AFTG Timeline 2006-2007 [PDF]

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AFTG Timeline 2006 Early April Wymack, Kevin and Andrew travel to Millport to sign Neil

May Thursday, May 11th Neil graduates from high school. The next day, he flies to Palmetto State University in South Carolina. Andrew, pretending to be Aaron, picks him up at the airport even though Wymack asked Nicky Kevin, Andrew, Aaron and Nicky are staying at Abby’s during the break. Neil sleeps on Wymack’s couch. They train together. Kevin only plays alone or when Andrew also plays; Kevin plays right-handed Nicky flirts with Neil; Andrew threatens to kill Nicky if he doesn’t leave Neil alone Kevin would like to invite Neil to practice with him at night but Andrew forbids it End of May After three weeks, Neil finds out that Kevin practices at night with a sober Andrew watching over him. The next day, he overhears Kevin panicking after Wymack told him Edgar Allen is transferring to the southeastern district. Wymack talks Kevin into staying; Kevin calls Jean for confirmation since the news won’t be announced officially until June. Wymack also tells Neil the truth about how Kevin got injured and that the Moriyamas are yakuza. Neil figures his father and the Moriyamas were business partners

June Friday, June 9th The rest of the Foxes move back into the dorm. Andrew breaks into Neil’s safe and sees his binder; Neil notices. Wymack tells them Edgar Allen is now in their district. Andrew is upset that Kevin didn’t tell him. He sleeps at Wymack’s that night but not because of Kevin: he’s more worked up about Neil and talks to Wymack about it. Week of June 12th: First week of practice: a lot of fighting. Renee asks Andrew which one of them is keeping Neil safe; Andrew says he’ll know after taking him to Columbia Friday, June 16th Andrew and his group take Neil to Columbia and get him high. Andrew tells him he knows about the binder and the money. Andrew suspects he might be a Raven mole. Neil pays a bus boy to punch him and knock him out so he won’t let any secret slip. He doesn’t know if he told Andrew any secrets before passing out Saturday, June 17th Neil wakes up in Nicky’s bed. He runs away from the monsters’ house, calls Matt to ask him to keep Andrew out of their room, and then hitchhikes his way back to PSU. Matt gets worried when the monsters come back without Neil and calls Wymack. Neil goes to Wymack’s when he’s back (to regroup) and Wymack calls Andrew to sort it out. Neil reveals to Andrew that he speaks German and gives him some half-truths to keep him from digging up the truth: his father was in business with the Moriyamas which is how Neil met Kevin and Riko; his father stole from the Moriyamas and they executed him and Neil’s mother; Neil ran away with the stolen money; Kevin helps him remember his parents, that’s why he has pictures of him; he’s scared Kevin will recognize him because if words gets out to the Moriyamas he is dead. He adds that he will leave before the game against the Ravens. Andrew accepts his story without blinking and Neil wonders if

maybe he could take the whole truth. Andrew says he won’t tell Kevin. Andrew tells Renee he’ll keep Neil safe. Sunday, June 18th Neil doesn’t see the monsters Monday, June 19th At practice, the monsters give Neil the cold shoulder. That night, Kevin comes looking for Neil but Matt and Seth don’t let him in Tuesday, June 20th Same as yesterday. This time, Neil goes with Kevin to the court at night and they practice together. Matt waits up for him, worried Wednesday, June 21st Nicky and Aaron have a fight in German; Nicky wants to reconcile while Aaron wants to stay away from the others. Neil realizes Andrew hasn’t told them that he speaks German Friday, June 23rd The ERC officially announces that Edgar Allen is transferring to the south-eastern district

Season 2006/2007 Neil's freshman year at PSU; Kevin’s junior year; the girls’ senior year; Matt’s junior year; the twins and Nicky’s sophomore year; Seth’s fifth year. Jean and Riko's junior year with the Ravens. Jeremy’s senior year: he’s still captain.

August Andrew bets Renee that Neil will hate Betsy Wednesday, August 23rd The Foxes all meet with Betsy for the mandatory session before the semester begins. Neil lies through his teeth; he hates Betsy on principle and doesn’t trust her. Renee tells Neil about her bet with Andrew; Neil tells her she lost. Neil wonders why she and Andrew are sort of friends Thursday, August 24th Classes start Friday, August 25th The ERC announces that Neil joined the Foxes. The upperclassmen make sure he’s never alone in between classes. They tell Neil that Andrew plays sober. Nicky apologizes to Neil for what happened in Columbia. First game of the season against Breckenridge. The Jackals play rough/dirty. The Foxes lose; they still have a party that night (the monsters don’t join in) Saturday, August 26th Morning show with Kathy Ferdinand. She invited Kevin, but Neil is also forced to join him on stage. Trying to get out of it, he speaks with Kevin in French in front of everyone. Kevin doesn’t back down. Kathy surprises them by having Riko join them. Neil picks a fight with Riko on live TV to stand up for Kevin. After the show, Riko asks Kathy for Neil’s glass and has his fingerprints analyzed; he finds out his real identity and assumes Kevin knows. Neil is ready to run, but Andrew says he’ll protect him for one year if he stands by Kevin’s side; Neil should also become as famous as possible so that his notoriety will protect him. Andrew’s deal will last for a year.

