Answer Key TB [PDF]

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ANSWER KEY TEST 1 1. I never thought of borrowing money from him. - It never occurred to me to borrow money from him. - Occur to somebody: If a thought or idea occurs to you, it comes to your mind. 2. Sheila is worried about the proposed changes at work - The prospect of changes at work makes Sheila worry. 3. Buenos Aires is much hotter than London. - London is nowhere near as hot as Buenos Aires. - Nowhere near: not in any way 4. I sure know the man’s name but I can’t quite remember it. - The man’s name is on the tip of my tongue. - On the tip of my tongue: you know it but can’t can remember it at the time you are speaking 5. That woman looks an awful lot like my mother. - That woman bears a close resemblance to my mother. - Bear a close resemblance to somebody: look like somebody 6. May is bound to pass her exam. - It’s a foregone conclusion that Mary will pass her exam. - Foregone conclusion: a result that is obvious before it happens


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7. Now that your situation is the same as mine, I don’t suppose you think it’s funny. - Now that we are both in the same boat, I don’t suppose you think it’s funny. - Be in the same boat: to be in the same unpleasant situation 8. This song reminds me of my trip to the South of France. - This song brings to mind my trip to the South of France. 9. Carolyn has accepted that she’ll never be selected for the team. - Carolyn has resigned herself to the fact that she’ll never be selected for the team. - Resign oneself to the fact that: to accept something that is bad and that cannot be changed 10. He made a mistake of thinking he could do anything he liked around here. - He ran away with the impression that he could do anything he liked around here. - Run away with the idea/ impression: to believe that something is true when it is not 11. The agricultural plan will cause a lot of objections from dairy farmers. - The agricultural plan will give rise to a lot of objections from dairy farmers. - Give rise to something: cause something or induce something to happen 12. It was impossible to tell from her papers who she really was. - Her papers gave no clue as to her true identity. - Give no clue to: cannot help to clarify something


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13. It’s the easiest thing in the world, just don’t be afraid. - There is nothing to it; just don’t be afraid. 14. Several local residents are against the council’s plans to build a bypass. - Several local residents have voiced their objections to the council’s plans. 15. If you had phrased your remark more tactfully, he wouldn’t have been offended by it. - He wouldn’t have taken offence if you had phrased your remark more tactfully. 16. In all likelihood the board of directors will choose Derek rather than Neil. - The chances are that the board of directors will choose Derek rather than Neil. 17. The old schoolhouse is in very bad condition and the council should do something about it. - The old schoolhouse has fallen into decay and the council should do something about it. - Fall into decay: to become gradually damaged 18. I just cannot understand why she said that. - I am at a loss to explain why she said that - At a loss to do something: don’t know how to do something 19. You must make sure this never happens again or there will be trouble. - Please see to it that this never happens again or there will be trouble. - See to something: to do something that has to be done


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20. This hotel could do with a facelift. - This hotel has seen better days. - Have seen better days: to be old and in bad condition

TEST 2 1. The press claim he was present when the signing took place. - According to the press he was on the spot when the signing took place. - On the spot: at that moment or place 2. The doctor says Harry’s health is improving. - According to the doctor, Harry’s health is showing signs of improvement. 3. However much I try to figure it out, I still have no idea how he did it. - However much I try to figure it out, it still beats me how he did it. 4. What he said is evidence of the fact that he’s a liar. - What he said bears witness to the fact that he’s a liar. - Bear witness to the fact: prove that it’s true 5. He conceded that, in retrospect, he had made the wrong decision. - He conceded that, with hindsight, he had made the wrong decision. - Hindsight: the ability to understand 6. Our photocopier frequently breaks down. - Our photocopier is prone to breaking down. - Be prone to something: likely to suffer from an illness or show a particular negative characteristic 7. We went to say our last goodbye to the great statesman at his funeral. - We went to pay our last respects to the great statesman at his funeral.


