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Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life – think of it , dream of it , live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, ner ves, ever y part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave ever y other idea alone. This is the way to success, that is way great spiritual giants are produced. – Swami Vivekananda

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Ever y day, someone wakes up wondering if they will ever learn how to escape the 9 to 5 trap; the time for money trap. The one that keeps us in a job we don’t like, doing something we’d rather not. We have all been there. The thing that differentiates us is whether we decide we are going to do something about it , instead of waiting for a magic genie to grant all of our wishes. We have been given a gift , but many people still have no idea how to take advantage of it ; or even worse, they don’t even realize what a gift it is. We usually trick ourselves by thinking that the way things have always been done is the only way they can be done. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. Ever y day, new things are born, and old ones disappear. The internet transformed humankind radically, and it keeps on doing so ever y single day. We believe it ’s time for you to embrace this change, and let it transform your life as well. In this eBook , you will learn about one hundred different online business ideas divided into expertise categories to help you determine what works best for you. By the end of the eBook , we expect you to understand the power that a single laptop and wifi can have in your life, and how to take advantage of your own skills to turn them into full-time jobs. Your passion and talents have never been more useful than now. It is time for you to share your capacities with the world, and let it help you become your best version. Start today, and you’ll thank yourself tomorrow.

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Freelancer What is a freelancer? This is a term commonly used for a person who is self-employed and is not necessarily committed to a particular employer long-term. Some freelance workers are represented by a company or agency, but most work independently or use professional associations or websites to get work. How do you become a freelancer? One of the easiest ways is by joining big platforms for freelancers, such as Fiverr, UpWork, or Behance. If you don’t know what these are, it’s really simple. It’s what we call an online marketplace for freelance services, where sellers and buyers find each other. Just remember this: Any good skill can be turned into a service. What is more, Fiverr, for example, offers you free learning courses to develop your skills and teach you how to pitch to clients. How to make money as a freelancer? By setting up a gig in one of these platforms, you are putting yourself out there to be found by buyers willing to hire your services. You can set your service, price, and delivery time, and working hours are up to you.

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Social Media Manager What is a social media manager? In the simplest terms, a social media manager is the individual inside an organization trusted with monitoring, contributing to, filtering, measuring and otherwise guiding the social media presence of a brand, product, individual or corporation. How do you become a social media manager? No one is born as one, so every skill you need to do this job needs to be learned, but don’t worry, there are hundreds of free courses online that teach about social media management; along with YouTube videos, blogs, articles, and more. You can visit platforms like Hootsuit Academy (https://education.hootsuite. com/collections), which offers free courses in Social Media Training! Or LinkedIn Learning (https://www.linkedin.com/learning/digital-marketing-trends) from which you can buy courses at a low cost, or begin a free trial. These are only a couple of websites out of thousands; you can choose from any of them, and see what works best for you. How to make money as a social media manager? Many companies are willing to outsource a social media manager to build their online presence, but they will not hire you if you can’t provide them with real, effective results. Our advice is to create your own social media management brand and build your own accounts, and before charging for your services, you could consider offering a free trial to some brands, this way you can gain experience and recognition. Also, Facebook groups are a great place to start. Find a group that includes your target audience, and share value in there. Don’t forget to be patient!

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Social Media Consultant What does a social media consultant do? The job of a Social Media Consultant is to help companies and individuals use social media for advertising, marketing or general brand creation. Companies without an internet presence have a harder time finding clients, making them more likely to lose out on business. So they hire a Social Media Consultant, in the position of a Teacher and facilitator, to catch them up on online trends. How do you become a social media consultant? The only way to become and work as a social media consultant is by researching and learning – a lot. They do not only know social media platforms, but they must be capable of creating strategies and analyze contexts to benefit a brand in particular. There are many courses online to help you with this. For example, you can find in Coursera, a well-known platform for many courses in a variety of topics, a social media strategy course developed by the Northwestern University called “What is Social?” (https://www.coursera.org/learn/ what-is-social), which helps business owners understand the trends and strategies behind social media campaigns and how to develop them. How to make money as a social media consultant? A Social media consultant business can be started by building your personal brand. You can create a website where you blog about the best practices and case studies of social media and projects you have done. Also, offering your services to brands and companies can help! To hunt new projects you can use freelance websites like Upwork, Guru or Freelancer, Fiverr or any other website of your choice. Page | 8

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Influencer What is an influencer? This term refers to a person with the ability to influence potential buyers of a product or service by promoting or recommending the items on social media. How do you become an influencer? Becoming an influencer begins by building your social media presence – your personal brand. Focus on a niche and share your knowledge with the world. Start a blog, post YouTube videos, have strong opinions, and mostly, be honest and transparent. Build your social media presence, not by posting ads, buying followers, or entering giveaways – but by creating true, meaningful, interesting content that people in your niche will want to see, along with real engagement. There are many influencers waiting to share their knowledge with you, writing blogs to explain the basics! You can check this one out for starter!: https://sujanpatel.com/marketing/become-an-influencer/ How to make money as an influencer? Some of the most common ways are collaborating with brands, selling ads, or creating a product that you sell to your audience. This can be digital, like an eBook or a course, or physical, like a hard-cover book, merchandise, and more. There are many examples that show how successful influencer campaigns can be. For example, one of our favorite case studies involves Subaru. Subaru has been experiencing significant growth over the past few years. And influencer marketing has played an important role in this growth. In fact, their sales increased by 10% during 2016 alone. For their “Meet an Owner” campaign, Subaru worked with 20 influencers across various categories ranging from fitness to art. Each influencer created unique pieces of content centered around a Subaru car, and infused their authentic voice into the content. Zach King, for instance, created a video in which he tried to impress his date with a Subaru car. This video alone has more than 8 million views till date. This campaign had an overall engagement rate of 9%, generating thousands of comments and millions of likes for 58 sponsored posts. Page | 9

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Youtuber What is a Youtuber? A YouTuber, also known as a YouTube personality or YouTube content creator, is a type of videographer who produces videos for the video-sharing website YouTube, which is one of the biggest social media platforms in the world right now. How to become a Youtuber? If you are comfortable making videos, creating content, or putting yourself in front of the camera, you can give this a try. The first thing you need to do is define your niche. What kind of content would you like to share? After that, is up to creativity. Brainstorm content ideas and come up with incredible videos. Develop a content schedule, create and optimize your channel. Check out Community & Social Media Manager Blake Stimac’s take on this matter: https:// www.wix.com/blog/2018/07/how-to-become-successful-youtuber How to make money as a Youtuber? Monetizing a YouTube video comes in many ways, but the most common one is by placing advertisements in your videos. How much money you can make from this depends on the number of views you get. The more, the merrier. This is why it’s so important to offer quality content, and knowing how to promote your channel effectively. If you want to know all the ways you could make money out of YouTube, take a look at this: https://blog.hootsuite.com/how-to-makemoney-on-youtube/

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Content Creator What is a content creator? A content creator is someone who is responsible for the contribution of information to any media and most especially to digital media. They usually target a specific end-user/audience in specific contexts. How do you become a content creator on social media? The first step is to pick a platform where you will create content. Will you concentrate on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram? After that, there are a few options to specialize in, like photography, videography, or content writing. There are many courses online about content creation, for example, HubStop Academy’s Content Strategy Course is a good free option! (Check it out: https://www.hubspot.com/resources/courses/content-creation) If you are willing to invest in a little education, you can check out Fiverr’s Social Media Content Strategy course with a five-star rating and great results! (https://learn.fiverr.com/courses/social-media-content-strategy). How to make money as a content creator? Content creation has a very high demand these days, which is why it offers a few good options to start making money with it. You can begin building your own brand in social media, making your way towards collaborations, blogging, or a YouTube channel; or maybe, if you want to avoid the whole process of building social media presence by yourself, you can set up a gig on Fiverr and start a freelancer career.

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Social Media Ad Expert What is a social media advertising expert? As its name implies, this term refers to an individual specialized in social media advertisement tools and how to get the best results out of them. How to become a social media advertising expert? In a place where everyone wants to be seen, advertising your content is the only way to make sure they see what you want them to see. This is a valuable asset for brands nowadays, which is why the market is very competitive. The best way to learn about social media advertisement is by learning from the best. There are a lot of free courses online, and some paid ones (e.g Lynda.com’s Social Media Advertising Specialist course, or HubStop Academy’s Facebook Ad Training course! https://www.hubspot.com/resources/courses/advertising) There are also many eBooks and training programs that can provide you with great tips! How to make money as a social media ad expert? Most brands are willing to invest in advertising, which means they might be willing to invest in you. You can set up a gig to start working as a freelancer on this field, or contact brands with the same strategy that we mentioned before – by offering a free trial of your services! Financial Wolves’ Blog offers some interesting facts on this matter. (https://financialwolves.com/get-paid-to-postads/) Check them out. For example, according to Lyfe Marketing’s case study, in a time period of 1 year, they generated for Forever Diamonds – a jewelry company located in Georgia’s Lenox Mall – the following data: • 10,422 Facebook Fans ($0.34 per Facebook Fan) • 7,656 Instagram Followers • 45,743 Total Engagements ($0.03 per Engagement) Sounds good, doesn’t it? Check it out: https://www.lyfemarketing.com/social-media-management-case-study/

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Ad Manager What is an ad manager? An advertising manager is someone who plans and directs the promotional and advertising campaigns of companies in order to generate interest in a product or service.

How do you become an ad manager? Our best advice is to choose a platform, and specialize in it. For example, Facebook Blueprint offers you a series of online courses on how to create Facebook Ads, and most importantly, how to successfully manage them. You can find them here: https://www.facebook.com/business/learn. Google does the same thing, using the Skillshop platforms, which offers training courses like “Drive Advertising Revenue with Google Ad Manager” and many more!

How to make money as an ad manager? Advertising is a very big market right now, which means it is full of opportunity. Either you work as a freelancer, outsourcing for companies, or you use your ad knowledge to impulse your website, social media, or blog, the truth is ad management will always come as a valuable asset.

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AdSense What is AdSense? Google AdSense is a program run by Google through which website publishers serve text, images, video, or interactive media advertisements that are targeted to the site content and audience. These advertisements are administered, sorted, and maintained by Google. How to become a Google AdSense user? First of all, you need to have a website, a blog, or any internet presence, to display this type of advertisement. After that, all you need to do is sign up for a Google AdSense account! How to make money with Google AdSense? Once your AdSense account is approved, place AdSense ads on your blog, and start earning for each and every time your visitors click on those ads. They can generate revenue on either a per-click or per-impression basis. Our best advice is to be patient. If your blog is small and doesn’t have much traffic, you might not see much money coming in at first. If you want to know more about this, check out Anson Alexander’s Learning Google AdSense course at lynda.com, a platform developed by LinkedIn. (https://www.lynda.com/AdSense-training-tutorials/1992-0.html)

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Pay-Per-Click Expert What is a PPC expert? A PPC Specialist manages internet pay-per-click advertising campaigns including the strategy, design, implementation, SEO, and analysis of ad performance. It is a challenging role that is also highly sought after because it takes a unique skill set to nail a PPC campaign. How do you become a PPC expert? You need to be an expert in keyword research, which means understanding how people search for any product or service. Be a specialist In landing page design, since your ads will direct clickers to a landing page where you have a few seconds to engage and delight your readers. And of course, trend watching: This alone can prove to be a full-time job. SEO trends and understanding how to outsmart Google’s everchanging algorithms will keep you busy when you are not mastering your campaigns. You can take online courses in this matter. For example, you can check out SEMRush Academy’s PPC Fundamentals Course with Joel Bondorowsky (https:// es.semrush.com/academy/courses/ppc-fundamentals-course-with-joel-bondorowsky). Or Lynda.com PPC Training and Tutorials (https://www.lynda.com/ PPC-training-tutorials/2382-0.html)! How to make money as a PPC expert? PPC experts are highly requested in many companies around the world. With a simple Google search, you’ll find many openings for PPC specialists in platforms like Indeed.com, Glassdoor, LinkedIn, Fiverr, and more! You can build your experiences in agencies, or freelancing.

