African Black Soap Creation [PDF]

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AFRICAN BLACK SOAP CREATION INTRODUCTION Black soap is generally made from locally harvested African plants such as plantain, cocoa pods, palm tree leaves and shea tree bark. The ingredients are sun-dried and roasted, which is how it gets its deep colour. Water and oils such as coconut, palm and shea butter are then added. *Benefits of African black soap on skin* Due to the abundance of antioxidants and vitamins A and E in African black soap, there are many skin nourishing benefits. It helps to heal skin problems such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis, fades skin discolorations, relieves dry and irritated skin, and evens skin texture and tone. When used as a shaving cream on the face or legs it alleviates razor burn. It can be used on the entire body including the hair. I was first introduced to black soap when I worked in a natural living market. A customer from Ghana came in practically every day and eventually shared

many health secrets with me. On one of his returns from Africa he brought me a giant chunk of this raw soap. After using it for about a week I noticed my skin was much softer and my blemishes and spots started to fade. The best part about the soap was that it acted as a natural makeup remover. My makeup literally melted off and gave my face a squeaky-clean feeling with no residue left behind. For convenience, I ended up breaking the chunk of soap into small pieces and simmering it in water to turn it into a liquid soap. Once the soap was turned into liquid I experimented with adding a few different essential oils to each batch including orange, lavender, and peppermint which have all seemed to give additional help with clearing up blemishes! HOW BLACK SOAP IS MADE FROM SCRATCH Black soap is generally made from locally harvested African plants such as plantain, cocoa pods, palm tree leaves and shea tree bark. The ingredients are sun dried and roasted, which is how it gets its deep colour. Water and oils such as coconut, palm and shea butter are then added. The soap is then left to sit and “cure.” BLACK SOAP COMMON INGREDIENTS INCLUDE: PALM OIL Palm oil is an ingredient in black soap that is rich in antioxidants. It contains tocopherols and tocotrienol, both forms of vitamin E, which is used in the treatment of acne and eczema. Palm oil also contains carotene. Carotene, tocopherols and tocotrienol all help reduce cell damage caused by toxic substances and environmental pollution. PALM KERNEL OIL Palm kernel oil is another ingredient in black soap and is extracted from the fruit seeds of the African palm tree. It is used to increase the lather and hardness of soap and is high in lauric acid, which helps to destroy Black soap hails from West Africa and is quite popular due to its powerful effects on the skin. It is known by many names, including "ose dudu," a name used by the Yoruba people of western Nigeria that literally means "black soap." The colon of black soap can range from light brown to deep black, depending on the method of production. Black soap contains ingredients that are beneficial for the skin.

HOW BLACK SOAP IS MADE FROM SCRATCH Black soap is generally made from locally harvested African plants such as plantain, cocoa pods, palm tree leaves and shea tree bark. The ingredients are sun dried and roasted, which is how it gets its deep color. Water and oils such as coconut, palm and shea butter are then added. The soap is then left to sit and “cure.” BLACK SOAP COMMON INGREDIENTS INCLUDE: ‐ PALM OIL Palm oil is an ingredient in black soap that is rich in antioxidants. It contains tocopherols and tocotrienol, both forms of vitamin E, which is used in the treatment of acne and eczema. Palm oil also contains carotene. Carotene, tocopherols and tocotrienol all help reduce cell damage caused by toxic substances and environmental pollution. PALM KERNEL OIL Palm kernel oil is another ingredient in black soap and is extracted from the fruit seeds of the African palm tree. It is used to increase the lather and hardness of soap and is high in lauric acid, which helps to destroy USES FOR AFRICAN BLACK SOAP Africans use black soap for a number of reasons. Africans have used it to clear acne, oily skin, as well as to maintain the natural moisture and elasticity of the skin. Modern African women also use this soap to remove make up. Since traditional black soap contains natural ingredients without any perfumes, it is suitable for use for women who have sensitive skin. African black soap can also be used to clean hair. You simply dissolve the soap in water in order to transfer the liquid soap into a pump dispenser. The emollient properties of the ingredients are suitable for dry hair. STEPS FOR MAKING AFRICAN BLACK SOAP The procedure for making African black soap is actually very easy. You simply need to gather all the ingredients together including coconut husks for coconut palm oil, as well as the plantain skin, cocoa pods, and other ingredients. The first step is gathering the ingredients. You will need Coconut Husks Plantain skins Shea bark Cocoa pods Hand press

STORAGE Now that you have you bars of African black soap ready, the next step is storage. The soap dissolves easily when exposed to water so make sure that you store the soap in a dry place. You can cut the bar up into smaller cubes that you can use for each shower to avoid exposing the entire bar to water. ADVANTAGES OF MAKING YOUR OWN AFRICAN BLACK SOAP There are many commercialized African black soaps being sold on the market. However, most of these do not contain all the ingredients used by native African makers, and they often contain harsh ingredients such as parabens and sulphates, which are known skin irritants. If you make your own soap using all the natural ingredients you can be sure that you are not introducing any harmful chemicals in the soap that you will use for your body and face. Commercial black soaps may also use ingredient substitutes, which do not work as well as the original ingredients for this soap, so you won’t have any assurance that you are really getting your money’s worth. Now that you know how to make black soap, you can easily get the ingredients yourself and make your own batch of natural African black soap. Most food and health stores sell the ingredients and the entire process usually takes just a couple of hours to make. BENEFITS OF AFRICAN BLACK SOAP Skin healing properties clears acne, soothes psoriasis and eczema; Antibacterial and anti-fungal properties; Oil controlling properties; gentle, moisturizing and nourishing with high percentage of shea butter; made from natural ingredients (depending on the source); money saving because this soap can be used on the face, body and for hair; versatile because you can make bar or liquid (from your bar) and add any other oils or ingredients that your skin would need 14 *Amazing benefits of African black soap* *These benefits cannot be over emphasized* 1. Its antibacterial: Natural antibacterial properties make African black soap an excellent alternative to chemical-laden cleansers. In fact, it may actually remove more bacteria than chemical cleansers do. Despite its strength, black soap is gentle enough to use on your face, hands, and body.

2. It's safe for all skin types: If you have dry or sensitive skin, you know that scented soaps and lotions are off-limits. African black soap is naturally fragrance-free — just make sure your chosen product is labelled "unscented." People with oily or combination skin are also in the clear! Black soap can help balance your skin's natural oil production without stripping necessary oils or adding excess oil to your skin. 3. It's moisturizing: Shea butter is a crucial ingredient in black soap. While shea can help relieve itchiness and soothe dry skin, cocoa and coconut oil add moisture. 4. It won't make your skin oily: If you have combination skin, this makes choosing the right soap that much easier. Shea may add moisture, but coconut oil may help prevent overactive oil glands. 5. It helps soothe irritation: African black soap may also soothe itchiness and irritation caused by eczema, contact dermatitis, and skin allergies. It may even help clear rashes related to eczema and psoriasis. To maximize these benefits, find a soap with oatmeal added. 6. It's anti-inflammatory: Black soap is rich in vitamins A and E. These vitamins are both antioxidants, which help combat free radicals and attacks on otherwise healthy skin tissues. This may be helpful for people who have inflammatory conditions like rosacea. 7. It helps fight acne: On that note, black soap may also help fight acne. In addition to balancing your skin's natural oils, the soap's shea content may help repair damaged cells. Its antimicrobial properties may even clear severe acne caused by Propionibacterium acnes bacteria. 8. It may help reduce fine lines: Shea butter and coconut oil may help reduce collagen loss and encourage new development. In turn, this can help plump up fine lines and wrinkles. The rough texture of the soap can also exfoliate dead skin cells that make fine lines more noticeable. 9. It helps protect against photo-aging: Antioxidants found in shea butter can help protect your skin from photo-aging. Over time, sun exposure can cause sun spots (age spots), but black soap may offer another barrier. 10. It helps improve skin texture: African black soap is chock-full of natural ingredients, but part of its benefits comes from its form. When left