He’s offering it because he needs Neil to keep Kevin interested (with Exy.) Neil leaves to think about it. Renee asks Kevin how soon Riko will respond and he says tonight. The upperclassmen worry about Neil being gone. Neil decides to stay and comes back around nine. When he and the monsters are leaving to go to Columbia, they see the upperclassmen, who are relived to learn he’s back safe and sound. Seth and Allison are going bar-hopping, even though they know it could be dangerous after this morning’s show. Allison checks Seth for drugs. The others are staying in for movie night. They are surprised to learn Neil is going to Columbia again and think he’s being forced to go. Andrew speaks to Neil in German in front of everybody, revealing to all the Foxes that Neil speaks German as well. That night, Neil learns that Andrew has kept his money a secret from his family, even though he found out about it on the very first day when he had to reason to protect him. Nicky says that Andrew’s protection makes him part of the family, like Kevin. Andrew tells Neil that from now on he can choose whether to drink and take drugs or not. Neil asks him to protect him from “his father’s boss” (actually: his father) who’ll get out of prison soon. At some point, Andrew disappears for half an hour, probably for a quickie with Roland. While they’re driving back home after midnight, coach calls Andrew and tells them Seth died of an overdose. Neil thinks it was a suicide or accident, that he mixed his antidepressants with drinks. Andrew knows better: it was Riko. Neil is now the starting striker. Neil is worried Riko will kill more of his teammates, but Andrew says that would disqualify them (they need at least nine players) and coach Moriyama wants Riko and Kevin to face off on court. Andrew gives Neil a key to the house in Columbia Betsy cried over Seth–but she had to sit on it for days, because when she got the news she knew she needed to get to Allison, get to Allison now now now, hold her together before grief tears her apart. Betsy knew more than anyone how much Seth loved Allison; she knew that he was trying, she knew that he was trying so hard but that it was just too much sometimes Sunday, August 27th The monsters drive back to PSU in the morning. Andrew and Matt get into a fight. Wymack forcibly separates the team, making the upperclassmen stay at Abby’s. Neil sleeps on Wymack’s couch Monday, August 28th No practices. Seth is cremated; Allison keeps his ashes since his mother doesn’t even show up. Andrew talks to Allison before the funeral and tells her his theory about Riko killing Seth so that she’ll get back on the court. Tuesday, August 29th No practices Wednesday, August 30th First practice since Seth’s death. Allison skips it and Andrew has therapy. When Andrew gets there, Higgins gets a call from Higgins: Children’s Services is building a case against one of Andrew’s former foster fathers, Richard Spear and they want Andrew to testify. Andrew hangs up on him and leaves without explaining. He doesn’t tell him about Drake because he thinks Higgins won’t believe him. He hangs out with Renee while Nicky tells the team how the twins met. They are all back in the dorms; Matt is affected because Seth was his roommate. Matt and Dan tell Neil he could be the one who unifies the team; they also help him figure out his schedule (he drops two classes) before Renee comes back. Kevin and Andrew are late for night practice but they eventually come to collect Neil

Thursday, August 31st Practice is uncomfortable but the team is coming together. The upperclassmen feel guilty for finding a silver living to Seth’s death

September Friday, September 1st Second game of the season. Away game against Breckenridge. Allison decides to play even though she’s still grieving. Dan plays as a striker, Renee as dealer, and Andrew plays the whole time. Wymack asks him to and he says yes. (Wymack gets him a bottle in exchange not so much as a bribe but as a thank you.) Kevin is upset that Andrew said yes to Wymack after telling Kevin no for eight months; he shoves Andrew into a locker and Andrew cuts him with a knife. They come together as a team and win the game. Andrew tells Wymack he’s staying at his place this weekend because Kevin is going to be annoying after this game. Tuesday, September 5th The monsters take Neil shopping for the banquet. Aaron got a list of phone numbers of single Vixens from Katelyn but Neil isn’t interested. Andrew also gets Neil a phone. Neil freaks out and refuses to take it. That night, Andrew convinces him to take it and gives him some info on why Higgins called in return. Andrew asks Nicky to handle Neil’s issues with phones. Wednesday, September 6th and Thursday, September 7th The Foxes, Nicky in particular, keep texting Neil. Friday, September 8th Third game of the season: away game against USC-Columbia. On the bus, Nicky tells Neil he’s been texting him so much to get him used to having a phone. Wymack has forbidden the monsters from going out that night because it’s so close to the banquet and he doesn’t want to risk the officials suspecting Andrew might be off his meds. The Foxes win the game Saturday, September 9th Southeastern district’s fall banquet; all 14 Class I teams are in attendance. Held at Blackwell University (location picked through a lottery in July.) It’s a two-day event but the Foxes have decided to only stay one day. They have a four-hour bus drive. Katelyn and Nicky’s date Jim from his improv class come with them. It’s the first time Aaron has asked Katelyn on a date; Andrew ignores her. Kevin has a panic attack on the bus at the thought of seeing Riko and the Ravens again. Wymack gives him Vodka to get him through the day. The Foxes and Ravens share a table. Riko tries to get under Dan’s skin using the name Hennessey, while Jean is tasked with upsetting Neil by using his past aliases. Renee catches Jean’s eye: she’s the first bright thing he’s seen since becoming a Raven. The Ravens think Kevin has recruited Neil because the Moriyamas bought Nathaniel years ago and he belongs to them. Before the Foxes leave for a new table, Jean tells Neil he will speak with Riko later or they’ll tell everyone his identity. Kevin is shocked to learn who Neil really is. Neil tells him they’ll speak tomorrow; Kevin leaves to have an anxiety attack in private and get drunk. The rest of the night goes well and they all socialize, until the Ravens corner Kevin, Neil and Andrew. The other Foxes come to their rescue. Renee introduces herself to Jean. Neil follows Jean to the locker room to talk to Riko while Tetsuji talks to a terrified Kevin and tells him to deal with Neil. Riko tells Neil the truth about their families. Matt steps in and Riko leaves. Wymack makes Neil spend the night at his place. Sunday, September 10th Wymack and Neil talk in the morning. Kevin tells Neil the whole story of how he was supposed to be a Raven and that Tetsuji wants to sign him in the spring. He won’t tell the main family he’s found him if he becomes a Raven like he was supposed to. Neil is tempted to run but he knows he wouldn’t stand a chance:

he decides to stay and enjoy it while it lasts, then in Spring he’ll the FBI everything he knows. At least he won’t die alone. Over the next few weeks Neil starts bonding with the upperclassmen and still spends a lot of time with the cousins and Kevin. Friday, September 15th Fourth game of the season: the Foxes win. Friday, September 22nd Fifth game of the season: the Foxes win. Week of September 25th Allison starts talking to Neil again, only to ask for the ketchup at first but over the next few weeks it gets closer to normal Friday, September 29th Sixth game of the season: the Foxes win. End of September While studying for mid-terms, Neil meets Aaron and Katelyn in the library. Nicky tells Neil not to mention it to Andrew: Andrew doesn’t like Katelyn because Aaron likes her. He also tells Neil more about the twins’ past and his own. Nicky says Exy won’t be enough when Andrew comes off the drugs because it cannot love you back. He hopes Andrew and Renee will get together.