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Sales Representative What is a sales representative? Sales representatives are individuals that sell retail products, goods and services to customers. They usually work with customers to find what they want, create solutions and ensure a smooth sales process. They will also work to find new sales leads, through business directories, client referrals, databases, etc. How do you become a sales representative? Sales representatives have to be familiar with all of the details of the products they are selling, as well as familiar with the market landscape and competition. They generally should possess good people skills, the ability to negotiate, and a good memory in order to follow-up with customers. It is common for sales reps to have no degrees on this matter, but in this competitive world, having one is always a plus. You can check out courses in platforms like Lynda.com, which offers a “Become a Sales Representative” course (https://www.lynda. com/learning-paths/Business/become-a-sales-representative). Professional organizations, such as the Manufacturers’ Representatives Education Research Foundation (www.mrerf.org), offer optional certification for sales representatives who complete training programs and pass certification exams. How to make money as a sales representative? Selling a product to customers is how any sales rep makes a living, but it really depends on what the sales rep is selling. If you want to make real profits, then you will need to partner up with a company that will give you good commissions on a product that has a quick sales cycle. Sales rep can sell anything a company provides. This can be a product or a service, so keep your mind open for job openings! Check out this case study about a Sales Representative’s job and his daily life: https://www.careerswales.com/en/case-study/6558/pdf

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Online Marketing Consultant What is an online marketing consultant? The basic definition of an online (or digital) marketing consultant is someone who is a highly skilled professional with specialist training in online marketing, who knows how to target consumers in the right ways to see the results that a business needs. If you already have ideas for your marketing, then you would contact an advertising agency to make those ideas a reality. What a marketing consultant does is work with businesses, from startups to large corporations, to determine how best to engage existing clients and prospective ones. How do you become an online marketing consultant? You need to be an expert in keyword research, which means understanding If you are dreaming to become a successful digital marketing consultant, you need to be well-versed and familiar with the following digital marketing trends, or at least some of them: Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing Strategy, Paid Marketing (Google Adwards, FB, Twitter, Linkedin), Branding & Reputation management, Youtube & Video Marketing, Influencer marketing, Email Marketing and more. Even universities like Harvard, or the Toronto School of Management offer Digital Marketing Courses and degrees, but if you are looking for something shorter and more accessible, you can check out courses such as Domestika’s Development of a Digital Media Plan Course, which you can find right here: https://www.domestika.org/en/ courses/470-development-of-a-digital-media-plan How to make money as an online marketing consultant? Either you charge by the hour, you start a blog, or you use your knowledge to build your own brand to sell yourself as a Marketing Consultant, the truth is there are many ways to make money in this niche. The most important thing is that you learn how to land your first client, and you can do this with a few steps. Start by asking people about their business problems. As a first step I would say find anybody who you can reach and who could be theoretically interested in buying your services. As long as they see that you are genuinely interested in hearing their problems, they will be willing to help you with their answers. You need to believe that what you’re offering is working, and you also need to have some evidence of that, so consider making yourself your first client. After that, you can set low prices while you gather experience, or offer 50% off to your friends and colleagues!

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Affiliate Marketing What is affiliate marketing? Affiliate marketing is the process of earning a commission by promoting other people’s (or company’s) products. You find a product you like, promote it to others and earn a piece of the profit for each sale that you make. How do you become an affiliate marketeer? The first this that you need to do is choose a niche. Pick something that you already love, something that comes genuine to you. This way it’ll be easier for you to stand out. After you’ve picked a niche, the second step is to find out which program out there can help you promote products in your niche. Later, you will need to build your platform. Either it is your social media, a website, blog, or running paid ads, you need a platform that can reach the type of audience you need. If you want to know all the details, check out blogger Adam Enfroy’s take on this: https://www.bigcommerce.com/blog/affiliate-marketing/#what-is-affiliate-marketing How to make money with affiliate marketing? As we said before, you make money every time a person buys the product you are promoting through your referral link. How much money you make depends on your percentage of profit per sale, and how many people actually buy the product. This is why is so important that you sell good, quality content that you personally enjoy or would recommend to your friends and family.

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Build a Sales Funnel What is a sales funnel? In the simplest terms, a sales funnel is a step-by-step process that allows you to bring your potential customer one step closer to your offer and a buying decision through a series of marketing actions like automated emails, videos, articles and landing pages that will do the selling for you. How do you build a sales funnel? Awareness: Someone finds your website through a Google search or social link. He or she is now a potential client. If you get their attention, they might check out a few of your blog posts or browse your product listings. At some point, you might want to offer them a chance to sign up for your email list or newsletter. Interest: If the visitor fills out your form or submits their information, they become a lead. You can now market to the customer outside of your website, such as via email, phone, or text — or all three. Consideration/Intent: Leads tend to come back to your website when you contact them with special offers, information about new blog posts, or other intriguing messages. Maybe you offer a coupon code. Evaluation/Purchase: They move the product to the shopping cart, and purchase. The sales funnel narrows as visitors move through it. This is partially because you’ll have more prospects at the top of the funnel than buyers at the bottom, but also because your messaging needs to become increasingly targeted. How to make money with a sales funnel? As we said before, customers need to purchase your product in order to make money with this system. Either you are selling a digital product, a service, softwares, or affiliate links, sales funnels have proven to be very useful when done correctly! Here’s a list of 17 successful sales funnels used every day by big names and companies (Including Netflix!): https://www.autogrow.co/best-sales-funnel-examples/

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SEO Expert What is a SEO Expert? Search Engine Optimization (SEO) helps people find products and information on search engines like Google and Bing. An SEO specialist, then, researches and analyzes the trends and best practices online to develop and implement strategies that improve search results. How do you become a SEO expert? As you may know by now, you can’t become an expert on SEO overnight, which is why there are multiple platforms to teach you the first steps you should take towards becoming a specialist on this topic. Check out this complete guide by SEO expert and blogger Bryan Dean: https://backlinko.com/seo-expert. You could also check out platforms like Google Digital Garage and HubStop Academy. Both offer great material, all for free! How to make money as a SEO expert? There are multiple ways to make money with SEO, because it is basically holding all he power! You can monetize a high traffic blog, get paid affiliate commissions, sell online courses about SEO, sell SEO writing services, dropship other people’s products on your website, and more! Check out this blog post explaining all the other ways you can make money as a SEO expert: https:// ryanwashere.com/make-money-seo/

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Start an Ecommerce Business What is an ecommerce business? E-commerce (electronic commerce) is the activity of electronically buying or selling of products on online services or over the Internet. Every ecommerce business can be differentiated by the types of products that it sells. There are four main products that any ecommerce business can sell and they are: physical products, digital products, services, affiliates. How to start an ecommerce business? This can be done through a website, or on ecommerce websites like Shopify or BigCommerce, which are two of the most popular options for business startups nowadays. Ecommerce businesses can also sell through online marketplaces such as Amazon, eBay or Etsy. This is a good option, since the platform deals with the marketing and brings in the foot traffic, which means the merchants don’t have to invest much time or money bringing customers to their shops. The first thing you want to do is come up with a god business idea, later you will need to plan your business thoroughly. After the foundations are set, you can move on to signing up for platforms like the mentioned above. Here’s a complete guide provided by Shopify itself on how to start a business in ecommerce: https://www.shopify.com/blog/ecommerce-business-blueprint How to make money with an ecommerce business? Making money with an ecommerce business depends on many factors; the most important one being that people actually buy what you are selling. The tricky part is getting to that point. There are many ways to market your product. You can try social media, email marketing, influencer marketing, PPC marketing, and more. Check out this detailed guide about every step to take since the start of the business up until generating sales: https://neilpatel.com/blog/ from-start-to-profit-how-to-setup-an-ecommerce-store-and-generating-sales/

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Set Up an Instagram Store What is an Instagram Store? As it names implies, an Instagram Shop lets you integrate your products with your Instagram profile. In turn, this allows you to show and promote your products directly to Instagram users through posts, Stories, in the Explore tab, and in a special Shop tab on your profile, besides, it is a way to contact your audience directly and generate sales. How to start an Instagram Store? Before you can start an Instagram Shop, you need to meet all of Instagram’s requirements. For instance, you can’t use an Instagram Shop to sell services, only physical goods. Plus, your business must comply with Instagram’s commerce policies. Here’s the ultimate guide, step-by-step on how to set up and Instagram Store https://www.oberlo.com/blog/setting-up-instagram-shop How to make money with an Instagram Store? Instagram is a very big, friendly platform that millions of users browse every day, most of which are already willing to spend money through this platform. This is great exposure for small businesses and anyone looking to make money with their products. If you have an ecommerce store, you can even link it to your Instagram profile to help you generate traffic and convert more sales. According to a blog post by Impactbnd.com, Instagram has grown over 357% over the last few years, while Facebook has reported only 57% of growth, and even YouTube can’t reach it, with a 50% growth percentage from 2014 to 2017. Which means this platform is a gold mine for those wanting to profit off of it. Check out Impact’s take on this matter in this great blog post: https://www. impactbnd.com/blog/influence-of-instagram-on-buying-infographic

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Start an Online Art Store What is an online art store? As its name implies, this refers to starting a website, platform, or online store to sell your art, whatever it is. How to start an online art store? There are many art marketplaces in which you can easily sign up and post your art for sale. Platforms like Etsy, Artplode, Artsy, Imagekind, CafePress (which turns your art into design for physical products like shirts or mugs!) and many more. You can check out this great list describing the general outlines of up to 15 platforms which you can use to start your online art store: https://theabundantartist.com/15-ways-to-sell-your-art-online/ How to make money with an online art store? Similar to creating an ecommerce business, you make money from the sales of your product. This is why you can invest in a little marketing, create an Instagram store, or build channels for your customers to walk through to buy your product. If you want to skip all this, maybe the best option is to start in marketplaces that already have the marketing covered. If you are looking for different ways on how to make money as an artist online, take a look at this great blog post from Millo.co: https://millo.co/how-to-make-money-as-an-artist

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Sell Handmade Goods What is handmade good? Webster’s dictionary defines handmade as an item made by hand or by a hand process. A handmade good can be anything from handmade earrings, kitchen pots, notebooks, and more. How to start selling handmade goods? Similar to selling art, the best option for business starters around the world is signing up in a marketplace aimed towards handmade goods. ArtFire, Craft is Art, ShopHandmade and Etsy are popular platforms to start. Take a look at this list conformed of 27 platforms to start selling handmade goods: https://wahadventures.com/places-sell-handmade-crafts-online-free/ How to make money selling handmade goods? Succeeding in this business depends on many factors, but mostly on the quality of your product, and how well is your marketing handled. Aside from an online store, you can set up a blog in which you talk about handmade related topics, give advice, and promote your own products, including SEO, Instagram marketing, and more! Check out The Simple Dollar’s guide on how to start making money with handmade goods: https://www.thesimpledollar.com/make-money/how-to-make-money-selling-crafts-on-etsy/

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Online Bookshop What is an online bookshop? This refers to an online website where the customer can purchase books online. Through a web browser the customers can search for a book by its title or author, later can add to the shopping cart and finally purchase the books. How to start an online bookshop? Having an online bookstore is fun and profitable; you have the opportunity to start a low-risk business. You can sell books, CDs, DVDs, and educational videos to global buyers, making good cash. You can register with eBay or Amazon, following their simple steps to become a seller. After that, you need to create listings for each of the books you plan to sell--include a picture of the cover, the condition of the book, the price you are asking, what type of payment you will accept and how you will ship the book or books. You can also start an online store for digital books (or physical) if you prefer. Check out this guide on how to start an online bookshop: https://homebusinessmag.com/business-start-up/ how-start-your-own-online-used-book-store/ How to make money with an online bookshop? This is similar to other online stores; you make money by selling your product. You can incorporate a reading blog to your website, or you can build your social media presence to reach a bigger audience in your niche. Here’s a guide on how blogger Spencer Haws made money online by selling books, and where he found books to sell: https://www.nichepursuits.com/how-i-bought-and-soldbooks-online-as-my-first-internet-venture/

