5S Pocket Guide [PDF]

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5S Pocket Guide

Our pocket guide to 5S was prepared as a service to the NHS by biosign®. Any employee of the NHS may use or reproduce any part of this guide on the condition that the source of the material is acknowledged as biosign® and references the accompanying URL of www.biosign.co.uk. The biosign® name and biosign® symbol are registered trademarks of Centurion Europe Ltd. Copyright © Centurion Europe Ltd. 2010. All rights reserved.

1 5S Pocket Guide

For Best Results, Use 5S Originated in Japan, 5S is a best practice set of techniques providing a standardised approach to workplace improvement and activity. The term 5S is a reference to the collective Japanese terms designated to form the ‘five pillars` of the philosophy - Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu and Shitsuke. With a literal translation not offering the same mnemonic, a derivative of Sort, Set (in order), Shine, Standardise and Sustain is used within this guide to capture the essence of the system. 5S can be used in any environment to support workplace issues including process, delivery, safety, quality, stock, equipment control and improvement targets. This guide has been produced as a service to the NHS and therefore, considers those categories specifically relevant to the healthcare environment.

5S Pocket Guide

For Best Results, Why 5S? Releasing time to care is a stated aim of 5S within the NHS and the biosign® guide will attempt to show how this can be achieved. 5S as stated, was originated in Japan, inspired by Toyota’s industrial philosophy with the intention to improve morale, safety and efficiency. These benefits are derived from 5S because staff are known to be happier, safer and more productive in a clean, tidy and well organised environment. 5S is often summed up simply as ‘a place for everything and everything in its place` but while being accurate is only a part of 5S and not the whole story. A number of tools and techniques can be used within the system to aid implementation and help achieve the organisation’s objectives.

3 5S Pocket Guide

For Best Results, Why 5S for the NHS? Quite simply, there are numerous benefits from the implementation of 5S within a shared workplace such as an NHS ward or department. • • • • • • • •

Increased morale Improved safety Saved time Enhanced quality Greater communication Empowered staff Control through visibility Early identification of problems

5S has more recently been referred to as 6S with another pillar added - Safety. Safety has always been a benefit of 5S but should also be a consideration to any 5S implementation. The system is best explained by taking each of the pillars in turn.



Any work area should have only those items needed to perform the work required in that area.

Cluttered work areas create waste searching for things and therefore, waste in lost time.

5 Sort

For Best Results, Declutter Sort could be considered as declutter and relates to the initial practise of sorting through all equipment and materials. The objective is to keep on-hand only those essential items that are required for frequent use. Work and storage areas tend to accumulate materials and equipment over time. Archive or dispose of all nonessential items. Identify whether the item is really needed by using red tags and a red tag register - simple tools of 5S that can be used to identify relevance and frequency of use. Take care with medical equipment as it is important to note that frequency of use may be low but an item may need to be maintained in the area in case of emergency. Ask if an item is really needed, how often it is needed and be sure that everything kept is in date.

SE T SET Set focuses on the need for an orderly workplace - a place for everything and everything in its place. Best practise includes the return of any equipment to its designated location.

7 Set

For Best Results, An orderly workplace Equipment and materials stored in a set location will be readily available when required by the next person. To ensure that time is not wasted looking for things, all items and equipment should be assigned a designated location and be returned to that location once used. The actual storage place should be considered where possible so that equipment and materials can be close by and accessible when required, saving further time. Bespoke floor graphics from biosign® can help to identify the footprint of equipment stored on the floor or walls. These graphics will not only make it clear where equipment is to be stowed away but also make it obvious when it is not in its place. Set is especially important in a shared workplace but will only be effective if changes are communicated to the staff so that the locations are maintained.



The key concept of shine is that cleaning be routine and continuous.


While the initial practise of 5S relates to the tidiness and organisation of the workplace, Shine relates to cleanliness.

9 Shine

For Best Results, Routine cleaning Routine and continuous cleaning of the workplace reassures the patient and visitor that the area is under control. Following the implementation of Sort and Set, to remove clutter and designate item locations, cleaning can be much more efficient. Cleaning should be a daily routine and used to prevent mess, not to clean it up afterwards. Cleaning should consider the whole environment, including equipment after use. Biosign® products are all designed to be easily wiped clean and have a low profile and edge-to-edge seal so as not to harbour dust or bacteria. Details like radiused corners also prevent cleaning cloths from snagging. All cleaning should conform to the trust policy for infection prevention and control.


Standard procedures can also be used as an aide memoire and for training purposes with new staff.


Having an agreed and documented procedure will ensure consistency of service.

11 Standardise

For Best Results, Follow procedures Standardised practices and procedures provide consistency, increase efficiency and quality. Procedures should be documented and written in a way as to be clear and communicate standards. Well communicated, written procedures are only one method to help standardise working practices. Visual control systems help provide continuity of service and ensure routine tasks are carried out as required, whether by the same person or where responsibilities are shared. A biosign® patient observations careboard would be a simple example of where such a system would be effective and ensure all observations were completed. The identification of routine tasks enables staff to share responsibilities and ensure work is completed.



Sustain relies on the discipline and committment of the team. While sustaining 5S practises, better ways of doing things may also be identified which should be considered and communicated to the team.

13 Sustain

For Best Results, Keep it up Sustain refers simply to maintaining the high standards set - the high 5S standards, by adopting the previous disciplines. Whereas, the previous disciplines can be implemented by a nominated person or team, sustain depends on everyone to maintain the improvements. To ensure improvements are sustained, a 5S audit can help provide early awareness of any practise that may have been neglected. Audit results should be communicated to all the team and published to relevant notice boards.


