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Student Examination Detail Nama Lengkap Seaferer Code

: Ashraf Fadhlan Faizal : 6211831789

Examination Code Score

: ANT-01-F1 : 92

Question List and Student Answered

1. Pick up the correct statement from the following: a. An artificial barrier which makes the enclosed area safe for anchorage of ships, is known as break water b. The length of the quay wall is governed by the length of the largest vessel likely to be berthed c. The break water whose inside is used as a plateform for loading and unloading is called a mole d. All e. I don't know

Result : Correct

2. When navigating using the GPS, how does the GPS display indicate when the accuracy of the displayed position is reduced? a. b. c. d. e.

A large HDOP value is displayed on the screen A large "Correction Factor" number is displayed on the screen The GPS display flashes and sounds an alarm The GPS display is always very accurate and does not give any indication of lack of accuracy I don't know

Result : Correct

3. When a ship is steaming along a course line, what is the importance of determining the set and rate of drift due to wind and current? a. All of the suggested answers b. To determine the time required to reach the next alteration of course point c. To determine the correction required to the course steered to maintain the planned passage. d. To appreciate the possible extent of drift and dangers in the event of engine failure e. I don't know

Result : Correct

4. In what latitude do tropical revolving storms generally originate? a. 0 to 25 degrees.

b. c. d. e.

25 to 35 degrees. 35 to 50 degrees. 50 to 65 degrees. I don't know

Result : Correct

5. What is the vertical distance on a given day between the water surface at high and low water called? a. b. c. d. e.

Lowest astronomical tide. Range of tides Height of tide Highest astronomical tide I don't know

Result : Correct

6. If the radio signal ground wave extends out for less distance than the minimum skywave distance, there is an area in which no signal is received. This is called the a. b. c. d. e.

skip zone blackout zone diffraction zone shadow zone I don't know

Result : Correct

7. Which statement about radio navigational warnings is TRUE? a. The topics for warnings included in HYDROLANTS, HYDROPACS, and NAVAREA warnings are the same b. NAVAREA warnings concern only coastal navigation and inland navigation in large bays or sounds such as Puget Sound c. The United States is responsible for NAVAREA warnings in the North Atlantic north of 7°N, and west of 15°W d. Long range radio navigational warnings are usually broadcast by radiotelephone, radiotelegraph, and radio-teletypewriter e. I don't know

Result : Correct

8. Which of the following options would be considered "good seamanship"? a. Using radar when proceeding at full speed in fog. b. Sounding a fog signal when in clear weather, but approaching a fog bank.

c. Using deck and accommodation lights to indicate the presence of your ship in poor visibility. d. Proceeding on the port side of a narrow channel to take advantage of a favourable current. e. I don't know

Result : Correct

9. Where would you find information about a vessel reporting system for a port which you are about to enter? a. b. c. d. e.

International Code of Signals. Admiralty List of Radio Signals. Ocean Passages for the World. Mariner`s Handbook. I don't know

Result : Correct

10. You are enroute to assist vessel A. Vessel A is underway at 4.5 knots on course 233°T, and bears 264°T at 68 miles from you. What is the course to steer at 13 knots to intercept vessel A? a. b. c. d. e.

249° 256° 262° 268° I don't know

Result : Correct

11. If the radar is set onto the Relative Motion Display, what would an echo of a target with no trail indicate? Note this the trail of the echo and not a vector a. b. c. d. e.

The target is on the same course and speed as own ship The target is stopped and making no way through the water The target is on a collision course with own ship The target is on a constant bearing and getting closer to own ship I don't know

Result : Correct

12. What weather conditions are likely to result from the movement of warm air mass over a relatively colder sea surface? a. Fog b. Rain c. Squalls

d. Trough e. I don't know

Result : Correct

13. In Loran C a. the master and secondary stations transmits 8 pulses each b. the master station transmits one long pulse and the secondary stations transmit 8 short pulses each c. the master station transmits 9 pulses and the secondary stations transmit 8 pulses each d. the master station transmits 8 pulses and the secondary stations transmit 9 pulses each e. I don't know

Result : Correct

14. What weather phenomenon can cause a reduction of radar range due to attenuation? a. b. c. d. e.

Rain & snow. Rough seas. Fog Mist I don't know

Result : Correct

15. Mariners are FIRST warned of serious defects or important changes to aids to navigation by means of __________. a. b. c. d. e.

marine broadcast Notice to Mariners Weekly Notices to Mariners corrected editions of charts Light Lists I don't know

Result : Correct

16. The correct order to follow when planning a passage is a. b. c. d. e.

plan, monitor, appraise, execute plan, monitor, execute, appraise. appraise, plan, monitor, execute plan, appraise, monitor, execute I don't know

Result : Wrong

17. A vessel is under pilotage approaching a European port. Who is responsible for the safe navigation of the vessel? a. b. c. d. e.

The pilot. The master and duty officers. The traffic controller. The pilot and the master together. I don't know

Result : Correct

18. What chart should be used when navigating ? a. The largest scale chart onboard for the area which is properly corrected b. Any chart which shows the area which the vessel is passing through as long as it is connected c. The largest scale chart on board for the concerned area d. The chart which covers the largest part of the passage e. I don't know

Result : Correct

19. What is important to check when transferring a position from the GPS output to a paper chart? a. Any necessary corrections are applied to convert between the GPS datum and the chart datum b. It is important to ensure that the GPS is setup on 2 dimensional and not 3 dimensional position fixes c. Ensure that the GPS is setup on the same datum as the chart d. Ensure that the chart has been corrected up to date e. I don't know

Result : Correct

20. If Loran-C signals become unsynchronized, the receiver operator is warned because a. b. c. d. e.

signals begin to blink signals begin to shift stations discontinue transmission stations transmit grass I don't know

Result : Correct

21. Why should the largest scale chart available be used for navigational purposes?

a. b. c. d. e.

