2600 Eplan Fluid [PDF]

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EPLAN Training



EPLAN Training


EPLAN Fluid 1

Introduction to EPLAN Fluid ........................................................................5


Fluid Power: Definitions of Terms...............................................................6


"Fluid Power Schematic" Page Type ..........................................................7 3.1

Special features of the "fluid power schematic" page type........................7


EPLAN Fluid: Page Structure.......................................................................8


EPLAN Fluid: Device Structure....................................................................9 5.1

Device tag conformant to fluid power norm DIN ISO 1219-2 ....................9


EPLAN Fluid: DT Numbering .....................................................................11


Displaying Fluid Device Tags in the Schematic .......................................12


EPLAN Fluid: Trades ..................................................................................13 8.1


Subtrades ...............................................................................................13 EPLAN Fluid: Special Features of Cross-referencing .............................15


Cross-reference placement for valves ....................................................15


EPLAN Fluid: Black Boxes and Device Connection Points ....................17


EPLAN Fluid: Device Groups.....................................................................18




Create device groups..............................................................................18


Ungroup devices .....................................................................................18

EPLAN Fluid: Connection Point Logic of Fluid Power Functions ..........19 12.1

Connection point type of fluid power functions........................................19


Working / control ports of of fluid power functions...................................19


Signal type of fluid power functions.........................................................20

EPLAN Fluid: Connections ........................................................................21 13.1

Function definition of fluid connections ...................................................21


Trade in fluid connections .......................................................................21


Specify diameter in fluid connections......................................................21


Connection descriptions and DT's in fluid connections ...........................21


Levels for line display..............................................................................22


EPLAN Fluid: Default Fluid Connection Properties .................................23


EPLAN Fluid: Connectors ..........................................................................24 15.1

Purely graphical connectors....................................................................24 EPLAN Training


EPLAN Fluid 15.2

Connectors that represent functions and to which properties can be assigned .................................................................................................24


Connectors for the inside of valve blocks................................................25


Connectors for the transition between blocks and external connections, and within blocks.....................................................................................25


Number connection symbols...................................................................25


EPLAN Fluid: Parts Management ..............................................................26


Tabular Editing of Fluid Power Function Data .........................................27


EPLAN Fluid: Reports ................................................................................28 18.1

Filter, sorting, and page break criteria.....................................................28

18.1.1 Filter criteria ...................................................................................... 28 18.1.2 Sorting criteria ................................................................................... 29 18.1.3 Page break criteria ............................................................................ 29

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training




Introduction to EPLAN Fluid

EPLAN Fluid fulfills your need for more effectiveness with the greatest level of engineering in the fluid power sector. EPLAN Fluid is available in two program variants: • As an independent system • As a license-based add-on to EPLAN Electric P8.

Both solutions provide you with compact CAE program packages that support you in the norm-compliant implementation of both fluid power projects and electrical engineering projects. The engineering features proven in the field of electrical engineering are also available to you for the fluid power sector, not least through the standardized user guide. The entire package is based on shared data storage for electrical engineering and fluid power, which facilitates integral management of the project without synchronization or interfaces. What does EPLAN Fluid offer? • Devices can be identified in compliance with DIN ISO 1219. It is also possible to

choose from other predefined identification structures. • Complex fluid power devices can be implemented with the help of device

groups. • Automatic check runs provide security when planning and help to create error-

free schematics and reports. • Reports such as bills of materials, order lists, spare parts lists, wearing part lists,

tubing, or piping lists can be generated and included in the project as graphical pages at any time. • Symbol libraries for the fluid power fields of hydraulics, pneumatics, cooling, and

lubrication can be used separately or jointly to graphically display functions in the project. • To display junctions and changes of direction, simple connectors or distributors

and connectors can be placed in the schematic. Distributors and connectors represent definite items that can be evaluated and output in bills of materials or order lists. • Tabular device tagging makes it possible to rename multiple fluid devices in one

operation quickly and easily without having to open schematic pages. This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info EPLAN Training




