suits or anti-exposure suits must be worn by the crew of the rescue boat. The suit must be capable 30 seconds of being unpacked and put on without assistance within....



all cabin berths and all persons expected on additional sets for board working spaces

Once every hour during the hours of darkness

When you have sighted On request from the the rescue services or rescue services. other ships/aircraft.

4 metres

4.5 metres

5.5 metres

It facilitates entering the names of all It's a place reserved for persons on-board. This injured persons is an essential record keeping requirement

It's the position from which the boat is steered and the safety systems are operated

At least every 6 months

At least every 9 months

At least every 12 months

1 minute

90 seconds

Page 45

2 minutes



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

It will increase the Why should a CO2 extinguisher be used with caution in oxygen present in the confined areas? confined area to a dangerous level

It will not operate It may explode when effectively in confined exposed to heat areas

It will displace the air and reduce the amount of oxygen available

For fire to occur, the three elements found in the "Fire Triangle" must be present. These are heat, air and....





For every davit launched liferaft on a cargo ship, from the time the order to board is given it must be possible to board the full complement of persons in not more than....

2 minutes

3 minutes

5 minutes

6 minutes

In an emergency situation is it a good idea to jump overboard and swim towards a launched lifeboat?

When you see a boat in the water you should quickly jump into the sea to be picked up

A group of persons should jump together and then assist each other once in the water

Only seafarers trained in survival techniques should jump into the water

As a general rule, don't jump into the sea

4 hours

6 hours

8 hours

What are tricing pennants?

Life-lines at the sides of lifeboats to help people who have fallen in the water to get back into the lifeboat

Mooring ropes to secure the lifeboat to the bollard on the main deck

An emergency three flag signal to indicate that the vessel is in distress

A device to bring the boat into the ship's side after partial release from the davits

A rescue boat must be capable of carrying a person lying on a stretcher and at least --- seated persons.





The light on a lifejacket must have an energy source which can provide the required luminous intensity for a 2 hours period of at least....

If there are no casualties involved, what is the first Rig hoses to attack the Rig hoses to cool the thing an emergency team should do when dealing with fire surrounding area a gas fire on a gas tanker?

Set up the dry powder Isolate the leak at it`s system ready to attack source the fire

What type of extinguisher is most suitable for dealing with fires involving carbonaceous materials?

CO2 extinguisher

Dry powder extinguisher

Foam extinguisher

Water extinguisher

Hand distress flares must burn for a period of not less than....

1 minute

2 minutes

5 minutes

10 minutes

Tip a bucket of water over it

Cover it with a fire blanket

Spray it with a CO2 extinguisher

What should you do if a pan of fat or cooking oil catches fire in the galley?

Pour it down the nearest drain

Page 46


QUESTION How many hand flares should each liferaft normally carry?

Answer 1 2

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4



3 minutes

5 minutes

4 hours

8 hours

12 hours

A crew list prepared prior to arrival in port giving full details of all persons on board

A list which specifies the environmental protection and emergency duties of the senior officers on board ship

A list which specifies victualling requirements for the forthcoming voyage

Once the fire is contained, the master needs to evaluate the best strategy for the next stage. This might include a Keeping the fire number of actions. In your opinion which action does contained NOT belong?

The use of fixed installations to put it out

Re-introducing air circulation by opening Other means of control up fire dampers and other openings

What must you have before carrying out any hot work on a liquefied gas carrier?

Permission from the Chief Engineer

A permit to work

Permission from head office


Soda acid


When floating in calm water the self-activating smoke signal on a lifebuoy must emit highly visible smoke at a 10 minutes uniform rate for at least....

15 minutes

30 minutes

1 hour

What is the purpose of the hydrostatic interlock in the keel of an enclosed lifeboat?

It prevents release of It indicates the loaded It supplies cooling the hooks until such weight of the boat and water to the lifeboat time that the keel of prevents overloading engine the boat is under water

When floating in calm water, buoyant smoke signals 1 minute should emit smoke at a uniform rate for not less than.... The lamp on top of a liferaft canopy must operate continuously or flash at the specified rate for at least....

What is the "muster list"?

What type of extinguishing agent would you use if you have an electrical fire?

10 10 minutes

2 hours

A list that specifies details of the general emergency alarm, action to be taken by the crew, & specifies how the order to abandon ship will be given

Permission from a senior officer CO2

It prevents seawater entering the boat

Close doors and Tackle the fire with the If you discover a fire, what is the most important action Find the seat of the fire Report it by raising the windows to remove the nearest fire to take? alarm air supply extinguisher How long will a parachute flare burn after it has been fired into the air?

A minimum of two minutes

A minimum of five minutes Page 47

A minimum of forty seconds

A minimum of thirty seconds



Answer 1

Answer 2

Operational Which of these would you NOT use on a gas pool fire?

Dry powder

What is the best strategy for the master to follow after receiving the initial information of a fire on board?

To call an urgent meeting of senior Immediate response officers to discuss a and rapid attack by the comprehensive plan of emergency party attack

What is the minimum inner diameter of a lifebuoy?

Where on board would you look for the muster list?

300 mm

The muster list must be displayed in your cabin, and you must sign it to show you have understood the instructions on it


Answer 3 Water


Answer 4 Co2

To put the engineers on stand-by with orders to To prepare the ship's run the fire pumps, hospital for treatment emergency pump, and of casualties other vital auxiliary engine room facilities 400 mm


Muster lists must be put up in prominent The muster list must be The muster list should places throughout the given to you be displayed at the ship, including the immediately after boarding gangway navigation bridge, joining your ship engine room and crew accommodation spaces

How many buoyant smoke signals should each lifeboat 2 normally carry?




After 24 hours submersion in fresh water, the buoyancy of a life jacket should have decreased by no more 2% than....




Ideally the adjustable jet/spray nozzle on a hose should a jet be used as....

a spray of arc 30 degrees

a spray of arc 60 degrees

A line-throwing appliance that meets SOLAS requirements must be provided and must include not less than four projectiles. What distance must each projectile be capable of carrying the line?

At least 130 metres in calm weather

At least 230 metres in At least 200 metres in calm weather. Beaufort wind force 5.

At least 300 metres in rough weather.

A liferaft must be constructed so that it operates satisfactorily after being dropped in the water from heights of up to....

4.5 metres

10 metres

18 metres

20 metres

b) It is designed for attaching to a helicopter's rescue hook

It is used for keeping survivors together in the water and preventing them from drifting apart

It is only used for storage and keeps the suits ready for immediate use

It is intended for Immersion suits are provided with a rescue loop. What pulling the wearer is this designed for? alongside the rescue boat

Page 48

a spray of arc 90 degrees


QUESTION If you have to abandon ship what type of clothing is best?

Answer 1 Dress lightly so that you can move about un-hindered by heavy clothing.

Once the lifeboat is under way, the Coxswain should steer to a safe distance from the abandoned ship taking Down wind of the into account all prevailing conditions. What is the abandoned vessel recommended position?

Which of these would be the correct order to fight a fire?

What is the basic principle of fire prevention?

Find, inform, restrict, extinguish

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Put on extra clothing, preferably with a waterproof layer on top.

Clothing makes no It makes no difference difference as long as what you wear. you don't wear heavy boots!

Leeward of the vessel and clear of the bow and stern

Preferably upwind and Remain alongside the clear of the bow and abandoned vessel, but stern on the windward side

Find, restrict, inform, extinguish

Remove one of the Never to smoke in bed. three components of the "fire triangle."

Find, restrict, extinguish, inform

Keep all spaces throughout the vessel well ventilated.

Find, extinguish, inform, restrict Inspect the vessel at the end of each watch.

red colour

yellow colour

green colour

What is the minimum number of crew required in the rescue boat?

2 persons

3 persons

4 persons

The present SOLAS regulations, unless expressly provided otherwise, applies only to..........

ships of war and troopships.

cargo ships in excess of 500 gross tonnage.

ships not propelled by fishing vessels. mechanical means.

When should abandonment be undertaken?

As a first priority on hearing the alarm

Immediately after all As soon as your As a last resort on persons have reported instinct tells you that it orders from the Master to their muster stations is right to do so

A parachute distress flare must burn with a bright....

In tankers an alternate hydraulic oil supply must be automatically connected for the steering system within 45 seconds. what time? The frequency of pressure testing ashore of BA sets 5 Years should as a minimum be every.... In a conventional rudder system when will least power With the vessel be required to move the rudder? stationary. If you wished to operate the CO2 smothering to extinguish a fire in a cargo space, what is the most important thing to check first?

That there are no people in there

white colour 5 persons

2 minutes.

3 minutes.

5 minutes.

6 Years

10 Years

15 Years

With vessel moving astern.

Vessel full ahead at service speed.

With vessel moving slowly ahead.

That the ventilation is closed off

That it will not cause a That it will not lead to loss of electrical power a spillage of cargo

Page 49



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

How many rocket parachute flares should each liferaft normally carry?


For the purpose of SOLAS, what is an "Inflatable Liferaft"?

A raft kept on the A liferaft which is kept bridge wing for rapid inflated and ready for deployment when the use at all times man-overboard alarm is raised

What is the Abandon Ship signal?

Seven or more blasts followed by one long blast on the ship's whistle or siren.

The continuous ringing A command given only A command given by of bells or klaxons by the Master or his the Safety Officer on throughout the ship. deputy. board

When floating, a liferaft must be able to withstand repeated jumps onto it, both with and without the canopy erected, from a height above its floor of at least....

4.5 metres

10 metres

18 metres

What is a survival craft?

A craft capable of sustaining the lives of persons in distress from the time of abandoning ship

A lifeboat launched from a shore-based station

The art of survival

Only the ship itself can be considered as a survival craft

Closed Ro-Ro spaces must be SOLAS approved to 23° or less carry flammable gases and liquids if the flash point is....

50° or less

50° or more

23° or more

Self-igniting lights on lifebuoys must either burn continuously or flash at a specified rate for a period of at least....

1 hour

90 minutes

2 hours

In the event of a fire, what would be your first action?

In fire-fighting, what does the term "boundary starvation" refer to?




A life saving appliance which depends upon non-rigid, gas filled chambers for buoyancy and which is normally kept un-inflated until ready for use

It is an appliance for the rapid transfer of persons from the embarkation deck of a ship to the lifeboats

20 metres

30 minutes

Raise the alarm before carrying out Attempt to fight the subsequent actions fire independently

Closing doors and hatches at the boundary of a fire

Cooling the area around a fire to stop it spreading Page 50

Get help from nearby and proceed to fight the fire

Seal off the area before calling for help

Removing the fuel Mustering fire fighters from the boundary of a and materials in the fire to stop it spreading area near the fire further



What is the painter used for on the davit launched liferaft?

Answer 1

Answer 2

The painter is only To lower the raft to the used on lifeboats, water level never on rafts

Answer 3

Answer 4

For inflation of the raft by pulling on the painter, and/or for keeping the raft alongside the boarding area

For repairing leaks sustained to the buoyancy chamber during launching

Under the SOLAS regulations most ships have to carry a designated rescue boat which must be in a continuous One minute state of readiness. What is the maximum amount of time the regulations allow for launching?

Five minutes

Ten minutes

Fifteen minutes

"Information regarding assembly points, emergency organisation and emergency instructions can be found in the ship`s.......................list"





When should one abandon a ship?

On hearing the general On verbal orders from When one feels there is On orders from the emergency alarm the master. a threat to the ship. owners. signal..

What action should be taken immediately after a fire has been extinguished?

Hold a de-briefing of the incident with all officers and fire fighters present

Establish a continuous watch at the fire area Report the incident to against re-ignition and the vessel operator and remove any flag state authorities smouldering material

Write a nonconformance report in compliance with chapter 9 of the International Safety Management Code

Check the equipment personally and ensure that it is safe for future use.

Thoroughly de-brief the BA team and pass the information to the bridge.

Make a note, act as you think best, and keep information to yourself as others, such as the bridge team, must not be overloaded with information.

Sea suction and fire main discharge valves Drained and empty to open ready to Pressurised at all times. prevent leakage at pressurise the main hydrants. when the fire pump is started.

All pump and isolating valves closed.

Instruct the BA wearers to change the When the BA team has withdrawn from a fire incident, bottles, then relax until what action should be taken by the team leader? called again if necessary.

When on passage, what should be the condition of the fire main?

Page 51



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

What is a "Thermal Protective Aid" (TPA)?

It is thermal underwear It is an immersion suit for use by boat crews worn by the rescue in cold climates. It It is a first aid kit boat crew members serves to maintain body temperature

It is a waterproof cover enclosing a person to reduce heat loss from the wearer's body

In addition to fireman's outfits, how many BA sets should be carried in a chemical tanker?





What is the minimum distance from the forward division of the accommodation for accesses to the accommodation?

1 metre

2 metres

3 metres

4 metres

Once launched how should boats and rafts be distributed?

Congregate and tie They should be together to form an dispatched in different easily recognized directions to seek target for rescue rescue services services

Congregate and then dispatch one motor boat to seek rescue services

It is important not to tie the boats and rafts together




To secure the bow of the lifeboat to the main deck bollards special dry powder

To hold the lifeboat close to the embarkation deck foam

A stretcher for safe embarkation of injured persons CO2

5 seconds

10 seconds

15 seconds




The ship's office

The emergency headquarters

The bridge

The rescue boat

The ship itself

The inflatable life raft

Under the SOLAS regulations, how often must each life-saving appliance be inspected to ensure that they are complete and in good order? What is the "Bowsing Tackle" as fitted on some lifeboats used for? For fighting metal fires you should use.... An adult lifejacket must have sufficient buoyancy and stability to turn the body of an unconscious person in the water from any position to one where the mouth is clear of the water in not more than.... What is the maximum number of people that an approved lifeboat can carry? If there is an isolated fire on the poop deck, where should the master take control from? In general terms, what would you consider to be your best lifeboat?

Weekly To hold the lifeboat alongside the ship after launching water 2 seconds

100 The incident site

The lifeboat allocated to you on the muster list

Page 52



Answer 1

Answer 2 To ensure that her/his seat in the boat is reserved

Answer 3 To establish proper leadership which is vital in any survival situation

Why must the boat's coxswain make it clear to everyone that she/he is in charge?

To preserve food and drinking water

What is the purpose of the canopy over the inflatable liferaft?

It is designed as a The main purpose is to It is designed to give safety net to jump onto provide strength to the protection against for rapid embarkation design of the raft exposure

What is the big advantage of davit launched liferafts?

Evacuees get away from the ship dry

In addition to a fire suit, a fireman's outfit also comprises breathing apparatus and a fireproof lifeline. At least one. According to SOLAS- how many such sets of fireman's outfit are required to be carried by all ships? In the event of fire on board, what do you think is the primary consideration of the master?

Answer 4 The coxswain should maintain a low profile and stick to her/his job of steering the boat It provides additional space for evacuees

The rafts are better able to withstand adverse weather conditions

The davit launched Davit launched rafts rafts offer the fastest are cost efficient method of embarkation

At least two.

At least three.

As required by the ship's administration.

To follow instructions To liaise with the head as given in the The safety of the crew office and shore To save the ship emergency response authorities manual

Page 53



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Any discharge of oil into the sea is prohibited except when some conditions are satisfied. One of these conditions for a tanker is that ......

the tanker is within a Special Area.

the tanker is not within a the tanker is within a Special Area Designated Zone

the tanker is not within a Designated Zone

Any discharge of oil into the sea is prohibited, except when some conditions are satisfied. One of these conditions for an oil tanker is that ....

the tanker is more than 10 nautical miles from the nearest land.

the tanker is more than 25 nautical miles from the nearest land.

the tanker is more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest land.

the tanker is more than 100 nautical miles from the nearest land.

Any discharge of oil into the sea is prohibited except when some conditions are satisfied. One of these conditions for a tanker is that....

the tanker is loaded.

the tanker is in ballast condition.

the tanker is tank cleaning.

the tanker is en route.

For existing tankers, the total quantity of oil discharged into the sea should be no more than ..................... of the 1/15000 total quantity of the particular cargo of which the residue formed part.




The instantaneous rate of discharge of oil content of a tanker shall not exceed.....

30 litres per nautical mile

75 litres per nautical mile

100 litres per nautical mile

120 litres per nautical mile

For new tankers, the total quantity of oil discharged into the sea shall not exceed ................ of the total quantity of the particular cargo of which the residue formed part.





A general term for vessels carrying more What is the meaning of the term " Combination Carrier than one kind of cargo, "? example reefercontainer, log-bulk etc.

A ship designed to carry A ship designed to carry A cargo ship that has either oil products or either oil or solid product oil tanks, crude oil in bulk or in cargoes in bulk example palm oil tanks parcels

According to Marpol, what does the term "oil " mean?

Any grade of crude oil

Any grade of crude oil or fuel oil

Any grade of crude oil, fuel oil or refined products

Petroleum in any form including crude oil, fuel oil, sludge oil, oil refuse and refined products

According to Marpol, what is the meaning of the term "oily mixture "?

A mixture with oil content above 15 ppm

A mixture with oil content above 50 ppm

A mixture with oil content above 100 ppm

A mixture with any oil content

Under Marpol, can a chemical tanker be considered an oil tanker?



Yes, when it is carrying Yes, when it is carrying a cargo or part cargo of petrochemicals. oil in bulk.

Page 54



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

According to Marpol, what is the meaning of the term "oil fuel"?

A cargo of refined oil A cargo of heavy fuel A cargo of refined oil for combustible purpose oil , intermediate fuel or with flashpoint above 60 in thermal machinery or diesel oil degree C boilers

Does the definition of an "oil tanker " apply to a gas carrier?

Yes, it does

No, it does not

Yes, when carrying chemicals or petrochemicals

Yes, when carrying a cargo or part cargo of oil in bulk

According to Marpol, what does the term "new ship" mean?

A ship for which the building contract was placed after 31 December 1995

A ship for which the keel was laid or was in any similar stage of construction after 30 June 1976

A ship which was delivered after 31 December 1979

All of the other options apply

What does the "instantaneous rate of discharge of oil content " mean, according to Marpol?

The total quantity of oil The total rate of oil discharged at any discharged per hour moment divided by 3600

The rate of oil discharge in litres per hour at any instant, divided by the speed of the ship in knots at the same instant

The total quantity of oil discharged, divided by the mileage covered during the time of discharge by the ship

What is the best description of a "special area" as defined by Marpol?

An area with particular traffic characteristics where extra precautions are required

An ecological endangered area where no oil mixture is to be discharged at any time

A sea area where, for recognised oceanographical and ecological conditions, and in view of traffic, special prevention is required

A sea area where, in view of its particular dense traffic, no overboard discharge of any oily mixture is allowed

What is the meaning of "slop tank" as defined by Marpol?

A tank used for tank cleaning provided with heating coils

The two most aftward Any tank where slops or fitted wing tanks or the sludges are collected most aftward fitted centre tank

A tank specifically designed for the collection of tank drainings, washings or other oily mixtures

If discharged from a stationary ship in clean calm water on a clear day will not produce visible traces of oil on the water surface nor emulsion below

Its oil content is no more than 100 ppm and it will not produce visible traces on the shore lines.

Its oil content is NIL and consequently would not leave any traces Which description given is nearest to the description of upon the surface of the clean ballast as defined by Marpol? water or emulsion beneath the water surface.

Page 55

Its oil content is no more than 50 ppm and will not produce visible traces on adjoining shorelines, nor emulsion in the sea.

Any oil used on board in connection with the propulsion and auxiliary machinery.



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Which is nearest to the Marpol description of segregated ballast?

Ballast water that cannot be pumped through cargo oil piping and for which cargo pumps cannot be used

The ballast water introduced in a tank which is completely separated from the cargo or fuel oil system and permanently allocated to ballast

The clean ballast water which can only be pumped via segregated lines by the clean ballast pump

The ballast carried in the clean ballast tank, pumped via the segregated ballast pump

In order for a tanker to be called a "new oil tanker " according to Marpol, the date on it's building contract would read....

after 1st June 1979.

after 31st of December 1980.

after 1st January 1981.

after 1st June 1982.

Marpol defines Crude Oil as....

a liquid hydrocarbon mixture occurring naturally, whether treated or not, irrespective of whether distillate fractions were removed or added.

a non-treated liquid a liquid hydrocarbon a liquid hydrocarbon to hydrocarbon mixture from which certain which certain distillate from which neither distillate fractions were fractions were added. distillate fractions were removed. removed nor added.

Every oil tanker of ....... grt and above and every other ship of ...... grt and above shall be subject to Marpol (IOPP) surveys.

500, 1000

400, 700

The initial Marpol (IOPP) survey carried out before a ship enters service, in order to ensure compliance with the applicable regulations, shall include.....

a complete survey of its structure, equipment, a complete survey of all fittings, systems a complete survey of all wing tanks, centre tanks arrangements and piping. and slop tanks. materials, in so far as the ship is covered by this Annex.

a complete survey of the associate pumping and piping systems, including oildischarging monitoring system, oil filtering and separating systems.

Periodical Marpol surveys are to be carried out at intervals as specified by the administration. These intervals are not to exceed.....

two years.

two and a half years.

five years.

At least one survey must to be carried out during the validity of the IOPP certificate. This shall ensure that the equipment, pumps and piping systems including ODME are in order. What is this survey called?

The Midterm survey

The Intermediate survey The Annual survey

Page 56

250, 500

three years.

150, 400

The Special survey



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

If mandatory annual surveys are established by the Administration, how will it affect unscheduled inspections carried out according to Marpol?

The unscheduled inspections shall no longer be obligatory

Only one unscheduled inspection per year is required

Unscheduled Two unscheduled inspections are required inspections are required once every two years during a 5-year period

Who may carry out MARPOL Surveys?

Port-State Control Inspectors

Surveyors nominated by Administrations or Coast Guard Inspectors Approved ship's officers organisations recognised by Administrations

Who may carry out Marpol Inspections?

Officers authorised by the Government having jurisdiction over the port in which the ship is Coast Guard officers. located, generally referred to as Port State Inspectors.

Surveyors nominated by recognised All of the other options. organisations.

Any substance creating Petroleum products and harm to health and life petrochemicals or able to damage amenities. Dumping or disposal from the ship.

What is the meaning of a "harmful substance" under Marpol?

Oils and fuels

Hydrocarbons in any form

What does "discharge" means in relation to harmful substances as defined by Marpol?

Pumping, emptying or emitting from a ship.

Spilling, leaking or escaping from the ship.

What is the meaning of "an incident" according to Marpol?

The actual or probable discharge into the sea of oil or of an oily mixture.

The actual or probable discharge into the sea of The probable discharge a harmful substance or into the sea of oil or of effluents containing an oily mixture. such substances.

Penalties under the law for violation of Marpol requirements shall be.....

adequate in severity to discourage violations imposed to warn against and shall be equally the global problem of severe irrespective of pollution. where the violation occurs.

A new oil tanker of 20,000 tons deadweight and above, which satisfies the requirements for Segregated Ballast crude oil tanker. Tanks with protective location as well as COW, may be designated as a.......

crude oil / product carrier.

Page 57

Any release how ever caused. The actual discharge into the sea of a harmful substance or effluents containing such substances.

imposed by all countries, the severity in all cases most severe. depending on where the violation occurs.

product carrier.

petrochemical / product carrier.



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

A new oil tanker of 20,000 tons or above, satisfying the requirements SBT and PL, but not fitted with COW, crude oil tanker should be designated as a ................................. on the IOPP certificate.

petrochemical tanker

product carrier

crude oil / product carrier

A new oil tanker of 20,000 tons dwt and above but less than 30,000 tons dwt, NOT fitted with SBT and PL, product carrier should be designated as a ........................... on the IOPP certificate.

crude oil tanker

petrochemical tanker

crude oil / product carrier

A new oil tanker of 70,000 dwt and above, satisfying the requirements of SBT, may be designed as a .............................on the IOPP certificate.

crude oil tanker

product oil carrier

crude oil / petrochemical tanker

crude oil / product carrier

How would an existing oil tanker of less than 40,000 tons dwt be designated on the IOPP certificate?

As a crude oil tanker

As a crude oil / product As a crude oil / carrier petrochemical tanker

As a product carrier

For an existing tanker of 40,000 tons dwt and above, satisfying the requirements of SBT, what should the designation be on the IOPP certificate?

Crude oil tanker

Crude oil / petrochemical tanker

Crude oil / product carrier

Product carrier

50 ppm Bilge Water Separator with alarm system

15 ppm oily bilge water Interface oily water separator with alarm detector system

Discharge of oily mixtures from machinery space bilges of tankers is prohibited except when, amongst other Oil Discharge requirements, which of the following equipment is Monitoring Equipment fitted?

When shall the IOPP Certificate cease to be valid?

If significant alterations If significant alterations have taken place to have taken place in the fittings, equipment or ship's construction arrangements without without sanction. sanction.

If significant alterations have taken place to Any of the other materials without options. sanction.

When alterations to the ship's construction, equipment, materials , fittings or arrangements are carried out Improvement in ship's without sanction, the IOPP certificate ceases to be construction valid. What is the exception?

The direct replacement of equipment and fittings

Modification of arrangements as long as purpose and lay-out does not deviate from Marpol requirements

Amongst other requirements, what kind of arrangement is required for a tanker in order to be allowed to Double hulls discharge oily mixtures into the sea?

15 ppm oil filtering equipment

A slop tank arrangement Segregated ballast tanks

An oil tanker is prohibited from discharging oily mixtures into the sea except when certain conditions are II, III, V, VII, satisfied. Which of the conditions mentioned here must X, XI be satisfied?


Page 58


Replacement of monitoring equipment as long as it is approved by the Administration




Answer 1

A ship other than a tanker of 400grt and above, but less than 10,000grt, cannot discharge oily mixtures from I, IV, machinery spaces, unless certain conditions are satisfied. Which of these conditions must be satisfied?

Answer 2

Answer 4



What is the maximum oil content of a mixture which may be discharged into the sea when the ship is not in a 10ppm special area?

15 ppm

50 ppm

100 ppm

Is it permitted to introduce dillutants or to apply other chemical treatment to oily mixtures prior to discharging Dillutants are allowed these into the sea?

Oil dispersants are allowed

Not allowed at all

Concentration of chemicals only 100 ppm

The discharge of oily mixtures is not allowed within special areas (with the exemption of processed engine room bilge water), unless certain conditions are satisfied. Which of these conditions must be satisfied?






Answer 3













Which of the areas listed are designated as Special Areas by Marpol Annex I ?




The Marpol regulations prohibit discharges of oil mixtures at sea. The regulations will not apply if the discharge is the result of damage arising from which items in this list?






Marpol regulations prohibit oily mixture discharges at sea. The regulations do not apply if the discharge is the Collision or groundings result of damage to the ship or its equipment. What is the exception?

Intent to cause damage, or recklessly and with Crew negligence knowledge that damage could probably result

Damage to ship and equipment due to operational error

It is possible to discharge substances containing oil, approved by the Administration, (eg. oil dispersants) for the purpose of combating specific pollution incidents, into the sea. Under which of these conditions?







For new tankers of 20,000 tons dwt and above, the capacity of the segregated ballast tanks shall be such that, at any part of the voyage, the ships draught and trim meet which of these requirements?








Page 59















QUESTION New tankers of 20,000 dwt and above shall in no case carry ballast water in cargo tanks, except when which of these circumstances arise?

Answer 1 I,

According to Regulation 13.3.b, in which of these exceptional cases can ballast water be loaded into cargo I, holds of tankers?

Answer 2






Answer 3






Answer 4









Fore and after peak Segregated ballast tanks, For the purpose of determining the capacity of the clean Segregated ballast tanks Cofferdams as well as tanks as well as fore and after peak tanks ballast tanks in tankers, which tanks may be included? only segregated ballast tanks segregated ballast tanks as well as cofferdams. Provided oil discharge Provided an oil Under which conditions are fore peak tanks, after peak monitoring equipment separating system of 15 tanks and cofferdams allowed to be included in the total with automatic stop ppm is to be fitted on capacity determination of CBT's for tankers? when 15 ppm level is board exceeded is to be fitted Existing tankers up to 40,000 dwt which are fitted with CBTand COW and designated as "Crude Oil/Product I, III, IV, V, Carrier" on the IOPP certificate should operate as VII, VIII which of these?


Provided the protective location of the tanks is ensured




Provided they are to be connected with permanent piping to the ballast water system

V, I,




If an oil tanker is used for the storage of oil and its machinery modified to immobilise the ship, what are the requirements for SBT, CBT, PL and COW?

The requirements for SBT do not apply

The requirements for SBT and PL do not apply

The requirements for SBT, PL and CBT do not apply

If an oil tanker is used to receive dirty ballast from oil tankers, what are the requirements for SBT, CBT, PL and COW?

The requirement for SBT does not apply

The requirements for SBT and PL do not apply

The requirements for The requirements for SBT, Pl and CBT do not SBT, PL, CBT and apply COW do not apply

One of the requirements for an oil tanker operating with Dedicated Clean Ballast shall be that it is equipped an oil content meter. with.......

segregated ballast tanks a crude oil washing and PL. system.

Every oil tanker operating with Dedicated Clean Ballast shall be provided with an approved Dedicated Clean I, Ballast Operating Manual. Which of these items must be contained in the manual?


One of the requirements for Crude Oil Washing on tankers is that an inert gas system is fitted. According to the regulations, an inert gas system is required for which spaces?



Every cargo tank





Every cargo tank and slop tank

Page 60




The requirements for SBT, PL, CBT and COW do not apply

two separate slop tanks.


Every cargo tank, slop tank and cofferdam





Every cargo tank, slop tank, cofferdam and ramp space



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3 Sufficient to increase the ship's draught by at least 3 metres and not exceed a 1 metre trim by the stern.

Sufficient to take account of the ship's trading pattern, so that ballast water is not put into tanks that have not been crude oil washed.

Safety Operation Manual.

Cargo Loading Manual.

Operations and Equipment Manual.

The ship's IOPP certificate

The charter party

The oil record book

Requirements for Crude Oil Washing demand that a number of cargo tanks be washed prior to each ballast voyage. What number of tanks are specified?

One third of the number All tanks designated as of all tanks. cargo tanks.

Every tanker operating a Crude Oil Washing System shall be provided with an approved .....

Tank Cleaning Manual.

The regulations for existing tankers for SBT, CBT and COW shall not apply if the tanker is engaged in specific The bill of lading trades, provided reception facilities are existing in ports. What document is to be endorsed? Existing tankers in specific trades do not need to comply with SBT, CBT and COW requirements provided that which of these items apply? Existing oil tankers which comply at all times with SBT draught and trim requirements without the use of ballast water, may be considered to comply with SBT requirements in full, provided which of these items apply?







Answer 4


















IV ,



What is the purpose of Regulation 13 E - Rules for To reduce the bending Protective Location of Segregated Ballast Tanks on Oil moments on tankers. Tankers?

To reduce the shear forces on tankers.

To facilitate trim and draught corrective operations on tankers.

To provide a measure of protection against oil outflow in the event of grounding or collision.

For Protective Location of Segregated ballast tanks, which of these items apply?





Regulation 14 of Marpol states that no ballast water shall be carried in any fuel oil tank. What is the exception?

For exceptionally long voyages, when the ship's In the event of voyage bunkers are depleted and repairs being carried out weather conditions are on board ships. deteriorating.

Ships with special nature of trade which stay for a long time at sea, for example: tugs, fishing boats.

If the double bottom fuel tank is ruptured, the fuel tank may be filled with ballast if stability requires this.

Under Marpol, can a ship carry oil in the fore peak tank?

Only tugs

Only tugs and fishing vessels

No, not on any vessel





Only fishing vessels

Page 61







Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Under Marpol, slop tanks shall have the capacity to retain the slop generated by tank washings, oil and dirty 3 ballast residues. Their total capacity shall not be less than ......% of the tank capacity.




Any tank fitted with In an existing tanker, which tanks can be designated as overboard discharge slop tanks? facilities.

Any tank closed to the atmosphere and fitted with an oily water separation filter.

Any tank separated from the ship's side by a distance of at least 3 metres.

Any tank provided with adequate means for collecting dirty ballast residue and tank washings from the cargo tanks.

The term "tanks with smooth walls" is meant to include which tanks?

Cargo oil tanks, including the main tanks of oil bulk/ore carriers, Tanks with vertically even if they are corrugated bulkheads. constructed with framing of small depth.

All of the other options.



Centre cargo tanks.

MARPOL regulations require that the slop tank capacity is 3 % of the cargo tank capacity. Under which I, of these conditions can the slop tank capacity be reduced to 2 or 1.5 %?



At least two slop tanks are required for....

new and existing oil tankers above 150,000 tons dwt.

Which of these are the requirements for an Oil Discharge Monitoring and Control System?


No oil discharge monitoring equipment is to be fitted on tankers if trading in specific areas or within 50 miles I, III, from the nearest land, provided that which of these VIII items apply?

Under Marpol, do the requirements of Oil Retention and Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment apply to tankers carrying asphalt?







new oil tankers of 70,000 tons dwt and above. I,





new oil tankers of 40,000 tons dwt and above.




Yes, same requirements Yes, but no slop tanks as for other tankers required




7 III,

new oil tankers of 20,000 tons dwt and above. I,




I, II, V



No, retention of residues on board is required No, not a specialised with discharge of all trade, no such contaminated washings requirements apply to reception facilities

15 Page 62



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Under Marpol, any ship of 10,000 tons gross and above shall be fitted with which of these items of equipment I for oily-water separation and oily mixture discharges?




Any ship of 400 tons gross and above but less than 10,000 tons, which does not carry ballast water in fuel oil tanks shall be fitted with a ............... oil filtering equipment for engine bilge discharge.

30 ppm

50 ppm

100 ppm

15 ppm

Which of these design requirements must be met by oil filtering equipment fitted on ships of 10,000 grt and I, above?




heavy fuel oil Every ship above 400 tons gross shall be provided with purification leakages, tank(s) of adequate capacity to receive oily residues or lantern and scavenge sludges such as those resulting from .... spaces leakages and drainages from engines.

Concerning the designing and construction of Machinery Space Oily Residue Tanks (Sludge Tanks) what requirements, besides capacity, need to be met ?

For ships not fitted with a sludge burning incinerator, the sludge tank capacity shall be directly proportional to ....










lubricating purification and crankcase leakages from machinery and stern tube leakages.

diesel oil leakages from All oil leakages in the purification, main and engine room inclusive auxiliary engine fuel of these. leakages.

All engine room overflows and leakage tanks must drain into them..

They must be capable of being pumped overboard through a 15ppm separating system.

They must have cleaning facilities and arrangements to discharge to reception facilities.

the size of the vessel.

the amount of fuel the total horse power (or purified for daily kWatt) generated in the consumption times the engine room. maximum period between voyage ports.

Every new oil tanker which is required to be provided with SBT or fitted with COW shall comply with which I, of the following items concerning pumping arrangements and piping? Marpol states that a small diameter line is to be connected outboard of the manifold for the purpose of pumping pipe and cargo pumps drainage to shore receptives. What does "connected outboard of " mean?








A connection fitted A connection other than adjacent to the ships the cargo manifold sides for connection to shore lines or to barges




A connection on the downstream side of the manifold valves on PS and SB

They must have steaming out and pumping out connections fitted. the number of purifiers fitted on board times the maximum range of the ship.




A connection separate from the cargo manifold located more outboard on PS and SB


Page 63



Answer 1

The oil record book for machinery space operations must be completed on a tank to tank basis whenever which of these operations take place?


The oil record book for cargo/ballast operations on tankers shall be completed, on a tank to tank basis, whenever which of these operations has taken place?



Answer 2 I,



Answer 3 V




Answer 4 III, VI





The report of the accident indicating precautions

The circumstances of and the reasons for the discharge

The amount discharged and the reasons for it

Each operation as specified by regulations must be noted in the oil record book without delay and.......

the entries match operations completed, after which it is signed by the Master.

when the operations are completed, will be signed by the Officer in charge during the time of the operation.

the Chief Officer is to sign when the operations are completed and be countersigned by the Master.

will be signed by the Officer or Officers in charge of the operation and each completed page will be signed by the Master.

Where is the Oil Record Book to be kept on board?

In the Master's cabin

On the bridge

In the ship's office

At a place where it is readily available

Who can certify true copies of Oil Record Books?

Port Authorities

A Notary Public

The Officers of the Flag The Master State

Of the four categories of discharge associated with the operation of offshore platforms, for which type or types Type I and Type IV is Marpol 73/78 applicable?

Type I only

Type IV only

Types I, III and IV

The total accumulated Regulation 23 of Marpol Annex I is concerned with the amount of oil hypothetical outflow of oil from tankers. What is discharged into the sea understood by this? by a tanker

The quantity of the oil spilt which may be caused due to main Cargo pipe or connecting hose rupture during loading or discharging

The oil discharged into the sea in the case of side damage or bottom damage

The outflow of oil via the pump room sea chests due to untight valve sets

For the calculation of hypothetical oil outflow, credit shall be given to double bottom tanks, full or empty, when cargo is carried in tanks above. Partial double bottoms are credited.....

as 0.3 times the percentage they cover.

as non-existent.

as providing sufficient protection for the tanks above.

In the event of accidental or exceptional discharges (for The amount and the example allowed discharge in order to save life), a specifications of the oil statement shall be made in the oil record book discharged explaining what?

according to the percentage of the cargo tank they cover.

Page 64






Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

The volume of any one centre tank on a tanker shall not 40,000 exceed ....................... cubic metres?




Which of the following oils is not an asphalt solution?

Blending Stocks

Roofers Flux


Straight run residue

Which of the following products is not listed under "oils" in Appendix I of Marpol Annex I?


Road Oil


Spindloe oil

Which of the following products is not listed as "gasoline blending stock" in Appendix I of Marpol Annex I?

Alkylates fuel

Flashed feed stock


Polymer fuel

Which of the following products is not listed under "gasolines" in Appendix I of Marpol Annex I?

Fuel oil No 1

Fuel oil No 1 D

Fuel oil No 2

Fuel oil No 4

Under Marpol, the IOPP certificate of any ship must be endorsements for annual endorsements for supplemented by........... surveys. intermediate surveys.

The IOPP certificate shows under which government authority it was issued as well as .........

the date of build and place.

Which of these items are listed in the Record of I, III, IV, Construction and Equipment for a ship other than an oil VII, IX tanker?






The Record of Construction and Equipment has a chapter about "Tanks for Oil Residues (Sludges)". What information is recorded in this chapter?

The location and capacity of the sludge tanks

The capacity of the sludge tanks and the pumping arrangements

The Record of Construction and Equipment for ships other than tankers contains information in Chapter II about oil discharge from the machinery space and fuel tanks. Which of these items are included?

I, V,







Page 65




the type of intended voyages by the ship.






VI, X,




Which of these items are listed in the Record of Construction and Equipment for an oil tanker?



compliance certificates a record of construction for the oily water and equipment. separator, incinerator and sewage plant.

the designation of the date of keel laid and organisation authorised place. by the government. II, III, IV VIII, IX


The number and capacity of sludge tanks and means of connection to open deck sludge connection


II, V,







The total tank capacity and the means for disposal of oil residue in addition to the provision of sludge tanks

IV, I,







Answer 1

Answer 2

If ships other than tankers have spaces constructed and utilised to carry oil in bulk of a capacity of .......... or 100 T more, the regulations of Annex I for oil tankers apply. Which of these items must be recorded in the Oil Record Book -Part I, concerning the disposal of oil residues (sludges)?



Which of these items concerning non-automatic discharge overboard of bilge water from machinery spaces must be recorded in the Oil Record Book - Part I?



Which of these items concerning the operation of machinery spaces must be recorded in the Oil Record Book - Part I? Which of these items concerning automatic discharge overboard of bilge water from machinery spaces must be recorded in the Oil Record Book - Part I?





400 T





















500 cubic metres




Answer 4

200 cubic metres



Answer 3















The time when the What entries must be made in the Oil Record Book system was started and Part I (machinery space operations) about the condition the time when the of the Oil Discharge Monitoring and Control system? system was stopped.

The time when the system was started, the time when it was stopped and the ppm of the effluent discharged.

The time when the system was started and stopped, the ships speed and the ppm of the affluent discharged.

The time of system failure, the time that it was made operational again and the reason for failure.

Which of these items concerning accidental or other exceptional discharges of oil must be recorded in the Oil Record Book - Part I?





What entries must be made in the Oil Record Book Part II (cargo / ballast operations - tankers) about the loading of cargo oil?

Place of loading, loading on top of sludge, loading rate, total quantity

Time of commencement of loading and time of completion, total quantity of oil loaded

Place of loading, type of oil loaded and identity of tanks, total quantity of oil loaded

Place of loading, quantity of cargo loaded and quantity of ballast disposed off

What entries must be made in the Oil Record Book Part II (cargo/ ballast operation - tankers) about the internal transfer of cargo during the voyage?

Total quantity prior to transfer and total quantity after transfer on board, quantity transferred

Identity of tanks involved, quantity transferred and if tanks were emptied.

Time, ship's position, quantity transferred

Time, ship's position and speed, quantity transferred, tanks involved







Page 66





QUESTION Which of these items about crude oil washing operations must be recorded in the Oil Record Book Part II (cargo/ ballast operations - tankers)?

Answer 1 I, III, IV, VI, VII, VIII, X, XI

Answer 2 I, II, III, V, VII, VIII, IX, XI

Answer 3 I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, IX

Answer 4 I, II, III IV, V, VI, VIII, X

Which of these items about the ballasting of dedicated clean ballast tanks must be recorded in the Oil Record Book - Part II (cargo/ ballast operations - tankers)?

I, IV, X

I, V,

I, VI, X


II, V,


Which of these items about the disposal of residues and oily mixtures not otherwise dealt with must be recorded II, in the Oil Record Book - Part II (cargo/ ballast operations - tankers)? Which of these items about the discharge of ballast I, from dedicated clean ballast tanks must be recorded in V, the Oil Record Book - Part II (cargo/ ballast operations - tankers)?



Which of these items about the cleaning of cargo tanks I, must be recorded in the Oil Record Book - Part II V, (cargo/ ballast operations - tankers)? Which of these items about the discharge of dirty ballast must be recorded in the Oil Record Book - Part II (cargo/ ballast operations - tankers)?















V, I, II, X, VII, X




I, VI,



























V, IX,

I, IV,

II, V,




There are 6 annexes to MARPOL 73/78 (Annex I to VI). They deal with pollution caused by........

I = Oil, II = Sewage, III = Garbage, IV = Harmful packaged substances, V = Noxious liquids in bulk, VI = Air pollution.

I = Sewage, II = Noxious liquids in bulk, III = Oil, IV = Harmful packaged substances, V = Air pollution, VI = Garbage.

I = Oil, II = Noxious liquid in bulk, III = Harmful packaged substances, IV = Sewage, V = Garbage, VI = Air pollution.

I = Garbage, II = Air pollution, III = Sewage, IV = Harmful packaged substances, V = Noxious liquid in bulk, VI = Oil.

Annex II of Marpol 73/78 deals mainly with......

the construction, ballast procedures, category of ballast and the operational procedures of petroleum tankers

the pollution hazards from chemical tankers and their arrangements for discharge of cargo residues

the labeling and packaging of harmful substances carried as packages

the handling and discharge of garbage

Page 67



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

It is required by the United States only and an approved sewage plant must be installed on board

The regulations are not yet universally in force, but a number of countries have adapted them and have stringent regulations

Discharge is for the time Only a collecting tank is being allowed anywhere required for all countries as long a sewage plant is for the time being on board

They are the same for How do the requirements of Marpol stand in relation to any country which has national or port regulations? ratified the Marpol convention

National regulations in the ports visited may be more stringent and must be complied with.

Only Japan and the Only Australia has United States have additional regulations to additional regulations to be complied with. be complied with.

Marpol Annex IV concerning sewage is not yet in force, but a number of countries (for example USA) have adapted it and have stringent regulations. The regulations concern which of these items?

I, VI,



I, V, X,


Annex IV of Marpol, deals with sewage. How does it affect shipboard operations concerning processing and treatment of sewage?

Which of these waters are the Special Areas as defined by Marpol Annex V? According to Annex V of Marpol , no garbage can be thrown overboard inside the Special Areas. Which is the exception?

I, V, I, X,








II, V,




Paper, metal and glass Paper ground up to less Glass ground up to less Comminuted (ground ground up to less than than 25 mm beyond 12 than 25 mm beyond 25 up) food waste beyond 25 mm beyond 25 miles miles offshore. miles offshore. 12 miles offshore. offshore.

you cannot throw paper, Marpol garbage disposal regulations outside Special crockery, rags, glass you cannot throw Areas specify that, within 3 miles from the nearest land metal or food overboard anything overboard. and in all inland waters..... unless ground to less than 25 mm.

you cannot throw plastics, dunnage, lining you cannot throw and packing materials plastics overboard. that float overboard.

Garbage disposal regulations outside special areas may not be thrown specify that dunnage, lining and packing materials that overboard at any time. float......

may be thrown overboard outside 25 miles offshore.

may be thrown overboard outside 12 miles offshore.

may be thrown overboard outside 3 miles offshore.

Garbage disposal regulations outside special areas specify that paper, crockery, rags, metal , glass and food may be thrown overboard within 3 to 12 miles offshore, provided it is ground to less than ......... in size.

30 mm

25 mm



Page 68



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Garbage disposal regulations outside special areas specify that plastics......

cannot be thrown overboard within 25 miles offshore.

cannot be thrown overboard within 12 miles offshore.

cannot be thrown overboard within 3 miles offshore.

cannot be thrown overboard at any time.

