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P320 SERIES 4 EL-C ENGINEERING OF A C8035 AUTOMATION CELL Ce document propriété d’ ALSTOM ne doit pas être utilisé, cop

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H T G - E N - 2 0 MA 400/1 A

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DATE 12/12/00



PA 401 A


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PRESENTATION OF ALSPA P320 SERIES EL 4-C USED IN HYDRO SYSTEMS ..................................... 7 1.1 ARCHITECTURE................................................................................................................................................. 7 Global architecture .................................................................................................................................................... 7 Detail of an automation cell....................................................................................................................................... 9 Simple automation cell ...................................................................................................................................... 9 Redundant automation cell .................................................................................................................................................. 9


Limitations .................................................................................................................................................... 9


S8000................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Automation cell ................................................................................................................................................. 10

Selected modules ......................................................................................................................................... 11

Baseplates......................................................................................................................................................... 11 Power supplies ................................................................................................................................................. 11 Processing unit ................................................................................................................................................. 12 S8000 Communication module ...................................................................................................................... 12 F8000 Communication module ...................................................................................................................... 12 SNP Communication modules ....................................................................................................................... 12 MODBUS communication module ................................................................................................................. 13 Discrete input modules .................................................................................................................................... 14 Discrete output modules.................................................................................................................................. 14 Analog input modules ...................................................................................................................................... 14 Analog output modules.................................................................................................................................... 15 Tools to implement the automation cells....................................................................................................... 15

1.2 ENGINEERING TOOLS..................................................................................................................................... 16 1.2.1 ALSPA P8 software..................................................................................................................................... 17 1.2.2 CADEPA engineering tool .......................................................................................................................... 17 1.2.3 OGIV-8035 database manager ................................................................................................................... 18 1.2.4 CENTRALOG database customization tool ................................................................................................ 18 1.3 DOMAIN STANDARD PROGRAMS................................................................................................................ 19 1.4 ENGINEERING STAGES .................................................................................................................................. 20 2

DECLARATION AND CONFIGURATION OF THE AUTOMATION CELL.............................................. 22 2.1 PRINCIPLES ........................................................................................................................................................... 22 2.2 PROCEDURE ..................................................................................................................................................... 23 2.2.1 Needed tools................................................................................................................................................ 23 2.2.2 Stage 1 : declaration of the PLC(s)............................................................................................................. 23 2.2.3 Declaration of the F8000 exchange areas .................................................................................................. 27


DECLARATION OF THE INPUTS/OUTPUTS ................................................................................................ 28 3.1 PRINCIPLES....................................................................................................................................................... 28 3.1.1 Principles common to all type of I/O .......................................................................................................... 28 3.1.2 Discrete inputs ............................................................................................................................................ 29 3.1.3 Analog inputs .............................................................................................................................................. 30 3.1.4 Discrete outputs .......................................................................................................................................... 33 3.1.5 Analog outputs ............................................................................................................................................ 33 3.2 PROCEDURE ..................................................................................................................................................... 34 3.2.1 Needed tools................................................................................................................................................ 34 3.2.2 Stage 2 : declaration of the PLC configuration .......................................................................................... 34 3.2.3 Stage 3 : declaration of the inputs/outputs.................................................................................................. 36 3.2.4 Modifications .............................................................................................................................................. 38 Change the 1st reference address or the type of a module ....................................................................... 38 Move an input or an output ............................................................................................................................. 38 Move a whole module ......................................................................................................................................................... 39

3.2.5 4

Stage 4 : printing of the input/output list .................................................................................................... 39

MODBUS IMPLEMENTATION ......................................................................................................................... 41

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4.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................... 41 4.2 DECLARATION OF THE MODBUS INPUTS/OUTPUTS ............................................................................... 43 4.2.1 Needed tools................................................................................................................................................ 43 4.2.2 Stage 1 : declaration of the Modbus exchange units................................................................................... 43 4.2.3 Stage 2 : declaration of the Modbus slave devices ..................................................................................... 44

Configuration of a PECA or EVA device ....................................................................................................... 46 Configuration of a CHESSELL device........................................................................................................... 48 Configuration of an OTHER device ............................................................................................................... 49

4.2.4 Stage 3 : declaration of the Modbus inputs/outputs.................................................................................... 50 4.2.5 Stage 4 : printing of the Modbus input/output list....................................................................................... 50 4.3 CONFIGURATION OF MODBUS MODULE ...................................................................................................... 51 4.3.1 In P8 configuration software ...................................................................................................................... 51 4.3.2 pcmexec.bat (for PCM301 only) ................................................................................................................. 51 4.3.3 hardexec.bat (for PCM301 only) ................................................................................................................ 52 4.3.4 Procedure to load MBPCMV13, PCMEXEC and HARDEXEC into PCM301........................................... 53


Needed tools..................................................................................................................................................... 53 Procedure.......................................................................................................................................................... 53

F8000 IMPLEMENTATION ................................................................................................................................ 54 5.1 DECLARATION OF F8000 EXCHANGE AREAS .......................................................................................................... 55 5.2 UPDATING OF F8000 VARIABLES ........................................................................................................................... 59 5.2.1 Extraction of the variables to send on F8000 ............................................................................................. 59 5.2.2 Import F8000 variables .............................................................................................................................. 61 5.3 CONSULTATION AND CUSTOMISATION OF F8000 VARIABLES ................................................................................ 63 5.4 PRINTING OF THE F8000 INPUT LIST...................................................................................................................... 64


S8000 IMPLEMENTATION ................................................................................................................................ 65 6.1 DECLARATION OF S8000 EXCHANGE AREAS............................................................................................ 66 6.2 UPDATING OF S8000 VARIABLES ..................................................................................................................... 68 6.2.1 Extraction of the variables to send on S8000.............................................................................................. 68 6.2.2 Import of S8000 variables........................................................................................................................... 68 6.2.3 S8000 exchanges to, from or between unit cells ......................................................................................... 69 6.3 DECLARATION OF S8000 INPUTS ................................................................................................................. 70 6.4 PRINTING OF THE S8000 INPUT LIST............................................................................................................ 70


DUALITY ............................................................................................................................................................... 71 7.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................... 71 7.1.1 Definition .................................................................................................................................................... 71 7.1.2 Hardware architecture................................................................................................................................ 71 7.1.3 Principles .................................................................................................................................................... 72


Duality safety mode..................................................................................................................................... 75


Telecommands and Televalues Centralog updating................................................................................... 72 Telecommands and Televalues local HMI updating. .................................................................................. 73 Logical and numerical memories updating. .................................................................................................. 73 Insertion mode control. .................................................................................................................................... 75 Taking over inhibition....................................................................................................................................... 76 Stopping request ( controller in insertion) ..................................................................................................... 76 Application stopping request (loss of messages) ........................................................................................ 76 Application insertion mode request (loss of messages) ............................................................................. 76

EXPORT TO CENTRALOG................................................................................................................................ 77 8.1 EXPORT TO MICROETE ........................................................................................................................................ 77 8.2 EXPORT TO CONTROCAD .............................................................................................................................. 78


EXPORT TO MAN MACHINE INTERFACE................................................................................................... 79 9.1 GENERATION OF MMI EXPORT FILES ................................................................................................................... 80


DUPLICATION OF EXPORTED PROJECT DATA ........................................................................................ 81 10.1 10.2

DUPLICATION OF S8000 DATAS....................................................................................................................... 81 DUPLICATION OF F8000 DATAS ...................................................................................................................... 82

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10.3 DUPLICATION OF CENTRALOG FILE .................................................................................................................. 82 10.3.1 Case of using Controcad ........................................................................................................................ 82 10.3.2 Case of using Microete ........................................................................................................................... 83 IMPORT / EXPORT TO CADEPA .............................................................................................................................. 83 11.1 PRINCIPLES ...................................................................................................................................................... 83 11.1.1 Generation of OGIV_PJ.mne file............................................................................................................ 83 11.1.2 Import from CADEPA ............................................................................................................................ 85 11.1.3 Other programs generated by OGIV-8035 ............................................................................................. 85 12

PROGRAMMING WITH CADEPA ................................................................................................................... 86 12.1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................... 86 12.1.1 Programs written with CADEPA............................................................................................................ 86 12.1.2 Interface between CADEPA and OGIV-8035......................................................................................... 87

Variables............................................................................................................................................................ 87 Programs generated by OGIV-8035.............................................................................................................. 87

12.2 PROCEDURE ................................................................................................................................................. 88 12.2.1 Configuring CADEPA ............................................................................................................................ 88

12.2.2 12.2.3

12.2.4 12.2.5 12.2.6


Declaration of default attributes for the projects .......................................................................................... 88 Setting of the default PLC memory mapping................................................................................................ 90 Page setup for the documentation issued from the main menu ................................................................ 92

Creation of a project............................................................................................................................... 93 Creation and configuration of applications............................................................................................ 93 Attributes of the applications........................................................................................................................... 94 Page setup of the application in Graphite..................................................................................................... 95 Preferences to display variables in Graphite................................................................................................ 95

Import of all the project variables already declared in OGIV-8035 ...................................................... 96 Edition of programs................................................................................................................................ 96 Export to OGIV-8035 ............................................................................................................................. 97 Page setup for the documentation issued from the main menu ................................................................ 97

OGIV-8035 UTILITIES ........................................................................................................................................ 99 13.1 COHERENCE OF ADDRESSES ............................................................................................................................. 99 13.2 PROCESS BITS OR WORDS FREES ....................................................................................................................... 99 13.3 UPDATING OF WORDINGS FROM OTHER PROJECT .............................................................................................. 99 13.4 DATABASE OPTIMIZATION .............................................................................................................................. 100 13.5 FONT .............................................................................................................................................................. 100 13.6 TRANSLATE .................................................................................................................................................... 100 13.7 ADDRESSING UTILITIES .................................................................................................................................. 101 13.7.1 Partial addressing ................................................................................................................................ 101 13.7.2 Reset Ranks........................................................................................................................................... 101 13.7.3 Display file............................................................................................................................................ 102 13.7.4 Browser database ................................................................................................................................. 102 13.7.5 Loading CADEPA................................................................................................................................. 102 13.7.6 Saving ................................................................................................................................................... 103



OGIV-8035 ...................................................................................................................................................... 103 CADEPA .......................................................................................................................................................... 103

Restoring............................................................................................................................................... 103 OGIV-8035 ...................................................................................................................................................... 104 CADEPA .......................................................................................................................................................... 104

TEST ..................................................................................................................................................................... 105 14.1 14.2

INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 105 PROCEDURE ................................................................................................................................................... 106

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ALS 52102 c

Alspa C85-35 and 80-25 PLCs Reference Manual


ALS 52117 e

Alspa C85-35 PLC Installation Manual


ALS 52118 b

Alspa C85-35 PLC I/O Module Specifications


ALS 52201 b1

Alspa P8-25/35 programming software for Alspa C80-35 and 80-25 PLC User Manual


ALS 52202 a

Hand-Held Programmer for Alspa C80-35, C80-25 and C80-05 PLCs User's Manual


ALS 52519 e

FIP bus controller (FBC) for Alspa C80-35


ALS 52402 d

Programmable Coprocessor Module (PCM) and support software for ALSPA 8000 PLCs User’s Manual



APG HORNER ELECTRIC Product Catalogue (Pages 1 to 16)



Technical sheets related to HORNER I/O modules HE693……

[10] FA-DOC-50725

CADEPA Windows version 6e User Guide

[11] FA-DOC-55103

GRAPHITE Windows version 2.2 User Guide (Graphite editor)

[12] FA-DOC-50718

CADEPA Windows version 6.0 User Guide for ALSPA 8000 serie PLCs

[13] FA-DOC-50736

CADEPA Windows Installation Procedure

[14] P-TP11-A43510eA


[15] P-TP11-A43511eA


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Global architecture












A C80-35 automation cell may be composed of: - "MAIN" = cell controller A simple automation cell has only one MAIN PLC. A redundant automation cell is a cell with 2 MAIN PLCs The ‘’MAIN’’ PLC houses the application program (generated by CADEPA engineering tool). It receives orders (TC) and set points (TVC) from CENTRALOG and sends discrete (TS) and analog (TM) variables to CENTRALOG. Those TS are 100 ms-timetagged. The "MAIN" PLCs can exchange inter-controller variables through S8000 network. - "IHR" (Input - High Resolution) The “IHR’’ PLCs time-tag discrete inputs with a 1ms resolution. They don't have any application program but house a software which performs : . the time-tagging of up to 247 inputs ( Refer to

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. the updating of the messages of 1 ms time-tagged events sent to CENTRALOG through the MAIN PLC. The current state of their inputs is available in MAIN PLC to use in the application program. IHR PLC are not redundant. - "SUB" = field controller The “SUB” PLCs contain the I/O of the redundant cells (except 1ms time-tagged inputs). The “SUB” PLCs may also perform delocalized subfunctions of MAIN PLC. They house application programs (generated by CADEPA). They communicate with MAIN PLC through F8000 network and are not linked to S8000 network. TS and TM from those PLCs are therefore sent to CENTRALOG through MAIN PLC. The TS are timetagged in MAIN PLC. In hydro standard architectures, SUB PLC are not redundant.

- S8000 NETWORK The S8000 site network is used to link all the PLCs of a project to CENTRALOG. This network can be of 2 types: . S8000-E ETHERNET network with a speed of 10 or 100 Mbits/s . S8000-F FIP network with a speed of 1 Mbit/s

- F8000 network The F8000 field network with a speed of 1 Mbit/s is used to link all the entities of a C80-35 automation cell (MAIN, IHR, SUB).

- SNP network The SNP network is used to link the PLC to the local Man Machine Interface.

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Detail of an automation cell

Simple automation cell

S8000-E or F MMI SNP

P8 or HHP

M AIN S8000-E or F rack 0



P8 or HHP




M AIN rack 1







M AIN rack 2


M AIN rack 3


IHR-2IHR-1 Simple automation cell with high resolution inputs and sub-controllers IHR-2 Redundant automation cell with high resolution inputs and sub-controllers

Redundant automation cell




• Maximum number of automation cells linked to S8000 : 16 One of them may be a regrouping PLC ie receive more variables than the others. • Maximum number of TS, not including high-resolution timetagged inputs, from an automation cell: - 1024 for a S8000-F network - 1024 for a S8000-E network _______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.9/A

• Maximum number of TC to an automation cell: - 256 for a simple automation cell - 224 for a redundant automation cell • Maximum number of TM from an automation cell: 222 • Maximum number of TVC: 32 to a standard cell (192 to a regrouping PLC) • Maximum size of an inter-controller message broadcast to a MAIN PLC to the other MAIN PLCs: 20 words (the 1st one is an utility word processed by the DOMAIN standard blocks) • Maximum size of an inter-controller message sent by a MAIN PLC to the regrouping MAIN PLC: 64 words (the 1st word is an utility word processed by the DOMAIN standard blocks).

Automation cell The standard F8000 configuration available for hydro applications allows up to 2 IHRs and up to 3 SUBs in an automation cell. Should more IHR or SUB be needed, a special F8000 configuration could be developed. An IHR PLC can't have any expansion rack. The number of discrete inputs timetagged by an IHR PLC is therefore limited to : - 8x32 - 1 (SYNCHRO) - 8x2 (polarity control) = 239 when 32-input modules are used and 1 input out of 16 is dedicated to polarity control. - 8x32 - 1 (SYNCHRO) - 8 (polarity control) = 247 when 32-input modules are used and 1 input out of 32 is dedicated to polarity control. - 8x16 - 1 (SYNCHRO) - 7 = 119 when 16-input modules are used.

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Selected modules

Baseplates - IC693CHS391 : 10-slot CPU baseplate - IC693CHS397 : 5-slot CPU baseplate (to use on redundant MAIN PLC) - IC693CHS392 : 10-slot expansion baseplate - IC693CHS393 : 10-slot remote baseplate (when there is more than 15 m between the CPU baseplate and the I/O baseplate)

Power supplies - IC693PWR324 : supplies 30W (15W in 5 Vdc and 15 W in 24 Vdc) from 120 to 240 Vac or 125 Vdc. - IC693PWR330 : also supplies 30W (15W in 5 Vdc and 15 W in 24 Vdc) from 120 to 240 Vac or 125 Vdc but those 30 W may be all consumed on the 5 Vdc polarity. - IC693PWR331 : supplies 30W (15W in 5 Vdc and 15 W in 24 Vdc) from 24 Vdc. Those 30 W may be all consumed on the 5 Vdc polarity. In most cases, more than 15 W are needed in 5 Vdc and PWR324 power supply does not fit. Therefore the load consumption must be estimated before choosing this power supply card.

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Processing unit


Communication ports

IC693CPU363 SNP serial ports •


Program space

S8000-F MAIN PLC with MMI

240 K





240 K




32 K

SUB PLC without MMI and with small application program*

S8000-F MAIN PLC without MMI

SUB PLC without MMI and with big application program



240 K

* A CPU350 for a SUB PLC with MODBUS communication and analog conversion and filtering still have room for a little application program

S8000 Communication module - IC693BEM340 (also called FBC30) must be used in MAIN PLC connected to S8000-F network

F8000 Communication module - IC693BEM340 (also called FBC30) must be used in MAIN , IHR and SUB PLCs

SNP Communication modules P8 software, the Hand Held Programmer (IC693PRG301) and MMI pieces of software (INTERACT, CITECT) use SNP protocol to communicate with C80-35 controllers. On each C80-35 controller, a serial port is available on the power supply module to communicate with P8 or HHP.

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On CPU363 card, 2 serial ports are available, allowing SNP protocol. They can be used to communicate with MMI. On CPU364, CPU350 and CPU360 cards no SNP serial port is available. - IC693CMM311 must be used in these cases to communicate with MMI.This module provides 1 RS232 and 1 RS232/485 serial ports on witch SNP protocol is available.

To link a C80-35 PLC serial port to the PC on which P8 or MMI software is running, PWR330

AC C 901



- IC690ACC901 converter + cable may be used.

MODBUS communication module The Programmable Coprocessor Module (PCM) IC693PCM301, loaded with MBPCMV16 software allows the C80-35 PLC to be the master subscriber on 1 or 2 MODBUS networks. It has 2 serial ports; one supporting RS232 only, the other one RS232 or RS485. The software IC641SWP023 (TERM F) is needed to load MBPCMV14 and other files in PCM. TERM F has to be loaded in a PC that may be connected to PCM module by means of IC690CBL702 cable. Only one set of IC693SWP023 software + IC690CBL702 cable is needed for a whole project.

- CF693MBM100 is a PCM module already loaded with MBPCM software. Its first serial port supports RS232 only, its second serial port supports RS485 only. No file have to be loaded in MBM100 card. Therefore, SWP023 and CBL702 are not needed.