October Friday, October 6th Seventh game of the season: the Foxes win. Week of October 9th Free concerts on Monday, Orange Day on Tuesday, White Day on Wednesday, pep rally on Thursday. News camera are around campus. Wymack keeps Neil away from them. The Foxes (except Andrew) are sick with nerves and Kevin doesn’t say a single word at Friday morning’s practice. Friday, October 13th Eighth game of the season: Foxes vs. Ravens at PSU. Before the game begins, Riko says something to Kevin on the court, then hugs him. Kevin is frozen in place until Andrew slams his racquet on the floor. Jean marks Kevin. The Ravens are stronger and they play dirty. It’s a rough game, constantly interrupted by fights. Andrew, Neil and Kevin play two full halves. The Foxes lose 13-6. Kevin promises Riko they’ll see each other at semi-finals. Saturday, October 14th The monsters go shopping for Halloween costumes. Neil asks them to invite the upperclassmen too and Andrew surprisingly agrees. Back on campus, Higgins is waiting for Andrew: he’s figured out it was Drake and not his father and wants/needs Andrew to confirm it. Andrew sends him away, angry that he let them have six more kids after him. Now that Kevin and Neil can play two full halves, the others are back to their original positions and Andrew only has to play has the game. Friday, October 20th Ninth game of the season: the Foxes win.

Friday, October 27th Tenth game of the season: the Foxes win. After, they all go to Columbia. Dinner at Sweetie’s, then the Halloween party at Eden’s Twilight. Monday, October 30th Neil asks Renee why she and Andrew wouldn’t work and she tells him Andrew’s gay. She also tells him about Kevin and Thea.

November Friday, November 3rd Eleventh game of the season: the Foxes win Saturday, November 4th The twin’s twentieth birthday. Nicky’s mother calls to wish them happy birthday and invites them over for Thanksgiving. It’s Drake’s idea: he told them he wants to reconnect with his foster brother Andrew. It’s part of Riko’s plan: he found Drake through the California police, bought the prosecution and told Drake he’d get the charges dismissed if he raped Andrew again. Nicky asks Neil to help him talk Andrew into it. Neil gets part of the story of Cass and gets Andrew to come. Andrew doesn’t want it to be on Thanksgiving though. Friday, November 10th Twelfth game of the season: the Foxes win. Sunday, November 12th The monsters have lunch at Nicky’s parents. They stop at Exites first so Kevin can pick a new heavier racquet for Neil. Lunch is awkward. Luther and Andrew talk in private, it leads to an argument like Luther knew it would; Luther offers Andrew alcohol as a peace offering and tells him it’s upstairs. Andrew goes but finds Drake there. Luther wants them to work out their issues. Drake hits Andrew with a bottle and then rapes him while Andrew fights him. Neil gets suspicious after a while. Neil and Aaron walk in on Drake raping Andrew; Aaron kills Drake. Kevin calls Wymack, then the police. Neil goes with Andrew to the hospital while Kevin and Nicky go to the police station with Aaron, who’s been arrested. Wymack stops at the police station, then goes to the hospital. Neil tells him to contact Higgins and Wymack calls the local police to tells them that. Wymack and Neil bring Andrew to Nicky’s house where Betsy and Abby are waiting for them. Aaron refuses to meet with his lawyer. Neil goes for a long run and everyone is asleep when he comes back. He spends the night in the living room. Monday, November 13th Neil is sent grocery and clothes shopping with Betsy; he still refuses to talk to her. They stop at the Hemmicks’ house to retrieve Andrew’s arm bands and car. Meanwhile, Nicky tries to hug Andrew is Andrew almost stabs him with a knife. Wymack saves him and Kevin takes him away; Nicky and Kevin are in Andrew’s room when Neil gets back. The lawyers have arrived, too: Andrew’s lawyer, Waterhouse, and the prosecuting attorney at his trial, Blackwell. Betsy has decided to take Andrew off his medicine and needs them to evaluate the situation and agree; Abby is against it while Wymack supports it. Andrew is worried about leaving Kevin, so Neil promises to protect him. To make Andrew trust him, he gives him his real middle name, Abram, and lets him touch his scars. Wymack sees them and figures out something’s going on between them. Andrew talks to Nicky but doesn’t tell him he’s leaving. Andrew is taken to Easthaven Hospital. Aaron is released until the trial; Matt’s mother posts his bail. Neil tells Aaron that he should understand now why Andrew killed their mother. They all drive back to PSU later that day; the upperclassmen and Katelyn are waiting for them. It’s all over the news. Kevin is scared of what Riko will do to him if the Foxes are eliminated for not having enough players. Meanwhile, Wymack is trying to avoid exactly that by asking coach James Rhemann (USC) and others for support.