Garbage disposal regulations outside special areas specify that paper, crockery, glass, metal, food and rags, bigger in size than 25 mm may only be thrown overboard outside .......... miles offshore.





Outside special areas there are three ways of disposing of garbage produced on board ships. From this list, choose the three ways?


On tankers, segregated ballast tank and clean water ballast systems have reduced the amount of ......

time that the ships spend time spent cleaning in port. cargo tanks.

Which of these items should be included in an on board I, pollution prevention training program? VII To prevent pollution you should look at how the operations that may lead to pollution are conducted on I, board your ship and ask yourself 3 questions. What are these questions? Pick 3 operations from this list which, when conducted I, on tankers, may lead to a pollution incident? Basic procedures for bunkering operations on all ships require that ............................. should personally supervise all bunkering operations.
















the Master










time spent on cargo and ballast operations at sea oil getting into the sea. and in port. I, VII I,


















the Chief Engineer

the 2nd Engineer

a responsible person

Bunkering procedures for all ships require that ..................... communication should be maintained continuous with the shore/barge staff in charge of the transfer.




Bunkering procedures on all ships require that the deck the time needs to be officer on watch is informed prior to the starting of recorded exactly. bunkering. This is because ............. .

the bunkering flag has to he is responsible for all appropriate precautions be hoisted and the oil communication with the have to be taken by the spill recovery team put shore or barge. deck department. on stand-by.

Page 69



Answer 1

Written information must be available each time a ship carries out bunkering operations inclusive the titles. This information includes the names of the persons engaged in bunkering operations. Which persons ?

The responsible person in charge, the engineer officer in charge of bunkering in the engine room and the person(s) assigned on deck.

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

The chief engineer, the engineer officer in charge in the engine room and the petty officer on deck.

The chief engineer, the duty engineer and the duty officer.

The responsible person in charge, the duty engineer, the engineer in charge of bunkering and the stand-by team on deck.

the specific gravity of Written information must be available each time a ship the oil and the level at carries out bunkering operations. This information must which bunker tanks are include the following.... to be closed.

the ventilation and overflow system of each tank and the bunker rate in tons per hour.

the procedures for topping off tanks and the bunker slow down rate.

the bunkering rates, procedures for topping off tanks and the level at which bunker tanks are to be closed.

Written information must be available each time bunkering operations are carried out. This should include information about reporting oil spills and provide contact details for which of these organisations?





When starting to ballast on non-SBT tankers there is potential for pollution, in that oil remaining in cargo II, piping may backflow to the sea via the sea chests. Which of these preventative measures should be taken?













There is potential for pollution when starting to take ballast on non-SBT tankers, because oil may backflow into the sea via the sea chests. In order to prevent this, which notice should be placed on the ballast pump?




Pump room sea chest valve leaks are a common cause of pollution on tankers due to leak back of oil in port. What preventive measures must be carried out to prevent any pollution from this cause?

Put up a static head on the sea chest valves and see if the piping drains off indicating a leak.

Open up the drains on the ballast pump and see that there is a leak with suction valve of ballast pump open and sea chest valves closed.

The outboard sea valve is tested by opening the drain between the outboard and inboard sea valves which are in series.

Page 70

The suction filter drain cock or vent cock is to be opened indicating that there is pressure on the suction line with sea valves closed.



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

During all cargo oil loading/discharging or bunkering operations as well as during oil transfers, oil spill equipment should be ........

kept near the deck manifold and be used in accordance with the chief officer's instructions.

readily available in a place known to all crew members for immediate use by the assigned deck party.

kept in the emergency headquarters to be used in accordance with the instructions of the responsible person.

kept in the vicinity of the cargo transfer or bunker transfer hoses near the manifold connections and be used if required by the emergency party.

For oil spill containment on tankers, spilt oil on deck must be dumped in the slop tank or other receptacle tank. Which of the following arrangements must be checked or maintained?



I, V






connected to flexible checked regularly that Dump valves fitted to manifold trays on tankers should hoses fitted to receptacle they can be easily be ...... drums. opened.



Manifold trays on tankers should be checked regularly to ensure that......

they are clean , they are no rust has accumulated free of corrosion, that in the bottom, that the drain plugs are not drain cocks are open. frozen.

In order to contain oil spills Gutter Bars (Fish Plates) should be regularly inspected to make sure that......

they are correctly fitting.

the fastenings are not worn.


Topping off during oil cargo loading or bunkering is a I, most critical operation. Which five of these precautions V, or actions must be taken? When filling the final cargo tank at the end of loading on tankers, which of these precautions should be taken in order to avoid pollution?

I, V,

After oil cargo loading/discharge or bunkering, draining of shore lines, hoses and loading arms may be done I, under pressure provided which of these precautions are VI, followed?






the stripping suction pipe is free, the suction valve is operational, that no water has collected in it, that the drain plugs are closed.

they have not developed the coating is intact. cracks or holes. VI, I,



V, II,




I, VI,







I, VI,




I, V,


I, V,







Page 71



fitted with caps to ensure that they are not leaking.

tested regularly for leakages.

they are clean, that the dumping drains are free and operational, that water collected is drained off.

Tank overflows while loading oil cargo or bunkering are one of the most common causes of oil pollution. Which five of these items are the main preventive measures against tank overflow?



II, V,









Answer 1

Answer 2 Change dresser couplings and flange packings, O-rings and seal rings at regular intervals.

Pollution incidents have been caused by leaking pipe lines (corrosion on bottom), faulty dresser couplings, Inspect pipelines valve flanges, leaking manometer connections etc. To frequently. prevent these what preventive actions should be taken?

Which of these items is the recommended procedure for I, II, testing cargo lines on tankers? VII






Answer 3

Answer 4

Inspect piping in particular on bottom and replace corroded sections, change dresser couplings and flange packings, O-rings regularly.

Hydrostatic pressure tests should be frequently carried out at maximum pressure, including COW lines.






22 II,



During Marpol inspections by port state control inspectors, ships have been detained because.......

no up to date deck port log was kept.

no pollution placards were posted.

no instructions to no electrical drawing of operate the oily bilge the oily bilge separator water separator were alarm was posted. posted.

During Marpol inspections by port state control inspectors, ships have been detained because .....

the engine room bilges were found dirty.

the engine room bilge lines were found dirty.

the oily water separator the sludge tank was filters were found dirty. found to be full.

During Marpol inspections by port state control inspectors, ships have been detained because .....

an oil film was found in an oily mixture was oil was found leaking the overboard discharge lubricating oil was found in the internals of from the main/auxiliary pipe of the oily bilge transferred in port. the bilge pump. engines crankcase doors. water separator.

These items are standard inspection items for Marpol, as given in guidelines to inspectors and surveyors. Which item does not belong?

Item II - does not belong

Item V - does not belong

On tankers, the crude oil washing check list states (amongst other things) that during crude oil washing operations.....

the inert gas system should be in operation.

the inert gas oxygen the inert gas pressure is the quality of the inert content must be below to be recorded prior to gas must be frequently 4.5 % in order to start or starting washing. checked and recorded. continue washing.

Item VI - does not belong

Item VII - does not belong

One of the requirements for crude oil washing on tankers is that an inert gas system be fitted. According Every cargo tank. to regulations an inert gas system is required for which spaces?

Every cargo tank and slop tank.

Every cargo tank, slop tank and cofferdam.

Every cargo tank, slop tank, cofferdam and ramp space.

When entering port for loading the cargo, the tank oxygen level should be ............... or below.





Page 72



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Before arriving in a port where it is intended to crude oil wash, the tank washing system should be pressure tested to....

150 % of the normal working pressure.

Clean ballast is normally.....

ballast water loaded into ballast water loaded in ballast water loaded into ballast water loaded cargo tanks which have tanks used only for that cargo tanks which have directly into a cargo been crude oil and water purpose. been crude oil washed. tank after discharge. washed.

When loading by gravity, the last valve to be opened should be....

the ship's manifold valve.

Clean ballast may be discharged....

by pumping directly by pumping through the through any overboard bottom sea chest. discharge line.

In the vicinity of an electrical storm tank cleaning....

may continue providing may continue providing the tank venting system must be stopped. the tanks are inerted. is isolated.

75 % of the normal working pressure.

for the cargo tank to be loaded into.

125% of the normal working pressure.

the shore tank valve.

the normal working pressure.

the ship's drop line valve.

by pumping only through a discharge line which is connected to an only by gravity. operational oil content monitor. may continue if the tank pressure remains at atmospheric.

Before starting bunkering operations, which one of the following precautions would you say is the most Plug the scuppers. important?

Place smoking and naked light restrictions and notices.

Exhibit International Code B flag and red light.

Check over-side for pollution.

Where is disposal of wooden dunnage allowed?

It is never allowed.

Outside 12 miles offshore.

Outside 25 miles offshore.

Only outside special areas.

Which of the following is not classed as pollution prevention equipment?

Sawdust/rubber buckets Empty drums and and shovels. absorbent pads.

Air or electric portable pumps.

Scupper covers.

Which of these statements is not correct?

Contact with oil on the skin can cause dermatitis.

How can a ship dispose of plastic at sea?

Anywhere outside the 3 Outside special areas. mile limit.

Outside 25 miles offshore.

Disposal of plastic is not allowed anywhere at sea.

In the event of cargo spillage, which of the following would be informed first?

The agent

The ship owner

The Port Authority

The Clean Up contractor

The MARPOL Annex I regulations for the prevention of pollution by oil apply to which ships?

All Tankers only

Tankers greater than 500 All vessels greater than gross tons 500 gross tons

Oil and gasoline on the Oil can block skin pores skin can cause skin and cause rashes. cancer.

Page 73

Kerosene is good for cleaning the skin.

All ships, unless expressly provided otherwise


QUESTION Category A substances will often require cleaning before sailing from the discharge port. This procedure is called a....

Answer 1


Answer 3

Answer 4

hot wash


Mediterranean Sea area including the Black Sea Baltic Sea area

Red Sea area

Caribbean Sea area

What is the MARPOL 73/78 Convention about?

Pollution prevention

Safety equipment

Fire fighting equipment Hours of Work

For " UMS " classed vessels, how must the HP fuel delivery pipe be constructed?

It is manufactured from Austenitic Steel and has flame/smoke detectors fitted in the vicinity.

It is manufactured of high tensile steel and has to have thermal insulation fitted

It needs to be a shielded pipe and in case of rupture the fuel leakage must be contained and the alarm sounded.

Which of the following is not a "Special Area" according to MARPOL Regulation 10?

cold wash

Answer 2

It must be provided with sensors so that the corresponding fuel pump cuts out in case of rupture.

allowed at the fuel Cross connections between the fuel and ballast systems system manifold in the are.................. . engine room.

allowed at the fuel system manifold on the totally prohibited. main deck.

allowed at the ballast system manifold in the engine room.

Cargo Record Books must be retained on board for....

1 year

2 years

3 years

4 years

The transportation of chemical cargoes is governed internationally by which MARPOL Annex?





disputes can be settled between terminal and vessel if there is a disparity in cargo figures

the Bill of Lading requirements can be checked and satisfied

To record all fuel bunkered and bilge discharges.

To record fuel consumption.

To record oily bilge levels.

Annex II

Annex III

Annex V

strictly prohibited.

allowed as long as the ship is no less than 12 nautical miles from the coast.

allowed as long as they have passed through a comminutor.

an inspection can be a record is held of the made by shore There is a requirement to maintain an Oil Record Book amounts of oil which are authorities in the event in order that.... loaded/discharged of oil spills or other pollution accidents What is the purpose of the Oil Record Book?

To record quantity of fuel onboard.

Which MARPOL Annex deals with the Regulations for the Control of Pollution by Noxious Liquid Substances Annex I in Bulk?

The disposal of plastics at sea is..........

allowed anywhere outside the designated Special Areas.

Page 74



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Which cargo operations are to be recorded in the Cargo All cargo operations Record Book?

All cargo operations involving NLS

All petroleum cargo operations

All bunker operations

In the USA any food waste being put ashore must be delivered in..........

biodegradable sacks.

plastic bags.

cardboard boxes.

sealed metal containers.

Under what circumstance may untreated bilges be discharged overboard in 'Special Areas'?

When proceeding Full Ahead.

During the hours of darkness.

Only in a case of emergency.

If the bilges are only to be lowered and not pumped right out.

What pollution certification must deep-sea vessels possess?

Lloyd's Machinery survey certificate.

MCA pollution certificate.

IOPP certificate.

Safety Construction certificate.

MARPOL Annex V came into effect from the 1st July 1997, for new ships, and from 1st July 1998 for all other vessels. It affects ships........

of 400 tonnes and above.

of 150 tonnes and above.

of 1500 tonnes and above.

carrying 12 or more passengers.

Which Marpol Annex deals with the Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Oil?

Annex I

Annex II

Annex IV

Annex V

Small oil spills on deck can be prevented from going overboard by....

placing wooden plugs in closing sighting ports on plugging sounding pipes plugging the scuppers the vents tank lids

One of the sources of pollution from gas cargoes is the release of...............vapours from the LPG condenser of dioxin the reliquefaction plant


Page 75



Abriviation and terms

QUESTION What does the word "draught" (draft) mean ? Where is the monkey island ? What does the word "master" mean ?

Answer 1

Answer 2

A strong movement of The distance from the air. waterline to the keel.

Answer 3 The distance from the waterline to the maindeck.

Between the main deck In the engine room. Up the main mast. and top deck. The key that opens all The list of all stores on The name for all locks onboard. board. department heads.

Answer 4 The distance from the bow to the stern On top of the bridge. The legal title of the captain.

What is the "after peak" ?

The highest point of the after deck.

An enclosed space at The aftermost the aft end of the ship. storeroom.

The deck above the bridge.

What does the word "leeward" mean ?

The side of the ship away from the wind.

The side of the ship from which the wind blows.

The sheltered parts of the ship.

Places where there is no wind blowing.

What does the term "in ballast" mean ?

A ship in port.

A ship fully loaded.

A ship with empty double bottom tanks.

What does the term "coil" mean ?

To stow a rope in a circular fashion.

An electrical part.

Part of a rope.

A ship carrying water in place of any cargo. To lubricate something.

What does the word "fathom" mean ?

The length of the anchor cable.

A measurement equal to 60 feet (18.3 meters).

A measurement equal The width of the to 6 feet (1.83 meters). anchor cable.

What does the word "overboard" mean ?

In the water.

The quay side of ship.

To discard items into the sea.

The covering over a cargo hold.

What does the term "weatherside" mean ?

The open spaces on the The side of the ship main deck. away from the wind.

The side of the ship from which the wind blows.

The main or upper deck.

What does the word "gangway" mean ?

The way to reach the bridge.

The means of access to The ladder to the lower The ladder fitted to a the ship from the holds. mast or Samson post. quayside.

What does the word "pallet" mean ?

A small cargo container.

A tray to carry cargo or on which cargo is A large cargo grab. fixed.

What does the term "sea time" mean ?

The difference between The time it takes a ship The time served by the ship's clock and to go from one port to crew between signing Greenwich Mean another. on and signing off. Time.

The time spent on watch.

What does the term "athwartships" mean ?

The fore and aft line of A bench or seat in a the ship. lifeboat.

The middle of the ship.

Across the ship from one side to the other.

What does the term "turn-to" mean ?

To start work.

To eat a meal in the ship's mess.

To go to sleep.

To get ready to work.

Page 76

A cargo net.

Abriviation and terms


Answer 1 Short pieces of rope and chain used when mooring.

Answer 2 Short cylindrical steel posts used to secure mooring lines.

Answer 3 Pieces of wood of varying size for securing cargo.

What does the word "wake" mean ?

The time to call the next watch.

The disturbed water left astern of a ship.

The time to call dayworkers.

The wave at the bow of the ship.

What does the term "capsize" mean ?

A vertical rotating barrel for hauling mooring lines.

To go overboard.

To turn over.

A very large bulk carrier with no cranes.

What does the word "set" mean ?

A complete collection.

The time each day The effect of the wind clocks are adjusted on on the ship. an ocean passage.

What is a "beam" ?

A transverse angle iron Another ship alongside The widest part of a to support deck or yours ship. hatch covers.

What does the word "bilge" mean ?

Loose talk or gossip.

What does the word "manifest" mean ?

A declaration from the A complete list of captain to port cargo and stores. authorities.

What does the word "underway" mean ?

Starting the engine

Proceeding through water

What is the "steering flat" ?

What does the word "bitts" mean ?

Answer 4 The very forward end of the bow.

The effect of tide or current on a ship. A type of dried vegetable.

The sewage treatment tank.

The lowest part of the inside of the ship.

A complete list of lifeboat stores.

A list of all crew onboard.

Preparing to leave the port

Not at anchor, not aground and not tied up to a quay.

The compartment where the steering motor is located.

The place from where A platform behind the steering orders are steering wheel. issued.

A type of emergency rudder.

What is a "funnel" ?

An air shaft or ventilator leading into a cargo tank.

An engine room ventilator.

A structure which encloses the ship's engine exhaust pipe.

What is the "fore peak" ?

The forward most cargo space.

A tank in the bow.

The very front part of a A locker in the bow for ship that cuts through anchor cable. the water.

What is a "fair lead" ?

The metal plate that joins two cargo runners.

A special type of cargo A swivel rigged on a block. derrick head.

An opening in the ship's side for mooring ropes.

What is a "deadlight" ?

A light no longer working.

A shielded light for working in cargo spaces.

An opening at the top of the engine room.

Waste from the galley.

Page 77

A metal cover for a porthole.

The place at the bottom of the ship through which the propeller shaft runs.

Abriviation and terms


Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

What is the "hawse pipe" ?

The pipe leading into the anchor chain locker.

The pipe through The pipe that carries A mooring line lead for which the anchor cable water to the fire the Panama canal. connects to anchor. hydrants on deck.

What is a "derrick" ?

A spar rigged outboard.

A boom that pivots and Another name for a can be raised or gantry crane. lowered to work cargo.

What is a "jackstaff" ?

A flagpole over the stern.

A spar signal mast.

What is a "Panama fairlead" ?

A vertical roller used to lead a rope on to a mooring winch.

A fairlead consisting of A fairlead consisting of A rounded fairlead that vertical rollers open at 4 rollers closed at the is closed at the top. the top. top.

What does "freeboard" mean ?

A non crew member carried as a passenger without charge.

A board fitted in hatchway to prevent movement of cargo.

What is a "sounding pipe" ?

A pipe leading from A pipe used to find the the weather deck to depth of water under bilges or double keel. bottom.

A pipe hit with a steel rod at the end of each watch.

A pipe leading from the bridge to the engine room or the captain's cabin.

What does the term "bosun" (boatswain) mean ?

The leader of all the ratings.

The engine room foreman.

The man in charge of a lifeboat.

What is a "telegraph" ?

Equipment on the Radio equipment for bridge with a handle to A type of telex sending/receiving convey orders to the machine. messages via satellite. engine room.

A message sent by radio.

What does "VLCC" mean ?

Very large container compartment.

Volatile liquid container carrier.

What does the word "bulkhead" mean ?

The vertical wall A vertical steel wall or between the fore peak partition. and No.1 hold.

The vertical wall between the after most The sides of a hold and the engine cofferdam. room.

What is a "windlass" ?

A machine at the bow designed to raise the anchor.

Any type of mooring winch.

A winch for heavy lifts A portable air driven used with a jumbo winch. derrick.

What does the term "forenoon watch" mean ?

The 04:00 - 08:00 watch.

The 08:00 - 12:00 watch.

The 00:00 - 04:00 watch.

The deck foreman.

Very long cargo compartment.

Page 78

The jib of a crane.

The place on the main A flagpole on the bow. mast for hoisting signal flags.

The maximum amount The distance from the of cargo a ship can waterline to main deck. load.

Very large crude carrier.

The master's watch.

Abriviation and terms


What is the "waterplane" ?

What does the word "navigate" mean ? What does the term "abaft" mean ? What does the term "afloat" mean ? What does the term "amidships" mean ?

Answer 1

A type of seaplane.

Answer 2

Answer 3

The area at the surface A compartment for of the sea occupied by fresh water only. the ship's hull.

The method for a The method of finding vessel to sail from one the ship's position. place to another. Going backwards. Alongside. Laying on top of the At anchor. water. The centre-line across The middle of the ship. the ship.

The shortest route between two ports. Behind. Anything that can float. The middle of the accommodation.

Answer 4 A set of stabilizer blades fitted to highspeed ferries that can lift the hull out of the water. An electronic position fixing instrument using satellites. To starboard. A piece of lifeboat equipment. At 90 degrees to the fore and aft line.

What is a "rat guard" ?

A circular metal covering placed over mooring lines.

What is "flashpoint"?

The highest The lowest temperature The temperature a The temperature a temperature required to required to form a flammable mixture will liquid will start giving form a flammable flammable mixture. ignite on its own. off vapour. mixture.

What is a "union purchase"?

When using two derricks rigged over each side with runners attached over the centre of the hold.

When using a fixed derrick and a swinging derrick with runners attached together.

What is "toxicity"?

The amount of poisonous substances in a material.

The amount of The amount of cancer The amount of acid in radioactive substances causing substances in a a material. in a material. material.

What is a "flammable mixture"?

A mixture of vapour and oil in an inerted tank.

Any mixture that can ignite on its own.

What is a gantline?

A rope attached to a bosun's chair or stage.

A rope to throw ashore A rope for mooring a as messenger for a lifeboat. mooring line.

A poison carried onboard.

Page 79

A type of trap.

When using two derricks, rigged one over the side and one over the cargo hold.

A man stationed at the gangway.

When using both derricks rigged together and combined to lift heavy loads.

A mixture that has A mixture that has vapour and oxygen large amounts of from the air in vapour but not enough sufficient quantities to oxygen molecules. ignite. A rope for making a pilot ladder.

Abriviation and terms


Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

When a tank When a work area is so Work which is so temperature goes hot that an air blower strenuous that it above 45 degrees C or is needed. becomes dangerous. 113 degrees F.

What is "hot work"?

Welding or cutting with a torch.

What is "cold work"?

Work that can cause When the temperature sparks when using a drops below freezing. hammer/scraper or other such tools.

When the work to be When it is necessary to done will take a long wear a parka jacket. time.

What are "man ropes" used for?

As a handle on a As grablines on a gangway or lifeboat. accommodation ladder.

As guy wires.

What are the gripes?

Life-lines at the sides of lifeboats to help people who have fallen in the water to get back into the lifeboat

For hauling things aloft.

They are used to secure the lifeboats to the Lowering handles on davits in the stowed the winch mechanism position

A device to bring the boat into the ship's side after partial release from the davits

London Conventions of 1955.

STCW Convention of 1978 as amended in 1995.

United Nation Conventions of 1958.

Geneva Conventions of 1958.

The vertical distance between the sea bed and the deepest part of the keel is known as the ......

underkeel clearance.




What sea area is known as "the continental shelf"?

The section that slopes down gradually from the low-water mark to the depth, averaging 130 metres,at which the angle of declination increase markedly.

The sea area to seaward of the Exclusive Economic Zone

The waters The safety zones surrounding the around artificial islands European continent only

The muster list shows who is the designated GMDSS operator. What do the letters GMDSS stand for?

The GMDSS operator is the person trained to provide General Medical and Maritime Safety Services

The letters refer to the General Maritime Distress and Survival Services

The letters refer to the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System

The letters refer to safety services provided by the rescue organisation

Traffic Lane

Separation Zone

Recommended route

The law of the sea is embodied in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the.......

What is a routeing measure aimed at the separation of Traffic separation opposing streams of traffic by establishing traffic lanes scheme called?

Page 80

Abriviation and terms


Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

What is the uppermost continuous hull plating called?

Sheer Strake

Garboard Strake

Stealer Plate

What do you understand by the term ESD system?

Emergency stop and disconnect system

Emergency shore disconnecting system

Emergency shutting Emergency shut down and disconnecting system system

Where would you find a sea area known as the "Contiguous Zone"?

It is an area seaward of the territorial sea within which the coastal State enjoys limited jurisdiction

It is a sea area surrounding an It is the 200 mile zone archipelago within seaward of the normal which the coastal State coastal base line enjoys limited jurisdiction

It is the area landward of the territorial sea; that is the estuaries and harbours

What is a drogue used for?

It is used as a seaanchor and must be supplied with a shock resistant hawser and a tripping line.

As a heater to keep the occupants of the lifesaving appliance warm.

As a painter (mooring line) to stay alongside the ship during embarkation.

As a braking device during lowering of the boat/rafts.

In international law the territorial sea forms part of a State's territory. At how many miles does the Law of the Sea Convention set the limit of the territorial sea?

Three miles

Six miles.

Twelve miles

Two hundred miles

What do the letters GMDSS refer to?

The "General Muster Search and rescue list Directions & vessel services to large Safety Services" passenger vessels. manual onboard ship.

The "Global Maritime The mandatory Distress and Safety International Safety System." Management system.

Gross tonnage is defined as....

earning capacity.

light displacement.

What do the letters UNCLOS stand for?

United Nations Centre United Nations United Nations for Loss Prevention Convention on the Law Certificate for Load Studies, 1985 of the Sea, 1982 Line Spaces

What is the purpose of a cofferdam?

To provide a barrier space between tanks containing different liquids.

As an emergency As a collection space storage space for bilge As a watertight barrier. for leaking pipe work. water.

What is the SOLAS Convention?

The "Voluntary Code for Safety Of Life At Sea."

The "International The "Convention on Convention for the Life Saving Safety of Life at Sea." Appliances."

The "International Life Saving Appliance Code."

What is the pipe which directs the anchor cable from the windlass to the chain locker called?




internal capacity.

Spurling Page 81

Stringer Plate

load displacement. United Nations Classification of Ships, 1988

Abriviation and terms


Answer 1

Answer 3

Answer 4

a ballast system completely separated from the cargo oil system.

a ballast system completely separated none of the other from the cargo and fuel options. oil systems.




What is MARPOL?

The International Maritime Police Convention

Maritime Policies as agreed by the IMO

The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships

The Marine Environmental Protection and Liability Convention

What is the intact volume of a vessel above the waterline called?


Negative Buoyancy

Reserve Buoyancy

Lost Buoyancy

A Convention explains maritime law based partly on generally accepted customary rules.

A Convention explains the enactment of national legislation giving effect to and enforcing its provisions.


Clearing line.

Clearing bearing.

A ship that carries more than twelve passengers

A ship that carries more than six passengers

A ship that carries more than twenty passengers

The Greenwich meridian

The Equator

A rhumb line

The term "segregated ballast" means.......

What is the east - west distance between two points called?

a ballast system completely separated from the fuel oil system.

Answer 2


A Convention is a treaty between States, which have agreed to What is the meaning of the word "Convention", as used A Convention be bound by it to apply for instance in SOLAS, MARPOL and STCW describes a party of the principles "Conventions"? delegates at a meeting. contained in the convention within their sphere. What is this on the PPI? (see figure) What is a passenger ship? What is the line roughly following the 180th meridian called?

What is "ship squat"?

Remark. A ship that carries more than ten passengers The date line

The sinkage and change of trim caused when the ship is proceeding with a small underkeel clearance

Choose the right meaning for the word "STAIRCASE". bookcase

Deeper draft caused by A requirement for A slight increase in operating in fresh ships proceeding up underkeel clearance rather than salt water river under low bridges

stairs between floors

Page 82





Answer 1

What does " FAS " mean in the context of cargo? What does " FOB " mean in the context of cargo? What does "C & F" mean in the context of cargo?

Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping. Free alongside ship. For Overseas Bulk. Call for resources.

What does " CIF " mean in the context of cargo?

Carriage in full.

What does " CPT " mean in the context of cargo?

Cost paid at terminal.

What does "STCW " mean?

What does " CIP " mean in the context of cargoes? What does " DDP " mean in the context of cargo?

What is a "BILL OF LADING "?

What is the prime function of a Bill of Lading?

Answer 2 Standard training and conditions of work. For all ships. For Owner's Bank. Cost and freight. Cost information facility. Carriage paid toll.

Carriage and insurance Cargo in part. paid. Departure Date PreDelivery Day Preagreed. agreed.

Answer 3 Standard training in conventional workplaces. From any source. Free On Board. Container freight. Cost, insurance and freight. Container port terminal. Cargo insurance payment.

Safe training certificates for the workplace. For all systems. First On Board. Carrier for research.

Delivered Duty Paid.

Duty Due Paid.

It is a simple form notifying the master on what time, date and place the goods described will be delivered for loading.

It is a document signed & issued by the shipper, clearly stating that the goods have been delivered & loaded.

It serves as a clearance from Customs, to allow the goods described to be loaded or discharged.

It is a form of receipt, signed by the master confirming that goods described have been delivered to his custody & loaded onto his ship.

It is a notice to the master that the goods described will be delivered & loaded.

To form a part of the master's records, of cargo loaded onto his ship.

It is a receipt for goods received for shipment, and loaded onboard. Possession of the original is proof the holder is the owner of the cargo.

It is a receipt, issued by the shipper, stating the goods delivered are correct in quantity and are in good order.

It is a letter offered to the master to sign "clean bills of lading" even though he knows the goods are defective. The master should not accept it.

It is a letter absolving the ship from any blame for damaged goods at the discharge port.

It is a letter clearing the shipper of any What is a "LETTER OF INDEMNITY" presented with responsibility for a Bill of Lading? damage to cargo enroute to destination.

Page 83

Answer 4

Covered in full. Carriage paid to. Claim insurance policy.

1 1 3 2 3 4 1 3


2 It is a letter clearly stating that receiver will accept full responsibility for damage to cargo at time of discharge.





What are the "HAMBURG RULES"?

What is a "CHARTER"?

What are "Laydays"?

What is "Laytime?"

Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

It is simply a bill of lading that has become soiled by dropping it or some such, thereby making it difficult to read.

It is a claused or foul bill of lading that has doubting remarks written on it by the master about the cargo loaded.

It is a bill of lading used for dirty or foul smelling cargo, such as animal hides.

Rules that are essentially the same as the Hague-Visby rules, Rules that only apply but more preferred by to vessels of German shipowners because of Registry or ownership. their precise conditions.

Rules that clearly state that the carrier is liable from time of acceptance and that he is not exonerated from negligence in navigation etc.

Rules created at the request of carriers, who protested that existing rules provided too much protection to the shippers.

It is a bill of lading presented by a suspicious shipper, known to deal in contraband goods.

A term used to describe any voyage, from loading port to discharge.

Days when a vessel is not employed.

Days allowed by the charterer to the owner for loading/discharging, without incurring demurrage charges.

The date stipulated in the charter party, by What is the "CANCELLATION DATE" with reference which either party may to charters? give notice to cancel the charter.



A contract for the hire of a ship for a voyage or series of voyages, or for the carriage of a specific quantity of cargo on a number of voyages.

The lease of a ship by a A specific period in the third party, whereby life of a ship, that the charterer assumes describes its the rights of employment history. ownership.

Days allowed by a charter party for loading and /or discharging a vessel.

Days the charterer allows the vessel to prepare for loading, after arrival at the loading port.

Designated rest days during the loading or discharging, such as weekends / holidays.

The time the vessel waits at anchor, Days a vessel is pending the acceptance declared off-hire of the tendered regardless of reason. "Notice of Readiness".


The date beyond which, if the vessel is The date the charter not presented for party expires. loading, the charterers may reject the vessel.

Page 84

Days allowed for the voyage, from the loading port to the discharge port.

The date by which the owner may serve notice of cancellation, if a better employment opportunity presents itself.







What is "DEMURRAGE"?

Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Notice given by the owner to the charterer, that his vessel has arrived and is ready to commence loading or discharging.

Notice given by the master to the harbour master, that his ship is ready in all respects to commence loading or discharging.

Notice from the master to the charterer's agent, that the vessel is ready in all respects to commence loading or discharging.

Notice given by the master to the owner's agent that his vessel is ready to commence loading or discharging.

Damages payable by the charterer to the owner, when the laytime has expired and the vessel is still not completely loaded or discharged.

Damages payable by the owner to the harbour authorities, for occupying a berth for a period longer than the stipulated laytime.

The number of days that must elapse, after the laytime has expired, before the owner can claim damages from the charterer.

The term used when a chartered ship completes loading or discharge in less time than the laytime.

The time and date a What does the term "DISPATCH" mean with reference vessel departs or is to cargoes? dispatched, to commence a voyage.

When can an owner place a "LIEN" on a cargo?

What is "FREIGHT"?

When he changes his mind about what he considers as unfair conditions, in the charter party.

The remuneration payable by the charterers to owners, for the carriage of the goods.



When loading or discharge is completed The term used to in less time than describe a voyage that laytime allows, owners has taken less time are required to pay a than estimated. "Reward" or dispatch, to the charterer.

The time a chartered ship completes loading or discharge on time, and departs or is dispatched to its next port.

When the owner believes that the charterer is paying him less freight, than similar ships of age and class are receiving.

When freight is owing or unpaid on any part of the cargo at the destination, then a common law lien is allowed on the unpaid freight.

The deadweight displacement of the ship and the basis for calculating port dues.

The remuneration payable in advance by charterers to owner, before loading is allowed to commence.

When the master considers that the charterer's agent is excessively demanding and unreasonable.

The amount of cargo the named ship in the charter party is required to load.

Page 85






What does the term "RE- DELIVERY" mean with reference to charters?

What should the correct working relationship between the Master and the Charterer be?

When does "Laytime" start on a voyage charter?

When is a ship deemed to be "SEAWORTHY" for charter purposes?

When can a vessel be declared as "OFF-HIRE"?

Answer 1 It simply refers to the return of the vessel to the owners, upon completion of the charter hire.

The master, as the servant of the owner has no direct dealings with the charterer.

Immediately after the charter party has been agreed.

Answer 2 It means returning cargo found to be damaged or in poor condition, to the shippers, at the charterer's expense.

The master is always subject to charterer's orders, regarding the ship's employment and agency matters.

Immediately after the vessel arrives at the loading port.

As long as the master At anytime it is able to believes his vessel to proceed to sea, be seaworthy then it is regardless of any seaworthy, and nobody defects. can dispute this.

Once the vessel becomes unavailable to the charterer, due to machinery, crew strikes, hull damage or drydocking.

When a vessel is between charters and is in the market looking for employment, then it is off-hire.

Page 86

Answer 3

Answer 4

It is the term used for the redelivery of any excess bunkers remaining upon completion of the charter, to the latter or his agent.

In general, it is the term used requiring charterers to redeliver the ship in the "same good order" as delivered, fair wear and tear excepted.

The master can decide on his own, as to whether or not he should follow orders coming from the charterer, or the charterer's agent.

Neither the master or his Officers need concern themselves over complaints made against them by charterers to owners.

When Notice of Readiness has been sent meaning that the ship is ready to load.

Once the vessel is secured alongside, with the gangway down, at the loading port.

Once all its certificates are in order, and all its crew are considered competent, then a vessel is deemed to be seaworthy.

A ship is deemed to be "Seaworthy" when she is reasonably fit in all respects, to encounter the ordinary perils of the sea, of the adventure insured.

At anytime it is not possible to work cargo such as weekends, holidays, bad weather, and delay in delivery of cargo etc.

Anytime the owners and charterers have a disagreement then the ship goes off-hire until they resolve their differences.









When is the "CHARTER HIRE" of a time chartered vessel paid?

Answer 1

What are the York-Antwerp rules?

Answer 3

When a ship is delivered to the It is a charter for an charterer without agreed period. stores, provisions, and bunkers.

It is the charter of a ship that has no cargo handling equipment.

It is paid in advance It is paid at the end of for the entire period of each voyage. the agreed charter.

It is usually paid every 15 or 30 days, in advance, after deduction of the broker's commission.

None. A ship that deviates for whatever What "deviations" does a Charterer consider justifiable? cause automatically goes off-hire.

What is the principle of General Average?

Answer 2

Any expense incurred in saving the ship (and cargo) from a perilous position is wholly for the account of the buyer of the cargo.

Rules incorporated into national law, that are voluntarily and naturally accepted by shippers, shipowners, and insurers.

Answer 4 It is the charter of a ship whose cargo holds are empty. 1 It is only paid upon completion of the entire charter period, after deduction of specified expenses such as broker's commission.

When the remaining bunkers are not sufficient to make it to the designated voyage port.

When the crew's provisions are not When made to save life sufficient to make it to or avoid an imminent the designated voyage danger. port.

As General Average is a partial loss because of a deliberate act by the master, then it follows that the owners must bear the cost of the loss.

The principle of GA is that which has been sacrificed for the benefit of all, shall be made good by the contribution of all.

Rules set up to determine who is responsible for losses, as a result of General Average.

Rules drawn up by a number of maritime countries to enable the assessment of General Average.



The charterers are liable to all other parties for any losses sustained, as a result of General Average. 3 Rules which are not usually incorporated into the contract of carriage. 3

Page 87




When should the master send "A LETTER OF PROTEST"?

Answer 1

When is a vessel considered to be a "TOTAL LOSS"?

Answer 3

Answer 4

A written complaint from the master to the owner, criticising what he considers to be unreasonable demands from the charterer.

A written protest from a crew member to the master clearly stating he does not agree with the disciplinary action taken against him.

It is a written communication to convey dissatisfaction by one party concerning an operational matter controlled by the recipient.

A written communication from the charterer to the owner, about the unprofessional behaviour of the master and his crew.

Whenever he is in doubt about the credibility and attention of the agent.

Whenever there is a discrepancy between Whenever he considers the ship's & shore the demands of the cargo figures / when he crew are excessive and considers the berthing unreasonable. arrangements unsafe & inadequate etc.

3 Whenever he is not happy with the performance of the ship and its crew. Also, when he is unhappy with its voyage routes and cargo to load.

He should invite them into his cabin, ply them with drinks and during the conversation do his utmost to convince them to see things his way.

He should receive them courteously, but ensure they are accompanied by an Officer wherever they go.

An insurer is liable An insurer is liable for only for losses caused anything that may by peril, but excluded happen, and excluded for losses attributable from nothing. to the master and the crew.

An insurer is liable for items such wear and tear, machinery breakdown and infestation, but is not liable for grounding or weather delays.

An insurer is liable for any loss or peril insured against, but not liable for any loss caused by perils not insured against.

When it is no longer able to trade without When it is missing or incurring major when cost of repair machinery breakdowns exceeds value. or repeated cargo equipment failure.

When there has been no communication with the vessel for more than a week.

When it is seriously damaged as a result of a collision and can only be repaired in a drydock.

He should give them a free hand by letting How should the master treat cargo claim surveyors who them they go wherever are "LOOKING FOR EVIDENCE?" they please and let them interview anyone onboard.

What are an insurer's "LIABILITIES AND EXCLUSIONS" in the context of marine insurance?

Answer 2

He should be stiff and reticent in the belief that such surveyors are trying to pin responsibility for any damage on the owner.

Page 88






QUESTION What is a "DEDUCTIBLE" in the context of marine insurance?

What perils are excluded from hull and machinery cover?

Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

A negotiated amount that the owner undertakes to selfinsure against.

Amounts that the insurers impose as a An item which insurers penalty for not filing a are not prepared to claim within three arrange coverage for. months.

There are no exclusions.

Negligence of master, officers, crew and pilots.

Answer 4 A reduction insurers grant to owners with consistent good performance.

Unlawful acts willfully committed by the War zone, strikes and master, officers or malicious acts. crew, to the prejudice of the owners.


Protection and Indemnity.


What does " P & I " mean in the context of maritime business?

Protection and Identification.

Particular and Individual.

What are the functions of the "P & I" clubs?

To insure owners against third party liabilities.

To protect ship's To insure cargo against personnel against To protect owners theft and damage. sickness, injury, death against a total loss. or disability.

The P & I club.

The owner's hull and machinery policy.

Which insurance coverage protects an owner against "COLLISION LIABILITY"?

How do "P & I" clubs provide advice to owners at far distant ports?

What is the limit of cover, the "P & I club" will accept for an oil pollution incident?

Partnership and Industry.

There is no coverage The owners have the from own damage choice of which insurer losses, as a result of a to claim from. collision.

Through their nearest By flying a By telex, fax or correspondent from representative out from telephone instructions. their book of the home office. correspondents. They will not provide any cover at all.

Page 89



Through a local marine lawyer or surveyor.

At present, for any one There is no limit on the incident, the coverage Coverage is limited to amount of cover they is limited to US US $100million. will provide. $500million.

To determine who is To protect the interests responsible for the loss What is the function of an "AVERAGE ADJUSTER?" of the charterer to the on which the claim best of their ability. being made.


To assess the proportion of compensation paid to To adjust General various interested Average. parties in the event of a total loss.






In the event of a "Hull and Machinery" claim, who is appointed to investigate, and report?

Answer 1

The underwriters will appoint a surveyor of The master, being on their choice, to the spot, is the most ascertain the nature, likely to be appointed. cause and extent of the damage.

As much as possible including deck & engine logs, master & What documents and information will be required from c/e reports, letters of a ship when filing an insurance claim? protest, surveyors report, repair receipts etc.

What is the extent of a "P & I" club's cover?

Answer 2

Complete coverage for any & all claims, within the limitation amounts specified in the policy.

Answer 3 An average adjuster will be appointed, to investigate and report to the underwriters.

Answer 4 The harbour master, being an impartial person, is most likely to be asked by underwriters to investigate.


Nothing required directly from ship. Such claims usually settled at meeting in owner's office on the principle of "Utmost good faith".


Underwriters only need log books & the master's or chief engineer's report, together with photographs of the damage.

Underwriters will require nothing from ship, but will decide claim solely on their surveyor's report.

Most clubs are prepared to provide a range of cover to suit an owner's particular needs.

P & I club cover is generally limited to personal injury and death claims only. Very limited cover may be incl. for cargo damage & pollution.

P & I club cover is very selective and only available to those owners considered prudent. Owners with poor records are not accepted.

They only cover sickness & injury to the ship's crew. Repatriation & replacement costs are not included.

The clubs generally cover all legal liabilities connected to all personnel for injury & death from nonwork related illnesses.

Coverage is provided for medical treatment, repatriation & replacement plus whatever was stipulated in employment contract.

Claims for personal injury must be work related & confined to crew. Civilians injured whilst conducting business on board are not covered.

Safe official lifeboat appliance signals.

Save our lives and ship.

Safety of life at sea.

Safe orderly lifesaving appliance system.

What does " ILO " stand for?

International Labour Organisation.

Intermediate Lifeboat Operation.

International Labour Operation.

Inoperative Lighter Overload.

What do the letters " IMO " stand for?

International Merchandise Organisation.

Implementing Maritime Order.

Investigating Marine Organisation.

International Maritime Organization.

What sort of personal injury cover do "P & I" clubs provide?

What does "SOLAS" stand for?

Page 90



3 1





Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Law recognised by P & I clubs and other insurers when settling claims.

Law that is only applicable to collisions and other violations of the rules of the road.

There is no such thing, as it has never been possible to get multiple sovereign states to a agree to a common ground.

Law regulating relations between sovereign states, detailing their rights and duties to each other.

3 2

What does " FOC " mean?

For Our Convenience. Flag of Convenience.

Foreign Officers' Club.

Final Official Convention.


A system of dual registration, as applied to some bareboat charter agreements.

A system that allows owners to change Register, when trading their vessels in politically sensitive areas.

An alternate register of a sovereign state that allows an owner the right to use crew of a different nationality. It allows an owner to operate his ships, without any form of insurance cover.

The system used to change the Registry of a vessel, on a longterm time charter.

There are no real benefits. It simply allows an owner the right to register outside his country.

More flexibility, allowing the owner to trade wherever he wants, without restriction.

Lower taxes and registration fees; also allowing the engagement of crews of different nationality.

What does " ISM " mean?

International Safety Management.

International Safety Method.

International Shipping International Ship Magazines. Manoeuvres.

What are the objectives of the " ISM " code?

To force all ship owners to apply minimum standards to both their ships and their crews.

To ensure safety, avoid damage to environment, apply To eliminate FOC & international safety 2nd registers. standards for operating ships.

What is "MARPOL"?

A marine police authority.

A marine policy.

What is a "SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM" designed to accomplish?

To require a company to ensure its systems and procedures are documented and all operations are carried out according to these procedures.

To require a company to give assurances to P To force companies to & I Clubs and hire only experienced Classification Societies officers & crew. that they have a safety management system installed.

What are seen as the benefits of "FOC" registration?

A marine pollution convention.

To give authorisation to bodies such as port state control, to detain substandard ships with substandard crew. A mariner's policy for cleaner seas.


3 1

2 3

SMS is just another creation of bureaucrats who think they know more than experienced owners. The latter can decide for themselves to use it or not. 1

Page 91



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

When he fails to take over on the Bridge, when making a landfall, or on departure until clear of land.

When the master fails to enter his instructions, for safe navigation, in the night order book, each evening before retiring.

When the master fails to develop a "first name" relationship with his Officers, thereby failing to establish a responsible attitude from them.

Negligence occurs when a master fails to do something he is expected to do, or when he does something a prudent master would not do.

The person with a direct link between This is just a management & the alternative title for the ship. He assumes master. responsibility in the event of an incident.

The person appointed by the company to visit all fleet ships regularly, and check SMS systems are in place.

The person ordered by owner to visit the ship unannounced, and to report back his findings.

After welcoming him on board and advising him on the ship's details, the master should hand over complete control to the pilot.

Treat the pilot merely as an adviser. The master should remain on the bridge on short pilotages and instruct officers on long pilotages.

Observe the pilot's actions very closely and interfere frequently when he doesn't agree with the pilot's orders.

Once he boards, the master may leave the bridge in the hands of the pilot.