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Discrete input modules The numerous discrete input modules available for a C80-35 PLC are described in document [3]: ALS 52118 "Alspa C80-35 PLC I/O Module Specifications". Those chosen for standards are: - IC693MDL655 : 32 fast discrete inputs, 24 Vdc positive/negative logic. Those inputs are fast enough to be 1ms - timetagged in IHR PLCs. The front side of the module doesn't have any terminal board to wire the inputs but 2 24-point male connectors. Therefore interface modules must be used for input wiring. - The 16-discrete 24 Vdc input modules IC693MDL645 (slow) and IC693MDL646 (fast) have also been used. Their front side terminal block may avoid to use interface modules to wire the inputs (ex. C80-35 PLCs located on the rear side of a mimic board).

Discrete output modules Refer to document [3] (ALS 52118) for the description of all the available I/O modules. The discrete output module chosen for standard is: - IC693MDL753 : 32 static outputs, 12/24 Vdc positive logic, 0,5A max. Same comment as IC693MDL655 for output wiring. The following modules have also been used: - IC693MDL740: 16 static outputs, 12/24 Vdc positive logic, 0,5 max, used for tests as its front side terminal board makes it easy to wire. - IC693MDL940: 16 relay outputs, 2A max

Analog input modules Refer to : - Document [3] (ALS 52118) for the description of all the available IC693XXX analog input modules - HFK-90XXX technical sheets for HE693XXX modules.

The analog input module chosen for standards is: _______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.14/A

- IC693ALG223 : 16 analog inputs 0/4-20mA (1 common point for the 16 inputs). - IC693ALG222 : 16 analog inputs 0-10V may also be used when voltage inputs are needed but the loss of signal won't be detected anymore. - HE693RTD66x is also used. It provides 6 isolated RTD inputs with or without a 50 Hz or 60 Hz filter.

Analog output modules The analog output modules chosen for standards is: - IC693ALG392 : 8 analog outputs 0/4-20 mA or -10V/0-10V. - HE693DAC420 : 4 isolated analog outputs, 0/4-20mA, has also been used

Tools to implement the automation cells The tools needed to implement the automation cell are: - Alspa P8 software : IC641SWP326 (+ IC690ACC901 converter and cable) (see chapter 1.2) - The Hand Held Programmer (HHP) IC693PRG301 is absolutely needed to configure F8000 or S8000-F communication module. HHP is also very useful for test purpose as it's a convenient means to start/stop the PLC and read/write variables in the PLC without using P8.

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CENTRALOG customisation tool









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ALSPA P8 software P8 is the configuration and programming software of the C80-35 PLCs. It is absolutely necessary to : - Declare the PLC configuration and load it into the PLC - Write the PLC "_main" block and declare all the program blocks used by the application program : DOMAIN blocks and application blocks (the DOMAIN blocks are available on a floppy disk ; the content of application blocks is generated by CADEPA software) - Load the whole program into the PLC


CADEPA engineering tool CADEPA is a SFC (Sequential Function Chart) editor with an ALSPA 8000 translator. CADEPA ALSPA 8000 translator translates programs written with CADEPA in SFC or textual language into C80-35 language. It runs under WINDOWS 95, 98 or NT environment and is available in French or English.

The reasons for using CADEPA are: 1. The programming document, written with SFC standardised language, textual language, 27 characters mnemonics for the variables and as many comments as needed, is clear enough to serve as a detailed specification document. That allows to ensure the coherence between the detailed specification and the program running in the PLC and avoids the manual translation of the detailed specification into a programming language. 2. The SFC of the functional description may also be designed with CADEPA. 3. CADEPA offers "copy" facilities much better than those provided by P8 and associated with OGIV-8035 allows to address variables more efficiently than P8. 4. OGIV-8035 is interfaced with CADEPA not with P8.

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OGIV-8035 database manager OGIV-8035 is a database tool running on Microsoft FOXPRO database management system. It manages the variables of each controller. The databases of CENTRALOG customisation tool, CITECT or INTERACT Man Machine Interface and CADEPA are updated from OGIV-8035 databases. That ensures the consistency of the variables in the PLCs, CENTRALOG and MMI. For each PLC, OGIV-8035: - Prints lists of selected variables: I/O list, MODBUS I/O list, variables exchanged on the various networks ... This function may be used even when the controller is not programmed with CADEPA. - Assigns addresses to all the variables of a controller. This function is absolutely needed when the process of a controller is split into several applications in CADEPA. - Ensures the consistency of the variables between the PLCs and CENTRALOG. For that, OGIV-8035 updates CENTRALOG with all the variables flagged to be TS, TC, TM or TVC. The attributes loaded into CENTRALOG by OGIV-8035 are for example the name (Var ref) of the variable, its label, row, state_1 message, related controller, operative unit... Refer to appendix C for the comprehensive list of those attributes. OGIV-8035 automatically assigns addresses to TC and TVC according to their row. OGIV-8035 affects rows to TS and TM then generates CADEPA program files to arrange them accordingly in the TS and TM tables sent to CENTRALOG. - Idem for the consistency of the variables between the PLCs and their MMI. - Ensures the consistency of the variables exchanged on F8000 and S8000 networks. The variables sent by a PLC on F8000 or S8000 networks are declared in OGIV-8035. OGIV-8035 then generates CADEPA program files to arrange those variables in the F8000 or S8000 messages. It updates accordingly the received variables in the receiving PLCs. - Generates cross-references for a whole PLC.


CENTRALOG database customization tool It may be MICROETE (DOS environment) or CONTROCAD (NT environment).They allow declaring all the variables processed by CENTRALOG with all their attributes.

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Some of those attributes may be updated by OGIV-8035 (Refer to 2.1.3). The other ones (such as threshold values, appearance in a log ...) have to be declared using CENTRALOG customisation tool. CENTRALOG customisation tool is not described in this document as it is not a engineering tool for the PLC but for CENTRALOG.


DOMAIN STANDARD PROGRAMS The DOMAIN is a set of programs, written with P8 programming software, which carry out system functions often implemented in our PLCs. Their aim is to : - reduce the application studies by sparing the user the programming of system functions, - provide well-optimised and well-tested functions,

The DOMAIN consists of a P8 folders called STD_S8E (MAIN controllers with ETHERNET network), STD_S8F (MAIN controllers with FIP network) and STD_SUB (sub-controllers) with : - "_main" program where all the DOMAIN blocks are called in the proper order, - all the DOMAIN program blocks. Refer to appendix E for the detailed description of each DOMAIN block. Below is the list of functions currently available in the DOMAIN. On request, other processings can be added: - PLC management : reset of the PLC data memory (at 1st scan), monitoring of PLC faults, interface with MMI - Validation of analog inputs and conversion of raw values into physical units. - F8000: detection of the presence of the other subscribers. Multiplexing of the analog data exchanged between the sub-controllers and the main controllers. - S8000: communication services (communication with CENTRALOG, intercontroller facilities) and transfer of discrete variables, received from S8000 in word messages, into discrete references easily accessible for the application program. - MODBUS: Communication with PECA or EVA electric measurement acquisition unit, with CHESSELL temperature acquisition unit and many other devices.

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(M = Manual operation ; A = Automatic operation)


Related document

Composition of each rack and Included in the PLC I/O address of the modules I/O list

1. Definition of PLC configuration


2. I/O declaration


PLC I/O list

3. MODBUS I/O declaration



4. Functional specification

Functional specification document.


5. Detailed specification = programing •

Operations (SFC + textual language)


Creation of variables (except I/O variables)




Exchange programming (F8000, S8000, MMI)


Variable addressing


Programming document (CADEPA) Variables used in operations Cross references are automatically created (OGIV-8035)

The variables to send are Exchange lists flagged in OGIV which (OGIV-8035) generates programs for CADEPA accordingly

6. MMI programmation Tool = INTERACT or CITECT

Mimic views



Imported in INTERACT or CITECT from OGIV



OGIV generates the alarm files for those 2 MMI.

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7. Update of CENTRALOG database







Related document

Loaded by OGIV-8035 Refer to appendix C for the list of attributes updated by OGIV.

8. Building-up of the folder (program + configuration) to load into the PLC •



“_main” program

M Call of DOMAIN and CADEPA Listing of “_main” program blocks program

contents of the program blocks : • DOMAIN •



M From DOMAIN floppy disk A

The listing of the blocks is not useful, as it’s the translation of M Operations not available in CADEPA program. CADEPA (double-integers for ex.) must be written with P8.

9. Tests M

Load program and configuration into the PLC

Write a simulation program



On-line visualisation of the program, reading and writing of variables.





10. Duplication of UNIT PLC

CENTRALOG database

11. Storage


OGIV-8035 is needed only if new variables are created or if flags are modified (TS, TC, …) The use of discrete inputs to encode the PLC number avoids duplication of CADEPA program P8 folders, and OGIV database: they are valid for all the units.


Duplicated by OGIV-8035 M Variables databases, programs, P8 folders

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PRINCIPLES - In OGIV-8035, each controller, MAIN, IHR or SUB is a project. - In CADEPA, each MAIN and SUB PLC is a project. CADEPA does not know the IHR PLC as they do not house any application program. The MAIN and SUB projects declared in OGIV-8035, are automatically created by OGIV-8035 in CADEPA. - For the 2 MAIN PLC of a redundant cell, 1 project only is created in OGIV/CADEPA/P8. - To create an automation cell, the user first create it his MAIN PLC then declare the cell architecture. The IHR or SUB are then automatically created. - The user must then configure the F8000 exchange areas in the MAIN and SUB PLCs of the automation cell This operation should be performed prior to the I/O declaration as it allows OGIV to know which areas are available for inputs and outputs

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Needed tools OGIV-8035 only.


Stage 1 : declaration of the PLC(s) Select "Project" "New". The following screen is displayed: Use TAB. key to move from one field to the next one.


Name of the MAIN project in OGIV-8035 and in CADEPA. 7 characters


40 characters

S8000 subscriber Nr:

Number of the automation cell on S8000 : 1 to 15 = standard MAIN PLCs 16 = regrouping PLC (MIMIC)

PLC name for µETE:

Name given to the automation cell in CENTRALOG Format = XXXyyy, X = letter or number y = number. Must be filled for PLCs connected to S8000. Also used to name export files toward CITECT MMI. Must be unique on the PC

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Operative Unit Ref.:

2-figure number of the operative unit. (Refer to Appendix B, to know its utilisation).


The local project are those implemented in the current PC (OGIV-8035+CADEPA+P8). The projects implemented on other PCs must also be declared if they send variables to local project through F8000 or S8000. They are not “local”. Only local projects can be selected in “Project” “Select”.

Note: Once the project is created, the project name can't be modified. "Project" "Edit" allows to consult the parameters of the current PLC and to modify Designation, PLC name for µETE, OU number and S8000 Subscriber Number. - Declare the new project as follow :

- Click on the “Creation” button, then:

- Click on the “Cell architecture” button, then: _______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.24/A

- Declare the cell architecture by a click on the “white square” of the desired controllers ( simple or redundant MAIN PLC with IHR1, IHR2, SUB1, SUB2, SUB3). Declare an IHR1 PLC as follow:

Redundant controller

IHR1 PLC DATA TO DECLARE - Name of the IHR1 PLC, 7 characters max. - Designation of the IHR1 PLC, 40 characters - Operating unit reference

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- Declare a SUB1 PLS as follow:

SUB1 PLC DATA TO DECLARE - Name of the SUB1 PLC, 7 characters max. - Designation of the SUB1 PLC, 40 characters - Operating unit reference

- Once all the controller of the cell are declared, click on the “Exit” button. Then, verify that OGIV has automatically created all the declared controllers. To do this, select “Project”, “Select”:

GTA01_I, GTA01_S and GTA01 controllers are created

- No project is created for the standby controller because the same program and variables are loaded in the two MAIN controllers

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Declaration of the F8000 exchange areas - For each MAIN and SUB controller of the cell, the user must then : .

Select the project


Customise its F8000 exchange areas (refer to chapter 5).

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Principles common to all type of I/O - There is no rule linking the location of a C80-35 module to its related references in the PLC data memory (I/O variables for I/O modules, state bits for communication modules). When entering the PLC configuration in P8 configuration software, the user declares the modules, their slots and the first reference assigned to each of them.

- The I/O declaration is performed using OGIV-8035. The steps are: •

declaration of the PLC configuration in OGIV-8035 which then generates all the I/O references,

capture of the mnemonic, label and possibly other attributes (refer to appendix C for the list of attributes of the I/O references),

printing of the standard I/O list : see extract appendix H-1.

- When an automation cell comprises several PLCs (MAIN, IHR ...), an individual I/O list is issued for each of them (but they may be gathered in a single document).

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Discrete inputs Below is a list of rules to follow (C = compulsory rule, A = advice only):


Due to



The 1st reference of a discrete input module must be %I(8n+1) with n = integer from 0 to 255.




The PLC %I data memory assigned to discrete inputs is configured in OGIV when declaring the F8000 and the S8000 exchanges.

OGIV-8035 won't accept inputs out of this area.



The 1ms time-tagged inputs of an IHR PLC must have references from %I0001 to %I0256.

IHR software



%I0002 is the synchronisation signal.

S8000 communication software



The mnemonics of the inputs (name in CADEPA and OGIV) must begin with "li_". Ex: li_91lrl001jd_o




Some inputs should be dedicated to polarity acquisition. There are 2 options:

To be used as validation bits for CENTRALOG


1. One input out of 16 is dedicated to polarity acquisition: %I0001 is the validation bit for %I0002-16; %I0017 for %I0018-32 …

IHR software needs those inputs to process the validation bits of the 1ms-timetagged inputs.

It allows to detect the loss of the input module, of the acquisition polarity or of the interface module 2. The 1st input of each module acquires the acquisition polarity and validates the other inputs. For 32-input modules, the loss of the module or of the acquisition polarity is detected, not the loss of the 2nd interface module or of its flat cable. 7

For MAIN or SUB PLCs to duplicate (ex : units), inputs should be used to encode PLC number. It allows writing instructions dependent on the PLC number for processing specific to a particular unit.

OGIV-8035 needs them to process the validation bits of the inputs acquired by the MAIN or SUB PLCs.

Trick to avoid duplication.


(%I0001 to 16 are not reset by DOMAIN at 1st scan)

Those inputs must be chosen from %I0003 to 16.

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Analog inputs - The standard analog inputs are 4-20mA signals acquired on 0-20mA channels. Value "0" thus indicates the loss of the input signal. 0-10V input signals may also be acquired. In that case, 0-10V channels are used and thus value "0" does not mean anymore a loss of signal. The raw values for 0/4-20mA or 0-10V input modules range from 0 to 32000 points. The 3 least significant bits are not used. Therefore the resolution is 8 points which for 0-20mA channels gives 20mA / (32000/8) = 5µA resolution.

- The analog inputs must be processed by DOMAIN program block (DAI_ALG) to check their validity and possibly convert them into physical units. (The threshold detection is not performed by DOMAIN). Refer to its technical sheet in appendix E. - For each analog input, OGIV-8035 generates 3 references. They are the DOMAIN outputs: . Raw value

0/6400 - 32000 points

. Physical value in physical units . Validation bit - OGIV-8035 generates a program file for CADEPA (og_anai.gig file) with the customisation of analog inputs at first scan: rack, slot and last channel number of each analog input module, min/max values of the analog inputs to convert into physical units...

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- Below is a list of rules to follow (C = compulsory rule, A = advice only):


Due to


To detect the loss of a channel, the input signal should be 4-20mA whereas the channels of the input modules are configured to 0-20 mA. The normal range of an input in then 6400-32000 points.

DAI_ALG: detection of the loss of the signal.



The 1st register reference assigned to an analog input module in the PLC configuration must be %AI0001 / 17 / 33 / 49 / 65 / 81 / 97 / 113. Only 8 analog input modules can be handled.




When configuring the PLC in P8, the %I address of %AI(16(n-1)+1) module, 1 ≤ n ≤ 8, must be : %I(8(n-1)+1777) and the %I size = 8




The mnemonics of the raw and physical values must begin with "di_", of the fault bit with "li_"




The raw value must have a mnemonic, label and unit in OGIV-8035 (except spare inputs).

OGIV-8035: the raw value is printed in the I/O list not the physical value.



To differentiate raw values from physical values: add "_pts" at the end of raw value mnemonics or "_phy" at the end of physical value mnemonics. Both solutions are possible. But, for inputs both sent to CENTRALOG and MMI, the best one is “_pts” at the end of raw values. Because, the TM for CENTRALOG and the TM for MMI have better be the physical values.

The maximum number of characters for a data mnemonic in the CENTRALOG is 20. Avoid different conversion in CENTRALOG and MMI.



V mini and V maxi attributes must be filled for variables sent to CENTRALOG or MMI.

Given by OGIV-8035 CENTRALOG and MMI




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Due to


The validation bit must have a mnemonic if the analog input is sent to CENTRALOG. It can not be flagged as TS for CENTRALOG.

OGIV-8035 uses it to process the invalidating bit of the TM.


The PLC mini and PLC maxi attributes of the RAW VALUES is 6400 (possibly 0 or –32000) and 32000. They are automatically written by OGIV8035), but may be modified.

OGIV-8035 generates a program file for CADEPA with the customisation of the analog input modules.


The PLC mini and PLC maxi attributes of the PHYSICAL VALUES are the min. and max. physical values used by DAI_ALG to convert the input: dd_ana_inp_min/max_0xxx). If n decimals are needed : PLC mini / PLC maxi = V mini / V maxi *10n ex : n =2

V mini = 0 V maxi = 13,80

PLC mini = 0 PLC maxi = 1380

- RTD modules may occasionally be used. The raw values of the RTD inputs are not expressed in points but are a multiple of the °C or °F physical value. The multiplication coefficient depends on the configuration of the module. DOMAIN block DAI_RTD validates each channel of a RTD module and updates the raw value and validation bit of each input. DAI_RTD does not convert the raw values into physical values. If the physical value is needed in the application program, the user must write in a CADEPA graph the instructions to update at each scan the physical value (generated by OGIV-8035) with the raw value divided by the proper coefficient. If it is not needed in the application program but has to be sent to INTERACT, the better is to sent the raw value to INTERACT and write the division in INTERACT. Among the 8 possible analog input modules, 7 may be RTD modules. Their 1st %AI reference must be %AI(16n+1), 0 ≤ n ≤ 6. When configuring a RTD module in P8, the 16 %I bits of module %AI(16n+1) must be %I(16n+929).

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Discrete outputs Below is a list of rules to follow (C = compulsory rule, A = advice only):


Due to



The 1st reference of a discrete output module must be %Q (8n+1) with n = integer from 0 to 255.




The PLC data memory assigned to discrete outputs is %Q0001 to %Qxxx with xxx = 384 by default.

OGIV-8035 won't accept outputs out of this area.



The mnemonics of the outputs (names in CADEPA and OGIV) begin with "lo_". Ex: lo_91lrl001jd_o




An output of the MAIN PLC may be used as watchdog. To do so, the application program has to copy the bit “ld_plc_run” in this output.



Analog outputs Analog outputs are not processed by DOMAIN. Below is a list of rules to follow (C = compulsory rule, A = advice only)


Due to



They should be consistent with analog inputs: 6400-32000 points for 4-20mA signal or 0-32000 for 0-10V signals.