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Amazon FBA What is Amazon FBA? FBA stands for Fulfillment by Amazon. This is a service provided by Amazon that provides storage, packaging, and shipping assistance to sellers. This takes the burden off of sellers and grants them more flexibility in their selling practices. You store your products in Amazon’s fulfillment centers, and they pick, pack, ship, and provide customer service for these products. All this does come at a price. Amazon charges both storage fees and fulfillment fees, but this fee is nothing compared to the benefits Amazon offers. How to start with Amazon FBA? The first this you need to do is sign up for Amazon FBA (check it out: https://services.amazon.com/fulfillment-by-amazon/benefits.html). After that, you need to send Amazon your products, Amazon has about 100 warehouses across the U.S., some of which are over a million square feet. You tell them what products you’re sending, and they tell you which warehouses to ship your products to. Once Amazon receives your products, they’ll sort and add them to their inventory. Your products are then stored safely in their warehouses. When a customer buys your product, Amazon takes care of the entire transaction for you. They accept payment and update your inventory automatically. Check out this guide on the basics on how to start selling on Amazon FBA: https://www.junglescout. com/how-to-sell-on-amazon-fba/ How to make money with Amazon FBA? Amazon has more than 300 million active customers, with 90 million Prime subscribers in the U.S. alone. Brands available specifically to Prime buyers are those that utilize FBA. And, Prime customers spend more money with Amazon. This means that if you use Amazon FBA and are therefore more visible to Prime buyers, you can make more money. All you need to do is handle your inventory and marketing of your products. Page | 28

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eBay Seller What is eBay? eBay is one of the most popular ways to buy and sell goods and services on the internet. It’s a website where individuals and businesses can buy or sell new or second-hand items, from books and clothes to cars and holidays. How to become an eBay seller? Here’s a small explanation on how the website works provided by eBay itself: A seller lists an item on eBay, almost anything from antiques to cars, books to sporting goods. The seller chooses to accept only bids for the item (an auction-style listing) or to offer the Buy It Now option, which allows buyers to purchase the item right away at a fixed price. In an online auction, the bidding opens at a price the seller specifies and remains on eBay for a certain number of days. Buyers then place bids on the item. When the listing ends, the buyer with the highest bid wins. To start selling on eBay, the first thing you need to do is register in the website. After that you can choose which items you want to sell, and set up the details of your page. How to make money as an eBay seller? Using eBay is a good way to make a bit of money from clearing out your cupboards and getting rid of things you don’t need any more. Before selling anything on eBay we recommend that you buy from the site first to get an insight into how the site works. It will also give you a chance to build up your feedback rating. There are few buyers who will do business with sellers who do not have feedback. It’s important to market your product nicely, and that you make sure the details of your profile and product are all nicely done and correct. Check out this guide on how to make a living with eBay: https://www.thebalancesmb. com/make-a-living-selling-on-ebay-1794700

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Teach an Online Course What is an online course? Online courses are revolutionizing formal education, and have opened a new genre of outreach on cultural and scientific topics. These courses deliver a series of lessons to a web browser or mobile device, to be conveniently accessed anytime, anyplace. An online course is designed as a built environment for learning. How to start an online course? The first thing you need to figure out is the common ground between what you know, and what people want to know. Or you could start like with any business idea: define the problem. Either way, once you know your starting point, you can begin creating the rest of your course. Check out this step-by-step by Foundr. com, on this particular topic: https://foundr.com/create-a-online-course. Apart from that, there are platforms online that provide all the tools you need to start your own course. Take a look at Thinkific.com, for example: https://www.thinkific.com/join-free/ How to make money with an online course? This one is pretty easy to imagine. By now, we have provided you with a handful of online courses that teach you several skills, and throughout this eBook, we will give you more. Looking at it that way you can easily figure out your audience: people like you, who just want to learn something new. We know what you are thinking; yes, most people prefer free courses, so how do they make money? That’s easy. Charging to enroll the course is not the only way to make money with it. Whether you charge for a special membership, or charge a fee for certification, there are many ways to profit from an online course. Check out this informative post discussing the different paths towards making money with an online course: https://www.learndash.com/7-ways-to-make-money-sellingonline-courses/ Page | 31

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Create a Webinar What is a webinar? Short for Web-based seminar, a webinar is a presentation, lecture, workshop or seminar that is transmitted over the Web using video conferencing software. Today, many webinar services offer live streaming options or the ability to record your webinar and publish to YouTube and other service later. How to create a webinar? Similar to an online course, you also need a good topic to start a webinar, after that, planning, teamwork and good marketing are three crucial ingredients to make money from a webinar. There are many platforms that provide you with the right software to create a webinar, Clickmeeting for example (https://clickmeeting.com/) is an affordable option. If you aren’t completely sure how to start a webinar yet, check out this 10 step guide: https://www.convinceandconvert. com/digital-marketing/%E2%80%8Bcreate-a%E2%80%8B-%E2%80%8Bwebinar/ or sign up for Webinar Rockstar checklist for more information: https:// www.webinarrockstar.co/ How to make money with a webinar? The thing is webinars themselves are free. So, how do people make money from them? Well, the most common thing is by offering a paid product at the end of the webinar to help people take their education to the next level! If you promoted your webinar correctly, taught your audience well, and delivered a pitch that made sense, people will most likely buy your product! There are many tricks and tips for webinar creators to start making money, so check out this detailed guide, with steps, tips, and examples about successful webinars: https://mariahcoz.com/blog/make-money-with-webinars

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Sell Information Products What is an information product? An Information Product is an item (often digital) where data and information are structured in a specific format to instruct, educate or guide the consumer in order to meet a predefined purpose. Format can be written, audio, video or a combination. Has any blogger offered you a ‘secret guide to build an online empire’? Or a VIP’s-only training program to become a millionaire? These are all information products! How to create an information product? Any kind of valuable information can be turned into a product. Maybe you are incredibly good at digital marketing, or social media, or you simply have a specific set of skills you would like to teach others; when you take the things you know, and transform them into something that can help other people, you are halfway towards creating a digital information product. Information products come in many sizes. They can be eBooks, beginner’s guides, lists, secret tips, memberships, and more. You can create any of these things and advertise them online to find the people who are willing to pay for them. Check out Growthlab. com’s beginner’s guide on this topic: https://growthlab.com/information-product-ideas/ How to make money with an information product? Whether you sell an eBook on your website, you teach a course, or provide set of valuable information on your niche to your audience, all of these are profitable ideas, and won’t cost you too much to create. For example, take a look at Your Move: The Underdog’s Guide to Building Your Business” by Ramit Sethi (https://www.amazon.com/Your-Move-Underdogs-Building-Business-ebook/dp/ B071F7R9KY). The perfect example of an information product. This is a great way to make money online. As long as you sell real, helpful information for your audience! That’s the most important thing. Page | 33

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Blogger What is a blogger? The definition of blogger is basically a person who regularly writes material for a blog. If you Google ‘how to make money online’ starting a blog is probably going to be one of the most popular ideas, so we are not going to be the exception! How to become a blogger? Becoming a blogger is not the hardest thing in the world, but we are not going to sugarcoat it, babe – it takes work. You need to be able to create steady, quality content (about any topic in the world!) for your audience, and be capable of generating traffic. This takes a lot of marketing and time, but if this sounds like something you want to do, check out these couple of step-by-step guides on how to start a blog: https://www.theminimalists.com/blog/ and https://www. theblogstarter.com/ How to make money as a blogger? Whether it is a hobby blog or a business blog, there are many ways to monetize it. The most common one is by placing ads in your blog. Adding CostPerClick (or PayPerClick) ads are a good way to make money with your blog. You can also sell memberships, use it as a marketing tool for your actual business, sell digital products, or add affiliate links in your content. Keep in mind that whatever you do, whether it’s one of these options or a combination of them, they won’t work unless you are offering good, high-quality content to your audience!

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Ghostwriter What is a ghostwriter? A ghostwriter is a person whose job it is to write material for someone else who is the named author. There is a very high chance that almost 80% of what you read on the internet was written by someone different than it says; but don’t misunderstand us, there’s nothing wrong with this. On the contrary, this is a winwin situation in most cases. How to become a ghostwriter? A ghostwriter can write anything from a blog post or a t-shirt’s quote, to an article or an eBook. If you are good with words, and enjoy writing about any topic, maybe ghostwriting is a good career option for you. The first thing you need to do before looking for clients is to build your portfolio. You need to have samples ready to show potential clients. You can start with literary magazines or websites that accept submissions, such as Forbes and Huffington Post. Dive in into the details of this freelance career with this informative blog post written by Reedsy, who happens to be a home for the best freelancers in publishing: https://blog.reedsy.com/freelancer/how-to-become-a-ghostwriter/ How to make money as a ghostwriter? Almost every idea in this category can be set up as a gig on Fiverr to start a freelance writer career, so keep that in mind as you continue reading! You can charge for writing eBooks, non-fiction books, blog posts, articles, news, and more! Let your imagination go free, and start your ghostwriter career today. Check out these profiles from successful ghostwriters to give an idea of what you should be aiming for: https://reedsy.com/mike-towle and https://reedsy. com/jon-reiner

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Creative Writer What is a creative writer? The real definition of creative writing refers to “any writing that goes outside the bounds of normal professional, journalistic, academic, or technical forms of literature. It can be identified by an emphasis on narrative craft, character development, and the use of literary tropes or with various traditions of poetry and poetics.” How to become a creative writer? Writing takes talent, but it also takes knowledge and practice. You can look up hundreds of creative writing courses online (you can even study at an university!), which will teach you the basic techniques and secrets to write perfectly. If you are willing to go for the best of the best, check out the ultimate writing masterclass by famous authors around the world, such as James Patterson: https://www.masterclass.com/ or if you are looking for other options, check out Bookfox’s list of online writing courses: https://thejohnfox.com/2016/07/ online-creative-writing-courses/ How to make money as a creative writer? Whether you set up an online journal with your work, you start a freelancing career, or you write your own book, there are many ways to make money as a creative writer. Our best advice is that you start on platforms where peole are already looking for a job, like Fiverr or Upwork. Besides those, here’s a list of some websites for writing jobs you can check out! https://www.webemployed. com/make-money-as-creative-writer/

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Comedy Writer What is a comedy writer? As a comedy writer, your job is to write jokes for TV, film, plays, radio, standup routines, and other types of entertainment. Some even pen funny lines for fiction and/or nonfiction books. Examples of comedy writers include Jerry Seinfeld, Seth McFarlane, Ricky Gervais, and more. How to become a comedy writer? Comedy is a tricky thing. Not everyone gets it, or knows how to do it, which is why this talent could become a literal gold mine. There aren’t many degrees that teach you about comedy writing, but there are other training options, including seminars, workshops and extended education programs. Professional comedic writers teach many of these classes. In these courses, students might learn about comedic script writing, ways to add humor to dialogue, comedy sketch composition, the script writing process and nuances of different comedic styles. Here is an online comedy writing workshop you can check out: https:// www.writersonlineworkshops.com/courses/comedy-writing-workshop or read Writing Cooperative’s guide on this topic: https://writingcooperative.com/finding-the-funny-a-beginners-guide-to-comedy-writing-7047de8d1eff How to make money as a comedy writer? Television shows, magazines, newspapers, columns, radio shows, plays, and even stand-up comics all need great comedic material to work with. This is where you can come in as a comedy writer. Or, if you really, really want to be a comedian but can’t get over stage fright, you could even have your own blog or YouTube channel. You can also set up a gig in platforms like Fiverr and wait for buyers to reach out to you. Comedy writers can also get hired as full-time staff members, or they can have their work purchased by executive producers. Check out this blog listing many websites (like Cracked.com) that pay comedy writers for feature funny stories: https://onemorecupof-coffee.com/get-paidwrite-comedy-make-others-laugh/

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Resume/Cover Letter Writer What is a Resume and Cover letter writer? A cover letter is a document sent with your resume to provide additional information on your skills and experience. A cover letter typically accompanies each resume you send out. Employers use cover letters as a way to screen applicants for available jobs and to determine which candidates they would like to interview. How to become a Resume and Cover letter writer? Finding the perfect words and tone that will help us get the job we want is not an easy job, which is why this skill is a highly requested one among writers. If you are looking to specialize in this area, you can check out these guides on how to write the perfect cover letter and resume to polish your skills: https:// www.thebalancecareers.com/resume-and-cover-letter-writing-guide-2063178 and https://www.youthcentral.vic.gov.au/jobs-and-careers/applying-for-a-job/ what-is-a-cover-letter/how-to-write-a-cover-letter How to make money as a Resume and Cover letter writer? The best thing you can do is set up a freelance gig in platforms mentioned before. These platforms are useful because potential buyers are already searching people to hire there. Combine this with a great sample of your writing skills and good communication and you will be all set. Take a look at these freelance profiles and job offers to spark your imagination: https://www.upwork.com/ freelance-jobs/cover-letter-writing/

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Technical Writer What is a technical writer? Technical writing is a type of writing where the author is writing about a particular subject that requires direction, instruction, or explanation. Have you ever read an instruction manual, full of difficult words and specific steps, and thought: “who even writes these”? Well, that’s the job of technical writers. As you can imagine, it’s not an easy one, which is also why it can be paid really nicely. How to become a technical writer? The text will explain the scientific or specialized details and guide the reader in how to use that information. Due to the high-tech nature of workplaces and dayto-day life, technical writing is increasingly common. You don’t need a degree to become a technical writer, but you do need a ton of information. Take a look at this step-by-step complete guide on how to become a technical writer: https:// www.instructionalsolutions.com/blog/become-a-technical-writer. In addition, there are many business writing courses that can help you expand your education: https://www.instructionalsolutions.com/business-writing-courses How to make money as a technical writer? Technical writers can be either independent freelancers or full-time employees. In-house employees provide their skills to one company to develop important information documents and more. A technical writer can look for jobs in platforms like LinkedIn, Upwork, Fiverr, or Remoteok.io. What’s important is that you build your portfolio to show your skills to potential employers!