unprocessed, the raw ingredients that make up black soap leave the product far less smooth than the average drugstore soap bar. This makes it a natural exfoliate, which may help improve skin texture. 11. It helps prevent razor burn and related rashes: Exfoliation is another key factor in keeping your skin smooth after shaving, waxing, or other methods of hair removal. Exfoliating will help remove dead skin cells before they can clog your hair follicles. The moisture in African black soap may also help prevent the lumps and bumps that result from razor burn. 12. It may help reduce hyperpigmentation: Hyperpigmentation is often caused by acne scarring and sun damage — two things that African black soap may help soothe or prevent. 13. It may help minimize the appearance of scars and stretch marks, Thanks to its shea butter and vitamin E content, black soap may help reduce the redness and overall appearance. 14. It's antifungal: One study on the effects of African black soap found the product effective for seven types of fungus — this includes the common Candida albicans yeast. You can safely use African black soap to help treat conditions like toenail fungus and athlete's foot. Where do all these benefits come from? The benefits of African black soap lie in its ingredients. This includes a combination of cocoa pods coconut oil palm tree leaf derivatives, including palm kernel oil and palm oil plantain bark, which contains iron, as well as vitamins A and E shea butter Keep in mind that the ingredient makeup of black soap largely varies based on the region of Africa it's made from. For example, plantains are found in Central and Western Africa, but not in eastern regions. You may also find black soap with added essential oils, such as eucalyptus, to promote relaxation. Some African black soap bars contain added oatmeal or Aloe Vera.

My First Black Soap Recipe - I mentioned earlier how my skin was in complete disarray as a result of the misdiagnosis given to me by an “expert” and then how this led me into the discovery of the wonders of black soap. I visited a few local herb sellers who gave me different recipes for my black soap and then I sat down and developed my own recipe which worked for me, cleared my skin of blemishes, helped stabilize my skin but did not help out with the sensitivity of my skin. - This black soap did not make my skin more sensitive but it did not make it less sensitive either Apart from the sensitivity factor, this first recipe worked wonders on my skin. I gave out some to friends and family and they came back with similar results - I would love to share with you these fond memories as I write out my very first black soap recipe which I called the skin saver back then - 2 cups crumbled black soap (I used the Nigerian version) Honey 3 balls of ripe lime Camwood powder Sulphur powder 1 medium size potash Eyin aro/omi aro 1 Local egg - The procedure was to get the juice from the lime, break the egg and use both the yolk and the white and then mix with all other ingredients. The measurements I did not specify was because I used eye measurement for them - This soap worked wonders for me back then but I realize a lot even now that It was a bit harsh and would need to be doctored a bit to create the perfect black soap mix RECIPES FOR VARIOUS SKIN CONDITIONS This is where it gets a bit tricky as you now will be required to make specialized black soaps that would target a particular skin disorder.

For a beginner, this might seem like a very tedious task as the ingredients/herbs are so many and could be quite confusing but you need to put on the coat of a specialist and get the task done This segment has been carefully put together to hold you by the hand and help you put together the best recipes for specific skin types and conditions Whenever you are in doubt about a particular ingredient, please check the herbarium section and confirm what the ingredient does for the skin. This would go a long way to help you put together the best recipe for yourself or your clients as the case may be Neem oil and omi aro should be added to your soaps to prevent reaction and to treat existing reactions and skin irritations as well as treat other skin conditions as well you can also add one or two tablespoons each of kojic dipalmitate, kojic acid, mulberry extract or licorice root powder for the purpose of lightening although, I would not really advice that as this segment of recipes is strictly to address skin conditions and skin lightening does not fall under this category. The only exception are the recipes for lightening and glow soaps which already contain the lightening extracts *African black soap has different textures* *MISTAKES PEOPLE MAKE WHILE FORMULATING AFRICAN BLACK SOAP* *How can I use African black soap to solve different skin problems* *Next thing you want to consider is how do I make my black soap smell nice* *Can I use activated base for my African black soap formulation*

UNDERSTANDING BLACK SOAP TEXTURES Texture, according to the dictionary is defined as the feel, appearance or consistency of a surface or substance. This shows that whenever we talk about the texture of black soap, we are describing what the end result of your product will look like. Black soap can be liquid, solid, gel like, soufflé etc

We are starting off today’s class by looking at black soap texture according to pH When you add highly acidic substances to black soap, it cuddles and gives a gel like appearance. Substances like lemon juice, tamarind juice do this perfectly. Honey though acidic, is not as acidic as the previously mentioned substances and so would give a paste that is not really gel like. Black Soap Texture According to Additives: This refers to adding liquid substances to black soap to turn it into liquid (body wash). You can add water, herbal water, liquid extracts, etc and turn your black soap from solid to liquid wash Black Soap Texture According to reaction to Temperatures Some level of success has been attained in solidifying black soap by melting black soap in a double boiler, adding only powdered herbs and actives and then leaving it in a mould to solidify During this experiment, some people reported that that their soap got disintegrated when it came to contact with heat and therefore became a very soft solid while others reported success in getting back the soap to be as hard as it was when they purchased it The variation in results would be as a result of the difference in raw materials used in preparing individual African black soap. This method only works with the Ghana version (the one wrapped in brown paper) TYPES OF BLACK SOAP If you are conversant with black soap or you use it often, you would have come across the black soap bar which is the solid type wrapped in paper and the black soap powder which is usually measured out and sold The black soap bar is the hydrated version of black soap. It contains oils and butters which the skin needs while the powder is completely dehydrated What this means is that it is void of oils and butters which explains why it is dry. It is worthy of note that they are both black soaps even though they come in different forms and in my opinion, none is better than the other. The only thing to keep in mind is that when working with the black soap powder, you need to

add more oils, butters and humectants such as glycerine and honey while a little bit of oils, butters and humectants are required when working with the bar/ moulded version With black soap, you can mix in herbs, oils and powders without much effort and use them on the skin compared to other conventional soaps HISTORY OF BLACK SOAP Native to Africa, black soap is found in almost every city, town or village across west Africa. It has different names such as ose dudu, alata samina, anago samina, ncha nkota, sabulun salo etc It is made from the ashes of locally harvested plant parts. The common plants include cocoa, plantain, pawpaw, palm tree and shea tree. These parts are burned to ashes, soaked in water to produce the local lye and then cooked with a mixture of oils till soap is formed, cured, packaged and sold In African homes, black soap trade is usually a family affair. This means that you find out that the trade has been practiced for ages and is still being practiced in that family with the trade and production secrets being passed on to their generations who would in turn continue this production and sales of black soap. Black soap is readily adapted into the fanciest of skincare product selections because of its ability to heal the skin and make it glow. Another reason the black soap is widely accepted is the fact that it serves as a ready carrier for various herbs which are also good for the skin RECIPES FOR VARIOUS SKIN CONDITIONS This is where it gets a bit tricky as you now will be required to make specialized black soaps that would target a particular skin disorder. For a beginner, this might seem like a very tedious task as the ingredients/herbs are so many and could be quite confusing but you need to put on the coat of a specialist and get the task done This segment has been carefully put together to hold you by the hand and help you put together the best recipes for specific skin types and conditions Whenever you are in doubt about a particular ingredient, please check the herbarium section and confirm what the ingredient does for the skin. This

would go a long way to help you put together the best recipe for yourself or your clients as the case may be Neem oil and omi aro should be added to your soaps to prevent reaction and to treat existing reactions and skin irritations as well as treat other skin conditions as well you can also add one or two tablespoons each of kojic dipalmitate, kojic acid, mulberry extract or licorice root powder for the purpose of lightening although, I would not really advice that as this segment of recipes is strictly to address skin conditions and skin lightening does not fall under this category. The only exception are the recipes for lightening and glow soaps which already contain the lightening extracts THE HERBARIUM The various herbs used in preparing the black soap itself are very beneficial to the skin however, there is a common practice of adding even more herbs to the already made black soap for further effectiveness on the skin. These herbs are added according to the function the black soap is being created to perform and this segment would showcase an array of popular herbs and oils and their properties just so you know when to add each herb to the soap and why they are being added Neem- good for treating skin diseases, its oil has moisturizing properties and also very good for hair and scalp issues Moringa- anti aging properties, soothing, calming Bitter leaf- treats skin diseases Papaya- exfoliates and brightens Carrot- fades blemishes, repairs, brightens and lightens Turmeric- fades blemishes, repairs, brightens and lightens Avocado peel- moisturizes, repairs Orange peel- exfoliates, brightens Hibiscus/zobo- anti aging, calming, treats skin diseases Coconut water- treats skin diseases, calming