Because the brightest lights are shown. Because it uses larger symbols. Because it uses better colour. Because it shows more accurate information. I don't know

Result : Correct

22. What is the probable cause of an error in position of the ship obtained from the GPS system? a. b. c. d. e.

Incorrect height of the antenna A three dimensional instead of a two dimensional position output All of the suggested answers Abnormal sun spot activity causing unusual radiation effects I don't know

Result : Correct

23. The latest edition of a chart can be found from _______. a. b. c. d. e.

the chart catalogue the Annual Notice to Mariners the latest cumulative notices to mariners the Guide to Port Entry I don't know

Result : Correct

24. What time is used for the ship`s course recorder? a. b. c. d. e.

Local time Ship`s time GMT Company head office time I don't know

Result : Correct

25. If an observer is facing the wind in the northern hemisphere, where does the low pressure lie? a. b. c. d. e.

Ahead Behind To the right To the left I don't know

Result : Correct

26. On a chart, the characteristic of the light on a lighthouse is shown as flashing white with a red sector. The red sector __________. a. b. c. d. e.

indicates the limits of the navigable channel indicates a danger area is used to identify the characteristics of the light serves no significant purpose I don't know

Result : Correct

27. What is the weather associated with being in the centre of an Anticyclone (a region of High Pressure)? a. b. c. d. e.

Light winds and fair weather, sometimes fog Strong winds but with very little rain Strong winds and heavy rain Persistent rain and very humid weather I don't know

Result : Correct

28. On the Beaufort scale, storm force corresponds to wind a. b. c. d. e.

force 10 and above. force 8 and above. force 12 and above. force 6 and above. I don't know

Result : Correct

29. Who is ultimately responsible for the voyage plan? a. b. c. d. e.

The Master The Second Officer as the official Navigation officer The Officer of the Watch (OOW) on duty The ship owner will provide overall parameters within which the ship must follow I don't know

Result : Correct

30. Controls testing of bridge equipment should be carried out _______. a. every day at noon when at sea b. on completion of maneuvering in port

c. one to two hours prior sailing d. whenever an item of navigation equipment is not functioning e. I don't know

Result : Correct

31. A vessel nearing a bend or an area of a channel or fairway where other vessels may be hidden by an obstruction shall __________. a. b. c. d. e.

sound the danger signal sound a prolonged blast take all way off take all way off I don't know

Result : Correct

32. An anchored vessel on pilotage duty must show which light(s) at night? a. b. c. d. e.

A stern light only Anchor lights only A white light over a red light only A white light over a red light and anchor lights I don't know

Result : Correct

33. The term "power-driven vessel" refers to any vessel __________. a. b. c. d. e.

with propelling machinery onboard whether in use or not making way against the current with propelling machinery in use traveling at a speed greater than that of the current I don't know

Result : Correct

34. If a distress signal is received on board your ship, what should be the first action that should be taken? a. b. c. d. e.

Attempt to establish contact with the distressed vessel Determine how close your vessel is to the distressed vessel Contact SAR Authorities via nearest coastal Radio station Contact SAR Authorities via nearest coastal Radio station I don't know

Result : Correct

35. Which vessel would be required to show a white light from a lantern exhibited in sufficient time to prevent collision? a. b. c. d. e.

A 9-meter sailing vessel A rowboat A 6-meter motorboat A small vessel fishing I don't know

Result : Correct

36. What immediate actions should the Officer of the Watch take when the ship goes aground on an uncharted shoal in the middle of the ocean? a. b. c. d. e.

Stop engines and call the Master Stop engines and immediately request "Full Astern" Stop engines and tell the engine room to switch over to high suctions Sound the General Alarm and plot the ships position I don't know

Result : Correct

37. Your power-driven vessel is stopped and making no way, but is not in any way disabled. Another vessel is approaching you on your starboard beam. Which statement is TRUE? a. b. c. d. e.

The other vessel must give way since your vessel is stopped Your vessel is the give-way vessel in a crossing situation You should be showing the lights or shapes for a vessel not under command You should be showing the lights or shapes for a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver I don't know

Result : Correct

38. What shall you do if you see a person falling into the sea? a. b. c. d. e.

Throw a lifebuoy over board and report to the bridge immediately. Launch a lifeboat. Put on a lifejacket. Run aft. I don't know

Result : Correct

39. Your vessel is involved in a collision with another vessel. What should you as Master tell the Master on the other vessel?

a. Your vessel is involved in a collision with another vessel b. Explain your actions prior to the collision and request details of actions taken by the other vessel which resulted in the collision c. Ask if there is any assistance required by the other vessel d. There should be no communication with the other vessel e. I don't know

Result : Correct

40. By day, you sight a vessel displaying three shapes in a vertical line. The top and bottom shapes are balls, and the middle shape is a diamond. It could be a __________. a. b. c. d. e.

vessel trolling mineclearing vessel trawler vessel engaged in replenishment at sea I don't know

Result : Correct

41. You are underway in fog and hear one short, one prolonged, and one short blast in succession. What is the meaning of this signal? a. b. c. d. e.

A vessel is in distress and needs assistance A vessel is fishing, hauling nets A vessel is at anchor, warning of her position A vessel is towing I don't know

Result : Correct

42. Frekuensi dan channel yang digunakan oleh pelayaran internasional untuk panggilan marabahaya, keamanan navigasi, dan panggilan regular di saluran VHF a. b. c. d.

2182 KHz (channel 72) 121.5 MHz (channel 09) 156.8 MHz (channel 16) I don't know

Result : Correct

43. What day-shape would a vessel at anchor show during daylight? a. b. c. d.

One black ball Two black balls Three black balls No signal

e. I don't know

Result : Correct

44. Which vessel is, by definition, unable to keep out of the way of another vessel? a. b. c. d. e.

Vessel engaged in fishing Vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver Sailing vessel Vessel towing I don't know

Result : Correct

45. Yang bukantermasukpolapencariandalamoperasi SAR adalah….. a. b. c. d. e. f.

Sector search Expanding search Parallel track Search light Ship and air craft coordinated pattern I don't know

Result : Correct

46. An alarm signal consisting of seven short blast followed by one prolonged blast is sounded by the ship's whistle and alarm bells. What are you to do? a. b. c. d. e.

