2 Bac Global Test [PDF]

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Global Test.

Semester I.

Duration: 2 Hours.

Units: 1-4.

Level: 2 nd BAC.

Major: Science.

Teacher: Hanane Hakkou

“My husband repudiated me when I was three months pregnant », said Khadija, a 30 years old woman from Rabat. She added: “as soon as he did, he threw me out of the family home. Both my parents were dead. I had nowhere to go. Times were hard. It was difficult to find a job with a baby. Now, he is five years old and I can’t afford to send him to school. Under Morocco’s old family code, Khadija’s husband and thousands of other men could verbally divorce their wives at any time, and their decision was legally binding. Now, all this is about to change. Under a new family code or “Modawana” as it is known, husbands will have to go to court to make their repudiation binding. Many people believe the new code will make a difference to the problem of abandoned women and children. Under this code, whoever keeps the children keeps the marital house. So, they will no longer be on streets. This is an important protection for women and children. It also puts women on a more equal footing with their husbands, notably raising the age at which girls can legally marry from 15 to 18 giving wives “joint responsibilities” with their husbands in family matters. The code, which became law in 2004, and which also says polygamy can now be practiced under highly restrictive conditions, replaced a family code that women’s groups said “turned women into perpetual minors under the authority of men”.




ARE THESE STATEMENTS TRUE OR FALSE? JUSTIFY. Khadija cannot provide the expenses to send her son to school. Under the new family code, the husband could verbally divorce his wife. The children will stay in the family house whatever happens.

C. 1. 2. 3.

ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS FROM THE TEXT: What is the event that changed the life of Khadija at her 30s? What is the difference between the old and the new family codes? Can a man marry two women under the new family code?

D. WHAT DO THE UNDERLINED WORDS IN THE TEXT REFER TO? 1. They (paragraph 3) 2. It (paragraph 3) E. FIND IN THE TEXT WORDS THAT MEAN THE SAME AS: 1. Divorced (paragraph 1) 2. Having more than one spouse (paragraph 4) II. LANGUAGE: A. MATCH THE FOLLOWING IDIOMS WITH THEIR DEFINITIONS: Idiomatic Expressions Definition 1. What are you driving at? a. Certain to get what you want. 2. In the bag. b. To listen carefully. 3. To be all ears. c. What do you mean? 1. …………………….; 2. …………………….; 3. ………………………………….


Global Test.

Semester I.

Duration: 2 Hours.

Units: 1-4.

Level: 2 nd BAC.

Major: Science.

Teacher: Hanane Hakkou

B. FILL IN THE GAP WITH THE APPROPRIATE IDIOMS FROM THE ABOVE CHART: (MAKE ANY NECESSARY CHANGES. PAY ATTENTION TO VERB FORM) 1. “…………………?”, asked my friend who really didn’t get my message. 2. After one month of negotiations, an agreement was……….. between our association and an entrepreneur to build a leisure center. 3. Sandy: Toni, I’ve got some news about Mary. Toni: About Mary? Tell me, I………………… . C. WHAT WOULD YOU SAY IN THE FOLLOWING SITUATIONS: 1. You want the hotel receptionist to wake you up. 2. Your friend borrowed your sunglasses and he broke them. D. PUT THE VERBS BETWEEN BRACKETS IN THE CORRECT FROM: 1. He was fined for (drive) without lights at night. 2. He decided (disguise) himself by (dress) as a woman. E. PUT THE VERBS BETWEEN BRACKETS IN THE CORRECT TENSE: 1. After they (to eat) the shellfish, they (to begin) to feel sick. 2. The grass (to be) yellow because it (to rain/not) all summer. 3. William (to feel) ill yesterday because he (to eat) too much. F. FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH THE APPROPRIATE PHRASAL VERBS FROM THE LIST: (Make any necessary changes. Pay attention to the verb form) Knock out; Drop in; hand out; Drop out; take out; start out; stay out 1. I haven’t seen my parents for a long time. I think I will………this evening. 2. I am exhausted because I…………… too late last night. 3. To celebrate my birthday, my family……..me…….. . We had much fun. G. RE-WRITE THESE SENTENCES AS INDICATED: 1. The girls can play handball. Handball……………………………………………………….. . 2. The electricians were testing the fire alarm. The fire alarm…………………………………………………… . 3. Nancy offered me a flower. I………………………………………………………………….. . 4. They think that women live longer than men. Women…………………………………………………………... . III. WRITING: In our society, Women suffer a lot from violence from males. Are you for or against violence against women? Write a short paragraph stating your opinion about this issue. Provide as many arguments as possible to defend your idea. Make use of the different linking words of addition, concession, cause and effect etc.