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- If you pay your last respects to someone who has just died, you show your respect or affection for them by coming to see their body or their grave. 8. Hobbs disobeyed orders and now he’s suffering for it. - Hobbs is now paying the penalty for disobeying orders. - Pay the penalty for something: to experience the consequences of one’s actions or misdeeds. 9. I have to write everything out in triplicate and I’m completely fed up with it. - I’m sick to death of having to write everything out in triplicate. - Sick to death of someone or something: exceedingly wearied by, bored of or exasperated with someone or something 10. The trouble with Thomas is that he has such a pessimistic outlook on everything. - The trouble with Thomas is that he always looks on the dark side of everything. - Look on the dark side of something: be pessimistic about something 11. Jenkins is the first person to have scored so many goals in the history of the school team. - Jenkins broke all the time record for scoring so many goals in the history of the school team. - Break the record: to do something that is better, faster than anything that has been done before 12. Henry is really angry with Freddie again. - Freddie is in Henry’s bad books again. - Be in somebody’s bad books: to have fallen out of favor with someone due to having offended or mistreated them.


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13. When threatened, chameleons do not move a muscle. - Chameleons stay as still as a statue when threatened. - Stay as still as a statue: not moving 14. We should make a move before dad gets home. - We’d better get weaving before dad gets home. - If you tell someone to get weaving, you either want them to start something or to do something. 15. Plans are in progress for a new children’s hospital. - Plans are under way for a new children’s hospital. - Be under way: be in progress 16. It’s time you realized that he has no intention of paying money back. - It’s time you woke up to the fact that he has no intention of paying that money back. - Wake up to the fact: realize the truth 17. The book is slow in the beginning but the action gets faster after a while. - The book is slow in the beginning but the action picks up speed after a while. - Pick up speed: go faster, accelerate 18. We are scheduled to discuss that matter at the next meeting. - That matter is on agenda for the next meeting. - Be on agenda: be scheduled to be talked about 19. Fiona will not join the strike because she thinks it is morally incorrect. - It is a matter of principle that she won’t join the strike.


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- A matter of principle: a situation that requires something be done a certain way because one believes it is the only right way 20. Real Madrid lost heavily to Barcelona in the quarter final. - Real Madrid suffered a defeat at the hands of Barcelona in the quarter final.

TEST 3 1. I can’t believe he said that to her face. - I can’t believe he came out with that to her face. Come out with something: say something 2. Try and forget the whole experience or it will upset you and your family. - Try and put the whole experience behind you or it will upset you and your family. 3. Don’t you think it’s time you went to bed, David? - Don’t you think it’s time you turned in, David? - Turn in: go to bed 4. I could just discern the figure of a man through the fog. - I could just make out the figure of a man through the fog. - Make out something/ someone: to see hear or understand something or someone with difficulty 5. Our plans to visit Jamaica this summer have fallen through again. - Our plans to visit Jamaica this summer have come to nothing again. - Come to nothing: to fail 6. He talked about nothing but the weather. - His sole topic of the conversation was the weather.


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7. The proposals are acceptable to everybody. - Nobody has raised any objections to the proposals. 8. The jumper you knitted for my daughter no longer fits her. - My daughter has grown out of that jumper you knitted for her. - Grow out of something: to become too tall or too big to wear or use something 9. The employment scheme proved to be unsuccessful after all. - The employment scheme met with no success after all. 10. Don’t forget those at work on this lovely, sunny day. - Spare a thought for those at work on this lovely, sunny day. 11. It is quite obvious that he’s doing no work whatsoever. - There’s no escaping the fact that he’s doing no work whatsoever. 12. Whatever you do, don’t mention the subject of his accident. - Whatever you do, don’t bring up the subject of his accident. - Bring up something: talk about something, mention something 13. Sue is always ready to help you out. - Sue is always ready to do you a good turn. - Do someone a good turn: to do something that helps, aids or benefits another person. 14. When we went to London, we visited all the interesting places. - We did all the sights when we went to London. - Do all the sights: visit all the attractive destinations of a place 15. These tools will accomplish the task in half the time.