Fluid Power: Definitions of Terms

The following terms are important for working with fluid power: Term

Meaning The concept of "fluid power" denotes all processes in which energy is Fluid power transmitted through gases or fluids. Determines which technology should be used or selected: hydraulics, Trades pneumatics, lubrication, cooling, or electrical. In EPLAN Fluid, the trade can be selected from a list as a function property. A trade can consist of multiple "subtrades". For instance, the trade "Cooling" can consist of the subtrades "Water cooling" and "Oil cooling". Subtrades The specification of subtrades as additional function property makes it possible to construct very detailed reports in EPLAN Fluid. In hydraulic systems, energy is transmitted, controlled, and regulated Hydraulics within a circuit through a fluid under pressure. Oil is often used as the medium. In pneumatic systems, energy is transmitted, controlled, and regulated Pneumatics using compressed air within a circuit. In lubrication, lubrication is fed under pressure through lubricant Lubrication distributors for dosage in wear locations. Oil and grease are usually used as lubricants. In cooling, machine parts, tool parts, or workpieces are cooled by means Cooling of a coolant. Water and oil are usually used as coolants. Distributors have multiple connection points and serve to distribute the fluid medium in a fluid power system. In EPLAN Fluid, distributors are Distributors displayed graphically using connectors. EPLAN Fluid manages distributors as concrete items, since they can be assigned device, symbol, function, and parts data. Connectors have two connection points and are used to adapt different connection types (tube / pipe transitions, cross-section reductions) in a fluid power system. In EPLAN Fluid, connectors are displayed Connectors graphically using connection symbols. EPLAN Fluid manages connectors as concrete items, since they can be assigned device, symbol, function, and parts data. This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training




"Fluid Power Schematic" Page Type

EPLAN Fluid provides you with a special interactive "Fluid power schematic (I)" page type for schematic planning, which is displayed in the page navigator using the icon. The separate display makes it possible to access the required fluid power schematic sections of your project quickly and specifically, which is particularly helpful where there are extensive mixed projects with shared fluid power and electrical engineering documentation.


Special features of the "fluid power schematic" page type

When using the "fluid power schematic (I)" page type, the following special features should be noted: • The default raster size for this page type is set to 2mm; for "schematic multi-

line"-type pages, the default setting is 4mm. • Rotating and mirroring this page type to change standards is not possible. • Schematic objects from an electrical engineering symbol library that are placed

on a fluid page (e.g. symbols for electromagnetically operated valves) are automatically assigned the "pair cross-reference" representation type. • If black boxes and / or device connections are inserted into a page of type "fluid

power schematic", the correct function definition is automatically assigned to these schematic objects, e.g. "black boxes (fluid)" or "device connection (fluid)". Note: EPLAN Fluid generally allows you to create fluid power projects on "schematic multiline (I)"-type pages also. However, we recommend that you use the "fluid power schematic" page type for fluid power planning because of the advantages and special features outlined above.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training




EPLAN Fluid: Page Structure

EPLAN Fluid allows you to use the "plant number" identifier block defined in fluid power norm DIN ISO 1219-2 for the page structure also when specifying the project structure. Any sign can be chosen as the preceding sign for this identifier block. As with all other available identifier blocks, you can assign the "Identifying", "Describing", or "Not available" properties to this structural element. Example: The following figure shows the page structure of a fluid project as it is displayed in the page navigator using only the "plant number" identifier block. The identifier block has the "Identifying" property; a preceding sign is not specified. "8" and "9" are used as structure identifiers. To highlight the "Plant number" identifier block in the page navigator, the Project structure: plant number check box is enabled for the representation type in the project-related settings.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training




EPLAN Fluid: Device Structure

Each component has certain properties. These differ in identifying and descriptive properties. The device tag is one of the identifying properties and can be composed of the following identifier blocks: Preceding signs == = ++ + User-defined & User-defined

Identifier block Functional assignment Plant Installation site Mounting location Higher-level function number Document type Device (can contain prefix digits, identifier, counter, separator, and subcounter) Free hierarchy

EPLAN Fluid allows you to structure and identify the fluid power device in exactly the same way as the electrical engineering device. Uniform structuring and identification are particularly advantageous in mixed projects, as the editing costs are lower due to automation (e.g. online numbering). Example: Possible structure of a fluid device tag for a valve with the "plant number", "mounting location", and "device" identifier blocks:



Device tag conformant to fluid power norm DIN ISO 1219-2

However, you can also structure and identify devices as per fluid power norm DIN ISO 1219-2. EPLAN Fluid provides the "Plant number" identifier block for this purpose. DIN ISO 1219-2 stipulates the following device tag structure: Designation Number of digits Plant number (entered without prefix) 4 max. EPLAN Training


EPLAN Fluid - (fixed pre-defined separator) Component number Part code (identifier) Part number (consecutive number) Accessories (addition to DIN)

4 max. 3 max. 5 max. 2 max.