Coconut charcoal powder- cleansing/detoxification Activated charcoal powder -cleansing/detoxification Bentonite clay powder-cleansing/detoxification Sandalwood powder-soothes the skin, fades scars and blemishes Green tea - anti aging, soothing Sulphur-treats skin diseases Camwood- soothes the skin, fades scars and blemishes Lemon- brightening, exfoliating Lime- brightening, exfoliating Oatmeal powder- soothing, calming and smoothening Rice powder- exfoliating, brightening Tamarind/ tsamia- brightening, fades scars and blemishes Cucumber-smoothening, soothing, brightening, fades blemishes Licorice powder- lightens Mulberry extracts- lightens Kojic dipalmitate- lightens Kojic acid powder- lightens Scent leaf-treats skin diseases Cinnamon- treats skin diseases Mint-treats skin diseases Coffee grounds- anti aging, treats skin diseases, anti-cellulite Cocoa powder- anti aging, repair Aloe Vera- soothing, moisturizing Goat milk- soothing, lightening, exfoliating Honey- soothing, treats skin diseases, moisturizing, preservative Coconut oil- good for infusions, moisturizing, anti-bacterial effects

Palm oil- anti aging, soothing Black seed oil- treats skin diseases Ginger- stimulant, good for scalp diseases Cloves- stimulant, good for hair Hemp- hair growth Henna- strengthens the hair Note: all measurements are in grams, ml or teaspoons for easy understanding. You can use any black soap you wish, if using the solid/moulded version, grate or pound it to make it easy for mixing *WATER MELON AND RICE FRUITY SOAP* Step 1: Remove the flesh from water melon, then grate the peel and pour into a pan. Pour coconut or olive oil to cover the water melon peels and place on low heat for 1 hour. Remove, sieve and keep aside Step 2: measure out a cup of rice and pour into a bowl, add enough water to cover it and set aside for 72 hours to ferment. Sieve the rice and set the fermented water aside Step 3: Measure out 2 cups of rice, the local one preferably and wash. Spread to air dry away from direct sunlight. When it is dry, take to the mill to grind and pack your rice powder ready for use Step 4: 500 grams black soap 2 tablespoon rice powder 1 tablespoon turmeric powder 1 tablespoon camwood powder 1 tablespoon sandalwood powder

2 tablespoons goat milk powder 50 ml fermented rice water 50 ml honey 50 ml water melon infused oil Crumble the black soap, add the powders into the honey and mix properly then add the oil, fermented rice water and pound till you get desired consistency and pack ready for use (2). *Acne black soap (sensitive skin) * 500 grams black soap 100 ml honey 2 tablespoons camwood powder 1 teaspoon neem powder 1 teaspoon oatmeal powder 2 tablespoons palm oil Crumble the black soap, add the powders into the honey and mix properly then add the oil and pound till you get desired consistency and pack ready for use (3). *Avocado Black Soap (for skin repair and rejuvenation) * Step1: Get 3 big avocado fruits and take off the peel. Pound the peels slightly in a mortar or chop into tiny bits and then pour in a pan, pour avocado oil (you can get avocado oil to buy in stores) to cover the avocado peel and place on low heat for 30 minutes to 1 hour. Remove from heat, sieve and keep your avocado peel oil aside Step 2: Remove the peel from two big avocado fruits and cut into small bits then allow to dry. Put in a blender to turn to powder and keep aside Step 3: 500 grams black soap

3 tablespoons avocado peel powder 1 tablespoon turmeric powder 1 tablespoon camwood powder 2 tablespoon cow/goat milk powder 50 ml honey 50 ml avocado peel infused avocado oil Crumble the black soap, add the powders into the honey and mix properly then add the oil and pound till you get desired consistency and pack ready for use (4). Black soap for cream reaction 500 grams black soap 50 ml honey 1 tablespoon sandalwood powder 1 tablespoon camwood powder 1 tablespoon oat meal powder 1 tablespoon turmeric powder 1 tablespoon carrot powder 1 teaspoon neem powder 3 tablespoon palm oil 3 tablespoon coconut oil 2 tablespoon avocado oil 2 tablespoons neem oil 2 tablespoons omi aro Crumble the black soap, add the powders into the honey and mix properly then add the oils and omi aro and pound till you get desired consistency and pack ready for use

5). Black soap for stretchmarks

500 grams black soap 3 egg white 50ml castor oil 4 tablespoon lemon juice 2 tablespoon coffee grounds 50 ml honey Crumble the black soap, mix the black soap with honey and add coffee grounds, keep for 3 weeks then add castor oil, egg white and lemon juice and pack for use

6). Black soap for dry skin 500 grams black soap 100 ml honey 2 tablespoons carrot oil 2 tablespoon shea butter 4 tablespoon glycerines 2 tablespoons oatmeal powder 1 tablespoon sandalwood powder 1 tablespoon camwood powder 1 tablespoon carrot powder 2 tablespoon goat milk powder Crumble the black soap, add the powders into the honey and mix properly then add the oil, butter, glycerine and pound till you get desired consistency and pack ready for use

7). Black soap for ringworm 500 grams black soap 100 ml honey 1 tablespoon oatmeal powder

1 tablespoon neem leaf powder 1 tablespoon bitter leaf powder 1 teaspoon mint leaf powder 2 tablespoons grounded black seed 2 tablespoons black seed oil Crumble the black soap, add the powders into the honey and mix properly then add the oil and pound till you get desired consistency and pack ready for use

(8). Black soap for sensitive skin 500 grams black soap 100 ml honey 3 tablespoons glycerine 1 tablespoon carrot powder 1 tablespoon turmeric powder 1 tablespoon oats meal powder 3 tablespoon palm oil Crumble the black soap, add the powders into the honey and mix properly then add the oils, glycerine and pound till you get desired consistency and pack ready for use

(11). Black soap for stretchmarks 500 grams black soap 3 egg white 50ml castor oil 4 tablespoon lemon juice 2 tablespoon coffee grounds 50 ml honey

Crumble the black soap, mix the black soap with honey and add coffee grounds, keep for 3 weeks then add castor oil, egg white and lemon juice and pack for use

12). Black soap for eczema 500 grams black soap 100 ml honey 1 tablespoon camwood powder 1 tablespoon Sulphur powder 1 tablespoon neem leaf powder 1 teaspoon scent leaf powder 2 tablespoons palm kernel oil 2 tablespoons coconut oil 3 tablespoons bitter leaf juice Crumble the black soap, add the powders into the honey and mix properly then add the oil and pound till you get desired consistency. Leave for one week before use

(13). Papaya Black Soap mix: Step 1: Get 2 big ripe pawpaw fruits. Peel the first one, cut it up and pour in a pan, add the peel, flesh and seeds then pour coconut, sunflower or olive oil to cover the fruits in the pan. Put on low heat and let it boil for 30 minutes-1 hour. Take off the heat and pour in a container with a lid. Leave the content to continue infusing for a few more days before you sieve and discard the fruit step 2: Peel the second fruit and grate the pawpaw pulp, then spread outside to dry. When dry, blend to powder and store in a container Step 3: 500 grams black soap

3 tablespoons papaya fruit powder 2 tablespoon turmeric powder 2 tablespoon camwood powder 2 tablespoon cow/goat milk powder 100 ml papaya infused oil 50 ml honey Crumble the black soap, add the powders into the honey and mix properly then add the oil and pound till you get desired consistency and pack ready for use

(14). Lemon Fruity Soap Papaya Step 1: Get 3 lemons and grate the peel, also grate the white flesh that comes after the peel. Spread to dry away from direct sunlight. When dry, pound or blend to powder Step 2: Get the juice from 3 ripe lemons and set aside Step 3: Get 3 lemons and grate the peel, also grate the white flesh that comes after the peel. Cut the fruit left behind and put everything inside a pan. Pour coconut or olive oil to cover it and place on low heat for 30 minutes to 1 hour. Remove from heat, sieve and keep your lemon infused oil aside Step 4: 500 grams black soap 2 tablespoons oatmeal powder 1 tablespoon camwood powder 1 tablespoon turmeric powder 1 tablespoon sandalwood powder