To avoid conversion of analog inputs due to be also outputed.



Their mnemonics must begin with "do_".



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Needed tools OGIV-8035 only.


Stage 2 : declaration of the PLC configuration

- Select “PLC config.” “Hardware” The configuration screen is displayed:


Number of the displayed rack: 0 to 3. To change rack, click on "next" or "previous" button


Number of the current slot: 1 to 10. To select a slot, click on it. The radio button of the selected slot becomes black.

Input validation:

16 (default value) 1 discrete input out of 16 is dedicated to polarity acquisition in order to validate the 15 following inputs. 32: 1 discrete input out of 32 is dedicated to polarity acquisition.

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A new project is created with a default configuration including CPU363, S8000-F and F8000 communication modules with the references assigned to their state bits. The default configuration is not valid for the MAIN and IHR PLCs with an other configuration (S8000-E). In this case, It has to be changed with the correct CPU and communication modules. In all case, it has to be complemented with discrete input modules for IHR, with Modbus and I/O modules for MAIN.

- To add a module: •

click on the desired slot to select it

choose the module in the pop up list at the bottom of the screen

Click on the 1st reference address (triple click to select the whole field) and enter the desired address. OGIV-8035 automatically calculates the last reference address. To assign addresses, refer to the rules described in 2.1.

- SUB PLCs don't have any S8000 communication module. To delete it from slot03: •

click on slot 3

replace BEM34S module by the real desired module.

- To delete a module, replace it by SPARE. If its associated inputs or outputs were already declared they are then deleted!

- To move a module, if its I/O have not yet been generated, just replace it by SPARE and declare it again in another slot. Otherwise, use "PLC config." "Switching modules"

Once the configuration is completed, click on "Ok": OGIV-8035 then generates all the I/O references.

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Stage 3 : declaration of the inputs/outputs - Select "Variables" "Hardware Inputs" or "Hardware Outputs" "Analog". FoxPro standard browse window is displayed.

"Logical" or

- For each record, the fields of the following table are displayed. Refer to appendix C to know their meaning and format. - To copy / paste a single field: use CTRL C / CTRL V. - To copy / paste all the fields of a variable except location, address and var ref of a record in another record: use ALT C / ALT V (ALT V only updates the empty fields) - To fill or modify var. ref. use ALT R (not operate when Centralog or MMI is empty)


Logical Inputs

Logical Outputs

Analog Inputs

Analog Outputs


Filled by OGIV-8035 according to the PLC configuration. Can't be modified.




Needn't be entered for spare I/O. Refer to appendix B for the syntax. lo_...

li_... Don't use the same mnemonics in IHR and MAIN (synchro top or polarity for ex.) as IHR inputs are copied in MAIN

di_... for point and physical values,


li_... for fault bit.

Var. ref.

Automatically filled by OGIV-8035 if the variable is flagged “To Ctrlog” or to “MMI”. Not necessary otherwise. It may be modified by the user.


Use F1 to call the dictionary of abbreviations. Choose among the list the word to shorten (to reach the word quickly, type its 1st letters) then click on the HELP button to display its short name.

Acq. Rate (s)

Not applicable

Automatically filled by OGIV-8035 according to unit. Can be modified.

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Logical Inputs

State 1

It must not be typed by the user but selected in the popup list. Type any letter to display the list of the valid state_1/state_0 couples and select one of them. To reach quickly the desired state_1 message, type its 1st letter once the list is displayed.


Logical Outputs

Not applicable

Analog Inputs

Analog Outputs

Not applicable

Type any letter to display the list of the valid units and select one of them. Validation bit=state_1 Only in MAIN PLCs

To Ctrlog *

BLANK ( = not sent ) or S ( = TS )

BLANK ( = not sent ) or M ( = TM ) Validation BLANK

Inter-sub *


Only in SUB PLCs BLANK ( = not sent ) or S ( = TS )

BLANK ( = not sent ) or M ( = TM ) S ( =TS ) for validation bits

V mini /Vmaxi Not applicable

6400 / 32000 by default for the values in points. Not for the fault bit.

PLC mini / PLC maxi

Not applicable

Not for the validation bit

To F8000 *

BLANK ( = not sent ) or S ( = TS )

BLANK ( = not sent ) or M ( = TM ) S ( =TS ) for validation bits

To S8000 *

In MAIN PLCs only BLANK ( = not sent ) BS ( = broadcast TS ) PS ( = TS sent to PLC 16** only )

To MMI *

BLANK ( = not sent ) BM ( = broadcast TM ) PM ( = TM sent to PLC 16** only ) Validation bits : BS, PS

Means that the variable has to be sent to the MMI connected to the current PLC. If variables of SUB or IHR PLCs have to be displayed on a MMI connected to MAIN PLC, they have to be flagged To MMI in MAIN PLC.

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Logical Inputs

Logical Outputs

Analog Inputs

BLANK ( = not sent ) or S ( = TS )

Analog Outputs

BLANK ( = not sent ) or M ( = TM ) S ( =TS ) for fault bits.

* ** 3.2.4

Press the spacebar to scroll through the list then validate with Enter. PLC 16 = regrouping PLC (Mimic for example)

Modifications The following modifications may be performed:

Change the 1st reference address or the type of a module A module may be replaced by another of the same kind (ex: MDL646 with MDL655 or ALG223 with ALG222) or its 1st reference address may be changed without loosing the inputs/outputs already declared. In "PLC config." "Hardware": click on the module to modify and click on its 1st reference address (triple click to select the whole field) and enter the new address. The new address mustn't be already assigned to another module. After validation with "Ok", OGIV changes the address of all the I/O of the module.

Move an input or an output - In "Variable" "Input" or "Output" "Analog", place the cursor on the record of the I/O variable to move and press F10 key. OGIV-8035 then displays a small screen allowing to choose the new rack/slot/point of the I/O. There must be a module located in the chosen slot and that module must be of the same type as the previous one. If the location (or address) is already assigned to an input or output, the 2 inputs or outputs are switched. - For other types of variables, place the cursor on a field of the variable to move , press ALT M. Then place the cursor on the new location of the variable and press ALT P: all the attributes of the variable are moved to the new location.

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Move a whole module

In "PLC config." "Switching modules", enter the original rack and slot numbers, then the target rack and slot numbers. The rack and slot attributes of all the inputs or outputs of the module are then updated.


Stage 4 : printing of the input/output list For each report, OGIV-8035 generates a title sheet that is the standard title sheet for internal documents. As the projects always need customised title sheet, the one generated by OGIV-8035 can't be used. Moreover, some information defined on the title sheet also appears on each page of the document: internal number (MXXXXA4XXXX), revision and number of the 1st page generated by OGIV-8035. The user must therefore enter them. OGIV-8035 generates 2 separate reports for an IHR PLC and its related MAIN PLC. To gather them into a single document: - Give the same internal number and revision to the 2 reports - Enter a first page number for the second report equal to the last sheet of the first report + 1.

To print the I/O list: - Select "Printing" "Inputs/Outputs" - To the question "Modification of the title sheet (Y/N) ?", answer "Y" to enter or modify the internal number of the document, its revision or the number of its first page. The number of the 1st page should be "3" as sheet 1 is the title sheet and sheet 2 should be the "modifications table". - Click on "Ok" to validate. If those 3 parameters needn’t be changed, answer "N". - Then type "S" to visualise the report on the screen or "P" to print it. - When "P"rinting is chosen, the standard Fox Pro print screen is displayed allowing to select the pages to print. To print the whole document, select


To print some particular pages only, be careful that for Fox Pro: • page 1 is the title sheet

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• page 2 is the 1st page of OGIV-8035 document (ie the PLC configuration)

Therefore if the number of the 1st page has been set to X: • to print page X, enter "2" ! • to print page X + n, enter 2 + n !

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INTRODUCTION - To behave as MASTER Modbus subscriber, C80-35 PLC needs : •

PCM301 : coprocessor module with 2 serial ports which can execute programs written in BASIC or C language

MBPCM : C software to load into PCM module to implement master Modbus protocol on the 2 ports of the module. The release must be ≥ 1.6

A PCM module loaded with MBPCM software therefore handles 2 Modbus Exchange Units. A PCM module must be installed in the CPU rack, therefore up to 9x2 Modbus Exchange Units could theoretically be implemented in a C80-35 PLC. Our standards limit the number of Modbus EU to 4: 4 PCM with one channel each or 2 PCM with 2 channels each.

- The front side connector on PCM module supports 2 serial ports: An "Y cable" is supplied with the module to split the 2 ports on 2 separate connectors. • Port 1 provides an RS-232 interface • Port 2 provides either RS-232 or RS-485. To isolate the 2 ports and isolate PCM from the outside, an RS-232/RS-485 converter is systematically used for multipoint links. The 2 serial ports are then configured in RS-232. When only 1 Modbus Exchange Unit is needed, port 2 should be chosen as port 1 is by default dedicated to PCM configuration from a PC. A PCM module preloaded with MBM software is also available. Its reference is CF693MBM100. When only one modbus link is needed, MBM100 should be used as it is more convenient than PCM301 (no need of execution procedure described chapter 4.3.1 ). When 2 modbus links are needed , MBM100 may also be used but 2 different converters must be used RS232/RS485 on port 1, RS485/RS485 on port 2.

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- The communication parameters are as follows : 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 or 19200 NONE, ODD or EVEN 7 or 8 1 or 2 RS-232 (converted into RS-485 by an external converter) or RS485 : RTU


All the devices connected to the same network must have the same parameters. The parameters may be different on the 2 channels of a PCM module.

- DOMAIN standard programs have been written to handle the Modbus network(s). DMB_UE manages the communication between the CPU and the PCM modules. It handles up to 4 Modbus EU and must be called once in "_main" program. "Slave" blocks, such as DMB_EVA, DMB_CHS..., handle the exchanges with specific slave devices. They monitor their slave devices, trigger the questions sent to them and supply the application program with easily accessible interface tables containing the variables read or to write in the slave devices. Refer to appendix E for the description of those DOMAIN blocks.

- In the same way as wired inputs/outputs, the Modbus inputs/outputs (ie variables exchanged with Modbus slave devices) must be declared in OGIV8035 before being used in CADEPA application programs. The steps are : • Declaration of the Modbus EU • Declaration of the slave devices. OGIV-8035 then generates all the Modbus I/O references • Capture of the mnemonics, labels and other attributes • Printing of the standard Modbus I/O list: see extract appendix H-2. OGIV-8035 also generates a program file for CADEPA (og_mbus.gig) with the customisation of the Modbus EUs and of the PECA/EVA, and CHESSELL slave devices according to the parameters entered during the declaration of EU and slave devices.

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Needed tools OGIV-8035 only.


Stage 1 : declaration of the Modbus exchange units Select "Network" "Modbus" "Exchange units". Up to 4 Modbus EUs can be declared. The following screen is displayed. Use TAB to move from one field to the next.

UE Nr :

Number used for DOMAIN internal processing. There must be no hole in the numbering. If the user leaves one, OGIV8035 automatically moves back the UEs toward the smaller numbers.

PCM Slot : 2 to 10.

Slot of CPU rack where the PCM301 module supporting the EU is located.

Channel : 1 or 2.

Channel of the EU on the PCM module.

Those information are used by OGIV-8035 to generate in og_mbus.gig the instructions to update at 1st scan all the parameters of DMB_UE program block. Those parameters may be modified at any time. The only consequence is the generation of a new og_mbus.gig, which must be imported in CADEPA.

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Stage 2 : declaration of the Modbus slave devices Select "Network" "Modbus" "Slave devices". The following screen is displayed.

Up to 32 slave devices may be declared. Use "Modbus devices" "Add" or ALT A to declare a new device. OGIV-8035 automatically fills some its fields but all of them can be modified. Use "Modbus devices" "Delete" or ALT D to delete a device. Name :

Up to 12 characters Name of the slave device. It appears in attribute location of the MODBUS inputs/outputs.

Designation: Comment on 32 characters. Exch. Unit : 1 to 4 Number of the related exchange unit. The EU must be already declared. Subs. Nr :

Type : :

1 to 255 Subscriber number on the Modbus network. Slave devices connected to the same EU cannot have the same subscriber number. PECA-EVA, CHESSELL or OTHER

Equipt. Nr : There are up to 32 MODBUS slave devices connected to the same PLC.

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Each of them must have a different Equipt. Nr. OGIV automatically assigns a number to each slave: they may be modified except for CHESSELL (Nr 32). When a CHESSELL is declared, equipment numbers 28 to 32 are no more available. For OTHER devices refer to the technical sheet of their DOMAIN block to check the rules for their equipment number.

PECA or EVA electrical measurements acquisition units and CHESSELL temperature acquisition units are the slave devices most commonly used in our projects. The parameters of the DOMAIN blocks managing the communication with those devices are therefore known by OGIV-8035 which:

- Generates automatically the variables received from those devices, - Writes in og_mbus.gig file, stored under the AP_FST application directory of the project, the instructions to update the parameters of DMB_UE, DMB_PER, DMB_EVA and DMB_CHS DOMAIN blocks.

For the devices of the OTHER type, the user must:

- Consult the technical sheet of the DOMAIN block managing the communication with the device then enter in OGIV-8035 the references of the bits and words sent to or received from the device. OGIV-8035 can then generate the related I/O variables. - Write in AP_FST application (in CADEPA) the customisation of the DOMAIN block using the cnf_xxx files available on the domain floppy disk. Somme attributes as the communication parameters are performed by cnf_mbu.gig (see appendix F). This file is available on domain floppy disk (under A:\CADEPA) and should be stored in AP_FST CADEPA application. For PECA-EVA devices which do not follow the default configuration described next paragraph and for all the CHESSELL and OTHER devices, further parameters must be fixed. The cursor being on the device to configure, use "Configuration" or ALT C to do so.

"Modbus devices"

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Configuration of a PECA or EVA device The measurements from a PECA or EVA device are in the double-integer format (ie 1 value = 2 words) and in the following order: - 3 phase to neutral voltages, in volts - 3 phase to phase voltages, in volts - 3 currents, in amps - Total active power, in W - Total reactive power, in VAR - Total apparent power, in VA - Power factor, divided by 10 - Frequency, in 0.1 Hz - Furnished active energy, in kWh - Received active energy, in kWh - Furnished reactive energy, in kVARh - Received reactive energy, in kVARh

total = 36 words.

DMB_EVA converts them into integers and copies them into an interface table for the application program except for: - the apparent power which is not copied in the application table, - the energies which remain in double-integers. The maximum number of Modbus inputs from a PECA or EVA is therefore 3 V + 3 U + 3 I + P + Q + cos + Hz + 4*2 energies (most + least significant words of each energy) = 21 analog inputs.

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The cursor being on the PECA-EVA device to configure, select "Modbus Devices" "Configuration" or use ALT C. The following screen is displayed:

DEVICE : Name of the current device. 3V,3U,3I,P,Q,Cos,Hz,4E : Standard configuration described above. It generates 21 analog inputs. If the whole 21 inputs are not needed, click on the related buttons to select or remove the 1st or the last measurement. Units: Weight of the integer provided by DMB_EVA. Click on the chosen unit. Be sure that the maximum value of the measurement expressed in the chosen unit does not exceed 32767.


The measurements are read in the slave device every x * 500 ms (x = value entered by the user).

Fault Byte:

To read the fault byte in a PECA device. Flag it only if needed as it generates an additional message on MODBUS network.

All those parameters allow OGIV-8035 to write in og_mbus.gig file the instructions to customise DMB_EVA DOMAIN block. When the standard parameters are kept, this configuration does not have to be performed. Once the proper parameters are entered, click on "Ok" to validate. The inputs from the Modbus device will be created and og_mbus.gig generated after validation of the slave device declaration screen only.

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Configuration of a CHESSELL device The cursor being on CHESSELL device, select "Modbus Devices" "Configuration" or use ALT C. The following screen is displayed:

DEVICE: Name of the current slave device. Number of measurements: 1 to 96. Number of measurements from CHESSELL. Nbr of alarms/measurements Number of thresholds for each measurement (Max. 3) Reading Period : The measurements are read in the CHESSEL device every x * 500 ms (x = value entered by the user). Those parameters allow OGIV-8035 to write in og_mbus.gig the instructions to customise DMB_CHS block. The numbers of words and 16-bit words also allow OGIV-8035 to generate the proper number of analog and logical inputs from CHESSELL. Once the proper parameters are entered, click on "Ok" to validate. The inputs from the Modbus device will be created and og_mbus.gig generated after validation of the slave device declaration screen only.

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Configuration of an OTHER device

The cursor being on the OTHER device to configure, select "Modbus Devices" "Configuration" or use ALT C. The following screen is displayed. Use "TAB" to move from a field to the next.

DEVICE : Name of the current slave device. For each type of variables, received or sent, analog or discrete, the following parameters have to be filled according to the technical sheet of the DOMAIN block managing the communication with the slave device. Number of words/bits : Number of consecutive analog or discrete variables received from or sent to the slave device. First address : Address in the PLC of the first word or bit received from or sent to the device.

Those parameters allow OGIV-8035 to generate the proper number of analog and logical inputs and outputs from or to the slave device. Once the proper parameters are entered, click on "Ok" to validate. The analog and logical inputs and outputs related to the device will be created after validation of the slave device declaration screen only.

_______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.49/A


Stage 3 : declaration of the Modbus inputs/outputs - Select "Variables" "Modbus Inputs" or "Modbus Outputs" "Analog". Fox Pro standard browse window is displayed.

"Logical" or

- For each record, the same fields as for hardware inputs/outputs are displayed. Refer to appendix C to know their meaning and format. Also refer to 2.2.4 (declaration of the hardware inputs/outputs) to have the rules for filling each field and the way to copy, move, … variables. - In addition to the analog and discrete inputs and outputs to and from the slave devices, OGIV-8035 also generates one validation bit per device. This variable is the output of the DOMAIN block managing the communication with the related slave device. It is set to 1 by the block when the communication with the slave device is OK and reset when the device does not communicate anymore. Those validation bits are used by OGIV-8035 to validate the MODBUS I/O sent to CENTRALOG (TS,TM). They have to be filled in the same way as discrete inputs. In particular, their mnemonic must begin with "li_".


Stage 4 : printing of the Modbus input/output list To print the Modbus I/O list, select "Printing" "Modbus" then proceed in the same way as for the hardware I/O list (refer to 2.2.6).

_______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.50/A


CONFIGURATION OF MODBUS MODULE This configuration should be performed when building up the P8 folder of the controller (stage 8 of chapter 2.3).