Go to your lifeboat station Go to your fire station Report on the bridge (deck crew) or engine room (engine crew) for further orders Go to (or remain in) your cabin and await further orders I don't know

Result : Correct

47. Kapalkandassecaratidaksengajaolehsuatukeadaandarurat a. b. c. d. e. f.

Stranding Beaching Surging Yawing Pitching I don't know

Result : Correct

48. Bunyi alarm kebakaran jika kapal berada dipelabuhan/diterminal adalah... a. b. c. d.

Satu tiup panjang dengan selang waktu 5 detik Satutiuppanjangdenganselangwaktu 10 detik Satutiuppanjangdenganselangwaktu 15 detik I don't know

Result : Correct

49. Instalasi CO2, fire hydrant, smoke detector, fire detector, hose and nozzle adalah bagian dari …. a. b. c. d.

Live saving appliances Ship equipment Fire fighting equipment I don't know

Result : Correct

50. Pancaran berita terkait keselamatan (safety) selalu di awali dengan kata ... ….. a. b. c. d.

Mayday Securite Pan Pan I don't know

Result : Correct

51. You are fishing at night, and you sight a vessel showing three lights in a vertical line. The upper and lower lights are red and the middle light is white. Which statement is TRUE? a. b. c. d. e.

You must keep out of the way of the other vessel. The other vessel is responsible to keep out of your way. The other vessel is at anchor. The rule of special circumstances applies. I don't know

Result : Correct

52. You are witness to a collision between two other ships close to your vessel. What immediate action should you take? a. b. c. d.

Nothing, just standby and wait to see if any assistance is required Contact one or both vessels involved in the incident and offer assistance Send out a distress message on their behalf Inform the local coast radio station of the incident and submit your name as a witness

e. I don't know

Result : Correct

53. You are underway in reduced visibility. You hear the fog signal of another vessel about 20° on your starboard bow. Risk of collision may exist. You should __________. a. b. c. d. e.

alter course to starboard to pass around the other vessel reduce your speed to bare steerageway slow your engines and let the other vessel pass ahead of you alter course to port to pass the other vessel on its portside I don't know

Result : Correct

54. You are approaching a bend in a channel. You cannot see around the bend because of the height of the bank. You should __________ a. b. c. d. e.

stop engines and navigate with caution stay in the middle of the channel sound passing signals to any other vessel that may be on the other side of the bend sound a whistle blast of 4 to 6 seconds duration I don't know

Result : Correct

55. What is the meaning of this symbol ? a. b. c. d. e.

Lifebuoy with light and smoke Lifebuoy with line Lifebuoy with light Lifejacket I don't know

Result : Wrong

56. When a vessel sounds three short blasts on the whistle, this indicates that __________. a. b. c. d. e.

danger is ahead her engines are going astern the vessel is not under command (broken down) all other vessels should stand clear I don't know

Result : Correct

57. Vessels of less than what length may not impede the passage of other vessels which can safely navigate only within a narrow channel or fairway? a. b. c. d. e.

10 meters 20 meters 30 meters 40 meters I don't know

Result : Correct

58. Safety massage atau Berita/ pesan yang berisi informasi tentang keselamatan pelayaran, navigasi, dan berita cuaca. Di awali dengan kata … a. b. c. d.

securite pan pan mayday I don't know

Result : Correct

59. Which vessel is to sound a fog signal of one prolonged followed by two short blasts? a. b. c. d. e.

A vessel not under command A sailing vessel, underway A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver when carrying out her work at anchor All of the above I don't know

Result : Correct

60. Beberapasituasi yang dapatmenimbulkankeadaandarurat di kapal tanker, kecuali a. b. c. d. e. f.

Fire (kebakaran) Ledakan (explotion) Muatantumpah (over Flow) Tabrakan (collution) Man over board I don't know

Result : Wrong

61. The following vessels are all required to make the same sound signal when in or near an area of restricted visibility: a vessel not under command; a vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre; a vessel constrained by her draught / a sailing vessel; a vessel engaged in fishing; a vessel engaged in towing or pushing another vessel. What is that signal?

a. One prolonged blast, followed by two short blasts, at intervals of not more than two minutes b. Two prolonged blasts, followed by one short blast, at intervals of not more than two minutes c. One prolonged blast at intervals at not more than two minutes d. One prolonged blast, followed by two short blasts, at intervals of not more than one minute e. I don't know

Result : Correct

62. A vessel constrained by her draft may display __________. a. b. c. d. e.

three all-round red lights two 225° red lights three all-round blue lights two 225° blue lights I don't know

Result : Correct

63. What are the immediate duties of the bridge Officer of the Watch when the ship suddenly runs into a fog bank? a. Commence sounding the fog signal, engines on standby, call the Master and lookout, if not already on duty b. Commence sounding the fog signal and call the Master and wait for him to arrive before taking any further actions c. Commence sounding the fog signal and if the radar indicates no echoes in the vicinity, proceed at the normal speed until ships are detected on the radar or until the fog lifts d. Commence sounding the fog signal and reduce speed to Slow Ahead e. I don't know

Result : Correct

64. When steering by autopilot, how often should manual steering be checked? a. b. c. d. e.

At least once a watch When there is an indication there may be problem At least once a day during the morning 8 to 12 watch No checking is necessary I don't know

Result : Correct

65. What are the additional duties required by the Officer of the Watch when navigating in fog? a. Sound fog signal, effective radar watch reporting ship movements to Master and keep a good lookout for ships and fog signals.

b. All of the suggested answers c. Sound fog signal, plot positions and keep a good lookout d. When navigating in fog the Master will take over the watch and the Officer of the Watch should follow all of his instructions. e. I don't know

Result : Correct

66. How can a new officer, just boarding a ship, ensure that he knows the location and operation of all navigational and safety equipment and take account of the operating limitations of such equipment? a. By asking other officers and practicing with the use of the equipment b. By following the standard company Induction procedures for a bridge watchkeeping officer c. The certificate of competency will ensure the officer has suitable competence in operating the bridge equipment d. By using the equipment on regular watchkeeping duties e. I don't know

Result : Correct

67. A 20-meter power-driven vessel pushing ahead or towing alongside will display __________. a. b. c. d. e.

a single white light forward two masthead lights in a vertical line two towing lights in a vertical line two all-round red lights where they can best be seen I don't know

Result : Correct

68. The ship is drifting in the open sea with a temporary engine breakdown. The ship is equipped with GPS navigation equipment. What should the bridge Officer of the Watch do in this situation? All of the possible answers. Keep a good lookout for other ships Display the "Not under Command" signal and switch off the normal steaming lights Plot the direction and rate of drift and predict the ships position for the period while the ship is "Not Under Command" e. I don't know a. b. c. d.