For weeks Aaron has nightmares about what happened. He only tells Katelyn Tuesday, November 14th Aaron isn’t at practice. Wymack tells them Rhemann offered to help them with the ERC that afternoon and hopefully they’ll be allowed to continue the season. Later that day, he tells them they’ve been allowed to keep playing Wednesday, November 15th Aaron comes to practice; Neil drives Andrew’s car and the upperclassmen are surprised by it. Neil asks Matt to teach him how to fight Thursday, November 16th Katelyn joins the Foxes for dinner in the dining hall Friday, November 17th Thirteenth game of the season, against JD University. The Foxes win. Katelyn hugs Aaron in front of everyone after the game. They decide to celebrate the win together for the first time and invite the Vixens too. It’s possible since Andrew isn’t there. Nicky casually calls Neil his friend and Neil asks if they are; Nicky’s heart breaks and he says yes. Thursday, November 23rd Thankgiving. Matt goes home to his mother; Dan spends it with her stage sisters; Renee and Allison spend it at Renee’s mother’s; Neil, Kevin, Nicky and Aaron stay at PSU for the long weekend and have Thanksgiving lunch at Abby’s with Wymack. Kevin offers to stop drinking and to watch Neil if Neil wants to drink and is worried about slipping up; Neil is thankful but refuses. Friday, November 24th No games Monday, November 27th The Foxes have dinner together in the dining hall Tuesday, November 28th The Foxes have dinner together again and Katelyn is there too. Wednesday, November 29th The Foxes and four of the Vixens go downtown together for dinner. Katelyn’s roommate Marissa flirts with Neil and wants to give him her number but her turns her down. Renee asks Neil to the winter banquet since her usual date, Andrew, is unavailable and she’d rather not go alone; he accepts. Matt invites Neil (and the monsters) to his mother’s house for Christmas if they don’t have other plans.

December Friday, December 1st Fourteenth and last game of the season Week of December 4th No games and morning practices only so they can study for finals. Neil tells the monsters about Matt’s invite for Christmas break. Nicky had planned to go to Germany since Erik can’t come this year but doesn’t want to leave Aaron after what happened. They accept the invite and Aaron gets permission from his lawyer to leave the state. Week of December 11th Finals

Friday, December 15th End of the semester. The Foxes party to celebrate Saturday, December 16th Southeastern district Christmas banquet at Breckenridge. Kevin drinks quite a lot in the morning to calm down and sleeps through most of the seven-hour drive. Wymack tells him that Neil, Matt and himself will protect him. Tetsuji announces the four teams that qualified for the spring championship games: Edgar Allan, PSU, Breckenridge, and Belmonte. After dinner, Aaron and Katelyn, Nicky and his date Thomas, Allison and Renee, and Matt and Dan dance. Matt keeps close to Kevin just in case, though. Neil and Kevin don’t socialize. Riko comes looking for them with Jean; Neil steps between him and Kevin. Riko admits to orchestrating Seth’s death and setting Andrew up; he threatens to have one of the doctors at Easthaven hurt Andrew and blackmails Neil into spending Christmas break at Evermore. Jean gives Kevin Neil’s plane ticket. Neil punches him and they fight. Riko tells Neil he just cost Andrew something he didn’t want to lose. After they’ve been separated, Neil tells the Foxes what Riko did to Andrew but not about Evermore. Kevin doesn’t want him to go but Neil insists he has to Sunday, December 17th Neil makes up an excuse about his uncle coming home for Christmas, and flies to West Virginia. The others all have flights that day, too. Matt, Nicky, Aaron and Kevin are going to New York. Neil gives his binder to Kevin for safekeeping and asks him not to open it. Matt gives him a ride to the airport. Kevin texts him, “Jean will help you if you help him” but Neil misses it by a few minutes. Jean picks him up in West Virginia and tells him he shouldn’t have come. Neil is given Kevin’s bed in Riko’s room in Black Hall as a special allowance from the master instead of sleeping in Red Hall with Jean and everyone else because he requires Riko’s special attention. Thinking he already knows, Jean reveals to Neil that Wymack is Kevin’s father. Neil is given a jersey with the number four and is told he’ll play as backliner. Tetsuji beats him with a cane when he refuses to answer to his birth name and kneel, then he is forced to practice. Both he and Jean suffer the consequences whenever he fails. That night, Riko handcuffs him to the bed and tortures him with a knife while Jean watches. Last two weeks of December Neil at the Nest. The Ravens run on 16-hour days so it’s like three weeks instead of two. Neil is tortured daily. Jean is forbidden from speaking French but he still uses it with Neil when Riko can’t hear him. They tattoo the number four on his left cheekbone. Over the last few days, Riko has Jean die Neil’s hair his natural color. Riko threatens to hurt the Foxes if Neil changes it or starts wearing contacts again. He’s trying to get him found. The Ravens want Neil to sign a contract with them but he refuses. Christmas Riko calls Kevin to tell him about Neil’s tattoo. Erik flies to New York for a couple of days as a surprise; he helps Nicky pick out Christmas presents for Neil and Andrew. Kevin still goes to the local court every day to practice. Last week of December At Easthaven Hospital, dr. Proust tortures Andrew at Riko’s request. Saturday, December 30th Easthaven calls Betsy to tell her Andrew will be released next Tuesday. Sunday, December 31st Neil wakes up at the airport in South Carolina, injured and confused. He calls Wymack who picks him up and brings him to his apartment.

