Answer Key: Reading and Writing 4 Q: Skills For Success Unit 2 Student Book [PDF]

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Reading and Writing 4 Unit 2 Student Book Answer Key The Q Classroom Activity A, p. 33 Answers may vary. Possible answers: 1. I usually get information on the Internet. I also ask my friends for their opinions. 2. He is not paying attention to the ads. (Answers to the second question will vary.) Activity B, p. 33 1. Sophy—She wants things to be good looking as well as functional. 2. Marcus—Words or design on the packaging advertising the product inside is important. Felix—He thinks presentation is important (the way things look), for example, fruit and vegetables. By piling them up in nice arrangements and spraying them with water, they look delicious.

READING 1 PREVIEW THE READING Activity A, p. 34 1. Generation Z is the youngest generation. Anti-millennials means that they are different from millennials. 2. Growing up during the Great Recession means Gen Z has less money to spend or is more concerned about the future.

Q: Skills for Success Third Edition

8. F spends less money than millennials (paragraph 5) 9. T (paragraph 7) 0. T (paragraph 10) 1 Activity E, p. 39 1. b 2. d 3. a 4. c 5. e Activity F, p. 39 Answers will vary. Possible answers: Generation Z


Born between 1996 and 2011

Most studied generation

Total 60 million in U.S.

Internet pioneers

Don’t remember a time without technology

Invented Facebook, shopped from their smartphones

Are less trusting of brands

Smoothly transitioned from satellite TV to Hulu and Netflix

Grew up in an era when information always available


Are less brand conscious

Activity B, p. 37 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. b 5. a 6. a 7. b 8. a 9. a 10. a 11. a 12. b

Value authenticity and transparency

Activity C, p. 38 Answers will vary. Possible answers: 1. Generation Z is a different generation from those that came before, and companies need to market differently to sell to them. 2. The audience is marketers, companies, and others interested in understanding Generation Z. 3. The references provide specific examples of how companies are marketing differently to get the attention of Gen Z. 4. Generation Z has always had access to information, so these young people value getting real and truthful information and in a clear and understandable way with nothing hidden. 5. Gen Z finds influencers on social media, such as Instagram and YouTube. They trust them to make conscious decisions about the brands they work with. Activity D, p. 38 1. T (paragraph 1) 2. F is different than millennials (paragraph 1) 3. F grew up in a context different from that of millennials (paragraph 1) 4. F has always had the Internet (paragraph 2) 5. T (paragraph 2) 6. T (paragraph 3) 7. F is less trusting of brands (paragraph 3)

Trust influencers they follow on social media

WRITE WHAT YOU THINK Activity A, p. 39 1. Answers will vary. 2. Answers will vary. Possible answer: Honesty and a good reputation make a company trustworthy. I get information online and from peers and influencers. 3. Answers will vary. Possible answer: Marketers should get my attention by presenting truthful and accurate information about their products. They should provide reviews by people I trust. They should respond promptly if I have questions or problems with the product.

READING SKILL Activity A, p. 40 Answers will vary but should include: 1. the main idea of the paragraph 2. details 3. one gives reason; one asks a question Activity B, p 41 Answers will vary. Possible answers: For decades, brands communicated through advertisements. Corporations with the biggest budgets could make the biggest impact through billboard, magazine, TV, and radio ads. But with the Internet, people can learn about what brands really stand for, beyond the photoshopped visions they project. Online reviews, for example, have made shoddy products easy to spot. Gen Zers know this better than anyone. They immediately learn when a company has lied to them.

Consumers can use technology to find out about brands and what they stand for

Ex. of tech. ANSWER KEY


Reading and Writing 4 Unit 2 Student Book Answer Key READING 2 PREVIEW THE READING Activity A, p. 42 Answers will vary. Possible answers: 1. Google, Facebook, Snapchat, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Google Maps, Uber 2. They are websites people use on their cell phones.

WORK WITH THE READING Activity B, p. 45 1. counter 2. metric 3. align 4. tactics 5. functional 6. Broadly speaking 7. impulsive 8. escalate 9. essentially 10. manipulate 11. crave 12. activation Activity C, p. 46 1. b 2. b 3. a 4. c 5. b Activity D, p. 46 Answers will vary. Possible answers: 1. Values may include control over time, not being manipulated, and control of choices. 2. They might not want to be so manipulative. They may not like the pressure or competition in these companies. / They may no longer agree with the company’s values or goals. 3. Tech workers are trained to keep us on their apps or websites for as long as possible. 4. People make money by how long they can keep our attention. If we are paying attention to what the tech workers want us to pay attention to, we aren’t paying attention to what we want to pay attention to. Activity E, p. 47 1. so his phone doesn’t bother him … 2. so he can feel the difference between an automated and a human’s text … 3. He made the first screen of his phone almost empty … 4. so he has to go to them intentionally … 5. He put a sticky note on his laptop … Activity F, p. 47 Answers will vary.