Result : Correct

69. You are in an area of restricted visibility. You hear this sound signal. What does it mean? a. That there is a vessel in distress nearby

b. That there is a vessel at anchor in the vicinity c. That there is a vessel aground in the vicinity d. That there is a vessel engaged in underwater operations in the vicinity. She has divers down e. I don't know

Result : Correct

70. Which vessel would NOT sound a fog signal of one prolonged and two short blasts? a. b. c. d. e.

A vessel not under command A vessel constrained by her draft A vessel being towed A vessel sailing I don't know

Result : Correct

71. What do the shapes that this vessel is displaying tell us about her? a. b. c. d. e.

That she is not under command That she is restricted in her ability to manoeuvre That she is engaged in towing That she is constrained by her draught I don't know

Result : Correct

72. The lights displayed here indicate that this is one of two types of vessel. What are the two options? a. A power-driven vessel engaged in towing, less than 50 metres in length, length of tow under 200 metres, towing vessel and tow restricted in their ability to manoeuvre, seen head-on OR a power-driven vessel underway, more than 50 metres in length, or less than 50 metres in length and showing a second masthead light, restricted in her ability to manoeuvre, seen head-on b. A power-driven vessel engaged in towing, more than 50 metres in length, or less than 50 metres in length and showing a second masthead light, length of tow under 200 metres, seen head-on OR a power-driven vessel underway. Less than 50 metres in length and displaying the second all-round white masthead light, seen head-on c. A vessel engaged in fishing, restricted in her ability to manoeuvre, shooting nets OR a vessel engaged in towing, less than 50 metres in length, length of tow under 200 metres, towing vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre, seen head-on d. A vessel engaged on pilotage duty, engaged in deploying or recovering a pilot, seen head-on or a power-driven vessel underway, lmore than 50 metres in length or less than 50 metres in length and showing the second masthead light, seen head-on e. I don't know

Result : Correct

73. You are on a power-driven vessel underway in open water. This vessel is sighted wide on the port bow. It's bearing is opening, but its distance is closing rapidly. Which of the following is a correct assessment of the situation and the action to be taken? a. Risk of collision is deemed not to exist and I will maintain my course and speed. I will continue to monitor the situation. b. Risk of collision is deemed to exist and I will make a broad alteration of course to starboard, sounding one short blast. I will re-assess the situation when the alteration is carried out. c. Risk of collision is deemed not to to exist. However, to be sure of a safe passing distance, I will reduce my speed to allow the other vessel to pass ahead. d. Risk of collision is a possibility. I will maintain my course and speed for now, but be prepared for an alteration of course to port if the CPA seems to be less than 0.2nm as we draw closer. e. I don't know

Result : Correct

74. You are proceeding along a narrow channel and approaching a bend, on the inside shore of which is a large hill, which obsures your view further up channel. What sound signal will you make to indicate your presence to any vessel that is behind the obstructing hill? a. b. c. d. e.

One prolonged blast. One short blast. Two prolonged blasts. Two short blasts. I don't know

Result : Correct

75. You are in open water and clear conditions. You are approaching the pilot station when you hear this signal from a vessel ahead of you. What does it signify? a. b. c. d. e.

That the vessel is operating astern propulsion That the vessel is picking up his pilot That the vessel is picking up his pilot That the vessel is starting his engine and resuming his passage I don't know

Result : Correct

76. When handing over the con of a vessel to a pilot, should the Master insist in discussing the passage plan with the pilot while he is there to use his local knowledge and advice on the navigation of the ship? a. A passage plan should be discussed between the Master and pilot, when under pilotage in the same way as discussed with the bridge team when deep sea b. The passage is well established and known by the pilot and a plan is therefore not necessary

c. A pilot is responsible for the navigation whilst on board and will be very familiar with what is required, therefore discussing the passage plan is not necessary d. The pilot would probably consider it unnecessary, be more interested in knowing the ship's characteristics and resist any passage planning discussions with the Master. e. I don't know

Result : Correct

77. Of the vessels listed, which must keep out of the way of all the others? a. b. c. d. e.

A vessel constrained by her draft A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver A vessel on pilotage duty A vessel engaged in fishing I don't know

Result : Correct

78. An effective detailed passage plan fully understood and followed by a competent bridge team. a. An effective detailed passage plan fully understood and followed by a competent bridge team. b. All navigational equipment fully functional. c. Bridge equipment effectively operating and being used efficiently d. The bridge equipment includes ARPA radar, GPS and ECDIS in full and effective operation e. I don't know

Result : Correct

79. You are approaching a port in a snowstorm. You hear this signal. What kind of vessel is it and what is it doing? a. It comes from a vessel engaged in pilotage duties and it is making way through the water b. It comes from a vessel engaged in pilotage duties at anchor, over 100 metres in length c. It comes from a vessel at anchor, less than 100 metres in length d. It comes from a vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre e. I don't know

