Appendix 2 - BWTS Operation Manual-BV [PDF]

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Norwegian Greentech Ballast Water Management System NGT BWMS user documentation Part II:

Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100 m 3 /h

01503L Turku, 16-Mar-2021

Document id


BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100

Revision Log Rev Reason for change A

Prepared by HR

First issue


Approved by HG

Date 07.12.2020

BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100

Contents 1

Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1

Product documentation for the NGT BWMS .......................................................................... 1


About ballast water conventions ............................................................................................ 1


Background and status.................................................................................................... 1


Our commitment as solution provider ........................................................................... 1


Your obligations as a ship operator ................................................................................ 2




About the NGT BWMS ............................................................................................................ 2


Working logic .................................................................................................................. 2


Customer support guidance for operation and maintenance ........................................ 3


Contact information: ....................................................................................................... 3

Safety precautions .......................................................................................................................... 4 2.1

Identification of hazards and areas of special attention ........................................................ 4


Personal protective equipment .............................................................................................. 4


Requirements to operator skill and training ........................................................................... 4


Handling of broken UV lamps ................................................................................................. 5


Limitations on location and use of the BWMS........................................................................ 5

System description .......................................................................................................................... 6 3.1

Delivery condition ................................................................................................................... 6


NGT BWMS range ................................................................................................................... 8


Scope of supply ..................................................................................................................... 10

3.3.1 4

Surface finish ................................................................................................................. 10

System architecture ...................................................................................................................... 11 4.1

Process system architecture ................................................................................................. 11


Control system architecture ................................................................................................. 13


Vessel IAS ...................................................................................................................... 13


BWMS controller ........................................................................................................... 14


I/O node ........................................................................................................................ 14


UV controller ................................................................................................................. 14


Safety features ...................................................................................................................... 15


Design features for safety ............................................................................................. 15


In case of release of untreated ballast water ............................................................... 15


Manual bypass and shutdown of the BWMS ................................................................ 16


Performance and sensitivity to changes in environmental conditions................................. 17 i

BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100 4.4.1

Water quality ................................................................................................................ 17


Treatment settings and performance ........................................................................... 17


Power consumption ...................................................................................................... 17

4.5 5

Effects on vessel’s existing ballast water system .................................................................. 18

BWMS control system ................................................................................................................... 19 5.1

Graphical user interface ........................................................................................................ 19


Control page (home screen) ......................................................................................... 19


Detailed control page.................................................................................................... 22


Trends page ................................................................................................................... 23


Logs page....................................................................................................................... 24


Settings page ................................................................................................................. 26


Alarms page .................................................................................................................. 28


Recommended REMOTE user interface ................................................................................ 30

5.2.1 5.3


System Security ..................................................................................................................... 33


Tamper protection of settings and parameters ............................................................ 33


Monitoring and logging of process control interruptions............................................. 35

Overview of BWMS operation principles ...................................................................................... 36 6.1


REMOTE IAS user interface ........................................................................................... 30

Control mode selection ......................................................................................................... 36


Service mode................................................................................................................. 38


Local mode .................................................................................................................... 39


Remote mode................................................................................................................ 39


Normal ballast water treatment operations ......................................................................... 40


Regulation of ballast water treatment.................................................................................. 40


Filtering ......................................................................................................................... 40


Monitoring of flow ........................................................................................................ 42


Valve settings for flow direction and pressure regulation............................................ 43


Temperature monitoring .............................................................................................. 44


UV Treatment................................................................................................................ 44

Standard operation procedures .................................................................................................... 48 7.1

Labour burden and requirements to operator training ........................................................ 48


Selecting control mode ......................................................................................................... 48


REMOTE control mode .................................................................................................. 48


LOCAL control mode ..................................................................................................... 49


Filling operation (Ballasting) ................................................................................................. 50 ii

BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100 7.3.1

Standard operating procedures .................................................................................... 50


Process parameters for filling operation ...................................................................... 52


Process diagrams for filling operation .......................................................................... 53



Standard operating procedures .................................................................................... 54


Operator actions on GUI for discharge operation ........................................................ 56


Process parameters for discharge operation ................................................................ 57


Process diagram for discharge operation ..................................................................... 58


Stripping of ballast water tanks ............................................................................................ 59


Standard operating procedures .................................................................................... 59


Operator actions on GUI for stripping operation ......................................................... 60


Process parameters for stripping operation ................................................................. 61


Process diagram for stripping operation ...................................................................... 62


Stop mode ............................................................................................................................. 63


Standard operating procedure for normal stop ........................................................... 63


Operator actions on GUI for stop of operations ........................................................... 64


Process parameters for normal stop ............................................................................ 65


Flushing ................................................................................................................................. 66


Standard operating procedure...................................................................................... 66


Operator actions on GUI for flushing operation ........................................................... 67


Process diagram for flushing operation ........................................................................ 68


Operating UV lamp wiper ..................................................................................................... 69


Standard operating procedure – manual wiper system ............................................... 69


Standard operating procedure – electrically actuated wiper system........................... 70


Sample taking ........................................................................................................................ 71


Installing the sample valve ............................................................................................ 71


Standard operating procedure...................................................................................... 71


Sampling flow adjustment for isokinetic sampling conditions ..................................... 72

7.10 8

Discharge, de-ballasting ........................................................................................................ 54

Other operations................................................................................................................... 73

Maintenance ................................................................................................................................. 74 8.1

Maintenance tasks after operation ...................................................................................... 74


Scheduled maintenance........................................................................................................ 74


Maintenance at weekly intervals .................................................................................. 74


Maintenance at monthly intervals ................................................................................ 74


Maintenance at 6 months intervals .............................................................................. 75 iii

BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100 8.2.4

Maintenance at yearly intervals ................................................................................... 75


Maintenance at 5 year intervals ................................................................................... 75


Maintenance indicated by warnings ............................................................................. 76



Calibration and zeroing of measurement device .................................................................. 76


UV sensor ...................................................................................................................... 77


Water temperature sensor ........................................................................................... 77


Pressure transducers..................................................................................................... 77


Flowmeter ..................................................................................................................... 77


Conductivity sensor....................................................................................................... 77


Necessary tools ..................................................................................................................... 78


Spare parts ............................................................................................................................ 79


Repairs .................................................................................................................................. 79


Replacement of filter elements .................................................................................... 79


Replacement of UV lamps ............................................................................................. 79


Replacement of quartz sleeves ..................................................................................... 80


Replacement of pressure sensors and conductivity sensor.......................................... 80


Replacement of solenoid valve ..................................................................................... 81


Adjustment to or replacement of valve position feedback sensor............................... 81

Alarms and trouble shooting ........................................................................................................ 83 9.1

Alarm list ............................................................................................................................... 84


Warnings ....................................................................................................................... 85


Errors ............................................................................................................................. 87


Alarm handling ...................................................................................................................... 89


Handling of warnings .................................................................................................... 90


Handling of errors ......................................................................................................... 91


Self-diagnostics functionality ................................................................................................ 92


IO monitoring ................................................................................................................ 92


Backflush pump motor health monitoring.................................................................... 93


Particle filter motor health monitoring......................................................................... 94


BWMS valve status and position monitoring ................................................................ 95


Filter differential pressure monitoring ......................................................................... 97


Flow monitoring ............................................................................................................ 97


UV lamp health monitoring........................................................................................... 98


UV light sensor monitoring ........................................................................................... 99


UV lamp wiper motor health monitoring ..................................................................... 99 iv

BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100 9.3.10

Temperature monitoring in UV cabinets .................................................................... 101


Temperature monitoring in the UV chamber ............................................................. 102


Troubleshooting for filling operations ................................................................................ 103


Troubleshooting for discharge mode.................................................................................. 104


Troubleshooting for stripping mode ................................................................................... 105


Troubleshooting for stop mode .......................................................................................... 106


Troubleshooting for flushing mode .................................................................................... 106


Data logging ............................................................................................................................ 107


Back-up of log data ............................................................................................................. 107


Accessing the logs ............................................................................................................... 107


Contents of logs .................................................................................................................. 107



System log ................................................................................................................... 108


Event log...................................................................................................................... 109


Mode log ..................................................................................................................... 113


Alarm log ..................................................................................................................... 114


Filling and discharge .................................................................................................... 115


Flow and intensity logs................................................................................................ 116


Reading, printing and archive logs .............................................................................. 117

Appendices .............................................................................................................................. 118


BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100

List of figures Figure 1 - BWMS operating principle ...................................................................................................... 2 Figure 2 – Identification of main components ........................................................................................ 6 Figure 3 – Physical arrangement of main components .......................................................................... 7 Figure 4 - System architecture of main process equipment ................................................................. 12 Figure 5 - Schematic layout of BWMS control system .......................................................................... 13 Figure 6 - Control page (home screen) ................................................................................................. 19 Figure 7- Detailed control page ............................................................................................................ 22 Figure 8 - Trends page Screen ............................................................................................................... 23 Figure 9 - Logs page, System log ........................................................................................................... 24 Figure 10 - Logs page: Event log ........................................................................................................... 25 Figure 11 - Settings page: Password prompt ........................................................................................ 26 Figure 12 - Settings page ....................................................................................................................... 27 Figure 13 - Alarms page: Active alarms................................................................................................. 28 Figure 14 - Recommended layout of IAS REMOTE user interface for BWMS ....................................... 30 Figure 15 - Main control page with control mode selection panel displayed ...................................... 37 Figure 16 - Status message - Remote requested .................................................................................. 38 Figure 17 - Particle filter operating principle ........................................................................................ 41 Figure 18 - Flow versus UV-I correlation ............................................................................................... 47 Figure 19 - Steps to enable REMOTE control ........................................................................................ 49 Figure 20- Steps to enable LOCAL control ............................................................................................ 49 Figure 21- Steps to start and stop filling operation .............................................................................. 51 Figure 22 - BWMS state during filling operation .................................................................................. 53 Figure 23- BWMS state during backflushing ......................................................................................... 54 Figure 24- Steps to start and stop discharge operation........................................................................ 56 Figure 25 - BWMS state during discharge operation ............................................................................ 58 Figure 26 - Steps to start and stop stripping operation ........................................................................ 60 Figure 27 - BWMS state during stripping operation ............................................................................. 62 Figure 28 - Steps to stop an operation.................................................................................................. 64 Figure 29 - Steps to start flushing operation ........................................................................................ 67 Figure 30 - BWMS state during flushing operation............................................................................... 68 Figure 31 - Operation of manual wiper system for UV lamps .............................................................. 69 Figure 32 - UV controller front panel .................................................................................................... 70 Figure 33 - Winch handle for manual operation of filter ...................................................................... 78 Figure 34 - UV-I Below Limit ................................................................................................................. 86 Figure 35 - System log tab................................................................................................................... 108 Figure 36 - Event log tab ..................................................................................................................... 109 Figure 37 - Mode log tab ..................................................................................................................... 113 Figure 38 - Alarm log tab..................................................................................................................... 114 Figure 39 - Filling log tab ..................................................................................................................... 115 Figure 40 - Discharge log tab .............................................................................................................. 115 Figure 41 - Flow log tab....................................................................................................................... 116 Figure 42 - Intensity log tab ................................................................................................................ 116


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List of tables Table 1 - BWMS filter size and capacities Table 2 - BWMS UV size and capacities Table 3- Example of BWMS specifications – single chamber configurations (600 m3/h shown) Table 4 - Example of BWMS specifications – multi chamber configurations (3100 m3/h shown) Table 5 - Surface finish Table 6 - BWMS environmental conditions Table 7- BWMS treatment target performance values Table 8 - Control page GUI elements Table 9 - List of BWMS operating states Table 10 - Detailed control page GUI elements Table 11 - Trends page GUI elements Table 12 - Logs page GUI elements (system log) Table 13 - Logs page GUI elements (Event log) Table 14 - Settings (Log in) page GUI elements Table 15 - Settings page GUI elements Table 16 - Alarms page (active alarms) GUI elements Table 17 - REMOTE user interface GUI elements Table 18 - Summary of user configurable parameters - typical values Table 19 - Summary of factory-set parameters Table 20 - List of BWMS control modes Table 21 - Control selection options Table 22 - Pressure settings for filtering control Table 23 - Flow monitoring parameters Table 24 - Summary of UV system temperature limits Table 25- Calculated power/flow set-points and alarm limits. NGT BWMS DXL12-BK419 is values presented as example Table 26 - Expected process parameter values during filling operations Table 27 - Expected process parameter values during discharge operations Table 28 - Expected process parameters values during stripping operations Table 29 - Expected process parameters values during stop Table 30 - Example of target flow values for isokinetic sampling Table 31 - Alarms indicating a need for maintenance Table 32 - Summary of possible alarm statuses Table 33 - Description of BWMS alarm outcomes Table 34 - List of BWMS warnings Table 35 - List of BWMS errors Table 36 - Handling of BWMS warnings Table 37 - Handling of BWMS errors Table 38 - Modbus communication monitoring parameters Table 39 - Backflush motor monitoring parameters Table 40 - Particle filter motor monitoring parameters Table 41 - Valve monitoring parameters Table 42 - Pressure monitoring parameters Table 43 - Flow monitoring parameters Table 44 - UV lamp health monitoring parameters vii

8 8 9 9 10 17 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 32 33 35 36 37 42 43 44 45 52 57 61 65 72 76 83 84 85 88 90 91 92 93 94 96 97 97 98

BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100 Table 45 - UV light sensor monitoring parameters Table 46 - UV lamp wiper monitoring parameters Table 47 - UV cabinet monitoring parameters Table 48 - UV chamber monitoring parameters Table 49 - Summary of possible event entries in event log Table 50 - Summary of possible control mode entries in Mode log s


99 100 101 102 112 113

BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100

List of abbreviations The following abbreviations and definitions are used in the document: Abbreviation / item @ °C µ (prefix) A ANSI bar BFP Bool BW CMFDA D + index diff. DN + number DNA ERP EX FDA FM GUI HDD HH:MM:SS hr(s) I I/O (node) IAS

IMO Init + state kWh LT M m m (prefix)

Definition or explanation Shorthand for "at". Used in tables. E.g. 10 mA@7bar Degrees Celsius. Unit for temperature Prefix: micro- One millionth of the base unit, e.g. 1.000.000 µm = 1m Ampere. SI unit for electrical current American National Standards Institute SI unit for pressure. As used in system diagrams: Backflush pump Boolean variable. Evaluates to true or false Ballast water. Referring to ballast water or as prefix to identify components belonging to ballast water system Vital staining with 5-chloromethylfluorescein diacetate. Method of measuring biological efficacy Diameter Difference / differential. Typically used with regards to differential pressure across filter. Description of pipe / flange size. Nominal diameter of pipe. E.g. DN300 for pipework with nominal internal diameter of ø300 mm The carrier structure for genetic instructions in organisms and viruses Enterprise resource planning (system). Classification code system for equipment placed in hazardous locations. Vital staining with Fluorescein Diacetate. Method of measuring biological efficacy As used in system diagrams: Flow meter Graphical User Interface Hard disk drive Time format: 2 digit hour, 2-digit minute, 2 digit second in the 24-hour format. E.g. 14:05:59 = 2:05:59 PM Hour(s) Current, measured in Ampere (A) Input / Output. Module in control system handling input and output signals. Integrated automation system or ballast water control system. The system controlling the ballast water operations (BW pump, BW line valves and BWMS bypass valve) International Maritime Organisation Initialising. System is in initialising or warm-up state prior to operation. E.g. InitFilling kiloWatt-hour. Derived unit for energy. As used in system diagrams: Light transmitter (sensor) As used in system diagrams: Electric motor meter. Length Prefix: milli- One thousandth of the base unit, e.g. 1000 mA = 1A ix

BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100 Abbreviation / item m2 m3 Max. micron Min. NGT BWMS Modbus MPN n n/a NC NO NGT

Nom. Ohm OSHA P P&ID PC pdf PF pH pin-code PLC PN(10) POS PPE PSU PT PT100 Q + index R s Super Duplex t

Definition or explanation Square meter. Area. Cubic meter. A volume of 1000 L Maximum micro-meter. Minimum "Ballast Water Management System" - trade name for the Norwegian Greentech ballast water treatment system Industrial communication protocol. Used between control components in the BWMS and towards the IAS. Most Probable Number. Method of measuring biological efficacy Running index for number. Ie. 1..n Not applicable Normally closed - referring to default behaviour of electrical switches or relays. Contrasts with NO. Normally open - referring to default behaviour of electrical switches or relays. Contrasts with NC. Norwegian Greentech. Company name of BWMS manufacturer. A subsidiary of Havyard. New name for previous company name MMC Green Technology Nominal SI unit for electrical resistance Occupational Safety and Health Administration Pressure in bar Piping and Instrumentation Diagram Personal computer. Referring to the computer system integrated in the main control cabinet, running the BWMS control application Portable Document File format. Platform independent file format by Adobe. As used in system diagrams: Particle filter Measure of acidity Passcode consisting of digits. 4-digit pin-code is used by the BWMS control system for protection of certain settings Programmable Logic Controller. Pressure class. 10 bar is standard for the BWMS components Position / sequence number on figures, drawings etc. Personal protective equipment. Practical Salinity Unit. Measure of salinity of ocean water using the PSS-78 scale As used in system diagrams: Pressure transmitter (sensor) Type of thermal sensor Flow Resistance in Ohms Seconds Stainless steel quality with high corrosion resistance Temperature, in degrees Celsius x

BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100 Abbreviation / item TRC TT US USB USCG UV UV UV-I UVT10 V V + index W YYYY-MM-DD ø

Definition or explanation Treatment Rated Capacity As used in system diagrams: Temperature transmitter (sensor) United States. In this context, every port / destination governed by US jurisdiction. Universal Serial Bus. Hardware interface for connection of peripheral devices to computer systems. United States Coast Guard Ultra Violet (light). The NGT BWMS is based on UV light treatment. As used in system diagrams: UV unit UV light intensity, measured in w/m2 UV transmission index (10 mm sample) Volt. SI unit for electrical potential As used in system diagrams: Valve, e.g. V1 Watt. SI-unit for electrical power Date format: 4-digit year, 2-digit month, 2 digit day. E.g. 2017.10.01 = October first, 2017 Diameter symbol


BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100

1 Introduction 1.1 Product documentation for the NGT BWMS The product documentation for the NGT BWMS is organised into three parts: •

Part I covers handling, storage and installation instructions. Part I is written primarily for the shipyard, to provide information on engineering and installation best practices. Part II (this document) covers operation, safety and maintenance of the BWMS during normal operation. Part II is written primarily for the ship’s crew, as a reference for safe and efficient operation and maintenance of the equipment. Part III contains all appendices referenced in Parts I & II. Part III contains installation specific details and data, whereas Parts I & II are generic and cover all BWMS sizes and variants.