It is a routine document that an agent What is an "OUTWARD CLEARANCE ", and how is is authorised to issue it obtained? once cargo operations are completed and ship is ready to sail.

It must be obtained from customs by the agent on behalf of the master. It requires submitting various pertinent ship's documents.

Outward clearance is issued by Customs when the ship is being entered in. It requires the payment of a small fee but nothing else.

The shippers issue it or stevedores once all cargo is loaded or discharged, and all dues for services rendered have been paid.

There are no specific penalties, because it has not been possible After a brief marine to get all states to agree inquiry, it is customary to the "COLREG to impose a small fine. CONVENTION OF 1972".

Collisions at sea are regarded as human errors that are not intentional and so there are no penalties.

It depends on the courts; they have powers to impose heavy fines and imprisonment.

Offshore Petroleum Act of 1990.

Offshore Pollution Amendment of 1990.

What is considered as "Negligence" on the part of the master, in the context of marine insurance?

In relation to the ISM code, what is the function of the "DESIGNATED PERSON"?

What sort of working "relationship" should the Master have with the Pilot?

What penalties can be imposed for breaching the "COLLISION REGULATIONS"?

What does "OPA 90" mean?

Oil Pollution Act of 1990.

Page 92

Answer 4





4 Onboard Protective Authorisation of 1990.




What constitutes an "ACT OF SALVAGE"?

What is a Lloyds Open Form 95 (LOF 95)?

What constitutes a "Port of Refuge"?

What sort of agreement exists between the master and the crew?

What is a ship's contingency plan? Who is responsible for keeping certificates such as the Cargo Ship Safety Construction certificate and Cargo Ship Safety Radio certificate up to date? Who has the responsibility for issuing certificates following survey? Prior to sailing, the names and gender of all persons aboard must be passed to....

Answer 1

Answer 2

The process of saving When you find part of the ship, when something valuable in it is in imminent the sea & retrieve it, it danger of being now belongs to you. completely lost.

Answer 3

Answer 4

Any act or activity undertaken to assist a ship or other property, that is in danger of being lost.

Salvage is the act of saving a ship in imminent danger of sinking, whether requested to assist or not. If saved, ship now belongs to salvor.

An agreement between master and salvor that must be formally executed, before salvage operation can commence.

It is an open agreement, clearly stating a salvor is only entitled to be compensated or retain that which he saves undamaged.

An agreement to which the master gives his written consent before salvage operations can begin.

Any port made for when the master considers it unsafe for the vessel to continue her voyage.

The closest port available that the master heads for with the imminent approach of bad weather.

A port that allows the master to off-load refugees or boat people without any restrictions.

A port the master heads for when he believes he cannot make it to his scheduled destination.

A formal agreement required by the rules of the ship's flag state that the entire crew must sign.

An agreement the master requires the crew to sign as the owner's representative. A letter of appointment covers the master himself.

It is just a kind of logbook in which the master records the signing on and off of crew.

A crew agreement no longer involves the ship owner, as his agent shall attend to such matters.

The plan for the next voyage.

The Chief Engineer

An agreement between the master and salvor. It is a no cure, no pay agreement, which is fair to all parties involved.





The plan for The plan for safety maintenance and repair preparedness. of safety equipment.

The loading plan for hazardous cargo.

The Master

The Chief Officer

The Second Officer


2 The Master of the vessel the Customs the insurance company the catering department Authorities The Flag State

The Classification Society

Page 93

Port State Control the SAR authority

2 1



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Which of the following gives an international standard for the design, construction and equipment of gas tankers?


An important publication required to be approved by the Flag State and carried on board every chemical tanker is called?....

The Operational Manual

The Procedures and The Arrangements Arrangements Manual Manual

The Procedures Manual

What is the intention when adopting international maritime conventions and agreements?

To specify flag State jurisdiction.

To empower the To provide uniform International Maritime practice Organization (IMO). internationally.

To keep up to date with developments in shipping.

After a collision on the high seas, the Master of a ship sailing under its flag has several legal duties? Which answer does NOT belong in the list?

To inform the other To render assistance to To inform the other ship of the name of the other ship, her crew ship of the name of his port of registry and the and her passengers. own ship. nearest port at which the ship will call.



Page 94

IMO Gas Carrier Codes




To inform the other ship of the name of the ship's agents at the next port of call. 4


QUESTION Listen and select the word you heard to complete the sentence: PLEASE ____ THE PILOT LADDER. Listen and select the correct answer. How many tonnes will be loaded to the forward tanks? Listen to the question and then select the correct answer. How will you answer? Listen and select the correct answer. When did bunkering start? Listen and select the correct answer. What did he ask you to do? Listen and select the correct answer. What should you keep a good look out for? Listen and select the correct answer. When the sounding is 6m what should you do next?

Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 4





four hundred


five hundred

five under

He is ready to start.

We are receiving bunkers.

We are ready to start bunkers.

He has been receiving bunkers.





Wash the pipe seals carefully.

Watch the pipe seals carefully.

Wipe the pipe seals carefully.

Watch for the pipe leaks carefully.





Close the valve to the Close the valve to the Open the valve to the Open the valve to the forward tank. aft tank. forward tank. aft tank.

Listen and select the correct answer. What should you We're loading into the Are you loading into tell the bargeman? forward tank only. the aft tank only? Listen and select the correct answer. How should you on the brick hold the anchor? Listen and select the correct answer. This is the How is the anchor answer to which question? leading? Listen and select the correct answer to complete the sentence. When should you hoist the anchor signal? ________ YOU LEAVE.

Answer 3


Listen and select the correct answer. What should you the start alternator check? I have checked the Listen and select the correct answer. What did he say? port alternator. Listen and select the correct answer. What was the Three go and check order given? the gland seal. No weaks around the Listen and select the correct answer. What did he say? gland seal. Listen and select the correct answer. What happened We put the van in at 08.00 hours? place. Listen and select the correct answer. For how many seventy hours have you been ventilating? Listen and select the correct answer. What course two six fifty must we steer?

Page 95

We're loading into the We've loaded only aft tank only. into the aft tank.

on the lake

on the brake

down the brake

The anchor is going now.

Is the anchor ready for letting go?

Which anchor can you see ?




the port alternator

the pump alternator

the port refrigerator

I will check the port alternator. Third go and check the gland seal. No leaks around the gland seal. We put the fan in brace.

I been checking the port alternator. Third go and get the gland seal. No lights around the gland seal. We put the van in brace.

I was checking the pump alternator. Third go and check the gland leak. No leaves in the gland seal. We put the fan in place.




two six five

twenty six fifty

two seven five



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Listen and select the correct answer. Why did the engines fail?

Because of the water cooling problem.

Because of the water getting problem.

Because of the water cleaning problem.

Because of the sealing problem.

Listen and select the correct word(s) to complete the sentence. THE JACKET WATER TEMPERATURE IS ________ .

fairly high


very high

little high





Because of the fire problem. Is the fire going to stay?

Because of the blower Because of the power Because of another problem.. problem. problem. It's easy to start.

I will start the fire.

It's difficult to say.

In a short while


As soon as possible

After a few minutes





As soon as he is ready. We have had an accident.

As soon as you have gone. We will have an accident.

As soon as you are ready. We having an accident.

As soon as they are ready. We are having an accident.

Listen and select the correct answer to complete the before fourteen sentence. HE'S BEEN IN THE WATER _________ . minutes

for about four minutes

since about forty minutes

after four minutes

If someone is going to use water to put out a fire on Use not water to put electrical equipment, what command should you give? out the fire.

Not using water to put Do not use water to out the fire. put out the fire.

You using water to put out the fire.

Select the correct answer to complete the sentence. Where is the anchor? THE ANCHOR IS ______ THE above WATER.

clear of



Select the correct answer. What is your course?

My course is steady.

My course is midships

My course is 134 degrees

My course is right ahead.

Select the correct answer to complete the sentence. When the captain wants to know the amount of oil spilled he would ask ? ______ OIL'S BEEN SPILLED?

How much

How many



Select the correct answer to complete the sentence. BEFORE WORKING WITH A MACHINERY, _________ YOUR RINGS AND WATCHES.

leave out

put on

take down

take off

Listen and select the correct answer. Which side should you go to? Listen and select the correct answer. Why did the pump stop? Listen and select the correct answer. How will you answer? Listen and select the correct answer. When should you come? Listen and select the correct answer. How many degrees to starboard should you steer? Listen and select the correct answer. When should you inform him? Listen and select the correct answer. What does this mean?

Page 96


QUESTION Select the correct answer to complete the sentence. WHAT ARE THE OXYGEN LEVELS _______ THE TANK?

Answer 1

Answer 3

Answer 4




Select the correct answer to complete the sentence. IT IS POSSIBLE THAT SOME OIL _______ GO INTO would THE DOCK.




Click on the sentence where the words are in the correct order

Is good idea I thinking

I thinking good idea.

I think it's a good idea.

A good idea I think it is.

Click on the correct answer to complete the sentence. IF HE DOESN'T LOOK WHERE HE'S GOING HE'LL _______ THE STAIRS.

slip on

fall into

slip out

fall up

Click on the correct answer to complete the question. _______ ARE THE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS?





shall hurt


am hurting

I will be hurting





Enter you are a danger zone.

Are you a danger zone entering

You are entering a danger zone.

You danger zone are entering.

too often

too much


too many

Click on the correct verb form to complete the sentence. THE ANTI-POLLUTION MATERIALS ______ READY.


are being

will have being


Click on the correct sentence.

Does they want water Water in deck they on deck ? wanting.

Water they want on deck.

They want water on deck.

Click on the correct answer to complete the sentence. PLEASE WAIT HERE ___ FIVE MINUTES.





Click on the correct answer to complete the sentence. WHEN YOU LEAVE THE ROOM, SWITCH THE IRON ___.





Someone is asking you about your occupation. Choose What's your first the correct question. name?

What do you do?

Where are you from ? How do you do?

Click on the correct words to complete the sentence. HE'S GONE ASHORE __________ SOME STAMPS.

for buy

to buy

Click on the correct verb tense to complete the sentence. I ______ MY ANKLE YESTERDAY. Click on the correct answer to complete the sentence. I'LL SEE YOU ___ 0900 TOMORROW. Click on the sentence where the words are in the correct order. Click on the correct answer to complete the sentence. DON'T BE IN _________ OF A HURRY.


Answer 2

for buying

Page 97



QUESTION Answer 1 Click on the correct words to complete the sentence. AS YOU STILL FEEL VERY ILL, YOU ______ GO should better AND SEE THE DOCTOR.

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4


must better


Click on the correct words to complete the sentence. IT'S 11:00 HOURS AND THE PILOT _________ ARRIVED BY NOW.

must be

should to be

ought to be

should have

Click on the correct form of the word PROTECT to complete the sentence. WHEN YOU ARE OPERATING A LATHE MACHINE YOU MUST WEAR EYE _________.





Safety Goggles,

Hard Hat

Breathing Apparatus.



Safety spectacles

Ear protectors

Make certain,

Make up,

Be correct,

Make safe

Click on the correct answer. What's he doing?

He's looking for a leak.

He's putting the bar across.

He's tightening the bolts

He is opening the valve

Click on the correct answer to complete the sentence. There's a man overboard. YOU CAN START _______ THE RESCUE BOAT NOW.


putting down



Click on the correct word to complete the sentence. I'VE THROWN A ________ SIGNAL OVERBOARD





Click on the correct answer to the question. How long He's being in the has he been in the water? water for 3 minutes.

He was in the water for 3 minutes.

He's in the water since 3 minutes.

He has been in the water for 3 minutes.

Click on the sentence where the words are in the correct order.

Zone 3 are the fire investigating.

We're investigating the fire in Zone 3.

The fire investigating The fire in Zone 3 we we in Zone 3. investigate.

Click on the correct word to complete the sentence. IT LOOKS AS IF WE HAVE COMPLETE ______ OF THE STARBOARD PUMP.










four hundred



Click on the correct answer. Which is the odd one out? Safety Shoes, Choose the correct answer. To protect your ears against noise what should you wear? Choose the correct answer. "Make sure you don't slip". What does "MAKE SURE" mean?

Choose the correct answer. This is a genuine emergency. What does "GENUINE" mean? Listen and select the correct answer. How many tonnes will be loaded into the aft tanks?

Page 98



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Complete the following sentences by inserting the correct word/s. THE VESSEL ___________________ FOR MANILA TOMORROW.

will depart

is after departing

had departed

is departed

Complete the following sentence by inserting the correct word/s. THE CREW ASSIGNMENTS FOR THE NEW SHIP ARE ____________________ ALREADY.





Complete the following sentence. THE CAPTAIN _________________ THE SHIP IN NEW YORK.

had joining

after joined


joining already


more than


getting worser

getting badder

getting worse

gets worsening

racket salute tally unawere valley wonder zero yatch Would you like something to eat now?

rabbel scratch terrible understand vegitable washing zeale yawn Have you like something to eat now?

reading secure toth union venture winter zebras yellow Did you like something to eat now?

recite seperate traffic urgent victim witnes zither youth

If it were raining, the air was clear. How long were you been a seaman? It is always best to tell the truth.

If it rains, the air will clear. How long was you been a seaman? It were always best to told the truth.

If it was rained, the air will clear. How long have you been a seaman? It is always best to telling the truth.

If it is raining, the air would clear. How long is you been a seaman? It was always best to told the truth.

Complete the following sentence. THE NEW SHIP IS _________________ BEAUTIFUL THAN THE OLD very ONE. Complete the following sentence. THE WEATHER IS ____________________ ALL THE TIME. Identify the misspelled word. Identify the misspelled word. Identify the misspelled word. Identify the misspelled word. Identify the misspelled word. Identify the misspelled word. Identify the misspelled word. Identify the misspelled word. Select the correct sentence. Select the correct sentence. Select the correct sentence. Select the correct sentence.

You like something to eat now?

Select the correct sentence.

What would you have What would you have What were you did in What was you done in done in such a did in such a such a situation? such a situation? situation? situation?

Select the correct sentence.

Is you happy in your last ship?

Page 99

Was you happy in your last ship?

Were you happy in your last ship?

Are you happy on your last ship?



Answer 1 I care in the tankers because they are dangerous.

Answer 2 I am careful on tankers because they are danger.

Answer 3 I careful on tankers because they are dangerous.

Answer 4 I am careful on tankers because they are dangerous.

Select the correct sentence.

How do you do that?

How does you did that?

How did you doing that?

How do you does that?

What does the word "DEVICE" mean?

A a piece of equipment

An evil thing

A sickness

To depart

What does the word "EXHALE" mean?

To breathe in

To fill up

To breathe out

What does the word "FOLLY" mean? What does the word "HASTEN" mean?

To come afterwards To close securely

A decoration To move quickly

To relish To open

What does the word "IDENTICAL" mean?

A form of ID

To think about

To be the same

What does the word "MUDDLE" mean?

To make a mess of

To be in between

A slippery substance

A small pool of water

What does the word "NEGLECT" mean?

To care for

To be negative

To manage something To disregard

What does the word "PERSPIRE" mean?

To be out of date

To reach a goal

To sweat.

The tower on a church

What does the word "TOXIC" mean?

A radioactive substance

A bone in the lower part of a human's back.

A poisonous substance

An electronic device used on ships

What does the word "UNKIND" mean?

Different from other

Lacking in sympathy To be unharmonious

To be unpopular

What does the word "WHACK" mean?

A strong person Canvass cover for a shade

A fake doctor

A portion of food

To strike a blow

Showing tiredness

Sound made by dogs Sound made by cats

Select the correct sentence.

What does the word "YAWNING" mean?

To discharge completely To lack good sense To act slowly To recognize something

What does the word "ZENITH" mean?

Light wind

Highest point of the celestial body

Clothes fastener

Musical instrument like a guitar

Complete the following sentence. THE PACIFIC OCEAN IS ________________ OF ALL THE OCEANS.

the big

the bigger

the biggest

more big


big difficulty

much difficult



most stronger

mostest cold

very cold

very colder

The board exam for masters is the _______________ most difficult exam for deck officers. A wire rope is ___________________ than a fibre more strong rope. Canada is a ___________________ country in winter most colder time.

Page 100


QUESTION There are ___________________ islands in the Philippines. Rotterdam is the _______________ port in Europe. As a result of the collision, the vessel received _________________ along the port side. Parts of the South China Sea are__________________ place for pirates. When the ship is in the dry dock, a ________________ must be worn. Which tense do you use to describe something that is about to happen? Which tense do you use to describe something that has happened already ? Select the word that is out of place.

Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4


many more

more many

much more

most busy



most busiest

many damage

best damage

most damage

more damaged





safer helmet

saver helmet

safety helmet

safe helmet

past tense

future tense

present tense

neutral tense

present tense

past tense

future tense

neutral tense









Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: THERE ARE ______ BEAUTIFUL SIGHTS IN THE much PHILIPPINES.




Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: ERNESTO IS _____ WITH ASTHMA.





Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: I HAD A ________ COLD LAST MONTH.





Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: WORK BADLY DONE IS ______ THAN WORK NOT DONE.





Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: THERE ARE ONLY A _____ LAKES IN THE COUNTRY.





Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: IF YOU ALWAYS DO YOUR _______, YOU WILL BE SATISFIED.













Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: THERE IS NOT _______ TIME TO WASTE.

Choose the appropriate word for the sentence: THEY LOST _____ LIVES IN A CAR ACCIDENT. Choose the appropriate word for the sentence: THEY CHANGED ______ MINDS.

Page 101


QUESTION Choose the right meaning for the word "TOOTHPASTE". Choose the right meaning for the word "TOMORROW". Choose the right meaning for the word "VACUUM CLEANER".

Answer 1 Soap Another day Small brush

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4 Paste for cleaning the teeth


Dentist tool

The day that comes after today Electrical cleaning machine

The day before yesterday

Eearly morning

Floor polisher

Window cleaner

List of food in a restaurant Ice cream Chemical cleaning of clothes

Choose the right meaning for the word "MENU".

Fish dish

Official receipt

Choose the right meaning for the word "BISCUIT". Choose the right meaning for the word "DRY CLEANING".



Polishing shoes

Brushing clothes

Choose the right meaning for the word "LIBRARY".


Shop for clothes

Room for reading and Washroom borrowing books

SELECT THE CORRECT FORM OF THE VERB "seem" IN THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE: The seem wiper ____________________ impatient of his work.



will seem

SELECT THE CORRECT FORM OF THE VERB "taste" IN THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE: Green tasting mangoes, though sour, ________________ delicious.




SELECT THE CORRECT FORM OF THE VERB "sound" IN THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE: The way the Bosun talks makes the story ____________________ true.





SELECT THE CORRECT FORM OF THE VERB "feel" IN THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE: Most of the crew ____________________ hungry whenever they see delicious food.




will feel

SELECT THE VERB WHICH IS APPROPRIATE TO USE IN THE SENTENCE: The wish of every individual _______________ a dignified life.





SELECT THE VERB WHICH IS APPROPRIATE TO USE IN THE SENTENCE: Man and animals should __________________ and exist together.





Page 102

Drink Candy Washing and ironing of clothes



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

WRITE THE CORRECT PRONOUN THAT AGREES WITH THE SUBJECT TO COMPLETE THE TAG-QUESTION. Most couples consider marriage a sacred union, don't _________?





WRITE THE CORRECT PRONOUN THAT AGREES WITH THE SUBJECT TO COMPLETE THE TAG-QUESTION. The government's effort in preventing drug addiction is not a failure, is ______?





WRITE THE CORRECT PRONOUN THAT AGREES WITH THE SUBJECT TO COMPLETE THE TAG-QUESTION. A father exerts efforts to provide for the education of his children, doesn't ______?





WRITE THE CORRECT PRONOUN THAT AGREES WITH THE SUBJECT TO COMPLETE THE TAG-QUESTION. Parental guidance plays an important role in the upbringing of today's children, doesn't _______?





SELECT THE CORRECT FORM OF THE VERB "affect": The problem ________ the crew onboard is low morale.





SELECT THE CORRECT FORM OF THE VERB "suffer": The seamen ________________ from unpaid suffer wages and horrific working conditions should be helped by the port state control.




SELECT THE CORRECT FORM OF THE VERB "provide": Jobless seafarers need assistance ___________ by the government.





SELECT THE CORRECT FORM OF THE VERB "assist": Crewmembers ___________________ each other are what the company needs.







will work

I hate the rices when it's overcooked

I am hating rice when I hating rices when it's overcooked it's overcooked

SELECT THE CORRECT FORM OF THE VERB "work": A company where all the employees _______ worked in accordance with its mission will be successful. Select the correct sentence.

I hate rice when it's overcooked Page 103

ISM Code


What is the ISM or International Safety Management Code?

Answer 1 An international management code for the safe operation of ships and for pollution prevention as adopted by the IMO.

Answer 2

The Manager

Could be any of the The Bareboat Charterer other options.

What is meant by a "Safety Management System"?

The implementation on A system which board ship of emergency eliminates all causes for response training by accidents or near misses documented training on board ship. methods.

The safety management objectives of the Company should, among other things, include .....

The safety management objectives of the Company should, among other things, provide for .....

The international code for transportation of cargoes safely on board ships, as regulated by Marpol Annex III.

The international code for accident prevention and safe working practices.

The Owner

What is meant by a major non-conformity under the ISM code?

Answer 4

The International Ship Management Association's code for navigational safety.

Under the ISM Code, what is understood by the Shipping Company or "The Company"?

Under the ISM code, what is meant by a nonconformity?

Answer 3

A documented shipboard system which lists each and every known shipboard hazard to safety, health and the environment.

A structured and documented system enabling personnel on board to implement the company safety and environment protection policy.

Not conforming with Lack of comfort leading safe working practices to health risks. which may lead to accidents.

A situation which A situation where safety indicates the nonawareness or safety fulfillment of a specific equipment is lacking. requirement.

A serious threat to the environment due to the discharge of oil, chemicals or toxic substances from the ship.

A deviation from the A total lack of discipline ISM code which poses a on board whereby the serious threat to safety authority of the master of the ship or personnel is diminished. or to the environment.

hiring of outside training companies to conduct on-board safety training of its shipboard personnel.

holding life boat drills on alternate lifeboats where boats are lowered into the water every week.

A fire or explosion hazard or any hazard which poses a threat to life. continuous improvement of safety management skills of personnel including preparing for emergencies related to safety and environmental protection.

1 4




conducting a campaign on board against smoking and introduce smoke free areas on board. 1

shipboard trainers hired safety working shoes, safe practices in ship from outside the winter underwear, safety operation and a safe Company who have the torches and parkas. working environment. required qualifications.

Page 104

supply of all safety equipment within one month of requisition date.


ISM Code


Answer 1

Safety management objectives of the Company should, a dictatorial regime on among other things, establish ..... board.

Answer 2

Answer 3

sources of information concerning operational a cooperative and pollution prevention for safeguards against all informative atmosphere joint departmental use identified risks. on board. and consultation in case of emergency.

The SMS (Safety Management System) should ensure, among other things, that applicable codes, guidelines the IMO, and Flag-State maritime industry Classification Societies and standards recommended by ........................... are administrations organisations taken into account. The Safety Management System should ensure in the first place....

that the life saving appliances are well maintained on board.

compliance with mandatory Rules and Regulations.

The ISM code aims to ensure that safe practices are taken into account in ship operation through .....

written procedures and work instructions.

training by qualified instructors.

The ISM code aims to ensure that safe practices are taken into account in ship operation through written procedures. These requirements include the following information:- ......

the defined levels of authority and lines of communication between and amongst shore and shipboard personnel.

1) maintain a correspondence system The functional requirement for a Safety Management ship/shore 2) issue the System is to develop, implement and maintain a system required Letters of which includes the following :- .... Instruction (Fleet Letters) to the ship. Under ISM, the Company should establish ...................... to describe how the objectives of the ISM code will be achieved.

a safety and environmental policy

Answer 4

the procedures for reporting accidents and non-conformities with the provisions of the Code.

All of the other options. 4

that all Marpol requirements are complied with.

that Boat and Emergency Station Bills are posted.


videos and books.

regular on board inspections by the Company's shore based personnel.


the provisions to prepare for and respond to emergency situations All of the other options. and procedures for internal audits and management review.

1) a safety and environmental protection policy 2) instructions and procedures to ensure safe operations and protection of the environment.

1) safe navigation and Rules of the Road 2) instructions to masters and chief engineers 3) office staff home telephone numbers.

company regulations

company newsletters

Page 105



1) contact addresses and telephone numbers of Port-State Control of countries visited 2) contact addresses of Flag State authorities. 2 circulation of informative guidelines


ISM Code


Answer 1

Answer 2

known and implemented Under the ISM code the Company must ensure that the known by all ships by all masters and chief Safety and Environmental Policy is .... officers. engineers. The safety objectives and requirements of a Company may be .......................... standards required by the ISM set above code.

deviating from

Answer 3

Answer 4

known and maintained known and implemented at all levels of the by all Officers and organisation both ship members of the ships based as well as shore crew. based. a substitute for


set below 1

A Company's safety management objectives and requirements, which are set above the standards of the ISM code, should be ....

totally disregarded since encouraged and not enforceable. supported.

erased as far as excessive standards are concerned.


It is the responsibility of the Company to define and document the company's .................................., which forms an integral part of the Safety Management System.

trading policy objectives legal policy objectives

ethics and environment objectives

safety management objectives

Under ISM, the holder of the DOC or Document of Compliance is the company which......................... the ship.


Under ISM, can a company contract with third parties to manage specific ship related activities such as manning, technical support or maintenance?

Yes, it is allowed.


4 has chartered

No, it is not longer allowed.

Under ISM, if the Company has subcontracting One DOC is issued to arrangements for manning, technical support or Only one DOC can be the Company and one maintenance, how many Documents of Compliance are issued to the Company. for each subcontractor. to be issued?

has mortgaged

Yes, only for manning.

has assumed responsibility for the operation of Yes, only for technical support and manning, not for maintenance.

One DOC is issued to the Company and one One DOC is issued to DOC is required for the the company and one maintenance as well as DOC is issued to the for the technical support manning company only. company, not for manning. becomes the joint responsibility of the Company and the subcontractor.

is to be defined contractual as to who has the responsibility beforehand.

becomes the Under ISM, any responsibility imposed on the responsibility of that Company by the ISM Code which is subcontracted...... subcontractor.

remains the responsibility of the Company.

Under ISM, during assessment for issue and compliance with a DOC the auditor must be satisfied that the company is in control of.....

all activities concerning the Safety Management the subcontractors' the financial portfolio of System which have been personnel and resources. the subcontractors. subcontracted.

the subcontractors' insurance system.

Page 106



ISM Code


Answer 1

Under ISM, the company should define and document the responsibility, authority and interrelation of all personnel who manage, perform and verify work relating to and affecting safety and pollution prevention. How?

By wall posters in the accommodation of the affected ships.

Under ISM, what is the role of the Designated Person as defined by the ISM Code?

To inspect the ship at least once every six months and to report all matters concerning safety and environmental protection to the management.

Answer 2

Answer 3

By legal notices in the By notice sheets to be media, defining the posted on the notice Company Board boards in the Crews and responsibility and Officers Messroom. command flow chart.

By charts and/or job descriptions to identify positions related to safety and pollution prevention activities for each functional area.

To write the safety manuals and to follow up on all safety related requisitions requested by the ship.

To monitor and if necessary to build up better safety relationships between the Authorities and the ship's staff.

To ensure the safe operation of each ship and to provide a link between the company and those on board.

An executive salary and Adequate resources and Freedom to travel a company car shore based support worldwide at will

Under ISM, the responsibility and authority of the Designated Person should include.....

having overall control being a member of the over all company Board of the Company. departmental heads.

A university degree



Under ISM, what kind of support is to be provided to the Designated Person in order to carry out his functions?

Under ISM, what qualifications are required by the Designated Person?

Answer 4

Twenty years seagoing experience

All of the other options. 2

monitoring the safety and pollution prevention aspects of the operation of each ship.

final control over all shipboard operations and maintenance activities.

A master's certificate

Appropriate knowledge and experience associated with verification and control of safety and pollution prevention requirements of the ISM code


4 Under ISM, is shipboard presence required by the Designated Person?

Frequent lengthy stays on board are required

Under ISM, who is responsible for implementing the The Designated Person Company's Safety and Environmental Policy on board?

Every 2 to 3 months

As may be necessary

Is not required at all

The Master

The senior Officers

The entire crew



Page 107

ISM Code

QUESTION Under ISM, which methods can the Master use to implement the Company's Safety and Environmental policy?

Answer 1 Implementation of all existing IMO and Marpol rules

Under ISM, how could it be assessed whether or not the Master has effectively implemented the Safety and By the state of Environmental Protection policy as defined by the cleanliness on board Company?

Under ISM, what methods should be used to motivate the crew to observe the Safety and Environmental protection policy?

Under ISM, the Master must implement the Company's Safety and Environmental policy and should issue appropriate orders and instructions in a clear and simple manner. How should this to be done?

Answer 2

Answer 4

At his own discretion taking into account the As defined and trading pattern and the documented by the workload on the ship, as Company well as weather conditions

He should discuss the methods to be used with the senior officers and the shipboard safety committee

By judging the morale Through interviewing of the officers and crew officers and crew on board

By looking at the lifeboats, fire fighting equipment and at the oily water separator

Ensure that the crew understand how they will personally benefit from the implementation as well as encouraging perception of ownership.

Ensure that the crew understands the dangers present on board and the heavy fines to be paid for pollution.

By calling the ship's complement together and give short orders in clear English.

By telling each and every crew member what to do exactly in a clear voice.

It is the Master's responsibility to verify that the specific requirements (procedures and instructions) The Master regarding the Safety Management System are observed. Who should actually verify this on board?

Answer 3

Ensure that the crew understands that they will be dismissed and will have to pay their own air fare if they do not observe the policy.



Ensure that copies of the Company's policy are given to all shipboard personnel. 1

Tell what is expected in By Standing Orders, a casual and amicable Bridge night order book, way during social as examples. gatherings to officers and crew.


The Master and Officers The Designated Person. The Chief Engineer 1

What are the best means of verifying that specified requirements (procedures and instructions) regarding the Safety Management System are observed?

By computerising all By inspecting the Deck specified requirements and Engine work book and have an officer daily by the Master. assigned as input controller.

It is the Master's responsibility to review the Safety Management System and report its deficiencies to ......

the Classification Society.

By use of a check list for verification of actions/activities of crew members.

the Port State control of the Flag State the next port of call. authorities.

Page 108

By dividing the responsibility amongst officers who have to keep their own Safety Work Book. the shore based management.


ISM Code

QUESTION The Master's review reporting on the Safety Management system should include any deficiencies and may include......

Answer 1 proposals for corrective action and recommendations for improving the SMS.

Answer 2 a list of unsatisfactory crew members who are not to be rehired by the Company.

Whenever the Master, in his role as the responsible person for on-board safety, finds a deficiency in the Safety Management system relevant to the ships operation, he should....

make note in the log inform the P & I club. book of this deficiency.

When should the Master review the Safety Management System and report to the Company?

The Company should set a standard interval for such reviews

Should the Master's authority be emphasized in the Safety Management system?

The overriding responsibility of the Master is self evident and need not to be repeated in the SMS.

Under ISM, the overriding authority of the Master applies....

Answer 3

a list of keen and safety and environmental the officer's and crew's aware crew members appraisal reports. who are to be promoted.


Prior to change of command

Whenever there is a deficiency noted on board


The Company should ensure that the SMS operating on board the ship contains a clear statement emphasizing the Master's authority.

The Master is to be The Master is to be mentioned as the mentioned as the Responsible Person in juridical person in charge of implementing command of the vessel. the SMS.

in emergency and in normal extreme circumstances. circumstances.

medical examination.

The Company should ensure that the Master is informed of all requirements relating to safety and environmental protection by......

reminding him time to time.

The Master is to be fully conversant with the Company's SMS and should be informed of all requirements through formal meetings with the......

shore management.


correct the deficiency and make note of the inform the Company. correction applied in the official log book. Prior to the arrival of the external auditor every year

2 in case of oil spill clean- in both normal and ups. extreme circumstances.

It should be checked that the Company has documented by the International by the Company's Main by the SOLAS that the Master has overriding responsibility and Association of Policy Objective. Convention. authority as required...... Classification Societies.

Verification of the Master's qualifications should be done firstly by....

Answer 4


by the Shipowner's Trust Fund. 2

interview of the candidate with emphasis on safety and environmental awareness.

confirmation of the validity of his certificates in compliance with the STCW convention.


having the Designated Person sent on board at specified intervals.

including such requirements in operating instructions.

having the Superintendents prepare monthly information sheets.


Port state inspectors.

senior Classification Society surveyors.

P & I club representatives.

drug and alcohol test.

Page 109


ISM Code


Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

make financial The Master must be given the necessary support so that assistance available to he can perform his duties safely. If the Master reports the Master to correct the deficiencies in the SMS, the company should...... deficiencies.

call in outside contractors to look at these deficiencies and rectify/repair the same.

reward the Master for his diligence.

The Company should ensure that each ship is manned with ........................ seafarers in accordance with national and international requirements.

safety conscious and diligent

intelligent and healthy

drug and alcohol abstaining

qualified, certified and medically fit

Manning requirements and qualifications are part of ................. with which the Company should be familiar.

the shipping business

the manpower industry

National and International requirements

crew management responsibilities

A different job

All of the other options

The Company should establish procedures to ensure that personnel transferred to new assignments related to safety and environment protection are given Another ship familiarisation training. What are defined as new assignments?

Instructions which are essential must be identified, documented and given to newly assigned personnel prior to sailing. What are "essential instructions"?

Familiarisation for personnel transferred or on new assignments could be accomplished by.......

Those that clearly define the crew members role within the SMS and insure that they are prepared prior taking up their duties on board


it will be the Master's duty to assess as such and initiate a training program.

The Company should ensure that all personnel involved in the SMS have an adequate understanding of relevant Through written rules, regulations, codes and guidelines. How could instructions. such information be communicated?( 21 )



4 SMS manual extracts, the safety manual to be read by each incoming crewmember

The role in the shipboard organisation, dayworker or watchkeeper, which watch assigned to.

Allotting crew cabin, linen, towels, instruction as to use of messrooms and bathrooms 1

visual aids such as on board training in a observing overlap while manuals, operating All of the other options. supernumerary capacity. vessel in port. instructions and videos.

The choice and level of detail to assist familiarisation to the rank of the newly new or newly assigned crewmembers will depend assigned crewmember. upon ....

If individuals require essential familiarisation prior to sailing. ( 27)...


respond to identified deficiencies in the SMS.


the individual the intelligence quotient the age of the seaman experience with the new of the newly assigned and the number of years assignment and the job crewmember. worked at sea. responsibilities.


then the company should identify such requirements and develop an appropriate plan.

they cannot take shipboard duty at all until they prove themselves qualified for the job.


Described in the job responsibilities.

Formal discussions with company All of the other options. representatives.

they should serve a full contract of at least ten months in a lower rank prior to take up the new position.

4 Page 110

ISM Code


Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

familiarity with new previous training, The Company should identify the individual(s) having equipment, familiarity experience and required the responsibility to define training needs appropriate to with equipment when proficiency in operation specific tasks, taking into account.... transferred to different of the ship. type vessel.

drills for emergencies, results of internal auditing.

The Company should establish procedures for the ship's personnel to receive relevant information on the SMS the size of the and the amount of documentation should be determined Company. by......

whatever is necessary to ensure that all the type of vessel and appropriate shipboard the trading pattern. personnel understand their respective roles.

the requirements of the Charterers.

All of the other options. 4

The crew must be proficient in their own Videos on the correct national language and pronunciation of English have basic need to be available on understanding of the board. language in use on board.

By witnessing an exercise.

on the procedures Concerning the ability of the ship's personnel to required for effective communicate effectively in the execution of their duties communication and related to the SMS, documented evidence must be what verification is available. ( 4 )..... carried out on board.

on the medical on the educational level examination of each of each crewmember. crewmember.

on the ability of each crewmember to read and write in English.

When developing plans and instructions for key shipboard operations with safety and pollution prevention as primary objectives, the focus is on......



Procedures for key shipboard operations should have safety and pollution prevention as primary objectives and should include, among other things.....

methods to lower the lifeboats.

Concerning developing plans and instructions for key shipboard operations, it is expected that the Company has identified risks associated with......

the shipping industry's cost structure.

the carriage of liquid oil the particular type of cargoes in bulk. vessel and it's trade.

drugs and alcohol misuse.

Which of the following tasks and occurrences can be excluded as possible risks to the safety of the ship and pollution of the environment?

Cargo shifting, collision, explosion

Fire, flooding, grounding

Heavy weather damage, loss of propulsion, loss of steering

The Company should establish procedures to identify, describe and respond to ...................emergency shipboard operations.


.Under SMS, sufficient instructions in a suitable language need to be verified, as well as ensuring an understanding of them by the crew. How can this be verified?

The crew is to be recruited in English speaking countries or will have to pass and examination.



1 prevention.

response to accidents. 4

measures to mitigate identified risks.

efficiency of the propulsion machinery.

accuracy of the trim and stability calculations. 2


Inerting, tank cleaning, gas freeing




occuring 1

Page 111

ISM Code


Answer 1

A company is expected to have documented emergency procedures applicable for use onboard the particular the methods of rescue type ship being operated, including the duties and available. responsibilities of the crewmembers and...... In addition to routine drills prescribed in International and National regulations, drills should also include......

The scope of drills should exercise the company's ashore and on board personnel and develop familiarity with a particular emergency. Documented evidence of drills should exist which demonstrate.......

Answer 2

2 fire drills in port.

that all the kinds of drills were carried out.

that the ships staff has followed the correct procedures in notifying the shore staff.

a very large communications network is required.

The SMS should include procedures ensuring that .................... are reported to the company, investigated and analysed with the objective of improving safety and pollution prevention?

illness and injury

Answer 4

shipboard the methods of reporting the ways of combating a communication methods casualties to the worst case scenario. available. Authorities.

emergency situations such as identified potential emergency shipboard situations.

The Company should have available shoreside organisational structure, resources means and procedures for communications and equipment for responding to a shipboard emergency. This means that......

Answer 3

boat drills at sea.

diving exercises under the ship. 1

the Company needs offices spread out over the globe.

that the Company has been able to respond effectively.

that all shore staff, office staff and subcontractors, manning agents and repair outfits were effectively involved .


the office is to be staffed a 24-hour contact has to by Emergency Response be available. Teams 24 hours a day. 4

cargo operations and ballast operations

non-conformities, accidents and hazardous crew changes situations


The Company should have ................. for responding to non-conformities identified from internal audits and printed labels during routine operation of the ship.

inventory cards

The Company should establish procedures to ensure that the ship is maintained in conformity with the provisions of the relevant rules and regulations and with..( 24 )..

the approval of the London Salvage Association.

any additional requirements which may the by-laws of the be established by the relevant P & I club. Company.


of a computerised maintenance program for diesel engines.

of documented procedures and instructions for the onboard work routines and verification of their implementation by the appropriate personnel.


the cooperation of the Master.

Objective evidence is required to confirm conformance of a computerised with established maintenance requirements, inclusive.... planned maintenance ( 31). system.

Page 112

a toll free telephone number

procedures 4

of keeping work record books and inventories of deck and engine departments up to date.

ISM Code

QUESTION Under the SMS, as part of shipboard responsibilities, there should be routine inspections of.....

Answer 1

Answer 2

all machinery and ships the accommodation. equipment in use.

Answer 3

Answer 4

machinery, ships all crews belongings, equipment and structural luggage and items integrity of the ship. stowed in crew cabins.

Shipboard personnel, as part of day to day operation of the ship, should be expected to correct nonDamage. conformities whenever possible. In this respect, what are "Non-Conformities"?

Defects, malfunctioning. Deficiencies.

The Company should have procedures established for corrective action. Corrective actions involve solutions which......

guarantyee that there is no recurrence of a nonconformity.

may reduce or prevent occurrence of a nonconformity.

investigate who was at fault and put the blame on the person(s) involved.

punish the persons guilty of neglect without taking any other action afterwards.

The Company should establish procedures under SMS to identify equipment and technical systems of which the sudden failure may result in hazardous operations. Once identified..( 9 )....

a rigid maintenance program is to be established for this equipment.

tests and other procedures should be established to ensure reliability.

it must be ensured that each and every component of these systems and equipment is carried as spare on board.

these items are checked at least once a week by the Master.

emergency and safety equipments tests (eg EPIRB, VHF, CO2 detectors).

Any or all of the other options.


Any one the other options. 4

The testing and maintenance of stand by equipment and inactive systems associated with alternatives should be operation of alarms and pre-arrival and prepart of the Company's maintenance plan. Example of emergency shut-downs. departure tests. tests are......




1) Valid documents are available 2) Changes to The Company should establish and maintain procedures documents are reviewed to control all documents which are relevant to the SMS. and approved by The Company should ensure that: 1) ................. authorised personnel 3) 2) ................ 3) .....................( 12 ) Obsolete documents are removed promptly

1) Documents are in the Master's safekeeping only 2) Documents are authorised by the Classification Society 3) Documents are authorised by P & I Club.

1) Documents are kept confidential by the Master 2) the Master reviews the documents 3) the Master implements the contents of documents.

1) Documents are approved by authorised personnel 2) Documents are to be reviewed by the Master 3) Documents are to be kept safe.

The documents used to describe and implement the SMS may be referred to as the......

Safety Management Manual.

Shipboard Instruction Manual.

Ship Maintenance Manual.

external safety audits

drydock Inspections

internal safety audits

1 Ship Management Manual.

The Company should carry out ................................ to inspections by third verify whether safety and pollution prevention activities party consultants comply with the Shipboard Management System.



Page 113

ISM Code


Answer 1

Answer 2

recommendations based on statutory/classification surveys and outdated SMS in the light of new rules/ regulations brought in force.

analysis and investigation of accidents, results obtained due implementation of SMS.

experts in

familiarised with

independent of

very conversant

A .................................. should be issued for every Company complying with the requirements of the ISM Safety Management code by the Administration, or by the Organisation Certificate recognised by the Administration .

Document of Compliance

International Shipmanagement Certificate

Safety and Environmental Protection Certificate

When verified that the Company and its shipboard management operate in accordance with the approved SMS, a ................. should be issued to the ship by the Administration or organisation recognised by it.

Safety Management Certificate

Credibility Certificate

Certificate of Responsibility

SMS Management reviews should be initiated at least by......

Personnel carrying out audits should be ...................... the areas being audited.

Document of Compliance

changes in the market strategy, social and environmental conditions.

Answer 4

Any of the other options. 2 3


2 system complying with the ISM code must be in place on all gas carriers of safety 500gt and upwards. The International Safety Management Code states that the company and the.......

Answer 3

company directors shall comply with the requirements of the ISM Code.



fabric 1

port state control officer ship shall comply with shall be mentioned in the requirements of the the Safety Management ISM Code. System.

Page 114

port State shall comply with the requirements of the ISM Code. 3



Answer 1

You see a two flag signal on a ship close-by. What Admiralty List of publication would you consult to discover its meaning? Radio Signals. Which flag means " I have a diver down, keep well clear at slow speed."? Which flag means " Keep clear of me, I am maneuvering with difficulty."? Which flag means " I am taking in, or discharging, or carrying dangerous goods."? Which flag means " Keep clear of me, I am engaged in pair trawling."? Which flag means " My vessel is "healthy" and I request free pratique."? Which flag means " I require a tug. When made by fishing vessels operating in close proximity on the fishing grounds, it means: I am shooting my nets."? Which flag means " You are running into danger."? Which flag means? " Stop carrying out your intentions and watch for my signals."? Which flag means " I require assistance."? Which flag means " I am operating astern propulsion."?

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Mariner's Handbook.

International Code of Signals.

Nautical Almanac

Flag 1 ALFA

Flag 2

Flag 3

Flag 4

Flag 1 DELTA

Flag 2

Flag 3

Flag 4

Flag 1 BRAVO

Flag 2

Flag 3

Flag 4

Flag 1 TANGO

Flag 2

Flag 3

Flag 4

Flag 1 QEBEC

Flag 2

Flag 3

Flag 4

Flag 1 ZULU

Flag 2

Flag 3

Flag 4


Flag 2

Flag 3

Flag 4

Flag 1 XRAY

Flag 2

Flag 3

Flag 4

Flag 1 VICTA

Flag 2

Flag 3

Flag 4

Flag 1 SIERA

Flag 2

Flag 3

Flag 4

Flag 2

Flag 3

Flag 4

Flag 2

Flag 3

Flag 4

Flag 2

Flag 3

Flag 4

Flag 2

Flag 3

Flag 4

Which flag means " I wish to communicate with you."? Flag 1 KILO Which flag means " I am disabled. Communicate with Flag 1 FOXTROT me."? Which flag means " I am altering my course to Flag 1 EKO starboard."? Which flag means " You should stop your vessel Flag 1 LIMA instantly."? Which flag means " I am on fire and have dangerous cargo on board, keep well clear of me."?


Flag 2

Flag 3

Flag 4

Which flag means " I have a pilot on board."?

Flag 1 HOTEL

Flag 2

Flag 3

Flag 4

Which flag means " I am altering my course to port."?

Flag 1 INDIA

Flag 2

Flag 3

Flag 4

Which flag means " I require a pilot. When made by fishing vessels operating in close proximity on the fishing grounds it means: I am hauling nets."?

Flag 1 GOLF

Flag 2

Flag 3

Flag 4

Page 115


QUESTION Which flag means " My vessel is stopped and making no way through the water."? Which flag means " Man overboard."?

Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Flag 1 MIKE

Flag 2

Flag 3

Flag 4

Flag 1 OSKAR

Flag 2

Flag 3

Flag 4

Which flag means " In harbour. All persons should report on board as the vessel is about to proceed to sea. Flag 1 PAPA At sea, it may be used by fishing vessels to mean: My nets have come fast upon an obstruction."?

Flag 2

Flag 3

Flag 4

Which flag means " I am dragging my anchor."?

Flag 1 YANKI

Flag 2

Flag 3

Flag 4

Which flag means " I require a medical assistance."?


Flag 2

Flag 3

Flag 4

Which flag means " No ( negative )."?


Flag 2

Flag 3

Flag 4

In what operations would a ship showing this flag be engaged?

Escorting a submerged Fishing with purse submarine. seine gear.


Diving operations.

What is the phonetic word for this flag? What is the phonetic word for this flag? What is the phonetic word for this flag? Which flag group means " You should keep away from me or the vessel indicated"? Which flag group means " Do not pass too close to me."?

Juliet Foxtrot Lima

Uniform Oscar Zulu

Lima Yankee Uniform

Charlie Echo Foxtrot









Which flag group means " You should proceed at slow RY speed when passing me or vessels making this signal."?




Which flag group means " I require health clearance"?





Which flag group means Interrogative or " the significance of the previous group should be read as a question"?





LO 1
















Which flag group means " Light vessel out of position"? Which flag group means " It is not safe to fire a rocket"? Which flag group means " You appear not to be complying with the traffic separation scheme"? Which flag group means " I am ( or vessel indicated is ) in charge or coordinating a search"?

Page 116


QUESTION Which flag group means " Look-out for a rocket-line"?

Answer 1

Answer 3

Answer 4




Which flag group means " I am going to communicate with your station by means of the International Code of YU Signals"?




Which flag group means " I am in distress and require immediate assistance"?





Which flag group means " You should proceed with great caution; Submarines are exercising in this area"?

NE 2
























Which flag group means " I am engaged in submarine survey work ( underwater operations ). Keep well clear of me at slow speed."?





"I am sinking"


Zhelaju vam schastlivogo plavanija






Flag "U"

Flag " S"

Flag " R"

Which flag group means " The groups which follow are from the International Code of Signals"? Which flag group means " I am calibrating radio direction finder or adjusting compasses"? Which flag group means " The words which follow are in plain language"? Which flag group means " Have you a doctor "? Which flag group means " What is the name or identity signal of your vessel"?

Which flag group means " I wish to communicate with you by VHF channel 16"? In the event of a man overboard, what flag would you hoist?

GT 1

Answer 2


Page 117



Answer 3

Answer 4

Which of these is the correct pressure sequence associated with a weather " cold front "?

In advance - steady ; during the passage None of these are sudden rise ; in the rear correct. - fall.

In advance - fall ; during the passage sudden rise ; in the rear - rise continues more slowly.

In advance - sudden fall; during the passage - sudden rise; in the rear - steady.

Tropical revolving storms are accompanied by ......

heavy rain sometimes with thunder and lightning.

dense fog.

slight wind and heavy rain.

very cold air and sometimes hail.

Which of these is the correct weather sequence associated with a "warm front"?

In advance continuous rain; during the passage - rain almost or completely stops; in the rear mainly cloudy and slight rain.

In advance - no rain; during the passage continuous rain; in the rear - drizzle.

In advance - drizzle; during the passage - no rain; in the rear continuous rain.

In advance - showers; during the passage thunderstorms / in the rear - clear skies.

a slightly higher latitude.

the same latitude.

a slightly lower latitude.

a much higher latitude.

0 degrees C.

+2 degrees C.

- 2 degrees C.

-5 degrees C.

force 8.

force 10.

force 12.

force 14.

force 10 and above.

force 8 and above.

force 12 and above.

force 6 and above.

48 - 55 knots. 56 - 63 knots. slowly and irregularly. fast and irregularly.

34 - 40 knots. fast.

28 - 33 knots. slowly.

0 to 25 degrees.

25 to 35 degrees.

35 to 50 degrees.

50 to 65 degrees.


remain unchanged.


move fast.

Which of these is the correct sequence of visibility associated with a weather "cold front"?

In advance - very good ; during the passage - moderate in showers ; at the rear usually poor.

In advance - usually poor ; during the passage - first bad than good ; in the rear usually very good except in showers.

In advance - very poor ; during the passage - bad ; in the rear - moderate.

In advance - very good ; during the passage - very poor ; in the rear - moderate.

What is the common name for hurricanes, typhoons or cyclones?

Tropical depressions.

Inter tropical convergence zones.


Tropical revolving storms.

Frontal depressions move in families, each depression following its predecessor but in ...... The cause of ice accumulation on a ship is due to freezing of sea spray at a temperature below ...... On the Beaufort scale, hurricane force corresponds to wind ...... On the Beaufort scale, storm force corresponds to wind ...... Wind force 10 correspond to wind speed of ...... An occluded depression tends to move .... In what latitude do tropical revolving storms generally originate? If a meteorological depression has a large warm sector, it has a tendency to ......

Answer 1

Answer 2

Page 118



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Which of these is the correct pressure sequence associated with a weather "warm front"?

In advance - steady fall In advance - steady ; ; during the passage during the passage fall ceases ; in the rear steady fall ; in the rear - little change or slow - increase. fall.

In a tropical revolving storm, "the eye" is a small central region of......

comparatively strong winds and heavy clouds.

very strong winds and no winds and heavy no clouds. rain.

comparatively light winds and little clouds.

The eye of a tropical revolving storm is an area with light wind but with seas that are.... Wind force 5 corresponds to a wind speed of .... South Westerlies are the general surface wind in which of the following latitudes?

very high from the North or South. 10 - 14 knots.

very high and confused. 17 - 21 knots.

moderate and confused. 30 - 34 knots.

very high from the East or West. 25 - 29 knots.

0 - 30 degrees.

30 - 40 degrees.

40 - 60 degrees.

60 - 90 degrees.

Fast moving high clouds are an indication of ....

bad weather to come.

good weather to come. rainy weather to come. unchanged weather.

A falling barometer is an indication of ....

good weather to come. bad weather to come.

no change in weather.

rainy weather to come.

Which of these is the correct sequence of weather associated with a "cold front"?

In advance - heavy rain ; during the passage no rain ; in the rear no rain.

In advance - no rain ; during the passage moderate rain ; in the rear - heavy rain.

In advance - clear skies ; during the passage thunderstorms, often with hail ; in the rear steady drizzle with cloudy skies.

In advance - usually some rain and perhaps thunder ; during the passage - rain, often heavy ; in the rear heavy rain for a short period than fair .

Which of these are "high clouds"?

Altocumulus, altostratus.

Nimbostratus, stratus, stratocumulus.

Cirrus, cirrocumulus, cirrostratus.


the centre of the storm is to your left if you are The direction of the centre of a storm may be found by in Northern Buys Ballot's law, namely face the wind and .... hemisphere and to your right if you are in Southern hemisphere.

in the Northern hemisphere the centre of the storm will be at 8 to 12 points to the right.

the center of the storm the center of the storm will be right behind will be ahead about a you about a point on point to the right. your left.

In meteorology, isotherms are lines joining places having the same ....



iceberg density.

Slight Increase.

Rapid fall.

Rapid Increase.


You are 10 to 60 nautical miles away from the centre of a tropical revolving storm. What barometric changes No change. would you expect?

Page 119

In advance - sharply In advance - increase ; falling ; during the during the passage passage - rise and fall ; steady ; in the rear in the rear - slowly decrease. rising.


QUESTION Which of these are "low clouds"?

Answer 1 Nimbostratus, stratus, stratocumulus.

What weather phenomenon can cause a reduction of Rough seas. radar range due to attenuation? In meteorology, isobars are lines joining places having pressure. the same ...... A typhoon is a _______________ weather big danger phenomenon. decreased target Super-refraction is likely to cause.... detection ranges cool air over a warm Super-refraction is normally caused by.... sea surface

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Altocumulus, altostratus.

Cirrus, cirrocumulus, cirrostratus.




Rain & snow.



iceberg density.

very dangerous

bigger dangerous

very danger

no effect on detection ranges warm air over a cool sea surface

increased target detection ranges

inaccuracies in detection ranges disturbances in the upper atmosphere

strong winds

Sub-refraction commonly occurs where....

a cold air layer lies over a warm sea surface

strong winter gales are upper air disturbances common are common

a warm air layer lies over a cold sea surface

Sub-refraction is likely to result in....

inaccurate detection range

increased target detection ranges

no effect on detection ranges

On this weather routeing chart, what does the upper figure indicate?

The number of observations.

The percentage The number of frequency of variables observed calms. winds.

None of the other options.

On this weather routeing chart, what is the wind speed indicated by the arrow?

4 kts

3 kts

5 kts

7 kts

Aeronautical radio beacon.

Coast radio station providing range and bearing from stations on request.

On this weather routeing chart, what is indicated?

What is rain accompanied by snow called? What is meant by 'Isothermal' expansion? On this weather routeing chart, what does this figure indicate? What is the quantity of water vapour present in the atmosphere called? On weather routeing charts how are iceberg limits presented? On this weather routeing chart, what does this figure indicate?

Radio calling in point, way or reporting point showing direction of Remark vessels movement

reduced target detection ranges

Sleet. Expansion during which heat must be added.

Snow flakes.

Ice pellets.


Expansion at constant temperature.

Expansion during which heat is lost.

Expansion at constant pressure.


Telegraph line

Power transmission line

Overhead transporter


Relative humidity

Absolute humidity

Dew point

letter a

letter b

letter c

letter d

Single Occulting

Single flashing

Group quick

Composite group flashing

Page 120


QUESTION Assuming a forecast wind of say, 30 kts, with the maximum wind duration and maximum fetch, what would be the value of the significant wave height?

Answer 1 4.9

A sudden rising strong wind, or sudden increase of wind usually followed immediately by a shower of rain or snow is called a ...... Meteorology - what does the figure indicate? In which area will the isobars be spaced closest, given the wind speeds indicated? What maximum oil content must oil/water separators generally discharge? A squall line of sharp changes of wind, is very often associated with ...... Which of these atmospheric layers is closest to the earth? What is water content of the atmosphere (usually expressed as a percentage) known as? In what direction does the wind blow around a cyclonic storm in the northern hemisphere? The entries in the Oil Record Book must be............

Answer 3

Answer 4










By very fine mesh grids.

By perforated plating.

There is no covering.

Super refraction

Normal refraction


Overfalls and tide-rips Eddies






tropical cyclone

Warm occlusion

Cold occlusion

Warm front

Cold front









cold front.

warm front.

occluded front.

warn front.











Towards the pole

Towards the equator

What weather conditions are likely to result from the Fog movement of warm air mass over a relatively colder sea surface? What maximum oil content may be discharged overboard in 'Special Areas'? How are cargo hold bilge wells covered to prevent solids from entering them? What type of refraction will be experienced, when a cold breeze blows over a relatively warm sea? On this weather routeing chart, what does this figure indicate?

Answer 2

No oil content is permissable. By steel grid plates bolted in place. Sub refraction

in any language in the language of the in the language of the in the official language comprehensible by the Captain and in English crew and in English or of the Flag State and in Port State Control or French. French. English or French. officers.

The Garbage Record Book must be open for inspection six months. at all times and kept for a minimum of...........

one year.

two years.

Page 121

five years.



Answer 1

If the distance between two consecutive isobars (drawn at intervals of 4mb) is found to be 100 n.m. and the 30 kts latitude is 50 deg, what is the geostrophic wind speed? If an observer is facing the wind in the northern hemisphere, where does the low pressure lie?

What is the instrument used for measuring humidity of the atmosphere called? What does this indicate on a wether map? What instrument is used for measuring the velocity of the wind? What type of clouds are shown in the picture?

Answer 3

Answer 4

15 kts

60 kts

120 kts

To the left



50 miles

25 miles

30 miles

The number. of observations

The mean resultant

The strongest current experienced





Cold front

Warm front

Occluded front

Stationary front









To the right

How far from land must the vessel be before residues of NLS Category B C & D may be discharged into the 12 miles sea? On this weather routeing chart, what does the lower figure represent?

Answer 2

The percentage frequency of currents having a rate of less than ½ knot

Page 122

Cargo Handling


Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

What is "relative or specific gravity?"

The mathematical factor needed to calculate the vessel's displacement.

The density of a substance, compared It is the density of to the density of fresh fresh water. water.

It is the density of sea or salt water.

What is the principle of Archimedes?

That every body that floats displaces at least twice its own weight in water.

That a floating body becomes unstable, if the density of the water it is floating in exceeds the specific gravity of salt water.

That a floating body must be completely watertight, in order for it to float.

What is "reserve buoyancy" in relation to a vessel?

The watertight volume of a vessel, which is below the waterline.

The watertight The watertight The total volume of a volume of the engine volume above the fully laden ship. room and store waterline. rooms.

What do you call the effect of the movement of liquid Fore and aft Sideways movement. in a slack tank? movement. What is the equilibrium state of the vessel in this diagram?

The vessel is in a state of neutral equilibrium.

The vessel is in a state of stable equilibrium.

With a forward draught of 8.00m and an aft draught of The vessel is in a 9.00m, the amidships draught reads 8.30m. What state The vessel is sagged. normal state. is the vessel in?

That every floating body displaces it's own weight of the liquid in which it floats.

Free surface effect.

The open surface effect.

The ship is in a state of unstable equilibrium.

The vessel is in a state of semi equilibrium.

The vessel is hogged.

The vessel is on even keel.

What effect does " Hogging " have on a vessel's draught?

It makes the amidships draft appear less than it should be.

It causes a vessel to be trimmed by the head.

What is the equilibrium state of the vessel in this diagram?

It is in a state of stable equilibrium.

It is in a state of It is in a state of semi It is in a state of unstable equilibrium. - stable equilibrium. neutral equilibrium.

What does fresh water allowance or " FWA " mean?

The amount of fresh The maximum water that may be amount of fresh water consumed by each a fully laden vessel is crew member daily, allowed to carry. during rationing.

Page 123

It makes the amidships draught It has no effect on the greater than it should draught. be.

The amount the laden fresh water draft must be reduced by, to equal the maximum allowed laden salt water draft.

The amount the vessel may submerge it's maximum salt water draft by, when loading in fresh water.

Cargo Handling


Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

What happens to cause a vessel to be in a state of "Unstable Equilibrium''?

When the metacentre and the centre of When a vessel has a gravity, are at the very large GM. same height above the keel.

When a vessel is rolling very heavily.

When the centre of gravity rises above the metacentre.

What does the term "Trim" mean?

The difference between the mean draught, and the forward draught.

The state of a vessel on even keel.

The difference between the draught at the forward perpendicular and the draught at the after perpendicular.

The difference between the mean draught and the after draught.

What causes a "Free Surface Effect?"

The movement of liquid in slack tanks due to a ship's motion.

A vessel being top heavy.

A vessel having a very large GM.

Pressing up double bottom tanks .

What are the "effects" of free surface?

It causes an increase in GM, thereby making the ship roll very heavily.

It causes the ship to "go by the head", thus increasing the risk due to heavy pitching.

It cause a loss of GM, thereby creating a It results in a loss of possibly dangerous bouyancy. situation.

What causes "Sagging" in a loaded vessel?

Improper loading, caused by placing too much weight at either end of the ship.

Leaving the fore and This condition is after peaks full, when caused by aged the ship is fully bottom plates. loaded.

Leaving peak tanks empty, and then loading tanks/holds near to amidships.

What is the "Centre of Buoyancy of a ship?"

The point through which the force of buoyancy, is considered to act downwards.

The geometrical centre of underwater volume & the point It is the centre point through which the of each cargo hold, in force of buoyancy a fully laden vessel. may be considered to act upwards.

It is the middle point of the watertight volume, above the waterline.

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Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

The block coefficient of fineness, which is the ratio between the underwater volume, and volume of circumscribing block.

A stability model, which is used when calculating GM and other pertinent information.

The waterplane coefficient, which is the ratio between the waterplane area and the area of the circumscribing rectangle .

What does "Permeability" mean?

To make a compartment watertight .

The flooding of the engine room compartment.

The relationship between the volume of a compartment and the volume available for water if bilged.

The process of making a compartment non porous.

What is a "Moment", in terms of stability?

It is the product of force and distance.

The time taken to perform an Inclining Experiment.

It refers to the weight The consequence of loaded daily. overloading.

What causes ships to experience "Stresses?"

When the upward force due to weight at As long as a ship is a point, and the properly built and downward thrust due handled , it will never to buoyancy, at the experience stresses . same point are unequal.

What are the "Stresses" that effect a ship?

Mainly tensile, compressive and bending stresses.

Heavy cargoes such as iron ore, steel billets and other ores with low stowage factors.

Rust and general wear The ageing process of & tear, when a vessel in heavy accompanied by poor weather. maintenance.

What is a "Shear Force" in a ship?

A violent sideways motion in heavy weather, which can cause a vessel to shear violently.

A very powerful wind force, such as that experienced in a tropical revolving storm.

A vertical force at the point at which a load is being carried, with the force being the difference between upward and downward thrust.

A mould of a ship inside in a block, What does the diagram show, and what does it mean? which is used for modeling purposes in a shipyard.

Page 125

Stresses to a ship are mainly caused when it is subjected to forces from wind, waves and loads.

When the downward force due to weight at a point, and the upward thrust due to buoyancy, at the same point, are not equal.

It is the total weight applied at a recognised "weaker" part of a ship , such as where the Main Deck meets the superstructure.

Cargo Handling


Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 4

A beam bends by placing weights on either side of it. The "Moment" is calculated by multiplying the weight applied by the respective distance.

This is another name for hogging, and it occurs when there is too much weight at either end.

What is a "Bending Moment" in a ship?

The process of lifting a heavy object, by squatting first, before applying an upward lifting motion with one's arms & legs.

What is a "Metacentre?"

It is the intersecting point between the It is the position vertical lines through between the centre of the centre of gravity and the centre buoyancy in the of buoyancy. initial and slightly listed positions.

When a vessel heels over so that the low side touches the sea, that point is the metacentre.

When a vessel is in a vertical position, the metacentre is the point below the centre of buoyancy.

Which letters signify the metacentric height on the diagram?

The metacentric The metacentric height is represented height is not shown by the letters " BM ". on this diagram.

The metacentric height is represented by the letters "GM ".

The metacentric height is represented by the letter " M ".

How is a "Turning Couple" formed?

A couple is formed when two equal parallel forces are acting in opposite directions.

What is "the moment of a couple''?

It is the product of It is the perpendicular one of the forces distance between the forming the couple, forces forming the and the lever of the couple. couple.

It is the combined strength of the two forces forming the couple.

What is "Statical Stability''?

It is the basic stability information a vessel is required to carry by law.

It is the ability of a vessel to return to her It is another name for initial or upright the metacentric position, after having height. been forcibly inclined.

Page 126

The method of applying a superior force to a metal object, to bend or shape said object to the way you want it.

Answer 3

A couple is formed when two unequal A couple is formed by forces in a vertical joining two vertical position are acting in posts together. the same direction.

It is the relationship between the moment of a couple and the righting moment.

A couple is formed when two unequal parallel forces are acting in the same direction. It is the righting lever that gives a rolling vessel the ability to return to her initial position, after having been forcibly heeled.

Cargo Handling


Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

It is the GM It is the product of the multiplied by the ship's displacement displacement in multiplied by the BM. tonnes.

It is the GZ multiplied by the displacement in tonnes.

What is the "formula" for calculating the righting moment of a ship?

There is no specific formula for this purpose.

What is a "Pro-metacentre?"

This expresses KM as It is the ability of a moving away off the It is just another name vessel to return to an centreline at large for metacentre. upright position. angles of heel.

What is "initial stability''?

It is the stability status of the ship, when first delivered to owners from the shipyard.

It is the stability of the vessel in her initial position, and is expressed by metacentric height.

It is the vessel's GM, It is the vessel's GM, before after completion of commencement of loading. loading.

What is "dynamical stability''?

It is the expression used to describe a vessel, that is in the most stable condition possible.

It is the expression used to describe the transfer of buoyancy, from one side to the other, when a vessel heels.

It is the measure of the work that is done It is the energy when the vessel is generated by a rolling inclined by external vessel. forces.

What is an "Angle of Loll''?

It is the period in which a vessel It is simply the angle It is the angle or list a momentarily rests of each variable roll vessel settles at, after after heeling one way of a heeled vessel. a shift of cargo. or the other, before returning to the upright position.

Which vessels are considered most prone to poor stability?

Timber-carrying vessels, and Fishing vessels in Arctic waters.

Page 127

It is the term used to indicate a vessel has a more than adequate GM.

It is the list angle at which a vessel with negative stability comes to rest.

Ships loaded with tobacco hogsheads Ships loaded with /liner board or paper/ Liquefied Natural Gas grain cargoes, that are or steel coils that carriers. liable to shift in bad require chocking & weather. lashing, and can break free in bad weather.

Cargo Handling


Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4 By filling the small divided double bottom tanks on the lower side, whilst jettisoning the deck cargo from the higher side.

By completely How would you increase the KG of a ship, loaded emptying all partly with a timber deck cargo, that has become "unstable?" filled double bottom tanks.

By jettisoning the entire deck cargo of timber.

What do the letters ML in the attached diagram mean & what is it used for ?

It is the metacentric height.

It is the longitudinal It is a figure showing metacentre and is how an Inclining used when Experiment is done. calculations involving trim are considered.

What happens when a weight is loaded off the ship's centre line?

The vessel lists momentarily to the opposite side to which the weight has been loaded.

When loading or discharging a weight off the centreline, the shift of G must be resolved into both vertical & horizontal components.

There is no change There is a dramatic whatsoever in the shift in G, causing the stability of the vessel. vessel to become Everything remains as momentarily unstable. it is.

What is the "Principle of Suspended Weights''?

When a weight is suspended from a ship's derrick, its centre of gravity is considered as being at the derrick head.

When a weight is suspended from a derrick, its centre of gravity is considered as being at the heel of the derrick.

When a weight is suspended from a derrick ever increasing pressure is exerted on the cargo runner and thus it may part.

When a weight is suspended from a derrick, personnel working in the vicinity should be warned "not to stand under it".

To determine the maximum angle of heel, before a ship will capsize.

There is no need for such an experiment, because the information it gives may be obtained in various other easier ways.

It is done to find out the "GM" of a vessel, plus the Ship's Lightweight, and VCG & LCG at this Lightweight.

What is the purpose of performing an Inclining Experiment or Stability Test?

To test the safe working load of a derrick or crane.

Page 128

By filling all wing ballast tanks.

It is the transverse metacentre and is used with inclinations of heel & list .

Cargo Handling


Answer 1

Answer 2

Perform test in calm conditions, with slack moorings, with minimum number of personnel, and minimise free surface effects of liquids.

Tighten all moorings, use a weight not less than 10 tonnes, and make an accurate sounding of all tanks.

No specific preparations are necessary, and it can be done even in very windy conditions.

GM = w by distance by length of What formula do you use to determine the "GM" from plumbline divided by an Inclining Experiment? W by deflection of the plumbline.

GM = KM by d by 1/2 length of plumbline divided by w by length of plumbline .

There is no formula. GM = w by length of You simply measure plumbline divided by the deflection of the W by deflection of plumbline with a tape the plumbline. measure.

What is the "Wave Period''?

It is the comparison of the height of successive waves.

It is the time in minutes between successive wave crests, passing a fixed point.

It is the time in seconds between successive wave crests or troughs, passing a fixed point.

It is the time interval between the highest waves, in a sequence of waves.

What is a "Ship's Rolling Period''?

It is the time in seconds taken by a vessel to complete a roll i.e port to starboard and back to port.

It is the time taken in seconds for a vessel to complete a roll, either to starboard or to port.

It is the time in seconds between a vessel pitching downwards and returning to the upright.

It is the time in seconds of the downward or upward pitch.

What is meant by "Synchronism or Resonance''?

This is a situation used to describe gentle rolling.

This a dangerous condition that occurs This is a term used to This is a term used to when the ship's still describe violent describe pitching and water period and the rolling. rolling. apparent wave period are equal.

If your vessel is tending to "synchronise ", what should you do to alter this condition?

You should increase your speed to full, whilst maintaining the same course.

You should try to You stop your ship alter the wave period and wait for the by altering course and synchronising to stop. by reducing speed.

How do you ensure reliable results from an Inclining Experiment?

Page 129

Answer 3

Answer 4 It must be done in early morning or late evening, when the least number of people are likely to be around.

You should put your ship's beam on to the sea and increase speed.

Cargo Handling


Answer 1

Answer 3

Answer 4

What is the effect on draft caused by a vessel heeling or listing?

The draft is reduced There is no change in by the amount the draft, regardless of "high" side rises the extent of the list. above the upright position.

The draft is increased by the difference in the heeled draft measured by a straight line in tangent with the keel, and the draft before heeling.

The draft is increased by the difference between the high side draft and the low side draft.

What is the "Change of Trim''?

It is the term used to describe leveling and bagging grain in a slack hold.

It is the difference between the original trim and the final trim.

It is the moment It is another term used required to change the to describe the change trim by one of draft. centimetre.

It is a fixed known point on the longitudinal metacentre.

It is the point on which the vessel initially rests, when being drydocked.

It is the geometrical centre of the waterplane and also the point about which the vessel trims.

The Mid Container Terminal Centre.

The Main Change of Trim.

The change in the What do the intersecting horizontal lines signify in the Centre of Flotation, diagram? after trimming.

They show the actual The change of draft angle of trim. after trimming.

They only serve as a base for the two vertical lines.

If the forward draught of a vessel is greater than the aft draught, what state of trim is the vessel in?

The vessel is said to be on even keel.

It is the exact mid point of the ship, What is the "Centre of Flotation or Tipping Centre" of around which the a vessel? vessel trims as weights are added or taken away. What do the letters "MCTC" stand for?

Answer 2

Movement to Change The Moment to Tonnage by one Change Trim one tonne. Centimetre.

The vessel is said to be finely balanced.

About which point on a waterline does a vessel change Anywhere along the Around it's mid point. trim? fore and aft line.

Page 130

The vessel is trimmed The vessel is trimmed by the head. by the stern. The Longitudinal Centre of Flotation.

Around the point at which a weight is added or taken away.

Cargo Handling


What is the "True Mean Draught?"

Answer 1 The draught at the Centre of Flotation is considered as the True Mean Draught or the draught the vessel would lie in even keel conditions.

If a ship goes from salt water to fresh What happens when a vessel passes between water of water, there will be a different densities? bodily sinkage plus a small change of trim.

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

It is the mean of the forward and aft draughts or the amidships draught.

It is the draught between the forward and midships draughts.

It is the mean between the amidship and after draughts.

The densities of all waters through which a ship passes are essentially the same, so nothing happens.

If passing from water of less density to water of greater density, the draught will be increased.

The forward draught decreases, whilst the aft draught increases, but the mean draught remains the same.

After the ship has taken to the blocks, and shores are being put in place.

As the ship enters the dockgates, to ensure she not moving too fast.

Just before the ship When they start to What is the "critical time" in a drydocking operation? takes the blocks at the empty the drydock. stern. What does the letter " T " stand for in the diagram?

The Gross Tonnage of the vessel.

The Trim of the vessel.

The Tonnage Mark of The Terminus or most the vessel. forward point.

What is "Pressure" in the context of stability?

The maximum force that can be used in filling a tank.

The downward pressure resulting from the weight of individual cargo loads.

The force applied at either end of the vessel, due to improper loading.

Pressure is force per unit area.

What is the "Centre of Pressure''?

It is the point where the total thrust of the pressure could be considered to act.

It is the pressure in the centre of a specific tank.

It is the pressure at the Centre of Flotation.

It is the part that is least likely to give way to external pressure.

What is the equilibrium state of the vessel in this diagram?

It is in a state of "Neutral Equilibrium".

It is in a state of "Unstable Equilibrium".

It is in a state of It is a vessel in a "Stable Equilibrium". "Tender State".

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Cargo Handling


What effect does "Freeboard" have on a vessel's dynamical stability?

What is the formula to calculate the "Volume of Displacement?" What is the "Centre of Gravity", of an object?

Answer 1

It does not have any effect on dynamical stability.

Answer 2 As freeboard increases, the range of stability also increases, and this in turn leads to greater dynamical stability.

Answer 3

Answer 4

If freeboard is greater, then the dynamical stability is correspondingly reduced.

Freeboard and dynamical stability are not related in any way.

L by 1/2 B by draft by L by GM by KG. L by B by d by Cb. Freeboard. It is the point at which the whole It is always the mid - It is the end point of weight of the object point of the object. an object. may be regarded as acting.

It is the point where an object will snap, if it is bent. The weight of the hull, the machinery and the stores.

What is the "Ship's Displacement in Tonnes''?

The weight of the ship's cargo.

The weight of all the enclosed spaces.

What is the "Volume of Displacement?"

The volume of water needed to fill the moulded hole, if the ship was lifted from the water.

Half the volume of water displaced, as a The volume of the vessel moves through cargo loaded or the water at full discharged. speed.

The volume of fuel or bunkers loaded for a long ocean passage, together with the stores.









How many tonnes are there in 1 cubic metre of salt water? How many tonnes are there in 1 cubic metre of fresh water?

What is "Deadweight"?

What do the letters "LBP" stand for in relation to a ship? What do the letters "LOA" stand for in relation to a ship?

The actual entire weight of the ship.

B by KM by d by Cb.

The difference between the vessel's The weight of the loaded and light The weight of the provisions, stores and displacements. It is vessel's cargo only. bunkers. the weight that a ship carries. Lloyds Buoyancy Particulars.

Loadline Beam Position.

Latest Official Act.

Length Over All.

Page 132

Length Between Perpendiculars. Longest Objective Attainable.

The amount of cargo a vessel is allowed to carry, depending on the Load Line Zone she in. Largest Beam Possible. Largest Outside Article.

Cargo Handling


Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

What does "Breadth Moulded" mean in relation to a ship?

The maximum breadth measured from outside the plating.

The maximum breadth measured across the hatches.

The maximum breadth measured from inside the shell plating P to S.

The maximum breadth measured from the waterline.

What is the "Breadth Extreme?"

The maximum breadth measured from outside the shell plating P to S.

The mean of the breadth at # 1 hatch and the breadth at the aftermost hatch.

The maximum breadth measured from inside the plating.

The maximum breadth measured from the inside plating at the bottom of the centremost hatch.

What is the "Depth Moulded" in relation to a ship?

The vertical distance from the top of keel to the uppermost continuous deck at side.

The vertical distance from the keel to the main deck.

The vertical distance The vertical distance from the keel, to the from the waterline, to top of the centremost the uppermost deck. hatch coaming.

KG = KM plus GM.

KG = KM minus KB. KG = KM minus GM. KG = KG plus BM.

Left Centre of Flotation. Gross Registered Tonnage.

Light Container Freight.

From the diagram, give the formula for the "KG" value. What do the letters "LCF" mean in relation to stability? What do the letters "GRT" mean?

Define "Amidships".

The mid-point of LOA.

If the angle of heel is less than 10 degrees, what is the GM times BM / 3. equation for finding GZ? Longitudinal Centre What does the term "LCB" mean? of Ballast.

Longitudinal Centre of Flotation. Ground Rules of Grave Reverse Trim. Trim.

Longitudinal Common Factor. Grain Regulatory Tests.

The mid-point between the after Mid-point of perpendicular and the maximum beam. forward perpendicular.

Geometric centre of the waterplane.

GM times Sin(x).

GM times cos(x).

BM times sin(x).

Lowest Centre of Buoyancy.

Lowest Cantilever Beam.

Longitudinal Centre of Buoyancy.



What is the minimum allowable value for GM?



What is the BM for a box-shaped vessel in terms of breadth and draught?

Breadth squared / 12xdraught.

Breadth squared / 6 x Breadth cubed / 12 x draught. draught.

Breadth x draught / 10.

What are "Hydrostatic Curves" used for in ship calculations?

Obtaining the shape of the body sections.

Mainly for trim calculations for predicting end draughts.

For pressures at various depths in oil fuel bunkers.

Page 133

For hydrostatic pressures on bulkheads.

Cargo Handling

QUESTION What is a hydrometer used for?

Answer 1

For testing viscosity. For testing acidity.

What is the "Range of Stability" on a statical stability Zero to 30 degrees. curve?

Define the "Lightweight" of a ship.

Answer 2

Accommodation weight only.

At what angle of heel on a statical stability curve is the 60 degrees. GM plotted?

Answer 3 For testing for sulphur content.

Answer 4 For determining the density of a liquid.

Zero to one radian ( 57.3 degrees ).

Angles of heel where Zero to angle of deck all GZ levers are immersion. positive.

Stores for the crew and passengers.

The net tonnage.

Displacement minus the deadweight. It is the weight of the ship itself.

45 degrees.

30 degrees.

57.3 degrees.

What is an "Angle of List?"

A fixed angle of heel The angle of heel caused by a transverse The same as the where the GM is zero. imbalance of internal Angle of Loll. forces within the ship.

The angle of heel where the deck edge is immersed.

What is the minimum allowable value for GZ?




What is a "Prismatic co-efficient?"

A co-efficient for a The same as the block box-shaped vessel co-efficient. only.

Cm / Cb.

Volume of Displacement / (midship area x LBP). Also = Cb / Cm.


Obtaining Statical What are "Cross Curves of Stability" used for onboard Stability curves at a ship? known Displacements.

Giving the capacity of Showing tank various holds or calibration values. tanks.

Similar to a set of Bonjean curves.

You have orders to load a cargo of API gravity 10.0. The gravity of this cargo is.....

heavier than fresh water

lighter than fresh water

the same as fresh water

the same as sea water

The correct position for taking a "bottom" sample is....

from the surface of the tank floor.

six inches (15cm) from the surface of the tank floor.

two feet (60cm) from as close to the bottom the surface of the tank of the tank as floor. possible.

Loading through the pumproom is....


normally the done to increase the approved way to load loading rate. slop tanks.

When discharging a double hulled tanker, the discharge plan must take into account the need to avoid....

crude oil washing and a discharge rate that is excessive free discharging too fast. surface. simultaneously. Page 134

to be avoided. a discharge rate that is too slow.

Cargo Handling


Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

No, in this circumstance the atmosphere would contain sufficient oxygen.

No, ballast tanks never need to be tested for oxygen content.

It is up to the captain or authorized officer.

What action should be taken immediately in the event Notify the terminal of an oil tank spill when loading? and stop loading.

Reduce the level in the tank by gravity transfer to a slack tank.

The spilled oil on deck should be recovered and action taken to stop any further spillage.

Stand by the fire fighting equipment in case of ignition.

Your vessel is carrying a full cargo of scrap steel. Which item of bridge equipment is likely to be unreliable?

The satellite navigator.

The echo sounder..

The gyro compass.

The magnetic compass.

How are double bottom ballast tanks filled?

They are pumped in.

They are gravitated in.

They are gravitated They are filled by a in, then topped up shore line with the ballast pump.

Which of following items should be checked before a That cargo is stowed ship sails? safely

That all moveable objects are secured

All bridge equipment, main engine, All of the other auxiliary systems and options the steering system

The OOW has, during the pre-departure check of the bridge equipment, found an error in the weather facsimile. What should he do?

Record the error in the log book

Advise the master after the vessel has departed

Call the attention of the 2nd Engineer on the fault

What is the forward draft?

4 metres.

7 metres 40 centimetres. 7 metres 85 centimetres. 7.5m 7 metres 65 centimeters. 7 metres 85 centimeters. A long aluminium ladder.

7 metres 4 centimetres. 8 metres 50 centimetres. 7.4m

If a ballast tank has just been emptied, within the last hour, would you still need to test the space for oxygen?

What is the forward draft? What is the draft aft? What is the forward draft? What is the aft draft? Which of these is an adequate means of access to cargo holds?

Yes, all enclosed spaces should be tested.

7 metres 90 centimetres. 8.4m 7 metres 60 centimeters. 7 metres 40 centimeters. A mechanical hoist.

Page 135

7.5 metres.

Advise the master as soon as possible before the vessel's departure 8 metres 4 centimetres. 7 metres 50 centimetres. 8.5m 7 metres 70 centimeters.

7 metres 50 centimeters.

7.4 metres.

A rope ladder.

A permanent fitted ladder.

Cargo Handling

QUESTION Which of these formulas is used to calculate capacitive reactance (Xc) ? Bell or wad punches are used for which of the following duties ?

Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4





Making round holes in wood.

Cutting round holes in jointing.

Cutting round holes in packing.

Cutting round holes in sheet metal.

What causes static electricity?

Electricity that is Electricity that comes Electricity that is connected to a power from a battery. caused by friction. supply.

What causes petroleum or other crude oil products to emit gases or vapours?

Liquid movement in the tanks.

How is a draught of 7.5 meters read from a draft mark?

At the bottom of 7.4. At the top of 7.4.

When should the atmosphere of an enclosed space be tested?

Before ventilation.

When is a liquid considered to be "volatile"? Letuchaja

When its flashpoint is When its flashpoint is When its flashpoint is When its flashpoint is below 80 degree C below 70 degree C below 60 degree C below 15 degree C (176 degree F). (158 degree F). (140 degree F). (60 degree F).

On a tanker, apart from in cargo tanks, where is the buildup of hydrocarbon vapour most likely?

In ballast tanks.

In cofferdams.

In pumprooms.

In the engine room.

How is an enclosed space tested to check it is safe to enter?

By standing and smelling the atmosphere.

By using an oxygen analyzer and an explosimeter.

By a litmus test.

By checking that the inert gas has less then 4% oxygen content.

When taking ullages, how do you ensure against inhaling vapours or gases?

Stand downwind.

Stand upwind.

Stand facing across the wind.

Stand forward.

Which of these is not likely to cause a spark?

Dropping a steel Dropping a rubber Steel striking another Steel striking against wrench down a cargo mallet down a cargo piece of steel. copper. tank. hatch.

What sort of flashlights (or torches) can be used on a tanker? What spaces on board a tanker must be declared safe before entry?

Ambient temperature Any drop in above the liquid's temperature. vapour point.

Before and during entry.

Electricity that comes from lightning. The vibration that is encountered at sea.

At the bottom of 7.6.

Midway between 7.4 and 7.6.

Every hour.

Whenever someone feels dizzy.

Waterproof flashlights.

Regular tightly sealed Intrinsically safe flashlights. flashlights.

Water-cooled flashlights.

Pump rooms.

Cargo control rooms. Engine room.

Steering gear flat.

If a cargo space has been closed for a long time, what The space may be might be a major concern? deficient in oxygen.

Some of the cargo may be damaged.

Water from ballast Some of the cargo tanks might have may have been stolen. leaked into the hold.

Who certifies that a space is gas-free and safe for hot or cold work?

The captain.

A responsible officer. An experienced AB.

The bosun. Page 136

Cargo Handling

QUESTION Which of the following would not introduce gas into a gas free cargo tank? After testing the atmosphere of a cargo hold, what must a responsible officer decide?

Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

When a valve is opened. If some of the cargo has been stolen.

When sludge is disturbed. If the cargo has been damaged.

When a cargo pump is opened up. If the cargo has been tainted.

When the tank lid is opened. If the cargo space is safe to enter.

The wind can carry What can happen when there is a wind blowing during vapours and deposit cargo operations on a tanker? gases around the superstructure.

Gases may enter the accommodation including the galley.

Gases may enter machinery spaces.

All of the other options

On a McGregor steel pull type hatch cover what is the It is the pulling wire. It is the check wire. bull wire used for?

It is a preventer wire. It is a safety wire.

When working in a cargo hold during cargo operations, what must you ensure?

That you stand in the That you assist the centre of the hold to That you keep under stevedores as much as direct the the coamings as much possible. hatchman/crane as possible. driver.

That any radio equipment (like a walkie talkie) is switched off.

Before entering a cargo space after a long ocean passage, what must you ensure?

That the hatch is fully That all lashings are opened and well removed. ventilated.

That derricks or cranes are rigged.

That you are carrying spare electric lamps.

When working in a lower hold with the hatch closed, what must you ensure?

That there are plenty of portable or cluster lights.

That everyone has a strong flashlight.

That there is a single cluster light.

That there is a portable fan for ventilation.

That tar paper is laid across the tank top.

That matting is laid across the hold.

That dunnage is laid across the tank top.

That the tank top is well painted.

Bulk carriers.

Reefer ships.

Cargo liners.

Car carriers.

the pipes may be electrically charged

the pipes may be brittle

residues may remain

the pipes are delicate

When preparing a cargo hold to receive general cargo, what must you ensure? On what type of ships are insulated tweendeck covers used? Care should be taken when disconnecting cargo pipes and lines because....

During loading, a trailer marked as carrying dangerous Stow it separately and goods is seen to be leaking. Which of the following Send it ashore inform the shipper actions is recommended?

Stow it and advise the Seek further advice Master from the shipper

Pressure gauges on gas tankers are marked in absolute pressure or gauge pressure. Which of these refers to mPa absolute pressure?




What are valence electrons?

Outer orbiting electrons.

Contained in the nucleus.

Orbiting electrons.

Positively charged electrons.

A stiff vessel will have a GM which is....





Page 137

Cargo Handling


Answer 1

You are discharging a cargo of Propane and the cargo Slow down the tank pressures are falling quickly. What would you do discharge rate to maintain a steady tank pressure?

Answer 2 Stop the discharge

Answer 3

Answer 4

Request that vapour is Start the supplied from shore reliquefaction plant

Discharge of passenger vehicles should only all engines of vehicles the vessel is trimmed liaison with the shore the fore and aft doors commence when.... are running level is established are open What type of vessel is most likely to be fitted with a VLCC Product Carrier Chemical Tanker Gas Tanker Ring Main cargo system? What is the MAIN danger to be guarded against when Overpressurizing of discharging using a cargo heater with seawater as the the gas side of the heating medium? heater

Overpressurizing of Freezing of the water Overheating of the the water side of the side of the heater gas side of the heater heater

What stresses are the vessel's structure forward of the Panting & Pounding collision bulkhead stiffened to resist?

Panting & Racking

Water Pressure

Hogging & Sagging

The term solubility refers to the ability to mix with.... water



other liquids

Instructions for operating and lowering ramps are required to be....

displayed with the fire and emergency plans

displayed on the Bridge

carried by the Safety Officer

prominently displayed

What device is fitted to prevent component gases mixing in hoses?

A relief vale.

A stop valve.

A by-pass valve.

A hose check valve.

What should your first action be on seeing someone have an accident with spillage of liquefied gas?

Sound the emergency Try to stop the leak alarm

Try to get the person away from the leak

Look around for assistance

What is an indication of a leaking heat exchanger on the jacket cooling water system?

High jacket water temperature.

Inadequate coolant flow.

Low alkalinity readings.

High chloride readings in the jacket water.

When oil temperature rises, the volume....



remains the same


It is required to make a drip tray. What machine would be used?

Powered brake press.

Rolling machine.

Hand operated folding machine.


not loaded


If information concerning a cargo is not available it should be....

loaded till information becomes loaded with caution available

Which fuel quality is measured in seconds Redwood? Flashpoint.

Specific Gravity.


Ash content.

Open cargo venting should only be used for cargoes that do not present a hazard when inhaled and have a flash point of above....





Page 138

Cargo Handling


Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

The bursting pressure of new cargo hoses is required to be the designed working pressure multiplied by....




What is the difference between American pipe thread and BSP?

Both are the same.

Different TPI but same thread angle.

Different thread angle Different thread angle but same TPI. and TPI.

All liquids can change into vapour and the process is called....





What should cargo sample lockers be constructed of?

Stainless steel

Fully resistant material



The ship's Loading Manual contains details of the....

number of crew required to work the ship under SOLAS regulations

out of hours medical contact point

radio frequencies on which to call the shore contact

permitted deck loading

The process of removing the last remaining liquid content from a cargo tank is called....





During cargo operations, winch operators should....

have a clear view of the work area.

take orders from one controller.

be able to have a portable radio. communicate with one another.

Most petroleum vapours are....

heavier than air


lighter than air

What is the normal test for leaking heat exchanger tubes? What item must be regularly inspected in SW heat exchangers? An overdose of toxic petroleum vapour affects your sense of smell by....

Fluorescent dye and ultra violet lamp.

Hydrostatic test.

Air pressure test and soap solution.

Gases carried in tankers are usually either hydrocarbon or chemical. VCM (Vinyl Chloride Monomer) is a...................gas.

Condition of tubes improving it temporarily saturated hydrocarbon

Water box for corrosion improving it permanently

Zinc anodes reducing it temporarily


of the same density as air Fluorescent dye and halogen lamp. Tube plate for damage taking it away completely

saturated chemical

unsaturated hydrocarbon


Most hydrocarbons have vapours which are heavier than air. Which gas commonly found on gas carriers is Butane an exception to this rule?




Bale capacity compared to grain capacity is....


the same.


carrying a minimum of fuel.

increase ventilation.

maximize the GM.


When loading vehicles as cargo, the fuel tanks should empty. be...... Prior to preparing and cleaning holds in preparation isolate fire lines. for bulk cargo it is important to...... Page 139

dependent on the stowage factor. open to the atmosphere. consult the IMO Code of Practice.

Cargo Handling


Answer 1

The category of chemical posing the greatest threat of A harm to the marine environment is Category....

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4




the identity of cargo discharge ports.

the location of dangerous goods.

loading and discharge equipment details.

By wire lashings

By portable beams

By cell guides

When electrons are lost.

When it has positive electrons.

When it has positive protons.