In P8 configuration software - To declare a PCM module, choose F8 “others”, F1 “pcm” then PCM301. In P8 configuration software when zooming in the PCM module, several configuration modes may be chosen : CCM ONLY, BASIC, BAS/CCM, PCM CFG, PROG PRT, PROG/CCM or CCM/PROG. Choose PCM CFG (It means that PCM configuration will be performed thanks to files loaded into the module : pcmexec.bat and hardexec.bat). - To declare a MBM module, choose F8 “others”, F1 “pcm” then PCM300. “Config Mode” must be declared as PROG PRT. The communication parameters may then be modified (typically: Data rate = ‘19200’, Flow control = ‘none’, Parity = ‘none’, Stop bits = ‘1’, Bits/char =’1’)


pcmexec.bat (for PCM301 only)

This file is automatically executed by PCM : - at power up - at software initialisation ie after having pressed the RESTART pushbutton (located just behind the front side cover of PCM module) less than 5 seconds. The standard pcmexec.bat, available on PSM29D10015 floppy disk: - configures the 2 serial ports of the module - configures its 2 front side LEDS - Launches MBPCM software. It contains the following instructions: I COM1: 19200,N,8,1,N,232 I COM2: 19200,N,8,1,N,232 R MBPCMV14.EXE /I5 B 1 01 B 2 04 _______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.51/A

Lines 1 and 2 are the configuration of serial ports 1 and 2. 19200 : N 8 1 N 232

Baud rate : without parity (O for ODD, E for EVEN) : 8 data bits : 1 stop bits : no flow control (H for hardware flow control) : RS232 (485,4 for full duplex RS-485)

Line 3 is the launching of MBPCMV13 software Lines 4 and 5 are the configuration of User 1 and User 2 front side LEDs: 01 04

: :

the LED will flash when emitting on port 1 the LED will flash when emitting on port 2

This file can be modified by means of any ASCII text editor such as Dos, Norton, Fox Pro text editor or WINDOWS notepad. To have details about all the possible commands, refer to document [5], appendix C.


hardexec.bat (for PCM301 only) This file is automatically executed by PCM at hardware initialization ie after having pressed the RESTART pushbutton more than 5 seconds. The standard HARDEXEC.bat, available on PSM29D10015 floppy disk: - Configure the 1st serial port to be ready to communicate with TERM F software - Configure User 1 LED to flash when receiving signals on serial port 1.

It contains the following instructions: I COM1: 19200,N,8,1,N,232 B 01 02

_______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.52/A


Procedure to load MBPCMV13, PCMEXEC and HARDEXEC into PCM301

Needed tools TERM F (IC641SWP023) software and IC690CBL702 cable to connect the PC to PCM.

Procedure 1.

If not already done, install TERM F on the PC (a:/install). It creates c:\PCOP


Copy mbpcmv14.exe, pcmexec.bat and hardexec.bat to c:/PCOP


Connect COM1 of the PC to the port 1 of PCM with CBL702 cable.


With P8 or HHP, stop the CPU of the CPU rack where PCM is located.


Launch TERM F (type "termf" in PCOP directory). The screen becomes black.


Remove PCM cover and press the RESTART pushbutton longer than 5s. ">" should be displayed. If needed, press "ENTER". It after several attempts, ">" is not displayed yet, power off the CPU rack, remove the PCM module, disconnect the battery and short-circuit its 2 pins with a screwdriver. It resets PCM memory and puts it back in its factory configuration, ready to communicate with TERM F.


Type "!!" to be in interactive mode


Load the 3 files into PCM by typing : "L pcmexec.bat" "L hardexec.bat" "L mbpcmv13.exe" (this latter takes time !).


D" to check that those 3 files are actually stored in PCM module and that they are the only ones. If PCM returns other files, delete them by typing: X .

10 . Use ALT Z to quit TERM F 11 . Restart PCM by pressing its RESTART pushbutton less than 5s then restart the CPU. If PCM doesn't try to communicate on Modbus network about 6s later (US1/2 LEDs never light) and P8 indicates "Comm-req fault_wrong number of ID task", then power off the PLC and up again a few seconds later. For more details about TERM F and PCM commands, refer to document [5]: appendix C, D and chapter 2, 4. _______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.53/A


F8000 IMPLEMENTATION - F8000 network allows to exchange data inside an automation cell, between SUB, IHR and MAIN PLCs. - 2 standards F8000 configurations are provided for hydraulic applications in Domain P320 EL 4-C .

a redundant cell with 2 IHR and 2 SUBs


a redundant cell with 2 IHR and 3 SUBs

They are described in documents [14] (S8000_E) and [15] (S8000_F), chapter 4, tables 1 and 2. - For redundant or not redundant cells with up ot 2 IHR and up to 2 SUBs, the first configuration should be used. - For redundant or not redundant cells with up ot 2 IHR and up to 3 SUBs, the second configuration should be used. - If more than 2 IHR or more than 3 SUBs are needed or if the exchanges implemented in the 2 standard configurations do not fit, additional configurations may be developed. But, this is a complex operation which requires to study the load on the F8000, the load of the CPUs and to fit fill many parameters.It should therefore be avoided as far as possible. As shown in documents [14] and [15], chapter 4, tables 1 and 2: The variables exchanged on F8000 are taken or received in word areas (%AQ, %AI). This prevents having waste bit areas (%I, %Q) dedicated to pre-configured exchanges not used on the project. Standard P8 programs from Hydro Domain, DF8_IN for MAIN and DF8_I_S for SUBs, copy in %I area the Boolean variable received from the F8000 in %AQ area. So that the application program can easily work on them. DF8_OUT copies in %AQ area the Boolean variables to send on F8000 stored by the application program in %Q area. - The tables of analog variables exchanged between MAIN and SUBs on F8000, only contains 62 variables. As more variables may need to be exchanged, DF8_IN and DF8_I_S multiplex a table of 244 variables into the F8000 62 word message. DF8_OUT de-multiplex the 62 word message into a 244 word table in the receiving controller.

_______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.54/A


DECLARATION OF F8000 EXCHANGE AREAS This operation is performed when creating the project. The customisation of the exchange areas may be modified at any time. Select “Networks” “F8000” “Exchange areas definition”. The following table is displayed (example of a MAIN controller)

(example of a SUB controller)

The user must customise it according to the following table : (The parameters which cannot be modified are in italics .Those which may be modified are in bold characters. The values indicated in the table are the default values)

_______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.55/A

Type of current PLC



Main discrete inputs

Area in Current PLC

Area in receiving/sending PLC From/To

1st address


Possible range




1st address

Possible range

- Area dedicated to MAIN wired inputs. - There must be at least one discrete input module in the MAIN PLC to acquire the synchronisation top signal in %I0002. - In a redundant cell, MAIN has only one discrete input module, therefore this area is %I0001 – 0032. - In a non-redundant cell, this area has to be extended MAIN SUB

IHR1 discrete inputs


≤ 256


From IHR1




From IHR2




From SUB1



From SUB1


%Q1025 - 1280

- Reception of IHR1 discrete inputs MAIN SUB

IHR2 discrete inputs


≤ 256

- Reception of IHR1 discrete inputs MAIN

SUB1 discrete inputs


N (≤ 512)

- Reception of SUB1 wired discrete inputs MAIN

SUB1 discrete inputs

%I0545 + N

M (≤ 512-N)


- Reception of SUB1 processed bits (ie variables flagged “To F8000” in SUB1 except the discrete inputs above) - This area MUST BE CONTIGUOUS to “SUB1 discrete inputs” - The number of SUB1 discrete inputs + process bits must not exceed 512

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.56/A

Type of current PLC MAIN


Area in Current PLC Function SUB1 discrete inputs SUB2 process bits SUB3 discrete inputs SUB3 process bits SUB1 discrete outputs SUB2 discrete outputs SUB3 discrete outputs MAIN process bits MAIN process bits MAIN process bits

1st address

Area in receiving/sending PLC From/To


Possible range

N1 N2 N3 N4 N4 N4

%Q001 – 0512 %Q001 – 0512 %Q001 – 0512 %Q001 – 0512 %Q001 – 0512 %Q001 – 0512

1st address

Possible range

%Q0001 %Qxxxx %Qyyyy %Qzzzz %Qzzzz %Qzzzz

%Q001 – 0512 %Q001 – 0512 %Q001 – 0512 %Q001 – 0512 %Q001 – 0512 %Q001 – 0512

- idem SUB1 %Q0001 %Qxxxx %Qyyyy %Qzzzz %Qzzzz %Qzzzz


- %Q0001-0512 of MAIN PLC are broadcast into %Q0001-0512 of all the SUB PLCs.They are used to activate SUB wired discrete outputs directly from MAIN PLC and also to send process bits (orders for example) to SUB PLCs. - the user must customise the sharing out of %Q0001 – 0512 between SUBi discrete outputs (%Q0001 to %Q0001 + N1-1 must be references assigned to discrete output modules in SUB1; %Qxxxx to %Qxxxx + N2-1 idem in SUB2; %Qyyyy to %Qyyyy + N3-1 idem in SUB3) and MAIN process bits sent to SUBs ( OGIV displays one “Main process bits” area per SUB but there is only one area : its 1st address, %Qzzzz, and number of bits, is the same on the 3 lines). - The SUB discrete outputs must be declared in SUB PLCs then imported in MAIN. MAIN

MAIN analog variables MAIN analog variables MAIN analog variables

%AI1537 %AI1537 %AI1537

244 244 244

%AI1537- 1780 %AI1537- 1780 %AI1537- 1780


%AI1793 %AI1793 %AI1793

%AI1793 – 2036 %AI1793 – 2036 %AI1793 - 2036

- OGIV displays one “Main analog variables” per SUB but there is only one area broadcast to all the SUBs. - OGIV copies in this area all the analog variables flagged “To F8000”. - This area is processed by Domain standard programs DF8_IN, DF8_I_S and DF8_OUT. When fewer than 62 variables are copied in the area, they are broadcast every 100 ms. When there are more than 62 variables, they are multiplexed. Each analog variables is then sent approximately every 250 * n ms, with n = number of 62 variables blocks (n=2 if there are between 63 and 122 variables, n=3 between 123 and 183 variables, n=4 between 184 and 244 variables)

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.57/A

Type of current PLC



SUB1 analog variables

Area in Current PLC

Area in receiving/sending PLC From/To

1st address


Possible range



%AI1793 – 2036

From SUB1

1st address

Possible range


%AI1537- 1780

- Reception of the analog variables (wired or modbus inputs, processed variables) flagged “To F8000” in SUB1.


SUB2 analog variables



%AI2049 - 2308

From SUB2


%AI1537- 1780

- Reception of the analog variables (wired or modbus inputs, processed variables) flagged “To F8000” in SUB1. - In case, there are 3 SUBs, this area must be limited to 188 variables. MAIN

SUB3 analog variables



%AI2321 - 2484

From SUB3


%AI1537- 1724


SUB1 discrete variables



%I0001 - 1648

From SUB1


%Q1281 - 1408

- Discrete variables broadcast by SUB1 to the other SUBs. - OGIV copies in %Q1281 – 1408 the variables flagged “Intersub” in SUB - This area is not displayed in SUB1 SUB

SUB2 discrete variables



%I0001 - 1648

From SUB2


%Q1281 - 1408


SUB3 discrete variables



%I0001 - 1648

From SUB3


%Q1281 - 1408


SUB1 analog variables



%AI1377 - 1384

From SUB1


%AQ0409 - 0416

- Analog variables broadcast by SUB1 to the other SUBs. - OGIV copies in %AQ0409- 0416, the variables flagged “Intersub” in SUBs. - This area is not displayed in SUB1 SUB

SUB2 analog variables



%AI1441 – 1448

From SUB2


%AQ0409 - 0416


SUB3 analog variables



%AI1489 - 1496

From SUB3


%AQ0409 - 0416

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.58/A

Once the configuration is performed, press “Esc” or “CTRL W” to validate. The F8000 inputs references are then generated (with no attribute filled yet). The SUB discrete outputs references directly activated by MAIN are also generated (with no attribute filled yet) in MAIN PLC. 5.2

UPDATING OF F8000 VARIABLES The variables are declared (mnemonic, label, state message, unit…) in the sending PLC… The only exception are the wired outputs of Subs directly activated by MAIN. They must be declared in the SUBs. Once the variables have been declared in the issuer PLC, they must be exported from this PLC then imported in the addressee PLC. This procedure must be performed after each addition/deletion of a “To F8000” flag or each modification of an exchanged variable (level, unit….).


Extraction of the variables to send on F8000 - Must be flagged ‘S’ (discrete variables) or ‘M’ (analog variables) in the field ‘To F8000 ’. The discrete inputs of an IHR PLC and the SUB discrete inputs and outputs belonging needn’t be flagged ‘To F8000’: they are systematically sent on F8000 to the areas defined in the “Exchange Area definition”. - The variables which don’t belong to those discrete inputs/outputs areas above, must be flagged “To F8000” to be exchanged between MAIn and SUB or “Intersub” to be exchanged between 2 SUBs. They will be copied in the exchanged area “Process bits” or “Analog variables”. - Select “Network” “F8000” “Export” to process the variables to send. Then: - OGIV-8035 assigns a rank to each variable ( = order in the exchange area ). When a variable is no more flagged ‘To F8000’ or ‘Intersub’ its rank becomes free. The address of the other variables sent on F8000 is not changed so that the other variables keep their current address in all the receiving PLCs. If many “To F8000” flags have been removed, the user may wish to gather the remaining variables at the beginning of the message. To do so, the ranks must be reset (refer to 11.6.2) before launching “Network” “F8000” “Export”. - OGIV-8035 generates < Project name >.f80 file with : .




_______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.59/A


State_1 message




Address in the exchange area

Ex: %AI(1537 + r) for analog variables (r is the rank) %Q(1025 + r) for SUB process bits sent to MAIN. .



V mini / V maxi


PLC mini / PLC maxi


Acq. rate

of all the variables flagged ‘To F8000’. Flag ‘To MMI ’ is not exported as the variable may be displayed on the MMI of the sending PLC but not on the MMI of the receiving PLC. - In this file is also stored, in a transparent way for the user the validation bit of each variable: .

The input of the module dedicated to polarity acquisition for discrete inputs


The validating bit for the analog inputs


« Communication OK » for MODBUS inputs


ld_f80_subs_run_xx for the other variables (xx is the F8000 subscriber number of the current PLC)

Those information will be used in MAIN PLC to validate the F8000 inputs flagged “To Ctrlog”. Therefore, do not forget in SUB PLC to send (ie flag “To F8000”) the validation bits of the variables due to be sent to CENTRALOG by MAIN PLC. That file is available under the directory \OGIV-8035\.prj

- OGIV-8035 generates the following files under the directory \cadepa\.prj\ap_fst.apl. Those graphs must be imported in CADEPA, application AP_OUT:

_______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.60/A


og_f8do.gig : copies the analog variables to send on F8000 in the word area of the broadcast message : [dd_f80_e_xxx = di_…] with dd_f80_e_xxx = %AI(1984+xxx) di_… variable flagged “To F8000”


og_f8lo.gig : idem for discrete variables. ld_f80_e_xxx = li_… with ld_f80_e_xxx = %Q(257+xxx) li_… variable flagged “To F8000”

- OGIV-8035 also generates og_f8.gig to import in application AP_FST. This graph customises the Domain blocks DF8_IN, DF8_I_S, DF8_OUT. 5.2.2

Import F8000 variables It updates the F8000 input references generated by “Network exchange areas” screen with the attributes already declared in the sending PLC and stored in . f80. Select “Network” “F8000” “Import”. - For each sending PLC declared in “Network exchange areas”, OGIV tries to find the related .f80 file under the OGIV-8035 directory of the sending project: •

If OGIV finds \ogiv8035\.prj\.f80, it displays: « Updating from .prj ? (y/n) » Answer “y” to actually launch the update. Press any other key to avoid the update from that particular sending PLC.

Otherwise (sending PLC is not local or « F8000 export » has not yet been performed in the sending PLC), OGIV-8035 indicates « .prj not declared in local » and displays FoxPro standard screen to open files.

If the .f80 file is available on a floppy disk or elsewhere, select it from that screen to launch the update. _______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.61/A

If the .f80 file of the related sending PLC is not available or if the update is not needed, click on “Cancel”. - At the 1st update, the empty F80 inputs generated by the Exchange areas screen are filled with the attributes contained in .f80 (Refer to 4.2.1) The first 3 characters of the mnemonics in the sending PLC are replaced with li_ or di_ in the receiving PLC (except for the discrete outputs of SUB controllers which is lo_). - At the next updates, OGIV-8035 proceeds as follows: •

For variables which mnemonic in the new imported .f80 file already exist in the F8000 received variables of the current project : Their attributes in the current PLC are replaced with those of the new .f80 file. The additional attributes («To MMI», «To S8000», «To Ctrlog») keep their value.

A variable which mnemonic in the imported .f80 file does not exist in the current project is added, except if its rank is occupied in the receiving PLC by a variable which mnemonic does not exist any longer in the .f80 file. In such case, the following screen appears:

If the user answers: R

1. The mnemonic of the variable in the current PLC is replaced by the mnemonic in the sending PLC. 2. The attributes are updating according to the sending PLC. 1. The additional attributes («To MMI», «To S8000», «To Ctrlog») keep their value. (That case occurs when the variable has been renamed in the sending PLC).


Idem R except for the additonal attributes which are reset. (That case occurs when a variable previously sent by the receiving PLC is not sent any more and its rank is assigned to a new variable).

_______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.62/A


Idem R but the mnemonic in the current PLC is not changed. (That case occurs when the user has renamed the variable in the receiving PLC).

- Once the update is performed, a report is displayed. It indicates which variables have been deleted, added, renamed or shifted from an address to another.

To validate the update, the user must then answer “y” to the question:

The report \OGIV-8035\\link_f80.txt may be consulted with the option “Display file” of “Utilities” menu. 5.3



Logical Inputs

Analog Inputs

To S8000 * In Main PLCs only BLANK ( = not sent ) BLANK ( = not sent ) BS ( = broadcast TS ) BM ( = broadcast TM ) PS ( = TS sent to PLC 16** only ) PM ( = TM sent to PLC 16** only ) To MMI * In Main or SUB PLCs only BLANK ( = not sent ) or S ( = TS )

BLANK ( = not sent ) or M ( = TM )

** PLC 16 = regrouping PLC (Mimic for example) * Press the spacebar to scroll through the list then validates with Enter.

- To copy / paste a single field: use CTRL C / CTRL V. - To copy / paste all the fields _ except location, address and var ref _ of a record in another record: use ALT C / ALT V (ALT V only updates the empty fields).

_______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.63/A



To print the f8000 or S8000 Input list, select "Printing" "Network" “F8000” then proceed in the same way as for the hardware I/O list (refer to chapter 2.2.6 ).

_______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.64/A


S8000 IMPLEMENTATION S8000 network allows to exchange data between the automation cells, and to exchange data with the CENTRALOG. The present chapter only deals with the exchanges between automation cells. - The number of data sent on the S8000 network by a cell to the other cells is limited. These limits are fixed to: . 20 words for the broadcast variables. They include the analog variables type “BM” (1 variable = 1 word) and the discrete variables type “BS” (16 variables = 1 word). The 1st bit of the message is used to check the presence of the cell on S8000. Therefore, the max number of BM is 19 and the 1st word of BS only contains 15 bits. . 64 words for the point to point variables (sent to the regrouping cell). They include the analog variables type “PM” (1 variable = 1 word) and the discrete variables type “PS” (16 variables = 1 word). The 1st bit of the message is used to detect the arrival of a new message. Therefore, the max number of PM is 63 and the 1st word of PS only contains 15 bits. . Furthermore, the total number of discrete variables broadcast or sent by a cell can not exceed 256 : Number of “BS” + number of “PS” ≤ 256 . - The number of data received from the S8000 network by a controller from the other controllers is configured by the user. This procedure is described hereafter.

