ADINA User Interface Command Reference Manual: Utomatic [PDF]

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ADINA User Interface Command Reference Manual Volume V: Display Processing Report ARD 11-6 ADINA R & D, Inc.

December 2011

ADINA User Interface Command Reference Manual Volume V: Display Processing

Report ARD 11-6 December 2011

for the ADINA system version 8.8

ADINA R & D, Inc. 71 Elton Avenue Watertown, MA 02472 USA tel. (617) 926-5199 telefax (617) 926-0238

Notices ADINA R & D, Inc. owns both this software program system and its documentation. Both the program system and the documentation are copyrighted with all rights reserved by ADINA R & D, Inc. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. ADINA R & D, Inc. makes no warranty whatsoever, expressed or implied that the Program and its documentation including any modifications or updates are free from errors or defects. In no event shall ADINA R&D, Inc. become liable to the User or any party for any loss, including but not limited to, loss of time, money or goodwill, which may arise from the use of the Program and its documentation including any modifications and updates. Trademarks ADINA is a registered trademark of K.J. Bathe / ADINA R & D, Inc. All other product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Copyright Notice © ADINA R & D, Inc. 1994-2011 December 2011 Printing PRINTED IN USA

Table of contents

Table of contents Chapter 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 1.1 Program execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 1.2 Command syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 1.3 Input details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 1.4 Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9 1.5 File input/output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10 1.6 The AUI database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10 1.7 Listings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11 1.8 Plotting length units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11 1.9 Plotting symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12 1.10 Plotting colors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12 1.11 Graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12 1.12 Tips for writing batch files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-13 1.13 New features in AUI 8.8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-14 1.14 ADINA System documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-15 Chapter 2 Quick index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Chapter 3 Input/output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 3.1 Database operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 3.2 Porthole files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7 3.3 Auxiliary files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-15 3.4 Auxiliary commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-29 3.5 Program termination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-36 Chapter 4 Editing commands and graphics interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 4.1 Editing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 4.2 Graphics interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3 Chapter 5 Display control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 5.1 Screen control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 5.2 Mesh plotting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8 5.3 Load plotting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-68 5.4 Band plotting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-77 5.5 Vector plotting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-99 5.6 Element line plotting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-113 5.7 Reaction plotting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-124 5.8 Trace plotting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-132 5.9 J-integral line contour plotting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-159 5.10 Graph plotting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-163 5.11 Movie frames and animations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-226 5.12 User defined plotting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-241

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Table of contents

5.13 Plotting definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-253 Chapter 6 Display and post-processing definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1 6.1 Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1 6.2 Zones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7 6.3 Response data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-26 6.4 Response range data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-46 6.5 Spectrum definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-53 6.6 Result control definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-64 6.7 Model points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-75 6.8 Model lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-118 6.9 Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-137 Chapter 7 Results listing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1 7.1 Model information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1 7.2 Variables listing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-13 Chapter 8 Graphics devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1 Command index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Index-1


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Chapter 1 Introduction

Sec. 1.1 Program execution

1. Introduction This reference manual provides concise descriptions of the command input requirements for the ADINA User Interface (AUI). This introduction serves to give some background information and indicate the general command syntax including descriptions of the conventions used. This manual only discusses those commands that you use for model display and postprocessing. Refer to the other AUI Command Reference Manuals for descriptions of the commands that you use for model definition.

1.1 Program execution Commands can be entered in the following modes: Interactive (a) AUI is running with the user interface displayed – you can enter commands into the user interface command window. (b) AUI is running in command mode (using the "-cmd" option) – you can enter commands from standard input. Batch (a) AUI is running with the user interface displayed – you can read commands from a file by choosing File->Open. (b) Commands can be read from a given file using the aui startup options -s (UNIX versions) or -b (Windows version). You can also read commands from a file using the READ command (see Section 3.3).

1.2 Command syntax Here is the layout of a typical command reference page:

COMMAND[1] PARAM1 PARAM2[2]... data1i data2i[3]... General description of command function.[4]

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Chap. 1 Introduction

PARAM1 Description of parameter PARAM1[5]. {}[7] PARAM2 Description of parameter PARAM2. {}



... data1i Description of data line entry data1i[5] (ith row, column 1). data2i Description of data line entry data2i (ith row, column 2).

[][6] {}[7] [] {}

... Auxiliary commands[8] LIST COMMAND Brief description of this command. DELETE COMMAND Brief description of this command.

Issuing a command allows you to alter the data associated with the command. This data comprises the values associated with the command parameters and possibly a table, input via "data lines", associated with the command. In the above, the command name "COMMAND"[1], given at the top of the reference page, has the first few characters emphasized to show the minimum number of characters required to be input to uniquely identify the command. A list of parameters[2] and data lines[3] for the command then follows. In this list the first few characters in the parameter and data line names are emphasized to show the minimum number of characters required to uniquely identify the parameter and data line names. Following a general outline of the command function[4], a description of the command parameters and data line entries is given below the relevant keynames[5]. The parameters usually have default values[6] which are assumed if the parameter is not explicitly specified. The default values are indicated in brackets [ ] – a bold value indicates a default value (number or string) and an italicized string indicates the source of the default value, which is either (a) a text description of the default, (b) a parameter name from the same command, or (c) a combination of command + parameter names, indicating that the default is


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Sec. 1.2 Command syntax

taken from the setting of another (different) command parameter. A parameter for which no default is provided means that there is no default – i.e., some choice must be entered for that parameter. One important parameter type is that of an entity identifier – for which the parameter keyname "NAME" is normally reserved. If the object identified by NAME has already been defined, then the other parameter defaults are set to the previous settings for that object. If a new NAME is given then the defaults, as indicated by the command reference pages herein, are taken. In the former case, execution of the command redefines the named object. The choice of parameter values is often discussed within the parameter description, but, where appropriate, a simple list of choices follows the parameter description[7]. For example, parameters with simple logical choices will have the list "{ YES / NO }" appended to the description. When a table is associated with the command, the command includes data input lines. For some commands, the table is initially empty, but for other commands the table already includes data lines. The columns of a data line can be divided into two types: key columns and data columns. When a data line has key columns, the key value columns always precede the data value columns. In this case the values of the key columns uniquely identify the data line, and, therefore, two data lines cannot have the same key column values – for such input, the second input data line overwrites the data associated with the key column values. You can delete a data line by preceding the key column values with the DELETE prefix. When a data line does not have key columns, two or more data lines can have the same values – but you cannot use the DELETE prefix to delete data lines without key columns. However, you can always delete all of the data lines of a table using the @CLEAR or CLEAR keywords. This is of course especially useful for those tables in which there are no key columns. For data line input, not all the columns need be specified; the ENTRIES keyword, which can be input as the first data line following the command line, can be used to select a subset of the data column entries (see below). Then the values you enter in the subsequent data lines are associated with the columns indicated by the ENTRIES parameters, the other data columns taking default values whenever possible. Note, however, that key columns are required input, and should thus be included in the ENTRIES column list. Many commands have "auxiliary" commands[8] which are entered with one of the following prefixes:

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Chap. 1 Introduction


list object definitions delete objects from the database update command defaults reset command defaults copy objects set "currently active" objects show "currently active" objects

Brief command descriptions are provided for the auxiliary commands.

1.3 Input details Command input Please refer to command ZONELIST (which is fully described in Section 7.2) in the following discussion: ZONELIST ZONENAME RESULTGRID SMOOTHING RESULTCONTROL RESPOPTION RESPONSE RESPRANGE VARIABLES... When entering commands, only as many characters as necessary to uniquely specify the command name need be entered. The same rule applies to the parameters and data line entry key names within a command. The minimum number of characters necessary are indicated in bold. Note that commands and parameters are case insensitive. All commands, parameters, values are stored in upper case, except for string variables (headings, graph legends, filenames, etc.). Parameter values can be input in any order if the keynames are used, e.g., ZONELIST SMOOTHING=NONE ZONENAME=ZONE1 VARIABLES=STRESS-XX, STRESS-YY Some or all of the parameters can be excluded if the positional order of the parameters is observed, e.g., ZONELIST ZONE1 , , NONE , , , , , STRESS-XX STRESS-YY (the parameters RESULTGRID, RESULTCONTROL, RESPOPTION, RESPONSE, RESPRANGE have been omitted by the use of the commas). A mix of keyname parameters and positional input is allowed, e.g., ZONELIST ZONE1 , , NONE VARIABLES=STRESS-XX STRESS-YY


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Sec. 1.3 Input details

The above uses of the ZONELIST command are all equivalent. The omitted parameters in each case take the default values. Data lines Many commands require data line (tabular) input, e.g., NODELINE (see Section 6.8): NODELINE NAME SUBSTRUCTURE REUSE NODE FACTOR substructurei reusei nodei factori Use the ENTRIES keyword to select only the data columns that you want to enter (the other data columns will be given default values): NODELINE TEST ENTRIES NODE FACTOR 1 2.0 2 3.0 3 4.0 DATAEND Most commands that take this form of input also allow for incremental row generation via the "STEP inc TO" option where "inc" represents an increment in the generation. Here are some examples: 1) NODELINE TEST ENTRIES NODE FACTOR 1 2.0 STEP 2 TO 5 2.0 DATAEND is equivalent to NODELINE TEST ENTRIES NODE FACTOR 1 2.0 3 2.0 5 2.0 @

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Chap. 1 Introduction

2) NODELINE TEST ENTRIES NODE FACTOR 1 2.0 STEP 1 TO 5 2.0 DATAEND NODELINE TEST ENTRIES NODE FACTOR 1 2.0 TO 5 2.0 DATAEND and NODELINE TEST ENTRIES NODE FACTOR 1 2.0 / 2 2.0 / 3 2.0 / 4 2.0 / 5 2.0 DATAEND are all equivalent. Note that data line input can be terminated either by entering the symbol "@" or the string "DATAEND" – otherwise data line input is terminated automatically by input of the next command, see below for more details. Data line rows can be deleted by preceding the key value by the prefix DELETE. This method of deletion also supports row 'generation' – i.e., "DELETE i STEP k TO j" can be used to delete a range of values. All the data lines associated with a command can be deleted simultaneously using the @CLEAR or CLEAR keywords. This is useful when you want to define a table if you do not know if the table is already defined or not: NODELINE TEST CLEAR ENTRIES NODE FACTOR 1 2.0 STEP 2 TO 5 2.0 DATAEND In this case, the CLEAR keyword deletes any existing rows defined for nodeline TEST. It is not an error to use the CLEAR keyword when there are no existing rows defined.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Sec. 1.3 Input details

Termination of data line input - string values in data input lines As stated above, data line input is terminated either by entering the symbol “@”, the string “DATAEND” or the input of a new command. When data lines begin with string values, care must be taken to enclose the string values in quotes, otherwise the string values might be interpreted as new commands. For example (using pre-processing commands) DOMAIN NAME=1 ENTRIES TYPE NAME VOLUME 1 @ In this sequence, the AUI assumes that the string VOLUME begins a new command. But the string VOLUME by itself does not uniquely specify the command, since there is more than one command that begins with VOLUME. So the AUI gives an error message such as ***INPUT ERROR: Keyname ’TYPE Valid choices are PATCH VERTEX REVOLVED ...

which is confusing, since the word TYPE in the error message does not refer to the data input line entries in the DOMAIN command. To avoid this error message, enclose the string VOLUME in quotes: DOMAIN NAME=1 ENTRIES TYPE NAME ’VOLUME’ 1 @ The quotes tell the AUI to interpret the string as a data input line entry. Names AUI names are usually of two types – alphanumeric strings of up to 30 characters or integer label numbers. Integer label numbers normally start with 1. Integer values Integers can be input with a maximum of 9 significant digits. For positive values, a preceding + sign can, if desired, be input. Real values Specification of real values can include a decimal point and/or an exponent. The exponent must be preceded by the letters E, e, D, or d, e.g.,

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Chap. 1 Introduction

2E5 2.0d+05 200000. all refer to the same real number. Alphanumeric values Alphanumeric values must start with a letter (A-Z, a-z), a digit (0-9) or the # sign. The only permissible characters allowed are the letters A-Z, a-z, the digits 0 to 9, the hyphen (-), the + sign, and the underscore (_). Lower-case characters in an alphanumeric value are always converted to upper-case by the AUI. String values A string should be enclosed by apostrophes ('). Any apostrophe within the string must be entered twice. Any character can be included in a string. Lower-case characters in a string value are not converted to upper-case. Filenames A filename should be enclosed by apostrophes ('). Filenames can be up to 256 characters long. Length of input lines Input lines to the AUI can each contain up to 256 characters. Line continuation, line separator, blanks, and commas If the last non-blank character of a command or data line is a comma (,), then the command or data is continued on the next input line. The total length of an input line and all of its continuations can be up to 2000 characters. A slash (/) in an input line can be used to end a command or data input line; more commands or data can then be entered on the same input line.

A blank, several blanks, characters, a comma, or a comma surrounded by blanks act as delimiters. Commands, parameter keynames and values must be separated by delimiters. Comments Comment lines can appear anywhere in the input and are identified by an asterisk (*) in column 1, e.g., * This is a comment line Parameter substitution You can define parameters as numeric expressions, and use the parameter values in later commands. This feature is useful when creating batch files used in structural optimization.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Sec. 1.5 File input/output

For example: PARAMETER A '5 + 7' PARAMETER B '2*$A' PARAMETER C '3 + $A + 4*$B' BODY BLOCK DX1=$A DX2=$B DX3=$C defines the size of a rectangular block in terms of parameters A, B and C. See the PARAMETER command (in Section 3.4) for more information and examples.

1.4 Messages Commands will often echo messages confirming their successful completion, or provide other information. Otherwise you may get error/warning messages with varying levels of severity: *** INPUT ERROR You have entered an unacceptable parameter value or data. The command will not execute with invalid input. *** WARNING The command has completed, but has detected a possible inconsistency which you may have to resolve. *** ALERT The command has completed, but has detected a definite inconsistency which you have to resolve. *** ERROR The command has not completed. *** INTERNAL ERROR The program has determined some internal inconsistency, normally due to a software bug. You should contact ADINA R & D Inc. if you encounter such a message. In order to track down the source of the problem it would be most useful if the input responsible for this condition is made available to the support engineers. *** MEMORY OVERFLOW The command has not completed, due to the program running out of memory. Increase the memory allocation to the program. Note: you can request that the AUI skip the remaining commands in a batch file after the AUI writes error messages, see Section 1.12 and the ERRORACTION parameter of the CONTROL command for further information.

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Chap. 1 Introduction

1.5 File input/output The AUI uses several files for handling I/O. Here is a brief description of some of them, together with a suggested filename extension convention: .in .idb .plo .pdb .ses .ps .dat .por .out

ADINA-IN batch command input ADINA-IN permanent database ADINA-PLOT batch command input ADINA-PLOT permanent database AUI session file (echo of command input) PostScript snapshot Analysis data Analysis porthole file Analysis printout

1.6 The AUI database The AUI uses an internal database to store and retrieve data used during program execution. The internal database is stored in main memory and, if main memory is not sufficient, a temporary database file is created to hold the excess data. The internal database can be saved in a disk file, called a permanent database file, so that it can be retrieved in a future run. Five commands are used to create, open and save databases. DATABASE NEW creates a new empty internal database. DATABASE OPEN initializes the internal database using a specified permanent database file. DATABASE SAVE saves the internal database to disk, allowing you to specify the name of the database file. DATABASE ATTACH causes the AUI to use the specified permanent database file as the internal database. DATABASE DETACH renames the internal database file as a permanent database file. All of these commands are described in Section 3.1. The permanent database file is similar to a text file used in a word processing program. Like the text file, the permanent database file resides on disk and can be retrieved by the program in a future run. The permanent database file can be saved on disk periodically during program execution to protect against loss of data due to computer failure. During each save operation, a different permanent database file can be selected so that several versions of the database are available for retrieval. (This is similar to saving several versions of a text file on disk when working with a word processing program.) For the differences between DATABASE OPEN and DATABASE ATTACH, see the command description for DATABASE ATTACH. For the differences between DATABASE SAVE and DATABASE DETACH, see the command description for DATABASE DETACH.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Sec. 1.7 Listings

1.7 Listings Many AUI commands generate lists. For example, the ZONELIST command in Section 7.2 lists the values of variables. You can specify whether listings are sent to your terminal or to a disk file (see the FILELIST command in Section 3.3). When the listings are sent to your terminal, you are prompted by --More--( %) after each screen of the listing. The number printed before the percent sign represents the percentage of the file that has been displayed so far. Responses to this prompt are as follows:

D or d D or d Z or z S or s F or f B or b Q or q = .

Display another line of the listing. Display another screenful of the listing. Display i more lines. Display the next half-screen (a scroll) of the listing. Set the number of lines in the scroll to i and display the next scroll. Set the number of lines in each screen to i and display the next screen. Skip i lines and print a screenful of lines. Skip i screenfuls and print a screenful of lines. Skip back i screenfuls and print a screenful of lines. Stop the listing. Print the current line number in the listing. Repeat the last prompt response.

In these responses, represents an optional integer argument, defaulting to 1. If you are familiar with the UNIX operating system, you will recognize that the above options correspond closely to the options of the 'more' command.

1.8 Plotting length units Many plotting commands and their related depiction commands have length unit parameters to indicate drawing units. The typical choices are: CM INCHES PERCENT PIXELS POINTS

centimeter inches percentage of size of graphics window, frame, or subframe screen resolution unit 1 point = 1/72 inch

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Chap. 1 Introduction

1.9 Plotting symbols Many plotting commands allow you to select plotting symbols. These can be input via the "extended character" convention – see the TEXT command in Section 5.12 for details.

1.10 Plotting colors Many plotting commands allow you to select plotting colors. There are many colors predefined by the AUI; use the LIST COLORTABLE command in Section 5.13 to see their definitions. You can use the COLORTABLE command in Section 5.13 to add or modify colors. The special color INVERSE is interpreted by the AUI as the opposite of the background color. For example, if the background color of the graphics window is BLACK, then color INVERSE plots as WHITE. Use the PLCONTROL commands in Chapter 8 to set the background color of the graphics window. A color name can also be in the format #XXXXXX where each X is a hex digit. Digits 1 and 2 give the red intensity, digits 3 and 4 give the green intensity and digits 5 and 6 give the blue intensity. This is the same specification technique as is used in HTML. Examples: #FFFFFF = red intensity 255, green intensity 255, blue intensity 255 #F42D37 = red intensity 244, green intensity 45, blue intensity 55

1.11 Graphics You can display and interact with graphics using the command-line interface (UNIX versions only). Before you can display graphics, you must issue a FRAME command (see Section 5.1). The first FRAME command initializes a graphics window and the plotting surface. Successive FRAME commands clear the graphics window. The contents of the graphics window are refreshed only when you are using a LOCATOR command (see Section 4.2). For example, if you expose part of the graphics window, the exposed part is redrawn only when you issue a LOCATOR command. You can resize the graphics window using the mouse, but the contents are repositioned only when you issue a LOCATOR command. To exit a LOCATOR command, move the mouse cursor into the graphics window and press (lower-case) q. Use the SNAPSHOT command (see Section 3.3) to dump displayed graphics to a file. You cannot use the PLSYSTEM command to force all graphics output to be drawn to a file. If


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Sec. 1.12 Tips for writing batch files

you are using a batch file and do not want to display the graphics in a graphics window, you can force the AUI to draw to the dummy plotting system NULL. For example, the command sequence PLSYSTEM FRAME MESHPLOT SNAPSHOT FRAME MESHPLOT BANDPLOT SNAPSHOT END


can be submitted as a batch file to the AUI. It will not draw any graphics into a graphics window, but will dump the graphics to the file "". If you want to simultaneously preview the graphics, simply remove or comment out the PLSYSTEM NULL command. If you want the AUI to pause between frames, you can either put READ END commands where you want the AUI to pause and then use the READ command to incrementally read the command file, or you can put PAUSE commands where you want the AUI to pause.

1.12 Tips for writing batch files Increasing execution speed: The AUI contains features that are useful when you enter commands using the dialog boxes, but are not useful when you read commands from a batch file. These features are activated by default. You can deactivate the features to increase the speed at which batch files are processed, and to reduce the memory requirements of the AUI. The features are Undo/redo storage: To turn off storage of undo/redo information, use the command CONTROL UNDO=-1. Automatic model rebuilding: This feature is used in ADINA-IN only, but we describe it here for completeness. After the AUI processes an ADINA-IN command, it updates various data structures so that the updated model is plotted correctly. To turn off this feature, use the command CONTROL AUTOMREBUILD=NO. When this feature is turned off, if you want to plot the model, you must use the ADINA, ADINA-T or ADINA-F commands to rebuild the model beforehand. Note that batch files created by TRANSOR have this command setting. When you have completed the batch input, you can set AUTOMREBUILD back to YES and rebuild (and validate) the model using the ADINA, ADINA-T or ADINA-F commands. Session file creation: To turn off creation of the session file, use the command FILESESSION NO. (Note that if you use the AUI in command-line mode, this is the default, but if you use the AUI in dialog box mode, the default is FILESESSION

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Chap. 1 Introduction

OVERWRITE.) Storage of session file information in the database: To turn off this feature, use the command CONTROL SESSIONSTORAGE=NO. Automatic zone rebuilding: The AUI automatically creates zones corresponding to element groups, geometry bodies, etc. When creating a model with many element groups or geometry bodies, this feature slows down the AUI. To turn off this feature, use the command CONTROL AUTOZONE=NO Stopping after an error or memory overflow is detected: The AUI includes a feature that skips the remaining commands in a batch file after an error or memory overflow is detected. To activate this feature, use the command CONTROL ERRORACTION=SKIP. Summary: Use the following commands to perform all of the above actions: FILESESSION NO CONTROL UNDO=-1 AUTOMREBUILD=NO SESSIONSTORAGE=NO, ERRORACTION=SKIP AUTOZONE=NO

1.13 New features in AUI 8.8 The following new features are implemented in AUI 8.8 for display and post-processing. New commands BOLTPOINT, BOLTCOMBINATION, BOLTLINE: Defines bolt points, bolt combination points and bolt lines. Bolt points allow the results from bolt element groups to be accessed. EVECTORQUANTITY: Allows definition of a vector/tensor quantity from variables. Updated commands/parameters ELDEPICTION ... CSECTOPT CSECTNSEG NAXISNSEG: Allows plotting of Hermitian beam cross-sections, and allows plotting of Hermitian beam neutral axes as curved lines. BANDTABLE AUTOMATIC ... LOWER UPPER: Controls colors for values less than the lowest value in the band table, and for values greater than the highest value in the band table. BANDTABLE AUTOMATIC ... ROUNDING BANDTABLE REPEATING ... ROUNDING: Controls rounding of values in the band table. EVECTORGRID SITEOPTION=NODES: Forces plotting of quantities at nodes.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Sec. 1.14 ADINA System documentation

EVECTORRENDERING FILTER: Allows plotting of only positive or negative tensor quantities. ZONE and HIGHLIGHT : New selections GLUEMESH SURFACE and GLUEMESH SURFACE SEGMENT for plotting gluemesh surfaces. Support for new features of the ADINA System ADINA-EM New quantities for EVECTORPLOT command: EFI, EFI-R, EFI-I, HMI, HMI-R, HMI-I, APT, APT-R, APT-I, DFI, DFI-R, DFI-I, BMI, BMI-R, BMI-I New parameter for RESULTCONTROL command: OMEGAT OpenCascade geometry New parameter for GSDEPICTION command: OCCTOL Beam-bolt elements New quantities for ELINEPLOT command: BOLT_SHEARFORCE-S, BOLT_SHEARFORCE-T, BOLT_TORSION, BOLT_MOMENT-S, BOLT_MOMENT-T Additional variables Bolt groups Variables BOLT-FORCE, BOLT-SHORTENING are added. Beam-bolt elements Variables BOLT_SHEARFORCE-S, BOLT_SHEARFORCE-T, BOLT_TORSION, BOLT_MOMENT-S, BOLT_MOMENT-T are added.

1.14 ADINA System documentation At the time of printing of this manual, the following documents are available with the ADINA System: Installation Notes Describes the installation of the ADINA System on your computer. ADINA User Interface Command Reference Manual

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Chap. 1 Introduction

Volume I: ADINA Solids & Structures Model Definition, Report ARD 11-2, December 2011 Volume II: ADINA Heat Transfer Model Definition, Report ARD 11-3, December 2011 Volume III: ADINA CFD&FSI Model Definition, Report ARD 11-4, December 2011 Volume IV: ADINA EM Model Definition, Report ARD 11-5, December 2011 Volume V: Display Processing, Report ARD 11-6, December 2011 These documents describe the AUI command language. You use the AUI command language to write batch files for the AUI. ADINA User Interface Primer, Report ARD 11-7, December 2011 Tutorial for the ADINA User Interface, presenting a sequence of worked examples which progressively instruct you how to effectively use the AUI. Theory and Modeling Guide Volume I: ADINA Solids & Structures, Report ARD 11-8, December 2011 Volume II: ADINA Heat Transfer, Report ARD 11-9, December 2011 Volume III: ADINA CFD&FSI, Report ARD 11-10, December 2011 Volume IV: ADINA EM, Report ARD 11-11, December 2011 Provides a concise summary and guide for the theoretical basis of the analysis programs ADINA, ADINA-T, ADINA-F, ADINA-FSI, ADINA-TMC and ADINA EM. The manuals also provide references to other publications which contain further information, but the detail contained in the manuals is usually sufficient for effective understanding and use of the programs. ADINA Verification Manual, Report ARD 11-12, December 2011 Presents solutions to problems which verify and demonstrate the usage of the ADINA System. Input files for these problems are distributed along with the ADINA System programs. TRANSOR for I-DEAS Users Guide, Report ARD 11-15, December 2011 Describes the interface between the ADINA System and NX I-deas. This guide is available in HTML format and is directly accessible from the TRANSOR interface within I-deas. The use of TRANSOR for I-deas to perform pre/post-processing and ADINA analysis within the I-deas environment is described. TRANSOR for Femap Users Guide, Report ARD 11-16, December 2011 Describes the interface between the ADINA System and Femap. This guide is available as a pdf file. The use of TRANSOR for Femap to perform pre/post-processing and ADINA analysis within the Femap environment is described. ADINA System 8.8 Release Notes, December 2011 Provides a description of the new and modified features of the ADINA System 8.8.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Sec. 1.14 ADINA System documentation

You will also find the following book useful: K. J. Bathe, Finite Element Procedures, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1996. Provides theoretical background to many of the solution techniques used in the ADINA System.

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Chapter 2 Quick index

Chap. 2 Quick index

The following index presents a quick overview of all AUI commands and their functions. The commands are presented in the order in which they appear in the manual.

Chapter 3: Input/output Section 3.1: Database operations DATABASE NEW, creates a new database. DATABASE OPEN, opens a database. DATABASE SAVE, saves the current internal database as a permanent database file. DATABASE ATTACH, allows access to the specified file as an AUI database file. DATABASE DETACH, detaches the database. DATABASE MOVIESAVE, creates a database that contains only movies and related data. Section 3.2: Porthole files LOADPORTHOLE, loads an ADINA, ADINA-T or ADINA-F porthole file into the database.

MOVIESAVE, saves all of the graphics of a movie to a disk file. SAVEAVI, saves an animation as an AVI file (Windows version only) SAVEBMP, saves the screen in a bitmap format COMMANDFILE, writes commands needed to recreate the AUI database to a file. EXPORT STL, saves the undeformed or deformed FE model as an STL file. Section 3.4: Auxiliary commands MODE, switches between preprocessing and postprocessing mode. FEPROGRAM, selects the current finite element program. PAUSE, stops processing of commandline input until you press a key. PARAMETER, defines a parameter that can be substituted in a later command. ECHO, echos the given string. Section 3.5: Program termination

Section 3.3: Auxiliary files END, terminates the program. READ, reads AUI input commands from a file. FILEREAD, controls the source of input commands to the AUI. FILESESSION, controls the generation and output of a session file. FILELIST, controls the format and output of listings. FILEECHO, controls echoing of input commands FILELOG, controls the output of log messages. SNAPSHOT, saves the currently displayed graphics to a disk file.

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Chapter 4: Editing commands and graphics interaction Section 4.1: Editing UNDO, cancels the effects of previous commands. REDO, cancels the effects of previous UNDO commands.


Chap. 2 Quick index

Section 4.2: Graphics interaction PICKED DELETE, deletes all picked graphics. PICKED MESHWINDOW-NORMAL, sets the mesh viewing windows of all picked mesh plots to normal. RESET MESHWINDOW, sets the mesh viewing windows of all displayed mesh plots to normal. LOCATOR, controls the function of the locator (mouse). ZOOM, zooms into or out of the displayed image. PAN, pans the displayed image. HIGHLIGHT, highlights entities such as nodes and elements.

Chapter 5: Display Control Section 5.1: Screen control REGENERATE, reconstructs all meshplots, bandplots, etc. displayed on the screen according to the current depiction settings of the meshplots, bandplots, etc. and according to the current state of the model. FRAME, defines a frame in the graphics window. SUBFRAME, defines a subframe. Section 5.2: Mesh plotting MESHPLOT, creates a mesh plot. MESHSTYLE, groups depictions used by MESHPLOT. GPDEPICTION, defines attributes used by MESHPLOT when drawing the points in the model geometry. GLDEPICTION, defines attributes used by MESHPLOT when drawing the lines and edges in the model geometry.


GSDEPICTION, defines attributes used by MESHPLOT when drawing the surfaces and faces in the model geometry. GVDEPICTION, defines attributes used by MESHPLOT when labeling the geometry volumes or geometry bodies. MODELDEPICTION, defines some attributes used by MESHPLOT, including the displacement magnification factor. MESHRENDERING, defines some attributes used by MESHPLOT, including shading. NODEDEPICTION, defines attributes used by MESHPLOT when drawing nodes. ELDEPICTION, defines attributes used by MESHPLOT when drawing elements. VSDEPICTION, selects a virtual shift drawn by MESHPLOT. MESHANNOTATION, selects optional text plotted by MESHPLOT. BOUNDEPICTION, defines attributes used by MESHPLOT when drawing boundary conditions. PLOTAREA, defines a plotarea depiction, used by MESHPLOT to specify the area into which to draw the mesh plot. VIEW, defines a view depiction, used by MESHPLOT to specify the view. MESHWINDOW, defines a mesh viewing window depiction, used by MESHPLOT to specify the mesh viewing window. CUTSURFACE CUTPLANE, defines a mesh plot cutting surface as a cutting plane. CUTSURFACE ISOSURFACE, defines a mesh plot cutting surface as an isosurface of a result.

AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Chap. 2 Quick index

CUTSURFACE NONE, turns off mesh plot cutting surface calculations. GEDRAWING, defines the local nodes between which lines are drawn when plotting general elements with MESHPLOT.

EVECTORGRID, defines where element vectors drawn by EVECTORPLOT are plotted. EVECTORRENDERING, defines drawing attributes used by EVECTORPLOT, including the maximum length of element vectors.

Section 5.3: Load plotting Section 5.6: Element line plotting LOADPLOT, plots the loads as vectors. LOADSTYLE, groups depictions used by LOADPLOT. LOADRENDERING, defines drawing attributes used by LOADPLOT, including which loads are plotted. Section 5.4: Band plotting BANDPLOT, plots results as a band plot. BANDSTYLE, groups depictions used by BANDPLOT. BANDTABLE AUTOMATIC, defines an automatic band table used by BANDPLOT. BANDTABLE CUSTOM, defines a custom band table used by BANDPLOT. BANDTABLE REPEATING, defines a repeating band table used by BANDPLOT. BANDRENDERING, defines drawing attributes used by BANDPLOT, including the type of bands. BANDANNOTATION selects optional text plotted by BANDPLOT. Section 5.5: Vector plotting EVECTORPLOT, plots the results as an element vector plot. EVECTORSTYLE, groups depictions used by EVECTORPLOT. EVECTORQUANTITY, defines quantities drawn by EVECTORPLOT.

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ELINEPLOT, plots results such as bending moment or shear force as an element line plot. ELINESTYLE, groups depictions used by ELINEPLOT. ELINERENDERING, defines drawing attributes used by ELINEPLOT, including the maximum length of element lines. ELINEANNOTATION, selects optional text plotted by ELINEPLOT. Section 5.7: Reaction plotting REACTIONPLOT, plots reactions and contact forces as vectors. REACTIONSTYLE, groups depictions used by REACTIONPLOT. Section 5.8: Trace plotting TRACEPLOT, creates particle traces. TRACESTYLE, groups depictions used by TRACEPLOT TRACETYPE PARTICLE, sets the colors and sizes of particle traces drawn by TRACEPLOT. TRACETYPE RIBBON, sets the colors and sizes of ribbon traces drawn by TRACEPLOT. TRACERAKE COORDINATES, defines the locations of injectors used by TRACEPLOT, using coordinates


Chap. 2 Quick index

TRACERAKE NODES, defines the locations of injectors used by TRACEPLOT, using nodes TRACERAKE GNODES, defines the locations of injectors used by TRACEPLOT, using nodes selected by geometry TRACERAKE GRIDS, defines the locations of injectors used by TRACEPLOT, using grids TRACECALCULATION, determines trace calculation options used by TRACEPLOT. TRACERENDERING, determines plotting options used by TRACEPLOT. TRACEANNOTATION, determines optional text plotted by TRACEPLOT. TRACESTEP, updates quasi-steady particle traces. Section 5.9: J-integral line contour plotting LCPLOT, plots a J-integral line contour. LCSTYLE, groups depictions used by LCPLOT. Section 5.10: Graph plotting MATERIALSHOW STRAIN, graphs stress-strain curves for a material. MATERIALSHOW TIME, graphs material response vs time curves for a material. USERDATA, defines user-supplied XY data (a userdata). USERSHOW, graphs a userdata. RESPONSESHOW, graphs a curve giving the response of two variables as functions of load step or mode shape. LINESHOW, graphs a curve giving the response of two variables along a line.


SPECTRUMSHOW, graphs a response spectrum. SSPECTRUMSHOW, graphs a sweep spectrum. RSPECTRUMSHOW, graphs a random spectrum. HARMONICSHOW, graphs the response due to a sweep spectrum. RANDOMSHOW, graphs the response due to a random spectrum. FSSHOW, graphs the response of an SDOF system as a function of the SDOF system natural frequency, when the structural loading is given as ground motion response spectra. FTSHOW, graphs the response of an SDOF system as a function of the SDOF system natural frequency, when the time history of the structure is known. FOURIERSHOW, graphs the results of a Fourier analysis of the time history of a variable. TRACESHOW, graphs residence time distribution data based on the data in a trace plot. TFSHOW, graphs a time function. GRAPHPLOT, modifies a graph plot. GRAPHSTYLE, groups depictions used by the graphing section of the SHOW commands. GRAPHLIST, lists the curves of a graph plot. GRAPHDEPICTION, defines some attributes of a graph plot, including the graph title. AXIS, defines attributes of axes of a graph plot. CURVEDEPICTION, defines attributes of curves within a graph plot.

AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Chap. 2 Quick index

Section 5.11: Movie frames and animations

USERNODALDATA, defines nodal data that can be plotted or listed.

MOVIESHOOT LOAD-STEP, creates a movie by regenerating all mesh plots and their attachments over a range of solution times. MOVIESHOOT MODE-SHAPE, creates a movie by regenerating all mesh plots and their attachments, varying the eigenvector scaling factor sinusoidally over a range of angles. MOVIESHOOT ROTATE, creates a movie by rotating all mesh plots and their attachments. MOVIESHOOT CUTPLANE, creates a movie by regenerating all mesh plots and their attachments, changing the positions of cutting planes. MOVIESHOOT ISOSURFACE, creates a movie by regenerating all mesh plots and their attachments, changing the threshold values of the cutting surface isosurface variables. MOVIESHOOT TRACEPLOT, creates a movie by updating all quasi-steady trace plots. MOVIEFRAME, creates a movie frame from the current graphics window. ANIMATE, animates a movie. REFRESH, redraws the graphics window, clearing any displayed animation.

Section 5.13: Plotting definitions

Section 5.12: User defined plotting TEXT, draws text strings. USERTEXT, defines text strings (a usertext) that can be plotted by TEXT. UDRAW, draws line segments. USERSEGMENT, defines line segments (a usersegment) that can be plotted by UDRAW.

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COLORTABLE, defines colors in the color table.

Chapter 6: Display and postprocessing definitions Section 6.1: Settings CONTROL, defines certain parameters that control program behavior. Section 6.2: Zones ZONE, defines a zone as entities such as elements, geometry, etc. BOXZONE, includes/deletes elements that lie in boxes in a zone. CGZONE, selects contact surface groups to include in or delete from a zone. COMBZONE, selects zones to include in or delete from a zone. CSZONE, selects contact surfaces to include in or delete from a zone. EGZONE, selects element groups to include in or delete from a zone. ELZONE, selects elements/layers to include in or delete from a zone. RADGZONE, selects radiosity groups to include in or delete from a zone. RADZONE, selects radiosity segments to include in or delete from a zone. ACTIVEZONE, selects zones that the AUI updates when you change the model definition. COLORZONE, specifies colors of zones.


Chap. 2 Quick index

Section 6.3: Response data RESPONSE LOAD-STEP, names a load step (solution time) solution. RESPONSE MODE-SHAPE, names a mode shape solution. RESPONSE RESIDUAL, names a residual (static correction) solution. RESPONSE RESPONSE-SPECTRUM, names a response spectrum solution. RESPONSE HARMONIC, names a harmonic analysis solution. RESPONSE RANDOM, names a random analysis solution. RESPONSE RESPONSECOMBINATION, names a combination of previously defined responses. RESPONSE ENVELOPE, names a response calculation method in which several responses are evaluated and the most extreme value is returned. Section 6.4: Response range data RESPRANGE LOAD-STEP, names a range of load step solutions. RESPRANGE MODE-SHAPE, names a range of mode shape solutions. Section 6.5: Spectrum definitions SPECTRUM, defines a response spectrum. SSPECTRUM, defines a sweep spectrum. RSPECTRUM, defines a random spectrum. DAMPINGTABLE, defines a damping table. FREQCURVE, defines a frequency curve.


FREQTABLE, defines a frequency table, which is a list of frequencies and peak broadening factors. Section 6.6: Result control definitions SMOOTHING, defines a smoothing technique. RESULTCONTROL, controls the way the AUI computes results. MASS-SELECT, determines which elements and nodes contribute to the total mass/volume calculations. RESULTGRID, controls the locations at which the AUI computes results. Section 6.7: Model points NODEPOINT, names a node point. ELPOINT, names a point within an element or element layer. SECTPOINT, names a point within an element section. CSPOINT, names a contact segment. RADPOINT, names a point within a radiosity surface segment. VSPOINT, names a virtual shift. LCPOINT, names a J-integral line contour. DBPOINT, names a drawbead segment BOLTPOINT, names a bolt point ELESETPOINT, names a point consisting of element edges. ELFSETPOINT, names a point consisting of element faces. NODECOMBINATION, names a combination of node points. ELCOMBINATION, names a combination of element points. SECTCOMBINATION, names a combination of section points. CSCOMBINATION, names a combination of contact segment points.

AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Chap. 2 Quick index

RADCOMBINATION, names a combination of radiosity segment points. VSCOMBINATION, names a combination of virtual shift points. LCCOMBINATION, names a combination of line contour points. DBCOMBINATION, names a combination of drawbead points. BOLTCOMBINATION, names a combination of bolt points. POINTCOMBINATION, creates a model point from previously defined model points. GNCOMBINATION, names a combination of node points selected by general selections. MESHINTEGRATION, creates a model point, based upon a mesh plot, that is an integration domain. MESHMAX, creates a model point, based upon a mesh plot, that is a searching domain. REACTIONSUM, names a combination of node points at which reactions were computed. Section 6.8: Model lines NODELINE, names a line (sequence) of node points. ELLINE, names a line (sequence) of element points. SECTLINE, names a line (sequence) of element section points. CSLINE, names a line (sequence) of contact segments. RADLINE, names a line (sequence) of radiosity surface points. VSLINE, names a line (sequence) of virtual shifts. LCLINE, names a line (sequence) of Jintegral line contours.

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DBLINE, names a line of drawbead segments BOLTLINE, names a line of bolt points ELESETLINE, names a line of element edges. ELFSETLINE, names a line of element faces. GNLINE, names a line of node points selected by general selections. Section 6.9: Variables ALIAS, assigns an alternate name to a variable. CONSTANT, defines a variable to have a constant value. RESULTANT, defines a variable as an arithmetic expression.

Chapter 7: Results listing commands Section 7.1: Model information MODELINFO, lists information about the finite element model loaded into the database. RESPONSEINFO, lists information about the response solutions for the finite element model loaded into the database. VARIABLEINFO, lists information about the variables used to plot and list results. MASSINFO, lists the total mass, volume and other related information for that part of the model selected by MASSSELECT. MPFINFO, lists information associated with ground motion modal participation factors. CGINFO, lists information about the specified contact group.


Chap. 2 Quick index

CPINFO, lists information about the specified contact pair. CSINFO, lists information about the specified contact surface. DRAWBEADINFO, lists information about the specified drawbead. EGINFO, lists information about the specified element group. ELINFO, lists information about the specified element. NODEINFO, lists information about the specified node. Section 7.2: Variables listing POINTMAX, scans the values of up to six variables at the specified point and lists the most extreme values. LINEMAX, scans the values of up to six variables along the specified line and lists the most extreme values. ZONEMAX, scans the values of up to six variables in the specified zone and lists the most extreme values. POINTEXCEED, scans the values of up to six variables at the specified point and lists the values that exceed a prespecified value. LINEEXCEED, scans the values of up to six variables along the specified line and lists the values that exceed a prespecified value. ZONEEXCEED, scans the values of up to six variables in the specified zone and lists the values that exceed a prespecified value. POINTLIST, lists the values of up to six variables at the specified point. LINELIST, lists the values of up to six variables at points within the specified line. ZONELIST, lists the values of up to six variables at points in a zone.


Chapter 8: Graphics devices PLSYSTEM, specifies the plotting system used to draw to the graphics window. PLCONTROL AI, specifies the parameters associated with the Adobe Illustrator plotting system driver. PLCONTROL GDI, specifies the parameters associated with the Windows GDI plotting system driver. PLCONTROL HPGL, specifies the parameters associated with the HP-GL plotting system driver. PLCONTROL HPGL2, specifies the parameters associated with the HP-GL/2 plotting system driver. PLCONTROL NULL, specifies the parameters associated with the NULL plotting system. PLCONTROL OPENGL, specifies the parameters associated with the OpenGL plotting system driver. PLCONTROL POSTSCRIPT, specifies the parameters associated with the PostScript plotting system driver. PLCONTROL XWINDOW, specifies the parameters associated with the X Window plotting system driver.

AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Chapter 3 Input/output


Sec. 3.1 Database operations

DATABASE NEW SAVE PERMFILE PROMPT DATABASE NEW creates a new database. The new database is initially empty. Before creating the new database, you have the option of saving any current internal database to disk. This option is controlled by parameters SAVE and PERMFILE. SAVE [UNKNOWN] Parameter SAVE is used only when a database has been modified. If you specify YES, the program will save the current internal database to disk using the filename specified by parameter PERMFILE. Then the program will create a new internal database. If you specify NO, the program will not save the current internal database before creating a new internal database. If you specify UNKNOWN, the program will ask you if you want to save the database. {YES / NO / UNKNOWN} PERMFILE [the current permanent database filename] PERMFILE is the filename of the permanent database file when saving the current database file to disk. You will be prompted for this name if you do not enter a value for this parameter and no permanent database name was previously specified. PROMPT [UNKNOWN] When saving a permanent database file, you will be prompted "Ready to save permanent database file?" if PROMPT is set to YES. You will be prompted "Permanent database file already exists" if the database file already exists and PROMPT is set to UNKNOWN. You will not receive a prompt if PROMPT is set to NO. {YES / NO / UNKNOWN}

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Chap. 3 Input/output




DATABASE OPEN opens a database. Before the AUI opens the database, you have the option of saving the current internal database to disk. Also see DATABASE ATTACH in this section for another way to access a permanent database. You can open a database that was created by earlier versions of the AUI. In this case, however, the AUI deletes and reinitializes all graphics and model display definitions in the working copy of the opened database. FILE [the current permanent database filename] The filename of the permanent database file to be opened. If you do not enter a filename and there is no default value, the program will prompt you for the filename. SAVE [UNKNOWN] Used only when a database has been modified. If you specify YES, the program will save the current internal database to disk using the filename specified by parameter PERMFILE. Then the program will open the database specified by FILE. If you specify NO, the program will not save the current internal database before opening the specified database. If you specify UNKNOWN, the program will ask you if you want to save the database. {YES / NO / UNKNOWN} PERMFILE [the current permanent database filename] PERMFILE is the filename of the permanent database file when saving the current database file to disk. The program will prompt you if you do not enter a value for PERMFILE and if no permanent database filename has previously been specified. PROMPT [UNKNOWN] When saving a permanent database file, you will be prompted "Ready to save permanent database file?" if PROMPT is set to YES. You will be prompted "Permanent database file already exists" if the database file already exists and PROMPT is set to UNKNOWN. You will not receive a prompt if PROMPT is set to NO. {YES / NO / UNKNOWN}


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 3.1 Database operations


DATABASE SAVE saves the current internal database as a permanent database file. Also see DATABASE DETACH in this section for another way to save the current internal database. PERMFILE [the current permanent database filename] Specifies the filename of the permanent database file. The program will prompt you if you do not enter a value for PERMFILE and if no permanent database filename has previously been specified. PROMPT [UNKNOWN] When saving a permanent database file, you will be prompted "Ready to save permanent database file?" if PROMPT is set to YES. You will be prompted "Permanent database file already exists" if the database file already exists and PROMPT is set to UNKNOWN. You will not receive a prompt if PROMPT is set to NO. {YES / NO / UNKNOWN}

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Chap. 3 Input/output


DATABASE ATTACH FILE DATABASE ATTACH allows access to the specified file as an AUI database file. Unlike DATABASE OPEN (described in this section), DATABASE ATTACH does not make a working copy of the database file prior to opening it. Instead you work directly with the specified file as you use the AUI, possibly modifying the file's contents. The advantages of DATABASE ATTACH as compared to DATABASE OPEN are: disk requirements are reduced because the AUI does not create a copy of the database file, and the CPU time to attach a database is much less than the CPU time required to open it. The disadvantages of DATABASE ATTACH are: (1) important information can be inadvertently modified or deleted from an attached database file, (2) the attached database cannot shrink, but can only grow as the AUI is used and (3) an attached database file cannot be saved, but can only be detached using DATABASE DETACH (described in this section). Before you can use DATABASE ATTACH, you must first save any current database, and then use DATABASE NEW (described in this section) to create a new database. You can use DATABASE ATTACH only if the current database is new and unmodified. DATABASE ATTACH clears the permanent database filename. You can attach a database that was created by earlier versions of the AUI. In this case, however, the AUI deletes and reinitializes all graphics and model display definitions in the attached database. Exiting the AUI when a database is attached automatically detaches the database. FILE The filename of the permanent database file to be attached. If no filename is entered, the AUI will prompt you for the filename.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 3.1 Database operations


DATABASE DETACH creates a permanent database file by detaching the working copy of the database file. Unlike DATABASE SAVE (described in this section), DATABASE DETACH does not create a new permanent database file. The advantages of DATABASE DETACH as compared to DATABASE SAVE are: disk requirements are reduced because the AUI does not create a copy of the database file, and the CPU time to detach a database is much less than the CPU time required to save it. The disadvantage of DATABASE DETACH is: the AUI does not compress the database file by removing unused records. After the database is detached, the AUI creates a new empty internal database. A database can be detached at any time whether or not it was attached using DATABASE ATTACH (described in this section). PERMFILE The working copy of the database file is renamed to PERMFILE. PROMPT [UNKNOWN] You will be prompted "Ready to rename permanent database file?" if PROMPT is set to YES. You will be prompted "Permanent database file already exists" if the database file already exists and PROMPT is set to UNKNOWN. You will not receive a prompt if PROMPT is set to NO. {YES / NO / UNKNOWN}

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DATABASE MOVIESAVE allows you to create a database that contains only movies. You can open the database at a later time and show the movies, either as animations or as still images. The size of the database file created using DATABASE MOVIESAVE is typically much smaller than the size of the database file created using DATABASE SAVE (described in this section) because no finite element information is saved when using DATABASE MOVIESAVE. This command is provided for convenience in preparing demonstrations in which you will show animations or still images. For information about creating movies, see Section 5.11. DATABASE MOVIESAVE does not modify the existing temporary database. You can, at a later time, use DATABASE SAVE or DATABASE DETACH (both described in this section) to save or detach the entire database. FILE The filename of the database file. If no filename is entered, the AUI will prompt you for the filename. PROMPT [UNKNOWN] You will be prompted "Ready to save database file?" if PROMPT is set to YES. You will be prompted "Database file already exists" if the database file already exists and PROMPT is set to UNKNOWN. You will not receive a prompt if PROMPT is set to NO. {YES / NO / UNKNOWN}


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 3.2 Porthole files


LOADPORTHOLE loads an ADINA, ADINA-T or ADINA-F porthole file into the database. The porthole file can be created by any of the ADINA system programs version 7.0 and higher. You can load the porthole files from two different finite element programs into the database. For example, you can load the ADINA and the ADINA-F porthole files created by ADINA-FSI into the database. When the results from two different finite element programs are stored in the database, use the FEPROGRAM command (described in Section 3.4) to set the current finite element program. Some commands require that you set the current finite element program. You can load the porthole file into a database file created by ADINA-IN. The data from the porthole file does not overwrite the ADINA-IN information because the AUI keeps ADINA-IN and ADINA-PLOT information separate. The advantage of loading the porthole file into an ADINA-IN database is that you can then access geometry information during postprocessing. For example, you can plot the deformed mesh and the geometry in the same mesh plot. You can also use the postprocessing commands that require geometrical information, such as GNCOMBINATION (described in Section 6.7). You can load porthole files that were split using the MAX-STEPS parameter in the PORTHOLE command (ADINA-IN for ADINA). Load the first porthole file using LOADPORTHOLE CREATE and any successive porthole files using LOADPORTHOLE RESTART or LOADPORTHOLE APPEND (it doesn’t matter which command you use). When you load a porthole file, the AUI automatically sets the mode to POSTPROCESSING (see the MODE command described in Section 3.4) and sets the current finite element program (see the FEPROGRAM command). OPERATION CREATE


Overwrites any existing postprocessing information from ADINA, ADINA-T or ADINA-F and loads the database with information from the porthole file. Any preprocessing information from these programs is not affected. Appends information from the porthole file to information stored in the database. This option is only applicable when the porthole file corresponds to a restart run and when the results preceding the restart run are already in the database.

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Appends information from the porthole file to information stored in the database. The appended porthole file need not be a restart run for which results are already in the database. The appended porthole file and the results already in the database must have the same number of nodes, elements, element groups, etc. Only the loads, time functions and number of steps can be different. The AUI shifts the load step numbers and solution times in the appended porthole file so that the load step numbers and solution times do not conflict with load step numbers and solution times previously loaded. The AUI outputs the load step number shift and solution time shift after loading the appended porthole file. After loading the appended porthole file, you can access results from the appended porthole using the shifted solution times. See the example below for more details.

FILE The porthole file to be loaded in this command. The file can be formatted or unformatted; this command automatically determines whether the file is formatted or unformatted. Except on Windows, the filename can be a pathname pattern that includes wildcards such as *. The allowed wildcard patterns are those supported by the glob function. When the filename includes wildcards, the AUI loads each porthole file that matches the pattern. Porthole files can have different characteristics, e.g. one porthole file can be an ADINA analysis and the other porthole file can be an ADINA-F analysis. PRESCAN [NO] Specifies whether the AUI reads the porthole file twice, the first time to determine how many time steps, mode shapes, etc are in the porthole file, and the second time to actually load the porthole file. The first read of the porthole file is called the prescan. When the AUI reads the porthole file twice, then the AUI uses information learned during the prescan to update the progress bar when loading the porthole file. But the AUI does not use the prescan information for any other purpose. In particular, the AUI can load the porthole file whether PRESCAN=YES or NO. RANGE Specifies whether the AUI should skip time steps while loading the porthole file.


ALL The AUI loads all time steps TIME The AUI loads time steps with solution times in the range TIMESTART to TIMEEND (including time steps with solution times TIMESTART and TIMEEND) STEP The AUI loads time steps with step numbers in the sequence STEPSTART, STEPSTART+STEPINCREMENT, ..., STEPEND.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 3.2 Porthole files

NONE The AUI does not load any time steps or initial conditions. This feature is useful when postprocessing data defined with the USERNODALDATA command. TIMESTART TIMEEND The range of solution times used when RANGE=TIME. STEPSTART STEPEND STEPINCREMENT The range of step numbers used when RANGE=STEP. ZOOM-MODEL [0] This parameter is used to force the AUI to load a normal porthole file (that is, a porthole file from a model that is not a zoom-model) as a zoom-model. The number of the zoom-model is the value of the ZOOM-MODEL parameter. If ZOOM-MODEL=0, the porthole is not loaded as a zoom-model. Note, when loading a zoom-model porthole file, the AUI automatically detects that the porthole file is a zoom-model porthole file, and there is no need to use parameter ZOOMMODEL. So parameter ZOOM-MODEL is typically not used. INITIAL-CONDITIONS [AUTOMATIC] This parameter is used to control whether initial conditions from a restart run are kept (loaded into the database) or discarded. This parameter is used only when loading results from an ADINA-F porthole file, and when OPERATION=RESTART. Results from the restart run are kept (and these results overwrite any existing results from previous runs) DISCARD Results from the restart run are discarded (results from previous runs are kept) AUTOMATIC KEEP unless loading restart results from an adaptive CFD run. KEEP

CPSTART [1] CPEND [0] These parameters are used when loading the porthole file from a cyclic symmetry or periodic symmetry porthole file. See notes at the end of this command description. Example for splitting porthole files ADINA-IN for ADINA: ... PORTHOLE MAX-STEPS=2

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... ADINA FILE=ex.dat ADINA: Runs for 100 time steps, creating files ex_1.port to ex_20.port (ADINA creates a maximum of 20 split porthole files; the last split porthole file contains all of the remaining solution steps). ADINA-PLOT: LOADPORTHOLE CREATE ex_1.port LOADPORTHOLE RESTART ex_2.port ... LOADPORTHOLE RESTART ex_20.port ex_1.port must always be the first porthole file loaded. All of the other porthole files need not be loaded; for example, the following ADINA-PLOT commands will also work: LOADPORTHOLE CREATE ex_1.port LOADPORTHOLE RESTART ex_3.port LOADPORTHOLE RESTART ex_20.port Example for LOADPORTHOLE APPEND Suppose that there are two porthole files (runa.por and runb.por) corresponding to the same finite element model, but with different loadings. runa.por contains results for run A and runb.por contains results for run B. Both porthole files contain information from steps 0 to 10, solution times 0.0 to 3.0. Now suppose that you load runa.por into the AUI using LOADPORTHOLE CREATE and runb.por into the AUI using LOADPORTHOLE APPEND. Then the AUI outputs the time shift as 4.0 (4.0 = 3.0 + 1.0) and the load step shift as 11 (10 +1). You can select any solution from either run by setting the time appropriately. For example, time 1.0 corresponds to run A, solution time 1.0; time 3.0 corresponds to run A, solution time 3.0; time 4.0 corresponds to run B, solution time 0.0; time 7.0 corresponds to run B, solution time 3.0. In a listing, results for times 0.0 to 3.0 correspond to run A and results for times 4.0 to 7.0 correspond to run B. Notes for the RANGE options 1) Initial conditions are always loaded, unless RANGE=NONE. 2) All load steps are always loaded under the following conditions: ADINA model, linearized buckling analysis.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 3.2 Porthole files

ADINA model, ground motion modal participation factors are computed. ADINA-T model, porthole file from ADINA-T 7.5 and lower. 3) When loading a porthole file from a restart analysis, the step numbers are those in the restart analysis. For example, if there are 10 steps in the restart analysis, then STEPSTART and STEPEND should be between 1 and 10. 4) There is no way at present to load only the last computed time step. 5) There is no way at present to load only the first few mode shapes. Notes for the ZOOM-MODEL parameter and zoom-models A porthole file that is a zoom-model is loaded as a zoom-model when there is already data in the database for ADINA. For example


// loads main.port // loads zoom.port

main.port and zoom.port are loaded “side-by-side”. zoom.port is assigned a zoom-model number, for example 1. Then, to postprocess the results from the zoom-model, the zoom model is considered to be a substructure of the ADINA model. For example, to label node point 5 in zoom-model 1, use NODEPOINT TEST SUBSTRUCTURE=1 NODE=5 Exceptions are the ZONE and HIGHLIGHT commands. For these commands, use the keyword ‘ZOOM-MODEL’, for example ZONE TEST ‘ELEMENT GROUP 1 OF ZOOM-MODEL 1' DATAEND Notes for explicit DMP analysis In explicit DMP analysis, ADINA creates one porthole file per processor. To postprocess the results from entire model, all of the porthole files must be loaded into ADINA-PLOT. For example LOADPORTHOLE LOADPORTHOLE LOADPORTHOLE LOADPORTHOLE

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’a001-000.por’ ’a001-001.por’ ’a001-002.por’ ’a001-003.por’


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The order that the porthole files are loaded in doesn’t matter. Wildcards can be used to reduce the number of commands needed: LOADPORTHOLE CREATE ’a001-*.por’ It is also allowed to load one porthole file, to postprocess just the results from one processor. However the results from contact analysis may be inaccurate in this case. Notes for the INITIAL-CONDITIONS parameter In restart analysis, results are output in the porthole file for the initial conditions. These results have the same solution time as results in porthole files for previous runs. Thus the AUI needs to decide which results to keep, and which to discard. Normally, the AUI keeps the results output in the restart file and discards the results previously loaded. This is acceptable since the restart file results and previously loaded results should be identical. However, in adaptive CFD analysis, the mesh underlying the previously loaded results may be different than the mesh underlying the restart results. Then ADINA-F maps the previously loaded results to the restart mesh, so that the initial conditions loaded with the restart results will be different than the previously loaded results. In addition, the mapping process may result in inaccuracies. In this case, discarding the initial conditions from the restart results is appropriate. Notes for the CPSTART, CPEND parameters These parameters are used to selected the cyclic parts to load in cyclic symmetry or periodic symmetry analysis. If either of these parameters is 0, then the number of cyclic parts (NCYCL) is substituted. If CPSTART CPEND, then parts 1 to CPEND, and parts CPSTART to NCYCL, are loaded, and the other parts are skipped. In the following examples, NCYCL is assumed to be 24. LOADPORTHOLE CREATE ... CPSTART=2 CPEND=10 // Loads parts 2 to 10 LOADPORTHOLE CREATE ... CPSTART=10 CPEND=3 // Loads parts 1 to 3, and 10 to 24 When using LOADPORTHOLE RESTART, CPSTART and CPEND are not used (they are taken from the currently existing data in the database).


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 3.2 Porthole files

For a periodic symmetry model, it is only allowed to have CPSTART=1 and CPEND=0, 1 or NCYCL. Notes for multiple solutions for a solution time Usually there is one solution output in the porthole file for each solution time. (Here we are not considering frequency analysis.) But for certain analysis features, there are multiple solutions output in the porthole file for a given solution time. For example, when the bolt feature is used, each bolt sequence step can be output as a solution. This note describes how multiple solutions are handled by the AUI. Each of the multiple solutions is assigned a solution sequence number, and one of these solutions is termed the main solution. The multiple solutions that are not the main solution are given a solution description string, and the main solution may or may not be given a solution description string. (All of the above assignments are made by the solution program and stored in the porthole file.) The AUI creates a solution table, giving the solution time, solution description string and solution sequence number for each solution. This table can be listed using the RESPONSEINFO TABLE=YES command. If the results from more than one FE program are loaded (e.g. FSI analysis), there is one solution table for each program. Here is an example of a solution table from a bolt analysis:

Solution time

Sequence number

Main solution flag







Bolt sequence 1




Bolt sequence 2




Bolt sequence 5







Bolt sequence 1




Bolt sequence 3




Bolt sequence 6




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Solution description string


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The solution sequence number can be directly specified as part of the RESPONSE LOAD–STEP command. The default is to select the main solution. Listings may contain the solution description string (when it is not blank).


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 3.3 Auxiliary files


READ reads AUI input commands from the file specified by parameter FILE until the end of the file is reached or the READ END command is encountered in the file. After the READ command is executed, subsequent input is read from the previous command input source (that is, the input source from which the READ command was entered). READ commands can be nested (that is, a file processed by the READ command can include a READ command). FILE The name of the file from which AUI commands are read. Note that the name END is not allowed. REWIND [NO] If the file pointer is at end-of-file or if the file is not currently open, the read file is rewound before beginning to read commands regardless of the value of this parameter. {YES / NO} SCANDATA [' '] If SCANDATA is specified, the file is scanned until the SCANDATA string (1 - 80 characters) is found anywhere within an input record. Reading of input data from the file starts at the beginning of the record that contains the string.

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Chap. 3 Input/output


FILEREAD OPTION FILE FILEREAD controls the source of input commands to the AUI. OPTION


INTERFACE Commands are read from the terminal or window from which you invoked the AUI. FILE

Commands are read from the file specified by the FILE parameter.

FILE Used only if OPTION = FILE. The filename of the file from which commands are read. Auxiliary commands LIST FILEREAD


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 3.3 Auxiliary files

FILESESSION OPTION FILE FILESESSION controls the generation and output of a session file. The session file contains the commands needed to repeat an AUI session. Use the COMMANDFILE command (described in this section) to create a file that contains the commands needed to reconstruct an AUI database. OPTION



No session file is created.


A session file is generated and overwrites any existing contents of the specified file.


A session file is generated and is appended to any existing contents of the specified file.


= NO if no file is specified = APPEND if a file is specified

FILE The filename of the session file.

[the current session filename, if any]

Auxiliary commands LIST FILESESSION

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FILELIST controls the format and output of listings. OPTION


INTERFACE Listings are output at the terminal or window from which you invoked the AUI. Listings are buffered using a "UNIX more"-like interface that allows you to scroll through listings. FILE

Listings are output to the file specified by the FILE parameter.

TEMPFILE Listings are output to temporary files. Each listing is placed in a separate file. The filenames are of the form ‘tmpXX_YYYY.lst’, where XX is a number between 00 and 99 and YYYY is a number between 0000 and 9999. XX is the same number for all listings produced in a single run, and YYYY is incremented for each listing produced in the run. FILE Used only if OPTION = FILE. The filename of the file to which listings are written. This can be the same file used for command echoing or logging. LINPAG [0] The maximum of lines output between list headings. You can suppress list headings (except for the first list heading) by specifying LINPAG = 0. EJECT Specifies whether page ejects are placed before headings. {YES / NO}


Auxiliary commands LIST FILELIST


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 3.3 Auxiliary files

FILEECHO OPTION FILE FILEECHO controls the echoing of your input commands. OPTION NO

[INTERFACE] no echoing of input commands.

INTERFACE input commands are echoed back to the terminal or window from which you invoked the AUI. FILE

input commands are echoed back to the file specified by the FILE parameter.

FILE Used only if OPTION = FILE. The filename of the file to which input commands are echoed back. This can be the same file for logs or listings. Auxiliary commands LIST FILEECHO

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FILELOG controls the output of log messages. OPTION


INTERFACE Log messages are written to the terminal or window from which you invoked the AUI. FILE

Log messages are written to the file specified by the FILE parameter.

FILE Used only if OPTION = FILE. The filename of the file to which log messages are written. This can be the same file used for echoed commands or listings. When using the user interface, if a command is typed into the Command Window, the log messages go both to the user interface and to the log file. Auxiliary commands LIST FILELOG


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 3.3 Auxiliary files

SNAPSHOT FILENAME APPEND SYSTEM RESIZE ROTATION SURFACE PROMPT UPDATE SNAPSHOT creates a graphics file that corresponds to the currently displayed graphics window. The graphics file is formatted according to the settings of the specified plotting system. Only that part of the graphics window that is currently visible is output to the graphics file. Therefore you can zoom into the picture and make a snapshot of the zoomed portion. Conversely, if you want to make a snapshot of the entire graphics window, you must zoom out. When SNAPSHOT creates the graphics file, it can optionally transform the graphics, for example, to make the graphics fit in the plotting surface defined by the specified plotting system. Parameters of the plotting systems are defined using the corresponding PLCONTROL commands (see Chapter 8). See the SAVEBMP command (in this section) for additional options. FILENAME Specifies the disk file to which the snapshot will be stored. This parameter must be entered. APPEND [YES] Used when the specified disk file already exists. If APPEND = NO, the existing disk file will be overwritten; if APPEND = YES, the new plotting information will be appended to the end of the existing disk file. {YES / NO} SYSTEM Specifies which plotting system (file format) to use. Choices are AI Adobe Illustrator file format HP-GL HP-GL file format HP-GL/2 HP-GL/2 file format POSTSCRIPT PostScript file format


RESIZE [YES] Controls whether the snapshot of the graphics window is resized to fill the area defined by the plotting system. {YES / NO} ROTATION [0] The snapshot of the graphics window can be rotated into the area defined by the plotting system. The amount of rotation is controlled by the ROTATION parameter. If you specify ROTATION = NONE, then the snapshot is not rotated.

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If you specify ROTATION = 0, ±90, ±180, ±270, then the snapshot is rotated in two steps. First the program computes the amount of rotation needed to make the long edge of the snapshot be aligned with the long edge of the plotting surface. After the snapshot is rotated by this amount, it is then rotated by the angle given by the ROTATION parameter. {NONE / 0 / ±90 / ±180 / ±270} SURFACE


PROMPT [UNKNOWN] You will be prompted "Ready to write to snapshot file?" if PROMPT = YES. You will be prompted "The snapshot file already exists" if the snapshot file already exists and PROMPT = UNKNOWN. You will not receive a prompt if PROMPT = NO. {YES / NO / UNKNOWN} UPDATE [NO] Controls whether the initial values of command parameters are updated. If UPDATE = NO, the initial values are not updated and the command is run. If UPDATE = YES, the initial values are updated and the command is run. {YES / NO} Auxiliary commands LIST SNAPSHOT Lists the current default values of the SNAPSHOT parameters. UPDATE SNAPSHOT

FILENAME APPEND SYSTEM RESIZE ROTATION SURFACE PROMPT UPDATE Updates the initial values for the SNAPSHOT command, but does not run the SNAPSHOT command. (Note that the UPDATE parameter of the SNAPSHOT command can be used to update the initial values and immediately run the SNAPSHOT command.) RESET SNAPSHOT Resets the default values for the SNAPSHOT command to their initial values (which are given above).


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 3.3 Auxiliary files


MOVIESAVE creates a graphics file that corresponds to the movie frames of a movie. The file is formatted according to the settings of the specified plotting system. This command can be used, for example, to save an animation that was created by a MOVIESHOOT command to disk. See Section 5.11 for information about creating movies and animations. The movie frames are chosen by specifying a movie number and a range of frames within that movie. When MOVIESAVE creates the graphics file, it can optionally transform the graphics, for example, to fit in the plotting surface defined by the specified plotting system. Parameters of the plotting systems are defined using the corresponding PLCONTROL commands (see Chapter 8). Once you have saved the graphics file, you can convert it into commonly used PC formats using the instructions given in AUI Primer problem 7. See the SAVEAVI command (in this section) for additional options. Note that the SAVEAVI command is only available for the Windows version of the AUI, and the AUI must be run in user interface mode. MOVIENUMBER [last defined movie number] The movie number from which the movie frames are saved. FIRST [FIRST] LAST [LAST] The first and last movie frames in the movie to save. {ALL / FIRST / LAST/ or an integer} FILENAME [' '] Specifies the disk file to which the movie frames will be output. This parameter must be entered. APPEND [NO] Used when the specified disk file already exists. If APPEND = NO, the existing disk file will be overwritten; if APPEND = YES, the new plotting information will be appended to the end of the existing disk file. {YES / NO} SYSTEM Specifies which plotting system (file format) to use. Choices are AI Adobe Illustrator file format HP-GL HP-GL file format

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HP-GL/2 file format PostScript file format

RESIZE [YES] Controls whether the movie frames are resized into the area defined by the plotting surface. {YES / NO} ROTATION [NONE] The movie frames can be rotated when saved. The amount of rotation is controlled by the ROTATION parameter. If you specify ROTATION = NONE, the movie frames are not rotated. If you specify ROTATION = 0, ±90, ±180, ±270, then each movie frame is rotated in two steps. First the program computes the amount of rotation needed to make the long edge of the movie frame align with the long edge of the plotting surface. After the movie frame is rotated by this amount, it is then rotated by the angle given by the ROTATION parameter. PROMPT [UNKNOWN] You will be prompted "Ready to write to moviesave file?" if PROMPT = YES. You will be prompted "The moviesave file already exists" if the moviesave file already exists and PROMPT = UNKNOWN. If PROMPT = NO, you will not receive a prompt. {YES / NO/ UNKNOWN} Auxiliary commands LIST MOVIESAVE Lists the current default values of the MOVIESAVE parameters. UPDATE MOVIESAVE FILENAME APPEND SYSTEM RESIZE ROTATION Updates the initial values of some of the MOVIESAVE parameters, but does not run the MOVIESAVE command. RESET MOVIESAVE Resets the default values for the MOVIESAVE command to their initial values.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 3.3 Auxiliary files


The SAVEAVI command creates an AVI file from the frames of a movie. See Section 5.11 for information about creating movies and animations. This command is implemented only for Windows versions of the AUI. The AUI must be run in user interface mode for this command to work. For UNIX versions of the AUI, use the MOVIESAVE command (described in this section) to save the movie to PostScript format, then convert the PostScript file to AVI format as described in AUI Primer problem 7. FILENAME [' '] Specifies the name of the AVI file to which the movie frames will be output. This parameter must be entered. SPEED The number of frames per second at which the AVI file will play back.


XSIZE [640] YSIZE [480] The size of each frame in the AVI file, in pixels. This parameter is used only if SIZE= SPECIFIED, see below. MOVIENUMBER [last defined movie number] The movie number of the animation to save to the AVI file. SIZE [FRAME] If SIZE=FRAME, the size of each frame in the AVI file is the size of each frame in the movie when the movie was created (in pixels), multiplied by parameter SCALE. If SIZE= SPECIFIED, the size of each frame in the AVI file is that specified by parameters XSIZE and YSIZE. SCALE [1.0] The scale factor used to obtain the size of each frame in the AVI file, if SIZE=FRAME. SCALE must be between 0.2 and 1.0. COLORBITS The number of color bits per pixel used in the AVI file {8 / 16 / 24}.

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Chap. 3 Input/output


SAVEBMP FILENAME SIZE SCALE XSIZE YSIZE The SAVEBMP command creates a bitmap file from the currently displayed graphics window. The format of the bitmap file can be BMP, DIB or JPEG for the Windows version, and can be BMP, JPEG or PNG for UNIX versions. The AUI must be run in user interface mode for this command to work. For UNIX versions of the AUI, the plotting system must be X Window (see the PLSYSTEM command in Section 8.1 to set the plotting system). As an alternative to the SAVEBMP command, use the SNAPSHOT command (described in this section) to save the currently displayed graphics window to a vector format such as PostScript or Adobe Illustrator, then use a PC program such as CorelDraw or Adobe Illustrator to convert the file to a bitmap file. FILENAME [' '] Specifies the name of the bitmap file. This parameter must be entered. The extension that you give the filename determines the format of the file: .BMP for a BMP file, .DIB for a DIB file, .JPG, .JPEG, .JPE for a JPEG file, .PNG for a PNG file. (The case of the letters used in the extension doesn’t matter.) SIZE [FRAME] If SIZE=FRAME, the size of the bitmap file is the size of the currently displayed graphics window (in pixels), multiplied by parameter SCALE. If SIZE=SPECIFIED, the size of the bitmap file is that specified by parameters XSIZE and YSIZE. SCALE [1.0] The scale factor used to obtain the size of the bitmap file, if SIZE=FRAME. SCALE must be between 0.2 and 1.0. XSIZE [640] YSIZE [480] The size of the bitmap file, in pixels. This parameter is used only if SIZE=SPECIFIED.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 3.3 Auxiliary files


The COMMANDFILE command creates a file containing the commands needed to recreate the model stored in the current database. Use the FILESESSION command (described in this section) to create a file containing the commands needed to repeat an AUI session. FILENAME The name of the file to be created. This parameter must be entered. PROMPT [from CONTROL PROMPT] You will be prompted “Ready to write command file?” if PROMPT = YES. You will be prompted "The command file already exists" if the specified file already exists and PROMPT = UNKNOWN. You will not be prompted if PROMPT = NO. OPTION [SESSION] If OPTION = SESSION, the command file produced is a record of all commands issued when this database file is in use. The command file contains model modifications and deletions as well as model additions. Commands in the command file can contain references to other files; for example, when a porthole file is loaded, the command file contains a LOADPORTHOLE command (described in Section 3.2). Commands that you issue while CONTROL SESSIONSTORAGE=NO are not stored in the command file. See Section 6.1 for a description of the CONTROL command. Currently OPTION must be set to SESSION. This parameter is provided for future developments of the AUI. GRAPHICS [NO] This parameter is used when OPTION = SESSION to control whether graphics commands such as FRAME, MESHPLOT, VIEW, etc. are written to the command file. If GRAPHICS = YES, graphics commands are written to the command file, otherwise they are not written.