The melting point

The flashpoint

The ignition temperature

The vapour from the What is meant when a liquid gas cargo is described as cargo will burn when The cargo is "flammable''? mixed with air and explosive ignited

The vapour will not burn in any circumstances

The cargo is not explosive

Where would you look to find information about how Code of safe working IMO gas code two different gases will react if mixed together? practices

Ship`s chemicals register

ICS data sheet

A cargo plan would NOT include....

the position of all cargo.

How are stacked containers prevented from moving in By girders the hold? When is an atom considered to be a positively charged When electrons are ion? gained. What do we call the temperature at which a material produces enough flammable vapour for it to flash if exposed to an ignition source?

The auto-ignition temperature

Guideline requirements for the carriage of bulk grain state that......

following a cargo The ship can sail with shift, the maximum grain must always be grain must never be a maximum of 5° heel must be no more overstowed. overstowed. heel. than 12°.

What are bulkhead stiffeners attached to the tank top by?





When gassing up, with which one of the following cargoes would you NOT use inert gas from a combustion type generator?





On an LPG tanker, you wish to enter a hold space that Inform the Bridge has not been inerted. It has been tested for that you are about to hydrocarbons and found clear. What would your next enter the space step be? At what temperature(approximately) is non-43C pressurized LNG normally carried? What would you regard as the minimum allowable O2 18% content of a space you wish to enter? Page 140

Enter the space Test the space for ensuring that you are Enter the space with a CO content from 2 carrying a personal personal O2 alarm outside O2 and HC alarm -80C






Cargo Handling


Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Bulk grain cargo should be carried as directed under the rules of.....

the IMDG Code.

the SOLAS (IMO) Grain Rules.

the ISM Code..

the IAMSAR Manual.

Submerged pumps are commonly driven....

by steam




Master of the vessel

officer on deck


oil company

The Certificate of Fitness

The Ballast Water Management plan

The Garbage Management Plan

The P&A Manual

How much space would 300 tonnes of tea with a stowage factor of 3.0 take up, if it had a broken stowage factor of 10%?

90 cubic metres

990 cubic metres

330 cubic metres

3,330 cubic metres

Methanol is a common....





Flat Plate Keel

Box Keel

Duct Keel

Responsibility for the provision of hoses to a ship's manifold at an oil terminal rests with the.... Tank cleaning will require the vessel's officers to consult....

What is a keel structure constructed to allow piping to Bar Keel run through called? Ullage is the term used to describe....

the vertical space the residue of 'sludge' the volume of cargo above a liquid cargo. left in a tank. remaining.

As well as chemical cargoes, what may chemical tankers also be used to transport?

Waste products

Nuclear waste

Other liquid products Bulk solids

For general cargo, thorough hold preparation is required. This is mainly to ensure that.....

bilges are clean and working.

all dunnage is renewed.

the next cargo is the previous cargo carried efficiently and value is realized. safely.

Which of these cargoes would you be allowed to carry Ethylene in a type 3G(as defined by the IMO gas code) ship?



Liquid Nitrogen

Cargoes with high melting points that may solidify require....



special additives

Propane and Butane

Butadiene and Ammonia

Propane and Ammonia







It has better heat transfer properties

It lubricates the pumps

To stop the water boiling


Which of these cargoes would NOT need TOTAL segregation when carried in separate tanks on the same Propylene and VCM ship? The centre of pressure, on a bulkhead flooded on one side to a depth, h, measured from the bottom, is... 0.1 h Colourless and odourless gases are stenched to assist in their.... Why is glycol added to the cooling water system of reliquefaction plant?

combustion To stop the water freezing Page 141

the depth of cargo remaining in a tank.

Cargo Handling


Answer 1

What does the term pH value of a chemical cargo refer The temperature of a to? product What percentage CO2 in the uptake is present in good 10% combustion? After a partial discharge and prior to sailing, it is secure & shore the important to...... remaining cargo.

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

The acidity or The viscosity of a alkalinity of a product product

The colour of a product




thoroughly ventilate. redo the cargo plan.

carry out a cargo survey.

Temperature control of cargoes means....

allowing the cargo to monitoring the cargo applying heat in a heat naturally temperature controlled manner

allowing the cargo to adopt ambient temperatures

The cargo Stowage Factor is the......

volume per unit of weight.

What percentage CO2 in the flue gases would indicate 5% correct combustion?

number of types of cargo per hold.

weight allowed for deck loading.

weight per unit.




In spaces declared gas-free, further gas may be released....

when water is loaded when oxygen levels into the cargo tank become reduced

when the temperature after loose scale and of the sea water rises sludge are disturbed

The category of cargo requiring the most efficient stripping arrangement is Category....



Which one of the following is not a primary purpose for using dunnage?

To protect cargo from To provide ventilation To provide cargo the effects of sweat circulation segregation

Threshold Limit Value (TLV) is the maximum concentration of a substance that should be present in......

an atmospheric sample.

an average exposure for 24 hrs.

a solution in distilled a skin swab. water.

On an LNG tanker, why would you carry out cargo tank spraying operations?

To use up the cargo left over after discharge

To keep the tank pressures down

To cool the tanks ready for loading

As part of the gas freeing operations




Make an entry in the Log Book

Advise the Master


Hoses are easily damaged and require special care for Canvas long life, but what are they reinforced with?

While loading dangerous goods, a package is dropped. Despite damaging the packaging the product can be clearly seen and is not damaged. What should be Repair the packaging Reject the package done?

Page 142

D To prevent chafage on cargo

Cargo Handling


Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

If a bonding cable is not connected by the terminal when joining a manifold for cargo operations....

you should use an International Shore connection

you should insert an you should use an insulating flange or oxygen analyzer at all single length of nontimes conducting hose

you should not commence cargo operations

You are gas freeing a tank from LNG using a combustion type inert gas generator. After blowing through with air, for which of these would you not need to test?

Carbon dioxide

Carbon Monoxide

Hydrogen Sulphide

A cargo tank should not be entered unless....

an Enclosed Space the Chief Mate's a permit to work has Entry Permit has been verbal permission has been issued issued been obtained

You have finished discharging a cargo of Butane and wish to clear the lines to shore of liquid. How would you do this?

Pressurize the lines Open the drain valve Use a fire hose on the Wait for the liquid in with hot gas from the at the manifold and lines to boil off the the lines to boil off reliquefaction plant let the liquid drain out liquid

When would you enter a space to rescue someone using a BA escape set?

If you could see that they were not far from the entrance

Which of the following is NOT required in public spaces with regard to emergency information for passengers?

Signs giving direction Doors and exits to muster points clearly marked

An efficient PA system

Emergency telephone arrangements

What is a GZ curve used to determine?





On a gas tanker, a combustion type generator is producing inert gas. What oxygen content would you expect to see?





Dangerous cargo on a pallet should be stowed......

below deck for'd.

in a secure container. below deck aft.

on deck.

If a gas is carried in a pressurized state how will this affect the temperature at which it is carried?

Can be carried warmer

Can be carried slightly colder

Can be carried much colder

It makes no difference

The Chief Officer

The Master or responsible officer appointed by the Master

The officer of the watch

Boil off the liquid

Pressurize the tank to push the liquid out

Who is responsible on board for cargo operations?

The Master

the Master has advised that the atmosphere is safe

Never, as escape sets If you could see there If you considered the are only to be used to was a gas leak but cargo as not toxic leave a space only a small one

If all the pumps failed in a Kvaerner Moss type tank Use pumps in another Try to get the pumps full of liquid LNG, how would you get the cargo out? tank out to repair them

Page 143


Cargo Handling


Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

During cargo operations, a wind blowing may....

increase air pressure in a cargo tank

decrease air pressure in a cargo tank

form eddies lower the temperature containing petroleum of the oil cargo vapour

When loading toxic cargo, measurement should always be....




Before entry into a cargo tank which has contained a petroleum product....

the tank must be filled the tank must be static electricity must with fresh water and tested for sufficient be measured emptied oxygen

Portable lights should be removed from cargo work areas after use. The most important reason is to......

prevent stealing.

reduce power consumption.

reduce the safety hazard.

meet SOLAS requirements.

Ballast water may be loaded into tanks previously containing NLS that have been....

certificated to carry ballast

properly cleaned



Prior to use by vehicles, ramps must be....

load tested before each use


free of oil

in sight by video cameras

On all gas ships, any pipework entering or leaving the bottom cargo tank must do so through the......................of the tank


aft end

forward end

Water leakage detection systems are primarily intended to detect leaks from....


the ballast pumping system

cargo units and equipment

What capacity would you consider most suitable for a 25 to 50 cubic ballast pump? metres/hour.

10 to 15 cubic metres/hour.

20 to 30 cubic metres/hour.

100 to 150 cubic metres/hour.

One of the main parameters to be considered in tank design for refrigerated gas cargoes is................stress




there is unrestricted When timber deck cargo has been loaded, the stowage access between should be such that..... stowage.

there is a mixture of heavy with light cargo.

access is maintained to the hatches.

there is solid stowage to prevent water from flowing on deck.

You are in charge of a rescue team searching a gas contaminated space. What would you do FIRST on finding an unconscious casualty?

Put the casualty on a stretcher

Check the casualty's pulse

Give oxygen to the casualty

Get the casualty out as fast as possible

When a vessel is in neutral equilibrium, the GM will be....





hull doors


Page 144

closed adjacent tanks must be empty

Cargo Handling


Answer 1

Your vessel is loading liquid oil cargo and oil begins open a valve to to flow out of a tank vent. Your first action should be another cargo tank to....

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

set out drip pans, sawdust and oil dispersant

carry out emergency stop procedures

close the manifold valve

Steam heating coils are provided in some cargo tanks in order to....

increase the volume of the cargo within the tank

heat cargoes which have a high pour point

provide warm water when tank cleaning

reduce the volume of the cargo within the tank

There are various IMO gas carrier codes. What determines which code the ship must comply with?

The engine power

The year of construction

The gross registered tonnage

The country of construction

Which of these is not a hydrocarbon gas?


Sulphur dioxide





listed stability booklet

When ballasting or deballasting, it is of utmost importance that the ship is kept in a...............................condition at all times.


Details of the maximum permitted axle loading for vehicles on decks are to be found in the....

vehicle permit

ship's plans

cargo manifest

During cargo operations or whenever dangerous vapour may be present on deck....

all accommodation doors and windows should be opened to allow vapour to dissipate

keep closed all ports and windows which are facing the cargo area

immediately cease all hoist flag Bravo cargo operations

Ballast Water Pumps

Engine Room Bilge Pump

Cargo Hold Bilge Pump

Sludge Pump





What stress is the connection of frames and beams at deck level between the bulkheads designed to resist?





Cargo samples in general are analysed in order to....

control quality

see what it looks like test for temperature

Which of the following pumps is not allowed to have a direct overboard connection to the sea? What type of cargo would you normally carry in a ship fitted with independent type B tanks?

Ascertain cause of activation Clean, if necessary A flashback arrester has been triggered. Which is the Check equipment correct sequence to follow after this event? Open up flashback arrester In a gas tanker, what should be your first action on hearing the emergency alarm?

Phone the bridge to find out what`s happening Page 145

Clean, if necessary Check equipment Open up flashback arrester Ascertain cause of activation

Ascertain cause of activation Check equipment Open up flashback arrester Clean, if necessary

Go to your emergency station

If you can see the problem go to help

determine acidity Check equipment Open up flashback arrester Clean, if necessary Ascertain cause of activation Go to your lifeboat station

Cargo Handling


Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Racking stresses in a ship can be reduced by fitting a good system of......


deck girders.

side girders.


Earthing and bonding minimize the dangers arising from....

accumulation of electrostatic charges

tank overpressurisation


oil spills

When finishing a discharge on an LPG carrier it is usual to throttle in the cargo pump discharge valve to reduce the NPSH requirement and facilitate stripping of the tank. When should this NOT be done?

When using a booster When not using a pump booster pump

When operating union purchase cargo lifts......

angles between married runners should never exceed 120°.

the safe working load angles between relates to the single married runners derrick limit. should exceed 90°.

When planning to load a coal bulk cargo, you should......

treat it as potentially dangerous.

blank off the hold ventilation system.

reject the cargo unless rig fire hoses to every there is sufficient hold. moisture content.

Where is the correct discharge for residues and washings containing NLS situated?

Above the waterline

Below the waterline

At the waterline

At the forward end of the vessel

In a Type 2 chemical tanker the tank's capacity is limited to....

1000 cubic metres

2000 cubic metres

3000 cubic metres

4000 cubic metres

If dedicated lashing points are provided on a vehicle, how many lashings may each accommodate?


Two if reinforced

The identification plate has the details


21% by volume

19% by volume

16% by volume

12% by volume

the Master

a ship's officer

a competent person

at least two crew

the Master

a ship's officer

a competent person

at least two crew

If someone was injured by a spillage of liquefied gas, Ship Captain`s where would you look initially for information on how Medical Guide to treat the injury?

ICS cargo data sheet

Ship`s emergency instructions

Ship`s hospital

Before cargo operations start the Master should establish proper liaison between the ship and....

the flag state administration

the terminal

the harbour control

Oxygen deficiency will begin to cause problems to personnel if it falls below.... Communications regarding the opening of hull doors must be acknowledged by.... Openings in the hull must only be activated by....

the port authority

Page 146

When strippng the When the tank tanks prior to drydock pressures are low

preventer guys and slewing guys must share pad eyes.

Cargo Handling


Answer 1 Run the purifier, checking the water outlet and submit a further sample for analysis.

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Locate the water leak Run the purifier and renew the oil continuously. charge.

Submit a further sample for analysis after one months running.

Prior to pumping fuel or ballast around the vessel, the location of tanks, pipelines and valves can be Ballast Control Plan confirmed by reference to the....

Stability Booklet

Oil Record Book

General Arrangement Plan

On chemical tankers, the term REACTIVITY refers to the cargo complications concerning....

pollution of the environment

temperature control

health of personnel

If slight water contamination of lub oil is confirmed what action should you take?

What is the purpose of the cable gland in addition to providing a watertight seal?

As bulkhead or To provide a gas tight penetrating plate seal reinforcement

In theory, a cargo pump should be able to draw up a liquid to a height equaling atmospheric pressure. This 5 metres would be approximately....

10 metres

To allow minor To maintain the sliding movements of mechanical properties the cable of the cable 15 metres

30 metres

Who should tank cleaning operations be supervised by?

A responsible officer A deck officer

A pumpman

A shore representative

When planning to load an iron ore bulk cargo......

no other cargo may be there is a need to in the same hold. cover it once loaded.

there may be a need to brace the adjacent structure.

sea water flooding must be available.

Ballast lines to deep tanks should be.....

flooded to keep pumps primed.

ultrasonically tested annually.

flushed weekly.

blanked prior to loading dry cargo in them.

During the transfer of fuel and ballast around the racking vessel significant stability effects may be caused by....


free surface

excess trim

Ro-Ro/Passenger Ships - The IMO stability regulations require that the ship's GM should never be 0.05m less than....




If the cargo density is different from that specified by the float gauge manufacturer, which of these Trim correction corrections will compensate for this?

List correction

Tape correction

Float correction

When a vessel is hogging the keel will be in........





Thermal Oils



Which of the following would NOT normally be used Steam for heating chemical cargoes?

Page 147

Cargo Handling


Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Railway Iron as far as possible should be stowed.....

on deck.


bedded on softer cargo.

fore & aft.

Which of the following cargoes would be most likely to be discharged using positive displacement reciprocating cargo pumps?

Jet fuel


Crude Oil


The IMO regulations for timber deck cargoes require.....

a taut lifeline on the ship's centreline.

lifelines to be rigged on the port and starboard sides.

lifelines to be made available if required.

lifelines to be of manila.

What is the term for filling tanks and lines with nitrogen, or similar liquid or gas, to prevent cargo contact with the atmosphere?





The term PADDING means protecting cargo with a blanket of inert gas, such as....




carbon dioxide

When carrying refrigerated cargo, while on passage the most important monitoring is .......

for CO2 build up.

recording cargo samples daily.

checking cargo packaging daily.

checking temperature regularly.


Stainless steel

Cast Iron


Engine at immediate notice

Engine at short notice

Minor repairs can be carried out

No notice needs to be specified




oxygen level

of a high flash point.

needing underdeck stowage.

of a hazardous nature.

What is the material used most commonly for cargo piping, valves and pumps? When cargo operations are taking place at an oil terminal, what must ship engine notice be? When you measure the level of oil in a cargo tank, at the same time you should measure the.... Cargoes referenced within the IMDG code may be anticipated to be..... When rigging a Jumbo Derrick for a heavy lift, which of the following is standard practice? In which document will full references and details relating to dangerous goods be found? The weight a vessel can carry is called the...... Inhibited or polymerizable cargoes should not be carried adjacent to.... For the purposes of tank cleaning, oily water deposits are discharged into a.... Eductors are used within oil tanker cargo operations for...... Where would you look to find the properties and hazards of a gas carried on your ship?

a spontaneous combustion risk. To put winches in double gear

To ensure an aft trim To discharge ballast

To slacken preventer backstays

ISM Guidelines

'M' Notices

The IMDG Code

The stowage plan

load displacement.

gross tonnage.

registered tonnage.


heated cargoes

ambient cargoes

cooled cargoes

any cargoes

ballast tank

bunker tank

alternative cargo tank slop tank

heating the cargo.

cargo stripping.

Code of safe working STCW Code practices

Page 148

commencing cargo loading. Ship`s chemicals register

commencing cargo discharge. ICS cargo data sheet

Cargo Handling


Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

While loading dangerous goods, the documentation is request the missing accept the cargo but incomplete regarding stowage and classification details before sailing. make a log entry. details. The deck officer should......

obtain full reject the cargo documentation before altogether. loading.

What are generally the main cargo pumps fitted on board chemical tankers?

Screw Pumps

Piston pumps

Gear pumps

Centrifugal pumps

Bulk Chemical Codes apply to....

all ships

all tankers

all chemical tankers

all bulk carriers

How would you identify "roll over" in a full or part full cargo tank?

Rapid drop in temperature

Rapid rise in pressure

Rapid drop in pressure

Rapid rise in temperature

A space that has been declared 'gas-free'....

would be expected to remain gas-free until must be kept empty the tank is next filled

can only be said to be must be filled with gas-free at the time of water if no cargo is to the test be loaded soon

The purpose of pressure/vacuum valves is to....

enable load/discharge measure of oil without opening pressure/suction sighting ports levels in cargo tanks

provide for the flow of small volumes of tank atmospheres caused by variations in temperature

provide an audible alarm in the event of pressure build-up

Water is drained from an exposed deck by.........

discharge pipes.

side scuttles.

freeing ports.

drain valves.

What is a GZ curve used to determine?








each four-hour watch.


winter draught.

summer draught.

statutory freeboard.




function tested

pour point

melting point

flash point

liquidisation point

Details of the inclining experiment

A shell expansion diagram

Hydrostatic tables

In passenger ships, all watertight doors in main transverse bulkheads shall be operated.... The vertical distance measured from the deck line to the centre of the load line disc is the........ Prior to unloading, all pumps, valves and associated instrumentation should be.... The lowest temperature at which oil will continue to flow if it is cooled is called the.... Which of the following would you not find in the ship's stability book? Which of these would you NOT normally use the reliquefaction plant for?

To cool down cargo tanks before loading

Page 149

To reliquefy the cargo To transfer the cargo vapour during loading to another ship

A maximum KG table To keep the cargo at the required temperature and pressure during transport

Cargo Handling

QUESTION The principal reason for cargo segregation is to......

Answer 1 maintain stability.

Transverse lashings for vehicles should make an angle 10° to 20° with the deck of.... What is the vertical distance top to top between the Summer Allowance load line marks S and F? Ro-Ro units should generally be stowed....

fore and aft

A cargo tank which has been gas-freed can be inerted dilution by introducing inert gas through a process known as.... Ullage is the distance from the underside of the deck to.... On an oil tanker, the final valve between the ship's side and the onshore terminal is called the......

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

allow ventilation.

keep apart cargo that allow space for should not be mixed. additional cargo.

20° to 30°

30° to 60°

60° to 80°

Dock Water Allowance with heaviest units forward

Fresh Water Allowance



Tropical Allowance athwartships precipitation

with heaviest units aft

the liquid surface

the bottom of the tank the reference point

the sounding pipe

Master Valve.

Crossover Valve.

Manifold Valve.

Hydrocarbon vapours are detected in a compartment being worked. The correct first action is....

increase ventilation

sound the general stop operations until test the compartment alarm and muster the normal atmosphere is atmosphere crew with BA regained

Why would an inhibitor be added to a liquefied gas cargo?

To identify it more easily

To make it less flammable

On which type of cargo tank would you find a BiMetallic joint or STJ(Special Transition Joint)? Consumption of liquid from the ship's double bottom tanks during a voyage will....

Kvaerner Moss Type Prismatic Type A B

Type C

increase the KG

decrease the KG

make the ship more stiff

Gaz Transport membrane increase the ship's displacement

Cargo containers may NOT contain:

military equipment

motor cars


dangerous cargo

How many loading conditions should be used when checking the validity of the stability computer?





When deck cargo is loaded it is important to......

load the heaviest cargo on deck.

maintain access to moorings.

allow for ice accretion.

ensure that access is maintained to the hatches.

Engine Room Log Book

Deck Log Book

Oil Record Book

Official Log Book

51% by volume

56% by volume

77% by volume

82% by volume

Times of opening or closing all hull doors must be recorded in the.... The proportion of nitrogen in inert gas is approximately....

Page 150

Drop Valve.

To make it less toxic

To stabilise an unstable or reactive product

Cargo Handling

QUESTION To help establish safe levels of toxicity, which equipment is often used? What is the intact volume of a vessel above the waterline called? The Dock Water Allowance is calculated as a proportion of the....... Where, in each monitored space, should the gas detector head be placed in a dedicated LNG tanker?

Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Oxygen analysers

Draeger tubes




Negative Buoyancy

Reserve Buoyancy

Lost Buoyancy

fresh water allowance.


summer draught.

winter draught.

At the top

At the bottom

In the centre(vertically)

Any point in the space







overstowing with heavy cargo.

fitting canvas dividers.

maintaining a low GM.

If you wished to calculate how much cargo was in a contents tank you would use the tank..........................table. All Noxious Liquid Substances (NLS) are listed in the 13 IBC Code chapter.... "saucers" filled with Possible shifts of grain cargo may be controlled by...... bagged grain.

ensure that access is maintained to the hatches.

Deck cargo stowage should......

allow an unobstructed not require temporary not be placed on view from the Bridge. walkways. dunnage.

Which one of these hazards does NOT apply to Methane?

Danger of explosion

Danger of toxicity i.e.poisoning

Danger of asphyxia

Nitrogen is used instead of inert gas in order to....

provide better protection against explosion

prevent contamination of the cargo

kill micro-organisms aid ease of use

Cargo hoses should be tested....

every year

every 3 years

every 2 years

every 5 years

What is the weight a vessel can carry called?

Load Displacement

Gross Tonnage

Registered Tonnage


Inhibitors are used to stop the product from....



self reacting


What is the most important aspect of communication with the Bridge?

Ballasting operations, Executing of orders cargo hold bilge from the bridge. pumping.

Executing orders from and issuing warnings to the bridge.

Operation of fire fighting and life saving equipment.

Prior to crew working in a compartment, it should be tested and found to have the following carbon monoxide PPM concentration....


below 5

below 50

below 100

Moving vehicles being loaded or discharged should have their speed regulated by....

blocking of routes

speed signs

traffic lights

active crew participation

Page 151

Danger of frostbite

Cargo Handling


Answer 1

In a 250,000 tonne VLCC, how many tonnes per hour would typically be discharged by a single main cargo 500 tonnes pump?

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

1,000 tonnes

2,000 tonnes

4,000 tonnes

if heavy weather is forecast. Burning the boil off in the ship`s boilers

up to the second stack. Venting to atmosphere

with twistlocks, rods and chains.

only if containing cargo. Do not need pressure control

a point as high on vehicle as can be achieved

the axle

special securing points

the chassis

The lowest temperature at which a liquid gives off a sufficient quantity of gas that it will form an explosive ignition point mixture with air, is called the....

boiling point

flash point

melting point

What is the condition in which the greatest pounding stresses in a ship are liable to Loaded, beam sea occur?

In ballast, beam sea

Loaded, head sea

In ballast, head sea

Where are panting stresses for a ship most severe?




Between the bulkheads

Which of these is the correct sequence of operations prior to loading?

Inspection Drying Inerting Cooling down

Drying Inspection Inerting Cooling down

Inspection Inerting Drying Inerting Drying Cooling down Inspection Cooling down

Cargo containers on deck are secured...... What is the usual method of cargo tank pressure control used on LNG carriers? Ideally, securing lashings for vehicles should be connected on the vehicle to....


The space is not safe to enter

The airlock`s other door is open and you must not try to enter until the light goes out

Prior to any cargo operations, what tests need to be carried out?

Function tests of the Testing of all the Testing of all alarms automated equipment machinery to be used

A full function test of all equipment and systems to be used

Volatile petroleum oil has a flash point....

below 15°C

below 30°C

below 80°C

On a fully refrigerated gas tanker carrying liquid butane, how is the tank pressure controlled?

By the relief valves

By the reliquefaction By burning the plant vapour in the boilers

It doesn`t need to be controlled

If a cargo is of low flash point it is said to be....




Which of these would you consider essential equipment to carry when working on the deck of a ship carrying ammonia?

Gas mask

Personal hydrocarbon Gloves alarm

If you wish to enter or leave a space that has an The space is safe to airlock, what does it mean if the warning light outside enter the airlock is lit?

Page 152

The airlock`s other door is closed and it is safe to enter

below 60°C


Personal O2 meter

Cargo Handling


Answer 1 Straw Brown Purple Blue

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Straw Purple Blue Brown

Brown Purple Blue Straw

Purple Straw Brown Blue

What is the horizontal distance between the forces of Buoyancy and Gravity, acting on a vessel when heeled Metacentric Height by wind or waves, called?



Righting Lever

If the containment pressure of LPG increases the boiling point will....

stay the same


decrease drastically

The list of cargoes capable of being carried on board a The Chemical List particular chemical tanker is called....

The Cargo List

The Certificate of Fitness

The IOPP Certificate

Freeboard is the vertical distance measured from the......

waterline to the keel.

main deck to the waterline.

main deck to the keel.

top of the bulwarks to the waterline.

What is the longitudinal curve of the deck called?



Rise of Floor


Oxygen reduction is particularly likely in cargo tanks where....

the vessel is operating the tanks have just in warm weather been cleaned conditions

inert gas or steam have just been used

the tanks have been empty for a long period of time

A cargo tank has been gas freed from LNG and you wish to inspect it. From where would you take samples to test for hydrocarbons?

The bottom of the tank

The top, bottom and levels in between

The top of the tank

The top and bottom

Which of the following refrigerated cargoes is not compatible for carriage in the same conditions as the others listed?





The flammable range of different chemicals may be.... always the same

always different

the same

often different

Ingestion means poisoning by....


skin contact


ship/shore safety check list

ship/shore operation plan

meeting agreement

material safety data Sheets

ICS Cargo Data Sheets

all of these

When tempering use is made of the microscopic oxide film formed on the surface, in what sequence does change occur?

decrease slightly


Before cargo operations begin, the responsible person on board and the terminal representative will complete ship details plan a.... The physical data of a liquid chemical can be found on....

the information supplied by the Manufacturer

Page 153

Cargo Handling


What is the IMDG Code?

Freeboard is the vertical distance measured from the....... Deficient oxygen content inside a confined space can be detected with.... In the event of cargo spillage cargo operations should be.... The diagram shows loadline marks. How is the distance between S and T calculated?

Answer 1

Answer 2

The International The International Code for the carriage Maritime Distress of livestock Code

Answer 3

Answer 4

The International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code

The Maritime Industry guidance document for the carriage of Dangerous Goods

waterline to the keel.

main deck to the waterline.

main deck to the keel.

top of the bulwarks to the waterline.

a combustible gas indicator

an oxy-warn meter

litmus paper

a hydrometer


slowed down


speeded up

One forty-eighth of the summer draft

One sixtieth of the summer draft

Four fifths of the FWA

Nine tenths of the FWA

Page 154

Deck Equipment


Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

What is special about a snatch block?

It is used with fibre or It is used only with synthetic ropes only. lifeboats.

It has a hinged cheek to allow placing a fall or runner without reeving.

Which of the following blocks is not used for cargo work?

Head block.

Heel block.

Topping lift block and Fall block. purchase block.

What important information is stamped on all cargo blocks?

The ship's name and official number.

The S.W.L.

The manufacturer's name and date of manufacture.

What are blocks?

Pieces of wood of varying size.

A pulley wheel or Equipment used to Heavy pieces of metal wheels in a wooden or secure the anchor used as weights. metal frame. cable.

How are the moving parts of deck equipment maintained?

By painting.

By washing.

You are at stations forward for weighing anchor. How can you tell when the anchor is aweigh?

When the cable is leading ahead.

When the cable is When the cable is up leading under the bow. and down.

When making a towing spring what must you ensure?

That the eye splice in That both wire and That the eye splice in the synthetic rope has a rope each have the wire has a thimble. thimble. thimbles.

That neither the wire or rope have thimbles.

Why is it necessary to whip strand ends of spliced ropes?

To prevent the strands For neatness. from unraveling.

To increase the safe working load of the rope.

Before tucking the strands of ropes to be spliced, what should you do first?

Thin the strands down Tie a knot at the end of Tightly whip the end of Number each strand in by cutting out half the each strand. each strand. order of tucking. fibres.

A mooring rope breaks close to the eye-splice during Inform the stevedores. Inform the captain. cargo operations at night. What action would you take? When would you need to keep a particularly close watch on the gangway and moorings?

By greasing.

For convenience.

Replace it at once.

It is lightweight and can easily be rigged aloft.

The maintenance order number.

By oiling. When the anchor is clear of the water.

Repair it in the morning.

When there is no cargo When there are no When there are no When there is no cargo work and small tidal loading operations with discharging operations work and the vessel is range. small tidal range. with large tidal range. locked in.

Which of these rigging methods is capable of lifting the heaviest load without exceeding the SWL of the derrick Union purchase. or its associated gear?

Yo-Yo gear.

Page 155

Doubling gear.

Yo-Yo gear working with doubling gear.

Deck Equipment


Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

What knot is used to secure a boatswain's chair to a gantline?

Reef knot.

Double sheet bend.

What is a "rope stopper" used for?

Securing a mooring line to bitts.

Taking the strain of a Securing the back mooring while moving spring. rope to the bitts.

Securing the anchor cable.

What is the advantage of a chain block?

It is more powerful than a regular purchase.

Its low gearing can easily lift a heavy weight.

It can only turn in one direction.

Which of these should not be done when preparing steel for painting?

Wash with soap and water.

Coat any bare metal Remove scale and rust with two coats of and then wirebrush. primer.

Wash with highpressure sea water.

Which of these types of rope can be expected to be strongest?





As an extra cargo derrick. Red lead.

For lifting the anchor in an emergency. Bituminous paint. Accommodation surfaces.

For lifting extra heavy For lifting cargo weights. quickly. Zinc-chromate paint. Anti-fouling paint. Hot surfaces.

Tank tops.

What is a jumbo derrick used for? What type of paint should be applied to aluminium?

On what parts of the ship are fire retardant paints used? Cargo holds.


It can be rigged practically anywhere.

Clove hitch.

Where is cement wash applied?

Fuel tanks.

Ballast tanks.

Fresh water tanks.

Cargo tanks.

Where is bituminous paint applied?

Ballast tanks.


Fresh water tanks.

Sewage tanks.

Where is anti-fouling paint applied?

The ship's main deck.

The ship's hatch covers.

The ship's side.

The ship's bottom.

Where is top-side paint applied?

The ship's hull above the load water line.

The ship's superstructure above the bridge.

The ship's hatch coamings.

The ship's masts, cranes and derricks.

Where are non-slip paints applied?

Weather decks.

The gangway.

Tank tops.

Alleyway decks.

From the head of the derrick to the ship's starboard side.

From the head of the derrick to the side away from the load.

To make a continuous To make a fixed loop rope from two ropes. in a rope.

For passing through a sheave.

To prevent the end of a rope passing through a sheave.

The driver can raise The driver can slew the and lower the jib as load from side to side. required.

Cargo can be positioned where it is wanted.

There are less working parts so simpler to maintain.

From the head of the From the head of the When using a union purchase, where do you secure the derrick to either side of derrick to the ship's preventer guys? the hatch coaming. port side.

What is a short splice used for?

Which of these is an advantage of derricks over cranes?

Page 156


Deck Equipment


Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

What are derricks mainly used for?

Loading and unloading Opening and closing Lowering the lifeboats. cargo. hatches.

What is a wooden fid used for?

Cutting strand ends.

Hammering rope to make it more pliable.

To open a rope to allow tucking.

That the storage space That they are stored is dry and well away from hot pipes. ventilated.

Answer 4 Mooring, anchoring and berthing. For binding the strands of a rope prior to splicing.

When storing ropes for a sea passage, what must you ensure?

That they are coiled clockwise on duckboards.

To protect wire ropes, what must you ensure?

That they are kept well That they are washed oiled. with strong detergent.

That they are painted.

What is a back splice used for?

For joining wire and fibre ropes.

To interlace two ropes.

To prevent end strands To form a loop in the from un-laying. end of a rope.

What are non-flexible steel wire ropes used for?

Winch runners.

Crane hoist wires.

Stays and shrouds.

Lifeboat falls.

What is a stay used for?

To support a mast or samson post.

For securing canvas awnings.

As a preventer.

To attach to a mooring rope for throwing ashore.

For wood fittings within the accommodation, what sort Oil based paint. of paint should be used?

Water based paint.

Fire retarding paint.

Non-drip paint.

What causes blistering on paintwork?

Exposure to the sun.

Moisture beneath the paint.

Use of too much paint.

Using the wrong type of paint.

Before painting, varnishing, or oiling woodwork, what must be ensured?

That the surface should That the surface is be clean and dry. washed first.

That the surface is roughly sanded.

That the surface is scored or gauged.

Which of these is a natural fibre suitable for making ropes?





How would you send tools down a hold or tank?

Lowered in a bag or bucket.

Throw down one-byone.


Put them in your pockets.

Part B is a turnbuckle for adjusting the length of the chain. Why would the chain need to be adjusted?

The chain needs to be adjusted depending on the speed the hatch cover will open.

The chain needs to be adjusted to different lengths for opening and closing.

The chain must be the The chain needs to be same length on each changed depending on side of the cover so the trim of the ship. that the cover will run straight on its track.

Page 157


All of these. That they are buffed with wire brushes.


Deck Equipment


Answer 1

Answer 2

What type of wire rope is used for lifeboat falls?

High tensile 6x6 stranded steel with steel core.

What is a runner used for?

To stop a derrick from For carrying flag or slewing. signal halyards.

Answer 3

Answer 4

Non-flexible steel wire 6x12 stranded with anti 6x36 stranded with rope. twist lay. fibre core. For hoisting or lowering cargo on a derrick.

For moving the boom higher or lower.


Container ships.

Older general cargo ships.

How do you open a coil of rope?

By taking rope from inside the coil and recoiling it anticlockwise.

By leaving it as it is until ready for use

By taking the middle By taking rope from of the rope and flaking outside of the coil and it out along the recoiling it clockwise. maindeck.

How many strands can a flexible steel wire have?




6 or 12 or 18

What type of stopper should be used to hold a polypropylene mooring rope?





What is a reef knot best used for?

Making a loop on the end of a rope.

Shortening a rope without cutting.

Joining ropes of equal texture and size.

Attaching a bosun's chair to a rope.

What is a sheepshank knot best used for?

Joining two ropes of equal size..

Shortening a rope without cutting.

Slinging a barrel or crate.

Making a loop in the end of a rope.

Which of these rope types is the most dangerous to work with?


Steel wire.



How are ropes supplied to ships?

In crates.

On pallets.

In coils.


How would you send a cluster light down into a cargo By the electric cable. hold?

Carry it down over your shoulder.

Lower it on a line.

Drop it down to an assistant.

If a nylon mooring rope gets wet by immersion in the water, it undergoes....

no change in strength or length.

an increase in strength no change in strength of 20 %. but some elongation.

a decrease in strength of 20 %.

What are flexible steel wires ropes used for?


Cargo runners.


Bulwark fencing.

Which of the following must be present for rusting to occur?

Air and iron.

Water and iron.

Oxygen and water.

Oxygen, water and iron.

What corrective action would you take if, when spraying a bulkhead, the paint developed into runs?

Add more base paint to Increase the spraying Make the paint thinner. the mixture that is pressure. being sprayed.

On what type of ships are you likely to find vertical lift Reefer ships. steel pontoon type hatch covers?

Page 158

Move the gun at a slower speed across the bulkhead.

312 345

Deck Equipment


Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Paint used in engine rooms needs to be ....

self polishing.

resistant to oils and chemicals.

resistant to sunlight.

easy to apply.

Which of the following combine with steel to form rust?

Water and salt.

Oil and water.

Air and dirt.

Water and oxygen.

Which of the following properties is NOT TRUE of gloss paint?

It is resistant to corrosion.

It is resistant to sunlight.

It is anti-abrasive.

It is anti-fouling.

For the protection of a deep tank that carries edible oils, Bituminous. which of the following coatings is most suitable?


Epoxy noncontaminate.


When leaving paint spraying equipment for a long period, the gun should be.....

left in the paint.

left in thinners.

washed clean with thinners and left full of hung up to dry. paraffin.

Which of the following, when mixed together with a pigment and a solvent, make up a basic paint?

A powder and colouring agent.

Fish oil and brickdust.

A binder and drying agent.

Tallow and resin.

Which of the following tools would be best for removing rust from large flat areas?

A wire brush.

A scraper.

A power disker.

A pneumatic chipping hammer.

Which of the following would you use to remove salt and dirt from a painted surface?

A dustpan and brush.

Oil and water.

White spirit.

Detergent and fresh water.

Where is "self polishing" paint used?

In the accommodation. Inside pipework.

On the ship's hull below the waterline.

On the ship's hull above the waterline.

The thinners used with a gloss paint is ....



epoxy resin.

When working with air-less paint spraying equipment, which of the following is NOT true?

The hose should be The spray gun need not marked "High be earthed electrically. Pressure" and/or the test pressure.

The pressure of the paint at the nozzle is high enough to cause wounding.

A suitable respirator should be used when spraying in enclosed spaces.

Varnish is best removed from large wooden areas with which of the following?

A grinder disk.

A three cornered scraper.

Sand paper.

A chipping hammer would be used for which of the following?

Clearing grease from Removing paint from a paint before it is large area. repainted.

Removing paint from small areas and inaccessible corners.

Chipping varnish from wooden areas.

A large metal surface is best cleaned and prepared for painting using which of the following?

Chipping hammers.


A sander.

Shot blasting.

A paint which is resistant to oils would be used in which of these spaces?

The accommodation.

Chain lockers.

The engine room.

The Bosun's store.

white spirit.

A deck sander.

Page 159

Deck Equipment


Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

The solvent used with emulsion paint is which of the following?

Diesel oil.

Mineral turpentine.


Cellulose thinners.

Chain lockers and machinery seatings would be protected with which of the following?



Emulsion paint.

Bituminous paint.

Which of the following paints would be used inside the Emulsion paint. accommodation?

Oil resistant paint.

Self polishing paint.

Chlorinated rubber paint.

Which of the following types of paint is used on the ship's bottom?

Emulsion paint.

Gloss paint.

Anti-fouling paint.

Anti-slip paint.

Flat, Round, Dog Leg, Sash Tool, and Pencil are all types of ....


paint brushes.



A basic paint is made up of ....

two types of epoxy resin.

fish oil and red lead.

white lead, tallow, thinner and paraffin.

pigment, binder, solvent and a drying agent.

The air-less type of paint spraying equipment would be cutting in. most suitable for ....

varnishing wooden putting paint onto large areas in the flat surfaces. accommodation.

decorating furniture.

When working with air-less paint spraying equipment which of the following is NOT true?

The safety catch The hose should be should be applied marked "high pressure" when there is a break or with a test pressure. in the spraying operation.

Static electricity can build up so the gun should be earthed.

The pressure of the paint is not high enough to cause wounding.

On which part of the ship would gloss paint be used?

The superstructure.

The boot topping.

The ship's bottom.

An oil tank.

A calcium based primer is used instead of a lead based primer when which of the following is present?




Cast iron.

Which of the following would be best for painting large A dog leg brush. areas?

A wide brush.

A paint roller.

A paint sprayer.

An epoxy non-contaminant paint would be most suitable for which of the following?

The ship's bottom.

Deep tanks.

The engine room.



Input wrench

Identify the powered hand tool No. 2?

The ship's accommodation. Drill

Page 160

Deck Equipment


Answer 1

Answer 2

Which of the following effects could be reduced if hand powered tools were used?

Over familiarity Use of safety glasses Tiredness Personal injury

Fatigue Loss of concentration Accidents Inaccurate work

What is always fitted in instrument air supply lines?

An oil separator.

An automatic drain valve.

Answer 3

Answer 4

Distraction Use of hard hat Cramp Eye strain

Injury to hands Tools correctly sharpened Loss of concentration Fatigue

A moisture separator.

A drain valve.

What do wire size numbers indicate?(e.g. sizes 10, 12 Wire section in square Wire outside diameter Retrogressive Progressive numbering etc.) millimetres. in millimetres. numbering in " AWG". in Amps.

When carrying out a repair using a bonded resin what precautions should be observed?

Use gloves, do not smoke,use barrier cream and use safety goggles.

Use gloves, ensure Use gloves, use stirrer, Use gloves, use brush below flash point of take care opening tins use barrier cream and material, use brush and and use safety goggles. use safety goggles. use safety goggles.

Page 161

Ship's Handling

QUESTION Controllable or variable pitch propellers are ...........

Answer 1

Answer 2

propellers that act as a the rotary part of a rudder. centrifugal pump.

Answer 3

Answer 4

used to supply fresh water to condensers.

propellers whose blades are adjustable. Lock Out.


The abbreviation L.O. stands for ............

Left Out.

Lower Outer main engine.

Lubricating Oil.

The ship's steering gear uses ............

hydraulic power to turn the rudder.

hydraulic power to turn the propeller.

hydraulic power to compressed air to turn drive the bow the rudder. thruster.


Propellers used to assist the berthing of a ship by pushing it sideways are called ....

steerable propellers.

bow and stern thrusters.

controllable pitch main propellers.

fixed pitch thrusters.


Bow and stern thrusters are .....

propellers that force the ship sideways when docking.

deflectors which thrust the bow or stern into the water.

rudders at the fore and aft ends of the ship.

another name for bulbous bows.

Propellers that have adjustable blades are called .....

rotating propellers.

controllable pitch propellers.

fixed pitch propellers. adjustable propellers.

You are berthed with a steady offshore beam wind of 30 knots. This wind suddenly increases to 60 knots. When this happens, the force pushing the vessel off the berth will be ......




Having just anchored, the vessel is now brought up. How should you secure the anchor?

With the brake on the With the cable With the use of With the brake on the winch and put the stopper backed up by securing wires and winch. motor in gear. the brake. the brake.

Who is responsible for the numbers and use of tugs during mooring?

The pilot.

The port authority.

The master.

The agent.

The master onboard a VLCC of 280,000 dwt has received a telex from the cargo terminal asking if the SPM-moorings are according to the OCIMF standard. What fitting must you have in order to comply?

One smith-type bracket with centre bow fairlead. capacity 150 tons.

Two tonguetype/hinged bowstopper with centre bow closed fairlead. Capacity 200 tons.

One tonguetype/hinged bowstopper centre bow closed fairlead. Capacity 200 tons.

Two tonguetype/hinged bowstoppers with separate closed fairleads. Capacity 200 tons.

The ship's master.

The duty engineer.

The port authority.

11 shackles.

8 shackles.

5 shackles.

1 2

quintupled. 3

When you have released tugs, to whom do you report The tug master. when the tugs are cleared? You need to anchor a ship in 80 meters of open water. 6 shackles. How much chain should you use? Your vessel is to turn to port in a narrow canal using one tug (turning the bow to port). In which position and how will you use the tug ? (Your vessel's engine will also be used.)


Make the tug fast on Make the tug fast on Make the tug fast aft the starboard shoulder the port shoulder and and pull. and push. pull.

Page 162

Make the tug fast in centre bow fairlead and pull.

1 3

4 2 2


Ship's Handling

QUESTION How should you minimize squat effect?

In relation to squat effect, which of the following statements is incorrect?

Answer 1 Decrease the speed. Squat results in an increase in ship's draft.

Answer 2 Increase the speed.

Answer 3 Transfer ballast to change the ship's trim.

Answer 4 Do a zig-zag manoeuvre and reduce the speed.

Squat results in a Squat can be a serious Squat results in a decrease in underkeel problem for deep decrease in ship's clearance. draft ships. draft.

The bow could be You are transiting a narrow channel. What can happen pulled towards the in this situation? bank.

The stern could be The bow could be The stern could be pushed away from the pushed away from the pulled towards the bank. bank. river bank.

You are sailing in shallow water, with 15 % underkeel Large change at first clearance. Coming full astern from full ahead , how then changing will your course change compared with deep water? slightly.

The heading will The heading will not change only slightly. change.

What would you say about a ship which is course unstable?

When you apply She will require large rudder, she will rudder angles to continue to turn long maintain course. after the rudder is returned to amidships.

When you put rudder amidships, she will quickly return to a straight course.

The heading will most likely change by a large amount.