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- These tools will do the trick in half the time. - Do the trick: achieve the required results 16. Edward might not agree to the proposal. - It’s open to doubt whether Edward will agree to the proposal. - Be open to doubt: has not been proved to be real or true 17. I took an aspirin for my toothache but it didn’t help at all. - I took an aspirin for my toothache but it didn’t make any difference at all. 18. He owed so much money that his business went bankrupt. - He was in such deep debt that his business went bankrupt. 19. You ‘ll have to manage with the old computer for a few more months. - You’ll have to make do with the old computer for a few more months. - Make do with something: to do as well as possible with someone or something 20. I managed to persuade John not to resign. - I managed to talk John out of resigning. - Talk someone out of something: persuade someone not to do something

TEST 4 1. So long as the examiner can read your handwriting, he’ll accept your answer. - Provided that your handwriting is legible the examiner will accept your answer. 2. What he said had nothing to do with the subject we were discussing. - What he said bore no relation to the subject we were discussing.


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- Bear no relation to something: be irrelevant to something 3. The board of directors is still thinking about the new salary proposals. - The new salary proposals are still under consideration by the board of directors. - Be under consideration: be thought about, be considered 4. Don’t sell your house until you have considered it carefully. - You should think twice before selling your house. 5. I object very strongly to what he said and I’ll let him know. - I take great exception to what he said and I’ll let him know. - Take exception to something: object strongly to, be offended by 6. I didn’t work long hours because I was aware of health risks. - I knew better than to work long hours because I was aware of health risks. - Know better than: be wise or polite enough to avoid doing a particular thing 7. They decided not to go by boat because they thought they would be seasick. - Their fear of being seasick prompted them not to go by boat. 8. It’s only to look at. You can’t use it, sir. - It’s only for show, not for use, sir. 9. He’s always happy to help you out. - He always shows willing to help you out. 10. Becoming the center of attraction was all he wanted. - Taking center stage was all he wanted. - Take center stage: to be at the center of attention


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11. Don’t forget that whatever happens, we mustn’t give up, Robin. - Don’t forget that whatever happens, the show must go on Robin. - The show must go on: said to encourage someone to continue with what they are doing 12. You would benefit from taking out holiday insurance. - It would be in your best interest to take out holiday insurance. 13. I’m afraid I’m just about to leave for work. - I’m afraid I’m just on the point of leaving for work. - Be on the point of doing something: to be going to do something very soon 14. Twelve people lost their jobs in the company’s reorganization. - Twelve people were made redundant in the company’s reorganization. - Be made redundant: lose job 15. That city‘s worth visiting – it’s got just about everything. - That city‘s worth visiting – it has a lot going for it. 16. He speaks the English language well. - He has a good command of the English language. - Have a good command of something: to be knowledgeable about or skilled in a particular area or thing 17. I think we’re going back to where we started, Robert. - I think we’re going round in circles, Robert. 18. I don’t have to give him any money until the end of next week. - There is no need for me to give him any money until the end of next week. 19. His accident ruined any hopes of an international career.


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- His accident put paid to any hopes of an international career. - Put paid to something: to finish or destroy something 20. I think at least the minister should attend the meeting for a short time. - I think at least the minister should put in an appearance at the meeting. - Put in an appearance: to attend something

TEST 5 1. I tried to make her feel comfortable but in vain. - I tried to put her at ease but in vain. - Put someone at ease: make someone feel calm and relaxed 2. It’s impossible to express it in another way, Mr. Dean. - It’s impossible to put it differently Mr. Dean. 3. You are on your own! I’m not going to save you this time. - You are on your own! I’m not coming to your rescue this time. 4. Your car license has expired, sir. - Your car license is out of date, sir. 5. According to Joe, her English will improve if she subscribes to that magazine. - Joe’s convinced that taking out a subscription to that magazine will help her English.

6. The pilot endangered all our lives during the flight. - The pilot put all our lives in danger during the flight. 7. Our getting the contract depends on Jonathan.


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- We are relying on Jonathan to get the contract for us. 8. A police car stopped outside the house. - A police car drew/pulled up outside the house. - Pull up (of a vehicle): stop, park 9. I don’t know the first thing about aeronautics. - I am totally ignorant of aeronautics. 10. Why Roy can’t accept the fact that he is incompetent? - Why can’t Roy face up to the fact that he is incompetent? 11. I know that it’s true because he told me himself. - I heard it from his own lips so I know that it’s true. 12. The prisoners have still not been captured. - The prisoners are still at large. - Be at large: be free, not in custody 13. We did nothing yesterday so we must do extra today. - We did nothing yesterday so we must make up for lost time today. - Make up for lost time: do something faster or more often in order to compensate for not having done it quickly or often enough before 14. He mentioned the delays we experienced last year. - He made a reference to the delays we experienced last year. - Make a reference to something: to mention something 15. Clap your hands and that dog will run away. - That dog will turn tail if you clap your hands. - Turn tail: to turn around and run away