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Chap. 3 Input/output




The EXPORT STL command creates an STL file from the specified element group of a undeformed or deformed FE model. FILE The name of the STL file to be written. OVERWRITE [CONTROL PROMPT] Determines, if the filename given by FILE already exists, whether the command will overwrite its contents with the currently generated STL file. If set to UNKNOWN, a prompt will be given requesting confirmation for overwriting an existing file. {YES/NO/UNKNOWN} FORMAT The format of the STL file. {BINARY/TEXT}


EGROUP [1st exportable element group] The element group number of the element group to export (must be a 2D, 3D or shell element group). RESPONSE [DEFAULT] The name of the response that gives the solution time, mode shape, etc. used for determining the deformations of the model. See the response commands in Section 6.3. RESULTCONTROL [DEFAULT] The name of the result control depiction. This depiction is used to scale the mode shape, in the case when the deformations come from a mode shape. A result control depiction is specified by the RESULTCONTROL command (see Section 6.6).


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 3.4 Auxiliary commands

MODE MODE The database can contain both ADINA-IN data and ADINA-PLOT data. Use this command to specify which kind of data to display. This command is active only if read by the command-line interface. It is ignored when using the user interface. When you load a porthole file, the AUI automatically sets the mode to POSTPROCESSING. When working with a database created with AUI 7.2 or below, it is necessary to set MODE=PREPROCESSING to display ADINA-PLOT data. MODE PREPROCESSING POSTPROCESSING

[PREPROCESSING] The AUI will display ADINA-IN data. The AUI will display ADINA-PLOT data.

Auxiliary commands LIST MODE Lists the current mode of operation.

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Chap. 3 Input/output


FEPROGRAM PROGRAM FEPROGRAM specifies the current finite element program. You need to use this command only when you have loaded the results from more than one finite element program into the database. PROGRAM [ADINA] The finite element analysis program name {ADINA / ADINA-T / ADINA-F / ADINA-EM / ADINA-F+EM}.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 3.4 Auxiliary commands

PAUSE When the AUI reads the PAUSE command, it stops processing commands until you hit a key.

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Chap. 3 Input/output




Defines a parameter that can be substituted in a later command. The parameter can either be an arbitrary string or a numeric expression. If the parameter is a numeric expression, the AUI evaluates it and stores the resulting number as the value of the parameter. Parameter definitions and values are not stored in the database. Parameter substitution is described in the examples at the end of this command. NAME The name of the parameter (1 to 30 alphanumeric characters). The name is not case sensitive. If the parameter is not already defined, a new parameter is created, otherwise the existing parameter is modified. Note that the name cannot contain a - (to avoid confusion with minus signs). EXPRESSION A string (up to 256 characters long) that contains a numeric expression or an arbitrary text string. The numeric expression string can contain the following items: The arithmetic operators +, -, *, /, ** (exponentiation) Numbers (either real numbers or integers) The following functions: ABS(x) AINT(x) ANINT(x) ACOS(x) ASIN(x) ATAN(x) ATAN2(x,y) COS(x) COSH(x) DIM(x,y) EXP(x) LOG(x) LOG10(x) MAX(x,y,...) MIN(x,y,...) MOD(x,y) SIGN(x,y) SIN(x)


absolute value truncation nearest whole number arccosine arcsine arctangent arctangent(x/y) cosine hyperbolic cosine positive difference exponential natural logarithm common logarithm largest value smallest value remaindering transfer of sign sine

AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 3.4 Auxiliary commands

hyperbolic sine square root the unit step function:

0.0 if x ≤ 0.0 1.0 if x > 0.0 TAN(x) TANH(x)

tangent hyperbolic tangent

All trigonometric functions operate on or return angles in radians. Use an initial backslash \ to prevent the string from being interpreted as a numeric expression. Examples PARAMETER A '3.0' // A = 3 PARAMETER B '5 + 7' // B = 12 PARAMETER C '6 * \ // The string can be entered on several 5 ' // command lines as in this example; C = 30 PARAMETER D ‘\My string’// The initial backslash signals the start of // a text string. Parameter substitution When the command-line parser finds a token value that starts with a $, the parser finds the parameter name with that token value and substitutes the parameter value. For example, in the commands PARAMETER X1 '2.0/3.0' PARAMETER X2 'SQRT(5.0)' PARAMETER X3 'SIN(2.0)' BODY BLOCK DX1=$X1 DX2=$X2 DX3=$X3 the parser looks for the values of X1, X2 and X3 and substitutes the values (e.g. the characters '0.666666666666667') for the names (e.g. the characters 'X1'). Hence the above commands are exactly equivalent to the command BODY BLOCK DX1=0.666666666666667 DX2=2.23606797749979, DX3=0.909297426825682 The token values need not be in upper-case: BODY BLOCK DX1=$x1 DX2=$x2 DX3=$x3 Parameter substitution occurs before command execution, so the following is allowed:

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Chap. 3 Input/output



// A = 3

Now you may want to put the symbol $ into a string without parameter substitution occuring. The rule is: if the next character after the $ is a letter [a-z], the command-line parser attempts parameter substitution. So PARAMETER A '3.0' USERTEXT ABC 'The cost is $2000.00' 'The size is $A' DATAEND is equivalent to USERTEXT ABC 'The cost is $2000.00' 'The size is 3.0' DATAEND A convenient way to output the value of a single parameter is with the ECHO command (described in this section): PARAMETER X1 '2.0/3.0' ECHO $X1 ECHO 'The value of X1 is $X1' You can also use parameter substitution with parameters that are not numeric expressions: PARAMETER GROUPTYPE EGROUP $GROUPTYPE


is equivalent to EGROUP THREEDSOLID Auxiliary command LIST PARAMETER Lists the values of all parameters.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 3.4 Auxiliary commands


Outputs the given string. This command can be used to output the value of a parameter, see the examples given in the PARAMETER command description (in this section). The output of the ECHO command goes either to the terminal or window from which you invoked the AUI, or to the file specified in the FILELOG command (which is described in Section 3.3). STRING A string (up to 256 characters long).

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Chap. 3 Input/output




END terminates the program. If the program is reading data from a file specified by the FILEREAD command and the end of the file is reached, the END command is executed automatically. SAVE [UNKNOWN] Used only when you have modified the internal database. If you specify SAVE = YES, the program will save the current internal database to disk using the filename specified by parameter PERMFILE. If you specify SAVE = NO, the program will ask you for confirmation. If you confirm by answering YES, then the program will not save the internal database. If you specify SAVE = UNKNOWN, the program will ask you if you want to save the internal database. {YES / NO / UNKNOWN} PERMFILE [the current permanent database filename] PERMFILE is the filename of the permanent database file when saving the current database file to disk. If you do not enter a value for PERMFILE and no previously specified permanent database filename was specified, the program will prompt you for the value of PERMFILE. PROMPT [UNKNOWN] When saving a permanent database file, you will be prompted "Ready to save permanent database file?" if PROMPT = YES. You will be prompted "Permanent database file already exists" if that is the case and PROMPT = UNKNOWN. You will not be prompted if PROMPT is set to NO. {YES / NO / UNKNOWN} IMMEDIATE [NO] If IMMEDIATE=YES, the program immediately stops execution without saving the database or prompting you. This option is most useful when writing batch scripts to force the program to terminate.{YES / NO} Auxiliary commands EXIT SAVE PERMFILE PROMPT IMMEDIATE QUIT SAVE PERMFILE PROMPT IMMEDIATE STOP SAVE PERMFILE PROMPT IMMEDATE EXIT, QUIT and STOP are equivalent to END.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Chapter 4 Editing commands and graphics interaction



Sec. 4.1 Editing


UNDO cancels the effects of previous commands. UNDO is possible only if CONTROL UNDO is greater than zero. See Section 6.1 for a description of the CONTROL command. The UNDO command can itself be undone by REDO (described in this section). NUMBER [1] The number of previous commands to be undone. The maximum possible number of previous commands that can be undone is set by CONTROL UNDO. However, the actual number of previous commands that can be undone may be less than this.

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Chap. 4 Editing commands and graphics interaction




REDO cancels the effects of previous UNDO commands (described in this section). It can be used only if the previous command was either UNDO or REDO. A REDO command can be followed by an UNDO command to cancel the REDO. NUMBER The number of previous UNDO commands to be undone.



AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 4.2 Graphics interaction

PICKED DELETE PICKED DELETE deletes all picked graphics. Use LOCATOR PICK (described in this section) to pick graphics. See the AUI Primer for information about picking graphics.

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Chap. 4 Editing commands and graphics interaction


PICKED MESHWINDOW-NORMAL PICKED MESHWINDOW-NORMAL resets the mesh viewing window to normal for all picked mesh plots, or for the current mesh plot if there are no picked mesh plots. The normal mesh viewing window is the smallest box in the view projection plane that contains the projections of all mesh plot coordinates. See the MESHWINDOW command in Section 5.2 for a description of mesh viewing windows. Use LOCATOR PICK (described in this section) to pick graphics.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 4.2 Graphics interaction

RESET MESHWINDOW RESET MESHWINDOW resets the mesh viewing window to normal for all mesh plots. See the MESHWINDOW command in Section 5.2 for a description of mesh viewing windows.

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Chap. 4 Editing commands and graphics interaction


LOCATOR ACTION LOCATOR activates or deactivates the locator and specifies the locator action. A locator is used to point to a location on the graphics window. Usually the locator is the mouse. When the locator is active, the program does not read commands from the command-line interface. If the program reads the LOCATOR command from a file, the program stops reading commands until you deactivate the locator. Deactivate the locator by moving the cursor into the graphics window and typing (lower-case) q. When the locator is active you can point to items on the graphics window with it. You can also perform some locator action, such as picking or dragging. You specify the action using the ACTION parameter of this command. See the AUI Primer for more information about using the mouse to manipulate graphics objects, inquire graphics objects, zoom and zoom mesh plots. ACTION OFF


[OFF] Deactivates the locator.


Places the locator in PICK mode. You use PICK mode to highlight something. You can either highlight whatever is at the locator position or you can create a box and highlight whatever is in the box. Pick mode allows you to manipulate (move, resize, rotate) the highlighted graphics.


Places the locator in DRAW mode, i.e., freehand drawing using the locator.


Places the locator in INQUIRE mode, i.e., the locator will respond by identifying objects at the locator position. Multiple objects may be inquired on by repeated use of the locator button.


Places the locator in ZOOM mode, i.e., the locator is used to input a "rubber-band" rectangle, the contents of which are scaled to fit the graphics window. After the zoom, the locator action is reset to the previous locator action.


Similar to ZOOM, except a mesh plot is scaled to fit its prior bounding rectangle, leaving other graphics in the graphics window intact.


Similar to ZOOM, except that the locator action is not reset.

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Sec. 4.2 Graphics interaction

Auxiliary commands LIST LOCATOR Writes the current locator action.

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Chap. 4 Editing commands and graphics interaction




ZOOM allows you to specify the magnification of the image on the graphics window. This magnification can either be specified as an absolute number (relative to the unzoomed image) or as a relative number (relative to the current image). TYPE [ABSOLUTE] If TYPE = ABSOLUTE, the scale factor is the magnification factor relative to the unzoomed image. If TYPE = RELATIVE, the scale factor is the magnification factor relative to the current image. FACTOR [1.0] The zoom scale factor. Scale factors greater than 1.0 enlarge the image; scale factors smaller than 1.0 shrink the image. Note that when TYPE = ABSOLUTE, the factor must not be smaller than 1.0. WINDOW


UPDATE [NO] This parameter controls whether the initial values of command parameters are updated. If UPDATE = NO, the initial values are not updated and the command is run. If UPDATE = YES, the initial values are updated and the command is run. Auxiliary commands LIST ZOOM Lists the current default values of the ZOOM parameters. UPDATE ZOOM TYPE FACTOR WINDOW UPDATE Updates the initial values for the ZOOM command, but does not run the ZOOM command. (Note that the UPDATE parameter of the ZOOM command can be used to update the initial values and immediately run the ZOOM command.) RESET ZOOM Resets the default values for the ZOOM command to their initial values (which are given above).


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 4.2 Graphics interaction

PAN XMOTION YMOTION WINDOW UNITXMOTION UNITYMOTION UPDATE PAN allows you to pan the image in the graphics window. Panning is only useful when the image in the graphics window has been zoomed. XMOTION [0.0] The image is shifted by an amount XMOTION in the X direction. A positive value of XMOTION moves the panning window to the right and the image appears to shift to the left. A negative value of XMOTION moves the panning window to the left and the image appears to shift to the right. If XMOTION = LEFT, the panning window is moved as far as possible to the left and the image appears to move as far as possible to the right. If XMOTION = RIGHT, the panning window is moved as far as possible to the right and the image appears to move as far as possible to the left. YMOTION [0.0] The image is shifted by an amount YMOTION in the Y direction. A positive value of YMOTION moves the panning window to the top and the image appears to shift to the bottom. A negative value of YMOTION moves the panning window to the bottom and the image appears to shift to the top. If YMOTION = TOP, the panning window is moved as far as possible to the top and the image appears to move as far as possible to the bottom. If YMOTION = BOTTOM, the panning window is moved as far as possible to the bottom and the image appears to move as far as possible to the top. WINDOW


UNITXMOTION, UNITYMOTION [PERCENT] The unit of parameters XMOTION and YMOTION. {CM / INCHES / PERCENT / PIXELS} UPDATE [NO] Controls whether the initial values of command parameters are updated. {YES / NO} Auxiliary commands LIST PAN Lists the current default values of the PAN parameters. UPDATE PAN XMOTION YMOTION WINDOW UNITXMOTION UNITYMOTION UPDATE Updates the initial values for the PAN command, but does not run the PAN command. (Note that the UPDATE parameter of the PAN command can be used to update the initial values and immediately run the PAN command.)

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Chap. 4 Editing commands and graphics interaction


RESET PAN Resets the default values for the PAN command to their initial values (which are given above).


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 4.2 Graphics interaction


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Chap. 4 Editing commands and graphics interaction


POTENTIAL-INTERFACE ZOOM-MODEL BCELL ELFACESET ELEDGESET SKEW SYSTEM COHESIVE SURFACE COHESIVE SURFACE SEGMENT GLUEMESH SURFACE GLUEMESH SURFACE SEGMENT The characters needed to uniquely specify the object are indicated in bold. You use “OF” to completely specify the object. For example 'ELEMENT 1' is an acceptable selection if there is only one element group in the model. But if there is more than one element group, then you must use 'ELEMENT 1 OF ELEMENT GROUP 1' to specify the first element of element group 1. Object keywords can be abbreviated. For example 'EL 1 OF EL GR 1' Object keywords can be upper, lower or mixed case. Keywords can be separated using spaces. The quotes are necessary so that the selection string is not interpreted as a command. Auxiliary commands LIST HIGHLIGHT Lists the current selections.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Chapter 5 Display control


Sec. 5.1 Screen control

REGENERATE REGENERATE reconstructs all meshplots, bandplots, etc. currently displayed on the screen according to the current depiction settings of the meshplots, bandplots, etc. and according to the current state of the model. This command is useful when you have updated the model and want to update the graphics. Notice that if CONTROL AUTOREGENERATE=YES, then the AUI automatically regenerates the graphics after every change to the model (see Section 6.1 for the CONTROL command).

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Chap. 5 Display control




FRAME defines a frame in the graphics window. LOWER [0.0] The plotting frame can contain a lower margin. If LOWER = 0.0, then no lower margin is drawn. If LOWER > 0.0, then the size of the lower margin is given by LOWER and nothing is drawn below the lower margin. If LOWER is the word HEADING, then the lower margin is sized to contain the program name, version number and heading, and this information is drawn below the lower margin. {HEADING / number >= 0.0} UPPER [0.0] The plotting frame can contain an upper margin. If UPPER = 0.0, then no upper margin is drawn. If UPPER > 0.0, then the size of the upper margin is given by UPPER and nothing is drawn above the upper margin. If UPPER is the word HEADING, then the upper margin is sized to contain the program name, version number and heading, and this information is drawn above the upper margin. {HEADING / number >= 0.0} ROTATION [0] The plotting frame can be rotated relative to the graphics window. The ROTATION parameter specifies the amount of rotation in degrees. {0 / ±90 / ±180 / ±270} LINE [YES] Specifies whether or not to draw the boundary of the plotting frame, and the boundaries of any subframes in the plotting frame. {YES / NO} SIZE ISOSIZE WIDTH HEIGHT The size of the plotting frame can be specified in several ways.


SIZE = SURFACE: the plotting frame completely fills the graphics window and ISOSIZE, WIDTH and HEIGHT are not used. SIZE = ISO: parameter ISOSIZE specifies the size of the plotting frame as follows: Integer values of |ISOSIZE| produce frames with sizes ISO A1, ISO A2, etc. If ISOSIZE > 0, the longer side of the frame is parallel to the horizontal side of the graphics window; if ISOSIZE < 0, the longer side of the frame is parallel to the vertical side of the graphics


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.1 Screen control

window; parameters WIDTH and HEIGHT are not used. SIZE = DIRECT: parameters WIDTH and HEIGHT specify the width and height of the plotting frame; parameter ISOSIZE is not used. SIZE = ASPECT: parameter ASPECT specifies the aspect ratio of the frame and parameters WIDTH, HEIGHT and ISOSIZE are not used. XOFFSET [0.0] YOFFSET [0.0] The location of the lower left-hand corner of the plotting frame can be specified using parameters XOFFSET and YOFFSET. These parameters are not used when SIZE = SURFACE or ASPECT. INDEX Clear the graphics window before drawing a new frame. {YES / NO}


CUTMARK Draw cut marks at the corners of the graphics window. {YES / NO}


WINDOW [PREVIOUS] If WINDOW=PREVIOUS, then the new frame uses the previous window. If WINDOW=NEW, then the AUI opens a new window and puts the frame into the new window. If WINDOW=BITMAP, the AUI opens a new window (as a static bitmap) and puts the frame into the new window (this option is added only for support of the user interfaces and is not intended to be used in command-line mode). UNITLOWER [PERCENT] UNITUPPER [PERCENT] UNITWIDTH [PERCENT] UNITHEIGHT [PERCENT] UNITXOFFSET [PERCENT] UNITYOFFSET [PERCENT] These parameters specify the units for parameters LOWER, UPPER, WIDTH, HEIGHT, XOFFSET and YOFFSET. {CM / INCHES / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} UPDATE [NO] Controls whether the initial values of command parameters are updated. UPDATE specifies whether or not the initial values are updated before the command is run. {YES / NO} ASPECT [1.33] The aspect ratio of the frame (width/height), used if SIZE=ASPECT. The frame is centered within the graphics window.

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Chap. 5 Display control


CHARSIZE [0.25] UNITCHARSIZE [CM] The size of the characters used to draw the heading, and its unit, if LOWER=HEADING or UPPER=HEADING. {CM / INCHES / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} HSTRING [’’] A string containing the heading text plotted in the frame heading. The heading text can be specified in several ways: HSTRING = ’ ’: The heading text is taken from the problem heading. HSTRING = ’(a string)’: The heading text is taken from parameter HSTRING. ADINATEXT [VERTICAL] The FRAME command writes the word “ADINA” into the upper left-hand corner according to the following options: NONE HORIZONTAL VERTICAL

The FRAME command does not write the word “ADINA” The FRAME command writes the word “ADINA” horizontally, as in AUI 7.5. The FRAME command writes the word “ADINA” vertically, as in our company logo.

Auxiliary commands LIST FRAME Lists the current values of the FRAME parameters. UPDATE FRAME (frame command parameters) Updates the initial values for the FRAME command, but does not run the FRAME command. Note that the UPDATE parameter of the FRAME command can be used to update the initial values and immediately run the FRAME command. RESET FRAME Resets the default values for the FRAME command to their initial values. DELETE FRAME Deletes the frame along with the window that contains the frame.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


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Sec. 5.1 Screen control


Chap. 5 Display control




SUBFRAME defines a subframe depiction. The subframe specifies the portion of the frame in which a graphics entity such as a mesh plot is drawn. The subframe is always defined within the current frame. The subframe boundary is drawn if the frame itself is drawn, see the FRAME command, parameter LINE. NAME [DEFAULT] The name of the subframe depiction. If there is a previously defined subframe depiction with this name, data entered in this command is appended to that subframe depiction. If there is no previously defined subframe depiction with this name, a new subframe depiction is created by this command. SIZE Specifies how the subframe size is specified: FRAME


the subframe coincides with the plotting frame

DIRECT the subframe is defined using the remaining parameters You can also enter a 4 digit integer ABCD (see Figure) to quickly define a subframe. The digits are interpreted as follows: A The total number of equal partitions of the plotting frame in the horizontal direction. B The selected partition in the horizontal direction. C The total number of equal partitions in the vertical direction. D The selected partition in the vertical direction.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.1 Screen control

XOFFSET [0.0] UNITXOFFSET [PERCENT] YOFFSET [0.0] UNITYOFFSET [PERCENT] WIDTH [100.0] UNITWIDTH [PERCENT] HEIGHT [100.0] UNITHEIGHT [PERCENT] Used only if size = DIRECT. See the figure for parameter definitions. Parameters with PERCENT units are interpreted as percentages of the frame. {CM / INCHES / PERCENTS / PIXELS / POINTS}

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Chap. 5 Display control

Mesh plotting – Introduction

Mesh plotting – Introduction You draw a mesh using the MESHPLOT command. You can also modify an existing mesh plot using this command. The mesh plot can contain geometry, the mesh in its original configuration and the mesh in its deformed configuration. If you have loaded the results from more than one finite element program into the database, the mesh plot can display the meshes from all of the loaded finite element program results. Every mesh plot has a name, which you can specify when you create the mesh plot. You refer to the mesh plot by name when modifying or deleting it. The appearance of the mesh plot is governed by the mesh plot depictions. The mesh plot depictions are groups of settings, each of which controls one part of the mesh plot's appearance. Each depiction has a name, which is used in the MESHPLOT command to refer to the depiction. The depictions used by the MESHPLOT command are: ZONE: specifies what to plot (for example, nodes, elements, geometry, etc.). See the zone commands in Section 6.2. RESPONSE: specifies the solution time, mode-shape, etc. for the mesh plot. See the response commands in Section 6.3. MODELDEPICTION: specifies whether to draw the geometry, mesh in original and/or deformed configurations, and the displacement magnification factor. See the MODELDEPICTION command in this section. VIEW: specifies the view. See the VIEW command in this section. MESHWINDOW: specifies the mesh viewing window. See the MESHWINDOW command in this section. PLOTAREA: specifies the location in the graphics window where the mesh plot is drawn. See the PLOTAREA command in this section. SUBFRAME: the subframe in which the mesh plot is drawn. See the SUBFRAME command in Section 5.1. ELDEPICTION: attributes used when drawing elements. See the ELDEPICTION command in this section.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Mesh plotting – Introduction

Sec. 5.2 Mesh plotting

NODEDEPICTION: attributes used when drawing nodes. See the NODEDEPICTION command in this section. BOUNDEPICTION: attributes used when drawing boundary conditions. See the BOUNDEPICTION command in this section. GPDEPICTION: attributes used when drawing geometry points. See the GPDEPICTION command in this section. GLDEPICTION: attributes used when drawing geometry lines and edges. See the GLDEPICTION command in this section. GSDEPICTION: attributes used when drawing geometry surfaces and faces. See the GSDEPICTION command in this section. GVDEPICTION: attributes used when drawing geometry volumes and bodies. See the GVDEPICTION command in this section. MESHRENDERING: specifies hidden line removal, shading and related items. See the MESHRENDERING command in this section. MESHANNOTATION: attributes of optional text drawn with the mesh. See the MESHANNOTATION command in this section. FRONDEPCTION: controls the appearance of frontiers. The following predefined names can be used: DEFAULT, FACTORY, OFF, ON. CONDEPICTION: controls the appearance of constraint equations and rigid links. The following predefined names can be used: DEFAULT, FACTORY, OFF, ON. VSDEPICTION: attributes used when drawing fracture mechanics virtual shifts. See the VSDEPICTION command in this section. CRACKDEPICTION: controls the appearance of fracture mechanics crack fronts. The following predefined names can be used: DEFAULT, FACTORY, OFF, ON. RESULTCONTROL: specifies the mode shape amplification factor. See the RESULTCONTROL command in Section 6.6. CUTSURFACE: controls cutting surfaces, see the CUTSURFACE commands in this section. You can group depiction names into a style using the MESHSTYLE command. Then you can specify the mesh style in the MESHPLOT command. It is not necessary to use

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Chap. 5 Display control

Mesh plotting – Introduction

MESHSTYLE in order to use MESHPLOT. The mesh style simply provides a way to group mesh plot depictions together so that you can switch from one set of depictions to another. When you create a mesh plot, the depictions that you specify (except for the zone) are copied and given the same name as the mesh plot. So if you create a mesh plot M1, the AUI will create a subframe M1, an element depiction M1, etc. You can modify an existing mesh plot in several ways: 1) Alter the depictions with the mesh plot name, using the depiction commands, then regenerate the mesh plot using the REGENERATE command. For example: MESHPLOT M1 Creates mesh plot M1. NODEDEPICTION M1 SYMBOLS=YES Turns on plotting of node symbols for mesh plot M1. REGENERATE Regenerates the mesh plot. 2) Use the MESHPLOT command to substitute depictions. For example: MESHPLOT M1 Creates mesh plot M1. MESHPLOT M1 BOUNDEP=ALL Substitutes boundary depiction ALL for the boundary depiction used during the creation of mesh plot M1, then regenerates the mesh plot. You can delete a mesh plot using the DELETE MESHPLOT command, by picking the mesh plot with the mouse and then using the PICKED DELETE command or by clearing the graphics window using the FRAME command. When you delete a mesh plot, all of the depictions with the name of the mesh plot are automatically deleted as well. Therefore, if you want to create several mesh plots with the same attributes, you may want to create a mesh style with those attributes, then use the mesh style when creating mesh plots. For example: MESHSTYLE MS1 NODEDEP=SYMBOLS BOUNDEP=ALL Creates a mesh style in which nodes are marked with symbols and boundary conditions are plotted. RESPONSE LOAD-STEP TIME=1.0 Prepare to plot the results at time 1.0.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Mesh plotting – Introduction

Sec. 5.2 Mesh plotting

MESHPLOT MESHSTYLE=MS1 RESPONSE=DEFAULT Creates mesh plot MESHPLOT00001 using this mesh style. FRAME Clears the graphics window. RESPONSE LOAD-STEP TIME=2.0 Prepare to plot the results at time 2.0. MESHPLOT MESHSTYLE=MS1 RESPONSE=DEFAULT Creates the mesh plot MESHPLOT00001 using this mesh style. An additional command, that does not define a depiction, is also used by MESHPLOT. GEDRAWING: specifies how to draw general mass/stiffness/damping elements. See the GEDRAWING command in this section. Also note that the COLORZONE command (in Section 6.2) can be used to change the colors of objects such as elements and geometry in the mesh plot. Auxiliary commands The MESHPLOT command has the following auxiliary commands: LIST MESHPLOT Lists all mesh plots. LIST MESHPLOT NAME Lists the depictions for the specified mesh plot. DELETE MESHPLOT NAME Deletes the specified mesh plot. The MESHSTYLE command has the following auxiliary commands: LIST MESHSTYLE Lists all mesh styles. LIST MESHSTYLE NAME Lists the depictions for the specified mesh style. DELETE MESHSTYLE NAME Deletes the specified mesh style.

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Chap. 5 Display control

Mesh plotting – Introduction

COPY MESHSTYLE NAME1 NAME2 Copies the mesh style specified by NAME1 to NAME2. Each of the depiction commands has the following auxiliary commands: LIST (depiction) Lists all names for the specified depiction type. LIST (depiction) NAME Lists the attributes for the specified depiction. DELETE (depiction) NAME Deletes the attributes for the specified depiction. COPY (depiction) NAME1 NAME2 Copies the depiction specified by NAME1 to NAME2.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 5.2 Mesh plotting


MESHPLOT creates a mesh plot according to the attributes given by the specified depictions. NAME [MESHPLOTnnnnn] The name of the mesh plot. The name is used by commands that draw upon the mesh plot, such as BANDPLOT. If no name is given, one is automatically generated, in the form MESHPLOTnnnnn, where nnnnn is a number between 00001 and 99999. MESHSTYLE [DEFAULT] The name of the mesh style used to provide defaults for the remaining parameters of this command. A mesh style is defined by the MESHSTYLE command (in this section). ZONENAME [WHOLE_MODEL] The name of the zone that specifies what (for example, nodes, elements, geometry, etc.) appears in the meshplot. A zone is defined by a zone command (see Section 6.2). Note that the ZONENAME is not used when plotting an element face-set or element edge-set using the ELFACESET or ELEDGESET parameters. RESPONSE [DEFAULT] The name of the response that gives the solution time, mode shape, etc. used when drawing the mesh plot. A response is defined by a response command (see Section 6.3). MODELDEPICTION [DEFAULT] The name of the model depiction that specifies how the model appears. A model depiction is defined by the MODELDEPICTION command (in this section). VIEW [DEFAULT] The name of the view depiction that gives the view used to draw the mesh plot. A view depiction is defined by the VIEW command (in this section). MESHWINDOW [DEFAULT] The name of the window that gives the viewing window used to draw the meshplot. A meshwindow is defined by the MESHWINDOW command (in this section). PLOTAREA [DEFAULT] The name of the plotarea that gives the location within the subframe for the meshplot. A plotarea is defined by the PLOTAREA command (in this section).

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Chap. 5 Display control


SUBFRAME [DEFAULT] The name of the subframe that gives the location within the frame for the meshplot. A subframe is defined by the SUBFRAME command (in Section 5.1). ELDEPICTION [DEFAULT] The name of the element depiction that gives the attributes used for drawing elements. An element depiction is defined by the ELDEPICTION command (in this section). NODEDEPICTION [DEFAULT] The name of the node depiction that gives the attributes used for drawing nodes. A node depiction is defined by the NODEDEPICTION command (in this section). BOUNDEPICTION [DEFAULT] The name of the boundary conditions depiction that gives the attributes used for drawing nodal boundary conditions. A boundary conditions depiction is defined by the BOUNDEPICTION command (in this section). GPDEPICTION [DEFAULT] The name of the geometry point depiction that gives the attributes used for drawing the geometry points. A geometry point depiction is defined by the GPDEPICTION command (in this section). GLDEPICTION [DEFAULT] The name of the geometry line depiction that gives the attributes used for drawing geometry lines and edges. A geometry line depiction is defined by the GLDEPICTION command (in this section). GSDEPICTION [DEFAULT] The name of the geometry surface depiction that gives the attributes used for drawing the geometry surfaces and faces. A geometry surface depiction is defined by the GSDEPICTION command (in this section). GVDEPICTION [DEFAULT] The name of the geometry volume depiction that gives the attributes used for drawing the geometry volumes and bodies. A geometry volume depiction is defined by the GVDEPICTION command (in this section). MESHRENDERING [DEFAULT] The name of the rendering depiction that specifies how the meshplot is drawn. A rendering depiction is specified by a MESHRENDERING command (in this section).


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.2 Mesh plotting

MESHANNOTATION [DEFAULT] The name of the mesh annotation depiction that specifies what additional text and mesh axes appear along with the meshplot. A mesh annotation depiction is specified by a MESHANNOTATION command (in this section). FRONDEPICTION [DEFAULT] The name of the frontier depiction, used to determine how frontiers are displayed. Currently there is no corresponding frontier depiction command, but the following predefined frontier depictions can be used: DEFAULT, FACTORY, OFF, ON. CONDEPICTION [DEFAULT] The name of the constraint depiction, used to determine how constraint equations and rigid links are displayed. Currently there is no corresponding constraint depiction command, but the following predefined constraint depictions can be used: DEFAULT, FACTORY, OFF, ON. VSDEPICTION [DEFAULT] The name of the virtual shift depiction that specifies which virtual shift to plot in fracture mechanics analysis. A virtual shift depiction is specified by the VSDEPICTION command (in this section). CRACKDEPICTION [DEFAULT] The name of the crack depiction that specifies whether or not to plot the crack front in a fracture mechanics analysis. Currently there is no corresponding crack depiction command, but the following predefined crack depictions can be used: DEFAULT, FACTORY, OFF, ON. RESULTCONTROL [DEFAULT] The name of the result control depiction. The MESHPLOT command uses the MODEFACTOR parameter of the result control depiction to determine the scaling of mode shapes. A result control depiction is specified by the RESULTCONTROL command (in Section 6.6). CUTSURFACE [DEFAULT] The name of the cutting surface depiction. Cutting surfaces are controlled by the CUTSURFACE commands (in this section). ELFACESET The number of the element face-set to plot. If this is 0, then this parameter is not used. Element face-sets are defined using the ELFACESET command.


ELEDGESET [0] The number of the element edge-set to plot. If this is 0, then this parameter is not used. Element edge-sets are defined using the ELEDGESET command.

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Chap. 5 Display control


Notes for the ZONENAME, ELFACESET and ELEDGESET parameters If ELFACESET and ELDGESET are both 0, then MESHPLOT plots the elements, geometry, etc specified by zone ZONENAME. If either ELFACESET or ELEDGESET are nonzero, then MESHPLOT plots the element face-set or edge-set specified the ELFACESET or ELEDGESET. The zone specified by ZONENAME is not used. It is not allowed for both ELFACESET and ELEDGESET to be nonzero.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 5.2 Mesh plotting


MESHSTYLE groups depictions used when drawing a mesh using MESHPLOT. NAME The name of the mesh style. If there is a previously defined mesh style with this name, data entered in this command modifies that mesh style. If there is no previously defined mesh style with this name, a new mesh style is created by this command. ZONENAME [WHOLE_MODEL] The name of the zone that specifies what (for example, nodes, elements, geometry, etc.) appear in the meshplot. A zone is defined by a zone command (in Section 6.2). RESPONSE [DEFAULT] The name of the response that gives the response (solution time, mode shape, etc.) used when drawing the mesh plot. A response is defined by a response command (in Section 6.3). MODELDEPICTION [DEFAULT] The name of the model depiction that specifies how the model appears. A model depiction is defined by the MODELDEPICTION command (in this section). VIEW [DEFAULT] The name of the view depiction that gives the view used to draw the meshplot. A view depiction is defined by the VIEW command (in this section). MESHWINDOW [DEFAULT] The name of the window that gives the viewing window used to draw the meshplot. A meshwindow is defined by the MESHWINDOW command (in this section). PLOTAREA [DEFAULT] The name of the plotarea that gives the location within the subframe for the meshplot. A plotarea is defined by the PLOTAREA command (in this section). SUBFRAME [DEFAULT] The name of the subframe that gives the location within the frame for the meshplot. A subframe is defined by the SUBFRAME command (in Section 5.1).

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Chap. 5 Display control


ELDEPICTION [DEFAULT] The name of the element depiction that gives the attributes used for drawing elements. An element depiction is defined by the ELDEPICTION command (in this section). NODEDEPICTION [DEFAULT] The name of the node depiction that gives the attributes used for drawing nodes. A node depiction is defined by the NODEDEPICTION command (in this section). BOUNDEPICTION [DEFAULT] The name of the boundary condition depiction that gives the attributes used for drawing nodal boundary conditions. A boundary condition depiction is defined by the BOUNDEPICTION command (in this section). GPDEPICTION [DEFAULT] The name of the geometry point depiction that gives the attributes used for drawing the geometry points. A geometry point depiction is defined by the GPDEPICTION command (in this section). GLDEPICTION [DEFAULT] The name of the geometry line depiction that gives the attributes used for drawing the geometry lines and edges. A geometry line depiction is defined by the GLDEPICTION command (in this section). GSDEPICTION [DEFAULT] The name of the geometry surface depiction that gives the attributes used for drawing the geometry surfaces and faces. A geometry surface depiction is defined by the GSDEPICTION command (in this section). GVDEPICTION [DEFAULT] The name of the geometry volume depiction that gives the attributes used for drawing the geometry volumes and bodies. A geometry volume depiction is defined by the GVDEPICTION command (in this section). MESHRENDERING [DEFAULT] The name of the rendering depiction that specifies how the meshplot is drawn. A rendering depiction is specified by the MESHRENDERING command (in this section). MESHANNOTATION [DEFAULT] The name of the mesh annotation depiction that specifies what additional text and mesh axes appear along with the meshplot. A mesh annotation depiction is specified by the MESHANNOTATION command (in this section).


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.2 Mesh plotting

FRONDEPICTION [DEFAULT] The name of the frontier depiction, used to determine how frontiers are displayed. Currently there is no corresponding frontier depiction command, but the following predefined frontier depictions can be used: DEFAULT, FACTORY, OFF, ON. CONDEPICTION [DEFAULT] The name of the constraint depiction, used to determine how constraint equations and rigid links are displayed. Currently there is no corresponding constraint depiction command, but the following predefined constraint depictions can be used: DEFAULT, FACTORY, OFF, ON. VSDEPICTION [DEFAULT] The name of the virtual shift depiction that specifies which virtual shift to plot in fracture mechanics analysis. A virtual shift depiction is specified by the VSDEPICTION command (in this section). CRACKDEPICTION [DEFAULT] The name of the crack depiction that specifies whether or not to plot the crack front in a fracture mechanics analysis. Currently there is no corresponding crack depiction command, but the following predefined crack depictions can be used: DEFAULT, FACTORY, OFF, ON. RESULTCONTROL [DEFAULT] The name of the result control depiction. The MESHPLOT command uses the MODEFACTOR parameter of the result control depiction to determine the scaling of mode shapes. A result control depiction is specified by the RESULTCONTROL command (in Section 6.6). CUTSURFACE [DEFAULT] The name of the cutting surface depiction. Cutting surfaces are controlled by the CUTSURFACE commands (in this section). ELFACESET The number of the element face-set to plot. If this is 0, then this parameter is not used. Element face-sets are defined using the ELFACESET command.


ELEDGESET [0] The number of the element edge-set to plot. If this is 0, then this parameter is not used. Element edge-sets are defined using the ELEDGESET command.

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Chap. 5 Display control


GPDEPICTION NAME STATUS SYMBOLPLOT SYMBOL SYMBOLCOLOR SYMBOLSIZE UNITSYMBOLSIZE NUMBER NUMBERCOLOR NUMBERSIZE UNITNUMBERSIZE GPDEPICTION defines attributes used when drawing the points in the model geometry using the MESHPLOT command. The attributes can be grouped as follows: 1) Point symbol attributes 2) Point numbering attributes NAME [DEFAULT] The name of the geometry point depiction. If there is a previously defined geometry point depiction with this name, data entered in this command modifies that geometry point depiction. If there is no previously defined geometry point depiction with this name, a new geometry point depiction is created by this command. STATUS [ON] If STATUS = ON, geometry points are plotted using the attributes given by the remaining style attribute parameters. If STATUS = OFF, geometry points are not plotted. {ON / OFF} SYMBOLPLOT [YES] Enter NO for no symbol plotting at geometry points and YES to plot symbols at geometry points. If NO is entered, the values of parameters SYMBOL, SYMBOLCOLOR, SYMBOLSIZE and UNITSYMBOLSIZE are ignored. SYMBOL ['@C[1,23]'] The symbol string, up to 30 characters long, used to mark each geometry point. Use the extended character convention to enter a special symbol. See the TEXT command in Section 5.12 for the extended character convention. SYMBOLCOLOR The color of the symbol.


SYMBOLSIZE UNITSYMBOLSIZE The size of the symbol and its unit. {CM / INCHES / PERCENT / PIXELS /POINTS} NUMBER Specifies whether the label numbers of geometry points are plotted. {YES / NO} NUMBERCOLOR The color of geometry point numbers.


[0.10] [CM]



AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.2 Mesh plotting

NUMBERSIZE [0.25] UNITNUMBERSIZE [CM] The size of geometry point numbers and its unit. {CM / INCHES / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS}

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Chap. 5 Display control



Line attributes Line numbering attributes Line approximation attributes Line subdivision attributes Parasolid edge approximation attributes

NAME [DEFAULT] The name of the geometry line depiction. If there is a previously defined geometry line depiction with this name, data entered in this command modifies that geometry line depiction. If there is no previously defined geometry line depiction with this name, a new geometry line depiction is created by this command. STATUS [ON] If STATUS = ON, geometry lines are plotted using the attributes given by the remaining style attribute parameters. If STATUS = OFF, geometry lines are not plotted (except for those lines needed to draw surfaces). {ON / OFF} LINESTYLE The style of the lines. {SOLID / DASHED} LINECOLOR The color of the lines.



LINEWIDTH UNITLINEWIDTH The width of the line and its unit. {CM / INCHES / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} If LINEWIDTH = 0.0, the thinnest possible line is used.

[0.0] [CM]

NUMBER [NO] Specifies whether or not the label numbers of geometry lines are plotted. {YES / NO} NUMBERCOLOR The color of geometry line numbers.



AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.2 Mesh plotting

NUMBERSIZE [0.25] UNITNUMBERSIZE [CM] The size of geometry line numbers and its unit. {CM / INCHES / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} LINESEGMENT [1] The minimum number of straight line segments used to draw each curved line. The actual number of straight line segments used is dependent upon the value of parameter CURVEANGLE. CURVEANGLE [5.0] The number of straight line segments used to draw each curved line is chosen so that the angle between successive straight line segments is less than CURVEANGLE. Hence, decreasing CURVEANGLE increases the number of straight line segments used to draw each curved line. CURVEANGLE is entered in degrees. SUBDIVISION [YES] Indicates whether line subdivisions (as used by mesh generation) are to be plotted. {YES / NO} SUBDCOLOR The color of the line subdivision markers.


SUBDSIZE [0.1] UNITSUBDSIZE [CM] The size of the line subdivision markers and its unit. {CM / INCHES / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} PCCANG [0.2] The maximum chord angle used for plotting Parasolid edges, entered in radians. Decreasing PCCANG improves the appearance of curved Parasolid edges. REMOVALCOLOR [YELLOW] The colors of edges that are targeted for removal by the BODY-CLEANUP and BODYDEFEATURE commands.

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Chap. 5 Display control


GSDEPICTION NAME STATUS LINESTYLE LINECOLOR LINEWIDTH UNITLINEWIDTH NUMBER NUMBERCOLOR NUMBERSIZE UNITNUMBERSIZE UGRID VGRID USEGMENT VSEGMENT PCCANG REMOVALCOLOR OCCTOL GSDEPICTION defines attributes used when drawing the surfaces and faces in the model geometry using the MESHPLOT command. The attributes can be grouped as follows: 1) 2) 3) 4)

Surface attributes Surface numbering attributes Surface line approximations Parasolid and OpenCascade face approximation attributes

NAME [DEFAULT] The name of the geometry surface depiction. If there is a previously defined geometry surface depiction with this name, data entered in this command modifies that geometry surface depiction. If there is no previously defined geometry surface depiction with this name, a new geometry surface depiction is created by this command. STATUS [ON] If STATUS = ON, geometry surfaces are plotted using the attributes given by the remaining style attribute parameters. If STATUS = OFF, geometry surfaces are not plotted (except for those needed to draw volumes). {ON / OFF} LINESTYLE [SOLID] The style of the visible intermediate lines used when drawing the surface. {SOLID / DASHED} Note that LINESTYLE, LINECOLOR, LINEWIDTH and UNITLINEWIDTH are not used for the bounding lines of the surface. The style of the bounding lines of the surface is controlled by the GLDEPICTION command. LINECOLOR The color of the visible intermediate lines.


LINEWIDTH [0.0] UNITLINEWIDTH [CM] The width of the visible intermediate lines and its unit. {CM / INCHES / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} If LINEWIDTH = 0.0, the thinnest possible lines are used. NUMBER [NO] Specifies whether the label numbers of geometry surfaces are plotted. {YES / NO} NUMBERCOLOR The color of geometry surface numbers.



AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.2 Mesh plotting

NUMBERSIZE [0.25] UNITNUMBERSIZE [CM] The size of geometry surface numbers and its unit. {CM / INCHES / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} UGRID VGRID The number of visible intermediate lines used to represent the surface in the U and V directions. {UGRID, VGRID >= 0}

[0] [0]

USEGMENT [0] VSEGMENT [0] These parameters affect the quality of the surface approximation in the U and V directions. Increasing these values improves the quality of the approximation. A value of 0 means that the parameter is automatically set when it is used. {USEGMENT, VSEGMENT >= 0} PCCANG [0.2] The maximum chord angle used for plotting Parasolid faces, entered in radians. Decreasing PCCANG improves the appearance of curved Parasolid faces. REMOVALCOLOR [YELLOW] The colors of faces that are targeted for removal by the BODY-CLEANUP and BODYDEFEATURE commands. OCCTOL [0.1] Tolerance used when plotting OpenCascade faces. Smaller values result in a more accurate approximation.

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Chap. 5 Display control


GVDEPICTION NAME STATUS NUMBER NUMBERCOLOR NUMBERSIZE UNITNUMBERSIZE GVDEPICTION defines attributes used when labeling the geometry volumes or geometry bodies in a mesh plot. Geometry volumes and geometry bodies are indicated in a mesh plot by their bounding lines, edges, surfaces and faces. Use the GLDEPICTION and GSDEPICTION commands (in this section) to alter the appearances of the bounding lines, edges, surfaces and faces. NAME [DEFAULT] The name of the geometry volume depiction. If there is a previously defined geometry volume depiction with this name, data entered in this command modifies that geometry volume depiction. If there is no previously defined geometry volume depiction with this name, a new geometry volume depiction is created by this command. STATUS


NUMBER [NO] Specifies whether the label numbers of geometry volumes are plotted. {YES / NO} NUMBERCOLOR The color of geometry volume numbers.


NUMBERSIZE [0.25] UNITNUMBERSIZE [CM] The size of geometry volume numbers and its unit. {CM / INCHES / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS}


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.2 Mesh plotting

MODELDEPICTION NAME ORIGINAL DEFORMED GEOMETRY DISPOPTION DISPFACTOR UNITDISPFACTOR REFOPTION REFTIME BDREP COORDPLOT COORDCOLOR COORDSIZE UNITCOORDSIZE MODELDEPICTION defines some attributes used by MESHPLOT. The attributes can be grouped as follows: 1) Whether to plot the mesh in the original or reference configuration 2) Whether to plot the mesh in the deformed configuration 3) Whether to plot the model geometry 4) The displacement magnification factor 5) The reference configuration about which displacements are magnified 6) Whether to plot the body discrete reps (discrete breps) of geometry bodies. 7) Whether to plot coordinate system origins. NAME [DEFAULT] The name of the model depiction. If there is a previously defined model depiction with this name, data entered in this command modifies that model depiction. If there is no previously defined model depiction with this name, a new model depiction is created by this command. ORIGINAL [YES if in preprocessing mode, NO if in postprocessing mode ] Specifies whether the mesh is plotted in the original (or reference) configuration. If there is no finite element data stored in the database, this parameter is ignored. {YES / NO} DEFORMED [NO if in preprocessing mode, YES if in postprocessing mode] Specifies whether the mesh is plotted in the deformed configuration. (The actual deformed configuration is specified by the RESPONSE parameter in the MESHPLOT command.) If there is no finite element data stored in the database, this parameter is ignored. {YES / NO} Note: ORIGINAL=YES plots all elements, regardless of any birth-death information stored for the elements. DEFORMED=YES plots only those elements that are active at the given solution time. You can use DEFORMED=YES during preprocessing to check the element birth-death information. GEOMETRY [YES] Specifies whether the geometry is plotted. If there is no geometry data stored in the database, this parameter is ignored. {YES / NO}

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Chap. 5 Display control


DISPOPTION [AUTOMATIC] DISPFACTOR [1.0] UNITDISPFACTOR These parameters control the magnification factor used to plot the displacements when plotting the deformed mesh. These parameters are ignored if DEFORMED = NO. If you specify DISPOPTION = MAGNIFICATION, then DISPFACTOR is interpreted as a displacement magnification factor (1.0 = no magnification) and UNITDISPFACTOR is ignored. If you specify DISPOPTION = LENGTH, then DISPFACTOR is interpreted as the length on the plotting surface of the maximum displacement and UNITDISPFACTOR gives the length unit of DISPFACTOR {CM / INCHES / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS}. In this case, the program automatically determines the displacement magnification factor. If you specify DISPOPTION = AUTOMATIC, then the program automatically determines the displacement magnification factor as follows: If the mesh plot displacements are actual displacements, then the programs sets the displacement magnification factor to 1.0 (no magnification). If the mesh plot displacements are eigenvectors or response spectrum residual solutions, the program determines the displacement magnification factor to cause the maximum plotted displacement to be 10% of the plotted length of the subframe, times the value of RESULTCONTROL MODEFACTOR. DISPFACTOR and UNITDISPFACTOR are ignored when DISPOPTION = AUTOMATIC. REFOPTION [ORIGINAL] REFTIME [0.0] These parameters are applicable when plotting a mesh using a response of type load-step (that is, when plotting a load-step solution). If REFOPTION=ORIGINAL, the original mesh is plotted using the original configuration of the model. All elements are drawn in the original mesh, including those elements that are dead at the start of the program solution. The deformed mesh is plotted using the displacements, and, if the displacements are magnified, the total displacements are magnified. REFTIME is ignored in this case. If REFOPTION=REFTIME, the original mesh is plotted using the configuration of the model at time REFTIME (in other words, the displacements at REFTIME are used to calculate the coordinates of the original mesh). Only those elements alive at time REFTIME are drawn. The deformed mesh is plotted using the displacements, and, if the displacements are magnified, only the incremental displacements between the current solution time and REFTIME are magnified.


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Sec. 5.2 Mesh plotting

It is an error if REFTIME is less than the earliest solution time, or greater than the latest solution time. However REFTIME can lie between two solution times. REFTIME can be larger or smaller than the current solution time. A typical use of REFOPTION=REFTIME is in suspension bridge analysis. This type of model is solved in two analyses, a static analysis to determine the initial shape of the bridge due to gravity, than a restart to dynamic analysis to perform an earthquake analysis. If you set REFOPTION=REFTIME and REFTIME=the solution time for the static analysis, the AUI will magnify only the displacements due to the earthquake. BDREP [YES] If the body discrete rep (discrete brep) of a geometry body is available, the body discrete rep is plotted if BDREP=YES, otherwise the body discrete rep is not plotted. COORDPLOT [GLOBAL for preprocessing, NO for postprocessing] If COORDPLOT=NO, then no coordinate system origins are plotted. If COORDPLOT= GLOBAL, then the global coordinate system origin is plotted. If COORDPLOT=LOCAL, then the local coordinate system origin (set using the SYSTEM command) is plotted. If COORDPLOT=BOTH, then both the local and global coordinate system origins are plotted. COORDCOLOR [INVERSE] The color of the coordinate system origins, used only when COORDPLOT is not equal to NO. COORDSIZE [15] UNITCOORDSIZE [PIXEL] The size of the coordinate system origins, used only when COORDPLOT is not equal to NO , and its unit. {CM / INCH PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS}

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Chap. 5 Display control




MESHRENDERING defines attributes used when drawing a mesh plot. The attributes that you can control using this command include: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

Criteria used to determine which element lines and geometry lines are drawn. Whether hidden lines are removed or dashed. Whether outline generation is used to complete the outline of the model. Shading attributes. Colors of zones. Drawbead plotting options

NAME [DEFAULT] The name of the mesh rendering depiction. If there is a previously defined mesh rendering depiction with this name, data entered in this command modifies that mesh rendering depiction. If there is no previously defined mesh rendering depiction with this name, a new mesh rendering depiction is created by this command. LINESOPTION [ALL] LINES These parameters are obsolete and replaced by ELLINE, ELLINEANGLE and GEOMLINE. HIDDEN [REMOVED] If this parameter is NO, hidden lines and surfaces are not removed. If this parameter is REMOVED, hidden lines and surfaces are removed. If this parameter is DASHED, hidden lines are dashed. Hidden node symbols are removed only if this parameter is REMOVED. Hidden bands from band plots are removed if this parameter is REMOVED or DASHED. Hidden loads from load plots are removed if this parameter is REMOVED. If all of the points of the model lie in one of the global coordinate system planes, the program automatically deactivates the hidden line removal algorithm and the value of this parameter is ignored. OUTLINE [GEOMETRY] Controls whether outline generation is used to complete the outline of the model. {YES / NO / GEOMETRY}. If OUTLINE=GEOMETRY, outline generation is used for the geometry model, but not for the finite element model.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.2 Mesh plotting

If all of the points of the model lie in one of the global coordinate system planes, the program automatically deactivates the outline generation algorithm and the value of this parameter is ignored. LINESSOURCE This parameter is obsolete, and is replaced by parameter VOLINSIDE. TOLHIDDEN Tolerance for hidden line removal. SHADING Controls whether element and geometry faces are shaded. {NO / YES}




AMBIENT [0.25] DIFFUSE [0.7] QUANTIZATION [0] Control how element and geometry faces are shaded, when SHADING = YES. AMBIENT is the intensity of ambient light illuminating the model, and DIFFUSE is the intensity of diffuse light radiating from a light source placed at the eye point. The total intensity of a face is equal to the ambient light intensity plus a fraction of the diffuse light intensity, the fraction being calculated using the angle between the face and the screen. The effect is to most brightly illuminate faces that are parallel to the screen and to least brightly illuminate faces that are perpendicular to the screen. Both AMBIENT and DIFFUSE can be between 0.0 (no intensity), and 1.0 (maximum intensity), but the program treats all faces with intensity greater than 1.0 alike. To set the intensity of all faces to be equal, set DIFFUSE = 0.0. This option is intermediate in rendering time between no shading and full shading. QUANTIZATION is the number of discrete intensities used by the AUI, between the lowest intensity and the highest intensity. The purpose of this parameter is to limit the number of colors used in a shaded color image. You can set QUANTIZATION to 0 to allow the AUI to use any intensity. COLORZONE [YES] Indicates whether or not the colors of entities drawn in the meshplot are overridden by colors selected within the COLORZONE command (in Section 6.2). {YES / NO} ELLINE This parameter controls which element lines are drawn. ALL GROUP


All element lines are drawn. Only those element lines on group boundaries are drawn.

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Chap. 5 Display control



Only those element lines on model boundaries are drawn. No element lines are drawn.

ELLINEANGLE [10.0] This parameter is used when drawing volume elements and non-planar surface elements (such as shell elements), when ELLINE=GROUP or MODEL. For these elements, a line is on the boundary if either the line is attached to only one element face, or if the dihedral angle created by all element faces attached to the line is greater than ELLINEANGLE. ELLINEANGLE is specified in degrees. GEOMLINE This parameter controls which geometry lines are drawn {ALL / NONE}.


VOLINSIDE [NO] This parameter is used when plotting volume elements. If VOLINSIDE=NO, the AUI only plots the “skin” of volume element meshes (that is, the visible faces of the volume elements) and does not plot the inside lines of the meshes. If VOLINSIDE=YES, the AUI plots the inside lines of the meshes. If VOLINSIDE=YES, the AUI plots dashed hidden lines if HIDDEN=REMOVED, the AUI turns off shading if SHADING=YES, and the AUI plots all element lines (if ELLINE =MODEL or GROUP). In addition, the AUI plots all nodes, even nodes that are not attached to elements. Also it is not possible to pick 3D element faces. DBPROJECTION [NO] Specifies whether to plot drawbeads as projections onto their contact surfaces. {YES/NO} DBOFFSET [0.0] The drawbead z coordinates (after projection) are adjusted by a factor DBOFFSET. The intent for parameter DBOFFSET is to move the projected drawbead relative to its contact surface so that the contact surface does not interfere with the drawbead, as far as hidden line removal is concerned. FRONTTRIANGLES [YES] BACKTRIANGLES [YES] FRONTTRIANGLES controls whether front-facing triangles are plotted {NO / YES}. BACKTRIANGLES controls whether back-facing triangles are plotted {NO / YES}. These parameters are used for special plotting effects, as follows: Shaded element and geometry faces are converted into triangles before plotting. Front-facing triangles are triangles with outwards normal pointing towards the eye, back-facing triangles are triangles with outwards normal pointing away from the eye. As you change the view of the meshplot, triangles that were front-facing become back-facing, and vice versa.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.2 Mesh plotting

Normally, you want to plot all shaded triangles. But there are two special display effects in which you want to plot only front- or back-facing triangles: 1) If FRONTTRIANGLES=NO, BACKTRIANGLES=YES, only back-facing triangles are displayed. This creates a plot in which you can “see through” the mesh. These parameter settings are best used along with the settings ELLINE=MODEL or NONE, SHADING=YES. When you use this combination of options, any incompatibility in the meshing becomes visible. In addition, you can plot vectors and particle traces within the mesh. 2) If FRONTTRIANGLES=YES, BACKTRIANGLES=NO, only front-facing triangles are displayed. This speeds up the display somewhat when there are only solid elements or solid geometry entities (such as bodies or volumes) within the meshplot. (The reason is that backfacing triangles cannot be seen, and do not contribute to hidden line removal, when visualizing solid objects.) CSOPAQUE CSOPAQUE controls whether 3D contact surfaces are plotted opaque:


AUTOMATIC: The program chooses which 3D contact surfaces are plotted opaque. A 3D contact surface is opaque if it is not attached to any element. NO:

No 3D contact surface is plotted opaque.


All 3D contact surfaces are plotted opaque.

Note that an opaque contact surface can hide graphics behind it (if hidden lines are removed), and that an opaque contact surface is shaded when shading is on.

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Chap. 5 Display control


NODEDEPICTION NAME SYMBOLPLOT SYMBOL SYMBOLCOLOR SYMBOLSIZE UNITSYMBOLSIZE NUMBER NUMBERCOLOR NUMBERSIZE UNITNUMBERSIZE SKEWPLOT SKEWCOLOR SKEWSIZE UNITSKEWSIZE CMAPLOT CMASYMBOL CMACOLOR CMASIZE UNITCMASIZE CDAPLOT CDASYMBOL CDACOLOR CDASIZE UNITCDASIZE selectori statusi symbolploti symboli symbolcolori symbolsizei unitsymbolsizei numberi numbercolori numbersizei unitnumbersizei skewploti skewcolori skewsizei unitskewsizei cmaploti cmasymboli cmacolori cmasizei unitcmasizei cdaploti cdasymboli cdacolori cdasizei unitcdasizei NODEDEPICTION defines attributes used when drawing nodes using the MESHPLOT command. The attributes can be grouped as follows: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Node symbol attributes Node number attributes Skew system attributes Concentrated mass symbol attributes Concentrated damper symbol attributes

The attributes are assigned using selectors. Each data input line of this command assigns the given attributes to a selector. Those nodes not in any selector given in this command are assigned the attributes of the command parameters. Selectors specified in the data input lines must be disjoint, see table. NAME [DEFAULT] The name of the node depiction. If there is a previously defined node depiction with this name, data entered in this command modifies that node depiction. If there is no previously defined node depiction with this name, a new node depiction is created by this command. SYMBOLPLOT [YES] Enter NO for no symbol plotting at nodes and YES to plot symbols at nodes. If NO is entered, the values of parameters SYMBOL, SYMBOLCOLOR, SYMBOLSIZE and UNITSYMBOLSIZE are ignored. SYMBOL ['@C[1,5]'] The symbol string, up to 30 characters long, used to mark each node. Use the extended character convention to enter a special symbol. See the TEXT command in Section 5.12 for the extended character convention. SYMBOLCOLOR The color of the symbol.



AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.2 Mesh plotting

SYMBOLSIZE UNITSYMBOLSIZE The size of the symbol and its unit. {CM / INCH / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS}

[0.25] [CM]

NUMBER [NO] Determines whether node numbers are plotted (with main structure node numbers above the nodal points and substructure node numbers below the nodal points). {YES / NO} NUMBERCOLOR The color of node numbers, used only when NUMBER = YES.


NUMBERSIZE [0.25] UNITNUMBERSIZE [CM] The size of node numbers, used only when NUMBER = YES, and its unit. {CM / INCH PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} SKEWPLOT Determines whether skew system symbols are plotted. {YES / NO} SKEWCOLOR The color of skew system symbols, used only when SKEWPLOT = YES.



SKEWSIZE [15] UNITSKEWSIZE [PIXELS] The size of skew system symbols, used only when SKEWPLOT = YES, and its unit. {CM / INCH PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} CMAPLOT Determines whether concentrated mass symbols are plotted. {YES / NO}


CMASYMBOL ['M'] The symbol string, up to 30 characters long, used to mark each node with concentrated mass, used only when CMAPLOT=YES. Use the extended character convention to enter a special symbol. See the TEXT command in Section 5.12 for the extended character convention. CMACOLOR [LIGHT_BLUE] The color of concentrated mass symbols, used only when CMAPLOT = YES. CMASIZE [10] UNITCMASIZE [PIXELS] The size of concentrated mass symbols, used only when CMAPLOT = YES, and its unit. {CM / INCH PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS}

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CDAPLOT Determines whether concentrated damper symbols are plotted. {YES / NO}


CDASYMBOL ['D'] The symbol string, up to 30 characters long, used to mark each node with concentrated damper, used only when CDAPLOT=YES. Use the extended character convention to enter a special symbol. See the TEXT command in Section 5.12 for the extended character convention. CDACOLOR [LIGHT_BLUE] The color of concentrated damper symbols, used only when CDAPLOT = YES. CDASIZE [10] UNITCDASIZE [PIXELS] The size of concentrated damper symbols, used only when CMAPLOT = YES, and its unit. {CM / INCH PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} selectori The name of a node selector (see table below). All selector names specified in the data input lines must be disjoint. statusi The node selector is active only if its status is ON. If you specify statusi = OFF, the node selector is not used. If you do not specify the status, the default status is ON. {ON / OFF} symbolploti symboli symbolcolori symbolsizei unitsymbolsizei, numberi numbercolori numbersizei unitnumbersizei skewploti skewcolori skewsizei unitskewsizei cmaploti cmasymboli cmacolori cmasizei unitcmasizei cdaploti cdasymboli cdacolori cdasizei unitcdasizei The attributes used when drawing nodes that match the selector. If an attribute is not specified in the data input line, it is copied from the corresponding command line attribute.


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Sec. 5.2 Mesh plotting



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Matches nodes in the main structure nodes in any substructure nodes with translational DOFs referenced to the global system nodes with translational DOFs referenced to any skew system nodes with rotational DOFs referenced to the global system nodes with rotational DOFs referenced to any skew system nodes with rotational DOFs referenced to a shell mid-surface system nodes on a fracture mechanics crack front nodes on a fracture mechanics crack propagation surface that are not on the crack front and are not released nodes on a fracture mechanics crack propagation surface that are released




Chap. 5 Display control


ELDEPICTION NAME ORCOLOR DECOLOR ORLSTYLE DELSTYLE SHELLSTYLE SHFAC1 SHFAC2 CSLINE UNITCSLINE RSLINE UNITRSLINE SYMBOLPLOT SYMBOL SYMBOLCOLOR SYMBOLSIZE UNITSYMBOLSIZE SUBNUMBER REUNUMBER GRONUMBER ELENUMBER LAYNUMBER NUMBERCOLOR NUMBERSIZE UNITNUMBERSIZE TRIAD TRIADCOLOR TRIADSIZE UNITTRIADSIZE NNCSIZE UNITNNCSIZE NNCLINE TRIADTYPE SEGNORMAL SEGNSIZE UNITSNSIZE DBHFACTOR SPRINGSIZE UNITSPRING E1DLINE UNITE1DLINE CSECTOPT CSECTNSEG NAXISNSEG zonenamei orcolori decolori orlstylei delstylei shellstylei shfac1i shfac2i cslinei unitcslinei rslinei unitrslinei symbolploti symboli symbolcolori symbolsizei unitsymbolsizei subnumberi reunumberi gronumberi elenumberi laynumberi numbercolori numbersizei unitnumbersizei triadi triadcolori triadsizei unittriadsizei nncsizei unitnncsizei nnclinei triadtypei segnormali segnsizei unitsnsizei dbhfactori springsizei unitspringi e1dlinei unite1dlinei csectopti csectnsegi naxisnsegi DELETE zonenamei ELDEPICTION defines attributes used when drawing elements using MESHPLOT. The attributes include element colors, element shape attributes, element symbol attributes, element number attributes and element triads. The element attributes are assigned using zonenames. Each data input line assigns the given element attributes to a zone. Those elements not in any zone specified in the data input lines are assigned the attributes given by the command line parameters. If zonenames are specified on the data input lines, they must be disjoint, that is, if an element is in a zone, it cannot be in any other zone given in the data input lines. NAME [DEFAULT] The name of the element depiction. If there is a previously defined element depiction with this name, data entered in this command modifies that element depiction. If there is no previously defined element depiction, a new element depiction is created by this command. ORCOLOR The color of elements when drawing the original configuration of the mesh.


DECOLOR The color of elements when drawing the deformed configuration of the mesh.



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Sec. 5.2 Mesh plotting

ORLSTYLE [SOLID] The style of the lines of elements when drawing the original configuration of the mesh. {SOLID / DASHED} DELSTYLE [SOLID] The style of the lines of elements when drawing the deformed configuration of the mesh. {SOLID / DASHED} SHELLSTYLE [MIDSURFACE] Controls whether SHELL elements are drawn using a midsurface or topbottom depiction. {MIDSURFACE / TOPBOTTOM} SHFAC1 [1.0] SHFAC2 [1.0] These attributes affect SHELL elements drawn in the topbottom depiction only. They alter the layer thicknesses and placement of the layer from the midsurface. (See figure.) CSLINE [0.1] UNITCSLINE [CM] The width of thick plotted lines used to draw contact surface elements, and its unit. These parameters also control the width of thick plotted lines used to draw fluid-structure interface elements (used with ADINA potential-based fluid elements). {CM / INCH / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} RSLINE [0.1] UNITRSLINE [CM] The width of thick plotted lines used to draw radiosity surface elements, and its unit. {CM / INCH / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} SYMBOLPLOT [YES] Enter NO for no symbol plotting at elements and YES to plot symbols at elements. If NO is entered, the values of parameters SYMBOL, SYMBOLCOLOR, SYMBOLSIZE and UNITSYMBOLSIZE are ignored. SYMBOL ['@C[1,6]'] The symbol string, up to 30 characters long, used to mark each element. Use the extended character convention to enter a special symbol. See the TEXT command in Section 5.12 for the extended character convention. SYMBOLCOLOR The color of element symbols.

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SYMBOLSIZE [0.25] UNITSYMBOLSIZE [CM] The size of element symbols and its unit. {CM / INCHES / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} SUBNUMBER Controls whether substructure numbers are plotted. {YES / NO}


REUNUMBER Controls whether reuse numbers are plotted. {YES / NO}


GRONUMBER [NO] Controls whether element group / contact surface group / radiosity surface group numbers are plotted. {YES / NO} ELENUMBER [NO] Controls whether element / contact surface / radiosity surface numbers are plotted. {YES / NO} LAYNUMBER [NO] Controls whether element layer / contact segment numbers are plotted. {YES / NO} NUMBERCOLOR [INVERSE] The color of element numbers, used only when at least one of SUBNUMBER, REUNUMBER, GRONUMBER, ELENUMBER, LAYNUMBER is YES. NUMBERSIZE [0.25] UNITNUMBERSIZE [CM] The size of element numbers, used only when at least one of SUBNUMBER, REUNUMBER, GRONUMBER, ELENUMBER, LAYNUMBER is YES, and its unit. {CM / INCHES / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} TRIAD [NO] Enter NO for no triad plotting at elements and YES for triad plotting. If NO is entered, the values of parameters TRIADCOLOR, TRIADSIZE and UNITTRIADSIZE are ignored. TRIADCOLOR The color of element triads.


TRIADSIZE [15] UNITTRIADSIZE [PIXELS] The size of element triads, and its unit. {CM / INCHES / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS}


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Sec. 5.2 Mesh plotting

NNCSIZE [0.25] UNITNNCSIZE [CM] The size of symbols plotted at target nodes in node-node contact surface groups and its unit. {CM / INCHES / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} NNCLINE [YES] If NNCLINE = NO, no lines are plotted between contactor and target nodes in node-node contact surface groups. If NNCLINE = YES, lines are plotted between contactor and target nodes. TRIADTYPE The type of triad. ELEMENTCS


[ELEMENTCS] The triad indicates the element local coordinate system. For brick volume elements, the AUI plots the symbols “+r”, “-r”, etc. to indicate the volume element faces. For tetrahedral volume elements, the AUI plots the symbols “r=0”, etc. to indicate the volume element faces. The triad indicates the local coordinate system used to calculate transformed stresses and strains. The local coordinate system is the system given in the result control depiction used in the MESHPLOT command (see RESULTCONTROL RESULTSYSTEM in Section 6.6)

MATERIALAXES The triad indicates the material axes for those elements that use orthotropic materials. INITIALSTRAINAXES The triad indicates the initial strain axes for those elements with initial strains. SEGNORMAL [NO] Enter NO for no plotting of contact segment normals and YES for plotting of contact segment normals. If NO is entered, the values of parameters SEGNSIZE and UNITSNSIZE are ignored. Note: SEGNORMAL, SEGNSIZE and UNITSNSIZE also control the plotting of radiosity segment normals and fluid-structure interface element normals (used with ADINA potentialbased fluid elements). SEGNSIZE [0.75] UNITSNSIZE [CM] The size of contact segment normals, and its unit. {CM / INCHES / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS}

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DBHFACTOR [1.0] The plotted line width for drawbeads is equal to DBHFACTOR × the input drawbead height, where DBHFACTOR × the input drawbead height is measured in the coordinate system of the model. Hence DBHFACTOR can be used to magnify the plotted width of drawbeads. SPRINGSIZE [0.25] UNITSPRING [CM] The plotted size of 1 DOF spring elements, and its unit. {CM / INCHES / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} E1DLINE [2] UNITE1DLINE [PIXELS] The plotted width of 1D elements (truss, beam, iso-beam, pipe), and its unit. {CM / INCHES / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} CSECTOPT [NONE] Controls whether the cross-sections of Hermitian beam elements are plotted. If CSECTOPT=NONE, then the cross-sections are not plotted. If CSECTOPT=CENTER, then the cross-sections are plotted at the element centers. Exception: the cross-sections of elements with cross-sections defined by section properties are never plotted. CSECTNSEG [16] The number of line segments used to draw a circle when drawing a pipe cross-section of a Hermitian beam element (used when CSECTOPT=CENTER). NAXISNSEG [1] The number of line segments used to draw the neutral axis of a Hermitian beam element. Increasing this number gives a better approximation of the curved neutral axis of a deformed Hermitian beam element. zonenamei The name of a zone. All zonenames specified in the data input lines must be disjoint. The connection between a zone and its attributes can be removed using the DELETE zonenamei option. zonenamei orcolori decolori orlstylei delstylei shellstylei shfac1i shfac2i cslinei unitcslinei rslinei unitrslinei symbolploti symboli symbolcolori symbolsizei unitsymbolsizei subnumberi reunumberi gronumberi elenumberi laynumberi numbercolori numbersizei unitnumbersizei triadi triadcolori triadsizei unittriadsizei nncsizei unitnncsizei nnclinei triadtypei segnormali segnsizei unitsnsizei springsizei unitspringi e1dlinei unite1dlinei csectopti csectnsegi naxisnsegi The attributes to be used when drawing elements in zone zonenamei. If an attribute is not specified, it is copied from the corresponding command-line parameter.


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Sec. 5.2 Mesh plotting


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VSDEPICTION NAME PLOTSHIFT SHIFTNUMBER VSDEPICTION defines information used when plotting virtual shifts on mesh plots. Virtual shifts are defined in fracture mechanics analysis. NAME [DEFAULT] The name of the virtual shift depiction. If there is a previously defined virtual shift depiction with this name, data entered in this command modifies that virtual shift depiction. If there is no previously defined virtual shift depiction, a new virtual shift depiction is created by this command. PLOTSHIFT [NO] Plots the virtual shift. When PLOTSHIFT = YES, the deformed mesh plot is formed using the virtual shifts of the specified virtual shift number instead of the displacements. {NO / YES} SHIFTNUMBER The label number of the virtual shift to plot.



AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.2 Mesh plotting

MESHANNOTATION NAME COLOR CHARSIZE UNITCHARSIZE BOXSIZE UNITBOXSIZE WIDTH UNITWIDTH PLACEMENT XSTART UNITXSTART YSTART UNITYSTART SCALE labeltypei statusi colori charsizei unitcharsizei boxsizei unitboxsizei widthi unitwidthi placementi xstarti unitxstarti ystarti unitystarti scalei MESHANNOTATION defines which optional text to plot along with the MESHPLOT command. It also defines the attributes of the optional text. Optional text is as follows: MAGNIFICATION: The displacement magnification factor is plotted, if it is not equal to 1.0. RESPONSE: Information about the response (for example, the solution time or the mode number) is plotted. SCALES: A scaling factor, that gives the number of model length units corresponding to a plotted distance, is plotted MESHWINDOW: The current mesh viewing window limits are plotted. AXES: The coordinate axes are plotted CUTSURFACE: Information about the cutting surface (for example, the variable used in a cutting surface of type isosurface) is plotted. NAME [DEFAULT] The name of the mesh annotation depiction. If there is a previously defined mesh annotation depiction with this name, data entered in this command modifies that mesh annotation depiction. If there is no previously defined mesh annotation depiction with this name, a new mesh annotation depiction is created by this command. COLOR The color of the selected annotation.