1 = Plant number - = Separator 2 = Component number A = Part code 3 = Part number Z = Accessories This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training




EPLAN Fluid: DT Numbering

In a dialog, you configure if and how devices are numbered automatically when inserted into the schematic. You can select a numbering format from specified formats or create a user-defined numbering format. If you identify devices using a DT fluid power structure, EPLAN Fluid doesn't number them automatically. EPLAN Fluid differentiates between "normal" fluid devices and fluid distributors (or fluid connectors) when numbering devices. You can specify different numbering schemes for both functions. This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training




Displaying Fluid Device Tags in the Schematic

Fluid power norm DIN ISO 1219-2 stipulates that device tags must be framed in the schematic. EPLAN Fluid allows you to show and hide this text box. The Frame button in the Display tab in the Properties dialog is provided for this purpose. The frame is displayed as a rectangle.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training




EPLAN Fluid: Trades

In EPLAN Fluid, it is possible to generate reports, and filter and sort them by trades. EPLAN Fluid differentiates between the following trades: • • • • •

Hydraulics Pneumatics Lubrication Cooling Electrical engineering.

For example, separate connection lists and / or bills of materials can be output for hydraulic and pneumatic components by specifying the trade. You specify the trade either when creating a new function in the navigator or when placing a function in the schematic. In the Properties dialog, you specify the setting for the function. The Properties table in the tag can be extended to include the Trade drop-down list for this purpose. EPLAN Fluid automatically uses the last trade setting selected as the default for a newly created or newly placed function. If you assign a new definition that you select from the general functions area to a placed function, the page type determines the default trade for the function. On a "fluid power schematic"-type page, the fluid power-specific trades are then automatically selectable, while on a "schematic multi-line"-type page, the "Electrical engineering" trade is the default. Note: If you place symbols for electrical operating elements (e.g. valve coils) from the HYD_ESSD.SLK (hydraulics) or PNE_ESSD.SLK (pneumatics) symbol libraries in the fluid power schematic, the trade is automatically configured with the correct "Electrical engineering" default using the function definition.

The trade can also be configured for project parts and mounting panels. Conversely, connection definition points of the trade can't be configured. This property is automatically copied from the connected functions, i.e. the targets of the connection.



In addition to trade settings, "subtrades" can be defined for functions in EPLAN Fluid. For instance, you can assign the "Water cooling" and "Oil cooling" subtrades to EPLAN Training


EPLAN Fluid functions of the "Cooling" trade. The definition of subtrades allows you to use very detailed sorting and filter criteria for reports. Subtrades are also specified in the Properties dialog. The Properties table in the tag can be extended to include the Subtrade drop-down list for this purpose. You can choose any designations for the subtrade. This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training




EPLAN Fluid: Special Features of Crossreferencing

It is often necessary to represent the same device several times. The program recognizes the correspondence of the relevant symbols to this device by the fact that all of these symbols have the same device tag and are identified by the corresponding function definition. The cross-reference then shows where each other part of the device is to be found in the schematic. The following rules apply to the representation of cross-references in fluid power: • Electrical engineering and fluid power objects can reference each other if the

device structure is identical in both device types. • The same identifier can be used for an electrical engineering device and a fluid

power device without the devices having to reference each other reciprocally. A precondition for this is that the device structures of the two device types differ. • Electrical engineering objects placed in a fluid power schematic page can

reference electrical engineering objects that are on an electrical engineering schematic page (multi- or single-line schematic page) and vice versa.