When you apply rudder, she will take time before answering. 2

Your engine is going astern and you gather sternway. The rudder is amidships and you are operating on a You will change single, right-handed fixed screw. How will your ship heading to port. react?

You will change You will go straight heading to starboard. astern.

In which of these vessel types is "squat" likely to be most pronounced?

A supply or anchor handling vessel.

A vessel with a very A vessel with a high wide beam compared block coefficient. to length.

In which direction will the bow of a vessel move, with a single fixed pitch right-handed propeller which is To port. turning astern?

To starboard.


You are sailing in shallow water, with 15 % underkeel Stopping distance clearance. How will your stopping distance and shorter & turning turning circle change compared with deep water? circle smaller.

Stopping distance longer & turning circle larger.

A cargo liner.


Your stern will be pushed to starboard. 2


Backwards. 2

Stopping distance & turning circle will remain the same.

Stopping distance same & turning circle larger.

When your underkeel When your underkeel When your underkeel When your underkeel When manoeuvring, when will you notice the effect of clearance is 15% or clearance is 10% or clearance is 50% or clearance is 75% or shallow water? less. less. less. less. Page 163



Ship's Handling


Answer 1

She will maintain her What is most noticeable about a ship with good course course until large keeping stability? rudder angles are applied.

Answer 2 When you apply rudder, she will take time before answering.

Answer 3 When you apply rudder, she will continue to turn for sometime after the rudder is put amidships.

Answer 4 When you put the rudder amidships, she will quickly return to a straight course. 4

You are on a VLCC and are approaching shallow water with an underkeel clearance of 15%. What speed should you have when entering the shallow water and when should you slow down?

Maintain normal sea- Reduce to slow or speed, no need to less in due time slow down. before entering.

About 10 knots, slow About 6-7 knots, slow down 15 minutes down 30 minutes before entering. before entering.

You want to stop your ship as quickly as possible without too much change in the heading. What can you do to achieve this?

Put the engines full astern.

Do a zigzag manoeuvre.

What will be the stopping distance of your ship when proceeding at 8 knots and reversing to full astern?


A ship turns around a point called the ''pivot point". What is the usual position of this point when the ship is at full sea speed?


A ship turns around a point called the ''pivot point". What is the position of this point when the ship is stopped in the water?

At the ship's centre of Near the ship's stern. gravity.

Outside of the ship's centre line.

Near the ship's bow.

What shape of hull does a course stable ship usually have?

A long, slim hull.

A short, slim hull.

A long, wide hull.

A short, wide hull.

The speed should be more than 7 knots.

A tug may be connected at any convenient speed.

The speed should be less than 5 knots, normally 3 - 5 knots.

No, the ship will go straight astern.

No, the rudder will have no effect when Yes, it will give the the ship is making stern a lift force to sternway. It should be starboard. in amidships position when going astern.

Make a complete turning circle.


At the stern.

Stop the vessel When connecting a tug, what speed do you think is the completely before best for your vessel to maintain during this operation? connecting.

Your ship is making sternway of about 1.5 knots, with Yes, it will give the rudder hard to starboard. Will this rudder position stern a lift force to have any effect on the ship's behaviour? Choose the port. most complete answer.

Page 164


Use the rudder hard over both sides while reducing engine speed.


Check the information posted on the bridge.


At about 1/4 of the At about 1/4 of the ship's length from the ship's length from the bow. stern.


8 ship lengths.

1 1



Ship's Handling


Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

No, the most effective rudder angle is about 25 to 30 degrees, because the rudder is "stalling" at 35 degrees angle.

No, the rudder angle is most effective at angles between 10 and 20 degrees, because water flow over the rudder is strongest.

Yes, the rudder is most effective at maximum angle, because water flow over the rudder is strongest.

No, the rudder is most effective at small rudder angles, because drag is minimised.

The rudder is hard over, engine full ahead in shallow water. How much rudder lift force remains when the engine is stopped?

About 80%.

About 50%.

About 10%.

About 5%.

The rudder is hard over, engine full ahead in deep water. How much rudder lift force remains when the engine is stopped?

About 5%.

The rudder is in the hard over position, propeller stopped. The ship is turning slowly. What can be done to make her turn faster without increasing forward speed?

Give full astern until the ship has stopped, then full ahead again with the rudder hard over.

Give a kick ahead.

A tug is connected by a line at your bow. Will the bollard pull be the same at any speed? Choose the most complete answer.

Yes, the bollard pull is the same at any speed.

No, when the speed No, when the speed is exceeds 5 knots the increasing, the bollard tug will not be of pull is also increasing. much help.

No, best use of a tug is made when the ship is going astern.

Overshoot is an expression used when talking about a Do a 360 degrees ship's steering ability. How can overshoot be turning circle. determined?

Do a 540 degrees turning circle.

Do a standing turn.

Do a 20/20 degree zigzag manoeuvre.

It is the way a ship Overshoot is an expression used when talking about a turns when the helm ship's steering ability. What does this mean? is put to the hard over position.

It is the way a ship continues to turn after counter-rudder is applied.

It is the way a ship continues to turn when the helm is put amidship.

It is the way a ship responds when moving the helm from hard to port to hard to starboard.

The vessel has a tendency to turn to port (for a right turning propeller).

The vessel becomes sluggish in responding to the rudder.

The vessel responds very quickly to the rudder.

The maximum rudder angle on your ship is 35 degrees. Is the rudder most effective at this angle? Choose the most complete answer.

How is shallow water effect felt by a vessel?


3 About 20%.

About 50%

About 80%. 2

The vessel has a tendency to turn to starboard (for a left turning propeller).

Page 165

Give slow ahead.

Give half astern. 2





Ship's Handling


You are performing an overtaking manoeuvre in confined waters. What should you watch out for?

Answer 1

The bow may be pulled towards and the stern may be The change in speed pushed away from the of the other ship. other ship as you pass.

Your ship is equipped with a single right-handed fixed You will stop in 1.5 propeller. While steaming full ahead you reverse the times the ship's engine to stop the ship. How will the ship react? length. A ship turns around a point called the "pivot point". What is the position of this point when the ship is going astern?

You are meeting another ship in confined waters. What can happen as the ships approach each other?

Answer 3

The change in your underkeel clearance.

You will sheer to You will sheer to port starboard and and stop rather gradually lose quickly. headway.

At about 1/4 of ship's At the stern. length from the stem.

When a conventional rudder is put hard over it creates a lift force and a drag force. When the ship has to turn, how much lift force remains if the rudderAbout 10%. angle is decreased to 20 degrees from the hard over position?

In ship handling terms, which of these overtaking situations is the most dangerous?

Answer 2

About 30%.

Answer 4 The stern may be pulled towards and the bow may be pushed away from the other ship as you pass. You will continue on a straight course. 3

At about 1/4 of ship's At amidships. length from the stern.

About 50%.



About 80%. 4

A small vessel overtaking a large vessel with a big difference in speed between the two vessels.

A small vessel overtaking a large vessel with little difference in speed between the two vessels.

A large vessel overtaking a small vessel with a big difference in speed between the two vessels.

A large vessel overtaking a small vessel with little difference in speed between the two vessels.

Initially the bows of the ships will be pushed away from each other.

Initially the bows of the ships will be pulled together.

Both vessels will be affected by squat.

There will be no effect.

Your ship is equipped with a right handed propeller. As you go full astern from full ahead, the ship is No. sheering to starboard. Is there anything you can do to reduce the change in heading?

Put the rudder hard to Swing the rudder port. from side to side.


1 Put the rudder hard to starboard. 2

Page 166

Ship's Handling


How is bank effect felt by a vessel?

Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

The vessel's bow is The vessel's stern is The whole vessel is pushed away from the pushed away from the drawn in parallel to nearest bank. nearest bank. the nearest bank.

Answer 4 The whole vessel is pushed away parallel to the nearest bank. 1

In which of these vessel types is "sinkage" likely to be A cargo liner. most pronounced?

In ship handling terms, what is meant by "sinkage"?

You are in a 360 degrees turn with engine full ahead. If you reduce speed while in the turn, how will the turning diameter change? You are going to leave a crowded anchorage by making a 180 degrees turn. You ship has a right handed propeller and you can turn either way. How can you make the turn using as little space as possible?

Sinkage is the deepest draft a vessel obtains aft when moving through the water.

A supply or anchor handling vessel.

A vessel with a high block coefficient.

Sinkage is the extra Sinkage is the change draft a vessel of draft experienced experiences when when moving through comparatively heavily water. loaded both ends.

A vessel with a very wide beam compared to length. Sinkage is the extra draft a vessel experiences when comparatively heavily loaded amidships.

The change will The turning diameter The turning diameter The turning diameter depend on rudder will become smaller. will not change. will increase. angle.

Full ahead, rudder hard to port.

What shape of a hull would you say a course unstable A long, slim hull. ship would have?

Full ahead, rudder hard to starboard.

A length to beam A length to beam ratio greater than 5.5. ratio less than 5.5.

You have made a turning test at full speed in deep water. You are now going to make one with initial speed, slow ahead. Do you think the diameter will differ from that of initial full ahead?

The diameter will be the same whatever Yes, it will be much initial speed we have smaller with slow when starting the ahead. turn.

Does a ship's trim influence her steering abilities?

Yes, a ship usually steers better if trimmed by the bow.

Page 167

Rudder hard to port, full astern. After you gain some sternway, rudder hard to starboard and full ahead.

No, a ship will have the same steering ability unaffected by trim.

Yes, it will be much greater with slow ahead.

Rudder hard to starboard, full ahead. Rudder hard to port, full astern. Repeating this maneuver until you have made the turn. A length to beam ratio less than 7. Yes, there will be a large difference in the turning diameter between full and slow ahead.

Yes, a ship usually No, it is usually best steers better if to have no trim at all. trimmed by the stern.








Ship's Handling

QUESTION What happens if the rudder is moved in a heavy sea?

Answer 1 The main pressure relief valves lift.

Answer 2 The hydraulic motor absorbs the shock.

Answer 3

Answer 4

The over pressure is absorbed by system accumulators.

The telemotor pump prevents movement by increasing the hydraulic pressure.

4 1

What can be done when a vessel experiences synchronous rolling during rough weather?

Alter course

Alter speed

Maintain course and speed

Lower the GM of the vessel

The point at which the helm must be applied to achieve a required course alteration is called the ......

wheel-over position.




In the diagram, B represents the start of a turning circle of a power driven ship in deep water with 20 degrees starboard rudder. If the ship was in shallow water, the turning circle with the same rudder angle would be...


Most large tankers are moored using wire ropes on winches in order to remain safely moored alongside. If extra mooring lines are required, would a mixture of wires and full-length synthetic fibre ropes be appropriate?

No, because the wires would take most of Yes, because the extra the strain and the fibre ropes are easier fibre ropes practically to handle. none.



What slows the rudder movement when the requested The steering wheel position is reached? transmitter. What is the final engine test before starting the main engine for departure? What is the type of rudder shown in the figure? A ship is being turned short round in a tidal stream that is running at three knots. If in still waters this normally takes 12 minutes, what allowance, if any, should be made for the drift of the ship during the turn?

The rudder control receiver unit.


none of the other options.

No, because most fibre ropes of the required breaking strain are large and difficult to handle.

Yes, because the fibre ropes are more flexible and complement the wires, adding to the overall effectiveness of the mooring.

The hunting gear feedback signal.

The rudder telemotor control.

Put out the turning gear and turn the lubricators.

Blow indicator cocks, Close safety valves, Open air to engine, test reversing of blow indicator cocks, drain air bottles, blow engine, short firing fill air bottles indicator cocks kick.





no allowance

3 cables

12 cables

6 cables

Page 168



Ship's Handling


Answer 1

Answer 2

What is the main advantage of a CP propeller installation?

Engine can be run at More efficient constant, unipropeller coefficient. directional speed.

Upon what is the movement of the rudder dependant, when a helm order is given?

The degree of opening of the hydraulic bypass valve.

Answer 3 Higher engine rpm.

Answer 4 Less starting air consumption.

On the distance the On the adjustment of On the hydraulic hydraulic control the feedback rod pressure setting of the lever is moved by the connection. relief valves. floating link.

To reduce the chance When operating with conventional screw tugs, what is To secure the tug to of "girting" the function of the "Gob" or "Gog" rope? the ship

To keep the tug at the correct place on the To improve the ship's side when bollard pull of the tug pushing

The graph shows the decrease of speed, against time, on a 100,000 deadweight tanker proceeding at full speed of 13.3 knots and at minute 0 the engine was Series 1 stopped. What is the decrease in speed most likely to be?

Series 2

Series 3

None of the other options.

In ideal conditions, the forward distance a propeller will move in one revolution of the shaft is the:







be rejected away from In a narrow canal, a ship proceeding at half speed the bank by the ahead swings towards the port bank of the channel. As be unaffected pressure the bow approaches the bank, it would initially....

be first pulled be pulled towards the towards the bank, bank by bank suction then rejected away

one quarter of the The position of the pivot point when making sternway length of the ship is approximately.... from the stern


one quarter of the length of the ship from the bow

Prepare for anchoring To which one of these actions would you give priority if in shallow waters Inform head office if you have a main engine failure?

When would both steering gear motors be run together?


When manoeuvring in When at anchor in a confined areas. confined anchorage.

The diagram shows the manoeuvring characteristics of Turning Distance a ship. What are the distances A1 and A2 called? Page 169

Tactical Diameter

Inform charterers

When on passage to minimise wear.


one eight of the length of the ship from the stern Inform agents that the vessel will possibly be delayed In the tropics to overcome the lowering of the oil viscosity. Transfer







Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

What is the connecting plate between a side frame and Bracket a transverse deck beam called?




What is distortion of a vessel's structure caused by rolling called?





The lower end of the stem bar of a ship is attached to a........




keel plate

Why are conventional strainers not fitted in the cargo hold bilge wells?

They would restrict Because they are the pumping of bilge inaccessible when wells. cargo is loaded.

Because they might Because the cargo be damaged during holds are cleaner than loading and the engine room. discharging.

What is the minimum number of transverse bulkheads Three required for a vessel with machinery aft?





What is the type of framing shown in the ship cross section?






Additional bottom stiffening is required immediately aft side of the collision bulkhead to resist........





Where is the top of a stern frame connected to a vessel's structure?

After Peak Bulkhead Steering Flat

Transom Floor

Vibration Post

Oil tanker design rules require that petroleum cargo tanks are separated from accommodation by....

reinforced bulkheads the pumproom

a cofferdam

a ballast tank

Moulded beam is the measurement taken to the.........

inside of the plating.

outside of the plating inside of the frames.

inside of the ceiling.

What is the transverse curve of the deck called?





To prevent water entering the space below, door openings on the weather deck should be constructed with approved........







354 A B

Ф И Page 170



Answer 1

Answer 2









W X Y Z [ ]


; '


Page 171

Answer 3

Answer 4



Answer 1

When you see the symbol on the left, what should you Safety Masks wear? When you see the symbol in the middle, what should Safety Boots you wear? When you see the symbol on the right, what should you Hats wear?

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Ear Defenders



Rubber Boots

Sea Boots

Rain Boots

Woolen Helmets

Safety Helmets


If the machinery is Which of the following does NOT apply to electrically sparking or arcing it powered deck machinery and cables? should not be used.

The machinery has to warm up before it can be used.

Damaged cable insulation should be reported immediately.

Electrical controls should be in weather proof containers.

Electricity as a power source for deck machinery would Crude Oil Tankers. NOT be suitable for which of the following?

Refrigerated vessels.

General Cargo ships.

Ro/Ro - Container ships.

On a McGregor hatch, if the chains on either side are of Failure of the eccentric A loss of watertight uneven length, which one of the following could occur? wheels to operate. integrity of the hatch.

A failure of the hatch to open fully.

Uneven closing of the hatch and possible jamming.

Compressed air could be used as a power source for which one of the following?

Cargo winches.

Gangway hoists.


Mooring Winches.

Before using deck machinery powered by hydraulics which of the following would you NOT have to do?

Drain water from the pipework.

Bleed air from the system.

Check and if necessary Check the system for top up the system with any leaks. oil.

Which of the following needs a brake that is activated if A hatch cover drive the power fails? motor.

Cargo winches.

Mooring winches.


Which of the following parts of a MacGregor hatch require the most maintenance?




Crude Oil Tankers.

General Cargo ships.

fitted with special security locks.


Steam as a power source for deck machinery is most suitable for which of the following type of ship? Access doors on deck cranes have to be ...

Locking cleats.

Ro/Ro - container Refrigerated vessels. ships. made of a special light fitted with a quick alloy. opening mechanism.

Which of the following should be marked on all heavy lifting gear?

Breaking Load.

Light Working Load.

Safe Working Load.

Maximum Lifting Height.

The outside of deck cranes, derricks and hatch coamings all need protecting with.....


emulsion paint.

gloss paint.

bituminous paint.

What action would you take if a defect developed while Stop and report the Proceed very carefully. using any lifting gear? defect.

Page 172

Report the defect at the Return the equipment end of the working and use a replacement. day.



Answer 1

Answer 2

Which of the following is NOT important if you are replacing a worn shackle?

The manufacturer.

After a lifting block has been dismantled, cleaned and reassembled, which of the following is checked?

That all the split pins That the correct grease and locking devices has been used. have been replaced.

The size.

Answer 3

Answer 4

The Safe Working Load.

The type.

That the correct block has been dismantled.

That all parts of the block have been cleaned.

The Safe Working Load should be marked on which of Deck machinery. the following?


Lifting gear.

Lifeboat davits.

Which of these items of safety equipment must be worn A life jacket. during anchoring operations?

Safety goggles.

A respirator.

Rubber gloves

The watch keeper involved

All the watchkeepers

The navigating officer

Prior to sailing, to whom must the details of passengers requiring special assistance in the event of emergency The Safety Officer be passed?

The ship's Doctor

The Master

The Port Authority

When crew members are working in confined spaces that have been cleared of hazardous materials, ventilation should be provided......


if oxygen levels fall

if the TLV is exceeded

When watchkeepers are inadequately rested, it calls for changes to routine watchkeeping periods. Who is The master responsible for making such changes?

at least every 30 minutes

Page 173

First Aid


Answer 1

A companion of yours on a ship falls down a flight of Apply a tourniquet to stairs and thinks he may have broken his leg. What's the his upper leg. best thing you should do?

Which of these describes basic life support?

Apply a splint.

Establishing an airway, breathing and keeping Treating a wound or a blood moving through burn correctly. chest compressions.

A shipmate touches some live electrical wires and Find and isolate the collapses unconscious. What's the first thing you should source of the do? electricity.

What is a resuscitator?

Answer 2

A plastic tube that fits over the casualty's throat to keep an airway open.

Answer 3

Answer 4

Seek help.

Pull on the foot to set the bone.

Surgery in a hospital with machines to bypass pump blood.

Dialysis for kidney problems.

Immediately check for Put rubber soled shoes Dampen the victim signs of breathing and on your feet. with a wet towel. a pulse. An insulated and An electrical device An oxygen tank, with a heated bag that is used with 2 paddles that can demand valve and to wrap around a be used to restart the mask. casualty suffering from heart. hypothermia.

Which of the following conditions would indicate that a Eyes are glazed and casualty was dead? sunken.

Casualty is not moving.

Casualty is pale.

The skin is wet and clammy.

An unconscious seaman is lying on his back and is not breathing. What's the first thing you should do?

Slap his face gently with the palm of your hand.

Waft smelling salts under his nose.

Tilt his head back as far as it will go.

Throw cold water on his face.

A crew member has fallen from a height of about 5 Tie the patient to any Put the patient into the Do not move the Carry the patient to the meters and though conscious cannot feel any pain in his pieces of wood that can recovery position in patient as he may have ship's hospital. limbs. What should you do? be used as splints. case he vomits. neck or spine injuries. The cardiovascular system refers to what parts of the body?

The lungs.

The brain and nervous The heart and blood system. circulation systems.

The bones and muscles.

If the heart of a casualty has stopped, approximately how long will it take before the casualty is likely to suffer brain damage?

Beyond 10 seconds.

Beyond 1 minute.

Beyond 6 minutes.

Beyond 20 minutes.

Mouth to mouth method.

Mouth to nose method.

Heath Robinson method.

Which of these is the most effective method of artificial Silvester method. respiration?

Page 174

First Aid


Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Where should the hands of the first aider be placed when doing heart compressions?

In the middle where the collar bone Over the left nipple on At the end of the (Clavicle) joins the the chest. breastbone. breast bone (Sternum).

If an injured person's pulse cannot be felt at the wrist, where on the body should the pulse be taken?

The side of the neck.

The chest near the heart.

The ankle.

The top of the leg.

Which of these is considered the best way to control severe bleeding?

Application of a tourniquet.

Direct pressure over the wound.

Direct pressure on a pressure point.

Raise the bleeding part above the level of the head.

What damage could occur if first aider's hands are placed at the tip of the sternum during heart compressions?

The liver might be torn The ribs might be leading to severe cracked. internal bleeding.

The patient may vomit The lungs might be as his stomach is punctured leading to squeezed. severe loss of breath.

Which of these would be the best action if you suspected a casualty was choking?

Press suddenly and sharply into the Get the casualty to lie casualty's abdomen down flat on his back. with a quick hard thrust.

Sit the casualty down and place his head between his knees.

What is meant by the term compound fracture?

A bone that is broken A broken bone that is in more then one place. causing bleeding.

A broken bone with the ends of the bone A bone that has broken protruding from the leaving jagged edges. skin.

When internal injury is suspected, which of the following should NOT be done?

Get the patient to lie down.

Slightly elevate the legs.

Give the patient a drink Keep the patient warm. of water.

Which of these drugs might be given to reduce severe pain?




A casualty has been injured by crushing his hand in an item of machinery. Which of the following should never be done?

Give the patient some water provided there is Apply direct pressure no injury to the to the wound. abdomen.

Page 175

About 4 cm nearer the head then the lower end of the breastbone (sternum).

Tap the casualty on the back between his shoulder blades


Give the patient a shot Have the casualty lie of alcohol to help ease down. the pain.

First Aid


What is meant by an open fracture?

Answer 1 One that occurs at the end of a bone.

About 100 If you are doing heart compression, approximately how compressions per many compressions per minute is about right? minute.

Answer 2 One where an end of one of the bones pierces the skin.

Answer 3 One where the bone has broken into more then one piece.

Answer 4 One where more then one bone is involved.

About 60 compressions About 40 compressions About 10 compressions per minute. per minute. per minute.

To prevent the casualty The unconscious or recovery position should be used To ease the pain of drowning in his own for a casualty who is breathing but unconscious. Why? broken bones. vomit.

To correct for any spinal injury.

To minimize nose bleeding.

Approximately how much blood is contained in the human body?

About 1.5 litres.

About 20 litres.

About 10 litres.

About 5 litres.

Abdominal Thrust is the name of a technique used to attempt to force air out of a choking casualty's lungs. How is this technique performed?

Lay the casualty on a hard surface, press firmly and rapidly on the middle of the lower half of the breast bone.

Stand close behind the casualty, clench your fist and place it in the Use the Abdominal centre of upper Thrust tool found in abdomen. Grasp your the first aid box. fist with your other hand and pull inwards.

What is the Recovery Position?

The patient is seated in an up-right position and with the arms and legs arranged in order to keep this position stable.

The patient is placed in a "face-to-the-floor" position with arms and legs arranged in order to stabilize this position.

The patient is seated in a position with the The patient is placed head kept as low as flat on a bed. possible.

Exposure to cold conditions may cause .....


heat stroke.

a heart attack.


When using a compress bandage, what shows that the bandage might be too tight?

Blue colour of the skin Swelling above the above the bandage. bandage.

Swelling above the bandage and strong pulsating pain.

Increase in heartbeat and dizzy feeling.

What blood alcohol level is permissible under U.S. legislation before it is defined as intoxication?





Page 176

Bend the casualty forward and apply hard blows to the centre of the back.

First Aid


Answer 1

Answer 2

The ABC rule is important for first aiders to know. What does ABC stands for?

Airway - Breathing Communication.

An insect has become lodged in the ear. How should it be removed?

Gently flood the By using a rubber casualty's ear with vacuum pump to suck warm water so that the the insect out. insect floats out.

What is the rhythm of resuscitation should two first aiders use when working as a team?

3 compressions after every 1 inflation.

After checking for open airway, giving the first 2 inflations and checking the pulse to make sure that the Doesn't matter how heart is beating, what rate of inflations should be given many times. until natural breathing is restored?

Attitude - Blood Communication.

Answer 3 Alcohol Blood Content.

Answer 4 Airway - Breathing Circulation.

Use a Q-tip and By using an ear bud carefully try to get the and carefully try to get insect out. the insect out.

7 inflations before 5 compressions after every 5 compressions. every 1 inflation.

10 compressions within every 3 inflations.

12-16 times per minute.

25-27 times per minute.

10-12 times per minute.

When performing chest compressions, where on the casualty's body do you place your hands?

Place the heel of your hand on top of the heart position. Cover the hand with the heel of the other hand.

Place the heel of one hand two finger Place the heel of your breadths above the two hands on the top of bottom of the the breastbone. breastbone. Cover the hand with the heel of the other hand.

The position of your hands is not important.

Unconscious casualties who are breathing and whose hearts are beating should be placed in the Recovery Position. Why is this position so important?

This position makes it This position ensures This position ensures easy to minimise any that an open airway is the heart keeps beating. kind of bleeding. maintained.

This position prevents the patient from falling asleep.

Sun rays and light reflected from a bright surface (e.g. snow) can cause damage to skin and eyes. What is this type of burn called?

Radiation burn.

Cold burn.

What is hypothermia?

When the body When the body When the body When heavy coughing temperature falls to 39 temperature falls below temperature falls below occurs. degree C. 23 degree C. 35 degree C.

What is the skin colour of a patient in shock?

Light blue.

Electrical burn.

Dark blue.

Page 177

Dry burn.

Pale or grey.

Green or purple.

First Aid


Answer 1

Answer 2 Be kind to the patient and give him something to eat or drink at the first opportunity.

If a person is in shock, which of these is the correct thing to do?

Apply hot-water bottles to keep the patient warm.

How can you prevent a patient from fainting?

Tell the person to sit Tell the patient to sit down and lean forward down with his head up with the head between and tilted back the knees taking deep breathing normally. breaths.

What are the symptoms of someone about to faint?

The person has a red face and small pupils.

What is the first sign and symptom of a heart attack?

Skin may be red and Sudden crushing, viceloss of movements in like pain in the centre the right arm may of the chest. occur.

Reflate - Inject The treatment for muscle strain may be remembered as Cooperation RICE. What is RICE? Elevation.

The person starts to talk a lot and seems hyperactive.

Rest - Inject - Care Evaluation.

Answer 3

Answer 4

Try and reassure the Move the patient to a patient and stay with place of safety. the person at all times.

If standing in a crowd, flex the leg muscles Try to keep the person and toes to aid in a standing position. circulation.

The person's pulse is The person may be very fast and he/she is very pale and pulse is getting cold. slow and weak.

Frothing at the mouth.

Strong and painful pulse.

Rest - Ice Compression Elevation.

Reflate - Ice Compression Estimation.

A heavy fall or a severe blow to the upper part of the abdomen can upset the regularity of breathing. What are the symptoms?

The casualty starts The casualty is The casualty feels very sweating profusely and speaking in a loud hungry. develops fever. manner.

The casually has difficulty in breathing and may be unable to speak.

How can asthma attacks be triggered?

By nervous tension, allergy or no obvious cause.

By too much fresh air activity.

Put the hand in cold water for How would you ease the pain for someone who gets his approximately 20 finger tip stuck in a hatch cover? minutes and then puncture the nail with a preheated needle.

By not keeping to a proper diet.

By loud music.

Put the hand in a bucket of warm water Put the finger in your for approximately 5 mouth and suck for minutes and then half an hour. puncture the nail with a needle.

Page 178

Put the finger in warm alcohol until the pain reduces.

First Aid

QUESTION What is the rhythm when performing mouth-to-mouth ventilation in combination with chest compressions by one first aider only?

Answer 1 15 compressions followed by 2 full ventilations.

Answer 2 10 compressions followed by 3 full ventilations.

Answer 3 20 compressions followed by 5 full ventilations.

Answer 4 5 compressions followed by 5 full ventilations.

What kind of first aid should be given to a person with frostbite?

Heat the affected areas Rub the affected area with hot-water bottles. with alcohol.

Apply hand or body heat to the affected Give the person a parts skin-to-skin. (e.g. cigarette. frozen hand in person's opposite armpit).

What would you do if you see a man fall into a cargo hold?

Raise the alarm.

Get the first aid kit.

Go to the man and try to assist as much as possible.

Get a stretcher and rope.

When engaged in deck maintenance work or mooring operations, what sort of gloves should be worn?

Rubber or synthetic gloves.

Leather palm gloves.

Heat resistant welders gloves.

Light cotton gloves.

A crewman reports feeling dizzy after time in a compartment. The correct action is first to....

increase ventilation to the compartment

test the compartment atmosphere

seal off the compartment and sound the general alarm

seal off the compartment

Page 179



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

GMDSS: What signal can trigger a SART?

A 3 cm radar signal

A distress signal

A 10 cm radar signal

An MF two-tone alarm signal

GMDSS: What is the MF DSC distress and safety frequency?

2182 kHz

2187.5 kHz

2336 kHz

2177 kHz

GMDSS: Which of the following VHF channels is normally used for harbour radio traffic?

Channel 10

Channel 6

Channel 12

Channel 24

GMDSS: If your vessel is "On Scene Commander" during SAR operations, how would you impose radio silence if other stations are disturbing the distress frequency?

Seelonce Distress

Seelonce Mayday

Seelonce Fini


GMDSS: Which HF band would you use as "first choice" for a ship-to-shore distress alert?

12 MHz

6 MHz

16 MHz

8 MHz

GMDSS: Which communication services are available Distress, telephony and in the Inmarsat-A system? telefax

Distress and telephony only

Distress, data and telex

Distress, telephony, telefax, telex and data

GMDSS: You have 2 batteries, each 12 volts, 100 A/H, connected in series. What is the combined voltage and capacity?

12 Volts, 200 A/H

24 Volts, 200 A/H

6 Volts, 100 H/A

24 Volts, 100 A/H

GMDSS: A Cospas/Sarsat EPIRB is transmitting on two different frequencies. Which of the two frequencies carries the MMSI number?

121.5 MHz

1.6 GHz

406 MHz

2182 kHz

GMDSS: When is the telex mode FEC used?

During 'dirtlx' calls

For broadcast on NAVTEX and radio telex

During transmission of Store and Forward messages

For EGC messages

GMDSS: Your vessel is equipped with GMDSS for the A4 area. You are in position 76 N, 23 E, and you want Inmarsat A to make a phone-call. What equipment would you use?

HF Telephony

Inmarsat M

Inmarsat B

GMDSS: SDR (Special Drawing Rights) is the international currency within telecommunications. How many Gold Franks are there in one SDR?

3.061 gfr

7.09 gfr

10 gfr

2.5 gfr

GMDSS: What services are available in the Inmarsat-C Distress, telephone and system? telefax

Distress, telex, semifax, Telex only data and EGC

GMDSS: How often should the EPIRB to be tested by Every month the vessel's crew?

Every 6 months Page 180

Only once a year, prior to filling in the yearly technical report

Data only It is never tested by the vessel's crew


QUESTION GMDSS: What information do we need to direct the Inmarsat-A parabola antenna towards the satellite ?

Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Air temperature and pressure

Azimuth and elevation angles

Vessel's course

GMDSS: What is meant by "Geostationary Orbit" ?

The satellites are in a polar orbit

The satellites are in an orbit 30000 km above the equator and move faster than the earth

The satellites are in an orbit 30000 km above The satellites move the equator and move at away from the earth the same speed as the then return periodically earth

GMDSS: What is the azimuth angle used in Inmarsat communication?

The true bearing to the satellite

The angle between the The horizontal angle The relative bearing to satellite and the horizon between the horizon and the satellite - seen from the antenna the satellite

Vessel's speed

GMDSS: What kind of antenna is used by an InmarsatA directional antenna A terminal?

An omnidirectional antenna

A stretch antenna

A ground plane antenna

GMDSS: What number is used to identify a vessel when alerting by means of a Cospas/Sarsat EPIRB?

The MID number

The IMO number

The MMSI number

The Inmarsat ID number

GMDSS: In what situations should we use the alarm signal on 2182 kHz to alert other vessels and coast stations?

During distress only

To announce safety messages

During distress and when there is a man overboard

To announce urgent messages

GMDSS: When was GMDSS globally implemented?

1st of February 1997

1st of February 1996

1st of February1998

1st of February 1999

GMDSS: How many hand held VHFs must there be on 1 board vessels greater than 500 grt?




GMDSS: What frequency would you use to call other vessels by the means of MF DSC?

2187.5 kHz

2336.0 kHz

2182.0 kHz

2177.0 kHz

GMDSS: What is the MID number in the following MMSI number: 257123456?





GMDSS: What is special about the Inmarsat-C number?

It always starts with digit 4

It has only 7 digits

It always starts with digit 1

It always ends with digit 5

GMDSS: If you are in a position outside the coverage area of Inmarsat satellites; what equipment could you use to receive MSI (Maritime Safety Information) traffic?

An EGC receiver

An off-frequency Inmarsat-C terminal

A NAVTEX receiver only

A NAVTEX receiver and HF radiotelex

Page 181



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

GMDSS: SDR (Special Drawing Rights) is the international currency used to compute radio charges. How can we find the current rate of SDR against any national currency?

The SDR rate is a constant so no need to ask anyone

Ask a coast station in the country where your tele-accounts are being done

GMDSS: The Cospas/Sarsat EPIRB transmits on two frequencies. Why does it transmit on 121.5 MHz?

To alert military aircraft

To give the vessel's To alert other vessels in To alert civilian aircraft position to the vicinity Cospas/Sarsat satellites

Call the office

Look at the rate chart in the List of Coast Stations

GMDSS: A coast station has 002571234 as it's MMSI 002 number. What is the MID number?




GMDSS: Which frequency is used by the NAVTEX system?

500 kHz

512 kHz

519 kHz

518 kHz

GMDSS: Which transmission mode is used by the NAVTEX system?





GMDSS: In what ocean area do we find the AOR-E satellite?

Pacific Ocean

Indian Ocean

Eastern Atlantic Ocean

Western Atlantic Ocean

GMDSS: An MF telephony alarm signal consists of two tones. What are the audio frequencies of these tones?

1000 and 2000 Hz

1289 and 2689 Hz

800 and 1600 Hz

1300 and 2200 Hz

GMDSS: How many NCSs (Network Control Stations) 2 are there in the Inmarsat system?




GMDSS: Which control knob would you use to reduce Clarifier fading on your HF receiver?


AF Gain

RF Gain

GMDSS: What transmission mode would you use for HF telephony?



J3E or R3E

GMDSS: The transmission mode J3E is used for Double side-band with MF/HF telephony. What is being transmitted when this reduced carrier mode is used?

Single side-band with suppressed carrier

Single side-band with full carrier

Single side-band with half carrier

GMDSS: What of these is not part of the GMDSS system?


An MF telegraphy transmitter

An Inmarsat C terminal

Channel 24

Channel 12

Channel 16

H3E and J3E

An HF transceiver

GMDSS: You receive a distress alert on VHF DSC. On what channel will the following distress message be Channel 70 heard?

Page 182



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

GMDSS: You have lost the signal on your Inmarsat-A terminal. All equipment appears in good working A satellite is in a blind order. The ship's position is 56N, 10E. What might be sector the reason?

A very low sun-spot figure

An electrical storm between ship and satellite

The ship is too far north to receive any signals from Inmarsat satellites

GMDSS: How often must you prepare a technical report of the Radio Station which must be forwarded to Every 6 months flagstate telecom?

Every 2 years

Once a year

Not necessary to forward such a report

GMDSS: How long is the Radio Safety Certificate valid prior to renewal?

1 year

2 years

No time limit

GMDSS: What radio communications must be entered All communications into the Radio Log Book?

Only distress and urgency communications

Only traffic concerning Only outgoing SAR operations communications

GMDSS: Which of the following messages should be given first priority?

Urgency messages

Safety messages

Military flash messages Distress messages

GMDSS: What fluid is used in a lead-acid accumulator?

Sulphuric acid

Salt acid

Sodium hydrocloride acid

Sodium antacid

GMDSS: What specific gravity should expect when a lead-acid battery is fully charged and in good condition?

1.18 - 1.22

1.24 - 1.26

1.20 - 1.25

1.26 - 1.28

GMDSS: How many cells does a 12 volt lead-acid accumulator consist of?

12 cells

10 cells

6 cells

24 cells

GMDSS: What is the normal voltage of each cell in a charged lead-acid accumulator?

1 Volt

0.5 Volt

6 Volts

2 Volts

GMDSS: How long should the radio batteries last in the GMDSS station in case of a black-out? (If the vessel is equipped with an emergency generator)

2 hours

4 hours

3 hours

1 hour

GMDSS: What is the unit of electrical current?

The Watt

The Ohm

The Ampere

The Volt

GMDSS: What is the unit of electrical potential?

The Ampere

The Volt

The Watt

The Ohm

GMDSS: What is the speed of radio waves in air?

20,000 km per second

25,000 km per second

50,000 km per second

300,000 km per second

GMDSS: What natural phenomena is useful for propagation of high frequency (HF) radio waves?

As few sun spots as possible

As many sun spots as possible

New moon

Full moon

GMDSS: What do we call the special atmospheric layer that reflects high frequency (HF) radio waves?

The Stratosphere

The Troposphere

The Ionosphere

The Ozone layer

6 months

Page 183


QUESTION GMDSS: What is a DUPLEX radio connection?

Answer 1

Answer 2

The transmitting The transmitting frequency is 1.5 kHz frequency is the same as below the receiving the receiving frequency frequency

Answer 3

Answer 4

The transmitting frequency is 1.5 kHz above the receiving frequency

The transmitting frequency is different from the receiving frequency

GMDSS: The wavelength of a radio signal is found by the formula: wavelength equals 300,000 divided by the 6,000 meters frequency in kHz. What wavelength is the frequency 500 kHz?

600,000 meters

600 meters

60,000 meters

GMDSS: What is nominal voltage for each cell of a NiFe battery during discharging?

2 Volt

1.2 Volt

6 Volt

GMDSS: Four 12 Volt lead-acid batteries are connected in series. Each battery has a capacity of 50 20 hours Ah. How long would these batteries run a radio station that drains 10 A?

10 hours

5 hours

50 hours

GMDSS: Ohm's Law describes the connection between voltage (E), current (I) and resistance (R) in an I=RxE electrical circuit (E= I x R). How could you find the current if both voltage and resistance are known?

I = R / E ( / = divided by )



In GMDSS, there are sea areas A1, A2, A3 and A4. Which area is described as: sea area that is covered by A2 coast stations equipped with VHF DSC?




GMDSS: What identification is used in a DSC?

Vessel's call sign

MID number

MMSI number

GMDSS: What transmitting frequency should be used on MF DSC if you want to call a foreign coast station 2187.5 kHz and you do not know the national channel?

2177.0 kHz

2189.5 kHz

2182.0 kHz

GMDSS: During distress communication, there are several signals that may be used. What signal would be Seelonce Distress used by the coast station in charge of the distress traffic when asking for radio silence?

Seelonce Fini

Seelonce Mayday


GMDSS: You have received a distress alert on MF DSC. On what frequency would you acknowledge the call if no coast station has acknowledged?

2182 kHz

Channel 70 VHF

Channel 16 VHF

1.5 Volt

5 digit number

2187.5 kHz

Page 184



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

GMDSS: How many NAVAREAs are there in the world?





GMDSS: How does the Urgency Signal sound?


Pan Pan



GMDSS: You are on board the M/V Star/D5DF and have received a distress message from M/V Spiro/C6GFD. What is correct acknowledgement of this distress message?

Mayday Spiro Spiro Spiro C6GFD this is Star Star Star D5DF, Received Mayday

Mayday Spiro C6GFD this is Star D5DF, Received Mayday

Mayday Mayday Mayday Spiro Spiro Spiro C6GFD this is Star Star Star, Received Mayday

Mayday Relay Spiro Mayday Relay Spiro this is Star Star, Received Mayday

GMDSS: Your vessel is in distress and you want to utilise the Inmarsat A terminal for alerting. Which priority would you use to be able to be automatically connected to the RCC?

Priority 1

Priority 3

Priority 2

Any of the other options

GMDSS: What is the Distress and Safety frequency on Channel 12 VHF telephony?

Channel 16

Channel 70

Channel 69

GMDSS: What is the main purpose of Digital Selective Calling systems?

To send messages

To send and receive To call other vessels and alerts in case of coast stations emergencies

To receive messages

GMDSS: During distress traffic, the vessel in distress is disturbed by other stations on 2182 kHz. What message should this vessel transmit to impose radio silence?

Mayday distress

Distress Mayday

Seelonce Mayday

Seelonce Distress

GMDSS: You have observed a drifting container in an area with heavy ship traffic. You want to warn other PAN PAN vessels about your observation. What signal would you use?




GMDSS: A coast station has been in charge of distress traffic, and the situation is now over. What signal must Pro-donce the station transmit in order to lift radio silence?

Seelonce Distress

Seelonce Mayday

Seelonce Fini

2189.5 kHz

2177 kHz

GMDSS: You are radio operator on board a vessel in distress. The nearest coast station is 100 miles away. If 2187.5 kHz and Channel 2182 kHz and Channel you want to transmit the alert on DSC, what 70 16 frequency(s) would you use?

Page 185



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

GMDSS: If we use Radio TELEX during On Scene Communication, the correct mode is FEC (Forward Error Correction/Broadcast). Why?

Because the information is transmitted to all coast stations in the vicinity.

Because this is the best method of communication in all situations.

Because all participants will receive all messages simultaneously.

Because FEC ensures that there will not be any errors in the transmissions.

GMDSS: Who is responsible for the radio service on board?

The master, if he possesses a GOC certificate

The chief officer

No specific person

A person, other than the master, possessing a GOC certificate

GMDSS: What radio transceivers may normally be used when the vessel is in port?

MF and HF transceivers MF transceiver only

Inmarsat systems and VHF transceiver

VHF transceiver only

GMDSS: In what publication would you find information about times and frequencies for traffic lists?

Admiralty List of Radio Special Stations and Signals Radio determination

List of Callsigns

List of Coast Stations

GMDSS: For what purpose are the following Used as general ship to frequencies used: 2045 kHz, 2048 kHz and 2057 kHz? ship frequencies

Used as ship to ship frequencies between vessels of different nationality and as working frequency to foreign coast stations

Used as alternative Used only for "homing" distress frequencies if purposes 2182 kHz is busy

GMDSS: What mode(s) is allowed on 2182 kHz?

J3E and R3E

H3E and A3E



GMDSS: What mode is used for Radio Telex traffic?

FEC only


F1B only

F1B and FEC

GMDSS: What mode(s) is allowed on HF telephony?

J3E and R3E

H3E and G3E

A3E only

J3E only

GMDSS: What radio equipment utilises the mode F1B?

MF radiotelephony


Cospas/Sarsat EPIRB

Radio Telex

GMDSS: A Cospas/Sarsat EPIRB does not transmit the vessels position. How can the LUT (Local User Terminal) stations determine the vessels position?

By taking manual bearings

By cross bearings taken By cross bearings taken by geostationary By doppler effect by airplanes in the area satellites

GMDSS: In what frequency bands would you find maritime MF?

1.6 MHz to 4 MHz

0.6 MHz to 2.8 MHz

Page 186

1.6 MHz to 8 MHz

4 MHz to 25 MHz



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

GMDSS: You want to call a foreign coast station on Transmit on 2177.0 MF DSC and you do not know the national channel. kHz, receive on 2189.5 What frequency would you use for transmitting and for kHz receiving?

Transmit on 2187.5 kHz, receive on 2187.5 kHz

Transmit on 2189.5 kHz, receive on 2189.5 kHz

Transmit on 2189.5 kHz, receive on 2177.0 kHz

GMDSS: How many Hz (Hertz) are there in 1 MHz?

1,000,000,000 Hz

10,000 Hz

1,000,000 Hz

GMDSS: What is the approximate maximum range for 30 to 50 nautical miles MF telephony?

200 to 400 nautical miles

100 to 150 nautical miles

500 to 1000 nautical miles

GMDSS: What is the approximate maximum range for 100 to 150 nautical VHF telephony? miles

30 to 50 nautical miles

5 to 15 nautical miles

50 to 75 nautical miles

GMDSS: What is the approximate range of NAVTEX 400 nautical miles transmissions?

100 to 150 nautical miles

200 to 800 nautical miles

50 to 80 nautical miles

Signals are reflected GMDSS: HF (High Frequency) transmissions can have down to Earth by global coverage. Why? satellites in geostationary orbits

Signals are reflected down to earth by the Ozone layer

Signals are reflected down to Earth by the Stratosphere

Signals are reflected down to Earth by the Ionosphere

GMDSS: Why are the VHF antennas much smaller than MF/HF antennas?

100,000 Hz

Because VHF is Because the VHF signal Because VHF has a very operating on high is transmitted in G3E short range frequencies and thereby (phase modulation) has a long wave-length

Because VHF is operating on high frequencies and thereby has a short wave-length

GMDSS: Two channels on VHF have limited output (1 Channels 12 and 14 watt). Which are they?

Channels 16 and 69

Channels 6 and 10

GMDSS: You receive a NAVTEX message containing the following: A Lat 60.03.9N/Long 022.09.4E Probability 67. B Lat 61.47.5N/Long 010.11.7E Probability 33. No Identification. What does this message mean?