Result : Correct

80. What, by definition in the International Collision Regulations, is a "vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre"? a. A vessel which from the nature of her work is restricted in her ability to manoeuvre as required by the Rules and is therefore unable to keep out of the way of another vessel

b. A vessel which through some exceptional circumstance is unable to manoeuvre as required by the Rules and is therefore unable to keep out of the way of another vessel c. A vessel engaged in underwater work, such as the laying, picking up or servicing of a pipeline, or which is in support of diving operations, performing dredging and mineclearance or is deploying or recovering a pilot d. A vessel which because of her draught in relation to the available depth of navigable water is restricted in her ability to deviate from her course and keep out of the way of another vessel e. I don't know

Result : Correct

81. Which statement(s) is(are) TRUE concerning light signals? a. b. c. d. e.

The time between flashes shall be about five seconds. The time between successive signals shall be not less than ten seconds. The light signals are to be used when not using sound signals. All of the above I don't know

Result : Correct

82. Which vessel may NOT exhibit two red lights in a vertical line? a. b. c. d. e.

A vessel constrained by her draft A trawler fishing in close proximity to other trawlers A vessel aground A dredge I don't know

Result : Correct

83. You are on a power-driven vessel underway in open water. You observe this vessel, directly ahead, on a steady bearing, with the distance closing steadily. What can you tell about this vessel from the lights it is displaying? a. This vessel is not under command and is not making way through the water. I cannot tell its aspect. b. This vessel is restricted in its ability to manoeuvre and is stopped in the water. I am seeing it from astern. c. This is a fishing vessel, not making way through the water, with its nets fast upon an obstruction, seen from astern. d. This vessel is aground and is seen from directly ahead. e. I don't know

Result : Correct

84. What is the main purpose of VTS?

a. Increase the safety of all ships and the protection of the environment in the vicinity. b. Provide local information to all vessels navigating in the area c. Improve the scheduling and traffic movement in the area. d. Increase safety for ships participating in VTS e. I don't know

Result : Correct

85. What sound signal shall be used on ship's whistle when there is a man overboard? a. b. c. d. e.

3 long blasts repeatedly 6 short blasts repeatedly 5 short blasts repeatedly 4 long blasts repeatedly I don't know

Result : Correct

86. The lights here show those that must be exhibited by a vessel engaged in towing, as per rule 24 of the International Collision Regulations. But how long is the tow behind this vessel? a. b. c. d. e.

It exceeds 200 metres It is less than 200 metres It is more than 50 metres but less than 200 metres At least 100 metres I don't know

Result : Correct

87. According to rule 13 of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, what is the definition of "an overtaking vessel"? a. When coming up with another vessel from a direction more than 22.5 degrees abaft her beam b. When coming up with another vessel from any direction abaft her beam c. When coming up with another vessel from a direction more than 45 degrees abaft her beam d. When the vessel is detected as a radar target or sighted visually in a position directly astern e. I don't know

Result : Correct

88. Who will have the authority to take charge and make appropriate decisions in the event of a vessel emergency when transiting the Panama Canal? a. The Panama Canal Authority b. The ship's Master

c. The ship's company d. The Master and Pilot will agree the best course of action to be taken to resolve the emergency situation. e. I don't know

Result : Correct

89. What signal may be given by sound and by light to indicate that a vessel fails to understand the intentions or actions of another vessel, or is in doubt that sufficient action is being taken by the other to avoid collision? a. b. c. d. e.

Five short and rapid blasts (flashes) Five prolonged blasts (flashes) Three short and rapid blasts (flashes) One prolonged blast (flash), followed by five or more short and rapid blasts (flashes) I don't know

Result : Correct

90. You are proceeding along a narrow channel behind another vessel. You have a higher speed and have signalled your intention to the vessel ahead that you intend to overtake him on his port side. The vessel responds with this sound signal. What does it mean? That the vessel is indicating her agreement with my proposed manoeuvre. That the vessel does not agree with my proposed manoeuvre. That the vessel suggests I overtake on the starboard side instead. This is a signal intended for another vessel or shore station. It is nothing to do with our vessel. e. I don't know a. b. c. d.

Result : Correct

91. When a vessel is to experience a long tow across an ocean, what would be the best system of connecting the tow? a. Wire from a deep sea tug connected to the ship's anchor chain b. Wire from a deep sea tug through the forward centre lead of the ship and made fast onto several mooring bits on the forecastle c. Wire from a deep sea tug made fast through a shoulder lead on the vessel's leeward side d. I don't know

Result : Wrong

92. A tug is moving towards the bow of the ship to make fast and is in the vicinity of the ship's shoulder, as illustrated. What specific danger should be considered when making this approach to the bow?

a. The tug may be turned across the bow of the ship and also suffer a lose of stability with a danger of being turned over if touched by the ship b. The positive pressure field at the ships bow may repel the tug and make the connection very difficult to establish c. The stern of the tug may be sucked in towards the bow and also suffer a reduction in the positive GM, making it very unstable. d. All of the alternative answers e. I don't know

Result : Correct

93. A ship is passing through a narrow channel and keeping to the starboard side of the fairway, as illustrated. What could be expected in this situation? a. The ship will suffer bank rejection and the bow will be pushed away from the bank b. The ship will suffer ship to shore interaction and the bow will be sucked towards the bank c. The ship will be sucked towards the bank and the stern will be pushed away due to ship-toshore interaction. d. The ship's rudder will suffer a lack of effectiveness due to the shallow water, but should not be affected by the bank being close to the bow. e. I don't know

Result : Correct

94. The maximum rudder angle on your ship is 35 degrees. Do you think this is the angle that the rudder is most effective? a. No, the most effective rudder angle is about 25 to 30 degrees, this is because the rudder is "stalling" at 35 degrees angle b. No, the rudder is most effective at angles between 10 and 20 degrees c. Yes, the rudder is most effective at max angle d. No, the rudder is most effective at small rudder angles e. I don't know

Result : Correct

95. A ship normally turns (swings) around a point which is not the centre of gravity. What is this point normally called? a. b. c. d. e.

Pivot Point Centre of Floatation Centre of Turn Centre of Buoyancy I don't know

Result : Correct


In the diagram of a ship's turning circle, what is the distance A known as? a. b. c. d. e.

