2phase Separator Size 2010 VerAA [PDF]

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Client: E3 OGPE Project: E3 Field Development Plant: Gas - Liquid Inlet Separation Unit: Inlet Service:Production Separator Orientation

Datasheet No: Rev : A Date: 23-Aug-10 By: K Chk'd: App'd: Item No: 5V - 100 Location:

Vertica 1 Type Units Number Required: 1 Horizontal l 2 Internals Feed Inlet 2 1 Vapour Outlet Half Vanes/ None. Mesh 3 3 None Vane Pipe Others KOD Pad 4 ` 2 1 5 Process Design Conditions 6 Inlet Pressure psia = 130.0 * Inlet Temperature °F = 100.0 7 Pressure Drop Allowed psi = 5.0 * Pressure Drop Calculated psi = 8 Operating & Design Cases Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Design 9 Vapour Nat Gas 10 Flow Rate MMSCFD = 75.0 11 Flow Rate lb/h = 186,160 12 Flow Surge Factor % = 0% 13 Density lb/ft³ = 0.49 14 Viscosity cP = 0.012 15 Light Liquid = Oil 16 Flow Rate BFPD = 50,000 17 Flow Rate lb/h = 657,898 18 Flow Surge Factor % = 0% 19 Density lb/ft³ = 56.2 20 Viscosity cP = 2 21 Heavy Liquid = Water 22 Flow Rate BFPD = 50,000 23 Flow Rate lb/h = 735,160 24 Flow Surge Factor % = 0% 25 Density lb/ft³ = 62.8 26 Viscosity cP = 1.1 27 28 Contaminants/ Solids Specify ✘ Wellmud ✘ Sand ✘ Proppant ✘ Coke 29 Short term operating requirements 30 31 Design Considerations 32 Default 33 Allowable Droplet Size μ = 200 300 34 In horizontal separator, maximum vapour velocity / min area is calculated at 35 Liquid Residence Time at NLL min = 3 36 Liquid Control Time between LAL and LAH min = 5 37 Liquid Slug Hold up (NLL to LAHH) ft³ = 38 Inflow Slug duration - all liquid flow at total volume flow rate sec = 2 39 Operator Response Time Reqd between Alarm & Trip min = 0.5 outlet SDV closing 40 LALL to consider: ✘ Outlet ✘ siphon effect time 41 ρmVm² lb/ft.s² = 42 Nozzle sizing: Inlet Device: Vane Distributor 4,032 ρgVg² lb/ft.s² = 43 Vapour Outlet 2,688 44 Horizontal Separator: Inlet Nozzle Outlet Nozzle: 45 46 Design Notes 47 48 49 50 51

Client: E3 OGPE Project: E3 Field Development Plant: Gas - Liquid Inlet Separation Unit: Inlet Service:Production Separator

Datasheet No: Rev : A Date: 23-Aug-10 By: K Chk'd: App'd: Item No: 5V - 100 Location:


Vertica 52 l 53 1 Vessel Design Conditions 2 Design Pressure psig = Design Temp °F = 3 Vacuum Criteria Min Design Metal Temp °F = 4 Limitations Plot Limitations 5 Shell Diameter, OD/ID ft = 10.5 Length (Tan-Tan) ft = 33.0 6 Design Code = Corrosion Allowance in = 7 Wall thickness = Hydrostatic Test Pressure psig = 8 Material of Construction Shell = 9 Vane Distributor Mesh Pad = 10 Sandjet Nozzles = Coalescer/Calming Baffl = 11 Heat Personnel Fire 12 External Insulation 1 None Conservation Protection Protection 13 Insulation Thick in = Type/ Material = 14 Anchor = Type/ Material = 15 Post Weld Heat Treatment Yes/ No % Welds fully radiographed 16 Painting Requirements 17 Heating Coil 18 Sand Wash Facility No and Size of Nozzles 19 Water demand = Effluent sand + water flow = 20 Mesh pad/Internal cleaning solvent injection nozzles? 21 Vessel Nozzles 22 23 Mark No Service Dia, in Flange Remarks 24 Inlets & Outlets Minimum Elevation of Bottom of Vessel 25 N1 1 Feed 28 Inlet: No valve or expansion/contraction within 10d 26 N2 1 Vapour Outlet 16 Vapour Outlet: Reducer if any should be 2d away. 27 N3 1 Liquid Outlet 20 Liquid Outlet: SDV if any should at min distance. 28 N4 29 N5 1 Vent 2 N 30 N6 1 Drain 3 Suggested Levels 2 N 31 N7 1 Relief Valve Level in 5 32 N8 1 Utility Connection 2 LAHH 100 33 N9 LAH 92 34 NLL 52 N 35 Instrumentation LAL 28 1 36 K1 PG LALL 20 37 K2 TG 38 K3A/B LT 39 K4A/B Not used N N 40 K5A/B LG 3 8 41 K6A/B Not used 42 K7A/B Not used N 43 K8A/B LAHH 5 N2 44 K9A/B LALL N1 N7 N5 45 K10A/B Not used K8A K3 46 K10A/B Not used K1 K5 A A 47 N7 N1 48 K8B K9 M1 B 49 Manholes K2