1 tablespoon cow/goat milk powder 1 tablespoon lemon peel powder 100 ml honey 30 ml lemon juice 20 ml lemon infused oil Crumble the black soap, add the powders into the honey and mix properly then add the juice and oil and pound till you get desired consistency and pack ready for use

(15). Lightening black soap 500 grams black soap 50 ml honey 1 tablespoon turmeric powder 1 tablespoon camwood powder 1 tablespoon carrot powder 1 tablespoon rice powder 1 teaspoon sandalwood powder 1 tablespoon goat/cow milk powder 100 ml tamarind/tsamia juice 3 tablespoons lemon juice 1 tablespoon kojic dipalmitate powder 1 tablespoon licorice root powder 2 tablespoons turmeric oil 2 tablespoons shea butter Put the turmeric oil in a small bowl and add the kojic dipalmitate, place the bowl of oil into another bowl of hot water to melt the kojic dip into the oil, melt the shea butter as well, add the other powders into the honey and add to the oil, add the kojic dip and the turmeric oil into the soap, pound the soap and add the juices as well then mix properly and pack for use

(16). Body and face cleansing black soap Good for very oily face and for general body cleansing. Should be used 2 times a week 500 grams black soap 50 ml honey 2 tablespoon coconut/activated charcoal powder 1 tablespoon bentonite clay powder 1 tablespoon rice powder 2 tablespoon neem powder 1 tablespoon camwood powder 3 tablespoons lemon juice 2 tablespoons coconut oil 2 tablespoons carrot oil Crumble the black soap, Dissolve the powders in honey, mix into black soap add the oils and juice then pound till well mixed and pack for use Note: do not use on sensitive skin

(17). Black soap salt scrub 2 cups sea salt/spa salt ½ cup crumbled black soap 1 cup turmeric and carrot infused coconut oil Crumble the black soap and mix in the salt and oils

(18). Black soap sugar scrub 2 cups brown sugar ½ cup crumbled black soap 1 cup turmeric and carrot infused coconut oil Crumble the black soap and mix in the sugar and oil

(19). Black soap treat This soap is calming on the skin and good for people who just want to maintain an even, glowing skin 500 grams black soap 50 ml honey 50 ml palm oil 2 tablespoons turmeric powder 2 tablespoons carrot powder 1 tablespoon camwood powder 1 tablespoon oatmeal powder 2 tablespoons cow/goat milk powder 1 tablespoon kojic dipalmitate 2 tablespoons turmeric oil 4 tablespoons coconut water Crumble the black soap, add the powders into the honey and mix properly then add the oil and pound till you get desired consistency and pack ready for use

20). Tsamia/tamarind special glow soap 500 grams black soap 50 ml honey 30 ml palm oil 30 ml glycerin 5 tablespoons tsamia paste 3 tablespoons carrot powder 2 tablespoons turmeric powder 3 tablespoons lemon juice 1 tablespoon oatmeal powder

3 tablespoons turmeric oil 1 tablespoon omi aro Crumble the black soap, add the powders into the honey and mix properly then add the oil and pound till you get desired consistency and pack ready for use

21). Citrus burst black soap This soap makes the skin glow, features the citrus zest and brightens the skin when used regularly Grate lemon peel, lime peel, orange peel, water melon peel, water melon seed pour these items into a glass jar and pour coconut oil to cover it. Close the jar and label it with the items and the date, place this near the window where the sun can penetrate it and shake every day for 3-6 weeks When you have attained your desired date, strain the oil and keep aside Get 500 grams black soap 50 ml honey 50 ml citrus infused oils 30 ml glycerin 20 ml palm oil 2 tablespoons egg yolk powder 3 tablespoons milk powder 1 tablespoon mulberry extract 1 tablespoon kojic diplamitate Crumble the black soap, add the powders into the honey and mix properly then add the oils and pound till you get desired consistency and pack ready for use

(22). Lightening Black soap body wash 500 grams black soap

300 ml herbal water (carrot juice) 5 tablespoons lightening glycerine 2 tablespoons turmeric oil 2 tablespoons carrot oil 3 tablespoons lemon juice 2 tablespoon kojic dipalmitate 1 tablespoon mulberry extract 1 tablespoon xanthan gum (optional, used for thickening in case soap becomes too watery) Blend carrots with water to get the juice and then add to crumbled back soap overnight, allow the soap to be fully dissolved and then sieve out the sediments, add the oils and dissolve the kojic dipalmitate in warm turmeric oil before adding to the soap, add the juice then add the xanthan gum and mix and pack for use

23). Acne face wash 500 grams black soap 200 ml herbal water (neem) 100 ml water 1 teaspoon sulphur 5 tablespoons honey 2 tablespoons turmeric oil 2 tablespoons carrot oil 3 tablespoons lemon juice 1 tablespoon xanthan/guar gum (optional, thickener in case the soap gets too watery) Add the coconut water and neem leaf juice to crumbled black soap overnight and sieve out the sediments by morning then add the oils and the Sulphur powder in honey, mix together, add xanthan gum if necessary and mix well then pack for use

The 10 Commandments of a Black Soap Seller 1. Buy all raw materials from trusted hands, ensure they do not sell expired items 2. Know exactly what your client wants from their soap and pick your ingredients based on those needs 3. Think, think and think again before you start mixing soap 4. Never sell a recipe you have not tested before. Even if it is one new ingredient you are introducing to the soap, test before you sell 5. Always ask client for feedback after one week of selling your soap 6. You can recreate recipes from your recipe soap at any time, just be sure that you are selecting your ingredients based on the needs of the clients 7. Under promise but always over deliver 8. Never be tempted to use shady ingredients in your soap, no shortcuts. People who want pure natural products are still very much in the world 9. Never lie about your products, if you do not have the right ingredients, don’t rush up anything politely ask the client to give you time, if they are yours, they will wait 10. Try to specialize in one recipe first instead of selling many at once. Remember the Jack of all trades that ended up being the master of none Note: soaps alone are not enough treatment for the skin. They do a lot of good when used right but do not forget the place of other things involved in treating the skin Black soap specials These soaps are usually made for special occasions and generally quite expensive but with access to these recipes, you can make them yourself, use it and make every day Christmas for you They would have the feel of a custom-made luxury soap which makes you feel soft and very moisturized after use Its frequent use guarantees soft, supple, rejuvenated skin. For our exfoliating soap we need these ingredients

1kg black soap 3 tbsp. Brown sugar 2 tbsp. licorice powder ( you can use the white or brown) 2 tbsp. turmeric powder 2 tbsp. honey 2 tbsp coffee grounds 2 tbsp. sandalwood powder 2 tbsp. cinnamon powder Some drops of almond oil 3-4 vitamin E capsules Lemon Mix all the ingredients together and divide it into two halves then add your lemon juice into one half. Use only at night and the other use in the morning. For lighten we need these 1kg black soap 1/2 cup honey 1 egg 1tbspn sandalwood powder 1tbspn turmeric powder 1tbspn cinnamon powder 1tbspn oatmeal powder 1big lemon juice 1/2 a slice lime (get the juice) 1 tbsp. powdered milk 1 tbsp. sulphur 2 tbsp. any lighten serum of your choice 1tbpn coconut oil

1tbspn Shea butter. Melt your African Black Soap and combine all the ingredients use after 4days. For repair of damage, bleached skin we need these ingredients 1 kg black soap 2tbspn collagen powder 2tbsn oatmeal powder 2tbspn palm oil 2tbspn turmeric powder 2tbspn rice powder 2tbspn vegetable glycerine 1 tbsp. sweet almond oil 1 tbsp. avocado oil 2tbspn red sandalwood powder 2tbspn neem powder. Combine all ingredients into a smooth texture and your soap is ready ladies Black soap for sensitive skin 500 grams black soap 100 ml honey 3 tablespoons glycerine 1 tablespoon carrot powder 1 tablespoon turmeric powder 1 tablespoon oats meal powder 3 tablespoon palm oil Crumble the black soap, add the powders into the honey and mix properly then add the oils, glycerine and pound till you get desired consistency and pack ready for use Black soap for cream reaction