CHARSIZE [24] UNITCHARSIZE [POINTS] The size of the characters of the selected annotation, and its unit. {CM / INCHES / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS}

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BOXSIZE [2.0] UNITBOXSIZE [CM] The size of the box of the selected annotation, and its unit. {CM / INCHES / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} WIDTH [0.1] UNITWIDTH [CM] The width of the selected annotation, and its unit. {CM / INCHES / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} PLACEMENT [AUTOMATIC] XSTART [0.0] UNITXSTART [PERCENT] YSTART [0.0] UNITYSTART [PERCENT] If PLACEMENT is AUTOMATIC, then the placement of the annotation text is done automatically by the program. If PLACEMENT is CUSTOM, then the annotation text placement is specified by XSTART, UNITXSTART, YSTART, UNITYSTART. XSTART and YSTART specify the subframe X and Y coordinates of the selected annotation and their units are given by UNITXSTART and UNITYSTART respectively. SCALE A scale factor applied to the entire annotation.


labeltypei The name of an annotation label. {MAGNIFICATION / RESPONSE / SCALES / MESHWINDOW / AXES / CUTSURFACE} [ON] statusi If statusi is set to ON, the annotation is used; if statusi is set to OFF, the annotation is not used. {ON / OFF} colori charsizei unitcharsizei boxsizei unitboxsizei widthi unitwidthi placementi xstarti unitxstarti ystarti unitystarti scalei The attributes used when drawing the selected annotation. Some attributes are ignored for some of the annotations. Their descriptions are the same as for the corresponding command line parameters. If an attribute is not specified on the data input line, its value is taken from the corresponding command line parameter. Note: The color of the plotting scales is taken from the default original and deformed colors defined in ELDEPICTION (in this section).


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Sec. 5.2 Mesh plotting

BOUNDEPICTION NAME BCODE SYMBOL SYMBOLCOLOR SYMBOLSIZE UNITSYMBOLSIZE BTABLE PLACEMENT XSTART UNITXSTART YSTART UNITYSTART SCALE BOUNDEPICTION defines attributes used when drawing boundary conditions with the MESHPLOT command. NAME [DEFAULT] The name of the boundary depiction. If there is a previously defined boundary depiction with this name, data entered in this command is appended to that boundary depiction. If there is no previously defined boundary depiction with this name, a new boundary depiction is created by this command. BCODE [NO] All nodes having boundary conditions matched by the BCODE parameter are marked by a symbol derived from SYMBOL. For ADINA meshes, BCODE can be one of the following: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

Six digit integer The word OVALIZATION The word SLAVES The word DIR followed by 1 to 6 digits The word ALL The word NO

For ADINA-T or ADINA-F meshes, BCODE can be either ALL or NO. See the notes at the end of this command for more information. SYMBOL [B] The symbol string, up to 30 characters long, used to mark each node with the specified boundary condition. Use the extended character convention to enter a special symbol. See the TEXT command in Section 5.12 for the extended character convention. When BCODE = ALL, SYMBOL must be a character from A to Z. SYMBOLCOLOR The color of the symbol.


SYMBOLSIZE [0.25] UNITSYMBOLSIZE [CM] The size of the symbol and its unit. {CM / INCHES / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS}

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BTABLE [YES] Indicates whether to plot a table of symbols and the corresponding degrees of freedom. This table is created when BCODE = ALL. {YES / NO} PLACEMENT [AUTOMATIC] XSTART [0.0] UNITXSTART [CM] YSTART [0.0] UNITYSTART [CM] These parameters are used only when BCODE = ALL. They control the location of the boundary condition code table. If PLACEMENT = AUTOMATIC, then the program decides where to put the boundary condition code table automatically. If PLACEMENT = CUSTOM, then you use parameters XSTART, UNITXSTART, YSTART, UNITYSTART to position the upper left-hand corner of the boundary condition code table. SCALE [1.0] This parameter is used only when BCODE = ALL. The boundary condition code table is scaled by SCALE. Note: The boundary conditions plotted onto the geometry correspond to those defined for the current finite element program (see the FEPROGRAM command in Section 3.4). Description of parameter BCODE: The following list gives the available options: 1. Six digit integer. Each digit can be: 0 1 2 9

free degree of freedom fixed (deleted) degree of freedom slave degree of freedom either free, fixed or slave degree of freedom

The position of each digit corresponds to a degree of freedom as follows: 1st digit: 2nd digit: 3rd digit: 4th digit: 5th digit:


X-translation (A-translation if skew-system) Y-translation (B-translation if skew-system) Z-translation (C-translation if skew-system) X-rotation (A-rotation if skew-system) Y-rotation (B-rotation if skew-system)

AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.2 Mesh plotting

6th digit: Z-rotation (C-rotation if skew-system) (Note that the directions of the rotational degrees of freedom for a shell element midsurface node depend on the number of degrees of freedom assigned to the node.) All nodes with degrees of freedom that match the degrees of freedom specified in the sixdigit integer are marked with the boundary code character BCHARACTER. Example: 100999 specifies that nodes with fixed X-translations (or A-translations) and free Y- and Z-translations (or B- and C-translations) shall be marked with the boundary code character. 2. The word OVALIZATION: Nodes with fixed ovalization degrees of freedom are marked with the boundary code symbol. 3. The word SLAVES: Nodes with one or more slave degrees of freedom are marked with the boundary code symbol. 4. The word DIR followed by 1 - 6 digits: Nodes with fixed degrees of freedom in one or more of the specified directions are marked with the boundary code symbol. The directions are specified using digits as follows: 1 2 3 4 5 6

X-translation (A-translation if skew system) Y-translation (B-translation if skew system) Z-translation (C-translation if skew system) X-rotation (A-rotation if skew system) Y-rotation (B-rotation if skew system) Z-rotation (C-rotation if skew system)

(Note that the directions of the rotational degrees of freedom for a shell element midsurface node depend on the number of degrees of freedom assigned to that node.) Examples: DIR5 specifies that nodes with fixed Y-rotations (or B-rotations) shall be marked with the boundary code symbol. DIR316 specifies that nodes with fixed Z-translations (or C-translations), fixed X-

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Chap. 5 Display control


translations (or A-translations) or fixed Z-rotations (or C-rotations) shall be marked with the boundary code symbol. 5. The word ALL: Nodes with any fixed, slave, ovalization or fluid boundary conditions are marked with a boundary code character. Each different boundary condition is marked with a different boundary code character. A table can be plotted showing the boundary condition associated with each letter. 6. The word NO: Boundary codes are not checked or marked. Note that only the options ALL and NO are applicable for the finite element programs ADINA-T and ADINA-F.


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Sec. 5.2 Mesh plotting

PLOTAREA NAME SIZE XOFFSET UNITXOFFSET YOFFSET UNITYOFFSET WIDTH UNITWIDTH HEIGHT UNITHEIGHT ROTATION PLOTAREA defines a plotarea depiction. The plotarea can be used in the MESHPLOT command to specify the exact area within the subframe into which a meshplot is drawn. NAME [DEFAULT] The name of the plotarea depiction. If there is a previously defined plotarea depiction with this name, data entered in this command modifies that plotarea depiction. If there is no previously defined plotarea depiction with this name, a new plotarea depiction is created by this command. SIZE Specifies how the plotarea size is specified:


AUTOMATIC Size chosen automatically by the command that uses the plotarea. DIRECT

Size defined using the remaining parameters.


Size chosen automatically, including a margin at the right-hand side.

XOFFSET [0.0] UNITXOFFSET [PERCENT] YOFFSET [0.0] UNITYOFFSET [PERCENT] WIDTH [100.0] UNITWIDTH [PERCENT] HEIGHT [100.0] UNITHEIGHT [PERCENT] These parameters are used only if size = DIRECT. See the figure for their definitions. Unit parameters can take the values CM, INCHES, PERCENT, PIXELS, POINTS. Parameters with PERCENT units are interpreted as percentages of the subframe. ROTATION [0.0] The plot can be rotated with respect to the subframe. The rotation angle is entered in degrees.

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Chap. 5 Display control



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Sec. 5.2 Mesh plotting


VIEW defines a view depiction. The view can be used in the MESHPLOT command. NAME [DEFAULT] The name of the view depiction. If there is a previously defined view depiction with this name, data entered in this command modifies that view depiction. If there is no previously defined view depiction with this name, a new view depiction is created by this command. TYPE [AUTOMATIC] The type of view depiction. AUTOMATIC the view is automatically chosen by the command that uses the view depiction. Currently the view is a parallel projection. PARALLEL a parallel projection is defined using the remaining parameters of this command. XVIEW [1.0] YVIEW [1.0] ZVIEW [1.0] These parameters specify the direction from the view reference point to the eye point (see figure). ROTATION [0.0] This parameter specifies the clockwise rotation in degrees of the view projection plane coordinate system about the view vector, as observed looking at the view reference point. Note that when the view projection plane coordinate system rotates clockwise, the model rotates counterclockwise relative to the view projection plane coordinate system and hence with respect to the subframe. XREFERENCE YREFERENCE ZREFERENCE These parameters specify the view reference point.

[0.0] [0.0] [0.0]

SXV [1.0] SYV [1.0] SZV [1.0] These stretch factors are applied to the coordinates of points in the model after viewing. They are used for special effects, such as stretching a thin model so that results can more easily be plotted onto it.

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Chap. 5 Display control


DZVV [0.0] This parameter is used when viewing zoom-models. The zoom-model is shifted by an amount DZVV (DZVV > 0) in the ZV direction. In this way, the zoom-model always appears in front of the main structure. If DZVV=0.0, the AUI automatically computes the shift based on the size of the model.


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Sec. 5.2 Mesh plotting


Chap. 5 Display control




MESHWINDOW defines a mesh viewing window depiction. After the mesh coordinates are projected by the specified view, they are (optionally) clipped by the mesh viewing window; therefore only that part of the model that can be seen through the mesh viewing window is displayed. As a consequence, decreasing the size of the mesh viewing window has the effect of zooming into a region of the model. The mesh viewing window is defined as a rectangular box in the view projection plane. The mesh viewing window can either be chosen automatically by the program or can be directly specified by this command. It is also possible to use the mouse to interactively change the viewing window of a displayed mesh plot (see LOCATOR MESHWINDOW in Section 4.2). NAME [DEFAULT] The name of the mesh viewing window depiction. If there is a previously defined mesh viewing window depiction with this name, data entered in this command modifies that mesh viewing window depiction. If there is no previously defined mesh viewing window depiction with this name, a new mesh viewing window depiction is created by this command. SIZE [AUTOMATIC] This parameter specifies the size of the mesh viewing window. AUTOMATIC the mesh viewing window is chosen to be the smallest viewing window that contains all of the mesh coordinates. DIRECT

the mesh viewing window is directly chosen using the remaining parameters of this command.

XVMIN [-1.0] YVMIN [-1.0] ZVMIN [-1.0] XVMAX [1.0] YVMAX [1.0] ZVMAX [1.0] These parameters are used only when SIZE = DIRECT. They give the bounding box coordinates of the mesh viewing window, see figure. CLIP The AUI can clip the mesh coordinates to the viewing window {YES / NO}.



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Sec. 5.2 Mesh plotting


Chap. 5 Display control


CUTSURFACE CUTPLANE NAME OPTION X Y Z PROGRAM SUBSTRUCTURE REUSE NODE1 NODE2 NODE3 NX NY NZ COORDINATE SPACING PLOTPLANE PLANECOLOR LINEWIDTH UNITLWIDTH UNDERMESH OVERMESH OPAQUEOPTION Defines a cutsurface depiction of type CUTPLANE. When used in a meshplot, this cutsurface depiction causes the meshplot to be cut by cutting planes according to the attributes of this command. The attributes include: • • • •

Origin and direction of cutting planes Number of cutting planes (all parallel to each other) Plotting attributes of cutting planes Plotting of mesh above and below cutting planes

When a meshplot is cut by cutting planes, you can plot bands and element vectors onto the cut surfaces. You can have several parallel cutting planes with the same normal and different origin. In this case you specify the cutting plane as usual and also the spacing between successive cutting planes. The cutting plane that you specify is termed the base cutting plane. NAME [DEFAULT] The name of the cutsurface depiction. If there is a previously defined cutsurface depiction with this name, data entered in this command modifies that cutsurface depiction. If there is no previously defined cutsurface depiction, a new cutsurface depiction is created by this command. OPTION This controls the origin and direction of the base cutting plane as follows:


POINTNORMAL You specify the origin and normal direction for the base cutting plane using parameters X, Y, Z, NX, NY, NZ. THREENODE

You specify the base cutting plane using three nodes. The node numbers are specified using parameters PROGRAM, SUBSTRUCTURE, REUSE, NODE1, NODE2, NODE3.


You specify the base cutting plane using a node and a normal direction. The node number is specified using parameters PROGRAM, SUBSTRUCTURE, REUSE, N1 and the normal direction is specified using parameters NX, NY, NZ.


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Sec. 5.2 Mesh plotting

The base cutting plane has normal in the specified direction. The origin of the base cutting plane is specified by parameter COORDINATE along the specified direction.

X Y Z The origin of the base cutting plane, used when OPTION = POINTNORMAL.

[0.0] [0.0] [0.0]

PROGRAM [current FE program] SUBSTRUCTURE [0] REUSE [1] The finite element program, substructure number, and reuse number for the node(s) used to specify the base cutting plane, used only if OPTION = THREENODE or NODENORMAL and only when there is more than one node with the same node number in the model (this can occur if the model contains substructures, reuses or cyclic parts, or if the results from more than one finite element program are loaded). NODE1 [1] NODE2 [1] NODE3 [1] The node numbers used to specify the base cutting plane when OPTION = THREENODE or NODENORMAL. When OPTION = THREENODE, the nodes cannot be collinear. When OPTION = NODENORMAL, only node NODE1 is used, and its position specifies the origin of the base cutting plane. NX [1.0] NY [0.0] NZ [0.0] The outwards normal of the base cutting plane, used when OPTION = POINTNORMAL or NODENORMAL. COORDINATE [0.0] The position of the base cutting plane along the specified coordinate direction, used when OPTION = XPLANE, YPLANE or ZPLANE. SPACING [0.0] The distance between cutting planes as measured in the direction of the cutting plane normal. If SPACING = 0.0, only one cutting plane is used, otherwise as many parallel cutting planes with distance SPACING as are necessary to cut the entire meshplot are used.

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PLOTPLANE If PLOTPLANE = YES, cutting planes are plotted, otherwise they are not plotted. PLANECOLOR The color of plotted cutting planes, used if PLOTPLANE = YES.



LINEWIDTH [0.0] UNITLWIDTH [CM] The plotted width of lines used to draw cutting planes, used if PLOTPLANE = YES. UNITLWIDTH can be CM, INCHES, PERCENT, POINTS or PIXELS. UNDERMESH [TRANSPARENT] This parameter specifies how the part of the meshplot that lies underneath all cutting planes is drawn (underneath means opposite the direction of the cutting plane normal). OPAQUE

The part of the meshplot that lies underneath all cutting planes is drawn as usual.


Only the outline of the part of the meshplot that lies underneath all cutting planes is drawn.


The part of the meshplot that lies underneath all cutting planes is not drawn.

OVERMESH [TRANSPARENT] This parameter specifies how the part of the meshplot that lies over at least one cutting plane is drawn (over means in the direction of the cutting plane normal). OPAQUE

The part of the meshplot that lies over at least one cutting plane is drawn as usual.


Only the outline of the part of the meshplot that lies over at least one cutting plane is drawn.


The part of the meshplot that lies over at least one cutting plane is not drawn.

OPAQUEOPTION [ALL] This parameter specifies if bands and vectors are plotted on the opaque part of the meshplot: NONE

Bands and vectors are not plotted on the opaque part of the meshplot.


Bands and vectors are plotted on the opaque part of the meshplot.


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Sec. 5.2 Mesh plotting

Bands and vectors are always plotted on the cutting plane intersection. Notes: * The following graphical items are processed by cutting planes: Graphical item

Processed by cutting plane

Truss and other 1D elements


2D elements, planar and nonplanar


3D elements


Beam, iso-beam, pipe elements


Plate elements


ADINA shell elements, defined by midsurface, plotted in midsurface depiction


ADINA shell elements, defined by midsurface, plotted in topbottom depiction


ADINA shell elements, defined by topbottom nodes


ADINA-T shell elements


Spring elements


General elements


Potential-based fluid interface elements


2D contact segments


3D contact segments




2D boundary surfaces


3D boundary surfaces




Crack front lines


2D fluid-structure boundaries


3D fluid-structure boundaries


Constraint equations/rigid links


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Chap. 5 Display control


ADINA-T convection and radiation elements


2D radiosity surfaces


3D radiosity surfaces


Load vectors


Element line vectors


Element vectors




Reaction vectors


Geometry points, lines, surfaces, etc.


1) Shell elements defined by midsurface nodes, and plotted in topbottom depiction, are processed if the shell elements have 3 or 4 nodes. Shell elements with more than 4 nodes are processed “approximately”, as in note 2 below. 2) Non-midsurface shell elements are processed “approximately”. An element is plotted only if all of the nodes of the element are visible. Partial elements are not plotted. * Also note, if a single element is cut by more than one cutting surface, the element is “incompletely processed” and a warning message is written. * A cutting plane should not exactly coincide with element boundaries.


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Sec. 5.2 Mesh plotting


Defines a cutsurface depiction of type ISOSURFACE. When used in a meshplot, this cutsurface depiction causes the meshplot to be cut by a surface determined by the value of a variable (an isosurface). When a meshplot is cut by an isosurface, you can plot bands and element vectors onto the cut surfaces. NAME [DEFAULT] The name of the cutsurface depiction. If there is a previously defined cutsurface depiction with this name, data entered in this command modifies that cutsurface depiction. If there is no previously defined cutsurface depiction, a new cutsurface depiction is created by this command. VARIABLE The name of the variable used to create the isosurface. The variable can be a predefined variable, an alias or a resultant. See Section 6.9 for information about variables. THRESHOLD The value of the variable used to determine the isosurface. SMOOTHING [DEFAULT] The name of the smoothing technique that specifies how the variable is smoothed. A smoothing technique is specified by the SMOOTHING command in Section 6.6. RESULTCONTROL [DEFAULT] The name of the result control depiction. This depiction, along with the smoothing technique, controls how the variable is evaluated. A result control depiction is specified by the RESULTCONTROL command in Section 6.6. UNDERMESH [TRANSPARENT] This parameter specifies how the part of the meshplot in which the variable is less than the threshold value is drawn. OPAQUE

The part of the meshplot in which the variable is less than the threshold value is drawn as usual.


Only the outline of the part of the meshplot in which the variable is less than the threshold value is drawn.

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Chap. 5 Display control



The part of the meshplot in which the variable is less than the threshold value is not drawn.

OVERMESH [TRANSPARENT] This parameter specifies how the part of the meshplot in which the variable is greater than the threshold value is drawn. OPAQUE

The part of the meshplot in which the variable is greater than the threshold value is drawn as usual.


Only the outline of the part of the meshplot in which the variable is greater than the threshold value is drawn.


The part of the meshplot in which the variable is greater than the threshold value is not drawn.

OPAQUEOPTION [ALL] This parameter specifies if bands and vectors are plotted on the opaque part of the meshplot: NONE

Bands and vectors are not plotted on the opaque part of the meshplot.


Bands and vectors are plotted on the opaque part of the meshplot.

Bands and vectors are always plotted on the cutting plane intersection. The following graphical items are processed by cutting isosurfaces: Graphical item

Processed by cutting isosurface

Truss and other 1D elements


2D elements, planar and nonplanar


3D elements


Beam, iso-beam, pipe elements


Plate elements


ADINA shell elements, defined by midsurface, plotted in midsurface depiction


ADINA shell elements, defined by midsurface, plotted in topbottom depiction



AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.2 Mesh plotting

ADINA shell elements, defined by topbottom nodes


ADINA-T shell elements


Spring elements


General elements


Potential-based fluid interface elements


2D contact segments


3D contact segments




2D boundary surfaces


3D boundary surfaces




Crack front lines


2D fluid-structure boundaries


3D fluid-structure boundaries


Constraint equations/rigid links


ADINA-T convection and radiation elements


2D radiosity surfaces


3D radiosity surfaces


Load vectors


Element line vectors


Element vectors




Reaction vectors


Geometry points, lines, surfaces, etc.


1) Shell elements defined by midsurface nodes, and plotted in topbottom depiction, are processed if the shell elements have 3 or 4 nodes. Shell elements with more than 4 nodes are not processed. 2) Element vectors are plotted on element faces. Element vectors that are interior in the model are not plotted (these vectors are plotted when the meshplot rendering is transparent).

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Defines a cutsurface depiction of type NONE. When used in a meshplot, this cutsurface depiction turns off all cutting surface calculations. NAME [DEFAULT] The name of the cutsurface depiction. If there is a previously defined cutsurface depiction with this name, data entered in this command modifies that cutsurface depiction. If there is no previously defined cutsurface depiction, a new cutsurface depiction is created by this command.


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Sec. 5.2 Mesh plotting

GEDRAWING SUBSTRUCTURE GROUP MATRIXSET lni lnj GEDRAWING is used to define the local nodes between which lines are drawn when plotting general mass/stiffness/damping elements in an ADINA model. This information is referred to as "local node plotting connectivity data". All general elements that use the same matrix set are drawn using the same local node plotting connectivity data. SUBSTRUCTURE GROUP The substructure number and element group number of the general elements.

[0] [1]

MATRIXSET The matrix set number of the general elements.


lni lnj Local node numbers within the general element to be connected by a straight line during plotting. Example:

The above figures show a structure with two general elements having the same matrix set. The following GEDRAWING command can be used to define the local node plotting connectivity data for the general element: GEDRAWING MATRIXSET=2 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 1 DATAEND

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Chap. 5 Display control

Load plotting – Introduction

Load plotting – Introduction You draw loads onto an existing mesh plot using the LOADPLOT command. The resulting plot is called a load plot. You can also modify an existing load plot using this command. If you have loaded the results from more than one finite element program into the database, the load plot can display the loads from all of the loaded finite element program results. A load plot is considered to be attached to a mesh plot, which must have been defined before you create the load plot. See Section 5.2 for information regarding mesh plots. Every load plot has a name, which you specify when you create the load plot. You refer to the load plot by name when modifying or deleting the load plot. The appearance of the load plot is governed by the load plot depictions. The load plot depictions are groups of settings, each of which controls one part of the load plot appearance. Each depiction has a name, which is used by the LOADPLOT command to refer to the depiction. The depictions used by LOADPLOT are: RESPONSE: specifies the solution time, mode-shape, etc. for the mesh plot. See the response commands in Section 6.3. LOADSEARCH: specifies the nodes and elements onto which loads are plotted. Currently this cannot be changed. LOADRENDERING: specifies which loads to plot and how they are drawn. See the LOADRENDERING command in this section. LOADANNOTATION: specifies which optional text should be drawn along with the load plot. Currently this cannot be changed. You can group depiction names into a style using the LOADSTYLE command. Then you can specify the load style name in the LOADPLOT command. It is not necessary to use LOADSTYLE in order to use LOADPLOT. The load style simply provides a way to group load plot depictions together so that you can switch from one set of depictions to another set by specifying a load style name. When you create a load plot, the depictions that you specify are copied and given the same name as the load plot.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Load plotting – Introduction

Sec. 5.3 Load plotting

You can modify an existing load plot in several ways: 1) Alter the depictions with the load plot name using the depiction commands, then regenerate the load plot using the REGENERATE command. For example: MESHPLOT M1 Creates mesh plot M1. LOADPLOT L1 Creates load plot L1 RESPONSE LOAD-STEP L1 TIME=2.0 Redefines the solution time for L1 to be 2.0. REGENERATE Regenerates the load plot. 2) Use the LOADPLOT command to substitute depictions. For example; MESHPLOT M1 Creates mesh plot M1. LOADPLOT L1 Creates load plot L1. RESPONSE LOAD-STEP MAX_RESP TIME=3.0 Defines a response. LOADPLOT L1 RESPONSE=MAX_RESP Substitutes response MAX_RESP for the response depiction used during the creation of load plot L1, then regenerates the load plot. You can delete a load plot using the DELETE LOADPLOT command, by picking the mesh plot with the mouse and then using the PICKED DELETE command, or by clearing the graphics window using the FRAME command. When you delete a load plot, all of the depictions with the name of the load plot are automatically deleted as well. Auxiliary commands The LOADPLOT command has the following auxiliary commands: LIST LOADPLOT Lists all load plots.

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Chap. 5 Display control

Load plotting – Introduction

LIST LOADPLOT NAME Lists the depictions for the specified load plot. DELETE LOADPLOT NAME Deletes the specified load plot. The LOADSTYLE command has the following auxiliary commands: LIST LOADSTYLE Lists all load styles. LIST LOADSTYLE NAME Lists the depictions for the specified load style. DELETE LOADSTYLE NAME Deletes the specified load style. COPY LOADSTYLE NAME1 NAME2 Copies the load style specified by NAME1 to NAME2. Each of the depiction commands has auxiliary commands, see the discussion in Section 5.2 regarding the mesh plot depiction auxiliary commands.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 5.3 Load plotting


LOADPLOT allows you to draw loads as vectors onto a mesh plot. The loads are drawn according to the attributes within the depictions that you specify via this command. NAME [LOADPLOTnnnnn] The name of the load plot. If you do not enter a name, the program will automatically generate a name of the form LOADPLOTnnnnn where nnnnn is a number between 00001 and 99999. LOADSTYLE [DEFAULT] The name of the load style used to provide defaults for the remaining parameters of this command. A load style is defined by the LOADSTYLE command (in this section). MESHNAME [PREVIOUS] The name of the mesh plot upon which the load vectors are drawn. You can also enter the special name PREVIOUS to plot onto the last created mesh plot. See Section 5.2 for information about mesh plots. LOADSEARCH The name of the load search depiction. You can specify onto which nodes, elements and geometry entities to plot loads with this depiction. Currently there is no corresponding depiction command. RESPONSE [DEFAULT] The name of the response that gives the solution time, mode shape or other response description. A response is defined by the response commands (see Section 6.3). Note, this parameter is not used when adaptive meshes are used, instead the response is taken from the underlying response of the meshplot. LOADRENDERING [DEFAULT] The name of the load rendering depiction. You specify which types of loads to plot and their style attributes with this depiction. A load rendering depiction is defined by the LOADRENDERING command (in this section). LOADANNOTATION The name of the load annotation depiction. You specify the legends used to plot load scale factors with this depiction. Currently there is no corresponding depiction command.

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LOADSTYLE groups depictions used when drawing loads using LOADPLOT. NAME [DEFAULT] The name of the load style. If there is a previously defined load style with this name, data entered in this command modifies that load style. If there is no previously defined load style with this name, a new load style is created by this command. MESHPLOTNAME This parameter is currently unused.


LOADSEARCH The name of the load search depiction. You can specify onto which nodes, elements and geometry entities to plot loads with this depiction. RESPONSE [DEFAULT] The name of the response. You specify the load step, mode shape or other response description with this depiction. The load vectors are plotted according to the specified response. See the RESPONSE command. LOADRENDERING [DEFAULT] The name of the load rendering depiction. You specify which types of loads to plot and their style attributes with this depiction. A load rendering depiction is defined by the LOADRENDERING command (in this section). LOADANNOTATION The name of the load annotation depiction. You specify the legends used to plot load scale factors with this depiction.


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Sec. 5.3 Load plotting


loadtypei statusi colori lengthoptioni maxlengthi unitmaxlengthi scaleoptioni scalefactori combinei thetai sitelocationi sitemarkeri headmarkeri tailmarkeri tailflagi tailsizei unittaili minlengthi unitminlengthi LOADRENDERING defines attributes used when drawing a load plot with the LOADPLOT command. NAME [DEFAULT] The name of the load rendering depiction. If there is a previously defined load rendering depiction with this name, data entered in this command modifies that load rendering depiction. If there is no previously defined load rendering depiction with this name, a new load rendering depiction is created by this command. COLOR LENGTHOPTION MAXLENGTH UNITMAXLENGTH SCALEOPTION SCALEFACTOR COMBINE THETA SITELOCATION SITEMARKER HEADMARKER TAILMARKER TAILFLAG TAILSIZE UNITTAIL MINLENGTH UNITMINLENGTH The default values of the data input lines. loadtypei The type of load. This can be ACCELERATION ANGULAR_ACCELERATION ANGULAR_VELOCITY CONVECTION (the convection environmental temperature)

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Chap. 5 Display control


CURRENT-DENSITY DISPLACEMENT ELECTRIC-POTENTIAL FORCE (concentrated translational forces) HEAD (used in ADINA-T seepage flow analysis) HEATFLUX LINE MASSFLUX_I (substitute the species number for I, for example MASSFLUX_1) MASS-RATIO_I (substitute the species number for I) MOMENT (concentrated rotational moments) NODAL-CURRENT NODAL-PHIFLUX (used in potential-based fluid flow analysis) NODAL-PRESSURE NODAL-HEATFLOW NODAL-SEEPAGEFLOW NORMAL-TRACTION PHIFLUX (used in potential-based fluid flow analysis) PORE-PRESSURE POREFLOW PRESSURE RADIATION (the radiation environmental temperature) ROTATION SEEPAGEFLUX TEMPERATURE TGRADIENT (temperature gradient) TURBULENCE_K TURBULENCE_EPSILON TURBULENCE_W VELOCITY VOF_I (substitute the VOF species number for I) The remaining data for this data input line gives the plotting attributes for this type of load. Defaults depend on this type of load. statusi If statusi = OFF, this load type is not plotted; if statusi = ON, this load type is plotted. colori The color used to plot this load type. lengthoptioni If lengthoptioni = SCALED, the load vector lengths are scaled according to their magnitude, using parameters scaleoptioni and scalefactori. If lengthoptioni = FIXED, all load vectors are plotted with the same length.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


maxlengthi unitmaxlengthi The length of the longest plotted load vector and its unit. / PIXELS / POINTS}

Sec. 5.3 Load plotting


scaleoptioni scalefactori These parameters are used only when lengthoptioni = SCALED. When scaleoptioni = AUTOMATIC, the program scales the load vectors so that the longest load vector has length maxlengthi. In this case, scalefactori is not used. When scaleoptioni = CUSTOM, you enter the scaling factor scalefactori used to determine the vector length from the vector magnitude. See the notes at the end of this command description. combinei If there are several loads with this type acting at the same location, they can be vectorially combined. {YES / NO} For example, a concentrated load acting in the y direction can be vectorially summed with a concentrated load acting in the z direction. thetai Some load types are scalar in nature, for example, TEMPERATURE. The program plots scalar loads as vectors in a direction given by thetai. sitelocationi Each load acts onto a site, for example, node points or geometry points. You can choose whether the head of the load vector is placed at the site, or whether the tail of the load vector is placed at the site. {HEAD / TAIL} sitemarkeri The site can be marked with a marker, as follows: 0 = no marker; 1 = outline circle ; 2 = filled circle; 3 = outline square. headmarkeri tailmarkeri The load vector head and tail can be marked with markers, as follows: 0 = no marker; 1 = single arrowhead; 2 = double arrowhead; 3 = single line; 4 = double line; 5 = inverted V; 6 = square; 7 = E with open side pointing towards other end of arrow; 8 = E with open side pointing towards this end of arrow; 9 = X; 10 = crossed arrowhead. tailflagi The load vector tail can be marked with a tail flag, as follows: 0 = no tail flag; 1000*I + J = character J in character set I (see the TEXT command in Section 5.12); 10000 + I = M(I) (for example 10234 = M234); 20000 + I = V(I) (for example 20234=V234). The tail flag is mainly used for mass flux and mass ratio load vectors, in which the species number is written into the tail flag.

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Chap. 5 Display control


tailsizei unittaili The size of the tail flag, if any, and its unit. {CM / INCHES / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} minlengthi unitminlengthi Load vectors shorter than minlengthi are not plotted. Notes Suppressing loads: A typical use of the LOADRENDERING command is to suppress plotting of temperatures and temperature gradients.. To suppress plotting of temperatures and temperature gradients for all successive loadplots, use the following command: LOADRENDERING ENTRIES LOADTYPE STATUS ’TEMPERATURE’ OFF ’TGRADIENT’ OFF DATAEND scalefactor: The plotted load vector length (in cm) = SCALEFACTOR × (result value)| For example, suppose that a load vector has magnitude 1234.0, that scaleoptioni = CUSTOM and that scalefactori = 1E-4. Then the plotted load vector length is 1E-4 × 1234 = 0.12 cm.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Band plotting – Introduction

Sec. 5.4 Band plotting

Band plotting – Introduction You draw bands, either filled contours or line contours, onto an existing mesh plot using the BANDPLOT command. The bands represent the value of a variable in truss, 2-D, 3-D, beam, iso-beam, plate, shell and pipe elements. You can optionally mark the extreme values with symbols. The resulting plot is called a band plot. You can also modify an existing band plot using this command. If you have loaded the results from more than one finite element program into the database, the band plot can display the results from all of the loaded finite element program results. A band plot is considered to be attached to a mesh plot, which must have been defined before you create the band plot. See Section 5.2 for information regarding mesh plots. Every band plot has a name, which you specify when you create the band plot. You refer to the band plot by name when modifying or deleting it. The appearance of the band plot is governed by the band plot depictions. The band plot depictions are groups of settings, each of which controls one part of the band plot appearance. Each depiction has a name, which is used in the BANDPLOT command to refer to the depiction. The depictions used by the BANDPLOT command are: RESPONSE: specifies the solution time, mode-shape, etc. for the mesh plot. See the response commands in Section 6.3. ZONE: specifies the nodes and elements onto which bands are plotted. See the zone commands in Section 6.2. SMOOTHING: specifies how the plotted variable is smoothed. See the SMOOTHING command in Section 6.6. RESULTCONTROL: specifies how the plotted variable is calculated. See the RESULTCONTROL command in Section 6.6. BANDTABLE: specifies how colors are associated with values of the variable. There are three BANDTABLE commands, BANDTABLE AUTOMATIC, BANDTABLE CUSTOM and BANDTABLE REPEATING; see the descriptions in this section. BANDRENDERING: specifies how bands are drawn. See the BANDRENDERING command in this section.

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Chap. 5 Display control

Band plotting – Introduction

BANDANNOTATION: specifies which optional text is drawn along with the band plot. See the BANDANNOTATION command in this section. You can group depiction names into a style using the BANDSTYLE command. Then you can specify the band style name in the BANDPLOT command. It is not necessary to use BANDSTYLE in order to use BANDPLOT. The band style simply provides a way to group band plot depictions together so that you can switch from one set of depictions to another set by specifying a band style name. When you create a band plot, the depictions that you specify are copied and given the same name as the band plot. You can modify an existing band plot in several ways: 1) Alter the depictions with the band plot name using the depiction commands, then regenerate the band plot using the REGENERATE command. For example: MESHPLOT M1 Creates mesh plot M1. BANDPLOT B1 Creates band plot B1 BANDTABLE AUTOMATIC B1 MINVALUE=5.0 Sets the minimum value in the band table. REGENERATE Regenerates the band plot. 2) Use the BANDPLOT command to substitute depictions. For example; MESHPLOT M1 Creates mesh plot M1. BANDPLOT B1 Creates band plot B1. RESPONSE LOAD-STEP MAX_RESP TIME=3.0 Defines a response. BANDPLOT B1 RESPONSE=MAX_RESP Substitutes response MAX_RESP for the response depiction used during the creation of band plot B1, then regenerates the band plot.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Band plotting – Introduction

Sec. 5.4 Band plotting

You can delete a band plot using the DELETE BANDPLOT command, by picking the mesh plot with the mouse and then using the PICKED DELETE command, or by clearing the graphics window using the FRAME command. When you delete a band plot, all of the depictions with the name of the band plot are automatically deleted as well. Auxiliary commands The BANDPLOT command has the following auxiliary commands: LIST BANDPLOT Lists all band plots. LIST BANDPLOT NAME Lists the depictions for the specified band plot. DELETE BANDPLOT NAME Deletes the specified band plot. The BANDSTYLE command has the following auxiliary commands: LIST BANDSTYLE Lists all band styles. LIST BANDSTYLE NAME Lists the depictions for the specified band style. DELETE BANDSTYLE NAME Deletes the specified band style. COPY BANDSTYLE NAME1 NAME2 Copies the band style specified by NAME1 to NAME2. Each of the depiction commands has auxiliary commands, see the discussion in Section 5.2 regarding the mesh plot depiction auxiliary commands.

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Chap. 5 Display control




BANDPLOT creates a band plot according to the attributes specified by the specified depictions. NAME [BANDPLOTnnnnn] The name of the band plot. If no name is given, one is automatically generated in the form BANDPLOTnnnnn, when nnnnn is a number between 00001 and 99999. BANDSTYLE [DEFAULT] The name of the band style used to provide defaults for the remaining parameters of this command. A band style is defined by the BANDSTYLE command (in this section). VARIABLE The name of the variable to be plotted. The VARIABLE can be a predefined variable, a constant, an alias or a resultant. See Section 6.9 for information about defining variables. Certain variables can also be used to plot prescribed loads, see notes at the end of this command description. MESHNAME [PREVIOUS] The name of the meshplot onto which the bands are plotted. This meshplot is termed the underlying meshplot for these bands. A meshplot is defined by the MESHPLOT command (in Section 5.2). A meshplot can hold the results from more than one BANDPLOT command. You can specify the special meshname PREVIOUS to plot on the last created meshplot. ZONENAME [WHOLE_MODEL] The name of the zone that specifies at which elements to compute the variable. A zone is defined by a zone command (see Section 6.2). See notes at the end of this command. RESPONSE [DEFAULT] The name of the response that gives the solution time, mode shape, etc. used when drawing the band plot. A response is defined by a response command (see Section 6.3). The response name specified here can be different than the response name specified in the underlying mesh plot. Note, this parameter is not used when adaptive meshes are used, instead the response is taken from the underlying response of the meshplot. SMOOTHING [DEFAULT] The name of the smoothing technique that specifies how to smooth the variables. A smoothing technique is defined by the SMOOTHING command (see Section 6.6).


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.4 Band plotting

BANDTABLE [DEFAULT] The name of the band table used to associate colors with values of the variable. A band table is defined by the BANDTABLE command (in this section). BANDRENDERING [DEFAULT] The name of the band rendering depiction that specifies how the band plot is drawn. A rendering depiction is specified by the BANDRENDERING command (in this section). BANDANNOTATION [DEFAULT] The name of the band annotation depiction that specifies what additional text appears along with the band plot. A band annotation depiction is specified by the BANDANNOTATION command (in this section). RESULTCONTROL [DEFAULT] The name of the result control depiction. This depiction, along with the smoothing technique, controls how the results are calculated. A result control depiction is specified by the RESULTCONTROL command (see Section 6.6). Notes for ZONENAME When the underlying mesh plot plots elements, then BANDPLOT draws bands in those elements that are selected by both the BANDPLOT ZONENAME and the MESHPLOT ZONENAME. When the underlying mesh plot plots element faces or element edges, then BANDPLOT draws bands in the plotted element faces or element edges, and the BANDPLOT ZONENAME is not used. Variables for plotting prescribed loads as bands The following variables can be plotted as bands on 3D, plate and shell elements (in midsurface depiction). PRESCRIBED_PRESSURE, PRESCRIBED_NORMAL_TRACTION, PRESCRIBED_HEATFLUX, PRESCRIBED_SEEPAGE_FLUX, PRESCRIBED_MASSFLUX_*, PRESCRIBED_POREFLOW, PRESCRIBED_CURRENT_DENSITY, PRESCRIBED_PHIFLUX, PRESCRIBED_EM-FLUX Notes: i) These variables cannot be used by any other command, including ALIAS or RESULTANT. ii) These variables plot on elements cut by cutting planes.

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Chap. 5 Display control


iii) The sign of these variables is correct: positive pressures and normal tractions act into the elements, positive heat flux adds heat to the elements, etc. iv) The usual band table options are applicable. v) The "close extremes" feature is not implemented for these variables. vi) Multiple loads acting on the same element faces are correctly combined. Band plots with smoothing The band plot algorithm with smoothed results has the following issue. Consider three elements, two 3-D elements and a truss element, with the truss element connecting the 3-D elements. When plotting bands of unsmoothed stresses onto this assemblage of elements, nothing is plotted onto the truss element, which is correct. But when plotting bands of smoothed stresses onto this assemblage of elements, smoothed stresses from the 3-D elements are plotted onto the truss element. This happens because the nodal stresses are known at each node of the truss element, and the nodal stresses are simply interpolated into the truss element.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 5.4 Band plotting


BANDSTYLE groups depictions used when drawing bands using the BANDPLOT command. NAME [DEFAULT] The name of the band style. If there is a previously defined band style with this name, data entered in this command overwrites information for that band style. If there is no previously defined band style with this name, a new band style is created by this command. VARIABLE The name of the variable to be plotted. The VARIABLE can be a predefined variable, a constant, an alias or a resultant. See Section 6.9 for information about defining variables. MESHNAME This parameter is currently unused.


ZONENAME [WHOLE_MODEL] The name of the zone that specifies at which elements to compute the variable. A zone is defined by a zone command (see Section 6.2). Note that BANDPLOT evaluates the variable only in those elements selected by ZONENAME that were also plotted in the underlying mesh plot. RESPONSE [DEFAULT] The name of the response that gives the solution time, mode shape, etc. used when drawing the band plot. A response is defined by a response command (see Section 6.3). The response name specified here can be different than the response name specified in the underlying mesh plot. SMOOTHING [DEFAULT] The name of the smoothing technique that specifies how to smooth certain variables and how they are smoothed. A smoothing technique is defined by the SMOOTHING command (see Section 6.6). BANDTABLE [DEFAULT] The name of the band table used to associate colors with values of the variable. A band table is defined by the BANDTABLE command (in this section). BANDRENDERING [DEFAULT] The name of the band rendering depiction that specifies how the band plot is drawn. A band rendering depiction is specified by the BANDRENDERING command (in this section).

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Chap. 5 Display control


BANDANNOTATION [DEFAULT] The name of the band annotation depiction that specifies what additional text appears along with the band plot. A band annotation depiction is specified by the BANDANNOTATION command (in this section). RESULTCONTROL [DEFAULT] The name of the result control depiction. This depiction, along with the smoothing technique, controls how the results are calculated. A result control depiction is specified by the RESULTCONTROL command (see Section 6.6).


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 5.4 Band plotting


BANDTABLE AUTOMATIC defines an automatic band table. This name can be used in the BANDPLOT command to specify the band table. NAME [DEFAULT] The name to be associated with the band table. If there is a previously defined band table of type automatic with this name, data entered in this command alters the previously defined band table. Otherwise, a new band table of type automatic is created by this command. MINIMUM [AUTOMATIC] The minimum value to be contained in the band table. If you specify AUTOMATIC, the program calculates the minimum value when the band table is used. MAXIMUM [AUTOMATIC] The maximum value to be contained in the band table. If you specify AUTOMATIC, the program calculates the maximum value when the band table is used. COLORMAX The number of colors or gray shades within the band table. 0 means that BANDPLOT automatically chooses the number of colors, see notes below.


MINCOLOR [BLUE_MAGENTA_50] MAXCOLOR [MAGENTA_RED_50] The colors corresponding to the minimum and maximum values in the band table. Intermediate colors are constructed by interpolation between these colors. If gray-scale bands are desired, use MINCOLOR = BLACK, MAXCOLOR = WHITE, or vice-versa. VALUEOPTION [NONE] VALUECOLOR [GRAY] VALUE When VALUEOPTION=VALUECOLOR, then the band table is constructed with smoothly varying colors between values MINIMUM and VALUE, and with smoothly varying colors between values VALUE and MAXIMUM. The color assigned to VALUE is VALUECOLOR. When VALUEOPTION=NONE, this feature is not used.

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Chap. 5 Display control


FREEZERANGE [YES] If FREEZERANGE=YES, then the band table is frozen (kept unchanged) for all of the frames of a movie. If FREEZERANGE=NO, then the band table is changed (with a new maximum and minimum) for each frame of a movie. The FREEZERANGE parameter also controls if the band table is frozen when one of the icons that changes the solution time is clicked. LOWER [AUTOMATIC] UPPER [AUTOMATIC] LOWER controls the color for values less than the lowest value in the band table, UPPER controls the color for values greater than the largest value in the band table. These parameters can have the values {AUTOMATIC / NONE / (color name)}. LOWER and UPPER are not used when plotting line contours. ROUNDING [YES] If ROUNDING=NO, the band table values are not rounded; if ROUNDING=YES, the band table values are rounded. The band table values can either be the automatically generated values or the user-input values from parameters MINIMUM and MAXIMUM.

Note: When the band table DEFAULT is updated using the BANDTABLE AUTOMATIC command, the band table DEFAULT_AUTOMATIC is set equal to band table DEFAULT. Notes for COLORMAX=0 When COLORMAX=0, then if the band plot variable is a real number, or if the band plot variable is an integer with an unknown number of values, then BANDPLOT uses 16 colors. If the band plot variable is an integer with a known number of values, then BANDPLOT constructs a band table with the number of colors equal to the known number of values. Integer variables with a known number of values include: NODAL_CONTACT_STATUS PLASTIC_FLAG PLASTIC_FLAG_2 WRINKLE_FLAG SMA_FLAG MOHR-COULOMB_FLAG CAM-CLAY_FLAG DRUCKER-PRAGER_FLAG FAILURE_FLAG... GASKET_DEFORMATION_MODE GASKET_STATUS TRANSLATIONAL_SYSTEM ROTATIONAL_SYSTEM


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.4 Band plotting


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Chap. 5 Display control


BANDTABLE CUSTOM NAME LOWER UPPER VALUETYPE valuei colori BANDTABLE CUSTOM defines a custom band table. This name can be used in the BANDPLOT command to specify the band table. NAME [DEFAULT] The name to be associated with the band table. If there is a previously defined band table of type custom with this name, data entered in this command alters the previously defined band table. Otherwise, a new band table of type custom is created by this command. LOWER [NONE] The color associated with a value that is lower than the lowest value in the band table. LOWER is ignored when drawing line contours. NONE

No color.


The color associated with the lowest value in the band table.


The band table is assumed to repeat periodically for values less than the lowest value in the band table. This extended band table is used to associate a color with the value.

(anything else)

The name of the color to be associated with a value that is lower than the lowest value in the band table.

UPPER [CONSTANT] The color associated with a value that is higher than or equal to the highest value in the band table. UPPER is ignored when drawing line contours. NONE

No color.


The color associated with the highest value in the band table.


The band table is assumed to repeat periodically for values higher than or equal to the highest value in the band table. This extended band table is used to associate a color with the value.

(anything else)

The name of the color to be associated with a value that is higher than or equal to the highest value in the band table.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.4 Band plotting



ABSOLUTE The numbers in the band table are directly associated with the plotted results. PERCENT

BANDPLOT first determines the approximate maximum and minimum values of the plotted results (VMAX and VMIN). The numbers entered in the band table represent percentages in this range of results.


BANDPLOT first determines the approximate maximum absolute value of the plotted result (VMAX). The numbers entered in the band table represent percentages in the range from -VMAX to VMAX.

valuei , colori The value and color of one entry in the band table. The value is a real number, the color is either a color defined in the COLORTABLE command, the word INVERSE to specify the opposite of the background color or the word NONE to specify no color. If VALUETYPE=ABSOLUTE, the color colori is associated with a value that is in the range valuei to valuei+1. If VALUETYPE=PERCENT, the color colori is associated with a value that is in the range

⎛ VMAX - VMIN ⎞ ⎛ VMAX - VMIN ⎞ ×value i + VMIN ⎟ ≤ value< ⎜ ×valuei+1 + VMIN ⎟ ⎜ 100 100 ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ If VALUETYPE=MAXIMUM, the color colori is associated with a value that is in the range

⎛ valuei ⎞ ⎛ valuei+1 ⎞ VMAX × ⎜ - 1 ⎟ ≤ value < VMAX × ⎜ - 1⎟ ⎝ 50 ⎠ ⎝ 50 ⎠ The color associated with the highest value in the band table is not used unless UPPER=CONSTANT or line contours are drawn. Example Suppose that the following band table is entered: BANDTABLE CUSTOM -1.0 INVERSE 0.0 NONE 3.0 YELLOW 4.0 RED

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Chap. 5 Display control



−∞ ≤ value < 0.0 0.0 ≤ value < 3.0 3.0 ≤ value < 4.0 4.0 ≤ value < 5.0

→ → → →

color = INVERSE color = NONE color = YELLOW color = INVERSE

5.0 ≤ value < 8.0 → color = NONE 8.0 ≤ value < 9.0 → color = YELLOW etc for higher values.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.4 Band plotting

BANDTABLE REPEATING NAME START WIDTH COLOR1 COLOR2 ROUNDING BANDTABLE REPEATING defines a repeating band table. This name can be used in the BANDPLOT command to specify the band table. When a repeating band table and solid area fills are specified, values from START to START + WIDTH are drawn in color 1 and values from START + WIDTH to START + 2×WIDTH are drawn in color 2. When a repeating band table and line contours are specified, value START is drawn in color 1 and value START + WIDTH is drawn in color 2. In both cases the band table is repeated downward and upward for values lower than START and higher than START + 2×WIDTH. NAME [DEFAULT] The name to be associated with the band table. If there is a previously defined band table of type repeating with this name, data entered in this command alters the previously defined band table. Otherwise, a new band table of type repeating is created by this command. START [AUTOMATIC] WIDTH [AUTOMATIC] The start and width for the repeating band table. If you specify AUTOMATIC, the program calculates the parameter value. If you specify a numeric value for width, the value must be greater than zero. COLOR1 [INVERSE] COLOR2 [NONE] The colors associated with the band table. NONE specifies no color (but you cannot use NONE for both COLOR1 and COLOR2). ROUNDING [YES] If ROUNDING=NO, the band table values are not rounded; if ROUNDING=YES, the band table values are rounded.

Note: When the band table DEFAULT is updated using the BANDTABLE REPEATING command, the band table DEFAULT_REPEATING is set equal to band table DEFAULT.

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Chap. 5 Display control




BANDRENDERING defines attributes used when drawing a band plot with the BANDPLOT command. NAME [DEFAULT] The name of the band rendering depiction. If there is a previously defined band rendering depiction with this name, data entered in this command modifies that band rendering depiction. If there is no previously defined band rendering depiction with this name, a new band rendering depiction is created by this command. BANDTYPE Specifies the type of bandplot:



bands are drawn with solid area fills


bands are drawn with line contours

LINEWIDTH [0.0] UNITLINEWIDTH [PIXELS] The width of lines and its unit. {CM / INCHES / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} These parameters are used in two cases: plotting bands as line contours, and plotting solid bands onto line elements. Enter 0.0 for the thinnest possible lines. EXTREMES [NONE] The extreme values in the band plot can be plotted using special symbols. This parameter controls which extremes, if any, are plotted: NONE

extremes are not plotted


the minimum is plotted


the maximum is plotted


both the minimum and maximum are plotted

The symbols used to plot extremes can be specified using a bandannotation depiction, see the BANDANNOTATION command in this section.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.4 Band plotting

SHELLTOPFACES [YES] SHELLBOTTOMFACES [YES] SHELLMIDSURFACEFACES [YES] SHELLSIDEFACES [YES] OTHERFACES [YES] The bands can be drawn on all faces or on selected faces. If parameter SHELLTOPFACES = YES, bands are drawn on shell top faces, otherwise bands are not drawn on shell top faces. If parameter SHELLBOTTOMFACES = YES, bands are drawn on shell bottom faces, otherwise bands are not drawn on shell bottom faces. If parameter SHELLMIDSURFACEFACES = YES, bands are drawn on shell midsurface faces, otherwise bands are not drawn on shell midsurface faces. If parameter SHELLSIDEFACES = YES, bands are drawn on shell side faces, otherwise bands are not drawn on shell side faces. If parameter OTHERFACES = YES, bands are drawn on all other faces (that is, nonshell faces), otherwise bands are not drawn on these faces. TOLERANCE The band plot tolerance, between 0.0 (most accurate) and 1.0 (least accurate).


HIDDEN Controls whether hidden bands and line contours are removed. {YES / NO}


COORDCALC Controls how band coordinates are calculated:



Band coordinates are calculated so as to lie on the graphical representation of the meshplot. This can cause a slight “wavyness” of the bands.


Band coordinates are calculated so as to lie on the theoretical representation of the meshplot. This can cause the bands to lie “underneath” the graphical representation of the meshplot; in this case, the bands are hidden by the meshplot.

VIEWSHIFT [0.0] The graphical representation of the bands is shifted by an amount VIEWSHIFT towards the eye. The typical use of this feature is when plotting bands on contact surfaces. It is possible for the graphical representation of contact surfaces to interfere with the graphical representation of the attached element faces. When this interference occurs, the band plots can be inadvertently hidden by the attached element faces. Then setting VIEWSHIFT > 0.0 causes the bands to be no longer hidden by the attached element faces. The unit of VIEWSHIFT is the model length unit.

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Chap. 5 Display control


LOCATIONS [YES] Plot the close locations associated with the band extreme values {YES/NO}. See notes below. Notes for LOCATIONS=YES The extremes table produced during band plotting includes “close locations”, one close location for the maximum value and one close location for the minimum value. The close location can be a node point, element integration point, element local node or contact segment. The close location corresponds to the marked maximum or minimum in the band plot. For the marked maximum or minimum, the AUI finds a close location, then evaluates the band plot variable at this close location. If you list the bandplot variable at the close location, you will obtain the same result as the result indicated in the bandplot extremes table. There are a number of subtle points concerning the close locations feature: a) The value of the bandplot variable at the close location will not usually be the value of the bandplot variable at the marked maximum or minimum. This is because the marked maximum or minimum need not be exactly at a node, element integration point, etc. For example, consider a bandplot of unsmoothed stresses in volume elements. In this case, the close location is an element integration point within the element, but the marked maximum or minimum is a point on the element face. Normally BANDPLOT extrapolates stresses from the integration points to the element faces. This extrapolation can drastically change the value of the bandplot variable. When the value of the bandplot variable at the close location is different than the value of the bandplot variable at the marked maximum or minimum, then the extremes table includes both the maximum/minimum value and the close location value: MAXIMUM ^ 0.2345 GR 1, EL 2, INT PT 333 (0.1300) Here the maximum value is 0.2345, and the close location value is 0.1300. When the value of the bandplot variable at the close location is the same as the value of the bandplot variable at the marked maximum or minimum, then the extremes table includes only the maximum/minimum value: MAXIMUM ^ 0.1234 NODE 25


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.4 Band plotting

b) The type of close location depends upon the bandplot variable, as shown in the following table: Bandplot variable

Close location

Nodal field (e.g. Y-DISPLACEMENT)


Smoothed element field (e.g. STRESS-YY with smoothing on)


Unsmoothed element field (e.g. STRESS-YY with smoothing off)

Element integration point

Local node (e.g. THICKNESS)

Element local node

Contact segment for old contact segment representation (e.g. NORMAL_TRACTION)

Contact segment

Note that the current contact surface representation outputs contact results at the nodes, so variables such as NODAL_CONTACT_STATUS will have close locations at nodes. c) When the bandplot variable includes a surface normal, then the surface normal is evaluated at the marked maximum/minimum, but the remaining part of the variable is evaluated at the close location: Example: RESULTANT TEST ’*’ BANDPLOT VAR=TEST STRESS-YY is evaluated at the close location, but SURFACE_NORMAL-Y is evaluated at the marked maximum or minimum. d) The marked maximum or minimum gives the maximum or minimum only as evaluated on the bandplot. For example, in a bandplot of stress on volume elements, BANDPLOT only examines the element faces that are on the “skin” of the meshplot. Hence the marked maximum or minimum is also on the skin of the meshplot. If the true maximum or minimum is somewhere inside the model, and not on the skin of the meshplot, BANDPLOT will not detect the true maximum or minimum. Because the close location value corresponds to the marked maximum or minimum, the close location value also will not correspond to the true maximum or minimum.

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Chap. 5 Display control


BANDANNOTATION NAME TABLE TCOLOR TCHARSIZE UNITTCHARSIZE TLENGTH UNITTLENGTH TWIDTH UNITTWIDTH TPLACEMENT TXSTART UNITTXSTART TYSTART UNITTYSTART TSCALE EXTREMES EMINSYMBOL EMINCOLOR EMINSIZE UNITEMINSIZE EMAXSYMBOL EMAXCOLOR EMAXSIZE UNITEMAXSIZE ECHARSIZE UNITECHARSIZE EPLACEMENT EXSTART UNITEXSTART EYSTART UNITEYSTART ESCALE BANDANNOTATION defines which optional text to plot along with the BANDPLOT command. It also defines the attributes of the optional text. NAME [DEFAULT] The name of the BANDANNOTATION depiction. If there is a previously defined BANDANNOTATION depiction with this name, data entered in this command modifies that BANDANNOTATION depiction. If there is no previously defined BANDANNOTATION depiction with this name, a new BANDANNOTATION depiction is created by this command. TABLE Determines whether or not the band table is plotted. {YES / NO} TCOLOR The color of text in the band table. TCHARSIZE UNITTCHARSIZE The size of the characters in the band table, before scaling, and its unit.



[.25] [CM]

TLENGTH [0.0] UNITTLENGTH [CM] The length of the band table, before scaling, and its unit. A value of 0.0 will result in the program choosing a length. TWIDTH [0.0] UNITTWIDTH [CM] The width of the band table, before scaling, and its unit. A value of 0.0 will result in the program choosing a width.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.4 Band plotting

TPLACEMENT [AUTOMATIC] TXSTART [0.0] UNITTXSTART [CM] TYSTART [0.0] UNITTYSTART [CM] If TPLACEMENT is AUTOMATIC, then the placement of the band table text is done automatically by the program. If TPLACEMENT is CUSTOM, then the band table text placement is specified by TXSTART, UNITTXSTART, TYSTART, UNITTYSTART. TXSTART and TYSTART specify the subframe X and Y coordinates of the top left corner of the band table. Their units are given by UNITTXSTART and UNITTYSTART respectively. TSCALE A scale factor applied to the entire band table.


EXTREMES [YES] If EXTREMES = NO, the extreme value table is not plotted. If EXTREMES = YES, the extreme value table is plotted. This parameter does not affect the plotting of extreme values on the band plot – this is controlled in the BANDRENDERING command. EMINSYMBOL [@C[1,11]] The symbol used to mark the minimum band value. See the TEXT command in Section 5.12 for the conventions used. Use @C[0,32] for a blank string. EMINCOLOR The color used to draw the symbol used to mark the minimum band value.


EMINSIZE UNITEMINSIZE The size of the symbol used to mark the minimum band value and its unit.

[0.25] [CM]

EMAXSYMBOL [@C[1,2]] The symbol used to mark the maximum band value. See the TEXT command in Section 5.12 for the conventions used. EMAXCOLOR The color used to draw the symbol used to mark the maximum band value.


EMAXSIZE UNITEMAXSIZE The size of the symbol used to mark the maximum band value and its unit.

[0.25] [CM]

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Chap. 5 Display control


ECHARSIZE UNITECHARSIZE The size of the characters in the extremes annotation, before scaling, and its unit.

[0.25] [CM]

EPLACEMENT [AUTOMATIC] EXSTART [0.0] UNITEXSTART [CM] EYSTART [0.0] UNITEYSTART [CM] If EPLACEMENT is AUTOMATIC, then the placement of the extremes text is done automatically by the program. If EPLACEMENT is CUSTOM, then the extremes placement is specified by EXSTART, UNITEXSTART, EYSTART, UNITEYSTART. EXSTART and EYSTART specify the subframe X and Y coordinates of the extremes annotation. Their units are given by UNITEXSTART and UNITEYSTART respectively. ESCALE A scale factor applied to the entire extremes annotation.



AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Vector plotting – Introduction

Sec. 5.5 Vector plotting

Vector plotting – Introduction You draw element vectors onto an existing mesh plot using the EVECTORPLOT command. The resulting plot is called an element vector plot. You can also modify an existing element vector using this command. The element vectors you can draw are STRESS principal stresses STRAIN principal strains CREEP_STRAIN principal creep strains PLASTIC_STRAIN principal plastic strains HEAT_FLUX heat flux vectors SEEPAGE_FLUX seepage flux vectors VELOCITY velocity vectors V_STRETCH the principal values of the left stretch tensor V, see the ADINA Theory and Modeling Guide, Section 3.1.2. CRACK_STRESS stresses in the crack directions CRACKS open and closed cracks and crushing symbols OPEN_CRACKS open cracks CLOSED_CRACKS closed cracks CRUSHED crushing symbols CURRENT_DENSITY current density INPLANE_STRESS in-plane stresses in shell elements INPLANE_STRAIN in-plane strains in shell elements CRACK_STRAIN strains in the crack directions EFI, EFI-R, EFI-I electric field intensity, -R, real part only, -I, imag. part only DFI, DFI-R, DFI-I electric displacement intensity HMI, HMI-R, HMI-I magnetic field intensity APT, APT-R, APT-I magnetic potential BMI, BMI-R, BMI-I magnetic field intensity (For INPLANE_STRESS, INPLANE_STRAIN, the results must have been calculated in the midsurface coordinate system.) If you have loaded the results from more than one finite element program into the database, the element vector plot can display the element vectors from all of the loaded finite element program results. An element vector plot is considered to be attached to a mesh plot, which must have been defined before you create the element vector plot. See Section 5.2 for information regarding mesh plots. Every element vector plot has a name, which you specify when you create the element vector plot. You refer to the element vector plot by name when modifying or deleting it.

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Chap. 5 Display control

Vector plotting – Introduction

The appearance of the element vector plot is governed by the element vector plot depictions. The element vector plot depictions are groups of settings, each of which controls one part of the element vector plot appearance. Each depiction has a name, which is used in the EVECTORPLOT command to refer to the depiction. The depictions used by the EVECTORPLOT command are: RESPONSE: specifies the solution time, mode-shape, etc. for the element vector plot. See the response commands in Section 6.3. ZONE: specifies the elements onto which element vectors are plotted. See the zone commands in Section 6.2. SMOOTHING: specifies how the plotted variable is smoothed. See the SMOOTHING command in Section 6.6. RESULTCONTROL: specifies how the plotted variable is calculated. See the RESULTCONTROL command in Section 6.6. EVECTORQUANTITY: defines a vector quantity from variables. See the EVECTORQUANTITY command in this section. EVECTORGRID: specifies at which points the plotted quantity is drawn. See the EVECTORGRID command in this section. EVECTORRENDERING: specifies how the plotted quantity is drawn. See the EVECTORRENDERING command in this section. You can group depiction names into a style using the EVECTORSTYLE command. Then you can specify the element vector style name in the EVECTORPLOT command. It is not necessary to use EVECTORSTYLE in order to use EVECTORPLOT. The element vector style simply provides a way to group element vector plot depictions together so that you can switch from one set of depictions to another set by specifying a element vector style name. When you create a element vector plot, the depictions that you specify are copied and given the same name as the element vector plot. You can modify an existing element vector plot either by using the REGENERATE command or by substituting depiction names using the EVECTORPLOT command. The techniques are analogous to those used in the BANDPLOT command, see the introduction to Section 5.4 for examples. You can delete an element vector plot using the DELETE EVECTORPLOT command, by picking the mesh plot with the mouse and then using the PICKED DELETE command or by


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Vector plotting – Introduction

Sec. 5.5 Vector plotting

clearing the graphics window using the FRAME command. When you delete an element vector plot, all of the depictions associated with the name of the element vector plot are automatically deleted as well.

Auxiliary commands The EVECTORPLOT and EVECTORSTYLE commands have auxiliary commands analogous to those of BANDPLOT and BANDSTYLE, see the introduction to Section 5.4. Each of the depiction commands has auxiliary commands, see the introduction to Section 5.2 regarding the mesh plot depiction auxiliary commands.

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Chap. 5 Display control




EVECTORPLOT allows you to draw results within elements as vectors onto a mesh plot. The element vectors are drawn according to the attributes within the depictions that you specify via this command. NAME [EVECTORPLOTnnnnn] The name of the element vector plot. If you do not enter a name, the program will automatically generate a name in the form EVECTORPLOTnnnnn where nnnnn is a number between 00001 and 99999. EVECTORSTYLE [DEFAULT] The name of the element vector style used to provide defaults for the remaining parameters of this command. An element vector style is defined by the EVECTORSTYLE command (in this section). QUANTITY You can draw vectors of several types of result. Depending on the finite element analysis, you can choose from the following list: STRESS STRAIN CREEP_STRAIN PLASTIC_STRAIN HEAT_FLUX SEEPAGE_FLUX VELOCITY V_STRETCH CRACK_STRESS CRACKS OPEN_CRACKS CLOSED_CRACKS CRUSHED CURRENT_DENSITY INPLANE_STRESS INPLANE_STRAIN CRACK_STRAIN EFI, EFI-R, EFI-I DFI, DFI-R, DFI-I HMI, HMI-R, HMI-I APT, APT-R, APT-I BMI, BMI-R, BMI-I


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.5 Vector plotting

You only need to enter the characters indicated in bold. You can also define a quantity using the EVECTORQUANTITY command. MESHNAME [PREVIOUS] The name of the meshplot upon which the load vectors are drawn. See Section 5.2 for information about meshplots. You can also enter the special name PREVIOUS to plot onto the last created mesh plot. ZONENAME [WHOLE_MODEL] The name of the zone that specifies onto which elements vectors will be plotted. See the zone commands in Section 6.2. RESPONSE [DEFAULT] The name of the response that gives the solution time, mode shape, etc. used when drawing the element vector plot. See the response commands in Section 6.3. Note, this parameter is not used when adaptive meshes are used, instead the response is taken from the underlying response of the meshplot. SMOOTHING [DEFAULT] The name of the smoothing technique that specifies how to smooth the results. A smoothing technique is defined by the SMOOTHING command (see Section 6.6). EVECTORGRID [DEFAULT] The name of the element vector grid depiction. You specify the number and location of grid points within each element or element face with this depiction. For ADINA postprocessing, if QUANTITY=CRACK_STRESS, CRACKS, OPENCRACKS, CLOSEDCRACKS or CRUSHED, then EVECTORPLOT chooses the integration points as the sampling points, and EVECTORGRID is not used. For ADINA-F postprocessing, if QUANTITY=VELOCITY, and if cutting planes are not used, then EVECTORPLOT chooses the node points as the sampling points, and EVECTORGRID is not used. EVECTORTABLE [DEFAULT] The name of the element vector table depiction. You specify the colors of the element vectors with this depiction. Currently there is no corresponding depiction command. EVECTORVECTORTYPE [DEFAULT] The name of the element vector type depiction. You specify the way in which element vectors are drawn (for example, the vector head and tail) with this depiction. Currently there is no corresponding depiction command.

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Chap. 5 Display control


EVECTORCOORDINATESYSTEM [DEFAULT] The name of the element vector coordinate system depiction. You specify the coordinate system in which the element vectors are displayed, and also the components of the element vectors that are plotted with this depiction. Currently there is no corresponding depiction command. EVECTORRENDERING [DEFAULT] The name of the element vector rendering depiction. You specify the lengths and scaling of the element vectors with this depiction. An element vector rendering depiction is specified by the EVECTORRENDERING command in this section. EVECTORANNOTATION The name of the element vector annotation depiction. You specify attributes of the legend used to plot the element vector information with this depiction. Currently there is no corresponding depiction command. RESULTCONTROL [DEFAULT] The name of the result control depiction. This depiction, along with the smoothing technique, controls how the results are calculated. A result control depiction is specified by the RESULTCONTROL command (see Section 6.6). MULTIPLIER [1.0] The quantity can be multiplied by MULTIPLIER before plotting. Quantities CRACKS, OPENCRACKS, CLOSEDCRACKS and CRUSHED are not affected by the value of this parameter.

Notes for ZONENAME When the underlying mesh plot plots elements, then EVECTORPLOT draws vectors in those elements that are selected by both the EVECTORPLOT ZONENAME and the MESHPLOT ZONENAME. When the underlying mesh plot plots element faces or element edges, then 1) If EVECTORGRID SITEOPTION=ELFACES, then EVECTORPLOT draws vectors in the plotted element faces or element edges, and the EVECTORPLOT ZONENAME is not used. 2) If EVECTORGRID SITEOPTION=ELEMENTS, then EVECTORPLOT draws vectors in the elements selected by EVECTORPLOT ZONENAME.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.5 Vector plotting

Notes for RESPONSE It is an error to use an envelope response in the EVECTORPLOT comand.

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Chap. 5 Display control


EVECTORSTYLE NAME QUANTITY MESHNAME ZONENAME RESPONSE SMOOTHING EVECTORGRID EVECTORTABLE EVECTORVECTORTYPE EVECTORCOORDINATESYSTEM EVECTORRENDERING EVECTORANNOTATION RESULTCONTROL MULTIPLIER EVECTORSTYLE groups style depictions used by EVECTORPLOT. NAME [DEFAULT] The name of the element vector style. If there is a previously defined element vector style with this name, data entered in this command modifies that element vector style. If there is no previously defined element vector style with this name, a new element vector style is created by this command. QUANTITY The name of the quantity to be plotted. See the EVECTORPLOT command for a list of possible quantities. MESHNAME This parameter is currently unused.


ZONENAME [WHOLE_MODEL] The name of the zone that specifies onto which elements of the model the element vector plot command will plot. See the zone commands in Section 6.2. RESPONSE [DEFAULT] The name of the response that gives the solution time, mode shape, etc. used when drawing the element vector plot. See the response commands in Section 6.3. SMOOTHING [DEFAULT] The name of the smoothing technique that specifies how to smooth the specified quantity. A smoothing technique is defined by the SMOOTHING command (see Section 6.6). EVECTORGRID [DEFAULT] The name of the element vector grid, used to specify the number and location of grid points within each element or element face. EVECTORTABLE [DEFAULT] The name of the element vector table used to associate colors with values of the quantity. EVECTORVECTORTYPE [DEFAULT] The name of the element vector vector type, used to specify the way in which element vectors are drawn (for example, the vector head and tail).


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.5 Vector plotting

EVECTORCOORDINATESYSTEM [DEFAULT] The name of the element vector coordinate system depiction, used to specify the coordinate system in which element vectors are displayed and the components of the element vector that are displayed. EVECTORRENDERING [DEFAULT] The name of the element vector rendering depiction, used to specify the lengths and scaling of the element vectors. An element vector rendering depiction is defined by the EVECTORRENDERING command (in this section). EVECTORANNOTATION [DEFAULT] The name of the element vector annotation depiction that specifies what additional text appears with the element vector plot. RESULTCONTROL [DEFAULT] The name of the result control depiction. This depiction, along with the smoothing technique, controls how the results are calculated. A result control depiction is specified by the RESULTCONTROL command (see Section 6.6). MULTIPLIER The quantity can be multiplied by MULTIPLIER before plotting.

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Chap. 5 Display control




Defines a vector or tensor quantity that can be plotted using the EVECTORPLOT command. QUANTITY The name of the quantity. Predefined quantities cannot be redefined.. TYPE Type of quantity {VECTOR / SYMTENSOR}.



V1, V2, ..., V6 [‘’] When TYPE=VECTOR, V1 to V3 are variables giving the X, Y and Z components of the vector. When TYPE=SYMTENSOR, V1 to V6 are variables giving the XX, YY, ZZ, XY, XZ, YZ components of a symmetric tensor. It is allowed to enter 'NONE' for any variable; then zero is substituted for that variable. Example: EVECTORQUANTITY DISP VECTOR, 'X-DISPLACEMENT' 'Y-DISPLACEMENT' 'Z-DISPLACEMENT' EVECTORPLOT QUANTITY=DISP // plots displacements as vectors


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.5 Vector plotting



Defines a grid used to place the element vectors drawn with the EVECTORPLOT command. NAME [DEFAULT] The name of the EVECTORGRID depiction. If there is a previously defined EVECTORGRID depiction with this name, data entered in this command modifies the depiction, otherwise data entered in this command defines a new depiction. SITEOPTION SITEOPTION is used when drawing vectors on 3D elements. ELFACES


Vectors are always drawn on element faces.

ELEMENTS Vectors are always drawn within elements. NODES

Vectors are always drawn at nodes (if possible).

AUTOMATIC EVECTORPLOT decides where to draw vectors, see notes at the end of this command description. SITEOPTION is most useful when the mesh plot displays an element face-set or element edge-set. Note that quantities plotted on shell elements can only be plotted on element faces, not within elements and not at nodes. GRIDOPTION


INTEGRATION_POINTS Vectors are drawn at the element integration points. When drawing vectors on a 3D element face, the element face is considered to have a 2D isoparametric coordinate system, and vectors are drawn at integration points in this coordinate system. EQUALLY_SPACED

Vectors are drawn at points on an equally spaced (in the isoparametric system) grid.

GRIDOPTION is not used when drawing vectors at nodes.

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Chap. 5 Display control


GRID1 GRID2 GRID3 The number of points in each direction of the grid, used when GRIDOPTION=EQUALLY_SPACED.

[2] [2] [2]

SITESPACING UNITSSPACING Not used in this version of the AUI. SITESKIP [1] When SITESKIP=1, no sampling points are skipped. When SITESKIP=2, every other sampling point is skipped. Higher values of SITESKIP cause more sampling points to be skipped. Notes There are four predefined depictions: DEFAULT, FACTORY, INTEGRATION_POINTS, CENTROID, which have the following meanings: EVECTORPLOT chooses evenly spaced grid points (not at the integration point locations). INTEGRATION_POINTS EVECTORPLOT chooses the element integration points CENTROID EVECTORPLOT chooses the element centroids, or the centers of the element faces. DEFAULT, FACTORY

The logic used for SITEOPTION AUTOMATIC is as follows: If the mesh plot uses hidden line removal and plots front-facing triangles, the mesh plot is assumed to be opaque; otherwise the mesh plot is assumed to be transparent. If the mesh plot is opaque, vectors are plotted at nodes if all variables in the quantity are nodal variables, otherwise vectors are plotted at element faces. If the mesh plot is transparent, vectors are plotted at nodes if all variables in the quantity are nodal variables, otherwise vectors are plotted within elements.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 5.5 Vector plotting


Defines drawing attributes used when drawing element vectors with the EVECTORPLOT command. NAME [DEFAULT] The name of the EVECTORRENDERING depiction. If there is a previously defined EVECTORRENDERING depiction with this name, data entered in this command modifies the depiction, otherwise data entered in this command defines a new depiction. LENGTHOPTION [SCALED] If LENGTHOPTION = SCALED, the vector lengths are scaled according to their magnitude, using parameters SCALEOPTION and SCALEFACTOR. If LENGTHOPTION = FIXED, all vectors are plotted with the same length. MAXLENGTH UNITMAXLENGTH The length of the longest plotted element vector and its unit. {CM / INCHES / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} MINLENGTH UNITMINLENGTH Element vectors shorter than MINLENGTH are not plotted.