Two (A and B) Cospas Sarsat satellites have taken bearings of an EPIRB transmitting on 121.5 MHz

Two (A and B) Inmarsat Two (A and B) Inmarsat satellites have taken satellites have taken bearings of an EBIRB bearings of an Inmarsat transmitting on 406 L-band EPIRB MHz

GMDSS: How many hours will the SART (Search and Rescue Radar Transponder) be able to operate in Stand 96 hours By mode when activated?

48 hours

8 hours

24 hours

GMDSS: How many hours will the SART (Search and Rescue Radar Transponder) be able to transmit 5 hours continuously when activated?

9 hours

12 hours

8 hours

Two (A and B) Cospas Sarsat satellites have taken bearings of an EPIRB transmitting on 406 MHz.

Page 187

Channels 15 and 17


QUESTION GMDSS: What kind of messages are received by a NAVTEX receiver?

Answer 1 News bulletins only

Answer 2 Storm warnings only

Answer 3 MSI traffic

Answer 4 Distress messages only

Yes, on EGC GMDSS: Can MSI messages be received by equipment No, only on a NAVTEX Yes, on a 2182 kHz (SafetyNet) and MF/HF other than a NAVTEX receiver? receiver watch receiver Radio telex

Yes, but only on Inmarsat systems

GMDSS: A NAVTEX receiver can be preprogrammed Ice warnings and Sat. in such a way that it does not receive certain messages. Nav warnings only What messages cannot be shut out?

Weather bulletins only

Search and rescue messages only

Meteorological warnings, navigational warnings and SAR information

GMDSS: Only one kind of EPIRB can be detected anywhere on the globe. What frequency is used for detection and to find the position of the EPIRB?

406 MHz

243.0 MHz

1.6 GHz

GMDSS: You have an Inmarsat L-band EPIRB on board your vessel. On what frequency will this EPIRB 1.6 GHz transmit?

121.5 MHz

406 MHz

243.0 MHz

GMDSS: You have an Inmarsat EPIRB on board your Same as the vessel. What information does this kind of EPIRB Cospas/Sarsat EPIRB transmit?

Vessel's identification only

Vessel's IMO number only

Vessel's position and identification

121.5 MHz

GMDSS: The Cospas/Sarsat EPIRB has global coverage. How is this possible?

Because this EPIRB utilises Inmarsat satellites

Because this EPIRB Because this EPIRB utilises satellites that are utilises satellites in geostationary equatorial orbits

Because this EPIRB utilises satellites in low polar orbits

GMDSS: How accurate is the positioning of a Cospas/Sarsat EPIRB?

Within a radius of 5 km Within 1 square km

Within 10 square km

Within 15 square km

GMDSS: How can you decide when the hydrostatic release mechanism on an EPIRB is to be replaced?

Check for wear and tear Replace the releaser on the releaser; if worn when owners tell us to out, replace it do so

It must be replaced every 5 years

Replace the releaser according to date markings

GMDSS: What is the maximum time from activating a Cospas/Sarsat EPIRB until the alert reaches the LUT 10 minutes (Local User Terminal)?

2 hours

1.5 hours

45 minutes

GMDSS: How long a time will the battery in a Cospas/Sarsat EPIRB last when activated?

96 hours

48 hours

12 hours

24 hours

Page 188



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

To disconnect the To avoid overload in the battery from the transmitter when the transmitter when taken EPIRB is activated out of the water

Answer 4 To connect the antenna to the transmitter when the EPIRB is afloat in the sea

GMDSS: What is the purpose of the mercury switch inside some types of Cospas/Sarsat EPIRBs?

To connect the battery to the transmitter

GMDSS: How can you avoid a false alert when cleaning certain types of Cospas/Sarsat EPIRBs with soap-water ?

The heaviest part must The heaviest part must be submerged into a always point downwards bucket of water

GMDSS: What does the command DIRTLX mean?

Used in Radio telex to transmit a Store and Forward message

Used in Radio Telex to Mode used in NAVTEX be put in touch with a to receive a Broadcast certain telex subscriber. message Two way traffic.

Used in Radio Telex to be connected to the director of the coast radio station

GMDSS: How can you be sure that your radio telex message (ARQ) is well received by the subscriber ashore?

By asking for the answer-back of the subscriber at any time during transmission

By pushing the bellbutton to get someone at By calling the the other end to read subscriber to ask if the through your message, message arrived well and then confirm the receipt

By asking for, and receiving the answerback from the subscriber after the message is transmitted

GMDSS: With what equipment is it possible to receive With NAVTEX EGC messages? receivers

The heaviest part must always point upwards

With Inmarsat-C only

With Inmarsat-C, EGC receivers and any other Inmarsat systems with relevant equipment

The heaviest part must always point upwards and you must avoid touching the sea water contacts.

With EGC receivers only

GMDSS: What does the acronym ARQ mean?

Alfa-beam Radiation Shield Equipment

Automatic Repetition Request

Anti Radiation Squelch Any Radio Equipment

GMDSS: There is distress traffic on 2182 KHz but your vessel is not taking part in this. If you are disturbed by other stations, what signal would you use to impose radio silence?

All stations, please observe radio silence on 2182 kHz due to distress traffic!

All stations, Seelonce Distress. Then give your ships name and callsign

All stations, Seelonce Mayday

Page 189

All stations, Keep off frequency please. Distress traffic ongoing!



Answer 1

Answer 3

Answer 4

4 times

As many times as necessary

Maximum 5 times

Always a coast station

Any station that itself is The station in distress not in distress

GMDSS: Your propeller has dropped off in N.E. bound lane off Cap Griz Nez, Dover Strait. What priority Urgency would you choose?




GMDSS: Your vessel is not under command, and you wish to warn other vessels about this. What priority would you choose?




GMDSS: Your propeller has dropped off in a gale two miles off Cap Finisterre with an onshore wind. What Safety priority would you choose?




GMDSS: Your vessel is equipped for sea area A1 + VHF Digital Selective A2. Suddenly there is an explosion in the engine room. Calling (DSC) and What equipment should be used to transmit the distress EPIRB alert?



VHF and MF DSC, Inmarsat-C, EPIRB and SART

GMDSS: You have received a Distress Call, but the Distress Message is not heard. What would you do in this situation?

Acknowledge the call

Listen in for three minutes and if nothing Send Mayday Relay further is heard, inform instantly the nearest coast station

Listen in for 3 minutes, and if nothing is heard, send Mayday Relay

GMDSS: You have received a distress alert on MF DSC. In what circumstances should you transmit an acknowledgement by means of DSC?

If the station in distress is near your position

If the station in distress is far away and no other vessels have acknowledged the alert

If the station in distress is near your position and no coast station has acknowledged the alert

Acknowledgement should never be transmitted by means of DSC

GMDSS: What frequency would you use to transmit an acknowledgement of a MF DSC Distress Alert ?

2189.5 kHz

2177.0 kHz

2182.0 kHz

2187.5 kHz

GMDSS: How many times should a Distress Call and Distress Message be repeated if no acknowledgement is 3 times received? GMDSS: Which station should primarily lead the distress traffic?

The station that acknowledged the distress alert


Answer 2

Page 190



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

GMDSS: You are radio operator on board a vessel in distress and you are 100 miles off the nearest coast station. What frequency would you use for a DSC alert?

VHF channel 70

2182.0 kHz and VHF channel 16

2187.5 kHz and VHF channel 70

2177.0 kHz and 2189.5 kHz

GMDSS: You have received a distress alert on HF DSC. What would you do next?

Transmit a Distress Relay on the same frequency

Acknowledge the distress alert on the same frequency

Do nothing! Only the designated coast station should deal with HF DSC alerts

If no acknowledgement is received from a coast station, transmit a Distress Relay

GMDSS: Which of the following stations is, among other things, controlling the orbit of the Inmarsat satellites?





The equipment will GMDSS: When operating the Inmarsat-C terminal, it is automatically point the not necessary to use azimuth and elevation angles to antenna towards the find a satellite. Why is this the case? satellite.

The Inmarsat-C terminal The Inmarsat-C terminal is always linked to the The Inmarsat-C terminal uses an omnidirectional Inmarsat-A terminal, uses a whip antenna antenna and will therefore get it's signals from there

GMDSS: What is the main difference between the Inmarsat-A and Inmarsat-B systems?

Inmarsat-A is an analog It is not possible to system, while Inmarsat- make telephone calls B is digital through Inmarsat-B

Unlike Inmarsat-A, Inmarsat-B is not suited Inmarsat-B uses an for data transmission omnidirectional antenna due to low Baud-rate

GMDSS: What is the average voltage across each cell in a Nickel Ferro (NiFe) accumulator when it is fully charged, and in use?

1.6 to 1.7 Volts

2 Volts

1.2 Volts

1.4 Volts

GMDSS: What kind of gas will be developed during charging of lead acid accumulators?




Carbon Monoxide

Channel 69

Channel 16

Channel 12

GMDSS: You have received a Distress Alert on VHF DSC channel 70. On what channel would you expect to Channel 70 hear the distress message?

Page 191



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

GMDSS: You have observed drifting debris in an area Urgency priority. of heavy traffic and you want to warn other ships by Transmit message on means of VHF DSC. What priority would you use and Channel 16 on what channel would you transmit the message?

Safety priority. Transmit message on any working channel

No specific priority. Transmit message on Channel 6

GMDSS: EGC consists of SafetyNet and FleetNet. What services do we get from FleetNet?

MSI (Maritime Safety Information)

Weather forecasts

Information from Commercial information Inmarsat Headquarters for subscribers only in London

GMDSS: How often must a General Operator's Certificate (GOC) be renewed?

Every 6 years

Every 2 years

Every 4 years

Every 5 years

GMDSS: On what frequency bands would you expect to find maritime VHF?

100 to 139 MHz

150 to 180 MHz

234 to 259 MHz

140 to 150 MHz

GMDSS: On what frequency bands would you expect to find maritime HF?

4000 to 25000 kHz

1600 to 4000 kHz

8000 to 34000 kHz

40 to 80 MHz

Subscriber's telex machine is defective

No Circuit

No paper on subscriber's telex machine

GMDSS: In Radio Telex there are many different Subscriber's telex codes and commands in use. What does the code DER machine is occupied mean?

Distress priority. Transmit message on Channel 16

GMDSS: What is the most important feature of the Inmarsat EPIRB?

It can alert through both It is equipped with a Inmarsat and Cospas telephony capability Sarsat satellites

GMDSS: What service is provided if you use the two digit code 32 on Inmarsat-A?

Technical assistance

Automatic telephone service

Advice of call duration and charges

Medical service

GMDSS: What service is provided if you use the two digit code 00 on Inmarsat-A?

Technical assistance

Advice of duration and charge

Automatic telephone service

Medico service

GMDSS: What specific gravity would you expect from 1.18 a lead acid accumulator that is fully discharged?




GMDSS: How do we find out if a NiCd accumulator is Measure the voltage fully charged? during charging

Measure the current during charging

Measure the specific Measure the voltage gravity of the electrolyte during discharging

Page 192

It has global coverage It is equipped with a and is able to alert GPS and is able to alert instantly when activated instantly when activated



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Type the message in the 'Editor' and transmit to the shipping company office, telling them to notify National Telecom.

Type the message in the 'Editor', choose 'Transmit', - then 'Distress' and then send the message accordingly

Press the two distress buttons on the Inmarsat 'C' transceiver for 5 seconds

GMDSS: Your EPIRB has been activated due to a mishap. You are going to cancel the alarm using Inmarsat -C. How is this done?

Use the 'Distress' window to edit the message

GMDSS: How can you test the Distress Alert capability in the Inmarsat-C system?

By transmitting a By pressing the 'Set' and By activating the 'Link Distress Alert, and then 'Alarm' buttons Test' send a cancellation

GMDSS: A NAVTEX message has the following ID code: LD00 (Lima - Delta - Zero - Zero). What kind of message is it?

A navigational warning

A distress (SAR) message

A meteorological warning

A weather forecast

GMDSS: How long transmission time is allotted per day to each station in the NAVTEX system?

6 times 5 minutes

6 times 20 minutes

6 times 30 minutes

6 times 10 minutes

GMDSS: How is Inmarsat-C traffic charged?

By the minutes (in 6 sec. By word count blocks)

By kB (kilo Baud)

By k Bit (kilobits)

GMDSS: What is the code for distress priority in Inmarsat-A?





GMDSS: How often should the EPIRB hydrostatic release mechanism be replaced?

Every 3 years

Every 4 years

Every 5 years

According to the date label

GMDSS: What are the main differences between Cospas Sarsat EPIRBs and the Inmarsat EPIRBs?

Inmarsat EPIRB has a Inmarsat EPIRB has a built-in communications built-in GPS and system, but positioning communications system, of the beacon is done by and has global coverage. Doppler effect.

Inmarsat EPIRB functions exactly as the Cospas Sarsat system, but has no global coverage.

Inmarsat EPIRB has a built-in GPS and communications system, but has no global coverage.

GMDSS: How many SARTs should be carried on board?

At least one set.

2 sets on board vessels below 500grt, - 3 sets on At least 2 sets. board vessels above 500grt.

Page 193

By logging out from the current satellite, then press 'Set' and 'Alarm' buttons

1 set on board vessels below 500grt- 2 sets on board vessels above 500grt.



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

GMDSS: How many portable SAR VHFs must be carried on board vessels?

5 sets on board all vessels.

2 sets on board vessels below 500 gr, Tons, - 3 sets on board vessels above 500 gr. Tons.

3 sets on board vessels below 500 gr. Tons, - 4 sets on board vessels above 500 gr. Tons.

1 set on board vessels below 500 gr. Tons, - 2 sets on board vessels above 500 gr. Tons.

GMDSS: Why are there different requirements regarding radio equipment in ocean areas A3 and A4?

Because A4 is out of range of Inmarsat satellites, and therefore makes it necessary to carry HF transceivers.

Because A3 is within range of coast stations equipped with MF DSC, and therefore it is sufficient to carry a MF transceiver.

Because A3 is within range of coast stations equipped with VHF DSC, and therefore it is sufficient to carry a VHF transceiver.

Because A4 is within range of Inmarsat satellites, and therefore makes it necessary to carry Inmarsat systems additional to an HF transceiver.

GMDSS: What is the main difference between FEC (Forward Error Correction) and ARQ (Automatic Retransmission Request) used in radio telex systems?

FEC is a two way FEC is a two way system with active error system, while ARQ is correction. used for broadcasting.

ARQ is a two way connection in a private circuit (Ship - Shore or ARQ is exactly the same Ship - Ship) while FEC as ARQ is used solely for broadcast.

GMDSS: Through what equipment can you receive MSI (Maritime Safety Information) on board vessels equipped for A3?

With a NAVTEX receiver only.

With an EGC receiver only.

GMDSS: What are the channels in the international VHF channel plan?

ch. 1 to 20 and 60 to 88 ch. 1 to 28 and 60 to 88 ch. 1 to 26 and 60 to 88 ch 1 to 30 and 60 to 88

GMDSS: You have received a distress alert on HF DSC. No acknowledgement is received from a coast station. What would you do next?

Try to get in touch with Transmit an Do nothing! Only coast Transmit Distress Relay the vessel in distress by acknowledgement to the stations are supposed to to the nearest coast means of any available vessel in distress. deal with these alerts. station. radio systems.

GMDSS: What priority would be appropriate to use if you want to send a Medico message on Inmarsat A?

Priority 1 Safety

GMDSS: Your vessel has rudder failure, and is adrift in an area with heavy traffic. What priority would be Urgency appropriate to use if you want to notify shipping around you about this danger?

With NAVTEX and EGC receivers.

With NAVTEX, EGC receivers and HF Radio Telex if fitted.

Priority 2 Urgent

Priority 0 Routine

Priority 3 Distress




Page 194


QUESTION GMDSS: You want to transmit a Safety call on MF DSC. What frequency must be used, and on what frequency would you read the Safety Message? (It is not a vital message)

Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Transmit call on 2177.0 Transmit call on 2187.5 Transmit call on 2189.5 Transmit call on 2187.5 kHz, read the message kHz, read the message kHz, read message on kHz, read message on on e.g. 2057 kHz. on 2182.0 kHz. 2182.0 kHz. e.g. 2057.0 kHz.

GMDSS: You want to transmit an Urgency call on MF Send call on 2187.5 DSC. On what frequency would you send the call, and kHz, read the message on what frequency would you read the message? on 2182 kHz.

Send call on 2177.0 kHz, read the message on 2182.0 kHz.

Send call on 2187.5 kHz, read the message on e.g. 2057.0 kHz.

Send call on 2182.0 kHz, read the message on 2187.5 kHz.

GMDSS: A vessel is equipped for A3. What distress radio equipment must be fitted if the vessel is above 500 grt?

1 EPIRB, 2 SARTs, and 1 EPIRB, 1 SART and 3 1 EPIRB, 3 SART and 2 1 EPIRB, 2 SARTs and 2 portable VHFs. portable VHFs. portable VHFs. 3 portable VHFs.

GMDSS: What is the approximate range of a SART?

3 n miles

5 - 10 n. miles

20 to 30 n miles

Below 1 n mile

GMDSS: What is the approximate range of a VHF DSC?

10 n miles

60 n miles

30 to 50 n miles

below 5 n miles

Caspian Sea

Black Sea

North of 70 degrees north and South of 70 degrees south.

GMDSS: Why is the radiation from a transmitting antenna weaker if the insulators are covered with soot and salt?

Because soot and salt will act as an insulating material, and the radio waves will be 'trapped'.

Because soot and salt will react chemically with the copper wire, resulting in oxidation and deterioration of the antenna.

Because soot and salt Because soot and salt would lead the antenna are not good conductors current to ground.

GMDSS: What is good about leading the energy from the transmitter to the antenna through a coaxial cable?

That is normally the shortest way

Coaxial cables are well insulated, and do not leak any energy to the surroundings.

Coaxial cables are easy to bend, and are therefore easy to install on board ships.

Coaxial cables have an inherent capability to amplify radio signals.

GMDSS: What is the correct charging voltage of a 12 Volt lead battery?

12 Volts

15.4 Volts

24 Volts

13.7 Volts

GMDSS: HF radio communication is sometimes nearly impossible to achieve in high latitudes. What may cause this situation?

Too many sun-spots at the time

Too few sunspots at the Too bad weather at the time time

GMDSS: Which areas are not covered by the Inmarsat Mediterranean Sea satellites?

Page 195

Too much Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) at the time



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

GMDSS: Why is it important to 'tune' the transmitter To heat the antenna. To eliminate the To get maximum effect in such a way that we get maximum electrical current to This will result in better electricity caused by self To save energy. (Watts) into the air. the antenna? conductivity. induction in the antenna.

GMDSS: What is the range of a VHF station especially Heavy rain and snow restricted by? showers.

Strong sun light.


Physical obstructions between transmitter and receiver.

GMDSS: You want to utilise a VHF transceiver to communicate between the bridge and the poop deck. What channel and what power would you use?

Channel 16, 25 Watts

Channel 6, 1 Watt

Channel 70, 1 Watt

Channel 28, 25 Watts

GMDSS: What radio equipment would you expect to find on board a vessel above 500 grt in sea area A1?

1 EPIRB, 1 SART, 3 portable VHFs, NAVTEX receiver, 2182 kHz watch receiver and 1 VHF with DSC.

1 EPIRB, 1 SART, 3 portable VHFs, EGC receiver, 2182 kHz watch receiver and 1 VHF with DSC.

1 EPIRB, 2 SARTs, 3 portable VHFs, NAVTEX receiver, 2182 kHz watch receiver and 1 VHF with DSC.

1 EPIRB, 2 SARTs, 3 portable VHFs, NAVTEX receiver, 2182 kHz watch receiver, Inmarsat 'C' transceiver and 1 VHF with DSC.

GMDSS: You have called a coast station by means of MF DSC to order a telephone call. There is no reply from the coast station. How long should you wait before you try to call again?

1 minute

5 minutes

10 minutes

Not necessary to wait

GMDSS: Ocean area A2 is described as an....

ocean area covered by coast stations equipped with VHF DSC.

ocean area covered by Inmarsat satellites.

ocean area covered by coast stations equipped with MF DSC.

ocean area north of 70 degrees north and south of 70 degrees south.

GMDSS: You are going to sent a radio telex through Ostende Radio in Belgium. What publication would List of Ship Stations you use to find information about frequencies to utilize for the call?

List of Coast Stations

List of Radio Admiralty List of Radio determination and Signals Special Service Stations.

GMDSS: You have received a 2 tone alarm signal on 2182 kHz. However, the signal ended with a 10 seconds prolonged tone. What station has transmitted the alarm signal?

A naval vessel in distress

Any vessel in distress

A coast station prior to transmitting Mayday Relay.

Page 196

A coast guard vessel testing radio equipment.


QUESTION GMDSS: How many digits does a MMSI number consist of?

Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

9 digits

7 digits

8 digits

All 3 cm radars are unstable in such a way that they transmit on different frequencies.

All 3 cm radars are preprogrammed to transmit on a specially allotted frequency within the X band.

All 3 cm radars are equipped with a magnetron which, due to Because 3 cm radars normal wear and tear, receive on 9.2 and 9.5 means that the radar GHz only. transmits randomly in the X band.

GMDSS: A quarter wave antenna is in resonance with Tune the antenna to the frequency 2346 kHz. What do we have to do with make it electrically the antenna circuit to get the antenna in resonance with longer. the frequency 3366 kHz?

Tune the antenna to make it electrically shorter.

Do nothing, as 2346 and It is not possible to 3366 kHz are so called make any changes to the 'paired' frequencies. antenna circuit.

GMDSS: Only one kind of EPIRB can be detected irrespective of position on the globe. What frequency does it transmit on?

1.5 GHz

243 MHz

406 MHz

GMDSS: You have had a radio telephone call through Singapore Radio. Total charge for the call was 30.61 5 SDR Gold Franks. How many SDR (Special Drawing Rights) does this amount to?



10 SDR

GMDSS: You are in position 20 N and 179 E. You wish to switch on the Inmarsat A terminal. Which Inmarsat satellite would you have to use in this part of the globe?

Atlantic Ocean Region East - AOR-W

Pacific Ocean Region POR

Atlantic Ocean Region AOR-E

GMDSS: Which of the following modes would be appropriate to use for receiving distress traffic on 2182 F1B kHz?




GMDSS: Which of the following modes would be appropriate to use for receiving normal telephony on MF?





GMDSS: Which of the following modes would be appropriate to use for receiving normal telephony on HF?


J3E and R3E

H3E and J3E





GMDSS: Why does the SART (Search & Rescue Radar Transponder) scan from 9.2 to 9.5 GHz in the X band?

1.6 GHz

Indian Ocean Region IOR

GMDSS: Which of the following modes would be H3E appropriate to use for receiving radio telex on MF/HF?

Page 197

10 digits



Answer 1

Answer 2

GMDSS: What specific gravity would you expect if a lead accumulator is totally discharged?


GMDSS: Which of the following stations is responsible for the technical operation and monitoring of the Inmarsat satellites?

CES (LES) Coast Earth MES (SES) Mobile Station Earth Station


Answer 3

Answer 4



LUT Local User Terminal

NCS Network Control Station

GMDSS: What command would be appropriate to use if you want to be connected directly to a subscriber via TLX....+ radio telex?




GMDSS: What command would be appropriate to use if you want to send a radio telex message as Store and OPR...+ Forward?




Which of these items has to be included in a distress message?

Ship's last port of call.

Weather in the immediate vicinity.

Ship's identification.

Ship's destination.

What is a SART?

Semi Automatic Rescue Search And Rescue Transmitter. Transponder.

Satellite Activated Rescue Telephone.

Systematic Advised Rescue Tracker.

What do the letters E.P.I.R.B. stand for?

Enhanced Plotted Information Radio Broadcast.

Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon.

Extremely Powerful Electronic Precision Immersed Rescue Boat. Illuminated Radar Buoy.

Using spoken radio communication, what is the code word used to indicate a distress message?




Which of these are distress signals?

A gun or explosive All of the other options. signal fired at intervals of about one minute.

What is an EPIRB?

An electronic positioning instrument and receiving device.

In the case of permanent loss of power, what type of radio message would you send?


At intervals not At what intervals should an EPIRB be tested, inspected exceeding twelve and, if necessary have the source of energy replaced? months

Flames on a vessel

PRIORITY A continuous sounding with any fog- signaling apparatus.

A- smoke generator used to indicate the position of a ship or boat in distress.

An electronic An emergency receiving emergency positionbeacon. indicating radio beacon.



At intervals not exceeding six months

At intervals not At the weekly mustering exceeding three months and boat drills

Page 198

All of the the other options



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

In which of these cases would you transmit a Distress message?


Steering failure

The SART is the Search and Rescue Radar Transponder. How is this device activated?

It has to be thrown into the sea where it will self-activate

It has to be switched on by the Master when the It will be activated by order to abandon ship is the nearest coast station given

It is carried into the survival craft and switched on by the occupants



All of the other options

What type of radio message would you transmit if your Distress alert and ship has a collision and there is grave and imminent message danger?

Urgency message

Safety message

Distress relay

When an emergency is clearly over, how should a Mayday message be cancelled?

By broadcasting to all stations.

By broadcasting to those By broadcasting to the involved. nearest coast station.

There is no need to take any action.

GMDSS: What is the average voltage across each cell of a Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) battery when it is fully charged?

1.6 to 1.7 Volts

2 Volts

3 Volts

GMDSS: How would you measure the charging condition of a NiFe battery?

By measuring the voltage during discharging. It should be 1.2 Volts per cell

By measuring the By measuring the voltage during charging. specific gravity of each It should be 1.6 to 1.7 cell Volts per cell

What type of radio messages contain important navigational or meteorological warnings?


Main engine failure

1.2 Volts

Page 199

Electrical failure

By measuring the current during charging



Answer 1

Using relative motion display mode, a plot of successive positions of a target at timed intervals enables you to assess....

it's true course

To establish additional target data other than the Closest Point of Approach on a relative plot, you must ....

Answer 2 it's closest point of approach (CPA)

Answer 3

Answer 4

it's aspect

it's true speed

draw a relative velocity plot your own future triangle. track.

extend the target's relative track.

draw a line perpendicular to the target's track.

A basic radar plot can be used to ....

determine the effect of obtain the rate of own ship proposed change of aspect. avoiding action.

indicate target's most likely action.

estimate the speed of target.

The bright spot which forms the trace or timebase moves across the radar screen at a speed equivalent to......

half the speed of the radar waves.

the speed of the radar waves.

a continuously variable twice the speed of the speed. radar waves.

The purpose of radar is to enable....

the wave-lengths of radio waves to be calculated.

the range and bearing the echoes of targets to of objects to be be separated. obtained.

the speed of radio waves to be measured.

A typical radar pulse length is......

5.05 to 10.25 microseconds.

0.05 to 1.25 microseconds.

10.25 to 15.05 microseconds.

1.23 to 5.03 microseconds.

Radar does not transmit continuously because it would......

prevent detection of targets.

cause interference to other vessels.

reduce the life of components.

make the equipment get very hot.

A typical pulse repetition frequency is......

3000 to 6000 pulses per second.

6000 to 8500 pulses per second.

100 to 500 pulses per second.

500 to 3000 pulses per second.

Target ranges are obtained from......

the pulse repetition frequency.

the heading marker.

the range marker.

the bearing marker.

Target echoes appear along a line called the......



centre line.

heading marker.

To provide accurate target bearings the radar beam must be......

wide in the horizontal plane.

narrow in the horizontal plane.

narrow in the vertical plane.

wide in the vertical plane.

Accurate target bearings are obtained by......

making the radar beam synchronizing the radar making the radar beam rotating the trace wide vertically. beam and the trace. wide horizontally. intermittently.

A radar with a wavelength of 3.2 cm would have a frequency of about....

6,060 MHz

12,450 MHz

9,375 MHz

3,245 MHz

S-band radar has a wavelength of ....

3.1 to 3.2 cm

9.2 to 10 cm

5.0 to 5.4 cm

12.5 to 12.9 cm

Marine radar wavelengths are measured in .....


feet per second.



Most commonly, ships' radars operate in the....

S- band

L- band

X- band

Q- band

Page 200



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

The main component of the transmitter is the....


power supply


cathode ray tube

The transmitter P.R.F. is determined by the....

trigger unit



delay line

In addition to initiating the action of the transmitter, the scanner to start scanner display to start the trigger unit also sends a pulse to the: rotation. timebase. The transmitted pulse length is determined by the action of the.... The transmitted frequency is determined by the design of the....

waveguide to open the receiver to start the T.R. cell. local oscillator.


trigger unit


delay line


T/R cell



The magnetron sends the R.F. pulses to the....

display unit

transmitter unit

scanner unit

receiver unit

The unit which sends returning target echoes to the receiver is the....

scanner unit

power supply unit

transmitter unit

display unit

block the transmitter during reception paint the heading marker on the display

generate the R.F. pulses protect the receiver during transmission

conduct pulses to and from the scanner radiate the radar pulses to the targets

shape the beam in vertical plane shape the beam in the horizontal plane

tilted parabolic cylinder

single cheese

double cheese

horizontal slotted waveguide

The display trace is caused to rotate in synchronisation selsyn generator with the scanner by a signal from the....


heading marker contacts

scanner motor

Incoming target echoes are detected by the....

video amplifier

mixer crystal

I.F. amplifier

local oscillator

Signals are converted to a suitable form for the display local oscillator by the....

mixer crystal

I.F. amplifier

video amplifier

The function of the waveguide is to.... The purpose of the T/R cell is to.... The commonest type of radar scanner is the....

The function of the local oscillator is to....

carry out final limit the strength of the amplification of the stronger target echoes echoes

convert the target echoes from an AC to a DC signal

provide a frequency for mixing with the target signals

Weaker echoes are converted to signals of detectable strength by the....

mixer crystals

limiter circuit

local oscillator

I.F. amplifier

Signals are converted to a suitable form for the display local oscillator by the....

I.F. amplifier

video amplifier

mixer crystal

The intermediate frequency is generated by the....

mixer crystal


selsyn generator

local oscillator

The intensity of the electron beam in the C.R.T. is controlled by....

passing a current through the deflection coil

varying the potential on the grid

a signal from the time unit

the action of the first anode

Page 201



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

return the electrons from the screen to the cathode

A function of the deflection coils in a C.R.T. is to....

focus the electron to a sharp image

control the flow

Target echoes are received in the display unit in the form of....

an increased potential to the grid

a pulse from the a signal from the brightening unit to the scanner to the cathode deflection coil

The trace on the display rotates....

in synchronization with at half the speed of the at twice the speed of the scanner scanner the scanner

independently of the scanner

The electrons in the Cathode Ray Tube ( CRT) are attracted....

from the grid to the cathode

from the cathode to the from the grid to the anodes anodes

from the anodes to the cathode

The brilliance control of a Cathode Ray Tube ( CRT ) operates on....

the deflection coil

the cathode

the anode

the grid

The purpose of the gain control is to adjust....

the amplification of the the brightness of the target echoes display control

the sharpness of the display focus

the frequency of the local oscillator

On a radar display, this symbol identifies the....

tuning control

gain control

focus control

brilliance control

The tuning control adjusts....

the amplification of target echoes

the transmitted frequency

the frequency of the local oscillator

the amplification of power output

If the trace is not correctly centred, error may occur when....

measuring ranges

using the gain control

measuring bearings

using the tuning control

Echoes from rain can be reduced using the....

S.T.C. control

brilliance control

tuning control

differentiator control

Altering the range scale may automatically change the....

anti-clutter settings

pulse length

amplification of echoes transmitted frequency

The distance of a target can be measured by using the.... variable range marker

S.T.C. control

range scale switch

tuning control

An alternative name for the anti-rain clutter control is the....

shift control

F.T.C. control

S.T.C. control

swept gain control

On a radar display, this symbol indicates the....

range ring brilliance

range scale switch

variable range marker

fixed range rings

The brilliance control should be adjusted so that....

the trace is just barely visible

the trace is as bright as weaker echoes are just weaker echoes are as possible barely visible strong as possible

The purpose of the bearing cursor is to....

show the course of own ship

align the heading marker

Page 202

cause the electrons to form the trace

Answer 4

a current from the final anode to the screen

measure the bearing of indicate the direction targets of true north



The gain control should be adjusted so that....

Answer 1

Answer 2

clutter echoes are the screen background showing at maximum has no speckling strength

Answer 3

Answer 4

there is a light speckled no clutter echoes are background on the showing on the screen screen

the Variable Range Before taking target bearings, you should check that.... Marker ( VRM ) is switched on

the trace is correctly centred

the gain control is set to zero

the heading marker is switched off

This display symbol shown is for....

true motion

head-up presentation

relative motion

north-up presentation

The effect of the anti-rain clutter control is to....

reduce the size of all echoes

reduce the strength of close range echoes

reduce the strength of all echoes

reduce the size of close range echoes

The display symbol shown here is for....

radar standby

the power monitor

heading marker alignment

scanner rotating

This symbol identifies the....

scanner rotating

centering control

range scale control

heading marker alignment

The tuning control is best adjusted by using the....

visual tuning indicator range scale control

power monitor

centring control

The symbol shown here identifies the....

head-up presentation

north-up presentation

heading marker alignment control

range scale control

An alternative name for the anti-sea clutter control is the....

radar on/off switch


S.T.C. control

F.T.C. control

The symbol shown here identifies the....

variable range marker

gain control

bearing cursor

heading marker alignment control

As distance from the scanner increases, the power of the radar beam....

remains constant

decreases rapidly

decreases slowly

increases slowly

Horizontal beamwidth depends mainly on....

waveguide crosssection


transmitted power

scanner width

Vertical beamwidth is determined by....

the height of the scanner

the transmitted wavelength

the design of the scanner

the number of slots in the scanner

Bearing accuracy depends mainly on....

spot size

pulse length

scanner rotation speed horizontal beamwidth

One cause of bearing error is....

misalignment of the inaccuracy of the fixed centre of the trace on range ring the display

Page 203

scanner mounted too far forward

use of an unsuitable Pulse Repetition Frequency ( PRF )



Answer 1

Answer 3

Answer 4

Compared to the visual horizon, the radar horizon is....

about 6% further away about 3% further away about 3% nearer

about 6% nearer

Maximum radar range depends partly on the....

size of the spot.

mixer strength.

peak power output.

scanner rotation speed.

A factor in determining a radar maximum range is......

spot size.

heading marker alignment.

linearity of timebase.

receiver sensitivity.

Minimum radar range depends mainly on......

scanner height.

pulse length.

receiver sensitivity.

vertical beamwidth.

Radar range accuracy should be within......

1.5 % of the range scale in use.

0.5 % of the range scale in use.

3.5 % of the range scale in use.

2.5 % of the range scale in use.

Radar range accuracy depends mainly on the......

alignment of centre of trace.

accuracy of the timebase.

accuracy of fixed range receiver sensitivity. rings.

Which of the following has most effect on the size and Pulse repetition rate shape of small radar targets?

Answer 2

Scanner rotation speed Scanner height

Pulse length

Which of the following has the most effect on the definition of a small target on the radar display?

Scanner rotation speed Horizontal beamwidth Pulse repetition rate

Accuracy of range markers

Radar range discrimination should not be less than......

100 metres.

75 metres.

50 metres.

25 metres.

Range discrimination depends mainly on which of the following?

Pulse length

Pulse repetition frequency

Transmitted frequency Scanner rotation speed

Radar bearing discrimination depends mainly on which Transmitted frequency Scanner rotation speed Horizontal beamwidth Pulse length of the following? Radar bearing discrimination is the ability to display separately....

two targets at slightly different range and bearings

two targets at same range on slightly different bearings

two targets on same bearing at same range

The horizontal pattern of a radar beam consists of......

one lobe

a number of lobes of similar size

one large lobe and one small lobe and two smaller side lobes larger lobes either side

Radar bearing discrimination should be within.....

2.0 degrees

1.5 degrees

2.5 degrees

The vertical beam must be wide enough to allow for the......

rolling and pitching of elimination of shadow the size of large the ship. sectors. targets.

reduction of sea clutter.

A typical figure for minimum radar range is......

75 metres.

50 metres.

100 metres.

Page 204

25 metres.

two targets on same bearing at slightly different ranges

1.0 degrees



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

The distance of the radar horizon is largely determined the state of the sea by...... surface.

the downward refraction of radar waves.

the width of the scanner.

the amount of cloud cover.

A radar target of a certain size is likely to give a stronger echo if it is made of.....





Radar targets give the strongest echoes if they are.....

hard and dense.

soft and porous.

made of wood.

poor electrical conductors.


a perpendicular plane.


A radar target is likely to give the poorest reflection if conical. it's shape is...... The principle of a corner reflector is that it.....

changes the direction of the beam by 90 degrees.

scatters the beam changes the direction deflects the beam clear uniformly through 360 of the beam by 180 of obstructions. degrees. degrees.

A corner reflector is used to......

enable the radar to increase the radar examine shadow areas. power output.

A target with a "rough" surface is likely to......

give a good echo at any aspect.

reflect all the energy in give only a very weak one direction. echo.

appear very smooth to a 3 cm radar.

A target with a smooth surface will only give a good echo if it's aspect relative to the direction of the radar beam is......

60 degrees.

45 degrees.

30 degrees.

90 degrees.

Side echoes are caused by reflections from....

the side lobes of the radar beam.

the obstruction in the path of the scanner.

the surface of the sea.

the side of your own vessel.

Side echoes appear on the radar display as.....

a symmetrical arc of echoes.

echoes in shadow sectors.

lines radiating from the a line of echoes on one centre. bearing.

When side echoes are displayed, the true target echo will appear.....

closer than the false echoes.

farther than the false echoes.

at the centre of the pattern.

at the edge of the pattern.

Indirect echoes are caused by reflections from.....

targets on the beam.

targets directly ahead.

the surface of the sea.

obstructions close to the scanner.

Indirect echoes appear on the display....

on the true bearing, but on the true range, but at a false range on a false bearing

on the true range and bearing

on a false range and bearing

Indirect echoes can be recognised by the fact that they....

appear at twice the true appear as lines of dots appear on the arc of a range or dashes circle

Multiple echoes appear on the screen....

on the correct bearing but half the true range

on the correct range but a false bearing

Page 205

increase the detectability of small targets.

detect targets below the radar horizon.

appear in shadow sectors

on the correct bearing on a false bearing and at double the true range range



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Multiple echoes can be recognised because they appear....

at constant range intervals

around the arc of a circle

The most common cause of radar interference is....

other radar transmissions on a similar frequency

defective electrical the power of radar electromagnetic storms equipment on the ship transmissions from or disturbances experiencing your own ship interference

Multiple radar echoes are caused by....

reflections from the surface of the sea

reflections from the side lobes of the radar beam

reflection from an obstruction on your own ship

If your radar suffers from shadow sectors you should....

warn approaching vessels in fog

determine and record their limits

consult your operator's report the fact to your manual marine authority

The cause of shadow or blind sectors is....

electromagnetic interference

obstructions on your own ship

rough weather conditions

side lobes of the radar beam

When ducting occurs, the radar beam is....

carried for long distances

affected by the duration of daylight

bent upwards

affected by sunspot activity

Ducting of the radar beam is caused by....

extreme sub-refraction extreme superconditions refraction conditions

mild sub-refraction conditions

mild super-refraction conditions

Second trace echoes appear on the radar display at....

correct ranges and bearings

false ranges and bearings

false bearings at the correct range

false ranges on the correct bearing

Attenuation of the radar beam is greatest in....

heavy rain conditions

strong clutter conditions

high clouds conditions thick fog conditions

Attenuation is ....

the radiation of radar energy from a power source.

the absorption of radar the reflection of radar energy by the energy from atmosphere. precipitation.

the scattering of radar energy around a target.

Clutter echoes are not usually caused by ....





Sea clutter is caused by reflections from ....

the sides of waves.

small craft and buoys.

the blank surface of the areas of precipitation. sea.

The radar transceiver must be ....

at a safe distance from as close to the power the magnetic compass. supplies as possible.

on the fore-and-aft line directly underneath the of the vessel. scanner.

If possible the radar display should be sited ....

as close as possible to the compass.

as far forward as possible in the ship.

so it can be viewed facing forward.

so that it is on the foreand-aft line.

Second trace echoes are more likely to occur when ....

a low P.R.F. is used..

a high P.R.F. is used.

a short pulse length is used.

a long pulse length is used.

Page 206

along a curved line

on a false bearing

reflection between own ship and a large close target



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

The magnetron is sited in the ....

display unit.

scanner unit.

transceiver unit.

power supply unit.

Attenuation is likely to cause ....

shadow or blind sectors.

multiple target echoes.

reduced detection ranges.

increased detection ranges.

measure the duration of pulse length.

check the adjustment of the parallel index.

measure the frequency of the magnetron.

An operational check you should carry out when a radar check the accuracy of set is installed is to .... the heading marker. An operation check required on installation is to....

determine the length of determine the limits of measure the frequency measure the peak waveguide shadow sectors of the local oscillator power output

A radar log should record....

a listing of radar aids to navigation

Sea clutter echoes appear on the radar screen as....

a group of echoes a mass of small echoes a group of echoes at a within a shadow sector with an irregular shape constant range

the procedure for regular maintenance routines

the details of repairs the details of ships' and services carried out power supplies a mass of small echoes around the screen centre

Radar maintenance should be carried out in accordance operator's manual with procedures in the....

ship's log

radar log

safety manual

Clutter echoes are often caused by....

dust storms

sand storms

smoke and haze


Will snow fall reduce the ability of the radar to detect targets?


Yes, but only with 'S' band radars.

Yes, but only with old radars which do not Yes. have a visibility compensator.

A radar reflection plotter can be used to....

increase radar detection range

identify own ship to a target

examine a radar's shadow sector

make a quick radar plot

An A.R.P.A. is an....

Actual Radar Position Analyser

Anti-collision Radar Performance Aid

Automatic Radar Plotting Aid

Additional Radar Pilotage Assignment

A reflection plotter is a radar device which....

fits directly over the display

is fitted in the transceiver

is mounted in the scanner unit

is an automatic plotting device

A true motion radar display shows....

own ship's movement relative to own ship

a target's movement relative to own ship

a target's actual movement

a target stopped at the screen centre

Radar reflectors are fitted to some buoys and small craft avoid mutual radar in order to.... preference

obtain more accurate ranges

make them better radar provide positive targets identification

The most common type of radar reflector used by small the Luneberg lens. craft is ....

the octahedral cluster.

the racon.

Page 207

the pentagonal cluster.



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

The principle of a racon is that it....

transmits when transmits continuously transmits at fixed time activated by an on X band intervals operator

transmits on receipt of ship's radar pulse

What is the closest point of approach of target A ?

Between 2 - 2.2 miles

Less than 0.9 miles

Between 3 - 3.9 miles

Between 1 - 2 miles

What is the closest point of approach of target A ?

Less than 0.9 mile

Between 4-5 miles

Between 1-2 miles

Between 3-3.9 miles

What is the time of closest point of approach of target A?

Between 11-20 minutes

Between 46-60 minutes

Between 21-30 minutes

Now or passed

What is the closest point of approach of target A ?

Between 1-2 miles

Between 2-2.9 miles

Between 3-3.9 miles

Less than 0.9 miles

What is the closest point of approach of target A ?

Between 2-2.9 miles

Between 3 - 4 miles

Less than 0.9 miles

Between 1-2 miles

What is the closest point of approach of target A ?

Between 2-2.9 miles

Less than 0.9 miles

Between 3-3.9 miles

Between 1-2 miles

What is the closest point of approach of target A ?

Between 1-2 miles

Less than 0.9 miles

Between 4-5 miles

Between 3-3.9 miles

What is the closest point of approach of target A ?

Between 1-2 miles

Between 4-5 miles

Less than 0.9 miles

Between 3-3.9 miles

What is the time of closest point of approach of target A?

Between 31-45 minutes

Between 46-60 minutes

Now or passed

Between 21-30 minutes

What is the aspect of the target A ?

Starboard bow (Green Port quarter (Red 15-75) 105-160)

Port beam (Red 75105)

End on or nearly end on

What is the closest point of approach of target A ?

Less than 0.9 miles

Between 4-5 miles

Between 2 - 3 miles

Between 3-3.9 miles

What is the closest point of approach of target A ?

Between 1-2 miles

Between 3-3.9 miles

Between 4-5 miles

Less than 0.9 mile

What is the time of closest point of approach of target A?

Between 31-45 minutes

Between 21-30 minutes

Between 46-60 minutes

Between 11-20 minutes

What is the aspect of the target A ?

Starboard bow (Green Starboard quarter 15-75) (Green 105-160)

Port bow (Red 1575)

Port quarter (Red 105-160)

What is the closest point of approach of target A ?

Less than 0.9 mile

Between 2.1-3.9 miles Between 1-2 miles

What is the closest point of approach of target A ?

Between 2.1-2.9 miles Between 3-3.9 miles

Between 1 - 2 miles

Less than 0.9 mile

What is the closest point of approach of target A ?

Between 1-2 miles

Less than 0.9 miles

Between 4-5 miles

Between 2.1-3.9 miles

What is the closest point of approach of target A ?

Less than 0.9 miles

Between 4 - 5 miles

Between 3-3.9 miles

Between 1-2 miles

What is the time of closest point of approach of target A?

Between 0-10 minutes

Between 11-20 minutes

Between 21-30 minutes

Between 31-40 minutes

What is the closest point of approach of target A ?