_______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.65/A


DECLARATION OF S8000 EXCHANGE AREAS Select “Networks” “S8000” “Exchange areas definition”. The following screen is displayed: Use “TAB” to move from one field to the next.

- Exchange :


S8000-BS S8000-BM S8000-PS S8000-PM

= = = =

discrete variables broadcast to all cells, analog variables broadcast to all cells, discrete variables sent to the regrouping cell * analog variables sent to the regrouping cell *

* S8000-PS / PM are available in the regrouping cell only. - From Project :

Issuer project name. Only the projects declared on the PC (in local or remote) are displayed .

- Range :

Number of the received bits or words.

- Receiving Area : First and last addresses of the receiving area. .

For discrete variables, the user has to enter the 1st address according to the following rules: → the receiving area must be included in %I33 – %I1648. → there must be no common address with the F8000 exchange areas. THE USER HAS TO CHECK THAT BY HIMSELF as it is not tested by OGIV.


For analog variables, OGIV fills the receiving area automatically as it can not be customised by the user.

- Sending Area :

Not used

_______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.66/A

Once the exchange areas are entered, click on ‘Ok’ to validate: → The variables received from S8000 are automatically created in the project and available in "Variables" "S8000". → OGIV-8035 automatically generates og_s8.gig in cadepa \ .prj \ ap_fst.apl . This graph contains the customisation of Domain block DS8_IN. It must be imported in CADEPA, AP_FST application. OGIV-8035 then propose to import the S8000 variables as described in §6.2.2.

_______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.67/A


UPDATING OF S8000 VARIABLES To make the update for the first time or to ensure the consistency of the exchanged variables between issuer and receiving PLCs at each modification, addition or deletion of a network variable, follow the procedure hereafter:


Extraction of the variables to send on S8000 In the sending PLC, select




- This function extracts all the variables that are flagged in the field “to S8000”. These variables are stored in a file located in the directory of the OGIV-8035 current project and named < Project name >.s80. - If the receiving project is not located on the same PC as the current project, the user has to copy these files onto a diskette to import them on the PC of the receiving project. - OGIV-8035 also automatically generates og_s8o.gig in cadepa\ .prj\ ap_out.apl. This graph must be imported in CADEPA AP_OUT application after each export. - OGIV-8035 checks that: (Rank of last BS) / 16 + Number of BM ≤ 20 and (Rank of last PS) / 16 + Number of PM ≤ 64. If it is not the case, OGIV-8035 displays "BM out of range". og_s8o.gig is nevertheless generated but the inter-controller exchanges won't work properly.


Import of S8000 variables In the receiving PLC, select




Please refer to §5.2.2 "Import F8000 variables" for details about the procedure which is the same for S8000 and F8000. The imported variables are renamed. The first 3 characters of the mnemonics are replaced with li_ or di_. If the 4 and 5th character are not numeric, OGIV-8035 adds the UO number before them. This to avoid identical mnemonics in the receiving PLCs when several issuers send the same variable (case of unit PLCs). Ex:

Mnemonic sent by a PLC which UO number is 02 : Mnemonic in receiving PLC :

lv_gta_titi li_02gta_titi.

_______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.68/A


S8000 exchanges to, from or between unit cells - If a MAIN controller has to receive variables from unit cells (and only one unit cell is actually implemented in OGIV-8035 and CADEPA), all the unit projects must be declared on the PC on which this MAIN PLC is implemented. For example, GTA01 is declared 'Local', GTA02 and GTA03 are not flagged 'Local'. - In unit project, once the S8000 export is performed, use "Project" "Duplication" to duplicate the .s80 file. Refer to chapter 10 "DUPLICATION OF EXPORTED PROJECT DATA". - In the S8000 exchange areas definition of the receiving PLC, the discrete and analog variables received from each unit controller must be declared:

- The variables from the reference unit cell are then imported directly from the PC if the receiving controller is on the same PC as the unit project, from a floppy disk otherwise. - The variables from the duplicated unit cells are imported via a floppy disk.

_______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.69/A


DECLARATION OF S8000 INPUTS - Select "Variables" "S8000 Inputs” "Logical" or "Analog". FoxPro standard browse window is displayed.


Logical Inputs

Analog Inputs


Name of the issuer project. Can't be modified.


Idem Initialised by import from issuer PLC. They may be modified (but it is not recommended)



Ii_... Label State 1 STD

Initialised by import from issuer PLC. May be modified but will be lost at next import !

Unit Acq. Rate PLC mini / PLC maxi V mini / V maxi To Ctrlog *

Not applicable

From issuer PLC. Cannot be modified.

BLANK ( = not sent ) or S ( = TS )

BLANK ( = not sent ) or M ( = TM )

Not imported from issuer PLC.

Var Ref To F8000 *

BLANK ( = not sent ) or S ( = TS )

BLANK ( = not sent ) or M ( = TM )

To MMI *

BLANK ( = not sent ) or S ( = TS )

BLANK ( = not sent ) or M ( = TM )

* Press the spacebar to scroll through the list then validate with Enter.


PRINTING OF THE S8000 INPUT LIST To print the S8000 Input list, select "Printing" "Network" “S8000” then proceed in the same way as for the hardware I/O list (refer to § 3.2.5 ).

_______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.70/A







About the vocabulary used: - Redundancy: defines the hardware structure for dual communication, for F8000 taking over and for basic exchanges. - Duality: defines the control of the redundancy according to the application process. - Primary: defines the controller in the redundancy structure who controls the application process. - Secondary: defines the controller in the redundancy structure who doesn't control the application process. - Insertion: intermediary mode during the difference of data status between the dual controllers. A controller in insertion mode is unavailable for controlling the process.

The redundancy is not detailed in this document.; for this refer to : -

Guide d'INSTALLATION et d'UTILISATION du domaine P320 EL 4-C pour S8000-F (P-TP11-A43511a) Ou

- Guide d'INSTALLATION et d'UTILISATION du domaine P320 EL 4-C pour S8000-E



Hardware architecture

For system based on Fip unit network, refer to: P-TP11-A43511a _______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.71/A

For system based on Ethernet unit network, refer to: P-TP11-A43510a 7.1.3

Principles A main controller declared redundand (two controllers with the same hardware and software structure) has specific exchanges for redundancy control. The duality uses these resources for optimizing the redundancy in accordance with the applications running into the controllers. In function of the network architecture and the possibilities of each system, the duality controls several services:

Telecommands and Televalues Centralog updating. On the S8000 network, the two controllers of the redundancy structure have their own subscriber number. The Centralog can only exchange TCs and TVCs to only one controller (the primary). The duality service update the secondary for each new TC or TVC received due to permit to the secondary to follow the process and update its application software. CENTRALOG

TC & TVC S8000- E o r F





SUB- 1

For exchanging theses informations, the application has to inform the duality domain by setting to "1" the bit "ld_mod_remote" (DC_REM (%M738)) if the process runs in Centralog mode and by "0" if not. Nota: the variable "ld_mod_remote" is created into Cadepa and addressed by import into Ogiv. This variable is not initialized by duality domain. Nota: in case of regrouping cell, the duality can manage the 128 TVCs by a muxdemux principle in function of the number of usefull TVCs.

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Telecommands and Televalues local HMI updating. Some local HMI cannot communicate to the two controllers of the redundancy structure. We suppose that the communication is set between the local HMI and the primary. The duality service update the secondary for each new TC or TVC received due to permit to the secondary to follow the process and update its application software. TC & TVC

Local HMI

S8000- E o r F





SUB- 1

For exchanging theses informations, the application has to inform the duality domain by setting to "1" the bit "ld_mod_local" (DC_LOC (%M737)) if the process runs in local mode and by "0" if not. Nota: the variable "ld_mod_local" is created into Cadepa and addressed by import into Ogiv. This variable is not initialized by duality domain.

Logical and numerical memories updating. The application can define logical memories and numerical memories by filling the field "dual" of Ogiv with "S" (logical) or "M" (numerical).

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These informations will be exchanged from primary controller to secondary controller in a particulary way. The cell can be started with only the primary controller (the secondary can be out of order or its software cycle can be in stop mode); the application is executed and the process has been modified from its initial status. When the secondary controller starts, this controller will be positionned in insertion mode and will be updated by the primary through the duality service. In this case, the memories will be exchanged till the full update (check up of memories received into the secondary by feed back processing).

S8000- E or F

STEP 1: Memories updating





SUB- 1

S 800 0- E o r F


STEP 2: Feed Back


M A IN F8000

SUB- 1

S8000- E o r F


STEP 3: Control of coherency


M AIN F8000

SUB- 1

_______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.74/A

Insertion mode control. The basic redundancy only controls the network availability of the controllers. In case of failure of the primary, the secondary take over the control of process whithout looking at the possibility of following the application. This is not enough safety for hydro application (sequence running, mechanical failure…). The duality instores a "insertion mode" for the secondary controller who just start in the configuration. During this mode, the controller is considered as inefficient to follow the application. While the insertion mode of the secondary, the duality exchanges informations from the primary and does some checks: - checking of the "stable status" indicator (for a unit application). This indicator is filled by the application and is tested by duality. If the indicator is not in accordance, the secondary is kept in insertion mode. The indicator name in Cadepa is "dd_dual_st_stus". It is created into Cadepa and addressed by import into Ogiv. If the indicator is not filled, the accordance will be applied. - checking of the "requested status" indicator (for a unit application). This indicator is filled by the application and is tested by duality. If the indicator is not in accordance, the secondary is kept in insertion mode. The indicator name in Cadepa is "dd_dual_rq_stus". It is created into Cadepa and addressed by import into Ogiv. If the indicator is not filled, the accordance will be applied. - checking of the "sequence status" indicator (for a unit application). This indicator is filled by the application and is tested by duality. If the indicator is not in accordance, the secondary is kept in insertion mode. The indicator name in Cadepa is "dd_dual_seq_stus". It is created into Cadepa and addressed by import into Ogiv. If the indicator is not filled, the accordance will be applied. - checking of logical & numerical memories. If the memory datas are not in accordance, the secondary is kept in insertion mode. If none memories are declared into Ogiv, the accordance will be applied.


Duality safety mode. In relation with the process, the duality performs some specific action on controller to prevent malfunctions and to avoid damage on mechanical or electrical systems.

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Taking over inhibition The application can inhibit temporarily the taking over by setting to "1" the indicator "ld_inst_stus" if the main controller is in an instable status. The indicator is created into Cadepa and addressed by import into Ogiv.This function is to avoid taking over following to another faults than F8000 network faults and if necessary in accordance with application principles. The taking over will be authorised again when the indicator will be set to "0". Warning:

The system domain erases automatically this indicator to "0" if the primary controller is no more master according to F8000 administration.

Stopping request ( controller in insertion) If the main controller is in the status "master" for primary and "insertion" for the secondary, and if a taking over is detected, the secondary is stopped by duality (duality considers that a controller in insertion mode is not able to follow correctly the process).

Application stopping request (loss of messages) The application controls during the phase "master" "slave" the update exchanges between the primary and the secondary. If one loss is detected, the duality set to "1" the indicator "ld_dual_update_flt" which can be used by application. The indicator is created into Cadepa and addressed by import into Ogiv. In case of loss of messages, the application can decide to stop the secondary controller. The application has to set to "1" the indicator "ld_dual_stop_req" which authorizes the stopping order. The indicator is created into Cadepa and addressed by import into Ogiv.

Application insertion mode request (loss of messages) In case of loss of messages, the application can decide to put the secondary controller in insertion mode (tentative of general updating). The application has to set to "1" the indicator "ld_dual_ins_req" which authorizes the insertion mode order. The indicator is created into Cadepa and addressed by import into Ogiv.

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EXPORT TO CENTRALOG From variables flagged to be TS, TM, TC and TVC, OGIV-8035 generates exchange files to update CENTRALOG. Depending of the project, the database management tool for Centralog, can be MICROETE or CONTROCAD


EXPORT TO MICROETE Select “Import / Export” “CENTRALOG”. The following screen is displayed: TS : When flagged, program files og_ts_c.gig is created in AP_OUT application of CADEPA project. TM : When flagged, program files og_tm_c.gig is created in AP_OUT application of CADEPA project. CENTRALOG files : Defines the location where will be written export tables for CENTRALOG.

After validation by clicking on « Ok » OGIV-8035 generates 5 files ts.dbf (list of Logical variables sent to Centralog) th.dbf (list of Timetag discrete inputs sent to Centralog) tm.dbf (list of Analog variables sent to Centralog) tc.dbf (list of Logical variables received from Centralog) tm.dbf (list of Analog variables received from Centralog)

Refer to Appendix C to know the other attributes exported to update CENTRALOG. After processing, all details about Export are recorded in imex.txt file and displayed on screen. Only one error is sufficient to prevent CENTRALOG from importing the whole of the variables. More, the updating is global, therefore CENTRALOG needs 5 OGIV-8035 files.

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The instructions about the utilisation of the 5 files generated by OGIV-8035 are described in note printable from CENTRALOG: 00KIT GENERAL POWER PLANT COMPUTER SYSTEM DATA BASE CREATING USER GUIDE


EXPORT TO CONTROCAD Select “Import / Export” “CENTRALOG”. The screen and the function is approximately the same as described hereabove: After validation by clicking on « Ok » OGIV-8035 generates only 1 file .txt (list of all variables sent to Centralog) Refer to Appendix C to know the other attributes exported to update CENTRALOG. After processing, all details about Export are recorded in imex.txt file and displayed on screen as the export to Microete. The instructions about the utilisation of the file generated by OGIV-8035 are described in note printable from CENTRALOG: 00KIT GENERAL POWER PLANT COMPUTER SYSTEM DATA BASE CREATING USER GUIDE

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OGIV-8035 ensures the interface with 2 types of MMI: • CITECT • INTERACT The variables flagged to be TS or TM are copied in the memory area sent onto SNP network to CITECT or INTERACT MMI. OGIV-8035 automatically assigns address when a variable is flagged TC or TVC. Associated CADEPA program files are created in AP_OUT. • og_ts_i.gig • og_tm_i.gig Moreover, OGIV-8035 generated database files allowing creation or updating of CITECT or INTERACT data. The attributes of variables sent or received from MMI are arranged: - in 3 files for CITECT . al.dbf (List of alarms sent to MMI) . vr.dbf (List of variables sent or received from MMI) . ch.dbf (English/Chinese translation table) The instructions about the utilisation in CITECT of the 3 tables generated by OGIV8035 are described in note: LOCAL MAN/MACHINE INTERFACE SOFTWARE INSTALLATION USER’S MANUAL CGEGBZ00SKITPG505 - in 2 files for INTERACT . amm.dat (List of alarms sent to MMI) . interact.tag (List of variables sent or received from MMI)

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Refer to Appendix C for the list of attributes of the variables exported to MMI. 9.1


Select “Import /export” “MMI”; The following screen is displayed:

TS : When flagged, program files og_ts_i.gig is created in AP_OUT application of CADEPA project. TM : When flagged, program files og_tm_i.gig is created in AP_OUT application of CADEPA project. These two files contained only variables which are sent to MMI. Variables which are sent to MMI and also to Centralog are in og_ts_c.gig and og_tm_c.gig. The MMI rank is the same as Centralog rank. Therefore, when a variable is flagged “MMI” and “Centralog”, it is necessary to proceed to an export Centralog then, an export to MMI. Interact Directory : Defines the location where will be written Interact export files. Usually : \Machshop\projects\interact\< Project Name >\appfiles\< Appl. Name> To launch Export click on “Ok”.

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DUPLICATION OF EXPORTED PROJECT DATA In case of projects strictly identical, it is possible to declare only one project in reference and to duplicate his exported data’s, in particular to CENTRALOG or to other projects on a same network.


DUPLICATION OF S8000 DATAS First you have to select the file where are located the datas to duplicate. Once the file selected, a screen is displayed

. Project : project target name . S8000 Subscriber : Subscriber Nr of the new project . Operating Units : In the left of this area appears the Operating Units list contained in the .s80 file of the current project. These Operating Unit names are extracted from the mnemonic : . from the 4th characters up to 9th when the 4th characters is a digit or . from the 4th characters up to 7th when the 4th characters is a letter . In the right of this area appears the corresponding list of the new operating units that you have defined in the bottom of this screen. After clicked on Duplication button, a new file .s80 is generated in which, “Mnemonic”, “Subscriber Nr” and “Var Ref” are renamed in accordance with the list defined in this screen.

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DUPLICATION OF F8000 DATAS The aim of this function is to duplicate f8000 datas from current project to an identical project by renaming the Operating Units. Follows the same procedure as indicate in 10.1




Case of using Controcad First you have to select the file (.txt) of the current project. Once the file selected, a screen is displayed : On the left of the window is represented the architecture of the current project. You have to rename the cell name of the main controller and IHRs associated. On the right of the window, appears the list of Operating Units of the current project defined in the field “Var Ref”. As the same way you have to define the new values of Operating Units to avoid sending to Centralog identical variables.

To rename O.U., double-click on the line Controcad Cell names

then, Input the target value of O.U.

After clicking on Ok a file named < Main cell name >.txt is created on the same directory as the origin file.

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Case of using Microete In that case the screen is split in two windows. One, to define the cell name of the new project, and the other to input the new values of Operating Units to replace. Before clicked on “Duplication” Button, verify that 5 files of current project (See 8) are on the floppy disk drive A:




PRINCIPLES OGIV-8035 constitutes exchange file with CADEPA containing all the variables of the current project allowing creation or updating of CADEPA data. From .gig files issued from process programs written with CADEPA, OGIV-8035 append process variables appearing in these programs.