[1.0] [CM]

[0.01] [CM]

SCALEOPTION [AUTOMATIC] SCALEFACTOR [1.0] These parameters are used only when LENGTHOPTION = SCALED. When SCALEOPTION = AUTOMATIC, the program scales the element vectors so that the longest element vector has length MAXLENGTH. In this case, SCALEFACTOR is not used. When SCALEOPTION = CUSTOM, you enter the scaling factor SCALEFACTOR used to determine the vector length from the vector magnitude. See the notes at the end of this command description. EPSMIN [0.0] When plotting cracks, open cracks with normal mechanical strain less than EPSMIN are not plotted. The strain is measured in the direction of the open crack. If closed cracks and crushed points are requested to be plotted, they are plotted regardless of the value of EPSMIN.

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Chap. 5 Display control


COORDCALC [GRAPHICAL] Controls how the coordinates of the element vector locations are calculated: GRAPHICAL

Coordinates are calculated so as to lie on the graphical representation of the meshplot. This can cause the vectors to be nonsymmetric even if the meshplot is symmetric..


Coordinates are calculated so as to lie on the theoretical representation of the meshplot. This can cause the vectors to lie “underneath” the graphical representation of the meshplot; in this case, the vectors are hidden by the meshplot.

PRINCIPAL [ALL] For vectors calculated from principal values of tensors (e.g. stress, strain), this parameter controls which vectors to plot. For example, when PRINCIPAL=MAXIMUM, only vectors from maximum principal values are plotted. {ALL/MAXIMUM/INTERMEDIATE/MINIMUM} FILTER [ALL] Controls whether to plot all, only positive, only negative or no quantities. For example, when FILTER=POSITIVE, only positive quantities are plotted. FILTER is useful only for tensor quantities. FILTER is ignored for crack/crush quantities. {ALL/POSITIVE/NEGATIVE/NONE

Notes: The plotted element vector length (in cm) = |SCALEFACTOR × (result value)| For example, suppose that, at a point in the element, the principal stress magnitude = 1234, the MULTIPLIER used in EVECTORPLOT is 3.4, SCALEOPTION = CUSTOM and the SCALEFACTOR is 1E-4. Then the plotted element vector length at that element point is 1E-4 × 3.4 × 1234 = 0.42 cm.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Element line plotting – Introduction

Sec. 5.6 Element line plotting

Element line plotting - Introduction You draw element lines onto an existing mesh plot using the ELINEPLOT command. The resulting plot is called an element line plot. You can also modify an existing element line plot using this command. Element lines depict the intensity and direction of a quantity within line elements. Currently the only elements supported are ADINA truss and beam elements. For example, you can draw shear force and bending moment diagrams in an element line plot. The quantities that you can plot using element lines are AXIAL_FORCE SHEAR_FORCE-S SHEAR_FORCE-T TORSIONAL_MOMENT BENDING_MOMENT-S BENDING_MOMENT-T AXIAL_STRAIN TWIST CURVATURE-S CURVATURE-T PLASTIC_AXIAL_STRAIN PLASTIC_TWIST PLASTIC_CURVATURE-S PLASTIC_CURVATURE-T ACCUM_PLASTIC_AXIAL_STRAIN ACCUM_PLASTIC_TWIST ACCUM_PLASTIC_CURVATURE-S ACCUM_PLASTIC_CURVATURE-T YIELD_AXIAL_FORCE YIELD_TORSIONAL_MOMENT YIELD_BENDING_MOMENT-S YIELD_BENDING_MOMENT-T BOLT_FORCE BOLT_SHORTENING BOLT_SHEARFORCE-S BOLT_SHEARFORCE-T BOLT_TORSION BOLT_MOMENT-S BOLT_MOMENT-T WARPING BIMOMENT

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Chap. 5 Display control

Element line plotting – Introduction

The quantities depend upon the element group / material model. An element line plot is considered to be attached to a mesh plot, which must have been defined before you create the element line plot. See Section 5.2 for information regarding mesh plots. Every element line plot has a name, which you specify when you create the element line plot. You refer to the element line plot by name when modifying or deleting it. The appearance of the element line plot is governed by the element line plot depictions. The element line plot depictions are groups of settings, each of which controls one part of the element line plot appearance. Each depiction has a name, which is used in the ELINEPLOT command to refer to the depiction. The depictions used by the ELINEPLOT command are: RESPONSE: Specifies the solution time, mode shape, etc., for the line plot. See the response commands in Section 6.3. ZONE: Specifies the elements onto which element lines are plotted. See the zone commands in Section 6.2. RESULTCONTROL: Specifies how the quantity is calculated. See the RESULTCONTROL command in Section 6.6. ELINERENDERING: Specifies how the element lines are drawn. See the ELINERENDERING command in this section. ELINEANNOTATION: Specifies which optional information is drawn along with the element line plot. See the ELINEANNOTATION command in this section. You can group depiction names into a style using the ELINESTYLE command. Then you can specify the element line style name in the ELINEPLOT command. It is not necessary to use ELINESTYLE in order to use ELINEPLOT. The element line style simply provides a way to group element line plot depictions together so that you can switch from one set of depictions to another set by specifying a element line style name. When you create an element line plot, the depictions that you specify are copied and given the same name as the element line plot. You can modify an existing element line plot by using the REGENERATE command or by substituting depiction names using the ELINEPLOT command. The techniques are analogous to those used in the BANDPLOT command, see the introduction to Section 5.4 for examples.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Element line plotting – Introduction

Sec. 5.6 Element line plotting

You can delete an element line plot using the DELETE ELINEPLOT command, by picking the mesh plot with the mouse and then using the PICKED DELETE command, or by clearing the graphics window using the FRAME command. When you delete an element line plot, all of the depictions with the name of the element line plot are deleted as well. Auxiliary commands The ELINEPLOT and ELINESTYLE commands have auxiliary commands analogous to those of BANDPLOT and BANDSTYLE, see the introduction to Section 5.4. Each of the depiction commands has auxiliary commands, see the discussion in Section 5.2 regarding the mesh plot depiction auxiliary commands.

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Chap. 5 Display control




Creates an element line plot according to the attributes of the specified depictions. NAME [ELINEPLOTnnnnn] The name of the element line plot. If no name is given, one is automatically generated in the form ELINEPLOTnnnnn, when nnnnn is a number between 00001 and 99999. ELINESTYLE [DEFAULT] The name of the element line style used to provide defaults for the remaining parameters of this command. An element line style is defined by the ELINESTYLE command (in this section). QUANTITY The name of the quantity to be plotted. Depending upon the analysis, you can choose from the following list: AXIAL_FORCE SHEAR_FORCE-S SHEAR_FORCE-T TORSIONAL_MOMENT BENDING_MOMENT-S BENDING_MOMENT-T AXIAL_STRAIN TWIST CURVATURE-S CURVATURE-T PLASTIC_AXIAL_STRAIN PLASTIC_TWIST PLASTIC_CURVATURE-S PLASTIC_CURVATURE-T ACCUM_PLASTIC_AXIAL_STRAIN ACCUM_PLASTIC_TWIST ACCUM_PLASTIC_CURVATURE-S ACCUM_PLASTIC_CURVATURE-T YIELD_AXIAL_FORCE YIELD_TORSIONAL_MOMENT YIELD_BENDING_MOMENT-S YIELD_BENDING_MOMENT-T BOLT_FORCE BOLT_SHORTENING BOLT_SHEARFORCE-S BOLT_SHEARFORCE-T


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.6 Element line plotting

BOLT_TORSION BOLT_MOMENT-S BOLT_MOMENT-T WARPING BIMOMENT You only need to enter the characters indicated in bold. MULTIPLIER The quantity can be multiplied by MULTIPLIER before plotting.


MESHNAME [PREVIOUS] The name of the mesh plot upon which the element line vectors are drawn. See Section 5.2 for information about mesh plots. You can also enter the special name PREVIOUS to plot onto the last created mesh plot. ZONENAME [WHOLE_MODEL] The name of the zone that specifies onto which elements the lines will be drawn. See the zone commands in Section 6.2. RESPONSE [DEFAULT] The name of the response that gives the solution time, mode shape, etc. used when drawing the element line plot. See the response commands in Section 6.3. Note, this parameter is not used when adaptive meshes are used, instead the response is taken from the underlying response of the meshplot. RESULTCONTROL [DEFAULT] The name of the result control depiction. This depiction controls how the results are calculated. A result control depiction is specified by the RESULTCONTROL command (see Section 6.6). ELINERENDERING [DEFAULT] The name of the element line rendering depiction. You specify the lengths, scaling and other drawing attributes of the element lines using this depiction. An element line rendering depiction is specified by the ELINERENDERING command in this section. ELINEANNOTATION [DEFAULT] The name of the element line annotation depiction. You specify the attributes of the legend plotted along with the element lines using this depiction. An element line annotation depiction is specified by the ELINEANNOTATION command in this section.

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Chap. 5 Display control


Notes for ZONENAME When the underlying mesh plot plots elements, then ELINEPLOT draws element lines in those elements that are selected by both the ELINEPLOT ZONENAME and the MESHPLOT ZONENAME. When the underlying mesh plot plots element edges, then ELINEPLOT draws element lines in the plotted element edges, and the ELINEPLOT ZONENAME is not used.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 5.6 Element line plotting


ELINESTYLE groups depictions used when drawing element lines using the ELINEPLOT command. NAME [DEFAULT] The name of the element line style. If there is a previously defined element line style with this name, data entered in this command overwrites information for that element line style. If there is no previously defined element line style with this name, a new element line style is created. QUANTITY The name of the quantity to be plotted. See the ELINEPLOT command for a list of quantities. MULTIPLIER The quantity can be multiplied by MULTIPLIER before plotting. MESHNAME This parameter is currently unused.



ZONENAME [WHOLE_MODEL] The name of the zone that specifies onto which elements the lines will be drawn. See the zone commands in Section 6.2. RESPONSE [DEFAULT] The name of the response that gives the solution time, mode shape, etc. used to draw the element lines. See the response commands in Section 6.3. RESULTCONTROL [DEFAULT] The name of the result control depiction. This depiction controls how the results are calculated. A result control depiction is specified by the RESULTCONTROL command (see Section 6.6). ELINERENDERING [DEFAULT] The name of the element line rendering depiction. You specify the lengths, scaling and other drawing attributes of the element lines using this depiction. An element line rendering depiction is specified by the ELINERENDERING command in this section.

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Chap. 5 Display control


ELINEANNOTATION [DEFAULT] The name of the element line annotation depiction. You specify the attributes of the legend plotted along with the element lines using this depiction. An element line annotation depiction is specified by the ELINEANNOTATION command in this section.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 5.6 Element line plotting


Defines drawing attributes used when drawing element lines with the ELINEPLOT command. NAME [DEFAULT] The name of the ELINERENDERING depiction. If there is a previously defined ELINERENDERING depiction with this name, data entered in this command modifies the depiction, otherwise data entered in this command defines a new depiction. MAXLENGTH [1.0] UNITMAXLENGTH [CM] The length of the longest plotted element line and its unit. {CM / INCHES / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} MINLENGTH UNITMINLENGTH Element lines shorter than MINLENGTH are not plotted.

[0.01] [CM]

SCALEOPTION [AUTOMATIC] SCALEFACTOR [1.0] When SCALEOPTION = AUTOMATIC, the program scales the element lines so that the longest element line has length MAXLENGTH. In this case, SCALEFACTOR is not used. When SCALEOPTION = CUSTOM, you enter the scaling factor SCALEFACTOR used to determine the line length from the result value. See the notes at the end of this command description. COLOR The color of the plotted element lines.


AXIALDIRECTION [S] Element line quantities that represent axial results are plotted in the element plane specified by this parameter. { S / T }. Note: when plotting results in truss elements, parameter AXIALDIRECTION is not used, instead parameter TRUSSPLANE is used. AXIALCONVENTION [TENSION] If AXIALCONVENTION = TENSION, positive axial quantities represent tensile quantities; if AXIALCONVENTION = COMPRESSION, positive axial quantities represent compressive quantities.

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Chap. 5 Display control


SHEARCONVENTION [DOWNWARDS] If SHEARCONVENTION = DOWNWARDS, positive shear quantities act downwards on the positive face of the element; if SHEARCONVENTION = UPWARDS, positive shear quantities act upwards on the positive face of the element. MOMENTCONVENTION [COUNTERCLOCKWISE] If MOMENTCONVENTION = CLOCKWISE, positive moment quantities act in a clockwise direction on the positive face of the element; if MOMENTCONVENTION = COUNTERCLOCKWISE, positive moment quantities act in a counterclockwise direction on the positive face of the element. TRUSSPLANE [XP] This parameter determines the plane in which positive axial quantities are plotted in truss elements. If TRUSSPLANE=XP, the AUI plots positive axial quantities in a plane parallel to the y-z plane, if TRUSSPLANE=YP, the AUI plots positive axial quantities in a plane parallel to the x-z plane, if TRUSSPLANE=ZP, the AUI plots positive axial quantities in a plane parallel to the x-y plane. You can reverse the direction of positive axial quantities by using XN instead of XP, YN instead of YP, ZN instead of ZP. If the truss axis is parallel to the axis specified by TRUSSPLANE, the AUI chooses another value for TRUSSPLANE. COLORNEGATIVE [GREEN] This parameter specifies the color of element lines used to draw negative axial quantities. Notes: The plotted element line length (in cm) = |SCALEFACTOR × (result value)| For example, suppose that, at a point in the element, the bending moment = 1234, the MULTIPLIER used in ELINEPLOT is 3.4, SCALEOPTION = CUSTOM and the SCALEFACTOR is 1E-4. Then the plotted element line length at that element point is 1E-4 × 3.4 × 1234 = 0.42 cm.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 5.6 Element line plotting


Defines the attributes of the optional legend plotted by ELINEPLOT. NAME [DEFAULT] The name of the ELINEANNOTATION depiction. If there is a previously defined ELINEANNOTATION depiction with this name, data entered in this command modifies the depiction, otherwise data entered in this command defines a new depiction. LEGEND Determines whether the legend will be plotted. { YES / NO }.


COLOR [INVERSE] The color of the legend. Note that the element lines drawn in the legend are always the color of the plotted element lines. CHARSIZE [0.25] UNITCHARSIZE [CM] The size of the characters in the legend, before scaling, and its unit. {CM / INCHES / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} PLACEMENT [AUTOMATIC] XSTART [0.0] UNITXSTART [CM] YSTART [0.0] UNITYSTART [CM] If PLACEMENT is AUTOMATIC, then the placement of the legend is done automatically by the program. If PLACEMENT is CUSTOM, then the legend placement is specified by XSTART, UNITXSTART, YSTART, UNITYSTART. XSTART and YSTART specify the subframe coordinates of the legend. Their units are given by UNITXSTART and UNITYSTART respectively. {CM / INCHES / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} SCALE A scale factor applied to the entire legend.

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Chap. 5 Display control

Reaction plotting – Introduction

Reaction plotting – Introduction You draw reactions and contact forces onto an existing mesh plot using the REACTIONPLOT command. The resulting plot is called a reaction plot. You can also modify an existing reaction using this command. The reactions you can draw are REACTION translational reactions (forces) MOMENT_REACTION rotational reactions (moments) CONSISTENT_CONTACT_FORCE the contact forces presented as nodal point forces, acting upon nodes of contactor and target contact surfaces DISTRIBUTED_CONTACT_TRACTION the contact tractions, acting upon contactor contact surfaces SOLITARY_CONTACT_FORCES contact forces that act on nodal points of contactor contact surfaces but do not act on the contact segments, only for “old” contact surfaces RESTRAINING_FORCE restraining forces on drawbeads, presented as nodal point forces UPLIFTING_FORCE uplifting forces on drawbeads, presented as nodal point forces RESTRAINING_TRACTION restraining forces on drawbeads, presented as distributed tractions UPLIFTING_TRACTION uplifting forces on drawbeads, presented as distributed tractions When you request plotting of distributed contact tractions, any solitary contact forces are no longer automatically plotted (they were automatically plotted in previous versions of the AUI). See the Theory and Modeling Guide, Section 4.4, for more information about consistent, distributed and solitary contact forces.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Reaction plotting – Introduction

Sec. 5.7 Reaction plotting

If you have loaded the results from more than one finite element program into the database, the reaction plot can display the reactions from all of the loaded finite element program results. A reaction plot is considered to be attached to a mesh plot, which must have been defined before you create the reaction plot. See Section 5.2 for information regarding mesh plots. Every reaction plot has a name, which you specify when you create the reaction plot. You refer to the reaction plot by name when modifying or deleting it. The appearance of the reaction plot is governed by the reaction plot depictions. The reaction plot depictions are groups of settings, each of which controls one part of the reaction plot appearance. Each depiction has a name, which is used in the REACTIONPLOT command to refer to the depiction. The depictions used by the REACTIONPLOT command are: RESPONSE: specifies the solution time, mode-shape, etc. for the reaction plot. See the response commands in Section 6.3. ZONE: specifies the nodes and elements onto which reactions are plotted. See the zone commands in Section 6.2. RESULTCONTROL: specifies how the reactions are calculated. See the RESULTCONTROL command in Section 6.6. You can group depiction names into a style using the REACTIONSTYLE command. Then you can specify the reaction style name in the REACTIONPLOT command. It is not necessary to use REACTIONSTYLE in order to use REACTIONPLOT. The reaction style simply provides a way to group reaction plot depictions together so that you can switch from one set of depictions to another set by specifying a reaction style name. When you create a reaction plot, the depictions that you specify are copied and given the same name as the reaction plot. You can modify an existing reaction plot either by using the REGENERATE command or by substituting depiction names using the REACTIONPLOT command. The techniques are analogous to those used in the BANDPLOT command, see the introduction to Section 5.4 for examples. You can delete a reaction plot using the DELETE REACTIONPLOT command by picking the mesh plot with the mouse and then using the PICKED DELETE command or by clearing the graphics window using the FRAME command.

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Chap. 5 Display control

Reaction plotting – Introduction

When you delete a reaction plot, all of the depictions associated with the name of the reaction plot are automatically deleted as well. Auxiliary commands The REACTIONPLOT and REACTIONSTYLE commands have auxiliary commands analogous to those of BANDPLOT and BANDSTYLE, see the introduction to Section 5.4. Each of the depiction commands has auxiliary commands, see the discussion in Section 5.2 regarding the mesh plot depiction auxiliary commands.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.7 Reaction plotting

REACTIONPLOT NAME REACTSTYLE QUANTITY MESHNAME ZONENAME RESPONSE REACTTABLE REACTVECTORTYPE REACTCOORDINATESYSTEM REACTRENDERING REACTANNOTATION RESULTCONTROL MULTIPLIER REACTIONPLOT allows you to draw reactions and contact forces/tractions as vectors onto a mesh plot. NAME [REACTIONPLOTnnnnn] The name of the reaction plot. If you do not enter a name, the program will automatically generate a name of the form REACTIONPLOTnnnnn where nnnnn is a number between 00001 and 99999. REACTSTYLE [DEFAULT] The name of the reaction style used to provide defaults for the remaining parameters of this command. A reaction style is defined by the REACTIONSTYLE command (in this section). QUANTITY You can draw reaction vectors of several types of result. Depending on the finite element analysis, you can choose from the following list: REACTION MOMENT_REACTION CONSISTENT_CONTACT_FORCE DISTRIBUTED_CONTACT_TRACTION SOLITARY_CONTACT_FORCE RESTRAINING_FORCE UPLIFTING_FORCE RESTRAINING_TRACTION UPLIFTING_TRACTION You only need to enter the characters indicated in bold. Note that if you choose DISTRIBUTED_CONTACT_TRACTION, the program will not plot any solitary contact forces. MESHNAME [PREVIOUS] The name of the mesh plot upon which the reaction vectors are drawn. A mesh plot is defined by the MESHPLOT command (see Section 5.2). You can also enter the special name PREVIOUS to plot onto the last created mesh plot. ZONENAME [WHOLE_MODEL] The name of the zone that specifies onto which nodes and contact surfaces vectors will be plotted. See the zone commands in Section 6.2. Note, the zone is not used when plotting an element face-set or element edge-set.

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Chap. 5 Display control


RESPONSE [DEFAULT] The name of the response that gives the solution time, mode shape, etc. used to draw the reactions. See the response commands in Section 6.3. Note, this parameter is not used when adaptive meshes are used, instead the response is taken from the underlying response of the meshplot. REACTTABLE The name of the reaction table depiction. You specify the colors of the reactions with this depiction. Currently there is no corresponding depiction command. REACTVECTORTYPE The name of the reaction vector type depiction. You specify the way in which reactions are drawn (for example, the vector head and tail) with this depiction. Currently there is no corresponding depiction command. REACTCOORDINATESYSTEM The name of the reaction coordinate system depiction. You specify the coordinate system in which the reactions are displayed, and also the components of the reactions that are plotted with this depiction. Currently there is no corresponding depiction command. REACTRENDERING The name of the reaction rendering depiction. You specify the lengths and scaling of the reactions with this depiction. Currently there is no corresponding depiction command. REACTANNOTATION The name of the reaction annotation depiction. You specify attributes of the legends used to plot the reaction information with this depiction. Currently there is no corresponding depiction command. RESULTCONTROL [DEFAULT] The name of the result control depiction. The REACTIONPLOT command uses the MODEFACTOR parameter in the result control depiction to determine the scaling of modal reactions. A result control depiction is specified by the RESULTCONTROL command (see Section 6.6). MULTIPLIER The quantity can be multiplied by MULTIPLIER before plotting.


Notes for ZONENAME When the underlying mesh plot plots elements, then REACTIONPLOT draws reactions in those elements that are selected by both the REACTIONPLOT ZONENAME and the MESHPLOT ZONENAME.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.7 Reaction plotting

When the underlying mesh plot plots element faces or element edges, then REACTIONPLOT draws reactions in the plotted element faces or element edges, and the REACTIONPLOT ZONENAME is not used.

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Chap. 5 Display control




REACTIONSTYLE groups depictions used when drawing reactions using the REACTIONPLOT command. NAME [DEFAULT] The name of the reaction style. If there is a previously defined reaction style with this name, data entered in this command modifies that reaction style. If there is no previously defined reaction style with this name, a new reaction style is created by this command. QUANTITY The vector quantity to be plotted. See the REACTIONPLOT command for a list of quantities that can be plotted. MESHNAME This parameter is currently unused.


ZONENAME [WHOLE_MODEL] The name of the zone that specifies the elements and contact surfaces of the model onto which the reaction plot command will plot. See the zone commands in Section 6.2. RESPONSE [DEFAULT] The name of the response that gives the solution time, mode shape, etc. used when drawing the reaction plot. See the response commands in Section 6.3. RESULTCONTROL [DEFAULT] The name of the result control depiction that controls how the results are calculated. A result control depiction is defined using the RESULTCONTROL command (see Section 6.6). REACTTABLE The name of the reaction table used to associate colors with values of the quantity. Currently there is no corresponding depiction command. REACTVECTORTYPE The name of the reaction vector type, used to specify the way in which reaction vectors are drawn. Currently there is no corresponding depiction command. REACTRENDERING The name of the reaction rendering depiction, used to specify the lengths and scaling of the reaction vectors. Currently there is no corresponding depiction command.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.7 Reaction plotting

REACTANNOTATION The name of the reaction annotation depiction, used to specify the additional text that appears with the reaction plot. Currently there is no corresponding depiction command. MULTIPLIER The quantity can be multiplied by MULTIPLIER before plotting.

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Chap. 5 Display control

Trace plotting – Introduction

Trace plotting – Introduction You draw particle traces onto an existing mesh plot using the TRACEPLOT command. The resulting plot is called a trace plot. You can also modify an existing trace plot using this command. A trace plot is considered to be attached to a mesh plot, which must have been defined before you create the trace plot. See Section 5.2 for information regarding mesh plots. Every trace plot has a name, which you specify when you create the trace plot. You refer to the trace plot by name when modifying or deleting it. Fundamental concepts Particle traces are used in fluid flow analysis to visualize the motions of massless particles that are placed into the flow field. There are many options available, which are summarized in the following. Quasi-steady flow Quasi-steady flow particle tracing is always used when the flow field is steady. Quasi-steady flow particle tracing can also be used when the flow is unsteady (transient). In both cases, the flow field is taken from the flow solution at a single solution time (actually, from the response of the mesh plot to which the particle traces are attached). Since the particle motion is dynamic, the particle location is determined by the time. However, since the solution time is fixed in quasi-steady flow, we use the term "particle time" instead of the term "time" when discussing the determination of particle traces. As a specific example, consider quasi-steady flow particle tracing based on a mesh plot in which the response is set to time 18.0. Time 18.0 may or may not actually correspond to a solution time in ADINA-F for which velocities were calculated. If time 18.0 corresponds to a solution time in ADINA-F for which velocities were calculated, then the flow field used in particle tracing is the flow field at time 18.0. If time 18.0 is not a solution time in ADINA-F for which velocities were calculated, then the flow field used in particle tracing is interpolated from the two closest solution times for which velocities were calculated (for example, solution times 17.0 and 19.0). Now consider one particle injector. At particle time t p = 0.0 , the particle is emitted from the injector and is at the location of the particle injector x . The particle has velocity v , where v is the velocity of the flow field at the injector (calculated at time 18.0). During the first step of numerical integration, the particle moves roughly an amount v ∆ t p where ∆ t p


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Trace plotting – Introduction

Sec. 5.8 Trace plotting

is the particle time step size, so that we know the particle location at particle time ∆ t p . To begin the next step of numerical integration, the flow field velocity at location x + v ∆ t p is determined (again, at time 18.0). This numerical integration can be repeated, so that the particle location at all positive particle times can be determined. (Note, although in the example, we use the Euler forward method of time integration for clarity of explanation, we actually use a Runge-Kutta method in the TRACEPLOT command.) This integration is “downstream”, since the particle moves with the flow. The integration can also be performed “upstream”, in which the particle moves against the flow. In the first step of upstream numerical integration, the particle moves roughly − v ∆ t p , o that we have the particle location at particle time −∆ t p . Again, the numerical integration can be repeated, so that the particle location at all negative particle times can be determined. So, to summarize, for positive particle times, the particle moves downstream; for negative particle times, the particle moves upstream. The TRACEPLOT command displays the completed particle traces corresponding to the particle time given by TRACECALCULATION PTIME. By default PTIME=0.0; therefore by default TRACEPLOT shows no particle traces. To actually calculate particle traces, you must change the particle time, which you can do in several ways: 1) Change the value of TRACECALCULATION PTIME, or 2) Use the TRACESTEP command to perform one step of particle tracing, or 3) Use the MOVIESHOOT TRACEPLOT command to create a movie showing particle traces. In quasi-steady flow particle tracing, it is useful to define a particle time step size (not necessarily the particle time step size used in numerical integration). You can define this time step size using TRACECALCULATION PSTEP, or, if PSTEP=0.0, TRACEPLOT calculates the particle time step size such that the particle moves roughly one element in the first particle time step. The particle time step size PSTEP is not used by the TRACEPLOT command itself, but is used in the TRACESTEP command. Unsteady flow Unsteady flow particle tracing can be used when the flow analysis is transient (unsteady). In unsteady flow particle tracing, the flow field is taken from the actual solution time, and the particle time concept used in quasi-steady flow particle tracing is not used.

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Chap. 5 Display control

Trace plotting – Introduction

When you define a trace plot for the first time, the trace plot records the solution time of the underlying mesh plot. This solution time is used as the reference time t ref . It is assumed that all particles are at their injectors at time t ref . So, in unsteady flow particle tracing, the TRACEPLOT command by itself does no particle tracing. Particle tracing is done when the solution time of the underlying mesh plot is altered. Then the displayed trace corresponds to the solution time of the altered mesh plot. As a specific example, consider unsteady flow particle tracing in which the solution time of the mesh plot is equal to 18.0 when TRACEPLOT is run. Now consider one particle injector. At analysis time t = t ref = 18.0 , the particle is emitted from the injector and is at the location of the particle injector x . No particle trace is computed. Now suppose that the solution time of the underlying mesh plot is changed to 19.0. Then TRACEPLOT computes particle traces as follows. At time 18.0, the particle has velocity v , where v is the velocity of the flow field at the injector (calculated at time 18.0). During the first step of numerical integration, the particle moves roughly an amount v∆ tu where ∆ tu is the time step size used in unsteady particle tracing, so that we know the particle location at time 18.0 + ∆ tu . (Note that ∆ tu is not the same as the time step size used by ADINA-F in the actual flow solution.) To begin the next step of numerical integration, the flow field velocity at location x + v ∆ tu is determined (now, at time 18.0 + ∆ tu ). This numerical integration is then repeated until the solution time is greater than 19.0. The displayed particle traces correspond to solution time 19.0. (We do not consider upstream particle tracing in unsteady flow particle tracing. It is assumed that all particles are not present for solution times less than t ref .) There are several ways to change the solution time of the underlying mesh plot: 1) Change the response of the mesh plot, then regenerate: RESPONSE LOAD-STEP MESHPLOT00001 TIME=... REGENERATE or 2) Create a movie of type load-step: MOVIESHOOT LOAD-STEP TEND=...


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Trace plotting – Introduction

Sec. 5.8 Trace plotting

The TRACESTEP and MOVIESHOOT TRACEPLOT commands do not apply to unsteady flow particle tracing. Notice that it is not possible to change t ref for a trace plot after the trace plot is created. Therefore you must set the solution time for the mesh plot to the desired t ref before creating the trace plot. For example FRAME RESPONSE LOAD-STEP TIME=0.0 MESHPLOT TRACEPLOT ( t ref = 0.0) RESPONSE LOAD-STEP MESHPLOT00001 TIME=LATEST REGENERATE (the traceplot now displays the particle traces for the entire range of solution times) Injectors and rakes Particles are injected into the flow field by injectors, which are fixed in space. A collection of injectors is called a rake. There are four ways to define rakes, each with its own TRACERAKE command: TRACERAKE COORDINATES

Defines a rake in which each injector is at the specified coordinate.


Defines a rake in which each injector is at the specified node.


Defines a rake in which each injector is at a node attached to the given geometry.


Defines a rake as a collection of grids; each grid contains an array of injectors.

An injector can either inject a single particle, or many particles, as discussed in detail below. Each injector is assigned a different color, with the first injector given the color TRACETYPE ... COLORFIRST and the last injector given the color TRACETYPE ... COLORLAST. The color of all particles emitted by an injector is the color of the injector. By default, the rake has no injectors. Therefore you must explicitly define a rake before using TRACEPLOT. For example

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Chap. 5 Display control

Trace plotting – Introduction

FRAME MESHPLOT TRACERAKE COORDINATES 1.0 2.0 3.0 DATAEND TRACEPLOT Particle / ribbon tracing If the trace plot is created using TRACETYPE PARTICLE, then the trace plot will consist of traced particles of the given colors and size. (This is the default.) If the trace plot is created using TRACETYPE RIBBON, then the trace plot will consist of traced ribbons of the given colors and size. The initial orientation of the ribbon is either userspecified, or the program computes it. The ribbon orientation is updated during the numerical integration in such a way that the ribbon rotates with the flow field. Single particle calculation option If TRACECALCULATION OPTION=SINGLE, then each injector emits one particle or ribbon at particle time 0.0 or time t ref . The trace consists of a plot of the particle or ribbon at particle time PTIME or the solution time of the underlying meshplot. Multiple particle calculation option If TRACECALCULATION OPTION=MULTIPLE, then each injector emits one particle or ribbon at particle times ..., -2×EMITINTERVAL, -EMITINTERVAL, 0.0, EMITINTERVAL, 2×EMITINTERVAL, ...; or at solution times t ref ,

t ref +EMITINTERVAL, t ref +2×EMITINTERVAL, ... . (EMITINTERVAL is a parameter of the TRACECALCULATION command.) The trace consists of a plot of all of the particles or ribbons at particle time PTIME or the solution time of the underlying meshplot. The particles or ribbons successively injected from an injector are not connected to each other. This is the default for unsteady flow. Pathline calculation option If TRACECALCULATION OPTION=PATHLINE, then each injector emits one particle or ribbon at particle time 0.0 or time t ref . The trace consists of a plot of all of the connected positions of the particle or ribbon from particle times PTIMESTART to PTIME, or from solution times t ref to the solution time of the underlying meshplot.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Trace plotting – Introduction

Sec. 5.8 Trace plotting

Pathline calculations are most useful in quasi-steady flow (and is the default in quasi-steady flow). Streakline calculation option If TRACECALCULATION OPTION=STREAKLINE, then each injector emits one particle or ribbon at particle times ..., -2×EMITINTERVAL, -EMITINTERVAL, 0.0, EMITINTERVAL, 2×EMITINTERVAL, ...; or at solution times t ref ,

t ref +EMITINTERVAL, t ref +2×EMITINTERVAL, ... . The trace consists of a plot of all of the connected positions of all of the particles or ribbons at particle time PTIME or the solution time of the underlying meshplot. Streakline calculations are most useful in unsteady flow. Note that, in theory, in quasi-steady flow, pathlines and streaklines are identical. Depending upon the flow conditions in unsteady flow, two particles successively emitted from the same injector may separate during the numerical integration (for example, one particle might remain in a recirculating region and the other particle might remain in the primary flow). Then connecting the two particles will lead to a confusing plot. In this case, you can use the TRACERENDERING STREAKDISTANCE parameter to specify the maximum distance between successive particles that are connected. 3-D particle traces In order to visualize 3-D particle traces, you should create a transparent mesh plot. For example, you can use dashed hidden lines (MESHRENDERING HIDDEN=DASHED), you can remove the front-facing triangles (MESHRENDERING FRONTTRI=NO), or you can plot an element face-set. Residence time distribution graphs Once you have created a trace plot, you can obtain residence time distribution graphs using the TRACESHOW command (described in Section 5.10). Depictions The appearance of the trace plot is governed by the trace plot depictions. The trace plot depictions are groups of settings, each of which controls one part of the trace plot appearance. Each depiction has a name, which is used in the TRACEPLOT command to refer to the depiction.

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Chap. 5 Display control

Trace plotting – Introduction

The depictions used by the TRACEPLOT command are: ZONE: specifies the elements in which particle traces are computed. See the zone commands in Section 6.2. TRACETYPE: specifies the type of particle trace (particle or ribbon) and their colors and sizes. There are two TRACETYPE commands, TRACETYPE PARTICLE and TRACETYPE RIBBON; see the TRACETYPE commands in this section. TRACERAKE: specifies the locations of the particle injectors. There are four TRACERAKE commands, TRACERAKE COORDINATES, TRACERAKE NODES, TRACERAKE GNODES and TRACERAKE GRIDS; see the TRACERAKE commands in this section. TRACECALCULATION: specifies the type of particle tracing (quasi-steady or unsteady), the particle emission option (single, multiple, pathline or streakline), and other parameters used in the trace calculations. See the TRACECALCULATION command in this section. TRACERENDERING: specifies how the traces are drawn. See the TRACERENDERING command in this section. TRACEANNOTATION: specifies optional text drawn along with the trace plot. See the TRACEANNOTATION command in this section. You can group depiction names into a style using the TRACESTYLE command. Then you can specify the trace style name in the TRACEPLOT command. It is not necessary to use TRACESTYLE in order to use TRACEPLOT. The trace style simply provides a way to group trace plot depictions together so that you can switch from one set of depictions to another set by specifying a trace style name. When you create a trace plot, the depictions that you specify are copied and given the same name as the trace plot. Modification and deletion of trace plots You can modify an existing trace plot either by using the REGENERATE command or by substituting depiction names using the TRACEPLOT command. The techniques are analogous to those used in the BANDPLOT command, see the introduction to Section 5.4 for examples. You can also modify an existing trace plot using the TRACESTEP command (quasi-steady flows only). You can delete a trace plot using the DELETE TRACEPLOT command by picking the mesh plot with the mouse and then using the PICKED DELETE command or by clearing the


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Trace plotting – Introduction

Sec. 5.8 Trace plotting

graphics window using the FRAME command. When you delete a trace plot, all of the depictions associated with the name of the trace plot are automatically deleted as well. Auxiliary commands The TRACEPLOT and TRACESTYLE commands have auxiliary commands analogous to those of BANDPLOT and BANDSTYLE, see the introduction to Section 5.4. Each of the depiction commands has auxiliary commands, see the discussion in Section 5.2 regarding the mesh plot depiction auxiliary commands.

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Chap. 5 Display control




TRACEPLOT allows you to draw particle traces onto a mesh plot. See the introduction to this section for a summary of features. NAME [TRACEPLOTnnnnn] The name of the trace plot. If you do not enter a name, the program will automatically generate a name of the form TRACEPLOTnnnnn where nnnnn is a number between 00001 and 99999. TRACESTYLE [DEFAULT] The name of the trace style used to provide defaults for the remaining parameters of this command. A trace style is defined by the TRACESTYLE command (in this section). MESHNAME [PREVIOUS] The name of the mesh plot upon which the particle traces are drawn. A mesh plot is defined by the MESHPLOT command (see Section 5.2). You can also enter the special name PREVIOUS to plot onto the last created mesh plot. ZONENAME [WHOLE_MODEL] The name of the zone that specifies onto which elements particle traces are drawn. See the zone commands in Section 6.2. TRACETYPE [DEFAULT] The name of the tracetype depiction that specifies whether particles or ribbons are traced, and the color and sizes of the particles or ribbons. A tracetype depiction is defined by a TRACETYPE command (in this section). TRACERAKE [DEFAULT] The name of the tracerake depiction that specifies the locations of the particle injectors. A tracerake depiction is defined by a TRACERAKE command (in this section). TRACECALCULATION [DEFAULT] The name of the tracecalculation depiction that specifies the particle tracing flow assumption, the particle tracing option, and other parameters used in particle tracing. A tracecalculation depiction is defined by the TRACECALCULATION command (in this section). VARIABLE Unused in this version of the AUI.


[‘ ’]

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Sec. 5.8 Trace plotting

RESULTCONTROL [DEFAULT] Unused in this version of the AUI. A result control depiction is specified by the RESULTCONTROL command (see Section 6.6). SMOOTHING [DEFAULT] Unused in this version of the AUI. A smoothing technique is defined by the SMOOTHING command (see Section 6.6). TRACETABLE Unused in this version of the AUI.


TRACERENDERING [DEFAULT] The name of the trace rendering depiction that specifies how the trace plot is drawn. A rendering depiction is specified by the TRACERENDERING command (in this section). TRACEANNOTATION [DEFAULT] The name of the trace annotation depiction that specifies what additional text appears along with the trace plot. A trace annotation depiction is specified by the TRACEANNOTATION command (in this section).

Notes for ZONENAME When the underlying mesh plot plots elements, then TRACEPLOT draws particle traces in those elements that are selected by both the TRACEPLOT ZONENAME and the MESHPLOT ZONENAME. When the underlying mesh plot plots element faces or element edges, then TRACEPLOT draws particle traces in the elements selected by TRACEPLOT ZONENAME.

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Chap. 5 Display control


TRACESTYLE NAME ZONENAME TRACETYPE TRACERAKE TRACECALCULATION VARIABLE RESULTCONTROL SMOOTHING TRACETABLE TRACERENDERING TRACEANNOTATION TRACESTYLE groups depictions used when drawing particle traces using the TRACEPLOT command. NAME [DEFAULT] The name of the trace style. If there is a previously defined trace style with this name, data entered in this command modifies that trace style. If there is no previously defined trace style with this name, a new trace style is created by this command. ZONENAME [WHOLE_MODEL] The name of the zone that specifies the elements of the model onto which the TRACEPLOT command will plot. See the zone commands in Section 6.2. TRACETYPE [DEFAULT] The name of the tracetype depiction that specifies whether particles or ribbons are traced, and the color and sizes of the particles or ribbons. A tracetype depiction is defined by a TRACETYPE command (in this section). TRACERAKE [DEFAULT] The name of the tracerake depiction that specifies the locations of the particle injectors. A tracerake depiction is defined by a TRACERAKE command (in this section). TRACECALCULATION [DEFAULT] The name of the tracecalculation depiction that specifies the particle tracing flow assumption, the particle tracing option, and other parameters used in particle tracing. A tracecalculation depiction is defined by the TRACECALCULATION command (in this section). VARIABLE Unused in this version of the AUI.

[‘ ’]

RESULTCONTROL [DEFAULT] Unused in this version of the AUI. A result control depiction is specified by the RESULTCONTROL command (see Section 6.6). SMOOTHING [DEFAULT] Unused in this version of the AUI. A smoothing technique is defined by the SMOOTHING command (see Section 6.6). TRACETABLE Unused in this version of the AUI.



AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.8 Trace plotting

TRACERENDERING [DEFAULT] The name of the trace rendering depiction that specifies how the trace plot is drawn. A rendering depiction is specified by the TRACERENDERING command (in this section). TRACEANNOTATION [DEFAULT] The name of the trace annotation depiction that specifies what additional text appears along with the trace plot. A trace annotation depiction is specified by the TRACEANNOTATION command (in this section).

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Chap. 5 Display control




TRACETYPE PARTICLE defines a tracetype depiction of type particle. This name can be used in the TRACEPLOT command to specify the trace type. NAME [DEFAULT] The name to be associated with the tracetype. If there is a previously defined trace type of type particle with this name, data entered in this command alters the previously defined trace type. Otherwise, a new trace type of type particle is created by this command. COLORFIRST [RED] COLORLAST [BLUE] The color of the first and last injectors in the rake. Colors of other injectors are constructed by interpolation. COLORFIRST and COLORLAST can be the same. WIDTH [1.0] UNITWIDTH [PIXELS] The width of the particle trace when plotting pathlines or streaklines (see TRACECALCULATION OPTION), and its unit. {CM / INCHES / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} SIZE [3.0] UNITSIZE [PIXELS] The size of the plotted particles when plotting single or multiple particles (see TRACECALCULATION OPTION), and its unit. {CM / INCHES / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS}


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 5.8 Trace plotting


TRACETYPE RIBBON defines a tracetype depiction of type ribbon. This name can be used in the TRACEPLOT command to specify the trace type. NAME [DEFAULT] The name to be associated with the tracetype. If there is a previously defined trace type of type ribbon with this name, data entered in this command alters the previously defined trace type. Otherwise, a new trace type of type ribbon is created by this command. COLORFIRST [RED] COLORLAST [BLUE] The color of the first and last injectors in the rake. Colors of other injectors are constructed by interpolation. COLORFIRST and COLORLAST can be the same. AX [0.0] AY [0.0] AZ [0.0] The initial orientation of the ribbon. The program will automatically normalize the initial orientation to unit length if necessary. The program will calculate the initial orientation if it is of zero length. WIDTH [6.0] UNITWIDTH [PIXELS] The width of the ribbon and its unit. {CM / INCHES / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS}

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Chap. 5 Display control


TRACERAKE COORDINATES NAME xi yi zi TRACERAKE COORDINATES defines a tracerake depiction of type coordinates. This name can be used in the TRACEPLOT command to specify the trace rake. NAME [DEFAULT] The name to be associated with the tracerake. If there is a previously defined trace rake of type coordinates with this name, data entered in this command alters the previously defined trace rake. Otherwise, a new trace rake of type coordinates is created by this command. [0.0] xi [0.0] yi [0.0] zi The coordinates of the injector. The coordinates need not coincide with a node in the model.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.8 Trace plotting

TRACERAKE NODES NAME nodei TRACERAKE NODES defines a tracerake depiction of type nodes. This name can be used in the TRACEPLOT command to specify the trace rake. NAME [DEFAULT] The name to be associated with the tracerake. If there is a previously defined trace rake of type nodes with this name, data entered in this command alters the previously defined trace rake. Otherwise, a new trace rake of type nodes is created by this command. nodei The node number at which the injector is located. (The node is taken from the ADINA-F model if more than one finite element model is loaded into the database.)

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Chap. 5 Display control


TRACERAKE GNODES NAME selectioni TRACERAKE GNODES defines a tracerake depiction of type gnodes (geometry nodes). This name can be used in the TRACEPLOT command to specify the trace rake. NAME [DEFAULT] The name to be associated with the tracerake. If there is a previously defined trace rake of type gnodes with this name, data entered in this command alters the previously defined trace rake. Otherwise, a new trace rake of type gnodes is created by this command. selectioni A selection string used to select geometry. When using the command-line interface, you must enclose the selection in quotes so that the AUI does not interpret the selection as a command. When using the dialog box, you do not need to enclose the selection in quotes. The AUI chooses those nodes that belong to at least one of the geometry selections, and places injectors at each of the nodes. Each selection is a string of the form object1 OF object2 OF ... where each object consists of a name and a number. Possible object names are: GEOMETRY GEOMETRY GEOMETRY GEOMETRY GEOMETRY GEOMETRY GEOMETRY NODES


The characters needed to uniquely specify the object name are indicated in bold. See the GNCOMBINATION command (in Section 6.7) for a very similar selection process. TRACERAKE GNODES uses the same conventions (regarding upper and lower case, for example) that GNCOMBINATION uses. Note that TRACERAKE GNODES allows you to use the NODES object name, but GNCOMBINATION does not.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.8 Trace plotting

TRACERAKE GRIDS NAME xi yi zi planei e1xi e1yi e1zi e2xi e2yi e2zi , shapei side1lengthi nside1i side2lengthi nside2i TRACERAKE GRIDS defines a tracerake depiction of type grids. This name can be used in the TRACEPLOT command to specify the trace rake. NAME [DEFAULT] The name to be associated with the tracerake. If there is a previously defined trace rake of type grids with this name, data entered in this command alters the previously defined trace rake. Otherwise, a new trace rake of type grids is created by this command. xi yi zi The coordinates of the center of the grid.

[0.0] [0.0] [0.0]

planei [XPLANE] The plane in which the grid lies {XPLANE / YPLANE / ZPLANE / CUSTOM} e1xi [0.0] [1.0] e1yi [0.0] e1zi [0.0] e2xi [0.0] e2yi [1.0] e2zi The director vectors of the grid plane, used if planei = CUSTOM. The director vectors are normalized to unit length if necessary. The director vectors need not be orthogonal. If the director vectors are not orthogonal, then the grid is skewed. shapei The shape of the grid. {RECTANGULAR / ELLIPTICAL}


[0.0] side1lengthi [1] nside1i For a rectangular grid, the length of side 1 of the grid, and the number of injectors along side 1. For an elliptical grid, the radius of the grid in the side 1 direction, and the number of injectors in the radial direction.

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Chap. 5 Display control


side2lengthi [0.0] [1] nside2i For a rectangular grid, the length of side 2 of the grid, and the number of injectors along side 2. For an elliptical grid, the radius of the grid in the side 2 direction, and the number of injectors in the tangential direction. Notes 1) The side 1 and side 2 directions are as in the following table: Plane

Side 1 X

Side 1 Y

Side 1 Z

Side 2 X

Side 2 Y

Side 2 Z





























2) In 2-D problems, grids can also be used. In 2D, side 1 lies in the y-z plane, so SIDE1LENGTH and NSIDE1 are used, but SIDE2LENGTH and NSIDE2 are not used. Here are some examples: Grid parallel to the Y axis: TRACERAKE GRIDS ENTRIES X Y Z PLANE SIDE1LENGTH NSIDE1 0.0 1.0 2.0 ZPLANE 2.0 2 Grid parallel to the Z axis: TRACERAKE GRIDS ENTRIES X Y Z PLANE SIDE1LENGTH NSIDE1 0.0 1.0 2.0 YPLANE 2.0 2 Inclined grid: TRACERAKE GRIDS ENTRIES X Y Z PLANE E1X SIDE1LENGTH NSIDE1 0.0 1.0 2.0 CUSTOM 0.0 2.0 2




E2X E2Y E2Z,

0.866 0.500 1.0 0.0 0.0,

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Sec. 5.8 Trace plotting


Chap. 5 Display control




TRACECALCULATION defines a tracecalculation depiction. This name can be used in the TRACEPLOT command to specify the trace calculation parameters. NAME [DEFAULT] The name to be associated with the trace calculation depiction. If there is a previously defined trace calculation depiction with this name, data entered in this command alters the previously defined trace calculation depiction. Otherwise, a new trace calculation depiction is created by this command. FLOWTYPE

[QUASI-STEADY if flow analysis is STEADY-STATE] [UNSTEADY if flow analysis is TRANSIENT] Specifies whether the particle tracing is performed using quasi-steady or unsteady flow assumptions. {QUASI-STEADY / UNSTEADY} Quasi-steady flow assumptions can always be used; unsteady flow assumptions can be used if the flow analysis is transient. OPTION

[PATHLINE if flow analysis is STEADY-STATE] [MULTIPLE if flow analysis is TRANSIENT] Specifies the particle tracing option, as follows: SINGLE

Traces a single particle or ribbon and plots the particle or ribbon at particle time PTIME or at the solution time of the underlying mesh plot.


Traces multiple particles or ribbons and plots the particles or ribbons at particle time PTIME or at the solution time of the underlying mesh plot. The particles or ribbons are emitted at an time interval EMITINTERVAL. The particles or ribbons successively emitted from the same injector are not connected.


Traces a single particle or ribbon and plots the path of the particle or ribbon from particle time PTIMESTART to particle time PTIME, or from the reference time to the solution time of the underlying mesh plot.


Same as MULTIPLE, but particles or ribbons successively emitted from the same injector are connected.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.8 Trace plotting

EMITINTERVAL [0.0] Specifies the time interval between successive emissions of a particle, used when OPTION=MULTIPLE or STREAKLINE. If EMITINTERVAL=0.0, then the program automatically calculates it as 2*PSTEP (quasi-steady flow) or as the average solution time step size (unsteady flow). PTIMESTART [0.0] The start particle time used for pathline calculations, only used when FLOWTYPE=QUASISTEADY and OPTION=PATHLINE. PTIMESTART can be less than or greater than 0.0. PTIME [0.0] The current particle time, used when FLOWTYPE=QUASI-STEADY. PTIME can be less than or greater than 0.0. LIFETIME Not used in this version of the AUI.


DINCREMENT [0.5] The distance that a particle moves in one time step of particle tracing numerical integration (which is different than one solution time step). The unit of DINCREMENT is element length, so 0.5 means that the particle moves roughly 1/2 element length in one time step of particle tracing numerical integration. Decreasing DINCREMENT increases the accuracy of the particle tracing; increasing DINCREMENT decreases the accuracy of the particle tracing. PSTEP [0.0] The current particle time step size used by TRACESTEP, used when FLOWTYPE=QUASISTEADY. If PSTEP = 0.0, the program automatically calculates it as the minimum of the ratio (element size at injector / velocity at injector) over all the injectors in the rake. The intent of the above formula is that the particle should move roughly one element each time the TRACESTEP command is run. VMIN [0.0] Particle tracing is stopped if the particle velocity is less than VMIN. The intent of this parameter is to prevent the program from tracing particles in regions of the mesh where the velocities are very small. This is because it is thought that very small velocities might contain round-off and other errors that prevent accurate velocity tracing.

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Chap. 5 Display control


VEL2D3 [LINEAR] VEL2D4 [LINEAR] VEL2DQ [LINEAR] VEL3D4 [LINEAR] VEL3D8 [LINEAR] VEL3DQ [LINEAR] Using these parameters, you can control the velocity interpolations used within different types of ADINA-F elements: VEL2D3 controls 2-D 3-node elements, VEL2D4 controls 2-D 4node elements, VEL2DQ controls 2-D quadratic elements (6-node triangles, 8 and 9-node quadrilaterals), VEL3D4 controls 3-D 4-node elements, VEL3D8 controls 3-D 8-node elements, VEL3DQ controls 3-D quadratic elements (10-node tetrahedrals, 27-node hexahedrals). {LINEAR / CONSTANT}. Note that the program uses linear velocity interpolations (from the corner nodes) for quadratic elements.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.8 Trace plotting

TRACERENDERING NAME INJECTORS EXTREMES STREAKDISTANCE TRACERENDERING defines a tracerendering depiction. This name can be used in the TRACEPLOT command to specify the trace rendering parameters. NAME [DEFAULT] The name to be associated with the trace rendering depiction. If there is a previously defined trace rendering depiction with this name, data entered in this command alters the previously defined trace rendering depiction. Otherwise, a new trace rendering depiction is created by this command. INJECTORS Specifies whether or not to plot symbols at the injector locations. {YES / NO}


EXTREMES Not used in this version of the AUI. STREAKDISTANCE [0.0] STREAKDISTANCE is used only in streakline plotting (TRACECALCULATION OPTION=STREAKLINE). If STREAKDISTANCE=0.0, then all successive particles or ribbons emitted at the same injector are connected. If STREAKDISTANCE>0.0, then two successive particles or ribbons emitted at the same injector are connected only if they are closer together than STREAKDISTANCE. STREAKDISTANCE is measured in the coordinate system of the model.

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Chap. 5 Display control




TRACEANNOTATION defines which optional text to plot along with the TRACEPLOT command. It also defines the attributes of the optional text. NAME [DEFAULT] The name of the trace annotation depiction. If there is a previously defined trace annotation depiction with this name, data entered in this command modifies that trace annotation depiction. If there is no previously defined trace annotation depiction with this name, a new trace annotation depiction is created by this command. TABLE Determines whether or not the trace table is plotted. {YES / NO} TCOLOR The color of text in the trace table. TCHARSIZE UNITTCHARSIZE The size of the characters in the trace table, before scaling, and its unit. TLENGTH UNITTLENGTH TWIDTH UNITTWIDTH TPLACEMENT TXSTART UNITTXSTART TYSTART UNITTYSTART TSCALE EXTREMES EMINSYMBOL EMINCOLOR EMINSIZE




[.25] [CM]

[0.0] [CM] [0.0] [CM] [AUTOMATIC] [0.0] [CM] [0.0] [CM] [1.0] [YES] [@C[1,11]] [INVERSE] [0.25]

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Sec. 5.8 Trace plotting

[CM] [@C[1,2]] [INVERSE] [0.25] [CM] [0.25] [CM] [AUTOMATIC] [0.0] [CM] [0.0] [CM] [1.0]


Chap. 5 Display control




The TRACESTEP command is used to integrate particle traces in quasi-steady flow particle tracing. Using TRACESTEP is easier than using TRACECALCULATION to modify a trace plot. Typically you do not have to change the defaults. NAME [PREVIOUS] The name of the trace plot. The trace plot must be defined and must be of type quasi-steady. You can enter the special name PREVIOUS to select the last trace plot that is of type quasisteady. DIRECTION The direction of time integration. {DOWNSTREAM / UPSTREAM} PSTEP The change in the particle time PTIME.




AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

J-integral line contour plotting – Introduction

Sec. 5.9 J-integral line contour plotting

J-integral line contour plotting – Introduction You draw J-integral line contours onto an existing mesh plot using the LCPLOT command. The resulting plot is called a line contour plot. You can also modify an existing line contour plot using this command. Each line contour plot is automatically assigned a name by the AUI. The names are of the form LINE_CONTOUR-*, where * is the line contour number, for example LINE_CONTOUR-1. A line contour plot is considered to be attached to a mesh plot, which must have been defined before you create the line contour plot. See Section 5.2 for information regarding mesh plots. Every line contour plot has a name, which you specify when you create the line contour plot. You refer to the line contour plot by name when modifying or deleting it. The appearance of the line contour plot is governed by the line contour plot depictions. The line contour plot depictions are groups of settings, each of which controls one part of the line contour plot appearance. Each depiction has a name, which is used in the LCPLOT command to refer to the depiction. The depictions used by the LCPLOT command are: ZONE: specifies the elements onto which line contours are plotted. See the zone commands in Section 6.2. You can group depiction names into a style using the LCSTYLE command. Then you can specify the line contour style name in the LCPLOT command. It is not necessary to use LCSTYLE in order to use LCPLOT. The line contour style simply provides a way to group line contour plot depictions together so that you can switch from one set of depictions to another set by specifying a line contour style name. When you create a line contour plot, the depictions that you specify are copied and given the same name as the line contour plot. You can modify an existing line contour plot either by using the REGENERATE command or by substituting depiction names using the LCPLOT command. The techniques are analogous to those used in the BANDPLOT command, see the introduction to Section 5.4 for examples. You can delete a line contour plot using the DELETE LCPLOT command by picking the mesh plot with the mouse and then using the PICKED DELETE command or by clearing the graphics window using the FRAME command.

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J-integral line contour plotting – Introduction

When you delete a line contour plot, all of the depictions associated with the name of the line contour plot are automatically deleted as well. Auxiliary commands The LCPLOT and LCSTYLE commands have auxiliary commands analogous to those of BANDPLOT and BANDSTYLE, see the introduction to Section 5.4. Each of the depiction commands has auxiliary commands, see the discussion in Section 5.2 regarding the mesh plot depiction auxiliary commands.


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Sec. 5.9 J-integral line contour plotting


LCPLOT plots a line contour onto a mesh plot, corresponding to the line contour used in fracture mechanics analysis to evaluate J-integrals. The line contour is plotted according to the attributes specified by the specified depictions. More than one line contour can be plotted onto a mesh plot by issuing this command several times. NAME [LCPLOTnnnnn] The name of the line contour plot. If no name is given, one is automatically generated in the form LCPLOTnnnnn, when nnnnn is a number between 00001 and 99999. LCSTYLE [DEFAULT] The name of the line contour style used to provide defaults for the remaining parameters of this command. A line contour style is defined by the LCSTYLE command (in this section). CONTOUR The line contour to plot. Each line contour is automatically assigned a name by the AUI. The names are of the form LINE_CONTOUR-*, where * is the line contour number, for example, LINE_CONTOUR-1. This parameter must be entered. MESHNAME [PREVIOUS] The name of the mesh plot upon which the line contour is drawn. See Section 5.2 for information about mesh plots. You can also enter the special name PREVIOUS to plot onto the last created mesh plot. ZONENAME [WHOLE_MODEL] The name of the zone that specifies onto which elements line contours are plotted. A zone is defined by a zone command (see Section 6.2). LCRENDERING The name of the line contour rendering depiction. You specify the appearance of the line contour with this depiction. Currently, this parameter cannot be altered. LCANNOTATION The name of the line contour annotation depiction. You specify attributes of the legend that is plotted along with the line contour. Currently, this parameter cannot be altered.

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LCSTYLE groups depictions used when drawing line contours using the LCPLOT command. NAME [DEFAULT] The name of the line contour style. If there is a previously defined line contour style with this name, data entered in this command modifies that line contour style. If there is no previously defined line contour style with this name, a new line contour style is created by this command. CONTOUR The line contour to plot. Each line contour is automatically assigned a name by the AUI. The names are of the form LINE_CONTOUR-*, where * is the line contour number, for example, LINE_CONTOUR-1. MESHNAME This parameter is currently unused.


ZONENAME [WHOLE_MODEL] The name of the zone that specifies the elements of the model onto which the line contour command will plot. See the zone commands in Section 6.2. LCRENDERING The name of the line contour rendering depiction, used to specify the appearance of the line contour. Currently, there is no corresponding depiction command. LCANNOTATION The name of the line contour connotation depiction, used to specify the additional text that appears with the line contour plot. Currently there is no corresponding depiction command.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Graph plotting – Introduction

Sec. 5.10 Graph plotting

Graph plotting – Introduction You can create graph plots, which represent x-y data in graphical form. A graph plot can have a title, graph box, x and y axes and an arbitrary number of curves. In this section we discuss the creation and modification of graph plots. First we discuss the SHOW commands, which create graph plots, then we discuss the graph plots themselves. SHOW commands There are several commands that create x-y curves: MATERIALSHOW STRAIN: creates stress-strain curves from a material description MATERIALSHOW TIME: creates stress-time curves from a material description USERSHOW: creates a curve from user-supplied x-y data RESPONSESHOW: creates a curve giving the response of two variables as functions of load step (time) or mode shape. LINESHOW: creates a curve giving the responses of two variables along a specified line. SPECTRUMSHOW: creates curves corresponding to a response spectrum. SSPECTRUMSHOW: creates curves corresponding to a sweep spectrum. HARMONICSHOW: creates a curve of the response of a variable as a function of loading frequency. RSPECTRUMSHOW: creates a curve corresponding to a random spectrum. RANDOMSHOW: creates a curve of the power-spectral-density of the response of the variable. FSSHOW: creates a curve giving the response of an SDOF system as a function of natural frequency when the structural loading is given by response spectra. FTSHOW: creates a curve giving the response of an SDOF system as a function of natural frequency when the time history of the structure is known. FOURIERSHOW: creates a curve based on a Fourier analysis of the time history of a variable.

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Chap. 5 Display control

Graph plotting – Introduction

These commands all end with the word SHOW, so they are referred to as the SHOW commands. These commands are discussed in this section. Graph plots A graph plot is a collection of curves, x and y axes and a graph box, as shown:

The curves are produced by the SHOW commands, see above. Each graph plot has a name, which you specify when you create the graph plot. You refer to the graph plot by name when modifying or deleting it. You add curves to a graph plot using one of the SHOW commands given above. You can modify the appearance of the graph plot using the GRAPHPLOT command. The appearance of the graph plot is governed by the graph plot depictions. The graph plot depictions are groups of settings, each of which controls one part of the graph plot appearance. Each depiction has a name, which is used in the graph plot command to refer to the depiction.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Graph plotting – Introduction

Sec. 5.10 Graph plotting

The depictions used by graph plots are: SUBFRAME: the subframe in which the graph plot is drawn. See the SUBFRAME command in Section 5.1. GRAPHDEPICTION: attributes of the graph box and graph title. Each graph plot uses one graph depiction. See the GRAPHDEPICTION command in this section. AXIS: attributes of a graph plot axis. Each graph plot uses two axis depictions, one for the X axis and the other for the Y axis. See the AXIS command in this section. CURVEDEPICTION: attributes of a graph plot curve. Each graph plot uses a separate curve depiction for each curve. See the CURVEDEPICTION command in this section. You can group depiction names into a style using the GRAPHSTYLE command. Then you can specify the graph style in the SHOW command. Creating graph plots Each of the SHOW commands has two functions. The first function is to create curves and the second function is to present the curves, either as curves in a graph plot and/or as listings. For information about the curves created by the SHOW commands, see the SHOW command descriptions in this section. The parameters common to all SHOW commands are GRAPH, GRAPHNAME, GRAPHSTYLE, CURVEDEPICTION, XAXIS, YAXIS, GRAPHDEPICTION, SUBFRAME and LIST. GRAPH through SUBFRAME are used when creating or modifying a graph plot, LIST is used to specify whether or not to generate curve listings. The SHOW commands create or add curves to graphs if GRAPH = YES. If you do not enter a GRAPHNAME, the SHOW command generates a new graph name of the form GRAPHPLOTnnnnn, where nnnnn is a number between 00001 and 99999. In this case, or if you enter a GRAPHNAME which does not exist, the SHOW command creates a new graph plot. If you enter a GRAPHNAME which exists, the SHOW command adds its curves to that graph plot. The curves created by the SHOW command are plotted according to the curve depiction specified by CURVEDEPICTION. The axes used are specified using the XAXIS and YAXIS parameters, each of which accepts an axis depiction name. The graph title and graph box are specified using the GRAPHDEPICTION parameter, which accepts a graph depiction name, and the subframe is specified using the SUBFRAME parameter. The default for the CURVEDEPICTION parameter is determined as follows: If a graphstyle name is entered, the default is taken from the graphstyle; otherwise the default is that listed in

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Chap. 5 Display control

Graph plotting – Introduction

the SHOW command description. The defaults for XAXIS, YAXIS, GRAPHDEPICTION and SUBFRAME are determined as follows: if the graph name is defined, the default is taken from the graph name; otherwise, if a graph style name is entered, the default is taken from the graphstyle; otherwise the default is that listed in the SHOW command description. In all cases, the depiction names are copied and given names that are based on the name of the graph plot. The subframe and graph depiction names are the same as the name of the graph plot. The axis names are the graph plot name with the extension _Xnnnnn (for an X axis) and _Ynnnnn (for a Y axis), where nnnnn is the axis number. The curve depiction names are the graph plot name with the extensions _Cnnnnn, where nnnnn is the curve number. Modifying graph plots You can modify an existing graph plot in several ways: 1) Alter the depictions of the graph plot using the depiction commands, then regenerate the graph plot using the REGENERATE commands. For example: USERSHOW TEST GRAPHNAME=G1 Creates a graph plot G1. AXIS G1_X00001 MINVALUE=0.0 Changes the minimum value of the X axis of the graph plot. REGENERATE Regenerates the graph plot. 2) Use the GRAPHPLOT command to substitute depictions. For example: USERSHOW TEST GRAPHNAME=G1 Creates a graph plot G1. GRAPHPLOT G1 AXIS 1 AUTO_LOG Substitutes axis depiction AUTO_LOG for the X axis of graph plot G1, then regenerates the graph plot. You can delete a graph plot using the DELETE GRAPHPLOT command, by picking the graph plot with the mouse and then using the PICKED DELETE command or by clearing the graphics window using the FRAME command. When you delete a graph plot, all of the depictions associated with the name of the graph plot are automatically deleted as well. Therefore, if you want to create several graph plots with


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Graph plotting – Introduction

Sec. 5.10 Graph plotting

the same attributes, you may want to create a graph style with those attributes, then use the graph style when creating the graph plots. For example: GRAPHSTYLE GS1 XAXIS=AUTO_LOG YAXIS=AUTO_LOG Creates a graph style in which the X and Y axes are logarithmic. USERSHOW TEST1 GRAPHSTYLE=GS1 Creates a graph using this graph style. FRAME Clears the graphics window. USERSHOW TEST2 GRAPHSTYLE=GS1 Creates another graph using this graph style. Auxiliary commands The GRAPHPLOT command has the following auxiliary commands: LIST GRAPHPLOT Lists all graph plots. LIST GRAPHPLOT NAME Lists the depictions for the specified graph plot. DELETE GRAPHPLOT NAME Deletes the specified graph plot. The GRAPHSTYLE command has the following auxiliary commands: LIST GRAPHSTYLE Lists all graph styles. LIST GRAPHSTYLE NAME Lists the depictions for the specified graph style. DELETE GRAPHSTYLE NAME Deletes the specified graph style. COPY GRAPHSTYLE NAME1 NAME2 Copies the graph style specified by NAME1 to NAME2.

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Chap. 5 Display control

Graph plotting – Introduction

Each of the depiction commands has the following auxiliary commands: LIST (depiction) Lists all names for the specified depiction type. LIST (depiction) NAME Lists the attributes for the specified depiction name. DELETE (depiction) NAME Deletes the attributes for the specified depiction name. COPY (depiction) NAME1 NAME2 Copies the depiction specified by NAME1 to NAME2.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.10 Graph plotting

MATERIALSHOW STRAIN NAME CURVETYPE STRAINTYPE STRAINF1 STRAINF2 STRESSTYPE STRESSF1 STRESSF2 STRAINRANGE MINSTRAIN MAXSTRAIN NPTS GRAPH GRAPHNAME GRAPHSTYLE CURVEDEPICTION XAXIS YAXIS GRAPHDEPICTION SUBFRAME LIST MATERIALSHOW STRAIN produces stress-strain curves based on the material name supplied to this command. These curves can be graphed or listed. NAME The label number of the material. CURVETYPE [material-dependent] Five types of stress-strain curves can be generated. UNIAXIAL Uniaxial (simple tension or simple compression) curves. BIAXIAL

Equibiaxial curves, used for rubber material models


Shear curves, used for rubber material models

STRIP-BIAXIAL Strip biaxial curves, used for rubber material models STABILITY STRAINTYPE STRETCH

Stability curves, used for rubber material models [material-dependent] Stretch.

ENGINEERING Engineering strain TRUE

True (logarithmic) strain.

STRAINF1 [1.0] STRAINF2 [0.0] The strain actually output (plotted or listed) is obtained from the material description strain in the following way: output strain = (STRAINF1) × (strain from material description) + (STRAINF2) in which the strain from the material description is computed with the strain type parameter. STRESSTYPE [material-dependent] ENGINEERING Engineering stress (force per unit original area). TRUE True stress (force per unit deformed area).

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STRESSF1 [1.0] STRESSF2 [0.0] The stress actually output (plotted or listed) is obtained from the material description stress in the following way: output stress = (STRESSF1) × (stress from material description) + (STRESSF2) in which the stress from the material description is computed corresponding to the stress type parameter. STRAINRANGE [AUTOMATIC] MINSTRAIN MAXSTRAIN If STRAINRANGE is AUTOMATIC, then the minimum and maximum strain to be included in the stress-strain curve are determined automatically from the material description. The parameters MINSTRAIN and MAXSTRAIN are not used in this case. If STRAINRANGE is CUSTOM, you enter the minimum (MINSTRAIN) and maximum (MAXSTRAIN) strains to be included in the stress-strain curve. These numbers are interpreted corresponding to the way in which strains are output. For example, if strain type = TRUE, these numbers are interpreted as true strains. The strain factors are also taken into account. For example, if STRAINF1 = 3.0, these numbers are divided by 3.0 to obtain material minimum and maximum strains. Note: MAXSTRAIN > MINSTRAIN. NPTS [material-dependent] Some material descriptions are specified by piecewise linear stress-strain segments. For these, this parameter is used to display additional points for each segment. In this case you can also specify that no additional points be computed by setting this parameter to 0. Other material descriptions are defined as mathematical expressions. For these, NPTS determines the number of points to compute. In this case you must set this parameter to at least 1. GRAPH [YES] Creates or updates a graph with the stress-strain curves computed by this command. {YES / NO}. Currently GRAPH=NO is not implemented. GRAPHNAME [GRAPHPLOTnnnnn] The name of the graph plot. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. If you do not enter a graphplot name, the program will automatically generate a name of the form GRAPHPLOTnnnnn where nnnnn is a number between 00001 and 99999. You can also enter the special name PREVIOUS to add graphs to the last created graph plot.


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Sec. 5.10 Graph plotting

GRAPHSTYLE The name of the graph style, used to provide defaults for the depictions used by the graph plot. See the introduction to this section for more information. CURVEDEPICTION [DEFAULT] The names of the curve depiction used to describe the material curves produced by this command. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. You can specify the curve legend, symbols in the curve, etc with this depiction. The only curves that you can control using the curve depiction name are the material curves themselves. Auxiliary curves plotted by this command, for example experimental data points, are not controlled by the curve depiction name. XAXIS [DEFAULT_X] YAXIS [DEFAULT_Y] The names of the axis depictions used to describe the X and Y axes of the graph plot. These parameters are used only if GRAPH = YES. You can specify the axes attributes, for example the values contained in the axes, with these depictions. GRAPHDEPICTION [DEFAULT] The name of the graph depiction. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. You can specify the graph attributes, for example the graph title and graph size, with this depiction. SUBFRAME [DEFAULT] The name of the subframe into which the graph is plotted. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. LIST [NO] Specifies whether or not a listing is created with the stress-strain data. {YES / NO}

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MATERIALSHOW TIME produces curves of material response vs time based on the material name supplied to this command. These curves can be graphed or listed. NAME The label number of the material. TIMEFAC1 [1.0] TIMEFAC2 [0.0] The time actually output (plotted or listed) is determined from the actual time in the following way: output time = (TIMEFAC1) × (actual time) + (TIMEFAC2) TIMERANGE [AUTOMATIC] MINTIME MAXTIME If TIMERANGE is AUTOMATIC, then the minimum and maximum times to be included in the material response curve are determined automatically from the material description. The parameters MINTIME and MAXTIME are not used in this case. If TIMERANGE is CUSTOM, you enter the minimum (MINTIME) and maximum (MAXTIME) times to be included in the material response curve. These numbers are interpreted corresponding to the way in which times are output, taking the time factors into account. For example, if TIMEFAC1 = 3.0, these numbers are divided by 3.0 to obtain the actual minimum and maximum times. Note: (MAXTIME > MINTIME). NPTS [material-dependent] Some material descriptions are specified by piecewise linear response-time segments. For these, this parameter is used to display additional points for each segment. In this case you can also specify that no additional points be computed by setting this parameter to 0. Other material descriptions are defined as mathematical expressions. For these, NPTS determines the number of points to compute. In this case you must set this parameter to at least 1.