1.2 About ballast water conventions 1.2.1 Background and status Ballast water discharge standards are put in place to protect the oceans against the spreading of invasive species. Non-indigenous species travel across oceans as unwanted passengers in the ballast water of ships every day and can cause great harm if they are released into new habitats where they have no natural enemies. The NGT BWMS is designed and tested to fully comply with the following: • • •

IMO Resolution MEPC.300(72) - Code for Approval of Ballast Water Management Systems (BWMS Code) Regulation D-2 of the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004 DNV GL rules for classification of ships, Part 6, Chapter 7, Section 1

DNV GL type approval certificate TAP000028V Rev.0 is valid for our system designs up to D5XL18-BK750, with a max TRC of 1274m3/h. Ballast water convention is require all merchant ships to install systems for treatment of ballast water in order to minimize the spreading of aquatic species. The IMO ballast water convention first entered into force in September 2017.

1.2.2 Our commitment as solution provider The NGT BWMS has been carefully designed and optimised to provide efficient and reliable ballast water treatment to help our customers protect the environment. The system is manufactured from high quality components and materials and has been tested and qualified according to the IMO ballast water discharge standards. We make every effort to deliver a reliable and cost effective product with the highest performance standards.


BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100

1.2.3 Your obligations as a ship operator Any ballast water treatment system must be correctly operated and maintained in order to provide the necessary capability to remove harmful organisms from the ballast water. It is your obligation as a ship operator to operate and maintain the NGT BWMS as instructed in this manual to ensure proper function and protection of the environment. Please follow the instructions and procedures in this manual accurately and faithfully. You are encouraged to contact Norwegian Greentech or one of our representatives in case of questions or need for assistance.

1.3 About the NGT BWMS 1.3.1 Working logic The NGT BWMS is based on a combination of mechanical filtering and UV irradiation. A particle filter with a 20 µm super duplex mesh removes all particles and organisms larger than 20 µm from the ballast water on intake. The water then flows past several UV-lamps in a specially designed UV chamber before it reaches the ballast water tanks. The high-energy UV light will damage the DNA of all living organisms, bacteria and virus such that they are either killed instantly or unable to reproduce and multiply. On ballast water discharge, the water is subjected to one more dose of UV-light to effectively kill or render non-viable any organisms which have survived the first UV treatment.

Figure 1 - BWMS operating principle

The combined effect of filtering and two UV irradiation doses is sufficient to reduce the organism count to well below the ballast water discharge standards set by IMO. The BWMS is delivered with a complete control system with interface to the ship IAS such that it can be integrated seamlessly into the ballast water operations. The system has dedicated operation modes for ballast water intake and discharge operations.


BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100

1.3.2 Customer support guidance for operation and maintenance Our service team is always available for technical support for questions regarding the prober integration and installation of the NGT BWMS. For us to be able to provide the most efficient and correct guidance, we ask that you follow the below steps prior to contacting NGT: • • • •

Review the applicable section of this manual carefully for generic information Check the appendices of this manual to see if your topic is addressed Review the project specific data and drawings to see if there are any specific instructions for your installation Prepare a few notes for our guidance, including: o The nature of the problem o The affected components o Applicable drawings, diagrams or sections of this manual o Any other relevant information

Please contact us by e-mail or phone to obtain assistance. The contact information for Norwegian Greentech and our worldwide agents is found below.

1.3.3 Contact information: Main office: NORWEGIAN GREENTECH AS 6092 FOSNAVÅG NORWAY TEL +47 70 08 01 40 E-MAIL: [email protected] Worldwide agents: See "agents" section on web page:


BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100

2 Safety precautions 2.1 Identification of hazards and areas of special attention Throughout the manual, you will see the following icons where additional precautions or attention is required. A red warning triangle indicates a potential danger and special precautions should be taken to ensure the safety of personnel or vessel. A yellow warning triangle indicates a situation or area where special attention is required to prevent technical problems. A green warning triangle indicates a useful piece of information, e.g. a tool tip or good practices to help the installation work.

2.2 Personal protective equipment The NGT BWMS utilize a fully enclosed UV lamp solution and there is no danger of UV exposure as long as the installation and operation instructions are followed. The BWMS does not produce any dangerous or noxious substances during operation. Accordingly, there is no need for special protective equipment related to the UV unit or other components of the BWMS. Standard PPE (safety shoes, helmet, protective eyewear & clothing) as specified in the ship operator work instructions should be worn during work on the BWMS.

2.3 Requirements to operator skill and training All operation and maintenance work should be performed by suitably trained personnel. The requirement is that all operators of the BWMS must receive training and familiarisation for use of the BWMS during installation and commissioning of the system. The description “trained personnel” is considered as personnel that has attended mandatory training offered during installation and/or commissioning onboard vessel by NGT service engineer.

Ballast water operations can impact the stability and structural integrity of the vessel. It is the responsibility of the vessel operator and captain to ensure that all personnel involved has the necessary skill and certification. Maintenance of the BWMS involves work on electrical installations and pressurised pipelines. It is the responsibility of the vessel operator and captain to ensure that all personnel involved has the necessary skill and certification.


BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100

2.4 Handling of broken UV lamps The UV lamps contain small amounts of Mercury. Mercury is considered a hazardous substance and the lamps should be treated accordingly. The small amount of mercury in a lamp is not possible to identify, but in case of a broken or defect lamp it should be kept in a suitable box or container, and be delivered to an approved reception facility. Please consult the UV lamp handling procedure provided in Part III, Appendix C.5.

2.5 Limitations on location and use of the BWMS The BWMS is designed for use for all IMO regulated areas on all types of vessels, with capability for processing of freshwater, brackish and sea water. Please see section 4.4 and Table 6 for details. Please note the following restrictions on location of the BWMS: • • • •

The BWMS is designed for location in below decks or inside ship, protected from weather The BWMS is not designed for submersion or installation in tanks The BWMS is not designed for installation in void spaces or other inaccessible areas The standard certified BWMS scope of supply is not designed for (location) operation in EX designated areas, and would need to be certified case by case.

The following limitations must be considered while operating the BWMS. Please take these into consideration when planning ballasting/de‐ballasting operations: •

During ballast water intake and discharge, the TRC (treated rated capacity) flow is not to be exceeded. Refer to the technical specification in Part III, Appendix A.1, for system specifics.

The backflush system will not function in an optimal way if flow is below stated minimum flow for the particle filter. Refer to the technical specification in Part III, Appendix A.1 – minimum flow in filling and discharge

The minimum flow during operation of the UV unit can never be below the minimum flow limit. Refer to the technical specification in Part III, Appendix A.1.

The UV lamps need a warm up time of 5 minutes before operating at full power

The UV lamps need a cooling down period of 10 minutes before re‐start after having been in operation. Water flow is not needed for the cool down period, but the UV chamber must be water filled during cool down.


BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100

3 System description 3.1 Delivery condition The system is typically delivered as separate components for flexible installation in a retrofit or special purpose application. As an option, the system can be delivered as a complete, skid mounted solution. The system configuration comprises: • • • • • • •

A particle filter A backflush pump Remotely controlled process valves One or two UV chambers, with UV lamps, UV sensor and temperature sensor One or two UV cabinets A flow meter and pressure sensors for process monitoring and control BWMS Control Cabinet for operation of the BWMS, with integration to the ship automation system

The main process components of the BWMS are illustrated below.

Figure 2 – Identification of main components

The BWMS process components are identical whether delivered as separate components or as a skid mounted system.


BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100 The physical arrangement of the BWMS components is such that: • • • • • •

The filter is always placed as the first treatment component after the inlet valve There is an arrangement of valves and piping to allow bypass of the filter during discharge operations The UV chamber is always placed after the filter, after the filter bypass valve/piping arrangement When more than one UV chamber is installed, all UV chambers are connected in parallel by means of a pipe manifold or similar arrangement The flow meter is normally placed upstream of the filter, but may also be located downstream of the UV chamber(s). If possible a sampling point should be located as close as practical to the overboard discharge

The inlet and outlet valves define the system boundaries from a treatment and control point of view.

Figure 3 – Physical arrangement of main components


BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100

3.2 NGT BWMS range The NGT BWMS is configured to cover a TRC range from 30 to 3600 m3/h based on the combination of filter, UV unit and flow meter sizes listed in tables below. The available filter sizes with corresponding flow ratings are: Filter designation 273 324 356 419 521 600 750 900 1000 1100

Maximum rated flow (m3/hr) 62 94 204 378 518 614 1274 1384 2040 3100

Backflush flow1 (m3/hr) 22 22 28 40 40 40 58 54 54 79

Flange connection, main inlet & outlet

Flange connection, Backflush outlet

DN80 DN125 DN150 DN200 DN250 DN300 DN400 DN500 DN600 DN700

DN50 DN50 DN65 DN65 DN65 DN65 DN65 DN80 DN80 DN100

Table 1 - BWMS filter size and capacities Notes to Table 1: 1: Maximum flow through backflush line during backflushing. Main flow will be reduced by this amount during backflushing. Stated values based 2 bar system pressure. s

The available UV sizes with corresponding flow ratings are: UV designation DL1 DL2 DL3 DL4 DXL6 DXL9 DXL12 D4XL8 D4XL10 D4XL12 D5XL14 D5XL16 D5XL18 D5XL20 D5XL22 D5XL24

Minimum flow1 (m3/hr) 2 3 4 5 8 12 15 17 22 26 30 34 39 43 47 51

Maximum rated flow (m3/hr) 30 60 90 150 200 260 350 460 600 750 1005 1180 1323 1475 1645 1815

Table 2 - BWMS UV size and capacities Notes to Table 2: 1: Minimum flow through chamber to meet UV lamp cooling requirements.


Flange connection, inlet & outlet DN80 DN80 DN125 DN150 DN150 DN200 DN200 DN250 DN300 DN300 DN400 DN400 DN400 DN400 DN400 DN400

BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100 The treatment capacity of the BWMS is determined as follows: • • •

The maximum TRC of the BWMS is limited by the maximum rated flow of the filter or UV unit, whichever is lower. The minimum flow in filling is determined by the filter backflushing flow plus UV minimum flow The minimum flow during discharge and stripping is determined by the UV minimum flow

Main process control valves for ballast water are sized to match the maximum TRC. The exact configuration and TRC of the BWMS is stated in the technical specification which is attached as Part III, Appendix A.1 As an example of a single UV chamber configuration, the NGT BWMS D4XL10-BK600 model will be composed of: • •

One filter, size 600 with a maximum rated flow of 614 m3/h One UV unit, D4XL10 with a maximum rated flow of 600 m3/h

The resulting NGT BWMS D4XL10-BK600 specifications are: NGT BWMS D4XL10-BK600 specifications Value Determined from (m3/hr) TRC 600 Least of filter and UV max. rated flow values Minimum flow in filling 62 Filter backflush flow + UV minimum flow Minimum flow in discharge ≥ 22 UV minimum flow or larger Minimum allowable flow 22 UV minimum flow Flow parameter

Table 3- Example of BWMS specifications – single chamber configurations (600 m3/h shown)

As an example of a multi-UV chamber configuration, the NGT BWMS D5XL22x2-BK1100 model will be composed of: • •

One filter, size 1100 with a maximum rated flow of 3100 m3/h Two parallel coupled UV units, D5XL22, with a combined maximum rated flow of 3290 m3/h and a combined minimum flow of 2 x 47 = 94m3/h

The resulting NGT BWMS D5XL22x2-BK1100 specifications are: NGT BWMS D5XL22x2-BK1100 specifications Value Determined from (m3/hr) TRC 3100 Least of filter and UV max. rated flow values Minimum flow in filling 173 Filter backflush flow + UV minimum flow Minimum flow in discharge ≥ 94 UV minimum flow or larger Minimum allowable flow 94 UV minimum flow Flow parameter

Table 4 - Example of BWMS specifications – multi chamber configurations (3100 m3/h shown)


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3.3 Scope of supply The BWMS system is delivered as a complete system with the following main components: • • • • • • • •

Particle filter, including valves and pump for backflushing functionality Process valves UV chamber(s) Sensors: flow meter, three pressure sensors, temperature, conductivity and UV sensor Main control cabinet UV power & control cabinet(s) Control system with local operating screen Sampling valve

When delivered as a skid mounted system, the components and necessary piping is factory mounted on a skid frame. For models with more than one UV chamber, each additional UV chamber has its own UV control and power cabinet. Not included in the scope of supply is: • • •

Ballast water pump, valves and piping Cabling and power supply for cabinets Cabling and power supply for remote operating stations

3.3.1 Surface finish Equipment Particle filter Backflush pump UV Cabinet Flow meter Valves NGT Control Cabinet UV Chamber Piping and framework

Surface finish Coating, RAL colour RAL 7035 RAL 7035 RAL 7035 RAL 7035 RAL 7035 RAL 7035 N/A – Stainless steel N/A – Stainless steel Table 5 - Surface finish


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4 System architecture The BWMS is composed of two sub-systems: 1. The process system, comprising all processing equipment for water treatment 2. The control system, comprising PC and PLC based controllers, I/O modules, sensors etc. Each sub-system is described in detail below

4.1 Process system architecture The main process equipment always includes: • • • •

• • • • •

A 20 micron particle filter (PF1, M2) with backflush pump (BFP1, M1) Pressure transmitters (PT1, PT2, PT3) Conductivity transmitter Up to two UV chambers (UV1 – UV2) with: o UV lamps o UV light intensity sensor (LT1 – LT2) o Temperature sensor (TT1 – TT2) o Optional electric drive for wiper system (M4) A flow meter (FM1) Main process valves V1-V5. Valve V4 is electrically actuated Valves for backflushing/flushing system V8, V9 and V10. V10 is electrically actuated. Ball valves for freshwater V6 and V11. * Ball valves for air evacuation V16.1 and V16.2. * * Not illustrated in Figure 4, as these are not related to treatment process of ballast water.


BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100 A simplified schematic layout is shown in Figure 4 below. For a complete process diagram, reference is made to the P&ID.

Figure 4 - System architecture of main process equipment

The following equipment is not part of the BWMS scope of supply, but is included in the safety and control mechanisms of the BWMS: • •

The ballast water pump, with pressure relief valve if pump is of positive displacement type The BWMS bypass valve

The treatment process and the functionality of each component is described in section 6.3.


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4.2 Control system architecture The control system includes a main controller, an UV controller, and an interface to the vessel IAS. The control system architecture is illustrated in Figure 5.

Figure 5 - Schematic layout of BWMS control system

The functionality of each control system component is described in the following sections.

4.2.1 Vessel IAS The BWMS interfaces to the vessel IAS through a Modbus interface or through hardwired signals. NGT does not deliver components or plugins for the IAS, but the IAS provider can include a REMOTE user interface for normal operation of the BWMS based on NGT guidelines. Please see Recommended REMOTE user interface for details on the remote user interface. The IAS normally controls the main ballast water pump and the BWMS bypass valve. The BWMS controller monitors two feedback signals received from the IAS: • •

Ballast water pump running signal Bypass valve status (open/closed)

The ballast water pump and bypass valve are always monitored. The system is designed and tested on different flow rates. Therefor to be able to exploit the full capacity of the system, measurements to regulate flow needs to be installed. For example by integration of IAS towards a frequency converter.