2007 January Monday, January 1st Since Neil’s phone is off, Kevin is worried. He calls Wymack, thus revealing he knew Neil was going to Evermore. Wymack makes him tell the others. Kevin tells them Neil did it for Andrew. Tuesday, January 2nd Matt, Kevin, Nicky and Aaron come back to PSU. When Matt sees Neil, he takes it out on Kevin, hitting him twice. Kevin gives Neil back his binder and tells him he didn’t open it. Neil, Kevin, Nicky and Aaron drive to Easthaven Hospital because Andrew is being released. Kevin tells Neil he can talk to him about Evermore and Riko if he wants. Neil gives the car key back to Andrew. Andrew doesn’t say a word until they are back at PSU and then asks to speak with Nicky alone. Nicky recaps the last couple of months for him. Nicky tells Matt to watch his back because Andrew wasn’t happy he hit Kevin. Neil gives Andrew back his armbands; Andrew takes him up to the roof where Neil tells him about Evermore and why he went; Andrew’s reaction tells him dr. Proust tortured him. Kevin start looking up to Neil to learn how he manages to stand on his own because he wants to do the same. Wednesday, January 3rd The girls and Abby come back to PSU. Andrew gives Neil a copy of the car key. Abby checks Neil out and forbids him from playing: she will reevaluate next Tuesday. Andrew punches Matt for hitting Kevin. Thursday, January 4th Classes start again. The Foxes have their mandatory sessions with Betsy. While waiting, Neil reads the messages the Foxes sent him over the holidays. Aaron, as usual, doesn’t say a word to her. Neil talks about impersonal things. He later talks to Renee about the knives Andrew carries and finds out they were hers. She offers to show him how to use them. At practice, Andrew keeps throwing the ball at the offence line’s feet trying to trip them. Coach sends Neil to talk to him; Andrew agrees to stop if Neil shows him his scars. Wymack is surprised that Neil hasn’t figured out Andrew’s feelings for him yet but refuses to get involved. Friday, January 5th The monsters go to Columbia. Before they go, Neil shows Andrew his scars. Roland assumes Andrew and Neil are dating and that the cuff marks on Neil’s wrists are because of Andrew’s hands-off rule; Neil doesn’t understand why he’d suggest padded handcuffs and Roland realizes his mistake and backs off. Neil asks Andrew about what Roland said and then about what coach said; Andrew finally admits he’s attracted to him but knows nothing will come of it, then leaves for an hour. Monday, January 8th Kevin starts night practices again but refuses to take Neil with him Tuesday, January 9th Abby tells Neil he can start practicing again; Kevin is worried. Dan and Matt ask Neil to bring the Foxes together again now that Andrew’s back; Neil says he’ll try but they have to work on Aaron and Katelyn. Kevin takes Neil with him to night practice Wednesday, January 10th Neil shows his tattoo to the upperclassmen. Then he asks Betsy if she can fix Aaron and Andrew’s relationship if he gets them to agree to do joint sessions with her; she says yes. He texts Katelyn and she agrees to meet with him tomorrow Thursday, January 11th Neil meets with Katelyn; she agrees to talk Aaron into joint therapy sessions with Andrew

Friday, January 12th First championship match: away game against University of Texas. At the airport, Andrew asks and Neil tells him his father’s name as well as his real one. Riko and Jean are at the game. The Foxes win. Renee talks to Jean after the game; Neil notices his interest in her and tells Kevin to give her Jean’s number. The reporters know about Neil’s tattoo so he shows it to them and roasts Riko once again. When he and Kevin fight about it, Andrew refuses to take sides. Kevin is scared, Neil is frustrated at him for it. The Ravens’ official reply is that they don’t care about what Neil has to say. Saturday, January 13th Ravens fans retaliate by trashing all the athletes’ cars. The upperclassmen stand by Neil and what he said. When Aaron accuses Neil of being responsible for this and for Seth’s death, Allison slaps him; Andrew almost chokes her but Renee and Neil stop him. Wymack talks to Andrew about it. Neil tells Allison he’s story about Seth and she lets him know she’s forgiven him. Neil talks to Andrew on the roof (“90%...”). Aaron goes to see Katelyn but she gives him a ultimatum: she won’t see him until he and Andrew get counseling. Aaron takes it out on Neil and they get into a fight Sunday, January 14th Ravens fans deface the campus with black paint. Wymack speaks to the press urging the Ravens to speak up against it and forces them to do it. The fans stop. Monday, January 15th The Foxes are fractured. Neil and Kevin fight during practice and Matt steps in. Neil hangs out with Renee and Andrew during a break Tuesday, January 16th Practice goes a bit better because the upperclassmen make an effort. Neil hangs out with the goalkeepers again; Renee has been texting Jean a lot. The repair shop tells Andrew how extensive the damage to the car is Wednesday, January 17th Andrew skips his session with Betsy because they only have two rental cars. Neil offers Andrew to pay for the difference for a new car. Since Andrew won’t take it, he proposes a new deal: he wants Andrew to stop taking cracker dust in exchange for the money. Andrew accepts. Neil also pushes Andrew to let Aaron have Katelyn if he doesn’t want to lose him as soon as they graduate. Thursday, January 18th Kevin and Neil start speaking again. Everyone is making an effort except for Aaron, so the team is doing better but it’s not where it should be yet Friday, January 19th Nathaniel Wesninski’s 19th birthday. One of his father’s people tampers with his locker and Neil finds himself covered in animal blood when he opens it; they also leave birthday wishes written in blood on the bathroom wall. The team thinks it’s the Ravens again; Neil insists they don’t get the police involved because his fingerprints are everywhere. Second championship match: home game against Belmonte. The Foxes win. After the game, Aaron confronts Neil about his lies; it turns into a fight between him and Aaron, and between the twins. Andrew confesses to killing Tilda in front of everyone. With Kevin’s help, Neil gives the Foxes a half-truth and a reassurance that it won’t be a problem and they accept it for now. Everyone agrees to installing security cameras. Aaron drives back to the dorms in Matt’s car. Neil gets an anonymous text: “49”. Nathan’s parole hearing is today. Lola calls Tetsuki to tell him they’ll take Neil; Tetsuji probably tells Riko to keep his distance.