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Sec. 5.10 Graph plotting

STRESS [0.0] TEMPERATURE [0.0] TEMPUNIT [CELSIUS] The material response may be a function of the stress and/or temperature as well as the time. Use these parameters to enter the values of stress and temperature. {CELSIUS / FAHRENHEIT / KELVIN / RANKINE} ORDINATE [CREEP_STRAIN] This is the quantity to be plotted as a function of time. {CREEP_STRAIN} ORDFAC1 [1.0] ORDFAC2 [0.0] The ordinate value actually output (plotted or listed) is obtained from the material description ordinate in the following way: output ordinate = (ORDFAC1) × (ordinate from material description) + (ORDFAC2) GRAPH [YES] Specifies whether or not a graph will be created or updated with the material response vs time curves computed by this command. {YES / NO} Currently GRAPH=NO is not implemented. GRAPHNAME [GRAPHPLOTnnnnn] The name of the graph plot. This parameter is used only if GRAPH is YES. If you do not enter a graphplot name, the program will automatically generate a name of the form GRAPHPLOTnnnnn where nnnnn is a number between 00001 and 99999. You can also enter the special name PREVIOUS to add graphs to the last created graph plot. GRAPHSTYLE The name of the graph style, used to provide the defaults for the depictions used by the graph plot. See the introduction to this section for more information. CURVEDEPICTION [DEFAULT] The name of the curve depiction used to describe the curves produced by this command. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. You can specify the curve legend, symbols in the curve, etc., with this depiction. Only the curves that actually show the material response are controlled by the curve depiction specified here. Other curves, such as experimental data points, are not controlled by this curve depiction. XAXIS [DEFAULT_X] YAXIS [DEFAULT_Y] The names of the axis depictions used to describe the X and Y axes of the graph plot. These parameters are used only if GRAPH = YES. You can specify the axes attributes, for example

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Chap. 5 Display control


the values contained in the axes, with these depictions. GRAPHDEPICTION [DEFAULT] The name of the graph depiction. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. You can specify the graph attributes, for example the graph title and graph size, with this depiction. SUBFRAME [DEFAULT] The name of the subframe into which the graph is plotted. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. LIST [NO] Specifies whether or not a listing will be created with the stress-strain data. {YES / NO}


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Sec. 5.10 Graph plotting

USERDATA NAME XLABEL YLABEL xi yi USERDATA reads a set of user-supplied XY data (a userdata) and stores the data in the database. The userdata can be plotted by USERSHOW (in this section). NAME The identifying name of the userdata (1 to 30 alphanumeric characters). If there is a previously defined userdata with the same name, the data entered in this command modifies that userdata, otherwise a new userdata is created. XLABEL, YLABEL [' '] Labels that specify the types of data represented by the x and y values of the data points. Each label can be up to 80 alphanumeric characters long. The labels are used only for user input and output and hence can be arbitrary or blank. xi yi An xy point in the userdata. Notice that a userdata point cannot be deleted. If there is a previously defined userdata with this name, the point xi, yi is appended to that userdata.

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USERSHOW graphs or lists a curve that you entered using the USERDATA command. USERDATA The name of the userdata. A userdata is defined by the USERDATA command (in this section). PSTART PEND You can specify a range of points in the selected userdata to be plotted. Start point is the number of the first point in the userdata and end point is the number of the last point in the userdata. The default is to use all of the points in the userdata. GRAPH [YES] Specifies whether or not a graph is created or updated with the stress-strain curves. {YES / NO} Currently GRAPH=NO is not implemented. GRAPHNAME [GRAPHPLOTnnnnn] The name of the graph plot. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. If you do not enter a graphplot name, the program will automatically generate a name of the form GRAPHPLOTnnnnn where nnnnn is a number between 00001 and 99999. You can also enter the special name PREVIOUS to add graphs to the last created graph plot. GRAPHSTYLE The name of the graph style, used to provide the defaults for the depictions used by the graph plot. See the introduction to this section for more information. CURVEDEPICTION [DEFAULT] The names of the curve depiction used to describe the curve produced by this command. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. You can specify the curve legend, symbols in the curve, etc. with this depiction. XAXIS [DEFAULT_X] YAXIS [DEFAULT_Y] The names of the axis depictions used to describe the X and Y axes of the graph plot. These parameters are used only if GRAPH = YES. You can specify the axes attributes, for example the values contained in the axes, with these depictions. GRAPHDEPICTION [DEFAULT] The name of the graph depiction. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. You can specify the graph attributes, for example the graph title and graph size, with this depiction.


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Sec. 5.10 Graph plotting

SUBFRAME [DEFAULT] The name of the subframe into which the graph is plotted. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. LIST Creates a listing of the userdata. {YES / NO}


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Chap. 5 Display control


RESPONSESHOW XVARIABLE XPOINT YVARIABLE YPOINT RESPRANGE XSMOOTHING YSMOOTHING XRESULTCONTROL YRESULTCONTROL GRAPH GRAPHNAME GRAPHSTYLE CURVEDEPICTION XAXIS YAXIS GRAPHDEPICTION SUBFRAME LIST RESPONSESHOW produces a curve giving the response of two variables as functions of load step or mode shape. This curve can be graphed or listed. The first variable of the curve is referred to as the X variable and the second variable is referred to as the Y variable. Any variable, whether predefined, a resultant, a constant or an alias, can be used as either the X or Y variable. To produce a time history curve, set the X variable to TIME. XVARIABLE [TIME] XPOINT The name of the variable associated with the X axis and the point at which the variable is evaluated. The variable can be a predefined variable, an alias, a constant or a resultant, see Section 6.9. The point must have been defined with a model point definition command (see Section 6.7), unless the X variable is location-independent, in which case the X point is ignored. You must enter an XPOINT name unless the X variable is location-independent. YVARIABLE YPOINT The name of the variable associated with the Y axis and the point at which the variable is evaluated. The variable can be a predefined variable, an alias, a constant or a resultant. The point must have been defined with a model point definition command, unless the Y variable is location-independent, in which case the Y point is ignored. You must enter a YVARIABLE name. You must enter a YPOINT name unless the Y variable is locationindependent. Note: when results from more than one finite element program are stored in the database, the XPOINT and YPOINT must refer to the same finite element program. If both XVARIABLE and YVARIABLE are location independent and both XPOINT and YPOINT are not specified, the current finite element program is used to evaluate the variables (see the FEPROGRAM command in Section 3.4). RESPRANGE [DEFAULT] The name of the response range that specifies for which load steps, mode shapes, etc, the variables are to be evaluated. See the response-range commands in Section 6.4.


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Sec. 5.10 Graph plotting

XSMOOTHING [DEFAULT] YSMOOTHING [DEFAULT] The names of the smoothing definitions used when evaluating the X variable and the Y variable. You can smooth none, either or both of the variables by specifying smoothing definition names. Smoothing definitions are defined by the SMOOTHING command (see Section 6.6). XRESULTCONTROL [DEFAULT] YRESULTCONTROL [DEFAULT] The names of the result control depictions for the X and Y variables. These depictions, along with the XSMOOTHING and YSMOOTHING definitions, control how the results are calculated. A result control depiction is specified by the RESULTCONTROL command (see Section 6.6). GRAPH [YES] Specifies whether or not a graph is created or updated with the curve computed by this command. {YES / NO} Currently GRAPH=NO is not implemented. GRAPHNAME [GRAPHPLOTnnnnn] The name of the graph plot. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. If you do not enter a graphplot name, the program will automatically generate a name of the form GRAPHPLOTnnnnn where nnnnn is a number between 00001 and 99999. You can also enter the special name PREVIOUS to add graphs to the last created graph plot. GRAPHSTYLE The name of the graph style, used to provide the defaults for the depictions used by the graph plot. See the introduction to this section for more information. CURVEDEPICTION [DEFAULT] The name of the curve depiction used to describe the curve produced by this command. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. You can specify the curve legend, symbols in the curve, etc., with this depiction. XAXIS [DEFAULT_X] YAXIS [DEFAULT_Y] The names of the axis depictions used to describe the X and Y axes of the graph plot. These parameters are used only if GRAPH = YES. You can specify the axes attributes, for example the values contained in the axes, with these depictions. GRAPHDEPICTION [DEFAULT] The name of the graph depiction. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. You can specify the graph attributes, for example the graph title and graph size, with this depiction.

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SUBFRAME [DEFAULT] The name of the subframe into which the graph is plotted. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. LIST [NO] Specifies whether this command creates a listing with the response graph data. {YES / NO}


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Sec. 5.10 Graph plotting


LINESHOW produces a curve giving the response of two variables along a specified line for a specified load step, mode shape or other response type. This curve can be graphed or listed. The first variable of the curve is referred to as the X variable and the second variable is referred to as the Y variable. Any variable, whether predefined, a resultant, a constant or an alias, can be used as either the X or Y variable. You can use either of the variables DISTANCE or DISTANCE_POSITION as one of the variables to create a curve showing a variable as a function of distance along the line. LINENAME The name of the line along with the X and Y variable are evaluated. The line name must have been defined by a model line definition command, see Section 6.8. XVARIABLE [DISTANCE] YVARIABLE The name of the variables associated with the X and Y axes. Each variable can be a predefined variable, an alias, a constant or a resultant. See Section 6.9 for information about variables. RESPONSE [DEFAULT] The name of the response that specifies for which load step, mode shape, etc., the variables are to be evaluated. See the response commands in Section 6.3. XSMOOTHING [DEFAULT] YSMOOTHING [DEFAULT] The names of the smoothing definitions used when evaluating the X variable and the Y variable. You can smooth none, either or both of the variables by specifying smoothing definition names. Smoothing definitions are defined by the SMOOTHING command (see Section 6.6). XWEIGHT [YES] YWEIGHT [YES] If X variable weighting is YES, the X variable values are multiplied by the line point multiplying factors, if Y variable weighting is YES, the Y variable values are multiplied by the line point multiplying factors. You can define line point multiplying factors in the model line definition. {YES / NO}

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Chap. 5 Display control


XRESULTCONTROL [DEFAULT] YRESULTCONTROL [DEFAULT] The names of the result control depiction for the X and Y variables. These depictions, along with the XSMOOTHING and YSMOOTHING depictions, control how the results are calculated. Result control depictions are specified by the RESULTCONTROL command (see Section 6.6). GRAPH [YES] Specifies whether or not a graph is created or updated with the curve computed by this command. {YES / NO} Currently GRAPH=NO is not implemented. GRAPHNAME [GRAPHPLOTnnnnn] The name of the graph plot. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. If you do not enter a graphplot name, the program will automatically generate a name of the form GRAPHPLOTnnnnn where nnnnn is a number between 00001 and 99999. You can also enter the special name PREVIOUS to add graphs to the last created graph plot. GRAPHSTYLE The name of the graph style, used to provide the defaults for the depictions used by the graph plot. See the introduction to this section for more information. CURVEDEPICTION [DEFAULT] The name of the curve depiction used to describe the curve produced by this command. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. You can specify the curve legend, symbols in the curve, etc., with this depiction. XAXIS [DEFAULT_X] YAXIS [DEFAULT_Y] The names of the axis depictions used to describe the X and Y axes of the graph plot. These parameters are used only if GRAPH = YES. You can specify the axes attributes, for example the values contained in the axes, with these depictions. GRAPHDEPICTION [DEFAULT] The name of the graph depiction. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. You can specify the graph attributes, for example the graph title and graph size, with this depiction. SUBFRAME [DEFAULT] The name of the subframe into which the graph is plotted. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. LIST Creates a listing for the line curve data. {YES / NO}



AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 5.10 Graph plotting


SPECTRUMSHOW graphs or lists the values of a response spectrum. You define a response spectrum using the SPECTRUM command (see Section 6.5). NAME The name of a response spectrum. The name must correspond to a currently defined response spectrum. XPLOTTYPE [from the response spectrum] Specifies whether to plot or list the response spectrum in terms of frequencies or periods. {FREQUENCY / PERIOD} YPLOTTYPE [from the response spectrum] Specifies whether to plot or list the response spectrum values in terms of displacements, velocities or accelerations. {DISPLACEMENT / VELOCITY / ACCELERATION} FACTOR [1.0/(response spectrum factor)] You can multiply the response spectrum values by FACTOR before plotting or listing them. NFREQUENCIES [0] For the frequency curve in the response spectrum, the values that you input are graphed or listed. In addition, the frequency curve is sampled at NFREQUENCIES equally spaced frequencies and these values are also graphed or listed. This option is most useful when the graph axes types differ from the axes specified with the INPUT-AXES parameter of the SPECTRUM command (recall that the frequency curve points are considered to be connected with straight lines in the coordinate system selected by the INPUT-AXES parameter). GRAPH [YES] Specifies whether or not a graph is created or updated with the curve computed by this command. {YES / NO} Currently GRAPH=NO is not implemented. GRAPHNAME The name of the graph plot. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. If you do not enter a graphplot name, the program will automatically generate a name of the form GRAPHPLOTnnnnn where nnnnn is a number between 00001 and 99999. You can also enter the special name PREVIOUS to add graphs to the last created graph plot.

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Chap. 5 Display control


GRAPHSTYLE The name of the graph style, used to provide defaults for the depictions used by the graph plot. See the introduction to this section for more information. CURVEDEPICTION [LINE] The name of the curve depiction used to determine how the curves produced by this command are graphed. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. You can specify the curve legend, symbols in the curve, etc. with this depiction. XAXIS [AUTO_LINEAR or AUTO_LOG] YAXIS (depending upon the response spectrum) The names of the axis depictions used to determine how the axes produced by this command are graphed. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. You can specify the axis attributes, for example the range of values contained in the axes, with these depictions. The defaults are chosen to agree with the value of the INPUT-AXES parameter of the specified response spectrum. GRAPHDEPICTION [DEFAULT] The name of the graph depiction. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. You can specify the graph attributes, for example the graph title, with this depiction. SUBFRAME [DEFAULT] The name of the subframe into which the graph is plotted. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. LIST Indicates whether to create listings for the response spectrum curves. {YES / NO}



AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.10 Graph plotting

SSPECTRUMSHOW NAME YPLOTTYPE FACTOR NFREQUENCIES GRAPH GRAPHNAME GRAPHSTYLE CURVEDEPICTION XAXIS YAXIS GRAPHDEPICTION SUBFRAME LIST SSPECTRUMSHOW graphs or lists the values of a sweep spectrum. You define a sweep spectrum using the SSPECTRUM command (see Section 6.5). NAME The name of a sweep spectrum. The name must correspond to a currently defined sweep spectrum. YPLOTTYPE [(from the sweep spectrum)] If the sweep spectrum defines ground motion amplitudes, use this parameter to specify whether to plot or list the sweep spectrum values in terms of displacements, velocities or accelerations. If the sweep spectrum defines applied load multipliers, then this parameter must be set to FORCE. {DISPLACEMENT / VELOCITY / ACCELERATION / FORCE} FACTOR [1.0/(sweep spectrum factor)] You can multiply the sweep spectrum values by FACTOR before plotting or listing them. NFREQUENCIES [0] For the frequency curve in the sweep spectrum, the values that you input are graphed or listed. In addition, the frequency curve is sampled at NFREQUENCIES equally spaced frequencies and these values are also graphed or listed. This option is most useful when the graph axes types differ from the axes specified with the INPUT-AXES parameter of the SSPECTRUM command (recall that the frequency curve points are considered to be connected with straight lines in the coordinate system selected by the INPUT-AXES parameter). GRAPH [YES] Specifies whether or not a graph is created or updated with the curve computed by this command. {YES / NO} Currently GRAPH=NO is not implemented. GRAPHNAME The name of the graph plot. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. If you do not enter a graphplot name, the program will automatically generate a name of the form GRAPHPLOTnnnnn where nnnnn is a number between 00001 and 99999. You can also enter the special name PREVIOUS to add graphs to the last created graph plot. GRAPHSTYLE The name of the graph style, used to provide the defaults for the depictions used by the graph plot. See the introduction to this section for more information.

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Chap. 5 Display control


CURVEDEPICTION [LINE] The name of the curve depiction used to determine how the curves produced by this command are graphed. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. You can specify the curve legend, symbols in the curve, etc. with this depiction. XAXIS [AUTO_LINEAR or AUTO_LOG] YAXIS (depending upon the sweep spectrum) The names of the axis depictions used to determine how the axes produced by this command are graphed. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. You can specify the axis attributes, for example the range of values contained in the axes, with these depictions. The defaults are chosen to agree with the value of the INPUT-AXES parameter of the specified sweep spectrum. GRAPHDEPICTION [DEFAULT] The name of the graph depiction. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. You can specify the graph attributes, for example the graph title, with this depiction. SUBFRAME [DEFAULT] The name of the subframe into which the graph is plotted. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. LIST Indicates whether to create a listing for the sweep spectrum curve. {YES / NO}



AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.10 Graph plotting

RSPECTRUMSHOW NAME YPLOTTYPE FACTOR NFREQUENCIES GRAPH GRAPHNAME GRAPHSTYLE CURVEDEPICTION XAXIS YAXIS GRAPHDEPICTION SUBFRAME LIST RSPECTRUMSHOW graphs or lists the values of a random spectrum. You define a random spectrum using the RSPECTRUM command (see Section 6.5). NAME The name of a random spectrum. The name must correspond to a currently defined random spectrum. YPLOTTYPE [from the random spectrum] If the random spectrum defines the power-spectral-density of ground motion amplitudes, use this parameter to specify whether to plot or list the random spectrum values in terms of displacements, velocities or accelerations. If the random spectrum defines the powerspectral-density of applied load multipliers, use this parameter to specify whether to graph or list the random spectrum values in terms of force or decibels. {DISPLACEMENT / VELOCITY / ACCELERATION / FORCE / DB} FACTOR [1.0/(random spectrum factor)] You can multiply the random spectrum values by FACTOR before plotting or listing them. NFREQUENCIES [0] For the frequency curve in the random spectrum, the values that you input are graphed or listed. In addition, the frequency curve is sampled at NFREQUENCIES equally spaced frequencies and these values are also graphed or listed. This option is most useful when the graph axes types differ from the axes specified with the INPUT-AXES parameter of the RRSPECTRUM command (recall that the frequency curve points are considered to be connected with straight lines in the coordinate system selected by the INPUT-AXES parameter). GRAPH [YES] Specifies whether or not a graph is created or updated with the curve computed by this command. {YES / NO} Currently GRAPH=NO is not implemented. GRAPHNAME The name of the graph plot. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. If you do not enter a graphplot name, the program will automatically generate a name of the form GRAPHPLOTnnnnn where nnnnn is a number between 00001 and 99999. You can also enter the special name PREVIOUS to add graphs to the last created graph plot.

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Chap. 5 Display control


GRAPHSTYLE The name of the graph style, used to provide the defaults for the depictions used by the graph plot. See the introduction to this section for more information. CURVEDEPICTION [LINE] The name of the curve depiction used to determine how the curves produced by this command are graphed. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. You can specify the curve legend, symbols in the curve, etc. with this depiction. XAXIS [AUTO_LINEAR or AUTO_LOG] YAXIS (depending upon the random spectrum) The names of the axis depictions used to determine how the axes produced by this command are graphed. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. You can specify the axis attributes, for example the range of values contained in the axes, with these depictions. The defaults are chosen to agree with the value of the INPUT-AXES parameter of the specified random spectrum. GRAPHDEPICTION [DEFAULT] The name of the graph depiction. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. You can specify the graph attributes, for example the graph title, with this depiction. SUBFRAME [DEFAULT] The name of the subframe into which the graph is plotted. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. LIST Indicates whether to create a listing for the random spectrum curve. {YES / NO}



AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 5.10 Graph plotting


HARMONICSHOW is used in harmonic analysis. It is used to compute the response of a variable at a point as a function of the loading frequency. The resulting curve is either graphed or listed. See the ADINA Theory and Modeling Guide, Section 9.3, for the theory used in the HARMONICSHOW command. VARIABLE POINT The name of the variable and the point at which the variable is evaluated. The variable can be a predefined variable, an alias or a resultant (see Section 6.9). The point must have been defined with a model point definition command (see Section 6.7). SMOOTHING [DEFAULT] The name of the smoothing definition used when evaluating the variable. A smoothing definition is defined with the SMOOTHING command (see Section 6.6). RESULTCONTROL [DEFAULT] The name of the result control definition used when evaluating the variable. A result control definition is defined with the RESULTCONTROL command (see Section 6.6). FORMULA [based on the variable] In order to perform the harmonic analysis calculations, this command must make an assumption about how the variable is related to the nodal quantities. Use this parameter to override the program default: DISPLACEMENT The variable is proportional to the nodal displacements. VELOCITY

The variable is proportional to the nodal velocities.


The variable is proportional to the nodal accelerations.

Note: this parameter is used only if RESPONSE HARMONIC RESULTANT=BEFORE and CONTROL FILEVERSION=V73. RESPONSE The name of a harmonic response, used as a template in the harmonic analysis calculations. The following parameters of the harmonic response are used: METHOD, OMEGAT, QUASISTATIC, DAMPINGTABLE, MSTART, MEND, REFTIME, RESULTANT and the

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Chap. 5 Display control


data input lines. See the RESPONSE HARMONIC command in Section 6.3. FMIN FMAX The frequency range over which the harmonic response is evaluated, entered in cycles/sec. NFREQUENCIES [11] FSPACING [LOGARITHMIC] NFREQUENCIES is the number of frequencies for which the harmonic response is evaluated, used if FSPACING is LINEAR or LOGARITHMIC. FSPACING can be LINEAR, LOGARITHMIC, USNRC or ASMEFLOOR. See the notes at the end of this command for the USNRC and ASMEFLOOR frequency spacing guidelines. FREQTABLE [DEFAULT] The name of a frequency table, used to evaluate the response for additional frequencies. Currently this parameter is ignored. FACTOR1 [1.0] FACTOR2 [0.0] The result is multiplied by FACTOR1 and added to FACTOR2 before being graphed or listed. GRAPH [YES] Specifies whether or not a graph is created or updated with the curve computed by this command. {YES / NO} Currently GRAPH=NO is not implemented. GRAPHNAME The name of the graph plot. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. If you do not enter a graphplot name, the program will automatically generate a name of the form GRAPHPLOTnnnnn where nnnnn is a number between 00001 and 99999. You can also enter the special name PREVIOUS to add graphs to the last created graph plot. GRAPHSTYLE The name of the graph style, used to provide the defaults for the depictions used by the graph plot. See the introduction to this section for more information. CURVEDEPICTION [LINE] The name of the curve depiction used to determine how the curves produced by this command are graphed. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. You can specify the curve legend, symbols in the curve, etc. with this depiction.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.10 Graph plotting

XAXIS [DEFAULT_X] YAXIS [DEFAULT_Y] The names of the axis depictions used to determine how the axes produced by this command are graphed. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. You can specify the axis attributes, for example the range of values contained in the axes, with these depictions. GRAPHDEPICTION [DEFAULT] The name of the graph depiction. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. You can specify the graph attributes, for example the graph title, with this depiction. SUBFRAME [DEFAULT] The name of the subframe into which the graph is plotted. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. LIST Indicates whether to create a listing for the curve. {YES / NO}


Notes: The USNRC frequency intervals are (as reprinted from USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.122):

Frequency range (Hertz) 0.0 - 3.0 3.0 - 3.6 3.6 - 5.0 5.0 - 8.0 8.0 - 15.0 15.0 - 18.0 18.0 - 22.0 22.0 - (infinity)

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DF (Hertz) 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.50 1.0 2.0 3.0


Chap. 5 Display control


The ASMEFLOOR frequency intervals are (as reprinted from the 1992 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Appendix N, Table N-1226-1):

Frequency range (Hertz) 0.0 - 1.6 1.6 - 2.8 2.8 - 4.0 4.0 - 9.0 9.0 - 16.0 16.0 - 22.0 22.0 - infinity


DF (Hertz) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 1.0 2.0 3.0

AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 5.10 Graph plotting


RANDOMSHOW is used in random analysis. It is used to compute the power-spectraldensity of a variable at a point as a function of the loading frequency. The resulting curve is either graphed or listed. See the ADINA Theory and Modeling Guide, Section 9.4, for the theory used in the RANDOMSHOW command. VARIABLE POINT The name of the variable and the point at which the variable is evaluated. The variable can be a predefined variable, an alias or a resultant (see Section 6.9). The point must have been defined with a model point definition command (see Section 6.7). SMOOTHING [DEFAULT] The name of the smoothing definition used when evaluating the variable. A smoothing definition is defined with the SMOOTHING command (see Section 6.6). RESULTCONTROL [DEFAULT] The name of the result control definition used when evaluating the variable. A result control definition is defined with the RESULTCONTROL command (see Section 6.6). FORMULA [based on the variable] In order to perform the random analysis calculations, this command must make an assumption about how the variable is related to the nodal quantities. Use this parameter to override the program default: DISPLACEMENT The variable is proportional to the nodal displacements. VELOCITY

The variable is proportional to the nodal velocities.


The variable is proportional to the nodal accelerations.

Note: this parameter is used only if RESPONSE RANDOM RESULTANT=BEFORE and CONTROL FILEVERSION=V73. RESPONSE The name of a random response, used as a template in the random analysis calculations. The following parameters of the random response are used: CUTOFF, DAMPINGTABLE, MSTART, MEND, REFTIME, RESULTANT and the data input lines. See the RESPONSE

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Chap. 5 Display control


RANDOM command in Section 6.3. FMIN FMAX The frequency range over which the random response is evaluated, entered in cycles/sec. NFREQUENCIES [11] FSPACING [LOGARITHMIC] NFREQUENCIES is the number of frequencies for which the random response is evaluated, used if FSPACING is LINEAR or LOGARITHMIC. FSPACING can be LINEAR, LOGARITHMIC, USNRC or ASMEFLOOR. See the notes at the end of the HARMONICSHOW command (in this section) for the USNRC and ASMEFLOOR guidelines. FREQTABLE [DEFAULT] The name of a frequency table, used to evaluate the response for additional frequencies. Currently this parameter is ignored. FACTOR1 [1.0] FACTOR2 [0.0] The result is multiplied by FACTOR1 and added to FACTOR2 before being graphed or listed. GRAPH [YES] Specifies whether or not a graph is created or updated with the curve computed by this command. {YES / NO} Currently GRAPH=NO is not implemented. GRAPHNAME The name of the graph plot. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. If you do not enter a graphplot name, the program will automatically generate a name of the form GRAPHPLOTnnnnn where nnnnn is a number between 00001 and 99999. You can also enter the special name PREVIOUS to add graphs to the last created graph plot. GRAPHSTYLE The name of the graph style, used to provide the defaults for the depictions used by the graph plot. See the introduction to this section for more information. CURVEDEPICTION [LINE] The name of the curve depiction used to determine how the curves produced by this command are graphed. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. You can specify the curve legend, symbols in the curve, etc. with this depiction.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.10 Graph plotting

XAXIS [AUTO_LOG] YAXIS [AUTO_LOG] The names of the axis depictions used to determine how the axes produced by this command are graphed. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. You can specify the axis attributes, for example the range of values contained in the axes, with these depictions. GRAPHDEPICTION [DEFAULT] The name of the graph depiction. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. You can specify the graph attributes, for example the graph title, with this depiction. SUBFRAME [DEFAULT] The name of the subframe into which the graph is plotted. This parameter is used only if GRAPH = YES. LIST Indicates whether to create a listing for the curve. {YES / NO}


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Chap. 5 Display control






The FSSHOW command is used in response spectrum analysis to compute the response of a small SDOF system connected to the structure, as a function of the SDOF system natural frequency, when the structural loading is given as ground motion response spectra. The SDOF system is connected to the structure at a single node, called the connection point, and vibrates in one or more of the three coordinate directions. The SDOF system natural frequencies can be chosen to be linearly spaced, logarithmically spaced or spaced according to USNRC or ASME guidelines. In addition, you can supply additional SDOF system natural frequencies, for example, to correspond to structural natural frequencies. Each data input line specifies a load case. The load case defines the response spectrum and multiplying factor giving the intensity of ground motion, and the direction of SDOF system vibration. For each load case, the SDOF system response is calculated separately and then the results for the load cases are combined into a single result. The curve giving the response as a function of the SDOF system frequency can be smoothed and the curve peaks broadened. TYPE [ACCELERATION] The quantity that is plotted as a function of SDOF system frequency: RDISPLACEMENT maximum relative displacement with respect to ground motion RVELOCITY maximum relative velocity with respect to ground motion ACCELERATION maximum absolute acceleration POINT The name of the point to which the SDOF system is connected. Typically this point corresponds to a nodal point and is therefore defined using the NODEPOINT command (in Section 6.7). This parameter must be entered. RESULTCONTROL [DEFAULT] The name of the result control definition used when evaluating the quantity. A result control definition is specified by the RESULTCONTROL command (see Section 6.6).


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Sec. 5.10 Graph plotting

FMIN FMAX The frequency range over which the system response is evaluated, entered in cycles/sec. The frequency range must be specified. NFREQUENCIES [11] FSPACING [LOGARITHMIC] The number of SDOF system natural frequencies for which the response is computed, used if FSPACING is LINEAR or LOGARITHMIC. FSPACING can be LINEAR, LOGARITHMIC, USNRC or ASMEFLOOR. See the notes at the end of the HARMONICSHOW command (in this section) for the USNRC and ASMEFLOOR frequency spacing guidelines. FREQTABLE [DEFAULT] The name of a frequency table, used to evaluate the system response for additional frequencies. The frequency table also specifies which response peaks are to be broadened when you request that response peaks be broadened. A frequency table is defined by the FREQTABLE command (see Section 6.5). SDOFDAMPING [DEFAULT] The name of the damping table used to specify the damping of the SDOF system as a function of the SDOF system frequency. A damping table is defined by the DAMPINGTABLE command (see Section 6.5). It is necessary to define a damping table even if the SDOF system has damping independent of natural frequency. ROPTION [UR] This parameter controls the technique used to avoid numerical difficulties when the SDOF system natural frequency is nearly equal to a structural natural frequency. See the Theory and Modeling Guide for more details. UN

The SDOF system response is computed using the undamped transfer function. The SDOF system response can be very large when the SDOF system natural frequency is close to a structural natural frequency.


The SDOF system response is computed using the undamped transfer function and also with resonance assumptions. The smaller of these two responses is used.


The SDOF system response is computed using the damped transfer function with effective damping equal to the SDOF system damping, i.e.

ξ eff = ξ 0 where ξ eff is the effective damping, and ξ 0 is the SDOF system damping.

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Same as D1, but the effective damping is equal to

ξ eff = ξ 0 (ξ 0 + ξ j ) where ξ j is the modal damping factor for mode j. D3

Same as D1, but the effective damping is equal to

ξ eff = ξ 02 + (ξ 0 − ξ j ) , ξ 0 ≤ ξ j 2

ξ eff = ξ 02 − (ξ 0 − ξ j ) , ξ 0 > ξ j 2

SMETHOD [SRSS] The method used to combine responses from different load cases, when more than one load case is specified, either SRSS (square root of the sum of the squares) or ABS (absolute sum method). XPLOTTYPE PEAKBROADENING CURVESMOOTHING CURVERAISE RAISETOL INPUT-AXES FACTOR1 FACTOR2 DELTAF GRAPH GRAPHNAME GRAPHSTYLE CURVEDEPICTION XAXIS YAXIS GRAPHDEPICTION SUBFRAME LIST See the corresponding parameters of the FTSHOW command. responsei A response of type response-spectrum that provides a template for the response spectrum calculations. All parameters of the response except for RESIDUAL are used. The response


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Sec. 5.10 Graph plotting

must be acting in the X, Y or Z directions. See the RESPONSE RESPONSE-SPECTRUM command in Section 6.3 for more details. factori The response spectrum can be multiplied by this multiplying factor.


directioni [LOAD] The direction in which the SDOF system is vibrating, either X, Y, Z or LOAD. When direction = LOAD, the direction is taken from the direction of the loading given in the specified response.

Note ROPTION=D1 to D3 should not be used in conjunction with the CQC method of modalcombinations, see the ADINA Theory and Modeling Guide.

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Chap. 5 Display control






The FTSHOW command is used in response spectrum analysis. It is used to compute the response of a small SDOF system connected to the structure as a function of the SDOF system natural frequency, when the time history of the structure is known. The SDOF system is connected to the structure at a single node, called the connection point, and vibrates in one of the three global coordinate directions, or in one of the skew coordinate directions if the connection point node has a skew system. The SDOF system natural frequencies can be chosen to be linearly spaced, logarithmically spaced, or spaced according to USNRC or ASME guidelines. In addition, you can supply additional SDOF system natural frequencies, for example, to correspond to structural natural frequencies. Each time interval and/or loading direction is specified by a data input line that contains the response-range and the loading direction. For each time interval, the SDOF systems are assumed to start from rest. The SDOF system responses during the time interval are computed using numerical integration and the maximum responses are recorded. If several data input lines are specified, the response is calculated separately for each data input line and then the results are combined using the method specified by parameter SMETHOD. The curve giving the response as a function of the SDOF system frequency can be smoothed and the curve peaks broadened. TYPE The quantity that is plotted as a function of SDOF system frequency: DISPLACEMENT VELOCITY ACCELERATION RDISPLACEMENT RVELOCITY RACCELERATION CDISPLACEMENT



maximum absolute displacement maximum absolute velocity maximum absolute acceleration maximum relative displacement with respect to ground motion maximum relative velocity with respect to ground motion maximum relative acceleration with respect to ground motion maximum relative displacement with respect to the connection point

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Sec. 5.10 Graph plotting

maximum relative velocity with respect to the connection point maximum relative acceleration with respect to the connection point

POINT The name of the point to which the SDOF system is connected. Typically this point corresponds to a nodal point and is therefore defined using the NODEPOINT command (see Section 6.7). RESULTCONTROL [DEFAULT] The name of the result control definition used when evaluating the quantity. A result control depiction is specified by the RESULTCONTROL command (see Section 6.6). FMIN FMAX The frequency range over which the system response is evaluated, entered in cycles/sec. The frequency range must be specified. NFREQUENCIES [11] FSPACING [LOGARITHMIC] The number of SDOF system natural frequencies for which the response is computed, used if FSPACING is LINEAR or LOGARITHMIC. FSPACING can be LINEAR, LOGARITHMIC, USNRC or ASMEFLOOR. See the notes at the end of the HARMONICSHOW command (in this section) for the USNRC and ASMEFLOOR frequency spacing guidelines. FREQTABLE [DEFAULT] The name of a frequency table, used to evaluate the system response for additional frequencies. The frequency table also specifies which response peaks are to be broaden when you request that response peaks be broadened. A frequency table is defined by the FREQTABLE command (see Section 6.5). SDOFDAMPING [DEFAULT] The name of the damping table used to specify the damping of the SDOF system as a function of the SDOF system frequency. It is necessary to define a damping table even if the SDOF system has damping independent of natural frequency. A damping table is defined by the DAMPINGTABLE command (see Section 6.5). XGROUND [NO] YGROUND [NO] ZGROUND [NO] If XGROUND = NO, then model displacements in the global X direction are interpreted as absolute displacements. If XGROUND = YES, then model displacements in the global X direction are interpreted as relative displacements to any ground motions specified by massproportional loads in the global X direction (if there is more than one ground motion in the

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Chap. 5 Display control


global X direction, all of them are used). If XGROUND = an integer, then model displacements in the global X direction are interpreted as relative displacements to the ground motions with time function XGROUND. YGROUND and ZGROUND have analogous meanings for the global Y and Z directions. XGROUND, YGROUND and ZGROUND always control the interpretation of model displacements in the global coordinate system, even when the SDOF system vibrates in one of the skew directions. For example, if there is a mass-proportional loading in the Y direction corresponding to ground accelerations in the Y direction, set YGROUND=YES. The AUI will then compute the ground acceleration in the Y direction, transform it into the SDOF system direction (global or skew) and add it to the ADINA-calculated connection point acceleration to obtain the total absolute connection point acceleration. SMETHOD [SRSS] The method used to combine responses from different time intervals, when more than one time interval is specified, either SRSS (square root of the sum of the squares) or ABS (absolute sum method). PEAKBROADENING [NO] This specifies whether the response peaks are to be broadened. If PEAKBROADENING is NO, peaks are not broadened. If PEAKBROADENING is YES, then the frequencies given in the frequency table for which the response is at a local maximum are treated as peaks. Each peak is broadened by the amount specified in the frequency table. If PEAKBROADENING is ALL, then all peaks are broadened by the amount specified by parameter DELTAF. See the figures at the end of this command description. The peak broadening is performed in the coordinate system given by the INPUT-AXES parameter. Note that you can broaden peaks without smoothing the response curve, if PEAKBROADENING=YES. CURVESMOOTHING [NO] CURVERAISE [0.0] RAISETOL [1.E-5] This specifies whether the response curve is to be smoothed. If CURVESMOOTHING is NO, smoothing is not applied. If CURVESMOOTHING is YES, the response curve is smoothed by shifting responses upwards by an amount of at most CURVERAISE. RAISETOL is a tolerance used in the smoothing procedure. If CURVERAISE is small, the smoothed response curve will not be significantly different that the unsmoothed curve. Increasing CURVERAISE increases the chance that segments within the smoothed curve will be straight.


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Sec. 5.10 Graph plotting

If CURVERAISE = 0.0, then CURVERAISE is chosen to be 5% of the maximum response value in the curve. The smoothing is performed in the coordinate system given by the INPUT-AXES parameter. Note that you can smooth the response curve without broadening peaks, but smoothing is most effective when the peaks are broadened as well. INPUT-AXES [LOGLOG] The broadening and smoothing operations take place on a graph in which the axes are either logarithmic or linear as follows: LINLIN LOGLIN LINLOG LOGLOG

Linear frequency axis, linear response axis Logarithmic frequency axis, linear response axis Linear frequency axis, logarithmic response axis Logarithmic frequency axis, logarithmic response axis

FACTOR1 [1.0] FACTOR2 [0.0] The results are multiplied by FACTOR1 and added to FACTOR2 before being plotted or listed. XPLOTTYPE [FREQUENCY] This specifies whether the response is graphed or listed as a function of the frequency (cycles/sec) or period (sec). All input to this command is given in terms of frequencies regardless of the value of this parameter. {FREQUENCY / PERIOD} DELTAF [0.15] The peak broadening factor, used when PEAKBROADENING is ALL. This is interpreted as shown in the figure. GRAPH GRAPHNAME GRAPHSTYLE See the corresponding parameters of the RESPONSESHOW command (in this section). CURVEDEPICTION [LINE] The name of the curve depiction used to determine how the curve produced by this command is graphed. This parameter is used only if GRAPH=YES. You can specify the curve legend, symbols in the curve, etc. with this depiction.

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XAXIS [AUTO_LOG] YAXIS [AUTO_LOG] The names of the axis depictions used to determine how the axes produced by this command are graphed. These parameters are used only if GRAPH=YES and if this command is creating a new graph plot. You can specify the axis attributes, for example the range of values contained in the axes, with these depictions. GRAPHDEPICTION SUBFRAME LIST See the corresponding parameters of the RESPONSESHOW command (in this section). resprangei The response-range that specifies the time interval over which the transient analysis is performed. See the RESPRANGE LOAD-STEP command in Section 6.4 for information about response-ranges. This parameter must be specified. Note that, initially, response-range DEFAULT corresponds to a time interval containing all solution steps in the analysis. [1.0] factori The model displacements, velocities, accelerations and mass-proportional loadings are multiplied by factori. directioni The direction in which the SDOF system vibrates. {X / Y / Z / A / B / C}. If directioni = A, B or C, the model point given by the POINT parameter must be a node point.


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Sec. 5.10 Graph plotting


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The FOURIERSHOW command is used to perform a Fourier analysis of the time history of a variable evaluated at a point. Either the Fourier coefficients or the power-spectral-density is computed. The mean-square value of the variable over the time interval is printed in the log file. VARIABLE The name of the variable, either a predefined variable, an alias, a constant or a resultant (see Section 6.9). The variable name must be specified. POINT The name of the point at which the variable is evaluated. If the variable is not locationindependent, POINT must be defined with a model point definition command (see Section 6.7). If the variable is location-independent and POINT is not specified, then the variable is evaluated using the current finite element program (see the FEPROGRAM command in Section 3.4). SMOOTHING [DEFAULT] The name of the smoothing definition used when evaluating the variable. A smoothing definition is defined using the SMOOTHING command (see Section 6.6). RESULTCONTROL [DEFAULT] The name of the result control definition used when evaluating the variable. A result control definition is defined using the RESULTCONTROL command (see Section 6.6). RESPRANGE [DEFAULT] The name of the response-range that specifies the start and end time over which the variable is evaluated, along with the intermediate times at which the variable is evaluated. The response-range must be of type load-step. See the RESPRANGE LOAD-STEP command in Section 6.4 for further details. Initially, the default response-range corresponds to all solution times for which data is loaded. TGAP [0.0] A time interval for which the variable has zero value can be appended to the variable time history. TGAP must be greater than or equal to zero.


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Sec. 5.10 Graph plotting

FMIN [0.0] FMAX [CUTOFF] The lowest and highest frequencies for which the Fourier coefficients / power-spectral-density values are evaluated. FMIN cannot be less than zero and FMAX cannot be greater than the aliasing cut-off frequency. FMAX=CUTOFF is interpreted as the aliasing cut-off frequency. PRESENTATION [AMPLITUDE] If PRESENTATION=AMPLITUDE, the amplitude of the Fourier coefficients is calculated; if PRESENTATION=PSD, the power-spectral-density corresponding to the Fourier coefficients is calculated. FACTOR1 [1.0] FACTOR2 [0.0] The results are multiplied by FACTOR1 and added to FACTOR2 before being plotted or listed. GRAPH GRAPHNAME GRAPHSTYLE See the corresponding parameters of the RESPONSESHOW command (in this section). CURVEDEPICTION [DEFAULT] The name of the curve depiction used to determine how the curve produced by this command is graphed. This parameter is used only if GRAPH=YES. You can specify the curve legend, symbols in the curve, etc. with this depiction. XAXIS [DEFAULT_X] YAXIS [DEFAULT_Y] The names of the axis depictions used to determine how the axes produced by this command are graphed. These parameters are used only if GRAPH=YES and if this command is creating a new graph plot. You can specify the axis attributes, for example the range of values contained in the axes, with these depictions. GRAPHDEPICTION SUBFRAME LIST See the corresponding parameters of the RESPONSESHOW command (in this section).

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TRACESHOW NAME ZONENAME YPLOTTYPE DELTAT GRAPH GRAPHNAME GRAPHSTYLE CURVEDEPICTION XAXIS YAXIS GRAPHDEPICTION SUBFRAME LIST TRACESHOW produces a curve giving the residence time distribution data corresponding to the particle traces in a trace plot. For more information about particle traces and trace plots, see Section 5.8. In its simplest form, the residence time distribution is a plot of the number of particles in the fluid (or a fluid region) as a function of the time. The x axis of the plot shows the particle time or solution time, depending upon whether the trace plot uses quasi-steady flow assumptions or unsteady flow assumptions: Quasi-steady flow assumptions: The x axis of the plot shows the particle time. The lowest particle time is the lowest particle time used during any calculation for this trace plot, and the highest particle time is the highest particle time used during any calculation for this trace plot. If DELTAT=0.0, the particle times are equally spaced using TRACECALCULATION PSTEP, otherwise the particle times are equally spaced using increment DELTAT. Unsteady flow assumptions: The x axis of the plot shows the actual solution time. The lowest solution time is the lowest solution time used during any calculation for this trace plot, and the highest solution time is the highest solution time used during any calculation for this trace plot. If DELTAT=0.0, the solution times are taken from the times at which ADINA-F calculated results; otherwise the solution times are equally spaced using increment DELTAT. The y axis of the plot can show a variety of data items, see parameter YPLOTTYPE. The trace plot must plot either single unconnected particles (TRACECALCULATION OPTION=SINGLE) or pathlines (TRACECALCULATION OPTION=PATHLINE). In addition, the trace plot must have some particle traces computed; if just the injectors are plotted, the trace plot cannot be used for residence time distribution calculations. Note that the trace plot must be displayed before TRACESHOW can be used. After you use TRACESHOW, then you can delete the mesh plot, so that the graphics window contains only the graph produced by TRACESHOW. NAME [PREVIOUS] The name of the trace plot from which residence time distribution data is calculated.


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Sec. 5.10 Graph plotting

ZONENAME [WHOLE_MODEL] If ZONENAME=WHOLE_MODEL, then the residence time distribution data is calculated based on the entire fluid model (in other words, the fluid region is the entire fluid model). Otherwise, the residence time distribution data is calculated based on the elements in the zone (the fluid region is the elements in the zone). The intent of ZONENAME is to allow you to choose a region of the fluid for calculating residence time distribution data. YPLOTTYPE Selects the data plotted on the Y axis. TNI Total number of particles in the fluid region TPI Percentage of particles in the fluid region RNI Rate of change of total number of particles in the fluid region RPI Rate of change of percentage of particles in the fluid region VNI Total number of particles that have visited the fluid region VPI Percentage of particles that have visited the fluid region TNO Total number of particles not in the fluid region TPO Percentage of particles not in the fluid region RNO Rate of change of total number of particles not in the fluid region RPO Rate of change of percentage of particles not in the fluid region VNO Total number of particles that have not visited the fluid region VPO Percentage of particles that have not visited the fluid region


The three letters have the following meanings: T=total quantity, R=rate of change, V=visited; N=number of particles, P=percentage of particles; I=in fluid region, O=not in fluid region. When a percentage option is chosen, the denominator is the total number of particles that are in the entire fluid model at particle time 0.0 (for steady or quasi-steady flow) or at the reference time of the trace plot (for unsteady flow). A particle has “visited” the fluid region if it has entered the fluid region at or before the current particle time or solution time. Note that if the fluid region is the entire model, then all particles immediately visit the fluid region; so the “visiting” options are useful only if the fluid region is a zone of the model. DELTAT [0.0] The time increment (particle time increment for steady or quasi-steady trace plots) used on the X axis. If DELTAT=0.0, then the program chooses it automatically as described above. GRAPH GRAPHNAME GRAPHSTYLE See the corresponding parameters of the RESPONSESHOW command (in this section).

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CURVEDEPICTION [DEFAULT] The name of the curve depiction used to determine how the curve produced by this command is graphed. This parameter is used only if GRAPH=YES. You can specify the curve legend, symbols in the curve, etc. with this depiction. XAXIS [DEFAULT_X] YAXIS [DEFAULT_Y] The names of the axis depictions used to determine how the axes produced by this command are graphed. These parameters are used only if GRAPH=YES and if this command is creating a new graph plot. You can specify the axis attributes, for example the range of values contained in the axes, with these depictions. GRAPHDEPICTION SUBFRAME LIST See the corresponding parameters of the RESPONSESHOW command (in this section).


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Sec. 5.10 Graph plotting


TFSHOW produces a curve giving the values of the specified time function for various times. This command provides an easy way to plot a time function. The time function is taken from the current finite element program, see the FEPROGRAM command (in Section 3.4). NCUR The time function number.


ARTM [0.0] The plotted time function can be shifted by an arrival time, in exactly the same way that the time function can be shifted by an arrival time when the time function is used by a load. FACTOR The time function is multiplied by FACTOR before it is plotted.


TSTART [(earliest solution time)] TEND [(latest solution time)] The time function is plotted over the range of times given by TSTART and TEND. The range TSTART to TEND need not be in the range of solution times. TINCREMENT [0.0] The time increment used to sample the time function. Note that when the time function does not use a time function multiplier, the time function consists of straight lines connecting successive time function values, and TINCREMENT is not used. SOLUTIONTIME [YES] If SOLUTIONTIME=YES, the time function is also sampled at the solution times, and the time function sampled at the solution times is marked with a symbol if CURVEDEPICTION= LINE (the default). If SOLUTIONTIME=NO, the time function is only sampled at the time function values (and possible time increments selected by TINCREMENT). REFTIME [(earliest solution time)] REFTIME is used only during post-processing, and is used only if there is more than one porthole file loaded into the database. In that case, there may be more than one set of time functions loaded into the database (because the time functions can change during a restart analysis). The time functions that are active at time REFTIME are chosen.

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GRAPH GRAPHNAME GRAPHSTYLE See the corresponding parameters of the RESPONSESHOW command (in this section). CURVEDEPICTION [LINE] The name of the curve depiction used to determine how the curve produced by this command is graphed. This parameter is used only if GRAPH=YES. You can specify the curve legend, symbols in the curve, etc. with this depiction. XAXIS [DEFAULT_X] YAXIS [DEFAULT_Y] The names of the axis depictions used to determine how the axes produced by this command are graphed. These parameters are used only if GRAPH=YES and if this command is creating a new graph plot. You can specify the axis attributes, for example the range of values contained in the axes, with these depictions. GRAPHDEPICTION SUBFRAME LIST See the corresponding parameters of the RESPONSESHOW command (in this section). Notes The time function is sampled at times taken from the following three lists: 1) List of times in the time function itself, always used. 2) List of times with constant increment TINCREMENT, used is the time function has a multiplier function. 3) List of solution times, used if SOLUTIONTIME=YES. During pre-processing, the list is taken from the current time step information. During post-processing, the list is taken from the actual solution times.


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Sec. 5.10 Graph plotting


GRAPHPLOT provides a way for you to modify the appearance of an existing graph plot. You do this by specifying a new depiction name for the graph depiction or one of the curve depictions of the graph plot. NAME The name of the graph plot. This parameter must be entered. TYPE The type of the depiction entered with the remaining parameters of this command. This parameter must be entered. {GRAPH / AXIS / CURVE} NUMBER The number of the axis or curve for which the depiction will be applied. You can determine the number by using the LOCATOR INQUIRE feature (see Section 4.2) and clicking on the desired axis or curve. This parameter must be entered if TYPE = AXIS or CURVE. DEPICTION [the current depiction] The name of the depiction used to specify the desired graph, axis or curve attributes. If TYPE = GRAPH, this must be a graph depiction, if TYPE = AXIS, this must be an axis depiction, etc.

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GRAPHSTYLE NAME CURVEDEPICTION XAXIS YAXIS GRAPHDEPICTION SUBFRAME GRAPHSTYLE defines a style for the graphing section of the SHOW commands. A style is a group of depictions. When a style is used in a SHOW command, the depictions in the style are the default depictions for the command. NAME [DEFAULT] The name of the graph style. If there is a previously defined graph style with this name, data entered in this command modifies the graph style, otherwise data entered in this command defines a new graph style. CURVEDEPICTION [DEFAULT] The name of the curve depiction, used to specify how the curves added by the SHOW command are graphed. A curve depiction is defined using the CURVEDEPICTION command (in this section). XAXIS [DEFAULT_X] YAXIS [DEFAULT_Y] The name of the axis depictions, used to specify how the axes added by the SHOW commands are graphed. An axis depiction is defined using the AXIS command (in this section). GRAPHDEPICTION [DEFAULT] The name of the graph depiction, used to specify certain attributes of the graph itself. A graph depiction is defined using the GRAPHDEPICTION command (in this section). SUBFRAME [DEFAULT] The name of the subframe into which the graph is plotted. A subframe is defined using the SUBFRAME command (see Section 5.1).


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Sec. 5.10 Graph plotting


GRAPHLIST produces a listing from the curves of a graph plot. The listing is the same as that produced using the LIST = YES feature of the SHOW commands. NAME The name of the graph plot. This parameter must be entered.

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titlei GRAPHDEPICTION defines attributes used when drawing a graph. The attributes that you can set in this command can be grouped as follows: 1) Graph box attributes 2) Graph title attributes You assign a name, the graph depiction name, to the attributes set by this command. When you use a command that creates or modifies a graph plot, specify the graph depiction name corresponding to the desired graph attributes within the command. NAME [DEFAULT] The name of the graph depiction. If there is a previously defined graph depiction with this name, data entered in this command modifies the graph depiction, otherwise data entered in this command creates a new graph depiction. TITLE NONE

[AUTOMATIC] the graph will be drawn without a title.

AUTOMATIC the graph will be drawn with a title that is determined automatically when the graph is drawn. CUSTOM

the graph will be drawn with a title that is entered via the data input lines.

TITLESIZE [0.25] UNITTSIZE [CM] The size of characters in the title, used only when drawing a graph title. {CM / INCH / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} TITLECOLOR The color of the title, used only when drawing a graph title.



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Sec. 5.10 Graph plotting

TITLEPLACEMENT [AUTOMATIC] This parameter is used only when drawing a graph title. AUTOMATIC Specifies that the title location be calculated automatically by the program when the graph is drawn. CUSTOM

Specifies the title location using the parameters described below.

TITLEXSTART [0.0] UNITTXSTART [CM] TITLEYSTART [0.0] UNITTYSTART [CM] The X and Y coordinates of the start of the title, specified within the subframe coordinate system. These parameters are used only when drawing a graph title and when the title placement parameter is CUSTOM. {CM / INCH / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} TITLESCALE [1.0] A scale factor applied to the title, used only when drawing a graph title. A scale factor greater than 1.0 magnifies the graph title, a scale factor less than 1.0 shrinks the graph title. GRAPHSCALE [1.0] A scale factor applied to the graph box. A scale factor greater than 1.0 magnifies the graph box, a scale factor less than 1.0 shrinks the graph box. BOX [YES] Specifies whether or not a graph box is drawn. Notice that the graph box is used to place the axes even if the graph box is not drawn. {YES / NO} BOXLINEWIDTH [0.0] UNITBLWIDTH [CM] The width of the graph box lines, used only when drawing the graph box. Unit: {CM / INCH / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} BOXCOLOR The color of the graph box lines, used only when drawing graph box lines.


BOXPLACEMENT [AUTOMATIC] Governs how the graph box is placed within the subframe. If this parameter is AUTOMATIC, the program automatically places the graph box within the subframe. If this parameter is CUSTOM, the parameters BOXWIDTH, UNITBWIDTH, BOXHEIGHT, UNITBHEIGHT, BOXXOFFSET, UNITBXOFF, BOXYOFFSET, UNITBYOFF unit are used to place the graph box.

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BOXWIDTH UNITBWIDTH [PERCENT] BOXHEIGHT UNITBHEIGHT [PERCENT] The width and height of the graph box, used only if BOXPLACEMENT = CUSTOM. Unit: {CM / INCH / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} BOXXOFFSET UNITBXOFF [PERCENT] BOXYOFFSET UNITBYOFF [PERCENT] The X and Y offset of the graph box from the subframe origin, used only if BOXPLACEMENT = CUSTOM. Unit: {CM / INCH / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} titlei Text input for title if TITLE = CUSTOM.


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Sec. 5.10 Graph plotting

AXIS NAME MINVALUE MAXVALUE AXISTYPE AXISCOLOR AXISLINEWIDTH UNITLWIDTH NUMBERSIZE UNITNSIZE ZEROLINE GRIDLINES MINORTICKS AXISPLACEMENT AXISXSTART UNITAXSTART AXISYSTART UNITAYSTART AXISLENGTH UNITALENGTH LABEL LABELCOLOR LABELSIZE UNITLSIZE LABELPLACEMENT LABELXSTART UNITLXSTART LABELYSTART UNITLYSTART LABELSCALE TICKDIRECTION RESCALING labeli AXIS defines attributes used when drawing axes (either X or Y axes) of a graph plot. The attributes that you can set can be grouped as follows: 1) Axis range and type 2) Axis drawing attributes 3) Axis location and length 4) Axis label attributes You assign a name, the axis depiction name, to the attributes set by this command. When you use a command that creates or modifies a graph plot, specify the axis depiction name corresponding to the desired axis attributes within the command. NAME [DEFAULT] The name of the axis depiction. If there is a previously defined axis depiction with this name, data entered in this command modifies the axis depiction, otherwise data entered in this command creates a new axis depiction. MINVALUE [AUTOMATIC] MAXVALUE [AUTOMATIC] The minimum and maximum values that the axis must contain. For each value, you can either enter a number or AUTOMATIC to specify that the program will automatically calculate a value whenever the axis is used. AXISTYPE [LINEAR] Enter LINEAR for a linear axis or LOGARITHMIC for a logarithmic (base 10) axis. AXISCOLOR The color of the axis.


AXISLINEWIDTH [0.0] UNITLWIDTH [CM] The width of axis lines, including tick marks, the axis zero line and the axis grid lines. {CM / INCH / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS}

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NUMBERSIZE [0.25] UNITNSIZE [CM] The size of the axis numbers. {CM / INCH / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} ZEROLINE [YES] Indicates whether to draw a line at the axis zero value, see figure at the beginning of this section. {YES / NO} GRIDLINES [NO] Indicates whether to draw lines at each major tick value, see figure at the beginning of this section. {YES / NO} MINORTICKS [AUTOMATIC] Between successive major ticks, minor ticks (unlabelled ticks) can be drawn. Enter 0 (zero) for no minor ticks, a positive number for the desired number of minor ticks or AUTOMATIC to specify that the number of minor ticks be computed automatically when the axis is used. AXISPLACEMENT [AUTOMATIC] Enter AUTOMATIC to specify that the axis location and length be calculated automatically by the program when the axis is used. Enter CUSTOM to specify the axis location and length using the parameters described below. AXISXSTART [0.0] UNITAXSTART [PERCENT] AXISYSTART [0.0] UNITAYSTART [PERCENT] The X and Y coordinates of the start of the axis, specified relative to the graph box coordinate system. These parameters are used only if AXISPLACEMENT = CUSTOM. Note that if either unit is PERCENT, the corresponding coordinate is interpreted as a percentage within the graph box coordinate system. {CM / INCH / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} AXISLENGTH [100] UNITALENGTH [PERCENT] The length of the axis, specified relative to the graph box coordinate system. These parameters are used only if AXISPLACEMENT = CUSTOM. Note that if the unit is PERCENT, the length is interpreted as a percentage within the graph box coordinate system. For example, if the axis is used as an X axis, the length is interpreted as a percentage along the graph box X axis. {CM / INCH / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} LABEL [AUTOMATIC] If LABEL = NONE, the axis will be drawn without a label. If LABEL = AUTOMATIC, the axis will be drawn with a label that is determined automatically when the axis is used. If LABEL = CUSTOM, the axis will be drawn with a label that is entered as input data lines to


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Sec. 5.10 Graph plotting

this command. LABELCOLOR The color of the label, used only when drawing an axis label.


LABELSIZE [0.25] UNITLSIZE [CM] The size of characters in the label, used only when drawing an axis label. {CM / INCH / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} LABELPLACEMENT [AUTOMATIC] This parameter is used only when drawing an axis label. Enter AUTOMATIC to specify that the label location be calculated automatically by the program when the axis is used. Enter CUSTOM to specify the label location using the parameters described below. LABELXSTART [0.0] UNITLXSTART [PERCENT] LABELYSTART [0.0] UNITLYSTART [PERCENT] The x and y coordinates of the start of the label, specified within the subframe coordinate system. These parameters are used only when drawing a label and when LABELPLACEMENT = CUSTOM. {CM / INCH / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} LABELSCALE [1.0] A scale factor applied to the label, used only when drawing a label. A scale factor greater than 1.0 magnifies the axis label, a scale factor less than 1.0 shrinks the axis label. TICKDIRECTION [OUT] The direction of the axis ticks, either IN (towards the graph curves) or OUT (away from the graph curves). RESCALING [YES] When MINVALUE or MAXVALUE is AUTOMATIC, the axis is rescaled if either: 1) this is the first curve in the graph in which the axis is used or 2) RESCALING is YES. Note that if RESCALING is YES, the axis scaling is based upon all curves in the graph, but if RESCALING is NO, the axis scaling is based upon the first curve in the graph. The purpose of this parameter is to allow you to automatically set the axis scaling based on the first curve in the graph and then have all remaining curves use the same axis scaling. To achieve this, set MINVALUE and MAXVALUE to AUTOMATIC and RESCALING to NO.

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labeli Text input data lines for axis depiction label.


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Sec. 5.10 Graph plotting


legendi CURVEDEPICTION defines attributes used when drawing a curve within a graph plot. The attributes that you can set can be grouped as follows: 1) Curve symbol attributes 2) Curve line attributes 3) Curve legend attributes You assign a name, the curve depiction name, to the attributes set by this command. When you use a command that creates or modifies a graph plot, specify the curve depiction name corresponding to the desired curve attributes within the command. NAME [DEFAULT] The name of the curve depiction. If there is a previously defined curve depiction with this name, data entered in this command modifies the curve depiction, otherwise data entered in this command creates a new curve depiction. SYMBOLPLOT [YES] Enter NO for no symbol plotting or YES for symbol plotting. If NO is entered, the values of parameters SYMBOL, UNITSSIZE, SYMBOLCOLOR and SYMBOLSKIP are ignored. SYMBOL [CURVE] The string (up to 30 characters long) that specifies the symbol to plot at points on the curve. Use the extended character convention to enter a special symbol or CURVE to specify that the symbol string is based on the curve number. See the TEXT command in Section 5.12 for the extended character convention. SYMBOLSIZE [3] UNITSSIZE [PIXELS] The size of curve symbols. {CM / INCH / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} SYMBOLCOLOR [' '] The color of curve symbols. You can enter a blank string ' ' to specify that the symbol color is based on the curve number.

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SYMBOLSKIP [AUTOMATIC] The curve can be marked with the symbol at none, some or all of the curve points: If SYMBOLSKIP = AUTOMATIC, those curve points designated by the command that created the curve are marked with the symbol. If SYMBOLSKIP = 0, all curve points are marked with the symbol. If SYMBOLSKIP is a positive integer, then between every point marked with the symbol, SYMBOLSKIP points are not marked with the symbol (for example, if SYMBOLSKIP = 3, then the first, fourth, seventh, ..., curve points are marked with the symbol). LINETYPE [SOLID] Enter NONE for no lines connecting curve points or SOLID for solid lines connecting curve points. LINECOLOR [' '] The color of the curve lines, used only when drawing curve lines. You can enter a blank string ' ' to specify that the curve line color is chosen from the curve number. LINEWIDTH [0.0] UNITLWIDTH [CM] The width of the curve lines, used only when drawing curve lines. {CM / INCH / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} XLINE [NO] Indicates whether to draw "X-Lines" between the curve points and the X axis (these lines are parallel to the Y axis). {YES / NO} XLINECOLOR [' '] The color of the X-lines, used only when drawing X-lines. You can specify a blank string ' ' to specify that the X-line color is chosen from the curve number. XLINEWIDTH [0.0] UNITXLWIDTH [CM] The width of the X-lines, used only when drawing X-lines. {CM / INCH / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} LEGEND [AUTOMATIC] If LEGEND = NONE, the curve will be drawn without a legend. If LEGEND = AUTOMATIC, the curve will be drawn with a legend that is determined automatically. If LEGEND = CUSTOM, the curve will be drawn with a legend that is entered as data input lines to this command.


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Sec. 5.10 Graph plotting

LEGENDSIZE [0.25] UNITLSIZE [CM] The size of characters in the legend, used only when drawing a curve legend. {CM / INCH / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} LEGENDCOLOR [' '] The color of the legend, used only when drawing a curve legend. You can enter a blank string ' ' to specify that the legend color is chosen using the curve number. LEGENDSYMBOL [YES] Indicates whether the curve symbol should be automatically prepended to the curve legend. {YES / NO} LEGENDPLACEMENT [AUTOMATIC] This parameter is used only when drawing a curve legend. Enter AUTOMATIC to specify that the legend location be calculated automatically by the program when the curve is drawn. Enter CUSTOM to specify the legend location using the parameters described below. LEGENDXSTART [0.0] UNITLXSTART [PERCENT] LEGENDYSTART [0.0] UNITLYSTART [PERCENT] The X and Y coordinates of the start of the legend, specified within the subframe coordinate system. These parameters are used only when drawing a curve legend and when the legend placement parameter is CUSTOM. Units: {CM / INCH / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} LEGENDSCALE [1.0] A scale factor applied to the legend, used only when drawing a curve legend. A scale factor greater than 1.0 magnifies the curve legend, a scale factor less than 1.0 shrinks the curve legend. legendi Data input lines containing the legend, used only if LEGEND = CUSTOM.

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Chap. 5 Display control

Movie frames and animations – Introduction

Movie frames and animations – Introduction The commands in this section are used to create and display animations. An animation consists of a sequence of frames called a movie. Each movie is assigned a number, called a movie number. Movie numbers are sequential starting from 1. Each frame in the movie is called a movie frame. The frames are sequentially numbered starting from 1. A movie frame can be thought of as a snapshot of the graphics window. Each movie frame is stored in device-independent form in the database. (Do not confuse a movie frame with a snapshot file produced by the SNAPSHOT command (in Section 3.3).) Creating animations To create an animation, first plot mesh plots, band plots, load plots, etc. You can use the mouse to reposition and resize the mesh plots. The contents of the graphics window will become a single representative frame in the animation. There are several commands that you can use to create the movie frames in an animation: MOVIESHOOT LOAD-STEP: animates the response of the model as a function of time. MOVIESHOOT MODE-SHAPE: animates the model moving through a mode shape. MOVIESHOOT ROTATE: animates the rotation of the model. MOVIESHOOT CUTPLANE: animates the motion of a cutting plane. MOVIESHOOT ISOSURFACE: animates the motion of a cutting isosurface by changing the cutting isosurface threshold value. MOVIESHOOT TRACEPLOT: animates the motion of a quasi-steady particle trace by changing the particle time. These commands are described in detail later in this section. In all cases, you specify the movie number of the animation. All of the movie frames created by a MOVIESHOOT command belong to that movie number. When you enter a MOVIESHOOT command, the AUI regenerates the graphics window for each solution time, mode shape angle, rotation angle, etc. You will see each frame as the AUI regenerates it. (The time required by the AUI to create each movie frame is much longer than the time required to play back the movie frame during the animation.)


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Movie frames and animations – Introduction

Sec. 5.11 Movie frames and animations

It is also possible to create a single movie frame from the current graphics window using the MOVIEFRAME command, see the command description later in this section for details. Playing back animations and saving animations to disk Use the ANIMATE command to play back an animation. See the ANIMATE command description later in this section for details. When the ANIMATE command is invoked, the movie frames of the specified movie are read from the database and processed into device-dependent display lists. Once this initial processing is complete, the movie frames are drawn into the graphics window. Animations can be performed at any computer terminal / PC / X terminal, although the speed and quality of animations is computer and graphics terminal dependent. Animations can be performed over an X Window network. After the animation is played back, the last movie frame remains in the graphics window until you use the REFRESH command (in this section) to redisplay the contents of the graphics window or until you use the FRAME command (in Section 5.1) to clear the graphics window. Use the MOVIESAVE command (in Section 3.3) to save the frames in a movie to disk. Once the frames are saved to disk, you can convert the disk file to commonly used PC formats, see the AUI Primer, problem 7, for an example. Use the SHOW MOVIEFRAME command to dump each frame in a movie to an image file. See the MOVIEFRAME command description later in this section for details.

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MOVIESHOOT LOAD-STEP creates movie frames by regenerating all mesh plots and their attachments, such as band plots, over a range of solution times. All movie frames created by this command are placed into the specified movie number. Any existing movie frames for the specified movie number are automatically deleted. TSTART [EARLIEST] TEND [LATEST] The start and end times in the range of solution times. You can enter a solution time or the words EARLIEST or LATEST for each of these parameters. LATEST means the latest solution time for which there are displacements or temperatures (ADINA model), temperatures (ADINA-T model) or velocities (ADINA-F model) in the database. FRAMES [AUTOMATIC] The total number of movie frames to create in this command. You can enter an integer greater than or equal to 2, in which case the AUI divides the solution time range into equal increments and generates a movie frame for each increment. You can also enter the word AUTOMATIC, in which case the AUI uses all solution times within the range of solution times for which results were computed. MOVIENUMBER [highest defined movie number + 1] The movie number into which the generated movie frames are placed. Any existing movie frames are deleted. If you specify a movie number higher than the highest defined movie number, the AUI creates a new movie number and places the generated movie frames within it. Notes for multiple solutions for a solution time When there are multiple solutions for a solution time (see example at the end of the LOADPORTHOLE command), then there are additional considerations for the FRAMES parameter, as follows. When FRAMES=AUTOMATIC, all solutions within the given range of solution times are selected. When FRAMES=(a number), then only main solutions within the given range of solution times are selected.


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Sec. 5.11 Movie frames and animations

MOVIESHOOT MODE-SHAPE ANGLESTART ANGLEEND FRAMES MOVIENUMBER MOVIESHOOT MODE-SHAPE creates movie frames by regenerating all mesh plots and their attachments, such as band plots, varying the eigenvector scaling factor sinusoidally over a range of angles. The typical use of MOVIESHOOT MODE-SHAPE is to create movie frames that show one period of the structural motion as the structure moves in one of its mode shapes. For each displayed mesh plot, the mode shape that is animated is the mode shape corresponding to the mesh plot. It is possible to generate movie frames showing several meshes moving in several mode shapes simultaneously by first displaying mesh plots for these mode shapes, then using this command. (In this case, each mode shape will appear to have the same natural frequency.) All movie frames created by this command are placed into the specified movie number. Any existing movie frames for the specified movie number are automatically deleted. The movie frames created by this command can be easily animated using the ANIMATE command (in this section). The CYCLES parameter of the ANIMATE command replays the animation through an arbitrary number of cycles. The default values of the MOVIESHOOT MODE-SHAPE parameters are chosen so that the resulting animation shows the structure moving through CYCLES periods in one of its mode shapes. ANGLESTART [0.0] ANGLEEND [AUTOMATIC] The start and end angles in the angular range, entered in degrees. ANGLEEND can also be the word AUTOMATIC, in which case ANGLEEND is computed using the formula ANGLEEND = ANGLESTART + 360.0×(FRAMES - 1)/FRAMES This choice of formula allows you to play back the animation using multiple cycles, as the angular increment between the last movie frame of a cycle and the first movie frame of the next cycle is then the same as all of the other angular increments. FRAMES [20] The total number of movie frames to create in this command. In all cases the angular range is divided into equal increments and a movie frame is generated for each increment, as well as for the angles ANGLESTART and ANGLEEND. FRAMES must be greater than or equal to 2.

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Chap. 5 Display control


MOVIENUMBER [(highest defined movie number + 1)] The movie number into which the generated movie frames are placed. Any existing movie frames for this movie number are deleted. If you specify a movie number higher than the highest defined movie number, the AUI creates a new movie number and places the generated movie frames within it. Notes 1) The eigenvector scaling factor is computed as FACTOR = COS(ANGLE), where ANGLE = ANGLESTART, ANGLESTART + ANGINC, ... , ANGLEEND, and ANGINC = (ANGLEEND - ANGLESTART)/(FRAMES - 1) When ANGLEEND is chosen automatically, ANGINC = 360.0/FRAMES. 2) The scaling factor is applied to the eigenvectors and also to the modal stresses, forces and reactions.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 5.11 Movie frames and animations


MOVIESHOOT ROTATE creates movie frames by regenerating all mesh plots and their attachments, such as band plots, varying the view rotation of the mesh plots over a range of angles. The typical use of MOVIESHOOT ROTATE is to create movie frames showing the mesh plots rotating completely around an axis. All movie frames created by this command are placed into the specified movie number. Any existing movie frames for the specified movie number are automatically deleted. When you use this command, the AUI regenerates the graphics window for each movie frame. The time required by the AUI to create each movie frame is much longer than the time required to play back the movie frame during animation. The movie frames created by this command can be easily animated using the ANIMATE command (in this section). You can use the CYCLES parameter of the ANIMATE command to replay the animation through an arbitrary number of cycles. The default values of the MOVIESHOOT ROTATE parameters are chosen so that the resulting animation shows the structure rotating CYCLES times around an axis. AXISROTATE The axis about which the mesh plots are rotated. VIEWX Horizontal axis of the mesh as currently plotted. VIEWY

Vertical axis of the mesh as currently plotted.


Axis perpendicular to the graphics window.


MODELX Axis parallel to the x axis of the model. MODELY Axis parallel to the y axis of the model. MODELZ Axis parallel to the z axis of the model. ANGLESTART [AUTOMATIC] ANGLEEND [360.0] The start and end angles in the angular range, entered in degrees. ANGLESTART can also be the word AUTOMATIC, in which case ANGLESTART is computed using the formula ANGLESTART = ANGLEEND - 360.0 * (FRAMES - 1)/FRAMES.

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Chap. 5 Display control


This choice of formula allows you to play back the animation using multiple cycles, as the angular increment between the last movie frame of a cycle and the first movie frame of the next cycle is the same as the angular increment between each of the movie frames. ANGLESENSE The sense of rotation around the axis. {POSITIVE / NEGATIVE}


FRAMES [20] The total number of movie frames to create in this command. In all cases the angular range is divided into equal increments and a movie frame is generated for each increment, as well as for the angles ANGLESTART and ANGLEEND. FRAMES must be greater than or equal to 2. MOVIENUMBER [(highest defined movie number) + 1] The movie number into which the generated movie frames are placed. Any existing movie frames for this movie number are deleted. If you specify a movie number higher than the highest defined movie number, the AUI creates a new movie number and places the generated movie frames within it.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 5.11 Movie frames and animations


MOVIESHOOT CUTPLANE creates movie frames by regenerating all mesh plots and their attachments, such as band plots, shifting the cutting plane along its normal in each frame. Only those mesh plots in which a cutting surface of type cutplane is used are affected by this command. See the CUTSURFACE CUTPLANE command in Section 5.2 for information about defining cutting surfaces of type cutplane. All movie frames created by this command are placed into the specified movie number. Any existing movie frames for the specified movie are automatically deleted. START [LOWEST] END [HIGHEST] The coordinates giving the first cutting plane and the last cutting plane location. The coordinate is measured from the origin of the cutting plane in the direction of the cutting plane normal. LOWEST means the lowest coordinate for which the cutting plane intersects the mesh plot and HIGHEST means the highest coordinate for which the cutting plane intersects the mesh plot. FRAMES [20] The total number of movie frames to create in this command. The cutting plane coordinate is divided into equal increments between START and END and a movie frame is generated for each increment, as well as for coordinates START and END. {>= 2} MOVIENUMBER [highest defined movie number + 1] The movie number into which the generated movie frames are placed. Any existing movie frames for this movie number are deleted. If you specify a movie number higher than the highest defined movie number, the AUI creates a new movie number and places the generated movie frames into it.