500 grams black soap 50 ml honey 1 tbsp spoon sandalwood powder 1 tablespoon camwood powder 1 tablespoon oat meal powder 1 tablespoon turmeric powder 1 tablespoon carrot powder 1 teaspoon neem powder 3 tablespoon palm oil 3 tablespoon coconut oil 2 tablespoon avocado oil 2 tablespoons neem oil 2 tablespoons omi aro : Crumble the black soap, add the powders into the honey and mix properly then add the oils and omi aro and pound till you get desired consistency and pack ready for use

ACNE REMOVAL BLACK SOAP then add the oil and pound till you get desired consistency and pack ready for use500 grams black soap 50 ml honey 3 tablespoon cold pressed coconut oil 5 tablespoons neem oil 3 tablespoon castor oil 2 tablespoon avocado oil 3 tablespoons neem powder 1 tablespoon activated charcoal powder

1 tablespoon tea tree oil (note, not essential oil, I mean tea tree oil like the hemani brand) Crumble the black soap, add the powders into the honey and mix properly

BLACK SOAP TO TREAT DISCOLORATION. FOR A GLOWING AND FLAWLESS SKIN. Ingredients: 1 wrap black soap 2tsp vitamin c powder 2tsp sandalwood powder 2tsp citric acid 2tsp Licorice extract 2tsp Cinnamon powder 2tsp Mulberry extract 2tsp Oatmeal powder 2tsp Turmeric powder 2tsp Giga white 2tsp Snow white powder 2tsp Whole milk 2tsp Honey 2tsp Coconut oil 2tsp lemon oil Essential oils 1tsp kojic whitening serum Method: shred your soap and put in a mortar, add your ingredients but remember you always have to add your powders before the oil. Mix all very much and allow it to stay for about 3day before use. Your whitening soap is ready Preservatives in Black Soap

Black soap does not really need preservatives because of its high Ph, however, because of the numerous additives involved, sometimes you need to add preservative to your black soap. Adding lemon and honey also helps increase the shelf life of black soaps and in cases whereby you are using a lot of fruit juices, you may want to consider keeping your soap in the fridge or using a preservative The recipes contained have been put together to reduce the chances of lowering the Ph of the black soap to the point of needing preservatives and also putting into consideration that less is more, The black soap secrets show that you can customize your black soap with natural, safe and minimal ingredients which would deliver great results NOTE: soaps are never a complete treatment in themselves but they play a large part in getting desired results so do not expect a miracle, rather, work towards an improvement that gets better everyday Those anti-inflammatory properties will help reduce the sight of pimples. The stimulating properties will certainly wake up dead skin cells and help those noso-fine lines around your mouth fade. Nutmeg is known to have curative properties that heal scars caused by everything from acne to sun spots.

MOISTURISING HERBAL BLACK SOAP Ghana black soap Coconut oil 5 spoons Rice bran oil 3 spoons Lemon oil 3 spoons Carrot oil 5spoons Wheatgerm oil 3 spoons Kojic powder 25gm Essential oil of your choice 3 spoons Glycerine 3 spoon Arbutin 3 spoon Preservative

Procedure Sock your black soap in water until it melts heat your coconut oil and glycerine and add to it stir very well den add your essential oil carrot oil and others items stir den add your preservative stir and sell for use If you want it to be whitening just add soap whitening powder to it. If you are making for dark person remove the arbutin and kojic acid.

TUMERIC USES AND BENEFITS Turmeric has anti fungi, antiseptic and anti-bacteria properties as well as being a natural inflammatory, so it is ideal to use in skin care.

EXFOILATING/LIGHTENING SOAP Ingredients Dudu osun soap Lemon Sulphur Honey Vitamin E oil Olive oil Almond oil Glycerine Potash Almond seed/meal/flour PROCEDURE Put your black soap (osun) on a bowl and use your hand or a hard object to mash it. Make it to be smooth or you can use your small pestle to do it. Add camwood (optional) to it

Mix it together very well Add 1 Tea spoon camwood 1 Tea spoon of sulphur (optional, if you have eczema) 1 Table spoon of olive oil then mix together 1 Tea spoon of honey Mix it together


¼ black soap 1 Table spoon coconut oil 2 Table spoon honey 2 Table spoon almond oil 1 Table spoon turmeric powder METHOD Get a mortar pieces your soap inside and pound very well, then pour in your coconut oil. Add honey Add almond oil Add shea butter and pound again very well to mix and smooth and pour into your container, then add glycerine

HOW TO MAKE BLACK SOAP FOR ALL SKIN SOAP FOR NEW BORN BABY Ghana soap (white in colour) for babies Add honey 3 spoons Osun 2tsp Coconut oil 3tsp Efun 1

Pawpaw leaves DIRECTION Grind soap, and mix all the ingredients together and use for your new baby.

How to make Osedudu(blacksoap) Introduction Black soap (Ghana soap) is an African soap that soothe all Skin types ranging from oily skin to dry skin...

Ingredients Black soap Shea butter(ori) Coconut oil (adin agbon) Grease water (omi giriisi) Carrot oil Olive oil Honey (oyin gidi) Iyere (don’t know the English name) Osun Turmeric powder (ata ile pupa) Soap water (eyin ose) Dope shampoo (for lightening) Evaporated milk Egg(optional) Mash the black soap with the small mortar and pestle Add the oils

Add the powders and mash together Add Honey, milk and soap water.... You can add the Dope(optional) If you are making it for babies.... Do not add dope

SEVEN DAYS WONDER HERBAL WHITENING SOAP* Ingredients 2 tea spoon carrot juice Pinch of carrot powder 1 tea spoon cinnamon powder 1 table spoon turmeric powder 1 table spoon original honey 3 table spoon almond oil 3 drops coconut oil 1 tea spoon shea butter 3 drops lemon juice ½ cup of original black soap 2 table spoon kojic dipalmitate powder 1 tea spoon of acid powder 2 table spoon of butter milk powder 1 table spoon of alpha arbutin powder 2 table spoon vitamin E oil PROCEDURE Get a mortar and pieces your black soap inside it and pound it very well Add carrot juice Add carrot powder Add cinnamon powder

And pound all together very well Add turmeric powder Add almond oil Add coconut oil Add shea butter Add lemon juice Pound all to mix very well Add your kojic dipalmitate Add arbutin powder Add lactic powder Add butter milk powder Then mix them together thoroughly, when you are done, pack all into your cream container. Note: please don’t sell it cheap because it whitens the skin and also treat the skin from skin breakage and body damage

* ARABIAN EXTRA WHITENING SOAP RECIPE* This has been a very good soap for me and even my customers love it, though it's very expensive but it worth it. Here are the ingredients i used: 1. Strong whitening and peeling Gluta Blend with Alpha Arbutin and Kojic Acid. NOTE This soap contains high whitening content. Whitening effect noticeable *after 3-5 days. * 2. Original Likas Papaya skin whitening herbal bath soap. 3. Gluta pure soap with sunscreen spf50++ by wink white. 4. Black soap 5. 3tbsp Powder milk (any powder milk)

6. 1tbsp Camwood powder 7. 1tbsp sandalwood powder 8. 1tbsp orange peel powder 9. 1tbsp snow white powder 10. 1tbsp Kojic acid powder 11. 1tbsp turmeric powder 12. A cup of green tea 13. 1 lemon and 1 lime Grate your soaps in four different bowls In a big bowl add them together with the other ingredients and mix with the lemon and lime juice. Gradually you add your green tea to the consistency you want And voila your extra whitening soap is ready. Use twice a day and in 3 days you see a good result but must be used with a very good lotion

*HOW TO USE THE BATHING SOAP TO GET RESULT* Wet body with water Rub soap on wet body & allow it to stay on the skin about 3- 5min Wet sponge & scrub wet sponge on the body to produce lather Pour water on skin to rinse off lather For face simply massage and then rinse off! Don't rub soap against sponge, if u do the sponge gets the nutrients and your body the lather When selling the soap to your customers endeavour to tell them how to use the soap.