Cross-reference placement for valves

Electromagnetically operated valves are often used in fluid power plants. When documenting the fluid power and electrical engineering systems of a plant in a project, EPLAN Fluid allows you to automatically display cross-references for electrical operating elements in the fluid power schematic and for the corresponding functions in the electrical engineering schematic. Cross-references can only be created if the symbol libraries HYD_ESSD.SLK for hydraulics or PNE_ESSD.SLK for pneumatics have been stored in your project via the configuration. If an operating element with an electrical function definition from one of these symbol libraries is placed on a "fluid power schematic"-type page, it is automatically assigned the "Pair cross-reference" representation type in the Properties dialog. If you then enter the DT of the electrical valve coils for the operating element in the fluid power schematic and apply the setting, cross-references are placed in both schematic objects. The "Electrical engineering" trade setting is also assigned automatically to the operating element in the fluid power schematic. Example:

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The valve coil -Y1 in the electrical schematic is required to control the 1-1V2 valve in the fluid power schematic. The operating element for the valve is assigned the device tag of the valve coil accordingly. When both DI's are equal, cross-references for both components are displayed in the electrical and the fluid power schematic. This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training




EPLAN Fluid: Black Boxes and Device Connection Points

In fluid power, complex devices such as valve blocks or power units with internal connection points are often used. In fluid power schematics, such devices are normally displayed graphically within rectangles. EPLAN Fluid supports this display method and provides relevant functions for implementing black boxes and device connection points. If you insert a black box or device connection point in the schematic, the program checks which schematic page this happens on. If it is "fluid power schematic"-type page, the corresponding function definition is automatically configured, and you insert a "black box (fluid)" or "device connection (fluid)". If the opposite is the case, the program automatically inserts a black box or device connection with an electrical function definition if you place these objects on "schematic multi-line"-type pages. The function definition of the inserted black box or device connection can be changed so you can e.g. quickly make an electrical engineering black box out of a fluid power black box. Note: You can't edit the properties of a black box or device connection with an electrical function definition on "schematic multi-line"-type pages in EPLAN Fluid!

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training




EPLAN Fluid: Device Groups

Complex fluid power devices with electrical engineering components can be implemented with the help of a device group. Functions from different trades and devices tags can be grouped graphically and logically into one device. The following criteria can / must be fulfilled to create a device group: • There must be exactly one main function to which the "multi-line" representation

type is assigned. • There must be exactly one main function to which the "multi-line" representation

type is assigned. (The configuration of the trade for main or auxiliary functions doesn't apply here.) • The "Graphic" representation type can contain any number of components.

(These are included graphically but not logically.) • It can contain any number of graphical elements (lines, rectangles, etc.). (These

are included graphically but not logically.)

11.1 Create device groups Device groups can only be created in the graphical editor. To group devices, you must first select the functions to be grouped in the schematic; then select the menu items Edit > Other > Group device. The program first checks whether the criteria for creating a device group have been fulfilled. If not, a message is displayed indicating this. If the criteria are met, the group is created.

11.2 Ungroup devices Device groups can be broken down into their individual components again. Before devices can be ungrouped, the group must be selected in the schematic. Use the menu items Edit > Other > Ungroup to separate the devices. If the placement of a function is deleted from a device group in the graphical editor, the component is removed from the group. If the criteria for the creation of the device group are then no longer met, the devices are ungrouped automatically. This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training




EPLAN Fluid: Connection Point Logic of Fluid Power Functions

The following properties are important for fluid power functions when establishing connection point logic: • Connection point type • Working / control port • Type of signal.

These properties can be edited in the Connection point logic dialog. (To do this, click [Logic] in the Symbol / function data tab of the Properties dialog.)

12.1 Connection point type of fluid power functions The "Fluid", "Internal" and "Direct conn. point" settings are available to you for the connection points of fluid power functions. "Internal" and "Direct conn. point" are intended specifically for distributors and connectors if they are components of valve groups. This connection point type is required when generating fluid connections. Using the "Fluid" connection point type, which is the automatic default when creating or placing a fluid power function, fluid-specific connection lists can be evaluated and output, e.g. piping and tubing lists. The program also checks the relevant functions and the default function definition recorded in the settings of the trade for the connection, which can be "pipe" or "tube". If a connection also has a connection definition point, the function definition of this is copied for generation of the connection.

12.2 Working / control ports of of fluid power functions Different values can be specified in the form of line types for the ports of fluid functions using the Working / control port property. The following options are available:

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EPLAN Fluid • Neutral • Work line • Control line • Drain line.

