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TrầnThịHoài An

Class: GBS0604 INTRODUCTION: The existence and development of the business depends on factors such as machinery, technology, capital, and workers that are not lacking in the business process. However, machines and technology can be purchased or copied, but human beings can not copy and human beings are factors to operate machinery. It is therefore possible to believe that human resources are critical to the development of the business. Consequently, human resource management is not simple, it is a long process to have excellent employees to meet the needs of the company. LO1 Explain the purpose and scope of Human Resource Management in terms of resourcing an organization with talent and skills appropriate to fulfill business objectives. P1 Explain the purpose and the functions of HRM, applicable to workforce planning and resourcing an organization. Definition of HRM, Workforce planning and Resourcing Human resource management (HRM) is a comprehensive, coherent approach to human development and employment that is often used by businesses.HR department is one of the most important divisions of a company's operations. This department is provide strategies for accomplishing recruiting, managing knowledge, managing social responsibilities of the company, developing strategies for organizational development, supplying resources to the business when the company needs. Thanks to the HR department, the company can come up with plans, to attract, recruit staff and talent management. In addition, HRM is also responsible for guiding new staff in the departments about the job and operations of the company, training

staff to increase the performance of work efficiency and to develop the company. The HRM not only manages and trains new employees, but also manages other factors such as wages and benefits of employees such as health insurance, labor insurance, etc. HRM also manages relationships in the company as relations between superiors with employees, between employers and employees. Studying the method solve the problems of human management and to accomplish the three basic goals of HRM are Employ effective human resources to increase labor productivity, improve the efficiency of the business and ensure that the company recruit sufficient number of employees with the appropriate level of skills and knowledge. Get them to the right job, at the right time, to maximize their ability to help the company achieve its goals. Moreover, in order to meet the increasing demand of human resources on welfare policies such as health insurance, social insurance ... encouraged and supported to work to improve the loyalty and commitment of employees for the company. (Keegan, A and Francis, H, 2010; Hoi, H, 2016)

(Source: Google Images) Human resource managers must be aware of what is happening in the company and the wider market in relation to the factors that influence the change of internal and external human resources planning. . The PESTLE model studies the important elements of these six dimensions. Politic The change in government or industry entered the market, how much money affected the amount of money available, how much taxes should be paid, minimum wages, market controls, and quality of staffing ready for rent. When planning in advance, the company needs to consider

possible changes to the market, budget and availability of suitable applicants due to recent or anticipated political influences. Economy How much money is available for wages, training and equipment is of most concern in human resource planning. However, the external economy plays an equally important role. For example people do not have much money to spend in recession and tend to be more selective in what they buy or the services they use. This means that some industries, such as those manufacturing luxury goods or services, do not need to sell less and may even be forced to lay off some employees. Building economic factors into a human resource plan helps predict the number of employees you need and you can pay. Society Some social factors may affect the company's personnel planning, but the company needs to take into account special balance and diversity. When it comes to detecting the obvious difference of a social group, the company should build in a way that opens up new opportunities. Technology New technology brings high skill requirements, so companies need to be aware of the need for human resource planning. New products and services may also require the recruitment of highly skilled personnel or trained staff available to meet the needs. The company must ensure that employees are aware of the new equipment or knowledge they need so that they can build the skills they need and potentially improve their pay. Legal Labor law is the most important area of the legal system that affects the planning of human resources, and labor laws are constantly changing. The company must regularly update its labor laws and have legal experts available for reference if needed. The change in the employment law must be reflected in the company policy and implemented by the supervisor and the manager, so the company may need to incorporate other training needs into the resource plan force.

Environment Environmental factors that may include the company's location in relation to finding suitable staff or changing environment means more or fewer employees. Examples of environmental factors affecting human resource planning are a review of how your employees work safely in harsh weather; your plan may need to include the ability to telecommute to keep things going.