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Chap. 5 Display control


MOVIESHOOT ISOSURFACE START END FRAMES MOVIENUMBER MOVIESHOOT ISOSURFACE creates movie frames by regenerating all mesh plots and their attachments, such as band plots, shifting the threshold value for the cutting isosurface value in each frame. Only those mesh plots in which a cutting surface of type isosurface is used are affected by this command. See the CUTSURFACE ISOSURFACE command in Section 5.2 for information about defining cutting surfaces of type isosurface. All movie frames created by this command are placed into the specified movie number. Any existing movie frames for the specified movie are automatically deleted. START [LOWEST] END [HIGHEST] The start and end threshold values. LOWEST means the lowest value in the meshplot and HIGHEST means the highest value in the meshplot. FRAMES [20] The total number of movie frames to create in this command. The threshold value is divided into equal increments between START and END and a movie frame is generated for each increment, as well as for threshold values START and END. {>= 2}. MOVIENUMBER [highest defined movie number + 1] The movie number into which the generated movie frames are placed. Any existing movie frames for this movie number are deleted. If you specify a movie number higher than the highest defined movie number, the AUI creates a new movie number and places the generated movie frames into it.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 5.11 Movie frames and animations


MOVIESHOOT TRACEPLOT creates movie frames by regenerating all quasi-steady trace plots, varying the particle time. See the introduction to Section 5.8 for information about trace plots. Using this command, you can animate the particle motions of quasi-steady trace plots. PTIMESTART [lowest particle time of any traceplot] PTIMEEND [highest particle time of any traceplot] The start and end particle times. PTIMESTART can be greater than PTIMEEND to show the particle traces evolving upstream. FRAMES [21] The total number of movie frames to create in this command. In all cases the particle time range is divided into equal increments and a movie frame is generated for each particle time. FRAMES must be greater than or equal to 2. MOVIENUMBER [(highest defined movie number + 1)] The movie number into which the generated movie frames are placed. Any existing movie frames for this movie number are deleted. If you specify a movie number higher than the highest defined movie number, the AUI creates a new movie number and places the generated movie frames within it.

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Chap. 5 Display control




MOVIEFRAME creates a movie frame from the graphics displayed in the graphics window. Movie frames are automatically renumbered when additional movie frames are inserted, or when movie frames are deleted, so that movie frames and movie numbers always have sequential numbering without gaps starting from 1. MOVIENUMBER [highest defined movie number + 1] The movie number into which the movie frame is added. You can begin a new movie number by specifying a number larger than the last defined movie number. {1 to (highest defined movie number + 1)} FRAMENUMBER

[highest defined frame number for the specified movie number] The movie frame is inserted after the movie frame with number FRAMENUMBER. FRAMENUMBER can be between 0 and the highest defined frame number for the movie. Auxiliary commands SHOW MOVIEFRAME MOVIENUMBER FIRST LAST COMMAND Plots the movie frames of the specified movie number in the specified range onto the current graphics window. To specify a single movie frame, do not specify a value for parameter LAST. When you specify a range of movie frames, the AUI draws the movie frames rapidly in sequence. The frames will appear to flicker and the result will not be as pleasing as when the ANIMATE command (in this section) is used. Parameter COMMAND is used to submit a command to the operating system after each frame is displayed. Typically the command is used to dump the graphics window to an image file. The command can include the special variables @W (which substitutes the window ID of the graphics window), @F (which substitutes the current frame number) or @[1-9]F (which substitutes the current frame number formatted using 1 to 9 digits). Note that @F and @5F are identical. The characters W and F can be either upper or lower case. Parameter COMMAND can only be used for UNIX versions of the AUI. As an example showing the use of the COMMAND parameter, for UNIX versions of the AUI, the command SHOW MOVIEFRAME COMMAND='xwd -id @w -out [email protected]' shows the current movie, running the xwd command after each frame is shown. The


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Sec. 5.11 Movie frames and animations

frames are saved in image files demo00001.xwd, demo00002.xwd, etc. in xwd format. While the AUI is running the SHOW MOVIEFRAME command, you should ensure that the AUI graphics window remains visible at all times. The resolution of the image files will be the same as the resolution of the AUI graphics window. You can resize the AUI graphics window before using SHOW MOVIEFRAME if you want to adjust the image file resolution. The last movie frame will remain on the graphics window until the REFRESH command (in this section) is used to redisplay the contents of the graphics window or the FRAME command (in Section 5.1) is used to clear the graphics window. LIST MOVIEFRAME MOVIENUMBER FIRST LAST Lists information about the movie frames of a specified movie number. If nothing is specified for MOVIENUMBER, the AUI lists summary information about all of the defined movie numbers and movie frames. DELETE MOVIEFRAME MOVIENUMBER FIRST LAST Deletes the specified movie frames of the specified movie number. RESET MOVIEFRAME Deletes all movie frames of all movie numbers.

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Chap. 5 Display control




ANIMATE draws the movie frames of the specified movie very rapidly in the graphics window, producing an animation effect. ANIMATE does not create movie frames. To create movie frames, see the MOVIEFRAME and MOVIESHOOT commands in this section. MOVIENUMBER The number of the movie to animate.

[highest defined movie number]

CYCLES The number of times to repeat the animation sequence.


METHOD [AUTOMATIC] METHODOPTION [plotting system dependent] The method that the AUI uses to perform the animation. If METHOD = AUTOMATIC, the AUI selects the method automatically. If METHOD = CUSTOM, the AUI uses the method selected by METHODOPTION. METHODOPTION can be DOUBLEBUFFER, BITBLIT or IMMEDIATEDRAW. DOUBLEBUFFER means that the graphics window memory is divided into two buffers, front (which is displayed) and back (which is not displayed); the AUI draws the movie frame into the back buffer, then swaps buffers to display the movie frame. BITBLIT means that the AUI renders the movie frame into off-screen memory, then copies the memory to on-screen memory (the copying process is a bitblit process). IMMEDIATEDRAW means that the AUI immediately draws the movie frame into the graphics window; this process does not work very well and should be used only when the other methods cannot be used for some reason. The possible values for METHODOPTION depend on the plotting system. For the X Window System, METHODOPTION can be DOUBLEBUFFER, BITBLIT and IMMEDIATEDRAW; the default is BITBLIT (DOUBLEBUFFER may not be available for all X Window implementations). For OpenGL, METHODOPTION can be DOUBLEBUFFER or IMMEDIATEDRAW; the default is DOUBLEBUFFER. For Windows GDI, METHODOPTION can be BITBLIT and IMMEDIATEDRAW; the default is BITBLIT. MINDELAY [0] MAXDELAY [0] When the plotting system is the X Window System and METHOD = DOUBLEBUFFER, MINDELAY and MAXDELAY are interpreted as follows: MINDELAY is the minimum time (in milliseconds) to delay before swapping buffers and MAXDELAY is the maximum time (in milliseconds) within which X Window swaps buffers after the time interval specified by MINDELAY.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.11 Movie frames and animations

When the plotting system is OpenGL or METHOD = BITBLIT, MINDELAY controls the speed of animation playback, with 0 meaning the fastest possible playback speed and larger values slowing down the playback speed. Both MINDELAY and MAXDELAY are integer parameters. SWAPINTERVAL [0] When OpenGL is used and METHOD=DOUBLEBUFFER, SWAPINTERVAL gives the minimum number of retraces between buffer swaps. SWAPINTERVAL = 0 and SWAPINTERVAL = 1 are the same and result in fastest possible animation playback. Higher numbers slow down the animation playback. SWAPINTERVAL can be used only when both the client and server support the GLX_SGI_swap_control extension; SGI computers support this extension and other computers may support it as well. However, this extension is not available under MS Windows. Note: After you run the ANIMATE command and before you create another movie, the parameter default values are replaced by the last entered values. For example MOVIESHOOT LOAD-STEP ANIMATE CYCLES=5 ANIMATE MOVIESHOOT LOAD-STEP ANIMATE

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(repeats the animation 5 times) (still repeats the animation 5 times) (clears the last entered values for the parameters) (repeats the animation once)


Chap. 5 Display control


REFRESH REFRESH redraws the graphics window. As a side effect, any currently displayed movie frame, either from the SHOW MOVIEFRAME command or from the ANIMATE command, is cleared (these commands are described in this section).


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 5.12 User defined plotting


stringi TEXT draws strings of alphanumeric characters in a plotting subframe. The text created by this command can be manipulated with the mouse (see Section 4.2). NAME The name specifying the text. This name is defined by the USERTEXT command (in this section). If no name is specified, the text is read from the data input lines of this command. XP [50.0] YP [50.0] The coordinates of the first character in the first string. The coordinates are measured in the plotting subframe coordinate system. HEIGHT The height of the plotted characters.


ANGLE The angle (in degrees) between the strings and the plotting subframe XP axis.


SPACING The distance between two successive character baselines.


SCALE [1.0] The text is scaled by this scale factor before plotting. A scale factor greater than 1.0 corresponds to an enlargement of the text; a scale factor less than 1.0 corresponds to a shrinking of the text. The scale factor must be greater than zero. COLOR The color of the plotted characters.


SUBFRAME [DEFAULT] The name of the subframe within which the text is plotted. A subframe is defined by the SUBFRAME command (see Section 5.1). BOX [NO] Specifies whether or not a box is drawn around the plotting subframe. {YES / NO}

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Chap. 5 Display control


UNITXP [PERCENT] UNITYP [PERCENT] The units associated with XP and YP. {CM / INCH / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} UNITHEIGHT [PERCENT] The unit associated with HEIGHT. {CM / INCH / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} UNITSPACING [HEIGHTS] The unit associated with SPACING. If UNITSPACING = HEIGHTS, SPACING = X corresponds to a distance of X ⋅ HEIGHT . {CM / INCH / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS / HEIGHTS} stringi A string of at most 80 characters. The string can contain characters, character codes and character functions. The string must be entered in single quotes, which are not treated as part of the string. Character Any keyboard character, with the exception of @. Character code Two numbers, the character set and the character number, that uniquely specify the character. These are entered in the format @C[(set),(number)] For example: @C[0,(number)]: ASCII character for the given number. For example, @C[0,65] draws an uppercase A and @C[0,64] draws @. @C[1,(number)]: Special character. The number can be from 1 to 24, as shown in the following table:


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.12 User defined plotting

Character function A function that modifies the characters that follow it. Functions are: @F^ (superscript all following characters) @F_ (subscript all following characters) @FN (end of superscripting or subscripting) Format code A code that alters the placement of characters. Normally all characters on an entered line are drawn in order and characters on different input lines are plotted on different lines. You can use the following format codes to alter the placement of characters: @N All characters after this code are placed on a new line. @I[(heights)] The next character code is drawn at a distance of (heights)×HEIGHT from the beginning of the line. This code can be used to vertically align characters. It is most useful when the plotting system uses a proportionally-spaced font. (Heights) can be a real number. @, When this code is entered at the end of a line, the carriage return is suppressed. You can enter an arbitrary number of strings. Example 1 TEXT 'abcABC' 'abc@C[1,3]' 'x@F_ij@FN = y@F^kl@FN' 'abc@,' 'ABC' DATAEND plots abcABC abc+ xij = ykl abcABC

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Example 2 TEXT ‘This is a very long string @,’ ‘that goes on and on and on.’ DATAEND plots This is a very long string that goes on and on and on.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.12 User defined plotting

USERTEXT NAME stringi USERTEXT defines text strings (a usertext) that can be plotted using the TEXT command (in this section). NAME The name of the usertext. If there is a previously defined usertext with this name, data entered in this command is used to modify that usertext. If there is no previously defined usertext with this name, this command creates a new usertext. stringi A string of at most 80 characters. See the TEXT command in this section for further details. Auxiliary commands LIST USERTEXT Lists all usertext names. LIST USERTEXT NAME Lists the strings within the specified usertext. DELETE USERTEXT Deletes the specified usertext.

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Chap. 5 Display control


UDRAW NAME XP YP ANGLE SCALE COLOR SUBFRAME BOX UNITXP UNITYP UNITCOORDINATES xui yui UDRAW draws line segments of the specified color in the specified subframe. The points defining the line segments can come from either the USERSEGMENT command (in this section) or the data input lines of this command. The line segments can be either connected or unconnected, as described below. One possible use of UDRAW is to draw a company logo in the graphics window. All coordinates are in the usersegment coordinate system. The coordinates are transformed to the plotting subframe coordinate system as shown in the figure. The line segments created by this command can be manipulated with the mouse (see Section 4.2). NAME The name specifying a usersegment. This name is defined using the USERSEGMENT command (in this section). If no name is specified, the points are read from the data input lines of this command. XP YP The reference coordinate of the usersegment in the plotting subframe (see figure).

[0.0] [0.0]

ANGLE [0.0] The angle of the usersegment coordinate system, relative to the plotting subframe coordinate system (see figure). The angle is entered in degrees. SCALE [1.0] The usersegments are scaled by this scale factor before plotting. The scale factor modifies the unit associated with usersegment data. The scale factor must be greater than zero. COLOR The color of the line segments.


SUBFRAME [DEFAULT] The name of the subframe depiction that specifies into which subframe to draw the line segments. A subframe is defined by the SUBFRAME command (see Section 5.1).


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Sec. 5.12 User defined plotting

BOX [NO] Specifies whether or not the program draws a box around the plotting subframe. {YES / NO} UNITXP [PERCENT] UNITYP [PERCENT] The units associated with XP and YP. {CM / INCHES / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} UNITCOORDINATES [PERCENT] Specifies the unit associated with the coordinates. {CM / INCHES / PERCENT / PIXELS / POINTS} xui yui The X and Y coordinates of point i. Notice that a point cannot be deleted. The coordinates are interpreted in the usersegment coordinate system (see figure). If both xi and yi are less than 1E10, a line segment is drawn from the current position to (xui, yui) and the current position is updated to (xui, yui). If either xi or yi is greater than 1E10, no line segment is drawn and the current position is replaced by the next coordinate for which xi and yi are both less than 1E10. This feature allows you to draw unconnected line segments. Examples 1) USERSEGMENT TWOBOX 0.5 0.5 / 1.5 0.5 / 1.5 1.5 / 0.5 1.5 / 0.5 0.5 1E10 1E10 2.0 0.5 / 3.0 0.5 / 3.0 1.5 / 2.0 1.5 / 2.0 0.5 UDRAW TWOBOX This example draws two boxes. The point (1E10, 1E10) is used to separate the second box from the first box. 2) UDRAW 0.5 0.5 / 1.5 0.5 / 1.5 1.5 / 0.5 1.5 / 0.5 0.5 1E10 1E10 2.0 0.5 / 3.0 0.5 / 3.0 1.5 / 2.0 1.5 / 2.0 0.5 DATAEND This example draws the same line segments as the first. However, the points are not named (i.e., stored in a usersegment) and therefore must be reentered if you want to draw

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these line segments in a future plot. 3) UDRAW SCALE=1.4 0.5 0.5 / 1.5 0.5 / 1.5 1.5 / 0.5 1.5 / 0.5 0.5 1E10 1E10 2.0 0.5 / 3.0 0.5 / 3.0 1.5 / 2.0 1.5 / 2.0 0.5 DATAEND This example draws boxes that are 1.4 times as large as those drawn in example 2.


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Sec. 5.12 User defined plotting


xi yi USERSEGMENT defines line segments (a usersegment) that can be plotted using the UDRAW command (in this section). NAME The name of the usersegment. If there is a previously defined usersegment with this name, data entered in this command modifies that usersegment. If there is no previously defined usersegment with this name, a new usersegment is created by this command. x i, y i The X and Y coordinates of point i. Notice that a usersegment point cannot be deleted. The unit of the x and y coordinates is set in the UDRAW command (in this section). Auxiliary commands LIST USERSEGMENT Lists all usersegment names. LIST USERSEGMENT NAME Lists the points within the specified usersegment. DELETE USERSEGMENT Deletes the specified usersegment.

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nodei valuei USERNODALDATA defines nodal data that can be plotted or listed by other commands, such as BANDPLOT. NAME The name of the usernodaldata. If there is a previously defined usernodaldata with this name, data entered in this command modifies that usernodaldata. If there is no previously defined usernodaldata with this name, a new usersegment is created by this command. It is not allowed to specify the name of a previously defined variable. SUBSTRUCTURE The number of the substructure (0 for the main structure) to which the nodes belong.


REUSE The number of the reuse or cyclic part to which the nodes belong.


UNDEFINED [EMPTY] The value assigned to a node that is not in the data input lines table {EMPTY/UVALUE}. UVALUE [0.0] If UNDEFINED=UVALUE, then the value assigned to a node that is not in the data input lines table is UVALUE. nodei A node number, in the current finite element program, and in the specified substructure and reuse. valuei The value assigned to the node.


Notes When you use the AUI to visualize user nodal data, you need not load the entire porthole file. Only the model definition in the porthole file is necessary. To load only the model definition, use the command LOADPORTHOLE CREATE ... RANGE=NONE. Note that loading only the model definition is much faster and takes much less disk space than loading the entire porthole file, especially for large models. The usernodaldata name is considered to be a variable name by the other plotting and listing commands.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.12 User defined plotting

A band plot will not plot on elements for which any of the nodal values are empty. This feature is useful if you just want to plot your data over part of the model. Example * * Load just the model definition into the AUI * LOADPORTHOLE CREATE 'my_model.port' RANGE=NONE * * Import data sets * USERNODALDATA MY_FIRST_DATA_SET 1 10.0 2 11.0 ... 10000 -3.0 DATAEND USERNODALDATA MY_SECOND_DATA_SET 1 2.3 2 3.4 ... 10000 -3.5 DATAEND * * Plot the first data set in a band plot * FRAME MESHPLOT BANDPLOT VAR=MY_FIRST_DATA_SET * * Plot the second data set in a band plot * FRAME MESHPLOT BANDPLOT VAR=MY_SECOND_DATA_SET * * Combine data sets, and plot the combined data set as * a band plot * RESULTANT MY_COMBINED_DATA_SET 'MY_FIRST_DATA_SET + MY_SECOND_DATA_SET' FRAME MESHPLOT BANDPLOT VAR=MY_COMBINED_DATA_SET

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Chap. 5 Display control


Auxiliary commands LIST USERNODALDATA Lists all usernodaldata names. LIST USERNODALDATA NAME Lists the usernodaldata data. DELETE USERNODALDATA Deletes the specified usernodaldata.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 5.13 Plotting definitions

COLORTABLE redi greeni bluei colori DELETE colori COLORTABLE allows you to manipulate the color table, which gives the red-green-blue (RGB) intensities corresponding to color names. All color names specified in other commands must be listed in the color table. The color table is stored in the database. When a database is initialized, a predefined color table is initialized. The number of colors that you can specify in the color table is unlimited. See Section 1.10 for more information about color names. redi greeni bluei The red-green-blue intensities corresponding to colori. The intensities must be between 0.0 and 1.0. colori The name of colori (up to 30 alphanumeric characters). If colori is already present in the color table, its definition is updated using the specified values of redi, greeni, bluei. Auxiliary commands LIST COLORTABLE Lists the current color definitions. The listing is sorted in ascending color name order.

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Chapter 6 Display and post-processing definitions


Sec. 6.1 Settings







UNDO [5] The UNDO parameter controls the number of commands that can be undone using the UNDO command (see Section 4.1). If UNDO = -1, the UNDO command cannot be used and the AUI cannot recover from an error when a command runs, if UNDO = 0, the UNDO command cannot be used, but the AUI can recover from an error when a command runs, if UNDO = 1, UNDO can be used to undo the effects of the previous command, if UNDO = 2, UNDO can be used to undo the effects of the previous two commands, etc. Setting UNDO = -1 can significantly speed up the processing of batch files. PROMPT [UNKNOWN] Controls the default behavior for prompts which may arise from various commands. NO No command prompts will be issued – this is useful in batch mode – eliminating any interaction. YES

Command prompts are always issued.


Command prompts are issued only when necessary.

AUTOREPAINT [YES] When AUTOREPAINT = YES, the AUI automatically repaints that area of the graphics window that is exposed to the removal or motion of overlapping windows or dialog boxes. You may want to set AUTOREPAINT to NO to suppress the repainting; in that case, you can use the REFRESH command (in Section 5.11 whenever you want to repaint the graphics window.

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions


DRAWMATTACH [YES] When DRAWMATTACH = YES, mesh plot attachments (such as band plots) are drawn. Otherwise, they are not drawn. One use of this option is to turn off drawing of mesh plot attachments before moving the mesh plots with the mouse. DRAWTEXT DRAWLINES DRAWFILLS These options control the drawing of text, lines and fills: EXACT Use the requested colors while drawing.


SATURATED Convert all colors to saturated colors before drawing. GRAY

Convert all colors to gray scales before drawing.


Convert all colors to the INVERSE color before drawing (the INVERSE color is the opposite of the background color).


Do not draw.

AUTOMREBUILD [YES] When you enter a command that alters the geometry or finite element model, the AUI rebuilds all corresponding data structures so that the model can be replotted. This feature can be deactivated by setting AUTOMREBUILD = NO (in this case, if you want to plot the model, you must use the ADINA-IN commands ADINA, ADINA-T or ADINA-F to rebuild the model beforehand). Setting AUTOMREBUILD = NO can significantly speed up the processing of batch files. ZONECOPY [NO] Controls whether the commands BANDPLOT, MESHPLOT, ELINEPLOT, EVECTORPLOT, LCPLOT, REACTIONPLOT, BANDSTYLE, MESHSTYLE, ELINESTYLE, EVECTORSTYLE, LCSTYLE, REACTIONSTYLE create copies of the input zones. Zone copies are always created by these commands in AUI 7.0, but not in later versions of the AUI. The preferred setting of ZONECOPY is NO, but YES may be necessary to read input/session files produced for/by AUI 7.0. { YES / NO }. Session files produced by the AUI 7.0 will probably not work unless ZONECOPY = YES, see note 4 for an example. During model definition, when using active zones to keep geometry and finite element entities in functional parts, mesh plots are only updated properly when ZONECOPY = NO, see note 5 for an example.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 6.1 Settings

SWEEPCOINCIDE [YES] Controls whether the SURFACE/VOLUME REVOLVED/EXTRUDED geometry definition commands of ADINA-IN check for coincident lines and surfaces, as well as for coincident vertices (points). AUI 7.0 did not attempt to connect adjacent surfaces/volumes, resulting in duplicate lines and surfaces from such “sweep” geometry definitions. The default in AUI 7.1 and higher is to connect adjacent surfaces/volumes whenever possible. However, AUI 7.0 input/session files which contain such geometry definitions will probably not work, so it may be necessary to set SWEEPCOINCIDE = NO to correctly process older input files. SESSIONSTORAGE [YES] If SESSIONSTORAGE = YES, subsequent commands are stored in the AUI database. You can output these commands using the COMMANDFILE command (see Section 3.4). In the event of a system crash, you can retrieve these commands by opening the AUI temporary database, then by issuing the COMMANDFILE command. If SESSIONSTORAGE = NO, commands are not stored and cannot be retrieved. You can set SESSIONSTORAGE to NO when you are reading the commands from a batch file to eliminate the overhead of storing the commands within the AUI database. DYNAMICTRANSFORM [YES] Controls how the program indicates the transformation when you move, resize or rotate graphics using the mouse. If DYNAMICTRANSFORM=YES, the program redraws all picked graphics completely and redraws all other graphics that overlap the picked graphics. If DYNAMICTRANSFORM=PARTIAL, the program partially redraws all picked graphics and does not redraw overlapping graphics. If DYNAMICTRANSFORM=NO, the program indicates the transformation using a bounding box. UPDATETHICKNESS [YES] When you change the thickness of geometry surfaces or faces, all elements generated onto the surfaces or faces are automatically updated with the updated thickness. {YES / NO} In AUI 7.2 and lower, elements are not automatically updated. Therefore you may need to set UPDATETHICKNESS=NO so that input files constructed for use with AUI 7.2 and lower work correctly. AUTOREGENERATE [NO] If AUTOREGENERATE=YES, the program regenerates the graphics after you run a command that changes the model definition. This parameter only applies to commands that are run from the command-line (or read from a file); it does not apply to dialog box input from the user interface. Note that the user interface always regenerates the graphics after you use a dialog box that changes the model definition. {YES / NO}

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions


ERRORACTION [CONTINUE] If ERRORACTION=CONTINUE, then, when the AUI detects an error, the AUI will continue to process commands. If ERRORACTION=SKIP, then, when the AUI detects an error, the AUI will skip the remaining commands, up to the next READ END command, if any. An error is defined as one of the following two events: 1) A message of one of the following types is written: INPUT ERROR, ERROR, SEVERE ERROR, INTERNAL ERROR, ALERT. 2) A memory overflow is detected. The typical use of this feature is to prevent the AUI from creating a data file when there are errors in the batch file, or when a memory overflow occurs while processing the batch file. ERRORACTION only affects commands read from a batch command file. ERRORACTION does not affect commands run from the dialog boxes or icons. It also does not affect commands entered at the command window, or entered at the command-line prompt. FILEVERSION [V88] This parameter tells the AUI which algorithms to use during subsequent commands. Use this flag to request algorithms from previous versions of the AUI. For example, if you constructed a batch file in AUI 8.3, set FILEVERSION=V83 to specify that the AUI 8.2 algorithms should be used in processing the file. {V73 / V74 / V75 / V80 / V81 / V82 / V83 / V84 / V85 / V86 / V87 / V88}. INITFCHECK [NO] This parameter tells the AUI whether or not to consider subsequent commands as part of an initialization file. If INITFCHECK=NO, subsequent commands are not considered part of an initialization file, if INITFCHECK=YES, subsequent commands are considered part of an initialization file. When INITFCHECK=YES, the AUI does not check resultants and aliases for errors. Therefore resultants and aliases can be included in initialization files when INITFCHECK=YES. Also the AUI always allows the use of the FEPROGRAM command when INITFCHECK=YES. SIGDIGITS [6] This parameter controls the number of significant digits used in listings. Between 1 and 16 significant digits can be requested. AUTOZONE [YES] When AUTOZONE=YES, the AUI automatically creates zones for many common parts of the model, such as element groups, contact surfaces and geometry bodies. See the description in the Zones - Introduction section of this manual (Section 6.2.) { YES / NO }


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 6.1 Settings

For models with many element groups or geometry bodies, you may want to turn off the AUTOZONE feature to save storage and CPU time. PSFILEVERSION [V0] This parameter gives the Parasolid version number used for saving Parasolid files. For example, V150 means to save in Parasolid version 15.0 format. V0 means the Parasolid version used to compile the AUI. { V0 / V80 / V90 / V91 / V100 / V110 / V111 / V120 / V121 / V130 / V140 / V150 / V161} Notes 1) One important use of parameters DRAWTEXT, DRAWLINES, DRAWFILLS is when making plots in black and white for reports. In this case you might use DRAWTEXT = INVERSE, DRAWLINES = INVERSE, DRAWFILLS = GRAY. 2) The drawing parameters apply both to graphics as displayed on the screen and to graphics as produced using SNAPSHOT or MOVIESAVE (see Section 3.3). 3) One use of DRAWFILLS = SATURATED is to speed up shaded color image drawing, especially using X Window System graphics; all shades of each color are converted to the same color, resulting in significantly fewer color changes. 4) Example of a session file that will not work unless ZONECOPY = YES: * LOADPORTHOLE OPERATIO=CREATE FILE=... * MESHPLOT MESHSTYL=DEFAULT ZONENAME=WHOLE_MODEL RESPONSE=DEFAULT, MODELDEP=DEFAULT VIEW=DEFAULT MESHWIND=DEFAULT PLOTAREA=DEFAULT, SUBFRAME=DEFAULT ELDEPICT=DEFAULT NODEDEPI=DEFAULT, BOUNDEPI=DEFAULT GPDEPICT=DEFAULT GLDEPICT=DEFAULT, GSDEPICT=DEFAULT GVDEPICT=DEFAULT MESHREND=DEFAULT, MESHANNO=DEFAULT FRONDEPI=DEFAULT CONDEPIC=DEFAULT, VSDEPICI=DEFAULT CRACKDEP=DEFAULT RESULTCO=DEFAULT * NODEDEPICTIO NAME=MESHPLOT00001 SYMBOLPL=YES SYMBOL='@C[1,5]', SYMBOLCO=GREEN SYMBOLSI=0.150000005960000 UNITSYMB=CM NUMBER=NO, NUMBERCO=GREEN NUMBERSI=0.250000000000000 UNITNUMB=CM @STARTMODIFY @ENDMODIFY * MESHPLOT NAME=MESHPLOT00001 MESHSTYL=DEFAULT ZONENAME=MESHPLOT00001, RESPONSE=MESHPLOT00001 MODELDEP=MESHPLOT00001 VIEW=MESHPLOT00001, MESHWIND=MESHPLOT00001 PLOTAREA=MESHPLOT00001, SUBFRAME=MESHPLOT00001 ELDEPICT=MESHPLOT00001, NODEDEPI=MESHPLOT00001 BOUNDEPI=MESHPLOT00001, GPDEPICT=MESHPLOT00001 GLDEPICT=MESHPLOT00001, GSDEPICT=MESHPLOT00001 GVDEPICT=MESHPLOT00001, MESHREND=MESHPLOT00001 MESHANNO=MESHPLOT00001, FRONDEPI=MESHPLOT00001 CONDEPIC=MESHPLOT00001,

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions



The second mesh plot requires a zone name MESHPLOT00001; this zone name is produced by the first MESHPLOT command by a copy. Notice that the initial mesh plot works regardless of the value of CONTROL ZONECOPY. 5) Example of commands that work unexpectedly unless ZONECOPY = NO: MESHPLOT ZONE=PART1 ACTIVEZONE CLEAR 'PART1' DATAEND LINE STRAIGHT 1 1 2 REGENERATE We expect that the REGENERATE command will draw line 1, as line 1 has been added to active zone PART1 and the mesh plot contains zone PART1. However the REGENERATE command will only draw line 1 if CONTROL ZONECOPY = NO. Auxiliary commands LIST CONTROL Lists the values of the parameters set by the CONTROL command.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Zones – Introduction

Sec. 6.2 Zones

Zones - Introduction You can select parts of the model using zones. A zone is a collection of elements, nodes, contact segments, radiosity segments, geometry points, geometry lines, geometry surfaces, geometry volumes, geometry edges, geometry faces, geometry bodies, rigid links and constraint equations. There are two purposes for zones: 1) To specify the elements, nodes, geometry, etc., on which a specified command acts. For example, the MESHPLOT command (in Section 5.2) plots the contents of the specified zone. 2) To organize the parts of the model into functional units. For example you can put all of the nodes, elements, geometry for a hinge within a model into a zone named HINGE. When you start the AUI, there is a zone, WHOLE_MODEL, which is defined to contain the entire model. There are several commands that allow you to create or modify zones: BOXZONE: Selects contents that lie within specified boxes. CGZONE*: Selects contact groups. COMBZONE: Combines previously defined zones. CSZONE*: Selects contact surfaces. EGZONE*: Selects element groups. ELZONE*: Selects elements and element layers. RADGZONE*: Selects radiosity surface groups. RADZONE*: Selects radiosity surfaces and segments. ZONE: Explicitly specifies the contents of a zone. These commands are described in detail later in this section. In each of these commands, you specify a zone name. Whatever you select in the zone command is either added to or subtracted from the specified zone. If the zone name does not exist, it is created, otherwise it is modified.

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions

Zones – Introduction

The commands marked with a * are retained for backwards compatibility with AUI version 7.0. You may find it easier to use the ZONE command if you want to specify the elements, contact surfaces and radiosity segments in a zone. Predefined zones The predefined zone WHOLE_MODEL contains everything in the database. When you load a porthole file, the AUI creates a zone for the corresponding finite element program, with the name of the finite element program. If CONTROL AUTOZONE=YES, the AUI creates predefined zones for each of the indicated items. Element group: EG(N) Contact group: CG(N) Contact surface: CS(N) Substructure: S(N) Zoom-model: ZM(N) Main structure: MS Reuse: R(N) Cyclic part: CP(N) Radiosity group: RG(N) Geometry body: GB(N) Bolt elements: BOLTS (all elements in all bolt element groups) where (N) is the element group, contact group, etc. number. For example, in a model with 10 element groups, the AUI creates zones EG1, EG2, ..., EG10. In a model with multiple cyclic parts, the element and contact group zones contain data for all cyclic parts; e.g. zone EG1 contains element group 1 of each cyclic part. One important use of the AUTOZONE feature is to support the Color FE Model icon, so if you are going to use this icon, make sure that the AUTOZONE feature is turned on. For models with many element groups or geometry bodies, you may want to turn off the AUTOZONE feature to save storage and CPU time. Referenced zones and active zones It is allowed for a zone to explicitly reference another zone by name. It is allowed to designate one or more zones as being "active". The AUI updates all active zones as you create or modify the model definition during preprocessing.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Zones – Introduction

Sec. 6.2 Zones

These features are implemented so that the AUI can emulate the "layer" concept of CAD programs. This is best illustrated by an example. Suppose you are building a model that includes, among other parts, a spring and a hinge. At the beginning of the model definition, you can define empty zones SPRING and HINGE: ZONE SPRING @CLEAR DATAEND ZONE HINGE @CLEAR DATAEND Before you start working on the spring, you designate zone SPRING to be active. ACTIVEZONE @CLEAR 'SPRING' DATAEND Then, as you alter the model definition, zone SPRING is automatically updated. When you start to work on the hinge, you designate zone HINGE to be active. ACTIVEZONE @CLEAR 'HINGE' DATAEND Then, as you alter the model definition, zone SPRING doesn't change and zone HINGE is automatically updated. To plot just the spring, you can create a mesh plot using zone SPRING. MESHPLOT ZONE=SPRING As you continue to work on the spring, you can update the mesh plot using the REGENERATE command (see Section 5.1). Similarly, you can create a mesh plot using zone HINGE, and as you continue to work on the hinge, you can update the mesh plot using the REGENERATE command. (Note: It is necessary for the ZONECOPY parameter of the CONTROL command in Section 6.1 to be set to NO for the mesh plots to be properly updated; ZONECOPY = NO is the default setting.) To plot both the spring and the hinge, you can create a zone SPRING_HINGE that references both the spring and the hinge:

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions

Zones – Introduction

ZONE SPRING_HINGE 'ZONE SPRING' 'ZONE HINGE' DATAEND MESHPLOT ZONE=SPRING_HINGE Again, you can work on the spring and the hinge, and update the mesh plot using the REGENERATE command. Auxiliary commands LIST ZONE Lists the names of all zones. LIST ZONE NAME Lists the contents of the specified zone. DELETE ZONE NAME Deletes the specified zone. COPY ZONE NAME1 NAME2 Copies the zone specified by NAME1 to NAME2. Any existing zone with name NAME2 is redefined. See also Commands that accept zone names: MESHPLOT (Section 5.2), BANDPLOT (Section 5.4) EVECTORPLOT (Section 5.5) ELINEPLOT (Section 5.6) REACTIONPLOT (Section 5.7) TRACEPLOT (Section 5.8) SMOOTHING (Section 6.6) MASS-SELECT (Section 6.6) MESHINTEGRATION (Section 6.7) MESHMAX (Section 6.7) ZONEEXCEED, ZONEMAX, ZONELIST (Section 7.2)


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 6.2 Zones


selectioni 'SUBTRACT' selectioni Defines a zone as a list of selections. See below for the specification of selections. NAME The name of the zone. If the zone does not exist, it will be created by this command. The zone name must be specified. NODEATTACH [YES] If NODEATTACH = YES, then specifying elements, contact surfaces or radiosity surfaces automatically includes the attached nodes in the zone. If NODEATTACH = NO, then only nodes that are explicitly specified as selections are included in the zone. GEOMATTACH [YES] If GEOMATTACH = YES, then specifying geometry automatically includes the attached geometry in the zone. For example, specifying a geometry surface automatically includes the attached geometry lines and geometry points. If GEOMATTACH = NO, then only geometry that are explicitly specified as selections are included in the zone. selectioni A selection string used to select an element or range of elements, a node or range of nodes, etc. By default, the selection is added to the zone. But you can also indicate that the selection be subtracted from the zone using the SUBTRACT keyword. When using the command-line interface, it is necessary to enclose the selection (and the optional SUBTRACT keyword) in quotes so that the selection is not interpreted as a command. When using the dialog box, it is not necessary to enclose the selection in quotes. Selections: Each selection is a string of the form object1 OF object2 OF ... where each object consists of a name and a number. Possible object names are: NODE ELEMENT CONTACT SURFACE CONTACT SEGMENT

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions




AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 6.2 Zones

Notice that a range of numbers may be specified using the keyword TO. When a single object is not sufficient to entirely specify the desired selection, then the selection must be specified using the OF keyword. For example, if there is more than one element group in the model, then you use 'ELEMENT 1 OF ELEMENT GROUP 1' to specify element 1 of element group 1. Other examples using the OF keyword are 'ELEMENT GROUP 10 OF CYCLIC PART 2' 'GEOMETRY EDGE 1 OF GEOMETRY BODY 2' 'ELEMENTS 2 TO 4 OF ELEMENT GROUP 5 OF PROGRAM ADINA-T' You can type selections in either upper, lower or mixed-case and you can abbreviate object names. To specify a rigid link, use the syntax S:M where S is the slave node number and M is the master node number, for example 'RIGID LINK 4:7' to specify the rigid link with slave node 4 and master node 7. To specify a constraint equation, use the syntax N:I where N is the slave node number and I is the degree of freedom, for example 'CONSTRAINT EQUATION 4:3' to specify the constraint equation for ADINA slave node 4, z-translation. Degree of freedom numbers are as follows: ADINA: 1 = x-translation, 2 = y-translation, 3 = z-translation, 4 = x-rotation, 5 = y-rotation, 6 = z-rotation, 7 = fluid degree of freedom ADINA-T: 1 = temperature, 2 = radiosity ADINA-F: 1 = x-velocity, 2 = y-velocity, 3 = z-velocity, 4 = pressure, 5 = temperature

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions


Here are some examples in which the SUBTRACT keyword is used: ZONE ABC 'WHOLE_MODEL' 'SUBTRACT CONTACT GROUP 1' DATAEND ZONE DEF 'ELEMENT GROUP 1' 'SUBTRACT ELEMENTS 3 TO 5' DATAEND The CONTACT PAIR selection can only be used for node-node contact groups.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 6.2 Zones

BOXZONE NAME POSITION xmini xmaxi ymini ymaxi zmini zmaxi partiali operationi BOXZONE selects entities such as elements, contact surfaces, etc. to be included in or deleted from a zone. Those entities that lie partially or completely within boxes are selected. The boxes are defined in the model global coordinate system and are specified by the box coordinates. The boxes are aligned with the global coordinate system axes. NAME The name of the zone which will be modified. POSITION This parameter is currently unused. xmini xmaxi ymini ymaxi zmini zmaxi Coordinates of the box defining the zone, in the model global system. [YES] partiali Indicates whether entities that lie partially within the box are selected. {YES / NO} operationi [ADD] Indicates whether entities selected are to be added to or subtracted from the zone definition. {ADD / SUBTRACT}

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions




groupi operationi CGZONE selects contact surface groups to include in or delete from a zone. NAME The name of the zone which will be modified. FEPROGRAM [ADINA] The name of the finite element program to which the contact groups belong. Currently this parameter must be set to ADINA. SUBSTRUCTURE [0] The number of the substructure to which the contact groups belong. Currently this parameter must be set to zero (0). REUSE [1] The number of the reuse or cyclic part to which the contact groups belong. Currently this parameter must be set to one (1). POSITION This parameter is currently unused. groupi Label number of a contact surface group. operationi [ADD] Indicates whether selected entities are to be added to or subtracted from the zone definition. {ADD / SUBTRACT}


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 6.2 Zones


zonenamei operationi COMBZONE selects zones to include in or delete from a zone. NAME The name of the zone to be modified. POSITION This parameter is currently unused. zonenamei Name of a zone (other than parameter NAME). [ADD] operationi Indicates whether selected entities are to be added to or subtracted from the zone definition. {ADD / SUBTRACT}

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions




surfacei operationi CSZONE selects contact surfaces from a contact surface group to include in or delete from a zone. NAME The name of the zone which will be modified. FEPROGRAM [ADINA] The name of the finite element program to which the contact surfaces belong. Currently this parameter must be set to ADINA. SUBSTRUCTURE The number of the substructure to which the contact surfaces belong. Currently this parameter must be set to zero (0).


REUSE [1] The number of the reuse or cyclic part to which the contact surfaces belong. Currently this parameter must be set to one (1). GROUP The number of the contact surface group to which the contact groups belong. POSITION This parameter is currently unused. surfacei Label number of a contact surface within the contact surface group given by parameter GROUP. If the contact group is a node-node contact group, this parameter is the pair number. [ADD] operationi Indicates whether selected entities are to be added to or subtracted from the zone definition. {ADD / SUBTRACT}


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 6.2 Zones


groupi operationi EGZONE selects element groups to include in or subtract from a zone. NAME The name of the zone which will be modified. FEPROGRAM [current finite element program] The name of the finite element program to which the element groups belong. SUBSTRUCTURE [0] The number of the substructure (0 for the main structure) to which the element groups belong. REUSE The number of the reuse or cyclic part to which the element groups belong.


POSITION This parameter is currently unused. groupi Label number of an element group. [ADD] operationi Indicates whether selected entities are to be added to or subtracted from the zone definition. {ADD / SUBTRACT}

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions


ELZONE NAME FEPROGRAM SUBSTRUCTURE REUSE GROUP POSITION elementi layeri operationi ELZONE selects elements/layers from an element group to include in or delete from a zone. NAME The name of the zone which will be modified. FEPROGRAM [current finite element program] The name of the finite element program to which the elements and layers belong. SUBSTRUCTURE [0] The number of the substructure (0 for the main structure) to which the elements and layers belong. REUSE The number of the reuse or cyclic part to which the elements and layers belong.


GROUP The number of the element group to which the elements and layers belong. POSITION This parameter is currently unused. elementi Element label number. [1] layeri Layer number within element. If the element does not have layers, this parameter is ignored. operationi [ADD] Indicates whether selected entities are to be added to or subtracted from the zone definition. {ADD / SUBTRACT}


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 6.2 Zones


groupi operationi RADGZONE selects radiosity surface groups to include in or subtract from a zone. NAME The name of the zone which will be modified. FEPROGRAM [ADINA-T] The name of the finite element program to which the radiosity surface groups belong. Note that radiosity surfaces can currently only belong to ADINA-T. POSITION This parameter is currently unused. groupi Label number of a radiosity surface group.


operationi [ADD] Indicates whether this group is to be added to or subtracted from the zone definition. {ADD / SUBTRACT}

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions


RADZONE NAME FEPROGRAM GROUP POSITION surfacei segmenti operationi RADZONE selects radiosity surface segments to include in or subtract from a zone. NAME The name of the zone which will be modified. FEPROGRAM [ADINA-T] The name of the finite element program to which the radiosity surface segments belong. Note that radiosity surfaces can currently only belong to ADINA-T. GROUP [1] The number of the radiosity surface group to which the radiosity surfaces and segments belong. POSITION This parameter is currently unused. surfacei Label number of a radiosity surface.


segmenti Label number of a radiosity segment. Enter 0 to specify all segments in the surface.


operationi Indicates whether this surface/segment is to be added to or subtracted from the zone definition. {ADD / SUBTRACT}



AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 6.2 Zones

ACTIVEZONE zonei Specifies that one or more zones are to be active. When a change is made to the model, corresponding changes are made in the active zones. See the discussion at the beginning of this section for an example of the use of this command. zonei The name of a zone. The zone must have been already defined, but may be empty. Auxiliary commands LIST ACTIVEZONE Lists the currently active zones.

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions


COLORZONE zonei colori Specifies the colors of one or more zones. All currently displayed meshplots (except those for which MESHRENDERING COLORZONE=NO) are updated with the given colors. All successive meshplots with MESHRENDERING COLORZONE=YES are created using the given colors. See Section 5.2 for information about meshplots and the MESHRENDERING command. zonei The name of a zone. The zone must exist, although it may be empty. colori The name of a color. Notes: The colors are first set using the attributes of the mesh plot, for example ELDEPICTION ORCOLOR, GSDEPICTION LINECOLOR, etc. Then all text, lines, fill areas, etc., corresponding to each zone specified in the COLORZONE command are updated with the given color. Zones are processed in the order in which they appear in the data input lines. For example, the command sequence: ELDEPICTION ORCOLOR=BLUE DECOLOR=CYAN MESHPLOT draws the mesh plot with the original configuration in blue and the deformed configuration in cyan. Then the commands ZONE EG1 'ELEMENT GROUP 1' DATAEND ZONE EG2 'ELEMENT GROUP 2' DATAEND COLORZONE 'EG1' RED 'EG2' GREEN DATAEND update the mesh plot so that all text, lines, etc of element group 1 are drawn in red and all text, lines, etc., of element group 2 are drawn in green. Any text, lines, etc. that belong to both element groups are drawn in green. Both the original and deformed configurations of


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 6.2 Zones

the element groups are drawn in red and green. Then the commands FRAME MESHPLOT create a new mesh plot. Since there are zones specified in the COLORZONE command, text, lines, etc. of element group 1 are drawn in red and text, lines, etc. of element group 2 are drawn in green. Then the commands MESHRENDERING COLORZONE=NO MESHPLOT create a new mesh plot. Since MESHRENDERING COLORZONE=NO, the COLORZONE command is not used to determine the colors of the mesh plot. Auxiliary commands LIST COLORZONE Lists the currently assigned zone colors.

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions

Response data – Introduction

Response data – Introduction Responses are used to specify "when" or "for which solution" results are to be evaluated. There are currently eight types of response available in the AUI, each with its own command. RESPONSE LOAD-STEP: load-step (time step) response RESPONSE MODE-SHAPE: mode shape response RESPONSE RESIDUAL: residual (static correction) response RESPONSE RESPONSE-SPECTRUM: response calculated using the response spectrum method RESPONSE HARMONIC: response calculated using the harmonic vibration analysis method RESPONSE RANDOM: response calculated using the random vibration analysis method RESPONSE RESPONSE-COMBINATION: response calculated as a combination of other responses RESPONSE ENVELOPE: response calculated by evaluating several responses and selecting a value, such as the most extreme value. These commands are described in this section. The results associated with LOAD-STEP, MODE-SHAPE and RESIDUAL responses are calculated by the finite element solution program, and the RESPONSE command simply labels the desired results. (But RESPONSE LOAD-STEP can also be used to perform interpolation in time between two solutions calculated by the finite element solution program.) The results associated with the remaining responses are calculated by the AUI from information calculated by the finite element solution program. The actual calculations are done when the response is used by another command, not when the response is defined. The RESPONSE command is used to specify the methods used for the calculations. As with other depictions, there is a DEFAULT response and a FACTORY response. These are defined when finite element information is loaded into the AUI. There is also a DEFAULT_( ) response for each response type, for example DEFAULT_LOAD-STEP, DEFAULT_MODE-SHAPE, etc. These responses provide the defaults for the corresponding RESPONSE commands as described below. When you update the DEFAULT response, the


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Response data – Introduction

Sec. 6.3 Response data

corresponding DEFAULT_( ) response is automatically updated. Two responses cannot have the same name, even if the responses are of different types. When using a response command, if the specified name is of the same type, the attributes of the name provide the defaults for the remaining command parameters. Otherwise the defaults are taken from the corresponding DEFAULT_( ) response name. Auxiliary commands LIST RESPONSE Lists all response names currently stored in the database. LIST RESPONSE NAME Lists the attributes of the specified response. DELETE RESPONSE NAME Deletes the specified response name from the database. The solution data corresponding to the response is, of course, not deleted. COPY RESPONSE NAME1 NAME2 Copies the response data of NAME1 to NAME2. See also Commands that accept a response name of any type: MESHPLOT (Section 5.2) LOADPLOT (Section 5.3) BANDPLOT (Section 5.4) EVECTORPLOT (Section 5.5) ELINEPLOT (Section 5.6) REACTIONPLOT (Section 5.7) LINESHOW (Section 5.10) POINTLIST, POINTEXCEED, POINTMAX, LINELIST, LINEEXCEED, LINEMAX, ZONELIST, ZONEEXCEED, ZONEMAX (Section 7.2). Commands that accept a response name of type RESPONSE-SPECTRUM: FSSHOW (Section 5.10) Commands that accept a response name of type HARMONIC: HARMONICSHOW (Section 5.10) Commands that accept a response name of type RANDOM: RANDOMSHOW (Section 5.10)

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions




RESPONSE LOAD-STEP associates a name with a load step solution. NAME [DEFAULT] The name to be associated with the response. The same response can be associated with more than one name. If there is a previously defined response of type load-step with this name, data entered in this command alters the previously defined response. Otherwise a new response of type load-step is created by this command. TIME [LATEST] The solution time that specifies the solution response, or the word LATEST. If you specify a solution time then, when this response is used in a command, this time must lie between the earliest and latest solution times for which there is data loaded into the database. If you specify the word LATEST then, when this response is used in a command, the command will use the latest solution time for which there is displacement or temperature data (ADINA model), temperature data (ADINA-T model) or velocity data (ADINA-F model) loaded into the database. If the solution time does not correspond to a solution time for which results were calculated by the solution program, the AUI will interpolate the results in time to solution time TIME using data from the two closest bracketing solution times for which results were calculated by the solution program. SEQUENCE [MAIN] The sequence number that specifies the solution response, or the word MAIN to specify the main solution. This parameter is used only when there are multiple solutions loaded for a solution time, see notes at the end of this command. Notes for multiple solutions for a solution time When there are multiple solutions for a solution time (see example at the end of the LOADPORTHOLE command), then there are additional considerations regarding interpolation in time, as follows. All interpolations in time use main solutions. For example, if multiple solutions are stored at both times 1.0 and 2.0, then, if TIME=1.5, the main solutions from times 1.0 and 2.0 are used to compute the solution at time 1.5. This interpolation is allowed only when SEQUENCE=MAIN; it is an error to specify, for example, TIME=1.5, SEQUENCE=0.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 6.3 Response data

RESPONSE MODE-SHAPE NAME MODE REFTIME RESPONSE MODE-SHAPE associates a name with a mode shape solution. NAME [DEFAULT] The name to be associated with the response. The same response can be associated with more than one name. If there is a previously defined response of type MODE-SHAPE with this name, data entered in this command alters the previously defined response. Otherwise a new response of type MODE-SHAPE is created by this command. MODE [1] The mode shape number corresponding to the response. When this response is used in a command, there must be data for this mode shape loaded into the database. REFTIME [LATEST] In nonlinear analysis, it is possible to calculate mode shapes corresponding to the structure characteristics at a reference time. For example, mode shapes from a linearized buckling analysis are calculated from the structure characteristics at a specified time. You specify the reference time using this parameter. Either enter the reference time directly or specify the reference time using the word LATEST. If you specify the reference time directly then, when this response is used in a command, there must be mode shape data corresponding to this reference time in the database. If you specify the word LATEST then, when this response is used in a command, mode shape data corresponding to the last reference time for which there is data in the database is used.

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions


RESPONSE RESIDUAL NAME DIRECTION REFTIME RESPONSE RESIDUAL associates a name with a residual (static correction) response computed by ADINA. This response is computed by ADINA in response spectrum analysis and is used to approximate the structural response not included in any of the modes used in the response spectrum analysis. NAME [DEFAULT] The name to be associated with the response. The same response can be associated with more than one name. If there is a previously defined response of type residual with this name, data entered in this command alters the previously defined response. Otherwise a new response of type residual is created by this command. DIRECTION The ground motion direction corresponding to this response. {X/Y/Z} REFTIME [LATEST] In nonlinear analysis, it is possible to calculate mode shapes and residual responses corresponding to the structure characteristics at a reference time. Either enter the reference time directly or enter LATEST to request the last reference time for which data is stored.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 6.3 Response data

RESPONSE RESPONSE-SPECTRUM NAME METHOD DIRECTION SPECTRUM DAMPINGTABLE RESIDUAL MSTART MEND REFTIME DURATION CUTOFF AX AY AZ RESULTANT RESPONSE RESPONSE-SPECTRUM associates a name with a calculation method used by the AUI to compute responses in response spectrum analysis. Refer to the ADINA Theory and Modeling Guide, Section 9.1, for the theory used in response spectrum analysis. NAME [DEFAULT] The name to be associated with the response. The same response can be associated with more than one name. If there is a previously defined response of type response-spectrum with this name, data entered in this command alters the previously defined response. Otherwise a new response of type response-spectrum is created by this command. METHOD The method used for the combination of the modal responses. SRSS Square root of the sum of the squares. ABS

Absolute sum method.


Ten percent method.


Double sum method (with absolute value sign)


Double sum combination method (without absolute value sign)


Algebraic sum method.


Complete-quadratic-combination method.

DIRECTION The direction in which the ground motion is acting {X / Y / Z / GENERAL}. If DIRECTION=GENERAL, then use parameters AX, AY, AZ to specify the ground motion direction. SPECTRUM The name of the loading response spectrum. The response spectrum must have been defined using the SPECTRUM command (see Section 6.5).

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions


DAMPINGTABLE The name of the damping table (which specifies the damping for the modes). The damping table must have been defined using the DAMPINGTABLE command (see Section 6.5). RESIDUAL The method used in combining the residual responses with the modal responses. NO Residual terms are not included.


SRSS The SRSS method is used. ABS

The absolute values of the residual terms are added to the modal response terms when METHOD = SRSS, ABS, TENPERCENT, DOUBLESUM, DSC or CQC. The residual terms are added with the same signs as the modal response terms when METHOD = ALGEBRAIC.

When residual terms are included, all calculated modes must be included in the response spectrum calculations (see parameters MSTART and MEND). MSTART [LOWEST] MEND [HIGHEST] The first and last mode shapes included in the response spectrum calculations. You can either enter the mode numbers directly or use the words LOWEST and HIGHEST to indicate the lowest and highest modes available. REFTIME [LATEST] In nonlinear analysis, it is possible to calculate mode shapes and residual responses corresponding to the structure characteristics at a reference time. Either enter the reference time directly or enter LATEST to request the last reference time for which data is stored. DURATION The earthquake duration time, used only with METHOD = DOUBLESUM. DURATION must be greater than zero in this case. CUTOFF [0.0] Factor used to determine which off-diagonal terms are included, used only with METHOD = CQC. CUTOFF must be between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive in this case. AX [1.0] AY [0.0] AZ [0.0] The direction of ground motion loading when DIRECTION=GENERAL. The vector (AX, AY, AZ) need not be normalized.


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Sec. 6.3 Response data

RESULTANT [BEFORE] If RESULTANT=BEFORE, the AUI computes resultants before performing responsespectrum calculations, if RESULTANT=AFTER, the AUI computes resultants after performing response-spectrum calculations. See the ADINA Theory and Modeling Guide, Chapter 13, for more information.

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions




loadcasei sspectrumi factori phaseanglei RESPONSE HARMONIC associates a name with a calculation method used by the AUI to compute responses in harmonic analysis. Refer to the ADINA Theory and Modeling Guide, Section 9.3, for the theory used in harmonic analysis. NAME [DEFAULT] The name to be associated with the response. The same response can be associated with more than one name. If there is a previously defined response of type harmonic with this name, data entered in this command alters the previously defined response. Otherwise a new response of type harmonic is created by this command. METHOD The method used in computing harmonic responses. MAXIMUM PHASEANGLE RMS AMPLITUDE

The maximum amplitude of the response is computed. The phase angle (in degrees) of the response is computed. The root-mean-square amplitude of the response is computed. The (signed) amplitude of the response for angle OMEGAT is computed. OMEGAT is the quantity ω t in the harmonic loading formula bk (t ) = bk 0 sin (ω t − α k ) , see the ADINA Theory and Modeling Guide, equation (9.3-6).

FREQUENCY The loading frequency used to compute harmonic responses (entered in cycles/unit time). Each sweep spectrum is sampled at this frequency. (Note that the FREQUENCY parameter is ignored when this response is used in the HARMONICSHOW command (see Section 5.10)). OMEGAT The angle used when METHOD = AMPLITUDE, entered in degrees. QUASISTATIC [NO] The harmonic response can be normalized by the quasi-static response. {NO / YES}


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 6.3 Response data

DAMPINGTABLE The name of the damping table (which specifies the damping for the modes). The damping table must have been defined using the DAMPINGTABLE command (see Section 6.5). MSTART [LOWEST] MEND [HIGHEST] The numbers of the first and last mode shapes included in the harmonic analysis calculations. You can either enter the mode numbers directly or use the words LOWEST and HIGHEST to indicate the lowest and highest modes available. REFTIME [LATEST] In nonlinear analysis, it is possible to calculate mode shapes corresponding to the structure characteristics at a reference time. Either enter the reference time directly or enter LATEST to request the last reference time for which data is stored. RESULTANT [BEFORE] If RESULTANT=BEFORE, the AUI computes resultants before performing harmonic calculations, if RESULTANT=AFTER, the AUI computes resultants after performing harmonic calculations. See the ADINA Theory and Modeling Guide, Chapter 13, for more information. loadcasei If ground motion calculations were requested in ADINA, then loadcasei specifies the direction of ground motion, either X, Y, or Z. If applied loading calculations were requested in ADINA, then loadcasei specifies the ADINA load step number corresponding to the load vector describing the applied load. sspectrumi The sweep spectrum name giving the amplitude of the ground motion or applied loading. A sweep spectrum is defined by the SSPECTRUM command (see Section 6.5). factori The amplitude of the sweep spectrum can be multiplied by factori.


phaseanglei The phase angle α k for this load, entered in degrees.


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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions




loadcasei rspectrumi factori RESPONSE RANDOM associates a name with a calculation method used by the AUI to compute responses in random analysis. Refer to the ADINA Theory and Modeling Guide, Section 9.4, for the theory used in random analysis. NAME [DEFAULT] The name to be associated with the response. The same response can be associated with more than one name. If there is a previously defined response of type random with this name, data entered in this command alters the previously defined response. Otherwise a new response of type random is created by this command. METHOD The method used in computing random responses. This parameter must be specified. RMS PSD

The root-mean-square amplitude of the response is computed. The power-spectral-density of the response is computed for frequency FREQUENCY.

(This parameter is ignored when this response is used in the RANDOMSHOW command (see Section 5.10).) FMIN FMAX The frequency limits used in computing the RMS response. Either enter the frequencies directly (in cycles/unit time) or use the word INFINITY to specify an infinite frequency. (In all cases, the actual frequency range used by this command is the intersection of this frequency range with the frequency ranges from the random spectra.) (Note that these parameters are ignored when this response is used in the RANDOMSHOW command (see Section 5.10).) FREQUENCY The loading frequency used to compute the power-spectral-density of the response (entered in cycles/unit time). This parameter is only used when METHOD=PSD. Each random spectrum is sampled at this frequency. (Note that the FREQUENCY parameter is ignored when this response is used in the RANDOMSHOW command (see Section 5.10).)


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Sec. 6.3 Response data

CUTOFF [0.0] A factor used to control which off-diagonal terms are used in calculating the random response, between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive. DAMPINGTABLE The name of the damping table (which specifies the damping for the modes). The damping table must have been defined using the DAMPINGTABLE command (see Section 6.5). MSTART [LOWEST] MEND [HIGHEST] The numbers of the first and last mode shapes included in the harmonic analysis calculations. You can either enter the mode numbers directly or use the words LOWEST and HIGHEST to indicate the lowest and highest modes available. REFTIME [LATEST] In nonlinear analysis, it is possible to calculate mode shapes corresponding to the structure characteristics at a reference time. Either enter the reference time directly or enter LATEST to request the last reference time for which data is stored. RESULTANT [BEFORE] If RESULTANT=BEFORE, the AUI computes resultants before performing random calculations, if RESULTANT=AFTER, the AUI computes resultants after performing random calculations. See the ADINA Theory and Modeling Guide, Chapter 13, for more information. loadcasei If ground motion calculations were requested in ADINA, then loadcasei specifies the direction of ground motion, either X, Y, or Z. If applied loading calculations were requested in ADINA, then loadcasei specifies the ADINA load step number corresponding to the load vector describing the applied load. rspectrumi The random spectrum name giving the power-spectral-density of the amplitude of the ground motion or applied loading. A random spectrum is defined using the RSPECTRUM command (see Section 6.5). [1.0] factori The power-spectral-density of the amplitude of the random spectrum can be multiplied by factori.

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions




responsei factori methodi RESPONSE RESPONSE-COMBINATION associates a name with a combination of previously defined responses. The previously defined responses can be of type load-step, mode-shape, residual, response-spectrum, harmonic or random, but cannot be of type response-combination or envelope. Any mixture of the allowed response types can be used. NAME [DEFAULT] The name to be associated with the response. The same response can be associated with more than one name. If there is a previously defined response of type response-combination with this name, data entered in this command alters the previously defined response. Otherwise a new response of type response-combination is created by this command. FACTOR The default value of the factor data input line column.


METHOD [ALGEBRAIC] The default value of the method data input line column. {ALGEBRAIC / ABS / SRSS / SIGNED1 / SIGNED2} RESULTANT [BEFORE] If RESULTANT=BEFORE, the AUI computes resultants before performing responsecombination calculations, if RESULTANT=AFTER, the AUI computes resultants after performing response-combination calculations. See the ADINA Theory and Modeling Guide, Chapter 13, for more information. responsei The name of a previously defined response, of type load-step, mode-shape, residual, response-spectrum, harmonic or random. factori The result is multiplied by factori after evaluation using responsei.


methodi The method used to combine the result with the accumulated result. {ALGEBRAIC / ABS / SRSS / SIGNED1 / SIGNED2}. See notes below.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 6.3 Response data

Notes: The algorithm used for the combinations is accum=0.0 for (each data input line) { value = (the result for responsei)*factori if (methodi = algebraic) { accum=accum + value } else if (methodi = abs) { accum=abs(accum) + abs(value) } else if (methodi = srss) { accum=sqrt(accum**2 + value**2) } else if (methodi = signed1) { if (value >= 0.0) { accum=value + abs(accum) } else { accum=value - abs(accum) } } else if (methodi = signed2) { if (accum >= 0.0) { accum=accum + abs(value) } else { accum=accum - abs(value) } } } Observe that the order of the data input line rows is important when you use different methods for the data input lines. Examples showing the use of methods signed1 and signed2: RESPONSE RESPONSE-SPECTRUM XDIR ... RESPONSE RESPONSE-SPECTRUM YDIR ... RESPONSE LOAD-STEP STATIC_STEP ... RESPONSE RESPONSE-COMBINATION 'XDIR' 1.0 SRSS 'YDIR' 1.0 SRSS

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions


'STATIC_STEP' 1.0 SIGNED1 DATAEND The responses XDIR and YDIR are combined using the SRSS method. The result is then combined with the static response STATIC_STEP in such a way as to increase the magnitude of the total response. But the sign of the response value is determined by the sign of the value for response STATIC_STEP. RESPONSE LOAD-STEP XLOAD ... RESPONSE LOAD-STEP YLOAD ... RESPONSE RANDOM ACOUSTIC ... RESPONSE RESPONSE-COMBINATION 'XLOAD' 1.0 ALGEBRAIC 'YLOAD' 1.0 ALGEBRAIC 'ACOUSTIC' 1.0 SIGNED2 DATAEND The responses XLOAD and YLOAD are combined algebraically. Response ACOUSTIC is added to this in such a way as to increase the magnitude of the total response.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 6.3 Response data


responsei factori RESPONSE ENVELOPE associates a name with a calculation method in which, for each calculated value, several responses are evaluated. NAME [DEFAULT] The name to be associated with the response. If there is a previously defined response of type envelope with this name, data entered in this command modifies the response. Otherwise a new response of type envelope is created by this command. TYPE The type of value to calculate. MAXIMUM

The maximum


The maximum absolute value


The minimum


The difference between the maximum and minimum values.

TIME_INTEGRAL The time integral t2

∫ v(t) dt t1

TIME_AVERAGED The time-averaged value t2

vtav =

∫ v(t) dt t1

t2 − t1

TIME_MEAN-SQUARE The time mean-square value t2

vtms =

∫ v(t)




t2 − t1

TIME_ROOT-MEAN-SQUARE The time root-mean-square value

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions


TIME_VARIANCE The time variance t2

∫ ( v(t) − v ) tav

vtvar =


dt 2 = vtms − vtav


t2 − t1

TIME_STANDARD_DEVIATION The time standard deviation vtsd = TIME_RVARIANCE


The time relative variance 2

⎛ v(t ) − v ⎞ ∫t ⎜⎝ vtav tav ⎟⎠ dt v = 1 = tvar 2 t2 − t1 vtav t2



The time relative standard deviation

vtrsd = vtrvar

The sample sum


∑v i =1



The sample average


vsav =

∑v i =1



SAMPLE_MEAN-SQUARE The sample mean-square N

vsms =

∑v i =1

2 i


SAMPLE_ROOT-MEAN-SQUARE The sample root-mean-square



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Sec. 6.3 Response data

SAMPLE_VARIANCE The sample variance N

vsvar =

∑( v − v ) i =1




2 2 = vsms − vsav

SAMPLE_STANDARD_DEVIATION The sample standard deviation vssd

= vsvar

SAMPLE_RVARIANCE The sample relative variance 2

⎛ vi − vsav ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ∑ vsav ⎠ vsvar i =1 ⎝ = = 2 N vsav N



The sample relative standard deviation

vsrsd = vsrvar In the “time” values, values,


v(t) is the time history of a solution quantity, and in the “sample”

is the solution quantity evaluated at a specific time or other response.


[RANGE] The value is evaluated for a range of load-steps and the extreme value returned. TSTART, TEND, INCREMENT, TINCREMENT, NSTEP, INTERPOLATE and NSKIP are used to specify the range. (These are the same options as are used in the RESPRANGE LOAD-STEP command (see Section 6.4).)

SELECTED The value is evaluated at each specified response and the extreme value returned. The data input lines are used to specify the responses. The time-based types, such as TIME_INTEGRAL, cannot be used when OPTION=SELECTED. Other types, such as MAXIMUM or SAMPLE_SUM, can always be used. TSTART [EARLIEST] Used when OPTION = RANGE. The solution time that specifies the first solution response in the range, including EARLIEST, LATEST.

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions


If you specify a solution time then, when this response is used, this time must lie between the earliest and latest solution times for which there is data loaded into the database. If you specify EARLIEST then, when this response is used, the command will use the earliest solution time for which there is data loaded into the database. If you specify LATEST then, when this response is used, the command will use the latest solution time for which there is data loaded into the database. TEND [LATEST] Used when OPTION = RANGE. The solution time that specifies the last solution response in the range, including EARLIEST, LATEST and TSTART. If you specify a solution time then, when this response is used, this time must lie between the earliest and latest solution times for which there is data loaded into the database. If you specify EARLIEST then, when this response is used, the command will use the earliest solution time for which there is data loaded into the database. If you specify LATEST then, when this response is used, the command will use the latest solution time for which there is data loaded into the database. If you specify (the word) TSTART, then TEND will be set equal to TSTART. INCREMENT [AVAILABLE] Used when OPTION = RANGE. Specifies which solution responses between TSTART and TEND will be included in the response. TINCREMENT

The value will be evaluated at all solution times TSTART, TSTART + TINCREMENT, ..., TEND. TINCREMENT must be specified. The program will interpolate the available solution results to the times given by this formula.


The value will be evaluated at all solution times TSTART, TSTART + DT, ..., TEND, in which DT = (TEND - TSTART)/NSTEP. NSTEP must be specified. The program will interpolate the available solution results to the times given by this formula.


The value will be evaluated at all solution times for which the value is available, as chosen using parameters INTERPOLATE and NSKIP.

TINCREMENT Used when OPTION = RANGE and INCREMENT = TINCREMENT. The solution time increment for the range.


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Sec. 6.3 Response data

NSTEP Used when OPTION = RANGE and INCREMENT = NSTEP. The number of steps for the range. INTERPOLATE [NO] Used when OPTION = RANGE and INCREMENT = AVAILABLE. If INTERPOLATE = YES, the AUI uses interpolation when possible to compute results that were not saved by the solution program. Otherwise the AUI does not use interpolation. See the example at the end of the RESPRANGE LOAD-STEP command in Section 6.4. {YES / NO}. NSKIP Used when OPTION = RANGE and INCREMENT = AVAILABLE. Controls the solution times between TSTART and TEND for which the value is calculated as follows: between two times for which the value is calculated, NSKIP times are skipped. For example, if NSKIP = 1, the value is calculated for the first, third, fifth, ..., times for which it is available. NSKIP = 0 means that no results are skipped. responsei Used when OPTION = SELECTED. The name of a previously defined response, of type load-step, mode-shape, residual, response-spectrum, response-combination, harmonic or random Responses are defined by response commands in this section. factori The value is multiplied by factori after evaluation using responsei. Example * * List the average velocities of all nodes in the model * over the entire time history of the analysis * RESPONSE ENVELOPE TYPE=TIME_AVERAGED OPTION=RANGE ZONELIST RESPOPTION=RESPONSE, VAR=X-VELOCITY Y-VELOCITY Z-VELOCITY Note When using an envelope response to evaluate a resultant, the envelope operates on the resultant, not on the individual variables in the resultant.

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions

Response range data – Introduction

Response range data – Introduction For listings and some graphs, it is convenient to refer to a range of responses. The AUI provides response-range definitions so that you can name and refer to ranges of responses. There are currently two types of response-range available in the AUI, each with its own command. RESPRANGE LOAD-STEP: range of load-step (time step) responses RESPRANGE MODE-SHAPE: range of mode shape responses These commands are discussed in this section. When there are results from more than one finite element program stored in the database, you may need to set the current finite element program before you use one of the response-range commands using the FEPROGRAM command in Section 3.4. As with other depictions, there is a DEFAULT response and a FACTORY response. These are defined when finite element information is loaded into the AUI. There is also a DEFAULT_( ) response for each response type, for example DEFAULT_LOAD-STEP, DEFAULT_MODE-SHAPE. These responses provide the defaults for the corresponding RESPRANGE commands as described below. When you update the DEFAULT responserange, the corresponding DEFAULT_( ) response-range is automatically updated. Two response-ranges cannot have the same name, even if the response-ranges are of different types. When using a response-range command, if the specified name is of the same type, the attributes of the name provide the defaults for the remaining command parameters. Otherwise the defaults are taken from the corresponding DEFAULT_( ) response-range name. Auxiliary commands LIST RESPRANGE Lists all response-range names. LIST RESPRANGE NAME Lists the attributes of the specified response-range. DELETE RESPRANGE NAME Deletes the specified response-range name.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Response range data – Introduction

Sec. 6.4 Response range data

COPY RESPRANGE NAME1 NAME2 Copies the response-range data of NAME1 to NAME2. See also Commands that accept a response-range name: RESPONSESHOW, FTSHOW, FOURIERSHOW (Section 5.10) POINTLIST, POINTEXCEED, POINTMAX, LINELIST, LINEEXCEED, LINEMAX, ZONELIST, ZONEEXCEED, ZONEMAX (Section 7.2)

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions


RESPRANGE LOAD-STEP NAME TSTART TEND INCREMENT TINCREMENT NSTEP INTERPOLATE NSKIP RESPRANGE LOAD-STEP associates a name with a range of load step solutions. NAME [DEFAULT] The name to be associated with the response range. If there is a previously defined response range of type load-step with this name, data entered in this command alters the previously defined response range. Otherwise a new response range of type load-step is created by this command. TSTART [EARLIEST] The solution time that specifies the first solution response in the response range, including EARLIEST, LATEST. If you specify a solution time then, when this response range is used in a command, this time must lie between the earliest and latest solution times for which there is data loaded into the database. If you specify EARLIEST then, when this response range is used in a command, the command will use the earliest solution time for which there is data loaded into the database. If you specify LATEST then, when this response range is used in a command, the command will use the latest solution time for which there is displacement data (ADINA model), temperature data (ADINA-T model) or velocity data (ADINA-F model) loaded into the database. TEND [LATEST] The solution time that specifies the last solution response in the response range, including EARLIEST, LATEST and TSTART. If you specify a solution time, then, when this response range is used in a command, this time must lie between the earliest and latest solution times for which there is data loaded into the database. If you specify EARLIEST, then, when this response range is used in a command, the command will use the earliest solution time for which there is data loaded into the database. If you specify LATEST, then, when this response range is used in a command, the command will use the latest solution time for which there is data loaded into the database. If you specify the word TSTART, then TEND will be set to TSTART. In this case, the response range will contain a single response, corresponding to time TSTART. INCREMENT [AVAILABLE] Specifies which solution responses between TSTART and TEND will be included in the response range.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 6.4 Response range data

If INCREMENT = TINCREMENT, then the response range will be all solution times TSTART, TSTART + TINCREMENT, ..., TEND and TINCREMENT must be specified. The program will interpolate the available solution results to the times given by this formula. If INCREMENT = NSTEP, then the response range will be all solution times TSTART, TSTART + DT, ..., TEND ; DT=(TEND - TSTART)/NSTEP, and NSTEP must be specified. The program will interpolate the available solution results to the times given by this formula. If INCREMENT = AVAILABLE, then the response range will be all solution times T(i) for which the requested results are available, as chosen using parameters INTERPOLATE and NSTEP. TINCREMENT The solution time increment for the response-range. This is used only if INCREMENT = TINCREMENT. NSTEP The time step for the response-range. This is used only if INCREMENT = NSTEP. INTERPOLATE [NO] Used when INCREMENT = AVAILABLE. If INTERPOLATE = YES the AUI uses interpolation when possible to compute results that were not saved in the porthole. Otherwise the AUI does not use interpolation. See the example at the end of this command. Notice that this parameter has no effect if results are saved on the porthole for each solution time. NSKIP [0] Used when INCREMENT = AVAILABLE. NSKIP controls the solution times between TSTART and TEND for which results are plotted and listed as follows: between two times for which the results are output, NSKIP times are skipped. For example, if NSKIP = 1, the results are output for the first, third, fifth, . . . times for which they are available. NSKIP = 0 means that no results are skipped. Notes for the INTERPOLATE parameter Suppose that in an ADINA run, the time step is 2.0 and nodal results were saved for steps 0, 3 and 5, and element results were saved for steps 2 and 4. If stresses are listed with

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions


INTERPOLATE = NO, only results for times 4.0 and 8.0, corresponding to steps 2 and 4, will be obtained. If stresses are listed with INTERPOLATE = YES, results for time 6.0 corresponding to step 3 will also be obtained. If displacements are listed with INTERPOLATE = NO, only results for times 0.0, 6.0 and 10.0 will be obtained. If displacements are listed with INTERPOLATE = YES, results for times 2.0, 4.0 and 8.0 will also be obtained. Of course, the interpolated results are only estimates of the true computed solution. Notes for multiple solutions for a solution time When there are multiple solutions for a solution time (see example at the end of the LOADPORTHOLE command), then there are additional considerations for the INCREMENT and INTERPOLATE parameters, as follows. When INCREMENT=AVAILABLE, all solutions are listed, otherwise only main solutions are listed. When INTERPOLATE=YES, interpolation is always performed using main solutions.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 6.4 Response range data


RESPRANGE MODE-SHAPE associates a name with a range of mode shape solutions. The range of mode shape solutions are the mode shapes with numbers MODESTART, MODESTART+1, ..., MODEEND, where MODESTART and MODEEND are specified in this command. All of the mode shapes have the reference time REFTIME, which is also specified in this command. When this response range is used in a command, there must be data for each mode shape in the response range loaded into the database. NAME [DEFAULT] The name to be associated with the response range If there is a previously defined response range of type mode-shape with this name, data entered in this command alters the previously defined response range. Otherwise a new response range of type mode-shape is created by this command. MODESTART The first mode shape in the response range, including LOWEST and HIGHEST.