Saturday, January 20th Neil helps Wymack look at files of potential recruits; they need at least six so they won’t risk going under the minimum again. For the strikers, Wymack wants Neil to make the first cut, Kevin will make the second and he will have the final say. Wymack tells Neil he’s making him vice-captain next year. Matt and Dan want to throw Neil a birthday party; Renee thinks it’s a bad idea and gets Andrew involved; Andrew sides with Renee. Later, Neil has a panic attack and calls Andrew; he asks him to come get him at the stadium. Andrew comes with Kevin. They go to a dealership and Andrew buys a new, very expensive car: a Maserati. Then Andrew and Neil go on the roof. Andrew gives Neil the second key to the car; Andrew kisses Neil for the first time. A new text: “48”. Matt and Dan tell Neil about the aborted plan to throw him a birthday party; he agrees to let them do it on Neil Josten’s birthday. Sunday, January 21st The countdown continues. Wednesday, January 24th Kengo Moriyama collapses and is raced to the hospital. Kevin is worried about what Riko might do to Jean if Kengo dies. Friday, January 26th Third championship match: away game against Arkansas (SUA). They leave in the morning and drive there. The Foxes win. The other team moving on to the second round is UT. Week of January 29th The girls help Wymack narrow down the list of their possible replacement/new Foxes. Kevin isn’t happy with any of the possible strikers; Neil clings onto one of the choices he made and doesn’t let go. Tuesday, January 30th Kengo is released from the hospital Wednesday, January 31st Aaron invites himself to Andrew’s weekly session with Betsy. When they come to practice, Andrew says it won’t happen again while Aaron insists it will. In the following days, Aaron stays with Katelyn and only comes by the dorm to sleep.

February Friday, February 2nd No games. Neil spends the night watching games with Kevin while Andrew and Nicky play videogames, until Nicky drags Neil out to get ice cream. When they’re alone, Neil asks Andrew about his issues with being touched; he doesn’t get a straight answer. They kiss again Week of February 5th The Foxes are nervous messes. Renee keeps texting Jean and things aren’t good at the Nest. Kevin and Neil do night practices without bringing Andrew along. Thursday, February 8th Allison buys a giant stand for their championship trophy and the upperclassmen are working on it when Neil and Kevin arrive for night practice Friday, February 9th Death matches: Foxes vs. University of Vermont; UT vs. Nevada; Washington State vs. Binghamton. In the odd brackets, Ravens, Trojans, and Penn State do not play each other and all move on to the next round, along with either Oregon or Maryland. The Foxes win and for the first time move on to the third round; Nicky gets red carded. Neil is worried/frustrated at Andrew’s indifference.

Thursday, February 15th A TV crew come to PSU to film a segment on the Foxes for their NCAA show. Kevin agrees because the Foxes need good publicity. The reporter pushes Neil just a little and Neil roasts the Ravens again. Kevin gets drunk that night; Andrew tells Neil night practice is canceled. Neil and Andrew make out; Andrew lets Neil touch his head while they kiss, then gives Neil a hand job. Friday, February 16th No games. Neil watches one game with Kevin that night, then plays videogames with Nicky and ends up sleeping on their couch. Saturday, February 17th Kengo is hospitalized again; Wymack texts the Foxes to let them know. Neil asks Andrew to break their deal: Kevin wants to stay anyway, Andrew doesn’t need Neil for that, and Neil tells Andrew he feels like he’s still running so long as he’s hiding behind Andrew. Week of February 19th After night practice, Neil goes to the roof with Andrew and they kiss Thursday, February 22nd Renee’s mother buys a house and Renee wants to go there for the weekend to help her move, Dan and Matt offer to go with to help. Neil tells Andrew he wants to go somewhere with him (and Kevin) for spring break. Friday, February 23rd Third round starts. Home game against Nevada for the Foxes. Nicky is benches because of his red card in the previous game so Renee subs as a backliner and Andrew plays the entire game. The game ends 6-6 so it’s settled by shootouts: the final result is 9-8, Foxes win. Saturday, February 24th and Sunday, February 25th Renee, Dan and Matt fly to North Dakota to help Renee’s mother move into her new house Week of February 26th Nathan makes early parole. Neil’s uncle and his men fly to the US to kill him. They make a deal with the FBI: they’ll deliver Nathan to them alive in exchange for being let through.

March Thursday, March 1st The odds bracket teams play their last game of the round: Edgar Allan vs. Maryland, and Penn State vs. USC. Home games for Ravens and Trojans and they both win. The Foxes all watch the games together at the stadium while Wymack figures out travel arrangements to recruit his six new players. Friday, March 2nd No games for the Foxes. Nevada and Binghamton face each other; Binghamton wins 7-6, which means the Foxes need at least 7 points in the next game to make it to the next round. Week of March 5th Midterms Friday, March 9th The countdown ends. Nathan is released in Baltimore, Maryland. Away game against Binghamton for the Foxes. They go there by bus. Kevin and Neil have a small fight on the bus when Kevin sits with the other to talk about the game and Neil refuses to stay and sit with Andrew in the back because he doesn’t want to leave Andrew alone. Neil asks Andrew again to break their deal and this time Andrew agrees. Neil tells Andrew about his life on the run, without ever mentioning his mother; Andrew tells Neil a bit about his