Advance Tactical Diameter Stopping Distance Transfer I don't know

Result : Correct

97. It is late night and a tanker has just been involved in a collision. Should the tanker,to the collision, carry a red light in addition to the normal navigation lights. Is this correct? a. b. c. d. e.

No, the tanker should carry red, white and red in addition to the ordinary navigation lights Correct, the tanker did show the correct navigation lights. No, the tanker should show the normal navigation lights only. No, the tanker should carry two red lights in addition to the navigation lights. I don't know

Result : Correct

98. A large vessel develops a sudden sheer when it stops moving through the water, having been steaming through a shallow water channel for several miles. The sheer may be strong and unexpected and is due to what reason? a. The large volume of water dragged behind the vessel continues to move forward and cause a strong turning moment on the stern of the vessel b. The hydrodynamic interaction effects from the banks of the shallow water channel acts on the stern causing the vessel to sheer strongly c. The vessel stopping shifts the pivot point forward and creates a turning moment and results in the ship swinging towards the bank d. I don't know

Result : Wrong

99. How can the effects of Squat be minimized, when a ship is proceeding in shallow water? a. Maintain a slow speed just sufficient to maintain steerage b. Maintain a speed of about six (6) knots and use minimal rudder when manoeuvring c. Decrease the speed and keep the ship to the centre of the channel where the water is probably deepest d. Enter the shallow water with a stern trim and proceed at a moderate speed. e. I don't know

Result : Correct

100. What would you say about a ship which is course unstable?

a. She will require large rudder angles to maintain course. b. When you apply rudder, she will continue to turn long after the rudder is returned to amidships. c. When you put rudder amidships, she will quickly return to a straight course. d. When you apply rudder, she will take time before answering e. I don't know

Result : Correct

101. Which of the following hull shapes would normally provide a directionally stable ship? a. b. c. d. e.

A long ship with a narrow beam A short ship with a narrow beam A short ship with a wide beam A long ship with a wide beam I don't know

Result : Correct

102. A ship is steaming at "Full Ahead" when the engines are changed to "Full Astern". Would this reversal of engines produce the same results in deep water as in shallow water (where the under keel clearance is equal to about half the draught)? a. The effectiveness of the rudder and propeller are greatly reduced and therefore the results will be considerably different b. The speed will reduce quickly and the transverse thrust will swing the ships head to starboard as the ship slows down. c. The reduction in speed and turning effects will vary very little between deep and shallow water. d. The shallow water will produce an increase in water velocity and a reduction in pressure. e. I don't know

Result : Correct

103. The ship's engine is going astern and the ship is picking up sternway. The rudder is amidships and the ship has a single, right-handed, fixed pitch propeller. What would be expected to happen? a. The ship will probably start to change heading to starboard and stern speed will increase b. The ship will probably start to change heading to port and stern speed will increase c. The ship will probably go straight astern without a change in heading and the stern speed will increase d. The ship will move astern at an increasing speed and the stern start to swing off to starboard e. I don't know

Result : Correct

104. A ship experiences an interaction effect known as "Squat" when moving in shallow water. The amount of Squat is affected by the speed of the vessel through the water. If the speed through the water is HALVED what will be the change in the affect of "Squat" a. The squat effect will be reduced to a quarter of its original value b. The squat effect will also be halve c. There will be a significant change in the reduction of underkeel clearance, but the amount varies from ship to ship d. I don't know

Result : Correct

105. The effectiveness of a rudder is dependant on the flow of water past the rudder. If the rudder is put hard over when the ship is at full ahead in deep water, and then the engines are stopped, how much lift force remains? a. b. c. d.

About 20 % About 50 % About 80 % I don't know

Result : Correct

106. The ship is starting to slow down after steaming at full ahead speed. What will happen to the position of the "pivot point"? a. b. c. d. e.

It will move aft as the ship slows down Same position as when the ship is steaming at full speed ahead The "pivot point" will move towards the bow of the ship It will move to the side of the centre line I don't know

Result : Correct

107. When a vessel is moving in shallow water it will experience an effect known as "Squat". Which of the following statements most accurately specify the results of squat on the vessel? a. There will be a reduction of the vessel's underkeel clearance and a possible change of trim b. There will be an increase in the vessels draught while moving through the water c. There will be a change of draught and a reduction in the spee d. I don't know

Result : Correct

108. In the diagram of a ship's turning circle, what is the distance B known as?

a. b. c. d. e.

Tactical Diameter Transfer Radius of the turn Diameter of the turn I don't know

Result : Correct

109. What is "ship squat"? a. The sinkage and change of trim caused when the ship is proceeding with a small underkeel clearance b. Deeper draft caused by operating in fresh rather than salt water c. A requirement for ships proceeding up river under low bridges d. A slight increase in underkeel clearance e. I don't know

Result : Correct

110. In shallow water a ship will experience "Squat". What are the principle reasons creating the effects of squat? a. There is an increase in the water velocity and a decrease of water pressure around the ship's hull b. There is a decrease in the water velocity and an increased of water pressure around the ship's hull c. There is an increased effect of gravity due to closeness of the sea-bed d. I don't know

Result : Correct

111. A ship turns around a point known as the "pivot point". Where is the position of this invisible point when the ship is stopped and "dead" in the water? a. b. c. d. e.