K3 B

K5 B

Client: E3 OGPE Project: E3 Field Development Plant: Gas - Liquid Inlet Separation Unit: Inlet Service:Production Separator 50 M1 51 H1 52 53


Orientation Vertica ● l

Datasheet No: Rev : A Date: 23-Aug-10 By: K Chk'd: App'd: Item No: 5V - 100 Location: 18


N8 N6

K3 B N6 K9 B N3

K5 B

Client: E3 OGPE

Calculation No:

Project: E3 Field Development

Rev : A

Service:Production Separator

5V - 100

Date: 20 Aug 2010

By: K



Horizontal Mesh Pad 2 Phase Separator Vapour & Liquid Flow Rates


Light Liq

Heavy Liq


Mass Flow Rate







Volume Flow Rate







Mixture Density




Nozzle Sizing Size nozzles first, as they decide 'net' travel distance in horizontal KODs Number Diameter, in Velocity



Min Select ID



Feed Inlet

1 25


ft/s Parameter Calcul Allowed Remarks 2.33 26.201 ρmVm² 2,688 4,032 OK

Vapour Outlet

1 16


1.25 85.996 ρgVg²

Liquid Outlet

1 19



Size, in No Miscellaneous


2,688 High


3.3 High

3.30 Vliquid ft/s Size, in No









Hand holes

Size, in No





add check valve on utility nozzle

Vapour Separation Allowable Droplet Size







Log CRe²






Vt, Liquid droplet free settling velocity




Allowable Vapour Velocity







Design Vapour Flow

0.001 ft

User K =

Default K =


80% for compr, glycol, amine drums

Horizontal Separator. Trial & Error. Dia Vs Length and Levels. In 2-3 tries you'd get it Vessel Diameter - Selected Liquid Level










= 2.1667

Vapour Space Height, h Vapour Flow Area Vapour Velocity







OK High

Liquid Separation Vessel Length


Vapour Travel Length ~ Degassing Area


Design Liquid Flow Gas Bubble Size - to be removed





ft² ft³/s



33.0 Horiz Sep. Enter D & L first; then levels 30.78

= 341.18 = 6.5035 Liquid Downward Velocity


= 0.0191



= 0.0319

200 Gas Rising Velocity >

* Gas Separation O.K *

Client: E3 OGPE

Calculation No:

Project: E3 Field Development Service:Production Separator

Rev : A 5V - 100

Date: 20 Aug 2010

By: K



Liquid Levels Level

Volume IntraVolume Response Time, min




Mud Level




20 28











20 sec OK



0.5 OK


3.0 OK



0.5 OK



5.0 OK


0.0 OK

13.2 sec

2 sec OK


Control Vol LAL to LAH


Slug Vol NLL to LAHH


Slug, inflow all liquid





ft³ Available




Sand Droplet Size & Accumulation Sand Droplet Size, μ

= Later

Sand Accumulation, % Sand Accumulation per day

Vessel Diameter Inlet to Demister Demister 0 Demister to Outlet Nozzle Outlet nozzle to Tan Line


Minimum Length Required Selected Length L/D Ratio


Vessel Size ft = 10.5 ft = 17.5 ft = 0.5 ft = 8.0 ft = 4.0 =


= =

33.00 3.14 OK

= ft³


Default 11.67 0.50 6.17 2.22 0.00 20.55

Remarks Space to explain design features, add comments on caution messages

Client: E3 OGPE

Calculation No:

Project: E3 Field Development Service:Production Separator

Rev : A 5V - 100

By: K

Date: 20 Aug 2010 Chk'd:


Client: E3 OGPE Project: E3 Field Development Service:Production Separator

Rev : By:

5V - 100

Vapour & Liquid Flow Rates Design Vapour Flow Design Liquid Flow Hold-up Liquid Volume

ft³/s ft³/s ft³

= = =

Calculation No: Date: Chk'd:


105.5 6.5 1,951.1

Separator Sizing Vertical Allowable Vap Velocity ft/s Vapour Flow Area ft²

= =

3.2 33.0

Vessel Diameter, D Vessel X Area Liquid LAHH For Liquid Hold up For Level Gaps Vapour Space Suggested Height, L L/D

= =

6.5 33.18

ft ft² ft ft ft ft

= = = = =

58.8 1.8 9.0 67.7 10.4

11.0 95.03 20.5 1.8 9.0 29.5 2.7

Allow Vapour Velocity Vapour Flow Area Min Dia Selected Dia D L L/D

ft ft

12.5 19.4 1.5

Horizontal = 4.8 = 22.0 = 5.9 = 12.0

13.0 17.6 1.4

13.5 16.1 1.2

0.5 14.0 14.8 1.1

Try # 1 Smaller Dia x Longer Drum Assume Liquid X Secn %= 17% Note 1 Vessel Diameter, D ft = 12.00 Vessel X Secn ft² = 113.1 Liquid X Secn ft² = 19.5 Min LAHH

This quick-Sing calculation ignores liquid level settings. Do, a proper detailed analysis after checking the likely size

12.0 21.4 1.8

ft/s ft² ft ft


= 2.8 α= 1.00 Calculated Liquid X Secn % = 0.17 Ratio: assumed/ calculated = 1.0 Note 1: Goal seek on W24 to make W32 as 1 Length - Liquid Holdup ft = 99.9 Suggested Length, L ft = 99.9 L/D = 8.3

SMKumar Energy EnvRev AA Oct 2010

Conversion Factors SMKumar Energy EnvRev AA Oct 2010 Goal Seek to get reverse and inter-conversion Flow




ft³/s MMGPD AcreFt/d l/s BPD m³/h m³/d 1 0.002223 0.001439 0.004405 0.063091 34.28571 0.227129 5.451104 ft³ 1

Pressure psi 14.7







Ft 880




273.15 m


Sp.Gr 55

psi 880



Mile in 10 0.001894



bbl m³ 0.02381 0.003785

ft Water in Hg ft Liquid m Water m Liquid kg/cm² bar kPa 33.957 29.988 15.435 10.35009 4.704588 1.03341 1.013793 101.3793 of Sp Gra 2.2

32 Length

Imp Gall AcreFt l 0.833 325,829


cm 3.05


Eff, % BHP 70.0% 38.4127 Eff, % BHP 70.0% 38.85048

atm 1

Separator Sizing

Read first GPSA Section 7, Separation Equipment Industry Practice Upstream Oil & Gas Process Engineers size the separators for preliminary layout and to check supplier design. Design and performance responsibility rests with the vessel and internal (inlet device, coalescer, mesh pad, vane etc) supplier. It makes sense as the ½ an hour charged using this program may get a company a net revenue of say US $ 20/= but shoulders it with a $ 50-200K responsibility. Info on both the pages of the Datasheet is usually passed to the supplier indicating D and L as minimum. Downstream Refinery/Petchem/Fertilizer/Chemical Process Engineers usually shoulder the sizing responsibility. Info on the second sheet of Datasheet alone may be given to the suppliers, if process data/info is considered CONFIDENTIAL and proprietary. Separator Types Vertical High gas flow with low liquid holdups. Compressor Scrubbers/ KODs. Horizontal High liquid flow with high liquid holdups. Production Separators, Flare KODs. Column Feed Drums. Full drum cross-sectional area is available for vapour flow in vertical drum. In horizontal drums, liquid may occupy 50 to 80% cross sectional area. Horizontal drum may provide a longer travel time for vapour (= longer settling time for liquid droplets) and shorter dropping out time/ distance for liquids resulting in higher allowable vapour velocity and smaller diameter than a vertical drum. Name