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Script Writer What’s a script writer? Script writing is writing down the movement, actions, expression and dialogue of the characters in screenplay, in screenplay format. Screenplay format is used to express the story visually. Scriptwriters or screenwriters write for film, television, video games, and now even online web series.

How to become a script writer? Script writing is a highly requested skill in the entertainment industry. If you are looking to grow your knowledge in this topic, or polish your skills, you can check out online courses like the ones Coursera has to offer right here: https:// es.coursera.org/courses?query=script%20writing, or if you are willing to invest on your education, take a look at Script Reader Pro’s online course https://www. scriptreaderpro.com/online-screenwriting-course/

How to make money as a script writer? Script writers can make money either as a full-time employee for a company, or freelancing in multiple platforms. As we said before, this is a highly requested skill. You can check out a variety of script writer profile in Fiverr (which has its own scripwriting category!) right here: https://www.fiverr.com/categories/writing-translation/script-writing

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Proofreader What is a Proofreader? If you aren’t familiar with what a proofreader does, here’s the simplest definition: ‘Proofreading is the process of reviewing the final draft of a piece of writing to ensure consistency and accuracy in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and formatting.’ How to become a Proofreader? As a proofreader, you are provided with many drafts and texts for you to revise and correct them. It’s a nice job for those with a good knowledge of grammar, tone, and writing details. Here is a very interesting post listing 7+ great online courses to start your proofreading business: https://skillscouter.com/online-proofreading-courses/ How to make money as a Proofreader? Every written piece should be proofread before publication; this includes blog posts, website content, eBooks, training programs, and more. Working as a proofreader is a good way to make money online, whether as a freelancer, or hired by a specific website, magazine, blog, or more. It’s important to understand that most proofreading work is done on a freelance or contract basis. Of course, there are exceptions, but the vast majority will require you to work as a contractor. Check out this blog post explaining different ways to land a proofreading job: https://millennialmoney.com/proofreading-jobs/

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Speech Writer What is a speech writer? Speech Writing is an art of conveying a message to your audience. Either through oral communication or through other means, such as powerpoint slides, speech writing has the same function as normal writing. The reasons for writing are to inform, to explain or to persuade. How can someone win the public’s attention, if they don’t have anything good to say? Speeches are more than words – they are power moves.

How to become a speech writer? Speechwriting sometimes comes naturally, but it is always right to improve and expand your education. There are many courses online that can help you improve your speechwriting skills, for example, Coursera offers some really good options: https://www.coursera.org/learn/speechwriting

How to make money as a speech writer? A good speech can make the difference between victory and failure in a presidential election, which is why there are plenty of people out there willing to pay for incredible speech writing skills. Recently, Fiverr added a “Political Campaign” category to its services, why don’t you go check it out?

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Translator What is a translator? A translator is someone who converts the written word from one language to another. Translating is a very common job online. Everything from translating blog posts, books, or academic papers to articles, news and videos.

How to become a translator? The first, and most crucial, requirement is to know two or more languages. If you fail at this, translating might not be a good option for you. At least not until you learn another language, which you can do online, from your phone. If you haven’t heard of Duolingo by now, make sure to check it out: https://www.duolingo.com/.

How to make money as a translator? Translators are paid nicely depending on the number of pages or words, or the difficulty of the work. You can work as freelance, or rign up for a translating platform, like these two: https://www.translate.com/translators and https://conyac. cc/translators?freelancer

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Transcriber What is a transcriber? If you don’t know what a transcriber does, transcribing basically means transforming an audio file into text. How to become a transcriber? Working as a transcriber is a good option for those with plenty of time available and a good set of patience. This would require the person to listen carefully to audio files and type down everything they hear, whether it’s a conversation, a course, or a speech. There are a lot of transcribing companies that will consider beginners if you can pass their tests. We would not recommend just diving into any of those tests without first getting some practice, so here are a couple of platforms in which you can practice your transcribing skills: you can download Express Scribe and practice with their practice files, or sign up for websites like Scribie, Quicktate, Transcribe Me, and Rev, which don’t pay well, but it’s easy to get accepted, so you can use them for practice. How to make money as a transcriber? There are many companies and websites that hire transcribers on a daily basis and pay per audio minute, per audio hour, or per word. Your salary will depend on your experience and level. Here’s a mega list of 100 transcribing companies to which you can apply to start working as a transcriber: https://realwaystoearnmoneyonline.com/transcription/

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Editor What is an editor? Editors typically do the following: Read content and correct for errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Rewrite copy to make it easier for readers to understand. Verify facts using standard reference sources. Evaluate submissions from writers to decide what to publish. Editors basically polish stories before publishing.

How to become an editor? Many writers see in themselves the skill to make existing content shine. If you believe this sounds like something you can do, you can focus on improving your talents. Check out this guide on hot to become an editor: https://blog.reedsy. com/freelancer/how-to-become-an-editor-guide/

How to make money as an editor? If you don’t want to work for an agency, or a company, you can always take the leap and work as a freelance editor! Take a look at this 7 step guide on how to start: https://blog.reedsy.com/freelancer/how-to-become-a-freelance-editor/

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Copywriter What is a copywriter? Copywriting is the process of writing advertising promotional materials. Copywriters are responsible for the text on brochures, billboards, websites, emails, advertisements, catalogs, forms, and more. Even small companies need help from copywriters at all times. How to become a copywriter? Like most good things – this doesn’t happen overnight. It takes work working on your skills, and growing a portfolio for potential buyers. But don’t worry, there is plenty of quality information, and you can access a lot of it right here: https:// www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/blog/how-to-become-a-copywriter/. If you are looking for courses on copywriting, you can start by taking a look at this one: https://kopywritingkourse.com/free-copywriting-course/ How to make money as a copywriter? The first thing you are going to read in any website on the internet, is that the first thing you should do is choose a niche. This way you narrow down your potential clients and make yourself stand out. After that, and a little polished skills, you are all set to start looking for a freelance copywriting career. Take a look a Udemy.com’s course on freelancing as a copywriter (https://www.udemy.com/ course/how-to-become-a-copywriter-from-home/). Or you can read Fulltime Nomad’s blog post on how to become and start making money as a freelance copywriter: https://www.fulltimenomad.com/how-to-become-a-copywriter/

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Content Writer What is a content writer? Content writers are professional writers who produce engaging content for use online. They’re Internet-savvy individuals who create articles, blog posts, and other forms of written Web material. How to become a content writer? The thing is creating content is the first step towards starting anything online. You can’t start a blog if you have nothing to talk about, or you can’t run an entertainment site if you have nothing to entertain people with. But not everyone can do what a content writer does, so here’s a little information on what makes up a good content writer: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/247908. Check out Udemy.com content writing courses now! https://www.udemy.com/ course/content-writing/ How to make money as a content writer? Content writers have a very high demand in freelance platforms since, well, we all need some help coming up with real, high-quality content every now and then. If you believe you are good at creating and writing engaging content on a daily basis, then you could give this a try and see how it goes. But first of all, it’s important to make sure that you become a better writer every day. Not everyone is cut out to charge for their writing. There are two good approaches to start making money with content writing: you can land jobs by building your own self-branded blog, or you can start a freelance career on platforms like Fiverr or Upwork. If you don’t like these ideas, you could also try applying to job offers, or contact brands with lousy content you could improve! Check out Blog Tyrant’s take on this: https://www.blogtyrant.com/content-writing/

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SEO Writer What is a SEO writer? If you aren’t familiarized with SEO, don’t worry, it’s not very difficult. Search Engine Optimization, as its name states, refers to a series of words or sentences that help your content appear among the most searched websites. A SEO writer’s job is finding these words and sentences and including them into the content they are writing, in order to help the website get more views and exposure. How to become a SEO writer? Studying Google’s ever-changing algorithms is not easy, and learning how to do that doesn’t happen overnight. It takes a lot of learning, reading, and practicing, but it’s not impossible. There are many guides out there waiting for you to absorb them! (https://expresswriters.com/20-tips-becoming-seo-writing-superstar/). Besides, once mastered, it’s a great source of money. There are many free and paid courses online that can help you understand the secrets behind SEO writing. If you are willing to invest a little money on your certification, you can check out courses like this one: https://contenthacker.com/courses/expert-seo-writer/ How to make money as a SEO writer? If you believe you are capable of doing this, you can offer your freelance services, although this can be a little difficult due to the high competition. Here’s a very informative post that shows a good example of what SEO articles look like, and include nice tips to start making money as a SEO writer, including contacting SEO companies around the world. Check it out: https://www.lewiblake. com/5-steps-to-start-making-money-with-seo-writing/

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Start an Online Magazine What is an online magazine? An online magazine is a magazine published on the Internet, through bulletin board systems and other forms of public computer networks. Some online magazines distributed through the World Wide Web call themselves webzines.

How to start an online magazine? Starting an online magazine can be anything from a hobby to a business. If it’s a business, our advice is that whatever you do, do it with passion; not just for the money. Why? Because first of all, you need to choose a topic you love, and are willing to regularly update on. Check out this great 15-step guide on starting an online magazine: https://www.lucidpress.com/blog/how-to-start-magazine-online

How to make money with an online magazine? Online publications generate revenue through banner ads, click-per-pay programs, links, affiliate programs, mailing lists and editorial opportunities. You could also start a subscription service, or charging a fee for work submission. Check out these 5 ways to make money with an online magazine: https://www. lucidpress.com/blog/5-ways-to-monetize-your-online-magazine

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Self-publisher What is a self-published author? Self-publishing is the publication of media by its author without the involvement of an established publisher. We believe this a very beautiful aspect of online writing, since this isn’t about working for someone else, but for yourself. How to become a self-published author? If you enjoy writing, and have something valuable to say or show the world, you can give this a try. Whether it is a book, an eBook, a set of poems, or anything that moves your soul, you can self-publish your work in many platforms; the most famous of them being Amazon. (https://www.amazon.com/gp/seller-account/mm-summary-page.html?ie=UTF8&ld=AZFooterSelfPublish&ref_=footer_publishing&topic=200260520) After publication, advertisement and marketing is up to you. If you are willing to hire anyone to do that part of the work for you, it’s completely valid. Delegating tasks is a crucial part of business! How to make money as a self-published author? Writing takes time and effort, but it can be a very beautiful way to make money, all you need is a quiet space, a computer, and the right words. After that, you get to keep 80% of royalties for every sale. If you want your business to take off, you can build yourself a name in social media as a published writer, or you can start a blog or website to sell your product!