(Source : Google image ) Resourcing an organization. Each business will choose their own new employee selection and here are two ways to select the most popular employees.

(Source: google images)

Internal recruitment External recruitment This happens when the company's HRM team This happens when the company uses external searches for employees who are looking for human resources, such as through advertising, employees directly from internal staff or leaflets, newspapers, etc. recruiting new employees from close relatives The HRM department will undertake the task of of employees to be able to use existing surveying and analyzing the external situation employees to assist them new employee in order to select the most appropriate support.

recruitment method. HRM staff can choose to

The company will always prioritize the recruit on newspapers, brochures, media, be employees in the company because the able to recruit staff. The company will test IQ employees have had previous work experience or interview to know the level and ability to and have had time to adapt to the company adapt to the job that the company recruited. and the rules have been previously, so employees do not have to time to adapt to work environment and work efficiency will be higher





Initially, the company will send a message to the HRM and will send the information to all employees in the company. If anyone needs to change jobs and meet all the requirements of the public can be candidates for that position. Employees can also introduce their relatives to work. On the one hand, employees can help their relatives find employment. On the other hand, the company will not need the time to train new employees, but the company will ask staff to introduce work instructions, company regulations and new staff will not be surprised with the company because have relatives. Especially





(Source: Google images)






companies do not want to waste time resolving conflicts in the relationships of employees in the company. Selection Reliability and validity will be the two main criteria that companies take to the top when recruiting an employee: Reliability: Reliability can be measured by test retesting methods such as IQ tests, interviews ..., parallel or alternative forms of formaldehyde, and the double-divider process is time-based. The productivity and productivity they achieve. It really refers to techniques that are consistent with repeated measurements of the use of key terms. Validity: Validity includes such categories as, content value, criterion value and structural value P2 Explain the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches torecruitment and selection.

(Google images). Recruiting is the process of selecting people who are capable of meeting a job in an organization.

Depending on the purpose and requirements, the company may choose the human resources that may come from internal or external the company. When the human resources in the company meet the requirements, they will be given more priority. Recruiting announcements will be promoted internally through on-site intranet and external recruitment based on social networks, print advertising, online advertising, recruitment agencies. However, each employee's choice will have its own strengths and weaknesses. . Employing employees in the company brings benefits. First, they understood the rules of the company, they were mentally prepared for the pressure of the job, and the company knew about their ability to work through previous jobs. Secondly, when employees take part in new work, they will be able to develop more work, increase the ability to work together to work better, increase work efficiency. In addition to the disadvantages, the first thing is creativity, because employees know the company so sometimes employees are limited in creation, they are afraid to try new things. Secondly, taking part in new jobs enables employees to be promoted and rewarded, but we can not be sure that job managers will be satisfied for other employees to be promoted. In addition to recruiting staff within the company, recruiting outside employees is also beneficial. They are the “new wind” for business, they bring new ideas about business opportunities and how to overcome difficulties. In addition, new employees can gain a deeper understanding of the subject, and when they apply, they have confidence in their ability. This choice is likely to make the employee more knowledgeable.

(Google images). The recruitment from the outside also brought some difficulties. First, their understanding of the company is limited, they need more time to adapt and work. Secondly, when new employees are selected that work is not good, will create pressure for employees of companies, especially in internal staff is not selected. Selection is the next step in the process of recruiting, which is the process of selecting the best and most suitable employees for the job. Choosing the right person will make it easier to manage the staff, and bring efficiency to the job. After receiving multiple applications, the interviewer will use two basic interview and test methods to choose the most suitable person depending on the position of the job. For example, if you choose an accounting location, the test form is reasonable, and the sales location should be interviewed. Interviews are in many forms, and we will be interviewed individuals, individuals sequentially, panel interview or team interview.