KOD, Accumulators, Flash Drum, Reflux Drum, Steam Drum


Hydrocarbon, Steam, Air

Gravity The intermediate law is usually valid for many of the gas liquid and liquid-liquid Separation separation applications encountered in the oil & gas plants. KOD

No internals. For waxy, coking and dirty service. High liquid loads where vapour separation is not an issue. In flare KODs where internals are avoided. Note: In long horizontal drum, allowable vapour velocity based on gravity separation may be higher than that based on mesh pad or vane pack. Go for 150 μ in continuous service requiring fine separation and no internals like vanes or mesh pad are allowed. Go for 400 μ in Flare KODs for continuous (dumping) loads; 600 μ in low probability loads like design blocked outlet flow or intermittent one like blowdown. Droplets formed as a result of chilling/condensation caused via high pressure PSV or BDV are too fine (0.1 to 50 μ) to be trapped in a KOD.

Impingement Impingement type mesh pad and vane pack are sized based on Souders and Brown Separation Equation, Vallowed = K.sqrt((ρl - ρg)/ρg). Lower the K, lower is gas velocity and higher is the removal efficiency. Use lower K in Compressor, Glycol and Amine Unit service. Wire mesh


Non-fouling clean service. Can trap 3 - 10 μ droplets and preferred in compressor drums. Wire mesh is made of wires of 0.25 to 0.3 mm with a surface area > 100 ft²/ft³. Horizontal sep may have the mesh pad horizontally below vapour outlet or vertically extending into the liquid pool to LALL level. Min pad thickness is 4"; normal 6". Pad bulk density 9 - 12 lb/ft³. A 12" mesh pad near the inlet to LAHH level may be used as a coaleser pack in clean liquid-liquid (water-oil (condensate)) separation. For Prod Sep with sand/mud, consider perforated plates or vanes. 6 - 12" thick. Can trap 10 - 40 μ droplets only. Arranged in a zigzag or sinusoidal pattern with vane spacing of 1 - 1.5". Less likely to plug by solids and viscous oil due

to their relatively large flow passages K Factor

Several sources give different values for K. For instance API 12J gives lower or conservative values for vertical separators. But its K value for longer horizontal drum is high and unrealistic. The program recommends an average value as a default and allows the user to input a desire value. K is decided by difficulty or ease of separation. Best is go by successful previous experience.

Caution: No point in under sizing a separator based on what the project or client or supplier says. During start-up/ commissioning, you will be left holding the baby and others would have vanished. If a compressor is damaged, blamed on droplet carried over and deposited on blades + causing unbalanced loads, 1 day production loss is hefty, compared to the 200 mm you saved on dia. No one remembers a good design. A poor design is remembered and is talk of the town. K Factor, GPSA ft/s Vertical Horizontal Mesh pad 0.22 0.39 Vane Pack 0.45 0.90 K Factor, Mesh pad API 12J, based on vessel height or length ft/s Vertical Horizontal 5' (1.5m) 0.24 10' (3 m) 0.35 0.45 L' 0.45*(L/10)^0.56 Some vendors consider higher Ks based on vapour space (between LAHH and Mesh pad bottom) as below. Suggest that you take 0.3 fps (0.1 m/s) in all new applications. You may consider higher values in revamp jobs, if operational feedbacks favour it; less likely as Mesh pads usually get fouled up in service, reducing their effectiveness K Factor Vendor 1 Vapour Space K Vapour Space K

in ft/s in ft/s

3 0.12 9 0.32

4 0.15 10 0.35

5 0.19 11 0.38

6 0.22 12 0.40

7 0.25 13 0.42

8 0.29 14 0.43

Note: K is for velocity thru the Mesh pad or vanes; not necessarily for velocity in the drum. Ideally K should be based on the desired separation needed. For instance a Compressor KOD can not tolerate liquid droplets (droplets may damage the blades rotating at high speed, evaporate, leaving residue or coke up) leading to unbalanced load on shaft. But a separator feeding a column or a cooler/ condenser may allow higher liquid loading. Thus selection of K should be based on service and should not be a magic number for all applications. K Factor Vendor - Based on Service Service Compress K ft/s 0.25 K Correction for Op Pressure, GPSA psig 150 300 % 90 85

Column Condenser 0.35 0.45

600 80

1,150 75

Fuel Gas 0.30

Vane Vert Vane Hor 0.40 0.65

K Correction for Viscosity Note: Vertical Separator - Mesh pad K Factor requires viscosity correction. 0.9 for μ = 100 cp and 0.8 for μ = 1,000 cp

It is common in Oil & Gas applications to have flow surges into the first or Inlet (Production) Separator and suitable margins are added to flow. Ignore the margins, if design rate includes a higher margin.

