10M134 AIC Assignment 1 & 2 PDF [PDF]

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Advanced Internal Combustion Engines

mitted to: Dr. Kumar G N Assistant Professor Dept. of Mechanical Engineering NITK Surathkal

Submitted by: Chandan N 10M134 VII Sem Website

Assignment 1 & 2

Assignment-1 1) What is your opinion in the relevance of IC Engines in today's world? Since over 100 years, the internal combustion engine has been the mainstay of the automobile. But now due to increased concern about the environment and the dwindling crude oil reserves and the long lead times in creating these fossil fuels have led to a debate on reducing the use of IC engines. However in present situation, electric vehicles are prohibitively expensive and fuel cell powered cars are still in initial stages of research. The battery alone in an electric car can cost $20,000 and will remain so for some time. Moreover, electric vehicles are unproven in the real world, which suggests the continued dependence on IC engines. Engineers are working to build a better engine, one that runs more efficiently and gets better gas mileage and there are alternative fuels like ethanol, butanol, bio-diesel etc. Hence, IC engines are still very relevant in today's world and are going to be important for years to come.

2) Why are you taking this course? Internal combustion Engine is a vast field where lot of research has already been done but still there is a lot of scope for future research as the known worldwide reserves of petroleum are predicted to last for only 30 years. Air pollution is one of the other major problems being faced by the world today. So this has created a situation to increase the efficiency and decrease emissions in an engine. By learning this course, a basic idea about thermo-chemistry of fuels can be obtained and also ways to increase efficiency and decrease emissions can be learnt.

3) List the technical specification of your favorite automobile vehicle. My favorite vehicle is Koenigsegg Agera R. The Agera R is the only roadster Hypercar with a detachable and stow able hardtop, thereby offering the best of two worlds. This, in combination with 120 liters of luggage space, truly combines extreme performance with everyday usability. Technical Specifications are given below:

Performance           

Power output: 1140 hp at 7100 rpm – redline @ 7500 rpm Torque: over 1000 Nm from 2700 to 7300 rpm Max torque: 1200 Nm at 4100 rpm Turbo: 1.4 bar boost pressure, 0.5 bar boost pressure @ 2300 rpm, Full turbo spool up @ 2700 rpm Acceleration: 0-100 km/h (0-62 mph) 2.8 sec, 0-200 km/h 7,8 sec, 0-200-0 km/h 12.6 sec, 0-300-0 km/h 21,19 sec Braking distance: 30.5m (100-0 km/h) Lateral g-force: 1.6g Fuel consumption: Highway travel: 12.5 l/100km, Combined: 14,7/100km Weight-to-power ratio: 1.19 kg/hp (dry weight) Weight distribution: 44% front, 56% rear Emission levels: Euro V and lev 2

Aerodynamics    

Cd. 0.33 to 0.37 with adaptable rear wings. Frontal Area: 1.873 m2 Total Downforce at 250 km/h: 300 kg Flat underside of chassis. Venturi tunnels at rear of chassis/body.

Dimensions         

Total length: 4293 mm (169″) Total width: 1996 mm (78.6″) Total height: 1120 mm (44.1″) Ground clearance: Rear: 100 mm (3.94″) Front: 100 mm (3.94″) Wheelbase: 2662 mm. Front track: 1700 mm. Rear track: 1650 mm. Front overhang: 885 mm Rear overhang: 752 mm Fuel capacity: 80 litres Luggage compartment: 120 litres (31.7 US gallons)

  

Dry weight: 1330 kg Curb weight 1435 kg (all fluids plus 50% fuel) Maximum laden weight: 1650 kg (full tank, two passengers, full luggage)

Assignment-2 1) Explain the following terms: Engine continuous power: The power which the engine is capable of delivering continuously between the normal maintenance intervals stated by the manufacturer, at stated speed and under stated operating conditions. Indicated power: Indicated Power is the total power developed by the combustion of the fuel in the combustion chamber or it is the total power available inside the engine cylinder. It is denoted by IP. Brake power: Brake Power is the total power available at the output shaft. This is the actual output available to do work. It is denoted by BP. Specific fuel consumption: It is the quantity of fuel consumed per unit power produced per unit of time. It is generally expressed in grams of fuel consumed per kWh. It can be expressed mathematically as the ratio of fuel consumed in kg/h to the power developed in the engine. It is denoted by SFC.

2) What do you mean by? Indicated thermal efficiency: Indicated thermal efficiency is the ratio of work done by fuel combustion inside a cylinder over a given time interval to the total heat content of the fuel supplied to the cylinder during that time. It is denoted by ηith and mathematically:

Mechanical efficiency: Mechanical efficiency is defined as ratio of brake power(BP) to the indicated power (IP). Mechanical efficiency takes all mechanical losses happening in the engine into account It is denoted by ηm and mathematically:

Volumetric efficiency: Volumetric efficiency is the ratio of mass of air or charge actually induced to the mass of air or charge corresponding to the cylinder volume at ambient conditions. It can also be defined as ratio of volume of air or charge induced at ambient conditions to the stroke volume. It is denoted by ηvol and mathematically:

Overall thermal efficiency: It is defined as the ratio of heat converted to useful mechanical work to the chemical energy input to the engine. It is denoted by ηth and mathematically:

Discuss any one method to find indicated power. The method illustrated below is used to calculate Indicated power of slow speed engines using indicator diagram. The engine indicator and indicator diagram is shown below:

Indicated power is usually measured by using indicator diagram. An indicator diagram is a trace made by recording pressure gauge, called indicator, attached to the cylinder of a reciprocating engine. An indicator diagram represents the work done in one engine cycle. The same gas pressure at on the engine piston P and indicator piston I. The indicator piston is loaded by a spring and it moves in direct proportion to change in pressure. The motion of the indicator piston causes a pencil held at the end of the linkage L to move upon a strip of paper wrapped around drum D. The drum is rotated about its axis by chord C, which is connected through a reducing motion R to the piston P of the engine. The surface of drum D moves horizontally under the pencil while the pencil moves vertically over the surface and a plot of pressure upon piston vs. piston travel is obtained. Before tracing the final indicator diagram a pressure reference line is recorded by subjecting the indicator to the

atmosphere and tracing a line at a constant pressure of one atmosphere. The area can be measured by an instrument known as 'Planimeter' or by the use of the mid ordinates rule. On modern engines this diagram can be continuously taken by employing two transducers, one pressure transducer in the combustion space and other transducer on the shaft. Through the computer we can thus get on line indicated diagram and power of all cylinders. The area is then divided by the length of the diagram in order to obtain mean height. This mean height, when multiplied by the spring scale of the indicator mechanism, gives the indicated mean effective pressures (Pim) for the cylinder. It can be defined mathematically as:

Indicated power is then calculated from Indicated mean effective pressure using the relation:

where, A is the cross sectional area of the cylinder L is the stroke length N is the speed in rpm n=0.5 for 4-stroke and n=1 for 2-stroke engines.

3) Explain the performance test of an engine according to I.S. Testing of Constant Speed IC Engines for General Purposes According to IS: 1600-1960: This code applies to testing of constant speed reciprocating internal combustion engines of the following types used for general purposes like: (1) Compression ignition engines. (2) Carburettor type engines, and (3) Gas engines. This code is not applicable to pressure charged engines, engines for road or rail traction engines and engines for aircraft propulsion or aircraft auxiliaries. General Requirements for Tests: The manufacturer shall supply the performance characteristics of the engine prior to the commencement of the tests. The engine shall be tested as offered to the purchaser. All parts shall be in stock and all parts essential for engine operation should be included. Accessories used on the engine under test shall be listed. Preparation for Tests: The engine shall be completely stripped and examined physically so that design features and also the condition of the various parts may be noted before tests are, commenced. After the physical examination the dimensions of the main working parts, listed below shall be checked and recorded. 1. Cylinder head. 2. Valves, valve seats, valve springs and valve guides

3. Cylinder liner. 4. Piston Assembly. 5. Connecting rod small end big end bearings and connecting rod bolts. 6. Crankshaft, including bearings and journals and 7. Governor springs. Preliminary Run: The engine shall be subjected to preliminary run of 49 hours at rated speed under operating temperatures as specified by the manufacturer in a non-stop cycle of 7 hrs each conforming to cycles as shown in Fig below:

Preliminary Run Specifications During the preliminary run, special attention shall be paid to engine vibration and quiteness. The oil pressure shall be checked from time to time. Oil, coolant and fuel leaks shall be rectified and faculty components replaced as may be found necessary. A complete record of such attention and running time of components changed shall be kept. Test Procedure: (1)Engine adjustment: The distributor, carburettor or the fuel pump rack, as the case may be set as its nominal specified value at idling in contrast to its manual adjustments for maximum power at each speed. (2) Temperature: The temperature of the inlet air shall be measured at the entrance of the induction system. (3) Number of Runs: In every test, a sufficient number of runs shall be made throughout the speed range. A run shall be made at the lowest steady at which the engine operates. (4) Duration of Runs: Performance data shall be obtained under stabilized operating conditions. Durations of the experimental run depends upon two principles: (i) No data shall be taken until load, speed and temperature have been stabilized.

(ii) Recorded data shall be average sustained values maintained over a period of at least one minute, with no significant change occurring during that time. (5) Power Test: For all power tests with results to be plotted versus speed, a single series of stabilized runs at ascending speeds is sufficient. This series of runs should progress continuously, from the lowest to the maximum. If the engine requires to be idled between runs to avoid excessively high temperature, sufficient time should for the engine to reach its stabilized condition before taking readings. The brake load recorded should be steady and constant throughout the run. (6) Engine Speed: Engine speed should be held constant as possible by means of applied dynamometer load at wide open throttle or by throttle adjustment at part load. (7) Friction Power: The friction power test shall, if possible, follow immediately after the power test. If this is not possible, the test shall be conducted under condition similar to those for the power test. (8) Fuel Consumption: Fuel consumption shall be measured simultaneously with brake power. The fuel consumption measurement shall not be started un-till the engine is stabilized. Observations: (1)Brake Power is given by:

where, W is the load applied in N S is the spring scale reading in N and N is the rpm (2)Mechanical Efficiency is given by:

