7th Sea - VillainFronts - 170719 [PDF]

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Villains developed by Elizabeth Chaipraditkul writing by Elizabeth Chaipraditkul, James Mendez Hodes, Gareth Hodges and Shoshana Kessock system design by Michael Curry editing by Mark Diaz Truman, Amanda Valentine, and John Wick proofing by Shelley Harlan art direction by Marissa Kelly art by Shen Fei, Anna Kay, Mark Richardson, Diego Rodriguez and Meagan Trott layout by Thomas Deeny

Mary “The Butcher” Galloway “No use begging. All you are to me is meat.”

Hugh Monaghan “If you’re still standing after one punch, I’ll leave you be. Deal?”

Drieu Riquesse “Justice? No, there is just me, you, and my blade.”

Austyn Engelhart “The girl commands, I obey. My blade opens the path to Hell.”

Liphilt “Buy your freedom with blood, or die under the earth like a worm.”

Buscar “Who needs the past? I see your future staining my decks with blood.”

Lucius Chevalier “You lost the horse, now pay the price.”

Ondro Róg “Death makes such a sweet sound. Hush! Théus will sort you out.”

Mikhaila Oksanova “These days, fencing matches are commonplace. This… this is spectacle.”

Julianna Onesta “Burn the witch. A holier Théah will rise from the flames.”

Luysio Barozzi “I am my father’s son and still you ask forgiveness?”

Stewart the Swamp Goblin of Den Bog “I will win your heart, Lillian, even if it kills you.”

Gilander Ó Doibhilin “The stick says I gotta kill you. You’ll understand after, I promise.”

Guiomar Palomino “I don’t care if you’re bleeding, I love this song!”

The White Lady of Hirschblut Tower “To sing of me is a song of woe, a dress stained red so long ago.”

Requignart le Fae “Madame, I can give you the skin of a milkmaid. I have several!”

Ludwika Krzyżanowska “Everything is beautiful, as it should be.”

Pavel Toe-Biter “Hate them. Hatehatehate. Gonna bite ‘em. Gonna bite ‘em all.”

Kolbjorn Wyrm “The Wyrm WILL rise!”

Sakse Tryggvasson “Is that you, Snorri? Come closer, let me comb your golden hair.”

Madame Illuminata “Come closer my child, closer still, I mean you no ill will.”

Micola Querini “I shape my own justice in cold stone. Do you feel it?”

Deargh Kilgore “The sea gives up its bounty to those willing to give back.”

Priest Costanza Fonseca “Theus’s mercy absolves you. Let’s see how grateful you really are.”

Anselet “There are no walls, no dark places, to lock me away now.”

Isentrud der Chegir “Get up! You’re no use if you can’t even take one bullet!”

Perrote Églantier “Find the mirror! My father, de l‘Eglentier... End this nightmare…”

Elena Grigorii “The Ebon Doctor of Voruta” “Are you still alive, dear? Quick or dead, I’ll find a use.”

Hyrhor Maximov “You scream, yet you know nothing of fear. Let me show you.”

Slepa Miskovna “Start running.”

Estrid Lowzow “The pirates could not stop me, and neither will you!”

Jorunn Snø “Walked so long. Cold swallowed me. You lied…”

Venerio Barleto “None can stand against my ambition if they don’t see me coming.”

Teresa Soler “They thought fire could burn me away, but I will not die.”

Luck, the Fool “‘Nothing’s foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool,’ eh? I am that fool.”

Didacus la Roja “I advise caution, Majesty. Give trust sparingly, lest it be broken often.”

Fritsche Ghul “Come, my hungry friends, and feast on the fat of the land!”

Lotje Abbing “You would look most striking above my mantel.”

Adeliadis Petronilla Fassequele “That ghastly Marquis is writing me love letters again. Someone duel him, please?”

Anatol Akalewicz “It’s all lies! There is no equality, so I will buy my own.”

Agafya Markova “No, tell me more. What did you hear of our cruel leader?”

Fritjof Larsen “I wish I didn’t have to kill you, but that’s politics.”

Facio Contarini “Legion is in the details, but only I can make them dance.”

Gabriella Angelo “Pick a card, any card, you won’t see what’s coming next.”

Sterling Tanner “Sorry, me hearties, at least you can say you died for love.”

Mother Guineu “My child, you’re safe with me. Now, tell me what you heard.”

Maryiah Nadhiyah “The dance is performed with seven knives ablaze. I’ll assume that won’t be a problem?”

Reinhard Vogel “Your friends haven’t noticed. It seems nobody knows you like I do.”

Tassine Bullet “What do you mean, you haven’t heard of me?”

Dana Gwozdek “Heave ho, my dead friends, and pray for a bounty of blood!”

Bogdan Snegovik “Don’t worry, I promise to leave you presentable for your funeral.”

Einar Ibsen “It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. Well, once in your lifetime.”

Thora Ulfborn “Noble blood boils in fire same as anyone else’s.”

Stavros Sarris “Do not speak to me of the great Republic. I built the great Republic!”