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Freelance Illustrator What is an illustrator? An illustrator is an artist who creates two-dimensional images for various companies and industries, such as fashion design, children’s books, magazines, medical manuals, web sites, technical designs and advertising. How to become an illustrator? Illustrators are a very important part of many businesses. If you have a talent for drawing, or an Illustrator certification or degree, then you may be wondering how to better your skills, or make a profit out of what you can do. Becoming a freelance illustrator is not hard, but everyone can use some helpful tips. Check out Digital Arts’s guide on how to become a successful freelance illustrator: https://www.digitalartsonline.co.uk/features/creative-business/how-succeed-illustrator/ How to make money as an illustrator? If you aren’t looking to be hired by an illustration agency, and you rather work for yourself, you can become a freelance illustrator! You can start in marketplaces like Fiverr or Upwork, but make sure you have a nice portfolio to show to potential buyers, and make sure to know the keywords clients use to find illustrators in said platforms. Check out Lisa Maltby’s useful tips on this topic: https://www. lisamaltby.com/blog/so-you-want-to-be-an-illustrator

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Freelance Graphic Designer What is Graphic Design? Graphic design is the process of visual communication and problem-solving through the use of typography, photography, and illustration. We could say that graphic design is basically art with a purpose. How to become a graphic designer? Graphic Design can be studied at an university, you can get a degree or associate’s degree. Or you can go down the online education path, and find courses that teach you all you need to know, along with videos, masterclasses, and a lot of practice. Check out these courses on graphic design you can attend from the comfort of your house: https://www.coursera.org/specializations/graphic-design, https://www.udemy.com/course/graphic-design-masterclass-everythingyou-need-to-know/ and https://www.domestika.org/en/courses/661-adobe-illustrator-for-graphic-design How to make money as a graphic designer? Graphic design is a highly requested area in the online business community. A graphic designer can create everything from a logo, flyer, Instagram post, advertisement, wedding invitation, business cards, and much more! And all of these things come at a price. If you are looking to make money as a graphic designer, you can start your freelancing career on marketplaces like Fiverr. Check out these articles on how Graphic Design influences digital marketing today: https://www.infographicdesignteam.com/blog/graphic-designing-ideal-digital-marketing-today/ and https://digitalmediathoughts.com/486-the-moreyou-know-why-graphic-design-and-marketing-go-hand-in-hand/

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Business Coaching What is a business coach? A business coach will assist and guide the business owner in running a business by helping them clarify the vision of their business and how it fits in with their personal goals. Business coaching is a process used to take a business from where it is now to where the business owner wants it to be. How to become a business coach? As you can imagine, guiding someone else’s business, requires a pretty good knowledge on how businesses succeed and how to maximize their potential. This takes a lot of reading, analyzing, and learning from the best. You could also get a degree on organizational psychology, business, or human resources to help you complement your knowledge. Check out Business Coaching Certification courses like Udemy.com’s: https://www.udemy.com/course/business-coaching-certification/ How to make money as a business coach? There are many ways to start making money with a business coach certification. You can start a blog, offer one-on-one sessions, sell information products, or train other business coaches.

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Dating Coach What is a dating coach? Dating coaches offer coaching and related products and services to improve their clients’ success in dating and relationships. Through discussion, role-playing, behavior modeling, and other forms of direction, a dating coach trains clients to meet and attract romantic partners. How to become a dating coach? Many people need a little push in the right direction when it comes to romantic partners, this is why the need for dating coaches was established. You should learn to leave all judgemental thoughts aside, and be honest with your clients. You can check out Mark Manson’s dating coach course to help you see the bigger picture: https://markmanson.net/courses/dating-relationships-course/ dating-relationships-course-learn-more How to make money as a dating coach? When you start your business as a dating consultant, you’ll first have to consider what types of services to offer. For example, Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider, authors of the popular book “The Rules,” suggest that dating consultants offer phone consultations, e-mail consultations or “quick questions,” which are priced lower. Dating coaches have the unique opportunity of gathering an audience by offering dating tips online. You can start a blog where people write you for advice and you answer questions and offer general dating tips. Set up a website with information about your pricing structure and success stories where you’ve helped people find love, even if those people are family and friends.

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Relationship Advisor What is a relationship advisor? A relationship counselor or advisor is someone who offers advice and guidance to couples, married or otherwise, or encourages the client to find answers to the problems themselves. Broadly, it is used to describe somebody who speaks to couples in an attempt to repair or better their relationship. How to become a Relationship advisor? You cannot become a relationship advisor overnight. You need to have the right experience, skills, and attitude. When you guide people towards resolving conflicts in their relationship, you need to help them sort out issues in communication, intimacy, and more. You need to understand that a relationship advisor or counselor is nothing like a therapist. Relationship coaches focus on active problem-solving skills, setting goals, and providing people with the tools to move forward in a healthy way. They do not try to explore the past to find the root of problems or employ therapy techniques. This is why you also need the right training. You can check out online courses in platforms like Udemy. com: https://www.udemy.com/course/fully-accredited-diploma-course-in-relationship-counselling/ How to make money as a relationship advisor? As a relationship advisor there are many ways to make money. You can set up a gig in Fiverr to offer one-on-one sessions and charge by the hour, you can build your social media presence and offer advice, courses, or workshops, you can write an eBook and sell it online, or you can start a blog. Let your imagination fly!

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Customer Service Representative What is customer service? Customer service is the support you offer your customers — both before and after they buy and use your products or services — that helps them have an easy and enjoyable experience with you. Offering amazing customer service is important if you want to retain customers and grow your business. A customer service representative is the person in charge of answering calls, emails, providing information, resolving problems, and more. How to become a Customer Service Representative? Customer Service representative usually receive on-the-job training to learn the specific skills needed for the job. They should be good at communicating and interacting with people and have some experience using computers. (How to be a great CSR: https://www.customerservicemanager.com/how-to-be-a-great-customer-service-representative/) There are hundreds of YouTube videos full of important information on how to be the perfect Customer Service Representative. In addition, you can check out online courses to help with your training: https://servicestrategies.com/training/individual-development/service-representative/ How to make money as a customer service representative? The best option is to land a job with a company looking to hire Customer Service representatives. You can search online for job offers by different companies and types of CS and see what works best for you. (Top CS jobs: https://www. thebalancecareers.com/top-customer-service-jobs-4061545) The most important thing is that you understand the skills you need to have. You can check out this great article on how to get a job in Customer Service: https://jobflare.com/ how-to-get-a-job-as-a-customer-service-representative/

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College Admissions Essay Consultant What is a College Admissions Essay Consultant? A college admissions essay consultant is hired to help students achieve acceptance into the college of their choice, and helping them polish their essays so they will shine above the rest. Consultants help students by reviewing the essays and check them for readability and interest.

How to become a College Admissions Essay Consultant? This type of consulting is very important, and all students expect quality assistance and knowledge, this is why the right training is completely necessary. There are good courses online that can help you out: https://www.collegeessayguy.com/college-essay-courses-for-counselors

How to make money as a college admission essay consultant? This type of consultants can make money similarly to relationship advisors. You can start your freelance business offering one-on-one sessions, start a blog and sell your services, grow your social media presence to advertise your services and experience, and more. Check out Laura George’s consulting services to spark your imagination: https://www.laurageorgeconsulting.com/college-application-essay-coaching

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Career Coach What is a Career Coach? Careers advisers provide advice and guidance services in a range of settings to people who want support in making choices that will affect their working lives. Their clients include adults, young people, the unemployed, career-changers and students in colleges and further education. Career coaches focus on the present and future of their client’s career in terms of advancement in their career or transition to another. How to become a career coach? A career coach must be able to Individual and group counseling sessions do promotion of self-advocacy and determination, teach decision making, conflict resolution and job searching skills, provide support for job stress, conflict, loss, and career transition, make appropriate referrals. Check out online courses like Universal Class’s: https://www.universalclass.com/i/course/career-coaching-101.htm How to make money as a career coach? Career coaches make money by charging individuals or organizations for their services. Charging by the hour is the most common payment model in this line of work. Check out this informative blog on this matter: https://howtostartanllc. com/business-ideas/career-coach

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Fitness Coach What is a Fitness Coach? A fitness coach combines a systematic coaching process and personal training (or fitness instruction) to empower clients to develop a fit lifestyle as well as the ability and self- confidence to maintain a fit lifestyle.

How to become a Fitness Coach? Being a successful online fitness coach requires more than passion, it needs to be accompanied by a good business strategy and plenty of preparation. You need to learn how to use your knowledge to turn them into a business. Check out this complete guide on 7 steps to become a fitness coach: https://www.totalcoaching.com/blog/7-steps-to-become-a-successful-online-fitness-coach/. You can also check out this website that offers different certifications on Fitness, Nutrition and Health: https://www.afpafitness.com/

How to make money as a Fitness Coach? As a fitness coach, there are many ways you can use your knowledge and platform to make money. You can start a blog, sell fitness products like jump ropes, fit boards, etc; you can sell a complete work-out plan, provide one-on-one sessions, create memberships on your site and more! For example, take a look at Jill Brown’s fitness website and the services she offers: http://www.jillbrownfitness. com/

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Meal Plan Service What is a Meal Plan service? A meal plan is any strategy used to map out what you’re going to eat. This term may refer to following a specific diet, or it may just indicate the process of thinking through what you plan to eat beforehand. So, a meal plan service basically offers customers a meal plan for every week depending on what their objective is (losing or gaining weight, building muscle, and more). How to create a meal plan service? Meal plans are a very fun service where everyone wins, but how do you start creating one? Well, first of all, you need to have some basic knowledge on nutrition and health (Check this out: https://www.afpafitness.com/nutrition-certification-programs). After that, you need to know your client and why they need a meal plan. You can do this by developing a set of questions that will help you know your clients a little better (what are you allergic to? Which foods do you dislike? Etc.) This is only the first part. Take a look at Nutritional Therapy’s blog for more information: https://nutritionaltherapy.com/how-to-build-meal-plansyour-clients-will-love/ How to make money with a Meal Plan Service? Selling a meal plan service is a great way to make money. You need to build a good audience, whether you start a blog, you build your social media presence, or you advertise your website; the better the quality, the better the money. Take a look at Forge’s meal plan packages to spark your creativity: https://nutritionaltherapy.com/how-to-build-meal-plans-your-clients-will-love/ Page | 63

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Health Coach What is a Health Coach? A Health Coach is a supportive mentor and wellness authority who helps others feel their best through individualized food and lifestyle changes that meet their unique needs and health goals.

How to become a Health Coach? Becoming a health coach takes a lot of learning and polishing skills. A health coach needs to know how to develop great wellness strategies like setting goals, preventing diseases, managing stress, and growing a clientele who needs their services. Take a look at AFPA Health Coach Certification, https://www.afpafitness.com/health-coach-certification-programs

How to make money as a Health coach? As a health coach there are many ways to start making money. You can offer your coaching services for an hourly rate, you can write an eBook and sell it, offer workshops or courses, and many more. Check out blogger Bia Alvarez’s opinion on this topic: https://www.biaalvarezdesign.com/blog/make-money-health-coaching

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Life Coach What is a life coach? A life coach encourages and counsels clients on a range of professional and personal issues. Life coaching is distinct from giving advice, consulting, counseling, mentoring and administering therapy. You would hire a coach to help you with specific professional projects, personal goals and transitions. How to become a life coach? Life coaches are required to complete a certified life coach training program, which are available through organizations such as the International Coach Federation (ICF). As a life coach, you’ll help clients answer: What parts of my life need growth and development? What are my goals for those parts of my life? How can I reach those goals? Life coaches are like product developers, but in this case, the product is a person! Check out these great life coaching courses to help you get started: https://www.udemy.com/course/life-coaching-online-certification-course-life-coach-training/ How to make money as a life coach? As a life coach, the possibilities are almost endless. Everything from becoming an influencer on social media, to teaching masterclasses, webinars, offering one-on-one sessions, or even running a website! All you have to do is let your imagination and creativity go free. You can sell information products, memberships, or a special guide to improving people’s lives in 21 days. However, make sure that whatever you do, you do it from your heart. The International Coach Academy has some very interesting case studies showing how coaching changes people in real life: https://coachcampus.com/coaching/coach-portfolios/ case-studies/

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Crowdfunding Consultant What is a Crowdfunding Consultant? Crowdfunding consulting is the process of helping a company prepare for a rewards or equity crowdfunding campaign. The demand for crowdfunding consulting has steadily risen as more and more companies utilize to raise the funding they need to start and grow their businesses. How to become a crowdfunding consultant? Crowdfunding is a very nice and fun way to launch your business, or help people, but like any other venture, crowdfunding is also a business. And like any business venture, efficiency, organization and discipline are going to make a huge difference in the outcome. This is where crowdfunding consultants come in, because not everyone is capable of launching a good crowdfunding campaign. The secret to this niche is learning, learning, and keep on learning. Start today. https://www.coursera.org/learn/wharton-crowdfunding How to make money as a crowdfunding consultant? Crowdfunding consultancy businesses are reporting some great numbers all around the world. Companies and businesses invest in their guidance to make sure their campaigns are successful, and everyone wins. You can start your own consultancy business, or you can start a freelancing career.

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Travel Consultant What is a Travel Consultant? Travel consultants assess clients’ wants and needs, and can provide information about the best travel options. They work at understanding their clients so that they can build long-term relationships.