The line type is forwarded automatically to the connection by the connection points once the Working / control port property has received the value "neutral" at the connection itself (via a connection definition point). A check run ("Connections" class) can also be used to determine whether the line types assigned to the function connection points match each other. If there is contradictory data, e.g. if a drain line is connected to a control line, a message indicating this is displayed in message management. If connection lists are to be output, the Working / control port property can be specified as a sorting criterion.

12.3 Signal type of fluid power functions For fluid power functions, the Signal type property can be used to specify whether a connection point is a pressure or suction port or is neutral. This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training




EPLAN Fluid: Connections

A fluid connection is a line between two connection points that is used to transmit information using liquids, or air (pressure) from a source to a target.

13.1 Function definition of fluid connections In EPLAN Fluid, you can specify whether a connection is a pipe or a tube. Using this information, special reports can be generated and piping and tubing lists output. For connections that have connection definition points, the function definition of the connection definition point determines whether the connection is a "pipe" or a "tube". If fluid connections don't have any connection definition points, the program determines the function definition from the settings for the connection properties.

13.2 Trade in fluid connections The trade in connections is a property that is determined from the targets (connected functions) of a connection. For this reason, the trade can't be modified in connection definition points or connections. If you want to number fluid connections, you can specify which trades should be numbered. It is therefore possible to e.g. number hydraulic and / or pneumatic connections only.

13.3 Specify diameter in fluid connections Different units are available for specifying the diameter in fluid connections. In addition to "mm", the units " and inch are possible.

13.4 Connection descriptions and DT's in fluid connections Fluid connections generally don't have a DT, generally only having a connection designation via the connection numbering. However you can assign a DT to connections if you wish. To do this, a specific property must be configured for the connection definition property placed by the connection numbering. In the Properties dialog of the connection definition, it is the Valid data field. Select the "All data" entry in this field. The Displayed DT field can then be edited. Note: If a connection definition point is inserted manually, the Valid data field is set to "All

EPLAN Training


EPLAN Fluid data" by default. It is therefore possible to assign a DT directly.

13.5 Levels for line display Fluid connections can be displayed on separate levels. This makes is possible to separate working, control, drain, and neutral lines graphically to provide a clearer overview. A separate level can also be defined for internal connections. This level has precedence over the levels for working, control, drain, and neutral lines. This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training




EPLAN Fluid: Default Fluid Connection Properties

Certain fluid connection properties can be assigned default values. Default values can be set for the hydraulics, pneumatics, lubrication, and cooling trades using Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Connections > Properties. This applies to the following values: • Function definition • Cross-section / diameter • Color / number • Length • Remark • Type.

By default, the values these properties are assigned to all connections in the project. If you specify a connection definition point for a connection, the values of its properties overwrite the default for the connection. This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training




EPLAN Fluid: Connectors

EPLAN Fluid contains different connectors for creating fluid power schematics: • Purely graphical connectors • Connectors that represent functions and to which properties can be assigned • Connectors for the inside of valve blocks.

15.1 Purely graphical connectors Purely graphical connectors are used in EPLAN Fluid to display direction changes and connection line junctions in the fluid power schematic: Properties such as device, symbol, function, and parts data can't be assigned to these schematic objects. The following objects are purely graphical elements: • Angles • T-nodes • Double junctions • Diagonals.

15.2 Connectors that represent functions and to which properties can be assigned In addition to purely graphical connectors, you can also use connectors that represent functions in EPLAN Fluid. Properties such as device, symbol, function, and parts data can be assigned to these. The properties of these objects can be evaluated and e.g. output in connection lists and / or bills of materials. The following connectors are functions:

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EPLAN Fluid • Distributors • Distributor (double junction) • Connector (angle) • Connectors.

Distributors are used in fluid power to distribute fluid media. In EPLAN Fluid, they can be inserted into the schematic as a T-node or double junction. Connectors are used in fluid power to utilize different cross-sections within a connection. "Reducers" are used for this. Connectors are also used wherever different connection types meet, e.g. pipes and tubes. In EPLAN Fluid, connectors can be inserted into the fluid power schematic as angles or straight lines.