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4.2.2 BWMS controller The BWMS controller consists of a panel PC with a touch screen for the graphical user interface and user interaction, and the BWMS control software for control of all BWMS functions. The BWMS controller communicates with an I/O node and the UV controller PLC over a Modbus protocol through an ethernet switch. The UV controller handles communication with all UV related equipment, while the I/O node handles communication with the remaining process equipment. A detailed overview of monitored equipment and signals is provided in sections 4.2.3 and 4.2.4 below. The BWMS control system is programmed to make scheduled backups of the application and log database to a backup HDD or memory stick if connected to a USB port in the panel PC.

4.2.3 I/O node Input signals from sensors, valves and motors are received by the I/O node and transmitted to the BWMS controller over the Modbus network. The following items are monitored through the I/O node: • • • • •

Backflush pump motor Particle filter motor BWMS process valve status Filter differential pressure Flow meter (Flow sensor signal received from flow converter)

A detailed description of monitored parameters is provided in section 9.3.

4.2.4 UV controller Input signals from the UV equipment are received by the UV controller and transmitted to the BWMS controller over the Modbus network. The following items are monitored through the UV controller: • • • • •

UV lamp status UV light sensor UV lamp wiper motor (if installed) UV cabinet temperature (UV control and power cabinets) UV chamber temperature (PT100 signal through temperature controller)

A detailed description of monitored parameters is provided in section 9.3.


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4.3 Safety features The BWMS has a number of safety features built in through design and mechanical layout, monitoring and diagnostics functions, and alarm functions. These are described in the following.

4.3.1 Design features for safety Safety against bursting due to high fluid pressure in the system is provided through two main design features: 1. The BWMS components and pipework are all rated for pressure class PN10. This means that the system will have a considerable safety margin on the pressure capacity relative to the head delivered by the most common types of ballast water pumps in use. (Centrifugal pumps) 2. For systems with positive displacement pumps, the pump must have a built-in pressure relief valve, set according to the ballast water piping pressure rating. Safety against overheating and potential build-up of steam pressure in the UV chamber is provided by a two-layer safety design: 1. The BWMS controller monitors flow and will stop the BWMS operation (including shut down of UV chambers) if the flow through the UV chamber is too low to provide sufficient cooling to keep the lamps below their maximum operating temperature. 2. The UV controller monitors water temperature in the chamber and will stop the BWMS if the water temperature rises above the UV lamp operating temperature limit. The temperature limit for the lamps (60°C) is well below the boiling point. The BWMS controller and the UV controller are separate systems both capable of analysing sensor data and shutting down the UV chamber independent of the other controller, and therefore provides two independent layers of safety for the UV process control.

4.3.2 In case of release of untreated ballast water If the BWMS operates in waters where treatment is insufficient to comply with set treatment limits and/or experience any form of malfunction that reduces the treatment capacity, the BWMS will generate a warning or error signal. BWMS will operated based on severity of error signal, and take required measurements to avoid continued operation that can damage equipment or environment. (See section 9.1.1 and 9.1.2) The operator will then have to make a choice to stop operation or continue operation with UV intensity below the limit. (See Figure 34) If the operator opts to continue an operation with UV intensity below the limit, the UV treatment is insufficient to ensure that the ballast water is complying with the ballast water standard. This means that the ballast water cannot be legally discharged, and the event log will contain an entry marked: “No or reduced treatment allowed by operator”. Ignoring the UV intensity limit should only be done when safety considerations dictate that ballast water operations must continue regardless of treatment status. The officer in charge must make an entry in the ballast water log stating the date and reason for the non-compliant operation.


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4.3.3 Manual bypass and shutdown of the BWMS The BWMS is intentionally designed without control of the BWMS bypass valve. The design rationale is that the decision to bypass the BWMS must be made with due consideration to both vessel safety and environmental consequences. The responsibility to make this safety critical decision lies with the officer in command. In case of an emergency, the BWMS can be bypassed completely by opening the BWMS bypass valve from the IAS, or manually on the valve, if the valve has this functionality.

Any bypass of the BWMS will trigger an alarm. The time and duration of a bypass of the BWMS system will be logged. The officer in charge is required to make an entry in the ship’s log stating the reason for bypassing the BWMS and the amount of ballast water released without treatment. The system bypass valve is monitored by the BWMS control system. Text in the BWMS log is indicating that the bypass valve was opened and no treatment performed. Time and duration of any bypass is logged. The system can be configured to include “Other operations”, where ballast pump operations can bypass the BWMS without triggering an alarm when ballast water treatment is not required. This includes operations such as internal ballast water transfer, drill water discharge or use of the ballast water pumps for deluge or foam systems. Other operations is a mode selected from the IAS, which sends a signal to the BWMS not to trigger the usual alarm if the bypass valve is opened. The time and duration of an "Other operations" mode selection is logged in the BWMS log. The Bypass valve is not to be opened and closed during normal operation.

See also section 7.10. In case of a malfunction in the BWMS, it can be safely shut down by: 1. Giving the STOP order from the REMOTE user interface 2. Switching to local command mode and giving the STOP order from the local touch screen 3. Switching power off using the main power switches on the BWMS control cabinet and UV control / power cabinets Please note: • • •

In all three scenarios, the UV lamps will be shut down immediately. If the stop order is given, the BWMS will perform the normal stop procedure. If power is switched off, the BWMS I/O node will close all pneumatic valves (failsafe setting).


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4.4 Performance and sensitivity to changes in environmental conditions 4.4.1 Water quality The BWMS is designed to operate in IMO regulated waters, within water quality parameters defined in Table 6 below. Parameter Water temperature at intake Salinity Acidity

Operational limit -2 < t intake < 50 No limitation 7.5 < pH < 8.4

Unit °C PSU pH Total

Table 6 - BWMS environmental conditions

The effect of the UV irradiation process is not affected by changes in environmental parameters within the above ranges. For waters with very high turbidity, the filter will be affected and more frequent backflushing cycles can be expected. This is automatically regulated by the BWMS controller.

4.4.2 Treatment settings and performance The BWMS filtration and UV treatment process is designed to operate and perform with target values as defined in Table 7. Parameter Minimum UV intensity Required holding time Target filter differential pressure Maximum filter differential pressure

Operational target See Part III. Appendix A.1 No limitations < 0.3 1.0

Unit W/m2 Hour Bar Bar

Table 7- BWMS treatment target performance values

4.4.3 Power consumption The power consumption numbers for your specific BWMS configuration are detailed in the technical specification (Part III, Appendix A.1)


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4.5 Effects on vessel’s existing ballast water system The BWMS is a treatment system which is placed in-line in the existing ballast water piping arrangement. Due to the flexible installation as separate components, the BWMS has limited effect on the functionality and operation of the existing ballast water system. The effects of installing and operating the BWMS can be summarised as: • •

• •

The BWMS creates a nominal back pressure of 1.5 bar. The ballast water pump must be dimensioned to operate with this additional back pressure The BWMS will close the main outlet valve in case of certain malfunctions as a required precaution against release of untreated water. This can lead to a pressure build-up in the ballast water system. The entire ballast water system must be dimensioned to tolerate the maximum head delivered by the ballast water pump. A main bypass valve must be fitted and monitored, to allow complete bypass of the BWMS in an emergency situation. The BWMS does not consume or produce any substances during operation, and it does not change the chemical composition of the seawater. Thus, the BWMS will not lead to any additional corrosive or otherwise damaging effects on the existing ballast water piping and tanks. When operating, the BWMS can interact with the vessel IAS/Frequency Converters to automatically regulate the ballast water flow. For more detailed information regarding flow reduction please see section 6.3.5 A pressure relief valve must be included in the ballast water pump when positive displacement pumps are used.


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5 BWMS control system 5.1 Graphical user interface The BWMS control system is organised around a series of dedicated pages that provide contextual controls and information. The pages can be accessed on the local touch screen on the BWMS control cabinet and are used to control the BWMS when the control mode is set to LOCAL or SERVICE mode. (See section 6.1) If the system is in REMOTE control mode, the local touch screen displays process information and status, but the BWMS cannot be controlled from the local touch screen. The REMOTE user interface is different from the BWMS user interface on the local touch screen. The REMOTE user interface only contains limited controls and process information. Please see section 5.2 and the IAS documentation for details.

5.1.1 Control page (home screen) The control page is what is normally displayed during operation. If the selection switch is set to remote, this page cannot be used for running the ballast treatment system, but will still provide feedback on operational parameters and system status. The page contains the following items:

Figure 6 - Control page (home screen)


BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100 The GUI elements are: Control page Pos 1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17

Description / functionality Tabs for selection of displayed page. Options are: “Control”, “Trends”, “Logs”, “Settings” and “Alarms” Status widgets in tabs show “at a glance” information about status in tab Maximum flow allowed for current operation Set desired flow at startup of system, new MAX FLOW will be provided from UV controller once warmup is finished. If calculated MAX FLOW from UV is lower than desired flow, then MAX FLOW will override the set desired flow. Status indicators for remote operation, ballast pump running signal. Current BWMS software version Button to turn on / off labels on GUI elements Pressure reading from PT1 at filter inlet Filter dialog box with display of filter status, calculated differential pressure and button to start backflushing cycle manually UV unit dialog box with display of UV status, UV intensity and any error messages Current flow through BWMS as reported by flow meter and indicator for stable flow readings Current setting of BWMS main outlet valve. Indicates percentage of opening System status messages. BWMS bypass valve and bypass line status. Normally closed during BW operations Buttons for manually selecting operation type. Available choices are: “Start filling”, “Start discharge”, “Start Stripping”, “Start flushing cycle” and “Stop”. See section 6.2. State indicator. The system can be in a number of states as defined in Table 9. Control mode indicator and button to change control mode. Displays the current control mode and activates control mode selection panel as described in section 6.1. Table 8 - Control page GUI elements


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Operating states Description System is preparing for treatment of ballast water to be pumped from sea to ballast tanks. Operator pumps from sea chest to overboard until UV units are done warming up. UV units are done warming up, operator switches pumping from overboard to ballast tank. System is preparing for treatment of ballast water to be pumped from ballast tanks to overboard. Operator pumps from sea chest to overboard until UV units are done warming up. UV units are done warming up, operator switches pumping from ballast tank to overboard. System is preparing for treatment of ballast water to be stripped from ballast tanks to overboard. Operator pumps from sea chest to overboard using the stripping ejector until UV units are done warming up. UV units are done warming up, operator switches ejector to suction from ballast tank to overboard. System has been stopped by operator and is waiting for flow to cease, so that system valves can be closed. System is being flushed, by alternating between blowing of air through the system and filling system with fresh water. Table 9 - List of BWMS operating states


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5.1.2 Detailed control page By pressing the filter or UV dialog box the control page can be changed to a detailed view. Depending on the control mode, the detailed view has different functionality: • •

If in Local or Remote mode: The detailed view displays valve status of all BWMS valves. If in Service mode: The detailed view allows manual control of all valves.

The detailed control page contains the following items:

Figure 7- Detailed control page

The GUI elements are: Pos 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Detailed control page Description / functionality Freshwater supply valves, V6 & V11 Filter inlet valve, V2, and PT1 pressure reading Backflush pump and backflush overboard line valve, V10 BWMS inlet valve, V1 Filter bypass valve, V3 Filter outlet valve, V5 PT2 pressure reading Filter status differential pressure reading Return to home screen Outlet valve, V4, and manual/automatic valve operation toggles for V4 BWMS bypass valve and bypass line. Valve can only be monitored, not controlled Filter drain line, PT3 and valve V8 for freshwater flushing Filter backflush line and valve V9 & V10 for backflushing Table 10 - Detailed control page GUI elements


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5.1.3 Trends page The trends page show trends of selected operational data. This is helpful when monitoring BWMS performance as any deviations in treatment performance, ballast water flow or operational parameters can be quickly spotted and corrective actions taken before a problem occurs. The trends page is available in all control modes but trends data are not exported to the REMOTE user interface and must be read locally on the BWMS control panel.

Figure 8 - Trends page Screen

The GUI elements are: Pos 1 2 3

Trends page Description / functionality Trends tab is selected / active Tabs for selection of collections of graphs Trend graphs Table 11 - Trends page GUI elements


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5.1.4 Logs page The data logged by the control system can be accessed through the logs page. The logs page contains a number of different log types, organised into tabs. The system log page is a summary page with high level information. The other tabs contain time history data. The user can select a tab to view, print or export the associated log data for a user selected time interval.

Figure 9 - Logs page, System log

The GUI elements are: Logs (systems log) screen Pos 1 2 3 4 5

Description / functionality Logs tab is selected / active Tabs for selection of log type (system selected). Available logs are: “System”, “Event”, “Mode”, “Alarms”, “Filling”, “Discharge”, “Flow” and “Intensity” System timers area. Contains running / elapsed time for selected components and systems Current value areas. Displays current values of flow and UV intensity Operational data area. Contains a summary of important operational data Table 12 - Logs page GUI elements (system log)

Time history logs can be filtered for user selected intervals and either displayed or saved. The page for displaying user selected log data is illustrated below for the event log, but is similar for other log types.


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Figure 10 - Logs page: Event log

The GUI elements are: Logs (events log) screen Pos 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Description / functionality Logs tab is selected / active Event log is selected Database connection. Press this button to connect to the log database. Green colour indicates that the system is connected to the database Date picker to set the “From” date Date picker to set the “To” date Button to submit request to database and update display to contain selected “From” – “To” date interval Button to print log data for selected interval to a pdf file. The file can be stored locally on the controller PC or on a USB memory stick for archiving or sharing Display area. Contains log data with timestamp information for selected time interval Table 13 - Logs page GUI elements (Event log)

See also section 5.1.4 for a more detailed discussion of data logging.


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5.1.5 Settings page The settings page allows a number of system parameters to be adjusted. The settings page is password protected and the initial screen prompts the user for a 4-digit pin-code. Only trained and authorized personnel should access the settings page and adjust settings Consult NGT before making any changes to default settings.

Figure 11 - Settings page: Password prompt

The GUI elements are: Pos 1 2

Settings (log-in) screen Description / functionality Settings tab is selected / active Password-prompt. Contact NGT for code Table 14 - Settings (Log in) page GUI elements


BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100 After successful log in, the main service page is displayed:

Figure 12 - Settings page

The GUI elements are: Settings page Pos 1 2 3 4 5 6

Description / functionality Settings tab is selected / active System (settings) tab is selected / active Filter settings area. Contains settings to adjust filter and backflush behaviour Pressure, flow and delay settings Log-out button. Press to log out of service page. (Automatic log-out after 10 min.) Treatment mode selection, IMO or USCG. (USCG not applicable yet) Table 15 - Settings page GUI elements

The settings page only allows adjustment of parameters which do not affect the biological treatment. To avoid confusion, it is good practice to always log out of the settings page, return to the control page, and set the control mode to “Local” or “Remote” after completing any maintenance tasks. This helps avoid risk of control issues at the next ordinary ballast water operation. Should you forget, the system automatically logs you out of the settings page after 10 minutes of inactivity.


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5.1.6 Alarms page The alarms page allows the operator to view and acknowledge any alarms or warnings which may have been set.

Figure 13 - Alarms page: Active alarms

The GUI elements are: Pos 1 2 3 4 5 6

Alarms (active alarms) page Description / functionality Alarms tab is selected / active Timestamp for alarm event Status of alarm. See below Level of alarm. Can be: “Error” or “Warning” Alarm text Button to acknowledge all alarms Table 16 - Alarms page (active alarms) GUI elements

Alarms in the treatment control system are divided into two main categories, “warnings” and “errors”. The two types of alarms are easily separated by their category classification in the “level” column (pos 4).

Alarms can be acknowledged individually by double-clicking (tapping) anywhere on a line. All alarms can be acknowledged together by pressing the "Acknowledge all" button. 28

BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100 Alarms can have several statuses: • • •

“UNACK-SET” is an alarm that is set and has not yet been acknowledged by the operator. It will not disappear when acknowledged, simply change its state. “SET” is an alarm that is set, but has been acknowledged by the operator – it will disappear once the event that caused the alarm has been remedied. “UNACK” is an alarm that is no longer set, but has not yet been acknowledged by the operator. It will disappear when acknowledged. Unacknowledged alarms appear in red text. Acknowledged alarms appear in yellow text. Warnings A warning is an alarm that is not necessarily disruptive to system operation, but functions more as a notification that something might be, or soon could be, going wrong. It is also used to give general information concerning events that hinder the system from operating, but are easily fixed (such as the service mode warning or the UV cool down warning). Please see section 9.1.1 and 9.1.2 for a complete list of warnings and suggested remedial actions. Errors An error is an alarm that is disruptive of proper operation of the treatment system. If such an error occurs, one or more aspects of the treatment system will not work properly, or at all. Please see section 9.1.2 and 9.2.2 for a complete list of errors and suggested remedial actions.