CRITICAL THINKING STRATEGY Activity G, p. 47 Answers will vary.

WORK WITH THE VIDEO Activity A, p. 48 Answers will vary. Possible answer: No, because I don’t want companies to know my personal habits. / Yes, because since I’m going to see advertising anyway, it might as well be targeted to my interests.

Q: Skills for Success Third Edition

Activity B, p. 48 Answers will vary. Possible answers: Data mining Notes Fastest growing data from the set: created when we video call, text, search, travel, and buy

How used in advertising Data hunter Mike Baker saw opportunity to bring data revolution to world of advertising

Grows by 2 1/2 billion gigabytes a day

Possible to beam advert directly to people

Data hunter, Mike Baker Volume and dynamic nature is changing how we live our lives Collect over millions of people = guess what they may be interested in next

Baker wondered: If we collect enough data about past behavior, could it be predictive in way that would be useful to business?

Mine data to predict what people want to buy

Find hints of what people want to buy even before they realize themselves

But difficult to search vast amount of data to find tiny signals of consumer interest

Collaborator: a decisionmaking model = adaptive built super-fast data decision-making machine

No systems (mathematical constructs) to capture information, make sense of it, and then create actions across millions of people simultaneously

Machine scans billions of pieces of data for clues to what we might buy then sends patternized ads from clients

Wanted to mine data instantaneously

Models learn what and where you might buy

Needed a collaborator: a decision-making model that could pick up on patterns

Data analysts predicting what you want to buy are creating world of personalized advertising

Processing hundreds of thousands of advertisements per second determine quickly whether it’s good for client

If you choose not to personalize won’t not get advertising it will still happen but will be less relevant and more annoying

Activity C, p. 48 Answers will vary. Possible answer: Advantages include getting information about products and services you’re interested in being delivered directly to you. Disadvantages include companies knowing personal information about you and possibly exploiting that.

WRITE WHAT YOU THINK p. 49 Answers will vary. Possible answers: 1. Yes, because it shows that they are honest. / No, because it doesn’t guarantee that it’s true or complete.



Reading and Writing 4 Unit 2 Student Book Answer Key 2. If it’s a product I’m interested in, I may look at the ad. 3. Both will get my attention, and both annoy me. So it’s not an effective strategy.

VOCABULARY SKILL Activity A, pp. 49–50 1. draw 2. Online 3. In 4. in 5. targets 6. of 7. multinational 8. in 9. human 10. on 11. capture 12. lifestyle Activity B, p. 50 Answers will vary.

WRITING SKILL Activity A, pp. 52–53 1. Thesis statement: One of my favorite restaurants is Ben’s Diner on Fourth Street because it’s perfect for a casual, delicious meal. Concluding sentence: So, whether you’re looking for somewhere new to get some great food or just passing through, I suggest you head over to Ben’s.

Q: Skills for Success Third Edition

6. Answers will vary. Possible answer: Yes. I imagine an SUV like my friend Candace has, but bigger and more comfortable. The writer gave enough detail so that I could imagine what it looks like. Activity D, p. 56 Answers will vary.

GRAMMAR SKILL Activity A, p. 58 1. a 2. The 3. a 4. a 5. a 6. Ø 7. the — 8. the 9. Ø 10. the 11. a 12. the 13. Ø 14. the 15. the 16. Ø 17. Ø 18. the or Ø 19. the 20. an

2. a. s ight: red neon sign, gleaming tables, sparkling clean floors, bright green lettuce leaves, deep red tomatoes, purple olives b. sound: pleasant noise of conversation, soothing clatter of dishes, sizzling skillet c. taste: burger is peppery inside, sharp cheddar cheese, tangy purple olives d. smell: rich smell of their homemade chicken soup, spicy aroma from the chicken fajitas e. touch: soft red leather booths, smooth marble counter, soft toasted bun, burger is crunchy on the outside, moist on the inside Activity B, p. 53 Answers will vary. Possible answers: 1. The old man lived quietly in a small farmhouse far from the busy city. 2. The small room was filled with pink roses, yellow and white daises, and sweet-smelling purple lilacs. 3. The moist chicken and creamy potatoes were delicious. 4. We went on a long hike through the pine forest. 5. His aunt quietly entered the room on her tiptoes. 6. I couldn’t believe that I didn’t get to watch the final World Cup match on my friend’s new flat-screen TV. Activity C, pp. 54–55 1. the Adventurer, an SUV 2. the best, most reliable SUV 3. someone who likes to have outdoor adventures 4. It’s powerful, quiet, and environmentally friendly. It has a lot of room and is comfortable. 5. It restates the main idea and gives a suggestion.