At about same position as the centre of gravity of the ship About one third the ship's length near the stern of the ship At the Centre of Flotation of the ship About one third of the ship's length near the bow I don't know

Result : Correct

112. What would be the effects of a ship passing into shallow water? a. The ship is less responsive to both rudder and propeller b. There is no noticeable difference in performance of the ship c. The speed is not affected, but more rudder is required to steer the ship

d. The vessel has a tendency to swing to port with a single fixed-pitch right-hand turning propeller e. I don't know

Result : Correct

113. Overshoot is an expression used when talking about a ship's steering ability. What does this mean? a. b. c. d. e.

It is the way a ship turns when the helm is put to the hard over position It is the way a ship continues to turn after counter-rudder is applied. t is the way a ship continues to turn when the helm is put amidship. It is the way a ship responds when moving the helm from hard to port to hard to Starboard I don't know

Result : Correct

114. What would be the correct definition of the term "Squat"? a. Squat is the reduction of underkeel clearance and the possible change of trim of a ship when it moves through shallow water due to a reduction in water pressure b. Squat is the reduction of underkeel clearance of a ship when it moves through shallow water due to a reduction in water pressure c. Squat is the loss of effectiveness of the rudder and propeller as a ship moves through shallow water due to the reduction of water pressure d. Squat is the reduction of underkeel clearance due to increase of water flow under the keel and an increase in the water pressure e. I don't know

Result : Correct

115. In the diagram of a ship's turning circle, what is point C known as? a. b. c. d. e.

Pivot Point Centre of Flotation Transfer Point Heading Point I don't know

Result : Correct

116. A tug is connected by a line to the bow of a ship. Will the bollard pull exerted by the tug be the same at any speed? a. No, when the ship's speed exceeds about 5 knots it will be expected that there will be a reduced pull exerted by the tug b. No, when the speed of the ship is increasing, the bollard pull exerted by the tug will also be increasing

c. Yes, the bollard pull would normally be expected to be the same at any speed of the ship d. I don't know

Result : Correct

117. What is the correct understanding of the term "a ship with good Directional Stability"? a. A ship which when the rudder is left amidships, it will continue on approximately a straight course b. A ship which will maintain its course unless large rudder angles are applied c. A ship which when a rudder angle is applied and the ship starts to swing, will continue to swing even after the rudder is returned to amidships d. A ship where the amount of positive transverse stability (GM) will vary with the direction of the ship's head e. I don't know

Result : Correct

118. The engines are going astern and the ship is making sternway of about 1.5 knots with the rudder hard to starboard. What effect will this have on the ship's progress? a. This will give the stern a lift force to starboard b. The rudder will have no effect when the ship is making sternway, it should be in the amidships position when going astern c. This will give the stern a lift force to port d. There will be no lift force and the ship will go straight astern e. I don't know

Result : Correct

119. Two vessels are meeting each other in confined waters. What would be the effects of interaction between the two vessels as they approach each other? a. b. c. d. e.

The bows of the ships will be pushed away from each other The bows of the ships will be sucked together Each vessel will experience an increase in speed There will be no effects in these circumstances I don't know

Result : Correct

120. The vessel is in a 360 degrees turn with engine full ahead. If the engine speed is reduced during the turn, will there be any change in the turning diameter a. Yes, the turning diameter will increase if the speed is reduced b. Yes, the turning diameter will be smaller if the speed is reduced c. No, the turning diameter will not change if the speed is reduced

d. No, the turning diameter will only change if the rudder angle is reduced e. I don't know

Result : Correct

121. What is the necessary protection when you are rust chipping with air tools? a. b. c. d. e.

Protective clothing, safety shoes, gloves, goggles, earmuffs. Gloggles and ear protectors Protective clothing, safety shoes, earmuffs Gloves, goggles, earmuffs I don't know

Result : Correct

122. In radio telephony what is the "URGENCY CALL" which should be used to indicate that you have a very urgent message to transmit concerning the safety of another vessel or person? a. b. c. d. e.

Pan Pan (3 times) Mayday Mayday (3 times) Securite Securite (3 times) Victor Victor (3 times) I don't know

Result : Correct

123. You receive via the 8 MHz a DSC distress alert. The received DSC message is however distorted. The MMSI as well as the position are illegible. After listening at the 8 MHz telephone distress frequency, nothing is heard. This is because: a. b. c. d. e.

Telephone signals in the same frequency band are generally weaker than DSC signals You should have listened on the 2182 kHz First an acknowledgement of a coastguard station must be received via the 8MHz You should have listened on VHF I don't know

Result : Wrong

124. The figure shows the cross section of a ship floating in water with the hull coloured in red and the seabed below the vessel shaded. On this figure there are four (4) possible definitions of the term "UNDERKEEL CLEARANCE" given. Which one is the correct one? a. b. c. d. e.

Underkeel clearance is given by A on the figure Underkeel clearance is given by B on the figure Underkeel clearance is given by C on the figure Underkeel clearance is given by D on the figure I don't know

Result : Correct

125. What is meant by the term "keeping a proper lookout" as applied to the bridge lookout? a. Keeping a visual lookout all round the ship and also actively listening out for audio signals b. Keeping a very visual lookout ahead and abeam of the ship c. Continually visually scanning the horizon all round the ship d. Keeping a visual lookout all round the vessel e. I don't know

Result : Correct

126. On the figure there are four (4) possible definitions of the term "QUAY" given. Which one is the correct one? a. b. c. d. e.

Quay is given by A on the figure Quay is given by B on the figure Quay is given by C on the figure Quay is given by D on the figure I don't know

Result : Correct

127. A distress call has been sent accidentally on your MF DSC equipment. Which of the following is correct for cancelling the false distress alert? a. Make broadcast on 2182 kHz ""Mayday all stations…"" and cancel the false distress alert." b. Send a all stations urgent priority MF DSC call c. Send a selective distress priority MF DSC call to the nearest MRCC– Inform it that a false distress alert has been transmited d. Switch off the transmitter e. I don't know

Result : Wrong

128. What kind of safety equipment must be worn during anchoring? a. b. c. d. e.

All of the mentioned equipment. Boiler suit, working gloves. Safety goggles. Safety helmet, safety shoes. I don't know

Result : Correct

129. The distress message is used when the vessel is threatened by a serious and imminent danger and is in need of immediate assistance. What is the telegraphy and telephony distress message like? a. b. c. d. e.

S O S (Telegraphy) / MAYDAY (Telephony) X X X (Telegraphy) / PAN-PAN (Telephony) F F F (Telegraphy) / RESCUE-RESCUE (Telephony) T T T (Telegraphy) / SECURITE (Telephony) I don't know

Result : Correct

130. " On area A2 the function "" Transmission of ship to shore distress alerts"" is mainly based on:" a. b. c. d. e.