The benefit of interviewing is that we will understand the staff very well, easy to identify employees are appropriate or not. However, interviews are time-consuming and difficult for many interviewees. Test is the second basic form of selection, test suited to the job requirements knowledge. The test is a quick way to choose the right employee among many applicants. The test has the basic form is ability tests, personality tests, integrity tests which will support the selection process, providing the necessary and sufficient information about the employee. However, it is difficult to know the personality and attitude of employees.

(Google images). P3 Explain the benefits of different HRM practices within an organization for both the employer and employee. Learning and Development: Learning and development is the most important subsystem of an organization and is the function of human resource management. This will ensure that staff will continue to develop their skills while working at the organization and that employees will be trained in learning habits to develop their knowledge. Training and Development is the basis for assessing the quality of the output of employees who will easily recognize the potential and disadvantages of employees through the quality of products. Learning and Development is a structure of many different methods that are redesigned by professionals in the field or those who have had years of work experience. It has been adopted

by many companies because the company wants employees to have more experience to adapt to the ever-changing environment. There are now many types of training that companies often apply to employees. Depending on the circumstances of the company, the type of training will be applied appropriately and is considered to be most effective. Group training is one of the most widely used. Because this type of group will support the decision-making skills, problem solving and group skills will be developed. Team training often results in more effective business because employees have the skills to mix and work together.

(Source: Google images) In addition, the company cans a person training a person means that a former employee will help, training the skills needed for new employees. This training will be very effective because the new staff can discuss with experts when unknown. But this training will be expensive because the company will spend a lot of money to hire experts but each expert can only guide with an employee. Besides, businesses can also use video to train employees. The company will provide training videos for staff to refer and follow. But with this type of training is not available to all employees. . Because someone can get the knowledge that is in the video and there will be people who can not get it. The results may not be as good as expected and many more training models.

When the company applies training to employees. It is not only helpful for staff but also for company development On employees, they will have more experience for themselves. So they are more confident in changing jobs and can solve problems in the workplace. Also, when they do not want to work in this company, they can choose larger companies to register because they are confident that they have the ability, fully equipped because they can respond to work at the new company. On the employer, the company will reduce the cost of training employees needed skills such as reducing the rate of labor at work. The productivity of employees will be greatly increased, so the product will increase, revenue will be increased and profits will be increased. Besides, the company's products when produced on the market are quality products, safe so customers will be supported, so that the relationship of the company with customers will be enhanced and more connected. Performance and reward management: Performance management systems are created to meet the specific needs of each organization. Reward system enhances employee productivity, motivation and retention. Each company will choose different performance management methods to monitor the performance of its employees. There are two types of surveillance that are used by many companies: camera and job performance In large companies have overpopulated workforce and companies that can not be monitored closely for each employee, the company often employs a camera approach to employee monitoring. The company can see the image of many employees at the same time, monitoring the work situation of all employees. But this method will also occur many errors: the camera can not turn to the corner to observe, employees can work continuously but the results are not satisfactory, etc. In addition, companies can also apply performance-based methods to evaluate employees. The company will give each employee a certain working time. After that time the

result will be based on the number of products that the person is doing. Based on the results, the company can evaluate the employee's skills and work experience. The types of payments and bonus systems of each company will be different and suitable for all employees. Each employee can receive different wage rates because it depends on the productivity of each person that salary can fluctuate in accordance with the results of work. Often, companies will hide the difference because of the fear that employees will have disagreements about wages. In addition, the company wants to help employees have more ethics and job responsibilities for the job. Companies will have a bonus system for employees when employees do well assign work. The bonus that employees can receive is cash as 13th salary, commissions, etc. Besides that if employees do not want to receive cash can take the trip, the merit and other gifts. Each employee will have different preferences that select the most appropriate reward.