(3)Indicated Power is given by: IP = Brake Power + Frictional Power (4) Specific Fuel Consumption:

Specific fuel consumption shall be computed on the basis of gm of fuel per observed brake power hour. (5) Five Hundred Hour Endurance Test: After completion of the performance test, the engine shall be run for 500 hours at rated speed in cycles of 16 hours continuous running each cycle being made as follows:

At the end of 16 hour cycle, the engine shall be stopped and necessary servicing and minor adjustments may be carried out in accordance with the maker's schedule. Before starting the next cycle, the engine shall have reached very nearly the room temperature. One litre sample of the oil drained during each oil change and one litre sample of the fuel used shall be sent to the laboratory for analysis. (6)Recheck of Power and Fuel Consumption: The power fuel consumption shall be determined by repeating the performance test. (7)Final Inspection: At the conclusion of the test, the engine shall be stripped, its condition noted and the dimensions of the main working parts checked and recorded.

4) Explain any one method of finding brake power. Determination of Brake Power using rope brake Dynamometer is explained below. A Rope Brake Dynamometer is shown in Fig:

Rope Brake Dynamometer It consists of a number of turns of rope wound around the rotating drum attached to the output shaft. One side of the rope is connected to a spring balance and other to a loading device. The BP is given by,

Where, D= Brake drum diameter W= Weight S = Spring scale reading The power is absorbed is due to friction between rope and the drum. If the power produced is very high, some heat is also produces due to friction. To avoid the thermal effects of between wheel and rope, some cooling arrangement is necessary. Generally owing water is used as cooling medium. Rope brake is quiet cheaper and can be easily fabricated, but not very accurate because of changes in the friction coefficient of the rope with temperature.

5) How to measure the quantity of air supplied to an I.C. engine? The orifice plate can be used to measure the air flow rate. The pressure pulsations into the engine are reduced by fitting an air tank. The set-up is shown in Fig:

Measurement of Mass of air using orifice plate Mass flow through orifice plate is obtained using the formula:

Where, Cd is the coefficient of Discharge A is area of the cross section g is the acceleration due to gravity hw is the height of water column ρw, ρa are density of water and air respectively.

How do you find the IP of a multi-cylinder I.C. engine without using an indicator? IP of a multi-cylinder engine can be calculated by finding the brake power (by Dynamometer) and frictional power (by Morse Test) individually and summing them together. IP = Brake Power + Frictional Power

6) What do you mean by relative efficiency of an engine? Explain how it is expressed? Relative efficiency is the ratio of actual thermal efficiency to the theoretical thermal efficiency of an IC Engine. It is denoted by ηrel. It is expressed as:

7) Distinguish between IP and BP, which is greater? The power available in the cylinder is called Indicated power IP and the power available in the shaft to do useful mechanical work is called brake power. The power available at the crank shaft is always less than the IP due to friction. Hence IP is always greater than BP.

8) What for a Morse test is conducted? Morse Test is the method of determining indicated power (IP) of each cylinder individually, of a multi cylinder IC engine, without the use of an indicator and thus computing the `total IP of the engine' by summing up IP of all the cylinders. This method is adopted to calculate IP of high speed engines, i.e. where the indicator method is unsuitable. Also it can be used to obtain the frictional power of the multi cylinder engine.

9) You are doing a preliminary design study of a turbocharged four stroke diesel engine. The maximum rated power is limited by stress considerations to a brake mean effective pressure of 1200 kPa and maximum value of mean piston speed of 12 m/s. (a) Derive an equation relating the engine inlet pressure to the fuel/air ratio at this maximum rated power operating point. For a four stroke engine we have:

Where, P is the power output of the engine. ηf is the fuel conversion efficiency. ηv is the volumetric efficiency. Qhv is Calorific Value of the fuel. N is the speed of the engine. Vd is the displacement volume. ρai is the air density at the inlet. F/A is the fuel-air ratio. Also using Ideal Gas Equation we know,

Where, Pai.is the pressure at the inlet Tai.is the temperature at the inlet and also

Cancelling common terms in the 3 equations and relating them gives:

(b) The maximum rated brake power requirement for this engine is 400 kW. Estimate sensible values for number of cylinders, cylinder bore, stroke, and determine the maximum rated speed of this preliminary engine design. Assume the engine has 12 cylinders. Then we know

Where, S is the mean piston speed in m/s L is the stroke length in m Assuming square engine (L=D), substituting S=12 m/s, P=400 kW, mep= 1200 kPa and using (6) in (5), we get L=D=108.5mm Rated speed = 3333 rpm (c) If the pressure ratio across the compressor is 2, estimate the overall fuel/air ratio at maximum rated power. Assume appropriate values for unknown parameters. Assume ηf =0.3, ηv=0.9, Patm= 103 kPa, Tatm= 298 K, n=1.4 Since pressure ratio across the compressor is 2, Pai=206 kPa, R=289 J/kgK Assuming adiabatic compression in the compressor, Tai =363 K. Using equation (4), substituting all values and solving, we get F/A=0.051 i.e A/F= 19.6.