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5.2 Recommended REMOTE user interface 5.2.1 REMOTE IAS user interface The manufacturer of the IAS creates the interface layout for the remote operation of the BWMS. The functionality and layout may therefore vary between different types and makes of IAS. The recommended layout for the REMOTE user interface is shown below. Functions and status lights are grouped to minimise the workload for the operator and promote a clear overview of the status of the BWMS. The REMOTE user interface on your vessel may be different from the recommended layout. Always consult the IAS documentation before operating a system you are not familiar with.

Figure 14 - Recommended layout of IAS REMOTE user interface for BWMS

The GUI elements of the REMOTE user interface and their interaction with the IAS are: ID 1 2


3 4


5 6


7 8 9


10 11


DESCRIPTION Output from IAS. Start filling command to NGT BWMS Input signal to IAS. Feedback from NGT BWMS that filling mode is activated. Output from IAS. Start discharge command to NGT BWMS Input signal to IAS. Feedback from NGT BWMS that discharge mode is activated. Output from IAS. Start stripping command to NGT BWMS Input signal to IAS. Feedback from NGT BWMS that stripping mode is activated. Output from IAS. Stop operation command to NGT BWMS Output from IAS. Start flushing cycle command to NGT BWMS Input signal to IAS. Feedback from NGT BWMS that flushing is active. Input signal to IAS. Analog signal, pressure in Bar Input signal to IAS. Analog signal, flow in m3/h. 30

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13 14






















Input signal to IAS to set the upper flow limit. The IAS must adjust BW pump or flow reduction valve to limit flow below this value. N/A Input signal to IAS/FC. Signals that the flow is reduced below nominal TRC to new limit displayed at Pos 12. Applicable in flow reduction state and stripping modes. Input signal to IAS. Feedback from NGT BWMS that system is not ready for treatment. As long as this signal is active, pumping shall only be from sea to sea, not to or from ballast water tanks. Normally achieved through operation procedures (consult Ballast Water Management Plan for more information). Input signal to IAS. Feedback from NGT BWMS that system is ready for treatment and pumping to and from tanks can be performed. Input signal to IAS. Feedback from NGT BWMS that UV has stopped, treatment is no longer performed. Ballast water pumps can be stopped. Input signal to IAS. Feedback from NGT BWMS that flow limit has been exceeded. Automatic flow adjustment has failed to reduce flow below limit. Operator must investigate and adjust flow manually to continue operation. Input signal to IAS. Feedback from NGT BWMS that UV-I is below current UV-I limit. Operator must make a choice within 60 seconds: Stop operation or continue with non-compliant treatment? Input signal to IAS. Start a timer and display count down from 60s. Remaining time before BWMS will initiate stop after alarm UV1_2 is set. To be arranged such that ON = start (or re-start) at 60 s and count down. OFF = stop counter. Output from IAS. Continue command to NGT BWMS. Acknowledges that operation should continue even if treatment is not compliant due to low UV-I value. NGT BWMS records acknowledgement in event log. Signal from IAS to BWMS that transfer of control from REMOTE to LOCAL control station is acknowledged. Signal from IAS to BWMS that transfer of control from LOCAL to REMOTE control station is requested. Must be acknowledged on LOCAL control station before control is transferred. Output from IAS. Reset alarms command to NGT BWMS


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DESCRIPTION Output from IAS. Other operation command to NGT BWMS. This function is to be used when the ballast water system/pump is used for other operations then pumping of ballast water, or internal transfer. This button/signal has a toggle function. When ON “Bypass Valve Open Alarm” will not be set in NGT BWMS. The button/signal shall not be possible to activate when FILLING STARTED or DISCHARGE STARTED is active. When this signal is active it is common to interlock so that it is not possible to pump over board (consult Ballast Water Management Plan for the ship for more information) Input signal to IAS. Feedback from NGT BWMS that control is given to a Remote Control System (IAS) Input signal to IAS. Feedback from NGT BWMS active alarm. This shall give visible and acoustic alarm in IAS Input signal to IAS. Feedback from NGT BWMS active warning. This shall give visible warning in IAS Input signal to IAS. Feedback from NGT BWMS that other operations mode is activated and bypass valve alarms are supressed. Output from IAS. NGT BWMS is bypassed because bypass valve is open. This can be achieved in two ways: Bypass valve closed signal is given from IAS to NGT BWMS. NGT BWMS gives an alarm if this signal goes low. Logic is made in IAS so that a signal is given when the Bypass valve is NOT closed. NGT BWMS gives an alarm if this signal goes high. NGT BWMS gives an alarm on this signal and creates a record in BWMS log. Table 17 - REMOTE user interface GUI elements


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5.3 System Security 5.3.1 Tamper protection of settings and parameters The BWMS uses a combination of factory-set and user configurable parameters to control treatment and define behaviour. • • •

The user configurable parameters are available on the password protected settings page and allow the user to adjust the general behaviour of the BWMS The user configurable parameters do not affect the biological treatment The factory-set parameters are used to adapt the generic BWMS control software to the specific BWMS size and affects treatment process limits such as sensor ranges, flow limits and warning/error limits The factory-set parameters are not available for the user to view or change once they are set during production

The user configurable parameters are summarised in Table 18. Their values are normally identical across the range of BWMS, except for the parameter value “MinimumFlowDischarge” which depends on the size of the BWMS. The user configurable parameters can only be set within the indicated range. Parameter name FlushingTime MinimumInterval PressureCheckpoint

Settings group Filter Filter Filter

PressureCheckTimer BackflushPressCheckpoint

Filter Filter

MinimumFlowDischarge StableFlowDelay FillingPressCheckpoint DischargePressCheckpoint

Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring

LowDiffPressCheckpoint WarnDiffPressCheckpoint

Monitoring Monitoring

Settings page name Backflush time Minimum interval Diff. Pressure checkpoint Pressure check delay Power flush back pressure Min discharge flow Flow check delay Filling; System pressure Discharge; System pressure Low diff. Pressure alarm High diff. Pressure warning

Default Value 20 s 10 s 0.3 bar

0 – 0.3



2 bar

0 – 10

XX m3/h** 60 s 1.5 bar

2 – 102* 30 – 120 0 – 10

1 bar

0 – 10

-3 bar

-10 – 0

0.7 bar


Table 18 - Summary of user configurable parameters - typical values * **

For complete overview please see section 3.2 For system specific values please see Appendix A.1


Range Min - Max 20 – 120 0 – 120

BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100 The effect of adjustments to the various parameters can be summarised as: Parameters in the Filter settings group affect the triggering of automatic backflushing cycles: •

• • • •

FlushingTime defines the time the filter motor runs during each backflushing. A full cycle takes 20 s to complete. Setting a higher value will cause the backflushing to continue after a full cycle is completed. MinimumInterval is the minimum time interval the system will wait before triggering the next automatic backflush cycle. PressureCheckPoint is the differential pressure across the filter which will trigger an automatic backflushing. PressureCheckTimer is a delay before a high differential pressure measurement is confirmed and triggers an automatic backflushing BackflushPressCheckpoint is the target pressure used for control of the main outlet valve when "power backflushing" is enabled. This function closes the outlet valve partially during a backflushing cycle to increase the differential pressure across the filter and increase the efficiency of the backflushing.

Parameters in the Monitoring settings group affect the triggering of warnings during filling and discharge operations: •

MinimumFlowDischarge defines the minimum allowed flow during discharge and stripping operations. This can be set lower than the minimum flow during filling to help avoid repeated stops due to marginal flow during stripping. The value can never be lower than the system minimum flow defined by MinimumSystemFlow (Table 18) StableFlowDelay defines the time span before the flow values reported flow meter begins. If the ballast piping layout results in air pockets or otherwise leads to unstable flow at the start of ballast operations, the flow meter can be forced to wait for a user determined time span before measurements begin. The UV unit(s) will remain in “Init” state until a stable flow is reported. FillingPressCheckpoint and DischargePressCheckpoint are the target pressures used for control of the main outlet valve during normal operation. The outlet valve is automatically throttled to build a slight back pressure across the BWMS to ensure proper operation. The value during filling is slightly higher to ensure efficient backflushing of the filter. LowDiffPressCheckpoint is a value used to evaluate if pressure sensors perform correctly. The BWMS evaluates the difference in pressure before and after the filter. Normally, the sensor after the filter should report a lower value than the one before. A negative difference is an indication of a sensor malfunction. WarnDiffPressCheckpoint defines the differential pressure value triggering a warning that the filter is becoming clogged.

The parameters “MinimumFlowDischarge” and “StableFlowDelay” are the only flow-related parameters accessible to the user. Neither of these influence the biological treatment efficacy, but they are available to allow the user to tune the BWMS for more stable operation during stripping operations where the flow into the BWMS may contain significant amounts of air.


BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100 The factory-set parameters are summarised in Table 19. Their actual values vary with the size of the BWMS and are found in BWMS Technical specification Part III, Appendix A.1. Parameter name AI_CurrentFlow

BaseRatedTreatmentFlow HighDiffPressCheckpoint MinimumFlowFilling

MinimumFlowForUV MinimumSystemFlow UVIntensityRequirement

Description Scaling values for input signal from flowmeter. See the BWMS Technical specification in Part III, Appendix A.1 for max flow value at 20mA. The treatment flow that this unit is rated for when fully operational High diff. Pressure error (indicates clogged filter) Minimum flow during filling. Determined by filter backflush requirements Minimum flow for safe UV operation. Minimum flow for system, stop if flow is below this Intensity requirement for upholding rated treatment

Value 4 mA = 0 m3/h 20 mA = XXXX,X m3/h

XXX m3/h 1.0 bar XX m3/h

XX m3/h XX m3/h XXXX W/m2

Table 19 - Summary of factory-set parameters

Never attempt to change protected settings unless you have specific training. Never attempt to access configuration files. Changing system configuration voids the type approval and your ballast water operations will be illegal.

5.3.2 Monitoring and logging of process control interruptions All sensors relevant for the treatment process are monitored in such a way that both sensor malfunction and cable breakages will be detected. Such malfunctions will result in warnings or errors which will be logged to the alarm log database. The BWMS control system will continue to log events and alarms as long as the BWMS control cabinet is powered and the BWMS control system is running, even in the event of a bypass.


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6 Overview of BWMS operation principles 6.1 Control mode selection There are two options for control stations: 1. LOCAL control from the BWMS control cabinet touch screen. This is the primary control station with all system functionality available, developed and provided by NGT. 2. REMOTE control from a mimic screen provided as part of the ship IAS. This option contains a subset of functionality and is provided by the automation system manufacturer. NGT provides only recommendations on remote screen layout and functionality. NGT can also supply a remote mimic screen for remote control of the BWMS system. This option is for where Remote Control is needed, but integration towards IAS is not possible. The BWMS can be operated in one of three control modes. The available control modes are: Mode Service Local Remote

Control modes Description All automatic functions are disabled; system must be manually operated via the LOCAL control station "Detailed control" page. See section 5.1.2 All manual functions are disabled; system must be operated using the function buttons on the LOCAL control station "Control page" See section 5.1.1 All manual functions are disabled; system must be operated from remote system. Table 20 - List of BWMS control modes

The following rules apply for control transfer between control modes: • • •

Control can be transferred from LOCAL to REMOTE stations while an operation is ongoing. The ongoing operation will continue. Control can be transferred from REMOTE stations to the LOCAL screen while an operation is ongoing. The ongoing operation will continue. The service mode can only be entered while the system is in standby/stopped state. It is not possible to enter service mode while an operation is ongoing.

The control mode is selected via a control mode selection panel on the main control page of the BWMS control system.

The control selection panel is normally hidden, but can be displayed by pressing / tapping the button “ CHANGE CONTROL MODE” next to the “STOP” button.


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Figure 15 - Main control page with control mode selection panel displayed

The control selection options are: Pos 1 2



5 6

Control page - Control selection panel Description Press this button to show control selection panel When control is requested from an IAS REMOTE control station, this button must be pressed to acknowledge transfer of control to the REMOTE control station Request Local Control When this button is pressed, the BWMS will send a request to the IAS for transfer of the control from a REMOTE control station to the LOCAL control screen. The request must be acknowledged on the REMOTE control station which is currently in control. Take control locally When this button is pressed, the BWMS forces LOCAL control, i.e. control is immediately transferred to the LOCAL control screen without waiting for acknowledgement on a REMOTE control station. This is a safety feature to ensure that full LOCAL control can be achieved in an emergency situation. Service mode When this button is pressed, the BWMS enters service mode – see description in section 6.1.1 Cancel / Close button Press this button to close control selection panel (if present in current version) Option / Button Change control mode Release control

Table 21 - Control selection options

Control can be transferred between REMOTE and LOCAL stations while an operation is ongoing. The service mode can only be entered while the system is in standby/stopped.


BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100 When REMOTE control has been requested, a status message “Remote Requested” will be displayed on the BWMS main control page to alert the operator that a control transfer is requested. To release control, the operator must activate/display the control selection panel (press "CONTROL MODE”, pos 1) and press the “Release control” button, pos 2.

Figure 16 - Status message - Remote requested

6.1.1 Service mode In “service” mode, the BWMS is operated from the local touch panel on the main control cabinet. It is possible to manually operate valves from the detailed control page menu as described in section 5.1.2. “Service” mode is only used for maintenance, fault finding or system tuning and should never be selected when performing routine ballast water operations. All alarms for warnings and errors are active while in service mode. Because valves and UV unit can be operated separately in service mode, it is possible to open all valves even when the UV lamps are off. To prevent release of untreated water, the BWMS control system monitors valve positions and UV status to detect possible discharge of water during service mode. If valve positions indicate discharging, this will be logged as an event in the event log: "Possible service mode discharging detected". The operator must always verify that no overboard discharge of untreated water takes place during service mode, either by stopping the ballast water pump (if running), ensuring that UV unit(s) are operating, or directing water to a holding tank for future treatment.


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6.1.2 Local mode In “local” mode, the BWMS can only be operated from the local touch panel on the main control cabinet. The control system home page displays system status and values of key parameters. The filling, discharge, stop and flushing operations can be selected from the control home page. While in local mode, more detailed process information can be accessed by pressing the various component symbols. E.g., if the filter / UV dialog box is pressed, an expanded view with valve status and more parameter values is presented. Alarm messages can be accessed and acknowledged from the alarm menu. Alarms are also passed to the IAS.

6.1.3 Remote mode In “remote” mode, the BWMS is controlled from the REMOTE user interface in the IAS. The BWMS receives control signals from the ship IAS. The recommended REMOTE user interface contains buttons to select the filling, discharge, stripping, stop and flushing operations. In addition, flow and pressure readings are displayed. The REMOTE user interface also contains status lights for key functionality: • • • • • • •

Filling, discharge, stripping or flushing operation started Flow reduction active Active warning or alarm Bypass valve open Remote operation active UV status (warming up, running, cooling down) Warnings about flow and UV limit violation and a button to override stop at low UV-I readings The recommended REMOTE user interface functionality is explained in section 5.2. Please also refer to the IAS or ballast water control system documentation for details.

In remote mode, the local touch panel displays process information but cannot be used to control the BWMS functions. Alarms from the BWMS are handled on the IAS alarm display along with all other alarms onboard.


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6.2 Normal ballast water treatment operations The process steps for a complete ballast water treatment include: 1. Ballast water filling a. Pump ballast water from sea b. Filter ballast water c. Apply first UV treatment d. Pump treated water to ballast tank 2. Holding time in ballast water tank a. Hold treated water in tank during voyage 3. Ballast water discharge a. Pump treated water from ballast water tank b. Apply second UV treatment c. Discharge ballast water to sea The BWMS automatically manages the filtering process and the settings for the UV treatments to meet the IMO ballast water discharge standards for both filling and discharge operations. The BWMS also includes an automated operating mode for stripping of ballast water tanks using an ejector pump. The stripping mode is similar to the discharge mode, but the treatment capacity is reduced to account for possible effects of particles in the ejector driving water. The treatment process and ballast water operations are identical for skid mounted and separate component units.

6.3 Regulation of ballast water treatment The treatment processes are regulated by the BWMS controller and the UV controller. The BWMS controller handles: • • •

Filtering Valve settings for flow and pressure regulation Flow monitoring

The UV controller regulates: •

UV treatment

6.3.1 Filtering The filter is composed of a basket and an internal flushing device. During normal filtering (left side of Figure 17), the water is forced through the mesh into the clean side of the filter, and then exits the filter through the filter outlet. The particle filter needs to be backflushed at intervals to clear deposits and fouling from the filter mesh. During a backflushing, the flow across the filter mesh is temporarily reversed and any fouling on the mesh is flushed out through the backflush overboard line. A pump is installed to increase the efficiency of backflushing cycles. The pump starts and stops automatically. During a backflushing operation, the main flow may decrease slightly depending on the type of ballast pump. 40

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Figure 17 - Particle filter operating principle

During a backflush cycle(right side of Figure 17), a moveable backflush outlet is moved by the motor on filter top. The pressure in the backflush discharge pipe is much lower than in the clean side of the filter and water is now forced backwards through the mesh, dislodging particles from the mesh. In addition, the pressure difference between filter inlet and the backflush discharge creates a strong axial flow through the filter mesh which flushes all dislodged particles out through the backflush discharge. The backflush discharge is lead via the backflush pipe and overboard. It is worth nothing that although this water is untreated, it is released at the location of ballast water intake, and contains only species that are indigenous to that location. The need for a backflushing operation is governed by the quality of the intake water. A higher concentration of suspended matter will lead to more frequent backflushing cycles because more particles are caught by the filter mesh and needs to be cleared off. The pressure differential across the filter is calculated by the BWMS control system based on the readings from the two pressure transducers PT1 and PT2.


BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100 The control system evaluates the pressure difference against a threshold and an upper limit to determine the state of the filter and initiate automatic backflush cycles: • • •

If the pressure difference is above the threshold, a backflush cycle is initiated If the pressure difference is above the warning limit, a warning about possibly clogged filter is issued If the pressure difference is above the upper limit, the filter is likely clogged and the BWMS must stop to protect the filter from damage. The BWMS enters the protect filter - stop mode to protect filter mesh. The operator must decide whether to stop the ballast operation and clear the filter, or bypass the BWMS and continue the ballast operation.

Log entries are made for each backflush cycle, and in the event of a warning or alarm about high pressure differential. Parameter Threshold

Value 0.3 bar

Upper limit

1.0 bar



Action Initiate backflush cycle. Log entry. Warning at 0.7 bar, log entry. Alarm and filter protection – stop mode at upper limit, log entry

Comment Normal operation. System automatically increases backflushing frequency with increasing pressure difference. Before triggering warning and alarm action.

Table 22 - Pressure settings for filtering control

When stopping the BWMS after a ballast water intake operation, a full backflushing cycle is automatically completed to ensure that all contamination is removed from the filter and not carried over to the next location for ballast water intake.

6.3.2 Monitoring of flow The flow meter readings are continuously evaluated by the BWMS control system to ensure that: • •

There is a minimum flow past the UV chamber(s) to avoid overheating The flow through the system is within the treatment capacity of the BWMS

If the measured flow is continuously below the minimum limit, the UV lamps will not ignite, or, if running, they will power off and initiate the cool-down sequence to avoid overheating. An entry will be made in the log system that the UV units were stopped due to lack of flow. The measured flow is compared to the applicable TRC limit to ensure that flow is within the treatable range. If flow is above the TRC, the UV treatment will not be sufficient to meet the ballast water discharge standards. Notifications, warnings and errors are triggered when the TRC is exceeded by margins as defined below. This is to alert the operator that flow must be reduced, and eventually stop the BWMS if flow continuously exceeds the TRC by a margin of more than 5%.


BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100 The flow monitoring parameters are: Parameter Minimum limit

Value 25 –139 m3/h

Notification Current TRC limit

Action Error: Misc_5: Flow too low to run UV unit(s) and stop if below limit, log entry. Notification: Misc_17: Flow above system rating detected, log entry

Warning limit

Current TRC + 2.5%

Warning: Misc_18: Flow above system rating detected, log entry

Error limit

Current TRC + 5%

Error: Misc_7: Flow above system rating detected, stop, log entry.


10 s if below limit 60 s if above limit

Comment Depending on BWMS model. Refer to Table 2 and the technical specification in Part III, Appendix A.1 for minimum flow limits Applies to the current flow limit, either full TRC or flow reduction settings. Refer to Part III, Appendix A.1 for determination of maximum TRC Applies to the current flow limit, either full TRC or flow reduction settings. Refer to Part III, Appendix A.1 for determination of maximum TRC Applies to the current flow limit, either full TRC or flow reduction settings. Refer to Part III, Appendix A.1 for determination of maximum TRC Notification, warning or error is set immediately, stop after indicated delay

Table 23 - Flow monitoring parameters

The outcome of a flow above TRC event is: • • •

The system is set up to regulate the flow based on flow limits and readings from the flowmeter. If the regulation fails, the operator is given 60 seconds to adjust flow below limit. The operator must override IAS pump settings or stop the system to investigate the cause. If flow is still above limit after 60 seconds, the system will perform a stop.

Log entries will be made when the maximum treatment flow is exceeded, for both notifications, warnings and errors.

6.3.3 Valve settings for flow direction and pressure regulation The BWMS valves are adjusted automatically for each operating mode. The process control valves V1, V2, V3 and V5, and the backflush overboard valve V10 are either fully open or fully closed, to direct the flow through or past the filter, and to allow discharge of the backflush discharge water. The outlet valve V4 is normally 100% open during ballasting and de-ballasting operation. In backflush sequence valve V4 is adjusted to achieve the correct back pressure across the BWMS to ensure good backflushing performance. To avoid pressure build-up, the valve never closes beyond 30% during these operations. The flow through the BWMS must be adjusted by changing the ballast water pump settings or operating a flow regulation valve external to the BWMS. See Section 7.3 and 7.4 for lists of valve positions and system states in filling and discharge modes. 43

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6.3.4 Temperature monitoring The UV controller monitors the water temperature in the UV chamber and the UV power cabinet to prevent overheating of UV lamps and power supply components. The temperature measurements are not used to regulate UV treatment. Warnings and errors are issued if temperatures exceed thresholds and limits. The temperature limit values are summarised in Table 24 below. Location UV chamber

Value Threshold = 50°C

UV chamber

Limit = 60°C

UV power cabinet

Threshold = 50°C

UV power cabinet

Limit = 60°C


10 s

Action If above threshold: Warning UV1_04: UVUnit 1: Water getting warm, log entry. If above limit: Error UV1_10: UVUnit 1: Water too hot, stop, log entry. If above threshold: Warning UV1_05: UVUnit 1: Cabinet getting warm, log entry. If above limit: Error UV1_11 UVUnit 1:Cabinet too hot, stop, log entry.

Comment The operator should attempt to increase flow to increase cooling.

UV lamps must be shut down to avoid overheating and potential damage to lamps The crew should check that cooling fans are running and that air filters are clean. UV power supply must be shut down to prevent overheating.

Before triggering designated action. Table 24 - Summary of UV system temperature limits

6.3.5 UV Treatment The UV treatment is controlled by the UV controller based on readings from the UV light intensity sensor. The regulation is based on measurement of the UV intensity at the UV light sensor, inside of the UV chamber. The measured UV intensity depends on the UV transmission of the water, fouling on quarts sleeves and UV lamp efficacy. For a given flow, a set minimum UV intensity is necessary to treat the water and achieve the required biological efficacy. The UV controller monitors the measured UV intensity and adjusts UV power to achieve the required UV intensity according to actual flow in the most efficient way. When UV-intensity changes because of changes in UV transmission, the UV power and flow is adjusted automatically in the following order: 1. The UV controller always attempts to run at maximum flow and reduce power in steps, in an attempt to save energy 2. The UV controller always start at 100% power 3. If UV-intensity allow it, step-wise power reduction is initiated 4. If UV-intensity decreases due to decreasing UV transmission, the UV power is increased in steps, until UV is operating at maximum power 5. If power is at maximum and UV-intensity continues to decrease, the UV controller requests a reduction in flow 44

BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100 UV power is adjusted in fixed steps between: • •

60% (minimum power setting) 100% (maximum power setting)

The quantity of power steps will vary depending on system size and power supply. UV systems with ballast controlled UV lamps will operate with four power steps, UV systems with transformer controlled UV lamps will operate with three power steps. (For system specific data please see Part III, Appendix A.1) The BWMS is designed to operate with active flow control, but can also operate without active flow control. The UV controller continuously monitors flow versus UV-I, calculates a max flow set point, and generates a warning signal if UV-I is nearing minimum, and an error signal if minimum UVI I is reached. If the BWMS operates without active flow control, then the BWMS will be limited to UV-I value according Figure 18 at pump capacity. If the UV-I value measured is deemed insufficient, BWMS will generate warning and error alarms and the operator would need to make decision to stop operation or continue in non-compliance operation. See Figure 34 Operation during active flow control : •

The BWMS controller then calculates a new flow target based on the above mentioned max flow setpoint and warning limit, the ballast pump will adjust the flow to this flow target.

All actions and measurements related to flow and power stepping is based on the systems UV-I limits. Please refer to appendix Part III, A1 for system specific values. In the table below the NGT BWMS DXL12-BK419 is used as example, where UV-I limits are: UV-I limit at max TRC: 15919 W/m2 Min. UV-I limit: 6209 W/m2


Based on

UV-I value (for NGT BWMS DXL12-BK419) W/m2

Power step-down

UV-I limit + 35%

21 490

Only at max TRC.

120s 30s

30% open


> minimum limit for filling (24 – 181m3/h)

Pressure @ P1

P1 ≈ P2+0.15 bar

Pressure @ P2

P2 = 1.5 bar

System state


"Start filling" button UV status

Flashing green, then Solid green "Running"

UV intensity

> xxxxx W/m2

Water temperature in UV chamber Filter status

< 60°C "Monitoring" "Backflushing" as needed


Automatically adjusted to achieve correct pressure reading at P2 if backflushing operation. Valve never closes to less than 30% open during operation. Varies with BWMS model. See Part III, Appendix A.1 for specific value for your installation Pressure drop across filter must be less than 1 bar. Normal pressure drop across clean filter is about 0.1 bar. Target minimum value for optimum backflushing function, varies with pump type and ballast system layout. After 5 min. warm-up in InitFilling state In InitFilling In Filling All UV lamps are lit. Expect 5 min. warm-up time with status "Warming up" Lower error limit. Actual intensity will vary with UV power and UV transmission index. See Part III, Appendix A.1 for specific value for your installation Upper error limit. Expect values below 50°C during normal operation. Filter is running. Pressure difference is being monitored. Backflushing occurs when pressure difference exceeds 0.3 bar.

Table 26 - Expected process parameter values during filling operations

If the flow drops below the minimum level at any time during the filling, the BWMS will enter the stop mode to prevent overheating. Refer to the technical specification in Appendix A.1 for allowable minimum flow levels in filling and set your ballast pump accordingly. If the UV is shut down due to lack of flow, a cooling period of 10 minutes is required before the system can be restarted. 52

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7.3.3 Process diagrams for filling operation The state of the BWMS during a filling operation is illustrated in Figure 22 below.

Figure 22 - BWMS state during filling operation

When a backflush operation is in progress, the following components are activated: • • • •

The backflush filter outlet valve V9 opens The backflush overboard line valve V10 opens The backflush pump BFP1 with motor M1 starts The filter motor M2 starts and directs backflush flow across the filter basket

The state of the BWMS while backflushing during a filling operation is illustrated in Figure 23- BWMS state during backflushingbelow.


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Figure 23- BWMS state during backflushing

When the backflush operation is completed, the components in the backflush system returns to standby mode, with the overboard line valve V10 closed.

7.4 Discharge, de-ballasting The discharge mode is used when releasing ballast water to sea. During discharge, the system can be in one of two states: 1. InitDischarge: Waiting for valves to be set, feedback signal from ballast water pump and flow to stabilise above the minimum limit. Warming up UV lamps for 5 minutes. 2. Discharge: Once the UV lamps are running and all parameters are within expected intervals, the BWMS will enter the Discharge state.

7.4.1 Standard operating procedures The standard operating procedure is: 1. Set the ballast water (BW) valves to suction from sea chest, via BWMS and overboard 2. Select “Start discharge" operation from NGT touch screen or REMOTE user interface. The BWMS enters the "InitDischarge" state. The "Start discharge" button flashes green. 3. Start the ballast pump and check that flow is above minimum level (see Table 27) 4. The UV lamps will automatically ignite and start warming up when the flow is stable. The warm up time is 5 minutes. 5. When the UV lamps are warmed up, the system enters the "Discharge" state. The "Start discharge" button becomes solid green. 6. When the system status reads "Discharge", you can set BW valves to pump from the desired tank(s) and close the suction from sea chest. 54

BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100 7. When a tank is empty, select the next tank before the current tank is emptied completely. 8. When all planned discharge is completed, select "Stop" to shut down the system. See separate procedure. Please note: • •

During the InitDischarge state, the UV lamps need a warm-up time of 5 minutes before they are operational. During the warm-up time, the UV intensity is not sufficient for proper treatment and you must set the ballast water valves to pump from sea, through the BWMS and back overboard (Step 1). This ensures that there is flow through the system but discharges the insufficiently treated water back overboard. After 5 minutes, the UV lamps are warmed up and the UV intensity is sufficient for treatment. You can now switch to pumping from sea to ballast tanks. (Step 6)

See section 9.4 for information on troubleshooting for "Filling" operations.

The discharge operation must be monitored closely. Switch to suction from a different tank or stop the BWMS system and ballast water pump when the ballast tank is empty.


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7.4.2 Operator actions on GUI for discharge operation

Figure 24- Steps to start and stop discharge operation


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7.4.3 Process parameters for discharge operation The expected range of process parameters in discharge mode is: Parameter Valve V1 Valve V2 Valve V3 Valve V5 Valve V4 Flow

Value Open Closed Open Closed Open valve to 100%. > minimum limit (2-102 m3/h)

Pressure @ P1


Pressure @ P2 System state

P2 = 1 bar "Discharge"

"Start discharge" button UV status

Flashing green, then Solid green "Running"

UV intensity

> xxxx W/m2

Water temperature in UV chamber Filter status

< 60°C Idle


Filter is bypassed during discharge

Varies with BWMS model. See Part III, Appendix A.1 for specific value for your installation Filter is bypassed during discharge. Inlet pressure is not used for regulation. Target minimum value After 5 min. warm-up in InitDischarge state In InitDischarge In Discharge All UV lamps are lit. Expect 5 min. warm-up time with status "Warming up" Lower error limit. Actual intensity will vary with UV power and UV transmission index. See Part III, Appendix A.1 for specific value for your installation Upper error limit. Expect values below 50°C during normal operation. Filter is bypassed during discharge.

Table 27 - Expected process parameter values during discharge operations

If the flow drops below the minimum level at any time during the discharge, the BWMS will enter the stop mode to prevent overheating. Refer to the technical specification in Appendix A.1 for allowable minimum flow levels in discharge and set your ballast pump accordingly. If the UV is shut down due to lack of flow, a cooling period of 10 minutes is required before the system can be restarted.


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7.4.4 Process diagram for discharge operation The state of the BWMS during a discharge operation is illustrated in Figure 25 below.

Figure 25 - BWMS state during discharge operation


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7.5 Stripping of ballast water tanks The BWMS has a dedicated operating mode for stripping of near empty ballast water tanks. The stripping mode is based on the use of an ejector pump, with local driving water filtered through a strainer at intake. To compensate for any shadowing effects of particles in the driving water, the maximum flow limit is set to ⅓ of the nominal TRC during stripping. Otherwise, the process and functionality is identical to the discharge mode.

7.5.1 Standard operating procedures The standard operating procedure is: 1. Set the BW valves to suction from sea chest, via BWMS and overboard 2. Select "Start Stripping" from LOCAL screen or REMOTE user interface. The BWMS enters the "InitStripping" state. (See Figure 21 ) 3. Start the stripping ejector pump and check that flow is above the minimum flow limit (See Figure 22) 4. The UV lamps will automatically ignite and start warming up when the flow is stable. The warm up time is 5 minutes. 5. When the UV lamps are warmed up, the system enters the "Stripping" state. 6. When the system status reads "Stripping", you can set BW valves to open suction from the desired tank(s). 7. When a tank is empty, select the next tank. 8. When all planned stripping is completed, select "Stop" to shut down the system. Please note. The stripping operation is largely identical to a discharge operation and the same limitations apply: • •

During the InitStripping state, the UV lamps need a warm-up time of 5 minutes before they are operational. During the warm-up time, the UV intensity is not sufficient for proper treatment and you must set the ballast water valves to pump from sea, through the BWMS and back overboard (Step 1). This ensures that there is flow through the system but discharges the insufficiently treated water back overboard. After 5 minutes, the UV lamps are warmed up and the UV intensity is sufficient for treatment. You can now switch to pumping from sea to ballast tanks. (Step 6) If necessary, the minimum flow limit can be reduced below that for filling. Log in to the "Settings" page (section 5.1.5) and adjust the "MIN DISCHARGE FLOW" setting. (pos. 5 on Figure 12). The discharge flow must be above the minimum flow limit. See the technical specification in Appendix A.1 for specific value for your installation

See section 9.6 for information on troubleshooting for Stripping operations.


BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100 Because of the increased risk of large air bubbles and unsteady flow during stripping operations, you must monitor the stripping operation closely. When the tank is empty, or in case of large fluctuations in flow (indication that air is present in the flow), the operation must be stopped immediately.