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16. I didn’t go to their party because I didn’t feel like it. - Had I been in the mood, I would have gone to their party. - Be in the mood for something: feel like to do something 17. He came very close to having a fatal accident. - He came within an inch of having a fatal accident. 18. Nobody in the whole room blushed but me. - I was the only one to turn red in the whole room. - Turn red: to get red in the face because you are embarrassed 19. He was so angry his face changed color. - His anger caused him to go blue in the face. - Blue in the face: waste time and effort but get no results 20. It wasn’t my intention to be in the red for so long, Mr. Philips. - I did not mean to be in the red for so long, Mr. Philips. - In the red: spending more money than you earn

TEST 6 1. We simply cannot afford to buy a new car this year. - A new car is simply not in our budget this year.

2. Could you leave out the technical details and tell me how this battery works? - Without blinding me with science, can you tell me how this battery works? - Blind someone with science: to confuse someone by using difficult or technical words to describe something


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3. The technical staff went on strike in sympathy with the pilots. - The technical staff came out in support of the pilots. - Come out: express one’s opinion 4. They had planned to stay two months in India at first. - Their original intention was to stay two months in India. 5. I doubt that they will turn down your invitation. - They will hardly turn down your invitation. Turn down: refuse, reject 6. The project received the unanimous approval of the committee. - The committee was unanimously in favor of the project. 7. He was promoted to captain because he was a fine leader. - He was promoted to captain by virtue of his fine leadership qualities. 8. Everyone knows that Jesse Owens was one of the best athletes ever. - Jesse Owens was by any standards one of the best athletes ever. 9. Nobody knows whether he will take part in the race or not. - It is by no means certain that he will take part in the race or not. 10. From what everyone says, he’s been to prison at least five times. - By all accounts he has been to prison at least five times. 11. David is too boring to join us on a weekend camping trip. - David is too much of a wet blanket to join us on a weekend camping trip. A wet blanket: a boring person 12. The management’s statement does not conform at all to previous policy. - The management’s statement is in total contrast to all previous policy.


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13. My father was serious when he told you not to come here again. - My father meant business when he told you not to come here again. 14. I knew it was a risky investment, but I didn’t expect to lose every penny. - Although I knew it was a risky investment, I didn’t bank on losing every penny. Bank on something: to expect something or depend on something happening 15. I was aware it was hard work, but I didn’t realize I had to work every weekend. - I did not bargain for working every weekend, though I was aware that it was hard work. Bargain for: be prepared for, expect 16. The cash dispenser hasn’t worked for weeks. - The cash dispenser has been out of order for weeks. 17. I always beat dad when we play chess. - I always get the better of dad at chess whenever we play. 18. Even though this passport has expired, they allowed him to travel on it. - Regardless of his out-of-date passport, they allowed him to travel on it. Out-of-date: outdated 19. When I last saw Jackson he was going to the park. - The last time I saw Jackson, he was making for the park Make for: go in the direction of 20. The landlord cheated them and wouldn’t give them their deposit back. - The landlord did them out of their deposit.


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Do out of: deceive in order to gain; prevent someone from having something; cause someone to lose something by cheating

TEST 7 1. I don’t know how he ‘ll ever compensate for what he’s done. - How he’ll ever make up for what he’s done is a mystery to me. Make up for: compensate for 2. It’s amazing how she’s managing to stay so strong during this difficult time. - What amazes me is how she’s bearing up during this difficult time. Bear up: remain strong in time of difficulty 3. Be a little patient and I will explain everything to you. - If you will bear with me, I will explain everything to you. Bear with: show patience 4. What you say has nothing to do with what I’m discussing. - What you say does not bear upon what I’m discussing. Bear upon/on: have a connection with; affect 5. Everyone started laughing when Bert imitated the boss. - Everyone started laughing when Bert took off the boss. Take off somebody: imitate somebody 6. A German company has bought our factory. - Our factory has been taken over by a German company. Take over: gain control of; become in charge; show around 7. He’s made friends with the kids next door.