(Source: google images) When the company offers awards to individual employees it also helps the spirit of many employees. If the companies meet the five levels of Maslow theory, then the company's level of trust will be improved. Employees will work harder and their productivity will be improved and staff will reduce their absences to the lowest level to receive more rewards from the company. Employee loyalty to the company will be more and more connected, so that the staff time to work with the company will be longer. When the performance of an employee is enhanced, it will drag on the organization's performance to a new height. Firstly, the company will have highly motivated employees so the end result of the job is very successful at a very low cost. This will contribute to revenue and profit growth and revenue growth will increase year by year contributing to the development and success of the company.

(Source: google images) P4 Evaluate the effectiveness of different HRM practices in terms of raising organizational profit and productivity. Performance Management is a task that examines how employees work so that the company can evaluate whether employees are doing we performance management not only evaluates the performance of employees but also focuses on the results, examining the behavioral aspects of how the work is done. Performance assessments will be used to inform individual improvements and to develop academic programs. Performance management is a broad definition that includes performance appraisal and the step before assessment, after assessments. In performance appraisal have three steps are set expectations, reviews and rewards. On the other hand, at the HR department of many companies are usually split the first step into smaller steps

that is setting goals for employees and monitoring, evaluating. Therefore, the performance management systems have four steps

(Source: google images). In the first step to assess the performance of an employee, the company must set goals that employees must achieve. The objectives of the work are often mentioned on the company's recruitment information form. When recruiting employees, the company will make more specific requirements on the work that employees must achieve. Next, the managers responsible for monitoring and guiding the work of the staff will provide appropriate training plans for the staff. For example, large corporations such as Microsoft often have a website where employees can accessible at any time to view commentary from leaders or managers. This internal website also helps managers to track the performance of each employee's job requirements. If employees do not able achieve their goals at work, then at the end of each month their staff and management monitor work together and come up with a better plan for learning if the employee's commitment changes to red, changing the study plan will change the employee's commitment to blue. If the employee is doing well, the manager will also have good results. After that, when it comes to evaluations, the company will be based on the results of the performance of the objectives of the job requirements to evaluate the performance of employees.

Finally, after evaluating the performance of an employee, the company will consider rewarding or upgrading the employee to a higher position. In addition, if the employee makes a mistake, the company will issue negative resource. (Tri Thuc Tre, 2018). If employees constantly make mistakes such as going late or failing to fulfill the requirements of Assessing employee performance not only evaluates performance but also evaluates employee behavior. This assessment will assess not only employees but also managers and leaders to see if they are capable of leading employees, the ability to work in groups between managers and employees? Can staff and management work together, or between co-workers and other departments? This is the criterion for evaluating employee attitudesthe job, the employee relations department will consider a suitable job for employee in another department. Performance evaluations have shown the importance of human resource department in the company, support other departments to help the company achieve its goals. Assessing employee performance not only evaluates performance but also evaluates employee behavior. This assessment will assess not only employees but also managers and leaders to see if they are capable of leading employees. Is the ability to work in groups between managers and employees? Can staff and management work together, or between co-workers and other departments? This is the criterion for evaluating employee attitudes. A third rating that is leaders want to evaluate employees about the task outcome of their work. Task outcome assessments are quality assessments, the amount of work that employees can accomplish compared to other employees, the number of jobs that are less or more and the quality of work. If the number of employees completed more than the other staff members but the quality is not guaranteed, the quality of the employee's performance will be reduced. Employee assessment results are the result of all three criteria of position evaluation, behavior and task outcomes. Evaluating employees' performance will not be good if employees achieve only one of the three factors. For example, at Microsoft Corporation, employees will be assessed through teamwork rather than individual work. A group of ten employees are grouped together in which the evaluation results of the employee will consist of three main factors: position, behavior and task outcome. When the results of all 10 people work well, the manager will get the reward

(Tri Thuc Tre, 2018). Employee performance appraisers include the immediate supervisor of the employee and this is the usual way to evaluate employees. The second is the rating from subordinates. The third is reviews from colleagues, but these ratings will be inaccurate and subjective. The fourth is selfassessment, but the company's assessment table must provide a clear and detailed assessment and self-assessment does not apply to teamwork workers that often apply to individuals who do isolation. Finally is the rating from the customer through the customer feedback on the services. P5 Analyze the importance of employee relations in respect to influencing HRM decision making.