Generation of OGIV_PJ.mne file

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OGIV-8035 generates OGIV_PJ.mne under the directory of each application (\CADEPA\ .prj \ .apl ). To obtain this file from OGIV-8035, proceed as follows. Select “Import / Export” “CADEPA” “Import/Export (.mne file)”. The following screen is displayed:

On the left panel (“Applications”), select the applications which must be exported (they have to appear on the right panel (“Selected”) after clicking on “append”, “append all” button or double clicking on an application. Then click on Export to create OGIV_PJ.mne file(s). CADEPA generates .mne under the directory : \CADEPA\ .prj \ .app. .mne files contain the variables of the related applications and they have the following structure:

From OGIV-8035

From Graphite


01 to 13


14 to 40




41 to 80

Label^state_1 *


Functional comment

81 to 120


Technical comment

Note: OGIV-8035 concatenates the attributes label and state_1 and separates them with "^". When the label has 32 characters and the state_1 message 8 characters, the last letter of the state_1 message cannot be exported to CADEPA. The procedure about the utilisation in CADEPA of the .mne file generated by OGIV-8035 is described in 10.4. _______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.84/A


Import from CADEPA The procedure is the same as export (Refer to 9.1.1 Generation of OGIV_PJ.mne file), except click on “Import “ button instead of “Export”. At the end of import a report is displayed on the screen, where appear all the variables added and possible errors encountered during import. After each Import, it is recommended to proceed to an automatic addressing with the aim to address new variables. To address variables, OGIV8035 gives 3 ways: • Automatic addressing: Select “Variables” “ Automatic addressing”. This function addresses all process and domain variables without address. The process variables already addressed are not re-addressed. • Complete re-addressing: Select “Variables” “Complete re-addressing”. This function addresses all process and domain variables. The process variables are re-addressed to optimise address area. • Partial addressing: Select “Utilities” “Addressing utilities” “Partial addressing”. This function addresses a group of variables that mnemonic satisfy to a filter defined by user. (Refer to 11.6.1).This function is only available in administrator mode.


Other programs generated by OGIV-8035 OGIV-8035 generates .gig files for the customisation of DOMAIN functions or the update of TS, TM, and network variables... The content of those files is described in the chapters dealing with the related DOMAIN functions or network. Additional programs: • Horn (og_horn.gig) : In AP_OUT, generates rising edges for Horn activation from variables with attribute Std’s horn =1 (Refer to List of default STD codes). • Analog inputs (og_anai.gig) : In AP_FST, records the customisation of each Analog input when PLC mini or maxi is not equal to 0). Refer to 2.2.4. • Modbus (og_mbus.gig): In AP_FST, records the customisation of Modbus Exchange Units. This file is also automatically generated after validation of Modbus Devices Declaration. Refer to 3.2.2 and 3.2.3. • Dual (og_dual.gig): In AP_FST, records the result of variables (Nr of TVC, TC, LM…) exchanged between Master and Standby Plc. Note : Those files have to be imported into CADEPA from the graph editor.

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Programs written with CADEPA The whole application program of the PLC should be written with CADEPA. Nonetheless some operations, not available in CADEPA may have to be written directly with P8. For example: calculations on double-integers and array handling The program may be written using Sequential Function Charts (SFC) or stand-alone actions (ie processing performed outside the SFC steps). There may be no SFC at all. Refer to the syntax description in appendix H-3 to have all the possible operations. Do not refrain from using comments: they are not transferred to P8 and therefore not loaded into the PLC.

Note : the main parts of CADEPA are called as follows: • CADEPA main menu: PROJECT / APPLICATION MANAGER • GRAPHITE is launched from the main menu by: "Tools" "Grafcet" • The GRAPH EDITOR is launched from Graphite by entering into a graph (open an existing graph or create a new one by clicking on the 1st icon). • The TABLE EDITOR is launched from Graphite by entering into a table (open an existing table or create a new one by clicking on the 2nd icon).

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Interface between CADEPA and OGIV-8035

Variables OGIV-8035 generates OGIV_PJ.mne under the directory of each application \CADEPA \ .prj \ .apl It contains all the variables of the project. CADEPA generates .mne under the directory \CADEPA\ .prj \ .app They contain the variables of the related applications. Those .mne files have the following structure:


from OGIV-8035

01 to 13


14 to 40



41 to 80

label^state_1 *


81 to 120

from Graphite

From CADEPA address mnemonic Functional comment

technical comment

* OGIV-8035 concatenates the attributes label and state_1 and separates them with "^". When the label has 32 characters and the state_1 message 8 characters, the last letter of the state_1 message cannot be exported to CADEPA.

Programs generated by OGIV-8035 OGIV-8035 generates .gig files for the customisation of DOMAIN functions or the update of TS, TM, and network variables... The content of those files is described in the chapters dealing with the related DOMAIN functions or network. Those files have to be imported into CADEPA from the graph editor.

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PROCEDURE CADEPA and OGIV-8035 must be installed on the same logical partition (Ex. C:\)


Configuring CADEPA

Some items of the application "CADEPA" of project "CADEPA" are automatically copied in the new projects or applications at their creation. They should therefore be fixed prior to the creation of projects. Those items are: - "Author", "Customer" and "Options" of a project, - The PLC memory mapping (references allocated to CADEPA internal variables) of an application.

Declaration of default attributes for the projects "File" "Open" (or double click on project window with left button): select "CADEPA", "Edit" "Edit the project" (or double click on project window with right button): the attributes of CADEPA project are displayed: Then click on "Options": Maximum length for mnemonics: 27 (maximum possible length) It is no use configuring a smaller length, as there is no on-line warning in CADEPA when creating a longer mnemonic. Furthermore some of the mnemonics assigned to DOMAIN parameters reach the 27 characters.

Maximum length for functional comments: 40 (maximum possible length) The functional comment is called "Title" in Graphite. It must contain the 32 characters of OGIV-8035 label plus the 8 of the state_1 message.

Maximum length for technical comments: 40 _______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.88/A

The technical comment is currently not used in our standards.

Keyboard locked: yes Otherwise, import into CADEPA of addressed variables from OGIV-8035 won't succeed.

Variable name control: no Otherwise, the mnemonics would be limited to 18 characters.

Default type for variables: external It does not seem to have any influence

Default type for numerical variables: short (only possible choice) CADEPA does not know the double-integers.

Disable functional comment modification: no

Disable technical comment modification: no

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Setting of the default PLC memory mapping To translate its graphs (SFC or stand-alone actions) into P8 language, CADEPA generates "work" bits and registers and automatically assigns addresses to them. To do so, some areas of the PLC data memory (not used by OGIV-8035 or DOMAIN standard programs) must be allocated to CADEPA, and declared in the "PLC memory mapping". Those work variables are: • Steps: each step of the application program generates 1 bit in the PLC • Transitions: the transition bits are used to process the transitions ready to be cleared before discriminating the active steps. When the option "multiple coils" is selected for the translation, those bits can be overwritten after the active step discrimination. Transition bits are thus equivalent to translator bits. • Translators: intermediate bits or registers used to process other variables. They don't have to be stored between 2 controller cycles. • Timers: 3 registers are generated for each timer. To declare the default PLC memory mapping, select "CADEPA" application of "CADEPA" project and check that its attributes PLC manufacturer and PLC type are respectively "ALSPA-8000", "80 - 35/351" or "80 - 35/363".

Use "PLC"

"PLC memory mapping" and proceed as follows:

- Select "Boolean" or "Numerical" - Enter the Start address (with "%") - Enter the End address - Click on "Select" and select the type of variable - Use PAGE DOWN key or "Edit" "Next" to move to the next area - When all the 4 areas described below are declared, delete the remaining ones with Ctrl X or "Edit" "Delete"

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Here are the 4 areas to declare: 1 - Boolean

%G0001 to %G0256



This area may have to be modified in the applications defined by the user as it must be different for each application of the same project (when Sequencial Function Charts are used).

2 - Numerical

%R3001 to %R3600



This area may have to be modified in the applications defined by the user as it must be different for each application of the same project (when timers are used). Its size must be a multiple of 3 as a timer takes 3 words.

3 - Boolean

%G0257 to %G1280 Init bit


transitions and translators and

This area may be common to all the applications of a project. It therefore won't have to be modified in the applications defined by the user.

4 - Numerical

%R3601 to %R4000



This area may be common to all the applications of a project. It therefore won't have to be modified in the applications defined by the user.

For the other types of variables, no memory need to be allocated: • "Init bit" and "Modules" are not used for ALSPA 8000 PLCs. • "Internals", "On/off and numerical inputs", "On/off and numerical outputs" should not be automatically addressed by CADEPA. Their addressing is either automatically performed by OGIV-8035 or manually performed by the user in OGIV-8035 or CADEPA.

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Page setup for the documentation issued from the main menu In project "CADEPA", select "File" "Page setup" : the page setup screen is displayed. It should be filled as shown below. Refer to appendix H-3 to have an example of documents printed with this page setup.

Margins: 32 / 16 / 19 / 21 are the standard margins. They allow to print "ALSTOM" header on top of the sheet. 32 16

19 21

Title block: block at the bottom of the sheet giving the page number, the date and indication about the content (name of the project, of the application, of the graph). It also contains the attribute "author" in which the document internal number should have been entered. Frame: (to add a frame around the sheet) and Page footer (fixed text at the bottom of the sheet) are not necessary.

Click on "Fonts": Contents: Click on "Contents" then "Modify" to change from 12 to 10 the Arial size applied to the sheet of contents. Title block: Do not increase the Arial size of the title block because the size of the block is not incremented accordingly!

Semi-graphic : This font is used to print cross-references. Be sure that MS LineDraw has been installed as indicated 10.1 of document [9]. Do not bother about the other items.

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Creation of a project A project is a controller. Therefore one project is automatically created by OGIV8035 in CADEPA software for each PLC. The name of the project must be exactly the same in OGIV-8035 and in CADEPA. The attributes of the project are: Author: This item is printed in the title block at the bottom of each page of the documents generated by CADEPA. It should therefore be used to indicate the internal number of the programming document, as there are no other way to print this number on each page. A comment on 49 characters may be given to the project but it does not appear on the screen nor on the documents! It may therefore be more convenient to enter a small comment (on 15 characters) in the attribute customer that is displayed on the main screen (its first 15 characters only!). The options of the project are the copy of those of CADEPA project. They don't have to be modified. Refer to for details about them.


Creation and configuration of applications The advantages of splitting the application program of a PLC into several applications are: • Make sure that some pieces of the processing are performed in a specific order: the content of a CADEPA application is translated in at least one P8 program block; the user calls the blocks generated by the different applications in the order of his choice. •

Smaller applications are easier to handle

Make the program easier to understand

The drawback is that the user must be very careful not to forget to import the new .mne file produced by OGIV in all the applications (this operation has to be performed application by application) each time of the address, the label or state_1 message of a variable shared by several applications is modified in OGIV-8035.

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The size of an application is limited to: •

4095 graphs + steps

4095 Transitions + stand-alone actions

4095 variables

At least 3 applications must be included in each project: • AP_FST (automatically declared by OGIV) where the .gig files generated by OGIV-8035 to customize the DOMAIN functions must be imported. The user can also write his own graphs in it. The P8 program block(s) generated by this application should be called at 1st scan only in "_main" program. • AP_OUT (automatically declared by OGIV) where the .gig files generated by OGIV-8035 to update TS, TM ... must be imported. The P8 program block(s) generated by this application must be the last application blocks called in "_main" program. The user should not write his own graphs in this application because the processing of all the variables due to be TS, TM (to MMI or CENTRALOG) or due to be sent on networks must be written in other applications to be sure it is performed before the TS/TM... update. • “PROCESS” application (manually declared by the programmer) where the user writes his own graphs. The applications should be configured as defined in the next chapter.

Attributes of the applications The name of the application must be limited to 7 characters because OGIV-8035 doesn't accept more (nor does P8). The attributes PLC manufacturer and PLC type must be respectively set to "ALSPA8000", "80 - 35/351" or "80 - 35/363". .For comment, refer to the previous paragraph. The options of the application are the copy of those of the project. They don't have to be modified. Refer to for details about them.

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Applications also have attributes in Graphite: title, comment, revision, author, company but they are independent of those declared in Program Application Manager and only appear in the documents issued from Graphite. As we issue our documentation from Program Application Manager., we don't need to fill these attributes.

Page setup of the application in Graphite The application page setup is copied in the graphs of the application at their creation. It had therefore better be set prior to the creation of graphs. The application/graph page setup is independent of the project page setup set in CADEPA main menu (Program ApplicationManager). The space available on a page for writing the program depends on the graph page setup. When the project page setup allows less margin than the graph page setup, CADEPA reduces the size of the drawing so that the whole content of a graph sheet can still be printed on a single page in the documents issued from CADEPA main menu. To define the application page setup: select setup".





To have the largest possible work sheet, enter '0' in all the margins and do not validate "Page header" nor "Page footer" nor "Title block". Refer to appendix H-3 to have an example of a graph with that page setup and printed from CADEPA main menu with the project page setup described in

Preferences to display variables in Graphite It allows defining how to display and print the variables in the program. Choose “File” “Preferences” and validate “Display title”. It allows to display and print the title (label^state_1 from OGIV-8035) of each variable after its mnemonic.

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: Display address may also be validated. It allows to display and print the address of each variable after its mnemonic or title. But to actually display the addresses, ogiv_pj.mne must be imported in "PLC" "Symbol table" of CADEPA main menu as well as in Graphite and ALSPA 8000 console must be active in Graphite.


Import of all the project variables already declared in OGIV-8035 This operation allows to display the titles of the variables in CADEPA and helps avoiding spelling mistakes when using the variables in the programs. To perform the import (from Graphite): 1. "File" "Import" 2. Choose ".mne" files at the bottom of the window 3. Check that the "Options"

: Import the existing variables too : Create the new variables are validated : Create a new import table allows to display the imported variables in a table

4. Select OGIV_PJ.mne under \CADEPA\.prj\.apl\


Edition of programs In CADEPA, the applications are divided into graphs. Theoretically, the size or number of pages of a graph is not limited. At the creation of a graph, the following operations should be performed: 1 - Create the graph by clicking on the 1st icon, 2 - "View" "Page Separator" to visualise on the screen the limit of the pages. The options "View" "Grid" and "Page Numbers" may also be useful. 3 - "Edit"

"Attributes" to give a name to the graph,

4 - Check that the page setup is as described in

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Here are some advices to set up a graph: - Validate "Variable" "Display title" in the application preferences (Refer to to avoid spelling error in the mnemonic (if no title is displayed, the variable is a new one or its mnemonic is misspelled) and to make the program easier to understand. - Write only one variable per line, leave blanks in the operations to make the program easier to read. Refer to appendix H-3 to have an example of this setup. 12.2.6

Export to OGIV-8035

This operation will allow ogiv8035 to address all process variables created in CADEPA application graphs. To perform the export (from Graphite), - Delete the unused variables by select "Variable" - Select "File" files of type :). The file created.

"Delete unused variables"

"Export", then choose “.mne files ” at the bottom of the window (list



Page setup for the documentation issued from the main menu

In project "CADEPA", select "File" "Page setup" : the page setup screen is displayed. It should be filled as shown below. Refer to appendix H-3 to have an example of documents printed with this page setup. Margins: 32/16/19/21 are the standard margins. They allow to print "ALSTOM" header on top of the sheet. Title Block: block at the bottom of the sheet giving the page number, the date and indication about the content (Name of the project, of the application, of the graph). It also contains the attribute "author" in which the document internal number should have been entered.

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Frame (to add a frame around the sheet) and Page footer (fixed text at the bottom of the sheet) are not necessary. Click on


Contents Click on "Contents" then "Modify" to change from 12 to 10 the Arial size applied to the sheet of contents. Title block Do not increase the Arial size of the title block because the size of the block is not incremented accordingly! Semi-graphic his font is used to print cross references. Be sure that MS LineDraw has been installed as indicated 10.1 of document [9]. Do not bother about the other items.

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COHERENCE OF ADDRESSES To display the list of variables with duplicated mnemonics, duplicated address or without address. This list is recorded in doublon.txt file, located in the ogiv8035 project directory.



PROCESS BITS OR WORDS FREES To display the list of process addresses frees from the process areas. This list is stored in limits.txt file, located in the ogiv8035 project directory.


UPDATING OF WORDINGS FROM OTHER PROJECT In comparison with mnemonics of an other project, execute the updating of fields: •


State 1

Var Ref

To select the issuing project, use the Open File dialog that is displayed after clicking this option.

_______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.99/A


DATABASE OPTIMIZATION To permanently removes all unused variables in the project. To improve performance of OGIV-8035, in particular after a lot of exchanges with modifications between OGIV-8035 and CADEPA, use this option. Note: There is no way to retrieve deleted variables after this option has been run.


FONT Change the used font in case of bilingual project (and only in this case).


TRANSLATE Only when printing have to be bilinguals. After selection of this option a FoxPro standard browse window is displayed. Line 1 to 3 appears the variable in the basic language (read only), the next are reserved to the translation by using an external text editor. Fields State 1 or unit are translated in CENTRALOG. Only 3 external text editors are validated by OGIV-8035. •

Wind East or Twin link for Cyrillic characters

RichWin 97 for Chinese characters

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Partial addressing This function addresses a group of variables that mnemonic satisfy to a filter defined by user. Only the variables that match the condition are displayed. Enter the first address and validate. The addresses are then incremented by 1 from current variable to the end of displayed variables (This function is only available in “Administrator mode”). The mnemonic skeleton can contain the wildcard character “?”


Reset Ranks To optimise the reading performance of MMI, CENTRALOG or others PLCs, it is possible to make contiguous sending areas. OGIV-8035 gives 4 possibilities in accordance with the sending areas: -

Reset CENTRALOG ranks


Reset S8000 ranks


Reset F8000 ranks


Reset MMI ranks

The using of reset ranks options can damage the variables in the issuer system. The attributes entered with other tools as CENTRALOG or INTERACT can be loose. Use these options while any CENTRALOG, MMI or network attributes has not been defined. To prevent the accidents , this function is only available when the “Administrator mode” is selected.

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Display file When clicking on this option the Open file dialog displays all the files with extension .mne and .txt, located in the current OGIV-8035 project. To display a file, select it from the scrollable list and choose Open or double-click on the file name with the mouse or the Spacebar. It is possible to change drive, directory or type of file by clicking in the related scrollable list.

Press Ctrl W to save the file when it has been modified or Esc to exit without saving.


Browser database When clicking on this option the Open file dialog displays all the files with extension .dbf , located in the current OGIV-8035 project. To display a database, select it from the scrollable list and choose Open or double-click on the file name with the mouse or the Spacebar. It is possible to change drive, directory or type of file by clicking in the related scrollable list. To prevent the accidents , this function is only available when the “Administrator mode” is selected.


Loading CADEPA To load CADEPA from OGIV-8035

_______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.102/A



OGIV-8035 To save on floppy the OGIV-8035 current project. This procedure needs at least 3 diskettes. Click on “Project” “Save on floppy a:” “OGIV-8035”. It is not necessary to format the diskettes before saving, because OGIV-8035 erase all files before writing project files.

CADEPA To save on floppy the CADEPA applications related to OGIV-8035 current project. Click on “Project” “Save on floppy a:” “CADEPA”. The following screen is displayed:

After choosing the CADEPA applications to save, click on “Save”. The files saved are : • .cm • .rii • .rid • option.tra • cadepa.enc • liste.cmd • traducti.cmd • assemble.cmd • adr_mne.cmd • docum.cmd • prnsvr.cmd


Restoring The name of the current project selected in OGIV8035 must be the same than the one on diskettes.

_______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.103/A

OGIV-8035 To restore from floppy the project saved by OGIV-8035 saving procedure. Click on “Project” “Restore” “OGIV-8035”.