COCOA GLOWING BAR SOAP Ingredients 2 tbsp of cocoa powder

1 cup of castile soap 6 drops of peppermint oil 2 tbsp of coconut oil 2 tbsp of goat milk powder Process Melt the soap base in a double boiler or in a pot, add goat milk, add coconut oil, add cocoa powder, add essential oil and stir and pour into your soap mould or into a carton and sprinkle cocoa powder a bit on top of the soap and let it sit for some hours to become strong and cut into bar

WHITENING AND GLOWING SOAP. African black soap 2kg Camwood 1/4 cup Quaker oat flour1/4 cup (to be grinded) or get d flour Cinnamon powder 1/3 cup Turmeric 3 table spoon Aloe Vera gel half cup Coconut oil 200ml Licorice extract1/3 cup Shea butter 1 cup Vitamin c(ascorbic) 2 tbsp. Lemon juice 200ml (freshly squeezed or use lemon oil 60ml) Herbal water 500ml (Herbal water is wen u infuse a herb in water like Ceylon green tea or use any green tea) Honey 400ml Orange peel half cup

Neem 1/3 cup Black seed oil 2 tbsps. Tea tree oil 2 tbsps. Salicylic acid 2 tbsps. Snow white powder 50g 1 santarde lotion 1 nature secret oil Whitening glycerine 30ml 7 days whitening serum 1. METHOD Put in a pot, half kg Ghana soap, half kg black soap and one kg Ghana white soap, mixed together and then cut in chunks den add herbal water and put on low fire for about four mins to melt. Measure shea butter and put in a pan to melt den add coconut oil, when the soap is melted drop it down and pour in a big bowl or bucket, wen oil has melted put off the heat on d fire, add honey and Aloe Vera gel to the bowl in the bucket, add camwood, Quaker oats and dried neem leaf to the oil, added papaya extract 50ml to d soap in the bucket, added turmeric, cinnamon, orange peel powder and licorice extract to the oil. Mix the powder and oil together and pour into the soap in the bucket and mix thoroughly. NB: So, in your process of making a whitening soap, you have made a nontoning soap. You have made a glowing black soap at this stage. Add two table spoon of black seed oil before scoping out for d kids Black seed oil helps with issues like rashes eczema n so on. Add two table spoon of black seed oil den scoop some portion out for kids. Add lemon and salicylic acid and ascorbic acid to the main soap in the bucket, mix together and divide in two portions. At this stage we have a toning soap that can clear pigmentation,

that even skin out, clear pimples and so on In d process of making our whitening soap, we have made two soaps I divided to get a toning healing soap n a whitening healing soap. Add tea tree oil to the one u are not using for whitening. D remaining half for whitening is now about 1kg of soap that’s why we started with two kg Now let's go to whitening Add whitening glycerine Add santarde lotion (fruits lotion) Add snow white Add your nature secret oil n 7 days whitening glycerine. We are through with our whitening soap

MOISTURISING HERBAL SOAP INGREDIENTS 1-pound Black Soap Grater 6 cups Boiled Distilled water 1tbsp Vitamin E oil 2tbsp Vegetable Glycerine 1/3 cup Aloe Vera Gel 1 tbsp Camwood 1tbsp Turmeric powder 1/4cup Rice water/1 tbsp powder INSTRUCTIONS Use a cheese grater or crumble the soap by hand into small pieces. Grating the soap helps it dissolve much faster.

Boil water and pour into an empty bottle. Add soap after water so it doesn’t bubble up and overflow in the bottle. Add desired oils and additives Shake the bottle well and leave overnight so the soap can thicken and dissolve properly OR You put the grated soap and water in a pot on low heat until all the soap is dissolved. Make sure to stir every once in a while, so it doesn't stick to the pot Once the soap is dissolved, put it in a bowl...Add oils and additives...Stir properly...Once it's the way you like it, pour it into your containers. Another Method (Liquid Black Soap Step 1: Cut or break off black soap. Step 2: boil about 7 cups of water. Step 3: While waiting for the water to come to boil, break off several small chunks of black soap to help the soap melt more quickly. Black soap is very easy to break apart WHITENING HERBAL SOAP MIX INGREDIENTS: Ghana Soap (Break into Pieces) – 2 Wraps Kojic Acid Powder – 50 g Indian Whitening Oil – 100mls Sandalwood Powder – 50 g Cinnamon Powder – 50 g Rice Powder – 50 g Neem Powder – 50 Camwood powder – 50g Oat Powder – 50g Papaya Puree extract – 100g

Carrot Puree – 100g Turmeric Roots Puree – 100g Cucumber Puree – 100g Lactic Acid - 20mls Vitamin C Powder – 50g Honey – 100mls Glycerine – 100mls Melted Lightening Shea Butter – 100mls Snow White Powder – 50g METHOD: - Mix all together in a mortar and pound

GLUTATHIONE HERBAL SOAP 13.2-inch by 16.7-inch mould. You will need this mould to shape a long bar that could be cut up into 60 individual bars of soap. INGREDIENTS: 60 ml. titanium dioxide 60 ml. sodium silicate 3 ml. anti-bacterial liquid 3 ml. preservative (phenoxy ethanol) 60 ml. moisturizer (castor oil) 60 ml. cocodiethanolamide (CDEA), 3.2 litters lye solution (caustic soda) 60 ml. evaporated milk to make glutathione herbal soap, you will need: a pail, spatula, hand mixer,

scraper, s mall containers, and a

60 ml. cucumber extract 6 kg. coconut oil (cooking oil) 12 pcs glutathione capsules 100 ml. fragrance 60 ml. apple extract 4 litres distilled water METHOD: Since titanium dioxide and caustic soda are sold in powder form, you need to dissolve them in water to come up with the required solution. Specifically, you need to dissolve 60 grams of titanium dioxide in 1.5L of water, and 1 kilo of caustic soda in 2.5L of water. Although you can also use tap water, it is advisable to use distilled water to prevent contamination. You can produce the cucumber extract by fermenting 1 kilo of the cucumber fruit in a jar with 2 tablespoons of salt. After 24 hours, get the extract, strain it and transfer it to another container. You can now use the extract. To produce the apple extract, cut up one apple and use a blender to crush it. Strain the extract using a piece of cheesecloth to remove impurities. Once you have measured the ingredients, put them in individual containers and label them properly. Since it is the base material for the soap, you may put the coconut oil into the pail directly Remove the glutathione powder from the capsules, then mix it with the coconut oil until the powder is fully dissolved. Pour the following ingredients into the mix in the following order: sodium silicate, CDEA, moisturizer, cucumber extract, apple extract, milk, titanium dioxide, preservative, the anti-bacterial liquid and the fragrance. If the ingredients are not added in this order, the texture of the soap will be rough. Mix the ingredients well with a hand mixer. Gradually pour the lye solution into the mixture, mixing continuously in one direction. Changing the direction when

mixing will create swirls or a cloudy effect on the soap. After adding the lye solution, you will notice a change in the colour and consistency of the mixture. Continue mixing until the consistency becomes like that of condensed milk; the mixture gets finer as you continue to mix. Make sure to mix the mixture well enough; otherwise, the soap will feel rough and itchy on the skin. Now pour the mixture into the mould. Before using the mould, make sure that its hollow parts are covered with plastic cut-outs so the soap will not stick to the mould and can easily be removed from the mould. Using a scraper, level and smoothen the top portion of the soap. Once it becomes smooth, set it aside for five hours to cure. After some time, you will notice changes in the colour of the soap. Heat will also be released by the soap. These are both signs that the soap is hardening. Even if the soap has already hardened after five hours, don’t remove it from the mould until the following day, when it has really cooled down. Once cool, cut the long bar into approximately 60 pieces. Smoothen the edges of the soap. Use the soap only after 24 hours.