The use of MF DSC The use of VHF DSC The use of SARSAT COSPAS Epirbs The use of INMARSAT Epirbs I don't know

Result : Correct

131. Which one of the following types of rope is the most dangerous to work with? a. b. c. d. e.

Nylon Steel wire. Manila. Polypropylene. I don't know

Result : Correct

132. To announce an important navigational –or meteorological warning via the VHF-installation, one should use the: a. b. c. d. e.

Safety call Urgency call Distress call Individual call I don't know

Result : Correct

133. You are approaching the port entrance. What do these lights mean? a. A vessel may proceed only when she has received specific orders to do so.

b. Vessels may proceed - one-way traffic. c. Vessels may proceed - two-way traffic. d. A vessel may proceed only when she has received specific orders to do so, except that vessels which can safely navigate outside the main channel need not comply with this message. e. I don't know

Result : Correct

134. On the figure there are four (4) possible definitions of the term "ASTERN" shown. Which one is the correct one? a. b. c. d. e.

Astern is defined as D on the figure Astern is defined as B on the figure Astern is defined as C on the figure Astern is defined as A on the figure I don't know

Result : Correct

135. On board they want to send a safety-call to other vessels. The DSC safety-call: a. b. c. d. e.

Has to contain a work-frequency May contain a work-frequency May not contain a work-frequency Will automatically send the correct working frequency I don't know

Result : Correct

136. When reeving a new wire onto a self-stowing winch drum you should, after looking at brake arrangement, reeve it to pay out as follows: a. b. c. d. e.

Direction B Direction A Either direction is acceptable. Depends on the direction of the lay of the wire strands in the new wire I don't know

Result : Correct

137. A distress-call received via RCC should: a. Only be given receipt, if the master has confirmed that assistance indeed can be given b. Be given receipt, even when indubitably too distant from the distress case c. Always be given receipt

d. Always be relayed e. I don't know

Result : Correct

138. On the figure there are four (4) possible definitions of the term "BREADTH" given. Which one is the correct one? a. b. c. d. e.

Breadth is given by B on the figure Breadth is given by A on the figure Breadth is given by C on the figure Breadth is given by D on the figure I don't know

Result : Correct

139. What is the correct understanding of the term "boat drill"? a. Practical exercise for the people on board to practice their duties and be prepared in the case of an emergency abandon ship. b. A demonstration for the people on board to understand how a lifeboat can be used to abandon ship c. A presentation by the Master on what he would expect from all on board in the case of an emergency. d. The opportunity for all on board to launch the boats and abandon ship. e. I don't know

Result : Correct

140. On the diagram provided, there are four (4) possible directions indicating the term "AHEAD". Which one is the correct? a. b. c. d. e.

Ahead is given by A on the figure Ahead is given by B on the figure Ahead is given by C on the figure Ahead is given by D on the figure I don't know

Result : Correct

141. All designated SAR aircraft and civil aircraft carry equipment operating on the international aeronautical distress frequencies (amplitude modulation). The aeronautical distress frequencies are? a. 121.5 MHz and/or 243.0 MHz b. 127.8 MHz and/or 349.6 MHz c. 123.8 MHz and/or 247.6 MHz

d. 243.1 MHz and/or 486.2 MHz e. I don't know

Result : Correct

142. " On area A3 the function "" Transmission and reception of on scene communications"" is mainly based on:" a. b. c. d. e.

The use of MF and/or VHF R/T The use of DSC and/or INMARSAT C The use of MF and/or HF R/T The use of HF DSC I don't know

Result : Correct

143. What special safety measures are required by a seaman when working aloft on a stage? a. b. c. d. e.

Safety harness with a rope secured to a safe point above. Helmet, safety shoes and gloves. A safety harness secured to the stage. No special safety measures required. I don't know

Result : Correct

144. On board they want to make a DSC-call with a foreign coast-station. It is an urgent call. Preferably choose: a. b. c. d. e.

The national DSC-call frequecies of the coast-station concerned The international DSC-call frequency The international DSC-distress frequencies The international DSC-urgent frequency I don't know

Result : Correct

145. What does this flag mean? a. b. c. d. e.

I have a diver down; keep well clear at slow speed. Yes (affirmative). My vessel is stopped and making no way through the water. I wish to communicate with you. I don't know

Result : Correct

146. On the figure there are four (4) possible directions shown by the arrowed lines. Which one would correctly shows the direction understood by the term "AFTER SPRING"? a. b. c. d. e.

After spring is defined as A on the figure After spring is defined as B on the figure After spring is defined as C on the figure After spring is defined as D on the figure I don't know

Result : Correct

147. Distress MF communications should normally be operated : a. b. c. d. e.

In J3E mode – on simplex basis In G3E mode – on duplex basis In G3E mode – on simplex basis In J3E mode – on duplex basis I don't know

Result : Wrong

148. What is the action that a GMDSS Radio Operator should take when a DSC distress alert is received? a. The Operator should immediately set continuous watch on the radiotelephone frequency that is associated with frquency band on which the distress alert was received. b. No action is necessary, as the DSC control will automatically switch to the NBDP follow-on communications frequency c. The Operator should immediately set continuous watch on VHF channel 70. d. The Operator should immediately set continuous watch on the NBDP frequency that is associated with frequency band on which the distress alert was received. e. I don't know

Result : Correct

149. The diagram shows the direction that a rope runs during a mooring operation and a possible place where it may break. Where would be considered the safest position to stand? a. b. c. d. e.

Outside the blue coloured zone. Inside the blue coloured zone. Between the "point of break" and the "fairlead". Behind the point of restraint, but inside the blue coloured zone. I don't know

Result : Correct

150. What is the correct understanding of the term "boat deck"? a. b. c. d. e.

The deck where the lifeboats davits are positioned. The deck where the top of the lifeboats can be viewed The deck of a ship at the base of the accommodation The deck which is at the top of the double bottom tank on a cargo ship. I don't know

Result : Correct