How to become a Travel Consultant? As a travel consultant, the first step is to decide on the number of services you are willing to offer to your clients. You may select niche services or may offer comprehensive services that cover every single aspect of the tour or vacation. You may suggest travel locations; help with ticketing, and more. Most travel consultants, or travel agents, can learn with training on-the-job.

How to make money as a Travel Consultant? If you have very little travel experience or just want to increase your knowledge, or if you like the idea of having a support team, working for a host agency may be right for you. All host agencies work a bit differently (For instance, CRUISESinc.com helps you sell cruises to clients). Going solo is an option as well, but you would need a lot of knowledge on the topic, and probably build a website or blog.

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Virtual Assistant What is a Virtual Assistant? A virtual assistant is an independent contractor who provides administrative services to clients while operating outside of the client’s office. A virtual assistant typically operates from a home office.

How to become a Virtual Assistant? To become a VA you basically need a few important skills, such as the ability to plan and strategize, prioritize revenue-generating tasks, communicate effectively, develop sales skills, acquire basic accounting knowledge, and more. You can even enroll for VA courses online to help you develop the skills you need. (Check it out: https://www.udemy.com/topic/virtual-assistant/)

How to make money as a Virtual Assistant? You can find many job offers for Virtual Assistants online, and even more freelancers on marketplaces like Fiverr and Upwork. You can also join freelance agencies like this one: https://web.timeetc.com/virtualassistant/. If neither of these options appeal to you, you can start a blog on virtual assistance, or teach courses, workshops, or webinars on the topic.

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Build Niche Sites What is a Niche site? A niche website is a site that focuses on a narrow group of people in a larger market with a common specific interest. While targeting a very specific term that people use on search engines, a niche site offers its visitors helpful and quality content that answers a question or solves a problem. How to build a niche site? Building a niche site takes work, but is not impossible. It will be necessary to invest a little in it, but once it’s settled, it can give you a lot of profit. Read Nichepursuit’s complete guide on how to start in this business: https://www.nichepursuits.com/how-to-build-niche-website/ How to make money with a niche site? Building a niche website from scratch has become a proven way to make a decent income, provided you’re willing to put in the time and effort to make it worth your while. Plenty of people all over the internet have been able to grow their niche websites into a passive income that gives them money every month with very little effort. Your niche site, if based on a solid idea, has the potential to earn you anywhere from $200 to $4,000 per month. However, there is a good amount of effort involved, and it may take a year or more to start seeing reliable earnings. You can monetize your site with ads, sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, and more.

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Deal in Domains What is dealing in domains? Domain name is the address of your website that people type in the browser URL bar to visit your website. In simple terms, if your website was a house, then your domain name will be its address. Dealing Domains is basically buying, parking, and selling domains. How to start dealing in domains? The truth is that anyone can buy a domain. The trick is knowing which domains are worth buying to make real profit from them. The first thing you need to know is how to choose the right names; the names that will bring you revenue are those that are most likely to bring traffic. That means the names that are most valuable are those that: 1. Contain popular keywords, 2. Are generic and/or category-defining, 3. Are short, and 4. Are a .com. Of course there are exceptions. For example, OnlineCasino.se recently sold for $32,000. So how do you start? Our best advice is to read – a lot. Learn from auctions sites movement, like GoDaddy.com, and learn to identify the best domains to know which ones to buy. How to make money dealing in domains? This can be a very profitable business, since you might buy a domain for $20 and sell it for $3,000. But it is also a very competitive one, and there are a lot of people out there willing to invest thousands of dollars. This is why it is crucial for you to understand the market, and identify the best domains, even when no one else sees them. There’s a domain auction that started at $300, and it’s now up to $500,000 at GoDaddy.com. Just to show you how wild this thing gets.

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Membership Site What is a membership site? A membership site is a gated part of your online business where only members who subscribe can access the content you’ve placed behind the gates.

How to build a membership site? A “gate” is simply a barrier you build into your website using a plugin. The important thing is that you offer valuable information to your audience in exchange for a small fee. For example, you can offer them downloadable documents, eBooks, newsletters, interactive live and recorded webinars, video content, training programs, and anything that moves your soul! Here is a very informative post by Tom Rankin in GoDaddy.com with helpful tips: https://www.godaddy.com/garage/how-to-start-a-membership-site-to-give-your-following-a-home-online/

How to make money with a membership site? This one is pretty easy. You charge your audience a fee in exchange for “backstage” access. This means having access to information products, exclusive content or interaction, and more. Exclusivity comes at a price, doesn’t it? Or, you could also use the opportunity to make a profit with affiliate marketing, to sell an online course, and more.

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Web Developer What is a web developer? Web development refers to building, creating, and an maintaining websites. It includes aspects such as web design, web publishing, web programming, and database management. Front-end web developers are responsible for how a website looks. They create the site’s layout and integrate graphics, applications (such as a retail checkout tool), and other content. The “backend” is like the portion of the iceberg below the surface. Without it, the website can’t function. The backend deals with servers, applications, databases, etc. How to become a web developer? There are many benefits that come with working as a web developer, but it takes a lot of work to learn how to do it right. Thankfully, there are many online courses you can take to learn all you need to know. With the right knowledge and a lot of practice, you’ll find yourself half way to your dream job. Check out these great online courses for beginners: Code Academy’s Web Development course https://www.codecademy.com/learn/paths/web-development and Udemy.com’s courses https://www.udemy.com/course/the-complete-web-developer-course-2/ and https://www.udemy.com/courses/development/web-development/ How to make money as a web developer? It will depend on your experience and expertise, but even a one-time gig can actually make you earn some good money. Most of the web development jobs that you’ll find online charge per project, but there are many clients that offer long-term projects at a much higher rate and these can last months and even years. The national average freelance web developer salary in the U.S. is $75,430 per year. Beginners without a decent portfolio or many years of experience may struggle to find higher rates. But your pay is often based on how well you convince a client that you’re worth what you ask to earn. Build your portfolio and set up your gig today!

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Reseller Hosting What is reseller hosting? Reseller web hosting is an option that involves one company (a hosting provider) renting hard drive space and bandwidth to another company (small-mid size business), who then rents the space to third parties (entrepreneurs-small business). Simply put, reseller hosting is the ability to provide hosting to your own clients as if you yourself were the web hosting company. How to start a reseller hosting business? According to Hostgator.com, this business works like this, basically: • Research and select a hosting company • Purchase the reseller package that meets the goals of your business • Know and understand your target market to locate your new customers • Create your own branded hosting packages • Decide your price • Sell hosting packages to your clients • Earn profit Reseller plans are designed for you to earn money and are often the least expensive and easiest way to start a hosting business. By using one control panel, this option lets you set up, manage, and operate the back-end of websites, emails and domain management for your business as well as your clients. (Check out the Everything You Need to Know about Reseller Hosting guide: https://www.webhostinghub.com/web-hosting-guide/everything-you-needto-know-about-reseller-hosting) How to make money with a reseller hosting business? According to Quora.com, on an average a Reseller with a decent clientele can make around $200-$300 a month if they have a good service and support provided by his Reseller hosting provider. But for those who know how to scale it into a profitable model, making anywhere between $1000 to $2500 is also a possibility.

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Website Maintenance Service What is website maintenance? Website maintenance is the act of regularly checking your website for issues and mistakes and keeping it updated and relevant. Website maintenance services include revising, editing, or otherwise changing existing web pages to keep your website brand new.

How to start a website maintenance service? The thing is that websites are like homes; someone needs to look after them on an ongoing basis so they don’t fall apart. Websites need to be taken care of; that’s what’s good for any business. Check out this complete guide on how to sell website maintenance services: https://www.godaddy.com/garage/ how-to-sell-website-maintenance-services/#charge

How to make money with website maintenance services? Charging for website maintenance service packages is the best way to make a profit. The benefit is that the people willing to invest in your services are the kind of clients you want to keep close. Making sure to establish a good business relationship with them might land you a long-term job, making really good money. Freelancers do great in this area.

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Wordpress Expert What is a WordPress expert? This term refers to someone who is well-versed in WordPress usage, can build a high-quality WordPress site, stays on top of platform-related updates and news, and actively participates in the community. How to become a WordPress expert? If you have used or heard of Wordpress in the past, then you must know that it isn’t exactly easy to handle without help. “What’s the right theme? What’s the right package? Should I change this or that?” A WordPress expert can charge a fee to help people understand the magic of WordPress. Although you should get your training first, if you haven’t already. Take a look at this list of the best platforms to learn about this topic: https://wpbuffs.com/ways-to-learn-wordpress-online/ How to make money as a WordPress Expert? One of the easiest ways to make money online using WordPress is to offer consulting services. It can be done easily if you are good at WordPress – be it creating custom designs for clients, or teaching WordPress tutorials to beginners or advanced users. Set up a gig as a freelancer, or offer your services through your website, or social media.

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Wordpress Theme Creator What is a WordPress Theme Creator? In WordPress, a theme is a collection of templates and stylesheets used to define the appearance and display of a WordPress powered website.

How to become a WordPress Theme Creator? Are you a web designer or developer? If you are, then you can make money by developing WordPress Themes. You don’t have to be a top class designer or coder to design a great looking WordPress theme, but you should definitely know what you are designing for your targeted audience. Check out this begginer’s guide on how to create a theme from scratch: https://blog.templatetoaster.com/ create-wordpress-theme-scratch/

How to make money as a WordPress Theme Creator? You may sell your WordPress themes at Template Monster, Themeforest, Creative Market, or you can sell them from your own website. Just like plugins, you may also work on custom WordPress theme projects for clients to make some extra dollars.

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Website Consultant What is a Web Consultant? A consultant is someone who gets paid for their expert advice and insight. In most cases, consultants are trained and have a special knowledge in a particular field of interest. A good website consultant should be knowledgeable in all the major areas of a website. This includes branding, marketing, analysis, research and design. The website consultant’s main role is to plan and oversee the execution of the online project. They ensure the delivery of a successful project to the client. How to become a web consultant? A web consultant is engrossed mainly on the information architecture of the website, ensuring that all the technical facets are in place. Web consultants don’t have to build the online application or the website. In most cases, it is their job to coordinate and oversee the whole process. So, a web consultant does a little bit of everything. That’s why they should know a little bit about everything. You can check out courses in web development, digital marketing, current trends, and more. Take a look at Web Professionals’s course for example: https://webprofessionals.org/certification/cwcsb/ How to make money as a web consultant? Web consultants get hired by many companies and brands every day. Normally, they work independently, but there are also some companies that offer this services that can hire you. If you don’t think this career could be profitable, take a look at these 35 reasons ways a website consultant can improve your website: https://www.protofuse.com/blog/details/website-consultant-35-ways-improve-website/

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Website Tester What is a website tester? A Website Tester is someone who gives their opinion about a random website. Some companies may require you to install software, which will enable your activity to be recorded. You may be informed to speak about the design of the site, quality and ease-of-use.

How to become a website tester? There are many companies that pay average people to test out their websites. Yes, users actually earn money to find flaws in the websites and apps. The best part is that you don’t have to know about tech to become a website tester. The only thing you need to know is how websites work.

How to make money as website tester? Generally speaking, most website testing companies are going to pay you $10 per website that you test. Occasionally you’ll get $15 to $25, but these are rare exceptions and are typically only offered to those with experience. Here’s a pretty good list of websites that will pay you for your services: https://www.theworkathomewoman.com/test-websites/

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Language Tutor What is a language tutor? A tutor is someone who gives private instruction: tutors teach one-on-one. If you ever helped someone learn something, you could say you tutored them. An online language tutor is someone who helps people learn a new language on an online platform.

How to become a language tutor? Well, if you know 2 or more languages, you are halfway there. If you would like to stand out from the rest, you could take tutoring courses to learn the basics of being a tutor (Like this one: https://ihworld.com/teach/ih-online-teacher-training/ih-certificate-in-online-tutoring/) or you could study by yourself watching informative YouTube videos and learning from other people.

How to make money as a language tutor? You can set up your language tutor gig in platforms like Fiverr, Upwork, and even Craigslist. You can charge by the hour, and from that point on, you should organize your schedule and the platforms that you will use to teach your students! You could even sign up for tutoring websites like Verbalplanet, iTalkie, Cambly, and more!

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Academic Online Tutor What is an academic online tutor? This is similar to a language tutor, but instead of teaching languages, they teach subjects like math, chemistry, physics, biology, and more.