If you specify LOWEST then, when this response range is used in a command, the command will use the lowest mode shape for which there is data loaded into the database. If you specify HIGHEST then, when this response range is used in a command, the command will use the highest mode shape for which there is data loaded into the database. MODEEND [HIGHEST] The last mode shape in the response range, including LOWEST, HIGHEST and MODESTART. If you specify LOWEST then, when this response range is used in a command, the command will use the lowest mode shape for which there is data loaded into the database. If you specify HIGHEST then, when this response range is used in a command, the command will use the highest mode shape for which there is data loaded into the database. If you specify MODESTART then MODEEND will be set to MODESTART. REFTIME [LATEST] In nonlinear analysis, it is possible to calculate mode shapes corresponding to the structure characteristics at a reference time. For example, mode shapes from a linearized buckling analysis are calculated from the structure characteristics at a specified time.

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You specify the reference time for the response-range using this parameter. Either enter the reference time directly or specify the reference time LATEST. If you specify the reference time directly then, when this response range is used in a command, there must be mode shape data corresponding to this reference time in the database. If you specify LATEST then, when this response is used in a command, mode shape data corresponding to the last reference time for which there is mode shape data in the database is used.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Spectrum definitions – Introduction

Sec. 6.5 Spectrum definitions

Spectrum definitions – Introduction This section describes commands used to define loading spectra: SPECTRUM: defines a response spectrum SSPECTRUM: defines a sweep spectrum RSPECTRUM: defines a random spectrum This section also describes commands used in the spectrum definitions and in spectrum analysis: DAMPINGTABLE: defines a damping table (which specifies the damping of modes) FREQCURVE: defines a frequency curve (which provides amplitude vs. frequency information) FREQTABLE: defines a frequency table (which specifies frequencies and peak broadening factors) Auxiliary commands The SPECTRUM command has the following auxiliary commands (there are similar auxiliary commands for the other commands in this section): LIST SPECTRUM Lists all spectrum definitions. LIST SPECTRUM NAME Lists the attributes of the specified spectrum. DELETE SPECTRUM NAME Deletes the specified spectrum. COPY SPECTRUM NAME1 NAME2 Copies the spectrum definition from NAME1 to NAME2. See also Commands that use a SPECTRUM definition: SPECTRUMSHOW (Section 5.10) RESPONSE RESPONSE-SPECTRUM (Section 6.3)

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions

Spectrum definitions – Introduction

Commands that use an SSPECTRUM definition: SSPECTRUMSHOW (Section 5.10) RESPONSE HARMONIC (Section 6.3) Commands that use an RSPECTRUM definition: RSPECTRUMSHOW (Section 5.10) RESPONSE RANDOM (Section 6.3) Commands that use a DAMPINGTABLE definition: FSSHOW, FTSHOW (Section 5.10) RESPONSE RESPONSE-SPECTRUM, RESPONSE HARMONIC, RESPONSE RANDOM (Section 6.3) Commands that use a FREQCURVE definition: SPECTRUM, SSPECTRUM, RSPECTRUM, DAMPINGTABLE (this section) Commands that use a FREQTABLE definition: FSSHOW, FTSHOW (Section 5.10)


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 6.5 Spectrum definitions


freqcurvei dampingi factori SPECTRUM defines a response spectrum, which gives the maximum responses of SDOF systems to ground motions. The response spectrum is used by the RESPONSE RESPONSE-SPECTRUM command in the definition of a response-spectrum response (see Section 6.3). A response spectrum is defined by providing the responses of SDOF systems at different frequencies and different damping values. The responses of all SDOF systems with the same damping value is provided via a frequency curve. Thus the response spectrum is defined by several frequency curves, one for each damping value. Spectrum curves for intermediate damping values are automatically calculated by linear interpolation when the response spectrum is used. You can plot a response spectrum using the SPECTRUMSHOW command (see Section 5.10). NAME The name of a response spectrum. If the response spectrum is already defined, data entered in this command modifies the response spectrum, otherwise a new response spectrum is defined. VALUETYPE DISPLACEMENT

[ACCELERATION] Values in the frequency curves are interpreted as displacements.


Values in the frequency curves are interpreted as velocities.


Values in the frequency curves are interpreted as accelerations.

FACTOR [1.0] This command parameter provides a default for the data input line parameter factori, see below. INPUT-AXES [LOGLOG] Successive values in the frequency curves are assumed to be connected with straight lines when they are plotted using the axis types specified by this parameter. LINLIN Linear frequency axis, linear value axis. LOGLIN Logarithmic frequency axis, linear value axis. LINLOG Linear frequency axis, linear value axis.

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LOGLOG Logarithmic frequency axis, logarithmic value axis. TITLE [] The response spectrum can have a title (up to 80 characters) or no title. The title is used only when the response spectrum is listed or plotted. freqcurvei The frequency curve giving the variation of the response value (either displacement, velocity or acceleration) with the frequency. Use the FREQCURVE command in this section to define frequency curves. dampingi The damping value associated with the frequency curve (specified as percent of critical damping). (from command parameter FACTOR) factori Values in frequency curve i are multiplied by factori to obtain the response spectrum values. For example, if the frequency curve has acceleration values specified in gs, specify factor = the numerical value of g. Notes: The ZPA value (zero-period acceleration value) for the defined spectrum is calculated as the spectrum acceleration for the highest frequency for which spectrum values are provided. If the input highest frequencies differ, or if the spectrum accelerations differ for the highest frequency, the ZPA value is not calculated, and residual calculations are not possible when this response spectrum is used.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 6.5 Spectrum definitions


SSPECTRUM defines a sweep spectrum, which gives the amplitude of sinusoidal ground motions or applied forces for given frequencies. The sweep spectrum is used by the RESPONSE HARMONIC command in the definition of a harmonic response (see Section 6.3). Ground motions can be considered only if ADINA computed the modal participation factors for ground motions, and applied forces can be considered only if ADINA computed the modal participation factors for applied forces (command ANALYSIS MODAL-PARTICIPATION-FACTORS EXCITATION=GROUND-MOTION or APPLIED-LOAD). If the sweep spectrum is to be used to describe ground motions, the ground motions can be specified in terms of displacements, velocities or accelerations. You can plot a sweep spectrum using the SSPECTRUMSHOW command (see Section 5.10). NAME The name of a sweep spectrum. If the sweep spectrum is already defined, data entered in this command modifies the sweep spectrum, otherwise a new sweep spectrum is defined. FREQCURVE The frequency curve giving the variation of the response value (either displacement, velocity, acceleration or load) with the frequency. Use the FREQCURVE command in this section to define frequency curves. VALUETYPE [DISPLACEMENT or FORCE] If the sweep spectrum is to be used to describe ground motions, the following choices are allowed: DISPLACEMENT

Values in the frequency curves are interpreted as displacements.


Values in the frequency curves are interpreted as velocities.


Values in the frequency curves are interpreted as accelerations.

If the sweep spectrum is to be used to describe applied loads, the following choice is allowed: FORCE

Values in the frequency curve are used to scale the applied loads.

FACTOR [1.0] Values in the frequency curve are multiplied by FACTOR to obtain the sweep spectrum values. For example, if the frequency curve has acceleration values specified in gs, specify

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions


FACTOR = the numerical value of g. INPUT-AXES [LOGLOG] Successive values in the frequency curves are assumed to be connected with straight lines when they are plotted using the axis types specified by this parameter. LINLIN Linear frequency axis, linear value axis. LOGLIN Logarithmic frequency axis, linear value axis. LINLOG Linear frequency axis, linear value axis. LOGLOG Logarithmic frequency axis, logarithmic value axis. TITLE [] The sweep spectrum can have a title (up to 80 characters) or no title. The title is used only when the sweep spectrum is listed or plotted.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 6.5 Spectrum definitions

RSPECTRUM NAME FREQCURVE VALUETYPE FACTOR REFDB INPUT-AXES TITLE RSPECTRUM defines a random spectrum, which gives the power-spectral-density of the amplitude of random ground motions or applied loads. The random spectrum is used by the RESPONSE RANDOM command in the definition of a random response (see Section 6.3). Ground motions can be considered only if ADINA computed the modal participation factors for ground motions, and applied forces can be considered only if ADINA computed the modal participation factors for applied forces (command ANALYSIS MODAL-PARTICIPATION-FACTORS EXCITATION=GROUND-MOTION or APPLIED-LOAD). If the random spectrum is to be used to describe ground motions, the power-spectral-density of the ground motion can be specified in terms of displacements, velocities or accelerations. If the random spectrum is to be used to describe applied loadings, the power-spectral-density of the applied loading can be specified in terms of load or decibels (db). These options are described in more detail in the notes at the end of this command. You can plot a random spectrum using the RSPECTRUMSHOW command (see Section 5.10). NAME The name of a random spectrum. If the random spectrum is already defined, data entered in this command modifies the random spectrum, otherwise a new random spectrum is defined. FREQCURVE The frequency curve giving the power-spectral-density of the response value (either displacement, velocity, acceleration load or db) as a function of frequency. Use the FREQCURVE command to define frequency curves. VALUETYPE [DISPLACEMENT or FORCE] DISPLACEMENT / VELOCITY / ACCELERATION The random spectrum can be used to describe ground motions. FORCE / DB The random spectrum can be used to describe the intensity of applied loads. See the notes at the end of this command for further details. FACTOR [1.0] Values in the frequency curve are multiplied by FACTOR to obtain the random spectrum values. For example, if the frequency curve has acceleration values specified in (g**2/Hz), specify FACTOR = the numerical value of g**2.

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REFDB [2.E-5] The reference value used to compute the load multiplier power-spectral-density from a value specified in db. The default value corresponds to the value used for acoustical analysis in air when SI units are used. INPUT-AXES [LOGLOG] Successive values in the frequency curves are assumed to be connected with straight lines when they are plotted using the axis types specified by this parameter. LINLIN Linear frequency axis, linear value axis. LOGLIN Logarithmic frequency axis, linear value axis. LINLOG Linear frequency axis, linear value axis. LOGLOG Logarithmic frequency axis, logarithmic value axis. This assumption is used when interpolating within the frequency curve. TITLE [] The random spectrum can have a title (up to 80 characters) or no title. The title is used only when the random spectrum is listed or plotted. Notes When the random spectrum is used to describe ground motions, the acceleration powerspectral-density b ( f ) is calculated as

b ( f ) = v ( f ) × FACTOR


b ( f ) = v ( f ) × FACTOR × ( 2π f



b ( f ) = v ( f ) × FACTOR × ( 2π f




where v ( f ) is the value for frequency f in the frequency curve. When the random spectrum is used to describe applied loads, the load multiplier powerspectral-density b ( f ) is calculated as

b ( f ) = v ( f ) × FACTOR


b ( f ) = ( REFDB 2 × 10 (0.1v ( f )) ) × FACTOR


where v ( f ) is the value for frequency f in the frequency curve.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 6.5 Spectrum definitions



DAMPINGTABLE defines a damping table. A damping table associates a damping value with the frequency or mode number of a mode. Damping tables are used by several commands, including RESPONSE RESPONSE-SPECTRUM, RESPONSE HARMONIC, RESPONSE RANDOM (see Section 6.3). A damping table can be defined either by a frequency curve, in which case the damping is a function of frequency, or by a list of modes, in which case the damping is assigned to each mode individually. NAME The name of the damping table. If there is a previously defined damping table with this name, data entered in this command modifies the damping table, otherwise a new damping table is created. OPTION LINEAR

Damping is defined by a frequency curve and the damping for frequencies between two given frequencies in the frequency curve is determined by linear frequency interpolation.

LOGARITHMIC Damping is defined by a frequency curve and the damping for frequencies between two given frequencies in the frequency curve is determined by logarithmic frequency interpolation. MODE

Damping is defined for each mode by the data input lines and the damping is undefined for other frequencies.

FREQCURVE FACTOR [1.0] The name of the frequency curve giving the damping/frequency relationship. A frequency curve is defined by the FREQCURVE command in this section. The values of the frequency curve are multiplied by FACTOR to determine the damping values (entered as percent of critical damping). FREQCURVE and FACTOR are used only if OPTION = LINEAR or LOGARITHMIC. modei dampingi The mode numbers and associated damping values (entered as percent of critical damping). These parameters are used only if OPTION = MODE.

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions




periodi valuei


FREQCURVE defines a frequency curve. A frequency curve is a list of frequencies and values. Several commands require frequency curves as input; these commands are DAMPINGTABLE, RSPECTRUM, SPECTRUM, SSPECTRUM (in this section). The values in a frequency table are interpreted by the command that uses the frequency table. For example, a value of 1.0 is interpreted by the DAMPINGTABLE command as 1% of critical damping and is interpreted by the SPECTRUM command as a displacement, velocity or acceleration of 1.0. NAME The name of the frequency curve. If there is a previously defined frequency curve with this name, data entered in this command alters the previously defined frequency curve. Otherwise a new frequency curve is created. FREQOPTION [FREQUENCY] Frequencies in the frequency curve can be specified either in terms of frequencies (cycles/unit time) or in terms of periods (time/cycle). {FREQUENCY/PERIOD} FREQLABEL [] You can assign a label (up to 80 characters) to the frequencies, or you can assign no label. The label, if any, is used only when the frequency curve is listed or plotted; the label is not used by commands that use the frequency curve. VALUELABEL [] You can assign a label (up to 80 characters) to the values, or you can assign no label. The label, if any, is used only when the frequency curve is listed or plotted; the label is not used by commands that use the frequency curve. TITLE [] You can assign a title (up to 80 characters) to the frequency table, or you can assign no table. The title, if any, is used only when the frequency curve is listed or plotted; the title is not used by commands that use the frequency curve. frequencyi periodi valuei A frequency (or period) and its associated value.


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Sec. 6.5 Spectrum definitions


frequencyi deltafi Defines a frequency table, which is a list of frequencies and peak broadening factors that is used by the FSSHOW and FTSHOW commands (see Section 5.10). The frequencies listed in a frequency table are used in addition to frequencies given by the frequency range parameters of the FSSHOW and FTSHOW commands. For example, you can specify structural natural frequencies as frequencies in a frequency table to force the FSSHOW and FTSHOW commands to evaluate the SDOF system response at the structural natural frequencies. In addition, if you select the option PEAKBROADENING=YES of these commands, the frequencies in the frequency table are treated as peak frequencies and you also supply the peak broadening factors in the frequency table. (Note that peak broadening is only applied to those frequencies in the frequency table for which the response curve is at a local maximum.) NAME The name of the frequency table. If there is a previously defined frequency table with this name, data entered in this command modifies the frequency table, otherwise a new frequency table is created. MODES [NO] DELTAF [0.0] If MODES = YES, all structural modes, if any, are automatically included in the frequency table, with peak broadening factor given by DELTAF. If MODES = NO, structural modes are not automatically included in the frequency table and DELTAF is ignored. frequencyi Frequency included in the frequency table. The dimensions of frequencyi are cycles/unit time. [0.0] deltafi Used only for peak broadening, option YES. If deltafi is less than 0.0, then frequencyi is not considered to be a peak frequency (but the response is still evaluated for frequencyi). If deltafi = 0.0, then frequencyi is considered to be a peak frequency but the minimum amount of peak broadening is used. If deltafi is greater than 0.0, then frequencyi is considered to be a peak frequency and the peak is broadened by an amount (deltafi×frequencyi) so that the peak extends from frequency frequencyi×(1.0 - deltafi) to frequencyi×(1.0 + deltafi). It is necessary for deltafi to be less than 1.0.

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions

Result control definitions – Introduction

Result control definitions – Introduction This section describes the following commands: SMOOTHING: specifies how to smooth results RESULTCONTROL: specifies other options used in calculating results MASS-SELECT: determines how total mass/volume calculations are performed RESULTGRID: specifies where results are calculated when they are listed using zone listing commands The SMOOTHING, RESULTCONTROL and RESULTGRID commands control the corresponding depictions. As with other depictions, each of these commands associates a depiction name with attributes. The MASS-SELECT command directly controls the total mass/volume calculations and no depiction name is involved. Auxiliary commands The SMOOTHING command has the following auxiliary commands (there are similar auxiliary commands for RESULTCONTROL and RESULTGRID): LIST SMOOTHING Lists all smoothing names. LIST SMOOTHING NAME Lists the attributes of the specified smoothing depiction name. DELETE SMOOTHING NAME Deletes the specified smoothing depiction. COPY SMOOTHING NAME1 NAME2 Copies the smoothing depiction specified by NAME1 to NAME2. The MASS-SELECT command has the following auxiliary command: LIST MASS-SELECT Lists the current settings of the MASS-SELECT command.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Result control definitions – Introduction

Sec. 6.6 Result control definitions


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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions




SMOOTHING associates a name with a smoothing technique. NAME [DEFAULT] The name to be associated with the smoothing technique. If there is a previously defined smoothing technique with this name, data entered in this command modifies that smoothing technique, otherwise a new smoothing technique is created by this command. TYPE [NONE] The type of smoothing to be performed. Within each element, a requested variable is extrapolated to the node points. At each node point, the extrapolated values are combined into a single value. The combination rule is controlled by the value of TYPE. NONE No smoothing is performed. AVERAGED

The extrapolated values are averaged.


The minimum extrapolated value is taken.


The maximum extrapolated value is taken.


The difference between the maximum and minimum extrapolated values is taken.


The most extreme value (value furthest from 0.0) is taken.


The difference between the maximum and minimum extrapolated values is taken at the corner nodes and divided by ERRORREF. The resulting variable values can be interpreted as error indicators.

ERRORREF When TYPE = ERROR, the error difference is divided by the value of ERRORREF. ERRORREF cannot be equal to 0.0.


ZONENAME [WHOLE_MODEL] The smoothing technique is applied to all applicable elements and radiosity surfaces within the specified zone. The zone name must have been previously defined by a zone definition command (see Section 6.2). BLOCKING [0] The value of blocking influences the number of database records that are used during smoothing. In general, a larger value of BLOCKING causes the program to use fewer database records; this means that the time needed to construct the smoothing data structures is reduced, but that memory requirements are increased when commands that compute


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Sec. 6.6 Result control definitions

smoothed data run. A value of zero indicates that the program computes the blocking factor automatically. Notes for ERRORREF ERRORREF can be automatically determined by clicking the Error Plots icon. The value used is max(abs(min value),abs(max value)), where min value, max value are taken from the current band plot or element vector plot. This value of ERRORREF is however not updated when the solution time is changed, for example when the Next Solution icon is clicked.

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions




RESULTCONTROL allows you to control the way in which the AUI computes results. The parameters of this command can be grouped as follows: Rules for interpolating element data within elements: EXTRAPOLATION Calculation of shell element results onto midsurface: SHELLMIDSURFACE SHELLLAYER SHELLT Scaling of modal results: MODEFACTOR Calculation of lever variables: LEVERXREF LEVERYREF LEVERZREF LEVEREXPONENT LEVERCONFIGURATION Transformation of stresses and strains to a user-defined coordinate system: RESULTSYSTEM Calculation of reactions: ZEROREACTION Calculation of quantities in electromagnetic harmonic analysis: OMEGAT


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 6.6 Result control definitions

NAME [DEFAULT] The name of the result control depiction. If there is a previously defined result control depiction with this name, data entered in this command modifies that result control depiction, otherwise a new result control depiction is created by this command. EXTRAPOLATION [RST] If EXTRAPOLATION = RST, the AUI uses linear interpolation within elements to compute stresses and other element quantities at a given point within the element. If EXTRAPOLATION = FACE, the AUI uses the results at center of the nearest face. If EXTRAPOLATION = CENTROID, the AUI uses the results at the element centroid. If EXTRAPOLATION = INTPT, the AUI uses the results from the closest integration point. SHELLMIDSURFACE [YES] If SHELLMIDSURFACE = YES, the AUI plots and lists results from the specified shell layer and shell t value on the shell midsurface. If SHELLMIDSURFACE = NO, the AUI plots results evaluated at the shell midsurface on the shell midsurface. This control is most useful when plotting bands or element vectors on a mesh plot in which the shells are drawn using a midsurface depiction. SHELLLAYER [TOP] SHELLT [1.0] Used only if SHELLMIDSURFACE = YES. These parameters specify the shell layer number and t coordinate value within the shell layer from which results are extracted for plotting or listing onto the shell midsurface. For example, for single layer shells, t = -1.0 corresponds to the bottom surface of the shell, t = 0.0 corresponds to the shell midsurface and t = 1.0 corresponds to the top surface of the shell. SHELLLAYER can also be one of the words BOTTOM or TOP. MODEFACTOR [1.0] The scaling factor applied to all modal results, including eigenvectors, modal stresses and modal reactions. LEVERXREF LEVERYREF LEVERZREF The reference values used in definition of the LEVER variables, see notes below.

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[0.0] [0.0] [0.0]


Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions


LEVEREXPONENT [1] The exponent used in the definition of the LEVER variables, see notes below. Note that the exponent must be an integer greater than or equal to 1. LEVERCONFIGURATION [ORIGINAL] The lever variables either use the coordinates corresponding to the original configuration of the model or the coordinates corresponding to the current deformed configuration of the model {ORIGINAL / DEFORMED}. RESULTSYSTEM [0] The coordinate system used when computing transformed stress and strain variables STRESS-11, STRESS-22, STRESS-33, STRESS-12, STRESS-13, STRESS23, STRAIN-11, STRAIN-22, STRAIN-33, STRAIN-12, STRAIN-13, STRAIN-23. Use the SYSTEM command to define a coordinate system (the SYSTEM command is described in the AUI Command Reference Manual, Volume I). Coordinate system 0 is the global Cartesian coordinate system. ZEROREACTION [NO] Normally ADINA does not save reactions if they are numerically close to zero. When ZEROREACTION=NO, ADINA-PLOT returns “not found” when a reaction is not saved. When ZEROREACTION=YES, ADINA-PLOT returns “0" when a reaction is not saved. ZEROREACTION=YES is useful when making a graph in which one of the variables is a reaction. OMEGAT The value of ω t for electromagnetic harmonic analysis.


Notes 1) Parameters LEVERXREF, LEVERYREF, LEVERZREF, LEVEREXPONENT, LEVERCONFIGURATION control the evaluation of the variables X-LEVER, Y-LEVER, Z-LEVER. X-LEVER is defined as X-LEVER = (X - LEVERXREF)**(LEVEREXPONENT) with similar definitions for the other variables. X is a coordinate either in the original or deformed configuration of the model. 2) Predefined resultants SURFACE_MOMENT-X, SURFACE_MOMENT-Y, SURFACE_MOMENT-Z, REACTION_MOMENT-X, REACTION_MOMENT-Y, REACTION_MOMENT-Z rely upon the LEVER variables. 3) Parameter RESULTSYSTEM is used to control the coordinate system used when evaluating transformed variables STRESS-11, STRESS-22, STRAIN-11, STRAIN-22,


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Sec. 6.6 Result control definitions

1-DISPLACEMENT, 2-DISPLACEMENT, etc. These variables can be used to obtain the stresses and strains in a local coordinate system that you choose. You use the SYSTEM command to define the local coordinate system. The system can be Cartesian, cylindrical or spherical. The origin of the system can be displaced from the origin of the global coordinate system and the local coordinate system axes can be rotated from the global coordinate system axes. Directions 1, 2, 3 are interpreted as follows: System type Cartesian Cylindrical Spherical

Direction 1 XL R R

Direction 2 YL THETA THETA

Direction 3 ZL XL PHI

Thus, by default, STRESS-11 = STRESS-XX, STRESS-22 = STRESS-YY, 1DISPLACEMENT=X-DISPLACEMENT, etc. Here is an example involving output of displacements, stresses and strains in a local coordinate system: SYSTEM 1 TYPE=CYLINDRICAL RESULTCONTROL RESULTSYSTEM=1 ZONELIST VAR=STRESS-11 STRESS-22 STRESS-33, STRESS-12 STRESS-13 STRESS-23 ZONELIST VAR=STRAIN-11 STRAIN-22 STRAIN-33, STRAIN-12 STRAIN-13 STRAIN-23 ZONELIST VAR=1-DISPLACEMENT 2-DISPLACEMENT 3-DISPLACEMENT In this example, STRESS-11 is the radial stress, STRESS-22 is the tangential stress, STRESS-33 is the axial stress (equal to STRESS-XX) and STRAIN-33 is equal to STRAIN-XX. Note that the off-diagonal strain components (STRAIN-12, STRAIN-13, STRAIN-23) are engineering quantities, not tensorial quantities. Also 1-DISPLACEMENT is the radial displacement, 2-DISPLACEMENT is the tangential displacement and 3DISPLACEMENT is the axial displacement (equal to X-DISPLACEMENT). A convenient way to view the transformation corresponding to parameter RESULTSYSTEM is to plot the mesh with element triads and with ELDEPICTION TRIADTYPE=RESULTTR (see Section 5.2). Then the plotted triad directions correspond to the local coordinate system chosen by parameter RESULTSYSTEM. Note that the original (not the deformed) coordinates of the model are used in calculating the locations of points, and therefore the local coordinate system directions.

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions


4) RESULTSYSTEM controls STRESS-11, STRESS-22, 1-DISPLACEMENT, etc through the special variable COORDINATE_SYSTEM_NUMBER; the value of COORDINATE_SYSTEM_NUMBER is the value of parameter RESULTSYSTEM. The resultants STRESS-11, STRESS-22, 1-DISPLACEMENT, etc all depend upon variable COORDINATE_SYSTEM_NUMBER.


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Sec. 6.6 Result control definitions

MASS-SELECT ELEMENTS NODES ZONE MASS-SELECT determines which elements and nodes contribute to the total mass/volume calculations performed when mass/volume variables are listed using, for example, the MASSINFO command (see Section 7.1). Note that mass/volume calculations are possible only when requested in ADINA-IN. Note: mass/volume calculations are performed by ADINA element group by element group, that is, only the mass/volume information for each element group is output by ADINA and is available to the AUI. Hence, an element contributes to the total mass/volume calculations only if all elements in the element’s element group are in the specified zone. ELEMENTS [YES] The elements in the zone contribute to the total mass/volume calculations. {YES / NO} NODES Concentrated masses for all nodes in the zone contribute to the total mass/volume calculations. {YES / NO}


ZONE [WHOLE_MODEL] The zone used for determining which elements and/or nodes contribute to the total mass/volume calculations. See the zone commands in Section 6.2. Note that the zone given here is not used when the ZONEMAX, ZONELIST or ZONEEXCEED commands are used to list mass variables. Instead, the zone given in these listing commands is used. However, the zone given here is used when the MASSINFO command is used.

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions


RESULTGRID NAME TYPE NGRIDR NGRIDS NGRIDT RESULTGRID allows you to control the locations where the AUI computes results. NAME [DEFAULT] The name of the result grid depiction. If there is a previously defined result grid depiction with this name, data entered in this command modifies that result grid depiction. If there is no previously defined result grid depiction with this name, a new result grid depiction is created by this command. TYPE [PORTHOLE] NGRIDR [1] NGRIDS [1] NGRIDT [1] The values of TYPE are: PORTHOLE The AUI computes results where they were computed by the solution program (and made available to the AUI in the porthole file). For example, element results are output at the integration points. NODES

The AUI computes results at the node points. Element and element section results are computed at the node points if smoothing is activated.


Each element is conceptually divided into a grid with NGRIDR, NGRIDS and NGRIDT divisions and results are computed at these locations. Lower-dimensional elements ignore NGRIDs for the coordinates that the elements do not possess.


Each element section is conceptually divided into a gird with NGRIDR, NGRIDS and NGRIDT divisions, and results are computed at these locations.


The AUI computes results at the element local nodes.


The AUI computes results at the section local nodes.

NGRIDR, NGRIDS and NGRIDT must be less than 10.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Model points – Introduction

Sec. 6.7 Model points

Model points – Introduction The commands for associating a single point in the model with a model point are NODEPOINT node point ELPOINT element/layer point SECTPOINT section point CSPOINT contact segment point RADPOINT radiosity segment point VSPOINT virtual shift point LCPOINT J-integral line contour point DBPOINT drawbead point BOLTPOINT bolt point ELESETPOINT element edge-set point ELFSETPOINT element face-set point The commands for associating several points in the model with a model point name are NODECOMBINATION node point ELCOMBINATION element/layer point SECTCOMBINATION section point CSCOMBINATION contact segment point RADCOMBINATION radiosity segment point VSCOMBINATION virtual shift point LCCOMBINATION J-integral line contour point DBCOMBINATION drawbead point BOLTCOMBINATION bolt point You can also define a model point in terms of other model points: POINTCOMBINATION There are also several special commands that create model points: GNCOMBINATION all nodes on the specified general selection MESHINTEGRATION faces of a mesh plot and rule for integration MESHMAX faces of a mesh plot and rule for searching for extreme value REACTIONSUM all nodes with reactions These commands are described in detail in this section. General information Two result model points cannot have the same name, even if the result points are of different types. The SUBSTRUCTURE and REUSE parameters of these commands are used only for an ADINA model as follows:

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions

Model points – Introduction

If the model has substructures, use these numbers to specify the desired substructure and reuse. If the model has cyclic parts, use the reuse number to specify the desired cyclic part. By default, the value of a variable evaluated as a combination point is the sum of the variable's value at each of the points in the combination multiplied by the weighting factor at each of the points. However the TYPE parameter can be used to choose a different combination type. Auxiliary commands For each of these commands, the following auxiliary commands are available: LIST ( ) Lists all names of the specified type. LIST ( ) NAME Lists data for the specified name. DELETE ( ) NAME Deletes the name. COPY ( ) NAME1 NAME2 Copies the data for name NAME1 to name NAME2. Here ( ) can be NODEPOINT, ELPOINT, SECTPOINT, CSPOINT, RADPOINT, VSPOINT, LCPOINT, DBPOINT, BOLTPOINT, POINTCOMBINATION, GNCOMBINATION, MESHINTEGRATION, MESHMAX, REACTIONSUM. For commands NODECOMBINATION, ELCOMBINATION, SECTCOMBINATION, CSCOMBINATION, RADCOMBINATION, VSCOMBINATION, LCCOMBINATION, DBCOMBINATION, BOLTCOMBINATION, use the corresponding POINT command, i.e., LIST NODEPOINT lists all model points defined using NODEPOINT or NODECOMBINATION. See also A model point name defined by any of these commands can be used by the following commands: RESPONSESHOW, HARMONICSHOW, RANDOMSHOW, FSSHOW, FTSHOW, FOURIERSHOW (Section 5.10) POINTMAX, POINTEXCEED, POINTLIST (Section 7.2).


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 6.7 Model points


NODEPOINT assigns a name to a node point. When there are results from more than one finite element program loaded into the database, you may need to set the current finite element program (see the FEPROGRAM command in Section 3.4). NODEPOINT defines the model result point based on the current finite element program. NAME The name of the node point. SUBSTRUCTURE REUSE The substructure and reuse numbers of the node point in the model.

[0] [1]

NODE The label number of the node.


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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions




ELPOINT assigns a name to a point within an element or element layer. The point can be specified in one of four ways: Grid location

The element (or element layer) is conceptually divided into an evenly spaced grid, see figure. You select a location on the grid by giving a two, four or six digit grid number.

Label location

Results calculated by ADINA, ADINA-T or ADINA-F are saved at label locations. You select a label location by giving a label location number.

RST location

You can choose a location by directly specifying the isoparametric rst coordinates of the location, see figure.

Node location

You can specify the number of one of the nodes in the element.

When there are results from more than one finite element program loaded into the database, you may need to set the current finite element program (see the FEPROGRAM command in Section 3.4). ELPOINT defines the model result point based on the current finite element program. NAME The name of the element point. SUBSTRUCTURE REUSE The substructure and reuse numbers of the element point in the model.

[0] [1]

GROUP The label number of the element group that contains the element point.


ELEMENT [1] LAYER [1] The element label number. If the element is a multilayer element, the layer number must also be specified. OPTION [GRID] The element point can be specified using one of four options. Each option requires additional input of at least one of the remaining parameters.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 6.7 Model points


The parameter GRID is used to specify the element point within an evenly spaced grid.


The parameter LABEL is used to specify the labelled element point.


The parameter NODE is used to specify the global node number of a node attached to the element.


The parameters R, S and T are used to specify the isoparametric coordinates of the element point.

GRID [0] Used when OPTION = GRID. The element or element layer conceptually contains an evenly spaced grid in the element's isoparametric system. The grid can be 1-D, 2-D or 3-D depending upon the element type. To specify a grid location using a 1-D grid, give a two digit number AB: digit A gives the total number of grid divisions and digit B gives the desired grid location. To specify a grid location using a 2-D grid, give a four digit number ABCD: digit A gives the total number of grid divisions in the r direction, digit B gives the desired grid location in the r direction, digit C gives the total number of grid divisions in the s direction and digit D gives the desired grid location in the s direction. To specify a grid location using a 3-D grid, give a six digit number ABCDEF: digit A gives the total number of grid divisions in the r direction, digit B gives the desired grid location in the r direction, digit C gives the total number of grid divisions in the s direction, digit D gives the desired grid location in the s direction, digit E gives the total number of grid divisions in the t direction and digit F gives the desired grid location in the t direction. You can also specify the element centroidal location by giving a grid value of 0. LABEL [1] Used when OPTION = LABEL. The element or element layer contains various locations where ADINA, ADINA-T or ADINA-F calculated the results. If the results were calculated at integration points, then LABEL is a 1, 2 or 3 digit number giving the integration point location, see table. If the results were calculated at the element local nodes, then LABEL is the local node number. NODE [1] Used when OPTION = NODE. You enter the label number (global node number) of a node connected to the element. It is an error to specify a node that is not connected to the element. R [0.0] S [0.0] T [0.0] Used when OPTION = RST. You directly enter the isoparametric coordinates r, s, t of the desired location. If the element is 1-D, only R needs to be entered, if the element is 2-D, only R and S need to be entered.

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions


Notes: 1) For an ADINA shell element, you can specify that the element point lies on the shell midsurface using the following options: • •

Specify the node number of a midsurface node Specify a grid location of 0, or a grid location in which the 5th and 6th digits are equal to 1.

When the element point lies on the shell midsurface, when results are evaluated at the point, the t coordinate and layer used for the evaluation are taken from the result control depiction being used for the evaluation. See the RESULTCONTROL command in Section 6.6 for further details. 2) If the results were calculated at the integration points, then the label is a 1, 2, 3 or 4 digit number giving the integration point as shown in the following tables: ADINA: Element type Truss 2-D solid or fluid 3-D solid or fluid Hermitian beam Iso-beam (3-D) Iso-beam (2-D) Plate Shell (rectangular) Shell (triangular) Pipe Spring General


Result location Int. pts. Int. pts. Int. pts. Int. pts. Int. pts. Int. pts. Int. pts. Int. pts. Int. pts. Int. pts. ---Stress transformation matrix

Label number (INR) 10(INR) + (INS)* 100(INR) + 10(INS) + (INT)* 100(INR) + 10(INS) + (INT) 100(INR) + 10(INS) + (INT) 10(INR) + (INS) (ITRI) 100(INR) + 10(INS) + (INT) 10(ITRI) + (INT) 1000(INA) + 100(INB) + (INC) 1 (J)

AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 6.7 Model points

ADINA-T: Element type 1-D 2-D conduction 3-D conduction Shell conduction

Result location Int. pts. Int. pts. Int. pts. Int. pts.

Label number (INR) 10(INR) + (INS)* 100(INR) + 10(INS) + (INT)* 100(INR) + 10(INS) + (INT)

ADINA-F: Element type 2-D fluid 3-D fluid

Result location Int. pts. Int. pts.

Label number 10(INR) + (INS)* 100(INR) + 10(INS) + (INT)*

Each quantity in parentheses represents one integer: (ITRI) – integration point number in triangular integration (ITET) – integration point number in tetrahedral integration (INR), (INS), (INT) – integration point numbers for r, s and t coordinates (INA), (INB), (INC) – integration point numbers for a, b and c coordinates (J) – stress component number *) If the element is triangular, the label number is (ITRI); if the element is tetrahedral, the label number is (ITET).

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions



AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 6.7 Model points


SECTPOINT assigns a name to a point within an element section. Currently the only element types with sections are the ADINA shell element when section results are saved and the ADINA beam element when stress resultants are saved. The element section point can be specified in one of four ways: Grid location

The element section is conceptually divided into an evenly spaced grid, see the figure in the ELPOINT command. You select a location on the grid by giving a two or four digit grid number.

Label location

Results calculated by the finite element programs are saved at label locations. You select a label location by giving a label location number.

RST location

You can choose a location by directly specifying the isoparametric rst coordinates of the location.

Node location

You can specify the number of one of the nodes in the element section.

When there are results from more than one finite element program loaded into the database, you may need to set the current finite element program (see the FEPROGRAM command in Section 3.4). SECTPOINT defines the model result point based on the current finite element program. NAME The name of the element section point. SUBSTRUCTURE REUSE The substructure and reuse numbers of the element point.

[0] [1]

GROUP The label number of the element group that contains the element section point.


ELEMENT The label number of the element.


OPTION [GRID] The element section point can be specified using one of four options. Each option requires additional input of at least one of the remaining parameters. GRID The parameter GRID is used to specify the element section within an evenly spaced grid.

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions



The parameter LABEL is used to specify the labelled element section point.


The parameter NODE is used to specify the global node number of a node attached to the element section.


The parameters R, S and T are used to specify the isoparametric coordinates of the element section.

GRID [0] Used when OPTION = GRID. The element section conceptually contains an evenly spaced grid in the section's isoparametric coordinate system. The grid can be 1-D or 2-D depending upon the element section type. To specify a grid location using a 1-D grid, give a two digit number AB: digit A gives the total number of grid divisions and digit B gives the desired grid location. To specify a grid location using a 2-D grid, give a four digit number ABCD: digit A gives the total number of grid divisions in the r direction, digit B gives the desired grid location in the r direction, digit C gives the total number of grid divisions in the s direction and digit D gives the desired grid location in the s direction. You can also specify the section centroidal location by giving a grid value of 0. LABEL [1] Used when OPTION = LABEL. The element section contains integration point locations where the finite element program calculated the results. LABEL is a 1 or 2 digit number giving the integration point location. NODE [1] Used when OPTION = NODE. You enter the label number (global node number) of a node connected to the section. It is an error to specify a node that is not connected to the section. R [0.0] S [0.0] T [0.0] Used when OPTION = RST. You directly enter the isoparametric coordinates r, s, t of the desired location. If the element is 1-D, only R needs to be entered, if the element is 2-D, only R and S need to be entered. (T is not required in this version of the AUI but is present for possible future updates.)


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 6.7 Model points


CSPOINT assigns a name to a contact segment "point". It is possible to obtain results only at contact segments attached to contactor contact surfaces. When there are results from more than one finite element program loaded into the database, you may need to set the current finite element program (see the FEPROGRAM command in Section 3.4). CSPOINT defines the model result point based on the current finite element program. NAME The name of the contact segment point. GROUP The contact group label number of the contact segment.


SURFACE [1] The contact surface label number that contains the contact segment. This contact surface must be used as a contactor contact surface. SEGMENT The contact segment number.


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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions


RADPOINT NAME GROUP SURFACE SEGMENT OPTION GRID LABEL NODE R S T RADPOINT assigns a name to a point within a radiosity surface segment. The point can be specified in one of 4 ways: Grid location

The segment is conceptually divided into an evenly spaced grid, see the figure in the ELPOINT command. You select a location on the grid by giving a two or four digit grid number.

Label location

Results calculated by ADINA-T are saved at label locations. You select a label location by giving a label location number.

RST location

You can choose a location by directly specifying the isoparametric rst coordinates of the location.

Node location

You can specify the number of one of the nodes in the segment.

When there are results from more than one finite element program loaded into the database, you may need to set the current finite element program (see the FEPROGRAM command in Section 3.4). RADPOINT defines the model result point based on the current finite element program. NAME The name of the radiosity segment point. GROUP [1] The label number of the radiosity surface group that contains the radiosity segment point. SURFACE SEGMENT The label numbers of the radiosity surface and segment.

[1] [1]

OPTION [GRID] The radiosity segment point can be specified using one of four options. Each option requires additional input of at least one of the remaining parameters. GRID The parameter GRID is used to specify the radiosity segment point within an evenly spaced grid. LABEL

The parameter LABEL is used to specify the labelled radiosity segment point.


The parameter NODE is used to specify the global node number of a node attached to the radiosity segment.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 6.7 Model points

The parameters R, S and T are used to specify the isoparametric coordinates of the radiosity segment point.

GRID [0] Used when OPTION = GRID. The radiosity segment conceptually contains an evenly spaced grid in the segment's isoparametric system. The grid can be 1-D or 2-D depending upon the segment type. To specify a grid location using a 1-D grid, give a two digit number AB: digit A gives the total number of grid divisions and digit B gives the desired grid location. To specify a grid location using a 2-D grid, give a four digit number ABCD: digit A gives the total number of grid divisions in the r direction, digit B gives the desired grid location in the r direction, digit C gives the total number of grid divisions in the s direction and digit D gives the desired grid location in the s direction. You can also specify the segment centroidal location by giving a grid value of 0. LABEL [1] Used when OPTION = LABEL. The radiosity segment contains integration point locations where ADINA-T calculated the results. LABEL is a 1 or 2 digit number giving the integration point location. NODE [1] Used when OPTION = NODE. You enter the label number (global node number) of a node connected to the segment. It is an error to specify a node that is not connected to the segment. R [0.0] S [0.0] T [0.0] Used when OPTION = RST. You directly enter the isoparametric coordinates r, s, t of the desired location. If the segment is 1-D, only R needs to be entered, if the segment is 2-D, only R and S need to be entered. (T is not required in this version of the AUI, but is present for possible future updates.)

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions




VSPOINT assigns a name to a virtual shift, used in fracture mechanics analysis when virtual shifts are defined for evaluation of the J-integral. When there are results from more than one finite element program loaded into the database, you may need to set the current finite element program (see the FEPROGRAM command in Section 3.4). VSPOINT defines the model result point based on the current finite element program. NAME The name of the virtual shift point. SHIFT The label number of a virtual shift.



AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 6.7 Model points


LCPOINT assigns a name to a line contour, used in fracture mechanics analysis when line contours are defined for evaluation of the J-integral. When there are results from more than one finite element program loaded into the database, you may need to set the current finite element program (see the FEPROGRAM command in Section 3.4). LCPOINT defines the model result point based on the current finite element program. NAME The name of the line contour point. CONTOUR The label number of a line contour.


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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions




DBPOINT assigns a name to a drawbead segment. When there are results from more than one finite element program loaded into the database, you may need to set the current finite element program (see the FEPROGRAM command in Section 3.4). DBPOINT defines the model result point based on the current finite element program. NAME The name of the drawbead point. GROUP The contact group label number of the drawbead segment.


DRAWBEAD The drawbead label number that contains the drawbead segment.


SEGMENT The drawbead segment number.



AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 6.7 Model points


BOLTPOINT assigns a name to a bolt point. A bolt point represents the results for a bolt element group. NAME The name of the bolt point. BOLT [1] The label number of the bolt. This is the same as the BOLT-NUMBER parameter of the EGROUP command used to define the bolt group.


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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions


ELESETPOINT NAME ELEDGESET ELESETPOINT assigns a name to an element edge-set. Use the ELEDGESET command (in the AUI Command Reference Manual, Volume I) to define an element edge-set. NAME The name of the element edge-set point. ELEDGESET The element edge-set number.


Note Only element face variables can be evaluated at an element edge-set point. The specified element face variable is summed over all element edges in the element edge-set point.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 6.7 Model points

ELFSETPOINT NAME ELFACESET ELFSETPOINT assigns a name to an element face-set. Use the ELFACESET command (in the AUI Command Reference Manual, Volume I) to define an element face-set. NAME The name of the element face-set point. ELFACESET The element face-set number.


Note Only element face variables can be evaluated at an element face-set point. The specified element face variable is summed over all element faces in the element face-set point.

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions




substructurei reusei nodei factori NODECOMBINATION assigns a name to a combination of node points. When there are results from more than one finite element program loaded into the database, you may need to set the current finite element program (see the FEPROGRAM command in Section 3.4). NODECOMBINATION defines the model result point based on the current finite element program. NAME The name of the node combination point. SUBSTRUCTURE REUSE NODE FACTOR The default values of the data input line columns.

[0] [1] [1] [1.0]

TYPE [SUM] The combination method used to combine results. See notes at the end of this command description. {SUM / AVERAGE / MAXIMUM / ABSMAX / MINIMUM / MEANSQUARE / ROOT-MEAN-SQUARE / VARIANCE / STANDARD_DEVIATION / RVARIANCE / RSTANDARD_DEVIATION} substructurei reusei nodei A node point. See the NODEPOINT command in this section for the conventions used to specify a node point. factori Multiplying factor that weights the contribution from the node point. Notes for the TYPE parameter The combination type is specified by the TYPE parameter as follows, SUM





AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 6.7 Model points

vav =




N max(vi ) i


max( vi ) i


min(vi ) i



2 i



2 i




vvar =


∑ (v


− vav )





RVARIANCE (Relative variance)


⎛v −v ⎞ ∑i ⎜ i v av ⎟ = ⎝ av ⎠ N


RSTANDARD_DEVIATION (Relative standard deviation)

vrvar in which

N is the number of result points in the combination and vi is the value at the ith

result point in the combination (multiplied by factori if necessary). Note that the relative standard deviation is also sometimes referred to as the coefficient of variation.

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions




substructurei reusei groupi elementi layeri optioni gridi labeli nodei ri si ti factori ELCOMBINATION assigns a name to a combination of element points. When there are results from more than one finite element program loaded into the database, you may need to set the current finite element program (see the FEPROGRAM command in Section 3.4). ELCOMBINATION defines the model result point based on the current finite element program. NAME The name of the element combination point. SUBSTRUCTURE REUSE GROUP ELEMENT LAYER OPTION GRID LABEL NODE R, S, T FACTOR The default values of the data input line columns.

[0] [1] [1] [1] [1] [GRID] [0] [1] [1] [0.0] [1.0]

TYPE [SUM] The combination method used to combine results. See notes at the end of the NODECOMBINATION command description. {SUM / AVERAGE / MAXIMUM / ABSMAX / MINIMUM / MEAN-SQUARE / ROOT-MEAN-SQUARE / VARIANCE / STANDARD_DEVIATION / RVARIANCE / RSTANDARD_DEVIATION}

substructurei reusei groupi elementi layeri optioni gridi labeli


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 6.7 Model points

nodei ri si ti An element point. See the ELPOINT command in this section for the conventions used to specify an element point. factori Multiplying factor that weights the contribution from the element point.

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions


SECTCOMBINATION NAME SUBSTRUCTURE REUSE GROUP ELEMENT OPTION GRID LABEL NODE R S T FACTOR TYPE substructurei reusei groupi elementi optioni gridi labeli nodei ri si ti factori SECTCOMBINATION assigns a name to a combination of section points. When there are results from more than one finite element program loaded into the database, you may need to set the current finite element program (see the FEPROGRAM command in Section 3.4). SECTCOMBINATION defines the model result point based on the current finite element program. NAME The name of the section combination point. SUBSTRUCTURE REUSE GROUP ELEMENT OPTION GRID NODE R, S, T FACTOR The default values of the data input line columns.

[0] [1] [1] [1] [GRID] [0] [1] [0.0] [1.0]

TYPE [SUM] The combination method used to combine results. See notes at the end of the NODECOMBINATION command description. {SUM / AVERAGE / MAXIMUM / ABSMAX / MINIMUM / MEAN-SQUARE / ROOT-MEAN-SQUARE / VARIANCE / STANDARD_DEVIATION / RVARIANCE / RSTANDARD_DEVIATION} substructurei reusei groupi elementi optioni gridi labeli nodei ri si ti A section point. See the SECTPOINT command in this section for the conventions used to


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 6.7 Model points

specify a section point. factori Multiplying factor that weights the contribution from the section point.

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions




groupi surfacei segmenti factori CSCOMBINATION assigns a name to a combination of contact segment points. When there are results from more than one finite element program loaded into the database, you may need to set the current finite element program (see the FEPROGRAM command in Section 3.4). CSCOMBINATION defines the model result point based on the current finite element program. NAME The name of the contact segment combination point. GROUP SURFACE SEGMENT FACTOR The default values of the data input line columns.

[1] [1] [1] [1.0]

TYPE [SUM] The combination method used to combine results. See notes at the end of the NODECOMBINATION command description. {SUM / AVERAGE / MAXIMUM / ABSMAX / MINIMUM / MEAN-SQUARE / ROOT-MEAN-SQUARE / VARIANCE / STANDARD_DEVIATION / RVARIANCE / RSTANDARD_DEVIATION} groupi surfacei segmenti A contact segment point. See the CSPOINT command in this section for the conventions used to specify a contact segment point. Remember that it is possible to obtain results only at contact segments attached to contactor contact surfaces. factori Multiplying factor that weights the contribution from the contact segment point.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 6.7 Model points

RADCOMBINATION NAME GROUP SURFACE SEGMENT OPTION GRID LABEL NODE R S T FACTOR TYPE groupi surfacei segmenti optioni gridi labeli nodei ri si ti factori RADCOMBINATION assigns a name to a combination of radiosity segment points. When there are results from more than one finite element program loaded into the database, you may need to set the current finite element program (see the FEPROGRAM command in Section 3.4). RADCOMBINATION defines the model result point based on the current finite element program. NAME The name of the radiosity segment combination point. GROUP SURFACE SEGMENT OPTION GRID LABEL NODE R, S, T FACTOR The default values of the data input line columns.

[1] [1] [1] [GRID] [0] [1] [1] [0.0] [1.0]

TYPE [SUM] The combination method used to combine results. See notes at the end of the NODECOMBINATION command description. {SUM / AVERAGE / MAXIMUM / ABSMAX / MINIMUM / MEAN-SQUARE / ROOT-MEAN-SQUARE / VARIANCE / STANDARD_DEVIATION / RVARIANCE / RSTANDARD_DEVIATION} groupi surfacei segmenti optioni gridi labeli nodei ri si ti A radiosity segment point. See the RADPOINT command in this section for the conventions used to specify a radiosity segment point.

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions


factori Multiplying factor that weights the contribution from the radiosity segment point.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 6.7 Model points


shifti factori VSCOMBINATION assigns a name to a combination of virtual shift points. Virtual shift points are used in fracture mechanics analysis when virtual shifts are used to evaluate the Jintegral. When there are results from more than one finite element program loaded into the database, you may need to set the current finite element program (see the FEPROGRAM command in Section 3.4). VSCOMBINATION defines the model result point based on the current finite element program. NAME The name of the virtual shift combination point. SHIFT FACTOR The default values of the data input line columns.

[1] [1.0]

TYPE [SUM] The combination method used to combine results. See notes at the end of the NODECOMBINATION command description. {SUM / AVERAGE / MAXIMUM / ABSMAX / MINIMUM / MEAN-SQUARE / ROOT-MEAN-SQUARE / VARIANCE / STANDARD_DEVIATION / RVARIANCE / RSTANDARD_DEVIATION} shifti A virtual shift point. See the VSPOINT command in this section for the conventions used to specify a virtual shift point. factori Multiplying factor that weights the contribution from the virtual shift point.

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions




contouri factori LCCOMBINATION assigns a name to a combination of line contour points. Line contour points are used in fracture mechanics analysis when line contours are used to evaluate the Jintegral. When there are results from more than one finite element program loaded into the database, you may need to set the current finite element program (see the FEPROGRAM command in Section 3.4). LCCOMBINATION defines the model result point based on the current finite element program. NAME The name of the line contour combination point. CONTOUR FACTOR The default values of the data input line columns.

[1] [1.0]

TYPE [SUM] The combination method used to combine results. See notes at the end of the NODECOMBINATION command description. {SUM / AVERAGE / MAXIMUM / ABSMAX / MINIMUM / MEAN-SQUARE / ROOT-MEAN-SQUARE / VARIANCE / STANDARD_DEVIATION / RVARIANCE / RSTANDARD_DEVIATION} contouri A line contour point. See the LCPOINT command in this section for the conventions used to specify a line contour point. factori Multiplying factor that weights the contribution from the line contour point.


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Sec. 6.7 Model points


groupi drawbeadi segmenti factori DBCOMBINATION assigns a name to a combination of drawbead segment points. When there are results from more than one finite element program loaded into the database, you may need to set the current finite element program (see the FEPROGRAM command in Section 3.4). DBCOMBINATION defines the model result point based on the current finite element program. NAME The name of the drawbead segment combination point. GROUP DRAWBEAD SEGMENT FACTOR The default values of the data input line columns.

[1] [1] [1] [1.0]

TYPE [SUM] The combination method used to combine results. See notes at the end of the NODECOMBINATION command description. {SUM / AVERAGE / MAXIMUM / ABSMAX / MINIMUM / MEAN-SQUARE / ROOT-MEAN-SQUARE / VARIANCE / STANDARD_DEVIATION / RVARIANCE / RSTANDARD_DEVIATION} groupi drawbeadi segmenti A drawbead segment point. See the DBPOINT command in this section for the conventions used to specify a drawbead segment point. factori Multiplying factor that weights the contribution from the drawbead segment point.

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions




bolti factori BOLTCOMBINATION assigns a name to a combination of bolt points. NAME The name of the bolt combination point. BOLT FACTOR The default values of the data input line columns.

[1] [1.0]

TYPE [SUM] The combination method used to combine results. See notes at the end of the NODECOMBINATION command description. {SUM / AVERAGE / MAXIMUM / ABSMAX / MINIMUM / MEAN-SQUARE / ROOT-MEAN-SQUARE / VARIANCE / STANDARD_DEVIATION / RVARIANCE / RSTANDARD_DEVIATION} bolti A bolt point. See the BOLTPOINT command in this section for the conventions used to specify a node point. factori Multiplying factor that weights the contribution from the bolt point.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 6.7 Model points

POINTCOMBINATION NAME FACTOR pointnamei factori The POINTCOMBINATION command creates a model point based upon previously defined model points. When the model point is used by another command, such as the POINTLIST command in Section 7.2, the AUI evaluates the results at each of the model points and outputs the sum. NAME The name of the pointcombination point. FACTOR [1.0] The default value for the multiplying factor used to multiply the results from each of the data input line model points. pointnamei The name of a model point to be included in the sum. The model point can be defined by any model point definition command except the POINTCOMBINATION command. [value of command line parameter FACTOR] factori The result from the model point pointnamei are multiplied by factori before inclusion in the sum. Notes 1) As an example, this command can be used to determine the difference in volume flux between two sections in a pipe: CUTSURFACE CUTPLANE SECTION_1 OPTION=XCOORD VALUE=1.0 MESHPLOT SECTION_1 MESHINTEGRATION SECTION_1 CUTSURFACE CUTPLANE SECTION_2 OPTION=XCOORD VALUE=2.0 MESHPLOT SECTION_2 MESHINTEGRATION SECTION_2 POINTCOMBINATION SECTION_DIFF 'SECTION_1' 'SECTION_2' DATAEND POINTLIST SECTION_DIFF VAR=VOLUME_FLUX_SURFACE (since the normals to each surface point in the same direction, there is no need to negate the results from SECTION_2).

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions


GNCOMBINATION NAME PROGRAM TYPE selectioni GNCOMBINATION assigns a name to a combination of node points. You specify general selections and the AUI chooses all nodes that belong to at least one of the general selections. If the selections refer to geometry, the database must contain geometry information before you use this command. See the example below for the typical usage of this command. NAME The name of the gncombination point. PROGRAM [current FE program] The AUI selects nodes from the PROGRAM that belong to the geometry that you specify. TYPE [SUM] The combination method used to combine results. See notes at the end of the NODECOMBINATION command description. {SUM / AVERAGE / MAXIMUM / ABSMAX / MINIMUM / MEAN-SQUARE / ROOT-MEAN-SQUARE / VARIANCE / STANDARD_DEVIATION / RVARIANCE / RSTANDARD_DEVIATION} selectioni A selection string. When using the command-line interface, you must enclose the selection in quotes so that the AUI does not interpret the selection as a command. When using the dialog box, you do not need to enclose the selection in quotes. Each selection is a string of the form object1 OF object2 OF ... where each object consists of a name and a number. Possible object names are: GEOMETRY POINT or POINT GEOMETRY LINE or LINE GEOMETRY SURFACE or SURFACE GEOMETRY VOLUME or VOLUME GEOMETRY EDGE or EDGE GEOMETRY FACE or FACE GEOMETRY BODY or BODY CONTACT SURFACE CONTACT GROUP ELFACESET ELEDGESET


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 6.7 Model points

NODESET ELEMENTSET The characters needed to uniquely specify the object name are indicated in bold. The object number is the desired number or range of numbers. As examples, here are some valid objects: 'LINE 1' 'LINES 2 TO 4' Notice that you specify a range of numbers using the keyword TO. When a single object is not sufficient to entirely specify the desired selection, use the OF keyword. For example, if there is more than one body in the model, use 'EDGE 1 OF BODY 2' to specify edge 1 of body 2. You can type selections in either upper, lower or mixed case and you can abbreviate object names. For example 'line 1' 'Vol 2' The AUI chooses those nodes that belong to at least one of the geometry selections. Example In the following example, we determine the total reaction force acting on the nodes on geometry lines 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7. ADINA-IN input: (commands to define the model) ADINA FILE=test.dat DATABASE SAVE test.idb QUIT ADINA-PLOT input: DATABASE OPEN test.idb LOADPORTHOLE CREATE test.port GNCOMBINATION TEST1

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions


'LINE 1 TO 5' 'LINE 7' DATAEND POINTLIST TEST1 VAR=X-REACTION Y-REACTION Z-REACTION QUIT Note that you can achieve the same result using the NODECOMBINATION command in this section, but then you would have to determine the nodes that lie on the geometry lines yourself.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 6.7 Model points


MESHINTEGRATION creates a model point based upon the element faces or element edges of the given mesh plot. This model point represents the domain over which a numerical integration will be performed. However MESHINTEGRATION does not actually perform the numerical integration. When the model point is used by another command, such as the POINTLIST command in Section 7.2, the AUI performs a numerical integration over the selected element faces or element edges and outputs the integral. NAME The name of the meshintegration point. MESHPLOT [PREVIOUS] The name of the mesh plot from which the element faces or element edges are taken. See Section 5.2 for more information about mesh plots. ZONENAME [WHOLE_MODEL] An element face or edge is selected if it is present in the mesh plot as described in the MESHPLOT parameter description and if the element is present in the zone specified by this parameter. The zone specified in this parameter need not be the same zone as was specified when creating the mesh plot. See Section 6.2 for more information about zones. ZONENAME is not used when the mesh plot plots an element face-set or element edgeset. OPTION [SURFACES] If OPTION=SURFACES, then element faces are selected from the mesh plot. If OPTION=LINES, then element edges are selected from the mesh plot. See the notes at the end of this command description for more information about which element faces/edges are selected. TYPE [INTEGRAL] Various types of integrations can be performed when the meshintegration point is used. The integration type is specified by the TYPE parameter as follows: INTEGRAL

∫ z dS S


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z av =

∫ zdS S



Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions



z ms =







z ms

∫(z − z ) av



z var =





z var 2

RVARIANCE (Relative variance) z rvar

⎛z−z ⎞ ∫S ⎜⎝ zav av ⎟⎠ dS = S

RSTANDARD_DEVIATION (Relative standard deviation)

z rvar in which z is the integrand and S is the domain. Note that the relative standard deviation is also sometimes referred to as the coefficient of variation. FACTOR After the indicated integration is performed, the result is multiplied by FACTOR.


ORDER [0] The numerical integration order used for the integrations. Rectangular element faces are integrated using N × N Gauss integration where N is the order specified by this parameter value. For ORDER = 0, the integration order is based on the element face order (2 for linear faces, 3 for quadratic faces, etc.). For ORDER > 10, N = 10 is used.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 6.7 Model points

Triangular element faces are integrated as follows: ORDER 0

1 2 3 >=4

Number of sampling points 4 for linear faces, 7 for quadratic faces, 13 for cubic faces 1 4 7 13

When cutting surfaces are employed, the integration is performed over each facet generated by the cutting surface calculation. For ORDER = 0, 2 × 2 Gauss integration is employed for rectangular facets and 4-point Gauss integration is employed for triangular facets. CONFIGURATION [DEFORMED] The numerical integration is performed over either the original configuration of the model or over the deformed configuration of the model {ORIGINAL / DEFORMED}. The time corresponding to the deformed configuration is determined when the mesh integration point is employed; the time is taken from the response used to evaluate the integrand, as follows. For response type load-step, the time is the requested solution time. For response types mode-shape, residual, harmonic or random, the time is the reference time. For response type response-combination, the time is taken from the first response used in the definition of the response-combination. Notes 1) When the domain of integration is SURFACES, and the mesh plot does not include any cutting surfaces, the element faces in the domain of integration are those that are potentially visible. These are the element faces on the “skin” of the mesh plot. 2) When the domain of integration is SURFACES, and the mesh plot includes cutting surfaces, the element faces in the domain of integration are those that are a) on the cutting surface intersection, or b) on the “skin” of any opaque part of the mesh plot (if CUTSURFACE CUTPLANE OPAQUEOPTION=ALL or CUTSURFACE ISOSURFACE OPAQUEOPTION=ALL). 3) When the domain of integration is LINES, and the mesh plot does not include any cutting surfaces, the element edges in the domain of integration are those that are on the boundary of the mesh plot.

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions


4) When the domain of integration is LINES, and the mesh plot includes cutting surfaces, the element edges in the domain of integration are those that are a) on the cutting surface intersection, or b) on the boundary of any opaque part of the mesh plot (if CUTSURFACE CUTPLANE OPAQUEOPTION=ALL or CUTSURFACE ISOSURFACE OPAQUEOPTION=ALL). 5) When the domain of integration is SURFACES, the domain of integration can be checked by plotting bands on the mesh plot. The colored part of the mesh plot is the domain of integration. 6) When the domain of integration is LINES, the element thickness is included. In other words, the differential surface area dS is equal to the differential edge length dl times the element thickness. For non-axisymmetric elements, the element thickness is the original element thickness. For axisymmetric elements, the element thickness is taken as the y coordinate. In this way, the axisymmetric effect is included, in which one radian of the model is assumed. 7) The integrand ONE, which is a constant that is numerically equal to 1, can be used to determine the surface area of the domain: MESHINTEGRATION MODEL_SKIN POINTLIST MODEL_SKIN VAR=ONE 8) Variables SURFACE_NORMAL-X, SURFACE_NORMAL-Y, SURFACE_NORMAL-Z and resultants based upon these variables can be used in conjunction with mesh integration points. For example, to calculate the volume of a closed domain, the following commands can be used: MESHINTEGRATION MODEL_SKIN RESULTANT DVOL '*' POINTLIST MODEL_SKIN VAR=DVOL Here the divergence theorem provides the theory behind the choice of integrand. 9) When you use the mesh integration point to evaluate the results at a given load step, the integration domain only includes elements that are alive for the load step.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 6.7 Model points


MESHMAX creates a model point based upon the element faces or element edges of the given mesh plot. This model point represents the domain over which a search for an extreme value will be performed. However MESHMAX does not actually perform the search. When the model point is used by another command, such as the POINTLIST command in Section 7.2, the AUI performs a search for an extreme value over the selected element faces or element edges and outputs the extreme value. NAME The name of the meshmax point. MESHPLOT [PREVIOUS] The name of the mesh plot from which the element faces or edges are taken. See Section 5.2 for more information about mesh plots. ZONENAME [WHOLE_MODEL] An element face or edge is selected if it is present in the mesh plot as described in the MESHPLOT parameter description and if the element is present in the zone specified in this parameter. The zone specified in this parameter need not be the same zone as was specified when creating the mesh plot. See Section 6.2 for more information about zones. ZONENAME is not used when the mesh plot plots an element face-set or element edgeset. OPTION [SURFACES] If OPTION=SURFACES, then element faces are selected from the mesh plot. If OPTION=LINES, then element edges are selected from the mesh plot. See the notes at the end of the MESHINTEGRATION command description for more information about which element faces/edges are selected. TYPE [ABSMAX] Various types of extreme values can be searched for when the meshmax point is used. The extreme value type is specified by the TYPE parameter as follows: ABSMAX MAXIMUM MINIMUM

value with the largest absolute value value with the largest value value with the smallest value

FACTOR After the indicated search is performed, the result is multiplied by FACTOR.

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions


GRID The number of sampling points in each element face is governed by GRID.


For rectangular element faces, if GRID = 1, the face is sampled at its centroid, if GRID = 2, the face is sampled at the corners (2 points in each direction), if GRID > 2, the face is sampled at ORDER points in each direction (a total of GRID×GRID points). For triangular element faces, if GRID = 1, the face is sampled at its centroid, if GRID = 2, the face is sampled at the corners, if GRID > 2, the face is sampled at GRID points in each direction (a total of GRID×(GRID + 1)/2 points). In both cases, if GRID = 0, GRID = 2 is used for linear faces, GRID = 3 is used for quadratic faces, etc. When cutting surfaces are employed, the search is performed over each facet generated by the cutting surface calculation. For GRID = 0, GRID = 2 is used. CONFIGURATION [DEFORMED] The search is performed over either the original configuration of the model or over the deformed configuration of the model {ORIGINAL / DEFORMED}. The time corresponding to the deformed configuration is determined when the mesh max point is employed; it is the same time as is used to evaluate the integrand (see the CONFIGURATION parameter of the MESHINTEGRATION command for further information). For searching, the value of CONFIGURATION is used only to evaluate the surface normal when the surface normal is part of the integrand. Notes 1) The same variables and predefined resultants that can be used with the MESHINTEGRATION command can also be used with the MESHMAX command. 2) When you use the mesh max point to evaluate the results at a given load step, the search domain only includes elements that are alive for the load step.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 6.7 Model points

REACTIONSUM NAME ZONENAME FACTOR TYPE REACTIONSUM creates a model point based upon the nodes at which reactions were calculated. This model point represents the nodes over which model results, typically reactions, will be evaluated and combined. However REACTIONSUM does not actually perform the combination. When the model point is used by another command, such as the POINTLIST command in Section 7.2, the AUI combines the results over all of the nodes selected within the model point and outputs the combination. Although the name of this command is “REACTIONSUM”, the combination can be a sum, an average, etc. NAME The name of the reaction sum point. ZONENAME [WHOLE_MODEL] A node is selected if it is in the given zone and if reactions were calculated by the solution program during at least one time step. See the zone definition commands in Section 6.2. FACTOR [1.0] The result from each node in the reactionsum is multiplied by FACTOR before the results are combined. TYPE [SUM] The combination method used to combine results. See notes at the end of the NODECOMBINATION command description. {SUM / AVERAGE / MAXIMUM / ABSMAX / MINIMUM / MEAN-SQUARE / ROOT-MEAN-SQUARE / VARIANCE / STANDARD_DEVIATION / RVARIANCE / RSTANDARD_DEVIATION} Notes 1) To obtain the total reaction forces over the entire model, the following commands can be used: REACTIONSUM TOTAL_REACTION_SUM POINTLIST TOTAL_REACTION_SUM, VAR=X-REACTION Y-REACTION Z-REACTION

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions

Model lines – Introduction

Model lines – Introduction The commands for grouping several points in the model into a model point line are NODELINE line of node points ELLINE line of element/layer points SECTLINE line of section points CSLINE line of contact segment points RADLINE line of radiosity segment points VSLINE line of virtual shift points LCLINE line of J-integral line contour points GNLINE line of node points selected by general selections DBLINE line of drawbead segment points BOLTLINE line of bolt points ELESETLINE line of element edges ELFSETLINE line of element faces These commands are described in detail in this section. General information Two model lines cannot have the same name, even if the model lines are of different types. All of these commands, except for GNLINE, ELESETLINE and ELFSETLINE, have the same organization. Each row of the data input lines is used to enter one point in each line. The default values of the data input line columns are specified using the corresponding command parameters, for example the default value for the data input line column nodei is specified by the command parameter NODE. The SUBSTRUCTURE and REUSE parameters of these commands are used only for an ADINA model as follows: If the model has substructures, use these numbers to specify the desired substructure and reuse. If the model has cyclic parts, use the reuse number to specify the desired cyclic part. The result at each point can be multiplied by a weighting factor, which you specify within these commands. Whether any entered weighting factor is actually used depends upon the command that uses the model line name. For example, the LINESHOW command in Section 5.10 has parameters that allow you to choose whether the weighting factors are applied.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Model lines – Introduction

Sec. 6.8 Model lines

Auxiliary commands For each of these commands, the following auxiliary commands are available: LIST ( ) Lists all names of the specified type. LIST ( ) NAME Lists data for the specified name. DELETE ( ) NAME Deletes the name. COPY ( ) NAME1 NAME2 Copies the data for name NAME1 to name NAME2. See also A model line name defined by any of these commands can be used by the following commands: LINESHOW (Section 5.10) LINEMAX, LINEEXCEED, LINELIST (Section 7.2)

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions


NODELINE NAME SUBSTRUCTURE REUSE NODE FACTOR substructurei reusei nodei factori NODELINE assigns a name to a line of node points. When there are results from more than one finite element program loaded into the database, you may need to set the current finite element program (see the FEPROGRAM command in Section 3.4). NODELINE defines the model result line based on the current finite element program. NAME The name of the node line. SUBSTRUCTURE REUSE NODE FACTOR The default values of the data input lines columns. substructurei Label number of the substructure for the node. reusei Label number of the reuse for the node. nodei Label number of the node.




factori Multiplying factor, weighting the contribution from "nodei".


[0] [1] [1] [1.0]


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 6.8 Model lines

ELLINE NAME SUBSTRUCTURE REUSE GROUP ELEMENT LAYER OPTION GRID LABEL NODE R S T FACTOR substructurei reusei groupi elementi layeri optioni gridi labeli nodei ri si ti factori ELLINE assigns a name to a line of element points. The line can contain points from different layers within an element, different elements, element groups, substructures, reuses or cyclic parts. When there are results from more than one finite element program loaded into the database, you may need to set the current finite element program (see the FEPROGRAM command in Section 3.4). ELLINE defines the model result line based on the current finite element program. NAME The name of the element line. SUBSTRUCTURE REUSE GROUP ELEMENT LAYER OPTION GRID LABEL NODE R,S,T FACTOR The default values of the data input line columns. substructurei Label number of a substructure.

[0] [1] [1] [1] [1] [GRID] [0] [1] [1] [0.0] [1.0]


reusei Label number of a substructure reuse.


groupi Label number of an element group.


elementi Label number of an element.

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions

layeri Layer number within element.


optioni Point definition option – see command ELPOINT in Section 6.7. gridi Grid location of element point, if optioni = GRID. labeli Label for element point, if optioni = LABEL. nodei Node number for element point, if optioni = NODE. ri si ti Parametric coordinates of element point, if optioni = RST. factori Multiplying factor, indicating weighting for the element result point.







[R] [S] [T]


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 6.8 Model lines

SECTLINE NAME SUBSTRUCTURE REUSE GROUP ELEMENT OPTION GRID LABEL NODE R S T FACTOR substructurei reusei groupi elementi optioni gridi labeli nodei ri si ti factori SECTLINE assigns a name to a line of element section points. The line can contain points from different segments, surfaces and groups. For details concerning the specification of an element section point, see the SECTPOINT command in Section 6.7. When there are results from more than one finite element program loaded into the database, you may need to set the current finite element program (see the FEPROGRAM command in Section 3.4). SECTLINE defines the model result line based on the current finite element program. NAME The name of the element section line. SUBSTRUCTURE REUSE GROUP ELEMENT OPTION GRID LABEL NODE R,S,T FACTOR The default values of the data input line columns. substructurei Label number of a substructure.

[0] [1] [1] [1] [GRID] [0] [1] [1] [0.0] [1.0]


reusei Label number of a substructure reuse.


groupi Label number of an element group in which element section results are saved.


elementi Label number of an element. optioni Point definition option. {GRID / LABEL / RST / NODE}

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions

gridi Grid location of element section point, if optioni = GRID.



labeli Label location of element section point, if optioni = LABEL.


nodei Node number for element section point, if optioni = NODE.


ri si ti Isoparametric coordinates of element section point, if optioni = RST.