LIGHTENING LIQUID WASH INGREDIENTS: 500 g of Ghana black soap 2 cups Distilled water 3 tsps. of Grapeseed oil 3 tbsp of raw honey 2 tbsp of ground cinnamon 2 tsp rice powder 2 tbsp of whitening glycerine 3 tbsp of kojic dipalmitate powder 1 tsp of vitamin E 1 tbsp or more of guar gum for desired thickness 1 tbsp of lemon essential oil METHOD:

Cut soap into small chunks into a bowl with cover and add your hot water. Leave mixture to sit for at least 3 hours or until chunks have liquefied, shake or stir occasionally. When mixture is completely liquid, add the raw honey, cinnamon, rice powder, kojic and grapeseed oil (Mix kojic powder with Grapeseed oil). also add whitening glycerine, vitamin E and essential oils and stir well. Add the guar gum powder to the mixture and whisk thoroughly until mixture begins to thicken. Transfer your mixture to the bottle of your choice

Deep exfoliation* This soap is specifically for those that don't like scrub, you can use this soap and allow it stay on your body for 15-20mimutes and it will exfoliate your skin beautifully and leave you with a glass skin. *Ingredients* Salicylic acid 1tsp Nano Vitamin C & E gluta soap + collagen (1) Turmeric powder(1tbsp) Lactic acid(1tbsp) Glycolic acid(1tbsp) Vitamin E oil (5drops) Whitening glycerin (1tsp) *Method* Shred your soap and melt it under double boiler, on a very low heat, don’t allow it to sweat so it doesn't low its nutrients. Bring out from the double boiler or you can alternative use microwave, add your 1tbsp of turmeric, 1tbsp of lactic acid, 1tbsp of glycolic acid, 5drops of vitamin E oil, 1tsp of whitening glycerine and stir properly. Put it in a soap mould and put in the fridge to solidify. If you don't have soap mould, you can put the soap in plastic cup and allow to solidify.


SOAP 2 Wraps Ghana Soap (Break into Pieces) 100mls Coconut Oil 100g Turmeric Powder 100g Neem Powder 100g Camwood Powder 1 Tbsp Sulphur 100g Melted Shea Butter 50g Orange Peel Powder 50g Rice Powder 200mls Omi Aro (Ash Water) 2 Tbsp Honey 2 Tbsp Cinnamon Powder 2 tsp palm oil METHOD: - Mix all together in a mortar and pound

GLOW IN THE DARK BLACK SOAP FOR BABIES INGREDIENTS Black soap Shea butter 3 tablespoons 2tablespoon of glycerine 3 tablespoons jojoba oil/coconut oil 2 tablespoons of almond oil 2 tablespoons of sulphur 2 tablespoons of castor oil 2 tablespoons of aloe Vera gel 2 tablespoons of camwood (osun in Yoruba)/sandalwood or both

2tsp of potash PROCESS: Start by soaking your black soap in water and leave to dissolve Overnight. if you are in hurry to use the soap, you can heat the soap on fire by adding a little water to the soap in a pot until it dissolves get a mortar and pour the soap inside & pound well then add up your ingredients, after that pour in your soap container You can use rose water if it's too hard That's our baby soap

AFRICAN BLACK SOAP FOR DARK SKIN 1 African black soap 3 tbsp. almond oil 3 tbsp. olive oil 3 tbsp. Rosemary oil 1cup coconut oil 1 cup palmkanel oil 1 shea butter 1 tbsp. vitamin e PROCESS Start by soaking your black soap in water and leave to dissolve overnight If you are in hurry to use the soap, you can heat the soap on fire by adding a little water to the soap in a pot until it dissolves. Add other ingredients and mix

*MAGIC SOAP FOR ACNE, BLACKHEADS/ PIMPLES* 1 tbsp of Camwood Black soap 15 ml Natural honey 1 tsp of Sulphur 1/2 lemon 1 tsp olive oil Pour black soap in a small bowl, and then add 1 tbsp of camwood. Mix it up, add 1 tsp of Sulphur, mix up then add 1 tsp of Olive oil, mix thoroughly together then add 1tbsp of honey, half cut lemon juice, and then mix thoroughly... Apply on d face and body. Note: don't leave it for more

than 10 minutes on your face. Then take a warm bath or rinse off with warm water. If for chocolate/ dark skinned people, no need of adding lemon juice. Just add more of honey and also add 20ml of coconut oil .

BLACK SOAP SKINGLOW MIX 2 wraps Ghana black soap Crush in a mortar Add 3tspn of turmeric powder Add 2tbs of sandalwood powder 2tbs of cinnamon Add 20cl of lemon juice Mix together. Blend well using hand or pestle Add 40cl of honey and 5tsp of coconut oil Blend well and add 2tsp of fragrance

BLACK SOAP SKINGLOW MIX 2 wraps Ghana black soap Crush in a mortar Add 3tspn of turmeric powder Add 2tbs of sandalwood powder 2tbs of cinnamon Add 20cl of lemon juice Mix together. Blend well using hand or pestle Add 40cl of honey and 5tsp of coconut oil Blend well and add 2tsp of fragrance 1 tbsp. sandalwood powder 60ml honey 2 tbsp. coconut oil 30ml lemon juice 1 tbsp. sulphur powder 40ml lime juice 1 teaspoon tea tree oil PROCESS Start by soaking your black soap in water and leave to dissolve overnight If you are in hurry to use the soap, you can heat the soap on fire by adding a little water to the soap in a pot until it dissolves Then add other ingredients to the soap Mix together thoroughly n scoop into container. The person using this soap should wet her face, apply d soap on d face, and let it stay for 5 10 mins then wash off. Morning and night. It cures pimples and leaving no dark spots on d face...sell this soap to your client with a face cream and cleanser if having an oil face.

KIDS GLOW BLACK SOAP MIX 2 mould of Ghana soap 2 tbsp. turmeric powder 1 tbsp. sulphur powder 30cl honey 10ml carrot oil 2 tbsp. Shea butter 10ml coconut oil 10 ml tea tree oil PROCESS Start by soaking your black soap in water and leave to dissolve overnight If you are in hurry to use the soap, you can heat you the soap on fire by adding a little water to the soap in a pot until it dissolves

Mix with other ingredients together very well n scoop into your container... You can do a double boiler to melt your Shea butter and oils together before adding to the soap mixture either ways. It glows children's skin and lightens the skin too, because the carrot oil is a skin lightener. Heals and prevents rash, eczema, ring worms and other skin related issues, because of the Sulphur powder, turmeric powder and tea tree oil. It also moisturizes the skin because of honey, Shea butter and coconut oil. You can add powdered milk to it, if you wish. That helps exfoliates the

BLACK SOAP FOR BABIES If you are in hurry to use the soap, you can heat the soap on fire by adding a little water to the INGREDIENTS Black soap Shea butter 3 tablespoons 2tablespoon of glycerine 3 tablespoons jojoba oil/coconut oil 2 tablespoons of almond oil 2 tablespoons of sulphur 2 tablespoons of castor oil 2 tablespoons of aloe Vera gel 2 tablespoons of camwood (osun in Yoruba)/sandalwood or both 2tsp of potash PROCESS: Start by soaking your black soap in water and leave to dissolve overnight soap in a pot until it dissolves Get a mortar and pour the soap inside & pound well then add up your ingredients, after that pour in your soap container You can use rose water if it's too hard That's our baby soap

AFRICAN BLACK SOAP FOR DARK SKIN 1 African black soap 3 tbsp. almond oil 3 tbsp. olive oil 3 tbsp. Rosemary oil 1cup coconut oil 1 cup palm kanel oil 1 shea butter 1 tbsp. vitamin e PROCESS Start by soaking your black soap in water and leave to dissolve overnight If you are in hurry to use the soap, you can heat the soap on fire by adding a little water to the soap in a pot until it dissolves. Add other ingredients and mix INTRODUCTION Black soap hails from West Africa and is quite popular due to its powerful effects on the skin. It is known by many names, including "ose dudu," a name

used by the Yoruba people of western Nigeria that literally means "black soap." The colour of black soap can range from light brown to deep black, depending on the method of production. Black soap contains ingredients that are beneficial for the skin. citrus black soap base (1) 250 grams black soap 30 grams lemon juice 20 grams lime juice 10 grams honey Crumble black soap base, pour the additives and seal the container for three weeks Open container once a week to mix and see how well your base is doing and after three weeks mix thoroughly, pack in a container as your citrus black soap base. Plain black soap soufflé base (2) 250 grams black soap Add honey to cover it and leave for three weeks, check once a week to mix and see how your base is doing After three weeks stir your base, add 10 grams neem oil (this is very optional) Bring out your hand mixer or stick blender and whip your soap base till it becomes fluffy Pack and keep in a container and label as plain black soap soufflé base (3) 250 grams black soap Add honey to cover it, add 45 grams black seed and leave for three weeks, check once a week to mix and see how your base is doing After three weeks stir your base Bring out your hand mixer or stick blender and whip your soap base till it becomes fluffy