7.5.2 Operator actions on GUI for stripping operation

Figure 26 - Steps to start and stop stripping operation


BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100

7.5.3 Process parameters for stripping operation The expected range of process parameters in stripping mode is: Parameter Valve V1 Valve V2 Valve V3 Valve V5 Valve V4 Flow

Pressure @ P1

Value Open Closed Open Closed Open valve to 100%. < ⅓ TRC > minimum limit (2-102 m3/h) n/a

Pressure @ P2 System state

P2 = 1 bar "Stripping"

"Start stripping" button UV status

Flashing green, then Solid green "Running"

UV intensity

> xxxx W/m2

Water temperature in UV chamber Filter status

< 60°C Idle


Filter is bypassed during stripping

Varies with BWMS model. See Part III, Appendix A.1 for specific value for your installation Filter is bypassed during stripping. Inlet pressure is not used for regulation. Target minimum value After 5 min. warm-up in InitStripping state In InitStripping In Stripping All UV lamps are lit. Expect 5 min. warm-up time with status "Warming up" Lower error limit. Actual intensity will vary with UV power and UV transmission index. See Part III, Appendix A.1 for specific value for your installation Upper error limit. Expect values below 50°C during normal operation. Filter is bypassed during stripping.

Table 28 - Expected process parameters values during stripping operations

If the flow drops below the minimum level at any time during the stripping, the BWMS will enter the stop mode to prevent overheating. The minimum flow during stripping is identical to the minimum flow in discharge. Refer to the technical specification in Appendix A.1 for allowable minimum flow levels in discharge and set your ballast pump accordingly. If the UV is shut down due to lack of flow, a cooling period of 10 minutes is required before the system can be restarted.


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7.5.4 Process diagram for stripping operation The state of the BWMS during a stripping operation is illustrated in Figure 27 below.

Figure 27 - BWMS state during stripping operation


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7.6 Stop mode The stop mode is an automated shutdown procedure to ensure that the system is safely shut down after a ballast water filling or discharge operation. The behaviour depends on the type of operation that was carried out prior to the stop order: Before performing Stop from Filling mode the operator must open overboard valve and closing tank inlet valve(s). This to prevent untreated water entering the tank(s). •

When a stop is ordered from Filling mode, the BWMS performs a backflushing and the UV lamps are powered off. When the backflushing is completed, you can shut down the ballast water pump. The BWMS controller waits for the flow to cease, then closes the inlet and outlet valve. When a stop is ordered from Discharge mode, the backflushing is omitted. The UV lamps are powered off, you can shut down the ballast water pump and the BWMS controller will close the inlet and outlet valves when the flow has ceased.

7.6.1 Standard operating procedure for normal stop To perform a normal stop from "Filling" mode, the standard procedure is: 1. Select "Stop" on the local NGT touch screen or REMOTE user interface. (See Figure 28) 2. The UV lamps will shut down and the UV unit displays the status "Cooling down". 3. The filter begins a backflushing cycle and the filter status indicates "Backflushing" for approximately 20 seconds. 4. When a message appears: "Please stop ballast pump", you must stop the ballast water pump. 5. When the flow has ceased, the inlet valve V1 and outlet valve V4 are closed, and valves V2, V3 and V5 are opened. To perform a normal stop from "Discharge" and "Stripping" mode, the standard procedure is: 1. Select "Stop" on the local NGT touch screen or REMOTE user interface. 2. When a message appears: "Please stop ballast pump", you must stop the ballast water pump. 3. The UV lamps will shut down and the UV unit displays the status "Cooling down". 4. When the flow has ceased, the inlet valve V1 and outlet valve V4 are closed, and valves V2, V3 and V5 are opened. The time for the UV to cool down is 10 minutes. The BWMS cannot be restarted before the cooling completes.


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7.6.2 Operator actions on GUI for stop of operations

Figure 28 - Steps to stop an operation


BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100

7.6.3 Process parameters for normal stop The expected range of process parameters are: Parameter Valve V1 Valve V2 Valve V3 Valve V5 Valve V4 Flow

Value Closing Open Open Open Closing (fully) Decreasing to 0

Pressure @ P1

Decreasing to 0

Pressure @ P2

Decreasing to 0

System state

"Stopping" then "Waiting for commands" "Cooling down" then "Off"

UV status UV intensity Filter status

Comment After flow has ceased

After flow has ceased After operator shuts down ballast water pump After operator shuts down ballast water pump After operator shuts down ballast water pump

Decreasing to 0 "Backflushing" or "Idle", then "Filter bypassed"

UV lamps power off, UV enters off after cooling down After UV lamps power off "Backflushing" if from Filling mode, "Idle" if from Discharge mode. Valve V3 opens after flow ceases, causes filter to be bypassed.

Table 29 - Expected process parameters values during stop

After a ballast water intake or discharge operation, the BWMS enters standby mode automatically and listens for new orders from the REMOTE user interface or the local touch screen, depending on the selected control mode. The UV lamps need a cooling down period of 10 minutes before re‐start after having been in operation. Please take this into consideration when planning ballasting or de‐ ballasting operations.


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7.7 Flushing The NGT BWMS is primarily manufactured from corrosion protected components to ensure superior corrosion resistance. However, if seawater remains in the system for extended periods of time, the seawater will start “eating” the oxygen from the protecting oxide layer of the stainless steel and very soon pitting corrosion will occur and result in leaking. It is very important to ensure that the system is flushed by fresh water after each operation – both ballast water intake and discharge. The flushing mode is a maintenance operation used for automated freshwater flushing of the system after filling or discharge operations. It is used after each filling or discharge operation to evacuate seawater and preserve the BWMS with freshwater. When a flushing is ordered, the following events occur: • • • • •

Valves V16.1 and V16.2 open allow air to enter the system. The filter drain valve V8 opens to drain the filter from the lowest point. The backflush valve V10 opens partially, to let seawater evacuate from the system. The backflush pump is started to pump out all seawater from the system. The PT3 pressure transducer monitors pressure to determine when the system is fully drained, then the backflush pump is stopped and filter drain valve V8 and the backflush valve V10 is closed. Valves V6 and V11 opens to fill the system with fresh water from the ship's freshwater system.

7.7.1 Standard operating procedure The flushing operation is fully automated. The operator orders the flushing to start and system is drained and refilled with fresh water automatically. The standard operating procedure to perform a flushing is: 1. Open any valves in the backflush overboard line (other than the BWMS V10) 2. Select "Start flushing cycle" from local NGT touch screen or REMOTE user interface. (See Figure 29) 3. You must wait for the system to complete the flushing cycle, then confirm that the system enters the standby state and all air and freshwater valves are returned to closed position. 4. Close valves in the backflush overboard line. * If the system not to be utilized over a longer period of time, a second flushing sequence is recommended.


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7.7.2 Operator actions on GUI for flushing operation

Figure 29 - Steps to start flushing operation


BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100

7.7.3 Process diagram for flushing operation The state of the BWMS during a flushing operation is illustrated in Figure 30 below.

Figure 30 - BWMS state during flushing operation


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7.8 Operating UV lamp wiper The UV lamps in the UV chamber are protected by quartz glass sleeves. The sleeves become fouled by impurities in the water and to help remove this fouling, the sleeves are equipped with a wiper system. The wipers for the quartz sleeves are to be operated during the filling, depending on the quality of the water. In polluted waters, the quartz sleeves may need to be operated several times during a filling cycle. • •

On systems with electrically actuated wipers, the wiping occurs automatically. On systems with manual wipers, the wipers must be manually operated.

7.8.1 Standard operating procedure – manual wiper system The wipers should be operated at the following times: 1. Before a filling or discharge operation 2. During filling or discharge operation: If the warning UV1_25: "UVUnit1: UVUnit 1: UV intensity nearing minimum for current flow " occurs. (Note: Similar alarms for UV2 when more than one UV chamber is installed) 3. During filling or discharge operation: When a reduction in intensity occurs. 4. After each filling or discharge operation is completed

Figure 31 - Operation of manual wiper system for UV lamps

When operating the manual anti-fouling mechanism be careful when removing the retaining pin. The water pressure will push the wiper rod out of the unit! Always apply counter pressure when removing the retaining pin.


BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100 To operate the manual wiper and clean the UV lamp quartz sleeves: 1. Locate the wiper handle on the UV chamber (see Figure 31 above) 2. Use one hand to apply counter pressure to the handle 3. Remove the retaining pin and gently allow the water pressure to push the wiper handle out of the chamber. 4. When the handle is fully extended, gently push it back into the chamber. 5. Insert the retaining pin to hold the handle in the retracted position. Never leave the handle extended or unsecured.

7.8.2 Standard operating procedure – electrically actuated wiper system The electrically actuated wiper system will automatically operate when the UV controller determines a need based on UV intensity readings from the UV light sensor. You do not need to manually operate the wipers during normal operations. As part of the scheduled maintenance, the wipers should be operated before the system is flushed with freshwater. For this purpose, the electric actuated wipers can be started from the UV controller.

Figure 32 - UV controller front panel

To manually operate the electrically actuated wipers: 1. Press button 4 ( ) on the numeric keypad 2. The wipers will automatically perform one complete wipe cycle


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7.9 Sample taking Port state authorities may request samples of treated ballast water to examine if ballast water can be legally discharged. Samples of treated ballast water is taken from an isokinetic sample point, which is normally located at, or close to the main ballast overboard discharge.

The samples are taken through a special sample valve mounted at the sample point. The sample valve consists of a bent tube mounted inside the ballast water pipe, a ball valve and a hose barb for attaching sample taking equipment. The design of the sample valve, with sample tube, is important to ensure that a valid sample can be taken in a safe way. Do not use any other device for sample taking at the BWMS sampling points.

7.9.1 Installing the sample valve The sample valve is normally not mounted at delivery. A blind flange is installed at the sample point and the sample valve is attached adjacent to the sample point with one of the blind flange bolts. The procedure to install the sampling valve is found in the sample taking procedure in Part III, Appendix H.3.

7.9.2 Standard operating procedure The ballast water system can be pressurised up to 10 bar during operation and sampling. Open sampling valve carefully and gradually, and never attempt to move the sampling valve to a different sampling point while the system is pressurised.


BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100 The sample taking is normally conducted by an appointed laboratory. The laboratory will perform the sampling by connecting their sampling equipment to the sample valve. The recommended procedure for sampling is: 1. 2.

3. 4. 5.

Install the sample valve as described in the sample taking procedure in Part III, Appendix H.3. Attach the sample taking equipment to the hose barb of the sample valve. If necessary, a short length of hose with suitable fittings can be inserted between sample valve and sampling equipment to adapt to the sample equipment dimensions. When sampling equipment is ready, the ball valve is opened fully. Flow must be adjusted using the flow meter and flow adjustment valves on the sampling equipment. Do not throttle the ball valve to reduce flow. To ensure isokinetic sampling conditions, adjust the sample flow to match the target sample flow. The target sample flow depends on pipe diameter and ballast water flow, as indicated in the example Table 30 below. Recommended sample flow values for specific BWMS sizes are found in the sample taking procedure in Part III, Appendix H.3.

7.9.3 Sampling flow adjustment for isokinetic sampling conditions To obtain a correct and representative sample, the sample flow must be adjusted to match the target sample flow which is calculated for specific combinations of pipe dimensions and ballast water flow values. This ensures that isokinetic flow conditions exist in the sample tube. The correct target sample flows for your specific installation are found in the sample taking procedure in Part III, Appendix H.3. The target sample flows are calculated from the ballast water flow, the main pipe diameter and the diameter of the sample tube as follows: 𝑄𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 = 𝑄𝑚𝑎𝑖𝑛 ∗ (

𝐷𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 2 ) 𝐷𝑚𝑎𝑖𝑛

Dsample is either ø12 or ø25, depending on the diameter of the main pipe. The target sample flows are specified for three values of Qmain: 1. The nominal TRCs 2. ⅔ of TRC 3. ⅓ of TRC Dmain (mm) Corresponds to DN flange size of outlet valve

Dsample (mm) 12 or 25 mm depending on BWMS model

Qmain (m3/h) TRC ⅔ TRC ⅓ TRC

Qsample (m3/h) QTRC QFlow ⅔TRC QFlow ⅓TRC

Table 30 - Example of target flow values for isokinetic sampling

Correct sample flows for other ballast water flow values can be calculated from the formula above.


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7.10 Other operations The ballast water pump(s) might be used for operations that do not require treatment, such as internal transfer, drill water discharge, water to foam system, etc. In systems where such operations are required, there will be a function (button) marked “Other operations” to activate a signal to the BWMS, so that no alarm will be given when the bypass valve is opened. The IAS system must be programmed to close the main overboard valve while the BWMS bypass valve is open in order to avoid illegal dumping of untreated water. The system will be automatically reset to normal when the bypass valve is closed and “other operations” cancelled after the end of that operation. Time and duration for the operation will be logged in the BWMS control system. Never activate “Other operations” while the system is in operation. Complete or stop the ongoing operation before switching to “Other operations” mode.


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8 Maintenance To ensure optimum performance it is important to follow the recommendations below, regarding proper operation and maintenance routines. All maintenance activities are to be noted in the maintenance log.

8.1 Maintenance tasks after operation After completion of all ballast water operations before or after a voyage, the system must be flushed with freshwater to prevent corrosion. The flushing operation is described in section 7.7. Failure to perform the freshwater flushing increases the risk of corrosion and promotes fouling of internal components. Always perform freshwater flushing after operation. It is good practice to operate the UV chamber wipers when shutting down the BWMS to ensure that the UV lamp quartz tubes are clean and free from fouling. Manual wipers should be operated as instructed in section 7.8.1. Electrical wipers are operated automatically by the control system. The estimated labour burden and required training for the freshwater flushing is: • •

No special training required The flushing operation is automatic and requires only a single press on a button to activate.

8.2 Scheduled maintenance Maintenance of the BWMS should be planned and managed through the vessel maintenance planning system. All scheduled maintenance should be logged through the vessel maintenance planning system. The necessary scheduled maintenance activities are detailed below.

8.2.1 Maintenance at weekly intervals Perform a visual inspection of all parts of the BWMS: • •

Check freshwater and air pipe connections for leakage. Check main pipework for leaks at flange connections to components

The estimated labour burden and required training for the weekly maintenance is: • • •

The inspection can be carried out by a single person The person performing the inspection must be familiar with the P&ID and have a basic knowledge of shipboard piping installation. The inspection can be carried out in less than 30 minutes.

8.2.2 Maintenance at monthly intervals • •

Check operation of valves by selecting the Service menu at the local panel, open and close one valve at the time. Operate the wiper mechanism on the UV chamber to clear away any accumulated fouling from the UV lamps. See section 7.8 for operation of the wiper system


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Run a flushing sequence for refreshing the freshwater. Check the function of the cooling fan in cabinet doors. Change or clean air filters in cooling fans if dirty.

The estimated labour burden and required training for the monthly maintenance is: • • •

The maintenance operations can be carried out by a single person. The person performing the maintenance must be familiar with the P&ID and be trained in the operation of the BWMS. The maintenance can be carried out in less than 60 minutes.

8.2.3 Maintenance at 6 months intervals Perform all of the scheduled maintenance activities listed above, and in addition: •

Perform a thorough check of electrical connections, earth connections and fastening of cabinets, piping connections and clamping, retighten as required.

The estimated labour burden and required training for the bi-annual maintenance is: • • •

The maintenance operations can be carried out by a single person. The person performing the maintenance must be familiar with the P&ID and be trained in the operation of the BWMS, and in addition be certified for work on electrical installations. The maintenance can be carried out in less than 2 hours.

8.2.4 Maintenance at yearly intervals Perform all of the scheduled maintenance activities listed above, and in addition: • •

Check filter body and UV chamber for leaks and signs of corrosion or damage. Open the particle filter and inspect for corrosion, wear and damage. Check all internal surfaces for signs of corrosion, wear and damage. (See Part III, Appendix D.1 section 8.5) Check the condition of the sacrificial anodes on the filter. Replace the anode if worn. See Part III, Appendix D.1 section 8.6 for details and note that the filter manufacturers recommended 6 month inspection interval is extended to 12 months because the system is preserved with freshwater between operations.

The estimated labour burden and required training for the yearly maintenance is: • • •

The maintenance operations is preferably carried out by two persons. The persons performing the maintenance must be familiar with the P&ID and be trained in work on ship systems and pipework. The maintenance can be carried out in less than 2 hours (4 manhours).

8.2.5 Maintenance at 5 year intervals Perform all of the scheduled maintenance activities listed above, and in addition: • •

Clean the filter basket if fouling or deposits have accumulated. See Part III, Appendix D.1 section 8.5 Replace the filter anode unless replaced during previous yearly maintenance.

The estimated labour burden and required training for the 5 year maintenance is: 75

BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100 • • •

The maintenance operations is preferably carried out by two persons. The persons performing the maintenance must be familiar with the P&ID and be trained in work on ship systems and pipework. The maintenance can be carried out in less than 4 hours (8 manhours).