Between 1-2 miles

Between 4 - 5 miles

Less than 1 mile

Between 2-4 miles

Between 4-5 miles

Page 208



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

What is the closest point of approach of target A ?

Less than 1 mile

Between 3-3.9 miles

Between 1-2 miles

Between 2.1-2.9 miles

What is the closest point of approach of target A ?

Less than 0.9 miles

Between 3-3.9 miles

Between 2-2.9 miles

Between 4-5 miles

What is the closest point of approach of target A ?

More than 4 miles

Between 3 - 4 miles

Between 2-2.9 miles

Between 1-2 miles

What is the closest point of approach of target C ?

Between 4-5 miles

Between 2-4 miles

More than 5 miles

Less than 0.9 miles

What is the time of closest point of approach of target C Between 20 -30 ? minutes

Between 5 - 15 minutes

Between 31-45 minutes

Now or Passed

Which target will have the closest point of approach?

Target A

Target C

Target B

All Equal

What is the closest point of approach of target C ?

Less than 0.9 mile

Between 2-2.9 miles

More than 3 miles

Between 1-2 miles

What is the closest point of approach of target B ?

Between 1-2 miles

Between 4-5 miles

Less than 1 mile

Between 2-4 miles

Which target will have the closest point of approach?

Target C

All equal

Target A

Target B

What is the closest point of approach of target C ?

Between 1-2 miles

Between 2-2.9 miles

Between 3-3.9 miles

Less than 1 mile

Which target will have the closest point of approach?

Target C

All equal

Target B

Target A

What is the closest point of approach of target B ?

Between 1-2 miles

Less than 1 mile

Between 4-5 miles

More than 5 miles

What is the time of closest point of approach of target C Between 21-30 ? minutes

Between 31-45 minutes

Between 11-20 minutes

Between 0-10 minutes

Which target will have the closest point of approach?

Target B

Target C

All equal

Target A

What is the closest point of approach of target C ?

Between 2-3 miles

Between 1-2 miles

Less than 1 mile

Between 4-5 miles

Which target will have the closest point of approach?

All equal

Target A

Target C

Target B

What is the closest point of approach of target B ?

Between 1 - 1.9 miles

Less than 0.9 mile

Between 2 - 2.9 miles Between 3 - 3.9 miles

Which target will have the closest point of approach ?

Target A

Target B

Target C

All equal

What is the closest point of approach of target B ?

Between 3 - 4 miles

Between 4 - 5 miles

Less than 0.9 mile

Between 1 - 2 miles

Which target will have the closest point of approach ?

Target A

Target B

Target C

All Equal

Which target will have the closest point of approach ?

Target A

Target B

Target C

All equal

Page 209



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Which target will have the closest point of approach ?

Target A

All Equal

Target B

Target C

What is the closest point of approach of target C ?

Between 3 - 4 miles

Between 4 - 5 miles

Less than 0.9 mile

Between 1 - 2 miles

Which target will have the closest point of approach ?

Target C

All equal

Target A

Target B

What is the time to closest point of approach of target C Between 46-60 ? minutes Port bow. (Red 15What is the aspect of the target C ? 75) If the visibility is 10 miles, what action should be taken A substantial ? reduction of speed

Between 31-45 Between 21-30 minutes minutes Port beam. (Red 75- Starboard bow. 105) (Green 15-75) A broad alteration to Stand on port

Which target will have the closest point of approach ?

Target A

Target B

Target C

All the same

Which target will have the closest point of approach ?

Target D

All the same

Target F

Target B

Which target will have the closest point of approach ?

Target A

Target B

Target C

Target D

Which target will have the closest point of approach ?

Target D

Target E

Target F

Target B

What is aspect of the target B ?

Port bow. (Red 1575)

Port beam. (Red 75- End on or nearly end Starboard bow. 105) on (Green 15-75)

Which target will have the closest point of approach ?

Target A

Target D

Target B

Target F

What is the closest point of approach of target B ?

Between 3 - 3.9 miles

More than 5 miles

Between 4 - 5 miles

Between 1 - 2 miles

What is the time of closest point of approach of target B Now or passed ?

Between 0-10 minutes

Between 31-45 minutes

Between 15 -30 minutes

Which target will have the closest point of approach ?

Target D

Target C

Target B

Target E

What is the closest point of approach of target B ?

Between 4-5 miles

Less than 0.9 mile

Between 1 - 1.9 miles

Between 2 - 3 miles

Which target will have the closest point of approach ?

Target D

Target E

Target C

Target A

What is the closest point of approach of target B ?

Between 1 - 2 miles

Less than 1 mile

Between 3 - 4 miles

More than 4 miles

What is the closest point of approach of target A ?

Less than 1 mile

Between 1 - 2 miles

Between 3 - 3.9 miles

Between 2 - 3 miles

What is the time of closest point of approach of target A?

Between 11-20 minutes

Now or passed

Between 31-45 minutes

Between 46-60 minutes

Page 210

Now or passed Starboard beam. (75105) A broad alteration to starboard


QUESTION Which target will have the closest point of approach ?

Answer 1 Target A

Answer 2

Answer 4

Target C

Target D

What is the time of closest point of approach of target B Between 11-20 Between 0-10 minutes ? minutes

Between 21-30 minutes

Now or passed

What is the closest point of approach of target B ?

Less than 0.9 miles

Between 4 - 5 miles

Between 2 - 3 miles

Now or passed

Which target will have the closest point of approach ?

Target E

Target F

Target C

Target B

What is the closest point of approach of target A ?

More than 5 miles

Less than 0.9 mile

Between 4 - 5 miles

Between 1 - 2 miles

What is the time of closest point of approach of target A?

Now or passed

Between 10 - 20 minutes

Between 31-45 minutes

Between 46-60 minutes

What is the closest point of approach of target A ?

Less than 0.9 miles

Between 2 - 2.9 miles

Between 3 - 4 miles

Between 1 - 2 miles

Starboard bow. (Green 15-75) What is the time of closest point of approach of target B Between 0 - 10 ? minutes

Starboard beam (Green 75-105) Between 21 - 30 minutes

Port bow. (Red 1575) Between 31 - 45 minutes

Port beam. (Red 75105) Between 46 - 60 minutes

Which target will have the closest point of approach ?

Target C

Target A

Target E

Target B

Which target will have the closest point of approach ?

Target A

Target B

Target C

Target D

What is the closest point of approach of target C ?

Between 0.5 -1.5 miles Between 4 - 5 miles.

Between 2 - 2.9 miles

More than 5 miles

Between 31 - 45 minutes Port bow. (Red 15Stern or nearly astern 75)

Between 21 - 30 minutes Starboard bow. (Green 15-75)

Between 0 - 10 minutes End on or nearly end on

What is the closest point of approach of target B ?

Now or passed

Between 3 - 4 miles

Between 1 -2 miles

Less than 1 mile

If the visibility is restricted, what action should be taken in this situation ?

A broad alteration to port

A broad alteration of course to starboard

A substantial reduction Stand on with caution of peed

Which target will have the closest point of approach ?

Target A

Target B

Target C

Target D

What is the aspect of the target B ?

Stern or nearly astern Port bow. (15-75)

Starboard bow. (1575)

End on or nearly end on

Which target will have the closest point of approach ?

Target A

Target B

Target C

Target D

What is the closest point of approach of target A ?

Between 1 - 2 miles

Between 2 - 2.9 miles

Between 3 - 3.9 miles

Now or passed

What is the aspect of the target B ?

Target B

Answer 3

What is the time of closest point of approach of target C Now or passed ? What is the aspect of the target C ?

Page 211



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

What is the time of closest point of approach of target A?

Now or passed

Between 31-45 minutes

Between 21-30 minutes

Between 11-20 minutes

Which target will have the closest point of approach ?

Target D

Target F

Target E

Target B

What is the time of closest point of approach of target B Between 11-20 ? minutes

Between 21-30 minutes

Between 31-45 minutes

Now or passed

What is the closest point of approach of target A ?

Between 1 - 2 miles

Between 4 - 5 miles

Now or passed

Less than 0.9 mile

What is the time of closest point of approach of target A?

Between 11 - 20 minutes

Between 46 - 60 minutes

Between 31 - 45 minutes

Now or passed

Which target will have the closest point of approach ?

Target A

Target B

Target C

Target D

What is the closest point of approach of target A ?

Between 1 - 2 miles

Between 4 - 5 miles

More than 5 miles

Less than 1 mile

What is the ability of a radar set to clearly distinguish Bearing discrimination two targets, on the same range and slightly different Range discrimination bearings, as two separate targets on the PPI, known as?

Minimum range

Maximum range

What is the range discrimination of a radar set of pulse 30 metres length 60metres?

90 metres

20 metres

5 to 10 min

10to 20 min

20 to 30min

It should rotate at a constant rpm of not less than 20 in relative wind speeds upto 100kts.

It should rotate at a constant rpm of not less than30 in relative wind speeds upto 100kts.

It should rotate at a constant rpm of not less than 40 in relative wind speeds upto 100kts.

Side lobe echo

Multiple echo

It weakens the reflectivity of the target

It is used to provide a unique signal

What is the typical amount of time an ARPA would take to process and predict data?

Regarding performance standards for navigational radar, what are the requirements for a scanner?

1 to 3 min. It should rotate at a constant rpm of not less than 12 in relative wind speeds upto 100kts.

Sometimes shipboard obstructions such as masts, funnels etc reflect radar energy and the echo painted on Indirect echo the PPI shows a different direction but the same range. What is this type of echo known as? What is the effect of a radar reflector on a buoy?

It strengthens the reflectivity of the target

60 metres

Page 212

Second trace echo

It acts as a ramark



Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

South at 20knots

South at 10knots

North at 20knots

Target loss

Trial manoeuvre








Transmitted power monitor.



Display diameter What should be the size of the display on which ARPA should be at least information is presented? 340mm

Display diameter should be at least 300mm

Display diameter should be at least 250mm

Display diameter should be at least 200mm

Higher objects are How does height above sea level influence the range of detected further away detection of a target? than lower objects.

Higher objects are detected at a lesser distance than lower objects.

Higher objects are detected at the same distance as lower objects.

Higher objects are sometimes never detected whereas lower objects at the same range are always detected.

What is used to control the amplification of echoes received?




What is used to warn the observer if any distinguishable target closes to a chosen range or transits a zone chosen Guard rings and zones CPA warnings by the observer?

Target lost warning

Collision course warning

Which of these range scales would you use in a congested channel?

12 miles


If your vessel, while proceeding south at 10 knots, observed by radar a vessel proceeding south at 10 knots, what would be the approximate direction and rate at which the pip would move on your PPI scope? When two tracked targets are very close to each other, the radar data of one target shifts over to the other target. What is this called? What is the name given to unwanted radial lines that sometimes appear on the radar screen? Which control on the radar is used to suppress clutter? What does this control on the radar indicate? (see figure)

Answer 1


Target swap Spoking Anti- clutter Performance monitor


1 to 6 miles

24 miles

What should be the performance standards of a radar so Upto +/-10deg Rolling Upto +/-20deg Rolling Upto +/-25deg Rolling Upto +/-30deg Rolling that it should function without deterioration in or pitching or pitching or pitching or pitching performance when the vessel is rolling or pitching? Which are the four main elements of a radar system?

Transmitter, antenna, receiver, display

Transmitter, servo link, Transmitter, servo link, Transmitter, servo link, antenna, target antenna , display target,display Page 213


QUESTION What are 10cm radars called?

Answer 1 S band

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

X band

L band

M band

Which of these controls is provided to check the overall Performance monitor efficiency of the radar?

Range selector

Pulse length selector

Centre shift

What is the rate at which two moving objects approach Relative speed or separate from each other called?

Relative movement

Relative distance

Relative bearing

What is used as a portable, plotting device which is clamped on top of the radar screen?

Reflection plotter

Radar reflector

Plotting sheet

The detection range of surface targets is decreased when radar waves touch the earth's surface at a point closer than the standard horizon. What type of refraction is this?

sub refraction

normal refraction

super refraction

Plotting chart


The beam of radar The scanner speed is a Other transmissions Which of these factors would cause blind sectors on the energy is obstructed by little slower than taking place at the PPI? a mast normal same time

Too much vibration

If your vessel, while proceeding east at 10 knots, observed by radar a vessel proceeding west at 10 knots, West at 20 knots what would be the approximate direction and rate at which the pip would move on your PPI scope?

West at 10 knots


What is the vertical angle between the upper and lower Vertical beam width edges of the radar beam?

Horizontal beam width Vertical band width

After changing range scales on which the ARPA facilities are available, or resetting the display, in what period of time should full plotting information be displayed?

A period of time not exceeding four scans

A period of time not exceeding ten scans

A period of time not A period of time not exceeding fourteen exceeding twelve scans scans

How is attenuation affected when using waves of shorter wavelength?

Attenuation is greater

Attenuation is less

Attenuation is always the same

There is no attenuation

What determines the number of pulses that strike a target?

The scanner rotational speed, aperture size of the aerial & PRF of the transmitter.

The scanner rotational speed, aperture size of the aerial & size of target.

The size of the target , distance from the scanner,media through which energy passes

The size of the target , distance from the scanner,scanner rotational speed

Page 214

East at 20 knots

Horizontal band width



Answer 1

Answer 2

Which part of the radar is a high power RF oscillator Magnetron capable of being switched on and off for short durations at the desired PRF, by the pulses from the modulator?

TR cell

Which are the two most important pieces of input information required to operate the ARPA accurately?

Position and GMT time

Speed and heading

If your vessel, while proceeding north at 15 knots, observed by radar a stationary target, what would be the South at 15 knots approximate direction and rate at which the pip would move on your PPI scope?

Answer 3

Answer 4

Local oscillator


Heading and GMT time

GMT time and speed.

North at 15 knots

South at 7 ½ knots


An aid to identifying land features at long range is....

the use of varying pulse lengths

a chart with topographic details

the echo-ranging principle

a reflection plotter

The preferred method of radar position fixing for greatest accuracy is....

taking several radar ranges

taking several radar bearings

taking a radar range and radar bearing

taking a radar range and visual bearing

The technique of parallel indexing makes use of....

a selsyn generator on the scanner

a rotatable mask transistors in parallel in mounted on the display a T/R cell in the the transceiver and marked with waveguide parallel lines

A complete oscillation of a radio wave is called......

the frequency.

the amplitude.

the wavelength.

a cycle.

The horizontal distance between the adjacent crests of a the amplitude radio wave is called....

the wavelength

a cycle

the frequency

Half the vertical distance between the crest and the trough of a radio wave is called.....

the amplitude

a cycle

the wavelength

the frequency

The number of cycles of a radio wave which pass a fixed point in a given time is called the....





Page 215

OPA 90


Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Under OPA 90 a level "A" Oil Spill Removal Organisation" (OSRO) has .....

the greatest recovery capability.

recovery capabilities in open ocean water only.

the lowest recovery capability.

provisional status only.

Under OPA 90 shipboard pollution containers should be capable of recovering at least ....... barrels of oily waste.





Under OPA 90, the Logistics Section of the Incident Command system is divided into the Service Branch and the Support Branch. The Service Branch is responsible for .....

communication, medical communication and and food. ground support.

supply, facilities and ground support.

electricity, sanitation and bioremediation.

Under OPA 90, application of Oil Dispersants to an oil have official approval. spill must ....

be made within the first have official approval 24 - 48 hours after the and be made within the spill. first 24 - 48 hours.

be your first response to clean-up procedures.

OPA 90 - the most cost effective and convenient method of disposing of oily debris is.....





The Oil Pollution Act of 1990 is .....

an international pollution law.

an equivalent standard of Marpol 73/78.

United States legislation.

only enforceable in the Atlantic Ocean & US Gulf.

OPA 90 - spills of persistent oils with greater than 1.0 specific gravity ......

do not readily evaporate should be easily dissipate with wind and and are difficult to dispersed with current. recover. detergents.

Under OPA 90, a "Worst Case Scenario" includes the discharge of the vessel's entire cargo during ....

fire or explosion.

the absence of the Master.


adverse weather.

Under OPA 90, the term "OSRO " means .....

Official Safety and Regulatory Organisation.

Oceanic Science Regional Observatory.

Oil Spill Response Organisation.

Offshore Scientific Research Organisation.

OPA 90 - in the event of a major oil spill, what would He would get a contract He will be entitled to most likely happen to a crewmember's job if "unlimited extension one months extra pay liability" is assessed on the ship?

He may be promoted

He would lose his job

An English speaking person available on a 24 hour basis, located in A Project Scientist with Under OPA 90, the term 'Qualified Individual' means ... the United States, exceptional authorised by the owner qualifications. to activate the vessel's Response Plan.

A pollution clean-up specialist appointed by the U.S. Coast Guard and the Environmental Protection Agency.

The owner or the operator of the ship.

Page 216

should be recovered with skimmers.

OPA 90


Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Under OPA 90 regulations, oils have been divided into ......... different groups based upon their environmental persistence.





Under OPA 90, due diligence describes ....

emergency preparedness.

attention to safety.

good faith effort.

All of the other options

the local U.S.Coast Guard captain, Classification Society, Salvage and Fire Fighting Contractors.

the Oil Spill Response Contractor, Owner or operator, Flag State authorities, P & I club representative.

the IMO coordination Centre.

the U.S. Coast Guard Regardless of the size of an oil spill in U.S. waters, the National Response following must always be notified..... Center.

Under OPA 90, the Incident Command System is ....

the method used to implement a response to a computerised system a catastrophic spill used to record marine under a Unified accidents. Command structure.

Under OPA 90, a tank vessel owner or operator must make contractual arrangements with ......

oil spill clean-up contractors.

the National Transportation Safety Board.

oil spill clean-up fire fighting, lightering contractors and fire and salvage contractors. fighting, lightering and salvage contractors.

One purpose of the US Oil Pollution Act of 1990 is to ......

enhance the preparedness of shipboard and shore based personnel in the event of a pollution incident.

restrict the trade of foreign nations.

create an international pollution regime.

limit the access of tankers to US waters

All tank vessels under OPA 90 are required to carry on combat a worst case board spill recovery equipment of sufficient capacity spill. to ....

clean up an accidental spill up to 500 barrels.

accommodate oil spilt on deck.

accommodate oil spilt in the Engine Room.

OPA 90 - tools for mitigation include the ships fire hoses. Fire hoses may be used to.....

disperse floating oil.

wash oil from the dock.

prevent floating oil from wash oil off the cargo escaping downstream. deck.

OPA 90 - during oil spill clean up, booming strategies are most effective to contain spills in....

calm weather conditions rough weather in coastal waters. conditions in open sea.

areas with waves with medium swells and significant height.

areas close to response centers.

OPA 90 - the costs of cleaning up a major oil spill can..... Under OPA 90, the intentional discharge of 10,000 gallons of oil into the sea is best described as.....

greatly exceed the cost of the oil itself.

cost shipowners and operators their assets.

lead to prosecution of those involved.

All of the other options

willful misconduct.

an operational spill.

a casualty spill.

a worst case scenario.

Page 217

only adapted by the US the Owners / Operators Coast Guard personnel in house control system. for internal use.

OPA 90

QUESTION OPA 90 response times for salvage and lightering contractors are calculated from the time of .....

Answer 1

Answer 2

the occurrence of the oil the call out. spill.

by securing the manual Under OPA 90 regulations, each part of the cargo oil or by locking the hydraulic valves tight and bunkering system not used during fuel transfer or cargo actuators to the padlocking the valve oil transfer must be secured .... respective line valves. wheels.

Under OPA 90, all verbal reports regarding an oil spill should be followed....

by obtaining feedback about the action taken.

Answer 3 reaching the pollution scene.

the go ahead signal from the Coast Guard.

with a blank flange.

with a cement box.

by the course of action; also, repeated verbal up in writing to facilitate reports are to be made if clear communications. new information is available.

The ship's staff alone is to activate the OSRO Under OPA 90, concerning the activation of the OSRO The shore management directly within 30 or Oil Spill Response Organisation, which one of the is able to activate the minutes after the spill, statements below is true? OSRO. after which the USCG is informed.

Answer 4

The Harbour Master's office is to activate the OSRO immediately.

by obtaining feedback about the action taken and by repeated verbal reports are to be made if new information is available.

The P & I club is to activate the OSRO within 24 to 48 hours.

to avoid oil spilled on OPA 90 - in the event of an oil spill, mooring lines can the deck from escaping be used as an interim containment barrier ..... overboard via the fish plate openings.

to contain small oil to keep an oil slick from around cargo oil and spills on the open deck. escaping downstream. bunkering manifolds.

OPA 90 - most important in monitoring the loading of oil or the bunkering rate is .....

to keep a close eye on the manifold pressure.

to keep close radio contact with the jetty/barge.

A tank vessel owner or operator can ensure he has met the planning criteria of OPA 90 by .......

employing an OSRO.

contracting sufficient resources to meet the tiered planning having response guidelines for each area equipment on board. in which the ship is trading.

trading only in high volume ports.

With reference to OPA 90, which major port is not a high volume port?


Port Angeles

New York

St. Croix

Tier 1.

Level "A ".

Tier 3.

An oil spill removal organisation that can demonstrate a 40,000 barrel per day recovery capability under OPA Level "E ". 90 is classified as ......

Page 218

that the remote control that tanks should be gauging system is to be sounded very regularly. observed.

OPA 90

QUESTION Under OPA.90, salvage, fire fighting and lightering contractors must...

Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

be contractually prebe members of the U.S. be under contract to the arranged by Owners or Salvage Association. US Coast Guard. Operators.

Under OPA 90, when reporting an oil spill to the National Response Center and a recorded message is the local directory heard and you are placed on hold, your alternate contact operator. should be......

the National Transportation Safety Board.

Under OPA 90, the penalty for failure to immediately notify the appropriate U.S. Government agency of an oil spill is .....

unlimited liability.

a fine of not more than U.S $ 10,000 and/or one partial liability. year in prison.

OPA 90 - the telephone number of the local US Coast Guard Captain of the Port can be easily found by checking ....

with the US Coast the geographic Guard Information Appendix in the Vessel's System, Washington Response Plan. DC.

the nearest U.S. Coast Guard Captain of the Port.

Answer 4 have tractor tugs available.

your head office.

ten years in prison.

with Lloyds Register of the National Archives. Shipping.

OPA 90 - if any telephone numbers listed in the Vessel the Oil Spill Removal Response Plan are wrong, the correct listings may be Organisation. found in the USA by contacting .....

the National Response Centre.

Ocean Routes.

local directory assistance , 1 + area code + 5551212.

OPA 90 - a key element of the Incident Command System is.....



liaison with government agencies.

The US Oil Pollution Act of 1990 applies to ..... OPA 90 - three functions of the Incident Command staff are .... OPA 90 - who is responsible for the supervision of cleanup until the Qualified Individual arrives on the scene? Under OPA 90 , Group 1 oils are ..... OPA 90 - under normal conditions a spill of Group V oil will .....

reporting.. diesel and kerosene fuels. incineration, recycling and disposal.

petroleum oils. information, safety and liaison.

petroleum, animal and vegetable oils. fire fighting, lightering and salvage.

black oil. command, control and evacuation.

the local agent.

the ship's staff.

the Environment Protection Agency.

the person in charge of oil transfer.

persistent oils.

vegetable oils.

non-persistent oils.




animal oils. disperse with wind and current.

light, medium and low.

light, heavy and double fire fighting, lightering extra strength. and salvage.

heavy duty offshore, river & harbour, sorbent.

According to OPA 90 Pollution Response, clean-up of Group III which oil group may involve underwater recovery?

Group V

Group IV

Group I

OPA 90 regulations are effective up to .......... miles offshore.




OPA 90 - the three types of boom are .....


Page 219

OPA 90


Answer 1

Answer 2

Under OPA 90 regulations, actuation of Tier I response immediately, in any case resources must be made ............. after discovery of within one hour not later than 30 minutes discharge.

Page 220

Answer 3

Answer 4

within 45 minutes

within two hours



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3 an Inert Gas Generator.

Answer 4

Inert gas is produced on board of ships by ....

the main boilers.

the auxiliary boilers.

What is the principle behind producing inert gas on board ship?

By the combustion of fuel oil to produce exhaust gases with an oxygen content of less than 5%

By the combination By using the carbon of water and sulphur dioxide in the exhaust dioxide produced by gas to act as a fire the combustion of extinguisher heavy fuel

Using exhaust gases of heavy fuel oil combustion which are smothering agents at high temperatures

Hot and containing soot particles

Dirty and saturated

Superheated and black or greyish in colour

What is the purpose of the inert gas Scrubber Tower?

To remove sulphur combustion components from the gases.

To desuperheat the inert gases produced by the boiler by running the gases through water screens.

To remove soot particles and to saturate the gas with water.

To cool the flue gases and remove most of the sulphur and soot particles.

How is cooling / cleaning water supplied to the inert gas scrubber tower?

By the scrubber sea water pump

By the deck seal sea water pump

By the main sea water By the cargo pumps condenser pump

Alarms for high water level, pump failure, Which group of basic protection devices are fitted on high sea water the scrubber tower's sea cooling water supply system? temperature and low gas pressure.

Alarms for high water level, low flow, low water pressure and pump failure.

Alarms for high water Alarms for high water level, high flow, high level, low water level, water pressure and pump failure and low high sea water gas pressure. temperature.

What ensures that no sea water droplets are carried with the inert gas while the gas is washed and cooled in the scrubber tower?

The regenerator

The demister units

The centrifugal traps

By the inert gas suction pressure

By the differential pressure measured by U-tube.

low speed type centrifugal fans.

turbine type centrifugal blower fans.

What is the condition of the inert gas as it is produced Free of oxygen and by the boilers or inert gas generator? clean

The gas dryer unit

Inert gas- how can you tell if the demister units in the By the colour change By the tell-tale scrubber tower need to be cleaned? in the tell-tale glass overflow pipe Inert gas blowers are....

paddle type low speed reciprocating type blowers. blower units.

Page 221

any of these



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

A steam driven What is the advantage of having a steam turbine turbine fan does not A steam turbine fan driven inert gas fan on a tanker fitted with an auxiliary easily trip when there can give higher steam plant? is a malfunction on speeds the inert gas plant

A steam turbine driven fan creates initial load on the boiler facilitating inert gas production

A steam turbine fan is less costly to maintain and more easy to operate.

Which type of valves are fitted as suction valves on the inert gas blower fans? Which type of valves are fitted on the discharge side of the inert gas fan blowers?

Automatic controlled gate valves Automatic butterfly valves

Manually controlled gate valves Manual butterfly valves

Automatic controlled Manually controlled butterfly valves butterfly valves Automatic gate valves Manual gate valves

Where is the inert gas tapped which is led to the Oxygen Analyser?

At the boiler uptake

At the inert gas line At the inert gas fan At the inert gas from scrubber to inert discharge manometer discharge line to the gas fan (suction line) connection bulkhead valve

How can you be assured that the inert gas analyser will give the correct reading of the oxygen content of the inert gas?

The instrument is calibrated every year in the presence of the Classification Surveyor.

A zero setting knob activates a "Wheatstone Bridge" with a calibrated resistor in order to compare.

Which of the groups contains the three isolating devices fitted between the inert gas bulkhead valve and the cargo tank valves?

The non-return valve, The spectacle flange, the Bernoulli tube and the Bernoulli tube and the manual discharge the non-return valve valve.

The instrument is calibrated with fresh air every 3 months and should indicate 21 % oxygen in fresh air

The instrument is calibrated with nitrogen holding 3 % oxygen (grey colour test bottle)

The non-return valve, The spectacle flange, the deck seal and the the deck seal and the manual discharge water seal valve

Which pair of devices is fitted on deck to prevent inert The bulkhead valve, gas or cargo vapours from flowing back into the the deck seal engine room?

The spectacle flange, The bulkhead valve, the Bernoulli tube the non-return valve

The non-return valve, the deck seal

In the Inert Gas system, - what types of Deck Seal units are there?

The dry and the wet type

The circular and the square type

The open and the closed type

The single and the combined type

Through the main Through a seawater Through the deck seal Through the deck fire seawater pumps or Inert gas - how is sea water supplied to the deck seal? aggregate pump fitted pump fitted in the line through the cargo on the cargo deck engine room condenser pump

Page 222



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

What protective devices are fitted to the seawater supply to the deck seal, ensuring an effective water barrier in the deck seal and preventing gas backflow to the engine room?

A booster aggregate for the sea water, deck seal high temperature alarm, high water level/overflow alarm.

Deck seal pump failure, low deck seal water pressure, low deck seal water flow, low level of deck seal

Aggregate failure, high deck seal temperature, low deck seal flow, low deck seal level.

High water level / overflow alarm, high deck seal temperature, low deck seal level, low deck seal pressure

If a combination carrier is engaged in the carriage of cargoes other than oil, the main inert gas supply line on deck (with the exception of the inert gas supply to the slop tanks) must be ....

secured by padlocking the inert gas main supply valve.


isolated by fitting a blind flange.

drained and washed.

It is a rule that the inert gas supply valves to the cargo securing in a closed tanks must have provision for .... position.

drainage of the inert gas.

fitting blind or spectacle flanges.

easy removal and inspection.

The main inert gas distribution line on deck is provided with a....

portable oxygen content analyser.

Pressure / Vacuum breaker.

flow meter.

gauge glass to monitor the presence of liquid.

Which safety device is fitted on the deck inert gas line The inert gas low to monitor the supply condition of the inert gas? pressure alarm

The inert gas high temperature alarm

The inert gas low flow alarm

The inert gas reverse flow alarm

If at sea the inert gas low pressure alarm is activated, it may be necessary to conduct....

cargo transfer operations.

cargo heating operations.

inert gas topping up operations.

recirculating operations.

What are duty officers provided with to check the quality of inert gas ?

A breathing apparatus A portable oxygen to enter the tank analyser

A tank scope

An explosimeter

By opening the suction cover on the inert gas supply fans and stopping the boiler

By removing the fresh air intake blank on the inert gas fan suction line, ensuring that the boiler uptake valve is closed

By keeping the boiler By stopping the boiler uptake valves closed How is fresh air supply ensured in cargo tanks via the firing so that only and opening the inert gas supply line? fresh air is supplied inspection cover on by the boiler uptake the scrubber tower As long as a tanker is not in Gas Free condition, which pump must remain running at all times? Prior to starting the cargo pumps for discharge of a tanker cargo, it must be ensured that.....

The Emergency Fire Pump all ballast tanks are inerted.

How is the inert gas pressure controlled in the inert gas distribution line and relevant cargo tanks during discharge ?

By an automatic By adjusting the By adjusting the trim pressure control cargo discharging rate of the vessel system Page 223

The Scrubber Pump

The Deck Seal Pump

the pump room piping the inert gas plant is is inerted. running on stand-by.

The Cargo Condenser Pump the inert gas plant is ready for start-up. By throttling of the boiler uptake valve


QUESTION On tankers, the Crude Oil Washing Check List states (among other things) that during Crude Oil Washing operations .....

Answer 1 the inert gas system should be in operation.

Using a portable oxygen analyser and How is the quality and supply of inert gas checked and U-tube, with an recorded? officer standing-by all the time

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

the inert gas oxygen the inert gas pressure content must be is to be recorded prior below 4.5 % in order to starting washing. to start or continue washing.

the quality of the inert gas must be frequently checked and recorded.

In the engine control room at the main inert gas console, where an engineer should be standing-by all the time

Using the oxygen content and IG pressure recorder located in the cargo control room

Using a manometer and thermometer fitted in the main inert gas supply line

To remove soot particles and to saturate the gas with water.

To cool the hot gases and remove the soot particles.

What is the purpose of the inert gas scrubber tower ?

To cool the inert To remove sulphur gases produced by the combustion boiler by running the components from the gases through water gases. screens.

Where is the inert gas tapped which is led to the oxygen analyser?

At the boiler uptake.

Name the three isolating devices fitted between the inert gas bulkhead valve and the cargo tank valves ?

The non-return valve, The spectacle flange, the Bernoulli tube and the Bernoulli tube and the manual discharge the non-return valve. valve.

The non-return valve, The spectacle flange, the deck seal and the the deck seal and the manual discharge water seal. valve.

What types of deck seal units are there ?

The open and the closed type.

The single and the combined type.

How is sea water supplied to the deck seal?

Through the main Through a seawater Through the deck seal Through the deck fire seawater pumps or aggregate pump fitted pump fitted in the line. through the cargo on the cargo deck. engine room. condenser pump.

It is a rule that the inert gas supply valves to the cargo securing in a closed tanks must have provision for.... position.

Page 224

At the inert gas line At the inert gas fan At the inert gas from scrubber to inert discharge manometer discharge line to the gas fan (suction line). connection. bulkhead valve.

The dry and the wet type.

drainage of the inert gas.

fitting blind or spectacle flanges.

The circular and the square type.

easy removal and inspection.



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Which of the following is compulsory on ships fitted with inert gas?

No Smoking is allowed in any place at all on the vessel.

Three (3) breathing apparatus sets with spare bottles and a refilling compressor is fitted in the forecastle.

Notice is to be placed at entrances as required "NO ENTRANCE WITHOUT PERMISSION OF RESPONSIBLE PERSON (C/O) , INERT GAS !!!!"

An Entry Permit is required each time a person enters the pump room for any reason.

The main inert gas distribution line on deck is provided with a....

portable oxygen content analyzer.

Pressure / Vacuum breaker.

flow meter.

gauge glass to monitor the presence of liquid.

Prior to starting the cargo pumps for discharge of cargo it must be ensured that....

all ballast tanks are inerted.

the pump room piping the inert gas plant is is inerted. running on stand-by.

the inert gas plant is ready for start-up.

Which pair of devices are fitted on deck to prevent inert gas or cargo vapours from flowing back into the engine room?

The bulkhead valve, the deck seal.

The spectacle flange, The bulkhead valve, the Bernoulli tube. the non-return valve.

The non-return valve, the deck seal.

In the event of a failure in the inert gas plant during discharge....

the inert gas plant must be operational the discharge rate within one hour of the discharge must be must be reduced until failure and the immediately halted. the plant is repaired. discharge may continue for this time.

the venting system can be set to maintain atmospheric pressure and the discharge can continue.

Inert gas is....

lighter than hydrocarbon gas.

the same density as hydrocarbon gas.

heavier than hydrocarbon gas.

variable in density dependent on oxygen content.

SOLAS 1974 requires the oxygen content in the Inert 8% Gas Main to be not more than ......... by volume.




Whilst discharging cargo, if the oxygen content within the inert gas main is above the SOLAS 1974 Call the master and recommendations and the Engine Room inform you continue with cargo that they cannot reduce it, what would your actions operations. be?

Stop all cargo operations.

Call the chief Continue with cargo engineer and continue operations. with cargo operations.

Before inert gas is introduced into a cargo tank, it should be established that the oxygen content of the gas is not more than....

5% by volume

8% by volume

2% by volume

Page 225

10% by volume


QUESTION An inert gas system should be used to....

Answer 1 blow through cargo lines

Answer 2 prevent fires in pumprooms

Answer 3 Answer 4 discharge liquid cargo reduce the oxygen from tanks content in tanks

The purpose of inert gas systems aboard tankers is to....

allow sufficient prevent outside air oxygen in the tanks to from entering the sustain life tanks

provide increase in cargo discharge pressure

When the inert gas system is not required for gasfreeing the cargo tanks and pipelines, how must it be isolated from the cargo system?

Single valve isolation Two valve isolation

Spool piece removed Spade blanks in lines and blanked

Page 226

comply with doublehull pollution regulations



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

What part of the anchor is shown here?

The joining shackle.

The lugless shackle.

What does this picture show ?

Automatic falls release arrangement

A boathook ready for The fall block on a use gravity davit

An emergency lifeboat radio. What instrument indicator is shown on the right of the The steering gear picture? pressure indicator. What does the picture show ?

The kenter shackle.

A man overboard light/smoke signal


The bridge barometer.

The engine R.P.M. indicator

Answer 4 The crown shackle. The boarding arrangements for a modern lifeboat A red parachute rocket distress flare The rudder angle indicator The radar and signal mast.

What does the picture show ?

A telescopic topmast. The jackstaff.

The foremast.

What does the picture show ?

A stored inflatable liferaft.

A container for A lifeboat freshwater storing distress container. rockets.

What does the encircled part of the picture show ?

Engine cooling water Circular type intake advanced rudder.

Propeller guard Engine exhaust capable of vectoring underwater discharge thrust

What do you call the item shown in the picture? What do you call the item shown in the picture?

An overhead gravity davit A cargo block. A block wheel.

A stored pressure gravity davit A cargo pulley. A metal sheave.

What do you call the item shown here?

A sky hook.

What part is shown inside the rectangle?

What does the drawing show?

A container for storing lifejackets.

A luffing davit,

A union purchase derrick. Buckets

A derrick wheel. A roller bush. A cargo hook for a crane. A heavy lift Stulken derrick Dustpans


A heavy lift hook.

A single arm launching davit A gin block. A block shell. A cargo hook rigged for union purchase

Two cargo derricks.

Twin samson posts.






The foundation. A transverse beam. A cleat or dog.

The jib. A hatch cover. A padeye

The pedestal. A king beam. A ram.

The base control. A hatch slab. A "T" piece.

What part of the hatch is indicated by the letter "A"?

The track wheel.

The eccentric wheel. The rotator wheel.

What is the pipe shown in the picture?

It is a tank vent pipe

It is a mast raiser

What do you call the circled part in the picture?

A bulwark bay.

A bulwark angle iron. A bulwark stanchion. A bulwark support.

What does the indicated part of the picture show?

The anchor chain.

A mooring chain.

What are the men in the picture using? What is the man in the foreground of the picture using? What does the circled part of the picture show ? What part is indicated by the letter "A"? What does the circled part of the picture show ?

Page 227

It is a wing tank filling pipe.

A bow stopper.

The guide wheel. It is a sounding pipe.

A compression bar.



Answer 1 The anchor gear lever.

Answer 2 The windlass power control.

What is the part of the windlass shown ?

The anchor cylinder.

The anchor drum end.

What does the picture show ?

A pilot ladder.

A gangway.

What does the circled part of the picture show ?

A cleat

A mooring bollard.

What does the picture show ?

A man overboard lifebuoy with attached A stored lifebuoy light and smoke with light. signal

What does the circled part of the picture show ?

What does the picture show ? What sort of mooring lines are shown in the picture ?

Forward mooring tension winches. Plaited polypropelene.

Answer 3 The anchor brake. The spurling pipe gear An embarkation ladder.

A lifebuoy with parachute distress flare

An early warning signal.

Aft mooring station The drums of cargo tension winches. winches. Three stranded manila Plaited nylon. rope. St Lawrence seaway Panama fairleads. fairleads

Self stowing mooring wires Six stranded nylon core cables

The anchor hole

What do you call the circled opening?

The anchor scupper.

The hawse pipe.

The spurling pipe.

The anchor swivel link. A cargo ship's derricks. A bulk cargo evacuator.

The anchor joining shackle.

The crown shackle.

What does the picture show ?

A stairway. A set of mooring bitts

Ordinary fair leads.

What does the picture show ?

The anchor gypsy.

A panama lead.

What type of leads are shown in the picture?

What do you call the circled part of the anchor chain?

Answer 4 The mooring shift control.

Roller fairleads.

An open ended anchor link. A cargo ship's gantry A cargo ship's booms. A cargo ship's cranes. cranes A clamshell grab, A cargo bucket, An automatic cargo discharging cargo. loading cargo. shovel. A St Lawrence A capstan. A Panama farlead. seaway fairlead.

What does the encircled part of the picture show ?

A roller fairlead.

What does the picture show ?

The aft mooring tension winches.

The forward mooring The windlass as a tension winches. mooring winch.

The reels for storing mooring lines.

What does the picture show ?

A gyro compass repeater, with a pelorus ring.

A magnetic compass, The master gyro fitted with a bearing compass. ring.

The gyro steering repeater.

What does the picture show ?

The engine RPM indicator.

The bridge rudder indicator.

An automatic signal control.

What does the picture show ?

Lifeboat fire extinguishers.

Enclosed lifeboat Breathing apparatus emergency air supply. air tanks.

Page 228

The bridge engine telegraph.

CO2 supply in case of fire.



Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3 A portable air compressor A half hitch. A sheet bend. A sheet bend.

What does the picture show ?

A portable generator. A portable pump.

What is the name of the knot shown in the drawing? What is the name of the knot shown in the drawing? What is the name of the knot shown in the drawing?

A clove hitch. A carrick bend. A sheepshank.

A rolling hitch. A bowline. A bowline.

What is the name of the knot shown in the drawing?

A catspaw

A double sheet bend. A reef knot.

What sort of splice is shown in the drawing? What sort of blocks does the picture shows?

A long splice. Gin blocks.

What do you call the item shown in the picture? What sort of shackle is shown here? What is the name of the hatch part "A" ? What part of the ship's hull is shown here? What is the circled part of the picture? What does the circled part of the picture show ? What does the picture show ? What part of the ship is shown inside the circle?

A short splice. Snatch blocks. A single sheeve A threefold purchase. block. The crown shackle. The joining shackle. The hatch cover The track wheel. wheel. The bulwark. The inside shell. The main radio A wind indicator. antenna. A fair lead. Mooring bitts. Fire hoses drying Canvas covers. after use. A stanchion. An angle iron.

Answer 4 An outboard engine. A timber hitch. A marlin spike hitch. A figure of eight. A clove hitch.

An eye splice. Cargo blocks. A double sheeve metal block. The anchor shackle.

A back-splice. Handy billies.

The eccentric wheel.

The rotator wheel.

The topside.

The sheer strake. A direction finder antenna. A capstan. Air vent covers drying. A bay.

A radar scanner. A panama lead. A ship's stretcher. A stiffener.

A snatch block. The kenter shackle.

In this picture, what should be checked prior to The wheels are on the The chain is not closing the hatch cover, in order to make sure that the trackway. slack. hatch cover will make a watertight seal?

The rubber around the The top of the hatch underneath of the cover is clear. cover is not missing.

What part of the ship is shown by letter B?

The cargo hold riser.

The hatch cover.

The storm protector.

The hatch coaming.

What part of the hatch cover is in circle A?

A wedge type cleat.

A padeye.

A lifting bolt.

A senhose slip.

What is the purpose of wheel A in this picture?

To tip the hatch cover To allow the hatch into a vertical To drive the hatch cover to roll along its position when cover closed. trackway. opened.

For the square pyramid float component shown, which is the correct development? What is the item shown in the figure? In the figure, what are the items marked 6 called? What is the item of structure numbered 12 in the figure called?


To negotiate any object lying on the coaming.




Stay Chocks

Strut Bilge Brackets

Bulwark Stanchion Knees

Stiffener Webs

Boss Plate

Stern Bearing

Stern Post

Stern Frame

Page 229


QUESTION What is the item of structure numbered 9 in the figure? What is the item of structure numbered 11 in the figure called? A vessel in the condition shown in Figure 1will be.... Look at the diagram (Chemistry of Liquefied Gases) and say which gas has the widest flammable range.

Answer 1

Answer 3

Answer 4

Deck Plate

Panting Stringer

Foundation Plate

Floor Plate


Floor Plate

Wash Plate










Bar Keel

Flat Plate Keel

Duct Keel

Indirect echoes.

Second trace echoes.

Side lobe echoes.

What is the athwartships cross section structure shown Box Keel in the figure2? Multiple echoes. What type of spurious echoes are these? (see figure) What does the diagram indicate? (see figure)

Answer 2

Bearing discrimination.

Range discrimination. Minimum range.


Racon What is this mark? (see figure)


Signal from SART.

Lt vessel

The lugless shackle.

The kenter shackle.

The crown shackle.

The picture shows the process which takes place after Worming a wire splice has been completed. What is the process marked as 'B'?




What do you call the items shown here?

Chain blocks.

Gun tackles.

Handy billies.

A threefold purchase.

What does the picture show ?

The master gyro compass

The engine control console

The emergency steering position in the steering flat

The automatic pilot console

What does the picture show?

A patent stockless anchor.

An Admiralty anchor A kedge anchor

What part of the anchor is shown here?

The joining shackle.

Page 230

A sea anchor.



What is this component shown called ?


What is the purpose of the lines on this component ?


Which way will fluid pass through this valve ? What is component number 3 called?


What is "chatter" in a safety valve ?


When starting a positive displacement pump, the discharge valve must be....


A "venturi" tube would normally be found in....


The purpose of the anodes in the C.R.T. is to....


What is the unit of magnetic flux? What will happen to the level of the expansion tank if the engine slows down or stops?


What is the most obvious reason for drop in electrical load on a ballast pump?


When repacking soft packed glands how should the joins be spaced?

Page 231


An integrated rectifier. To identify the type of component. From B to A. A spring adjuster.

A diode. To indicate the resistance and the resistance variance of the component. From A to B. A spring tensioning washer.

The first leakage before the valve opens.

A failure of a safety valve to re-seat.

fully open. a centrifugal pump. cause the screen to glow when hit by electrons Farad

fully closed. an eductor.

The level will decrease

The level will increase

Malfunction of the electrical motor. 45°

Pump no longer pumping liquid. 60°

deflect the electrons to the edge of the screen Henry

Page 232


A transistor.

A capacitor. To indicate the maximum inductance which To indicate the resistance of the component. can be applied. In either direction. From A to C. A valve cover. A spring plate. A hissing sound indicating that a safety valve A metallic hammering noise. is leaking. cracked open. a reciprocating pump.

half open. a globe valve.

attract the electrons to the screen Coulomb The level will at first decrease but increases again

focus to a sharp point at the screen Weber

Malfunction of the pump. 90°

Tank being transferred into is full. 180°

Nothing will happen

Page 233