How to become an academic online tutor? If you are good at algebra and you want to make a profit from it, becoming a tutor is a good option. Setting up a gig online is the best option many times; or even signing up as a tutor in tutoring websites that pay their tutors per hour.

How to make money as an academic online tutor? Pay per hour is a great way to make money as a tutor. If you don’t know where to begin, we recommend checking out websites like https://www.tutor.com/, which pay tutors nicely.

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Music Lessons What is a music lesson? Music lessons are a type of formal instruction in playing a musical instrument or singing. Typically, a student taking music lessons meets a music teacher for one-on-one training sessions ranging from 30 minutes to one hour in length over a period of weeks or years.

How to start giving music lessons? Playing an instrument is a valuable skill – even more so if you know how to monetize it. Many people around the world go online to ask Google how to play a guitar, how to play the piano, how to play a violin. And if you do this right, you may be the one answering, and making money out of it. A music lesson can be a one-on-one session, it can be set up as a gig, or it could even be a YouTube video. Take a look at this website to help you spark your imagination: https:// www.lessonface.com/

How to make money giving music lessons? As we said before, many people want to learn music, and they are willing to pay for it. Music lessons YouTube videos can reach a good amount of views, enough to monetize them. You can set up a freelance gig, or you could sign up, or create, a website such as this: https://www.imusic-school.com/en/

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Business Consultant What is a business consultant? A business consultant is a professional who provides professional or expert advice in a particular area such as security (electronic or physical), management, accountancy, law, human resources, marketing (and public relations), finance, engineering, science or any of many other.

How to become a business consultant? To be a business consultant, you need to know all about business. You should have a good range of knowledge in almost every aspect. Besides, companies and businesses are more likely to hire a consultant when they have a degree backing up their knowledge. You can take business consulting courses online, or get a similar degree. Take a look at this one, for example: https://www.iapcollege.com/program/business-consultant-course/

How to make money as a business consultant? Business consultants do great, that’s the truth. Setting up a business consultancy agency is a pretty hard step, but it can pay off really well. You could also work independently, as a freelancer, although you would probably land small businesses offers that way.

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Researcher What is a researcher? A researcher is someone who conducts research, i.e., an organized and systematic investigation into something.

How to become a researcher? A researcher, or research assistant, needs to have a certain type of skills: Communication, attention to detail, critical thinking, technical skills, data collection, data analysis, planning and scheduling, time management, and more. For example, a business researcher should be able to do the process of acquiring detailed information of all the areas of business and using such information in maximizing the sales and profit of the business. Such a study helps companies determine which product/service is most profitable or in demand.

How to make money as a researcher? Gathering the data, filtering it, and drawing conclusions to improve a certain aspect are not easy tasks; which is why it could be a highly paid one. A freelance researcher can do very well, because it is not a very common career option.

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Lead Generation Expert What is a lead generation expert? Lead generation is the process of attracting and converting strangers and prospects into someone who has indicated interest in your company’s product or service.

How to become a lead generation expert? Lead generation is all about instigating, building, and nurturing customer relationships over time—even if those relationships will never result in a sale. Lead generation reps need to have strong focus and empathy, as well as the ability to “read” people, even over the phone Lead generation is not an easy concept, but you can always learn from the people who know all about it. You can check out online courses like Udemy.com’s: https://www.udemy.com/topic/lead-generation/

How to make money as a lead generation expert? You could charge for your knowledge on lead generatin (better if accompanied by samples), or you could use your knowledge to make money by yourself. Take a look at blogger Khalid Farhan’s experience and tips: https://khalidfarhan. com/lead-generation-business/

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Outsourcing for a Company What is outsourcing? Outsourcing is a business practice in which a company hires another company or an individual to perform tasks, handle operations or provide services that are either usually executed or had previously been done by the company’s own employees. It is basically he practice of having certain job functions done outside a company instead of having an in-house department or employee handle them.

How to start outsourcing? Some common outsourcing activities include: human resource management, facilities management, supply chain management, accounting, customer support and service, marketing, computer aided design, research, design, content writing, engineering, diagnostic services, and legal documentation. If you are an expert in any of these things – and more – you can get hired by a remote company!

How to make money outsourcing? Getting hired as a freelancer by a company is the best option. You may be asking, ‘ok, and how do I do that?’, to answer your question take a look at this informative post on this topic: https://www.freelancermap.com/freelancertips/10568-8-ways-to-convince-clients-they-should-outsource

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Data Analyst What is a data analyst? A data analyst is someone who collects, processes and performs statistical analyses of data. He or she can translate numbers and data into plain English in order to help organizations and companies understand how to make better business decisions.

How to become a data analyst? Whether it is market research, sales figures, logistics, or transportation costs, every business collects data. A data analyst will take that data and figure out a variety of things, such as how to price new materials, how to reduce transportation costs, or how to deal with issues that cost the company money. It takes work and a lot of skill, but you need to start somewhere. You can take complete online courses to begin to understand this world: https://www.datacamp.com/

How to make money as a data analyst? Whether you use your data to make money or you get hired by a company who need that data, there are many way to make a profit in this industry. One of them includes freelancing. Take a look at Sprinboard’s focus on this: https://www. springboard.com/blog/freelance-data-analysis/

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Online Recruiter What is an online recruiter? Online recruitment is the process of using the Internet to actively seek out and recruit talented candidates for an organization. A virtual recruiter conducting employment interviews may be a real recruiter working remotely and online, a hiring manager or supervisor invested in saving time and money in the hiring process, a recruitment process outsourcing representative, and more. How to become an online recruiter? The qualifications to become a work from home virtual recruiter vary, depending on the employer and industry. Some have even trained as human resources professionals or sales representatives, while others recruit in industries they have worked in. You should have a thorough understanding of the field for which you recruit. Interpersonal communication and negotiation skills are essential. Take a look at the many certifications you can get to become a recruiter: https:// newtonsoftware.com/blog/2017/09/15/recruiting-certifications/ How to make money as an online recruiter? If hired by a company, recruiters can make a nice profit, but it will depend on their skill. With contract placements, a recruiter does not receive their fee up front. They usually receive it on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, earning money for every hour the contractor works. Take a look at Recruiter.com website for more information: https://www.recruiter.com/i/how-to-become-a-recruiter/

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App Development What is app development? Mobile app development is the act or process by which a mobile app is developed for mobile devices, such as personal digital assistants, enterprise digital assistants or mobile phones.

How to start with app development? Everyone wants to create the next groundbreaking app that will improve people’s lives and create a real change. It is a great way to make money if you know what you are doing, but before starting this journey, it’s important that you have your goals clear, because there are over 2 million apps out there, and the best way to compete against them is by defining your industry. Take a look at this complete guide on how to become an app developer: https://buildfire.com/ become-mobile-app-developer/

How to make money with app development? Making money with an app is completely possible, and a good way to make profit online; whether you set a price to your app, build walls within the app – which refers to putting a price to additional features within the app – or you place video ads for users to watch and earn a little money on the side.

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App Tester What is an app tester? This term refers to a person who is paid to find bugs and errors within apps to improve their performance.

How to become an app tester? Actually, anyone can be an app tester. All you need is a smartphone or tablet, and some free time. Take a look at this informative blog post on this topic: https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/know-can-earn-money-testing-mobile-webapps/

How to make money as an app tester? The average pay for each completed app test is currently around $10. Some pay more. If you keep watch of a variety of app testing sites, you could test a few apps per week, earning $100+ per month. The key here is finding the places where opportunities live. You can try with testing sites like UserTesting, Userlytics, Userfeel, Testbirds and more.

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Quality Assurance What is Quality Assurance? It refers to the maintenance of a desired level of quality in a service or product, especially by means of attention to every stage of the process of delivery or production. Quality assurance managers play a crucial role in business by ensuring that products meet certain thresholds of acceptability. They plan, direct or coordinate quality assurance programs and formulate quality control policies.

How to become a quality assurance expert? Becoming a QA expert might require some knowledge on other areas like project management, software development, business analysis, and more. You can check out online courses like this one to become a QA expert starting today: https://asq.org/cert

How to make money as a quality assurance expert? The value of QA is to find and report on the current condition of a product and to report those findings to stakeholders, so they can be fixed before production in order to deliver an exceptional product with minimal defects, so you can imagine many people are willing to pay nicely for this skill. Take a look at this list of freelance QA specialists to spark your imagination: https://www.codementor. io/freelance-developers/quality-assurance

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Service Automation What is service automation? Service automation is the process of integrating all domain and functionality tools into various automation layers in order to have unified interface for all workflows. It is the process of automating events, processes, tasks and business functions.

How to automate a business? In this age, where technology and social media rules, you should find ways to utilize this in your company’s favor. You know that getting your company known is important, but also very time-consuming. If you have an online business, a great way to optimize your profit is by automating your services, but how do you do this? Take a look at Entrepreneur’s take in this: https://www.entrepreneur. com/article/190270. And once you are done, you can begin reading this beginner’s automation guide: https://www.superside.com/blog/beginnners-automation-guide

How to make money by automating your business? Business automation is one of the ways to increase revenue that enables companies to tap into new sales channels and broaden the existing sales channels engagement. Check out this informative post on how to make passive income with automation: http://www.digitalnomadempire.com/make-passive-income-automated-business-models/

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SAAS What is SaaS? Software as a service (SaaS) is a method of software delivery that allows to access data from any device with an Internet connection and web browser. Most often, software companies provide it on a hosted platform. The simplest example of SaaS is Google Docs, but there are many more.

How to sell softwares as a service? Examples of SaaS include applications like Netflix, Monday.com, ZenDesk.com, and more. Check out this complete guide on SaaS to help you understand its benefits and useful tips: https://www.salesforce.com/saas/#

How to make money with SaaS? As you can imagine, making money selling softwares is mostly relied on selling subscriptions and features. There are many ways to improve your profit and maximize your business, and here are 9 useful tips to accomplish this exactly: https://blog.close.com/how-to-sell-saas-9-tips-for-startup-sales-success

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Dropshipping What is Dropshipping? Dropshipping is when a vendor fulfills orders from a third party and has them ship directly to the customer. The vendor usually pays for the item at a discount by working directly with a manufacturer or wholesaler; their profit comes from the difference in the initial item cost and whatever price they sell it at.

How to start a dropshipping business? There are three key players in the dropshipping business model: the manufacturer, the retailer (you) and the customer. In this business model, the retailer (you), sell the manufacturer’s products on your website under your own brand. You’ll be responsible for choosing and marketing those products. Plus, you’ll also be responsible for setting prices that make you a profit. Take a look at this 6-step article on dropshipping: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/297744

How to make money with a dropshipping business? As we said before, your profit will come from the difference between the cost of the product and the price you set for your customers. It is up to you to set up a website, or e-commerce, and deal with the marketing of the products. When done right, this can a very good way of making a profit.

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Conversion Rate Specialist What is a conversion rate specialist? A conversion occurs when a visitor to your website completes a desired goal, such as filling out a form or making a purchase. The percentage of total visitors that convert is called your conversion rate. A conversion expert’s job is to communicate with clients to obtain guidance for the conversion process. Design, develop and execute tests that confirm the success of the data conversion process. How to become a conversion rate specialist? The skills required to be a good coversion rate specialist (or optimization expert) are numerous, you should count with the ability to analyze data, conduct research, understand (and ideally write) code, communicate clearly and have a creative streak all being equally important aspects of our job. There are many courses online you can take, although many of them ask for a big fee. Here’s one to help you get a better picture: https://www.digitalmarketer.com/lp/training/ conversion-rate-optimization-mastery/ How to make money as a conversion rate specialist? There are many companies and agencies looking to hire a conversion rate specialist to help them optimize every area of their business. You can apply to job offers on many websites posted by companies and businesses (like this one: https://www.glassdoor.com/Job/conversion-specialist-jobs-SRCH_KO0,21. htm). You could work as a freelance, or even start your own conversion rate optimization business.

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Software Testing What is Software testing? Similarly to app testing, software testing is a process, to evaluate the functionality of a software application with an intent to find whether the developed software met the specified requirements or not and to identify the defects to ensure that the product is defect free.

How to start testing softwares? To become a software tester you need to have some basic knowledge of databases, SQL, Linux commands, have time management and planning skills, and a great attitude. If you want to know more about making a career in this path, check out this very informative guide with everything you need to know: https://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/how-to-get-a-software-testing-job-asa-fresher/

How to make money testing softwares? To start right away, you can sign up for websites like uTest. The potential income with this site is high, as most tests will pay you $10 for completing it. You will also only need to spend about 20 to 30 minutes per test to earn that $10, so you can earn $20 or more per hour. There are other options online, like UserTesting, which is a pretty big website for freelance software testing.