8.2.6 Maintenance indicated by warnings In addition to the regularly scheduled maintenance, the BWMS control system will generate warnings when maintenance is required based on accumulated operating hours. This includes the UV lamps, which should routinely be replaced after approximately 3000 running hours to ensure optimum efficiency and UV light intensity. The relevant warnings and corrective actions are summarised in Table 31 below. ID Misc_2

Alarm text Too long since last automatic backflush


Increasing difference pressure detected across filter


UVUnit 1: Wiper request maintenance


UVUnit 1: Lamps request maintenance


UVUnit 1: Replace battery

Recommended action Initiate a backflush cycle manually. If condition persists: Check condition of filter insert. Lack of automatic backflushing is due to low pressure build-up in filter, something which may indicate a damaged filter insert. See Part III, Appendix D.1, section 8.5 Estimated labor burden to inspect filter insert: 4 hours. Filter insert is partly clogged. Rinse filter insert as recommended by manufacturer. See Part III, Appendix D.1 section 8.5 Estimated labour burden to rinse filter insert: 6 hours The wiper rings in the automatic wiper mechanism have reached their lifetime limit and should be replaced. Replace wiper rings and shaft seal at earliest opportunity. See Part III, Appendix C.1 section 6.2.3 Estimated labour burden to replace wiper rings: 3 hours The UV lamps have reached their default/safe lifetime limit and should be replaced. Schedule replacement at earliest opportunity. See Part III, Appendix C.1 section 8. Estimated labour burden to replace UV lamps: 2 hours The UV controller uses an internal battery for internal backup. The battery voltage is dropping and the battery should be replaced to avoid a loss of UV controller settings stored in memory. Schedule replacement of battery at earliest opportunity. Please contact NGT for guidance.

Table 31 - Alarms indicating a need for maintenance

Please note that the efficiency of the UV lamps will decline with time. If the system constantly operates at full UV power and/or near the lower UV intensity limit, it may be an indication that the lamps are nearing the end of their useful lifetime, regardless of the accumulated running hours.

8.3 Calibration and zeroing of measurement device The BWMS is equipped with sensors for monitoring of UV light intensity, water temperature, pressure and flow, as described in section 4.1. The sensors are all factory calibrated and no re-calibration is necessary or possible under normal operating conditions.


BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100 Calibration of sensors requires specialist tools and knowledge. If you suspect erroneous measurements from a sensor, you must first replace the sensor to restore correct operation. Contact NGT for advice on correct replacement parts and how to repair or recalibrate the faulty sensor for future re-use.

The zero point for each sensor can be checked as described below.

8.3.1 UV sensor Check the zero point for the UV sensor by reading the UV intensity in the UV unit dialog box (pos 10 on Figure 6) on the BWMS main control screen. When the UV unit is OFF, the UV intensity reading must be 0 w/m2.

8.3.2 Water temperature sensor The water temperature in the UV chamber is monitored by means of a PT100 temperature sensor. The measurements of the PT100 must be checked against an independent measurement of the water temperature. The suggested procedure is: 1. Remove the PT100 sensor from the UV chamber 2. Expose the sensor to a source with a known temperature and check the readings on the LOCAL control screen.

8.3.3 Pressure transducers Check the zero point for the pressure transducers by reading the pressure at the filter inlet and filter outlet (pos 2, pos 7 and pos 12 on Figure 7) on the BWMS detailed control screen. When the BWMS is in standby state (pos 16 on Figure 6), PT1 and PT2 readings must be 0 bar.

8.3.4 Flowmeter Check the zero point for the flow meter by reading the flow (pos 11 on Figure 6) on the BWMS main control screen. When the BWMS is in standby state (pos 16 on Figure 6), and the outlet valve is fully closed (pos 12 on Figure 6), the flow reading must be 0 m3/h.

8.3.5 Conductivity sensor The conductivity sensor is factory calibrated and not subject for any recalibration after installation. If frequent alarms related to measured conductivity occurs, please contact NGT for further support.


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8.4 Necessary tools A special winch handle for manual actuation of the filter backflushing mechanism is delivered with the filter for use in case of a fault in the automatic backflushing system. The winch handle is illustrated in below:

Figure 33 - Winch handle for manual operation of filter

When handling the UV quartz glasses, UV lamps and UV sensor, it is imperative that clean cotton gloves or similar is used to avoid touching the UV components directly. Other necessary tools include only hand- and electric tools which are normally found in well assorted on-board workshops: • • • • • • • •

Multimeter Measurement equipment (caliper, thickness gauges etc). Assorted metric screwdrivers (flat head, Philips) Metric Allen wrench for socket head screws Metric wrench and socket set for hex-head screws Adjustable torque wrenches for controlled tightening, covering 0-600 Nm range Rubber and nylon head mallet High pressure washer equipment with adjustable pressure for cleaning of filter basket


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8.5 Spare parts In order to comply with the Type Approval, only OEM spare parts can be used and obtained through official NGT channels. See section 1.3.2 for contact information for NGT aftermarket services and local agents. When presenting an inquiry for spare parts, please present the Project and Serial No. stated on the BWMS identification plate on the spare parts order.

8.6 Repairs Certain repairs, listed in this section, can be made by the ship’s crew or by yard personnel using original spare parts provided by NGT. Repairs on internal components in the control cabinets, the UV chambers, or major overhauls of the filter should be left to qualified service personnel from, or appointed by, NGT. Safe and correct function and compliance with the ballast water convention cannot be guaranteed if unauthorized repairs are made.

8.6.1 Replacement of filter elements It is recommended to inspect the filter insert every year, to visually observe the condition and specially look for defects or damaged areas in the filter mesh. The following alarms / warnings calls for filter element inspection: Misc_2: Too long since last automatic backflush: • •

Indicates that the differential pressure over the filter element has been bellow threshold for backflushing for a long time, more than 50 hours of operation. This can be an indication of damages in the filter mesh, preventing differential pressure to build up.

Misc_3: High difference pressure detected across filter •

Filter element may be clogged and backflush piping may not open correctly.

The procedure for opening of filter housing and replacement of filter element is described in Part III, Appendix D.1 chapter 8 with special attention to chapter 8.5.

8.6.2 Replacement of UV lamps The following alarms / warnings calls for UV lamp replacement: UV1_16: UVUnit 1: Lamps request maintenance •

This warning indicates that lamp life time has passed standard threshold (3000 hours). It is recommended to replace lamps. This is a warning and if ignored, next level will be alarm that intensity gets too low.

UV1_25: UVUnit1: UVUnit 1: UV intensity nearing minimum for current flow & UV1_2:UVUnit 1: Intensity below minimum •

These alarms occur when UV intensity drops below warning and alarm limits and full power has been applied. If wiping has been performed as normal and water quality (UV79

BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100 transmission) is not too low, this is an indication that lamp efficiency is declining and that lamps should be replaced. UV1_18-23: UVUnit 1: Lamp group 1..n failure •

Each lamp group consist of two or three lamps. This alarm indicates that there is no current going through the two lamps coupled in series. If electric circuits are intact, this is an indication that one of the lamps are defect.

UV1_9: UVUnit 1: All lamps failure •

This alarm indicates that there is no current going through any of the lamp groups. If electric circuits are intact, this is an indication that several lamps are defect.

Procedure for opening of UV chamber and replacement of UV lamps is described in Part III, Appendix C.1 chapter 8 with special attention to chapter 8.1 and 8.3.

8.6.3 Replacement of quartz sleeves Broken quartz sleeves will in most situations result in water leakage from the UV chamber. Procedure for opening of UV chamber and replacement of UV quartz sleeves is described in Part III, Appendix C.1 chapter 8 with special attention to chapter 8.2.

8.6.4 Replacement of pressure sensors and conductivity sensor The following alarms / warnings calls for pressure sensor replacement: Misc_4: Low difference pressure detected across filter - check sensors •

This warning is related to the unlikely measurement that pressure before filter is lower than pressure after filter. It should be investigated if there can be a practical reason for this to happen, if not it may be the result of a defective pressure sensor.

Sensor_1: Possible fault for Pressure sensor filter outlet •

This alarm indicates that the analog signal from pressure sensor is outside of the 4-20 mA measurement range. Faulty electric circuits may be a reason for this alarm, or it may be the result of a defective pressure sensor.

Sensor_2: Possible fault for Pressure sensor filter inlet •

This alarm indicates that the analog signal from pressure sensor is outside of the 4-20 mA measurement range. Faulty electric circuits may be a reason for this alarm, or it may be the result of a defective pressure sensor.

Sensor_3: Possible fault for Pressure sensor freshwater flushing •

This alarm indicates that the analog signal from pressure sensor is outside of the 4-20 mA measurement range. Faulty electric circuits may be a reason for this alarm, or it may be the result of a defective pressure sensor.


BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100 Sensor_5: Possible fault for Conductivity sensor •

This alarm indicates that the analog signal from conductivity sensor is outside of the 4-20 mA measurement range. Faulty electric circuits may be a reason for this alarm, or it may be the result of a defective sensor.

The procedure for replacement of sensors is as follows: 1. BWMS must be in stop state. Then secure that system cannot be started by setting system to local mode and switching of power switches. 2. BWMS must be depressurized and emptied of water. 3. Disconnect electric connection to sensor. 4. Dismount sensor by use of proper wrench key. 5. Mount new sensor by use of proper wrench key. 6. Reconnect electric connection to sensor. 7. Refill BWMS with water again, e.g. by use of automatic flushing. 8. Reset BWMS by switching on power switches and setting desired mode.

8.6.5 Replacement of solenoid valve The following alarms / warnings calls for solenoid valve inspection / replacement: Valve1..n: Missing feedback on Valve 1.. n •

This alarm indicates that the feedback signal from the corresponding valve is not correct. Check electric circuits and position feedback sensor. Check connected instrument air and pressure of this. If these are ok, check the solenoid valve.

Procedure for replacement of solenoid valve is as follows: 1. BWMS must be in stop state. Then secure that system cannot be started by setting system to local mode and switching of power switches. 2. Isolate and depressurise system air supply, secure from accidental opening. 3. Disconnect electric plug on solenoid valve. 4. Dismount solenoid valve by use of proper Allen Wrench. 5. Mount new solenoid valve by use of proper Allen Wrench. 6. Connect electric plug to solenoid valve. 7. Reset BWMS by switching on power switches and setting desired mode. 8. Open supply of system air again

8.6.6 Adjustment to or replacement of valve position feedback sensor The following alarms / warnings calls for valve position feedback sensor inspection / replacement: Valve_1..n: Missing feedback on Valve 1.. n •

This alarm indicates that feedback signal from corresponding valve is not correct. Check electric circuits and solenoid valve. Check connected instrument air and pressure of this. If these are ok investigate further the position feedback sensor.

The procedure for adjustment of feedback sensor is as follows: 1. BWMS must be in stop state. Then secure that system cannot be started by setting system to local mode and switching of power switches. 81

BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100 2. Set valve to open or close position 3. Check that corresponding sensor (micro switch) is activated. If not turn on wheel for adjustment of cam activating the sensor. 4. Set valve to opposite position (open/close). 5. Check that corresponding sensor (micro switch) is activated. If not turn on wheel for adjustment of cam activating the sensor. 6. Close feedback sensor box by use of proper tools wrench- / Allen Wrench. 7. Reset BWMS by switching on power switches and setting desired mode. The procedure for replacement of feedback sensor is as follows: 1. BWMS must be in stop state. Then secure that system cannot be started by setting system to local mode and switching of power switches. 2. Disconnect electric wiring to feedback sensor. 3. Dismount feedback sensor by use of proper tools wrench- / Allen Wrench. 4. Mount new feedback sensor by use of proper wrench- / Allen Wrench. 5. Connect electric wiring to feedback sensor. 6. Reset BWMS by switching on power switches and setting desired mode.


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9 Alarms and trouble shooting All alarms are displayed locally on the BWMS touch screen. When the BWMS to IAS communication is hardwired, alarms from the BWMS can be treated as common warning/alarms in the IAS. When the BWMS to IAS communication is through Modbus, important alarms, with text and status, are passed to the IAS. Alarms in the treatment control system are divided into two main categories, “warnings” and “errors”. The two types of alarms are easily separated by their "LEVEL" category in the alarm list. •

A warning is an alarm that is not necessarily disruptive to system operation, but functions as a notification that an unwanted condition is about to occur. It is also used to give general information concerning events that hinder the system from operating, but are easily remedied. An error is an alarm that is disruptive of proper operation of the treatment system. If such an error occurs, one or more aspects of the treatment system will not work properly, or at all. Errors can also occur if the system has not been properly monitored – and some physical variable (for instance too low flow for too long) has caused a malfunction in the treatment system.

Alarms can have several statuses: Status “UNACK-SET”


Description “UNACK-SET” is an alarm that is set and has not yet been acknowledged by the operator. It will not disappear when acknowledged, simply change its state. “SET” is an alarm that is set, but has been acknowledged by the operator – it will disappear once the event that caused the alarm has been remedied. “UNACK” is an alarm that is no longer set, but has not yet been acknowledged by the operator. It will disappear when acknowledged. Alarms which are both acknowledged and not set (i.e. the alarm condition is no longer existing) will be given the status "OK" in the log and disappear from the active alarm list on the alarms page. Table 32 - Summary of possible alarm statuses

• •

Unacknowledged alarms appear in red text. Acknowledged alarms appear in yellow text.

On the BWMS LOCAL screen, the alarms can be acknowledged in two ways: • •

Alarms can be acknowledged individually by double-clicking (tapping) anywhere on a line. All alarms can be acknowledged together by pressing the "Acknowledge all" button (pos. 6 on Figure 13)


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9.1 Alarm list The outcome of BWMS warnings or errors depends on the criticality level of the condition. In general: • • • •

Warnings are typically assigned the "Minor" criticality Errors are assigned the "Major" category With a minor warning, the operator need not take any action but is warned that an unusual situation has occurred. With a major error, operator action is required. The BWMS will normally be allowed to continue and complete the current operation, but will not be able to start a new operation until the error is corrected

The complete list of outcomes is: Outcome Continue Continue w. alarm Continue – No start


Filter protection – Stop

Description Current operation continues without interruption. Current operation continues but an alarm is set. The cause should be investigated and corrected at first opportunity. Current operation can be completed but the BWMS will not be able to start a new operation until the cause is found and corrected. Typically applies to feedback signal failures. The BWMS will perform an ordinary stop sequence and request that the ballast water pump is stopped. Typically applies when an error occurs during initialisation before an operation and there is no risk of discharge of untreated water. The BWMS will open filter bypass valve (V3), to protect filter mesh from any damages related to high pressure. The BWMS will perform an ordinary stop sequence and request that the ballast water pump is stopped. Typically applies when an error occurs during initialisation before an operation and there is no risk of discharge of untreated water. Table 33 - Description of BWMS alarm outcomes


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9.1.1 Warnings The list of warnings (minor criticality) for the BWMS control system is: ID

Alarm / Warning text



Set point

Delay [s]


Operation could not start, check if a ballast pump is running





Arming delay [s] 0


Too long since last automatic backflush No or reduced treatment detected



30 min.



Service/Maintenance mode active Flow below minimum recommended for backflushing Flow below minimum recommended for discharging Operation inhibited condition detected








24-181 m3/h





2-102 m3/h



Depends on BWMS size. See Part III, appendix A.1


Continue – No start





Illegal ballast valve combination detected






Increasing difference pressure detected across filter



0.7 bar




Flow above system rating detected Flow above system rating detected










UVUnit 1: Water getting warm



Current TRC Current TRC + 2.5% Bool (50° C)

General warning which is set when one or more alarms of category "Continue – No start" has occurred. An illegal combination of valve positions for monitored valves was detected. Illegal combinations are vessel specific and defined by class authority on project level. Increasing pressure difference indicates a partially clogged filter mesh. Risk of exceeding filter maximum pressure. Notification only: System is operating at maximum TRC. System is operating above maximum TRC.




UVUnit 1: Cabinet getting warm



Bool (50° C)




UVUnit 1: Wiper request maintenance






UVUnit 1: Lamps request maintenance UVUnit 1: Replace battery







Bool (8000 cycles) Bool (3000 h) Bool



UVUnit 1: UV intensity nearing minimum for current flow



Bool (variable)




Misc_9 Misc_10







Table 34 - List of BWMS warnings


Cause / comment

A ballast pump is already running before BWMS is started. BWMS will remain in InitFilling/InitDischarge state until pump is stopped and restarted. Pre-set time interval between backflushing was exceeded Warning which is set if the operator selects to continue filling or discharge with UV intensity below limit. (Dialog box on error UV1_2, see Figure 34 - UV-I Below Limit) Control mode selection is set to "Service" Depends on BWMS size. See Part III, appendix A.1

Water in UV chamber approaching temperature limit. Air temperature in cabinet approaching temperature limit. Pre-set / default maximum wiper cycle count Pre-set / default lamp life setting Backup battery in UV controller is discharged and must be replaced. Set point is current UV-I limit +10%. Depends on TRC and/or flow reduction step.

BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100 The set points defined as "Bool" are Boolean values passed to the BWMS controller from either the UV controller or the IAS. They evaluate to either 0 (false / un-set) or 1 (true / set). Variable set points are used for the flow and UV intensity limits which are varied. The current flow value is passed to the UV controller and the appropriate set point value is set.

Figure 34 - UV-I Below Limit

If the operator opts to continue an operation with UV intensity below the limit, the UV treatment is insufficient to ensure that the ballast water is complying with the ballast water standard. This means that the ballast water cannot be legally discharged, and the event log will contain an entry marked: “No or reduced treatment allowed by operator”. Ignoring the UV intensity limit should only be done when safety considerations dictate that ballast water operations must continue regardless of treatment status. The officer in charge must make an entry in the ballast water log stating the date and reason for the non-compliant operation.


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9.1.2 Errors The list of errors for the BWMS control system is: ID

Alarm text



Set point

Delay [s]


Boll filter motor: overload detected


Continue No start



Arming delay [s] 0


Boll filter motor: missing running signal Backflush pump: overload detected


Continue No start





Continue No start




Backflush pump: missing running signal Communication error with IO node 1 Communication error with UV Unit 1 High difference pressure detected across filter Low difference pressure detected across filter - check sensors Flow too low to run UV unit(s) Flow above system rating detected


Continue No start














Timeout limit for Modbus signal


Filter protection - stop

1.0 bar



Filter insert are clogged. Risk of damage to filter


Continue w. alarm

-3 bar



Unexpected pressure difference value. May indicate a sensor error







2-102 m3/h Current TRC + 5%

60°C: Open = 0 V

Action If open then Warning: UV1_5 Log entry. If open then Error: UV1_11, Log entry.

0s Table 47 - UV cabinet monitoring parameters


Comment BWMS continues operation. Similar alarms for UVUnit2 when installed. BWMS enters “Stop” mode. Similar alarms for UVUnit2 when installed.

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9.3.11 Temperature monitoring in the UV chamber The UV controller monitors the water temperature in the UV chamber by means of a PT100 element installed in the UV chamber. The PT100 signal is routed through a temperature controller / signal conditioning unit in the UV control cabinet. The temperature controller converts the PT100 voltage signal to a 4-20 mA signal which is read by the UV controller. Based on pre-set temperature limits, the UV controller triggers a warning when the water temperature exceeds the warning limit and an error when the temperature exceeds the error limit. In case of a temperature sensor malfunction or cable break, the temperature controller will failsafe to a current ≤ 3,5 mA which will be interpreted by the UV controller as a sensor error and trigger a stop mode. Parameter PT100 scaling

Value 0° C = 4 mA 100° C = 20 mA


UV chamber temperature warning limit

50°C = 12 mA

UV chamber temperature, error limit

60°C = 13,6 mA

PT100 error detection

I ≤ 3,8 mA

If I > 12mA then Warning: UV1_4 Log entry. If I > 13,6 mA then Error: UV1_10, Log entry. If I ≤ 3,8 mA then Error: UV1_26, Log entry


Comment Analog input to UV controller. Voltage signal from PT100 converted to mA by temperature controller BWMS continues operation. Similar alarms for UVUnit2 when installed. BWMS enters “Stop” mode. Similar alarms for UVUnit2 when installed. BWMS enters “Stop” mode. Similar alarms for UVUnit2 when installed.

0s Table 48 - UV chamber monitoring parameters


BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100

9.4 Troubleshooting for filling operations In case of trouble during a "Filling" operation, you must perform the following troubleshooting and fault detection activities: 1. If the BWMS does not enter InitFilling or remains in InitFilling significantly longer than 5 minutes (the UV warm up time), the operator should check: • • • •

Is the ballast water pump running? Is the BWMS bypass valve closed? Is the flow stable and above the minimum limit? Are there any alarms pertaining to the UV lamps which prevent the UV from warming up and running normally? If a lamp is broken, the UV will not start.

2. If the BWMS valves V1, V2, V3, V4, V5 and V10 are not in their expected position (see Table 26) or if a feedback signal is missing, the BWMS will either not enter, or will remain in the InitFilling state depending on when the valve fault is registered. You must then: • • • • •

Check that there is air and power supply to the valves Visually inspect the valves and record their status / position Compare the status shown on the touch screen to the actual status Check against the expected position Deviations indicate either a malfunctioning valve or malfunctioning feedback sensor on the valve. The valve must be serviced or replaced. See section 8.6.6 for information on feedback sensor adjustment

3. If the filter backflushes continuously or at very short intervals, the filter insert is in danger of becoming completely clogged. •

The filter should be inspected and cleaned at the earliest opportunity. See Part III, Appendix D.1 section 8.5


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9.5 Troubleshooting for discharge mode In case of trouble during a "Discharge" operation, you must perform the following troubleshooting and fault detection activities: 1. If the BWMS does not enter InitDischarge or remains in InitDischarge significantly longer than 5 minutes (the UV warm up time), the operator should check: • • • •

Is the ballast water pump running? Is the BWMS bypass valve closed? Is the flow stable and above the minimum limit? Are there any alarms pertaining to the UV lamps which prevent the UV from warming up and running normally? If a lamp is broken or not igniting, the UV will not start.

2. If the BWMS valves V1, V2, V3, V4, V5 and V10 are not in their expected position (see Table 26) or if a feedback signal is missing, the BWMS will either not enter, or will remain in the InitDischarge state depending on when the valve fault is registered. You must then: • • • • •

Check that there is air and power supply to the valves Visually inspect the valves and record their status / position Compare the status shown on the touch screen to the actual status Check against the expected position Deviations indicate either a malfunctioning valve or malfunctioning feedback sensor on the valve. The valve must be serviced or replaced. See section 8.6.6 for information on feedback sensor adjustment


BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100

9.6 Troubleshooting for stripping mode In case of trouble during a stripping operation, you must perform the troubleshooting and fault detection activities for the “Discharge” mode, with the following modifications: 1. If the BWMS does not enter InitStripping or remains in InitStripping significantly longer than 5 minutes (the UV warm up time), the operator should check: • Is the ejector pump running? • Is the BWMS bypass valve closed? • Is the flow stable and above the minimum limit for UV operation? • Are there any alarms pertaining to the UV lamps which prevent the UV from warming up and running normally? If a lamp is broken or not igniting, the UV will not start. 2. If the BWMS valves V1, V2, V3, V4, V5 and V10 are not in their expected position (see Table 26) or if a feedback signal is missing, the BWMS will either not enter, or will remain in the InitStripping state depending on when the valve fault is registered. You must then: • Check that there is air and power supply to the valves • Visually inspect the valves and record their status / position • Compare the status shown on the touch screen to the actual status • Check against the expected position • Deviations indicate either a malfunctioning valve or malfunctioning feedback sensor on the valve. The valve must be serviced or replaced. See section 8.6.6 for information on feedback sensor adjustment 3. If the flow is not above the minimum flow limit for UV operation, as listed in the technical specification, Part III, Appendix A.1, the UV-units will shut down to protect the UV lamps from overheating. The operator must then: • Check if the tank being stripped is empty • Switch to suction from a different tank, if relevant • Adjust ejector pump such that sufficient local water is taken in and circulated through the BWMS


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9.7 Troubleshooting for stop mode There are no mechanical faults which will prevent a stop order from being executed. Should valves malfunction, the UV lamps will power off as usual. Valves may remain in wrong positions, but this does not prevent stopping of the UV system. The BWMS will enter a state called "Stopping" while waiting for the flow to cease. If the flow does not drop below the lower flow limit (5-126 m3/h – see section 7.6) the BWMS will remain in the "Stopping" state until flow reduces below the limit. Should the UV unit or UV controller malfunction, the failsafe condition is shut down of the UV lamps.

9.8 Troubleshooting for flushing mode If the flushing cycle fails to complete, you should check the following: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Check that there is air and power supply to the valves Is there a freshwater supply? Active alarms related to PT3 and/or backflush pump? Are valves opening and closing correctly? Ref. section 7.7


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10 Data logging The control system continually logs operational data and various events. The logged data are stored for at least 24 months in a database on the internal hard drive of the control system onboard computer. As the log database fills up, the oldest entries are discarded to make room for newer entries.

10.1 Back-up of log data The application contains a scheduled back-up function which takes a snapshot of the log database and the application itself every 24 hrs. The snapshots can be stored to a USB memory stick or HDD connected to the BWMS controller. The USB memory stick or HDD can be removed for off-site back-up of the data. The back-ups will continue when the USB stick is re-inserted into the BWMS controller. This allows all data to be recovered in the event of damage to the BWMS controller hard drive.

10.2 Accessing the logs The logs are accessed through the “Logs” page on the main control screen interface as explained in section 5.1.4.

10.3 Contents of logs Every logged entry contains a date and time stamp indicating when the entry was logged. • •

Dates are logged using the format: YYYY-MM-DD Time is logged using the format: HH:MM:SS

The log contains the following categories: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

System Event Mode Alarm Filling Discharge Flow Intensity


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10.3.1 System log The system log is a summary of running times and operational status for the different components. This page is designed to provide “at-a-glance” information about the general status and performance of the system. All information on the system log tab can also be accessed and printed through the other log pages.

Figure 35 - System log tab


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10.3.2 Event log The event log contains entries for events occurring in the system. Examples of this are: • • • •

An operation was started or stopped. A UV unit was started or stopped Control mode was changed Filter was backflushed

Figure 36 - Event log tab

The complete list of possible entries is:


BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100 Event category Control mode

Event text

Description or reference Section 6.1


Service mode was selected Remote control was selected Local control was selected Remote control was requested System flush was started System flush was stopped or finished Preparing for sampling Sampling preparation was stopped or finished Filling was started


Filling is active


Discharge was started


Discharging is active


Filling was canceled


Discharge was canceled


Filling was stopped


Discharging was stopped


Stripping is active


Stripping was started


Stripping was cancelled


Stripping was stopped

Operation Operation

Backflush pump started Backflush pump is running Backflush pump was stopped Boll filter motor started

Control mode Control mode Control mode Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance

Operation Operation

Section 6.1 and 7.2 Section 6.1 and 7.2 Section 6.1 and 7.2 Section 7.7 Section 7.7 Section 7.9 Section 7.9 “Start filling” order was given. System is in “InitFilling” state. Section 7.3 Filling is in progress. System is in “Filling” state. Section 7.3 “Start discharge” order was given. System is in “InitDischarge” state. Section 7.4 Discharge is in progress. System is in “Discharge” state. Section 7.4 Filling operation was stopped while system was still in “InitFilling” state. Section 7.3 Discharge operation was stopped while system was still in “InitDischarge” state. Section 7.4 Filling operation was stopped while system was in “Filling” state. Section 7.3 Discharge operation was stopped while system was in “Discharge” state. Section 7.4 Stripping operation is in progress. System is in “Stripping” state. Section 7.5 “Start stripping” order was given. System is in “InitStripping” state. Section 7.5 Stripping operation was stopped while system was still in “InitStripping” state. Section 7.5 Stripping operation was stopped while system was in “Stripping” state. Section 7.5 Start order given to backflush pump motor. Running signal from backflush pump motor relay received. Section 9.3.2 Stop order given to backflush pump motor and running signal lost/ceased. Start order given to particle filter motor.


BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100 Event category Operation Operation Operation Operation Operation Operation

Operation Operation

Operation System Treatment Treatment Treatment Treatment Treatment Treatment Treatment Treatment Treatment Treatment Treatment Treatment Treatment Treatment

Event text

Description or reference

Boll filter motor is running Boll filter motor stopped

Running signal from backflush pump motor relay received. Section9.3.3. Stop order given to particle filter motor and running signal lost/ceased. Backflush operation completed. “Other operation” mode was requested. Section 7.10

Backflushed Other operation activated Other operation ended

“Other operation” mode was completed. Section 7.10 UV Unit 1 is warming up UV lamps are warming up prior to filling or discharge. Normal warm-up duration is 5 min. Section 7.3, 7.4 and 7.5 UV Unit 1 is running UV units are operating normally UV Unit 1 is Cooling down UV unit was shut down due to a “Stop” order. UV units need a 10 min. cooling time before a re-start is possible. Possible service mode Valve positions indicate risk of discharge during discharging detected service mode. System boot detected The BWMS control system was rebooted due to user action or power failure. Bypass valve closed The main bypass valve was closed (from IAS or manually). Section 4.3.3 Bypass valve opened The main bypass valve was opened (from IAS or manually). Section 4.3.3 Flow reduction active Flow has been reduced. Section 6.3.5 No Flow Reduction active System operating at nominal flow. Section 6.3.5 UV Intensity nearing UV intensity is below warning limit. Section 6.3.5 minimum for UV unit 1 UV Intensity below UV intensity is below lower / error limit for current minimum for UV unit 1 flow. Section 6.3.5 No or reduced treatment UV intensity under limit and acknowledged by allowed by operator operator within 60 seconds. Section 6.3.5 Treatment restored UV-Intensity restored above minimum limit. Flow above system rating Maximum TRC reached or exceeded, Section 6.3.2 detected Flow rating restored Flow restored below allowable level. Treatment is in compliance. System is bypassed Main bypass valve is open and system is being bypassed. System bypass ended Main bypass valve is closed and system is no longer bypassed. System bypassed during Main bypass valve is open and system is being other operation bypassed while in “Other operations” mode. System bypassed during Main bypass valve is closed and system is no longer other operation ended bypassed while in “Other operations” mode.


BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100 Event category Treatment

Event text

Description or reference

Filling stopped due to high difference pressure

Possible clogged filter detected and filling stopped to protect filter. Section 9.3.5

Table 49 - Summary of possible event entries in event log


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10.3.3 Mode log The mode log contains entries for all changes between operating modes. The log shows the change from one mode to another, and the time spent in the mode that you changed from.

Figure 37 - Mode log tab

The mode log contains entries for changes between control modes only. The possible entries are: Mode text LocalControl



Description BWMS is controlled from the LOCAL touch screen on the BWMS main control cabinet. Automatic operating modes as described in section 7 are available BWMS is controlled from an IAS screen / operating station with the BWMS REMOTE interface enabled. Automatic operating modes as described in section 7 are available. BWMS is in service mode for maintenance and is controlled manually from the LOCAL touch screen on the BWMS control cabinet. Automatic operation modes are not available. All components can be operated manually and independently. Table 50 - Summary of possible control mode entries in Mode log


BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100

10.3.4 Alarm log Alarms are logged in the alarms log. The log contains information on alarm timestamp, alarm status as defined in section 9.1, the level (error or warning) and a descriptive text.

Figure 38 - Alarm log tab


BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100

10.3.5 Filling and discharge The filling and discharge logs contain process information. Examples of the filling and discharge logs are shown below. The backflush log has a similar structure. The logs contain information on start and stop time of each operation, the operating mode, elapsed time and total filled (or discharged) volume. In addition, flow, UV intensity are logged. Backflushing count and interval data are also logged for the filling operations.

Figure 39 - Filling log tab

Figure 40 - Discharge log tab


BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100

10.3.6 Flow and intensity logs The flow and intensity logs display actual, as-measured values of flow and intensity, logged over 30 second intervals during operation. The log entry contains the recorded min and max peaks and the calculated average value. These logs are useful for monitoring and spotting trends in the treatment process.

Figure 41 - Flow log tab

Figure 42 - Intensity log tab


BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100

10.3.7 Reading, printing and archive logs The logs can be read on screen or exported to pdf as explained in section 5.1.4. The generated pdf file can be saved to a USB memory stick or external hard drive for backup and export, and/or for printing. Be aware that you do not have access to the local file system on the BWMS controller PC from the GUI. You must save the pdf file to an external device, such as a USB memory stick or external hard drive and access it on a regular PC or laptop.


BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100

11 Appendices To be considered as part of User documentation Part II: A.

Technical Specifications


BWMS Technical specification


IAS interface specification


Alarm List


Software revision log


BWMS system documentation




Dimensional sketches – BWMS and main components


Bill of Materials


BWMS wiring diagram


Electrical diagram – BWMS main control cabinet


UV units


UV unit user manual


Dimensional sketches – UV unit main components


Electrical drawings – UV units


Handling of broken UV lamps


Particle filter and backflush pump


Filter user manual


Backflush pump user manual


BUREAU VERITAS Stamped document, refer to 1st page NGT Ballast Water Management System – User documentation part II: Operation, Safety & Maintenance manual BWMS capacity range 30-3100 E.

Instrumental measure units


Flow sensor user manual


Flow sensor calibration certificate


Pressure sensor calibration datasheet


Pressure sensor calibration certificate


Inductive conductivity transmitter datasheet


Inductive conductivity transmitter calibration certificate

F. Valves F.1

Valves datasheet


Dimensional sketches


Installation instructions


Tightening of bolted connections and installation of seals in flanged connections


Test procedures


Installation check-list


Functional test procedure


Sampling tube installation and sample taking procedure




IMO type approval certificate


USCG AMS Letter of acceptance


Approval of stripping procedure


Other class society and flag state approvals