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ATR 72 – 500 – Centralised Maintenance System (CMS) CMS allows access to information regarding ;
Failure detected during last flight Failure currently detected (aircraft on ground)
CMS is accessed through ACMS key of MCDU main menu AVS provides system test and reports and system identification can rely on the "LAST FLIGHT REPORT" (in MPC > CMC menu) to identify any The centralized maintenance is accessed through the ACMS key of MCDU main
2 MCDU on centre pedestral MPC on electronic racks, behind F/O
AVS 1. AVS main functions are Centralized Maintenance Function (CMF) and BITE; a. CMF : process maintenance data and send them to MPC to display in the MCDU b. BITE : process maintenance data from AVS BITE and display them through MCDU pages. And allows equipment self test and consult aircraft AVS configuration 2. AVS maintenance function is managed by CMA of CAC
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CMF also allows the operator to launch equipment self test Other aircraft system maintenance function is managed by DMU (software part) of MPC CMF relies on CMA activated in CAC CMF operational modes: a. Normal mode : Store failure data in non volatile memory, maintenance phase in “flight”, b. Interactive mode : Interactive test, maintenance phase is ‘ground’. Interaction through MCDU pages (for personnel) c. Both mode : CMF stores failures detected in flight and provide general parameter for BITE functrions
FAILURE CLASSIFICATION 1. Class 1 : a. Failure with FDE which prevent system continuity of operation b. Classed as critical c. 2 types : internal failure and Extended failure ( interface failure) 2. Class 2 : a. Minor failure without FDE only require deferred maintenance. Low class non critical b. With each failure, CMF stores the data, time and ATA code of concerned system c. CMF can store up to 300 class 1 failure and 300 class 2 failures CMF OPERATION 1. CMS can be accessed from both MCDU but not simultaneously 2. Is unavailable a few minutes after loading DESCRIPTION 1. CMS groups : a. AVS maintenance function managed b CMA of CAC b. Maintenance function of other aircraft systems managed by DMU software part of MPC c. DMU also manages MFC, PEC, EEC and FCU maintenance function d. CMS allows access to failures detected during last flight and failures currently detected on ground through MCDU. Both MCDU can be used but not simultaneously e. AVS also provides : System test, report and identification and Class 2 failure report f. MPC maintenance function provides : i. Display, record and manage aircraft parameters ii. Report aircraft systems g. CMA offer a set if services via MCDU pages, The services are display of configuration report and failure reports and initiate interactive test. CMA is activated in the CPM of CAC h. CMA is interfaced with MPC to acquire flight phase and transmits MCDU pages and receive operator commands i. CMS also talks with PCMCIA card, MCDU, Printer and ACARS CAC 2. CAC is composed of a. 1 CPM
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b. 1 IOM-AP (autoflight) c. 2 IOM-DC (Data Concentrator Application) d. 1 SWM (gateway and Switch module) that connects the CPM and Avionic Data Network subscribes CAC and SWM software are uploaded via PMAT through direct Ethernet connection to CAC via “CAC Ethernet Bus” plug in the cockpit Modification of ACMS functions of DMU are uploaded through PCMCIA card DMU Functions : a. Report managements b. Maintenance functions management c. MCDU d. Printer e. ACARS f. Software and database upload from PCMCIA and QAR/SAR/DAR recording AVIONIC STATUS REPORT : a. provides list of AVS LRU affected by internal failure during ‘ground’ phase b. LRU is identified by their name and FIN number
ATR 72 – 600 IMA 1. The Core Avionic Cabinet use LRM : 6 cards + 2 extra card place 2. CAC consist of : a. 1 CPM b. 1 IOM-S c. 2 IOM-DC d. 1 SWM e. All connected to 28V DC 3. IMA modules connected through AFDX 4. There are 2 CAC 5. Software are uploaded via PMAT through direct Ethernet connection to CAC via CAC Ethernet-Plug (RJ45 cable) 6. CPMs have the same part numberm so they are interchangeable 7. IOM-S has no loadable software 8. ATR 72-500 CMS is managed by DMU part of MPC, accessed through MCDU
- A report "AVIONICS STATUS" giving the list of currently failed sub-system - A report "LAST LEG REPORT" giving the list of all the Class 1 messages that have occurred during the last leg in flight - A report "PREVIOUS LEGS REPORT" giving the list of the Class 1 messages transmitted during the previous 63 leg in flight - The mean to initiate tests SYSTEM REPORT / TEST : this report will give
access to a sub-system menu to initiate tests; - A report "MAINT" giving the list of Class 2 messages that have occurred during the last leg in flight - A report "LRU IDENT" allowing to display the Part Number (hardware and software) of a list of sub-system - A report "AVS AND A/C OPT CONF" allowing the operator to consults Avionic options and A/C configuration.