After all the hard work and effort to implement 5S, sustain the improvements through discipline and committment. Setting the standard is not enough, sustain the benefits of 5S for long term improvement.



Safety can also be improved with increased awareness.


Safe working practises are a prerequisite requirement of 5S although implementation of the previous initiatives will further help to reduce risk.

15 Safety

For Best Results, Be safe A recent addition to the 5S mnemonic, safety has always been considered a benefit of 5S implementation. Safety is the responsibility of everyone and can take many forms including conformance to legislation, working practises, risk management, patient care and infection control. Safety can be a consideration of 5S such as storing large, heavy items low down during Sort or it can be a result of 5S such as infection prevention following Shine. Biosign® safety signs cover all legislative requirements, are anti-microbial as standard and designed specifically for ease of cleaning.


One off biosigns® and awareness campaigns can replace home-made notices for clear, effective messaging. Safety is the responsibility of everyone, every day.


Sort Any work area should have only those items needed to perform the work in that area.

t r

Set A place for everything and everything in its place.

e s i d r a Sta n d

Shine A key concept of shine is that cleaning be routine and continuous and not cleaning up a mess.


S et


Standardise Set and use standard work procedures and ensure routine tasks are carried out as required.

Sustain Maintain the high standards set by adopting all the 5S disciplines.

S h i

Safety A later addition to the 5S philosophy, know 6S to conform to legislation and follow safe working practices.




5S and visual controls are organisational tools to aid organisational improvement.

5S and visual controls are of significant benefit in the shared workplace with shared responsibilities.

19 Visual Management

For Best Results, Make it visual Visual management is key to the successful implementation of 5S to help identify problems, abnormalities or waste. Biosign® ‘careboards` provide what we term as the 5C’s: • • • • •

Clarity Control Conformance Contingency Cleanliness

The first 4C’s refer to objectives and benefits of the careboard, with all information provided at a glance. The 5th C refers to a benefit of the product itself with all biosign careboards providing active hygienic protection, eliminating harmful microbes including MRSA and E-coli. Early identification of problems allows staff to take immediate remedial action to overcome the issue.

Visual Management

For Best Results, Get it right Introduction of a biosign® careboard should follow a number of sequential steps starting with identification of the process to control. The process steps should be mapped out sequentially. Key check points should be established that will need to be tracked in order to ensure any process is on track. Simple documentation should accompany each system to clearly articulate how it needs to be maintained and ultimately, to ensure consistency throughout the process. Key aspects on how to use the board should be posted close by or on the careboard itself, if appropriate. All these steps should be followed for the careboard to work as it should and provide problem prevention, rapid response and reduction of waste.

21 Visual Management

For Best Results, Use it Following implementation, on-going, conscientious use is key. If checks and notations are not updated in a timely fashion then the system will be inefficient. All staff must champion the process otherwise the careboard will simply end up as a form on the wall and not offer the arms-length control that would otherwise be the case. Supervisors should keep themselves availed of the process status by monitoring the system and offering feedback to users. Periodic evaluation or audit of the system should take place, using a checklist (supplied with all biosign® careboards), to determine whether the system is being used correctly. It goes without saying that the careboard will serve no function if the mechanisms are not actually used.


For Best Results, Use biosign® Biosign® technology utilises silver which is widely accepted as an additive having broad-spectrum anti-microbial activity. All our products showing the biosign® mark contain high levels of silver ions which they release at a very low, controlled rate. The low release rate is dependent upon the bacterial challenge present which ensures they retain their efficacy for the lifetime of the product. Biosign® products include health and safety signs to cover all legislative requirements, posters, awareness campaigns, door guardians and hygienic wall cladding with other products available on request - just ask. With screen and digital print facilities, in-house design service and manufacturing flexibility, products can be produced in 1000’s or as one-offs.

23 Biosign®

For Best Results, Get help At Biosign® we do more than sell antimicrobial products - we help with your infection prevention, safety and efficiency. We hope that the biosign® 5S pocket guide has been useful but if we can be of further assistance then please get in touch. Contact details on the back cover.

Further information about Biosign® Biosign® products are generally produced from PVC for its inherent microbiostatic properties which affect a significant number of pathogenic microbes. PVC is also highly resistant to the strongest chemicals and cleaning agents as well as achieving the highest fire rating of all international standards. Biosign® products are also coated with silver ions as a final step in the manufacturing process to ensure the product including any print is protected and offers an active antimicrobial protection. Silver is widely accepted as an additive having broad spectrum antimicrobial activity. Biosign® products contain high levels of silver ions which they release at a very low, controlled rate. The low release rate is dependent upon the bacterial challenge present which ensures that they retain their efficacy for the lifetime of the product. Biosign® protection can be applied to as many different products as you require. Here are a selection: • • • • • • • • •

Safety signs Taktyle® Hygienic braille signs Wall cladding Door guardians Visual management boards Floor graphics Display produts Document holders Custom products to meet customer requirements

We can also print awareness campaigns in a number of different formats. For further information, refer to our website at www.biosign.co.uk, or request our literature including details of our Keep Clean and Carry On campaign (right).

Find out more about our Keep Clean and Carry On campaign, to raise hand hygiene awareness and compliance, at www.biosign.co.uk.

Biosign Centurion House Hunt Lane Doncaster South Yorkshire UK DN5 9SH T +44 (0)1302 788 700 F +44 (0)1302 390 004 E [email protected] www.biosign.co.uk

Order a copy of this booklet or download a PDF at: www.biosign.co.uk/5Spocketguide