[R] [S] [T]

[FACTOR] factori Multiplying factor, indicating weighting of the results from the element section point.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 6.8 Model lines

CSLINE NAME GROUP SURFACE SEGMENT FACTOR groupi surfacei segmenti factori CSLINE assigns a name to a line of contact segments. It is possible to obtain results only at contact segments attached to contactor contact surfaces. When there are results from more than one finite element program loaded into the database, you may need to set the current finite element program (see the FEPROGRAM command in Section 3.4). CSLINE defines the model result line based on the current finite element program. NAME The name of the contact segment line. GROUP SURFACE SEGMENT FACTOR The default values of the data input lines. groupi Contact group label number.

[1] [1] [1] [1.0]


surfacei Contact surface label number.


segmenti Contact surface segment number.


factori Multiplying factor, indicating weighting for the contact segment result point.

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions




groupi surfacei segmenti optioni gridi labeli nodei ri si ti factori RADLINE assigns a name to a line of radiosity surface points. The line can contain points from different segments, surfaces and groups. For details concerning the specification of a radiosity segment point, see the RADPOINT command in Section 6.7. When there are results from more than one finite element program loaded into the database, you may need to set the current finite element program (see the FEPROGRAM command in Section 3.4). RADLINE defines the model result line based on the current finite element program. NAME The name of the radiosity segment line. GROUP SURFACE SEGMENT OPTION GRID LABEL NODE R,S,T FACTOR The default values of the data input lines.

[1] [1] [1] [GRID] [0] [1] [1] [0.0] [1.0]

groupi Label number of a radiosity surface group.


surfacei segmenti Label numbers of a radiosity surface and segment. optioni Point definition option. {GRID / LABEL / NODE / RST} gridi Grid location of the radiosity segment point, if optioni = GRID. labeli Label location of the radiosity segment point, if optioni = LABEL.






AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 6.8 Model lines

nodei Node number for the radiosity segment point, if optioni = NODE. ri si ti Isoparametric coordinates of the radiosity section point, if optioni = RST.


[R] [S] [T]

[FACTOR] factori Multiplying factor, indicating weighting of the results from the radiosity segment point.

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions


VSLINE NAME SHIFT FACTOR shifti factori VSLINE assigns a name to a line (sequence) of virtual shift points. Virtual shift points are used in fracture mechanics analysis when virtual shifts are used to evaluate the J-integral. When there are results from more than one finite element program loaded into the database, you may need to set the current finite element program (see the FEPROGRAM command in Section 3.4). VSLINE defines the model result line based on the current finite element program. NAME The name of the virtual shift line. SHIFT FACTOR The default values of the data input lines. shifti Label number of a virtual shift.


factori Multiplying factor, indicating weighting of the results from the virtual shift.


[1] [1.0]


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 6.8 Model lines

LCLINE NAME CONTOUR FACTOR contouri factori LCLINE assigns a name to a line (sequence) of line contour points. Line contour points are used in fracture mechanics analysis when line contours are used to evaluate the J-integral. When there are results from more than one finite element program loaded into the database, you may need to set the current finite element program (see the FEPROGRAM command in Section 3.4). LCLINE defines the model result line based on the current finite element program. NAME The name of the line contour line. CONTOUR FACTOR The default values of the data input lines. contouri Label number of a line contour. factori Multiplying factor for weighting the results from the line contour.

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[1] [1.0]




Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions


DBLINE NAME GROUP DRAWBEAD SEGMENT FACTOR groupi drawbeadi segmenti factori DBLINE assigns a name to a line of drawbead segments. When there are results from more than one finite element program loaded into the database, you may need to set the current finite element program (see the FEPROGRAM command in Section 3.4). DBLINE defines the model result line based on the current finite element program. NAME The name of the drawbead segment line. GROUP DRAWBEAD SEGMENT FACTOR The default values of the data input lines.

[1] [1] [1] [1.0]

groupi Contact group label number. drawbeadi Drawbead label number.



segmenti Drawbead segment number.


factori Multiplying factor, indicating weighting for the drawbead segment result point.



AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 6.8 Model lines

BOLTLINE NAME BOLT FACTOR bolti factori BOLTLINE assigns a name to a line of bolt points. NAME The name of the bolt line. BOLT FACTOR The default values of the data input lines columns. bolti Label number of the bolt. factori Multiplying factor, weighting the contribution from "bolti".

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[1] [1.0]




Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions


ELESETLINE NAME ELEDGESET ELESETLINE assigns a name to a line of element edges. The line of element edges are the edges in the specified element edge-set. Use the ELEDGESET command (in the AUI Command Reference Manual, Volume I) to define an element edge-set. NAME The name of the element edge-set line. ELEDGESET The element edge-set number.


Note Only element face variables can be evaluated on an element edge-set line. The specified element face variable is listed at all element edges in the element edge-set line.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 6.8 Model lines


ELFSETLINE assigns a name to a line of element faces. The line of element faces are the faces in the specified element face-set. Use the ELFACESET command (in the AUI Command Reference Manual, Volume I) to define an element face-set. NAME The name of the element face-set line. ELFACESET The element face-set number.


Note Only element face variables can be evaluated on an element face-set line. The specified element face variable is listed at all element faces in the element face-set line.

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions


GNLINE NAME PROGRAM selectioni sensei GNLINE assigns a name to a line of node points. You specify geometry lines, edges, points contact surfaces, nodes, etc., and the AUI chooses all nodes on the selection. If the selection refers to geometry, the database must contain geometry information before you use this command. See the example below for typical usage of this command. NAME The name of the gnline. PROGRAM [current FE program] The AUI selects nodes from the PROGRAM that belong to the geometry that you specify. selectioni A selection string. When using the command-line interface, you must enclose the selection in quotes so that the AUI does not interpret the selection as a command. When using the dialog box, you do not need to enclose the selection in quotes. Each selection is a string of the form object1 OF object2 OF ... where each object consists of a name and a number. Possible object names are: GEOMETRY POINT or POINT GEOMETRY LINE or LINE GEOMETRY EDGE or EDGE GEOMETRY BODY or BODY (only used after the OF keyword) CONTACT SURFACE NODE ELFACESET ELEDGESET NODESET ELEMENTSET The characters needed to uniquely specify the object name are indicated in bold. The object number is the desired number or range of numbers. As examples, here are some valid objects: 'LINE 1'


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 6.8 Model lines

'LINES 2 TO 4' Notice that you specify a range of numbers using the keyword TO. When a single object is not sufficient to entirely specify the desired selection, use the OF keyword. For example, if there is more than one body in the model, use 'EDGE 1 OF BODY 2' to specify edge 1 of body 2. You can type selections in either upper, lower or mixed case and you can abbreviate object names. For example 'line 1' 'Edg 2' sensei [0] The AUI constructs a list of nodes from the selections as follows. For each selection, if sensei=1, the AUI constructs the list of nodes in the parametric direction of the selection. If sensei=-1, the AUI constructs the list of nodes in the opposite direction of the parametric direction of the selection. If sensei=0, the AUI constructs the list of nodes in the parametric direction of the selection, unless the node with highest parametric coordinate corresponds to the last node from the previous selection, in which case the AUI constructs the list of nodes in the opposite direction of the parametric direction. The intent of sensei=0 is to allow the AUI to choose the direction that allows the line to connect with the previous line. sensei is not used for geometry point selections, node selections, element edge-set or element face-set selections. For contact surface selections, sensei =0 or 1 means in increasing segment number order, sensei =-1 means in decreasing segment number order. For element edge-set and face-set selections, the nodes are sorted in increasing order and sensei is not used. In all cases, the AUI merges the first node of the current selection with the last node of the previous selection when these nodes are the same. Example In the following example, we list the velocities for the nodes on geometry lines 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7.

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions


ADINA-IN input: (commands to define the model) ADINA FILE=test.dat DATABASE SAVE test.idb QUIT ADINA-PLOT input: DATABASE OPEN test.idb LOADPORTHOLE CREATE test.port GNLINE TEST1 'LINE 1 TO 5' 'LINE 7' DATAEND LINELIST TEST1 VAR=X-VELOCITY Y-VELOCITY Z-VELOCITY QUIT Note that you can achieve the same result by defining a NODELINE, but then you would have to determine the nodes that lie on the geometry lines yourself.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Variables – Introduction

Sec. 6.9 Variables

Variables – Introduction For general information about variables, refer to Chapter 13 in the ADINA Theory and Modeling Guide. The following commands define variables: ALIAS assigns an abbreviation (alias) to a variable CONSTANT

defines a variable to have a constant value


defines a variable as an arithmetic expression possibly using other variables

To obtain a listing of all variables, use the VARIABLEINFO command in Section 7.1. Auxiliary commands The ALIAS command has the following auxiliary commands (there are similar auxiliary commands for CONSTANT and RESULTANT): LIST ALIAS Lists all aliases. LIST ALIAS NAME Lists the attributes of the specified alias. DELETE ALIAS NAME Deletes the specified alias. COPY ALIAS NAME1 NAME2 Copies the alias specified by NAME1 to NAME2. See also The following commands accept variables: CUTSURFACE ISOSURFACE (Section 5.2) BANDPLOT (Section 5.4) RESPONSESHOW, LINESHOW, HARMONICSHOW, RANDOMSHOW, FOURIERSHOW (Section 5.10) POINTLIST, POINTEXCEED, POINTMAX, LINELIST, LINEEXCEED, LINEMAX, ZONELIST, ZONEEXCEED, ZONEMAX (Section 7.2)

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions




ALIAS associates an alternate name (or alias) with the name of a resultant, constant or predefined variable. You can use ALIAS to define a short name for a frequently used variable. NAME The name of the alias variable. VARIABLE The variable name being aliased. The variable can be predefined, a constant or a resultant.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 6.9 Variables


CONSTANT defines a variable to have constant real value. NAME The name of the constant variable. If there is a previously defined constant variable with this name, data entered in this command overwrites the constant variable data. If there is no previously defined constant variable with this name, a new constant variable is created by this command. CONSTANT The value of the constant. If you specify an integer value, it is converted into a real number.

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions




RESULTANT defines a variable using an arithmetic expression, possibly involving other variables. The variable defined by this command is termed a resultant variable. The resultant variable is evaluated by evaluating the variables in the resultant and then computing the arithmetic expression. All the variables in the resultant are evaluated at the same solution point. It is permitted for a variable in the resultant expression to be a resultant itself. NAME The name of the resultant variable. RESULTANT The arithmetic expression is specified as a string with at most 256 characters. Remember to enclose the expression in single quotes when using the command-line interface. The resultant string can include the following items: The arithmetic operators +, -, *, /, ** (exponentiation) Numbers (either real numbers or integers) Variables (either predefined variables, aliases, constants or other resultants). The following functions: ABS(x) absolute value ACOS(x) arccosine AINT(x) truncation ANINT(x) nearest whole number ASIN(x) arcsine ATAN(x) arctangent ATAN2(x,y) arctangent(x/y) COS(x) cosine COSH(x) hyperbolic cosine DIM(x,y) positive difference EXP(x) exponential LOG(x) natural logarithm LOG10(x) common logarithm LSTRETCH3(X11,X12,X13,X21,X22,X23,X31,X32,X33,i) component i of the left stretch tensor V, as computed from the deformation gradient Xij , where i=1 returns V11, i=2 returns V22, i=3 returns V33, i=4 returns V12, i=5 returns V13, i=6 returns V23.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 6.9 Variables

MAX(x,y,...) MAXSHEAR(σ11,σ22,σ33,σ12,σ13,σ23) MIN(x,y,...) MOD(x,y) NOCS(x)

largest value maximum shear stress smallest value remaindering function giving the number of cracks when the variable CRACK_FLAG is substituted for x RSTRETCH3(X11,X12,X13,X21,X22,X23,X31,X32,X33,i) component i of the right stretch tensor U, as computed from the deformation gradient Xij , where i=1 returns U11, i=2 returns U22, i=3 returns U33, i=4 returns U12, i=5 returns U13, i=6 returns U23. SIGN(x,y) transfer of sign 2-norm of the 3 × 3 symmetric tensor SIGNORM2(σ11,σ22,σ33,σ12,σ13,σ23) SIGP1(σ11,σ22,σ33,σ12,σ13,σ23) maximum principal value SIGP1DX(σ11,σ22,σ33,σ12,σ13,σ23) X direction cosine of maximum principal value SIGP1DY(σ11,σ22,σ33,σ12,σ13,σ23) Y direction cosine of maximum principal value SIGP1DZ(σ11,σ22,σ33,σ12,σ13,σ23) Z direction cosine of maximum principal value SIGP2(σ11,σ22,σ33,σ12,σ13,σ23) intermediate principal value SIGP2DX(σ11,σ22,σ33,σ12,σ13,σ23) X direction cosine of intermediate principal value SIGP2DY(σ11,σ22,σ33,σ12,σ13,σ23) Y direction cosine of intermediate principal value SIGP2DZ(σ11,σ22,σ33,σ12,σ13,σ23) Z direction cosine of intermediate principal value SIGP3(σ11,σ22,σ33,σ12,σ13,σ23) minimum principal value SIGP3DX(σ11,σ22,σ33,σ12,σ13,σ23) X direction cosine of minimum principal value SIGP3DY(σ11,σ22,σ33,σ12,σ13,σ23) Y direction cosine of minimum principal value SIGP3DZ(σ11,σ22,σ33,σ12,σ13,σ23) Z direction cosine of minimum principal value SIG2P1(σ11,σ22,σ12) maximum principal value of 2 × 2 symmetric tensor minimum principal value of 2 × 2 symmetric SIG2P2(σ11,σ22,σ12) tensor SIN(x) sine SINH(x) hyperbolic sine SQRT(x) square root STEP(x) the unit step function:

0.0 if x ≤ 0.0 1.0 if x > 0.0 STRETCHMA(X11,X12,X13,X21,X22,X23,X31,X32,X33) maximum angular distortion, as computed from the deformation gradient STRETCHP1(X11,X12,X13,X21,X22,X23,X31,X32,X33) maximum principal stretch, as computed from the deformation gradient STRETCHP2(X11,X12,X13,X21,X22,X23,X31,X32,X33)

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Chap. 6 Display and post-processing definitions


intermediate principal stretch, as computed from the deformation gradient STRETCHP3(X11,X12,X13,X21,X22,X23,X31,X32,X33) minimum principal stretch, as computed from the deformation gradient TAN(x) tangent TANH(x) hyperbolic tangent TF(i,t) Time function i evaluated at time t TRANS3DT(σxx,σyy,σzz,σxy,σxz,σyz,x,y,z,isyst,i) component i of the transformed stress tensor, as computed from the global stress tensor σ , coordinate (x,y,z) and transformation number isyst, where i=1 returns σ11, i=2 returns σ22, i=3 returns σ33, i=4 returns σ12, i=5 returns σ13, i=6 returns σ23. component i of the transformed vector, as TRANS3DV(vx,vy,vz,,x,y,z,isyst,i) computed from the global vector v, coordinate (x,y,z) and transformation number isyst, where i=1 returns v1, i=2 returns v2, i=3 returns v3. VONMISES(σ11,σ22,σ33,σ12,σ13,σ23) von Mises effective stress function Notes: Variables with dashes: Variables with dashes need to be enclosed in , so that the dash is not interpreted as a minus sign, e.g. . Trigonometric functions: All trigonometric functions operate on or return angles in radians. Function TF: The typical use of function TF is to evaluate the time function for the time shifted by an arrival time. E.g. CONSTANT ARTM 3.45 RESULTANT T1SHIFT ’TF(1,(TIME - ARTM))’ RESPONSESHOW TIME,, T1SHIFT plots time function 1 for solution times shifted by the arrival time 3.45.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Chapter 7 Results listing



Sec. 7.1 Model information


MODELINFO produces a listing giving information about the finite element model loaded into the database. SUMMARY [YES] If summary is YES, then summary information is listed. Summary information includes the number of substructures, reuses, cyclic parts, nodes and element groups.

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Chap. 7 Results listing


RESPONSEINFO SUMMARY TABLE RESPONSEINFO produces a listing giving information about the response solutions for the finite element model loaded into the database. SUMMARY [YES] If SUMMARY is YES, then summary information is listed. Summary information includes the number of load steps, the range of load steps for each type of result, the number of mode shapes, the range of mode shapes for each type of result, etc. TABLE [NO] If TABLE is YES, then the solution table for the current FE program is listed. This table is useful when multiple solutions for a solution time are loaded. See the multiple solutions notes at the end of the LOADPORTHOLE command description.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 7.1 Model information


VARIABLEINFO produces a listing giving information about the variables that you can use to plot and list results. SUMMARY [YES] If summary is YES, then summary information is listed. Summary information includes the name of each variable which can be evaluated in the finite element model. The variables are listed by variable category; within categories, variables are listed in alphabetical order. A variable given in this listing may not be evaluatable at all points in the finite element model, but will be evaluatable at least one point in the model.

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Chap. 7 Results listing


MASSINFO MASSINFO lists the total mass, volume and other related information for that part of the model selected by the MASS-SELECT command in Section 6.6. It is also possible to list this information using the listing commands (such as ZONELIST in Section 7.2) and the mass/volume variables (such as MASS). Note that mass/volume information is available only when requested in ADINA-IN.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 7.1 Model information

MPFINFO MPFINFO lists the following information associated with the ground motion modal participation factors: 1) Ground motion modal participation factors for each mode i and direction k, Γ ik . 2) Squares of the ground motion modal participation factors for each mode i and direction k,

(Γ ) k i


. The square of the ground motion modal participation factor can be

interpreted as a modal mass. 3) The squares of the ground motion modal participation factors divided by the total mass

(Γ ) of the model, k i



× 100% . This can be interpreted as the percent of the model mass

contained in mode i. 4) The sum of the squares of the ground motion modal participation factors from modes 1

∑ (Γ ) i

to i,

j =1

k j


. This can be interpreted as the mass contained in modes 1 to i.

5) The sum of the squares of the ground motion modal participation factors from modes 1

∑ (Γ ) i

to i, divided by the total mass of the model,

k j

j =1



× 100% . This can be interpreted

as the percent of the model mass contained in modes 1 to i. For theoretical information about the ground motion modal participation factors, see the ADINA Theory and Modeling Guide, Section 9.1.

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Chap. 7 Results listing


CGINFO GROUP SUBSTRUCTURE REUSE RESPONSE CGINFO produces a listing giving information about a contact group. Information listed includes: Type of contact group (2D or 3D) The formulation used (constraint function or segment method) Whether the group is segment or node-node. The contact surfaces defined in the group The contact pairs defined in the group The drawbead lines defined in the group GROUP The contact group label number.


SUBSTRUCTURE The substructure number of the contact group in the model. Currently this is always 0.


REUSE The reuse number of the contact group in the model. Currently this is always 1.


RESPONSE [DEFAULT] Specifies the response used to obtain information about the contact group. RESPONSE is important if the contact group information changes during the solution. Use the RESPONSE LOAD-STEP command (in Section 6.3) to specify the solution time.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 7.1 Model information

CPINFO CONTACTPAIR SUBSTRUCTURE REUSE GROUP RESPONSE CPINFO produces a listing giving information about a contact pair. Information listed includes The contact surfaces (segment contact) The friction model and the coefficient of friction (segment contact) The contactor and target nodes (node-node contact) CONTACTPAIR The label number of the contact pair.


SUBSTRUCTURE The substructure number of the contact group in the model. Currently this is always 0.


REUSE The reuse number of the contact group in the model. Currently this is always 1.


GROUP The contact group label number.


RESPONSE [DEFAULT] Specifies the response used to obtain information about the contact group. RESPONSE is important if the contact pair information changes during the solution. Use the RESPONSE LOAD-STEP command (in Section 6.3) to specify the solution time.

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Chap. 7 Results listing


CSINFO SURFACE SUBSTRUCTURE REUSE GROUP RESPONSE CSINFO produces a listing giving information about a contact surface. Information listed includes The number of segments and number of nodes. The node numbers for each segment The contact pairs that use the surface The drawbead lines that use the surface SURFACE The label number of the contact surface.


SUBSTRUCTURE The substructure number of the contact group in the model. Currently this is always 0.


REUSE The reuse number of the contact group in the model. Currently this is always 1.


GROUP The contact group label number.


RESPONSE [DEFAULT] Specifies the response used to obtain information about the contact group. RESPONSE is important if the contact surface information changes during the solution. Use the RESPONSE LOAD-STEP command (in Section 6.3) to specify the solution time.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 7.1 Model information

DRAWBEADINFO INFO GROUP NAME DRAWBEADINFO produces a listing giving information about the drawbead lines. Information listed includes How the drawbead is defined (geometry lines or nodes) The number of segments in the drawbead line (when defined by nodes) The nodes in the drawbead line (when defined by nodes) The geometry lines in the drawbead line (when defined by geometry lines) The contact surface that the drawbead line is attached to The drawbead height, restraining force and uplifting force The birth and death times INFO Options for drawbead line information. SUMMARY List summary of all drawbead lines INPUT List the detailed information of a drawbead line.


GROUP The contact group label number. This parameter is used only when INFO=INPUT.


NAME The label number of the drawbead. This parameter is used only when INFO=INPUT.


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Chap. 7 Results listing


EGINFO GROUP SUBSTRUCTURE REUSE RESPONSE EGINFO produces a listing giving information about an element group. Information listed includes The type of the element group The kinematic formulation used in the element group The material model used in the element group The numbers of the elements in the group GROUP The element group label number.


SUBSTRUCTURE The substructure number of the element group in the model.


REUSE The reuse number of the element group in the model.


RESPONSE [DEFAULT] Specifies the response used to obtain information about the element group. RESPONSE is important if the element group information changes during the solution. Use the RESPONSE LOAD-STEP command (in Section 6.3) to specify the solution time.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 7.1 Model information

ELINFO ELEMENT GROUP SUBSTRUCTURE REUSE RESPONSE ELINFO produces a listing giving information about an element. Information listed includes Information about the element group in which the element is defined Nodes in the element ELEMENT The element label number.


GROUP The element group label number.


SUBSTRUCTURE The substructure number of the element group in the model.


REUSE The reuse number of the element group in the model.


RESPONSE [DEFAULT] Specifies the response used to obtain information about the element. RESPONSE is important if the element information changes during the solution. Use the RESPONSE LOAD-STEP command (in Section 6.3) to specify the solution time.

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Chap. 7 Results listing




NODEINFO produces a listing giving information about a node. Information listed includes The nodal coordinates, current displacements and current position (coordinates + displacements) The boundary conditions The elements, contact surfaces and drawbead lines that use the node The skew system used at the node Whether the node is a 5 DOF or a 6 DOF node (considering the rotational dofs assigned for shell elements) Concentrated masses and dampers at the node, if any NODE The node label number.


SUBSTRUCTURE The substructure number of the node in the model.


REUSE The reuse number of the node in the model.


RESPONSE [DEFAULT] Specifies the response used to obtain information about the node. RESPONSE is important if the node information changes during the solution. Use the RESPONSE LOAD-STEP command (in Section 6.3) to specify the solution time.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Variables listing – Introduction

Sec. 7.2 Variables listing

Variables listing – Introduction The following commands list extreme values of variables. You can choose either the maximum, minimum or the absolute value of the maximum and you can select the number of extreme values to list. POINTMAX lists extreme values of variables at a point LINEMAX

lists extreme values of variables along a line


lists extreme values of variables within a zone

The following commands list variables that numerically exceed a prespecified value (that is, the commands apply a filter to the variables). POINTEXCEED lists filtered variables at a point LINEEXCEED

lists filtered variables along a line


lists filtered variables within a zone

The following commands list variables without any filter. POINTLIST lists variables at a point LINELIST

lists variables along a line


lists variables within a zone

All of these commands operate on up to six variables. Each variable can be a predefined variable, an alias, a constant or a resultant. All of these commands evaluate the variables either for a single response (if parameter RESPOPTION = RESPONSE) or for a response-range (if parameter RESPOPTION = RESPRANGE). See Section 6.3 for information about responses and Section 6.4 for information about response-ranges. All of these commands allow you to specify a smoothing definition and a result control depiction for control of the evaluation of the variables. See Section 6.6 for information about smoothing definitions and result control depictions. The zone listing commands allow you to specify a result grid depiction (to specify the location within the elements where variables are evaluated). See Section 6.6 for information about result grid depictions.

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Chap. 7 Results listing




POINTMAX scans the values of up to six variables at the specified point and lists the most extreme values. POINTNAME The name of the model point at which the variables are evaluated. The point name must have been defined using a model point definition command, see Section 6.7. TYPE [ABSMAX] The type of extreme value to be listed, either the absolute value of the maximum, the maximum or the minimum. {ABSMAX / MAXIMUM / MINIMUM} NUMBER The NUMBER most extreme values are listed for each specified variable.


SMOOTHING [DEFAULT] The name of the smoothing definition used when evaluating the variables. A smoothing definition is defined by the SMOOTHING command, see Section 6.6. RESULTCONTROL [DEFAULT] The name of the result control depiction. A result control depiction is defined by the RESULTCONTROL command, see Section 6.6. RESPOPTION [RESPRANGE] Specifies whether to evaluate the variables for a single response (RESPOPTION = RESPONSE) or for a range of responses (RESPOPTION = RESPRANGE). RESPONSE [DEFAULT] Used when RESPOPTION = RESPONSE. Specifies the response for which the variables are evaluated. A response name is defined by a response command, see Section 6.3. RESPRANGE [DEFAULT] Used when RESPOPTION = RESPRANGE. Specifies the response-range for which the variables are evaluated. A response range name is defined by a response-range command, see Section 6.4. VARIABLE1 . . . VARIABLE6 The names of the variables to be scanned. Variables are defined by variable commands, see Section 6.9.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 7.2 Variables listing

LINEMAX LINENAME TYPE NUMBER SMOOTHING RESULTCONTROL RESPOPTION RESPONSE RESPRANGE VARIABLES... LINEMAX scans the values of up to six variables along the specified line and lists the most extreme values. LINENAME The name of the model line along which the variables are evaluated. The line name must have been defined using a model line definition command, see Section 6.8. TYPE [ABSMAX] The type of extreme value to be listed, either the absolute value of the maximum, the maximum or the minimum. {ABSMAX / MAXIMUM / MINIMUM} NUMBER [1] The NUMBER most extreme values are listed for each specified variable. NUMBER is ignored when RESPOPTION=RESPALL. SMOOTHING [DEFAULT] The name of the smoothing definition used when evaluating the variables. A smoothing definition is defined by the SMOOTHING command, see Section 6.6. RESULTCONTROL [DEFAULT] The name of the result control depiction. A result control depiction is defined by the RESULTCONTROL command, see Section 6.6. RESPOPTION [RESPRANGE] Specifies whether to evaluate the variables for a single response (RESPOPTION = RESPONSE) or for a range of responses (RESPOPTION = RESPRANGE). If RESPOPTION=RESPALL, then LINEMAX lists the extreme values for each response in the response-range. RESPONSE [DEFAULT] Used when RESPOPTION = RESPONSE. Specifies the response for which the variables are evaluated. A response name is defined by a response command, see Section 6.3. RESPRANGE [DEFAULT] Used when RESPOPTION = RESPRANGE or RESPALL. Specifies the response-range for which the variables are evaluated. A response range name is defined by a response-range command, see Section 6.4. VARIABLE1 . . . VARIABLE6 The names of the variables to be scanned. Variables are defined by variable commands, see Section 6.9.

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Chap. 7 Results listing




ZONEMAX scans the values of up to six variables in the specified zone and lists the most extreme values. The variables are evaluated at all points specified by the RESULTGRID parameter within the zone specified by the ZONENAME parameter (see the notes at the end of the ZONELIST command in this section). When there are results from more than one finite element program loaded into the database, you may need to set the current finite element program (see the FEPROGRAM command in Section 3.4). ZONEMAX evaluates data only at points within the current finite element program. ZONENAME [WHOLE_MODEL] The name of the zone in which the variables are evaluated. The zone name must have been defined using a zone command, see Section 6.2. RESULTGRID [DEFAULT] The name of the result grid that specifies where in the zone the variables are evaluated. The result grid name must have been defined using the RESULTGRID command, see Section 6.6. TYPE [ABSMAX] The type of extreme value to be listed, either the absolute value of the maximum, the maximum or the minimum. {ABSMAX / MAXIMUM / MINIMUM} NUMBER [1] The NUMBER most extreme values are listed for each specified variable. NUMBER is ignored when RESPOPTION=RESPALL. SMOOTHING [DEFAULT] The name of the smoothing definition used when evaluating the variables. A smoothing definition is defined by the SMOOTHING command, see Section 6.6. RESULTCONTROL [DEFAULT] The name of the result control depiction. A result control depiction is defined by the RESULTCONTROL command, see Section 6.6. RESPOPTION [RESPRANGE] Specifies whether to evaluate the variables for a single response (RESPOPTION = RESPONSE) or for a range of responses (RESPOPTION = RESPRANGE). If RESPOPTION=RESPALL, then ZONEMAX lists the extreme values for each response in the response-range.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 7.2 Variables listing

RESPONSE [DEFAULT] Used when RESPOPTION = RESPONSE. Specifies the response for which the variables are evaluated. A response name is defined by a response command, see Section 6.3. RESPRANGE [DEFAULT] Used when RESPOPTION = RESPRANGE or RESPALL. Specifies the response-range for which the variables are evaluated. A response range name is defined by a response-range command, see Section 6.4. VARIABLE1 . . . VARIABLE6 The names of the variables to be scanned. Variables are defined by variable commands, see Section 6.9.

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Chap. 7 Results listing




POINTEXCEED scans the values of up to six variables at the specified point and lists the values that exceed a prespecified value. POINTNAME The name of the model point at which the variables are evaluated. The point name must have been defined using a model point definition command, see Section 6.7. TYPE [ABSMAX] VALUE [0.0] If TYPE = ABSMAX, a value is listed if its absolute value is greater than or equal to VALUE. If TYPE = MAXIMUM, a value is listed if it is greater than or equal to VALUE. If TYPE = MINIMUM, a value is listed if it is less than or equal to VALUE. SMOOTHING [DEFAULT] The name of the smoothing definition used when evaluating the variables. A smoothing definition is defined by the SMOOTHING command, see Section 6.6. RESULTCONTROL [DEFAULT] The name of the result control depiction. A result control depiction is defined by the RESULTCONTROL command, see Section 6.6. RESPOPTION [RESPRANGE] Specifies whether to evaluate the variables for a single response (RESPOPTION = RESPONSE) or for a range of responses (RESPOPTION = RESPRANGE). RESPONSE [DEFAULT] Used when RESPOPTION = RESPONSE. Specifies the response for which the variables are evaluated. A response name is defined by a response command, see Section 6.3. RESPRANGE [DEFAULT] Used when RESPOPTION = RESPRANGE. Specifies the response-range for which the variables are evaluated. A response range name is defined by a response-range command, see Section 6.4. VARIABLE1 . . . VARIABLE6 The names of the variables to be scanned. Variables are defined by variable commands, see Section 6.9.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 7.2 Variables listing


LINEEXCEED scans the values of up to six variables along the specified line and lists the values that exceed a prespecified value. LINENAME The name of the model line along which the variables are evaluated. The line name must have been defined using a model line definition command, see Section 6.8. TYPE [ABSMAX] VALUE [0.0] If TYPE = ABSMAX, a value is listed if its absolute value is greater than or equal to VALUE. If TYPE = MAXIMUM, a value is listed if it is greater than or equal to VALUE. If TYPE = MINIMUM, a value is listed if it is less than or equal to VALUE. SMOOTHING [DEFAULT] The name of the smoothing definition used when evaluating the variables. A smoothing definition is defined by the SMOOTHING command, see Section 6.6. RESULTCONTROL [DEFAULT] The name of the result control depiction. A result control depiction is defined by the RESULTCONTROL command, see Section 6.6. RESPOPTION [RESPRANGE] Specifies whether to evaluate the variables for a single response (RESPOPTION = RESPONSE) or for a range of responses (RESPOPTION = RESPRANGE). RESPONSE [DEFAULT] Used when RESPOPTION = RESPONSE. Specifies the response for which the variables are evaluated. A response name is defined by a response command, see Section 6.3. RESPRANGE [DEFAULT] Used when RESPOPTION = RESPRANGE. Specifies the response-range for which the variables are evaluated A response range name is defined by a response-range command, see Section 6.4. VARIABLE1 . . . VARIABLE6 The names of the variables to be scanned. Variables are defined by variable commands, see Section 6.9.

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Chap. 7 Results listing




ZONEEXCEED scans the values of up to six variables in the specified zone and lists the values that exceed a prespecified value. The variables are evaluated at all points specified by the RESULTGRID parameter within the zone specified by the ZONENAME parameter (see the notes at the end of the ZONELIST command in this section). When there are results from more than one finite element program loaded into the database, you may need to set the current finite element program (see the FEPROGRAM command in Section 3.4). ZONEEXCEED evaluates data only at points within the current finite element program. ZONENAME [WHOLE_MODEL] The name of the zone in which the variables are evaluated. The zone name must have been defined using a zone command, see Section 6.2. RESULTGRID [DEFAULT] The name of the result grid that specifies where in the zone the variables are evaluated. The result grid name must have been defined using the RESULTGRID command, see Section 6.6. TYPE [ABSMAX] VALUE [0.0] If TYPE = ABSMAX, a value is listed if its absolute value is greater than or equal to VALUE. If TYPE = MAXIMUM, a value is listed if it is greater than or equal to VALUE. If TYPE = MINIMUM, a value is listed if it is less than or equal to VALUE. SMOOTHING [DEFAULT] The name of the smoothing definition used when evaluating the variables. A smoothing definition is defined by the SMOOTHING command, see Section 6.6. RESULTCONTROL [DEFAULT] The name of the result control depiction. A result control depiction is defined by the RESULTCONTROL command, see Section 6.6. RESPOPTION [RESPRANGE] Specifies whether to evaluate the variables for a single response (RESPOPTION = RESPONSE) or for a range of responses (RESPOPTION = RESPRANGE). RESPONSE [DEFAULT] Used when RESPOPTION = RESPONSE. Specifies the response for which the variables are evaluated. A response name is defined by a response command, see Section 6.3.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 7.2 Variables listing

RESPRANGE [DEFAULT] Used when RESPOPTION = RESPRANGE. Specifies the response-range for which the variables are evaluated. A response range name is defined by a response-range command, see Section 6.4. VARIABLE1 . . . VARIABLE6 The names of the variables to be scanned. Variables are defined by variable commands, see Section 6.9.

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Chap. 7 Results listing




POINTLIST produces a listing giving the values of up to six variables at the specified point. POINTNAME The name of the model point at which the variables are evaluated. The point name must have been defined using a model point definition command, see Section 6.7. SMOOTHING [DEFAULT] The name of the smoothing definition used when evaluating the variables. A smoothing definition is defined by the SMOOTHING command, see Section 6.6. RESULTCONTROL [DEFAULT] The name of the result control depiction. A result control depiction is defined by the RESULTCONTROL command, see Section 6.6. RESPOPTION [RESPRANGE] Specifies whether to evaluate the variables for a single response (RESPOPTION = RESPONSE) or for a range of responses (RESPOPTION = RESPRANGE). RESPONSE [DEFAULT] Used when RESPOPTION = RESPONSE. Specifies the response for which the variables are evaluated. A response name is defined by a response command, see Section 6.3. RESPRANGE [DEFAULT] Used when RESPOPTION = RESPRANGE. Specifies the response-range for which the variables are evaluated. A response range name is defined by a response-range command, see Section 6.4. VARIABLE1 . . . VARIABLE6 The name of the variables to be listed. Variables are defined by variable commands, see Section 6.9.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Sec. 7.2 Variables listing


LINELIST produces a listing giving the values of up to six variables at points within the specified line. LINENAME The name of the model line along which the variables are evaluated. The line name must have been defined using a model line definition command, see Section 6.8. SMOOTHING [DEFAULT] The name of the smoothing definition used when evaluating the variables. A smoothing definition is defined by the SMOOTHING command, see Section 6.6. RESULTCONTROL [DEFAULT] The name of the result control depiction. A result control depiction is defined by the RESULTCONTROL command, see Section 6.6. RESPOPTION [RESPRANGE] Specifies whether to evaluate the variables for a single response (RESPOPTION = RESPONSE) or for a range of responses (RESPOPTION = RESPRANGE). RESPONSE [DEFAULT] Used when RESPOPTION = RESPONSE. Specifies the response for which the variables are evaluated. A response name is defined by a response command, see Section 6.3. RESPRANGE [DEFAULT] Used when RESPOPTION = RESPRANGE. Specifies the response-range for which the variables are evaluated. A response range name is defined by a response-range command, see Section 6.4. VARIABLE1 . . . VARIABLE6 The name of the variables to be listed. Variables are defined by variable commands, see Section 6.9.

ADINA R & D, Inc.


Chap. 7 Results listing


ZONELIST ZONENAME RESULTGRID SMOOTHING RESULTCONTROL RESPOPTION RESPONSE RESPRANGE VARIABLES... ZONELIST lists the values of up to six variables for all elements in a zone. The variables are evaluated at all points specified by the RESULTGRID parameter within the zone specified by the ZONENAME parameter (see the notes at the end of this command). When there are results from more than one finite element program loaded into the database, you may need to set the current finite element program (see the FEPROGRAM command in Section 3.4). ZONELIST evaluates data only at points within the current finite element program. ZONENAME [WHOLE_MODEL] The name of the zone in which the variables are evaluated. The zone name must have been defined using a zone command, see Section 6.2. RESULTGRID [DEFAULT] The name of the result grid that specifies where in the zone the variables are evaluated. The result grid name must have been defined using the RESULTGRID command, see Section 6.6. SMOOTHING [DEFAULT] The name of the smoothing technique that specifies whether to smooth certain variables and how they are smoothed. A smoothing definition is defined by the SMOOTHING command, see Section 6.6. RESULTCONTROL [DEFAULT] The name of the result control depiction. A result control depiction is defined by the RESULTCONTROL command, see Section 6.6. RESPOPTION [RESPRANGE] Specifies whether to evaluate the variables for a single response (RESPOPTION = RESPONSE) or for a range of responses (RESPOPTION = RESPRANGE). RESPONSE [DEFAULT] Used when RESPOPTION = RESPONSE. Specifies the response for which the variables are evaluated. A response name is defined by a response command, see Section 6.3. RESPRANGE [DEFAULT] Used when RESPOPTION = RESPRANGE. Specifies the response-range for which the variables are evaluated. A response range name is defined by a response-range command, see Section 6.4.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Sec. 7.2 Variables listing

VARIABLES... The names of the variables to be listed. Variables are defined by variable commands, see Section 6.9. Notes The locations where the variables are listed is determined using the following algorithm: Determine the allowable result location types for the variables to be listed by applying Table 1 for each variable and intersecting. If (all variables are location-independent), evaluate the variables. Otherwise If the result grid type is porthole, If one of the allowable result location types is node, evaluate the variables at the nodes. Otherwise, choose another allowable result location type and evaluate the variables. If the result grid type is nodes, evaluate the variables at the nodes if one of the allowable result location types is node. If the result grid type is element grid or element nodes, evaluate the variables at the requested locations if one of the allowable result location types is element/layer rst. If the result grid type is section grid or section nodes, evaluate the variables at the requested locations if one of the allowable result location types is section rst.

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Chap. 7 Results listing


Table 1: Allowable result location types for a variable Variable type Result location types Location-independent All Nodal field Node, element/layer labeled, element/layer rst, section labeled, section rst, contact segment labeled, contact segment rst, radiosity labeled, radiosity rst Element/layer field Node (smoothing only), element/layer labeled, element/layer rst, section labeled, section rst Contact segment Contact segment labeled, contact segment rst Section field Node (smoothing only), section labeled, section rst Radiosity field Node (smoothing only), radiosity labeled, radiosity rst Line contour Line contour Virtual shift Virtual shift Node discrete Node Element local node Element local node Element local node field Element/layer labeled, element/layer rst, section labeled, section rst, element local node Coordinate Node, element/layer labeled, element/layer rst, section labeled, section rst, element local node, contact segment labeled, contact segment rst, radiosity labeled, radiosity rst Element face Element face-set or element edge-set Bolt Bolt


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Chapter 8 Graphics device control

Graphics device control – Introduction

Chap. 8 Graphics devices

Graphics device control – Introduction The AUI can use the following plotting systems for graphics interaction and display. Name Adobe Illustrator Windows GDI HP-GL HP-GL/2 OpenGL PostScript X Window

File Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No

Interactive No Yes No No Yes No Yes

Under normal use, the AUI displays graphics to you using an interactive plotting system. The AUI chooses the interactive plotting system based on the capabilities of your computer. When you want to save a graphics image displayed on the screen, you specify one of the filebased plotting systems as one of the parameters of the MOVIESAVE or SNAPSHOT commands (see Section 3.3). For Windows versions of the AUI, when you are running in user interface mode, you can also use the SAVEAVI or SAVEBMP commands (see Section 3.3) to save graphics. The AUI also contains a plotting system for which graphics are not displayed; this is called the null plotting system. The null system is used to suppress graphics output, which can be useful in batch scripts. See Section 1.11 for an example. You use the PLSYSTEM command, described in this section, to select the interactive plotting system. The PLCONTROL commands allow you to control the behaviors of the plotting systems. There is one PLCONTROL command for each plotting system. See the command pages in this section for detailed information. Auxiliary commands LIST PLSYSTEM Lists the current plotting system and some diagnostic information. LIST PLCONTROL ( ) Lists the settings for the selected plotting system.

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Chap. 8 Graphics devices


PLSYSTEM SYSTEM PLSYSTEM specifies the current plotting system, which the AUI uses to draw to the graphics window. The system specified by the PLSYSTEM command is not saved in the database. SYSTEM The name of the plotting system. Valid names are installation-dependent, but are selected from the following list: GDI OPENGL XWINDOW NULL The initial value of SYSTEM is also installation-dependent.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Chap. 8 Graphics devices


PLCONTROL AI specifies the parameters associated with the Adobe Illustrator plotting system driver. FILENAME This parameter is currently unused. PROMPT [NO] Determines whether or not the program will display a prompt before writing a new frame. {YES / NO} PAGEOPTION [0] If PAGEOPTION = 0, parameters ORIENTATION, PAGESIZE, etc., are used to determine the plot size. For other values of PAGEOPTION, the plot size is set in terms of pixels as follows: 1 320 × 200 2 640 × 480 3 800 × 600 4 1024 × 768 This option is provided for convenience when the plot destination is the PC screen. ORIENTATION [LANDSCAPE] Determines whether the program will use the page in portrait mode or landscape mode. (See figure.) {PORTRAIT / LANDSCAPE} PAGESIZE [DIRECT] Specifies the page size. {A, B, C, D, E (for US paper sizes)}, {A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 (for ISO paper sizes)}. You can also set PAGESIZE = DIRECT and specify the page size using parameters PAGEWIDTH, PAGEHEIGHT. PAGEWIDTH PAGEHEIGHT Specify the width and height of the page when PAGESIZE = DIRECT.

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[8.5] [11]


Chap. 8 Graphics devices


SIZE [PAGE] Determines whether the placement of the plotting surface on the page coincides with the page or is directly determined by parameters WIDTH, HEIGHT, XOFF and YOFF. {PAGE / DIRECT} WIDTH [100.0] HEIGHT [100.0] XOFF [0.0] YOFF [0.0] Specify the size and location of the plotting surface on the page when SIZE = DIRECT. LINEWIDTH Line width that the driver uses when drawing its thinnest possible line.


FONT [Helvetica] Specifies the font used for plotting character strings. FONT is case-sensitive, so you must use the proper lower and upper-case characters in the font name. BACKGROUND [WHITE] The AI driver will fill the plotting surface with this color before drawing anything else. VERSION [AI3] Specifies the Adobe Illustrator version, either Adobe Illustrator 88 or Adobe Illustrator 3. {AI88 / AI3} RESOLUTION [0.003] RESOLUTION is used as a program tolerance for such tasks as area fill, hidden line removal, etc. It should be set to the width of the thinnest line that the output device can display. RESOLUTION cannot be set to zero. XPIXFC [19.685] YPIXFC [19.685] The number of pixels per centimeter in the X and Y directions. These parameters need to be set only if you want to enter coordinates and lengths using a unit of PIXELS. COUNT This parameter is currently unused.


CARRIAGECONTROL [NO] If CARRIAGECONTROL = YES, the driver does not write into column 1 of the graphics file. The reason for this option is to avoid writing into column 1 when the computer interprets column 1 as a Fortran carriage control column. {YES / NO}


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Chap. 8 Graphics devices

REMOVEPARENTHESES [NO] The AI driver can remove all parentheses from plotted text strings. This option is provided to avoid a bug in the AI import feature of CorelDraw 3.0. {NO / YES} UNITPWIDTH [INCHES] UNITPHEIGHT [INCHES] UNITWIDTH [PERCENT] UNITHEIGHT [PERCENT] UNITXOFF [PERCENT] UNITYOFF [PERCENT] UNITRESOLUTION [INCHES] UNITLINEWIDTH [INCHES] These parameters specify the unit of parameters PAGEWIDTH, PAGEHEIGHT, WIDTH, HEIGHT, XOFF, YOFF, RESOLUTION and LINEWIDTH. {CM / INCHES / PIXELS (if XPIXFC and YPIXFC are also defined) / POINTS} (A point is 1/72 inch.) You can also specify a unit of PERCENT for parameters UNITWIDTH, UNITHEIGHT, UNITXOFF, UNITYOFF.

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Chap. 8 Graphics devices



AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Chap. 8 Graphics devices


PLCONTROL GDI specifies the parameters associated with the Microsoft Windows GDI plotting system. BACKGROUND The background color of the graphics window.


PROMPT COLOR SIZE WIDTH HEIGHT XOFF YOFF These parameters are currently unused. RESOLUTION [1] RESOLUTION is used as a program tolerance for such tasks as area fill, hidden line removal, etc. It should be set to the width of the thinnest line that the workstation can display. RESOLUTION cannot be set to 0. PICKRADIUS [5] PICKRADIUS is used as a program tolerance for deciding when a graphics structure has been picked. XPIXFC [AUTOMATIC] YPIXFC [AUTOMATIC] Specify the number of pixels per centimeter of the workstation screen in the X (width) and Y (height) directions. The program will calculate XPIXFC and/or YPIXFC automatically if you enter AUTOMATIC for XPIXFC and/or YPIXFC. PUSHKEYSYM PULLKEYSYM PUSHLENGTH These parameters are currently unused.

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Chap. 8 Graphics devices




AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Chap. 8 Graphics devices

PLCONTROL HPGL FILENAME PROMPT DEVICE DEVOPTION PAGEOPTION ORIENTATION PAGESIZE PAGEWIDTH PAGEHEIGHT SIZE WIDTH HEIGHT XOFF YOFF BACKGROUND ESCAPECODES POLYGONFILL CARRIAGECONTROL RESOLUTION XPIXFC YPIXFC UNITPWIDTH UNITPHEIGHT UNITWIDTH UNITHEIGHT UNITXOFF UNITYOFF UNITRESOLUTION numberi colori PLCONTROL HPGL specifies the parameters associated with the HP-GL plotting system driver. FILENAME This parameter is currently unused. PROMPT [NO] Determines whether or not the program will display a prompt before creating a new frame. {YES / NO} DEVICE [7475] DEVOPTION [1] The plotter device number and device option number, see table at the end of this command for valid choices. PAGEOPTION [0] If PAGEOPTION = 0, parameters ORIENTATION, PAGESIZE, etc., are used to determine the plot size. For other values of PAGEOPTION, the plot size is set in terms of pixels as follows: 1 320 × 200 2 640 × 480 3 800 × 600 4 1024 × 768 This option is provided for convenience when the plot destination is the PC screen. ORIENTATION [LANDSCAPE] Determines whether the program will use the page in portrait mode or landscape mode (see figure). {PORTRAIT / LANDSCAPE} PAGESIZE [AUTOMATIC] Specifies the page size. If PAGESIZE = AUTOMATIC, the program uses the page size corresponding to the given plotter device and plotter device option. If PAGESIZE = DIRECT, you set the page size using parameters PAGEWIDTH and PAGEHEIGHT.

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Chap. 8 Graphics devices


PAGEWIDTH PAGEHEIGHT Specify the width and height of the page when PAGESIZE = DIRECT.

[8.5] [11]

SIZE [DIRECT] Determines whether the placement of the plotting surface on the page coincides with the page or is directly determined by parameters WIDTH, HEIGHT, XOFF and YOFF. {PAGE / DIRECT} WIDTH [80.0] HEIGHT [80.0] XOFF [10.0] YOFF [10.0] Specify the size and location of the plotting surface on the page when SIZE = DIRECT. BACKGROUND The color of the background, usually WHITE. ESCAPECODES The HP-GL driver can optionally supply escape codes to turn the plotter on or off. NONE No escape codes are supplied.




Escape codes are supplied when the plotter is initialized.


Escape codes are supplied before and after every graphics function.

POLYGONFILL [AUTOMATIC] YES The device driver uses the polygon fill command when outputting filled areas. NO

The device driver uses moves and draws when outputting filled areas.

AUTOMATIC The device driver uses the polygon fill command if the command is supported by the plotter entered for the DEVICE parameter. If the plot is to be read by another program, use POLYGONFILL = YES. CARRIAGECONTROL [NO] If CARRIAGECONTROL = YES, the driver does not write into column 1 of the graphics file. The reason for this option is to avoid writing into column 1 when the computer interprets column 1 as a FORTRAN carriage control column. {YES / NO}


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Chap. 8 Graphics devices

RESOLUTION [0.03] Used as a program tolerance for such tasks as area fill, hidden line removal, etc. It should be set to the width of the thinnest line that the output device can display. RESOLUTION cannot be set to zero. XPIXFC [19.685] YPIXFC [19.685] The number of pixels per centimeter in the X and Y directions. The default value corresponds to 50 pixels/inch. These parameters need to be set only if you want to enter coordinates and lengths using a unit of PIXELS, or if the plot size is specified in terms of pixels. UNITPWIDTH [INCHES] UNITPHEIGHT [INCHES] UNITWIDTH [PERCENT] UNITHEIGHT [PERCENT] UNITXOFF [PERCENT] UNITYOFF [PERCENT] UNITRESOLUTION [CM] These parameters specify the unit of parameters PAGEWIDTH, PAGEHEIGHT, WIDTH, HEIGHT, XOFF, YOFF and RESOLUTION. {CM / INCHES / PIXELS (if XPIXFC and YPIXFC are also defined) / POINTS} (A point is 1/72 inch). For UNITWIDTH, UNITHEIGHT, UNITXOFF, UNITYOFF you can also specify a unit of PERCENT. numberi colori The pen number (corresponding to the location in a pen carousel or to a color number on a CRT screen) and associated color. If you will read the HP-GL file into MS-Word and MS-Word is configured to read HP-GL files, then use the following pen/color table: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Valid device and option numbers are given in the following table.

ADINA R & D, Inc.


Chap. 8 Graphics devices

HP plotter number 7090

7440, 7470 7475

7510 7510 (cont.)





Plotter optional switch settings and/or paper size/type ANSI (A-size) ANSI (B-size) ISO (A4-size) ISO (A3-size) US (A-size) A4 (A4-size) US/A4 (A-size) US/A3 (B-size) MET/A4 (A4-size) MET/A3 (A3-size) STANDARD (35 mm) STANDARD (Polaroid) STANDARD (Preview) PAPER (A-size) PAPER (B-size) PAPER (A4-size) PAPER (A3-size) PAPER (8 × 10) A-size B-size A4-size A3-size NORMAL (C-size) NORMAL (D-size) NORMAL (A2-size) NORMAL (A1-size) NORMAL (Arch. C-size) NORMAL (Arch. D-size) EXPAND (C-size) EXPAND (D-size) EXPAND (A2-size) EXPAND (A1-size) EXPAND (Arch. C-size) EXPAND (Arch. D-size)

Device number

1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



7585, 7586

7586 (roll paper)

ADINA R & D, Inc.

Chap. 8 Graphics devices

NORMAL (A-size) NORMAL (B-size) NORMAL (C-size) NORMAL (D-size) NORMAL (A4-size) NORMAL (A3-size) NORMAL (A2-size) NORMAL (A1-size) EXPAND (A-size) EXPAND (B-size) EXPAND (C-size) EXPAND (D-size) EXPAND (Arch. C-size) EXPAND (Arch. D-size) EXPAND (A4-size) EXPAND (A3-size) EXPAND (A2-size) EXPAND (A1-size) NORMAL (A-size) NORMAL (B-size) NORMAL (C-size) NORMAL (D-size) NORMAL (E-size) NORMAL (A4-size) NORMAL (A3-size) NORMAL (A2-size) NORMAL (A1-size) NORMAL (A0-size) EXPAND (A-size) EXPAND (B-size) EXPAND (C-size) EXPAND (D-size) EXPAND (E-size) EXPAND (A4-size) EXPAND (A3-size) EXPAND (A2-size) EXPAND (A1-size) EXPAND (A0-size) NORMAL (36 in.) NORMAL (24 in.) NORMAL (11 in.)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23


Chap. 8 Graphics devices

7595, 7596

7595, 7596 (cont.) 7596 (roll paper)


NORMAL (A-size) NORMAL (B-size) NORMAL (C-size) NORMAL (D-size) NORMAL (E-size) NORMAL (A4-size) NORMAL (A3-size) NORMAL (A2-size) NORMAL (A1-size) NORMAL (A0-size) EXPAND (A-size) EXPAND (B-size) EXPAND (C-size) EXPAND (D-size) EXPAND (E-size) EXPAND (A4-size) EXPAND (A3-size) EXPAND (A2-size) EXPAND (A1-size) EXPAND (A0-size) NORMAL (36 in.) NORMAL (24 in.) NORMAL (11 in.)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

from the HP-GL Product Comparison Guide, Part No. (11)5954-7124, February 1987.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


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Chap. 8 Graphics devices


Chap. 8 Graphics devices




numberi colori PLCONTROL HPGL2 specifies the parameters associated with the HP-GL/2 plotting system driver. FILENAME This parameter is currently unused. PROMPT [NO] Determines whether or not the program will display a prompt before creating a new frame. {YES / NO} DEVICE [5] DEVOPTION [1] The plotter device number and device option number, see table at the end of this command for valid choices. PAGEOPTION [0] If PAGEOPTION = 0, parameters ORIENTATION, PAGESIZE, etc., are used to determine the plot size. For other values of PAGEOPTION, the plot size is set in terms of pixels as follows: 1 320 × 200 2 640 × 480 3 800 × 600 4 1024 × 768 This option is provided for convenience when the plot destination is the PC screen. ORIENTATION [LANDSCAPE] Determines whether the program will use the page in portrait mode or landscape mode (see figure). {PORTRAIT / LANDSCAPE}


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Chap. 8 Graphics devices

PAGESIZE [AUTOMATIC] Specifies the page size. AUTOMATIC The program uses the page size corresponding to the given plotter device and plotter device option. DIRECT

You set the page size using parameters PAGEWIDTH and PAGEHEIGHT.

PAGEWIDTH PAGEHEIGHT Specify the width and height of the page when PAGESIZE = DIRECT.

[8.5] [11]

SIZE [DIRECT] Determines whether the placement of the plotting surface on the page coincides with the page or is directly determined by parameters WIDTH, HEIGHT, XOFF and YOFF. {PAGE / DIRECT} WIDTH [80.0] HEIGHT [80.0] XOFF [10.0] YOFF [10.0] Specify the size and location of the plotting surface on the page when SIZE = DIRECT. LINEWIDTH The line width that the driver uses when drawing its thinnest possible line.


BACKGROUND [WHITE] The color of the background, usually WHITE. For certain raster-based plotters, if the background is not WHITE, the HP-GL/2 driver will fill the page with the background color before plotting. COLORS [AUTOMATIC] COLORMAX [2] If COLORS = AUTOMATIC, the HP-GL/2 driver automatically defines a color palette using COLORMAX colors and data input lines are not used. If COLORS = PEN, the HP-GL/2 driver defines a color palette using the information given in the data input lines. ENCODEBITS [7] For efficiency, the HP-GL/2 driver uses the PE (polyline encode) command to draw lines and fill areas. If ENCODEBITS = 7, 7-bit mode is used for the encoding. If ENCODEBITS = 8, 8-bit mode is used. Use 8-bit mode if your system can send or transfer 8 bits of data without parity. Otherwise, use 7-bit mode. If you are unsure, use 7-bit mode.

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Chap. 8 Graphics devices


CARRIAGECONTROL [NO] If CARRIAGECONTROL = YES, the driver does not write into column 1 of the graphics file. The reason for this option is to avoid writing into column 1 when the computer interprets column 1 as a FORTRAN carriage control column. {YES / NO} RESOLUTION [0.02] Used as a program tolerance for such tasks as area fill, hidden line removal, etc. It should be set to the width of the thinnest line that the output device can display. RESOLUTION cannot be set to zero. XPIXFC [19.685] YPIXFC [19.685] The number of pixels per centimeter in the X and Y directions. The default value corresponds to 50 pixels/inch. These parameters need to be set only if you want to enter coordinates and lengths using a unit of PIXELS, or if the plot size is specified in terms of pixels. UNITPWIDTH [INCHES] UNITPHEIGHT [INCHES] UNITWIDTH [PERCENT] UNITHEIGHT [PERCENT] UNITXOFF [PERCENT] UNITYOFF [PERCENT] UNITRESOLUTION [CM] UNITLINEWIDTH [CM] These parameters specify the unit of parameters PAGEWIDTH, PAGEHEIGHT, WIDTH, HEIGHT, XOFF, YOFF, RESOLUTION and LINEWIDTH. {CM / INCHES / PIXELS (if XPIXFC and YPIXFC are also defined) / POINTS} (A point is 1/72 inch). For UNITWIDTH, UNITHEIGHT, UNITXOFF, UNITYOFF you can also specify a unit of PERCENT. numberi colori The pen number (corresponding to the location in a pen carousel or to a color number on a CRT screen) and associated color. The data input lines are used and read only if COLORS = PEN.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Chap. 8 Graphics devices

Valid device and option numbers are given in the following table. Paper size/type Device Device option HP plotter number number number HP 7600 Model 240D D 1 1 HP 7600 Model 240E E 1 2 HP 7600 Model 250 D 2 1 HP 7600 Model 255 E 2 2 HP 7600 Model 355 E 2 3 DraftMaster SX,RX,MX A (vert.) 3 1 (normal margins) A (horiz.) 3 2 B (vert.) 3 3 C (horiz.) 3 4 D (vert.) 3 5 D (horiz.) 3 6 E (vert.) 3 7 Arch. C (horiz.) 3 8 Arch. D (vert.) 3 9 Arch. D (horiz.) 3 10 Arch. 30 × 42 (vert.) 3 11 Arch. 30 × 42 (horiz.) 3 12 Arch. E (vert.) 3 13 A4 (vert.) 3 14 A4 (horiz.) 3 15 A3 (vert.) 3 16 A2 (horiz.) 3 17 A1 (vert.) 3 18 A1 (horiz.) 3 19 A0 (vert.) 3 20 (expanded margins) A (vert.) 3 21 A (horiz.) 3 22 B (vert.) 3 23 C (horiz.) 3 24 D (vert.) 3 25 D (horiz.) 3 26 E (vert.) 3 27 Arch. C (horiz.) 3 28 Arch. D (vert.) 3 29 Arch. D (horiz.) 3 30 Arch. 30 × 42 (vert.) 3 31 Arch. 30 × 42 (horiz.) 3 32

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Chap. 8 Graphics devices


Arch. E (vert.) A4 (vert.) A4 (horiz.) A3 (vert.) A2 (horiz.) A1 (vert.) A1 (horiz.) A0 (vert.) PaintJet XL (with A (vert.) HP-GL/2 font cartridge), B (vert.) PaintJet XL300 A4 (vert.) A3 (vert.) LaserJet III Letter (vert.) Letter (horiz.) Legal (vert.) Legal (horiz.) Exec. (vert.) Exec. (horiz.) A4 (vert.) A4 (horiz.) COM-10 (vert.) COM-10 (horiz.) Monarch (vert.) Monarch (horiz.) C5 (vert.) C5 (horiz.) DL (vert.) DL (horiz.) HP DesignJet A (vert.) (normal margins) A (horiz.) B (vert.) C (horiz.) D (vert.) D (horiz.) E (vert.) Arch. C (horiz.) Arch. D (vert.) Arch. D (horiz.) Arch. 30 × 42 (vert.) Arch. 30 × 42 (horiz.) Arch. E (vert.) A4 (vert.)


3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


(expanded margins)

Chap. 8 Graphics devices

A4 (horiz.) A3 (vert.) A2 (horiz.) A1 (vert.) A1 (horiz.) A0 (vert.) A (vert.) A (horiz.) B (vert.) C (horiz.) D (vert.) D (horiz.) E (vert.) Arch. C (horiz.) Arch. D (vert.) Arch. D (horiz.) Arch. 30 × 42 (vert.) Arch. 30 × 42 (horiz.) Arch. E (vert.) A4 (vert.) A4 (horiz.) A3 (vert.) A2 (horiz.) A1 (vert.) A1 (horiz.) A0 (vert.)

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Notes on the use of HP-GL/2 with the HP LaserJet III or higher printer: 1) Use the following parameter settings: DEVICE = 5, DEVOPTION = (from table), PAGEOPTION = 0, PAGESIZE = AUTOMATIC, LINEWIDTH = 0.02, BACKGROUND = WHITE, COLORS = AUTOMATIC, COLORMAX = 2, ENCODEBITS = 7, CARRIAGECONTROL = NO, RESOLUTION = 0.02, UNITRESOLUTION = CM, UNITLINEWIDTH = CM Some or all of these parameters may be already set correctly. 2) The printer should be configured with the Page Protection option (see the printer user's manual). Configuring the printer with Page Protection may be possible only if your printer has optional memory installed. If you do not use Page Protection, you will probably get the printer message "21 PRINT OVERRUN" when you send the graphics file to the printer.

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Chap. 8 Graphics devices


3) All lines and characters are drawn in black, including line contours. The only graphics that are drawn with gray scales are fill areas, including filled bands. 4) On the PC, DOS operating system, a convenient way of printing the HP-GL/2 file is to use the DOS PRINT command, as if you were going to print an ordinary text file using DOS.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Chap. 8 Graphics devices

PLCONTROL NULL WIDTH HEIGHT UNITWIDTH UNITHEIGHT PLCONTROL NULL specifies the parameters associated with the NULL plotting system. You use this plotting system when you don't want plots to be produced each time you enter a plotting command. One example of when you might use the NULL plotting system is when you are running the program in batch mode and you want only hard copies of plots. In this case, you specify the PLSYSTEM to be NULL and use SNAPSHOT to make the plots. See the example in Section 1.11. WIDTH HEIGHT The size of the plotting surface.

[800] [600]


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Chap. 8 Graphics devices




PROMPT [NO] Determines whether or not the program will display a prompt before opening, clearing or closing the graphics window. {YES / NO} DOFF11 [1.0] DOFF10 [1.0] These parameters provide control over the depth buffer. Increasing these values increases the distance between two successive values in the depth buffer. A value of 1.0 corresponds to the smallest distance that is resolvable by the depth buffer. If a bandplot appears speckled when using OpenGL graphics and the positions of the speckles changes as you rotate the plot out of plane, it is likely that one of these parameters needs to be increased. If you are using OpenGL 1.1 or later, increase DOFF11; if you are using OpenGL 1.0, increase DOFF10. Use trial and error to find the smallest value of the parameter needed to avoid the speckles. SIZE [AUTOMATIC] Determines whether you specify the size and location of the plotting window using the parameters WIDTH, HEIGHT, XOFF and YOFF, the program automatically selects the size and location of the plotting window, or the program draws in the window specified by the user interface. {DIRECT / AUTOMATIC / INTERFACE} WIDTH HEIGHT XOFF YOFF Specifies the size and location of the plotting window when SIZE=DIRECT. However the window manager may override these preferences. See the figure in the PLCONTROL XWINDOW command description in this section.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Chap. 8 Graphics devices

RESOLUTION [1] RESOLUTION is used as a program tolerance for such tasks as area fill, hidden line removal, etc. It should be set to the width of the thinnest line that the workstation can display. RESOLUTION cannot be set to 0. PICKRADIUS [5] PICKRADIUS is used as a program tolerance for deciding when a graphics structure has been picked. It also determines the minimum mouse motion before the AUI redraws the model during dynamic model transformation. XPIXFC [AUTOMATIC] YPIXFC [AUTOMATIC] Specifies the number of pixels per centimeter of the workstation screen in the X (width) and Y (height) directions. The program will calculate XPIXFC and/or YPIXFC automatically if you enter AUTOMATIC for XPIXFC and/or YPIXFC. HIDDEN [HARDWARE] Specifies whether or not to use hardware hidden line removal (typically with a depth buffer). We recommend that you use HARDWARE unless specifically advised otherwise. {HARDWARE / SOFTWARE} UNITWIDTH [PIXELS] UNITHEIGHT [PIXELS] UNITXOFF [PIXELS] UNITYOFF [PIXELS] UNITRESOLUTION [PIXELS] UNITPICKRADIUS [PIXELS] These parameters specify the units of parameter WIDTH, HEIGHT, XOFF, YOFF, RESOLUTION and PICKRADIUS. {CM / INCHES / PIXELS / POINTS}.

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Chap. 8 Graphics devices


PLCONTROL POSTSCRIPT FILENAME PROMPT ORIENTATION PAGEOPTION COLOR PAGESIZE PAGEWIDTH PAGEHEIGHT SIZE WIDTH HEIGHT XOFFSET YOFFSET LINEWIDTH FONT BACKGROUND VERSION ENCAPSULATED BOUNDINGBOX PAGEFLAG FOLDING RESOLUTION XPIXFC YPIXFC COUNT CARRIAGECONTROL UNITPWIDTH UNITPHEIGHT UNITWIDTH UNITHEIGHT UNITXOFFSET UNITYOFFSET UNITRESOLUTION UNITLINEWIDTH PLCONTROL POSTSCRIPT specifies the parameters associated with the PostScript plotting system driver. FILENAME This parameter is currently unused. PROMPT [NO] Determines whether or not the program will display a prompt before creating a new frame. {YES / NO} ORIENTATION [PORTRAIT] Determines whether the program will use the page in portrait mode or landscape mode (see figure). {PORTRAIT / LANDSCAPE} PAGEOPTION [-1] If PAGEOPTION = 0, parameters ORIENTATION, PAGESIZE, etc., are used to determine the plot size. For positive values of PAGEOPTION, the plot size is set in terms of pixels as follows: 1 320 × 200 2 640 × 480 3 800 × 600 4 1024 × 768 This option is provided for convenience when the plot destination is the PC screen. If PAGEOPTION=-1, then PAGEOPTION is set differently depending upon whether the SNAPSHOT command is used or the MOVIESAVE command is used. When the SNAPSHOT command is used, then PAGEOPTION=-1 is the same as PAGEOPTION=0. When the MOVIESAVE command is used, then PAGEOPTION=-1 is the same as PAGEOPTION=4. In addition, XPIXFC and YPIXFC are reset as described below. The intent of PAGEOPTION=-1 is to provide a reasonable default for both the SNAPSHOT and MOVIESAVE commands.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Chap. 8 Graphics devices

COLOR [RGB] Determines whether the program will produce graphics output in color or convert all colors to gray-scales. {RGB / GRAY} PAGESIZE [A] Specifies the page size. {A, B, C, D, E (for US paper sizes)}, {A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 (for ISO paper sizes)}. You can also set PAGESIZE = DIRECT and specify the page size using parameters PAGEWIDTH, PAGEHEIGHT. PAGEWIDTH PAGEHEIGHT Specify the width and height of the page when PAGESIZE = DIRECT.

[8.5] [11]

SIZE [DIRECT] Determines whether the placement of the plotting surface on the page coincides with the page or is directly determined by parameters WIDTH, HEIGHT, XOFFSET and YOFFSET. {PAGE / DIRECT} WIDTH [80.0] HEIGHT [80.0] XOFFSET [10.0] YOFFSET [10.0] Specify the size and location of the plotting surface when SIZE=DIRECT (see figure). LINEWIDTH [0.007] Line width that the PostScript driver will use when drawing its thinnest possible line. FONT [Helvetica] Specifies the PostScript font that is used for plotting character strings. Note that the PostScript driver does not check if this font is actually present on the device that is being used to make the plot. The FONT parameter is case-sensitive, so you must use the proper lower and upper-case characters in the font name. BACKGROUND The background color of the plotting paper or terminal screen.


VERSION [ADOBE3] Specifies whether the PostScript driver will use Adobe PostScript version 1, Adobe PostScript version 2 or ADOBE PostScript version 3. {ADOBE1 / ADOBE2 / ADOBE3} ENCAPSULATED [NO] Determines whether or not the encapsulated PostScript format (EPSF format) is used. Note that the encapsulated PostScript format should be used in conjunction with VERSION =

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Chap. 8 Graphics devices


ADOBE2 or ADOBE3. {YES / NO} BOUNDINGBOX [TOP] Determines whether the BoundingBox comment will be written and where in the file it will be placed (i.e., at the beginning of the file or at the beginning of each page). Some PostScript devices require the BoundingBox comment. {NO / TOP / PAGE} PAGEFLAG [NO] Some PostScript printers that support Adobe PostScript version 2 and higher require the page size to be specified with a '> setpagedevice' line, where A and B give the page size in points. The PostScript driver will write this line if VERSION = ADOBE2 or ADOBE3 and PAGEFLAG = YES. FOLDING [0] The PostScript driver can fold its output so that each line of output contains up to FOLDING characters. This option is useful when you want to transfer the PostScript file using a fixed-record format. If FOLDING = 0, folding is disabled and each line of the PostScript file will contain a single PostScript command. RESOLUTION [0.0033] RESOLUTION is used as a program tolerance for such tasks as area fill, hidden line removal, etc. It should be set to the width of the thinnest line that the terminal can display. RESOLUTION cannot be set to zero. XPIXFC [19.685] YPIXFC [19.685] The number of pixels per centimeter in the X and Y directions. These parameters need not be defined in general. They are only used so that you can enter coordinates and lengths on the plotting surface using a unit of PIXELS. Note that 19.685 = 50/2.54, so 19.685 corresponds to 50 pixels/inch. In the special case when PAGEOPTION=-1 and the MOVIESAVE command is used, then XPIXFC and YPIXFC are set to 28.346 = 72/2.54 (28.346 corresponds to 72 pixels/inch). Then one pixel = one point (since one point = 1/72 inch). COUNT [4096] The maximum number of moves and draws in a path is set by parameter COUNT. When the number of moves and draws exceeds COUNT, the driver draws the current path and moves to the last plotted location. Increasing COUNT slightly improves the efficiency of the driver but may cause the PostScript device to run out of memory.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


Chap. 8 Graphics devices

CARRIAGECONTROL Determines whether or not the driver will use column 1 of the PostScript output as a FORTRAN carriage control column. {YES / NO}



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Chap. 8 Graphics devices



AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing



Chap. 8 Graphics devices


PLCONTROL XWINDOW specifies the parameters associated with the X Window plotting system. BACKGROUND The background color of the graphics window.


PROMPT [NO] Determines whether or not the program will display a prompt before opening, clearing or closing the graphics window. {YES / NO} COLOR This parameter is currently unused. SIZE [AUTOMATIC] Determines whether you specify the size and location of the plotting window using the parameters WIDTH, HEIGHT, XOFF and YOFF, the program automatically selects the size and location of the plotting window, or the program draws in the window specified by the program interface. {DIRECT / AUTOMATIC / INTERFACE} WIDTH HEIGHT XOFF YOFF Specify the size and location of the plotting window when SIZE = DIRECT (see figure). However, the window manager may override these preferences. RESOLUTION [1] RESOLUTION is used as a program tolerance for such tasks as area fill, hidden line removal, etc. It should be set to the width of the thinnest line that the workstation can display. RESOLUTION cannot be set to 0. PICKRADIUS [5] PICKRADIUS is used as a program tolerance for deciding when a graphics structure has been picked.

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Chap. 8 Graphics devices


XPIXFC [AUTOMATIC] YPIXFC [AUTOMATIC] Specify the number of pixels per centimeter of the workstation screen in the X (width) and Y (height) directions. The program will calculate XPIXFC and/or YPIXFC automatically if you enter AUTOMATIC for XPIXFC and/or YPIXFC. PUSHKEYSYM PULLKEYSYM PUSHLENGTH These parameters are currently unused. UNITWIDTH [PIXELS] UNITHEIGHT [PIXELS] UNITXOFF [PIXELS] UNITYOFF [PIXELS] UNITRESOLUTION [PIXELS] UNITPICKRADIUS [PIXELS] These parameters specify the unit of parameters WIDTH, HEIGHT, XOFF, YOFF, RESOLUTION, PICKRADIUS and UNITPUSHLENGTH. {CM / INCHES / PIXELS / POINTS}. UNITPUSHLENGTH This parameter is currently unused.


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing


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Chap. 8 Graphics devices


Chap. 8 Graphics devices


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AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Command index

Command index A ACTIVEZONE, 6-23 ALIAS, 6-138 ANIMATE, 5-238 AXIS, 5-219







ECHO, 3-35


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Command index ELLINE, 6-121




ELZONE, 6-20


END, 3-36 EVECTORGRID, 5-109







LCLINE, 6-129

EXIT, 3-36

LCPLOT, 5-161







FSSHOW, 5-196


FTSHOW, 5-200





AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing

Command index MODELINFO, 7-1







QUIT, 3-36








RADLINE, 6-126






REFRESH, 5-240

PAN, 4-9




PAUSE, 3-31






























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Command index RSPECTRUM, 6-59

UNDO, 4-1














VIEW, 5-53






VSLINE, 6-128





STOP, 3-36

ZONE, 6-11





TEXT, 5-241


TFSHOW, 5-211

ZOOM, 4-8


U UDRAW, 5-246


AUI Command Reference Manual: Vol. V – Display Processing