CADEPA To restore from floppy the CADEPA applications saved by OGIV8035 saving procedure. Click on “Project” “Restore” “CADEPA”, then proceed as describe in

_______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.104/A




INTRODUCTION To simulate the actions of the electrical or mechanical devices linked to the I/O PLC. To perform this function the user should create an application where will be write the simulation program. The aim of this program is to set the inputs in function of the outputs activated by the application programs. CADEPA don’t have any instruction to write into discrete references (%I). Therefore the simulation program will use discrete inputs renamed from li_….. to lø_….. and addressed in %Q. After an import from CADEPA, OGIV-8035 automatically addresses (refer to 5.1.2) all the variables that the beginning of the mnemonic is lø_. Meanwhile the user must write in P8, before all the application programs, a “move word” instruction to copy the simulation %Q area into the %I discrete input area. DISCRETE INPUTS

P8 Move Word




l 0_input_1


l 0_input_2


l 0_input_n



Process ProcessApplications Applicatio ns

Simul. pplication Simul.AA pplication

%Q lo_output_1 lo_output_2


The simulation area by default for discrete inputs is localised between %Q1025 and %Q2048. But if it already uses, it may be change.

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PROCEDURE In CADEPA 1. Create a simulation application in CADEPA. 2. Write the simulation program, using lø_… instead of li_… 3. Generate .mne.

In OGIV8035 1. 2. 3. 4.

Create the same application in OGIV-8035. Import from CADEPA. Automatic addressing. Export to CADEPA (Generation of OGIV_PJ.mne).

In P8 1. Create the simulation block program. 2. Write the Move Word instruction. In CADEPA 1. Generate of the simulation application with taking account OGIV_PJ.mne. In CADEPA/P8 1. Load the program into PLC 2. Test

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Application Program : The program written by the user for control of a machine or process, i.e., the application. Baseplate : A frame containing the backplane for the system bus, and connectors into which modules are inserted. Baud : A unit of data transmission. Baud rate is the number of bits per second transmitted. C80-35/CENTRALOG communication environment : Set of standard program blocks and configuration files to load in a C80-35 PLC and in its S8000 communication module to allow the PLC to exchange messages on S8000 with CENTRALOG and with the other C80-35 PLCs. CPU (Central Processing Unit) : The central device or controller that interprets user instructions, makes decisions, and executes the functions based on a stored application program. CPU Baseplate : The baseplate in which the CPU is installed. This baseplate must always be included in a system and is always assigned rack number "0". Discrete : The term "discrete" includes both real and internal I/O that are one-bit user references. DOMAIN : Set of standard program blocks written P8 software and performing commonly used functions such as PLC monitoring, analog input convertion, interface with S8000 communication environment, management of the communication with MODBUS subscribers ... Expansion baseplate : A 10-slot baseplate added to a Model 341 or Model 351 when the application calls for more modules than the CPU baseplate can contain. A Model 341 system can have up to four expansion baseplates ; a Model 351 up to 7 expansion baseplates. Input module : An I/O module that converts signals from user devices to logic levels that can be used by the CPU. I/O module : A printed circuit assembly that interfaces between user devices and the Alpsa 80-35 PLC. Module : A replaceable electronic subassembly usually plugged into connectors on a backplane and secured in place, but easily removed in case of a failure or system redesign. O.U. : (Operating Unit) set of number use to differentiate elementary systems (Ex; 01gta, 02gta, 20kkl, …).

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Output : Data transferred from the CPU, through a module for level conversion, to be used for controlling an external device or process. Output module : An I/O module that converts logic level signal within the CPU to usable output signals a machine or process. Program block : A unit of an application program that can consist of up to 8K words of ladder logic and 8K words of local registers. Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) : A solid-state industrial control device which receives signals from user supplied control devices such as switches and sensors, implements them in a precise pattern determined by ladder diagram based application programs stored in user memory, and provides outputs for control of processes or user supplied devices such as relays or motors starters. It is usually programmed in relay ladder logic and is designed to operate in an industrial environment. Rack : An Alspa 80-35 baseplate when it has modules installed in it. Reference type : A specific group of memory type in the ALSPA C80-35 plc, e.g. %I references discrete inputs and %Q references discrete outputs. The % symbol is used to distinguish machine references from nicknames. Register : A group of 16 consecutive bits in register memory, referenced as %R. Each register is numbered, beginning at 0001. Register memory is used for temporary storage of numerical values, and for bit manipulation. TC (Telecommand) : Variable representing a logical command sent to a PLC. TM (Telemeasure) : Analog variable sent by a PLC. TS (Telesignal) : Discrete variable sent by a PLC. TVC (Setpoint command) : Variable representing an analog command sent to a PLC.

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The maximum size of a mnemonic is 27 characters.


To prevent error, the option "keyboard locked" has to be chosen in CADEPA. "LI_GTA_titi" is thus the same variable as "li_gta_TITI", "li_gta_titi" ... To standardise the mnemonics and make it easier for OGIV-8035, it has been chosen to use only lowercase letters as it avoids to change from CAPS LOCK to normal to type character "_". OGIV-8035 converts all the uppercase letters of the mnemonics into lowercase letters.


The only authorised characters are : a to z, 0 to 9 and _.


Each mnemonic must begin with 2 letters + "_" l for discrete (logical) variables

The first letter is :

d for registers (digital variables) The 2nd letter is : Type of variables



Parameters, inputs or outputs of DOMAIN standard blocks

To spare the user the manual addressing of those variables, a mnemonic beginning with "ld_" or "dd_" has been assigned to each of them. The mnemonics and related addresses are stored in OGIV-8035 which can thus address automatically the DOMAIN variables.


Wired inputs, variables received from networks.

They must be declared in OGIV-8035 prior to their import from CADEPA to OGIV-8035. OGIV-8035 won't accept from CADEPA any unknown variable beginning with "li_" or "di_".


Wired and MODBUS outputs

idem as "i"


Test (Simulate variables )

idem as "i"


System variables

same as "d"

For the other variables, ie the variables created in CADEPA and imported into OGIV-8035 to be addressed, any other 2nd letter may be used. For example, c for TC to CENTRALOG, k for TC to MMI, v for variables processed by the application program … _______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.109/A


The var ref attribute of a variable is elaborated from its mnemonic by OGIV8035. As the first 5 characters of var ref must be the operative unit of the variable, the mnemonic must also contain the operative unit or at least its 3 letters : operative unit = FFLLL (FF = 2 figure number, LLL = 3 letters)

The 3 letters of the operative unit must appear in the mnemonic. The 2 figures of the operative unit of a PLC are declared at the creation of the PLC in OGIV-8035. If the variable belongs to an operative unit with the same 2 figure number, it needn't be repeated in its mnemonic. Otherwise, the full operative unit must appear in the mnemonic. The operative unit or its 3 letters must begin character 4 of the mnemonic. Examples : a)

Unit PLC : 2 figures of the operative unit = 01 mnemonic : li_gta_yyy mnemonic : di_gex_yyy


→ →

var ref : 01GTA_YYY var ref : 01GEX_YYY

Switchyard PLC: 2 figures of the operative unit = 90 mnemonic : li_lrx_yyy mnemonic : li_91lrl_yyy

→ →

var ref : 90LRX_YYY var ref : 91LRL_YYY

The maximum number of characters of var ref is 20 but the mnemonic may have up to 27 characters. (It is no use selecting a smaller number of characters in CADEPA: in any case during the edition of a graph, the user is only warned when a mnemonic is longer than 27 characters !).

Once having removed the first 3 characters (li_) and, when needed, added the 2 figures of the operative unit, if the mnemonic still has more than 20 characters, OGIV-8035 removes the 1st "_", then the 2nd one ... to elaborate var ref. If it's not enough yet, the last letters of the mnemonic are not copied in var ref and the user is warned that var ref has been truncated.

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Symbols used: ATTRIBUTE



27 char.







E = Entered by the user, P = Processed by OGIV-8035, R = Received.




All the variables

= name of the variable in CADEPA l/di_xxx, l/do_xxx are entered in OGIV-8035 by the user, they cannot be imported from CADEPA to OGIV-8035. The other variables are imported into OGIV from CADEPA. Refer to appendix B for its syntax.



32 char.

State 1

8 char.








All the variables

= label of the variable CENTRALOG and MMI




All the TS / TC

= message displayed when the state of the variable is 1.

= address of the variable in the PLC




The valid state 1 / state 0 couples are declared in CENTRALOG and available in etat_al.dbf file which must be copied into OGIV each time messages are modified or added. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.111/A




8 char.








All the TM/TVC

= unit of the measurement. The valid units are declared in CENTRALOG and available in unit_vm.dbf file. This file must be copied from CENTRALOG to OGIV-8035 each time units are modified or added in CENTRALOG.


Acquisition rate



= Update rate of the measure in CENTRALOG. A default value is defined according to the unit in unit_vm.dbf file.

V mini V maxi

PLC mini PLC maxi









Any register sent to CENTRALOG or CITECT

= Min and max physical values of the measurement

- Registers sent to CITECT or = min and max values in the PLC CENTRALOG Used by CITECT and CENTRALOG to convert the value received from the PLC. Ex : voltage received from MODBUS in V and displayed in kV in CITECT or CENTRALOG : PLC mini/maxi = 1000 * V mini/maxi - Physical value of analog Used by DAI_ALG to convert in the PLC the value in points. inputs

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1 to 99








All the discrete variables sent to MMI or CENTRALOG

STD regroups 7 CENTRALOG attributes: - URGENCY : 1 to 4 (0 = no alarm) - DIRECTION : 1 or 0 (=fault state) - HORN : 1 or 0 - ACK : 1 or 0 (0 means that once acknowledged, the alarm is not displayed any longer even if it has not disappeared yet) - ED.A : 1 or 0 (1=printed at rising edge) - ED.D : 1 or 0 (1=printed at falling edge) - REINIT : 1 or 0 (1=printed at start-up) * OGIV-8035 gives the 7 attributes to CENTRALOG. It doesn't give STD. ** MMI only needs ALARM (=1 if URGENCY>0)






Any MAIN PLC logical variable OGIV-8035 assigns them an address and a row. except li_xxx or lo_xxx Any MAIN PLC analog variable except di_xxx or do_xxx Any MAIN PLC analog variable


OGIV-8035 assigns them a row and generates the CADEPA program file to arrange them in the TM table and process their validating bits. Any MAIN PLC logical variable Idem except those received from %I0001to %I0224 of an IHR PLC

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.113/A


Var ref


20 char.





P or E




All the variables exchanged with CENTRALOG

= name of the variable in CENTRALOG and MMI. It is elaborated automatically by OGIV-8035 according to the mnemonic of the variable as soon as the Centralog flag is set to S or M or by pressing ALT R. It can be modified by the user. Refer to appendix B to know how Var ref is elaborated from the mnemonic.



« li_ », « di_ », « lo_ », « do_ » Wired I/O variables Idem Idem

Updated by OGIV-8035 according to the PLC configuration.

Rack Slot Point

0 to 4 1 to 10 1 to 32

Plc Address

0 to 5

Variables received from F8000 = Number of the sending PLC on F8000 Idem = Address in the sending PLC.

Device Point

5 char.

Modbus I/O variables

= Name of the sending/receiving device. = Rank in the interface table

Any discrete variable

Means that the variable has to be copied into the bit or word table broadcast on F8000.

To F8000

S = TS


= Rack of the I/O module in PLC. = Slot of the I/O module in Rack. = Rank of the I/O on the module.

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Any register

OGIV-8035 generates the CADEPA program file to arrange those variables in the message broadcast on F8000.

Any discrete variable except li_xxx or lo_xxx

OGIV-8035 assigns them an address and in the area dedicated to TC MMI.

Any register except di_xxx or do_xxx



Any discrete variable


Any register

OGIV-8035 generates the CADEPA program file to copy them in the area dedicated to TS MMI. Idem



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This is the standard list provided by OGIV-8035. It can be customised on each project in std_vl.dbf file. For internal processing, the additional "ALARM" column must be set to 0 when URGENCY = 0 and to 1 otherwise.






















































11 21 31 41

1 2 3 4








12 22 32 42

1 2 3 4








13 23 33 43

1 2 3 4








14 24 34 44

1 2 3 4









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DOMAIN-8035 is a set of programs written with P8 programming software in LADDER language and carrying out system functions.

To use DOMAIN functions: - The DOMAIN program blocks must be called from the PLC "_main" program (written with P8), - When a customisation is needed, the chosen values must be written at first scan in the parameters, - The input references of the DOMAIN program blocks must be updated and their output references read at each scan.

For the user of CADEPA and OGIV-8035, the DOMAIN parameters and I/O references are of 3 types: - Type 1 references, for example analog inputs (outputs from DAI_ALG), MODBUS I/O (from DMB_EVA ...) ..., are automatically generated by OGIV-8035 according to the PLC and MODBUS configuration. No specific mnemonics are assigned to them: the user assigns mnemonics according to his choice. - Type 2 references have been assigned specific mnemonics (beginning with "ld_" or ”dd_”). The user does not have to bother about their addresses: he uses the pre-set mnemonics in his CADEPA applications; OGIV-8035 will assign the proper addresses to them. For some of them, such as parameters, TS, TM to CENTRALOG..., OGIV-8035 automatically writes the instructions to update them in .gig files. - Type 3 references are useful only for test purpose. They are not known by OGIV8035 as they are not needed by the application program..

DOMAIN functions can also be used in PLCs which are not implemented with CADEPA and OGIV-8035. The interface with the application program is then performed by using the references of the parameters and inputs/outputs. This appendix explains how to use the DOMAIN functions from CADEPA programs and with OGIV-8035. _______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.117/A

It is set out as technical leaflets, one per DOMAIN program block, describing: - the processing performed by each block, - its parameters (variables to customise at first scan), inputs (variables to update before each call), outputs (variables updated by the block). For each of them, a description, a range of values, default value and reference address in the PLC is given. For type 1 references, as their mnemonics are chosen by the user, only their 3 pulsory 1st characters are indicated. For type 2 references, the assigned mnemonics are given. When OGIV-8035 automatically writes their update instructions the related .gig file is indicated. Type 3 references don't have any mnemonics. When a parameter has a default value, the application program needn’t customise it, except if the default value does not fit.

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Validation and conversion of ALG222/223 analog inputs


PROCESSING: - Deals with up to 128 analog inputs from ALG222 or ALG223 modules. - Periodically reads each input, checks its validity and converts it into physical value. - In order not to load the PLC too much, all the inputs are not scanned at each cycle, the number of inputs scanned per cycle has to be customised by the user (dd_alg_per_cyc). - DAI_ALG converts %AI0xxx into physical value according to:  its MIN / MAX physical values (dd_ana_inp_min_0xxx / dd_ana_inp_max_0xxx)  the minimum and maximum raw values common to all the inputs processed by DAI_ALG (dd_alg_raw_min/max). The conversion is performed if: MAX - MIN > 0. - The validity bit of an analog input: =1

when its module is OK and its raw value higher than the minimum valid raw value (dd_alg_raw_limit).



- When a module is missing or NOK, the raw and physical values of all its channels are set to - 32768. - When the raw value is higher than the minimum valid raw value, it is still converted into physical units.

PARAMETERS: dd_alg_raw_min (2)

Minimum raw value of all the inputs processed by DAI_ALG. Example: 0 or 6400 or -32000.


dd_alg_raw_max (2)

Maximum raw value of all the inputs processed by DAI_ALG. Example: 32000.


dd_alg_raw_limit (2)

Raw value under which the input is declared invalid.


Number of inputs to scan per cycle. (Execution time of DAI_ALG ~ dd_alg_per_cyc / 2 ms)




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Validation and conversion of ALG222/223 analog inputs PARAMETERS (FOLLOWING): dd_alg_mask_mdl_000n


1 ≤ n ≤ 8. Mask for inputs processed by DAI_ALG. Bit i of dd_alg_mask_mdl_00n = 1 if channel i of module n, %AI[16(n-1) + i], exists and has a raw value between dd_alg_raw_min and dd_alg_raw_max. Value of bit i:

i= 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

→ → → → → → → →

1 i= 2 4 8 16 32 64 128

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

→ → → → → → → →


256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384 -32768

dd_ana_inp_min_0xxx (1)

Minimum physical value of input %AI0xxx, i.e. physical value for dd_alg_raw_min points. 1≤ xxx ≤ 128.

%AI( 0129 + 8(xxx-1) )

dd_ana_inp_max_0xxx (1)

Maximum physical value for input %AI0xxx i.e. physical value for dd_alg_raw_max points. 1≤ xxx ≤ 128

%AI( 0130 + 8(xxx-1) )


updated by OGIV-8035 in og_anai.gig file to import in CADEPA, application AP_FST.


must be updated by the user in cnf_alg.gig file to import in CADEPA, application AP_FST.



OUTPUTS: di_...

Raw value of channel %AI0xxx. (= copy of %AI0xxx).

%AI( 0135 + 8(xxx-1) )


Physical value of channel %AI0xxx

%AI( 0136 + 8(xxx-1) )


Validity bit of channel %AI0xxx

%I( 1649 + (xxx-1) )

The validity bit, physical value and copy of raw value of an input are updated at the same time every: total number of inputs processed by DAI_ALG

——————————————————— x 100 ms dd_alg_per_cyc

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Validation and conversion of ALG222/223 analog inputs RULES FOR IMPLEMENTATION: 1 - CONFIGURATION OF THE ALG222 / 223 MODULES WITH P8: "Active Chan": 1 to 16

"Ref Adr": %AI (16(n-1)+1) 1≤n≤8

"Channel i": as needed

"Alarm Low": not useful

"Ref Adr": %I (1777+8(n-1)) "%I size": 8 "Alarm High": not useful

(4-20 mA, 0-10V ...)

2 - The minimum and maximum raw values must be the same for all the inputs processed by DAI_ALG (dd_alg_raw_min / dd_alg_raw_max). If all the ALG222/223 analog inputs of the PLC don't have the same minimum or maximum raw values, several DAI_ALX blocks must be used, one for each raw_min / raw_max couple. Presently, 3 different couples may be used (for example: 0 / 32000, 6400 / 32000, -32000 / 32000) as 3 blocks are available: DAI_ALG, DAI_AL2 and DAI_AL3.

EXAMPLE: There are 2 ALG222 modules in the PLC. Their configuration in P8 must be:

Module 1: %AI0001 / %I1777 Module 2: %AI0017 / %I1785.


- %AI0001 / 2 / 9 / 16 / 17 to 32 are between 0 and 32000 points, - %AI0003 / 4 between -32000 and 32000 points, - all the other channels are spare,


dd_alg_raw_min = 0, dd_alg_raw_max = 32000, dd_alg_mask_mdl_0001 = - 32509 ( = 1 + 2 + 256 - 32768) dd_alg_mask_mdl_0002 = - 1 ( = 1 + 2 + ... + 16384 - 32768)


DAI_AL2 must be called for %AI3 and %AI4 with: dd_al2_raw_min = -32000, dd_al2_raw_max = 32000 dd_al2_mask_mdl_0001 = 4 + 8 = 12.