Employee relations are known as essential relationships in work, contract, emotional and practical relations between supervisors and employees. In addition, every individual in the agency or company wants to share a certain relationship with his colleagues; They need to discuss work, talk, discuss ideas, and share joy or sadness. A person will behave in a negative and isolated manner without having relationships with other individuals in the company. There are some issues that can not be decided by an individual, they need advice and help. Sometimes they can ignore important points but colleagues can help and achieve goals faster. Moreover, it is easier to share work with all employees. A good relationship will help the staff to help reduce the workload, increase productivity faster and easily accomplish the company goals.

An organization or a company becomes a family if the employees work together because an individual is easily distracted and distracted if they do not talk to each other and discuss issues with each other. In particular, individuals in the organization need to learn to trust their peers to feel comfortable and dissipate stress. More than that, an individual in a company spends about 812 hours a day working in a day and in fact it is not a job to do without having time to rest. For example, employees can rest by taking a short break or a few simplest ways such as sharing lunch with co-workers, discussing a movie, strolling together in time break time.

In the company, conflicts and fighting between individuals can happen all the time so that keeping a healthy employee relationship can help people adjust and stop finding fault in each other. In the other hand, employees will not waste their time on conflicts, instead they will focus on work and try to perform well. Finally, healthy relationships in the workplace to help employees work more seriously with their problems and reduce absence. Employee relations are also known as industrial relations and are often sponsored by human resources. Every organization has a human resource department, in the workforce each employer must manage the employee relationship to maintain order and productivity in the workplace. Additionally, employee relation manager is responsible for the management of labor relations in enterprises, with the role of creating a connection between employees and enterprises, maximizing the capacity of employees. Employees ER is in the human resources department and usually the major corporations have this position. Employee relations help to stabilize the organization by broad-minded relationships through enhanced communication and feedback. In fact, in the corporations are always dissatisfied with the undue expense or

unjustified employee evaluation. These inhibitions are not always discussed frankly, openly and clearly if not resolved, it will hinder the cooperation of employees. As a consequence, the organization's effectiveness will be downhill without braking and in many cases, the organization pays a very high price. For this reason, employee relation manager will have to increase and listen actively to feedback to employees, transfer it to the relevant department, and provide feedback. In many situations, if the feedback is not effective, or too negative, then the staffing plan adjustment is contemplated. For instance, recruiting new staff or transferring employees to another position so that two conflicted people will not meet or control their relatives, etc. Employee voice refers to the creation of strategies or the performance of employees in making decisions and policies based on timing. Besides, the company will have procedure, processes and structures to make decision making easier. Moreover, when looking at the structure of a company, it is possible to consider whether the company gives the employee an opinion or not. Certainly, project-based companies often have very few management classes, employees are given the right decision, and job responsibilities are many, so employees have a voice. However, companies that have too many management classes or many management classes are close relatives so the staff will not have a voice. Conversely, if there are a lot of people in the company's management structure from the lower levels, ranging from outside or from different ethnic backgrounds, it can be seen as belonging to the category, liberal, diverse and can see how the structure or arrangement in companies that enable people from diverse sectors involved.