transition to Columbia. Before the game, Kevin gives Neil advice and they put their fight aside. During the second half, Neil asks Andrew to shut down the goal and he does; for the first time, Andrew also talks to the defense line. The Foxes win. A fight breaks out after the game ends; Neil keeps Kevin away from it to avoid Andrew getting into it. Dan and Neil do the post-game interviews. Lola calls Neil. Neil wants to talk to the feds and tell them everything; he doesn’t want to run. Neil to Andrew: “Thank you, you were amazing.” As Jackson and Romero, posing as security guards, escort the Foxes to the bus, a fight breaks out with the Binghamton fans and Nathan’s men take advantage of it to kidnap Neil. He leans his gear behind so his team will know he was taken and didn’t run. Neil tells Lola that Kevin he’s the Ravens’ pet and won’t say anything in order to protect him. Lola tortures him on the drive to Baltimore, then delivers him to his father to be killed. He is saved by his uncle, Stuart Hatford, who comes to kill Nathan and his men: he made a deal with the FBI and was supposed to take Nathan alive. He kills him instead and leaves Neil behind as a distraction in order to make it out. He didn’t know his sister was dead until Neil told him. The feds bring Neil to the hospital. Meanwhile, 83 people have been hurt in the riot – mostly minor injuries – including three Foxes but all three are treated and released from the hospital quickly. It’s Andrew who finds Neil’s gear. Shortly after getting Neil to the hospital, the feds contact Wymack and ask him to bring the Foxes there for questioning. On the way there, Andrew almost chokes Kevin to get answers out of him and it takes Matt and two other Foxes to get him off of him; Kevin tells him the truth about the Wesninskis and the Moriyama. Neil’s uncle negotiates a deal with the Moriyamas Saturday, March 10th Start of spring break. The Foxes refuse to talk to the feds until they’ve seen Neil. Neil wakes up in the hospital; the feds ask for his cooperation in exchange for immunity and witness protection; he refuses to talk to them until he’s seen his teammates. The FBI takes him to the hotel where the Foxes are waiting for him. Andrew has been cuffed to Wymack to keep him in check. Andrew and the whole team insist that Neil be returned to them after he’s been questioned; the FBI warns them it’ll be dangerous but they don’t care. The Foxes also find out about Neil and Andrew. Andrew stays with Neil while he talks to the FBI: the tells them everything he knows but keeps the Moriyamas out of it. The Foxes wait for him, not caring that they’ll miss their flights tomorrow morning for spring break. Kevin is worried about Riko’s reaction to Neil’s tattoo being “removed”. Sunday, March 11th Neil is still talking to the FBI. He refuses Witness Protection and, instead, chooses to legally become Neil Josten. The FBI takes him back to the hotel where the Foxes are waiting for him. Abby checks on him, then they all get on the bus and drive back to PSU. There, Neil gives the Foxes the whole story. He forces Kevin to agree to out his father so the press will focus on him instead of Neil. They all sleep in Matt and Neil’s living room. Matt tells Neil he’s here for him; Neil promises to never lie to him again. Monday, March 12th Kevin tells Neil he’s worried about Riko’s reaction to the erasure of the tattoo: it makes Riko look insignificant. Neil insists they have the conversation in English in front of Matt. Neil says he’s not afraid of Riko now that the truth is out. He tells Kevin he should take advantage of Riko’s hands being tied and take off his own tattoo as well. The Foxes go out for brunch together and they decide to spend spring break together at Blue Ridge; Allison books them a cabin. Wymack tells Neil that (bits of) what happened is all over the news. Neil promises to talk to them next week. Kevin tells Wymack he’s his son; it doesn’t go very well. It’s Neil who tells the other Foxes; Dan is furious and hurt. At the cabin, Neil drinks with the team for the first time. Aaron confront Neil about his relationship with Andrew and it doesn’t go well, but he also hints that they’ve been making some progress in therapy. Dan and Kevin have an intense conversation about Wymack. Andrew and Neil share a bed for the first time.

Tuesday, March 13th Neil shows the team his injuries. They decide he’ll sit out the next game. Kengo dies; Tetsuji travels to New York to attend the funeral; Riko isn’t invited; he takes it out on Jean. Wednesday, March 14th In the middle of the night, Renee gets a call or text from Jean telling her what happened. She asks Andrew for his car and drives to Evermore to get Jean out. That morning, Neil tells the team; Kevin has a panic attack. Renee goes to Edgar Allan’s president and puts him on the phone with Stephanie, who makes it clean she will have the press talking about the violent hazing at Edgar Allan if he doesn’t intervene. They get into the stadium unannounced. Renee takes Jean away; the president starts an investigation into the Ravens. Renee takes Jean to PSU and Abby takes care of him; he’s in bad shape. He’s unwilling to press charges or name names. Following days Jean tries leaving twice, he’s scared of what the Moriyamas will do if they think he’s talking. Friday, March 16th No games. Sunday, March 18th Renee returns to the cabin because the Foxes need two cars to leave and updates them on Jean. She asks Kevin to help her convince Jean to transfer schools; he doesn’t want to give Jean false hope but Neil bullies him into doing it. Kevin asks Neil how he can not be afraid. Once they’re back at PSU, they go to see Jean and Kevin talks to him. Neil talks with Wymack and the university president and board who, after a lengthy discussion, vote in favor of keeping Neil; then Wymack tells them about Kevin being his son. He says he’s scheduling a paternity test so that it’ll be on file. Andrew stays with Kevin, who needs him more than Neil does today. Monday, March 19th Classes start again. Neil talks with Ichirou and strikes a deal with him for himself, Kevin and Jean: they’ll give the Moriyamas 80% of their earnings in exchange for protection. He tells Kevin and Jean. He tells Andrew he’ll have to find another reason to hold on and asks him to choose them, make Court with him and Kevin, win the Olympics. Andrew gives Neil armbands to hide his scars identical to the ones he wears. Neil tells the Foxes about the deal. Kevin is distracted at practice. They celebrate all together at dinner. Later, Kevin asks Andrew and Neil to take him to the court where they watch him practice with his left hand. Andrew practices with him for the first time. Tuesday, March 20th Kevin practices right-handed during the day and left-handed at night. (Probably this week: Wymack offers Jean a spot on the team but he refuses; Jean and Kevin have too much history and they know they can never play together again.) Wednesday, March 21st The press comes by for interviews and footage. During their therapy session, Aaron makes his move. He's figured out that Andrew hasn’t told Betsy about Neil yet, and he hopes outing Andrew to her will give him an edge in the argument. Thursday, March 22nd Andrew takes Neil to the library, gives Neil his knives, then talks to Katelyn. He tells her she can be a part of Aaron’s life but will never be part of his and makes her agree to these terms. Neil tells her she won. Neil asks Andrew why he hates the word “please” so much and Andrew tells him. He also tells Neil that he can