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- He’s taken up with the kids next door. Take up with: begin to be friendly with, hang around with 8. He did not fool me in the least with his lies. - I was not in the least taken in by his lies. Take in: deceive 9. The weather wasn’t good enough for us to sail that day. - We had the weather against us so we couldn’t sail that day. 10. The accounts manager has been taken to court for fraud. - The accounts manager has been had up for fraud. Have up: take somebody to court 11. He picked up the model plane and it broke into pieces. - The model plane came apart in his hands. Come apart: break into pieces 12. The essential thing here is how committed you are to the company. - What it comes down to is how committed you are to the company. 13. A new tomb has been found by Austrian archaeologists. - Austrian archaeologists have come across a new tomb. Come across: find something or meet somebody by chance

14. Did you make them understand what you wanted them to do? - Did you get across to them what you wanted them to do? Get across: explain, become understood 15. He was lucky that the judge only gave him a suspended sentence.


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- He was lucky to have got off with only a suspended sentence. Get off: start something 16. Malcolm does not think he will be able to attend the wedding. - Malcolm has his doubts about his being able to attend the wedding. 17. This setback seems disastrous now but it may be better for us in the end. - We may be able to turn this setback to our advantage in the end. 18. I think Jack has his own reason for helping you. - I think Jack has an ulterior motive for helping you. 19. Mary did really well in the marathon. - Mary gave a good account of herself in the marathon. 20. The most important question here today is whether we accept divorce or not. - The burning question here today is whether we accept divorce or not.

TEST 8 1. Though it looks bad now, it’ll be ok in the end. - It‘ll all work out in the long run, though it looks bad now. 2. Unfortunately, he is flat broke these days. - Unfortunately, he hasn’t got a penny to his name these days. 3. His writing isn’t worse than yours. - He writes no worse than you. 4. Her feet were freezing. - Her feet were as cold as ice. 5. Don’t pay any attention to what he says.


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- Don’t take any notice of what he says. 6. After the scandal, he was asked to resign immediately. - After the scandal, he was asked to hand in his resignation immediately. 7. Being a tennis coach doesn’t really suit him, you know. - He’s not really cut out to be a tennis coach, you know. 8. I want to stay out of this quarrel. - I don’t want to take sides in this quarrel. 9. Lee was fired after only six months. - Lee was given the sack after only six months. 10. The number of employees at the factory has been reduced. - There has been a cutback in the number of employees at the factory. 11. “What you tell me will never go beyond these four walls”, he said. - “What you tell me will be in the strictest confidence “, he said. 12. Isn’t it time you confessed and admitted you leaked the information? - Isn’t it time you came clean and admitted you leaked the information? 13. The workers stopped speaking to their workmate as he voted against the strike. - The workers sent their workmate to Coventry as he voted against the strike. 14. James must be totally crazy if he thinks I’d agree to such a plan. - James must be out of his mind if he thinks I’d agree to such a plan. 15. The baby is a bit sick today and seems to do nothing but cry. - The baby is a bit out of sorts today and seems to do nothing but cry.


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16. I don’t really care where we go tonight. - It doesn’t make any difference to me where we go tonight. 17. The way you reacted to her question was completely over the top. - Your reaction was completely out of proportion to her question. 18. This doesn’t concern you, so stay out of it. - You should mind your own business, this doesn’t concern you. 19. If they weren’t always working against each other, they’d do a lot better. - If they weren’t always working in opposition to each other, they’d do a lot better. 20. I’m sure he didn’t know his brother was seriously ill. - He couldn’t possibly have known that his brother was seriously ill.

TEST 9 1. Mark knows all about motorbikes. - Mark has a wide knowledge of motorbikes. 2. Hiking twenty miles a day doesn’t sound like much fun to me. - Hiking twenty miles a day is not my idea of fun.

3. Her cryptic comments made me uneasy. - Her cryptic comments left me feeling uneasy. 4. It’s a wonderful idea, but can you use it in real life? - It’s a wonderful idea, but can you put it in practice? 5. John and I do not have any kind of financial agreement. - I have not entered into any kind of financial agreement with John.