The variables to use in the application program are: For channel %AI0002: - %AI0143 to work on the value in points, - %AI0144 to use the converted value, - its validity bit is %I1650, For channel %AI0003:

- %AI0151 to work on the value in points, - %AI0152 to use the converted value, - its validity bit is %I1651

_______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.121/A

Validation and conversion of ALG222/223 analog inputs


PROCESSING: - DAI_AL2 should be used in addition to DAI_ALG when all the ALG222/223 analog inputs of the PLC do not have the same minimum or maximum raw value. - The maximum number of inputs processed by DAI_ALG + DAI_AL2 + DAI_AL3 is 128.


dd_al2_raw_min dd_al2_raw_max


dd_al2_raw_limit (2) dd_al2_per_cyc






dd_ana_inp_max_0xxx (1)

Minimum raw value of all the inputs processed by DAI_AL2. Example: 0 or 6400 or -32000.


Maximum raw value of all the inputs processed. by DAI_AL2. Example: 32000.


Raw value under which the input is declared invalid.


Number of inputs to scan per cycle. (Execution time of DAI_AL2 < dd_al2_per_cyc / 2 ms)


1 ≤ n ≤ 8. Mask for inputs processed by DAI_AL2. Bit i of dd_al2_mask_mdl_000n = 1 if channel i of module n, %AI[16(n-1) + i], exists and has a raw value between dd_al2_raw_min and dd_al2_raw_max.


Minimum physical value of input %AI0xxx, i.e. physical value for dd_al2_raw_min points. 1≤ xxx ≤ 128.

%AI( 0129 + 8(xxx-1) )

Maximum physical value for input %AI0xxx i.e. physical value for dd_al2_raw_max points. 1≤ xxx ≤ 128.

%AI( 0130 + 8(xxx-1) )


updated by OGIV-8035 in og_anai.gig file to import in CADEPA, application AP_FST.


must be updated by the user in cnf_al2.gig file to import in CADEPA, application AP_FST.


same as DAI_ALG


Refer to DAI_ALG.

_______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.122/A

Validation and conversion of ALG222/223 analog inputs


PROCESSING: - DAI_AL3 should be used in addition to DAI_ALG when all the ALG222/223 analog inputs of the PLC do not have the same minimum or maximum raw value. - The maximum number of inputs processed by DAI_ALG + DAI_AL2 + DAI_AL3 is 128.


dd_al3_raw_min dd_al3_raw_max


dd_al3_raw_limit (2) dd_al3_per_cyc






dd_ana_inp_max_0xxx (1)

Minimum raw value of all the inputs processed by DAI_AL3. Example: 0 or 6400 or -32000.


Maximum raw value of all the inputs processed. by DAI_AL3. Example: 32000.


Raw value under which the input is declared invalid.


Number of inputs to scan per cycle. (Execution time of DAI_AL3 < dd_al3_per_cyc / 2 ms)


1 ≤ n ≤ 8. Mask for inputs processed by DAI_AL3. Bit i of dd_al3_mask_mdl_000n = 1 if channel i of module n, %AI[16(n-1) + i], exists and has a raw value between dd_al3_raw_min and dd_al3_raw_max.


Minimum physical value of input %AI0xxx, i.e. physical value for dd_al3_raw_min points. 1≤ xxx ≤ 128.

%AI( 0129 + 8(xxx-1) )

Maximum physical value for input %AI0xxx i.e. physical value for dd_al3_raw_max points. 1≤ xxx ≤ 128.

%AI( 0130 + 8(xxx-1) )


updated by OGIV-8035 in og_anai.gig file to import in CADEPA, application AP_FST.


must be updated by the user in cnf_al3.gig file to import in CADEPA, application AP_FST.


same as DAI_ALG


Refer to DAI_ALG.

_______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.123/A


Validation of RTD inputs PROCESSING: - Deals with up to 7 RTD66x modules which input references are:

%AI0001-6, %AI0017-22, %AI0033-38, %AI0049-54, %AI0065-70, %AI0081-86, %AI0097-102. - DAI_RTD updates a validity bit for each RTD channel =1

when its module is OK and the RTD channel neither open nor over the maximum readable temperature.



- DAI_RTD copies the 6 channels into 6 other %AI to be consistent with DAI_ALx modules.

PARAMETERS: dd_rtd_rack_aixx

xx = 01 , 17 , 33 , 49 , 65 , 81 or 97. Rack number (1 to 8) of RTD module %AI00xx.

%R( 171 + 2(i-1) ) *


xx = 01 , 17 , 33 , 49 , 65 , 81 or 97. Slot number (1 to 10) of RTD module %AI00xx.

%R( 172 + 2(i-1) ) *

* i = 1 for xx = 01, 2 for xx = 17, 3 for xx = 33, 4 for xx = 49, 5 for xx = 65, 6 for xx = 81, 7 for xx = 97.

OUTPUTS: di_...

Copy of %AI0xxx.


Validity bit of channel %AI0xxx

%AI( 0135 + 8(xxx-1) ) %I( 1648 + (xxx-1) )

RULES FOR IMPLEMENTATION: - The 16 discrete references of RTD module %AI(16n+1) must be %I(1649+16n) to %I(1664+16n), 0 ≤ n ≤ 6. - The processing of the 7 possible RTD66x modules is implemented in DAI_RTD. THE USER MUST ZOOM INSIDE DAI_RTD AND DELETE THE RUNGS RELATED TO NON EXISTING MODULES (there are 1 "COMMENT" + 4 rungs per module).

_______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.124/A

Duality updating control


PROCESSING: - Makes the elaboration of "insertion mode". - Supervises with controls the exchanges between dual controller. - Elaborates cheksum for analizing


INPUTS: dd_dual_st_stus

Stable status word



Requested status word



Sequence status word



Instable applicative status



Application stop requested



Application insertion mode requested


Exchanges lost


OUTPUTS: ld_dual_update_flt


Must be used with macro DDU_SND & DDU_RCV. Position in software: - just before application and before DDU_SND & DDU_RCV

_______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.125/A

Duality updating sending


PROCESSING: - Makes the updating by sending data between primary controller and secondary controller of redundant main controller.


INPUTS: ld_mod_local

Application local control mode



Application remote control mode




Must be used with macro DDU_CTR & DDU_RCV. Position in software: - just before application and between DDU_CTR & DDU_RCV

_______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.126/A

Duality updating receiving


PROCESSING: - Makes the updating by receiving data between primary controller and secondary controller of redundant main controller.


INPUTS: ld_mod_local

Application local control mode



Application remote control mode




Must be used with macro DDU_CTR & DDU_SND. Position in software: - just before application and after DDU_CTR & DDU_SND

_______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.127/A

Processing of application variables received from F8000


PROCESSING - Copies in %I area the discrete variable received from F8000 in %AI words. - Demultiplex the analog variables received from F8000 - The variables exchanged between the 2 dual PLC are not processed by DF8_IN but by DDU_xxx blocks.

PARAMETERS: dd_f8000_1st_iword_ihr1 (1)

First %I word where are copied the discrete variables received from IHR 1 in %AI.


1st Address – 1

= ———————— + 1 16

( = 1 for %I0001, 2 for %I0017, 3 for %I0033 ... ) dd_f8000_nbr_iword_ihr1 (1) dd_f8000_1st_iword_ihr2


dd_f8000_nbr_iword_ihr2 (1) dd_f8000_1st_iword_subi


dd_f8000_nbr_iword_subi (1)

Number of words of 16 bits received from IHR 1


First %I word to copy bits from IHR 2


Number of words of 16 bits received from IHR 2


First %I word where are copied the bits received from SUB i in %AI (1 ≤ i ≤ 3)

%R(0045 + 2(i-1) )

Number of words of 16 bits received from SUBi

%R(0045 + 2(i-1) )


Updated by OGIV-8035 in og_f8i.gig according to "Networks F8000 Exchange areas definition". og_f8i.gig must be imported into CADEPA, application AF_FST.

_______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.128/A


Processing of application variables received from F8000

INPUTS: IHR1 is running and on F8000 %I1905 IHR2is running and on F8000 %I1889 SUB1 is running and on F8000 %I1873 SUB2 is running and on F8000 %I1857 SUB3 is running and on F8000 %I1841 256 bits from IHR1 %AI1153-1168 256 bits from IHR2 %AI1185-1200 256 bits from SUB1 %AI1217-1248 256 bits from SUB2 %AI1249-1280 256 bits from SUB3 %AI1281-1312 1 service word + 61 multiplexed words from SUB1 %AI1377-1438 1 service word + 61 multiplexed words from SUB2 %AI1441-1502 (only 47 multiplexed words if the cell has 3 SUBs) 1 service word + 47 multiplexed words from SUB3 %AI1489-1536


16*dd_f8000_nbr_iword_ihri bits received from IHRi, and available for application program



16*dd_f8000_nbr_iword_subi bits received from SUBi, and available for application program



Up to 244 analog variables received from SUB1, %AI1793-2036 demultiplexed and available for application program


Up to 244 (188 only if the cell has 3 SUBs) analog variables received from SUB2, demultiplexed and available for application program


Up to 188 analog variables received from SUB3, %AI2321-2508 demultiplexed and available for application program


RULES FOR IMPLEMENTATION: DF8_IN must be used in MAIN controllers only

_______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.129/A

Processing of application variables received from F8000


PROCESSING - Copies in %I area the discrete variable received from F8000 in %AI words. - Demultiplex the analog variables received from MAIN PLC

PARAMETERS: dd_f8000_1st_iword_ihr1


First %I word where are copied the discrete variables received from IHR 1 in %AI.


1st Address – 1

= ———————— + 1 16

( = 1 for %I0001, 2 for %I0017, 3 for %I0033 ... ) dd_f8000_nbr_iword_ihr1 (1) dd_f8000_1st_iword_ihr2


dd_f8000_nbr_iword_ihr2 (1) dd_f8000_1st_iword_subi


dd_f8000_nbr_iword_subi (1)

Number of words of 16 bits received from IHR 1


First %I word to copy bits from IHR 2


Number of words of 16 bits received from IHR 2


First %I word where are copied the bits received from SUB i in %AI (1 ≤ i ≤ 3)

%R(0045 + 2(i-1) )

Number of words of 16 bits received from SUBi

%R(0045 + 2(i-1) )


Updated by OGIV-8035 in og_f8i.gig according to "Networks F8000 Exchange areas definition". og_f8i.gig must be imported into CADEPA, application AF_FST.

_______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.130/A

Processing of application variables received from F8000


INPUTS: MAIN is running and on F8000 IHR1 is running and on F8000 IHR2is running and on F8000 SUB1 is running and on F8000 SUB2 is running and on F8000 SUB3 is running and on F8000 256 bits from IHR1 256 bits from IHR2 128 bits from SUB1 128 bits from SUB2 128 bits from SUB3 512 bits from MAIN 1 service word + 61 multiplexed words from MAIN

%I1921 %I1905 %I1889 %I1873 %I1857 %I1841 %AI1153-1168 %AI1185-1200 %AI1217-1224 %AI1249-1256 %AI1281-1288 %AI1393-1424 %AI1313-1374


Up to 512 bits received from MAIN,



16*dd_f8000_nbr_iword_ihri bits received from IHRi, and available for application program



16*dd_f8000_nbr_iword_subi bits received from SUBi, and available for application program



Up to 244 analog variables received from MAIN, %AI1793-2036 demultiplexed and available for application program


RULES FOR IMPLEMENTATION: DF8_I_S must be used in SUB controllers only

_______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.131/A

Multiplexing and update of the areas to send on F8000


PROCESSING: - Copies the bits to send on F8000 into the F8000 network variables. - Multiplex up to 244 analog variables into the F8000 “application words” network variables.


= 0 in SUB, = 1 in MAIN


Size of the analog variable multiplexed blocks 61 in MAIN and SUB1 61 in SUB2 if there is no SUB3 47 in SUB2 and SUB3 if it exists


dd_f8000_nbr_of_mlplx_blk (2)

Number of blocks of analog variables to send on F8000. ≤ 4.



Time between 2 updates of the multiplexed network variable. Default value : 26 = 260 ms.


Rank of the 1st %I word to send to MAIN


Number of 16-%I words to send to MAIN


Number of 16 process bits to MAIN




IN SUB PLC ONLY dd_f8000_1st_iword_to_send


dd_f8000_nbr_iword_to_send (2)(3) dd_f8000_nbr_qword_to_send



Set to 1 in _main program of STD_S8E and STD_S8F


Updated by OGIV-8035 in og_f8i.gig file to import in CADEPA, application AP_FST.


dd_f8000_nbr_iword_to_send + dd_f8000_nbr_qword_to_send must be ≤ 32

_______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.132/A

Multiplexing and update of the areas to send on F8000


INPUTS: IN MAIN PLC ONLY: dd_f8000_s_xxxx


Up to 244 analog variables to broadcast to SUBs %AI1537-1780

ld_f8000_s_xxxx (4)

Up to 512 bits to broadcast to SUBs


IN SUB PLC ONLY: dd_f8000_to_main_xxxx



16*dd_f8000_nbr_iword_to_send discrete inputs to send to MAIN

ld_f8000_to_main_xxxx ld_f8000_to_sub_xxxx

Up to 244 analog variables to send to MAIN



%AI1537-1780 %I

16*dd_f8000_nbr_qword_to_send process bits to send to MAIN


Up to 128 bits to broadcast to the other SUBs



Processed by OGIV-8035 in og_f8lo.gig file to import in CADEPA, application AP_OUT.


Processed by OGIV-8035 in og_f8do.gig file to import in CADEPA, application AP_OUT.

OUTPUTS: 512 bits sent from SUB to MAIN or broadcast from MAIN to SUBs Service word for the multiplexed message



61 multiplexed words to send


128 bits broadcast to the other SUBs



RULES FOR IMPLEMENTATION: DF8_OUT must be used in MAIN and SUB controllers

_______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.133/A


Communication with a CHESSELL temperature acquisition unit PROCESSING:

- Reads up to 96 measurements in CHESSELL (channels 1 to 96) and converts them from 0 – FFFF to physical values according to the MIN / MAX physical values entered by the user. - Reads up to 3 alarms per measurements (alarm 1 to 3). - The alarms are reset and the measurements set to communication with CHESSELL is lost.


(8000H) when the

PARAMETERS: dd_mbus_ue_ches (1)

Number of the related Modbus Exchange Unit 1 to 4.


dd_mbus_subs_nb_ches (1)

Subscriber number on Modbus network 1 to 31.


Reading period for the measurements 0 (default value) = as soon as possible X: period = X*500 ms


Number of analog inputs to read in CHESSELL 1 to 96.


Number of alarms per analog input 1 to 3.


dd_mbus_adr_ala1_ches (1)

Address of alarm 1 in CHESSELL Typically 250


dd_mbus_adr_ala2_ches (1)

Address of alarm 2 in CHESSELL Typically 500 or 1250



Address of alarm 3 in CHESSELL









dd_mbus_ches_inp_min_xxx (1) Minimum physical value of channel xxx

%R( 2701 + 2(xxx-1) )

dd_mbus_ches_inp_max_xxx (1) Maximum physical value of channel xxx

%R( 2702 + 2(xxx-1) )


Updated by OGIV-8035 in og_mbus.gig to import into CADEPA, application AF_FST.

INPUTS: none. _______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.134/A


Communication with a CHESSELL temperature acquisition unit INPUTS / OUTPUTS:

For test purpose: to start the question reading the words, enter 32. To start the question reading alarm i, enter 32 - i. It is then reset automatically.


For test purpose: to stop the question reading the words, enter 32. To stop the question reading alarm i, enter 32 - i. It is then reset automatically.



CHESSELL communicates properly on MODBUS



Channels 1 to 96 in physical units

%R2605 to %R2700


Alarm 1 of channels 1 to 96

%M3489 to %M3584


Alarm 2 of channels 1 to 96

%M3393 to %M3488


Alarm 3 of channels 1 to 96

%M3297 to %M3393


Counters of OK / NOK answers to measurements reading %R1627-8 Last NOK report to measurements reading %R1630 Counter of answer without error code to meas. reading %R1632 Idem for alarm 1 reading

%R1612-3, %R1615

Idem for alarm 2 reading

%R1597-8, %R1600

Idem for alarm 3 reading

%R1582-3, %R1585

RULES FOR IMPLEMENTATION: - DMB_CHS must be used with DMB_UE and DMB_PER and called after DMB_PER and before the application program. - CHESSELL is slave 32 ie its equipment number in OGIV-8035 must be 32. Slaves 29 to 31 are used to read alarms 1 to 3 in CHESSELL therefore equipment numbers 29 to 31 can not be allocated to any slave device in OGIV-8035. - If CHESSELL is on MODBUS Exchange Unit 1, up to 96 measurements may be read. If its on E.U. 3 or 4, only 36 measurements may be read. On E.U.2, 96 measurements may be read if there is no E.U.3 or 4, 90 only if there are 3 exchange units, 52 if there are 4 exchange units.

_______________________________________________________________________________________ AA M-SM01-A40028.135/A

Communication with PECA or EVA devices


PROCESSING: handles up to 32 PECA or EVA electrical measurements acquisition units. - Periodically reads the electrical values measured by PECA or EVA units (from V1 address 0 to ErIN address 34) and converts them into integers except the energies which remain in double-integers. - Monitors all the PECA/EVA units and writes -32768 (8000H) in all the measurements (except energies) of the PECA/EVA which don't communicate.


dd_mbus_mask_eva_1 dd_mbus_mask_eva_2 (2) dd_mbus_eu_eva_j

Mask for existing PECA/EVA Bit j, 1 ≤ j ≤ 32, = 1 if slave j is a PECA or EVA device

(1) (2)

%R1639 %R1640

Number of the related Modbus Exchange Unit 1 to 4.

%R( 1159 + 15 * (j-1) )

dd_mbus_subs_nb_eva_j (1) (2)

Subscriber number on Modbus network 1 to 31.

%R( 1166 + 15 * (j-1) )

dd_mbus_period_eva_j (1) (2)

Reading period for the measurements 0 (default value) = as soon as possible X: period = X*500 ms

%R( 1160 + 15 * (j-1) )

dd_mbus_coef_u_eva_j (1) (2)

Integer coefficient for the voltages 1 or 0 (default value) = voltages in volts X = voltages in X volts

%R( 1641 + 30 * (j-1) )

dd_mbus_coef_i_eva_j (1) (2)

Integer coefficient for the currents 1 or 0 (default value) = currents in amps X = currents in X amps

%R( 1643 + 30 * (j-1) )

dd_mbus_coef_p_eva_j (1) (2)

Double integer coefficient for the powers 1 or 0 (default value) = powers in W, Var X = powers in X W, Var

%R( 1645 + 30 * (j-1) )

dd_mbus_addr_read_eva_j (1) (2) Address in the PECA or EVA device of the 1st word to read (0 to 34) dd_mbus_nb_words_eva_j

(1) (2)

Number of words to read in PECA/EVA 30 (default value) = 3U, 3I, P, Q, S, cos, Hz, 4E 2X, X