Employee Participation refers to the fact that employees will be involved in processes that put pressure on the management rig, go to the manager's control and it does not necessarily emphasize the creation of item consistency, between managers and employees (deal with through representatives, unions). Employee involvement: It is softer and more pleasant than the employee participation, which emphasizes the creation of a consistent entrust between management and employees, the goal of which is the unity of entrust between the staff and management, and it emphasized that this would involve more participants than giving the representatives (all participants and target audience to agree on the dealer items). There are many benefits to making a company or employee-related decision, including the six most important factors. First, employees will feel they are an important part of the company if the owners and management positions value the employee as a success, if the employee feels valued, they will strive and commit to the development of the company. Secondly, associates can give accurate information about the goal the company is aiming to make the right decision. Thirdly, creating a strong bond between partners will help the responsible staff make the decision. In addition, decision making will increase the success, enhance the vision and value of the department. Next, instead of blaming the current issues on management, the partners will focus more on solving the problem in the future. Then, morale and motivation are higher in organizations where the partners are involved in the decision making process of the department or company. Finally, it frees the manager's time to contribute to the success of the department in other areas. In addition, when associates can make decisions that affect their work, it frees the manager or supervisor to work on more future-oriented issues that will eventually make the department or agency you are more successful.

P6 Identify the key elements of employment legislation and the impact it has upon HRM decision making. Law also affects the management of personnel, affiliated with companies in the employment and treatment of workers: it requires a good solution for labor relations. Some of the laws and standards of work include: The normal working time is no more than 8 hours per day and 48 hours per week (Article 104 of the Labor Code 2012). Persons aged 15 and over and able to work and sign employment contracts. Each region will have a different minimum wage based on the labor contract in accordance with the 2012 Labor Code, such as Region I: 3,980,000 VND / month. Workers who work overtime on a regular day are entitled to 150%, at weekends, at least 200%, on holidays and public holidays at least 300% less holidays than basic wages. When leaving work, it depends on the case. For example, if you have to quit your job, you will be paid the following wage: If the employee is at fault, the employee is paid full wage, if not, if the employee is not paid by the fault of the employee. For social security, the company must pay two-thirds of the employee's insurance premium. The company must be responsible for the health of its employees. Pregnant women must be given prescribed leave and may not dismiss pregnant women.

Employees should be treated equally in wages and sex in accordance with the law. For workers with disabilities, they should be protected and respected.

(Source: Google Images) Depending on the form of the contract can be classified into three types. The first is the transaction contract. This is the type of labor contract designed by the parties. A written contract is more legally enforceable than any other form of contract because it clearly stipulates the content of the employment relationship. It is difficult for the parties to deny or plead guilty to the obligation to abide by the contract. The second is the psychological contract. It applies to all types of labor contracts are not required to sign in writing. As a result, all types of labor contracts with a term of less than 3 months can be verbal (except for labor contracts which must be signed in writing). Third is a relational contract, which is the type of labor contract that the parties do not design in writing, nor does it communicate verbally with only labor related behavior. It is also

called a real contract, so it is a manifestation of the relationship based on the actual behavior of the two parties.

There are principles to be ensured in the contract that are free, voluntary, equal, cooperative and honest, all in accordance with the law, social and collective ethics. All of all, employees play an important role in business, so labor laws are introduced to protect the interests of workers and employers. The labor law ensures that labor relations will be fair, raise the awareness of everyone in the workplace, and avoid violating the rules affecting the interests of the two parties. Decisions on personnel are also influenced by the law, so the company must ensure the rights of employees, while employees must also meet the needs of the company. It is a mutually beneficial relationship. INCONCLUSION Through external factors, we can not afford to override employees' core humanity. A company that wants to thrive and stand on the market needs a good team of employees who are committed to the company. Companies want to achieve this, companies need to adopt training methods for employees and incentives to motivate employees. Therefore, asserting that employees are the image of a company, the company wants to grow to be based on employees and apply appropriate management practices. REFERENCES

Google images. Hoi, H, 2016, MôHìnhQuảnTrị Theo HiệuSuất, available at: (accessed August, 16, 2018). Keegan, A and Francis, H (2010) Practitioner talk: thechanging textscape of HRM and emergence of HRbusiness partnership, The International Journal ofHuman Resource Management, 21 (6), pp 873–98. TríThứcTrẻ,




BàihọcnàocholãnhđạodoanhnghiệpViệt, available at: (accessed August, 17, 2018).





Available (accessed April, 25,2015)