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6. Life has its ups and downs and you must learn to face both. - You must learn to take the rough with the smooth in life. Take the rough with the smooth: accept the unpleasant parts of a situation as well as the good 7. I don’t think we will be ready for the concert this weekend. - I think the concert will have to be put off until next weekend. 8. I think living in the country suits you more. - I think you would be better off living in the country. 9. You didn’t have to make all these preparations just for me. - You need not have gone to all this trouble for me. 10. I‘ve never heard that name before, I’m afraid. - That name means nothing to me, I’m afraid. 11. Dave was ill for a week, but he’s now out of bed and doing things again. - Dave was ill for a week, but he’s now up and about again. Up and about: no longer in bed 12. I like to play the piano now and again to make sure I haven’t lost my touch. - I like to play the piano from time to time to make sure I haven’t lost my touch. From time to time: sometimes, not regularly 13. Your injured back means you do not have to serve in the army. - Your injured back means you are exempt from serving in the army. 14. Mark is spending more than he earns at the moment. - Mark’s living beyond his means at the moment.


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15. The cheetah easily caught the gazelle. - The gazelle didn’t stand a chance against the cheetah. 16. I can’t believe he said that to her face. - I can’t believe he came out with that to her face. Come out with something: say something 17. Sara inherited the house from her father. - Sara’s father left her the house in his will. 18. I had a disagreement with Alice about the party. - Alice and I had a difference of opinion about the party. 19. You acted quickly and that saved many lives. - It was your prompt action that saved many lives. 20. Luckily, they were able to return to Anne’s idea when John’s plan failed. - Luckily, they had Anne’s idea to fall back on when John’s plan failed.

TEST 10 1. How would you deal with such a challenge? -What would you do if you were presented with such a challenge? 2. Don’t worry you will be well taken care of at the hospital. - Don’t worry you will be in good hands at the hospital. Be in good hands: be taken care of 3. Saying something is not the same as doing it. -There is a world of difference between saying something and doing it. 4. It’s yours forever, but remember that I gave it to you.


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- It’s yours for keeps, but remember that I gave it to you. 5. I don’t care if he meant it or not. The fact is, he said it. -Whether he meant it or not is immaterial. The fact is, he said it. Immaterial = irrelevant 6. We worked continuously to get the project done. - We worked around the clock to get the project done. 7. While she was pregnant, she was always longing to eat anchovies. - While she was pregnant, she had a craving for anchovies. 8. There’s a lot of money depending on the success of this venture. - I’ve got a lot of money at stake in this venture. 9. There are widely differing opinions on the morality of cloning humans. - There is more than one school of thought on the morality of cloning humans. School of thought: a set of ideas or opinions that a group of people share about a matter 10. Nobody at this school has ever done such a thing before. - What you have done is without precedent at this school. 11. You can’t possibly be a social worker if you can’t accept others’opinions. - Without having an open mind, you can’t possibly be a social worker. 12. You’ll have to wait and see whether the new girl can do the job or not. - Only time will tell whether the new girl can do the job or not.


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Time will tell: you will discover in the future what the result of the present situation is 13. The government received many criticisms concerning their new housing policy. - The government came in for a good few criticisms concerning their new housing policy. Come in for criticism: be criticized 14. The two horses were exactly equal as they crossed the finishing line. - The two horses were neck and neck as they crossed the finishing line. 15. The players were given an encouraging talk before the game commenced. - The players were given a pep talk before the game commenced. 16. They may be brother and sister but they are very different in their attitude to politics. - They may be brother and sister but they are poles apart in their attitude to politics. 17. Ours is the only company allowed to import these chemicals. - Our company has the monopoly on the import of these chemicals. Monopoly (n): complete control of something 18. The shipwrecked sailors were washed up on the beach late at night. - The shipwrecked sailors were cast ashore late at night. 19. He wouldn’t stop saying flattering things about me at the reception. - He kept on paying me compliments at the reception. Pay someone compliments: praise someone


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20. If you really want to try and get into acting school, I won’t stop you. - I won’t stand in your path if you really want to try and get into acting school. Stand in one’s path: stop someone from doing something