Pack and keep in a container and label as black soap base with black seed soufflé. You can also leave this mixture without whipping it and label as base instead of soufflé (4) 250 grams black soap Crumble in a double boiler, when very soft, remove from heat, add 30 grams activated charcoal/ coconut charcoal powder. Stir very well and put back in your mould Place the mould inside very cold water and leave it there, do not allow the water to get into the mould at any time When cool, bring out your soap (should be solid) and label it as black soap base with activated charcoal (5) Get 100 grams honey and infuse with licorice root powder (50 grams) for 23 weeks When this is done, pass the honey through a cheese cloth to remove any residue from the root. Crumble 250 grams of black soap and keep in a jar Add 50 grams tamarind paste to the crumbled black soap Add your licorice infused honey to cover the soap and leave for three weeks like the others Choose to leave as paste or make a soufflé after the three weeks of waiting Note: This is a line of business that you can go into. Just like people sell base creams, you can sell base soaps too. Use any of the recipes or all of the recipes listed above, create sample black soap bases and share to people, they can use it alone, just like in the case of base creams but they are basically created for formulators to include additives So, if I buy your black soap base with activated charcoal, I just go ahead and add turmeric powder, camwood, sandalwood, goat milk etc and start to bath or sell to my clients This is new and if you work on it, might just be the push you need to be seen Remember to test all your recipes before selling or making any claims. Also, you need to test so that you can give advice on additives you want to use.

For example, if someone needs to purchase your base, you ask, what skin type do they want to formulate for? If its sensitive, you know you can’t give them a citrus base, you go for a plain black soap and honey base and so on and so forth.

WHY DO I NEED TO ADD AHA OR BHA TO MY BLACK SOAP? For the purpose of exfoliation and cell renewal and to increase the positive turn out of your soap. Because lactic acid is one of the mildest alpha hydroxyl acids to work with, I will share a sample recipe with you You must note that lactic acid comes in different strengths, do not go to a road side organic seller to buy lactic acid for use after this class (please it is very important) Use our designated vendors which will only be 2 people for this class The most common strengths of lactic acid available are 88% and 90%. It will be suicidal to add this directly into your black soap because it is an acid and it will burn. So, we dilute It to a safe percentage and then add into our soap.

LACTIC ACID RECIPE 5% lactic acid solution (200ml) Vegetable glycerine 200ml Licorice powder 50 grams Handful zobo leaves In a mayonnaise jar, add zobo leaves and pour lactic acid solution (your dilute L. A in rose water) Leave this for 6 hours and strain out Mix licorice powder into the glycerine and add it to the lactic acid solution Mix properly and leave overnight Start stirring in black soap flakes until you get a paste, not too thick but not watery at all Pack into containers

Not to be used on sensitive skin, use once a day until client gets used to it and switch to twice a day No need for scrubs while using it (you can increase percentage of lactic acid but not more than 10%. I strongly advice 5%) Please ask your questions

ANTI-AGEING FACE CREAM Argan oil helps rejuvenate skin and can get rid of fine lines INGREDIENTS: ¼ cup almond oil 2 tablespoons argan oil 2 tablespoons rose oil 2 tablespoon emulsifying wax 2 tablespoons beeswax ½ teaspoon vitamin E oil 1 tablespoon shea butter 20mls Hyaluronic acid gel or serum METHOD: In a double boiler method, double boil beeswax, emulsifying wax, rose oil, Moroccan argan oil, almond oil and shea butter to melt. Stir occasionally. Once the mixture has melted and all is evenly combined, pour it into a small glass jar and whisk thoroughly then add your essential oil, vitamin e oil, collagen and hyaluronic acid serum. Mix well to make sure all ingredients are well incorporated. Let it sit at room temperature until the cream hardens, close the jar’s lid and store in a cool place.

ANTI-AGEING *FACIAL SERUM 100 MLS* *INGREDIENTS** 50mls Rosehip Seed Oil 50mls Sweet Almond Oil 10 drops of Cypress essential oil 10 drops of Geranium essential oil 7 drops of Frankincense Essential Oil METHOD: Mix all ingredients in a 100mls dropper bottle. Use serum morning and night after washing and using a facial toner. Like all serums, less is more. It only takes a few drops to cover your entire face and neck.

ANTIAGEING HERBAL SOAP 1kg African black soap

2tsp turmeric 2tps rice flour 2tsp neem 2tsp niacinamide 10ml glycolic acid 2tsp salicylic acid 50g Aloe Vera Oregano essential oil 3drops Rosemary. 3 drops Thyme. 3drops Turmeric oil 20ml Glycerine 20ml. Mix and pound all together.

ANTI-AGING SUPPLEMENTS Heli care. Heliocare Skin Care Dietary Supplement. ... Zinc. EZ Melts Zinc for Immune Support. ... Coenzyme Q10. Doctor's Best High Absorption CoQ10 with BioPerine. ... Collagen Peptides. ... Vitamin C. Vit K Cell Gevity

*How to make antiaging scrub* Ingredients: Caster sugar 150g Brown sugar 50g Lavender flower (dried) 15g

Marigold (dried) 15g Lavender essential oil 10 drops Sweet almond oil 120ml Glycerine 1 tablespoon Jar 250 g Mix the dry lavender, marigolds and sugars in a bowl. Add drops of essential oil. Pour the oil over and stir until well mixed. More oil can be added until you get the texture you want. Add preservatives or any good fragrance of choice

How to make repair whitening black soap Ghana black soap Glycolic acid Turmeric powder Giga white powder Olive oil Neem oil Pigment doux Carrot oil Castor oil Melt black soap on low heat Bring down allow to cool Add 2 tablespoon per ingredient, stir for a one litre gel

skin repair black soap recipe Skin repair black soap 1kg black soap 30g turmeric powder 30g cinnamon powder

25g licorice powder 30g shea butter 30ml sweet almond oil 30ml sesame oil 30ml carrot oil 5ml vitamin E oil 30ml glycerine 60ml raw honey 100ml lime juice Fragrance (optional) Pour lime juice into the black soap and leave for 1hour to texturize the soap. Pound the soap inside a mortar. Gradually, add other ingredients and pound well. This soap will remove any blemish on the skin and repair a bleached or damaged skin cells.

HOW TO MAKE MOROCCAN BLACK SOAP The key ingredient of Moroccan black soap is olive oil. It is made by adding pureed black olives to Moroccan olive oil. The olives are blended till they are incorporated into the oil and form a pudding like texture. Potassium hydroxide is added to the mixture as opposed to sodium hydroxide which goes into the making of regular soap bars. The mixture is then heated. It turns darker and thicker on heating. Once it is cooled it can be placed in containers that can accommodate the quantity of soap prepared. The texture as mentioned before remains buttery.

HOW TO USE MOROCCAN BLACK SOAP Traditionally the use of black soap is part of the hammam experience where women generally visit steam rooms or baths and slather their bodies with black soap allowing it to sink in for about 15 minutes. On washing the skin is scrubbed with the assistance of a lady assigned to assist the women at the bath. However, the properties of black soap can be enjoyed by women all the world. Black soap is used the same way as any other soap. But, it does not

lather or produce foam. It has to be applied or rather massaged onto damp skin in a hot shower. The soap can be allowed to sink in for a few minutes. The next step is to scrub the skin using kessa gloves to remove dirt and dry, dead skin. To finish, a cold-water shower should suffice. You can make an exfoliating soap and the best must be the one made from 'glycolic acid' so we made one Here is the recipe Glycolic acid (I used the raw one) Turmeric Latic acid Ghana black soap Vitamin e I melted the black soap The add 2 tablespoons of glycolic acid Then all the others 3tabledpoons Want a beautiful skin without using spa scrubs make this scrub (gentle peeling)