Inlet Flow Surge Factors, % extra Offshore Own Platform From another in shallow water From another in deep water Onshore Flat or low rolling Hilly Liquid

Natural 10% 20% 30% 10% 20%

Gaslift 20% 30% 40% 30% 40%

Most of the sources provide guidance on finding vapour flow area but are silent on Section sizing the liquid section, holdup volume or time between various level settings. Vessel may have to accommodate pigging or random slug from incoming pipelines between NLL and LAHH. Slug volume decided by pipeline transit analysis. Assume 2 riser volumes, if unknown. In addition, inflow slug viz when the entire inlet volume flow is 100% liquid for 1 - 2 seconds, may have to be accommodated. Minimum gap between liquid levels are 4" (100 mm). Long horizontal vessels require a longer gap, to avoid wave action resulting in spurious trips and alarms. Perforated calming baffles (plates) may help.

Liquid Holdup Time at NLL, minutes (Min /Max) Product to a storage tank 2 5 Feed to a furnace 10 15 Feed or reflux to a column 5 10 Compressor KODs 3 5 Surge Drums 10 20 Product to another plant 10 20 Refrigerant Accumulator 10 15 Water draw-off leg (auto/ manual) 10 8 - 24 hrs

Hot oil network vessels are sized based on (1) system inventory if located below users without a separate drain vessel and (2) expansion of system load from low ambient temp to operating temp. Compr KOD with low liquids and on onoff level control: 15 minutes (LAL to LAH)

Vertical Drum Spacing - GPSA Dimension KOD Mesh pad x 12" d 2d1" y 24"/ D t 6" z (D-d2)/2 In surging services, a ring (donut) type calming baffle plate, may be provided below LAHH level in vertical separators. Half-moon perforated plates at the bottom along the length of a horizontal separator may help. Level tap-off points may be provided with stilling wells.

d2 z t d1

D y d x


d3 alternative

A side liquid outlet is preferred as it can avoid vortex effect and let sand and mud accumulate inside the separator to be drained. d1 alternative Horizontal Drum Spacing x' t d2 y' There is no guideline for Horizontal drum lengths. In case l of KOD, clear distance between inlet and outlet vapour d1 x y nozzle should match the travel time of a liquid droplet from top of the drum to reach the liquid level. Min L = 0 - ⅓L 2.5D. Looking at Sep Sizing calculations at cells AK38: d3 AN44, you may realize that required length is longer for Coalescer, if any liquids at LALL. Usual design is based at LAHH. For a mesh pad/ vane pack horizontal separator, it is usual to locate the pad 5d1 distance from inlet and have minimum distance = vapour space at NLL vapour outlet.

On large horizontal drums, a lower LALL level may result in its bottom tapping getting located too low. For ease of fabrication, a min angle of 40° is desired.



This will also help minimize the ovality of the shell opening c.f. one at 90° . In horizontal sep, if sandjet or sand sucking nozzles are provided, their size needs to be taken while fixing LALL. LALL may have to provide enough head to handle vortex at liquid outlets. Drum Sizes Dia? Standard plate sizes 2,500 - 3,000 x 6,500 mm; 796 1,114 While drums can be rolled to any ID/OD, standard sizes are as below 300 to 1,200 mm in steps of 100 mm 1,200 to 4,000 mm in steps of 200 mm 4,000 and above in steps of 250 mm Nozzle Location from Tangent Lines Size, in 2 4 Distance, mm 150 260

8 400

12 500

20 850


28 1,100

LG are usually available at 14", 32" and 48" span. Check with your Instrument Dept Inlet Devices Inlet devices may be simple, a nozzle flowing against an impingement plate or box; half pipe (bottom of pipe cut open) or vane distributor. Simple devices are used in smaller vessels and designed proprietary devices are used in large flow large vessels.