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Freelance Photo Editor What is a photo editor? Photo editors work for newspapers, magazines, websites, and other publications. They are in charge of coordinating photo assignments by selecting, editing, and positioning photos, and publishing images in print publications and on the web.

How to become a photo editor? Photo editing requires skill; but these skills can always be learned. It requires knowledge on Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom, and more tools. You can check out online courses to learn the basic tools and tips to become a professional photo editor:


and https://www.skillshare.com/browse/photo-editing

How to make money as a photo editor? Working as a freelance photo editor is always a good option, but finding jobs for companies, magazines, and websites is always an alternate path. Being the remote photo editor for a photography studio can land you a good monthly salary and experience, for example.

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Stock Photographer What is a stock photographer? Stock photography is existing photos –already created– made available for license by paying a fee to both the artists that produced them and the agency managing them, acquiring the right to use them legally in different ways, while the author retains the copyright of their work. Therefore, a stock photographer is the individual whose job is to create these images. How to become a stock photographer? If you already have the skills and experience required to take photography, you can become a stock photographer by signing up for websites of stock photography like Fast Track (http://fasttracktostockphotography.com/become-a-stock-photographer/) or by submitting images to Shutterstock (https:// submit.shutterstock.com/) How to make money as a stock photographer? Stock photographers make money by selling the license of each photo. Generally, most stock photography sites have the buyer simply pay a flat fee to use an image. Check out useful tips and everything you need to know on how to sell stock photography here: https://photographyspark.com/guide-how-tosell-stock-photography/

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Video Editor What is a video editor? Video Editors are generally responsible for editing and assembling recorded raw material into a suitable, finished product ready for broadcasting. The material may include camera footage, dialogue, sound effects, graphics and special effects.

How to become a video editor? Video editing is an invisible art and often goes unnoticed. It’s a tough art to learn and even harder to master. But it’s not impossible. Check out LinkedIn’s courses on video editing: https://www.linkedin.com/learning/paths/become-a-video-editor

How to make money as a video editor? Freelance video editing is a very good industry to make profit online. There are a ton of videos on the internet – or more like millions. All these videos need good professional editing to make the cut. A video editor can get paid to edit a YouTube video, an advertisement, a tutorial, and more.

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Voice Over What is voiceover? A voice over is characterized as being a voice of someone that you can’t see – e.g off-camera narration or dialogue. It can be spoken by someone who appears elsewhere in the content but most often is not.

How to become a voiceover actor? Technology has changed everything. Go back twenty years, and as a voice actor, you had to work in large recording studios. Most of these were only in the big cities. Today’s technology has transformed that. Now, most voice actors have their own mini-studio and record work from their homes. Now, of course, that sounds easy and nothing is that easy, there is a lot more to voice acting. Check out online courses to polish your skills and understand how to start: https://www.udemy.com/course/hudson-voice-technique-for-voiceovers/

How to make money as a voiceover actor? You can always start your own business as a voice-over actor, but if you are new to this world, you may appreciate the exposure from certain websites that can help you land a good voice-over career; these websites include Fiverr, Voice Bunny, Voice.com, Voiver, and more. A voiceover actor can do audiobooks, story narration, animation for videogames, and much more.

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Audio Ad Production What is an audio ad? An audio ad is the one which includes audio in it, generally by default it is in mute state when the ad renders on the website, mouse hovering or clicking on un-mute brings the sound. It can also be a radio commercial, acoustics, live mixing, and post production. How to become an audio ad producer? Becoming an audio producer takes skill and determination, but it is possible, and rewarding. Audio producers can do anything from a radio commercial, to the sound of a dinosaur’s roar on a Jurassic Park. The important thing here is that you know what you need to know. Check out Udemy.com’s online course on professional audio production: https://www.udemy.com/course/audio-production-course/ How to make money with audio ad production? There are many freelancers making good money on Fiverr and many platforms by making audio advertisements for brands and companies around the world. Take a look at what other people are doing right now: https://www.fiverr.com/ categories/music-audio/audio-ads-production?source=category_tree

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Start A Podcast What is a podcast? A podcast is a digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or mobile device, typically available as a series, new installments of which can be received by subscribers automatically.

How to start a podcast? First off, you need something to talk about. If you want people to keep coming back to your series, you will need to create good content that engage your audience. After that, there are many steps to make in order to create the perfect podcast. Take a look at the complete guide to make a podcast right here: https:// www.thepodcasthost.com/planning/how-to-start-a-podcast/#part17

How to make money with a podcast? There are many ways to monetize a podcast, starting with sponsors and ads, and finishing with selling physical products to your audience. Check out this informative article listing 11 ways to make money from a podcast: https://www. podcastinsights.com/make-money-podcasting/

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Podcast Editor What is a podcast editor? A podcast editor is the person responsible for cutting unwanted material, errors, and simply turning the podcast from an ordinary audio file to a masterpiece people will want to listen to.

How to become a podcast editor? Anyone can turn into a podcast editing expert. You will need knowledge and good skills with different online tools, good communicational skills, and a great attitude. You can take online courses to learn everything you need to know about professional podcast editing: https://www.udemy.com/course/professional-podcast-production/

How to make money as a podcast editor? You can either you start your own business for podcast editing, or start a freelance career. You can ask for friends or family who have a podcast to let you edit it for practice an experience; that way you can build your portfolio. Check out what other people are doing in the podcast editing industry to spark your imagination:



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Mixing and Mastering What is mixing and mastering music? Basically, mixing is the step before mastering that involves adjusting and combining individual tracks together to form a stereo audio file after mixdown. The stereo file is then mastered, which ensures that the various songs are clearly polished and form a cohesive whole on an album.

How to start mixing and mastering music? If you have a good knowledge of the music industry, and want to broaden your skills and put them to work, you can start in this part of the music process. Take a look at mixing and production courses from Pro Mix Academy to start: https://promixacademy.com/mixing-music-courses/

How to make money mixing and mastering music? One of the best ways to make money is by offering your services in freelance platforms like Fiverr; this way you will most likely land a job very soon. You could also create beats and post them online for sale, or post them for free of YouTube and monetize your videos.

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Songwriter What is a songwriter? A songwriter is a musician who professionally composes musical compositions and writes lyrics for songs.

How to become a songwriter? If you have a natural talent for writing songs, then you are very lucky, and shouldn’t waste its potential by not using your skills. If you want to learn the secrets behind the songwriting world, or if you want to polish what you already know, you can check out courses like Coursera’s Writing the Lyrics online course: https:// www.coursera.org/learn/songwriting-lyrics

How to make money as a songwriter? The music industry is highly competitive, and everyone is looking to create the next big hit. Being capable of writing a hit song is a skill many people are willing to pay for. You can start your freelance songwriter career in platforms like Fiverr, Freelancer, or UpWork, to build your portfolio and land your first songwriting jobs online.

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Music Composer What is a music composer? A composer is someone who writes and directs original music used to produce various types of media entertainment. The scores written need to be technically correct in order to create flawless performances by choruses, musicians or instrumental ensembles.

How to become a music composer? This specific area requires some wider knowledge on the music industry than the ones mentioned above. You will need a lot of experience composing and producing music, and even years of training. This isn’t a start-today situation.

How to make money as a music composer? As shown above, a music composer can start a freelance online business and start composing people’s music. This can be a very profitable business since it is very rare to find a good, experienced music composer online.

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Singer What is a singer? This isn’t a very hard one. As you already know, a singer is a person who sings, especially professionally.

How to become a singer? Being a singer doesn’t narrow down only to having a good voice. There are a lot of details and technical tips every singer should know in order to become a good, real singer. Whether you have a musical background or not, singing is a fun and exciting skill to learn. Online singing classes will help you become more confident with your unique voice, and more comfortable showing it off in front of others. There’s a lot that goes into improving your voice. You can check out online courses like Udemy.com’s: https://www.udemy.com/courses/music/vocal/

How to make money as a singer? There are many ways to start making a profit out of your singing talents, starting with setting up a freelance gig. You can try out platforms like Fiverr and UpWork, and also more music-oriented websites like soundbetter.com and vocalizr.com. You can also try selling acapellas on Voclio. Voclio is a marketplace for vocals. It’s a brand new way to make money as a singer! Singers can offer up vocal tracks, acapellas, and toplines to producers across the globe.

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Airbnb Host What is an Airbnb host? Airbnb is an online marketplace that connects people who want to rent out their homes with people who are looking for accommodations in that locale. For hosts, participating in Airbnb is a way to earn some income from their property.

How to become an Airbnb Host? All you need to do to become an Airbnb host is sign up on the website (https://www.airbnb.com/). As a host you have all control. You can choose how many guests you want to have, establish rules for your space, keep an organized schedule, ask for specific requirements, and more.

How to make money as an Airbnb host? As we said before, you are in control. You can set up your prices per day of stay, or however you want. You decide how much you’d like to make, always conscious of other prices in your area. Competition is always a nice plus. Take a look at this close study about making money on Airbnb by an Airbnb superhost: https://millennialmoney.com/making-money-airbnb/

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Meal Delivery Service What is a Meal delivery service? A meal delivery service is a service that sends customers fresh or frozen, prepared meals delivered to their homes. These services individually package pre-portioned meals to assist with eating a healthy diet. These services cook and prepare meals for customers. How to start a meal delivery service? Nowadays, more a more people enjoy the benefits of meal delivery services due to its convenience. Cooking is a luxury for busy people who barely have time to get to work every day. This is why any entrepreneurs around the world have noticed this gap in the market. Starting a meal delivery service isn’t very hard, but it takes to have nice cooking skills and a good business plan. Take a look at this short but concise guide explaining how to start: https://www.entrepreneurshipinabox.com/17652/how-to-start-a-food-delivery-business-from-home/ How to make money with a meal delivery service? As with every business, your profit will come from every meal you send. The more, the merrier. This is why having a good marketing plan, quality food, and complete business plan is crucial. Having a website, or building up your social media presence is a must. You need to let your customers see you, on a daily basis. Here’s an example of a meal delivery service that will spark your creativity: https://www.homechef.com/

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Drive for Uber/Lyft What are Uber and Lyft? Uber and Lyft are ride-hailing apps that operate in largely the same way: Open the app, type in the address you want to go to, select the type of ride you want to take (single, shared or luxury), see the cost and confirm. You’ll be able to see where your driver is and when they’re going to arrive.

How to start driving for these businesses? This is a classic. These apps created a giant boom when they first came out. It was innovative, and a brand new way to get to places. There are two sides of the story here: the drivers and the passengers. There are a few requirements you need to meet to start driving for each application, and you can find them all in their websites: https://www.uber.com/us/en/drive/ and https://www.lyft. com/drive-with-lyft

How to make money driving for these businesses? It’s pretty simple. If you sign up as a driver, you’ll get paid for every drive you do. Customers can give you a review on your performance so you can build your reputation inside the app. After paying all expenses, and after the app takes its cut, drivers for a service like Uber and Lyft average between $8.55 and $11.77 per hour. This can be a good way of making money on the side.

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As we have seen during the last few years, the internet is a growing phenomenon, and it grows at an incredibly fast pace. It has shown us things we didn’t think were possible, and ever y day it continues to prove why its possibilities are beyond our imagination. It keeps us connected, innovating and creating new beginnings. In this eBook we listed one hundred online business ideas to help you change your life today, but the truth is that there are many more; and ever y day, new possibilities are born for the people that learn how to find them. Or even better – how to create them. If you told someone in the 70’s that around the year 2020 people would be making thousands and millions of dollars working from home, they would’ve locked you up for insanity. The internet has opened our minds to concepts that only a few years ago were unbelievable. Now, thousands of entrepreneurs around the world run their online business empires, and more are joining them ever y day. There is a lifetime of opportunities waiting for us at the tips of our fingers, if only we focused on learning how to make the best out of them. You don’t need to go out there to change your life in all aspects. You can start today, by educating yourself, complementing what you already know, and exploiting what you are good at. The future is coming, fast. And the future is all about technology. Hop in today, and in a year from now, you will thank yourself for starting when you did. Stop focusing on the excuses and fears, and start thinking of what life could be if you became your own boss, and started making money on your sleep. Start today. Be grateful for the rest of your life.

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