stand “them” because Neil stops if Andrew asks him to. (Could be a day sooner or later: Kevin tells Wymack he should give Andrew keys to the court now that he’s practicing at night.) Friday, March 23rd Fourth round games. The Foxes face Binghamton again. Their opponents play rough, trying to eliminate another Fox but the Foxes manage to keep their cool and win the game even without Neil. Aaron kisses Katelyn in front of everyone. Kevin tells the reporters coach Wymack is his father, takes a position against the Ravens, and says he’s never been skiing. He walks away before they can ask more questions. In the locker room, he has an anxiety attack but calms down quicky. The Foxes celebrate with the Vixens and Andrew doesn’t object. Aaron tells Nicky (and Neil) that he got Andrew to accept Katelyn by using Neil against him, which means Neil isn’t a fling. Aaron tells Neil they’re trading rooms tomorrow. The Ravens and USC also make it to semis. Saturday, March 24th The Ravens deny Kevin’s accusations and they might actually believe that Riko would never break Kevin’s hand. Aaron and Neil switch rooms. Thea comes to PSU and Wymack brings her to Fox Tower. She’s angry at Kevin; he brings her to see Jean so she’ll understand what he went through and makes her believe that it was Riko who hurt him. They fix things between them. Wymack gives Andrew a set of keys to the court. Friday, March 30th No games Saturday, March 31st “Neil Josten” turns twenty. The Foxes have a quiet get-together to celebrate.

April Friday, April 6th Semifinals begin. The Foxes play an away game against the Trojans. Jeremy shares a moment with Kevin before the game and asks him about what he said about his injury not being an accident; Kevin asks him to sign Jean for next year Week of April 9th Tetsuji announces to the press that Jean is off the court with a bad sprain. Jeremy and Jean speak on the phone. On Thursday, Jean faxes over the paperwork and makes the transfer to USC official. Friday, April 13th The Trojans lose to the Ravens and are eliminated from the championship while the Ravens make it to finals. In post-game interviews, Jeremy announces Jean’s transfer to USC next year. The Foxes watch the game before Andrew’s lot goes to Columbia for the first time in a while. Andrew doesn’t buy any cracker dust; Aaron and Nicky aren’t happy. Nicky is surprised to learn that Roland had figured it out about Andrew/Neil when he didn’t even know Andrew was gay until two weeks ago, and that Roland and Andrew had a thing. Weeks of April 16th and April 23rd The press chases the Jean story and Kevin’s hand story. The Ravens have to submit to an internal investigation; there are rumors of closing the Nest and reintegrating the Exy team with the rest of campus for their psychological safety. Renee doesn’t want to play in the final but Andrew talks her into it, telling her he can control the score in the second half if she shows him how they play. Monday, April 16rd Wymack tells them the final will be at Evermore and that they get 18 seats for family and friends. Nicky and Aaron show up for night practice.

Tuesday, April 17th Nicky and Aaron come again to night practice. Wednesday, April 18th All the Foxes come to night practice and keep coming the following nights. Kevin teaches them Raven drills; the other realize he plays left-handed. Friday, April 20th The Ravens vs. Foxes game is canceled since they’ve both made it to finals already and will be facing each other next week anyway. Monday, April 23rd Last week of classes. Wednesday, April 24th The twins skip their therapy session to practice Thursday, April 25th Kevin skips night practice and leaves Neil in charge. He gets a queen chess piece tattooed over the number 2 on his cheekbone. He has to get drunk to find the courage to go through with it, but he does it. Wymack goes with him to get the tattoo. Friday, April 27th Finals, Ravens vs. Foxes at Evermore. When they get on the bus, Kevin shows his tattoo to the team and they are excited for him. He’s not scared anymore. Erik flies in to be at the game and surprises Nicky. Also there: Matt’s mother, Matt’s father with his new girlfriend, four of Dan’s stage sisters, Renee’s mother, and Betsy. Thea is in the South Tower with the Court but doesn’t meet with Kevin before the game. Neil’s uncle is also at the game and talks to Neil before it starts: he tells him Ichirou is “cleaning up” and having untrustworthy people killed all the way to California. Proust is likely to be one of them and Neil asks his uncle to look into it. He warns Neil that Ichirou will be watching his investments tonight. Neil doesn’t tell Kevin. Once they get on the court, Riko insults Kevin in Japanese for his new tattoo. It’s a violent game; Riko plays the first and fourth quarters; Renee plays during the first half. Halftime ends with the Foxes down 7-3. Kevin plays the second half left-handed and is no longer afraid of being the best. Andrew plays to win. A Raven punches Kevin repeatedly after he scores for the third time. A backliner slams into Andrew, Neil attacks him but Matt pulls him back. Riko comes back in. Andrew notices Matt has been limping: he tells him to get checked out and Neil replaces him as backliner while Dan plays as a striker. With Neil marking Riko, Kevin scores again and they tie 8-8. The Ravens score again; Wymack puts Nicky in for Allison as dealer, and Matt in for Aaron: they shut down the Raven offence and Kevin scores once more, then again in the last two seconds of the game. The Foxes win 10-9. Neil tells Riko he should be used to being second best, Riko tries to hit him on the head with his racquet but Andrew stops him and breaks his arm. Riko is taken to the hospital and the cops are called to take statements; the Foxes and Ravens are kept at the stadium until 2am. The families and friends of the Foxes promise to meet them at the hotel. After they finally shower, Neil is taken to see Ichirou. Neil’s uncle is there and so are Tetsuji and Riko. Riko and Ichirou are meeting for the first time. Ichirou tells Tetsuji to retire, kills Riko making it look like a suicide, then asks Neil if he’s satisfied. He leaves with the other Foxes and they go to a party to celebrate. He doesn’t tell them what happened. Monday, April 30th Final exams start