15.3 Connectors for the inside of valve blocks In fluid power, complex valve controls that generally consist of several individual components, e.g. a control block, cover plates and pre-control and and integrated valves, are now typically integrated into "valve blocks". Valve blocks help to ensure high power density and greater efficiency. Connections such as straight lines, Tnodes or double junctions inside valve blocks are implemented by drilling holes. In EPLAN Fluid, valve blocks can be displayed using black boxes. Connectors inside valve blocks must be inserted as functions that have properties, namely distributor and connector. In EPLAN Fluid, it is important to assign the "Auxiliary function" property to these distributors and connectors, as they are auxiliary functions of the block.

15.4 Connectors for the transition between blocks and external connections, and within blocks For the transition between connections inside valve blocks and connections outside, and connections within blocks, the device connection point (two-sided) can be used in EPLAN Fluid. Alternatively, the connector can be used.

15.5 Number connection symbols As with "normal" devices, connection symbols that are functions and have a device tag can be numbered online and offline. This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training




EPLAN Fluid: Parts Management

Managing master data is especially important for supplier relationships and data exchanges. Parts management facilitates: • Storage of the most important part-specific and supplier-specific information and

combination of this information with the project currently being edited • Management of multilingual information and different currencies • Conversion of prices between currencies when needed • Import and export of data, such as parts data from particular manufacturers (e.g.

from the Festo product catalog) All of the data sources are stored in a Microsoft Access® database (*.mdb), and the currently selected database is displayed in the title bar of the Parts management dialog. This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training




Tabular Editing of Fluid Power Function Data

EPLAN Fluid allows you to display the function data of your fluid power project very conveniently in a table and edit it easily. The function data is displayed and edited in a separate dialog. Tabular editing can't be used for functions of the page currently open, but applies to all functions of any selected pages in your project. For example, you can edit several fluid device tags in one step without having to open the corresponding project pages. Depending on the selected device structure, the part code and / or the accessory letters can be changed as well as the numeric parts of component and / or part numbers. The display of table columns is user-definable, so you can modify the table to meet your needs. This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training




EPLAN Fluid: Reports

Reports are project data output for specific purposes. The project data can be written directly to report pages or to external files, e.g. for the printing of component labels. It is also possible to place reports into an existing project page as an embedded report, legends. The following reports are available in EPLAN Fluid: Report type Function-related report

Report description Symbol overview


Title page / cover sheet Table of contents Structure identifier overview Device tag list Connection list Potential overview Enclosure legend Parts list Summarized parts list Plot frame documentation Forms documentation Revision overview

Connection point diagram Device connection diagram Note: Additional reports (e.g. electrical reports such as terminal or cable plans) are only available by purchasing a corresponding license.

18.1 Filter, sorting, and page break criteria Reports are generated using schemes. Filter, sorting, and page break criteria can be stored in these for the objects to be evaluated.

18.1.1 Filter criteria EPLAN Fluid permits the use of numerous filter criteria that allow you to structure reports entirely to suit your needs. To be able to report on a project specifically according to the fields of work in fluid power, the Trade and Subtrade filter criteria EPLAN Training


EPLAN Fluid can be used to output parts lists, summarized parts lists, device lists, and connection lists. EPLAN Fluid provides prepared filter schemes based on the "Trade" filter criterion for these lists after the program is installed: • Electrical • Fluid (hydraulic+pneumatic+lubrication+cooling) • Hydraulics • Pneumatics • Lubrication • Cooling • Mechanics

18.1.2 Sorting criteria Depending on the report type, numerous sorting criteria are available to you in the form of different properties. As with the filter criteria, the Trade and Subtrade sorting criteria can be used for outputting fluid power-specific item lists, summarized item lists, device tags, and connection lists. In addition, you can sort by the Working / control line property for reports on fluid power connections. You specified this property in the Connection point logic dialog for the fluid power functions. This relates specifically to the "work line", "control line", "drain line", and "neutral" settings. EPLAN Fluid provides the following prepared sorting schemes after installation for the lists mentioned above: • Trade • Trade + subtrade.

18.1.3 Page break criteria Numerous properties can also be used as page break criteria. As with the filter and sorting criteria, the Trade and Subtrade page break criteria can be used for outputting fluid power-specific item lists, summarized item lists, device tags, and connection lists. EPLAN Fluid also provides the following prepared schemes for page breaks after installation:

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EPLAN Fluid • Trade • Trade + subtrade.

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