Half-Pipe Vane

Inlet and outlets are sized based on ρV² criteria given below, though some may go by the external line sizes. Inlet devices help reduce nozzle size. Use a simple nozzle + impingement for smaller vessels, say 2.5 - 3' (0.75 - 0.9 m) dia; then half-pipe. If nozzle size is 2 sizes more than external piping, it is OK. If bigger, use vane type distributor. Nozzle Half-Pipe VaneDistr As mentioned in Norsok P-100, A good Feed inlet, ρmVm² 672 1,008 4,032 inlet device reduces inlet momentum bulk separates minimizing liquid shearing into droplets and creates good vapour distribution. Nosok P-100 Performance factor Nozzle Half pipe Baffle Vane Momentum reduction Poor Good Good Good Bulk separation Good Average Poor Good Prevent re-entrainment Good Average Average Good Prevent liquid shearing Good Average Poor Good Good gas distribution Poor Poor Poor Good Heating Coil Heating Coils are usually provided at the bottom of vessels, while handling light emulsions. How to use the Sep Sizing spreadsheet It is easy on vertical separators as the full cross-sectional area is available for flow. Diameter is fixed on vapour flow; liquid levels and height fixed by liquid. In Horizontal separator, liquid takes away part of the cross section and hence a number of diameter and length configuration is possible. Smaller diameter vessels require thinner metal plates, weigh and cost less. Experienced users would converge on the right diameter x length usually 3 attempts. Inexperienced users like me may adopt the "shrinking envelope" method as below.

1 Start with a generous size. Have a look at the Quicksize page to decide a diameter and select a length 3 times that. Fix LAHH at 50% dia. Keep 4" (100 mm) - 8" (200 mm in longer vessels) between levels. Check if assumed diameter is OK to meet all levels - that is minimum dia is (6"+4"+6"+4"+4") x 2 = 48" (1,200 mm) L = 12' (3,600 mm). 2 Now check if vapour flow area is OK. Adjust dia x LAHH to get it right. Have a look at liquid levels times slugs etc. Slowly reduce length in steps of 6" (100 mm) and diameter in steps of 2" (50 mm) with changes in level to converge on the smallest size. 3 It is easy on a 2 Phase Seperator but gets difficult in a 3 Phase Separator. Nightmare on a bucket type. Luckily there are not many 3 Phase Sep specially bucket types. Good hunting or number crunching!!

Abbreviations: LALL - Very Low Liquid Level (Level Alarm Low Low); LAL - Low Liquid Level; LAH - High Liquid Level; LAHH - Very High Liquid Level NLL - Normal Liquid Level; SDV - shutdown valve

SMKumar Energy EnvRev AA Oct 2010


Energy Environment EngiRev AA Oct 2010

Revision AA Changes

Format changes + Error correction. No changes in calc method/ output/ result Change




All locked cells are rset to allow selection Pictures are reset for changes



Sep Sizing A14:Z24 S20:U20 (old T59:V59) T31 (old T19) Q36 (old Q24) W44 P51 M51:P59 (old M40:Q48) AE57 (old AE46) AF57 (old AF46) AH58 moved to AF58 AG59 (old AG48) AE60 AI66 L67 (old L69) AI68 Row 63:66 Q74 User Guide Row 218:235

Ref! → AD26

Decimal place Fill colour L44 → L38 I20 → K20 Decimal place AH28 → AI28

AH28 → AI28 AH28 → AI28 I17 → K17 "L68" → L66 I19 → K19

v AA Oct 2010

rmat changes + Error correction. No changes in calc method/ output/ result Remarks

ow selection

Error correction Nozzle sizing part moved up, to do it first Cells combined and decimal places increased to allow bigger no Fill colour changes if previous and erroneuous values are 'retained' Ref changed from M30 to L34. Error correction Error correction Now that nozzles are sized first, actual values are used! Cells combined and decimal places increased to allow bigger no Error correction. Plus 5" added. Additional correction for SI Round off added. Additional correction for SI Error correction. "in" changed to applicable units. Error correction. Additional correction for SI Error correction Now that nozzles are sized first, actual values are used! Error correction Now that nozzles are sized first, actual values are used! Provision added to find sand accumulation Formula simplified Added: How to use the Sep Sizing spreadsheet